The Recipe For Life

by Louise Amorelli

In a recent show on PBS, I learned the life story of one of the most beloved chefs of all times. She was awkward in her own way… very tall for her gender… 6 foot 2 to be exact.  She actually did not debut on American TV until she turned 50, and her first cookbook did not hit the bookstores until age 49! Her story inspired me because of her dedication to her craft, no matter what the challenges. Even her failure at receiving her first degree at one of the most prestigious cooking schools in France did not stop her.  Her teacher said she would never make the grade as a chef. But she managed to convince her teacher into letting her stay on and earn her degree, no matter what the time frame. 

When she finally did earn her degree, she spent endless hours exacting just the right recipe for breads, omelets and wild game. Her goal was to change the way Americans viewed cooking, by bringing the French cuisine to the table. At that time, most women were opening cans and cooking TV dinners. Even publishers rejected her first cookbook, thinking that French cooking would not make it big in America. But her energetic enthusiasm, charm, wit and her avoidance with commercial endorsements on her show, made her one of the most unique and beloved personalities of all times. Her name was Julia Child.

In contemplating Julia Child’s remarkable success story, it inspires and encourages me to continue to move ahead, no matter what adversities may come my way. In applying it spiritually, I can see how much more I need to battle on in this Satan-inspired world when I go through trials–especially knowing that I don’t have to struggle to get the right “recipe,” as it’s all there for me in God’s Word, the Bible, which is the “ultimate cookbook.” I don’t need to spend endless hours of experimentation and error, trying to get the right “recipe for life.” I am thankful to understand that God has revealed His commandments, which contain all the necessary ingredients for His perfect Way of Life. Julia Child’s dedication to her craft can inspire me to find reassurance in the fact that I do not need to tamper with God’s perfect recipe, but stay dedicated to Him. As Julia Child had to persevere in physical ways, I know that I must always continue to strive to meet the challenges of my Christian life that may come my way!

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