Acts 20:7? Did Paul Conduct “Communion” on Sunday or on the Sabbath? What Does “Breaking Bread” Mean?

Acts 20:7 reads, in the Authorized Version: “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until midnight.”

Some claim that this passage proves that the disciples took “communion” on the first day of the week—on Sunday. Others claim that this passage proves that the disciples took “communion” on the weekly Sabbath. And then there are those who say that this passage has nothing to do with “communion”—regardless as to when Paul’s “breaking of the bread” occurred.

To address first the concept regarding “communion on Sunday” and “communion” in general, we stated the following regarding Acts 20:7 in a previous Q&A:

“This Scripture does not say Paul observed Sunday, the first day of the week, as a day of worship. If this were an example for us today, we would be starting the service on Saturday night – not on Sunday morning. Verse 7 shows Paul preached to them until midnight. Also services would have to continue till dawn (verse 11).”

Please note that Paul spoke until midnight (verse 7), healed the young man who fell down from the third story (verses 9-10); THEN broke bread and ATE (verse 11); and continued preaching until daybreak (same verse), ready to depart “on the morrow” (verse 7) or SUNDAY morning (the New King James Bible states that he was ready to depart “on the next day”; that is misleading as it could give the impression that he wanted to depart on Monday).


“Next, we realize that the breaking of bread was not a religious service, but merely the eating of a meal. Acts 27:33-38 proves this. Notice Paul’s situation. He was a Roman prisoner in the midst of many Gentiles on board a ship (Acts 27:1-2). Obviously Paul was not holding a religious service. The men ate for their health (verses 33-34).”

Verse 36 states expressly that “they were all very encouraged and ALSO took FOOD themselves.” Other examples, showing that breaking bread simply refers to the “ordinary” act of eating a meal, can be found in Acts 2:42, 46 (“breaking bread from house to house, they ate their FOOD with gladness…”) and also in Luke 24:30, 35 (two disciples recognized Jesus when He broke bread to eat with them).

We also wrote this in a Q&A on “breaking bread”:

“There is no evidence in the Bible that the New Testament Church ever partook of the symbols of bread and wine more often than once a year. Some point out that the disciples ‘broke bread’ on other occasions as well, and that this proves that they frequently partook of the New Testament Passover symbols. However, the term, ‘to break bread,’ simply means, ‘to eat a meal.’ Acts 2:46 tells us that the disciples ‘broke bread daily from house to house,’ eating ‘their food with gladness.’ They were eating bread daily to satisfy their hunger. Paul says, however, that if we satisfy our hunger, when we partake of the symbols of bread and wine, we do it to our condemnation (1 Corinthians 11:34). ‘Breaking bread,’ then, was just a common term to indicate eating a meal.”

Continuing with our above-cited Q&A on Acts 20:7:

“Acts 20:7 does not describe a regular service. Notice the context. Paul was en route from Greece to Jerusalem (Acts 20:2-3, 16). Since he did not know when he would see the brethren again, he wanted to teach them as much as possible. The people were more than willing to listen. So, after the Sabbath Paul remained behind teaching the brethren, while his ship sailed around the peninsula (verse 13). He remained talking with them till midnight and continued after a short meal until daybreak (Verse 11). Then after Paul had stayed as long as he could, he left them to walk across the peninsula to meet the boat (verses 13-14). He worked on that Sunday by taking this long walk of some 19 miles!

“There is nothing in the above Scripture to indicate it was Paul’s custom to observe Sunday. In fact, all through the book of Acts we see it was Paul’s custom to observe the Sabbath (Acts 17:2; 13:14-15; 42-44). We also note in reading Acts 20:6 that Paul was traveling after having observed the Days of Unleavened Bread. He continued to observe the annual holy days as well as the weekly Sabbath years after Christ had died as He remained faithful to the commands of God.”

Based on the translation in the New King James Bible, it seems obvious that the activities in Acts 20:7 refer to the first day of the week. Since days start and end with sunset, the disciples stayed after Sabbath services and after the Sabbath had ended, to have a meal together on Sunday, while Paul continued to preach to them. Why is it then that some claim that the gathering of the disciples and the breaking of bread occurred on the Sabbath and not on Sunday?

The answer is based on a peculiar choice of words in the Greek, as in the original, the word for “week” is “sabbaton” (the word “sabbaton” refers in some way to the Sabbath). The entire phrase “first of the week” (the word “day” is not in the original) is derived from the Greek expression “MIA TON SABBATON” (that is, FIRST (“mia”) of THE (“ton”) WEEK (“sabbaton,” i.e., OF WEEK). The Luther Bible from 1545 renders Acts 20:7 as follows: “On a Sabbath, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached to them…” (“AVff einen Sabbath aber / da die Jünger zusamen kamen / das Brot zu brechen / prediget jnen Paulus…”)

As we see, Luther rendered the word “sabbaton” here as “a Sabbath,” while most translations say, “of week.” The Interlinear Translation also says, “On first of the week…” To understand the problem with the different translations, a lengthy and somewhat technical explanation is required.

We have addressed one meaning of the word “sabbaton” in our booklet, “Jesus Christ—a Great Mystery!” when explaining that there were TWO Sabbaths during the crucifixion week—the weekly Sabbath and, prior to that, the annual Holy Day of the First Day of Unleavened Bread, which is also referred to as a “Sabbath” in the Bible.

We stated this:

“Matthew 28:1 also reveals–correctly translated–that there were actually two ‘Sabbaths’ during the crucifixion week, a weekly Sabbath and an annual Sabbath. Cockrell points out: ‘Matthew makes it plain that two Sabbaths had passed since Jesus was crucified. The KJV [Authorized Version] has this rendering: “In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher” (Matth. 28:1). On this verse nearly all translators have allowed tradition to control their translation. It is not “Sabbath” but “Sabbaths” in the Greek text (the genitive case and the plural number). The verse properly translated would read: “In the end of the Sabbaths…” This allows for an annual Sabbath on Thursday and a regular Sabbath on Saturday.

“The Fenton Bible renders this verse… as, ‘after the Sabbaths,’ and it includes the following footnote: ‘The Greek original is in the plural, “Sabbaths,” which is retained.’ Alfred Marshall’s Parallel New Testament in Greek and English likewise translate the clause as, ‘after the Sabbaths.’

“In the Greek, the word for ‘Sabbath’ in the clause, ‘after the Sabbath,’ is ‘sabbata.’ [See our further explanation on this below.] This is the plural form of ‘sabbaton,’ and it is translated elsewhere many times (but unfortunately, not always, and not consistently) in the plural. For instance, we read in Matthew 12:5 (Authorized Version): ‘… how that on the sabbath days [in Greek, ‘sabbata’] the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath [Greek, ‘sabbaton’]. Matthew 12:10 (AV) states: ‘”Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days?”‘ The Greek is, ‘sabbata.’ Luke 4:31 (AV) reads: ‘… and taught them on the sabbath days [Greek, ‘sabbata.’].’ The New King James Bible translates this word quite accurately here as, ‘Sabbaths.’ Further examples can be found in [Matthew 12:5;] Luke 6:2, 9; Colossians 2:16; and Acts 17:2.”

In the original Greek, there is no word for “days” in those passages–the correct translation should be “Sabbaths.” The New King James Bible translates most of these passages as “Sabbaths.”

Subsequent to the publication of our booklet, we received the following inquiry as to the Greek word “sabbaton”:

“You state in your booklet, Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery,’ on pages 83 and 84, that the word for ‘Sabbath’ in Matthew 28:1 is derived from the plural form of the Greek word (i.e., ‘sabbata’) and should be translated ‘Sabbaths.’ However, the Greek Interlinear Translation shows that the Greek word is in the singular–’sabbaton,’ not ‘sabbata’–and it should therefore be translated in the singular (‘Sabbath,’ not ‘Sabbaths’). Also, in the same phrase in Matthew 28:1, the Greek word for ‘week’ is ‘sabbaton,’ but it seems to have nothing to do with the weekly Sabbath.”

In answering this inquiry, we provided the following explanation on “sabbaton” in one of our Q&As:

“A good help in regard to the correct original Greek in the above-quoted Scriptures, including Matthew 28:1, can be found in Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible. It lists, under ‘Sabbath,’ the Scriptures which use the word in the singular (‘sabbaton’) and in the plural (‘sabbata’)…

“To add to the confusion, the Greek word in Matthew 28:1 (The New King James Bible translates, quite inaccurately: ‘Now after the Sabbath…’) is ‘sabbaton,’ but it is still the PLURAL form [of “sabbata”]–not the singular form. In the Greek, the genitive plural form is used–and the genitive plural form of ‘sabbata’ is ‘sabbaton.’ In the Original, it says that it was ‘late on’ or ‘in the end OF’ the Sabbaths–that is, it was in the end OF SABBATON. Since SABBATON is here the genitive plural of SABBATA, it is still a plural expression, and in English, it must be correctly translated: ‘Now in the end of the Sabbaths…’

“This shows, as we explain in our booklet, that there were actually TWO Sabbaths during the crucifixion week–a weekly Sabbath (the period from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), and an annual Holy Day–the First Day of Unleavened Bread, which fell in that week on a Thursday–beginning with sunset on Wednesday. The women came to the grave at the end of the WEEKLY Sabbath, when the annual Sabbath [on Thursday] had already ended and the weekly Sabbath was about to end.”

Let us summarize these important points:

The SINGULAR Greek word for “Sabbath” is “SABBATON.”

The PLURAL Greek word for “Sabbaths” (more than one Sabbath) is “SABBATA.”

However, when the GENETIVE PLURAL form for “Sabbaths” (more than one) is used, then the Greek word is again “SABBATON” (in the expression, “in the end OF the Sabbaths”).

But what is meant with the remaining phrase in the sentence, stating that the women came to the grave on the “first day of the week”? In the Greek, it actually says, “MIAN SABBATON,” meaning “… [the] first [day] of [the] week [“MIAN (“first”) SABBATON (“OF week”)].”

Young’s Literal Translation renders Matthew 28:1 as follows: “And on the eve of the sabbaths, at the dawn, toward the first of the sabbaths, came Mary the Magdalene, and the other Mary, to see the sepulcher…”

As mentioned, most translations say, “on the first day of the WEEK,” translating “sabbaton” as “of [the] week.”

In the Q&A on “sabbata,” we addressed the Greek word “sabbaton” in connection with the English rendition, “week.” Recall, in Matthew 28:1, it talks about the two Sabbaths AND the first day of the WEEK (the word “week” is also a translation from the word “sabbaton”). We stated this:

“In addition, it is correct that the word ‘week’ in Matthew 28:1 is also derived from the Greek plural word for Sabbath, i.e. ‘SABBATA.’ (Even though the Greek in Matthew 28:1 is ‘sabbaton,’ it is again the genitive plural of ‘sabbata,’ since it says, in the original Greek, ‘… as it was getting dusk toward the first day OF the week…’). Young’s Analytical Concordance of the Bible explains that the phrase ‘week’ in Matthew 28:1 is to be understood as ‘from Sabbath to Sabbath’–that is, a week is composed of the time from one weekly Sabbath to the next weekly Sabbath. It is mostly used in the plural (‘sabbata’), meaning ‘one OF Sabbaths,’ signifying the first day AFTER the weekly Sabbath. Examples where the word ‘week’ is translated from the Greek plural word for Sabbath (i.e., ‘sabbata’), can be found, in addition to Matthew 28:1, in Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; and 1 Corinthians 16:2.

“In a few cases, such as Luke 18:12 and Mark 16:9, the Greek word for ‘week’ is in the singular form for Sabbath (i.e., ‘sabbaton’). In Luke 18:12, the Pharisee claims that he is fasting ‘twice a week.’ It literally says: ‘twice of the Sabbath’; that is, ‘twice in the days after the weekly Sabbath.'”

In Matthew 28:1, it is correct to translate “sabbaton” as “week” in the phrase, “first day OF the week.” To translate, “as it began to dawn on the first of the Sabbaths,” would be factually incorrect, if implying that literal Sabbath days were addressed in this particular phrase. The reason is that the women arrived at the grave when the SECOND (weekly) Sabbath was ending (i.e., the weekly Sabbath, when it was dawning towards the first day of the week; that is, when Sunday began). The FIRST Sabbath (the first Day of Unleavened Bread) had long ended on Thursday evening. (So, the phrase could not mean to say that the two Sabbaths had ended and that it was now dawning towards the first of the Sabbath days.)

It is therefore obvious that the rendering is correct here: “… when the first (day) of the WEEK began” (the time interval from the end of the weekly Sabbath to the beginning of the next weekly Sabbath).

The same explanation applies to Acts 20:7, as in the Greek, the same wording is used as in Matthew 28:1. We read that the disciples came together for an evening meal “on the first [day] of the week” (“sabbaton”—the Genitive PLURAL of “sabbata”; in Greek: “MIA [“first”] TON [“the”] SABBATON [“OF week”]”). That is, they came together for a meal on Saturday evening, after sunset; as the women came to the grave on Saturday evening, at or shortly after sunset. The translation of Acts 20:7 in the old Luther Bible from 1545, rendering “sabbaton” here with “a Sabbath,” is therefore misleading and technically incorrect, as he misunderstood “sabbaton” in this passage as being used in the singular form, while ignoring the Genitive PLURAL, which is designated by the expression, “FIRST OF…”

In conclusion, the disciples came together on the first day of the week, when the weekly Sabbath had just ended, to have a meal with Paul (not a religious “communion”), who then continued to preach to them throughout the night, as he was departing Sunday morning and would not see the disciples again for a long time.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Germany in Panic Mood

The German government is contemplating highly unpopular measures of civil defense and military actions, due to perceived or real threats facing the country’s very existence. These measures have a direct relationship to biblical prophecy. In addition, European leaders from Germany, France and Italy are pressing ahead for increased cooperation on defense and the establishment of a European Army.

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Obama’s Flat Earth

Does the Obama Administration believe in a flat earth concept? If not, why this title? Could it be that their politics reflect the same kind of wrong principles which can be seen in the flat earth conspiracy?  In this program, we will give you five recent examples confirming this suspicion, from perceived misrepresentations about paying ransom money to Iran; incredible American abrogation of the Internet; broken promises to the people of Syria; absurd rulings regarding medical Marijuana; and the incompetent concept of Obamacare. But will the American people experience a substantial change in January?

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The Love of Money

How does God look at money? Is He against riches? In this sermon, we will cite Scriptures which speak positively about the right use of money, but we will also address the wrong use… and that especially in the religious context.

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The Storm in Europe Has Just Begun!

What does the Bible say about Europe’s future? And how will it affect YOU personally… especially, if you live in the USA and the UK? Current developments in continental Europe show that we are nearing the prophetic crescendo just prior to Christ’s return… but most news articles do not even begin to realize what is happening, and many political speculations will prove to be erroneous.

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The Four Winds

The Bible speaks many times about the four winds. We read in the New Testament that four angels will hold the four winds of the earth, or that angels will gather together the elect from the four winds. The Old Testament says that God will scatter Israel and other nations toward the four winds under heaven. We also read about four winds which stand before the Lord of all the earth. What is meant with the four winds?

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Why Will God Punish America?

The Bible speaks in no uncertain terms about America’s future defeat in war, and it gives us many reasons as to why God is extremely angry with the USA, as well as other nations. We will see in this sermon why the ancient House of Israel went into captivity. We will also show that America, which is called modern Sodom in the Bible, commits the same sins today, without any real hope for repentance and change.

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How Are We to View the Events in Turkey in Light of Biblical Prophecy?

In chapter 6 of our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy,” we speak at length about modern Turkey and what the Bible has to say about its future. Based on this knowledge, we should be able to see the significance of current events in Turkey.

First, we explain from the Bible and history that the Turks are the modern descendants of ancient Esau or Edom, the twin brother of Jacob or Israel. We give numerous proofs for this conclusion. In this Q&A, let us just review a few brief excerpts.

We quote as follows from an article by The Plain Truth, dated 1966, titled, “Turkey in Prophecy”:

“‘Turkey can be identified by research in encyclopedias, or history books dealing with the subject, as the descendants of Esau… One of the grandsons of Esau was Teman (Genesis 36:11). Teman became a great leader among the peoples… As the Edomites began to expand…, portions of the land began to bear the name of Teman… much of the area… including … Turkestan… became known as the “Land of Temani” (compare Genesis 36:34 [according to the Authorized Version; the New King James Bible says: “the land of the Temanites”]… Is it any wonder then that the indelible stamp of Teman, one of the leading dukes of ancient Edom, was carried down into modern history in the form of the “Ottoman” Empire?'”

We continue to say this:

“The fact that the name of the Turkish Ottoman Empire is derived from or related to Teman is confirmed by other authors as well. For instance, the encyclopedia Wordnik states regarding Edom: ‘Edom is O’theman of the Bible, and O’theman of the Bible is Turkey.’ Also, many claim that the name ‘Turk’ is associated with ‘Turkestan,’ where, as we recall, many of the Edomites and more precisely, the Temanites, had settled. We are also told by some that the Khazars called the Byzantium Emperor the ‘King of Edom.’ (Note that the name Byzantium is ancient for Constantinople, which is today Turkey’s capitol Istanbul.)”

In light of this understanding, let us review some pertinent biblical passages pertaining to the future of Turkey. We are continuing to quote from our booklet:

“In Isaiah 34:5-6, we read that God’s bloody sword will come down on Edom, the people of God’s curse, for judgment, and that God has a sacrifice of a great slaughter in Bozrah and the land of Edom. The time setting is very clearly identified as being in the future, when Christ returns (compare Isaiah 34:8, speaking of the ‘day of the LORD’s vengeance’ and the ‘year of recompense for the cause of Zion’)… the term ‘day of the LORD’ always applies to a future time, beginning about one year prior to Christ’s return…”

“… Psalm 83:6 tells us about a future confederacy of nations against ‘Israel.’ This confederacy will consist of Edom (including Amalek, today’s PLO and other violent groups, one of Edom’s grandsons) and other Middle Eastern nations, as well as modern Assyria (Germany) and the revived Babylonian system (‘Tyre’). The goal of that confederacy is to cut off Israel, so that ‘the name of Israel may be remembered no more’ (verse 4). A reference to that conspiracy is alluded to in Amos 1:6, 9 where we read that ‘Gaza’ and ‘Tyre’ will be punished because they ‘took captive the whole captivity to deliver them up to Edom’ and because ‘they delivered up the whole captivity to Edom.’

“The reference to the ‘captivity’ is to the enslavement of the modern descendants of the house of Judah [the Jews and the state of Israel in particular] and perhaps some from the modern house of Israel [mainly the USA and the UK]. In addition to bringing about slavery, we are specifically told in Amos 1:11 (among many other places) that Esau will pursue his brother (Israel) with the sword and cast off all pity, keeping his wrath against Jacob…”

Ezekiel 36:5 reveals that Esau will plunder God’s country and occupy it temporarily as a possession.

From this we learn that modern Edom will be part of a confederacy with the modern Babylonian system of Europe under modern Assyria or Germany, together with Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Western Iraq and modern Palestinians (compare our free booklet, “Germany in Prophecy,” page 16). This confederacy (literally, “cutting a covenant”) will be directed against “Israel”—the state of Israel, the Jews in general, and modern descendants of the House of Israel—mainly the USA and the United Kingdom.

Even though this confederacy will be short-lived, the Bible does not say that Edom will become part of the EU, let alone the final configuration of ten European core nations or groups of nations, which will unite and give their power at that time to a charismatic political and military personage, the “beast.” It is highly doubtful that Turkey, as a Muslim country, will ever become part of the “Christian” EU or the “Christian” Eurozone.  While Europe will be collaborating for a while with Turkey and other Arab nations, this does not mean that there will be full partnership and unification between them. In World War II, many Arab nations fought for Nazi Germany against the Jews, but this did not make them equal partners with Germany.

Also, since antagonism between Turkey and the USA and the UK will increase, it does not appear that Turkey—currently a member of NATO—will stay in NATO. In any event, NATO’s role will become less and less significant and relevant, as new alliances will form, which will make NATO more and more superfluous. In addition, antagonism will increase between continental Europe and the USA and the UK, so that the role of NATO (under the leadership of the USA) will become irrelevant for this additional reason. It is interesting to note that the Republican candidate for the US Presidency, Donald Trump, who might very well become the next President, already spoke about the fading role of NATO.

Still, even though Europe and Turkey will not become full “partners,” they will collaborate for a while. The current migrant crisis in Europe indicates how these kinds of developments might continue to occur. At this point, Europe feels that it needs Turkey to help against refugees entering Europe from Syria and other places; and the Turkish government’s desire for money, power and prestige and their hatred against the Jews will continue to motivate them to work with Europe. Current attempts to better the relationship between Turkey and the state of Israel will fail; especially in light of Mr. Erdogan’s desire to become an autocratic leader over an Islamic Turkey. Europe and especially Germany, feeling at this point dependent on Turkey, have chosen to ignore the terrible atrocities occurring in Turkey, even though they may give some inconsequential lip services of “caution.”

However, after an initial collaboration between the EU and Turkey, things will drastically change.  Edom’s allies, and especially Assyria and the entire Babylonian system, will turn against Edom.

Obadiah 6-7 says:

“Oh, how Esau shall be searched out! How his hidden treasures shall be sought after [including those which they robbed from Israel and Judah, when they laid hands on their substance]! All the men in your confederacy Shall force you to the border [the meaning is, “they will expel you,” compare the Soncino commentary; or “make you captives,” compare Barnes’ Notes on the Bible and Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible], The men at peace with you Shall deceive you and prevail against you, Those who eat your bread shall lay a trap for you [or, wound you].”

Notice carefully that “ALL THE MEN IN YOUR CONFEDERACY” will turn against Turkey—this includes modern Assyria (Germany) and modern “Tyre” (the future European system). This means that Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Palestinians, Western Iraq and perhaps Lebanon will also turn against Turkey.

We state in our booklet regarding Obadiah 6-7:

“The words for ‘lay a trap’ or ‘wound you’ mean, ‘both a wound and a plaster; they pretended to lay a plaster to heal, but made a wound; or made the wound worse’ (compare Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible). In Obadiah 8-9, God makes clear that this will happen ‘in that day’—after the Great Tribulation and during the Day of the Lord—and that God will inspire the former allies of Edom to act in this way…

“We also read in Daniel 11:41 that the king of Assyria—[the beast and] the final king of the North—will at first NOT conquer Edom, but other Scriptures show us that he will later turn against Edom… Psalms 60:8 and 108:9 indicate as well a future defeat in war and captivity for the people of Edom… The modern Babylonian system under Assyria’s lead will conquer Edom (modern Turkey) and enslave it, after Edom had at first escaped the ‘king of the North,’ while participating in the defeat of the modern houses of Israel (mainly the USA and the United Kingdom or the British Isles) and Judah (the modern Jews)…

“… Joel 3:19 tells us: ‘Egypt shall be a desolation, And Edom a desolate wilderness, Because of violence against the people of Judah, For they have shed innocent blood in their land.’ Note, in passing, that Egypt’s desolation will end, as Egypt will become a major power in the Millennium, and Esau’s desolation will also end, even though it will not become a major power in the Millennium…

“Ezekiel 35:1-15 adds more reasons for God’s anger with modern Edom…

“‘Behold, O Mount Seir, I am against you; I will… make you most desolate; I shall lay your cities waste, and you shall be desolate. Then you shall know that I am the LORD. Because you have had an ancient [or everlasting] hatred, and have shed the blood of the children of Israel by the power of the sword at the time of their calamity… Because you have said, “These TWO NATIONS and these TWO COUNTRIES [referring to the houses of Israel and Judah] shall be mine, and we will possess them…”  Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘The whole earth will rejoice when I make you desolate…’”

“Obadiah [10-15] sheds further light on the reasons why God will punish modern Edom so severely:

“‘For violence against your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, And you shall be cut off forever. In the day that you stood on the other side—In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, When foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem—Even you were as one of them. But you should not have gazed on the day of your brother In the day of his captivity; Nor should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah In the day of their destruction; Nor should you have spoken proudly In the day of distress. You should not have entered the gate of My people In the day of their calamity. Indeed, you should not have gazed on their affliction In the day of their calamity Nor laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. You should not have stood at the crossroads to cut off those among them who escaped; Nor should you have delivered up those among them who remained In the day of distress (Menge Bible: the Great Tribulation). For the day of the LORD upon all the nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you…’

“… Israel and Judah will have to go into slavery, and Edom will actively participate in this future war against Israel and Judah which will bring about the complete downfall of those two nations… Edom will possess at least parts of Israel’s and Judah’s territories. God will punish Edom or modern Turkey severely due to Edom’s hatred and violence towards Israel and Judah. However, many of the surviving Edomites [the remnant of Edom] will convert to God in the Millennium, and their hatred towards their brother Jacob will end at that time.”

This is very good news. Turkey, as a Sunni nation, will repent and begin to worship God the Father and their only Savior, Jesus Christ. They will accept the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their sins and obtain forgiveness from God. But, terrible times come before this happens.

The world is truly getting mad. Increasingly violent terrorist attacks by radical Islamists and mentally sick and demon-inspired people, as well as brutal wars and unrestrained governmental actions in dictatorial countries all over this planet show that demons are having a field day. The full power and influence of Satan and his evil angels can be observed and felt everywhere in the world. Satan knows that his time is short, and he is continuing his destructive efforts.

At this time, his wrath is mainly directed against physical and spiritual Israel, and so he will use a future European system in an attempt to destroy the Jews, the Americans and the British, as well as members of the true Church of God (spiritual Israel). He will influence whatever power he can and is allowed to by God to collaborate with the beast to bring about his goals. The Bible makes it very clear that it is Satan who will give his power and authority to the beast—both the system as well as the end-time leader of that system—but, to bring about biblical prophecy, God allows it.

No attempts to thwart God’s plan, as set forth in Scripture, will prevail. Turkey will continue to become an extremely hostile nation towards the Jews and Israel, under a ruthless and dictatorial Turkish leadership. Current events suggest that the relationship between Turkey and the USA is already beginning to crumble (see the article, “Potential Rift Between USA and Turkey?” in the Current Events section of Update 745). Europe will continue with supporting the Palestinians against Israel, and once Israel has begun to build a third temple and to offer animal sacrifices, causing an extremely violent outburst of rage by Arab nations, European armies will invade the exploding Promised Land to establish “peace.”

Even though America’s and Britain’s support for the state of Israel is sometimes wavering, they will remain the only strong allies and supporters of the Jewish state, with Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish nation. Europe will regard them as hostile powers which “need” to be suppressed. God will allow the defeat of the USA and the UK in war, because He is extremely upset about the sins and godlessness of modern Israel and Judah.

But then, things will change, as Europe will begin to punish Turkey for their hostile attitudes against their brother Jacob. And as we point out in our literature (compare, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever”), God will allow Russia, China and other Far Eastern powers (the “kings of the East” under the lead of the modern “Medes” or Russians and Ukrainians) to defeat Europe, and He will then turn against those Far Eastern powers for their punishment. Nobody will escape God’s wrath, because NO NATION is righteous in God’s eyes.We should watch Turkey and the entire Middle East, where dramatic end-time events of unparalleled prophetic proportions will take place in the very near future. And knowing this, we must individually strive more and more to be counted worthy to escape  all these things which are surely coming to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man when He returns.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Can Worldwide Terror Be Stopped?

Just in the month of July alone, several terror attacks have been happening in Europe. While Democrats in the US don’t even offer any solutions, some Republicans discuss certain plans, but how practical and successful would they be? All suggestions overlook the only true solution for the end of worldwide terror attacks.


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Turkey in Chaos… What’s Next?

Tayyip Erdogan uses the failed coup in Turkey as “justification” for a witch hunt of frightening proportions against anyone critical of his methods. Some feel that Erdogan staged the coup himself. Others state that “hell hath no fury like an Erdogan who narrowly survives.” The Telegraph writes that “Erdogan’s purge may give NATO no choice but to expel Turkey from the alliance.” Will this happen? Will Turkey ever become a member of the EU? Similarities to the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany in 1933 and the bloody aftermath are compelling. What does the Bible tell us about Turkey’s future? Our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy,” gives the answer.

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