Letters to the Brethren – December 10, 2002


Dear Brethren and Friends,

When Jesus Christ neared the completion of the work God had given Him to do, He focused on what lay immediately ahead. Those called at this time have the extraordinary blessing of understanding that the ongoing work of the church for this age will soon culminate with the return of Jesus Christ. That return will be ushered in against the backdrop of the most terrifying and tumultuous times in all of human history.

We must, in addition to the great hope for God’s rule of peace, focus on those clear admonitions and instructions we have been given from God’s word. Some of these things we need to be reminded of on a regular basis—they are things we must not turn away from. Yet, some have wandered from the truth, as they have been unwilling to truly heed the resolute and unchanging teachings from God. Nonetheless, we are to complete the job God has given to us. We have been called and entrusted with the truth of God. This is the truth that has set us free. Note Christ’s testimony: “ ‘And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ ” (John 8:32). Proclaiming this truth was part of the work given to Jesus.

These words were not well received by the self-righteous religious leaders in Christ’s day—in fact, they eventually so incited those who heard them that Jesus was rejected and murdered! Jesus fully understood the consequences of the work He was completing.

When we read in Matthew 24:14, “ ‘and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations,’ ” we understand that the church has been given a job to complete—a task for which we are accountable to God. Jesus was able to say at the end of His life, “ ‘I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.’ ” (John 17:4). After His resurrection, Jesus said to His disciples, “ ‘As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.’ ” (John 20:21).

He promised His disciples, “ ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father.’ ” (John 14:12).
Has Jesus Christ sent us—not only those earlier disciples—but also those of us in the church at the present time? We can know! Consider the following: “ ‘But I have a greater witness than John’s; for the works which the Father has given Me TO FINISH—the very works that I do—bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me.’ ” (John 5:36).

And so it is with us, brethren. We have been given the ongoing work of Jesus Christ—the work of God—to finish. That work and our commitment to it bear witness of our calling, and God’s continued hand in leading His church. Furthermore, Jesus showed us how we could evaluate our relationship with God: “ ‘By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.’ ” (John 15:8).

The foundation of our role in the body of Christ is for us to be Christians—converted people through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit. By this we can have the very mind, that is, the very same strength and outlook as our Savior (Compare Philippians 2:5; 1 Peter 4:1). Paul challenges each of us, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified (do not stand the test).” (2 Corinthians 13:5).

As we examine and test ourselves, let us consider what we are doing. In the spirit of the encouraging words of Christ in Revelation 3, we have struggled against compromise—and that even though we are by most standards a small and weak group. Verse 8 says, “ ‘…for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.’ ”

Furthermore, we have followed the charter established in Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” That has meant some really difficult choices have been made by each one of us, as we encountered these examinations and tests—both on our own part and from God.
We can also know from scripture that it is God Who is able to open doors for us to glorify Him even more. When we consider the traumatic events surrounding the sacrifice of Christ, we see disciples who were the talk of the nation suddenly being scattered in confusion. However, their story moves forward to the Day of Pentecost and the empowering of God’s Holy Spirit. Just as for them, we must remember that for us to finish the work God has given to us, it is “ ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6).

As we all proceed in fulfilling our various responsibilities within God’s church, we need to continually look to God’s word for guidance. In Hebrews 10, verse 22, we are told, “…let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” Continuing, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” (verses 23-25). And, in verses 35-36, these words: “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.”

In every generation of God’s church, the message to those called was to finish their calling all the way to the end—whether that end is physical death or the end of this age and our being alive at Christ’s return. (Compare Matthew 24:13 and Matthew 10:22). We are admonished in Ephesians 6:9: “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Paul addressed these issues in his second letter to Timothy. Here we find Timothy, who evidently grew up in the church to then serve in the ministry, needing to focus on the work of God that was imparted to him. In chapter 1, verses 6 and 7, Paul tells Timothy, “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

When Paul wrote this letter to Timothy, he was a prisoner in Rome, and many who had been called had departed the faith. False ministers teaching false doctrines had gained a foothold within the church. Apparently, it was the few who really were overcoming and persevering in the faith. The great times of miracles, of the powerful witness of the original disciples who were taught by Jesus and of the remarkable commitment that grew out of “first love” had all but disappeared.

Paul felt it necessary to admonish and to encourage Timothy, “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST, fulfill your ministry.” (2 Timothy 4:1-5).

Now, in the beginning years of this century, the recent history of God’s people reflects much the same kind of rise and fall in terms of love for the truth and an attitude of unrelenting commitment to finishing OUR PART in the work of God!

Brethren, you are part of the exception to those who have turned back into the world and who have compromised by letting the light of God’s Holy Spirit to become darkened and unfruitful. You have sustained your part in the work of God.

And God is examining and testing us—as well as blessing our efforts to both hold on to the truth and to begin to once again bear fruit in the work of God! The door is open for us to be even more productive, and for the Church of the Eternal God to reach out with the proclamation of the gospel. Among the various efforts of CEG, and in particular through weekly Updates, sermons and booklets via the remarkable tool of the Internet, God is allowing our work to move forward. Each Sabbath, we can “meet together” through live Internet broadcasts and participation in the “chat room.” These astounding and remarkable facilities were not available to the people of God just a few years ago. Now, we literally are able to assemble together in spite of our small size and widely separated locations.

Finally, in addition to reminding us of our role in the ongoing work of God—and let each of us in no way diminish the importance God places on our individual parts—let us also fervently stir up the gift of God’s Spirit to do individually what we are able, in whatever way we can!

In particular, we can follow the example of David in Psalm 62:8: “Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”

Brethren, our focus must remain on those things yet to be accomplished in the work, which God has given to us to complete. Our opportunities are boundless if we stay close to God—always seeking to obey Him and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight!

With all attentiveness, let us all heed these striking words from Jude, verses 20 and 21: “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”

In Christ’s Service,

David J. Harris

Letters to the Brethren – October 31, 2002

Dear Members and Co-Workers,
What amazing times we are living in today! For decades, the Church of God has forcefully and boldly proclaimed – even when it seemed “ridiculous” to do so – that the friendship between the United States and Europe, and particularly Germany, will cool off. We have also been told that when this happens, and when we see a mighty economically, politically, militarily and religiously unified power bloc developing on the European scene, we will know that the end is near.
My wife and I just returned from a one-month trip to Great Britain (where we kept the Feast of Tabernacles) and Germany. What we found during our travels was truly shocking – and sadly, not much focus is given to it on the news in this country.
On September 30, 2002, Der Spiegel reported extensively about the “German-American Breaking Test.” It asked the pointed question in its cover story, whether the two nations are now “Friends or Enemies.” It continued, “In five decades of German post-war history, the relationship between the United States and Germany seemed to have never been as shattered as in the past few weeks. With thundering pathos, Chancellor Schroeder… insisted that decisions regarding essential questions of the German nation could only be decided in Berlin. U.S. President Bush barked back, ‘Either you are for us or for the enemy.’”
Former UN-Ambassador of the United States, Richard Holbrooke, agreed. In an interview, published by Der Stern on October 2, he explained that the relationship between the United States and Germany has never been more shattered than now. He added that he regretted this fact, as “the Germans are the most important American allies.” Der Stern had already concluded on September 26, in its article titled, “The Love is Gone,” that “Germany is no longer considered a close ally of the United States.”
While Germany was celebrating its Day of German Unification (“Tag der Deutschen Einheit”) on October 3, President Bush congratulated German President Rau in a letter, but poignantly avoided addressing reelected Chancellor Schroeder, or to congratulate him on his slim electoral victory in the September election. (Bild, October 4). It is no secret that President Bush would have preferred Chancellor Candidate Mr. Edmund Stoiber to be Germany’s new Chancellor.
The alienation is not limited, however, to just the United States and Germany. It has been emphasized correctly in recent news that Germany has become the European leader in its opposition to American politics, especially in regard to the Iraq question. Since there is a leader, others will follow. In October, former President Jimmy Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize. Mr. Carter’s disagreement with President Bush’s present Iraq policy, which concerns are shared, of course, by the German government and most of the German people, had been widely publicized. It should come as no surprise, then, that Gunnar Berge, Chairman of the Committee in Oslo, confirmed that the decision to give Mr. Carter the Nobel Peace Prize was also to be understood as a clear criticism of the present U.S. administration (Bild, October 12).
Die Frankfurter Rundschau stated in its article, dated October 16, that the “ways of Europe and of the United States are separating.” It pointed out that “Americans and Europeans understand each other less and less in important strategic questions. This situation is not just temporary – the differences are deep and cannot easily be cured.”
While in Germany, my wife and I were shocked about the overall increase in prices. In many cases, prices actually doubled, since the Euro became the only currency in continental Europe. This has understandably angered the Germans, as promises had been made that the introduction of the Euro would have no negative effects on German pocket books. In addition, Germans are becoming upset about the re-elected government’s handling of the German economic situation. Many feel betrayed, as promises had been made before the election, that there would be no tax increases. Chancellor-Candidate Edmund Stoiber already spoke about a terrible fraud and betrayal in the election campaign, and he predicted that the current government will not last for one year.
This anger, coupled with an increasing sense of uncertainty of Germany’s stance in the world, might lead to surprising developments. Newsweek stated in its edition of September 20, 2002, that the British don’t know “what Germany stands for anymore,” while the editor of a German newspaper is quoted as saying, “We Germans aren’t sure of our place in the world, or where we’ll end up.” By now, you should have received our new booklet on “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.” This booklet explains, from the Bible, where Germany, and the rest of Europe, “will end up,” and what will happen to the United States of America and other nations such as Great Britain. As long as there was a 2 — close friendship, especially between Germany and the U.S., certain end-time events, as depicted in the
Bible, could not have happened. But things are changing. New alliances are being formed, and a very powerful “Fortress Europe” is appearing on the scene.
In its October 2 edition, Der Stern alleged that the real victor of the German election has been German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. According to the magazine, he “celebrates a resurrection” and is now the “superstar of German politics,” “mightier than ever before.” Mr. Fischer’s advocacy for a strong Europe, a European Federation, and a centralized European government under a powerful European Presidency, has been widely publicized. Although he is known to have warm and friendly feelings towards the United States, he nevertheless stated in an interview with Der Stern: “The Chancellor and I have made a clear commitment…. Germany will not participate in a war against Iraq. Our position has not changed since the election…. We will not get militarily involved.” If other European nations – and perhaps the United Nations – follow Germany’s lead in matters such as the one involving Iraq, the United States and
Great Britain are going to be very soon isolated powers on the world scene, ever decreasing in political influence.
This present world system is coming to an end. We just celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles, depicting a new and Godly world order, which is coming soon. Are we preparing for these awesome events which will take place, from all that we can see, within a few years from now? Satan is very angry. His time is short (Revelation 12:12). He will give his power and authority to the last resurrection of the ancient Holy Roman Empire, typical of what he had done in the past (Revelation 13:4) – only, this time, the ensuing destruction will stand unparalleled in the annals of human history (Matthew 24:21). The power bloc in Europe, once it has reached its final structure and configuration, will persecute the Church of God (Revelation 13:7; 17:6; 6:9-11). Some, who will have been counted worthy, will escape these terrible times (Revelation 3:10), while many other church members will not. In addition, the last resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire will begin a war against the United States and the British Commonwealth nations, as well as the modern state of Israel, with terrible consequences for those nations. The Bible clearly prophecies this coming war – and its outcome – and nothing that man may do or believe or say will change what has been preordained to occur.
Today, we are to warn the world, as much as God allows us to. We are to share with others the knowledge, which God has granted us. When we do so, and the more we do so, we are preparing for the Kingdom of God, and we may be counted worthy to escape all these things which are surely going to come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man (Luke 21:36). As Mr. Armstrong told us time and time again, the more our heart is in the Work, the more we overcome our own problems, and qualify thereby for the Kingdom. This is true, as we are focusing on others – and not only on ourselves. Rather than concentrating on what our needs are, we are also looking at the needs of others – and this world NEEDS to be warned. Some WILL listen and respond – but they would not even have opportunity to repent, if the Church did not preach the gospel to them TODAY (Romans 10:14-15).
We could also describe this process of qualifying for God’s Kingdom and His new World, by saying, when we are involved in the work of God, we are thereby developing Godly love – since love is outgoing concern for the welfare of others. No one, who does not have Godly love, will enter the Kingdom of God, since God IS love, and since WE are to become as God is (Matthew 5:48). If, on the other hand, we are increasing in the work of God, which will help us in developing Godly LOVE (2 Peter 1:7), we will be granted a sure entrance into the everlasting Kingdom (2 Peter 1:10-11). What a glorious time awaits us if we continue today our fight and daily struggles, so that in the process, we can develop in our lives God’s very character. It’s well worth it – and the hope of our salvation is not far away. Christ tells us, “I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.” (Revelation 22:12).
Rather than growing weary in well doing, we must increase in our diligence to do what God requires of us! Brethren, as the world around us enters its darkest days, we must continue to exhort and encourage one another, and that even more, as we see that the Day is fast approaching (Hebrews 10:25).
With brotherly love,
Norbert Link

Letters to the Brethren – August 5, 2002

Dear Brethren:
We are warned in 2 Timothy 3:1-2 by the Apostle Paul, wherein he states: “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.” Paul goes on in the next five verses to continue to describe the way of this world at the very time we find ourselves in today. This is the world we live in, brethren.
It is a world that is without gratitude for all the tremendous blessings that have come upon us because of the obedience of one man – Abraham. That, of course, is a totally different story. But why is the world ungrateful, unthankful , today? And what about the people of God? Those called to His Way of life? What does God expect of us in the way of thankfulness?
When I think of being thankful, I think of an incident that occurred with my two daughters several years after their mother and I came into the Church. It sets forth the whole concept about which I am writing today. This would have occurred around the winter season of 1966 or early spring of 1967. My eldest daughter was about six. Her sister was 3 years and 10 days younger. We were living in the State of Georgia at the time.
There had been a real downpour, which was typical of that time of year in Georgia. I was driving with my wife and our two daughters who were sitting in the back seat of the car. Suddenly we hit a dip in the road, the dip having been built to carry off water during such a downpour and the car stalled by virtue of the amount of water flowing through the dip. We slowly emerged on the other side of the dip without incident.
About that time as we moved away from the dip in the road and on down that back country road, (effectively a typical Georgia road we traveled each week in our 200 mile trek each way between Albany and Atlanta for Church services) my eldest daughter said to the younger, “Donna we just came through a flood. You ought to thank God!” My youngest, in her innocence, bowed her head and said, “Thank you God for the flood.”
The one daughter was thankful that God had brought us through this trial, while the other actually thanked God for the trial. We all must come to the point where we are able to do both!
The Apostle Paul gives some significant insight into what God expects when it comes to being thankful. He admonishes us in 1Thessalonians to “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks”(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Notice, particularly, those last four words. “In everything give thanks.”In EVERYTHING  give thanks! That is a very substantial requirement for each of us who have been called of God! How is one to satisfy such a requirement?
We certainly must be thankful for the knowledge of God, of His Way of life, of His purpose for all of mankind! We must be thankful for His Word and for His Spirit that opens our minds to understand His Word, to be able to see and understand the very Nature of God. We must be thankful that God has called us at this time for a very special purpose, to actually begin putting on that nature in our very lives. But “…in everything give thanks.” Give thanks?
When we think of the difficulties we face in living life at this time; when we think of the adversities we all must address – especially in walking this way – how is it possible to give thanks in everything? How is one to do this?
It is easy to be thankful for our blessings – the food we are given to eat, the roof over our heads, a place to work, the love of those close to us, good health, hope and peace. But what about the difficulties of life – the loss of a loved one, sickness and poor health, the loss of a job, separation from dear friends, family problems in our marriages and with our children, the very problems of the Church at this time?
What does Paul mean when he says we are to give thanks in everything? “Everything” is the critical word here! The problem is we are not as diligent as we ought to be in giving thanks for our blessings. And if we are not thankful in our wonderful blessings then surely we are lacking in thankfulness for the difficulties we face daily. There is much room for reflection and correction here. It is through much tribulation that we enter God’s Kingdom. God allows us these trials so that through them we may develop His Holy Righteous Character. After all, that’s what life is all about! That is why He allows Satan to tempt us – allowing this pressure from Satan which along with the pressures of this world and of our own carnal nature, all effectively help us in developing the spiritual muscle we need in overcoming this world and its ways.
Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” And Paul says further in 1 Timothy 2:1, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” And in Ephesians 5:20: “…giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” There are no exceptions to this concept noted here.
We read in the book of Ecclesiastes that “In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: Surely God has appointed the one as well as the other..” (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Job’s wife, after reflecting on all that had come upon him, said to Job that he should just “Curse God, and die!” (Job 2:9). Job responded by saying: “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity [evil]?” (Verse 10). As we continue to read verse 10 we note that, “In all this Job did not sin with his lips.”
We find in the epistle to the Hebrews these words of admonition: “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name ” (Hebrews 13:15). We are the elect of God. We must find a reason for gratitude in everything, as Paul states in I Thessalonians 5:18. We must, therefore, have this firm desire that “…in everything” we learn to “give thanks.”  To be more emphatic, this must be more than a desire on our part. It is for us a privilege! We must never forget, dear brethren, “…this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (verse 18).
We need to remember the calling God has granted us with thankful hearts, that He has called us and revealed to us His great and wonderful master plan. We must continue in fervent prayer, giving thanks to Him without ceasing for the magnificent opportunity to have a part in the glorious future He has promised to all who obey Him.
In Christ’s service,
J. Edwin Pope

Letter to the Brethren – June 24, 2002

Dear Brethren,
The Church of the Eternal God will soon mark a full year of existence. That short time span has seen many serious obstacles and challenging tests. However, far outweighing any of these temporary difficulties has been the remarkable blessings and rock solid growth we have also experienced.
We have ALL been tested—each of us as God has determined appropriate. Hebrews 12 speaks of the discipline of God, and verse 7 specifically encourages us to “…endure chastening.” The Apostle Peter, after having completed most of his life, sums up the key for Christian growth by reminding us of the end results God seeks for us:
“…though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved (distressed) by various trials, that the
genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire,
may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love.
Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,
receiving the END OF YOUR FAITH—THE SALVATION OF YOUR SOULS.” (1 Peter 1:6-9)
Later, in 2 Peter 1, verse 14, Peter speaks of his imminent death. Many things are recorded about Peter’s calling and the work he was given to do. It is evident that he completed his responsibilities, and that he will be in the glorious future Kingdom of God.
Brethren, we know many in our own generation who have been called into God’s Church and who have died in the faith. Many have already completed what God assigned for them. They, like Peter, are sealed in death awaiting the resurrection to salvation.
We, on the other hand, still have much to accomplish—as individual Christians and as members of the body of Christ. Earlier I mentioned our blessings and growth. Let’s review a little of whatGod has already permitted us to carry out:
  • Booklets—With a new publication now in the review process that deals with God’s laws and covenants, we have just finished mailing a seventh booklet entitled, Keys to Happy Marriages and Families. These insightful, powerfully written booklets are designed to deeply cover pivotal issues affecting not only newly interested individuals but also mature Christians who continue to look to God’s Word for guidance and growth.
  •  Web site—Keying our efforts to the doors God is opening, the Church of the Eternal God’s official web site has proven to be an indispensable aid to everyone. Along with the outstanding opportunity for live Internet services each week, all of the Church’s literature, letters and updates are posted. In addition, sermons are available for listening and downloading. This multifaceted tool is literally a door opened to the world. In case any of you reading this letter haven’t yet visited this web site, the address is www.eternalgod.org
  •  Updates and Newsletters—Each week, the Church publishes an Update—The Week inReview. Timely information concerning sermon topics, Church news and announcements, world news as it relates to prophetic Biblical fulfillment, and concise editorials about Christian living are just some of the content. On certain occasions, the Church also publishes special Newsletters. If anyone is not receiving the updates or needs an actual printed copy of future editions sent— please contact us at the Church mailing address.
  •  Tape Program—Copies of sermons from both the weekly Sabbath and the Holy Days are provided to those who request them. This valuable service has been very helpful throughout the past year as an additional study aid to many brethren who live in scattered and remote areas.
  •  Member Letters—Every four to six weeks, special member letters are sent out to our subscribers to communicate with them on a personal level. 2 —  Feast sites— As we did last year, we have selected special Feast sites in beautiful surroundings to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles 2002 with our members.
  •  Television—We had begun producing and broadcasting regular television programs over Public access stations. We decided to temporarily interrupt this service to explore more effective ways to produce our program, and to seek alternative measures to proclaim the gospel. Programs are still being shown in certain parts of the country while we are evaluating their productivity.
  •  Advertisement—We have run test ads in the UK and Canada to promote our literature, and to evaluate the effectiveness of this tool for preaching the gospel. Please note: We have included a card with this letter for those who want tapes or our literature. Even if you are currently receiving tapes or our literature, including member letters such as this one, please return this card in order that we can verify our address list for this service. Since we must be faithful stewards of the money that God is giving us, we want to be certain that our mailings are being sent only to those who desire them. Therefore, it is important that you tell us that you do want to receive, and/or continue to receive, our material by returning the enclosed card.
These are some of the fruits that God has allowed us to produce. Many have served and continue to serve mightily and selflessly to fulfill the opportunities set before us. Brethren, we are all a part of the body of Christ—His Church. We must continue to ask ourselves, “Is God pleased with my service—is there more that I can do? Do I earnestly pray for the success of this Work? Am I, personally, truly committed to this Work? Do I help enough financially? Or, am I
just a drifter, a passive bystander—someone who ‘sits on the fence,’ waiting to see whether this Work will succeed or collapse?”
As we continue to go through the doors God opens to us, one thing is paramount. We must be more than observers! We all must rally and stand together. Certainly, we all need to encourage and uphold one another! One of the great keys for accomplishing this is to stay engaged—to stand with each other in faithfulness and deep respect for our mutual calling.
In the beginning of the Church of the Eternal God, we all were committed to our commission— or so it seemed. But, as time went on, some decided not to walk with us any longer. As we all experienced, this was a very difficult trial. Remarkably, though, that test established a sure foundation for the rest of us who stayed together—upon which we have continued to build!
Finally, let us also consider that the Church has an awesome job ahead of us. Momentous events are changing the world we know with frightening speed! The groundwork for an emerging super power unlike anything in human history is falling into place. This world will soon face the tumultuous wrath of God! Remember, God has given His Church the responsibility to watch, to warn and to proclaim the good news of His coming Kingdom. Let’s make certain that we complete the job He has given us to do!
In Christ’s Service,
David J. Harris

Letter to the Brethren – May 1, 2002

Dear Brethren:
It is hard to believe, but Pentecost is only a few weeks away. We are already preparing sermons
for the Pentecost weekend of May 19, 2002, that will explain in more depth the importance of
that annual festival – and what it means for you, personally. Why did God set aside the weekly
Sabbath and the annual Holy Days, to be kept by His people in worship of Him? Without the
Sabbath and the Holy Days, one simply cannot fully understand and comprehend God’s
awesome plan for mankind. Further, one would not know that today, only a very few are called to
God’s Truth – the overwhelming majority of mankind does not and cannot understand what God
is doing here on earth.
The Feast of Pentecost teaches us that we can understand – because God gave, on that very day,
His Spirit to His little flock, His called-out-ones. He did not give His Spirit to the world at large,
and no matter how much one might want to try – without God’s Spirit one cannot understand
God’s plan for man. And those who once kept the Holy Days, but in due time ceased to do so,
have lost that vitally important knowledge that the world is not called today.
How thankful we must be that God has called us out of this world and that He has given us the
understanding and the knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 2:18; Ephesians 4:13). But we
must never take this special privilege for granted ñ lest we lose it and drift away, as so many
before us have done (cp. Hebrews 2:1-3).
With knowledge comes responsibility! Why did God call us today? Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong
told us repeatedly that we have been called to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to
the world as a witness and prepare individually for the return of Christ. But, one cannot prepare
individually while neglecting involvement in the work of preaching the gospel. The more our
heart is in the work, the more we will overcome individually.
God has called us at this time so that we can do a job. If it were otherwise, God would be a
respecter of persons, which He is not (cp. Acts 10:34, Authorized Version). And if we are only
concerned with how we can make it into the kingdom, we are like the unprofitable servant who
buried his talents in the ground and refused to use what God had given him (cp. Matthew
25:24-27). And, we are acting selfishly, only thinking about ourselves, rather than showing deep
concern for the suffering world around us. Let us keep Pentecost, then, with the overall picture
of Godís plan in mind ñ and what God wants you to do with the knowledge that He has granted
to you today.
The Canadian brethren are looking forward to a visit for the Pentecost weekend to the
Edmonton area by Edwin Pope. Rene and Delia Messier will also be traveling to Edmonton for
that weekend. The Canadian church will be having a Directors meeting at that time to discuss
how to do the work most effectively. Mr. Pope will also be in attendance. Please pray about this
important meeting, which we will have on Friday May 17th. In addition, our schedule for Net
services that is posted on our Web page (www.eternalgod.org) lists the sermons to be given by
Dave Harris and Norbert Link which will be broadcast over Internet during the Pentecost
Although we may be a little group, the work is moving forward. We should not be discouraged
by the very small beginning of this work (cp. Zechariah 4:10), nor by apparent temporary
setbacks. Rather, we must understand that it is the living Jesus Christ who guides and directs
His church, and it is He who sifts and separates the chaff from the wheat. We are producing
more booklets and we will walk through doors that God opens to us, as He provides us with the
finances (cp. 2 Corinthians 2:12-17; 1 Corinthians 16:9; Colossians 4: 2-3; Acts 14:27). All of you
should have received, by now, our newest booklet, “Do You Have an Immortal Soul?” This booklet
was printed in England and we are very happy for the continuing cooperation of the brethren in
England and in Canada in our efforts to preach and publish the gospel to the world as a witness
(cp. Matthew 24:14). ìAs a witnessî means just that — we do not brow beat or coerce people
into reading our literature since we know it is God who does the calling. Our responsibility is
putting the truth out there.
Our next booklet, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families!,” is now in its final stages. This booklet
is to be printed in Canada and distributed to the US and Britain from there. Each region will
then mail copies out to you. We hope that you will have your copy by the end of May.
Although Pentecost is just around the corner, it is not too early to make plans for the Feast of
Tabernacles. The list of motels and rates for rooms for the feast site in Penticton, Canada, has been
posted on our Web sites. We would encourage as many as possible, who will be attending the
feast in Canada, to make reservations at the Sandman Inn, which is hosting us this year. They
have recently redone many of their rooms with new beds and furniture. They have kitchenettes,
an indoor pool and Jacuzzi, a restaurant on site and other amenities. They are close to shopping
and Okanagan Lake. The more people book there the better deal we get for the hall rental, so it
is favorable to the Church for brethren to book there. Now would also be a good time to send in
your tithe of the tithe, which is needed by the Church for the payments of Feast-related costs and
We are now experiencing the beginnings of the fulfillment of end-time prophecies. To properly
watch world events (cp. Matthew 24:42; 25:13; Mark 13:35-37), one must understand, however,
what is actually prophesied in the Bible. One must know who the key players will be. Only Godís
Spirit – which is a Spirit of understanding (cp. Ephesians 1:13-21) and of prophecy (cp. Revelation
19:10; 2 Peter 1:20-21) – can reveal to us what the Scriptures predict is going to happen.
Although the Church of God has understood the end-time biblical prophecies correctly for a
long time, some people have rejected this understanding in recent years and have proposed
alternative prophetic scenarios. Some seem to be trying to figure out when exactly Christ will
return, although God tells us clearly that only He knows the exact time (cp. Matthew 24:36, 42,
44; Mark 13:32, 35; Acts 1:7). We want to briefly comment on a recent paper that has come out
relative to a ìnewî look at end-time prophecy. Some of you have asked us about this paper. We
have studied the paper and have found it to be seriously flawed. We would encourage you to
review our booklet, ìEurope in Prophecy,î which gives an accurate appraisal and overview of end
time events, as they had been consistently explained a long time ago by the Church. A new
scenario might seem appealing at first sight, but the truth is always compelling.
We don’t want to comment here on the paper with its new prophetic scenario in detail. Quite
“coincidentally,” perhaps, Norbert Link had already planned to give a third part to his recent
series on prophecy, covering the correct biblical scenario pertaining to the relationship between
the United States of America, Canada, and Great Britain on the one hand, and a United States of
Europe under the leadership of Germany on the other hand. This sermon is scheduled to be
given over the Internet on May 10.
We feel, however, that we must make one comment, so as not to be found negligent in such an
important matter. Close to the end of the paper on the “new” prophetic perspective, the author
writes that ‘in this final climatic battle’ just prior to Christ’s return, ‘none of God’s people will be
“conscientious objectors.”- [H]is servants (spiritual saints or physical Israelites) will fight!… God prophesies
that He will empower His people (spiritual or physical) to be tremendous warriors in the fight at the end of this
age. If you are a servant of Jesus Christ, then mentally prepare yourself to “go to war” for your Lord at
the end of this age.’
Brethren, we hope that all of you can see how wrong this teaching is. (This alone should tell you
something about this, or any, ìnewî prophetic perspective, when it reaches such unbiblical
conclusions.) If you have any doubts regarding your responsibility, before God, when it comes to
fighting in war, please listen again to our three-part sermon series on Military Service and War. If
you need a copy of those three tapes, please let us know.
Satan continues to be very active, especially in these prophetically-important times, so letís be
praying for one another, asking God for His guidance and love toward us as His children and for
us to love one another. “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love [Greek,
agape, that is, Godly love] for one another.” (John 13:35). Pentecost also pictures the fact that we
can love one another, if the Spirit of God lives in us (cp. Romans 5:5).
Brethren, once again, we would like to personally and specifically thank all of you for your
faithfulness, for your prayers and for the encouraging example you represent. The work of the
Church of the Eternal God involves all of us doing whatever we can and whatever God opens to us.
Please continue in your valiant service to God the Father and Jesus Christ and to each other. We
know that in this, God is very pleased.
Your brothers in Christ,
Edwin Pope
Norbert Link
Dave Harris
Rene Messier

Letter to the Brethren – March 15, 2002


Dear Members and Co-workers,
It is truly remarkable how fast times goes by, and how quickly prophesied end-time events are
developing. I just reread our member letter to you, dated November 30, 2001. I canít help but
wonder at how much has happened since then. In that letter, we wrote:
“More terrible things will have to happen first, before the end is here… Imagine that! The terror
attack on New York and the subsequent war in Afghanistan, for example, are only the
‘beginning’ Terror and wars will increase!”

The Bible forewarns that Christ must return to save man from himself and ensure his very
survival (Matthew 24: 21-22). By then, most people will have died. We read in Is. 24:5-6: ‘The
earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the
ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earthÖ and few
men are left.’ “God will destroy those who destroy the earth (Rev. 11:18).”
Consider, what all has occurred since then. The increasingly violent hostilities in the Middle
East have now been correctly described as “war.” The keepers of the “doomsday clock” advanced
its hands, on February 27, to seven minutes to midnight (“midnight” meaning “doomsday”). This
is the closest since 1953, when the United States tested the first hydrogen bomb.
At the same time, the friendship between the United States and Europe has somewhat cooled
off. President Bushís signing a measure in early March to impose tariffs of up to 30% on imports
of foreign steel for three years, has prompted sharp protests from the European Union, and
Great Britain and Germany in particular. European newspapers were quick to ask whether the
United States will have to be held responsible for another trade war.
And now, the world learned of a secret report by the Bush administration, directing the U.S.
military to prepare contingency plans to use nuclear weapons against at least seven countries.
As the Los Angeles Times revealed on March 9, the classified report, called the ìNuclear Posture
Review,î (NRP), was signed by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and delivered to
Congress in early January. It points out, ìThe Pentagon needs to be prepared to use nuclear
weapons against China, Russia, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya and Syria. It says the weapons
could be used in three types of situations: against targets able to withstand nonnuclear attack;
in retaliation for attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or “in the event of
surprising military developments.”” The report goes on to say that “the Pentagon should be
prepared to use nuclear weapons in an Arab-Israeli conflict, in a war between China and
Taiwan, or in an attack from North Korea on the south. They might also become necessary in an
attack by Iraq on Israel or another neighbor.” Although Russia is no longer regarded an enemy,
according to the report, the huge Russian arsenal, including about 6,000 deployed warheads and
perhaps 10,000 smaller “theater” nuclear weapons, remain a concern.
Reactions to the report were mixed. Some conservative analysts, according to the L.A. Times,
insisted that the Pentagon must prepare for all possible contingencies, and that the report
outlines the right way to develop a nuclear posture for a post-Cold War world. Others
disagreed. One nuclear arms expert was quoted, stating, “”This clearly makes nuclear weapons a
tool for fighting a war, rather than deterring them.””
Much of the European press responded with fear and anger. The German weekly magazine, Der
Spiegel, pointed out in its Online editions of March 10 and 11, that China, Russia, Syria, France
and South Korea reacted with “deep shock,” “concern,” and “puzzlement.” Germany’s foreign
minister, Joschka Fischer, reemphasized the absolute need for reduction of nuclear weapons.
Der Spiegel quoted a member of the Russian Parliament as saying that a large arsenal of U.S.
nuclear weapons is directed against Russia, ìëforcing us to draw our own strategic conclusions.íî ó 2 ó
This world is indeed facing nuclear war. John Isaacs, President of the Council for a Livable World,
was quoted by the L.A. Times as saying, “They’re trying desperately to find new uses for nuclear
weapons, when their uses should be limited to deterrence. This is very, very dangerous talk.”
God’s Church has long understood that, according to Biblical prophecy, worldwide nuclear war
is coming. At the same time, we must make sure that God will not hold us, in any way,
responsible for the destruction of this world. We must do what we need to do, to be counted
very worthy to be called Godís people (cp. Luke 20:35-36; 2 Thessalonians 1:5. The Greek word
“kataxio,” translated as “counted worthy,” literally means, “reckoned very worthy.”).
God tells us that, if it were not for His people, this earth would be stricken with utter destruction
(cp. Malachi 4:6). If Christ would not intervene and stop impending cosmocide, no flesh would
be saved alive (cp. Matthew 24:22). Nobody would survive! But Christ will intervene – for the sake
of His elect people!
Can we see the tremendous responsibility that God has placed on the shoulders of His children
who are living in this last generation? If we were to fail in our Christian tasks and duties, this
world would be obliterated from existence!
If we want to be Godís children, we must be pure in His sight. When we sin, we must repent of
it. Christ died for us so that we donít need to perish (cp. John 3:16); provided, however, that we
repent and accept His sacrifice for the payment of our sins. The annual memorial of Christís death, as
commemorated by us at the Feast of Passover, reminds us of the Father’s and Christ’s awesome
love for us. We will be keeping Passover this year on the evening of March 26, 2002, reflecting on
our need for Christís sacrifice and the forgiveness of our sins (cp. 1 John 1:8-10).
But, in order to receive God’s forgiveness, we must forgive others (cp. Matthew 6:12, 14-15). At the
same time, we are not oblivious to the fact that we, too, have sinned against our fellow man. In
dealing with one another, being human as we are, we all make mistakes. We all need to repent of
wrong conduct, of wrong actions or reactions. God forgives us only when we repent!
We all need God’s forgiveness of our sins against God and man. How thankful we must be that
God is ready and willing to forgive us. Let us not hold grudges against others, and letís be equally
ready to forgive those who have wronged us.
Our commitment to God must be ongoing. We must strive not to sin. And so, following the
Passover, we will observe, for seven days, the Feast of Unleavened Bread from the sunset of
March 27 until the sunset of April 3. These seven days teach us that we must not remain in, or
return to sin, once we have received Godís forgiveness, but that we must strive to come out of sin,
and to live a sinless life. When God lives in us, we will become more and more perfect, as our
Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48), and we will be counted “very worthy,” [” kataxioî in the
Greek], ‘to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.’ (Luke 21:36).

We wish you all a meaningful and spiritually rewarding Passover season.
With brotherly love,
Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – February 19, 2002

Dear Brethren,
We are excited to tell you that we have just completed our first Ministerial Conference since the
formation of the Church of the Eternal God (CEG), where we were all able to come together and discuss
important issues and to plan for the coming year. It has been our practice in the ministry of CEG to have
a weekly meeting via telephone, just to stay in touch with one another, to keep us all apprised of what is
happening in the various areas of the Church, and to make plans for continuing activities. Now, the
North American ministers were able to meet for the first time, face to face, since the inception of CEG.
We wish to give you a full report of this most successful Ministerial Conference.
From the outset of this small work of God, it has been our purpose and intent to provide a service to
Godís people who wish to adhere to those beliefs we hold dear, which were taught to us through the
Holy Scriptures by Godís end-time apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. We asked God, at the inception
of this work, that He give each of us in the ministry an extra measure of His Spirit, so that we would be
able to discern error, and to help us avoid walking in a way contrary to Him. We also asked that He help
each of us in the ministry to be led by that Spirit, to help us be humble in our dealings with one another
and with the brethren, and be submissive to one another in all things.
We are sorry to have to tell you that one of our founding ministers has refused to continue to walk with
us in this important endeavor. We have had disagreements for several months now, and it appears there
is no place for reconciliation. The scripture asks the question, ìCan two walk together except they be
agreed?î (Amos 3: 3). Of course the answer is, they cannot!
Mr. Warren Zehrung and his wife chose not to attend the conference and, thus, to discontinue their
participation in CEG. We are sorry they have come to this decision, which resulted in Mr. Zehrung’s
dismissal. In an effort to make clear the Churchís position in the matter of a ministerial dismissal, weíre
enclosing herein a copy of Mr. Armstrong’s writing on the subject published in the Pastor General’s
Report dated February 19, 1982. Although not everything stated in the article is applicable to the
situation at hand, many of the spiritual principles described therein are applicable, in our judgment. Mr.
Armstrong never explained all the details leading to these decisions in depth to the brethren in order to
protect the minister who was being corrected. We will follow that example.
We are also compelled to tell you that, in accordance with Biblical commands, the doctrine and longstanding
practice of Godís Church, Mr. Warren Zehrung has been disfellowshipped. The reason for the
disfellowshipment and the necessity of this notification is based upon a spiritual and ecclesiastical
determination by the ministry of CEG. Certain scriptures you might be desirous of reviewing in this
regard are as follows: Romans 16:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:14. God’s command to disfellowship and to notify
in certain cases, is not to punish, but to lead the person to repentance and to spiritually protect the flock.
The Church does not, and you should not, bear any ill-will toward Mr. Zehrung. Rather, we should pray
that God will grant him repentance.
We are happy to be able to announce that for some time now, Mr. Rene Messier has been under
consideration for ordination in the ministry of the Church of God and that ordination was performed this
past Sabbath. We welcome Mr. Messier, a long-time deacon, in this new capacity, which will allow him
to more fully serve the Canadian brethren.
Concerning the meetings, which lasted for three full days, we were able to come to agreement on a
number of issues of importance relative to the ongoing activities of CEG. Following is a summary of the
conclusions we have reached.
We have made an inclusion in our Statement of Beliefs, which will explain our understanding of Mr.
Armstrongís role and function in the Church of God. This concept was included in our bylaws from the
inception of CEG, but is now being added to our Statement of Beliefs so that there is no misunderstanding
as to our position in this matter. The inclusion we are adding to our Statement of Beliefs is:
The major doctrines of the Church are those, which were taught by Herbert W. Armstrong,
derived from the biblical teachings as followed by Godís faithful servants, and originally
established by Jesus Christ through the founding of His Church in the time of His chosen early
apostles. Since we are to increase in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, we are committed to review
and alter any of our teachings, if and when proven to be wrong by the Bible.
As to our plans for preaching the Gospel to the world utilizing our limited physical resources, we
continue to examine our options. A plan was outlined for the writing, review, production, and
publishing of nine new booklets for the calendar year 2002. Five booklets were distributed in the first
six months of the existence of CEG. Presently, we have booklets on “Europe in Prophecy,” “The Meaning
of Evolution,” “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God,” “Don’t Keep Christmas,” and “Is God a Trinity?”.
For the calendar year, 2002, we plan to produce booklets on “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?,” “Marriage
and the Family,” “Inspiration of the Bible,” “What is the Church?,” “God’s Sabbath,” “God’s Annual Holy
Days,” “Baptism,” “Prayer,” and “The Meaning for Today of the Old Testament Sacrifices.” Edwin Pope,
Norbert Link, Dave Harris, and Rene Messier will write these booklets. Additionally, we plan to publish
for distribution numerous articles on various subjects of interest throughout the year.
Relative to the utilization of the Internet, the CEG website, and television; we have determined that the
most effective use of funds available to us at this time dictates that the programs produced for television
will be posted to our website, along with written materials produced by CEG. We will, of course,
continue to produce hard copies of all written materials for those desiring them, and will be using these
publications in various ad campaigns.
The Canadian brethren will be running half page ads in Readers Digest in which they will be advertising
the ìEvolutionî and ìEurope in Prophecyî booklets. The Readers Digest edition with the current ad will
hit the newsstands in Canada on March 18. The British brethren have had a successful ad program in
recent months with the ìEurope in Prophecyî booklet. Our brethren in Canada have agreed to finance
five booklets for the coming year and the British brethren have agreed to finance four booklets.
We will continue to perfect the live broadcasts of sermons and Bible studies, as well as making our
sermons available on the web, in addition to our regular audiotape program. We regularly use the
Internet for live Holy Day services. Our plan, this year, is to also use the Internet to make available to
those with computers and not able to attend the Feast, live services throughout the Feast. Additionally,
we will be producing audiotapes relative to the Holy Days for those unable to receive the Internet
services. We will also have available videotapes of Holy Day services for groups preferring them. A
Passover audiotape will be available for individuals and groups without a minister and will be posted on
the web.
A travel schedule for ministerial visits throughout Canada and the US was discussed and tentative plans
have been established.
The topic of Divorce and Remarriage (D&R) was discussed in depth in response to recent inquiries
questioning the present understanding of the Church. Our position on the D&R question remains
unchanged and reflects the teachings of the Church at the time of Mr. Armstrongís death in 1986. A
detailed statement will be published in the near future.
After studying the scriptures along with past decisions of the Church relative to women writing biblical,
prophetical, ecclesiastical, or spiritual articles, we have come to the conclusion that the Churchís
decisions of the past were accurate and that women should not write such articles. It would be
appropriate for women to write articles in addressing topics such as child rearing, homemaking, cooking,
or other matters relating more to our physical lives, thereby avoiding a possible conflict in writing about
spiritual matters.
The Bible tells us; “Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not permitted unto them to
speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.”(I Cor 14: 34, KJV). And, in
I Tim 2: 11-13, KJV, we are told; ìLet the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a
woman to teach, not to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed,
then Eve.”
We discussed how one is to keep Godís Sabbath and what type activities would not be appropriate for
the Sabbath. Additional research and discussion will follow. A booklet on the Sabbath and Godís Holy
Days will soon be in the works.
The subject of baptism and what a new convert needs to know and understand before baptism was
discussed. A booklet will be written on this subject later in the year.
We discussed potential cooperation with other Church of God groups who are reported to believe and
practice as we do. We have made tentative plans to meet with one such group in early March and will
report our findings to you after that meeting.
Finally we have determined, at this point, that we will have one feast site in North America this year and
that site will be in Penticton, Canada. Penticton is a long-standing feast site of the Church, and is known
for its beauty and serenity, picturesque vineyards, gentle mountain slopes, and dramatic clay cliffs.
From the standpoint of practicality, it would certainly be a hardship for our Canadian brethren, with the
exchange rate at its current level, for them to come to a US feast site. They would have to spend $1.5697
to acquire one US dollar. In contrast, there is a great advantage we in the US have going into Canada.
One traveling into Canada with US dollars can take $1,000.00 and purchase $1,569.70 Canadian. A US
dollar goes a long way in Canada.
But more than that, we are a small organization. It does not seem feasible for us to try to maintain two
feast sites with such a small group. Therefore, after considering all the facts, God has led us to place His
name for CEG in Penticton as the site for the Feast of Tabernacles 2002.
In Christ’s Service
Edwin Pope

Letter to the Brethren – January 10, 2002


Dear Brethren and Co-Workers,

The Church of the Eternal God is entering its seventh month of existence.  Month after month, God has continued to bless our unified efforts.  We, also, have all had individual roles in sustaining our small work.  Many have rallied mightily in so many ways to faithfully serve God.  Thank YOU!

Now, we are looking forward to our upcoming ministerial conference in early February.  Our goal is to broaden the efforts of the work we have before us while continuing to meet the needs of our brethren.  In both of these areas, we are mindful of the need for God’s continual help and your encouraging participation.

Brethren, although we have begun well, our task is nothing short of awesome as we seek to follow the clear Biblical challenges set before us.  The hard part is yet ahead of us—we must FINISH that part of the work God has committed to each one of us.

Christ did just that during His lifetime. Note what Christ said to the Father in John chapter 17 and verse 4: “ ‘I have glorified You on the earth.  I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.’ ”  We, brethren, who are called “Christians” face this same challenge.

How can you and I glorify God?  How can we finish what God has given us to do?

Again, we find the answer in the teachings of Christ in John 15:8, “ ‘By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.’ ”  We know that Christ and the disciples He taught individually and worked with were very fruitful—they, indeed, did glorify God.  In turn, if WE are to like- wise glorify God, WE must also be very fruitful.

That kind of productivity comes from first getting ourselves acceptable in God’s sight.  We must set our own house in order (CP Mat 7:1-5).  But we are not to stop there!

For us to “bear much fruit,” we must be actively involved in the ONGOING WORK OF JESUS CHRIST—preaching the good news of God’s imminent Kingdom and its establishment on this earth.  Let us all remember that Christ is alive and now actively guiding His Church in His office as High Priest over the spiritual household of God.

Returning to John 17, notice what Christ said to the Father about His disciples in verse 18, “ ‘As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.’ ” In verse 20, He further shows that His prayer included all of us who would later follow in the calling to God’s way:  “ ‘I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word.’ ”

Considering what is here stated in the book of John, we should be ever vigilant of the opportunity that we have.  It seems that people who lose sight of their responsibility to finish the job are soon filled with confusion and lack of discernment.

In the face of our trials, are we able to stay focused on the goal that God has established for us?  Jesus did!  We find this interesting statement that He made against the backdrop of their physical hunger in John 4:34, “Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.’ ”

In the difficult times in which we find ourselves—both in this trouble filled world and in the scattered remnants of the Church—we must be careful stewards of that which God has committed to us.  Many of us remember the final letter from Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong that was dated January 10, 1986, in which he stated: “It may be that the Work God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God’s Church, which will be faithfully doing God’s Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns… The greatest work lies ahead..”  Although he died six days later, his words ring loud and true for all of us.

In Matthew 25, we find the parable of the talents.  Christ here praises and rewards those who were faithful in, as He puts it, “…a few things.”  What is implied is an important lesson for us.  These who were given their individual talents took care of what they had been given.  They didn’t dilute their efforts by focusing on the amount of talents that others might have been given.  They didn’t make excuses—unlike the faithless and fearful individual with the one talent.  They simply took care of their master’s goods until he returned.

Brethren, the first two servants finished their jobs.  They were fruitful with those things entrusted to them.

What are our talents?

From the standpoint of the work ahead of us, our talents involve you, the converted Christians who live their lives dedicated to God.  It is you, the elect of God, whose prayers God hears.  It is you with whom we are joined to the Father and Christ by one Spirit—called brethren with Christ!

In 2 Timothy 4 and verse 7, Paul states: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”  He participated in the same task that has been placed before all Christians—finishing their individual part in the work of God!

We have MUCH AHEAD  of us—as individuals and as a Church.  We have begun to produce booklets that are carefully prepared.  Right now, this is material that each of us can use, personally.  However, these publications are destined to go beyond the borders of our membership.  They will serve as very important tools in reaching people with the truth of God.

Our Web site has valuable information to assist both the Church and those drawn by God to His way.  In addition, we have continued to organize the administration of the Church to fulfill God’s instructions in caring for as many of His people as He gives us opportunity.  The ministry is endeavoring to visit local groups as resources permit.

But this is all preliminary to those things God may have in store for us.

Brethren, let each one of us continue to zealously commit ourselves to our calling from God.  He has placed us in His spiritual body—His Church.  It is God who has given us of His Spirit along with an important job that we must be prepared and dedicated to finishing—His WORK!

In Christ’s Service,

David J. Harris

Letter to the Brethren – November 30, 2001

Dear Members and Co-workers,
Jesus Christ gave us a sober warning in Matthew 24: 6-8: “And you will hear of wars and rumors
of wars… And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are
the beginning of sorrows.” More terrible things will have to happen first, before the end is here (v.
6). Imagine that! The terror attack on New York and the subsequent war in Afghanistan, for
example, are only the “beginning.” Terror and war, earthquakes and other natural disasters (cp.
Luke 21:25-26), as well as famines and disease epidemics will increase!
Let’s consider how terrible the next few years, prior to Christ’s return, will become. The four
horsemen of the Apocalypse, symbolizing religious deception, war, famine and disease epidemics
(cp. Rev. 6: 2-8 with Matthew 24: 4-7) will be responsible for the death of one fourth of mankind
(Rev. 6:8, last sentence). Many of Christ’s disciples will be martyred in the “great tribulation.”
(Rev. 6: 9-11; Rev. 12:17). Many people will die when the third part of our drinking water
supplies will become unusable for consumption (Rev. 8: 10-11). Others will be hurt and
tormented for five months by the military power soon to arise in Europe (Rev. 9: 5,10), while
one-third of mankind will die during the counter attacks of the Asiatic hordes (Rev. 9:13-18).
The Bible forewarns that Christ must return to save man from himself and ensure his very
survival (Matthew 24: 21-22). By then, most people will have died. We read in Is. 24:5-6: “The
earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the
ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth… and few
men are left.” God will destroy those who destroy the earth (Rev. 11:18).
Knowing all of this, what are we to do about it? God has granted us understanding of His Word
and His prophecies for a reason. Christ placed us into His spiritual body, the Church, for a reason.
Simply put, we are here to preach Christ’s gospel message of the Kingdom of God in all the
world as a witness and to prepare for Christ’s return.
Consider that the only sign that Christ gave for His imminent return was this: “And this gospel of
the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will
come.” (Matthew 24:14). Christ called all of us to have a part in this proclamation.
At the same time, Christ is preparing a willing and obedient people to be ready (Rev. 19:7).
Ready for what? To marry Him at His return (Matthew 25:10) and to rule with Him on earth
(Rev. 5: 10) for a thousand years (Rev. 20:6). We have an awesome responsibility not to let down
in what our Master has commissioned us to do. And, we are to “watch therefore and pray
always” to be “counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before
the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36; cp. Rev. 3:10; Rev. 12: 14). If it weren’t for Christ’s true disciples,
God would “smite the earth to ruin” (Mal. 4:6, Lamsa). But He won’t, as His children will be found “so doing” (Matthew 24:46) – they will be participating in the work of preaching the
gospel, and they will have been purifying themselves (1 John 3:3).
If we are about our Father’s business (Luke 2:49), we need not be afraid of the future. If God is
our protection and strength in Whom we trust, then we need not fear what man can do to us
(Ps. 56:11). We won’t have to be afraid of evil tidings (Ps. 112:7). We need not be afraid of the
“terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence… nor of the destruction.” (Ps.
91:5-6). We can have confidence in God’s protection in the face of evil, plagues, war or any other
disaster (Ps. 91: 7-10). As long as we abide in Christ and He in us (John 15:4), the peace of Christ
will rule in our hearts (John 16:33). It is God’s peace that surpasses human understanding (Phil.
4:7), and that simply does not know fear (John 14:27).
God has called all of us to enable us to rule with His Son in His soon-coming Kingdom. Let us
say with the apostle Paul: “[We are] confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good
work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil. 1:6). God will never leave us nor
forsake us, as long as we don’t forsake Him.
Before closing, please note that, in response to requests from some of you, we are including three
return envelopes for your convenience. We do sincerely appreciate your standing alongside us as
we seek to obey Christ’s commission for His Church. Also, please do not hesitate to contact us
directly if we can assist you in any way. As a reminder for those of you who are sick and do not
live close enough for an elder to come to your home, we have anointed cloths available upon your
request, following the instructions and principles set forth in James 5:14-16; Mark 6:56; and Acts
May our God Whom we serve bless you richly in all things.
With brotherly love,
Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – October 18, 2001


Dear Brethren and Co-workers,

As we begin to take stock of where we are after the Feast of Tabernacles, the first thing we want to do is to give thanks and credit where it is due. What a peaceful, rewarding and joyful feast we have just experienced! God has blessed us richly in every way. Our hope and our strength have been renewed, and we are continuously being encouraged to go forward. As the dust settles, more and more brethren who have remained steadfast in the faith have been coming together in this common effort.

Once again, God has given us the opportunity and a voice to be able to declare His words. Therefore, our thanks are twofold – first of all to God, and then to all the brethren. Your prayers, your encouragement, your willing offerings, your tithes, your voluntary service and your gifts to God make it all possible.

We find an example of this kind of “thanks” when King David was inspired to pour out his gratitude to  God, and to all the brethren for their very generous freewill gifts:


“Blessed are You, LORD God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever.

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory

and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours;

Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, And You are exalted as head over all.


Both riches and honor come from You, And You reign over all. In

Your hand is power and might; In Your hand it is to make great And

to give strength to all. Now therefore, our God, We thank You And

praise Your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people,


That we should be able to offer so willingly as this?

For all things come from You, And of Your own we have given You.

For we are aliens and pilgrims before You, As were all our fathers;

Our days on earth are as a shadow, And without hope.” (1 Ch 29:10-15)

What a blessing it is for us, not only to be a part of God’s great plan, but also to be able to continue to actively serve Him. Less than four months ago, we did not know if it would be possible for all of us to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles together this year. There was no assurance we would be able to continue the full time preaching and publishing of the whole uncompromised gospel. We asked ourselves, “How long will we be able to boldly stand for the Truth and uphold the moral high ground?”

As brethren, scattered geographically, but together in spirit, we can only thank God when we consider what He has done for all of us. He has been richly blessing us as it says in Luke 6, “in giving us good measure, pressed down and running over.” Because of the blessings of God, and the very generous nature of His people, we have come away from the Fall Holy Days, not only with a renewed vigor to continue His work, but also with the financial resources to do so. We are not ashamed to express our generosity just as King David did. For this, we give You, O Lord, the thanks and the glory.

Our brethren have come away from this feast having been fed with the undistorted meaning of the Holy Days. All of us are invigorated and stirred to action. Many are saying, “This was the best feast ever – or he best feast in a long, long time.” Let’s not let down. We must hold fast, be zealous, and remain uncompromising as we continue to do God’s will.

During these Fall Holy Days, whether in Great Britain, USA, Belgium, Canada, Philippines, at home or wherever our brethren were observing the feast days, there was a renewed awareness of end time events and an increased expectancy for the return of Jesus Christ. These are dangerous times. Never before have there been so many “winds of doctrine and prophetic speculations” clouding men’s minds, to draw away God’s people.

Because conditions are dangerous and changing rapidly, we must speak and write with a renewed clarity and fervor. Never before, on the way to and from the feast, have we seen armed military men patrolling air terminals in the United States. The fear of terrorism is beginning to take its toll, not only on the peaceful environment that we had in America, but terrorism’s impact is affecting the economy in a way that has the financial experts dismayed. Worse yet, world geopolitics are being rewritten. The real danger for us, however, is of a spiritual nature. Time is short, and there is much to be done.

How will God continue to call some “at the last hour” as in the parable of the laborers in the vineyard? God’s work is not yet complete – we must be “so doing” when Christ returns. If God’s work is not over, then our work is not over. For our little group, this is the essence of our existence – we must continue – it is not our strength, but God who does the Work. But, brethren, we do have our part in it.

God is pleased with our standing up, not seeking security or status, and continuing in His uncompromised Truth. He would not be pleased with haughtiness and arrogance. So, we say thank you, humbly, to our Father for sustaining us and allowing us to go forward.

As much as we are being blessed, we must always remember then, that it is not by our might, power, or any such thing. Let us continue to pray for a humble attitude, recognizing that anything we give to God already belongs to Him. Or, as David so eloquently put it, “For all things come from You, and of Your own we have given You.” (1 Ch 29:14)

We must always remember that God’s plan is sure, and right on His schedule. We can be happy, and rest assured for that. Success will be His, and He wants us to share in that ultimate success with Him and his Son, Jesus Christ. Yes, we have much to be thankful for, brethren.

It is only our Father’s appreciation that any of us truly desire. Let’s recognize that He is the one who says to us, “Thank you.” And, as we jointly thank God, let me also say to you, thank you brethren, most of all for standing strong in God’s Truth.

Your brother, in Christian love,

Warren M. Zehrun


©2024 Church of the Eternal God