Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We extend our condolences to Johanna Link and Anita Hanstein, as well as their families, concerning the death of Johanna’s and Anita’s mother on this past Sabbath (December 28, 2013). Frau Hermine Sperzel lived in Germany and had been suffering from an extended illness.

Our monthly Ministerial Meeting via SKYPE was conducted on Sunday, December 29, 2013.

US Feast of Tabernacles plans for 2014 are being finalized. As in previous years, we will be meeting again in Pismo Beach, California. Further announcements are forthcoming.

A new member letter for January has been written by Brian Gale and will be posted soon and sent out early next week.

Our new booklet, “Hidden Secrets in the Bible” has entered the second review cycle and is expected to be sent by mid-January to our Graphic Designer, Shelly Bruno, for finalization.

“Good News! Many Americans Don’t Believe in Evolution!'” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

According to the Huffington Post, dated December 30, 2013, thirty-three percent of Americans reject evolution. And among Americans who accept the concept of evolution, a quarter said that a Supreme Being guided the process. Still, when we believe God’s Holy Word, evolution in any form is to be rejected. In fact, scientists admit that there is no proof that evolution occurred. The truth is that animals did not evolve from one species to another, and man did not evolve from animals, nor is man an animal. Our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution—a Fairy Tale for Adults?,” explains why this is. Another one of our free booklets, “The Authority of the Bible,”  gives you proof as to why God’s written Word is infallible.

“Gottes Wirken in der Tierwelt,” is the sermon which was played this past Sabbath to the German brethren.This was the second in a series of sermons on the biblical teaching about animals. The title in English is: “God’s Work in the Animal World.”

“Tiere in der Welt von Morgen,” is the title of a new German sermon. It is the final installment of the series on animals. Title in English: “Animals in the World Tomorrow.”

“The Fate of Our Children,” is the title of a sermon given last Sabbath by Norbert Link. It is now available for listening or viewing, and here is a summary:

How does the life style of parents affect their children? When Adam and Eve sinned, God cut off the world from access to Him and His Way of Life, until Christ returns, but God determined to call some in this day and age to have a special relationship with Him. This includes the children of called-out parents. Whether they may realize it or not, parents have a tremendous influence on their children and grandchildren—in good and bad ways.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God