God's Holy Days in Hebrews 6

“Whatever I command you, be careful to observe to do it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.” God is very specific in His instructions to us so that we would worship Him in a way that is pleasing to Him. The world has other ideas about worshiping God, ways that are contrary to God’s instructions. Learn in this sermon how the doctrines in Hebrews actually outline and parallel the Holy Days that God commanded in the O.T., further explaining their meaning for us today.

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Our Responsibility…Regarding the Times

God is looking for a people who are willing to CHOOSE to live by His laws and REFUSE to go the way of this world! We are to learn from the past, but not dwell on it. God is judging us for how we live now, with a focus on our future. We are called to be DOERS! We are to be INVOLVED in the fulfillment of His purpose. This sermon will help you understand God’s purpose and what it is we are called to do.

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The Book of Amos – Part 3/5

It is not God’s intent to destroy His people, but He deals with them as is necessary so as to bring about repentance. Israel would not repent and faced serious punishment unless they did. God urged Israel to seek Him spiritually, individually, with a repentant heart and a changed attitude. What about us? Do we sincerely seek God in this way?

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Wave Sheaf Offering & God's Firstfruits

After Christ died and was resurrected, He still had to be accepted by the Father, as represented by the Wave Sheaf Offering. He was the FIRST of the firstfruits. In Ancient Israel, the firstfruits of the early harvest were given to the Levites–the priesthood. We who are spriritual Israel today–spiritual firstfruits–BELONG to Christ. God intends that we make use of His gifts to us–His Word and His Spirit–to make changes in our life. What changes? Putting sin OUT! God is in the process of enlarging His family, and He will not allow sin to come before Him!

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The Book of Amos – Part 2/5

The people of ancient Israel (descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob) were a people who were chosen by God for a special purpose. However, they turned against God, becoming self-centered, covetous, and inflicting social injustice. Amos brought a warning message from God about their impending punishment if they didn’t repent and change their ways. There is a parallel lesson for true Christians today, who are called “the Israel of God.” Judgment is now on us and we must repent and to turn to Him before it is too late.

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Sin is like a drug–it never satisfies–and its grip on us is totally destructive. Sin destroys the will–the mental faculty by which the mind makes choices and then carries out the choice. We can become hardened and calloused to the fact that we are even sinning. But God has called us to RULE OVER SIN. Just how can we do that? This sermon will help you understand the nature of sin and how to put it out of your physical life, indeed, for the sake of your eternal life.

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The Book of Amos – Part 1/5

God used Amos to warn Israel of the error of their ways. They had become wealthy and prosperous but instead of setting the right example for the nations around them so that they, in turn, might learn about God’s way, Israel had became corrupt and idolatrous, mixing truth with error. This book could just as well have been written to the end-time churches of Philadelphia and Laodicea.

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Do You Have the Heart of a Laodicean?

The predominant attitude of the end-time church is described as Laodicean. What does this mean? Could you have the heart of a Laodicean? Before you answer, learn from this sermon what God defines as Laodicean, then consider where you stand–hot, cold, or lukewarm.

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The Book of Habakkuk

Have you ever wondered why God allows the wicked to prosper, while the righteous suffer? Do you wonder if God even sees the evil in the world? And if He does, why doesn’t he do something about it? Habakkuk wondered about these things and earnestly sought understanding from God. God’s response to him actually correlates to the world we live in today. Learn how in this sermon.

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