Can You Forgive God?

A controversial title! God cannot sin, so why this question? And yet…what about our reactions when things don’t go the way we would like? Do we then perhaps question God’s justice, knowledge and power, as some righteous people in the Bible have done? And if we react like this, what will help us to get out of this dilemma?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We report on the end of the temporary cease fire in Israel’s war with Hamas; Europe’s fear of terrorist attacks; an attack on a US warship in the Red Sea; and on a disturbing report about Israel’s alleged prior notice of the Hamas attack in Gaza on October 7 (while the USA denies any knowledge). We continue with Israel’s determination to kill all Hamas leaders worldwide; and with allegations that America has stopped Israel in the past from securing victory against its enemies; and that there is concern that the USA will do so again.

We introduce you to a deeply controversial White House advisor who is claimed to be one of the most powerful men in Washington; and speak on President Biden’s continued denial of what seems to be the obvious truth.

In other news, we focus on the situation regarding Russia and Ukraine with special emphasis on the question as to how most Russians view the war with Ukraine;  the allegation that Germany is trying to reduce financial aid for Ukraine; the debate in the USA and elsewhere on how and whether to continue supporting Ukraine militarily and financially; the accusation that Zelensky is becoming an autocrat who has lost the trust of many Ukrainians; the assassinations of “dissidents” by Ukraine’s intelligence service; and Hungary’s objection to Ukraine’s EU membership.

We speak on Germany’s fear of war with Russia (please see in this regard our new StandingWatch program, titled, “War Between Russia and Germany?”) and address claims that Europe must (and will) become a superstate; and we conclude with the realization that Germany has a big problem. In this regard, please view our new message, titled, “The Rise of the Beast—Comments on News and Prophecy, December 2, 2023.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

War Between Russia and Germany?

Many in Germany are concerned that “war will come to [their] country one day not far away,” as the German paper “Die Welt” put it. It even gives an approximate time as to when this might happen. And sadly, it will occur, but only after a dramatic event has taken place first, which has been recently described by Italy’s former prime minister and leader of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi.

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The Rise of the Beast—Comments on News and Prophecy, December 2, 2023

Germans lose all confidence in their leadership—arguably the weakest and most incompetent German government since World War II—and the German mass media, such as the mass tabloid Bild, attacks vehemently Germany’s immigration policy. America’s cluelessness, self-deception and past mistakes, and the pope’s “Jewish problem” are blamed for Israel’s dilemma and for Hamas’ joy. How tired are Russians really of the Ukraine war? And are UFOs proof for aliens, angels or demons? What have all these events to do with the rise of the beast and the false prophet?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with further developments in the Middle East in light of the ill-advised Israel-Hamas deal (please view in this regard our previous StandingWatch program, titled,  “The Foolish Hamas-Israel Deal—and What It Means!”), while placing special emphasis on the lies of the Palestinians and Hamas; the perception that America and President Biden are at fault for Israel’s “dilemma”; the fear that America will backstab Israel; and the feeling that Biden is “sound asleep” and lacking a clear view of reality, while the Middle East is burning. Please view our most recent StandingWatch program, titled, Will There Ever Be a Two-State Solution?”

We continue with an outlandish request by Special Counsel Jack Smith, totally violating the rights of millions of American citizens; speak on truly appalling laws and court decisions in New York State, placing the freedom of its citizens in the unscrupulous hands of the government; and we report on unparalleled violence in Dublin, Ireland, with completely opposed reports as to its cause.

We point out Germany’s ever-increasing debacle due to a completely incompetent and out-of-touch “leadership”; publish an interesting, but controversial perspective on the so-called shift to the right that actually isn’t one at all”; and conclude with the dubious position of the pope and the Vatican regarding their “Jewish problem” and the Catholic Church’s persecution of its critics.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

UFOs—Aliens, Angels or Demons?

Man’s fascination with UFOs and aliens seems to know no bounds. Apart from science fiction movies, more and more reports are being published of people claiming to have seen UFOs or of having had “close encounters of the third kind,” including having allegedly been the victims of alien abductions.

In a recent article by Politico, dated November 17, it was stated:

“Early in Ronald Reagan’s second term, he asked his Soviet counterpart a seemingly off-the-wall question… Reagan turned to his Cold War enemy and said: ‘What would you do if the United States were suddenly attacked by someone from outer space? Would you help us?,’ Gorbachev later recounted. ‘I said, “No doubt about it.” He said, “We too.”’…

“Reagan… had an encounter with a UFO while riding in a plane in the 1970s. Reagan, it turns out, wasn’t the only president who has had a more than passing interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. For the past half-century, almost every president has come to office pledging — publicly or privately — to get to the bottom of UFOs…

“Jimmy Carter spotted his UFO while waiting for a Lion’s Club event to start on Jan. 6, 1969… [According to Politico, this UFO was later explained as a man-made natural phenomenon, “a high-altitude rocket-released barium cloud.”]

“Most recently, in 2021, former President Barack Obama spoke about the mystery [saying] ‘that there’s footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern.’”

And so, conspiracies abound to the effect that the government is hiding the truth about aliens and that the remains of an alien body or bodies are kept secret in Roswell.

It must be pointed out that many reported UFO “sightings” and “encounters” can be explained naturally. After all, UFO means “unidentified flying object”—and many, if not most of those “sightings” have a natural origin. When it comes to “strange” occurrences such as alleged encounters or even abductions etc., they can often be explained with hallucinations, wishful thinking and wild human imagination. But some of the reports might be very real, and if so, how can they be explained?

Most associate UFOs with the existence of aliens, even though the Bible nowhere suggests that aliens exist—or have existed—on other planets. While the argument is that the mere biblical silence does not deny their existence, it would be strange if God, the Creator of EVERYTHING, visible and invisible, never even gives a hint of the possibility of such extraterrestrial human-like existence on other planets. From beginning to end, the Bible deals with the human existence on earth… including when man in the future will have been made immortal on a new earth and a new universe.

And so, some associate UFOs, if they believe in them, not with aliens, but with demons or angels.

We state the following in our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World”: 

“Satan and his demons can show great signs and wonders…  Haunted houses, poltergeists, séances, communication with the dead, and contacts with ‘aliens’ are all clearly of demonic origin…

“Satan and demons have the power to transport a human being from one place to another (Matthew 4:5, 8; Luke 4:5, 9). This explains strange encounters with UFOs, where ‘abducted’ people are sometimes found hundreds of miles away from their residence, without knowing how they got there…

“It appears from Scripture that demons cannot materialize themselves the way that angels can. Demons cannot appear as men. They can, however, create an illusion, or an apparition that might look very real to people…”

When we research the topic on the Internet, we find that more often than not, it is claimed that UFOs are holy angels manifesting themselves in some way. It is sometimes claimed that UFOs give us a glimpse of the fights between angels and demons (which do exist, as passages in the book of Daniel clearly prove; compare Daniel 10:13, 20)… even though UFO sightings do not even remotely picture such fights; or that angels have manifested themselves in many different ways, and that they can appear in whatever form and shape they want. This, too, is manifestly wrong. Angels are created spirit beings, but when they manifest themselves, they do so by showing their true appearance in the physical realm, but of course not as glorified spirit beings, except in visions. On the other hand, remember that demons cannot manifest themselves as physical beings (but they can create illusions and apparitions and “lying wonders”).

Furthermore, some say that the Bible proves the existence of UFOs by claiming that fallen angels had sexual intercourse with women. This false teaching is based on a wrong understanding of the passage in Genesis 6. As we explain in our free booklet,  Heavens and Earth… Before and After the First Man,” in chapter 5, that passage describes forbidden sexual relationships between human beings— the unrighteous descendants of Cain and the righteous descendants of Seth.

Is it conceivable, then, that some UFOs could be the manifestations and the activities of holy angels?

Those who propose this concept give certain biblical examples of human encounters with God’s angels (while others use those same examples to “prove” the existence of aliens).

Ezekiel repeatedly saw in a vision four cherubim (Ezekiel, chapters 1 and 10). Some have used this description to say that they depict aliens with spaceships—an idea which had been made popular by Swiss author Erich von Däniken in the late 1960s and more recently by the 2009 movie “Knowing” with Nicolas Cage.

What Ezekiel saw was a clear manifestation, in a vision, of angelic beings carrying the throne of Christ, who in turn delivered a powerful message to Ezekiel to pass on to the people. By contrast, no godly messages are contained in or communicated by UFOs or “alien abductions.”

David saw an angel with a drawn sword to punish Israel. David immediately understood the message and asked God for forgiveness and for the angel to stop slaughtering the Israelites (2 Samuel 24:16-17). In Luke 1, Gabriel appears to Zacharias and to Mary with a clear message. Daniel saw an angel in a vision in Daniel 9 and 10, who passed on a detailed message from God. On the other hand, no clear or even hidden UFO or alien message is communicated to anyone (except in science fiction movies), but all it does is confuse people—and God is not the author of confusion (compare 1 Corinthians 14:33).

We also read that angels appear unrecognized (compare Hebrews 13:2; the example given has to do with testing Christians to see how hospitable they are). Practical examples could perhaps be the appearance of two angels to Lot and to the people of Sodom. Their appearance and their message had clear purpose—to see how many righteous were in Sodom, and to lead Lot out of Sodom before its destruction.

We point out the following in our free booklet, Angels, Demons and the Spirit World”:

“Hebrews 1:14 says about angels: ‘Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?’ Psalm 34:7 adds: ‘The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him [that is, ‘who will inherit salvation’], And delivers them’…

“God sends forth His angels to ‘minister,’ that is, to serve and help man achieve his potential to inherit salvation—eternal life in the Family of God. With this understanding, let’s take note of the particular services that angels are called upon to perform.”

We then explain in our booklet seven purposes, namely:

  • God’s angels protect us from harm;
  • God’s angels are sent to direct, guide and lead us on our path to spiritual salvation;
  • God’s angels guide us in physical ways;
  • God’s angels give us encouragement and strength;
  • God’s angels serve us by punishing the unrighteous;
  • God’s angels serve us when they punish us for our sin;
  • God’s angels serve us by fighting Satan and his demons.

On the other hand, we should realize that what God’s angels don’t and won’t do is:

  • To confuse us;
  • To give us uncertain “messages”;
  • To appear just for show, without any purpose or message;
  • To manifest themselves in ways which clearly do not depict their real appearance, even in the physical realm. Our booklet, Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” describes the appearance of angels, and they in no way resemble descriptions of those who claim that they had encounters with UFOs and were the victims of alien abductions. Those abductions might have appeared very real to the persons, and it is interesting that many times, they do not “remember” exactly or at all what has happened to them… as somebody under hypnosis has normally no recollection of what happened during the hypnosis when he is “awakened.” (That is why we should NEVER allow someone to hypnotize us.) It is also interesting that many times, those who claimed that they had encounters with aliens had a certain proclivity for the acceptance of such encounters. Finally, the description of those aliens are very similar, so as to create the illusion of their real existence; whereas it seems to be a complete hoax, inspired by demons, to confuse mankind. Again, demons cannot materialize themselves, but they can create illusions which may look very real. Appearances of the “Virgin Mary” might be classic examples.

As pointed out above, when angels do manifest themselves to us, they do it for a clear purpose… to help us, to test us, or to encourage us. Nothing like that can be said about the sightings of UFOs which seem to have no godly purpose at all. What possible godly purpose could there be in UFO sightings? But they give room for speculations regarding the existence of aliens and extraterrestrial spaceships—many times combined with the idea that they are out there to destroy us. If we consider the appearance of UFOs as a godly warning, then we should remember that God condemns those who practice astrology and who observe the clouds or planets for guidance. Deuteronomy 18:14 says, literally, that we are not to observe the clouds—as the study and motion of the clouds was a common way of foretelling good or bad fortune. 2 Chronicles 33:6 draws a clear connection between observing times (or clouds), using enchantments and witchcraft, and dealing with a familiar spirit (a demon) and with wizards.

Could it be that Satan is “preparing” mankind for Christ’s return in the sense that Satan is convincing mankind that the coming Christ will be in fact a hostile alien who will have to be destroyed? We read that armies will fight Christ and His holy angels when they appear (Revelation 17:14; 19:11-14, 19). They may perhaps think He is the Antichrist… or the leader of hostile aliens, riding on “white horses,” which they may interpret as strangely construed “spaceships.”

To summarize, there is little room to assume that UFOs and “close encounters of the third kind” are alien or angelic manifestations. Rather, the evidence points to the divisive activities of demonic forces with the declared goal to confuse and deceive a gullible and God-defying mankind.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Will There Ever Be a Two-State Solution?

While the war between Israel and Hamas is ongoing, with a temporary cease fire to carry out a ridiculous deal, many are already advocating a permanent cease fire and a two-state solution. They are totally ignorant about the true feelings of most Palestinians. The Bible tells you that some Arab nations, Turkey and Europe under German leadership will try, not to create a two-state solution, but something which would be altogether different, but they won’t succeed.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the surprising election of controversial “outsider” and Trump supporterJavier Milei as the new president of tumultuous Argentina and a description of Milei’s—at times—outrageous ideas and behavior; and we continue with the stunning victory of Geert Wilders (the Dutch “Donald Trump”) in the Netherlands; and a last-minute effort to avert—for now—a governmental shutdown in the USA and an analysis of the legal troubles for Donald Trump.

We speak—again—on the real dangers of e-bikes; and some of the reasons for antisemitism in “Christian” churches.

We report on worldwide volcanic eruptions and the devastating consequences of a nuclear attack on the USA (which is biblically prophesied to occur). We also address France’s ambitions to prove its nuclear abilities.

We continue with the fascination of American Presidents with UFOs; more trouble for the German government; Turkish President Erdogan’s controversial visit in Germany and his outlandish statements; and the highly controversial Israel-Hamas “deal”; and we conclude with Hungary’s assessment of the improbability of Ukraine’s membership in the EU.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,  “The Foolish Hamas-Israel Deal—and What It Means!”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

The Foolish Hamas-Israel Deal—and What It Means!

Israel and Iran’s proxy, Hamas, agreed to a four-day pause or ceasefire to allow the release of 50 innocent hostages [out of more than 200 hostages] in exchange for 150 Palestinians imprisoned in Israel. Israel said it would extend the four-day pause by an additional day for every ten hostages released by Hamas, and it published a list of 300 names of Palestinian prisoners who could be freed. Among those released are operatives of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and the Popular Front who had been convicted of sometimes brutal crimes. It has been claimed that the Biden administration pressured Israel to cut this unfair deal. This comes after the Biden administration released $6 billion to Iran, in exchange for five American hostages, before Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack. What does this all mean in the light of biblical prophecy?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with what appears to be a major scandal, affecting big news agencies and the alleged prior knowledge and presence of their journalists or “freelance” reporters supplying them with “news stories” and photographs of the Hamas terrorist attack on Gaza on October 7.

We continue with Professor Dershowitz’s reaction to former President Barack Obama’s statements on Israel; a colossal Biden joke; a massive demonstration for Israel; and we speak on New York Judge Engoron’s bias and bizarre behavior in the “case” involving Donald Trump, his children and his organization. We also address the controversial conduct of the FBI in targeting New York’s Mayor Eric Adams.

We point out the somewhat overlooked role of Robert F Kennedy Jr. in the political arena; and report on Donald Trump’s controversial statements and his alleged immigration plans which would be deeply disturbing and highly objectionable, if true. We speak on Germany’s failed asylum policy and other problems; a political shakeup in Britain; and current and anticipated military conscription in Europe, which paints a dark picture for the future.

We are addressing Ukraine’s dilemma and alleged plans by the USA and other countries to replace Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky. Please view in this context our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Is Ukraine Losing the War?”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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