In John 21:15-17, Christ tells Peter three times to “feed My sheep.” Why is this significant and what does it mean for us today?

Actually, as we will see, Christ did not use those exact words three times. Why was Christ telling Peter to “feed My sheep”? Each time Jesus said, “Feed My sheep,” or a similar, but not identical expression, it was in response to Peter’s threefold declaration of love for Jesus. Christ used this opportunity to encourage and exhort Peter about his upcoming responsibilities. By asking Peter, “Do you love me?” three times (while using different words for “love”), Christ was showing just how important and necessary Peter’s love and obedience to God was for his future ministry.

Jesus begins by questioning Peter about His love for Him, and each time Peter answers in the affirmative. Jesus follows up with the command for Peter to feed or tend His lambs or His sheep. His meaning is that, if Peter truly loves his Master, he is to shepherd and care for those who belong to Christ.

When Peter first told Christ that he would follow Him even to death, Christ pronounced that Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed. It is quite interesting that three times he denies Christ, three times he is asked if he loves Christ, three times he professes his love for Christ and three times Christ says “feed or tend My lambs or My sheep.” Christ’s repeated question in John 21 would have reminded Peter of his three denials. There is no doubt those denials and how he felt when Jesus turned to look at him at that moment were seared deeply into Peter’s mind (Luke 22:54–62). It wasn’t lost on Peter that Jesus repeated His question to him in different ways three times, just as Peter previously denied Him three times. But we can see that Christ didn’t hold this against Peter.

There is an interesting contrast when looking at the Greek words for “love,” used in John 21:15–17. When Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” in John 21:15–16, He used the Greek word agapao the first two times, which refers to unconditional godly love which can only be granted through the Holy Spirit (compare Romans 5:5). Peter responds throughout with “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You,” using the Greek word phileo, which refers more to a brotherly/friendship type of love. Again Christ is trying to get Peter to understand that he must be receiving the Holy Spirit (which would be the case on the Day of Pentecost) to be able to love Christ and God the Father with godly love in order to be the leader that God is calling him to be. The third time Jesus asks, “Do you love Me?” in John 21:17, He uses the word phileo, and Peter again responds with “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You,” again using phileo. The point in the different Greek words for “love” seems to be that Jesus was stretching Peter to move him from phileo love to agape love, while understanding that he could only obtain the love of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit. In verse 17, however, as Christ does not use the word agape,  but the word phileo in His question, He shows Peter that even though he did not yet have the Holy Spirit, that was no excuse for not feeding His sheep with brotherly love. It also shows that God does not do everything for us, but we must do our part and do what we can.

We also find that the three commands Christ gives Peter in regard to the “feeding or tending the sheep or the lambs,” although often translated the same way, are subtly different.

When Christ talks about “feeding” His lambs in verse 15, the Greek means literally “pasture (tend) the lambs.” The Greek word for “pasture” is in the present tense, denoting a continual action of tending, feeding and caring for animals. The Greek word is boskó and means to feed (graze); and figuratively, to spiritually nourish by feeding people the Word of God. By describing His people as lambs, He is emphasizing their nature as vulnerable and in need of constant tending and care. The Greek word for lamb is arníon and means a young lamb, “a little lamb”; and figuratively, a person with pure (innocent), virgin-like (gentle) intentions. This may also refer to those people of God who are still new in the faith.

Christ then talks about “tending” His sheep in verse 16. Christians are often referred to as sheep throughout Scripture (Psalm 95:7; John 10:9,11). In this exchange, Jesus was emphasizing tending the sheep in a supervisory capacity, not only feeding but ruling over them. The Greek word for “tending” is poimaínō and means to shepherd, care for and protect the flock. It focuses on “tending” which includes guarding, guiding, and feeding the flock and is only provided (ultimately) by Jesus Christ – the Shepherd, who calls under-shepherds (such as elder-overseers) to guard and guide His people by His direction (1 Peter 5:1-5).

This expresses the full scope of oversight, both in Peter’s future as a minister and in all those who would follow him in being in the ministry. Peter follows Jesus’ example and repeats this same Greek word poimaino in his first letter to the elders of the churches of Asia Minor: “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers” (1 Peter 5:2).

The word poimaínō occurs 11 times in the New Testament, usually with a figurative sense of “shepherding (tending) God’s flock.” This provides Spirit-directed guidance (care) in conjunction with feeding His people by teaching them the Word of God (bóskō in Greek, see above).

When Christ says in verse 17 that Peter has to “Feed My sheep,” the literal translation is “pasture (tend) the sheep.” Here, Jesus combines the different Greek words to make clear the job of the shepherd of the flock of God. They are to tend, care for, and provide spiritual food for God’s people, from the youngest lambs to the full-grown sheep, in continual action to nourish and care for them, bringing them into the fullness of spiritual maturity (Ephesians 4:11-16). The totality of the task set before Peter, and all shepherds, is made clear by Jesus’ three-fold command and the words He chose.

Peter declares that Christians are to desire the pure spiritual milk of the Word so that by it, they can all mature in their salvation (1 Peter 2:2). As early as the book of Deuteronomy, we see the Bible describing His Word as food for His people who are not to live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from His mouth (Deuteronomy 8:3). Jesus reiterates this thought in His temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:4). Clearly, the Word of God is something we should be constantly using and learning from!

One of the main jobs of the shepherds of God’s people is to provide them with the pure milk of the Word of God so they can move on to the meat and solid food of the spiritually mature (Hebrews 5:12-14). The ministry should be one of pastors feeding God’s people the Word of God. We continue to feed the sheep as Christ would have us do by staying close to God, while at the same time preaching and proclaiming the good news or gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Lead Writer: Kalon Mitchell

Submit to Whom?

The Bible is clear that we must bring ourselves in submission to the Father and the Son.  But is there more to whom we should be submissive to? Interestingly, the Bible is very explicit that we should submit to our fellow human beings, but how is this supposed to work?

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Submit to God

We as Christians must learn how we are to submit our lives over to God. It is a constant challenge that we must be aware of and willing to put constant effort into!

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What Do You Owe?

Do we as Christians owe anything? If so, who and what do we owe? What does the Bible say about owing?

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The Power That We Choose

After Mr. Norbert Link’s last sermon on “God the Father Is the Highest, Part 2”, I have been thinking about the power that is God’s and how that power is a part of us who are true Christians.

We are alive at this moment because this is what He has foreordained. Everything in the world has led up to the moments that we are living. We would not be here if God hadn’t made sure that we would be (compare Isaiah 44:24; Isaiah 49:15; Psalm 71:6; Jeremiah 1:5; Galatians 1:15). God would not have spent so much time and effort in making sure of this fact just to have us fail our calling.

How we choose to live each day becomes a byproduct of our lives. We live each day, day by day, moment by moment. Who we set out to become is dictated by the things that we do or do not do (1 Peter 1:13-25).

If we choose to do so, we live with the Spirit of God! It emanates from the Father and Jesus Christ and is given to us to dwell within us and help us. And yet, what do we do with it? Does it stagnate within us? Does it live dynamically through us? How is it put to use in our lives?

We are the responsible party to make sure that we are making spiritual progress. Yes God is full of power and willing to share – but it is useless unless we are the willing participants, actively seeking Him. Growth happens when we are engaging the Spirit of God.

Hebrews 6:1 explains that as we continue on our path, and we are able to use more of God’s Spirit within our lives, in all the little details, it will hopefully lead to us sinning less and less: “Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection (maturity), not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.” This is something that takes spiritual maturity – growth.  Paul encourages us in 1 Corinthians 14:20: “Brethren, do not be children in understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in understanding be mature.”

The Father is the highest. He is perfect in all His ways, His thoughts, His actions – in everything! He does not and cannot sin because He has willed not to. It is from this mindset and this power that we draw upon His power and strength.

Hebrews 4:16 powerfully tells us to approach God’s throne with conviction, and makes clear that we can never ask God for TOO MUCH. It doesn’t tell us there is a limit with what we can approach God. It is not like we get a 10-ticket punch card per day, and then, that is it. NO, it says: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” When we are in need, when we are in doubt, when we are facing a problem or series of problems, our ONLY way forward is to approach God and to pray—to pray without doubt (James 1:6-8), without reservation, and with sincere conviction (Luke 22:44), and to pray without ceasing.

To be close to God is on the one hand very easy to do. It takes consistent prayer, Bible study, meditation and forethought. It also takes planning and preparation. It takes a willingness and a want to stay in contact with Him.

On the other hand, we are facing the physical person – the person who should have died at baptism; we face the pressures of this world; and we face Satan and his demons. This is not an easy war! There are many, many battles to be fought and won. There are fights that we cannot and will not win, unless we are intimately involved in our relationship with God.

We must give over ourselves to God’s Spirit; that great power with which Christ holds the universe together and sustains all things. The same power that Christ used when He was here on this earth, and by which He did many miracles. This power is emanating and being spilled out from us towards others. We were called for a reason. We have God’s Spirit for a reason. Galatians 5:16-26 tells us we have a choice to walk according to the flesh – and all that it desires – or we learn to walk in the Spirit. To the degree that we learn how to walk in the Spirit, so will our power, influence and obedience grow. We will become more and more powerful as we become more and more obedient to God

Paul tells us that while it is our potential to become God beings, this process is actually in progress right now. We are to be using the power from God to become more and more spiritual. Not that we are Spirit yet, for that is our potential at Christ’s return; but rather, that we have the power now, dwelling within us. Romans 8:9-11 states:  “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who [better, “which”] dwells in you.”

This entire chapter of Romans 8 really speaks to the power of God’s Spirit which we must allow to dwell in us. As we have heard in Mr. Link’s above-mentioned sermon, when we have the Spirit dwelling in us, we essentially have the Father and Christ dwelling in us. Christ tells us one of the most powerful things in John 14:23: “Jesus answered and said to him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.’” God the Father and Christ are living in us. That Truth is incredible to think about. If we really meditate on this, we will do everything in our power to overcome the part of us that fails.

This is all incredible information! What we choose to do with it is up to each of us. We cannot neglect this great power to which we have access. Now is our opportunity!

Shepherds and Sheep

Why does the Bible use Shepherds and Sheep extensively throughout its pages? What can we learn by studying what it says about these creatures and the people who were to tend them? How can we learn to become better in both regards so that God can use us perfectly in all ways?
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Quiet Quitting Christianity

Quiet Quitting is a relatively new term in the marketplace that describes individuals who do just enough to get by. As Christians, do we fall into this category? If we do, how do we reverse and do better?

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Our Opportunity for Community

We who are in the church of God are placed here by God for a reason. We have to adhere to this and understand, why God has placed us where He has within the body of Christ. We have the opportunity to serve and help each other in this calling, while we are also working on fullfilling our commission to preach the Gospel.

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Framing the Feast Properly

As we attend the Feast we are memorializing the time that God has commanded for us to keep! As we observe these days, we look back at the past and evaluate it, based on the framework of God’s Word. Then we make the effort to set our sights on the future and apply what we learn, as we progress in our calling.

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