Power of Prayer

Jesus Christ is there to plead our case. Our advocate. He knows it because He has lived it. God will give us faith if we ask without doubting. Don’t be disconnected from the power source. Persistence. Ask according to His will, ask in faith – never wavering. If you don’t know His will – ask. Be immoveable and steadfast. Prayer unselfishly for others.

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God's Peculiar Treasure

The peculiar or special treasure is something that God is looking for, to acquire as a possession. Israel was a special treasure. We may forget God but He doesn’t forget us. There are promises of blessing for obedience.

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We live in a world that has a great deal of intolerance and hatred, and iniquity certainly abounds as Christ said it would. Given this, we need to recognize the emotional pitfalls that can bring us to the breaking point, pitfalls such as: having hurt feelings, being offended, being competitive, feeling jealous, having envy, and being judgmental toward others. How can we avoid these pitfalls? By acquiring the Godly trait of mercy. Learn how in this important message.

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Will We See Peace in Our Time?

How can we have peace of mind in a world where this is no peace? Only through God’s Spirit opening our mind to understand the way of peace. We who have God’s Spirit are responsible for producing fruits of the Spirit, and peace is one of those fruits. If we do what God has called us to do, we will have peace.

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Before God called us, our eyes were fixed on the world and its ways. Once God reveals His truth to us, everything we do should glorify God, not self. Mankind has repeatedly rejected revealed knowledge throughout the generations, and when they do, idolatry sets in. Learn in this sermon the many ways idolatry manifests itself, even in the way we conduct our daily lives.

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Judgment is Now on the House of God

We all have carnal nature and we all have been influenced by the world, but man cannot please God in his unconverted state. Are we progressing in our conversion and exhibiting the fruits of God’s Spirit, or do we linger when it comes to changing our lives? Learn in this sermon how we can overcome our own human nature, the environment we live in, and Satan’s influence on us.

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The Offerings – Part II

The way we live our life is to be a total sacrifice to God…to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourself. Learn in this interesting and detailed sermon how the O.T. sacrifices correlate to the Ten Commandments and learn what sacrifce we need to make in order to please God today.

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