Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Three-Part Prophecy DVD and CD Series that Focuses on Understanding Biblical Prophecy

San Diego, CA. — August 18, 2015 — Church of the Eternal God announces a free three-part sermon series available in DVD or CD format for those that want to gain a better understanding of the biblical prophecy unfolding in Europe – which most do not understand has tremendous consequences for the entire world. Many cannot see the significance of the events happening before their very eyes, and fail to piece together and make sense of it all.

The Bible warns of these events transpiring in continental Europe, which will quite negatively affect the USA and the UK, as well as the state of Israel. The keys to correctly understanding these events and the prophecies yet to play out are revealed in the Bible, and substantiated by history itself.

Evangelist Norbert Link sheds light on these events and dispels the myths in this series focusing on the following: Part 1 – The Number of the Beast; Part 2 – The Mark of the Beast; and Part 3 – The Woman Riding the Beast. This series clearly explains that the beast, as referenced beginning in Revelation 13:1, is an end-time military leader arising in Europe, as well as a political and military power tied to the ancient Roman Empire and its ten European revivals, as described in the book of Daniel. Those listening will learn that nine of these revivals have come and gone, and that we are observing the beginning of the tenth and final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire in Europe right now, which will ultimately be under the leadership of a German or Austrian personality. We also explain the true identity of the woman riding the beast.

There are horrific consequences to following along with this satanic end time political, military and religious system. Evangelist Norbert Link explained, “The Bible warns us to not be deceived by Satan and his demon-inspired human instruments and institutions and to set ourselves apart. We must be fully awake to these events coming to pass, and continually pray that we are counted worthy to escape.”

Go to to request your free DVD or CD series focusing on how to understand biblical prophecy.

About Church of the Eternal God:
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.
We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:
Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

Our Father

In a world threatened by war, famine, disease and anger, let us take this opportunity to uplift and strengthen our resolve.

Here in the USA and in other countries around the world, we just had Father’s Day—a day when people take time to show respect and to honor the men in their lives who have either been a father or a father figure to them. A father is someone who leads his family in a loving and caring manner. This can include at times having to train his children (Proverbs 22:6), giving good gifts (Matthew 7:11), encouraging them and lifting them up instead of tearing them down (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21). This of course is not just a father’s responsibility as it takes a woman of noble character to help raise a family (Proverbs 31:28).

This type of family relationship, while very physical and real, is also played out spiritually by God our Father. We are His children. Galatians 3:26 says: “For you are all sons [or children] of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” This passage and many other Scriptures show that God considers us to be His children. As a father loves his children, so God has the same feelings towards us. He cares for us at all times. Just as a father must correct his children, so at times God lets us go through trials to learn and to become more reliant on Him for our physical and spiritual sustenance (James 1:17). Even when we have to go through trials, God isn’t far away. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 tells us: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation [or affliction], that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble [or affliction], with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

In Matthew 18:2-3 Christ points out that it is our duty to become as little children, in action and thought: “Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’”

As our Father is the God of the entire universe, there is nothing that passes by His attention. The Bible says He numbers and names the stars, counts the sand on earth and numbers the hairs on our head. He sustains the universe by His very Word and Will. And to top it off, He wants to share all of this with us. As we consider the wonders of God, it is important to remember these things and to dwell on them, so that we stay motivated and focused. With God as our Father and Him wanting us to become like Him, we have every opportunity to obtain our crown.

Corruption & Destruction

As people grew into cities, nations, and civilizations, they had a tendency to become corrupt. The story line plays out time and again. They grow too wise in their own opinion and then wicked in their thoughts and deeds, so much so that there is nothing left but for them to be destroyed. What lessons can we learn from these tragedies in the Bible? How can we make sure we are not falling into the same mistakes and traps?

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Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Live Sermon Series Focusing on How to Understand Biblical Prophecy Unfolding in Europe

San Diego, CA. — May 26, 2015 — As prophetic events play out in Europe, the Church of the Eternal God announces a three-part live sermon series in June to help educate those that want to gain an understanding of the events happening now, and get insight into what lies ahead in the near future. The Bible clearly warns of events transpiring in continental Europe, which will quite negatively affect the USA and the UK, as well as the state of Israel, and this series will highlight those developments, explaining who and what the beast is, as well as the fallen woman riding the beast.

This three-part series, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link, will focus on the following: Part 1, June 13 – The Number of the Beast; Part 2, June 20 – The Mark of the Beast; and Part 3, June 27 – The Woman Riding the Beast. This series will clearly explain that the beast, as referenced beginning in Revelation 13:1, is an end-time military leader arising in Europe, as well as a political and military power tied to the ancient Roman Empire and its ten European revivals, as described in the book of Daniel. Those in attendance will learn that nine of these revivals have come and gone, and that we are observing the beginning of the tenth and final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire in Europe right now, which will ultimately be under the leadership of a German or Austrian personality. We will also explain the true identity of the woman riding the beast.

We are told in Revelation 13:17 that the nations will accept the name of the beast and the number of his name, and no one will be able to buy or sell if he does not have the mark or the name of the beast. God warns us not to worship the beast and his image, and not to receive his mark on our forehead and on our hand (Revelation 14:9). Unfortunately, most people will be so deceived that they will actually worship the beast – who receives his power from Satan – all the while rejecting the true God and His Law.

In Revelation 17, we read that John sees a fallen woman who sits on a scarlet-colored beast with seven heads and ten horns. This woman is identified as “the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication” (Revelation 19:2). Who is this woman? Is it Islam, as many claim today, or is it the United States of America, riding or directing the last European revival of the ancient Roman Empire, as others believe? This series will show that none of this is correct, and it will reveal the true biblical teaching. This fallen woman will join forces with the beast power, and the beast will reward those who will observe the dictates of the woman, while persecuting those who won’t.

Evangelist Norbert Link explains, “We must focus on drawing very near to God so we can have the necessary strength to endure the upcoming challenges and persecution. We need to strive to better understand and keep God’s laws, and be faithful in accepting from God His sign which clearly identifies us as His people, while rejecting the ‘mark’ of the beast, which has been around for a very long time.”

One will need to have godly wisdom and understanding to know what is coming to pass, and to accurately identify the beast, calculate his number and reject his mark, and not to be deceived by the beast and the fallen woman.

Go to to find out more about our upcoming live sermon series focusing on how to understand biblical prophecy.

About Church of the Eternal God:
The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:
Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

A Vision

In life we come to points that are a little ambiguous at times. Which way do we go ? What path do we take? In order to have a firm understanding and direction, it requires us having a vision. Something that we can work towards. Something that inspires and drives us forward to accomplish great things. What is our vision today?


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What To Believe

With so many news sources, and ways to find out information how can we know what is real? How do we process and sort through vast quantities of information and come away with anything tangible. How do we tie this in with the Bible and what we believe that it says about the future?


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Tune In

When a orchestra plays, they must first tune up. In order to fully get the most from the Spring Holy Days, we too must tune into God, and continue to build our relationship with Him.

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Trust Me

When someone asks us to trust them, what makes it so that we do trust that person? Is it a feeling, an action? Do we trust God? Can we trust Him with everything? Does our trust in God have anything to do with righteousness and offerings?


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How Much Is Enough?

How can we know if we are putting enough in each day in regards to our relationship with God? In prayer, in Bible study, in meditation. How can we know if we are really preparing, increasing and doing God’s will for us?

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