Forgive and Forget

The ability to forgive and forget is a key principal that is laid out in the Bible. Christ taught a lot about how we should forgive others. There are three aspects I want to cover: God’s forgiveness, our forgiveness for others and the ability to forgive yourself and move forward.

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Contempt for God’s Commands

It is easy to do something so many times that it becomes commonplace. If we are not careful we can actually come to the point where we start to treat God’s commands and Holy Days with contempt. But to do so possesses some very serious threats to our eternal salvation.

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Fulfillment In All Things

In a world full of distractions and endless ways to spend our time and energy, how do we use the time that we have each day? And even more importantly, how do we feel at the end of a day? Do we find ourselves fulfilled from ALL of our engagements? We touch so many people throughout a single day that we don’t always realize how we are impacting others. Colossians 3:23-24 points out that whatever we are doing, we are to do it “heartily” or with our entire heart. We are to be pouring out ourselves into what we do. And the amazing thing is that if we are doing this, God gives us the knowledge and understanding that we need to accomplish our tasks. But the important caveat is that we do it with our entire heart. If we half-heartedly approach every day, our jobs, people, anything really, how can we be fulfilled? How can we fill up others if we are half-hearted? How can we serve joyfully? Ephesians 6:6-8 admonishes us to serve “from the heart”—with good will. There is no room for back-biting, hate, ill-will, or anything negative.

How hard is it though to not complain when things go wrong? When we think that things should be different than what they are? When we think we are being treated unfairly or unkindly? How do we react? We would do better to keep in mind the words Solomon wrote down for us in Ecclesiastes 7:20-22. We must be careful with the attitudes and the thoughts that we allow ourselves to have. We must come to rely on God more and more for wisdom and understanding in ALL matters.

James 4:7-9 gives us the right ideas in this regard. We need to be submitting ourselves to God to fully understand how we can fulfill our days in the right ways. In verses 13-17, James goes on to admonish us that in the scheme of things, our lives are over so quickly. All our strivings and goals are in vain if they are not rightly ordained by God. He indeed sets our courses. When we go wrong and need adjustment, He makes corrections, as long as we are willing to accept them and get back on the right track.

So let us ask ourselves these questions:

How fulfilled do we find ourselves at the end of each day?

How willing are we to seek God and allow Him to lead?

As we approach the Passover, what can we take away from this short time we have left in examining ourselves? Ephesians 5:16 tells us that we should be “redeeming the time” by making the BEST use of our time, “because the days are evil.”

David had the right approach in Psalm 127:2. Even though our work may be heavy and burdensome, when we do it with God’s Will in mind, seeking what He wants, then we can go to bed at the end of the day and feel fulfilled because God will give us good rest. And He will recharge us for our continual fight each and every day. Psalm 90:12 says: “So teach us to number our days That we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Let us allow Godly wisdom and understanding fill us up each day so that we may feel fulfilled and others may see that and be encouraged to follow our example.

How Do We Love God?

As we come up to the spring Holy days, Satan will do everything he can to destroy us and make us doubt and lose interest in staying too close to God.  Do we ever think about giving up because of what we go through? What keeps us coming back to God? What keeps us grounded?  It comes down to our love for God, His commandments and our Faith in His promises.

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Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces New StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Easter”

San Diego, CA. — March 15, 2016 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of the new StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Easter”, which delves into the real origins of Easter and its traditions.

Easter is considered the most important holy day in Christianity, but what do we know about its origins? Many believe Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but Easter existed long before Christ was even born. So what do Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, Easter cakes and Easter sunrise services have to do with Christ?

Most historians agree that Easter was originally a pagan festival. While many are astonished to learn that Easter customs and symbols are squarely rooted in paganism, they carry on celebrating it anyway. They tell themselves that as long as they make Christ the center of the observance, it’s really okay to participate. Does it matter to God whether or not you keep Easter?

Jeremiah 10:2 tells us: “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles.” Deuteronomy 12:29–32 commands us not to “inquire after their gods”, and “You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way.” The early Church did not keep Easter. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, Vol. 8, p. 828, confirms that “there is no indication of the observance of the Easter Festival in the New Testament, or in the writings of the apostolic fathers.”

Evangelist Norbert Link explains: “There are many scriptures that command us not to worship God in the way of the pagans. It’s completely and abundantly clear from both biblical and historical records that true Christians should not participate in Easter celebrations. It is pagan, and it cannot be Christianized in any way whatsoever.”

See the StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Easter” at

About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit
Contact Information

Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2016 All Rights Reserved.

The Servant of the Lord

We often read about servants in the Bible. What does it really take to become a true servant of God? Are there requirements? Are there benefits from being a servant? In the sermon we will look at three specific areas: 1) Actions of true servants 2) Knowledge of servants 3) Responsibilities. These should give us a good idea of what it means to be a Servant of the Lord.

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Once in a Lifetime

We recently had the lottery here in the United States. The jackpot got up to 1.5 billion dollars.  While this is a lot of money for most of us, it is hard to imagine that 65% of lottery winners are bankrupt within 15 years.

As one winner declared: “I tried to get too much, too fast.” This attitude of “get” is so prevalent in our current society; and yet, when those who do “get” it, they end up losing most of what they had, even to the point of going backwards, losing family, friends and in some cases wanting to commit suicide. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that this attitude has permeated the very depths of our society. Take a look at the US National Debt Clock and you can watch the depressing amount of numbers continually streaming away. This is our nation crumbling before us. Will Durant’s quote stands in stark contrast: “A nation is born stoic and dies epicurean.”  No longer are people willing to stand up for conscience and truth, but they rather look for the easy way out.

How many times have we in some way wished to win something? How many times have we wished that things would go more easily for us? Maybe our faith has been tested in areas of money, time and patience. Do we immediately lose hope? Do we wish it was instantly better? Or do we look to God and the Bible to start finding the answers that we need? James 1:2-4 plainly states that this is the right attitude that we need to be engaged in.

This time in our lives is our testing and proving ground. We are supposed to learn to be stoic, reliant, steadfast and unmovable with the Word of God as our rock. Look at Luke 21:19; Hebrews 6:12 ; and 1 Peter 1:7. How many times do we read biblical passages like these, think that they are great Scriptures and then walk away and forget what we just read?

As this nation and the rest of the world continue their crumbling decline, away from God and any and all morals, where does that leave us? Christ’s stark words were that the “world hates you” (John 15:18-19). Is this true for us? Do we stand out at times as sore thumbs because we hold fast to the truth? Or do we, for the sake of attempting to fit in, try and become a part of the world?

Our choices are daily. They are in the small things that we choose to do or not do–in the way in which we spend our precious hours. Now is the time to stop kidding ourselves, thinking that we have still much time to overcome, to become more acceptable to God. No, now is the time for deep self-examination, based on the Word of God. Truly, we have been given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be the first in line for God’s soon-coming Kingdom.

How are we treating this? Hopefully not as those who go bankrupt after winning the lottery because they do not know how to use wisely what they have been given. It just came too fast for them. God is testing us NOW to see how we handle our responsibility, learning to make right choices, so that we can make good decisions when we become God beings.

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Booklet, “Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?”

San Diego, CA. — February 2, 2016 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its free booklet, “Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?” This booklet focuses on Jesus Christ’s pre-existence, His birth, and His life on earth as a human being.

Jesus Christ is a paradox to most people – many questions surround who He is. Did He really exist prior to His human birth? If so, who or what was He? Why did Jesus come in the first place, and what were the purposes of His Coming?

Philippians 2:5–7 explains that Christ was in the “form of God” and “equal with God” the Father, but that He took the “form of a bondservant” and came “in the likeness of men.” The Old Testament, especially Isaiah 53, prophesies that the Messiah would first come to earth as God’s suffering Servant. While here on earth, what kind of life exactly did Jesus live? Was He a hippie-like, homeless vagabond with long hair? Was He married, and did He have brothers and sisters?

The real account of Jesus Christ can be found in the pages of the Bible – these records were left as a witness for us to learn about and truly know Him. The Bible clearly shows that He existed before His human birth; that He came to earth for phenomenal purposes; and while here as a human being, He lived His life as an example for us so we could see how to live as true Christians.

The author of the booklet, Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “Jesus Christ is the model we must strive to emulate as Christians. The Bible provides instructions that will allow you to better understand who and what Jesus Christ was and is, and how He really lived as a human being, so that you can follow in His footsteps.”

Download our free booklet at to find out more.
About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe annual biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present Church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through our literature, sermons and the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2016 All Rights Reserved.

The Seal of God

God says He knows those who are His, because they have answered the call and are responding. But is this the only requirement that God requires of us? How do we think of ourselves in regard to our calling? Are we active in drawing close to our Creator?

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Expectancy Theory

There is a theory that was promoted in the early 1960s, called the “Expectancy Theory.” In short, it is about the mental process around choice or choosing. It helps to explain the processes that an individual goes through in order to make choices. It also supposes that individuals will behave in a certain way, because they are motivated to choose a specific behavior over another, due to what they expect the result of their selected behavior to be. To put it another way, their actions are guided by what they hold to be true and by their expectation that the outcome(s) of their choice(s) will directly have impacts on them. They become motivated by their choices and the outcomes of those choices.

While this is a theory, in part it should hold true for us in our Christian lives. Look at Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians in Ephesians 3:14-21. He held that people who had been called would be rooted in the truth and experience true Godly love in their lives. They could expect these things because they made choices that were motivated by God’s promises.

Look at the trial of Stephen in Acts 7. He gave example after example of the fathers of old who had this same expectancy of God, doing exactly as He had promised them. And yet, the religious leaders of that time were not making the correct choices. In fact, Stephen calls them out on the carpet in verses 51-53: “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it.

In Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, we have the parable of the sower. And we read that while people have choices, often times they make the wrong ones because they have not fully invested in and truly caught the true picture. Yet, we also read of those who do get it. Their labor is great and their harvest is also great. Those are the choices that we should be making every day. So many times we are warned, exhorted and encouraged by the apostle Paul to be steadfast in the way that we have chosen to live (compare 1 Thessalonians 5:6-26). Note how Paul encourages the entire church in this regard. It’s not a one man effort. Yes, each is responsible for their own actions (and thereby the outcome), but as Paul is pointing out, there is a dire need for each person to be strengthening each other as well as praying for each other.

As we are growing in Christ’s grace and knowledge, we should become more and more motivated and captivated that this is the right Way of Life. There should be no doubt in our minds as to whether or not this is the true Way. In so doing, our actions and hearts will be motivated, as we read in 1 John 3:18-24. This has to be our motivation and truly what we should strive to do.

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