You Got Served

You Got Served

by Laura Harris (35)

Volunteering offers great opportunities to learn new skills, meet new people and help others in need. We don’t need to build a home with Habitat for Humanity or join the Peace Corp to make a difference. But where should we donate our time? We can start with the church by doing good, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Some people may think that we need a title or position in order to help with church activities, but this is not true… anyone can serve! If we want to be more involved with the church, the first step is to ask how we can be of assistance. Although the ministry will know how best to utilize our talents, here are a few suggested activities we may want to get involved in, if appropriate:

–Lead music during weekly services, if you are a man
–Assist with the sound system and audio equipment.
–Provide flowers for services.
–Help set-up and clean-up during services.
–Contribute to potlucks.
–Photograph special events for the church website.
–Teach Bible lessons to younger members in the church, under the instruction from the ministry.
–Contribute money to help another family during the holy days.
–Perform special music.
–Assist with the coordination of special church events, such as the annual dance during the Feast of Tabernacles.
–Keep in contact with brethren, particularly those who are not well.

No matter what volunteer activity we choose — the important point to remember is to be a good example and serve with a positive attitude.

So, what are you waiting for?

©2025 Church of the Eternal God