What Does Prophecy Reveal About Europe and Brexit?

(Español: ¿Qué revela la profecía sobre Europa y el Brexit?)

In this Q&A, we will give you a prophetic panorama on current and future developments in Europe in light of the Brexit.

The Church of God has been proclaiming for many years that, ultimately, Great Britain would not be a part of the European unification. The main reason for this warning has been that the Bible predicts a devastating war between Great Britain and continental Europe.

We have pointed out this fact in many of our booklets, and we have consistently warned about it in our weekly Updates and sermons. The following sets forth a brief synopsis, but the booklets quoted contain much more material and discussion on the particular issues, while offering much additional biblical proof. Following these quotes, further considerations will be discussed.

We stated the following in our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” (first published in 2002):

“Many falsely believe that the house of Israel and the Jewish people are one and the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judah, from whom the Jewish people descended, was just one tribe of the descendants of Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel long ago (Genesis 35:10). In due time they separated from their Israelite brothers and, along with the tribes of Levi and Benjamin, formed the ‘house of Judah.’ The other tribes then became known as the ‘house of Israel.’ The ‘house of Israel’ went into captivity first, never to return to the ‘Promised Land.’ Today, they are known as the ‘lost ten tribes.’ The ‘house of Judah’ also went into captivity but did eventually return to Palestine. Many descendants of the house of Judah are living today in the state of Israel. In due time, as history and archeology reveal, the lost ten tribes of the house of Israel migrated to and settled in Europe and the British Isles. One tribe in particular, the descendants of Manasseh—the older son of Joseph—migrated from there to the United States of America, where they still are today. The descendants of Ephraim—the younger son of Joseph—can still be found in Great Britain and the Commonwealth Nations, including Canada, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand…

“Incredible as it may seem, the United States and Great Britain, as well as other Commonwealth nations, will be overthrown and enslaved by their former ally and friend—the United States of Europe, led by the modern Assyrians…

“Looking at the present day, some may say that Europe could NEVER attack and successfully conquer Great Britain and the United States. They forget, however, that there have already been plans to do so, and the ONLY reason that it did not happen at the time was because God did not let it happen. Many times, God intervened by sending bad weather to prevent German attacks on British or American troops. Once God withdraws His protection, these things WILL occur as prophesied…”

We wrote in our free booklet, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire” (first published in 2013):

“There is strong historical and biblical indication that Britain will not be part of the final unification of Europe… it is highly unlikely that Britain will be part of it… the Bible says that in the very end, the European power bloc, under the leadership of the biblical ‘beast’ (a military leader), will fight a war against Britain.”

In our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy… From Now until Forever” (first published in 2013), we wrote:

“At the same time this religious persecution of God’s servants during the ‘Great Tribulation’ is taking place, the modern nations and peoples of Judah (the Jews) and of the house of Israel (the English-speaking nations of the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and others) will be attacked and destroyed in war, mainly by a European power bloc (Matthew 24:15–28; Mark 13:14–20; Luke 21:20–24; Daniel 12:1; Jeremiah 30:10; Hosea 9:3; 13: 16; Amos 6:7; 7:17)…

“The military political leader of Europe, called the beast, will invade the Middle East and conquer Jerusalem, and his forces will, at the same time, successfully attack the USA and the UK—apparently using nuclear weapons, as all the major cities of the USA and the UK will be destroyed or laid waste in this war (compare Ezekiel 6:6; 35:4).

“We are told in Hosea 5:5, in the Authorized Version, that ‘Israel and Ephraim’ will ‘fall in their iniquity’ and that ‘Judah also shall fall with them.’ This is an end-time prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled. In the past, Israel and Judah ‘fell’ at different times, but never together or at the same time. The Tanakh says: ‘Israel’s pride shall be humbled before his very eyes, As Israel and Ephraim fall because of their sin (And Judah falls with them).”

We stated this in our free booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today” (first published in 2009):

“Many prophecies in the book of Zechariah deal with the Second Coming of the Messiah. Just prior to the return of Jesus Christ, God will inflict terrible punishment on the MODERN descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah. We understand that the modern descendants of the houses of Israel and Judah include the peoples of the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, as well as the modern Jews, who live both inside and outside the present day state of Israel… As God scattered ancient Israel and Judah ‘with a whirlwind’—invasion and war—‘among all the nations,’ so God will scatter the modern houses of Israel and Judah…

“[A] remarkable prophecy for our time, which is directed against the modern English-speaking nations (and the religious and political leaders) of the USA and the British Commonwealth, and their future captivity and slavery, can be found in Zechariah 11… referring to three powerful religious and/or political leaders: ‘(8) “I dismissed the three shepherds in one month. My soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred me…” (14) Then I cut in two my other staff… that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.’

“This indicates that in the times just ahead of us, the close relationship between the USA and Britain on the one hand, and the state of Israel on the other hand, will cease. The future will have to show who the three shepherds will be who will be ‘dismissed’ ‘in one month.’”

We set forth the following in our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy” (first published in 2004):

“It has… been learned that the modern German-speaking nations are the descendants of the biblical Assyrians…

“In Ezekiel 39:23, God states, ‘The Gentiles will know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they were unfaithful to Me, therefore I hid My face from them.’ Even Gentile nations will know why God is allowing this captivity of the modern-day descendants of Israel and Judah. The Germans will be the dominant people of the coming united Europe, which will conquer both the United States of America and Great Britain as well as the Jews, transporting captives to Europe and Egypt. This will all happen just prior to the return of Jesus Christ—for, in the remainder of Ezekiel 39, the prophet reveals that Christ will come to free the captives and bring them back into their land…

“Christ will come back to make an end of the war and destruction going on. Conditions will be so terrible that if Jesus Christ were not to intervene, all of mankind would be annihilated. He states in Matthew 24:22, ‘And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved [alive], but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened’…

“Isaiah 10:5 reveals more about the person who will launch the world into a devastating war: ‘Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger and the staff in whose hand is My indignation.’ God will use Assyria to punish Israel and Judah, but afterward, He will deal with Assyria… God Himself is calling the modern house of Israel an ungodly nation because they have forsaken Him!…

“It is interesting to note that at least three leaders, and possibly as many as seven leaders, of the various revivals of the Roman Empire were descendants of the Assyrians. And the Bible informs us that the last leader, called the king of the North, the Beast and King Jareb, will also be an Assyrian. For this reason, we must pay close attention to what is happening in Europe, and among the Germans in particular.”

Our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America” (first published in 2005), points out the following:

“A prophesied World War will occur just prior to the return of Jesus Christ… God yearns for the modern houses of both Israel and Judah to turn to Him and repent. Speaking of the house of Judah, the house of Israel, and, in fact, all nations, God says through the prophet Jeremiah: ‘It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the adversities which I purpose to bring upon them, that everyone may turn from his evil way, that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin… It may be that they will present their supplication before the LORD, and everyone will turn from his evil way. For great is the anger and fury [a reference to the seven last plagues in the book of Revelation, compare Revelation 15:1] that the LORD has pronounced against this people’ (Jeremiah 36:3, 7).”

In our free booklet, “Germany in Prophecy” (first published in 2011, as an English translation of the original German booklet from 2001), we state the following:

“There is currently an apparent concord between Germany and the State of Israel as well as the United States and, to a lesser extent, Great Britain. But according to the Bible, the time will soon come when this friendly relationship will come to an end. The days of calamity are looming, when the United States, Great Britain and the modern state of Israel will seek the help of the modern Assyrians, without receiving it… We read God’s words in Hosea 5:9-14: ‘Ephraim [modern Great Britain and possibly, by extension, the USA] shall be desolate in the day of rebuke; Among the tribes of Israel I make known what is sure. The princes of Judah [modern Jews] are like those who remove a landmark; I will pour out My wrath on them like water. Ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgment, Because he willingly walked by human precept. Therefore I will be to Ephraim like a moth, And to the house of Judah like rottenness. When Ephraim saw his sickness, And Judah saw his wound, Then Ephraim went to Assyria And [the Menge Bible says: ‘…and Judah…’] sent to King Jareb [Note that the ‘Elberfelder Bibel’ explains that ‘Jareb’ means, ‘fighter; or one who seeks quarrels’]; Yet he cannot cure you, Nor heal you of your wound. For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, And like a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will tear them and go away; I will take them away, and no one shall rescue.”

“Considering the former greatness of the British Empire and comparing it with today’s British Isles, we can see how accurate the following descriptions are in Hosea 7:8-9, 11-12. Beginning with verse 8: ‘Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples; Ephraim is a cake unturned…’

“The Nelson Study Bible has the following interesting annotation: ‘Instead of depending on the Lord for political stability, Israel [Ephraim] formed [and forms] alliances with surrounding nations. The destructive outcome of this policy is compared to a cake that has been placed over a fire and left unturned.’…

“Modern Israel and modern Judah will try in vain, at their time of distress, to obtain assistance from Assyria. Rather, as the Bible reveals, the current ‘amicable’ relationships among certain nations will turn around. Another war is prophesied—the Assyrians will fight against modern Israel and Judah… Enslavement and mass deportation of peoples will be the result. Assyria, which will invade the territories of the modern Israelites and Jews, will bring some of the prisoners into its own country (as in the Second World War many of the imprisoned Poles and Yugoslavs were deported to Germany as forced laborers). Other Israelite and Jewish prisoners of war will be deported to various countries…”

In the above-quoted sections, repeated reference has been made to a unified Europe fighting in war with Great Britain. We read about “Babylon the Great” in Revelation 17 and 18—a mighty economic, military and religious European power bloc, which culminates in the last European revival of the ancient Roman Empire and its violent destruction just prior to the return of Jesus Christ. This destruction will not occur before the “Day of the Lord”—a time of godly intervention which will begin about one year before Christ’s return. It follows then that this mighty European power will continue to exist until that time.

This shows that current speculation is misplaced to the effect that the “European dream” is dead and that the EU will disintegrate and cease to exist. Rather, what prophecy reveals is that out of the current EU (consisting of 28 member states or “countries”, see below) and out of the current Eurozone member states (consisting of 19 “countries” which have adopted the euro, see below), ten nations or groups of nations will emerge, which will receive authority for one prophetic hour together with the “beast”—a charismatic political and military leader.

To emphasize, these ten European nations or groups of nations will receive power together with the beast “for one hour” (Revelation 17:12). They will not receive such power before the beast manifests himself. When he does, THEN they receive power at the same time, which they will then turn over to the beast. The mighty and powerful Babylonian system—“Babylon the Great”—will continue to exist, and so will the euro—the common European currency which glues the Eurozone states together. The concept is biblically untenable that the euro will fail and that the European nations will return to individual national currencies.

Some have asked why we are referring to “ten nations or groups of nations,” as it is believed that the Bible only refers to ten nations. However, the Bible does not specifically use either of those two terms.  It speaks of ten kings or kingdoms in the book of Revelation and ten horns in the book of Daniel. But when reviewing the biblical view point, these kings, kingdoms or horns (powers) do not have to correspond to humanly devised geographical borders, designed by political ambitions.

Note that currently, the EU member states consist of the following 28 EU “countries”:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

Currently, the 19 Eurozone member states are designated as follows:

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

It should be clearly seen that God is not viewing some of those “countries” as single and independent entities, and that is the reason why for many years the Church of God has referred to the prophesied end-time member states (or the core European member states) as “ten nations or groups of nations,” because some of the “countries” might be grouped together and are to be viewed as “one” in biblical terminology. For instance, Germany and Austria would be one entity or one group, even though man lists them as two nations. It should also be clear that little islands like Malta or Cyprus would not constitute individual countries or nations in God’s eyes; in all likelihood, Malta would be considered as part of either Italy or France, and Cyprus might be viewed as part of Greece. (This is not to say that the current Eurozone configuration constitutes the prophesied ten nations or groups of nations.)

In addition, consideration might be given to the possibility that in addition to Great Britain, other Israelite nations in Europe might leave the EU and even the Eurozone. Suggestions were recently made that some Nordic countries might form a trading bloc under British leadership and in competition to the Eurozone, and Eurozone members Finland and The Netherlands were specifically mentioned (in addition to EU members Sweden and Denmark, which are not part of the Eurozone). This would be an interesting development as these Nordic EU members are all descendants of the ancient House of Israel.

The modern tribes of the ancient House of Israel (in addition to Ephraim and Manasseh) can be found in the following European countries (compare our free booklet, “The Authority of the Bible,” pages 71 and 72):

Reuben can be found today in parts of modern France; Dan in Ireland and part of Denmark; Benjamin in Norway and Iceland; Zebulon in the Netherlands; Issachar in Finland; Gad in Switzerland; Asher in Belgium and Luxembourg; and Naphtali in Sweden. We are unable to determine the modern identity of Levi and Simeon, as they were prophesied to be scattered among the rest of the tribes of Israel (compare Genesis 49:7). Strong evidence suggests that many in Wales are descendants of Levi, and some Scots—especially around Glasgow—are descendants of Simeon, as well as of Levi. We should mention, of course, that people from many other countries have joined with and settled among all of the above-mentioned nations. This means that not everyone living in the United States, for example, is a descendant of the tribe of Manasseh.

Since the Bible tells us that the ten nations or groups of nations will fight against the modern descendants of the ancient House of Israel, it might be worth considering whether the war will not only be directed against Great Britain and former British Commonwealth nations (such as Canada, Australia and New Zealand), as well as the USA, but also against some of the Israelite nations in Europe. Such war could perhaps come about following a trading bloc of some of these nations in competition with the EU (but again, this would not really damage the wealth of the EU—“Babylon the Great”—but it could be viewed as a potential threat).

On the other hand, the name of Israel should rest specifically on the descendants of Joseph (Genesis 48:16), and biblical prophecies about the modern House of Israel are mainly directed towards them, so that a departure of Israelite nations from the Eurozone or even the EU is not compelling (as they might not become immediate war victims of the European super power). It is possible that many or all of these Israelite nations will stay members of the EU—in case of France, Belgium, Luxembourg or Ireland, this is very likely. Especially none of the descendants of Dan in today’s Ireland are mentioned in the book of Revelation as part of the 144,000 who will be sealed to receive special protection from God (see Revelation 7:4-8).

To summarize, we have been pronouncing the biblical warning for many years that Great Britain and the USA, among other English-speaking nations, will be defeated by a European super power in a coming World War. Sadly, the vast majority of indifferent and at the same time proud, Americans, are sound asleep. They are pursuing unimportant endeavors, and unless they wake up, listen to God and repent, their fate will be unimaginably terrible and devastating.

Big events have already occurred in the recent past, setting the stage for the final crescendo of end time prophecies—including the fall of the Berlin Wall; the unification of Germany; and the introduction of the euro. As another necessary preparatory step, the momentous prophetic event of Britain’s departure from the EU is in the process of being fulfilled. Even though the British government is willing to delay the actual departure as long as possible and the “Remain” camp is demanding a second referendum, continental European leaders have already demanded the initiation of a quick process, leading to the British exit. It is expected that Germany will fill the vacuum left by Britain, especially in the areas of the economy and “European security.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

No Exit from Brexit

Many are speculating whether Great Britain might reverse the decision of the majority of the people to leave the EU, but political reality and the Bible rule out this possibility. In addition, due to the Brexit, remarkable developments are occurring in continental Europe, paving the way for the further fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

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Brexit Won – Now What?

The British people have voted for Great Britain’s exit from the EU. How exactly is this going to occur; how much time will expire; and could it be that Britain will form a Nordic Trading Bloc with certain other European nations, such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and others? What does the Bible say, and why is the Brexit of fundamental prophetic significance?

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More Wrong Comments by Pope Francis

In his three years as pope, Francis has regularly made news with his off-the-cuff remarks that conflict with the doctrines of his own church. His most recent comments about Catholic marriages and the death penalty are no exception. But why are his comments so devastating for Catholics, and in what way are they in total conflict with the teachings of the Bible?

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Which Cross?

It is well known that the Tau-Cross (commonly pictured as the type of cross on which Christ was crucified) has been used as an object of worship long before Christ was born. But does the Bible even support the idea that Christ was nailed to such a two beamed cross? If not, what does God’s Word reveal?

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What Is the Origin of the Sign of the Cross? Should Christians Make the Sign of the Cross? (Part 2)

In the last Q&A, we pointed out that the cross is of pagan origin and that its worship did not start with Christianity, but that it was used by many non-Christian cultures long before the birth of Christ. We pointed out that in all probability, Christ did not even die on a Tau-cross, but that in its long history, the Tau-cross was the symbol of the Roman god Mithras and the Greek god Attis and that in Norse mythology, the hammer of Thor was seen as a Tau-cross.

In this Q&A, we will continue showing the remarkable similarity between the “Christian” Tau-cross and Thor’s hammer, and we will discuss the origin of making the sign of the cross. Is it also of pagan origin, or was it “invented” by early Christians after they had incorporated the pagan symbol of the cross into their worship?

Previously, we saw that the Roman Catholic Church connects the making of the sign of the cross with the unbiblical belief in the Trinity.

While it can be easily established that the worship of the cross is of pagan origin, the history of making the sign of the cross is more sketchy.

We are given the following general information by sabbathcovenant.com:

“The cross is a tradition of the Church which our fathers have inherited… The evidence for its pagan origin is so convincing that the Catholic Encyclopedia admits that ‘the sign of the cross, represented in its simplest form by a crossing of two lines at right angles, greatly antedates, in both East and the West, the introduction of Christianity. It goes back to a very remote period of human civilization…In later times the Egyptian Christians (Copts), attracted by its form, and perhaps by its symbolism, adopted it as the emblem of the cross.’…

“Further proof of its pagan origin is the recorded evidence of the Vestal Virgins of pagan Rome having the cross hanging on a necklace, and the Egyptians doing it too, as early as the 15th century B.C.E. The Buddhists, and numerous other sects of India, also used the sign of the cross as a mark on their followers’ heads. The cross thus widely worshipped, or regarded as a ‘sacred emblem’, was the unequivocal symbol of Bacchus (Tammuz), the Babylonian Messiah, for he was represented with a head-band covered with crosses. It was also the symbol of Jupiter… in Rome. Furthermore, we read of the cross on top of the temple of Serapis, the Sun-deity of Alexandria.  This is Tammuz, whom the Greeks called Bacchus, with the crosses on his head-band.”

In this context, the worship of the Nordic god Thor is very important (who was worshipped by the Romans as Jupiter and by the Greeks as Zeus). We will show in this article that making the sign of the cross, in some way, was practiced by the followers of Thor. This is not to say that it originated with the belief in and worship of Thor; but it is to be understood that those pagan rituals and practices existed PRIOR to the advance of Christianity.

The mystical figure of the pagan god Thor is still quite dominant in today’s Western world. We have a weekday, called Thursday, which is derived from the words, “Thor’s day.” Thor was the god of thunder. In Germany, the day is known as Donnerstag (the day of thunder); in Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden), it is called “Torsdag” and in The Netherlands, “Donderdag.”

Thor seems to have been part of a Trinity. He was worshipped together with the pagan god Odin and Frey or Freyja (the pagan goddess of love and fertility).

The similarity between Thor’s hammer and the crucifix is pointed out in the following article in the ThorNews, dated March 17, 2014:

“The attack in 793 AD at the English monastery at Lindisfarne did not only signal the beginning of the Viking Age, but also the beginning of a nearly 300-year period of widespread trade and assimilation between Norse pagans and Christian Europeans. The Vikings were pragmatists, and let themselves be marked with the sign of the cross to be able to form alliances and trade agreements in a Catholic Europe. The silver pendant found in Iceland can be interpreted as either a Thor’s hammer, also known as ’Mjölnir’, or a crucifix. The similarity was convenient for the Vikings who had to deal with a Europe that was under the powerful influence of the Catholic Church…

“Some Vikings let themselves be prime-signed (Latin: prima signatio; to receive ‘the first marking with a cross’ – implied the sign of the cross), to be accepted among Christians… A Viking who worked for a Christian king and was prime-signed, had a big advantage: He was accepted as a Christian among Christians and at the same time could keep his pagan beliefs. He switched religion if the situation demanded it, and could continue to follow the custom of sacrificing to Odin when he came back home.”

The website of norse-mythology.org states the following about Thor’s hammer:

“Of all of the symbols in Norse mythology, Thor’s Hammer… is one of the most historically important, and is probably the best known today… The hammer was [Thor’s] primary weapon. Thor (whose name goes back to a Proto-Germanic root that means ‘Thunder’) was the animating spirit of the storm, and thunder was experienced as being the sound of his hammer crashing down on his foes. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the Old Norse name for his hammer, Mjöllnir, probably meant ‘Lightning.’ …

‘Thor’s hammer was certainly a weapon… but it was more than just a weapon. It also occupied a central role in rituals of consecration and hallowing.  The hammer was used in formal ceremonies to bless marriages, births, and probably funerals as well. In one episode from medieval Icelandic historian Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda, Thor once killed and ate his goats, then brought them back to life by hallowing their bones with his hammer…

“The medieval Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus records that huge hammers were kept in one of Thor’s temples in Sweden, and that periodically the people would hold a ritual there that involved beating the hammers against some kind of drum that would resound like thunder. This could have been a ceremony to bless and protect the community and ward off hostile spirits.

“Historian Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson provides an excellent summary of the uses of the hammer:

“‘It would seem indeed as though the power of the thunder god, symbolized by his hammer, extended over all that had to do with the well-being of the community. It covered birth, marriage, and death, burial, and cremation ceremonies, weapons and feasting, travelling, land-taking, and the making of oaths between men. The famous weapon of Thor was not only the symbol of the destructive power of the storm, and of fire from heaven, but also a protection against the forces of evil and violence…’

“Of all of these consecration ceremonies, the use of the hammer to bless a marriage is especially well-established… A Bronze Age rock carving from Scandinavia apparently depicts a couple being blessed by a larger figure holding a hammer, which indicates the considerable antiquity of this notion. Historian E.O.G. Turville-Petre suggests that part of this blessing consisted of imparting fertility to the couple, which would make sense in light of Thor’s connections with agriculture and the fertilization of the fields…

“Christian missionaries were arriving in the northern lands who attempted to convert the Norse to their own monotheistic religion and worldview… The Christians often wore necklaces with cross-shaped amulets, and they raised crosses over their dead when they buried them… So close was the relationship between the cross and the hammer that some enterprising blacksmiths took to forging both types of pendants at the same time to cater to both religious sensibilities…”

We read the following on the website of people.uncw.edu:

“Thor was… worshipped extensively and proved to be a great challenge to Christianity. Children were baptized in his name and the sign of Thor was placed on them (this sign is similar to the sign of the cross). He also wore a halo of fire, his element. Replicas of his hammer were used to bless funeral pyres, associating him with death and cremation. The Yule-tide was Thor’s biggest festival and our modern Christmas now takes its place… Thor was Christ’s biggest adversary…”

In addition to many interesting observations, likening Thor’s hammer with the swastika, the direct linkage between making the sign of the “Christian” cross and making the sign of Thor’s hammer (the “pagan” cross) is explained in “Myths and Legends–Thor, Viking God of Thunder,” by Graeme Davis:

“The swastika… was … originally associated with Thor. It has been variously interpreted as a stylized thunderbolt or a symbol of Thor’s hammer…  Adolf Hitler chose the swastika as the symbol for his new party because of its alleged Germanic heritage. Although the design was used by many ancient cultures, most significantly for Hitler it represented Thor and his thunderbolts in Norse tradition…

“Pendants in the form of Thor’s magical hammer Mjolnor have been found across the Viking world. It seems to have been as popular among pagan Vikings as the cross was among Christians…. Pagan Vikings sometimes made a gesture indicating Thor’s hammer as a sign of blessing or purification, in much the same way that Christians made, and still make, the sign of the cross.

“The Heimskringla tells us that Hakon the Good, an early Christian king of Norway, was bowed by pressure from his people into making winter sacrifices during a pagan festival at Hlader. When the drinking-horn was passed to him, he made the sign of the cross over it to protect himself from the heathen nature of the proceedings. When eyebrows were raised one of his friends defended him, saying that he was actually making the sign of the hammer, as they were all accustomed to doing.

“In the legends, too, Thor’s hammer is shown to have the power to deliver blessings. In the Thrymskvida, Thor is forced to disguise himself as a bride to recover his stolen hammer, which he does when it is laid upon the ‘bride’s’ lap to sanctify the wedding. This suggests a similar practice to the Christian one of using crosses to confer blessings upon rituals and individuals.”

The similarities between making the “pagan” sign and the “Christian” sign of the cross are too many than to ignore their common origin. God prohibits us to worship Him in the way in which pagans worshiped their gods (Deuteronomy 12:29-32). As true Christians, we are to abstain from using crosses in our worship and from making “the sign of the cross” in any way.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Satan’s Attack in Orlando

The demonical terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, must be strongly condemned by every true Christian. At the same time, we must be careful that we do not fall into Satan’s trap who may induce us, due to our justified sympathy for the many victims, to support the entire homosexual lifestyle. In addition, evidence is building that the jihadist was himself gay or had “gay tendencies”– a development which the left-liberal press would like to suppress. Our free booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins,” makes clear that God will punish severely the senseless acts or terrorists and mass murderers.

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Pentecost 2016–God’s Feast of the Firstfruits

Why do we celebrate Pentecost this year on June 12? What is the meaning of “Pentecost”? Why is it also called “Feast of Weeks” and “Feast of Firstfruits”? In light of Leviticus 23, when did the priest wave the sheaf of the firstfruits, and when did he wave the two loaves of leavened bread, which were also called firstfruits? What was the symbolic meaning of the sheaf and the two breads? Is Jesus the first who was resurrected from death to eternal life? Are there only few people today who are being called into the truth? Are they called firstfruits? Do they have to be predestined by God to be called in this day and age? In light of God’s Spirit of power, is there a guarantee that called Christians will inherit salvation?

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What Is the Origin of the Sign of the Cross? Should Christians Make the Sign of the Cross? (Part 1)

We see it on television all the time—Catholic soccer players make the sign of the cross when they score or even when they enter the field. Other athletes may make the sign of the cross on various occasions as well. In many cases, it has become a matter of routine. For example, the sign of the cross is made before meals, in church services, and at other times by many people. But what do we know about its origin?The Roman Catholic Church and many other religious organizations claim that the sign of the cross has its origin in early Christianity. The website of catholicstraightanswers.com/what-is-the-origin-of-the-sign-of-the-cross/ states the following perspective of the Catholic Church:

“The sign of the cross is a beautiful gesture which reminds the faithful of both the cross of salvation while invoking the Holy Trinity… The early Church Fathers attested to the use of the sign of the cross.  Tertullian (d.c. 250) described the commonness of the sign of the cross:  ‘In all our travels and movements, in all our coming in and going out, in putting on our shoes, at the bath, at the table, in lighting our candles, in lying down, in sitting down, whatever employment occupies us, we mark our foreheads with the sign of the cross’ (De corona, 30). St. Cyril of Jerusalem (d. 386) in his Catechetical Lectures stated, ‘Let us then not be ashamed to confess the Crucified.  Be the cross our seal, made with boldness by our fingers on our brow and in everything; over the bread we eat and the cups we drink, in our comings and in our goings out; before our sleep, when we lie down and when we awake; when we are traveling, and when we are at rest’ (Catecheses, 13).

“Gradually, about the ninth century, the sign of the cross was incorporated in different acts of the Mass, such as the three-fold signing of the forehead, lips, and heart at the reading of the gospel or the blessing and signing of the bread and wine to be offered. The earliest formalized way of making the sign of the cross appeared about the 400s, during the Monophysite heresy which denied… the unity of the Holy Trinity.  The sign of the cross was made from forehead to chest, and then from right shoulder to left shoulder with the right hand.  The thumb, forefinger, and middle fingers were held together to symbolize the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

We see, then, that the “sign of the cross” is inseparably connected with the belief in the “Holy Trinity.”

The problems with this entire concept are many.

First, the Bible does not teach at all that God is a Trinity. It does teach that the Father and the Son (Jesus Christ) are God and that they are two Beings or Persons within the God Family, but it does NOT teach that the Holy Spirit is God or a Person. For proof, please read our free booklets, “Is God a Trinity?” and “God Is a Family.”

Secondly, to have or use a cross in any way in the connection with worship; to wear it as an amulet; or to have a crucifix in our home; is not biblical. It totally misunderstands the saving work of Jesus Christ. From this it follows that the making of the cross is equally unbiblical.

In this Q&A, we will explore the true history of the “Christian” cross. In the next installment, we will discuss the origin of “making the sign of the cross.”

It is well-known that the Tau Cross (commonly pictured as the type of cross on which Jesus was crucified) has been used as an object of worship long before Christ was born. The website of reginamgeither.com explains in its article, “Legends of the Tau Cross”:

“The cross is a familiar symbol to both religious and secular groups. But few people are familiar with the many myths and legends behind one of the earliest forms of this Christian symbol. The Cross of Tau or Tau Cross, named for the Greek letter T, is thought to have been the first cross used in Christianity, but its origins are believed to date back to the Egyptians. The Egyptian cross called an Ankh is a simple T-Cross mounted with an oval called the Ru.

“In its long history, the Tau cross was also the symbol of the Roman God Mithras and the Greek God Attis. In Norse mythology, the hammer of Thor is seen as a Tau Cross. The Bull as the Astrological sign of Taurus gets its name from the Tau and Ru. Even the Druids used the Tau when venerating trees by scrawling the symbol into the bark of their sacred oaks…

“As Christianity gained followers, the pagan symbols were converted into Christian ones. The Tau was used as the first cross of the followers of Christ and many believe that the cross of the Crucifixion was actually T-shaped, and many early Christians adopted the Tau as the symbol of their religious belief. St. Anthony Abbott (251-356), an Egyptian monk and one of the first Christian monastics used a crutch in the shape of a Tau. When he visited another monk, he would place the crutch outside of the cave, making it a symbol of communion with God. In 1095 the Antonines were founded by a French nobleman after his son was cured of a disease following a vision of St. Anthony instructing him to plant a Tau as an instrument of healing. As a result, Tau Crosses were used in amulets as a protection against disease in the Middle Ages. The most common reference of the Tau in Christianity is with the Franciscan Order of Saint Francis of Assisi who adopted it as his personal symbol of faith and used it as his signature.”

An article by the Examiner, titled “The Cross Was a Pagan Symbol Before It became a Christian Symbol,” explains even further:

“Most Christians don’t give the following a second thought: A crucifix on the wall of the church reminds Christians of God’s act of love and atonement in Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary, ‘the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world’. The sacred crucifix also reminds Christians of Jesus’ victory over sin and death, since it is believed that through His death and resurrection He conquered death itself. Here’s more to consider: The cross was not a Christian symbol before Yeshua the Messiah was born! The cross was not a Christian symbol for hundreds of years after Yeshua. A crucifix is a cross with the Lord still nailed to it.

“Do you think He is honored if you have one of these hanging from your neck? With all the fancy talk about what the crucifix means on the walls of our churches; there is a total avoidance of the fact it is still a pagan idol!…

“If the cross is a Christian symbol, then why does the occult use it so much? If the cross is a Christian symbol, then why is it traceable way back to Babylon and Egypt, as far back as 2,000 B.C.? Many ancient cultures used crosses or the mystic Tau. Babylon seems to be the originator from ancient Chaldea, but you can find crosses in Egypt, India, China, Africa, Mexico, Greece, Italy, and South American histories. All before Yeshua was ever born! If pagans had never used crosses as idols, then developed them into instruments of torture and death; you never would have thought to wear a cross with diamonds on a necklace!

“The cross is a most sacred idol to the Roman Catholic Church. This point in itself should raise suspicion. The cross was incorporated into Roman worship after 430 A.D., but it was another 150 years until the cross made it all the way up to the steeples. In the 6th century, the Church of Rome sanctioned the cross. Believe it or not, at the council of Ephesus, it was decreed that a cross was a ‘requirement’ in every home!”

We discussed the history of the cross and the manner of Christ’s crucifixion in our Q&A in Update 347, titled, “Should we have and use crosses or pictures or statues, depicting Jesus Christ?” We are setting forth below some of the excerpts pertaining to the cross:

“When addressing the cross and its worship or use in religious services or at home, we should realize that the Bible does not even say that Christ was nailed to a cross, as it is pictured and portrayed today. In every case when the word ‘cross’ is used in the Authorized Version or the New King James Bible, the Greek word is ‘stauros.’

“According to Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, the meaning of that word is simply, ‘stake’…  The Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by Vine adds the following, when discussing the kind of death which Christ endured: ‘… stauros denotes, primarily, an upright pale or stake. On such malefactors were nailed for execution. Both the noun and the verb stauroo, to fasten to a stake or pale, are originally to be distinguished from the ecclesiastical form of a two beamed cross.’

“Since the Greek in the New Testament does not state that Christ died on a cross, as we know it today, how did this idea enter orthodox Christianity? Here is what happened:

“Alexander Hislop writes in his book, The Two Babylons, pp. 197, 199: ‘The same sign of the cross that Rome now worships was used in the Babylonian Mysteries, was applied by paganism to the same magic purposes, was honored with the same honors. That which is now called the Christian cross was originally no Christian emblem at all, but was the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and Egyptians—the true original form of the letter T-the initial of the name of Tammuz. There is hardly a Pagan tribe where the cross has not been found. The cross was worshiped by the Pagan Celts long before the incarnation and death of Christ. It was worshiped in Mexico for ages before the Roman Catholic missionaries set foot there, large stone crosses being erected, probably to the “god of rain.” The cross was widely worshiped, or regarded as a sacred emblem, was the unequivocal symbol of Bacchus, the Babylonian Messiah.’

“We have found pictures, showing Assyrian, Egyptian, Hindu and Greek gods and goddesses associated with crosses. The ancient Greek goddess Diana is shown with a cross over her head-very similar to the portrayal of the ‘Virgin Mary’ by many medieval artists.

“Vine adds that the shape of a ‘two-beamed cross’ had ‘its origin in ancient Chaldea, and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name) in that country and in adjacent lands, including Egypt. By the middle of the 3rd century A.D. the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of the Christian faith. In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system pagans were received into the churches apart from regeneration by faith, and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, in its most frequent form, with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the cross of Christ.’…

“As pagans already worshiped the cross as we know it today, before they entered the Catholic fold; as the Roman Church allowed them to continue to worship the cross—only now in association with Christ; and as the Romans used a two-beamed cross as one of their methods of crucifixion, it can be easily seen how the Roman Church was able to convince an unsuspecting world that THAT was the method of Christ’s crucifixion. However, as mentioned, it is highly unlikely that Christ was killed in that way…”

Since neither the Trinity nor the worship of the cross are biblical, what then is the real origin of making the sign of the cross? Did Catholics just adopt the cross from pagans and then invented the procedure of making the sign of the cross? Or is there more to that part of the story? We will give answers to this question in the next installment.

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

What if Britain Leaves Europe?

On June 23, the British people will decide in a referendum whether or not Britain will leave the EU. We know from Holy Scriptures that ultimately, a Brexit will occur. EU leaders have muzzled themselves, fearing that their involvement would hurt and not help those in Britain who want to stay. These fears are shared by David Cameron. This shows how unpopular the EU is in Britain, and how precarious the relationship has become between the EU and GB. IF and WHEN Britain leaves, who is destined to become the EU’s “financial center” and “capital of financial regulation”?
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