Do You Recognize the Doctrines of Demons?

This Update (No. 702) includes several warnings against demonic teaching and activities. This is no coincidence. The Bible warns us that in these last days, Satan and his demons will launch a massive attack against mankind with the ultimate goal of wiping out all human life from the face of this earth.

Satan—the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4)—has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9), and nominal Christianity is not exempt. Neither are true Christians; quite to the contrary, they are the biggest targets in Satan’s devilish plan. It is therefore critical for God’s disciples to be very circumspect as to what they watch, listen to and read; what they allow their minds to embrace; and what they do. They are warned not to participate in false religious worship services (1 Corinthians 10:14-22); not to welcome or engage in doctrinal debates with those of a different persuasion (2 John 10); and not to delve into doctrinal confusion–the “depths of Satan” (Revelation 2:24).

The Holy Scriptures speak of “deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1).  Satan is a liar (John 8:44), and his teachings are opposed to the truth. The biggest lie is the belief that he and his abominable hordes of evil spirits do not even exist. The first lie, which was recorded in the Bible, is the false doctrine that humans are immortal. You will recall that the serpent lied to Eve when he told her that she would not surely die; in other words, that she could not die, because she had or was an immortal soul. But the Bible is consistent from beginning to end: The soul which sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:4, 20).

Rightly understood, every human teaching is a teaching of demons when it is opposed to God and His doctrines (Matthew 15:1-9; 16:12).

Satan and his demons will influence the leaders of this world to fight against the returning Christ (Revelation 16:13-14), and most people will follow their lead. Without perhaps knowing it, they will actively worship demons and embrace their demonic teaching (Revelation 9:20). Demons are anxious to pervert the straight ways of God (Acts 13:10), and even though it might not appear that way to the carnal human mind, God says that the wisdom of this world is sensual and demonic (James 3:15).

True Christians are exhorted not to give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27) and to his distorted teachings (Ephesians 6:11). Rather, they are to “test the spirits, whether they are of God,” because many false prophets and ministers “have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). Some came to or arose within the Church of God, pretending to be ministers of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:4, 15). However, only those who are of God and stay loyal to Him will be able to “know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error” (1 John 4:6). They will understand that those who claim that Christ did away with the Law and that we do not have to keep His commandments are of the devil, and the truth is not in them (1 John 2:4; 3:8).

The Bible teaches that in these end times, just prior to the return of Christ, a falling away from the truth will occur in the Church of God (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3). Those who do not receive the LOVE of the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness, will become victims of “strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” (verses 10-12). False christs and prophets will arise and attempt to deceive the elect (Matthew 24:24). And because lawlessness will abound, godly love of many in God’s Church will grow cold (Matthew 24:12). They will become followers of demonic doctrines and practices.

You have been warned! Are you one of the very few who recognize the doctrines of demons?

As in the Days of Noah…

The depravity and perversity of modern man proves that we have reached the Last Days. This disturbing program reveals the terrible times in which we are living. Just look at the demonic and abominable activities of ISIS; the horrible and disgusting procedures of Planned Parenthood; the morbid sexual child abuse scandal of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia; and the despicable adulterous conduct of millions of nominal Christians all over the world. All of these activities serve as a few examples to show that the times of the end for our present wicked generation are fast approaching.

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Are God’s Ministers Important for Healing?

First of all, we must understand that it is GOD who heals us, and He does so because of Christ’s supreme Sacrifice.

In our free booklet, “Sickness and Healing–What the Bible Tells Us,” we point out the following in this regard, beginning on page 44:

“The Bible teaches that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ clearly includes physical healing… He was beaten and tortured before He died… We already touched upon the pivotal Scripture of Isaiah 53:3–5… ‘A Man of sorrows [margin, pains] and acquainted with grief [margin, sickness]… Surely, He has borne our griefs [margin, sicknesses], And carried our sorrows [margin, pains]… He was wounded [margin, pierced through] for our transgressions, He was bruised [margin, crushed] for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes [margin, blows that cut in] we are healed.’

“This aspect of Christ’s sacrifice, that His body was brutally beaten and crushed, pierced through and viciously wounded, deals with our physical healing. This fact is confirmed in Matthew 8:16–17 where we read: ‘When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “He Himself took our infirmities And bore our sicknesses.”‘”

However, we are also told that there are certain requirements which WE must fulfill in order to be granted godly healing. In future Updates, we will discuss some of these important requirements.  In this Q&A, we will limit ourselves to the role of the ministry in the healing process. Even though it is God who heals, it is clearly revealed that He is using His true ministers in the process.

We say the following in our above-mentioned booklet on pages 25-26:

“We read in Ezekiel 34:4 that ministers who were supposed to ‘heal’ God’s sick flock, refused to do so: ‘The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them.’…

“We note, too, that Zechariah 11:16 prophesies that there will arise a very influential and powerful shepherd in the land ‘who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor feed those that still stand.'”

Even though these passages speak foremost of spiritual healing and reconciliation with God, they CAN also be applied to physical healing. It is the duty of God’s true ministers to fulfill their role in the physical healing process, as instructed by God.

We continue to point out in our booklet, beginning on page 31, that God healed many times through His apostles and ministers:

“We find that when Christ’s disciples anointed a sick person with oil, the sick person was healed (compare Mark 6:12–13). In order to receive the benefit of God’s healing today, God’s ministers are instructed by God to anoint sick persons with oil (James 5:14)…

“We are told that people were healed when they touched the aprons or handkerchiefs from Paul’s body (Acts 19:12). Based on this Biblical example, God’s ministers use a variation of that ‘method’ today—they may anoint a cloth with oil, pray over it, and send it to the sick person who lives too far away from a minister to make a personal visit…

“God’s ministers today lay their hands on the sick person’s head, then they anoint him or her with oil, setting him or her apart to receive God’s power of healing. Christ said in Mark 16:18 that sick people will recover when His ministers lay their hands on the sick. When they send a cloth, they place their hands on the anointed cloth while praying to God for healing for the sick person…”

We might want to elaborate here on the particular wording in Acts 19:11-12, where we read: “Now God worked unusual miracles BY THE HANDS OF PAUL, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them…”

The reference to the “hands of Paul” seems to indicate that Paul laid his HANDS on the apron, anointed it with a drop of oil and prayed over it, before sending it to the sick. This is the exact method used by God’s ministers today. They anoint a small linen cloth with a drop of oil as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, lay their hands on the cloth and pray over it on behalf of the sick person to whom the cloth will be sent. Mention will be made in the prayer as to the specific nature of the sickness, for which healing is requested. When the sick person receives the cloth, he or she is asked to place it on his or her head and pray to God that He would heal him or her from the sickness. Following the prayer, the cloth should be disposed of in order to prevent any future (superstitious) use or “idolization.” The cloth has no magical significance, and it is not to be confused with any “miracle water” or other unbiblical “tools” or “procedures” for alleged healing (none of which originate with the true God of the Bible).

We also explain in our booklet that under certain circumstances, God’s ministers will honor anointing requests by sick persons outside the Church of God. We state, beginning on page 54:

“The Bible is very clear that God heals sick people who try to obey God and who have faith that He will heal them. He tells us in Exodus 15:26, ‘If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.’…

“We find that Christ healed many people who were not converted… After the New Testament Church began in 31 A.D., as Acts 2 reports, God continued to use the apostles and elders to heal people who were not members of the body of Christ, some of whom were even demon-possessed (Acts 5:12–16; 8:5–8; 28:7–9)… Paul later healed a man who had been a cripple from his mother’s womb, after Paul had observed him ‘intently,’ seeing that ‘he had faith to be healed’ (Acts 14:9).

“Many times, healing may be one of the means for God to lead a person to total surrender to Him—or it might be a witness for others to turn to God (compare Acts 9:32–35). In particular, children of parents in the church, as well as unconverted mates, may experience healing, sometimes in unusual ways, so that their faith in God the Father and Jesus Christ may be strengthened…

“If a sick person asks one of our ministers for anointing or an anointed cloth, believing that God will heal them, they will receive what they request. God commanded His servants to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and to ‘heal the sick’ (Matthew 10:8; Luke 9:2; 10:9). If a sick person has the faith in God to be healed, they should take advantage of the tremendous benefit that God bestows on us to heal us from our sicknesses and diseases. Our sicknesses are important in God’s eyes. If we are suffering with a sickness, let us ask God for His intervention. After all, He is the God Who heals us!”

The question arises as to how often one should be anointed by God’s ministers or request an anointed cloth for the same sickness. While the concept of anointing can be trivialized, a request for repeated anointing pertaining to the same sickness can be made and should be honored, unless obvious circumstances to the contrary would render this ill-advised. Those circumstances could be seen in a lack of understanding regarding the nature of healing–thinking perhaps that the request for anointing is the same as taking a pill against pain. Another possibility barring repeated anointing for the same sickness could be seen in an obvious lack of faith of the sick person in God’s healing power; an unwillingness to reconcile with other human beings; or a conscientious and rebellious refusal to obey God’s laws (These concepts will be discussed in future Q&A’s).

Apart from this, we read in God’s Word that in some cases, repeated prayers were made to God for His intervention and healing for the same situation. These examples can be used in an analogous way for repeated requests for healing of the same sickness.

We read in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 that Paul asked God three times to remove from him “a thorn in the flesh.” Most commentaries feel that Paul is referring to a sickness, perhaps Malaria or a serious eye problem, and that he asked God three times for healing in a formal way; perhaps by asking God’s ministry to anoint him. In this particular case, however, God decided not to heal Paul, as his sickness served an important purpose (verses 9-10).

We read in 1 Kings 17:17-24 that Elijah prayed three times to God to revive a dead child; and 2 Kings 4:29-35 reports on Elisha’s repeated prayers and other “procedures” to revive a dead child. Naaman’s leprosy was healed, following Elisha’s specific instructions to wash himself seven times in the Jordan river (2 Kings 5:10-14). We also read that Christ healed a blind man after first spitting on his eyes and putting His hands on him, and then putting His hands on him a second time (Mark 8:22-25).

Faith in God’s healing is absolutely necessary, but sometimes God may not intervene immediately because He wants to test our patience. Even after having received anointing, it is necessary, while we might not be healed immediately, to continue praying to God “day and night” for His merciful intervention (Luke 18:7). We read in James 5:16: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

It would be ill-advised to think that we do not need God’s ministry in order to be healed. The Bible teaches the opposite, and we must obey God in all things. God commands us in James 5:14-15: “Is anyone among you sick? LET HIM CALL FOR THE ELDERS OF THE CHURCH, and let them pray over him, anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord WILL raise him up…”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

The Trump Phenomenon-How To Explain It!

No matter what Donald Trump is saying or doing, he has so far emerged as the uncontested winner in just about every battle or controversy, and his popularity is rising. Why is this so? How can the Trump phenomenon be explained? Could it be that God has a hand in it, and that events are taking place to fulfill biblical prophecy for the end time? It is important that you know the truth.

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Planned Parenthood-Just the Tip of the Iceberg

The horrible atrocities which are being committed by Planned Parenthood and other organizations in harvesting and selling body parts of aborted fetuses are a terrible testimony of the evil times we are living in, while the spineless and hypocritical political establishment is doing nothing to change this. However, these abominable actions are just the tip of the iceberg. Are YOU an indifferent passive or even an active part of a conspiracy to destroy human life?

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What Will We Be in the First Resurrection?

The Bible teaches that those who die and have qualified as “first fruits” will be raised in the first resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20-26; Revelation 20:4-6). Many false concepts exist as to the nature of the first resurrection. The Bible teaches that the first resurrection is a resurrection to eternal, immortal life—to an existence in the spirit realm, when converted men and women become born-again members in the Kingdom and Family of God. We are told that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50), and that in the first resurrection, we will have incorruptible spiritual bodies, when we are “raised in glory” (verses 42-44).

Jesus Christ was the very first who was raised in the first resurrection (Acts 26:23)—being the firstborn among many brethren (Romans 8:29). His followers will be resurrected in the same way as He was, at the time of His return (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17).

The Christian world is filled with horrible misconceptions about the first resurrection. In a Christian book pertaining  to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the following description of the RESURRECTED Christ was given:

“[Mary Magdalene] backed out of the tomb… and found her way partially barred by a terribly disfigured man whom she supposed had to be the keeper of the garden…  There was something about that one eye—the other seemed to be almost closed with terrible bruises and livid wounds, the lips torn and blue, and the skin pallid. It was Jesus!”

These descriptions totally negate the fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected as a glorified Spirit being who did not and does not have a physical body. The Bible does not support the concept that He was resurrected as a physical being who was glorified later when He ascended to heaven. Rather, we read in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44:

“So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.  It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.”

When Christ was resurrected, after having been dead and buried in the grave for three days and three nights, He was raised AS a glorified Spirit being. He was not resurrected as a physical human being and then subsequently glorified. Rather, at the exact time and the very moment of His resurrection, His physical body, which had not seen decay or corruption, was changed into a spiritual body. Christ was resurrected in glory. He ascended to heaven in glory. We read in 1 Timothy 3:16, that Christ was received up in glory, with a glorified spiritual body. As a Spirit being, He does not have a disfigured body.

We understand, of course, that the glorified Jesus MANIFESTED Himself as a human being after His resurrection, but NOT in the way as described in the above-quoted book. He did not manifest Himself to Mary in a disfigured state. It is true that He later appeared to the apostles and “doubting Thomas” with wounds in His hands and at His side to convince them that it was He (John 20:24-29; Luke 24:39-40), but there is not the slightest hint that He did so on other occasions. And it is of course absurd to think that He, as a Spirit being, still carries with Him in His spiritual body the physical wounds inflicted upon Him when He was a human being.

The confusion regarding the nature of the first resurrection is even magnified by statements in other commentaries, such as the “Compact Bible Commentary” of the “Nelson’s Compact Series,” which states the following regarding 1 Thessalonians 4:16:

“Clearly the [first] Resurrection will be a PHYSICAL resurrection in which BODILY existence will be restored… The resurrected bodies of Christians will be like that of Christ… incorruptible and immortal, and yet they will be bodies of FLESH and BONE…”

This statement is terribly wrong and quite frankly, blasphemous, but many Christians believe in it, as they do not understand the clear teaching of the Bible.

As mentioned, the first resurrection is NOT a physical resurrection, and the resurrected bodies of Christians will NOT be bodies of FLESH and BONE. This very concept is preposterous.

We stated the following in a recent Q&A, titled, “Do you teach a resurrection of the physical body?”

“Regarding the resurrection of those who died ‘in Christ,’ that is, in whom God’s Holy Spirit dwelled when they died, we read that they are resurrected with an immortal SPIRITUAL body. God will raise them up to spiritual, immortal and eternal life. God will not first resurrect their dead ‘physical bodies’ and then ‘change’ them into spiritual bodies. Rather, God will resurrect or raise the Christians with spiritual bodies, as the Bible clearly indicates…

“When God the Father resurrected Jesus Christ, He changed His physical body (which was still in the grave) into a spiritual body. That is why Christ could later walk through closed doors, and why He could make Himself visible and invisible, as He pleased. We should also note that Christ, when He again became a Spirit being, which is invisible to the human eye, could manifest Himself as a human being, even so much so that He appeared to have flesh and bones (Luke 24:39-40). Of course, as a Spirit being, He did not really have flesh and bone, but He was able to manifest Himself in such a way. Jesus did speak of ‘a spirit’ not having flesh and bones as He did (verse 39). However, He was speaking of demonic spirits not being able to manifest themselves in the flesh. (Compare our free booklet, ‘Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,’ pages 42-43). We have the example of Christ and two angels appearing as men and eating a meal in the time of Abraham (Genesis 18:1-8). This example shows that God (Christ in the Old Testament account) and faithful angels could manifest themselves in the physical domain as men.”

When Christ was resurrected, He was resurrected with a body composed of SPIRIT, not matter. He was NOT resurrected with a physical body. That would have been quite impossible as with a physical body, He could not have gone through closed doors, nor could He have made Himself invisible. He just manifested Himself occasionally as a physical being, but even then, we must realize that He did so at times “in another form” (Mark 16:12).

We can find a description of the resurrected Christ in His glorified state in numerous passages of the Bible, and none of them implies that He has a physical body. For instance, we read in Revelation 1:14-16: “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice the sound of many waters… and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength…” (Compare also Revelation 2:18). A similar description of Christ, as He appeared in glory prior to His temporary existence as a human being, can be found in Ezekiel 1:26-28. This describes also His glorified state today, as the Father glorified Christ in His resurrection with the glory which He had with the Father before the world was (John 17:5).

And it is that same glory which will be bestowed on us in the first resurrection (1 John 3:1-2; Romans 8:18; 1 Corinthians 15:49).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

The Secret Iran Deal–What They Are Hiding From You!

The Iran Deal has been labeled as the “historic deal of the century,” which will bring peace to the Middle East. It has also been described as “catastrophic” and “idiotic,” which is “marching Israelis to the door of the oven.” There are many aspects within the deal and its many secret side deals which the US government refuses to reveal to the American public. In this program, we will show you numerous widely-unknown facts, proving that America’s leadership has given away “the whole store,” while receiving NOTHING in return and having become a laughing stock of the Iranians. This is all in line with biblical prophecy, and YOU need to know what YOU can do, individually, to escape the inevitable downfall of the USA. We are offering our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

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The Sufferings of the Apostle Paul

Paul had to endure much hardship, but he never gave up. This sermon discusses many of his trials, including his unjust arrests and illegal imprisonments; several attempts to murder him; numerous false accusations against him by Jews and Greeks; and many conspiracies by unbelieving Jews with the declared goal of assassinating him. But Paul knew that his trials served a godly purpose. And we will see how he received strength to endure victoriously, becoming worthy for the Kingdom of God.

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Do Dreams Influence Your Life?

Do dreams come from God? Does God give us secret instructions through dreams, which could be interpreted in different ways? How can we ascertain whether someone has received a dream from God, or whether someone tells false dreams? Is the concentration on dreams often times nothing but superstition? Do we need dreams and signs in order to believe God and obey Him?

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