Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces New StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Christmas!”

San Diego, CA. — December 15, 2015 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its new StandingWatch Program, “The Dark Side of Christmas!” which focuses on the real truth behind Christmas celebrations and customs.

Many would be shocked to learn that the celebrations around Christmas originate in a time long before the birth of Christ. In fact, while many people may think they are commemorating Christ’s birth and celebrating the “joy” of the season, they are actually paying homage to pagan customs connected to evil spirits, concepts and figures.

The truth is, Christ wasn’t even born on December 25th, and the original purpose of the celebration was to honor pagan deities, such as the Persian sun god Mithras, who was “born” on December 25. Further, all of the traditions surrounding Christmas such as gifts, Santa Claus and the Christmas tree are not only pagan customs that have been adopted by Orthodox Christianity, but observance of such practices are an abomination in the eyes of God.

Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “Observing pagan customs in an attempt to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, customs of which He was never a part of in the first place and which are actually honoring and worshipping demons, is wrong and is plainly prohibited in the Bible. It is incredibly clear that God commands us not to worship Him in this way. We read in Matthew 15:7–9 that we worship Christ in a vain way when we teach as doctrines the commandments of men.”

Find out more about the dark side of Christmas at


About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe annual biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present Church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through our literature, sermons and the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Church of the Eternal God
Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

The Need for Fasting

Just like our need for physical food, we also need spiritual food. Fasting is one of the things that helps us to draw close to God to be able to receive this spiritual food. How often then do we actually fast? Do we think that fasting is as important as prayer and Bible study? How should we approach fasting?

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Which Path?

We are told many times in the Bible to stay on the right path.  That requires us knowing which path that is.  Our choices must be based on how God tells us how to live our lives.

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Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Availability of Booklet, “Heavens and Earth…Before and After the First Man!”

San Diego, CA. — November 3, 2015 — The Church of the Eternal God announces the availability of its free booklet, “Heavens and Earth…Before and After the First Man!” This booklet focuses on the many puzzling questions pertaining to the ancient history of planet earth, the history of man, and the purpose of the existence of mankind.

Was there a world prior to Adam, and if so, what did it look like? Is everything that exists simply the product of an accidental “evolutionary” process or did God really create everything within the frame of a master plan? These questions seem to only provoke a confusing array of responses rather than reasonable and sensible answers. However, a search of the Bible provides real answers to these and many other questions.

While scientists believe there is proof the beginning of the universe began with a “big bang”, the Bible shows us something altogether different. God says in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The New Testament confirms these claims in Hebrews 11:3, “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 1:10 tells us, “You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.” Again, we are told that it was God who brought into existence everything there is.

The Bible clearly shows that God is the Creator of all things, but what exactly did He create?  Did God create voracious dinosaurs and other vicious creatures? If He did not create them in that aggressive state, how and why did they become like that? Is it possible that some of them survived?  Is it possible that the Loch Ness Monster or Ogopogo really exist? Could creatures such as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Yeti exist today?  How long has man existed?

The author of the booklet, Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “The Bible provides answers to the many questions man has around his existence and the cohabitants of this Earth. To truly and fully understand what God reveals in the Bible and how these truths relate to the history of man and beyond, one must be of an open mind and have a willing attitude. Obedience to God is the unfaltering key that is necessary if we really do want to understand the great picture that includes the 7,000 year plan for mankind and beyond.”

Join us in this interesting search of the Bible to find answers at

About Church of the Eternal God
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information
Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.



Humility Through Pain

I had the unpleasant experience the other week of going to the emergency room. Thankfully, it did not end up as an emergency.  However, it was during that trip that I couldn’t help but notice the other people around me who were suffering in obvious pain, some more than others. I thought back to the Feast of Tabernacles. This year we enjoyed, for the most part, health and well-being at the Feast. We recognize that the Feast pictures, among other things, a time when sickness and disease will be a thing of the past. It made me sad to see these sick people.

In the subsequent days that followed, I also began to see another lesson emerge. Thinking back on my time in the Emergency Room, I found it interesting how Christ had compassion for sick people (Matthew 14:14). We in God’s Church ought to have that same compassion for others.  In Matthew 9:12-13 we read that it is the sick that need healing. But Christ went on to say that compassion was more useful than sacrifices.

When we go through physical pain and suffering, it is an opportunity for us to do a few things. God sometimes uses physical pain and suffering as an opportunity to help us draw closer to Him. Think of the Apostle Paul whom God blinded for a few days (Acts 9:9). Think of King Hezekiah, who was told he was going to die (Isaiah 38:1-5).  What about the grievous trial Job went through, including the loss of family, possessions and health, leading to genuine repentance (Job 42:5-6).  Just using these three examples, out of many, one of the main outcomes was that of humility. They each learned in a different fashion what it means to come to have Godly humility.

This new-found humility allowed God to work with them in even more powerful ways. God gave compassion to these men once they turned fully to Him. God HAS called us NOW (Isaiah 55:6-9). No matter what God tells us and what may be at stake—when we turn to Him with humility, He can and will forgive us. He will have compassion for us, His children (Isaiah 44:22).

Our physical sufferings can be for our benefit and for the benefit of others, if we stop and carefully consider our ways, and if we take the opportunity to find compassion and empathy for others who go through similar suffering. Let us never forget that God loves the humble person, who is willing to lean on Him for all things, including our physical health and well-being.

The Greatest

The greatest people in the world, the most brilliant minds, the most talented & the strongest, what do they have in common? The biggest buildings, the most amazing mechanics, the latest piece of technology, plays out to what end? We live in an age that values these types of things. But in the end what happens to all of this? Do we stop and ask ourselves the really important questions? What do we place our value in?

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From childhood we are taught to imitate the things that we see. The Bible often tells us that we are to become as little children, with the ability to walk in Christ’s foot steps, as He left us examples to do so. The Apostle Paul was intimately aware of this and begged people to follow after Christ. Imitation is of the utmost importance if we learn to do it correctly with God leading us the whole way.

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On What to Focus

The Bible speaks many times of the rejoicing that was done when the Law of God was once again being taught. It is incredible to see the reaction and the Joy that came along with them doing so. This Joy is something that we have to be mindful of keeping up. It comes from whole-heartedly seeking God’s way of life. Joyfulness is such a powerful tool that we can use to stay strong.

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Survival in a hostile world and environment takes careful planning, care and thought. In our case we are surviving in this world awaiting for the return of our King. In the mean time, we have have to learn to rely solely on God for our strength and every thing else. If we learn how to properly survive now we will one day live for ever in eternity, no longer having to worry about surviving, but instead will live with rejoicing and greatness.

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Spiritually Naked

In the 3rd chapter of Revelation we find the church of Laodicea mentioned.  This church is mentioned as spiritually naked.  Later on it is mentioned that the true church is making herself ready and clothing herself with righteous acts. Let’s discover the difference between the two.

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