Setting Goals

During the year at work, we go through review cycles, looking at the goals we have created for ourselves. We also review the progress that we have made towards those goals, or maybe the lack thereof.

Goals are easy to put down on paper to say that A, B & C will be executed. But it is another thing to actually do the work that is needed to accomplish those goals.  It is easy to have good intentions and to want to work towards something superior, but it is more difficult to carry out our intentions.

Why do people set goals? Maybe they do it for a job title or possibly a bonus. Maybe they want to broaden their skills. Maybe they love to receive praise or recognition. Whatever it is that one desires, there is one thing that is certain in setting and attaining a goal or multiple goals: Dedication of time, effort, will, common sense and tenacity.  Even though it is easy to set goals, people oftentimes may give up, walk away or forget the goals because of the tough work that is involved.

What about us as Christians? What are our individual goals? Do we even have goals? What is it that we are trying to accomplish day in and day out?  Or are we tired from the stress and the trials? Do we just wish for easiness?

Can we define for ourselves what we want to improve on in our Christian lives?  What goals can we set, based upon what the Bible says? Here are some examples:

(1) This Passover time reminds us to remove sin from our lives, as we are removing physical leaven which symbolizes spiritual sin during the Days of Unleavened Bread (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).

(2) We should set the goal of doing all things with rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 5:18: “In EVERYTHING give thanks; for this is the WILL of God in Christ Jesus for you.”). It is God’s Will for us to give Him thanks for the good and the bad things that may happen to us. Truly, this is a very hard goal to work towards and accomplish.

(3) We are to be careful to maintain good works (Titus 3:8).

(4) We are to focus on the applications of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Is it our goal to manifest these character traits in our daily lives? Galatians 5:22-23 tells us: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love (for God and fellow man), joy (in living God’s Way of Life with all our heart), peace (which is something God bestows on us when we are obeying Him), longsuffering (or patience; no longer being worried about little things that we have no control over), kindness (in what we say, think or do), goodness (wanting only what is good, forsaking lusts and harmful pleasures), faithfulness (or faith, without which is impossible to please God, as faith is our catalyst), gentleness (unlike the people of this world, which is constantly warring and looking to destroy others because they have the heart of their father, Satan the Devil), self-control (an amazing trait that is only strengthened through training). Against such things there is no law.”

Of course, the most important goal we should set is this: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). When we make this our main goal, all the other goals will fall into place. God wants to see us prosper. He wants to pour His blessings upon us. How eager are we to pass God’s examination with flying colors, because we have set the right goals and stuck with them until the very end?

Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces New StandingWatch Program, Should Christians Keep Easter?

San Diego, CA. — March 12, 2015 — The StandingWatch program is produced as part of the task and commission of the Church of the Eternal God to shed light on common and harmful falsehoods integrated into our society, and warn mankind of impending disaster, while at the same time giving hope and comfort for the future.  The current program, “Should Christians Keep Easter?”, focuses on the truth behind the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and explores the real origins of Easter and its customs.

Many would be shocked if they were told that Easter was neither Christian, nor that it memorializes the death and resurrection of our Savior.  They would be surprised to hear that many Christians have believed over the centuries that Christ was neither crucified on a Friday, nor that He was resurrected on a Sunday.  They have even claimed that if He had been, He could not have been our Savior!

As Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “The only sign that Jesus Christ gave for His Messiahship, was that He would be dead and buried in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, as noted in Matthew 12:38–40.  Christ was referring to 72 hours. The traditionally accepted period celebrated in Easter from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning simply does not add up.  By no stretch of the imagination could that constitute 72 hours.”

Many would also be surprised to learn where the modern name “Easter” originated, and most have probably never asked the question as to what egg-laying Easter rabbits and colored Easter eggs have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Go to to find answers to the question as to whether Christians ought to participate in Easter celebrations.


About Church of the Eternal God:

The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:

Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.



Press Release

Church of the Eternal God Announces Availability of Booklet, “When and How Will Christ Return?”

San Diego, CA. — February 26, 2015 — In light of biblical prophecy currently unfolding, the Church of the Eternal God has re-announced the availability of its latest booklet, “When and How Will Christ Return?”. This booklet is part of an ever-expanding library of informative material generated to help educate those seeking a deeper understanding of God’s Will. The booklet focuses on the conditions that point to Jesus Christ’s imminent return to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.

These conditions include ever-increasing religious deception, wars, earthquakes, famines and disease epidemics – events which are described by Christ as the “beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8). These signs will become more and more visible and frightening in the years to come, followed by even more traumatic events.

As Evangelist Norbert Link explained: “The commission of the Church is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and fulfill the Work which Christ has given to His Church. In light of this, and the current landscape in which we find ourselves living, it’s vitally important to understand why today is different from the last two thousand years since Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the circumstances that will unfold before He returns. At the same time, we must take steps to prepare ourselves to be accounted worthy to escape the frightening events that are sure to take place.”

While no one knows the day or hour when Jesus Christ will return, as noted in Matthew 24:36, He does provide us with a blueprint of what to watch for in order to understand that the time is at hand. He described events in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, which would lead to His return. It is in that context that He added the following words: “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Matthew 24:32-35). 

We are living in the last generation before Christ returns. Knowing this, it is therefore extremely important for us to watch and pray, and to be “ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an HOUR [we] do NOT expect” (Matthew 24:44).
To find out more, please go to

About Church of the Eternal God:

The Church of the Eternal God in the United States—with its operations around the world, including Die Kirche des Ewigen Gottes (in German-speaking areas), the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship (Canada) and the Global Church of God (United Kingdom)—exist to fulfill the Work which Jesus Christ has given to His Church. It is through the fruit of unity in God’s Holy Spirit that we strive to be of one mind in doctrine, purpose and practice.

We conduct weekly Sabbath services with an emphasis on live transmissions over the internet and in local congregations where possible. We also observe biblical Holy Days as commanded by God.

We maintain websites for access to our published materials; to present church messages in English and German (both recorded and live); to publicly proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God through the StandingWatch programs (including the German language program, AufPostenStehen); to make available our weekly Update; and to provide spiritual assistance and guidance to both Church members and any whom God may call to salvation at this time. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:

Church of the Eternal God

Copyright ©2015 All Rights Reserved.

Bold As Lions

The Bible speaks of those who are bold and it equates this with righteousness. How can we be sure that we are righteous and bold? As we continue to grow we can be sure that our boldness will be tested. How will we stand? And what shall we stand for?


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Better Off Now?

When we become baptized and a member of the Church, how does our life change? Does it change for the better or worse? A lot depends on our attitude and how we look at life. Are we better off now that we have become members of the body of Christ?

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4 Duties of a Christian

A Christians duties are mentioned many time throughout the Bible.  But one of the earlier leaders of the New Testament church gave four very clear instructions for Christians – an in depth look into how we can achieve the high standards that Peter gave.

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