Current Events

“Billions Could Starve…”

NBC News reported on July 6:

“The once bounteous quantities of water that flowed under his farmland in the Texas Panhandle are a distant memory–pumped to the last drop. Now there is only one source of water… the sky above…

“The scope of this mounting crisis is difficult to overstate: The High Plains of Texas are swiftly running out of groundwater supplied by one of the world’s largest aquifers – the Ogallala. A study by Texas Tech University has predicted that if groundwater production goes unabated, vast portions of several counties in the southern High Plains will soon have little water left in the aquifer to be of any practical value.

“The Ogallala Aquifer spreads across eight states, from Texas to South Dakota, covering 111.8 million acres and 175,000 square miles. It’s the fountain of life not only for much of the Texas Panhandle, but also for the entire American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, a highly-sophisticated, amazingly-productive agricultural region that literally helps feed the world…

“‘This country became what it became largely because we had water security,’ says Venki Uddameri, Ph.D., director of the Water Resources Center at Texas Tech…

“With the world population increasing, and other critical global aquifers suffering equally dramatic declines, scientists acknowledge that if the American Breadbasket cannot help supply ever-growing food demands, billions could starve. ‘The depletion of the Ogallala is an internationally important crisis,’ says Burke Griggs, Ph.D., consulting professor at the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford University…”

Sadly, terrible famine and drought are exactly what the Bible has pronounced thousands of years ago, especially for the USA. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.” 

Pope Francis—“Sunday Day of Rest for ALL”!

The Associated Press wrote on July 5:

“Pope Francis has lamented the abandoning of the traditionally Christian practice of not working on Sundays, saying it has a negative impact on families and friendships. Francis on Saturday traveled to Molise, an agricultural region in the heart of southern Italy where unemployment is chronically high. While he said poor people need jobs to have dignity, he indicated that opening stores and other businesses on Sundays as a way to create jobs wasn’t beneficial for society… He added: ‘Maybe it’s time to ask ourselves if working on Sundays is true freedom.’

“He said that spending Sundays with family and friends is an ‘ethical choice’ for faithful and non-faithful alike. Francis, 77, appeared to have bounced back from a spate of illnesses which have caused him to cancel several appointments recently. He flew by helicopter to Molise for a full day of activity, including a lunch appointment with poor people and a visit to a prison.”

Sunday is the day of worship for pagans and Gentiles—NOT for true Christians. But Sunday worship is also part of the mark of the beast which will be inflicted on most people. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”


While the US Retreats, Russia Takes Over

Yahoo News reported on July 9:

“As the crisis [in Iraq] has deepened, U.S. contractors, U.S. Embassy personnel and most of the U.S. service members from the embassy’s Office of Security Cooperation have abandoned the threatened capital. The exodus has coincided with Russian contractors and support personnel pouring into BIAP to help launch the 25 Russian SU-25 warplanes that Moscow is rushing to Iraq in its hour of need…

“Thus in June U.S. contractors employed by Bell Helicopter, Beechcraft and General Dynamics Land Systems have all pulled their support personnel out of Iraq, depriving Iraqis of maintenance and repair for their U.S.-manufactured Bell ARH-407 armed reconnaissance helicopters, Beechcraft T-6 military trainer aircraft and M-1 tanks. Given the deteriorating security situation, a knowledgeable source says that virtually all U.S. contractor personnel have left Iraq…

“Making matters worse, that Iraqi arsenal notably does not yet include a single one of the 34 F-16 fighters that Iraq has had on order since 2010; nor the 24 Apache helicopter gunships on order that were held up by Congress until last January and still have not flown; nor the 24 Beechcraft AT-6 Texan II armed turboprop planes that the State Department approved for sale to Iraq back in May.

“The retreat of U.S. contractor and embassy personnel, and failure to follow through in a timely fashion on U.S. promises of military equipment for Iraq, is feeding a widespread narrative of declining American influence and commitment to the Middle East. The perceived power vacuum as the U.S. military presence wanes has been noted by adversaries and allies alike.

“The perception of a U.S. retreat from the region was reinforced by the Obama administration’s failure to follow through on promised military strikes against Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria after it used chemical weapons last year, emboldening Assad’s security forces and badly demoralizing the more moderate Syrian rebel factions. Those secular Syrian rebel groups last week threatened to lay down their weapons altogether if more military equipment and support was not forthcoming.

“Against U.S. wishes, Massoud Barzani, the president of the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq, declared that he will soon hold a referendum on Kurdish independence, reportedly with a green light from NATO ally Turkey. Saudi Arabia has repeatedly distanced itself from Washington in disagreements over U.S. nuclear talks with Iran, inaction in Syria and opposition to the military coup in Egypt. Critics say a pattern is developing of once staunch allies going their own way out of frustration with U.S. inaction.

“Meanwhile, U.S. tentativeness before and during the Iraq crisis is in marked contrast to the approach of Russia and Iran, which rapidly sent military advisers and support personnel to bolster the regime of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. The first of the SU-25s began arriving in Baghdad aboard Russian military transports last week. Speaking to the BBC, Al-Maliki complained that if Iraqi Security Forces had the necessary airpower represented by the F-16s, they could have turned back the juggernaut offensive launched by the Islamist militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) and allies among the Sunni tribes…”

The Failure of US Middle East Policy

Deutsche Welle reported on July 10:

“US dithering in the Middle East threatens years of peace work – and is destroying the country’s influence in the region. Many are blaming the president, calling him weak and indecisive…

“Over just a few years, the Middle East has been transformed into a region overcome by a single highly dangerous crisis. Conflict in Libya, Egypt, Iran and Syria, the bloody fighting tearing apart Iraq and the dramatically re-inflamed Palestinian-Israeli confrontation are back at the focus of world attention…

“Following Palestinian rocket attacks and Israeli reprisals, the conflict threatens to reach a new level of escalation with a possible large-scale Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip. After the peace initiative promoted by US Secretary of State John Kerry went nowhere, the Americans are now seemingly powerless, their efforts in tatters.

“The liberal Washington Post [says] the fighting in Iraq is a particularly dramatic example of the failure of current US Middle East policy. The paper’s Jackson Diehl writes ‘the Obama administration’s strategy of re-creating a unified Iraq under a strong central government will, like its previous Middle East schemes, prove a mirage.’…

“The administration’s indecisiveness has badly wounded US standing in the region. It is weaker than it has been in a long time. The Obama administration threatened the Egyptian generals with an end to the billions in military aid if they continued human rights violations, only for Secretary of State John Kerry to travel to Cairo a short time later to sheepishly announce the resumption of military aid – only a few days after supporters of former President Morsi were sentenced to death en masse…

“Ultimately, the region needs an outside power to serve as mediator…”

Such a “mediator” will arise on the world scene, but it will not be the United States.

Barack Obama–Incompetency or Conspiracy?

The Washington Times wrote on July 6:

“Maybe we’ve been conned. There’s a growing recognition that Barack Obama is an incompetent poser, working out of his depth, and his administration is the gang that can’t shoot straight. There’s a lot of evidence to support that belief.

“Everything he touches becomes a bloody mess, like crushed bones and bits of flesh caught in the tracks of a tank slicing through a rank of soldiers (or civilians). Iraq, Syria, Egypt — all gone, as prospects for countries with a prosperous and democratic future. The ‘reset’ with Russia, meant to ensure that America and the replacement republic of the old Soviet Union can be friends, is a reset, sure enough. The new Russia looks more like a reset to the Cold War, more adversary than friend, transformed by a feckless American president and an ambitious Russian leader eager to take advantage of weak and incompetent American leadership.

“The ‘humanitarian crisis’ on the southern border is the most persuasive evidence of all that America is adrift in a sea of incompetence, blown about by every ill wind that blows. The mighty ship of state is bereft of a rudder, traveling in endless circles with the captain stumbling on the bridge, trying to make sense of navigation charts he can’t read.

“However, this may be ascribing to incompetence what is better explained by conspiracy. Mr. Obama promised in 2008 that he intended to transform America, and he is well on his way. Anyone who looked closely at the man and the influences that shaped who he would become risked being called a racist, a nativist, a bigot and a redneck yahoo. He was the messiah everyone was waiting for.

“The ruins of American foreign policy are not likely to catch the attention of a culture drunk on the entertainment of the trivial, the trifling and the unimportant. But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration. The scary implications for the future of the exceptional nation begins to weigh on Congress.

“This week, a Texas congressman who does not have the luxury of looking the other way because he sees trouble in every direction he looks, said what the nice people think must never be said. The tsunami will change everything. ‘Either we’re going to enforce our laws and remain strong, economically or otherwise, or we ignore the rule of law and go to being a Third World country,’ Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican, told Fox News. ‘You’ve got to follow the law. You cannot bring hundreds of thousands of people in this country without destroying the country. Then there’s no place that people can dream about coming.’

“No one knows this better than Barack Obama. Making the United States over into a Third World country is exactly what this president is about. He is of the Third World. He spent his formative years in the Third World, and when his mother, obsessed with the Third World, brought him back to America, he sought out the company of those who dreamed of making America over into the world’s largest welfare state…”

The Bible prophesied that because of our national sins, the country will experience an unprecedented downfall due to incompetent and helpless leadership.

USA No Longer a Country?

Newsmax reported on July 8:

“Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan has slammed President Barack Obama’s ‘inaction’ on the immigration crisis while warning that a country that cannot control its borders is no longer a country… ‘As Ronald Reagan said, “A country that won’t or can’t control its borders is not a country anymore,”’ Buchanan said.

“‘What’s happening on our southern border and Europe is [that] the failed states of the Third World are driving people basically to try to seek to have what exists in the West and the United States. But the truth is, if you do not get control of folks pouring into your country from all over the world, they will alter the character and composition of your country and change it forever without the consent of the American people.’…

“Buchanan blamed former President George H.W. Bush for helping to create the current crisis by not securing the border back in the early 1990s when he said 5,000 illegal immigrants were crossing the border every weekend. ‘If the government had acted then we would be dealing not with 12 million or 20 million, but 3 million. Many of them would have been gone. But it’s a failure of both political parties, presidents of both parties…”

NSA Greatest Threat to American Society Since US Civil War

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 3:

“A former NSA technical chief has told Germany’s parliament that the US agency has become a ‘totalitarian’ mass collector of data… William Binney described the US National Security Agency in Berlin on Thursday as an entity that had abandoned every rule-of-law principle and breached the democratic freedoms of citizens.

“Testifying, Binney accused the NSA of having a ‘totalitarian mentality’ and wanting ‘total information control’ over citizens in breach of the US constitution. It was an approach that until now the public had only seen among dictators, he added. Mass collection was ‘senseless’ and did not help in counterterrorism, and actually hindered the agency’s capabilities, Binney said. The NSA represented the ‘greatest threat’ to American society since the US Civil War of the 19th century, Binney added.

“Binney left the NSA as its technical chief in 2001 shortly [after] it began mass scanning in the wake of 9/11 hijack attacks by al Qaeda terrorists on New York and Washington…

“Another former NSA staffer, Thomas Drake, who left the NSA after trying to use official complaint channels, told the inquiry that almost all data that transited Germany was accessed by the NSA and Germany’s BND foreign intelligence service — or the NSA alone. The US government was exercising the ultimate form of control, Drake said, adding that the German BND’s silence on the issue was ‘terrible.’… Drake said the United States would soon become a ‘real surveillance’ nation in which the private lives of individuals were becoming more and more the property of the state…”

German Government Powerless?

The Local wrote on July 4:

“… critics said the German government is looking increasingly powerless against the capabilities of the NSA and British GCHQ.

“The government’s only answer had been to tell citizens to keep themselves safe online by encrypting their data, said Konstantin von Notz, Green MP and chairman of the German parliamentary inquiry into the NSA affair. ‘And now we find out that the very ones who encrypt and use that are the ones being watched. That is perverse and insane,’ he told the broadcaster.

“… the German inquiry heard evidence from former NSA employees-turned-whistleblowers Thomas Drake and William Binney, who gave weight to serious allegations against the German intelligence service (BND).  Drake said the BND had become a ‘vermiform appendix of the NSA,’ referring to accusations it had been passing data on German citizens on to the American service – an act forbidden under Germany’s constitution.”

German “Double Agent” Creating a Stir—“Huge Breach of Trust of Transatlantic Relationship”

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 7:

“The fallout from the arrest of a German ‘double agent,’ who was allegedly filtering information to the NSA, continues to create a stir…  The [BND] employee was detained on suspicion of espionage…

“The suspect allegedly sold 218 documents to an unnamed US intelligence agency for 25,000 euros ($33,000)… The German daily tabloid newspaper Bild reported on Friday that three of the 218 documents were related to Germany’s parliamentary inquiry into NSA surveillance operations. The suspect allegedly received orders directly from the US embassy…

“German parliamentarians across the political spectrum… have already expressed outrage over the allegations. ‘If it turns out to be true that a BND employee worked for the US embassy for years, it would be a huge breach of trust in the transatlantic relationship,’ Stephan Mayer, the internal affairs spokesman for Merkel’s conservative parliamentary grouping, told Bild.”    

American Conduct Either “Stupid” or “Shameless”—Whoever Is Responsible “Must Go”—Obama Either “Lied” or “Not in Control”

The New York Times wrote on July 6:

“With mystery enveloping a German intelligence service employee accused of spying — reportedly for the United States — German officials and commentators on Sunday angrily demanded a response from Washington, warning that an already troubled relationship was at risk of deteriorating to a new low…

“President Joachim Gauck, whose role is largely ceremonial but who increasingly speaks out on daily matters, told German television that if it turned out that the United States had been spying on Germany, ‘then that is really a gamble with friendship, with a close alliance.’ ‘Then we really have to say, Enough,’ Mr. Gauck added…

“Perhaps the most striking sign of the strained relationship was Germany’s decision to summon the American ambassador, John B. Emerson, to the Foreign Ministry on the Fourth of July, just before the American Embassy’s holiday party for hundreds of guests. The newsmagazine Der Spiegel reported that the ambassador had smiled and greeted guests, but that the tension was noticeable: ‘It was as it has so often been recently when official America meets official Germany. The facade was perfect, but behind it there was little accord.’…

“Over decades of friendship since 1945, sharp language like that of recent months has been rare in German-American dealings. Those ties have been strained since last summer, when documents leaked by Edward J. Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor, suggested that the N.S.A. had monitored the electronic data of millions of Germans. The German government then appeared to receive assurances from Washington that nothing illegal had occurred. But the subsequent revelation that Ms. Merkel’s own cellphone had been monitored stirred new anger in a nation that remembers the role played by a snooping state under the Nazis and the Communists.

“The German government tried reaching a ‘no spy’ accord with Washington, but the Obama administration rejected the idea. Months of attempts to restore relations have yielded the beginnings of a dialogue about how to deal with electronic data, cybersecurity and privacy. Those talks, and much else, would be jeopardized if the Americans recruited an agent, German commentators warned.

“Stefan Kornelius, the foreign editor of the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and usually a pronounced Atlanticist, wrote a blistering commentary on Saturday, saying it was hard even to summon words to describe the potential damage. If United States intelligence agencies acted as suggested, he wrote, that would be ‘either stupid or shameless.’ Either way, relations would turn icy, because confirmation of the espionage accusations would mean either that President Obama does not have the intelligence services under control, or that he lied when trying to smooth things over in recent months, Mr. Kornelius said. ‘The United States must now make plain publicly in whose name, and why, the German partner service was infiltrated,’ Mr. Kornelius added. ‘Whoever is responsible for this damage must go — in Washington just as in Berlin.’”

Der Spiegel Online commented that the USA underestimates the gravity and severity of the problem, ignoring the underlying Anti-Americanism of a growing minority of the German people.

German Spying on US?

The Independent wrote on July 8:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is planning to scrap a no-spy agreement Germany has held with Britain and the United States since 1945 in response to an embarrassing US-German intelligence service scandal which has deeply soured relations between Berlin and Washington. The unprecedented change to Berlin’s counter-espionage policy was announced by Ms Merkel’s Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière. He said that Berlin wanted ‘360‑degree surveillance’ of all intelligence-gathering operations in Germany.

“The intelligence services of the Allied victors, the United States, Britain and France, have hitherto been regarded as ‘friendly’ to Germany. Their diplomatic and information-gathering activities were exempted from surveillance by Berlin’s equivalent of M15 – the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). But Mr de Maizière told Bild that he was now not ruling out permanent German counter-espionage surveillance of US, British and French intelligence operations. His remarks were echoed by Stephan Mayer, a domestic security spokesman for Ms Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats. ‘We must focus more strongly on our so-called allies,’ he said.”

“Enough Is Enough!”

The Local wrote on July 7:

“Following a spate of scandals where US agencies including the NSA targeted subjects in Germany – including the illegal tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone – the new case was one apparent double-cross too many, national and regional media said. ‘Enough grumbling,’ Zeit Online commented on Monday. ‘The Federal Republic is not some kind of tin-pot state where hostile or allied intelligence services can do whatever they like. If – or rather because – the US government and its machinery are making a laughing stock of all notions of German-US friendship, then it’s time to get tough,’ the paper wrote…

“In a Spiegel magazine survey conducted amid the latest revelations, 57 percent of respondents now favoured ‘greater independence from the United States.’ And 69 percent said their trust in the US had recently plummeted… Another 60 percent of respondents in the Spiegel survey, however, said they wanted ‘greater independence’ in German relations with Russia, with another 40 percent calling for active closer cooperation.

“Meanwhile, the Stuttgarter Zeitung on Sunday commented that the paltry sum of €25,000 that was supposedly paid for the 218 documents showed how casually the United States was prepared to gamble with its relations with Germany. The latest spy scandal clearly showed US ‘disdain for democratic institutions and contempt for the smaller partner,’ the paper wrote.

“‘We now have the next confirmation that we are not such good friends as people would have us believe,’ agreed Tagesspiegel.”

A Second Spy Case?

The Associated Press reported on July 9:

“German authorities are investigating a second spy case reportedly involving the U.S., a week after the arrest of a German intelligence employee cast a new shadow over relations between the two countries. Federal prosecutors said Wednesday that police raided properties in the Berlin area on ‘initial suspicion of activity for an intelligence agency.’… ‘We have investigations in two cases of suspected espionage, a very serious suspicion,’ government spokesman Steffen Seibert told reporters in Berlin…

“The daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported, without naming sources, that the man being investigated worked at Germany’s Defense Ministry and is suspected of spying for the United States. Die Welt newspaper reported, also without naming sources, the man was a soldier in the German army who had aroused the suspicion of Germany’s military counter-intelligence agency because of his close contacts to alleged U.S. spies.”

The Local added on July 9:

“The Attorney General’s Office confirmed on Wednesday they were investigating a further case of espionage in Germany, allegedly involving a US agent who was reportedly an army officer at Germany’s Ministry of Defence.”

This latest case will further strain transatlantic relations.

Tensions Mount in the Middle East

Deutsche Welle reported on July 8:

“Israel has launched an aerial offensive, targeting Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip… At least nine people were injured in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday morning in an air raid by the Israeli military. Warplanes targeting Hamas militants struck more than 30 sites as part of Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge.’…

“On Monday, air sirens were sounded across southern Israel as militant group Hamas stepped up its attacks, which have been occurring frequently in recent days. The Israeli army reported that the Gaza Strip-based group had launched dozens of rockets in quick succession… Meanwhile on Monday, three of the six men arrested for the murder of the 16-year-old Palestinian, Mohammed Abu Khdeir, admitted their guilt.”

Breitbart wrote on July 8:

“Photos have surfaced… showing Israeli tanks and armored vehicles stationed on the border with the Gaza Strip.”

BBC News added on July 9:

“Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon said on Wednesday that the campaign against Hamas would expand in the next few days and ‘exact a huge price’. Israel has warned it may send ground troops into Gaza. It has authorised the call-up of up to 40,000 military reservists. Hundreds of reservists have already been drafted.”

JTA wrote on July 9:

“Hamas claimed responsibility for three rockets fired at Dimona in southern Israel, saying the terror group was aiming for the city’s nuclear reactor.”

Again—EU Condemns Israel

The EUObserver reported on July 8:

“EU countries have urged Palestinian militants to stop firing at Israel, while ‘deploring’ Israel’s killing of civilians. They said in a statement on Tuesday (8 July) the EU ‘strongly condemns the indiscriminate fire into Israel’ from the Gaza strip, while adding it ‘deplores the growing number of civilian casualties, reportedly among them children, caused by Israeli retaliatory fire’…

“For its part, the US on Tuesday urged both sides to ‘de-escalate’.  A US State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, added that Palestinian ‘terrorists’ are ‘deliberately targeting’ Israeli civilians. ‘No country can accept rocket fire aimed at civilians, and we certainly support Israel’s right to defend itself’”.

ISIS Becomes IS

Newsmax wrote on July 7:

“The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has shortened its name to Islamic State (IS) because the militant insurgent group is looking to establish a ‘universal kingdom’ of believers, said Lt. Col. Ralph Peters. ‘Now that they’ve dropped to just IS, Islamic State, it tells you that they’re looking far beyond Iraq and Syria,’ Peters, a retired Army Lt. Col., told Fox News…

“Peters said the IS fighters are so dedicated to their beliefs that they are ‘willing, and even anxious, to die for their beliefs.’ This stands in opposition to the Iraqi army, which saw many of its members retreat as the ISIS threat advanced…”

It has also emerged that ISIS is in possession of chemical weapons and nuclear material.

ISIS Destroys Presumed Tombstone of Jonah

Mail On Line reported on July 9:

“This is the shocking moment ISIS militants took sledgehammers to Iraqi tombstones  – smashing them to pieces.

“The rebels, who are members of the Islamic State terror group, were filmed attacking centuries-old graves in the north-west city of Mosul in Ninevah province…One of the devastated tombstones belonged to the Prophet Jonah (Younis in Arabic) and was revered by Muslims and Christians alike, according to Iraqi authorities.

“The prophet, who is the central figure in the Hebrew Bible’s Book of Jonah, is best known for being swallowed by a fish or a whale, depending on translation… The attack is the latest in the ISIS’s violent rampage across Iraq.

“Earlier this week, a series of images emerged showing the destruction of almost a dozen Shia and Sunni religious shrines in Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, and the town of Tal Afar, which is also currently under ISIS control… ISIS militants believe giving special veneration to tombs and relics is against the teachings of Islam…”

Final Showdown in Eastern Ukraine?

The New York Times wrote on July 8:

“Rebel fighters in eastern Ukraine may be on the defensive, but they are not melting away, at least not here in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine’s regional capital. Over the weekend, hundreds of them poured into this city after the Ukrainian military forced them out of Slovyansk, a stronghold north of here. Now they are preparing for a final showdown with the Ukrainian military that they say is coming soon.

“Whether it does is an open question. Moscow, whose support the rebels say they cannot live without, has called for a negotiated truce and seems to be unwilling to come to their aid, at least openly. But negotiations have faltered. Ukraine recently called off a cease-fire, worrying that it was playing into the rebels’ hands. On Tuesday, hopes for talks seemed to flicker again. On a surprise visit to Slovyansk, Ukraine’s president, Petro O. Poroshenko, emphasized that he was prepared to negotiate with those ready ‘to lay down their arms’ and opt for ‘a future amnesty’… Mr. Poroshenko has refused to deal directly with the leaders of the armed separatist rebellion.

“It was far from clear that such an offer would suit any of the rebels, who are far from defeated. In the neighboring city of Luhansk, which, like Donetsk, was also occupied this spring, a rebel leader said his forces had actually pushed back government troops in recent days, according to the Russian news agency Interfax. On Tuesday, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, reiterated the Kremlin’s demand for a cease-fire in the Ukrainian conflict, and said Mr. Poroshenko was being counterproductive by demanding that insurgents surrender before engaging in any peace talks…

“The government in Kiev also warned that it was prepared to take the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk by force… Moscow’s role remains a mystery. But rebels seem to be growing increasingly disenchanted with what they call meager support…”

Domestic Backlash Against Putin Over Ukraine?

The Christian Science Monitor wrote on July 7:

“Russia’s leading ultranationalist philosopher, sometimes labeled ‘Putin’s Brain,’ says that Kremlin ‘hesitations’ over extending military support to east Ukraine’s embattled pro-Russian rebels could lead to a domestic political backlash against Vladimir Putin.

“Alexander Dugin, whose extreme right-wing ‘Eurasianist’ ideology has often seemed to foreshadow Kremlin actions, says that war between Russia and Ukraine is inevitable. Mr. Putin’s apparent decision to abandon retreating east Ukrainian rebels to their fate risks turning into outright betrayal, which could split Putin from his key electoral base of ‘patriotic’ Russians, he says. ‘Putin started this by signaling that Russia should defend east Ukraine from attacks by Kiev military forces,’ Mr. Dugin told the Monitor in a phone interview Monday. ‘He declared the unity of the Russian World, and this was understood by leaders in east Ukraine that Russia would help them. But after a difficult struggle inside the Kremlin, the decision to help has been delayed. This is seen as a sign of betrayal by the patriots…. I wouldn’t call it betrayal yet. But Putin has changed the timing, and this has created a very critical situation,’ he says.

“Dugin is widely viewed as chief ideologist for the hawkish wing of Russia’s ruling elite, and his persistent influence inside the Kremlin has been widely documented. A good deal of Western commentary portrays him in somewhat hyperbolic terms as ‘Putin’s Rasputin,’ or the guiding mind behind Kremlin geo-strategy…

“Russians are almost evenly split on extending military aid to east Ukraine’s insurrection, though most oppose direct Russian intervention in the conflict… 64 percent support Russian volunteers participating in the conflict on the rebel side, and majorities consistently say Moscow should do more to back the rebels. But 68 percent also say they fear the local conflict could develop into full-blown war between Russia and Ukraine, while 54 percent worry it could grow into ‘World War III.’… On [the] one hand, people want Russia to give more backing [to the Ukrainian rebels]. On the other hand, they deeply fear [a] catastrophic development of the situation…

“Russians have grown increasingly alarmed and pessimistic about the drift of events in next-door Ukraine, and more than three-quarters now believe things are going to get ‘markedly worse’ in the near future.

“Dugin, who is in regular contact with east Ukrainian rebel leaders, says that without more Russian aid they probably can’t hold out more than a few weeks against the full-scale Ukrainian military operation now arrayed against them. He says that Putin’s ‘hesitations’ will come back to haunt him if he fails to come to east Ukraine’s assistance. ‘When Kiev finishes with the revolt in Donetsk and Luhansk, the next target will be Crimea,’ which was annexed by Russia in March, he says. ‘War is inevitable. Either we start to fight now, or we shall have to fight later.’

“Dugin alleges that Putin is holding back from taking this fateful step out of fear of Western sanctions and hopes that he can work with European leaders to fashion a negotiated peace settlement. ‘Putin’s dilemma is that he could lose the momentum of the Russian Spring, while no matter what he does he will never win any understanding from the West,’ he says. ‘The US uncritically supports Kiev’s military operation against east Ukraine, and it will support them if they attack Crimea. There is nothing to gain by waiting,’ he adds…

“‘Putin has realized that it was easier to start these events than to end them,’ says Nikolai Petrov, a professor at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics. ‘We can see that Putin is not interested in more direct involvement in Ukraine’s civil strife. But there are influential forces in Russia who are clamoring for action, and Putin cannot ignore them,’ he adds.”

New Scottish Law—Reminiscent of Hitler, Stalin and Communist East Germany

The website of wrote on June 30:

“Scotland wants to treat all families as potentially abusive and appoint a ‘named person’ (that is, a guardian) as soon as the child is born and up through age 18 to oversee the parenting. This ‘shadow parent’ would be empowered by the government under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, which will take effect in 2016… in substance, the role of the named person is not actually to supplant the family, to state-raise children, but rather to insert a surveying, coercive authority – a spy – in the midst of every family…

“This idea grows out of the conviction that… all children are in danger at all times, and hence need constant oversight. Sometimes it’s the police arresting a dad for letting his kids play outside, sometimes it’s the police arresting a mom for letting her children walk to the pizza shop, and sometimes it’s even the local library reporting a mom who let her kids, 12 and 15, walk home without coats on a night the authorities deemed too cold.

“True danger lies in the notion that the state should decide if you are parenting your kids correctly. The care of your own children is not up to you.”

Another Example—Don’t Serve on a Jury!

The Huffington Post wrote on July 8:

“An Iowa terminal cancer patient showed up to court Tuesday wrapped in a blanket, still wearing hospital identification wristbands, to testify at his trial on felony marijuana charges. He’s been barred from a defense that explains the marijuana was to relieve his aggressive and rare cancer of the blood vessels.

“Benton Mackenzie, 48, faces up to five years in prison if he’s convicted of marijuana manufacturing and conspiracy for growing plants he says he used to make canabidiol, or CBD, a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, to treat his tumors…

“Mackenzie was rushed out of Scott County District Court on Monday to a hospital after complaining of extreme pain and hallucinations. He suffers from severe angiosarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer of the blood vessels that produces large skin lesions. His family said he was treated for anemia and other symptoms overnight…

 “District Judge Henry Latham in May barred Mackenzie from using his condition as a defense for growing marijuana… Mackenzie has said he’s been threatened with jail if he discloses his medical condition in court. Mackenzie on Tuesday filed a motion arguing that a law that Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) signed in May that legalize the use of CBD oil to treat epilepsy should protect his use of the oil. The new law, however, focuses narrowly on treatment for ‘intractable epilepsy’ and does not apply to Mackenzie, Latham ruled Tuesday.

“‘The change in law benefits only a small group of Iowans with the most organized lobbying efforts,’ Des Moines Register editorial board wrote over the weekend. ‘Other sick Iowans should have legal access to marijuana extracts, too. These include people with painful and debilitating conditions like cancer, spinal cord injuries and severe arthritis, who may benefit from the drug. But if these people obtain cannabis oil, they will still be considered criminals in this state.’”

Judge Latham’s decision makes a fair trial virtually impossible. This is another example why true Christians must NOT serve on a jury. Sadly, far too many members in the broader Church of God community miss this point entirely and become complicit in and responsible for the rendering of false judgments and unjust guilty verdicts.

The Future World of Lying Robots

Business Insider wrote on July 5:

“‘Today there’s no legislation regarding how much intelligence a machine can have, how interconnected it can be… [You are] going to see that the top species will no longer be humans, but machines.’

“These are the words of Louis Del Monte, physicist, entrepreneur, and author of ‘The Artificial Intelligence Revolution.’ Del Monte spoke to us over the phone about his thoughts surrounding artificial intelligence and the singularity, an indeterminate point in the future when machine intelligence will outmatch not only your own intelligence, but the world’s combined human intelligence too.

“The average estimate for when this will happen is 2040, though Del Monte says it might be as late as 2045. Either way, it’s a timeframe of within three decades. ‘It won’t be the “Terminator” scenario, not a war,’ said Del Monte. ‘In the early part of the post-singularity world, one scenario is that the machines will seek to turn humans into cyborgs. This is nearly happening now, replacing faulty limbs with artificial parts. We’ll see the machines as a useful tool. Productivity in business based on automation will be increased dramatically in various countries. In China it doubled, just based on GDP per employee due to use of machines.’

“‘By the end of this century,’ he continued, ‘most of the human race will have become cyborgs [part human, part tech or machine]. The allure will be immortality… The concern I’m raising is that the machines will view us as an unpredictable and dangerous species.’

“Del Monte believes machines will become self-conscious and have the capabilities to protect themselves. They ‘might view us the same way we view harmful insects.’ Humans are a species that ‘is unstable, creates wars, has weapons to wipe out the world twice over, and makes computer viruses.’ …

“A 2009 experiment showed that robots can develop the ability to lie to each other. Run at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems in the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, the experiment had robots designed to cooperate in finding beneficial resources like energy and avoiding the hazardous ones. Shockingly, the robots learned to lie to each other in an attempt to hoard the beneficial resources for themselves. ‘The implication is that they’re also learning self-preservation,’ Del Monte told us…”

Kenya’s Bull Elephants at Brink of Extinction

The Times Magazine wrote on July 5:

“There are a dozen tuskers left in Kenya: the spectacular bull elephants, whose tusks fetch poachers $1 million each, are on the brink of extinction. And five weeks ago, the most iconic of them all, 45-year-old Satao, was killed.”

God will destroy those who destroy the earth and wipe out animals for pecuniary gain.

The Elephant Cried

Huffington Post reported on July 7:

“For 50 years, Raju the elephant was abused, held shackled in spiked chains and forced to live off scraps from passing tourists. All that changed when he was rescued last weekend by wildlife conservationists who said the animal cried when he was finally set free.

“Wildlife SOS, a group established in 1995 to protect endangered wildlife in India, set out to rescue Raju on the night of July 2. Raju is around 50 years old and was likely captured as a baby and bought and sold many times over the course of his life. He was forced to work as a begging elephant in Allahabad. His legs were bound in spiked chains that made walking difficult and left him with chronic wounds. He was also beaten…

“Raju was in chains 24 hours a day, an act of ­intolerable cruelty. The team were astounded to see tears roll down his face during the rescue,’  Pooja Binepal, a spokesman for Wildlife SOS, said, per the Mirror. ‘It was incredibly emotional. We knew in our hearts he realized he was being freed. Elephants are majestic and highly intelligent animals. We can only imagine what torture the past half a century has been for him.’

“[Nikki Sharp, the executive director of Wildlife SOS-USA]… echoed Binepal’s statement while speaking with HuffPost. ‘[The rescue team] went in to rescue him and [his captors] had bound him up so tightly that he was in a lot of pain,’ she said. ‘The vet and our team came with fruits and just started speaking softly to him and to reassure him that we were there to help, and it was at that time that tears flooded down his face. The founder of Wildlife SOS, who was there are the time of the rescue, said …. that really caught him off guard. They’ve done a lot of elephant rescues and the fact the tears were just coming down … he was weeping. It was an emotional moment and everyone was more motivated to get him on the truck and to safety.’…”

“These Creatures Are More Fact Than Fiction”

The Huffington Post published an interesting article on July 7 about mystical creatures which are believed in existence today. While excluding the obvious incredibility of some legends, we are bringing you excerpts about two samples which have the benefit of at least some credibility—the “Loch Ness” monster and “Mokole Mbembe”:

“… while believing in… sea serpents or the like might throw someone’s credibility into question, consider that people who believed in the giant squid, the platypus and the Komodo dragon were ultimately proven correct. These three very real creatures were long considered the stuff of myth and make-believe.

“Is it really so far-fetched to imagine that other fabled beasts could also occupy the realms of reality? We’ll leave the formal investigations to the cryptozoologists and for now take a look at some of the more interesting creatures that cultures around the world believe in…

“The legend of the Loch Ness monster stretches back to the sixth century, when it was first referenced in the biography of St. Columba. The Irish missionary reportedly stumbled upon a funeral for a man who had been killed by a loch (the Scottish word for ‘lake’) serpent. People’s beliefs about the monster were reinvigorated in the 1930s when a couple reported the first modern-day sighting of it…

“Many early explorers of the Congo Basin wrote about an other-worldly beast they observed or heard tales of during their travels. With a long neck and an elephantine body, the creature has been described as a water-dwelling monster that looks like a sauropaud dinosaur, according to National Geographic. It is known as Mokole Mbembe in the Likouala region of the Congo, which is said to be its home.

“To date, there have been more than 50 expeditions to try and figure out whether the creature is the last living species of the dinosaur. Thus far, researchers have come up empty-handed. However, according to BBC, 80 percent of the Likouala region of the Congo has yet to be charted. That’s 66,000 square kilometers of unexplored terrain. ‘I’d put Mokele-mbembe in the same category as the Loch Ness Monster,’ Bill Laurance, a professor at James Cook University in Australia, told the BBC. ‘My gut sense is that the likelihood of the creature actually existing today is small. However, one thing you learn early on in science is never say never. We are still discovering new species all the time.’”

For more information, please read our Q&A on the existence of sea monsters.  

This Week in the News

We begin with two articles which seem unrelated, but which are connected and in direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Other articles add to the picture.

The first article deals with the terrible lack of water in Texas and other parts of the USA, which might lead to the starvation of “billions” of people, reminding us of the biblical warnings of drought and famine in the USA and around the world.

The second article quotes Pope Francis as saying that, “faithful and non-faithful alike,” should keep Sunday (which we know is the ancient day of worship of pagan sun gods which is also associated with the “mark of the beast.”)

Focusing on the political situation in the USA and its crumbling relationship with its allies, a biting article in the Washington Times describes the embarrassing political role of the American government—stretching from incompetency to conspiracy—and new developments and revelations pertaining to the NSA scandal have Germany up in arms. While the White House seems to foolishly underestimate the gravity of the problems, German politicians and commentators speak of a “huge breach of trust of the transatlantic relationship” and charge President Obama with lying or at least with not being in control.

We report on the escalating situation in the Middle East and the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas; inform on the current situation in Eastern Ukraine; address a new Scottish law which reminds us of the dictatorial conduct of Hitler; Stalin and Communist East Germany; give another example why true Christians sin when they serve on a jury; and publish an article warning of our dangerous fascination with unpredictable robots.

We conclude with three animal-related articles pertaining to man’s brutality in torturing elephants, as well as destroying and butchering Kenya’s magnificent elephants for money, and “fictitious” creatures which might not be that “fictitious” after all.    

Update 647

Religion of the House of Judah

On July 12, 2014, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Religion of the House of Judah.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Clean in an Unclean World

by Michael Link

We are constantly “challenged” by Satan and by God to see how strong we really are. While Satan is tempting us to sin, God is testing our strength, so that we do not sin. Will we obey God in regards to His Law or will we break His Law and give in to Satan’s intent to see us stumble and fall?

We are set apart; we are chosen by God to understand His truth and potential plan for us, which is considered strange to those who are not familiar with God’s Law.

The knowledge of the truth has to be within us and we have to be vigilant and stand up for the truth at all times. 

The Bible is very consistent and doesn’t contradict itself.  God’s Law is peaceful and perfect, but it is also a mystery in this world.  We are called out of this world to be clean, and that is the way we ought to live.  But we live in an unclean world ruled by Satan and we know how easily his clever tactics can ensnare us, tempting us just like he tempted Christ when Christ was on this earth as a human being.  We have to act as Christ did and conquer Satan by living righteously.

We were all unclean, and at our baptism we “put to death” our members, which were “on the earth” (Colossians 3:5).  We replaced one for the other as verses 9 and 10 explain: “…since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.”

We were cleaned when we were baptized. However, even after baptism, we will still sin, so that we need to be cleansed constantly (1 John 1:8-9). Our members have to be put to death constantly. The annual Passover reminds us that our uncleanliness, which is our carnal mindset fueled by Satan, has to be removed, and it is a renewal of our commitment to God to live righteously and to remain clean. 

Colossians 3:12-17 and Galatians 5:22-26 provide us with great examples of how we can live a “clean” and righteous life, by applying the “new man character” and walking in the fruit of the Spirit.  This truly is the way of peace – the guide to happiness.  If we live this way, we will draw even closer to God and truly understand what our calling is all about – to be clean in an unclean world. 

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We begin with two articles which seem unrelated, but which are connected and in direct fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Other articles add to the picture.

The first article deals with the terrible lack of water in Texas and other parts of the USA, which might lead to the starvation of “billions” of people, reminding us of the biblical warnings of drought and famine in the USA and around the world.

The second article quotes Pope Francis as saying that, “faithful and non-faithful alike,” should keep Sunday (which we know is the ancient day of worship of pagan sun gods which is also associated with the “mark of the beast.”)

Focusing on the political situation in the USA and its crumbling relationship with its allies, a biting article in the Washington Times describes the embarrassing political role of the American government—stretching from incompetency to conspiracy—and new developments and revelations pertaining to the NSA scandal have Germany up in arms. While the White House seems to foolishly underestimate the gravity of the problems, German politicians and commentators speak of a “huge breach of trust of the transatlantic relationship” and charge President Obama with lying or at least with not being in control.

We report on the escalating situation in the Middle East and the ongoing fighting between Israel and Hamas; inform on the current situation in Eastern Ukraine; address a new Scottish law which reminds us of the dictatorial conduct of Hitler; Stalin and Communist East Germany; give another example why true Christians sin when they serve on a jury; and publish an article warning of our dangerous fascination with unpredictable robots.

We conclude with three animal-related articles pertaining to man’s brutality in torturing elephants, as well as destroying and butchering Kenya’s magnificent elephants for money, and “fictitious” creatures which might not be that “fictitious” after all.    

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“Billions Could Starve…”

NBC News reported on July 6:

“The once bounteous quantities of water that flowed under his farmland in the Texas Panhandle are a distant memory–pumped to the last drop. Now there is only one source of water… the sky above…

“The scope of this mounting crisis is difficult to overstate: The High Plains of Texas are swiftly running out of groundwater supplied by one of the world’s largest aquifers – the Ogallala. A study by Texas Tech University has predicted that if groundwater production goes unabated, vast portions of several counties in the southern High Plains will soon have little water left in the aquifer to be of any practical value.

“The Ogallala Aquifer spreads across eight states, from Texas to South Dakota, covering 111.8 million acres and 175,000 square miles. It’s the fountain of life not only for much of the Texas Panhandle, but also for the entire American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, a highly-sophisticated, amazingly-productive agricultural region that literally helps feed the world…

“‘This country became what it became largely because we had water security,’ says Venki Uddameri, Ph.D., director of the Water Resources Center at Texas Tech…

“With the world population increasing, and other critical global aquifers suffering equally dramatic declines, scientists acknowledge that if the American Breadbasket cannot help supply ever-growing food demands, billions could starve. ‘The depletion of the Ogallala is an internationally important crisis,’ says Burke Griggs, Ph.D., consulting professor at the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford University…”

Sadly, terrible famine and drought are exactly what the Bible has pronounced thousands of years ago, especially for the USA. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.” 

Pope Francis—“Sunday Day of Rest for ALL”!

The Associated Press wrote on July 5:

“Pope Francis has lamented the abandoning of the traditionally Christian practice of not working on Sundays, saying it has a negative impact on families and friendships. Francis on Saturday traveled to Molise, an agricultural region in the heart of southern Italy where unemployment is chronically high. While he said poor people need jobs to have dignity, he indicated that opening stores and other businesses on Sundays as a way to create jobs wasn’t beneficial for society… He added: ‘Maybe it’s time to ask ourselves if working on Sundays is true freedom.’

“He said that spending Sundays with family and friends is an ‘ethical choice’ for faithful and non-faithful alike. Francis, 77, appeared to have bounced back from a spate of illnesses which have caused him to cancel several appointments recently. He flew by helicopter to Molise for a full day of activity, including a lunch appointment with poor people and a visit to a prison.”

Sunday is the day of worship for pagans and Gentiles—NOT for true Christians. But Sunday worship is also part of the mark of the beast which will be inflicted on most people. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”


While the US Retreats, Russia Takes Over

Yahoo News reported on July 9:

“As the crisis [in Iraq] has deepened, U.S. contractors, U.S. Embassy personnel and most of the U.S. service members from the embassy’s Office of Security Cooperation have abandoned the threatened capital. The exodus has coincided with Russian contractors and support personnel pouring into BIAP to help launch the 25 Russian SU-25 warplanes that Moscow is rushing to Iraq in its hour of need…

“Thus in June U.S. contractors employed by Bell Helicopter, Beechcraft and General Dynamics Land Systems have all pulled their support personnel out of Iraq, depriving Iraqis of maintenance and repair for their U.S.-manufactured Bell ARH-407 armed reconnaissance helicopters, Beechcraft T-6 military trainer aircraft and M-1 tanks. Given the deteriorating security situation, a knowledgeable source says that virtually all U.S. contractor personnel have left Iraq…

“Making matters worse, that Iraqi arsenal notably does not yet include a single one of the 34 F-16 fighters that Iraq has had on order since 2010; nor the 24 Apache helicopter gunships on order that were held up by Congress until last January and still have not flown; nor the 24 Beechcraft AT-6 Texan II armed turboprop planes that the State Department approved for sale to Iraq back in May.

“The retreat of U.S. contractor and embassy personnel, and failure to follow through in a timely fashion on U.S. promises of military equipment for Iraq, is feeding a widespread narrative of declining American influence and commitment to the Middle East. The perceived power vacuum as the U.S. military presence wanes has been noted by adversaries and allies alike.

“The perception of a U.S. retreat from the region was reinforced by the Obama administration’s failure to follow through on promised military strikes against Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria after it used chemical weapons last year, emboldening Assad’s security forces and badly demoralizing the more moderate Syrian rebel factions. Those secular Syrian rebel groups last week threatened to lay down their weapons altogether if more military equipment and support was not forthcoming.

“Against U.S. wishes, Massoud Barzani, the president of the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq, declared that he will soon hold a referendum on Kurdish independence, reportedly with a green light from NATO ally Turkey. Saudi Arabia has repeatedly distanced itself from Washington in disagreements over U.S. nuclear talks with Iran, inaction in Syria and opposition to the military coup in Egypt. Critics say a pattern is developing of once staunch allies going their own way out of frustration with U.S. inaction.

“Meanwhile, U.S. tentativeness before and during the Iraq crisis is in marked contrast to the approach of Russia and Iran, which rapidly sent military advisers and support personnel to bolster the regime of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. The first of the SU-25s began arriving in Baghdad aboard Russian military transports last week. Speaking to the BBC, Al-Maliki complained that if Iraqi Security Forces had the necessary airpower represented by the F-16s, they could have turned back the juggernaut offensive launched by the Islamist militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) and allies among the Sunni tribes…”

The Failure of US Middle East Policy

Deutsche Welle reported on July 10:

“US dithering in the Middle East threatens years of peace work – and is destroying the country’s influence in the region. Many are blaming the president, calling him weak and indecisive…

“Over just a few years, the Middle East has been transformed into a region overcome by a single highly dangerous crisis. Conflict in Libya, Egypt, Iran and Syria, the bloody fighting tearing apart Iraq and the dramatically re-inflamed Palestinian-Israeli confrontation are back at the focus of world attention…

“Following Palestinian rocket attacks and Israeli reprisals, the conflict threatens to reach a new level of escalation with a possible large-scale Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip. After the peace initiative promoted by US Secretary of State John Kerry went nowhere, the Americans are now seemingly powerless, their efforts in tatters.

“The liberal Washington Post [says] the fighting in Iraq is a particularly dramatic example of the failure of current US Middle East policy. The paper’s Jackson Diehl writes ‘the Obama administration’s strategy of re-creating a unified Iraq under a strong central government will, like its previous Middle East schemes, prove a mirage.’…

“The administration’s indecisiveness has badly wounded US standing in the region. It is weaker than it has been in a long time. The Obama administration threatened the Egyptian generals with an end to the billions in military aid if they continued human rights violations, only for Secretary of State John Kerry to travel to Cairo a short time later to sheepishly announce the resumption of military aid – only a few days after supporters of former President Morsi were sentenced to death en masse…

“Ultimately, the region needs an outside power to serve as mediator…”

Such a “mediator” will arise on the world scene, but it will not be the United States.

Barack Obama–Incompetency or Conspiracy?

The Washington Times wrote on July 6:

“Maybe we’ve been conned. There’s a growing recognition that Barack Obama is an incompetent poser, working out of his depth, and his administration is the gang that can’t shoot straight. There’s a lot of evidence to support that belief.

“Everything he touches becomes a bloody mess, like crushed bones and bits of flesh caught in the tracks of a tank slicing through a rank of soldiers (or civilians). Iraq, Syria, Egypt — all gone, as prospects for countries with a prosperous and democratic future. The ‘reset’ with Russia, meant to ensure that America and the replacement republic of the old Soviet Union can be friends, is a reset, sure enough. The new Russia looks more like a reset to the Cold War, more adversary than friend, transformed by a feckless American president and an ambitious Russian leader eager to take advantage of weak and incompetent American leadership.

“The ‘humanitarian crisis’ on the southern border is the most persuasive evidence of all that America is adrift in a sea of incompetence, blown about by every ill wind that blows. The mighty ship of state is bereft of a rudder, traveling in endless circles with the captain stumbling on the bridge, trying to make sense of navigation charts he can’t read.

“However, this may be ascribing to incompetence what is better explained by conspiracy. Mr. Obama promised in 2008 that he intended to transform America, and he is well on his way. Anyone who looked closely at the man and the influences that shaped who he would become risked being called a racist, a nativist, a bigot and a redneck yahoo. He was the messiah everyone was waiting for.

“The ruins of American foreign policy are not likely to catch the attention of a culture drunk on the entertainment of the trivial, the trifling and the unimportant. But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration. The scary implications for the future of the exceptional nation begins to weigh on Congress.

“This week, a Texas congressman who does not have the luxury of looking the other way because he sees trouble in every direction he looks, said what the nice people think must never be said. The tsunami will change everything. ‘Either we’re going to enforce our laws and remain strong, economically or otherwise, or we ignore the rule of law and go to being a Third World country,’ Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican, told Fox News. ‘You’ve got to follow the law. You cannot bring hundreds of thousands of people in this country without destroying the country. Then there’s no place that people can dream about coming.’

“No one knows this better than Barack Obama. Making the United States over into a Third World country is exactly what this president is about. He is of the Third World. He spent his formative years in the Third World, and when his mother, obsessed with the Third World, brought him back to America, he sought out the company of those who dreamed of making America over into the world’s largest welfare state…”

The Bible prophesied that because of our national sins, the country will experience an unprecedented downfall due to incompetent and helpless leadership.

USA No Longer a Country?

Newsmax reported on July 8:

“Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan has slammed President Barack Obama’s ‘inaction’ on the immigration crisis while warning that a country that cannot control its borders is no longer a country… ‘As Ronald Reagan said, “A country that won’t or can’t control its borders is not a country anymore,”’ Buchanan said.

“‘What’s happening on our southern border and Europe is [that] the failed states of the Third World are driving people basically to try to seek to have what exists in the West and the United States. But the truth is, if you do not get control of folks pouring into your country from all over the world, they will alter the character and composition of your country and change it forever without the consent of the American people.’…

“Buchanan blamed former President George H.W. Bush for helping to create the current crisis by not securing the border back in the early 1990s when he said 5,000 illegal immigrants were crossing the border every weekend. ‘If the government had acted then we would be dealing not with 12 million or 20 million, but 3 million. Many of them would have been gone. But it’s a failure of both political parties, presidents of both parties…”

NSA Greatest Threat to American Society Since US Civil War

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 3:

“A former NSA technical chief has told Germany’s parliament that the US agency has become a ‘totalitarian’ mass collector of data… William Binney described the US National Security Agency in Berlin on Thursday as an entity that had abandoned every rule-of-law principle and breached the democratic freedoms of citizens.

“Testifying, Binney accused the NSA of having a ‘totalitarian mentality’ and wanting ‘total information control’ over citizens in breach of the US constitution. It was an approach that until now the public had only seen among dictators, he added. Mass collection was ‘senseless’ and did not help in counterterrorism, and actually hindered the agency’s capabilities, Binney said. The NSA represented the ‘greatest threat’ to American society since the US Civil War of the 19th century, Binney added.

“Binney left the NSA as its technical chief in 2001 shortly [after] it began mass scanning in the wake of 9/11 hijack attacks by al Qaeda terrorists on New York and Washington…

“Another former NSA staffer, Thomas Drake, who left the NSA after trying to use official complaint channels, told the inquiry that almost all data that transited Germany was accessed by the NSA and Germany’s BND foreign intelligence service — or the NSA alone. The US government was exercising the ultimate form of control, Drake said, adding that the German BND’s silence on the issue was ‘terrible.’… Drake said the United States would soon become a ‘real surveillance’ nation in which the private lives of individuals were becoming more and more the property of the state…”

German Government Powerless?

The Local wrote on July 4:

“… critics said the German government is looking increasingly powerless against the capabilities of the NSA and British GCHQ.

“The government’s only answer had been to tell citizens to keep themselves safe online by encrypting their data, said Konstantin von Notz, Green MP and chairman of the German parliamentary inquiry into the NSA affair. ‘And now we find out that the very ones who encrypt and use that are the ones being watched. That is perverse and insane,’ he told the broadcaster.

“… the German inquiry heard evidence from former NSA employees-turned-whistleblowers Thomas Drake and William Binney, who gave weight to serious allegations against the German intelligence service (BND).  Drake said the BND had become a ‘vermiform appendix of the NSA,’ referring to accusations it had been passing data on German citizens on to the American service – an act forbidden under Germany’s constitution.”

German “Double Agent” Creating a Stir—“Huge Breach of Trust of Transatlantic Relationship”

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 7:

“The fallout from the arrest of a German ‘double agent,’ who was allegedly filtering information to the NSA, continues to create a stir…  The [BND] employee was detained on suspicion of espionage…

“The suspect allegedly sold 218 documents to an unnamed US intelligence agency for 25,000 euros ($33,000)… The German daily tabloid newspaper Bild reported on Friday that three of the 218 documents were related to Germany’s parliamentary inquiry into NSA surveillance operations. The suspect allegedly received orders directly from the US embassy…

“German parliamentarians across the political spectrum… have already expressed outrage over the allegations. ‘If it turns out to be true that a BND employee worked for the US embassy for years, it would be a huge breach of trust in the transatlantic relationship,’ Stephan Mayer, the internal affairs spokesman for Merkel’s conservative parliamentary grouping, told Bild.”    

American Conduct Either “Stupid” or “Shameless”—Whoever Is Responsible “Must Go”—Obama Either “Lied” or “Not in Control”

The New York Times wrote on July 6:

“With mystery enveloping a German intelligence service employee accused of spying — reportedly for the United States — German officials and commentators on Sunday angrily demanded a response from Washington, warning that an already troubled relationship was at risk of deteriorating to a new low…

“President Joachim Gauck, whose role is largely ceremonial but who increasingly speaks out on daily matters, told German television that if it turned out that the United States had been spying on Germany, ‘then that is really a gamble with friendship, with a close alliance.’ ‘Then we really have to say, Enough,’ Mr. Gauck added…

“Perhaps the most striking sign of the strained relationship was Germany’s decision to summon the American ambassador, John B. Emerson, to the Foreign Ministry on the Fourth of July, just before the American Embassy’s holiday party for hundreds of guests. The newsmagazine Der Spiegel reported that the ambassador had smiled and greeted guests, but that the tension was noticeable: ‘It was as it has so often been recently when official America meets official Germany. The facade was perfect, but behind it there was little accord.’…

“Over decades of friendship since 1945, sharp language like that of recent months has been rare in German-American dealings. Those ties have been strained since last summer, when documents leaked by Edward J. Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor, suggested that the N.S.A. had monitored the electronic data of millions of Germans. The German government then appeared to receive assurances from Washington that nothing illegal had occurred. But the subsequent revelation that Ms. Merkel’s own cellphone had been monitored stirred new anger in a nation that remembers the role played by a snooping state under the Nazis and the Communists.

“The German government tried reaching a ‘no spy’ accord with Washington, but the Obama administration rejected the idea. Months of attempts to restore relations have yielded the beginnings of a dialogue about how to deal with electronic data, cybersecurity and privacy. Those talks, and much else, would be jeopardized if the Americans recruited an agent, German commentators warned.

“Stefan Kornelius, the foreign editor of the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and usually a pronounced Atlanticist, wrote a blistering commentary on Saturday, saying it was hard even to summon words to describe the potential damage. If United States intelligence agencies acted as suggested, he wrote, that would be ‘either stupid or shameless.’ Either way, relations would turn icy, because confirmation of the espionage accusations would mean either that President Obama does not have the intelligence services under control, or that he lied when trying to smooth things over in recent months, Mr. Kornelius said. ‘The United States must now make plain publicly in whose name, and why, the German partner service was infiltrated,’ Mr. Kornelius added. ‘Whoever is responsible for this damage must go — in Washington just as in Berlin.’”

Der Spiegel Online commented that the USA underestimates the gravity and severity of the problem, ignoring the underlying Anti-Americanism of a growing minority of the German people.

German Spying on US?

The Independent wrote on July 8:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is planning to scrap a no-spy agreement Germany has held with Britain and the United States since 1945 in response to an embarrassing US-German intelligence service scandal which has deeply soured relations between Berlin and Washington. The unprecedented change to Berlin’s counter-espionage policy was announced by Ms Merkel’s Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière. He said that Berlin wanted ‘360‑degree surveillance’ of all intelligence-gathering operations in Germany.

“The intelligence services of the Allied victors, the United States, Britain and France, have hitherto been regarded as ‘friendly’ to Germany. Their diplomatic and information-gathering activities were exempted from surveillance by Berlin’s equivalent of M15 – the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). But Mr de Maizière told Bild that he was now not ruling out permanent German counter-espionage surveillance of US, British and French intelligence operations. His remarks were echoed by Stephan Mayer, a domestic security spokesman for Ms Merkel’s ruling Christian Democrats. ‘We must focus more strongly on our so-called allies,’ he said.”

“Enough Is Enough!”

The Local wrote on July 7:

“Following a spate of scandals where US agencies including the NSA targeted subjects in Germany – including the illegal tapping of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone – the new case was one apparent double-cross too many, national and regional media said. ‘Enough grumbling,’ Zeit Online commented on Monday. ‘The Federal Republic is not some kind of tin-pot state where hostile or allied intelligence services can do whatever they like. If – or rather because – the US government and its machinery are making a laughing stock of all notions of German-US friendship, then it’s time to get tough,’ the paper wrote…

“In a Spiegel magazine survey conducted amid the latest revelations, 57 percent of respondents now favoured ‘greater independence from the United States.’ And 69 percent said their trust in the US had recently plummeted… Another 60 percent of respondents in the Spiegel survey, however, said they wanted ‘greater independence’ in German relations with Russia, with another 40 percent calling for active closer cooperation.

“Meanwhile, the Stuttgarter Zeitung on Sunday commented that the paltry sum of €25,000 that was supposedly paid for the 218 documents showed how casually the United States was prepared to gamble with its relations with Germany. The latest spy scandal clearly showed US ‘disdain for democratic institutions and contempt for the smaller partner,’ the paper wrote.

“‘We now have the next confirmation that we are not such good friends as people would have us believe,’ agreed Tagesspiegel.”

A Second Spy Case?

The Associated Press reported on July 9:

“German authorities are investigating a second spy case reportedly involving the U.S., a week after the arrest of a German intelligence employee cast a new shadow over relations between the two countries. Federal prosecutors said Wednesday that police raided properties in the Berlin area on ‘initial suspicion of activity for an intelligence agency.’… ‘We have investigations in two cases of suspected espionage, a very serious suspicion,’ government spokesman Steffen Seibert told reporters in Berlin…

“The daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported, without naming sources, that the man being investigated worked at Germany’s Defense Ministry and is suspected of spying for the United States. Die Welt newspaper reported, also without naming sources, the man was a soldier in the German army who had aroused the suspicion of Germany’s military counter-intelligence agency because of his close contacts to alleged U.S. spies.”

The Local added on July 9:

“The Attorney General’s Office confirmed on Wednesday they were investigating a further case of espionage in Germany, allegedly involving a US agent who was reportedly an army officer at Germany’s Ministry of Defence.”

This latest case will further strain transatlantic relations.

Tensions Mount in the Middle East

Deutsche Welle reported on July 8:

“Israel has launched an aerial offensive, targeting Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip… At least nine people were injured in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday morning in an air raid by the Israeli military. Warplanes targeting Hamas militants struck more than 30 sites as part of Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge.’…

“On Monday, air sirens were sounded across southern Israel as militant group Hamas stepped up its attacks, which have been occurring frequently in recent days. The Israeli army reported that the Gaza Strip-based group had launched dozens of rockets in quick succession… Meanwhile on Monday, three of the six men arrested for the murder of the 16-year-old Palestinian, Mohammed Abu Khdeir, admitted their guilt.”

Breitbart wrote on July 8:

“Photos have surfaced… showing Israeli tanks and armored vehicles stationed on the border with the Gaza Strip.”

BBC News added on July 9:

“Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon said on Wednesday that the campaign against Hamas would expand in the next few days and ‘exact a huge price’. Israel has warned it may send ground troops into Gaza. It has authorised the call-up of up to 40,000 military reservists. Hundreds of reservists have already been drafted.”

JTA wrote on July 9:

“Hamas claimed responsibility for three rockets fired at Dimona in southern Israel, saying the terror group was aiming for the city’s nuclear reactor.”

Again—EU Condemns Israel

The EUObserver reported on July 8:

“EU countries have urged Palestinian militants to stop firing at Israel, while ‘deploring’ Israel’s killing of civilians. They said in a statement on Tuesday (8 July) the EU ‘strongly condemns the indiscriminate fire into Israel’ from the Gaza strip, while adding it ‘deplores the growing number of civilian casualties, reportedly among them children, caused by Israeli retaliatory fire’…

“For its part, the US on Tuesday urged both sides to ‘de-escalate’.  A US State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, added that Palestinian ‘terrorists’ are ‘deliberately targeting’ Israeli civilians. ‘No country can accept rocket fire aimed at civilians, and we certainly support Israel’s right to defend itself’”.

ISIS Becomes IS

Newsmax wrote on July 7:

“The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has shortened its name to Islamic State (IS) because the militant insurgent group is looking to establish a ‘universal kingdom’ of believers, said Lt. Col. Ralph Peters. ‘Now that they’ve dropped to just IS, Islamic State, it tells you that they’re looking far beyond Iraq and Syria,’ Peters, a retired Army Lt. Col., told Fox News…

“Peters said the IS fighters are so dedicated to their beliefs that they are ‘willing, and even anxious, to die for their beliefs.’ This stands in opposition to the Iraqi army, which saw many of its members retreat as the ISIS threat advanced…”

It has also emerged that ISIS is in possession of chemical weapons and nuclear material.

ISIS Destroys Presumed Tombstone of Jonah

Mail On Line reported on July 9:

“This is the shocking moment ISIS militants took sledgehammers to Iraqi tombstones  – smashing them to pieces.

“The rebels, who are members of the Islamic State terror group, were filmed attacking centuries-old graves in the north-west city of Mosul in Ninevah province…One of the devastated tombstones belonged to the Prophet Jonah (Younis in Arabic) and was revered by Muslims and Christians alike, according to Iraqi authorities.

“The prophet, who is the central figure in the Hebrew Bible’s Book of Jonah, is best known for being swallowed by a fish or a whale, depending on translation… The attack is the latest in the ISIS’s violent rampage across Iraq.

“Earlier this week, a series of images emerged showing the destruction of almost a dozen Shia and Sunni religious shrines in Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, and the town of Tal Afar, which is also currently under ISIS control… ISIS militants believe giving special veneration to tombs and relics is against the teachings of Islam…”

Final Showdown in Eastern Ukraine?

The New York Times wrote on July 8:

“Rebel fighters in eastern Ukraine may be on the defensive, but they are not melting away, at least not here in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine’s regional capital. Over the weekend, hundreds of them poured into this city after the Ukrainian military forced them out of Slovyansk, a stronghold north of here. Now they are preparing for a final showdown with the Ukrainian military that they say is coming soon.

“Whether it does is an open question. Moscow, whose support the rebels say they cannot live without, has called for a negotiated truce and seems to be unwilling to come to their aid, at least openly. But negotiations have faltered. Ukraine recently called off a cease-fire, worrying that it was playing into the rebels’ hands. On Tuesday, hopes for talks seemed to flicker again. On a surprise visit to Slovyansk, Ukraine’s president, Petro O. Poroshenko, emphasized that he was prepared to negotiate with those ready ‘to lay down their arms’ and opt for ‘a future amnesty’… Mr. Poroshenko has refused to deal directly with the leaders of the armed separatist rebellion.

“It was far from clear that such an offer would suit any of the rebels, who are far from defeated. In the neighboring city of Luhansk, which, like Donetsk, was also occupied this spring, a rebel leader said his forces had actually pushed back government troops in recent days, according to the Russian news agency Interfax. On Tuesday, Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, reiterated the Kremlin’s demand for a cease-fire in the Ukrainian conflict, and said Mr. Poroshenko was being counterproductive by demanding that insurgents surrender before engaging in any peace talks…

“The government in Kiev also warned that it was prepared to take the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk by force… Moscow’s role remains a mystery. But rebels seem to be growing increasingly disenchanted with what they call meager support…”

Domestic Backlash Against Putin Over Ukraine?

The Christian Science Monitor wrote on July 7:

“Russia’s leading ultranationalist philosopher, sometimes labeled ‘Putin’s Brain,’ says that Kremlin ‘hesitations’ over extending military support to east Ukraine’s embattled pro-Russian rebels could lead to a domestic political backlash against Vladimir Putin.

“Alexander Dugin, whose extreme right-wing ‘Eurasianist’ ideology has often seemed to foreshadow Kremlin actions, says that war between Russia and Ukraine is inevitable. Mr. Putin’s apparent decision to abandon retreating east Ukrainian rebels to their fate risks turning into outright betrayal, which could split Putin from his key electoral base of ‘patriotic’ Russians, he says. ‘Putin started this by signaling that Russia should defend east Ukraine from attacks by Kiev military forces,’ Mr. Dugin told the Monitor in a phone interview Monday. ‘He declared the unity of the Russian World, and this was understood by leaders in east Ukraine that Russia would help them. But after a difficult struggle inside the Kremlin, the decision to help has been delayed. This is seen as a sign of betrayal by the patriots…. I wouldn’t call it betrayal yet. But Putin has changed the timing, and this has created a very critical situation,’ he says.

“Dugin is widely viewed as chief ideologist for the hawkish wing of Russia’s ruling elite, and his persistent influence inside the Kremlin has been widely documented. A good deal of Western commentary portrays him in somewhat hyperbolic terms as ‘Putin’s Rasputin,’ or the guiding mind behind Kremlin geo-strategy…

“Russians are almost evenly split on extending military aid to east Ukraine’s insurrection, though most oppose direct Russian intervention in the conflict… 64 percent support Russian volunteers participating in the conflict on the rebel side, and majorities consistently say Moscow should do more to back the rebels. But 68 percent also say they fear the local conflict could develop into full-blown war between Russia and Ukraine, while 54 percent worry it could grow into ‘World War III.’… On [the] one hand, people want Russia to give more backing [to the Ukrainian rebels]. On the other hand, they deeply fear [a] catastrophic development of the situation…

“Russians have grown increasingly alarmed and pessimistic about the drift of events in next-door Ukraine, and more than three-quarters now believe things are going to get ‘markedly worse’ in the near future.

“Dugin, who is in regular contact with east Ukrainian rebel leaders, says that without more Russian aid they probably can’t hold out more than a few weeks against the full-scale Ukrainian military operation now arrayed against them. He says that Putin’s ‘hesitations’ will come back to haunt him if he fails to come to east Ukraine’s assistance. ‘When Kiev finishes with the revolt in Donetsk and Luhansk, the next target will be Crimea,’ which was annexed by Russia in March, he says. ‘War is inevitable. Either we start to fight now, or we shall have to fight later.’

“Dugin alleges that Putin is holding back from taking this fateful step out of fear of Western sanctions and hopes that he can work with European leaders to fashion a negotiated peace settlement. ‘Putin’s dilemma is that he could lose the momentum of the Russian Spring, while no matter what he does he will never win any understanding from the West,’ he says. ‘The US uncritically supports Kiev’s military operation against east Ukraine, and it will support them if they attack Crimea. There is nothing to gain by waiting,’ he adds…

“‘Putin has realized that it was easier to start these events than to end them,’ says Nikolai Petrov, a professor at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics. ‘We can see that Putin is not interested in more direct involvement in Ukraine’s civil strife. But there are influential forces in Russia who are clamoring for action, and Putin cannot ignore them,’ he adds.”

New Scottish Law—Reminiscent of Hitler, Stalin and Communist East Germany

The website of wrote on June 30:

“Scotland wants to treat all families as potentially abusive and appoint a ‘named person’ (that is, a guardian) as soon as the child is born and up through age 18 to oversee the parenting. This ‘shadow parent’ would be empowered by the government under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, which will take effect in 2016… in substance, the role of the named person is not actually to supplant the family, to state-raise children, but rather to insert a surveying, coercive authority – a spy – in the midst of every family…

“This idea grows out of the conviction that… all children are in danger at all times, and hence need constant oversight. Sometimes it’s the police arresting a dad for letting his kids play outside, sometimes it’s the police arresting a mom for letting her children walk to the pizza shop, and sometimes it’s even the local library reporting a mom who let her kids, 12 and 15, walk home without coats on a night the authorities deemed too cold.

“True danger lies in the notion that the state should decide if you are parenting your kids correctly. The care of your own children is not up to you.”

Another Example—Don’t Serve on a Jury!

The Huffington Post wrote on July 8:

“An Iowa terminal cancer patient showed up to court Tuesday wrapped in a blanket, still wearing hospital identification wristbands, to testify at his trial on felony marijuana charges. He’s been barred from a defense that explains the marijuana was to relieve his aggressive and rare cancer of the blood vessels.

“Benton Mackenzie, 48, faces up to five years in prison if he’s convicted of marijuana manufacturing and conspiracy for growing plants he says he used to make canabidiol, or CBD, a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, to treat his tumors…

“Mackenzie was rushed out of Scott County District Court on Monday to a hospital after complaining of extreme pain and hallucinations. He suffers from severe angiosarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer of the blood vessels that produces large skin lesions. His family said he was treated for anemia and other symptoms overnight…

 “District Judge Henry Latham in May barred Mackenzie from using his condition as a defense for growing marijuana… Mackenzie has said he’s been threatened with jail if he discloses his medical condition in court. Mackenzie on Tuesday filed a motion arguing that a law that Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) signed in May that legalize the use of CBD oil to treat epilepsy should protect his use of the oil. The new law, however, focuses narrowly on treatment for ‘intractable epilepsy’ and does not apply to Mackenzie, Latham ruled Tuesday.

“‘The change in law benefits only a small group of Iowans with the most organized lobbying efforts,’ Des Moines Register editorial board wrote over the weekend. ‘Other sick Iowans should have legal access to marijuana extracts, too. These include people with painful and debilitating conditions like cancer, spinal cord injuries and severe arthritis, who may benefit from the drug. But if these people obtain cannabis oil, they will still be considered criminals in this state.’”

Judge Latham’s decision makes a fair trial virtually impossible. This is another example why true Christians must NOT serve on a jury. Sadly, far too many members in the broader Church of God community miss this point entirely and become complicit in and responsible for the rendering of false judgments and unjust guilty verdicts.

The Future World of Lying Robots

Business Insider wrote on July 5:

“‘Today there’s no legislation regarding how much intelligence a machine can have, how interconnected it can be… [You are] going to see that the top species will no longer be humans, but machines.’

“These are the words of Louis Del Monte, physicist, entrepreneur, and author of ‘The Artificial Intelligence Revolution.’ Del Monte spoke to us over the phone about his thoughts surrounding artificial intelligence and the singularity, an indeterminate point in the future when machine intelligence will outmatch not only your own intelligence, but the world’s combined human intelligence too.

“The average estimate for when this will happen is 2040, though Del Monte says it might be as late as 2045. Either way, it’s a timeframe of within three decades. ‘It won’t be the “Terminator” scenario, not a war,’ said Del Monte. ‘In the early part of the post-singularity world, one scenario is that the machines will seek to turn humans into cyborgs. This is nearly happening now, replacing faulty limbs with artificial parts. We’ll see the machines as a useful tool. Productivity in business based on automation will be increased dramatically in various countries. In China it doubled, just based on GDP per employee due to use of machines.’

“‘By the end of this century,’ he continued, ‘most of the human race will have become cyborgs [part human, part tech or machine]. The allure will be immortality… The concern I’m raising is that the machines will view us as an unpredictable and dangerous species.’

“Del Monte believes machines will become self-conscious and have the capabilities to protect themselves. They ‘might view us the same way we view harmful insects.’ Humans are a species that ‘is unstable, creates wars, has weapons to wipe out the world twice over, and makes computer viruses.’ …

“A 2009 experiment showed that robots can develop the ability to lie to each other. Run at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems in the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, the experiment had robots designed to cooperate in finding beneficial resources like energy and avoiding the hazardous ones. Shockingly, the robots learned to lie to each other in an attempt to hoard the beneficial resources for themselves. ‘The implication is that they’re also learning self-preservation,’ Del Monte told us…”

Kenya’s Bull Elephants at Brink of Extinction

The Times Magazine wrote on July 5:

“There are a dozen tuskers left in Kenya: the spectacular bull elephants, whose tusks fetch poachers $1 million each, are on the brink of extinction. And five weeks ago, the most iconic of them all, 45-year-old Satao, was killed.”

God will destroy those who destroy the earth and wipe out animals for pecuniary gain.

The Elephant Cried

Huffington Post reported on July 7:

“For 50 years, Raju the elephant was abused, held shackled in spiked chains and forced to live off scraps from passing tourists. All that changed when he was rescued last weekend by wildlife conservationists who said the animal cried when he was finally set free.

“Wildlife SOS, a group established in 1995 to protect endangered wildlife in India, set out to rescue Raju on the night of July 2. Raju is around 50 years old and was likely captured as a baby and bought and sold many times over the course of his life. He was forced to work as a begging elephant in Allahabad. His legs were bound in spiked chains that made walking difficult and left him with chronic wounds. He was also beaten…

“Raju was in chains 24 hours a day, an act of ­intolerable cruelty. The team were astounded to see tears roll down his face during the rescue,’  Pooja Binepal, a spokesman for Wildlife SOS, said, per the Mirror. ‘It was incredibly emotional. We knew in our hearts he realized he was being freed. Elephants are majestic and highly intelligent animals. We can only imagine what torture the past half a century has been for him.’

“[Nikki Sharp, the executive director of Wildlife SOS-USA]… echoed Binepal’s statement while speaking with HuffPost. ‘[The rescue team] went in to rescue him and [his captors] had bound him up so tightly that he was in a lot of pain,’ she said. ‘The vet and our team came with fruits and just started speaking softly to him and to reassure him that we were there to help, and it was at that time that tears flooded down his face. The founder of Wildlife SOS, who was there are the time of the rescue, said …. that really caught him off guard. They’ve done a lot of elephant rescues and the fact the tears were just coming down … he was weeping. It was an emotional moment and everyone was more motivated to get him on the truck and to safety.’…”

“These Creatures Are More Fact Than Fiction”

The Huffington Post published an interesting article on July 7 about mystical creatures which are believed in existence today. While excluding the obvious incredibility of some legends, we are bringing you excerpts about two samples which have the benefit of at least some credibility—the “Loch Ness” monster and “Mokole Mbembe”:

“… while believing in… sea serpents or the like might throw someone’s credibility into question, consider that people who believed in the giant squid, the platypus and the Komodo dragon were ultimately proven correct. These three very real creatures were long considered the stuff of myth and make-believe.

“Is it really so far-fetched to imagine that other fabled beasts could also occupy the realms of reality? We’ll leave the formal investigations to the cryptozoologists and for now take a look at some of the more interesting creatures that cultures around the world believe in…

“The legend of the Loch Ness monster stretches back to the sixth century, when it was first referenced in the biography of St. Columba. The Irish missionary reportedly stumbled upon a funeral for a man who had been killed by a loch (the Scottish word for ‘lake’) serpent. People’s beliefs about the monster were reinvigorated in the 1930s when a couple reported the first modern-day sighting of it…

“Many early explorers of the Congo Basin wrote about an other-worldly beast they observed or heard tales of during their travels. With a long neck and an elephantine body, the creature has been described as a water-dwelling monster that looks like a sauropaud dinosaur, according to National Geographic. It is known as Mokole Mbembe in the Likouala region of the Congo, which is said to be its home.

“To date, there have been more than 50 expeditions to try and figure out whether the creature is the last living species of the dinosaur. Thus far, researchers have come up empty-handed. However, according to BBC, 80 percent of the Likouala region of the Congo has yet to be charted. That’s 66,000 square kilometers of unexplored terrain. ‘I’d put Mokele-mbembe in the same category as the Loch Ness Monster,’ Bill Laurance, a professor at James Cook University in Australia, told the BBC. ‘My gut sense is that the likelihood of the creature actually existing today is small. However, one thing you learn early on in science is never say never. We are still discovering new species all the time.’”

For more information, please read our Q&A on the existence of sea monsters.  

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Does the Bible teach the existence of giants? Do giants exist today?

There are indeed several references to giants in the Bible, and several words are used to describe giants.

In Job 16:14 (Authorized Version), we read about Job’s complaint against God: “He breaketh me with breach upon breach, he runneth upon me like a giant.” Here, the word for “giant” is “gibbor” and is defined as “mighty” or “a strong one.”

Another word for “giant” is “nephilim,” which can first be found in Genesis 6:4, at the time of Noah: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became [ note: the word “became” is not in the original and was added by the translator] mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

The Ryrie Study Bible explains that the meaning of the word “nephilim” is “to fall,” and continues: “… to fall upon others because they were men of strength.” The commentary concludes: “Evidently they were in the earth before the marriages [between the son of God and the daughters of men], and were not the offspring of those marriages who became mighty men (military men) and men of renown (of wealth or power).”

This conclusion is correct, as more fully explained in our Q&A, discussing the question whether angels had intercourse with women. We rejected this and also stated that the translation in Genesis 6:4 is not accurate in the Authorized Version. For instance, read the rendering in the New International Version: “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”

All human beings, including those giants, died in the Flood, except for Noah and his family. However, “nephilim” giants are mentioned again long after the Flood, at the time of Moses. They must have been descendants of one of the three sons of Noah who were with him in the Ark.

The “nephilim” (giants) are mentioned in Numbers 13:32-33, when the spies returned from the Promised Land of Canaan and gave a bad report about it:

“And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, ‘the land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in their own sight, and so were in their sight.’”

These “giants” are also mentioned again in the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua, as well as in other books, but different Hebrew words are used, showing however, that they all describe the same kind of people.

According to Young’s Analytical Concordance, one such additional Hebrew expression is the word “raphah,” which can be found in 2 Samuel 21:18-22, at the time of King David. The word “raphah” has the meaning of “fearful one” or “giant,” inasmuch as his huge stature struck fear in the heart of men:

“Now it happened afterward that there was again a battle with the Philistines at Gob. Then Sibbechal the Hushathite killed Saph, who was one of the sons of the giant. Again there was war at Gob with the Philistines, where Elhaan the son of Jaare-Oregim the Bethlehemite killed the brother of Golitah the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam. Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also was born to the giant. So when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, David’s brother, killed him. These four were born of the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David and by the hands of his servants.”

When turning to the parallel passage in 1 Chronicles 20:4-8, the Hebrew word for “giant” in verses 4, 6 and 8 is “rapha,” according to Young’s Analytical Concordance, but as we can see from these two examples, the words “raphah” and “rapha” have the same identical meaning (“fearful one”; “giant”). “Rapha” is the most commonly used expression, and can be found, for instance, in Deuteronomy 2:9-11, where Moses told the people of Israel, prior to the occupation of the Promised Land:

“Then the LORD said to me, ‘Do not harass Moab, nor contend with them in battle, for I will not give you any of their land as a possession, because I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot as a possession.’ (The Enim had dwelt there in times past, a people as great and numerous and tall as the Anakim. They were also regarded as giants [Hebrew “rephaim”–plural form and related to “rapha,” according to the margin of the King James Bible], like the Anakim, but the Moabites call them Emim…).”

These gigantic people (“rephaim”) might also be mentioned in Genesis 14:5, in connection with the events surrounding Lot.

In Deuteronomy 2:19-21, Moses continues:

“‘And when you come near the people of Ammon, do not harass them or meddle with them, for I will not give you any of the land of the people of Ammon as a possession, because I have given it to the descendants of Lot as a possession.’   (That was also regarded as a land of giants; giants formerly dwelt there. But the Ammonites call them Zamzummim, a people as great and numerous and tall as the Anakim. But the LORD destroyed them before them, and they dispossessed them and dwelt in their place…).”

These gigantic people (called “Zamzummim”) might also be referred to in Genesis 14:5.

As Moses continues with his narrative, he points out that in regard to the kingdom of Og in Bashan, only one mighty giant survived. We read in Deuteronomy 3:11, 13:

“‘For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants [in that area and belonging to that people, as we read about other giants at the time of David]. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. (Is it not in Rabah of the people of Ammon?) Nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width, according to the standard cubit…  The rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, the kingdom of Gog, I gave it to the half tribe of Manasseh (All the region of Argob, with all Bashan, was called the land of the giants…).’”

Reference to Og, the king of Bashan, is made in Joshua 12:4 and 13:12 as the “remnant of the giants.”

When Joshua led the people of Israel into the Promised Land, they had to contend with giants who were still living there. The “Valley of Rephaim” (“Valley of the Giants”) is mentioned in Joshua 15:8 and 18:16. In Joshua 17:15, Joshua tells the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh: “‘If you are a great people, then go up to the forest country and clear a place for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites and the giants, since the mountains of Ephraim are too confined for you.’”

As mentioned, giants existed at the time of David.

We have all heard about the giant Goliath who was killed by young David. Goliath was from Gath, “whose height was six cubits and a span” (1 Samuel 17:4).

The Benson Commentary states:

“Goliath of Gath — For to this city the Anakims fled when Joshua rooted them out of the land of Canaan, Joshua 11:22. And here they propagated a race of giants; that is, people of great strength and stature. Whose height was six cubits and a span—At least nine feet nine inches…”

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible adds:

“Goliath of Gath – One of the places mentioned in Joshua 11:22 as still retaining a remnant of the sons of Anak; Gaza and Ashdod being the others. The race of giants (the Rephaim, from… râphâ’ ) is mentioned again in the account of David’s Philistine wars [in] 2 Samuel 21:15-22; 1 Chronicles 20:4-8… Six cubits and a span… would equal about nine feet nine inches. The bed of Og king of Bashan was nine cubits long.”

Matthew Poole’s commentary writes:

“Whose height was six cubits and a span; which is not strange, for besides the giants mentioned in Scripture, Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, and Pliny, and others, make mention of persons seven cubits high, which is near double to an ordinary man’s height.”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says:

“… the coffin of Orestea, the son of Agamemnon, is said… to be seven cubits long; and Eleazar, a Jew, who because of his size was called the giant, and was presented by Artabanus, king of the Parthians, to Tiberius Caesar, is said by Josephus… to be seven cubits high; and one Gabbara of Arabia, in the times of Claudius Caesar, measured nine feet nine inches, as Pliny… relates, and who elsewhere… speaks of a people in Ethiopia, called Syrbotae, who were eight cubits high…”

We also read that Goliath was armed with a coat of mail, and the weight of the coat was 5,000 shekels of bronze (verse 5), or “156 pounds 4 ounces,” according to the Geneva Study Bible. His iron spearhead weighed six hundred shekels (verse 7), or “between seventeen and eighteen pounds” (Barnes’ Notes on the Bible).

In addition, we read about an encounter of one of David’s mighty men with an Egyptian giant in 1 Chronicles 11:23.

In a letter by the Letter Answering Department of the Worldwide Church of God, the following was stated about giants:

“The Bible indicates that men of great size lived both before and after the Flood…. The giants who lived after the Flood were some of the offspring of Canaan, one of Ham’s sons [Ham was one of the three sons of Noah]. These descendants of Ham were living in the land of Canaan when the Israelite spies went through it… When the Israelites conquered the lands east of the Jordan, they encountered Og, King of Bashan. He was the last of the giants on that side of the river…

“Three chiefs of the giants lived in Hebron until Caleb took the city… After the conquest of Canaan by Joshua…, remnants of the giants were still living in the Philistine cities of Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod. The most famous of these was Goliath… A later encounter by David’s ‘mighty man’ with four other giants is recorded [as well]…

“These giants terrorized Israel periodically from the time of the entry into Canaan until late in the reign of King David. The Bible says nothing further about giants from that time (about 1,000 B.C.) on.”

We also need to realize that there were very tall people and warriors in the Bible, who were of Israelite stock, such as King Saul (1 Samuel 9:2; 10:20-23). They would not have been descendants of the Canaanite ”giants” of the Bible, as described above, but could be considered “giants” in their own “right”—even though they did not reach the height of the Canaanite “giants” of the Bible.

Even though nobody is specifically identified in the Bible as a “giant” after the days of David, does this mean that all giants became extinct? It is of course known that there are very tall people alive in these times (as there are little people in existence today as well), but these KNOWN tall people do not seem to reach the height of the giants of the Bible, and even apart from their height, there seems to be another fundamental distinction between many (but not all) of the modern tall people and the giants of the Bible. As one website puts it:

“So were all of these giants just people who developed gigantism? Although gigantism may account for some of the ancient giants, this proposed solution falls short of explaining many of the biblical accounts.

“Modern gigantism is often caused by abnormalities that lead to excessive production of growth hormone. It is highly unlikely that Goliath, the nephilim, Anakim, or most of the other Old Testament giants suffered from such a condition since they were often described as warriors or ‘mighty men,’ while modern ‘giants’ are usually awkward, uncoordinated, and endure several physical ailments. There have been some rare cases where the person could accurately be described as a ‘mighty man.’

“Furthermore, modern gigantism is not hereditary, whereas the Bible often describes giants as being the offspring of other giants (e.g., Deuteronomy 9:2; 1 Chronicles 20:6). So the groups known as giants were not simply made up of individuals with the modern form of gigantism.”

We might also think of historical tall powerful men since the birth of Christ. For instance, it is said that Charles the Great—Charlemagne—was a very tall man, and he was of course a mighty warrior. But again, his height did not seem to remotely reach the height of the Canaanite giants of the Bible. (In any event, this does not mean that he should be considered to be a descendant of the ancient Canaanite giants of the Bible). On the other hand, modern “giants” –very tall people – with physical ailments could of course be the end result of decades, if not centuries, of degeneration.

We need to note that the Bible does not say that ancient powerful giants—the “heroes of old,” as mentioned in Old Testament times—were totally extinct and that they all died out. We do read that they were “dispossessed’ from areas which they once inhabited, and that they appeared in subsequent times in other areas. Therefore, can we rule out that “giants,” as described in the Bible, could exist today?

Speculation abounds regarding encounters with tall hairy creatures around the world, which are referred to as Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Russian “Abominable” Snowman or Yeti. Many consider these stories as mere fabrications and fairy tales, while others believe that not all of the many independent reports over many centuries (some of them highly reliable) could be simply made up.

Some who believe in the accuracy of at least some of the eye-witness accounts conclude that they might be “demonic illusions”—but even though some “encounters” might very well be of demonic origin, this could not explain all witness accounts and findings (including unexplained huge footprints, hair samples etc.). Others see in them huge ape-like animals, which could be a distinct possibility. Still others view them as missing links between pre-historic men-like creatures and modern men—a totally wrong idea, as humans did not evolve, and therefore, such missing links did not and do not exist.

Still others view them as fully human—modern representatives of homo sapiens, albeit perhaps in a wild, savage and degenerated state. This is also a distinct possibility. Hunters who had alleged close encounters with Sasquatch reported that they were determined to shoot and kill “the beast,” but refrained from doing so, when they looked into its eyes which were perceived to be “distinctly” human.

One might ask how “hairy” creatures could qualify as humans. Even though the Bible does not specifically say that the ancient GIANTS were hairy, it does include a few examples of “hairy” men. For instance, we read that Esau, when he was born, was “like a hairy garment all over” (Genesis 25:25).

The Pulpit Commentary remarks that literally, it says, “‘all of him as a cloak of hair’… the fur cloak, or hair mantle, forming one notion…  the child’s body [was] covered with an unusual quantity of red hair…”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible adds: “his body was all over full of hair, which stood as thick as a garment made of hair…”

Esau’s condition did not change when he grew up. In fact, it increased. He is referred to as a “hairy man” (Genesis 27:11). Gill’s states that Esau “was covered all over with hair; as with a hairy garment; so he was born, and so he continued, and no doubt his hair increased.” This condition was so severe that his blind father, Isaac, was tricked in believing that Jacob was Esau, when “skins of the kids of the goats” were placed on Jacob’s hands and on the smooth part of his neck, so that Isaac did not recognize Jacob  (Genesis 27:16, 23).

The Hebrew words quoted above and used for hairy or hair are also applied to “rough” garments (Zechariah 13:4, Authorized Version) or a “rough” goat (Daniel 8:21).

We also read that Elijah was a “hairy man,” or the “owner of hair” (2 Kings 1:8).  Many interpret this to mean that he was wearing a long beard and long hair [even though nothing is mentioned that he ever took a Nazirite vow (compare Numbers 6:1-21) or that he was a Nazirite from birth, such as Samuel, compare 1 Samuel 1:11]. Others claim that he was wearing a hairy cloak or mantle of sheep or goat skin or of camel’s hair (1 Kings 19:13), comparing it with the mantle of camel’s hair which John the Baptist wore (Matthew 3:4).

However, these conclusions are not compelling. The Nelson Study Bible states: “Although hairy may refer to Elijah’s garments, the usual translation ‘hairy man’ is supported by the ancient versions.” It is possible that Elijah had a similar appearance as Esau. In any event, the Bible knows of the existence of human beings who were covered all over with hair, as with a hairy garment.

In addition, cases are known of people with the so-called “werewolf syndrome” or “hypertrichosis,” who might even pass on their condition to the next generation. One website describes this condition as follows:

“Hypertrichosis is a rare genetic condition that results in extreme hairiness… There is some speculation that Esau, son of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob, may have had hypertrichosis. He was described in the Old Testament as born covered in red hair, and was referred to as a hairy man by his brother as an adult.”

Life Science reported on June 6, 2011, that “Scientists have discovered a genetic mutation responsible for a disorder that causes people to sprout thick hair on their faces and bodies. Hypertrichosis, sometimes called ‘werewolf syndrome,’ is a very rare condition, with fewer than 100 cases documented worldwide. But researchers knew the disorder runs in families, and in 1995 they traced the approximate location of the mutation to a section of the X chromosome (one of the two sex chromosomes) in a Mexican family affected by hypertrichosis.”

As mentioned, the Bible does not describe ancient giants as “hairy” people, but it does indicate a genetic mutation or disorder in the case of at least one giant (apart from their height, the precise cause for which is still open to debate). Remember that one particular giant was described as having twelve fingers and twelve toes (compare again 2 Samuel 21:20 and 1 Chronicles 20:6).

Similar “abnormities” have been reported elsewhere. The condition is commonly referred to as “polydactyly”; that is, a person has extra fingers and/or extra toes.

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states that “Pliny speaks of one M. Curiatius, a patrician, who had two daughters that had six fingers on an hand, and were called ‘Sedigitae’, six-fingered; and of Volcatius, a famous poet, called ‘Sedigitus’, or six-fingered, for the same reason; and elsewhere, from other writers he makes mention of a people that had eight toes each foot; so Ctesias speaks of a people in the mountains of India, which have eight fingers on each hand, and eight toes [on] each foot, both men and women.”

The Benson Commentary adds that “Tavernier, in his relation of the grand seignior’s seraglio… says, that the eldest son of the emperor of Java, who reigned in the year 1648, when he was in that island, had six fingers on each hand, and as many toes on each foot, all of equal length.”

Based on all of the foregoing evidence, we cannot exclude the possibility that giants exist today. Some of them could even be hairy people. They could be, but would not have to be, descendants of ancient Canaanite giants as described in the Bible. If they were, this would mean that not all of those ancient giants were totally extinct, but that some might have survived and procreated over the centuries and millennia, and that remnants with a hairy genetic disorder —perhaps known as Bigfoot or Yeti— might still live today in remote wilderness areas and in secluded high mountain terrains.

It is interesting to consider that many sightings of Bigfoot or Sasquatch have been reported in North America (California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho) and Canada (British Columbia), and that these reports include ancient “legends” told by American Indians. Although many American Indians descended from Tiras, a son of Japheth (one of the three sons of Noah), some historians feel that “Native American” tribes might also be, to an extent, descendants of ancient Canaanites who migrated to North America.

In light of the biblical and historical evidence of very tall people as well as hairy people with genetic disorders, including hypertrichosis, which seems to run in families and for which there is still no known cure, it is not totally unreasonable to assume that mighty and powerful human “giants” known as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Yeti might exist today in fairly inaccessible terrains in different parts of the world.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Germany Tells the USA: Enough Is Enough!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The ongoing NSA scandal has Germans up in arms. Now, further revelations of spying activities made them really angry. German officials and commentators alike speak of a huge breach of trust, accusing President Obama of incompetency or lying, and charging the USA with disdain for democratic institutions and contempt for Germany. Due to the public pressure, the German government has begun to initiate some extraordinary and unprecedented steps against the USA, showing reluctantly its willingness to get “tough.” 

The Oregon brethren are having their first church campout this coming weekend at Belknap Hotsprings. This is where Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong had their first Feast of Tabernacles! Of course it has since been remodeled and the grounds added to and enlarged. Belknap Springs sits right on the McKenzie River-one of the most beautiful rivers in Oregon!

Norbert and Johanna Link are planning to visit both the Oregon and Colorado church congregations. The dates are for the Sabbath of July 26 with the church in Oregon and the Sabbath of August 2 with the church in Colorado.

Two new Talking Points presentations by Pastor Rene Messier are now posted on YOUTUBE: “Tithing Today” and “Biblical Prophecy –From Now Until Forever.”

“Biblische Mythen oder Göttliche Wahrheit?,” is the title of a new German sermon. In English, the title is: ““Biblical Myths or Godly Truth?”

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Germany Tells the USA: Enough Is Enough!

The ongoing NSA scandal has Germans up in arms. Now, further revelations of spying activities made them really angry. German officials and commentators alike speak of a huge breach of trust, accusing President Obama of incompetency or lying, and charging the USA with disdain for democratic institutions and contempt for Germany. Due to the public pressure, the German government has begun to initiate some extraordinary and unprecedented steps against the USA, showing reluctantly its willingness to get “tough.”

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Would you please explain 1 Timothy 1:18. What were the “prophecies” pertaining to Timothy?

In 1 Timothy 1:18-19, Paul says the following: 

“This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck…” 

As we pointed out in a previous Q&A about “prophets” in God’s Church today, the concept of “prophecy” and “prophet” does not have to relate to the future, but can include or refer to “inspired” teaching and preaching. We stated the following: 

“… there are most certainly ‘prophets’ in God’s Church today who preach with godly inspiration and who speak on prophecies which are recorded in the Bible. God might also give some of His servants special insight today into prophetic events and details, which might not be specifically mentioned in Scripture, but which would be in line with prophecies contained in the Bible.”

Regarding Paul’s statement about prophecies concerning Timothy, it does not appear that Paul was referring to particular and specific future revelations about Timothy, but rather, he was alluding to God’s inspiration in ordaining Timothy to the office of a minister and an Evangelist. In Timothy’s case, it is possible that prophets in the Church attested to God’s Will in this matter.

The Weymouth New Testament renders the passage in this way:

“This is the charge which I entrust to you, my son Timothy, in accordance with the inspired instructions concerning you which were given me long ago, that being equipped with them as your armour you may be continually fighting the good fight…”

Note how the following commentaries explain this passage:

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says:

“… according to the prophecies which went before on thee; by which are meant, not the prophecies of the Old Testament, though of these Timothy had a considerable share of knowledge from a child, and was hereby greatly qualified to have such a charge committed to him; but then these were not prophecies concerning him, but the Messiah, his person, office, kingdom, and grace: nor are any particular revelations made unto the Apostle Paul concerning Timothy intended, of which there is no account.

“… rather the testimonies of the brethren at Lystra and Iconium, and the good reports they made of him to the apostle, which promised and foreboded future usefulness, are designed; though it seems best of all to understand these prophecies of such as were delivered out by the prophets in the church, for such there were in those times; who, when Timothy was a child, or a youth, foretold that he would have great gifts bestowed upon him, and would be a very useful, diligent, laborious, and successful preacher of the Gospel; and therefore the apostle mentions these to stimulate him the more to the discharge of his work, that he might answer the prophecies concerning him: for he adds,  that thou by them mightest war a good warfare: that is, that in consideration of the charge committed to him, and the prophecies that went before of him, might be the more industrious to fulfil his ministry…”

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary says:

“… according to—in pursuance of; in consonance with–the prophecies which went before on thee—the intimations given by prophets respecting thee at thy ordination, 1Ti[mothy] 4:14 (as, probably, by Silas, a companion of Paul, and ‘a prophet,’ Ac[ts] 15:32). Such prophetical intimation, as well as the good report given of Timothy by the brethren (Ac[ts] 16:2), may have induced Paul to take him as his companion. Compare similar prophecies as to others: Ac[ts] 13:1-3, in connection with laying on of hands; Ac[ts] 11:28; 21:10, 11; compare 1Co[rinthians] 12:10; 14:1; Eph[esians] 4:11. In Ac[ts] 20:28, it is expressly said that ‘the Holy [Spirit] had made them (the Ephesian presbyters) overseers.’…”

Christ has built His church, and He is the Head. We read that HE appoints the ministers, but He inspires the human ministerial government in His Church to recognize His Will in the matter.

In a Q&A about the ordination of ministers we wrote the following: 

“God used ordained ministers to appoint others to the ministry (Titus 1:5). Titus was a minister. He is also referred to as a brother. After all, a true minister is a servant and a spiritual brother. This is why Paul could call Titus a brother, but this does not mean that Titus was not also ordained to the ministry. The Bible shows that ministers or elders are ordained or appointed by other ministers or elders. The laying on of hands through the ministry is very important in this regard (1 Timothy 5:22)…

“We read in Ephesians 4:11 that Christ has given the ministry to the Church, ‘for the equipping of the saints’ (verse 12). Verse 11 speaks about certain ranks, offices and functions within the ministry, including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Paul referred to himself on several occasions as a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher (1 Timothy 2:7; 2 Timothy 1:11).

“God has set in place a ministry (ordained elders), through which He administers the Church…

“It is claimed by some that the word ‘ordained’ or ‘appointed,’ as it is used in Acts 14:23, allegedly conveys the meaning of ‘voting.’… However… ‘The Englishman’s Greek New Testament… An Interlinear Literal Translation,’ renders Acts 14:23, word-for-word, as follows: ‘And having chosen FOR THEM elders IN every assembly, having prayed with fastings they committed them to the Lord, on whom they had believed.’

“Again, we see that Paul and Barnabas ‘chose’ FOR THE CHURCH elders IN every congregation or assembly… The Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W.E. Vine (under ‘appoint’) explains… that the Greek word in Acts 14:23, translated as ‘ordained,’ ‘appointed’ or ‘chosen,’ refers to the ‘appointment of elders by apostolic missionaries in the various churches which they revisited.’ 

“God is not the author of confusion, but of order. He has designated that the ministry is to ordain or appoint qualified members to the ministry. This is the clear teaching of the Bible, which we must uphold and practice.” 

We also understand that God inspires the ministry to ordain others to the ministry (as well as to the office of deacon and deaconess). With this ordination, God gives the new ministers or deacons/deaconesses an additional portion of His Holy Spirit to empower them to fulfill their responsibilities of a minister, deacon or deaconess (The same is true, when a minister is raised in rank—let’s say, from an elder to a pastor, or from a pastor to an evangelist). In time, it will become very evident by the fruits of the newly ordained deacon/deaconess or the minister (or his raise in rank) that God did indeed bestow on them an extra portion of the Holy Spirit.

In our Q&A on John 3:34, we said the following:

“When a man or a woman is ordained to the office of deacon or deaconess, they receive an extra portion of the Holy Spirit to accomplish their responsibilities. But a deacon is not a minister. To become a minister, a further ordination [of the deacon] is necessary [Deaconesses cannot be ordained to the ministry, as women are not to teach and preach in Church services, compare 1 Timothy 2:11-15; 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.]. And so, when a member or a deacon is ordained to the ministry, an additional extra portion of the Holy Spirit is given them at that time. Note what Paul wrote to Timothy: ‘Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind’ (2 Timothy 1:6-7). This passage refers foremost to Timothy’s ordination as a minister. Timothy had received a measure of the Holy Spirit when he was baptized, but when he became ordained, he received an extra measure of the Holy Spirit to fulfill his work as a minister.

“There is a hierarchy of spiritual offices within the ministry (elder, pastor, evangelist, etc.). When God’s ministers are raised in rank through an ordination and the laying on of hands, they will at that time obtain still more of God’s Holy Spirit to enable them to fulfill their added responsibilities, including spiritual discernment to make right decisions (compare Matthew 16:19; 18:18). We have an example in which two ministers were ordained to offices of greater responsibility, indicating, also, that they were given more of God’s Holy Spirit:

“‘Now there were at Antioch, in the church that was there, prophets and teachers: Barnabas, and Simeon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away’ (Acts 13:1-3).

“Note that these men are first identified as ‘prophets and teachers’; however, after the laying on of hands in this account, the two men, Barnabas and Saul (Paul), are subsequently called ‘apostles’ (compare Act 14:14)…”

Some have misunderstood, however, what God says about the ordination of ministers, and their raise in rank. As we saw, it is clear that only ministers can ordain others to the office of deacon/deaconess and the ministry, but does the Bible teach that ministers can only ordain other ministers to a rank equal to or lower than the rank held by the ordaining minister? In other words, can only an Evangelist ordain a Pastor to the rank of an Evangelist?

We discussed this question in our Q&A about the ordination of an Evangelist

“Although God has always used His ministry to ordain others into the ministry [and ‘raising them in rank’], through the laying on of hands and prayer, it is likewise evident that it is God who must inspire those ordinations. We read about this principle in Hebrews 5:4, addressing the ordination to the office of high priest: ‘And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.’ 

“We also find, in the Old Testament, that the prophet Samuel anointed Saul and David as kings, but it can be hardly said that the office of prophet was ‘above’ the office of king. Again, we see how certain men were chosen by God to fulfill certain functions. We might also remember how Elisha, when he received Elijah’s mantle, also received a double (!) portion of the Holy Spirit, that had dwelt in Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-14).

“When we analyze Paul’s life, baptism and ordination, we find that Christ had already set aside Paul (known at that time as Saul) for the purpose of the ministry, before he became converted (compare Acts 9:15-16). When the time had come, the disciple Ananias (most likely a minister)… baptized Saul and laid hands on him for the purpose of receiving the Holy Spirit and for being healed from his blindness. We find, in Acts 11:26, that Barnabas and Saul assembled with the church at Antioch for one year ‘and taught a great many people.’ Then they went to Jerusalem to bring the elders of the church relief from the famine that plagued the areas. Acts 12:25 continues to report that ‘Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem [to Antioch] when they had fulfilled their ministry, and they also took with them John whose surname was Mark.’ 

“At this juncture, we read, in Acts 13:1: ‘Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.’ We notice that all these prophets and teachers were functioning in the church at Antioch, and that both Barnabas and Saul were included in the group referred to as teachers and prophets at that time. Continuing in verse 2: ‘As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “NOW, separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”’ 

“It was at that moment in time that Christ made it clear to the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch that Barnabas and Saul were to be ‘separated’ for a particular aspect or function of the work of Christ. Notice verse 3: ‘Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away.’

“The word ‘apostle’ means, ‘one who is sent.’ We read, in Matthew 10:1-8, that Christ SENT OUT the original twelve apostles to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. It is of special note that Jesus Himself established the office of apostle–even selecting that name as the title: ‘And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles’ (Luke 6:13). Consider, also, that first, Jesus prayed about those whom He should choose to be apostles: ‘Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God’ (Luke 6:12).

“The same was now happening with Barnabas and Saul. The prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch ordained them to the office of apostles, to be sent forth to do a particular work. We know this to be true as they were never referred to as apostles before, but they were subsequently called apostles (compare Acts 14:4, 14). This has also been the long-held understanding of the Church of God. In addition, Paul said that he was ordained as an apostle (compare 1 Timothy 2:7, Authorized Version). The only record of his ordination can be found in Acts 13:1-3.

“What is important to realize is that Barnabas and Saul were appointed to the office of apostle by ‘prophets and teachers’ — that is, by ministers of lower positions than that of apostle. But, this was inspired and approved by God, as we have seen.

“Some believe that the prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch were actually sent by the apostles from Jerusalem, charging them with the task of ordaining Saul and Barnabas to the office of apostle. This, however, is mere speculation, and cannot be proven from Scripture. In fact, Scripture strongly suggests the opposite. We need to realize that Paul and Barnabas had just been in Jerusalem, and returned to Antioch. It was THERE, in Antioch, that Christ inspired the ministry to ordain Paul and Barnabas as apostles — not in Jerusalem. Also, the fact that prophets came from Jerusalem is normally specifically mentioned in Scripture (compare Acts 11:27; 21:10).

“In any event, it is THE Apostle, Jesus Christ (compare Hebrews 3:1), Who directs the ministry to ordain people in His Church. And it was Christ Who inspired the prophets and teachers (ministers of lower positions than that of apostle) in the church at Antioch to ordain Barnabas and Saul (who belonged to the group of prophets and teachers), to the rank and office of apostle. It is therefore clear, from Scripture, that pastors and elders are authorized, by God, and under God’s inspiration and direction, to ordain a fellow minister to a higher rank and office — such as evangelist.” 

We are receiving, once in a great while, questions pertaining to the ordination of Pastor Norbert Link to the rank of Evangelist on February 19, 2005. This ordination took place before the Church congregation through ministers and elders of the Church of God, including two Pastor-rank ministers (Edwin Pope and Dave Harris). We are including a report from Dave Harris which explains in detail how this ordination came about: 

“The annual conference of the Church of the Eternal God and its affiliates was conducted in late February of 2005. Leading up to that conference, I had been considering the possibility of suggesting the ordination of Norbert Link as Evangelist.

“It had been evident to me that God was working with Norbert in ways that reflected his unique leadership role in the Church. At this time, J. Edwin Pope, an ordained Pastor of long-standing service, was serving in the corporate role of President for the Church. At his invitation, I was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pope during this particular Church conference.

“Following the first day of meetings, held on Friday, February 18, 2005, Mr. Pope and I returned to his home for the evening. During this short trip, I brought up the idea of ordaining Norbert to the rank of Evangelist at this conference. His initial response was that he did not believe this was the time. 

“That evening, the thought of ordaining Norbert stayed with me, and just before going to bed, I asked God in fervent prayer to make His Will known. Specifically, I asked God to change Edwin’s mind in this matter if it was now the time to ordain Norbert.

“Rising very early that next morning, the Sabbath, I went into the kitchen to find Edwin surrounded by several papers, some reference books and Bibles. Evidently, he had been preparing for the Sabbath services which would follow in the afternoon. 

“However, to my astonishment, one of the first things he spoke was to say that we need to do it—that is, to ordain Norbert as Evangelist! From that day forward, Edwin upheld this as the right time and the right decision. The need for Edwin’s leadership in this matter became even more evident, for in December of 2006, he died following a heart attack. 

“Norbert was never told that he would be ordained to the office of Evangelist, nor did he ever voice to anyone any desire for such ordination. In fact, he and his wife Johanna were in total shock when the ordination took place.

“While some may question whether or not Norbert could be ordained as Evangelist by ministers of lesser rank, there can be no doubt as to the fruit of this action.”

When a person is to be ordained to an office in God’s Church, God will make His Will known and direct and inspire such an ordination, as He did in the case of Timothy. This is not to say that the Church ministry is infallible and could not make a mistake, but that will also become known in time. We are told that by their fruits, you shall know them.

It is true that in the past, some deacons, deaconesses and ministers—including ministers in high offices and with high ranks—have left the Church of God or had to be put out.  Undoubtedly, in some cases, it became evident that their original ordination was not approved by God (The same can be said about individuals who were baptized and subsequently left the Church, without ever having received the Holy Spirit at the time of their baptism).

On the other hand, this is most certainly not true in every case. Some became unfaithful and unproductive in their functions of deacon/deaconess and minister, and in most cases, this was due to an inflated ego, pride and haughtiness, coupled with a desire to be in charge and their unwillingness to submit to Church government, thinking that they knew and understood everything better than those whom God had placed in authority and who had proven to be loyal to God without compromising. Such a rebellious person is in grave danger of losing his or her eternal salvation, and we all must be aware that such an attitude is directly stemming from Satan (compare Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28).

We pray that anyone who has fallen prey to Satan’s evil devices will come to his or her senses and repent with a deeply humble attitude. At the same time, all of us must be certain that we do not fall into the same trap of self-deception and ungodly pride.

Let us be thankful that God, through Jesus Christ,  is directing His Church, and that He reveals to His appointed servants His Will in the matter of Church government, including in areas of baptism and ordinations, and that GOD will correct each and every one of us if correction is needed.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link    

Current Events

Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq

Fox News wrote on June 30:

“President Obama announced Monday that he is sending approximately 200 American troops to Iraq to reinforce security at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the Baghdad International Airport, as the country wages a bloody battle against jihadists. The troops will serve a different mission in Iraq than the 275 advisory troops sent to Iraq earlier this month in response to advances by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Syria (ISIS). The additional troops will serve to solely augment security.

“Obama notified House and Senate leaders in a letter on Monday. Obama said the additions include security forces, rotary-wing aircraft, and support for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. Obama has ruled out sending combat troops back into Iraq, but he said the additional troops will be equipped for combat. He said their purpose is to protect U.S. citizens and property if needed.”

What double talk. No combat troops in Iraq, but the troops are equipped for combat…?

Iraq’s Christians See Putin As Savior

The Daily Beast wrote on June 29:

“Iraq’s Christians have some legitimate grievances. Once protected by Saddam—though subject to the same tyrannical rulings as the rest of the population—the community was left brutally exposed when the civil war that followed the US invasion of 2003 devolved into bitter sectarian strife. Many Christians had initially rallied to the U.S.-led coalition’s side, enlisting as army translators and hailing its early successes, but as Western troops outgrew their welcome, Christians were damned by their association with the occupying powers…

“Among the many charges leveled at the U.S. and its partners is that it failed to exercise a duty of care towards a minority whose secure position it had undermined… Meanwhile, Putin’s continuing defense of Assad in neighboring Syria, at a time of peak unrest in Iraq, is seen as an admirable demonstration of Russia’s commitment to minority rights.”

Putin–the Savior of Iraqi Christians? His “defense” of Assad has NOTHING to do with any wish to protect minorities. His brutal actions against minorities in Russia and its former satellite states prove this without any doubt.

“Islamic State” in Iraq and Syria?

BBC News reported on June 30:

“Jihadist militant group Isis has said it is establishing a caliphate, or Islamic state, on the territories it controls in Iraq and Syria.It also proclaimed the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as caliph and ‘leader for Muslims everywhere’.

“Setting up a state governed under strict Islamic law has long been a goal of many jihadists. Meanwhile, Iraq’s army continued an offensive to retake the northern city of Tikrit from the Isis-led rebels.

“… the announcement of the establishment of a caliphate is rich with religious, cultural and historic significance… In the recording, the rebels also demanded that all Muslims ‘pledge allegiance’ to the new ruler and ‘reject democracy and other garbage from the West’.

“… a caliphate [is] an Islamic state ruled by a single political and religious leader, or Caliph. Caliphs are regarded by their followers as successors to the Prophet Muhammad and the leader of all Muslims. [The] first caliphate came into being after Muhammad’s death in 632. In the centuries which followed, caliphates had dominion in the Middle East and North Africa. The last widely accepted caliphate was abolished in 1924 by Turkish leader Kemal Ataturk after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire…”

Three Israeli Teenagers Murdered by Hamas Terrorists?

JTA wrote on June 30:

“The bodies of three kidnapped Israeli teenagers were found in the West Bank in a field north of Hebron… It is believed that the bodies were dumped in haste and covered quickly. The teens reportedly were killed shortly after they were abducted on June 12… One of the teens… is a dual American-Israeli citizen…

“Shortly after the news was made public, rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip on southern Israel. Israel’s Shin Bet security service and the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday identified two West Bank Palestinian men affiliated with the terrorist group Hamas… as the alleged kidnappers. The suspects, who live in Hebron, have been missing since the kidnapping…

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a Facebook post said, ‘Hamas is responsible and Hamas will pay.’… Hamas warned Israel against taking revenge for the murders. ‘If the occupiers carry out an escalation or a war,’ Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told the French news agency AFP, ‘they will open the gates of hell on themselves.’”

Subsequently, the Times of Israel reported on Monday that “Israeli Air Force struck 34 targets in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, carrying out ‘precision strikes’ against Hamas and Islamic Jihad structures.” It also reported that “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas spoke to several world leaders Monday night, hours after the bodies of the three kidnapped Israeli teenagers were found near Hebron in the West Bank, and asked them for help in reining in an Israeli response… Abbas is said to be anticipating a firm Israeli demand that the Palestinian Authority end its unity pact with Hamas.”

Further Bloodshed and Murder

Deutsche Welle reported on July 2:

“Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday accused extremist Jewish settlers of ‘killing and burning a little boy’ and demanded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemn the murder and punish those who carried it out… Shortly afterwards, Netanyahu issued a statement condemning the ‘despicable murder’ and urged Israeli authorities speed up their investigation into Wednesday’s incident.

“Secretary of State John Kerry added his own condemnation, saying in a statement, ‘There are no words to convey adequately our condolences to the Palestinian people.’ President Barack Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice said on Twitter that the murder of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khder was ‘heinous’ and called on both Israelis and Palestinians to avoid a cycle of retribution and revenge.

“Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, said Israel would ‘pay’ for the teenager’s kidnap and murder.”

Ramadan “Enforced” by US Military on US Personnel in Muslim Nations

The website of thegatewaypundit wrote on June 28:

“The US Air Force kicked Christian Gideon’s volunteers off base in March. The Bibles were too offensive and violated the separation of church and state rule. But US military personnel are expected to adhere Islamic practices during Ramadan.

“Stars and Stripes reported:

“‘U.S. personnel accustomed to drinking their coffee on the drive to work will have to put that habit on hold for about a month. It’s one of a few lifestyle changes Americans will have to make during the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Officials expect Ramadan to begin at sunrise on Saturday, depending on when the new moon is sighted. The holy month lasts for approximately 30 days — until about July 28. For Muslims around the world, Ramadan is a month of fasting and devotion to God. Most Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, when families gather for Iftar — the meal that breaks the fast.

“‘For the 8,200 U.S. personnel living here, and those serving throughout the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility — including service members, civilian personnel, contractors and family members — the month may require changing some daily routines. Businesses and government offices will reduce hours and most restaurants will be closed during daylight hours.

‘‘While not required to fast during Ramadan, in Bahrain, Americans can be fined or detained by local authorities for eating, drinking or smoking in public when off-base during daylight hours. Navy officials are requiring U.S. personnel to dress more conservatively off-base during Ramadan. Although not a requirement by Bahraini authorities, the Navy is demanding that men wear long-sleeved shirts and women wear sleeved blouses that cover their elbows. Also, men must wear long trousers, and women should wear pants or skirts that cover the knees.’”

Religious Persecution

The Huffington Post wrote on June 24:

“Judge William F. Kuntz II has ruled to uphold a New York City policy that bars unvaccinated children from attending school when another student has a disease preventable by a vaccination… In the ruling, Kuntz wrote that the Supreme Court, ‘strongly suggested that religious objectors are not constitutionally exempt from vaccinations.’

“Three families filing suit contended that the school policy preventing their unvaccinated children from attending school at risky times is a First Amendment violation of religious freedom… [The parents]  had decided not to vaccinate their children on the grounds of ‘sincere religious belief.’… Kuntz cited a 109-year-old ruling on public health as a precedent in this case. He also pointed to a more recent Brooklyn federal court decision that said, ‘the free exercise clause of the First Amendment does not provide a right for religious objectors to be exempt from New York’s compulsory inoculation law.’”

Religious liberties and freedoms are being taken away from the American citizens. In this context, the following article should be of interest, reporting on a scandal in Ireland in the 1930’s—but those kinds of occurrences are clearly not limited to Ireland or restricted to the past.

The Horrible Story of Child Vaccinations in Ireland

The Daily Mail reported on June 6, 2014:

“Scientists secretly vaccinated more than 2,000 children in religious-run homes in suspected illegal drug trials, it emerged today. Old medical records show that 2,051 children and babies in Irish care homes were given a one-shot diphtheria vaccine for international drugs giant Burroughs Wellcome between 1930 and 1936.

“There is no evidence that consent was ever sought, nor any records of how many may have died or suffered debilitating side-effects as a result. The scandal was revealed as Irish premier, Enda Kenny, ordered ministers to see whether there are more mass baby graves after the discovery that 800 infants may be buried in a septic tank outside a former mother and baby home in Tuam, Co. Galway.

“Michael Dwyer, of Cork University’s School of History, found the child vaccination data by trawling through tens of thousands of medical journal articles and archive files. He discovered the trials were carried out before the vaccine was made available for commercial use in the UK. Homes where children were secretly tested included Bessborough, in Co. Cork and Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, both of which are at the centre of the mass baby graves scandal.

“Other institutions where children may also have been vaccinated include Cork orphanages St Joseph’s Industrial School for Boys, run by the Presentation Brothers, and St Finbarr’s Industrial School for Girls, run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. In Dublin, it is believed that children for the trials came from St Vincent’s Industrial School, Goldenbridge, St Joseph’s School for Deaf Boys, Cabra, and St Saviours’s Dominican Orphanage.

“But Mr Dwyer said: ‘What I have found is just the tip of a very large and submerged iceberg… the fact that reports of these trials were published in the most prestigious medical journals suggests that this type of human experimentation was largely accepted by medical practitioners and facilitated by authorities in charge of children’s residential institutions.’…

“Historian Catherine Corless, whose discovery of the suspected mass baby grave at Tuam was revealed by the Mail earlier this week, said her study of death records for the St Mary’s home run by Catholic Bon Secours nuns from 1925-1961 pointed to the existence of the mass grave… St Mary’s was one of several such ‘mother and baby’ homes for ‘fallen women’ who had become pregnant outside marriage in early 20th century Ireland…

“The ‘mother and baby’ homes accommodated women who were ostracised from their own families and had nowhere else to turn. Under conservative Catholic teaching of the time, children born outside of marriage were not baptised and were therefore denied a Catholic burial on consecrated ground.”

But they were apparently used as guinea pigs for vaccination research and experimental drugs with the result that many of them died and were secretly “buried” in “unconsecrated” ground.

Another Wrong Decision by the US Supreme Court

The Associated Press reported on June 30:

“The U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way Monday for enforcement of a first-of-its-kind California law that bars psychological counseling aimed at turning gay minors straight…The law says professional therapists and counselors who use treatments designed to eliminate or reduce same-sex attractions in their patients would be engaging in unprofessional conduct and subject to discipline by state licensing boards. It does not cover the actions of pastors and lay counselors who are unlicensed but provide such therapy through church programs.”

The Bible says: “TRAIN UP a child in the way he should go…” Becoming a homosexual is NOT the way…

Sabbath Laws in Israel

JTA wrote on June 30:

“Israel’s interior minister, Gideon Saar, rejected an amendment to a Tel Aviv statute that would have allowed some stores to stay open on the Sabbath and holidays… Saar said… was not explained why it was essential for the stores to remain open on the Sabbath rather than meet the public’s needs during the rest of the week…

“It is illegal in Israel to open retail businesses on the Jewish Sabbath, which begins at sundown Friday and ends after sunset Saturday. Businesses that remain open are levied modest fines. Saar did, however, approve the Sabbath opening of businesses in the Tel Aviv Port, Jaffa Port and Hatahana D, the renovated Old Train Station complex. Convenience stores in gas stations also may remain open…

“Also Sunday, a proposed bill to allow public transportation on the Sabbath was rejected by the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. Three government ministers voted in favor, three against and three abstained. One who abstained… was quoted as saying… that ‘there should be public transportation, but not entirely – the Shabbat is a special day and should be kept as such…’”

“‘House of One’: World’s First Church-Mosque-Synagogue in One?”

The website of wrote on June 23:

“Berlin is no stranger to division. Yet it’s in this German city that the three monotheistic faiths of the world will gather together in one building, perhaps for the first time ever. The ‘House of One,’ winner of an architectural contest, is planned to house three worship centers—one for Christians, one for Muslims and one for Jews, according to BBC.

“The combined church-mosque-synagogue will be comprised of three distinct houses of worship, unique in shape, yet equal in size. Most interesting is the fact that, of the three clerics spearheading the project, it was the Christian pastor’s idea. Pastor Gregor Hohberg, a Protestant, chose for the ‘House of One’ the former location of St. Peter’s church, Berlin’s first church (dating back to the 12th century), which was destroyed after sustaining heavy damage during World War 2…

“‘We can [get along with each other],’ the Jewish leader involved, Rabbi Tovia Ben Chorin, said…The imam involved, Kadir Sanci, commented that the project was a testimony to the peacefulness of nonviolence of the Muslim community.

“While the house of worship is a great showing of tolerance, is it biblically sound?…

“In a passage of striking relevance, the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18: ‘Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”’

“While the God of the Bible is not held in temples made of human hands (Acts 17:24), his true temples—Christ’s followers in whom the Holy Spirit dwells—must be kept just as pure as the holy places of ages past.”

What we are seeing here are further attempts to create a universal religion of all faiths. These attempts will fail. Ultimately, it will be the Jews and all Sabbath-keeping Christians who will be hated by all the others.

Pope Says Communists Are Closet Christians

Reuters wrote on June 29:

“Pope Francis, whose criticisms of unbridled capitalism have prompted some to label him a Marxist, said in an interview published on Sunday that communists had stolen the flag of Christianity. The 77-year-old pontiff gave an interview to Il Messaggero, Rome’s local newspaper, to mark the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a Roman holiday.

“He was asked about a blog post in the Economist magazine that said he sounded like a Leninist when he criticized capitalism and called for radical economic reform. ‘I can only say that the communists have stolen our flag. The flag of the poor is Christian. Poverty is at the center of the Gospel,’ he said, citing Biblical passages about the need to help the poor, the sick and the needy. ‘Communists say that all this is communism. Sure, twenty centuries later. So when they speak, one can say to them: “but then you are Christian,”’ he said, laughing.”

This is SO wrong. Communism has absolutely NOTHING to do with true Christianity. If anything, it is a Satanic counterfeit of true Christianity.

Vatican Recognizes “International Association of Exorcists”

The Associated Press reported on July 2:

“The Vatican has formally recognized the International Association of Exorcists, a group of 250 priests in 30 countries who liberate the faithful from demons. The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano reported Tuesday that the Vatican’s Congregation for Clergy had approved the organization’s statutes and recognized the group under canon law.

“More than his predecessors, Pope Francis speaks frequently about the devil, and last year was seen placing his hands on the head of a man purportedly possessed by four demons in what exorcists said was a prayer of liberation from Satan. The head of the association, the Rev. Francesco Bamonte, said the Vatican approval was cause for joy. ‘Exorcism is a form of charity that benefits those who suffer,’ he told L’Osservatore.”    

The Fantasy of a “Secret Rapture”

The Washington Times wrote on June 26:

“Millions of people disappear without a trace, leaving behind chaos and anarchy while a lone hero emerges to stand between mankind and the end of the world. For some, this is known as the Rapture, the preamble to the apocalypse. For Hollywood, it means a biblical blockbuster. ‘Jesus explicitly warned about “that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven,”’ said Craig Detweiler, professor of communication at Pepperdine University. ‘But producers and directors can’t resist the temptation to speculate.’

“HBO on Sunday premieres its latest series, ‘The Leftovers,’ based on the book of the same name by Tom Perrotta, which chronicles the aftermath of millions of people vanishing. Later this year, Nicolas Cage stars in ‘Left Behind,’ based on the best-selling postapocalyptic novel series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins…

“The Rapture often is related to the biblical apocalypse, the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus Christ. In fact, the concept is not Bible-based but is commonly attributed to 19th century religious leader John Nelson Darby 

“Darby didn’t coin the term ‘rapture,’ but it’s a reference in his thinking that ‘those of us believers on earth, when this moment Christ comes back, believers will simply vanish and will meet Christ in the air’… Once all believers are safely in heaven, the earth will go through a ‘tribulation period.’”

The concept of a secret or even open “rapture” to heaven is nowhere taught in the Bible; in fact, the Bible teaches the exact opposite. It was first developed by Jesuit monks and later taught due to a special “revelation” of the Holy Spirit, which was clearly wrong in other respects as well. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible—The  Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

Jean Claude Juncker Appointed to Top EU Job—“UK Edges Closer to EU Exit”

The Independent wrote on June 28:

“Britain took another step towards the EU exit door as David Cameron warned that Jean-Claude Juncker’s appointment to the top job in Brussels would make it harder to persuade the public to remain in the 28-nation bloc. Mr Cameron’s stark warning came after he suffered a humiliating defeat in his lonely battle to stop the veteran federalist becoming president of the European Commission. At a Brussels summit, EU leaders voted 26-2 to nominate Mr Juncker after Mr Cameron demanded an unprecedented formal vote on a post traditionally settled by consensus. Hungary’s Viktor Orban was the only leader to back the Prime Minister.

“Asked if the crushing setback had taken the UK closer to an EU exit, Mr Cameron told a press conference: ‘The job has got harder of keeping Britain in a reformed Europe. The stakes are higher…’

“Mr Cameron described Mr Juncker’s appointment as a ‘serious mistake’ and said it was a ‘bad day for Europe,’ which had taken a ‘big step backwards’…  During the summit, Mr Cameron warned his fellow leaders they could ‘live to regret’ the appointment…

“Mr Cameron’s uncompromising stance over Mr Juncker has strained his relations with some of his natural allies, including Germany’s Angela Merkel… Francois Hollande, the French President, said: ‘David Cameron spoke about the major interest of a country that could slip away from the EU: we can understand this political domestic issue, but at the same time there is no such thing as a veto. in Europe we need to learn to live together in the framework of rules and treaties, there’s no other way’…

“There was stinging criticism from other countries about the way Mr Cameron had campaigned against Mr Juncker. “It was noisy and counter-productive,” a diplomat from one natural UK ally said…  Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said: ‘On Europe, David Cameron has now become a toxic Prime Minister. He cannot stand up for Britain’s national interest because when he supports something, he drives our allies away.’

“John Redwood, the Eurosceptic former Tory Cabinet minister, said: ‘If the rest of the EU continue to be so unsympathetic to UK requirements, more UK voters will draw their own conclusions about the desirability of our continued membership.’”

The Express wrote on June 27:

“Angry critics claimed the Prime Minister had left the UK virtually isolated in Europe. But Tory MPs were celebrating the defeat as a sign of loosening ties between Britain and Brussels…  in some EU capitals, the verdict on Mr Cameron’s stance was less complimentary. The German newspaper Bild said: ‘Cameron is becoming more and more the Wayne Rooney of EU politics: he lines up, he loses, he goes home.’”    

Who Is Jean-Claude Juncker?

The EUObserver wrote on June 27:

“Britain’s tabloid The Sun portrayed him as ‘the most dangerous man in Europe’… All the buzz surrounding Britain’s opposition to his nomination has made him probably the first widely-known head of an EU institution. But who is Jean-Claude Juncker?

“The 59-year old Luxembourg politician was the EU’s longest serving prime minister until last year, when he lost his post due to an illegal wiretapping scandal. Luxembourg’s intelligence service (SREL) last year was embroiled in a scandal when it emerged that it had carried out illegal wiretaps, kept secret files on people and run a fictional counterterror operation to cover for a Russian oligarch.

“Juncker said he was not aware of the abuses, but he had to step down, prompting early elections, in which his party gained the most seats. But the Grand Duke of Luxembourg tasked Liberal Xavier Bettel, not Juncker, with forming a government.

“Often portrayed as a ‘veteran’ in EU politics, Juncker was a finance minister when Germany was governed by Chancellor Helmut Kohl, with whom he helped lay down the foundations of the euro… From 2005 until 2013, Juncker was also chairman of the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, which became instrumental in negotiating and supervising bailout packages for the countries that faced bankruptcy in the euro crisis: Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus.

“Back in 2011, during a debate in Brussels recorded by EUobserver Juncker admitted that he often had to lie to journalists about secret meetings held at the height of the euro-crisis, in order to prevent markets from betting against troubled countries. ‘I am for secret, dark debates,’ he quipped. He recalled an instance where journalists asked him if there would be a meeting in Paris the following weekend. ‘I said no. I had to lie. I am a Christian Democrat, a Catholic, so when it becomes serious we have to lie. The same applies to economic and monetary policy in the Union… I’m ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious,’ Juncker said…”

The admitted lying of a top politician in the EU is another reason why true Christians shouldn’t vote for any politician, as we should know that we cannot really rely on their promises. In politics, lying can be seen as a means to an end without any reference to the 9th Commandment.   That is the problem with compromise – being true to conviction is trumped by “political necessities.”  No doubt we will see much greater deceits when the charismatic political leader (the “beast”) and the religious leader (the “false prophet”) are in power.    

The Role of the European Commission President

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 28 

“The European Commission president is a key figure in the most important EU body, analogous to a head of state, with a broad policy mandate.. He is appointed to a five-year position by the EU’s 28 heads of state and government and confirmed by the European Parliament… The president first starts work six months after the inaugural session of the European Parliament.

“The president determines the European Commission’s policy agenda. Through his political leadership, he plays a decisive role in the development of the EU. He represents the Commission abroad, such as at the meetings of the G7 group of seven leading industrialized nations and at European Council meetings. He also takes part in the important policy debates of the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. The president appoints the other commissioners in consultation with heads of government…”

Angela Merkel Real Enemy of the UK?

The Daily Mail wrote on June 30:

“Forget tipsy Jean-Claude Juncker. Our real EU enemy is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Initially, she agreed with David Cameron that Juncker was a useless candidate for presidency of the EU Commission. But then she supported the ill-regarded Luxembourger. Why? Because she could easily manage him and he suited her purposes better than the main alternative candidate who is her Socialist rival in Germany.

“Meanwhile, surprise is expressed about how several other national leaders who had agreed with Cameron privately that Juncker was unacceptable then voted otherwise. This is to misunderstand the nature of the European Union. In theory, the 28 independent nations enjoy equal rights, but in practice it’s run by Angela Merkel.

“There’s fancy talk about EU community spirit and a vision of  what ‘Europe’ can be in the world, but the truth is that Merkel is Queen Bee and the 27 other national leaders are her drones… patience is running out with the EU, in Europe and here at home. Only the UK and Hungary — which voted with Cameron last Friday — have recognised this…

“Fans of Europe used to argue that membership of the EU would entail no loss of sovereignty. Now they say it doesn’t matter. But it does matter to many people… The cynicism of powerful Frau Merkel, backing the useless Juncker, is a wake-up call: the EU is headed for a United States of Europe, run by Germany… The public demand for a restoration of national powers frightens our EU rulers. They worry over where it can end.”

So now, we have two “real enemies” of the UK… Jean Claude Juncker, the “most dangerous man in Europe,” and Angela Merkel, the “Queen Bee” ruling over “27 drones.” Such polemics are not going to make continental Europeans too happy.  

This Week in the News

We begin with America’s ongoing involvement in Iraq and the reaction of some Iraqi Christians, and focus on the brutal murder of three Israeli teenagers through, what appears to be, terrorists from the Hamas group. Israel’s expected response will most likely create a new round of bloodshed and war in the region.

Turning our attention to some weird and incredible developments on the religious front in the USA and worldwide, we speak of the US military’s “enforcement” of Ramadan; religious persecution and restrictions of parental rights through the US government with the approval of the US Supreme Court; strict and at the same time inconsistent Sabbath laws in Israel; an attempt in Germany to bring Christianity, Judaism and Islam into one and the same “house”; comments by the pope claiming that Communism is closest to original Christianity; and the Hollywood-propagated utterly false idea of a secret rapture.

Focusing on events in Europe, we speak of the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker to the top post of the EU and David Cameron’s devastating defeat  in the process.  We reveal little-known facts about Mr. Juncker and quote from a biting British article pertaining to Angela Merkel, which has caused quite a stir in Germany. It has also been observed that a rift between the UK and Germany (as well as most of the rest of Europe) has been created, and that the UK finds itself in a very isolated position.

Update 646


On July 5, 2014, Robb Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Freewill.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Serving Others

by Kalon Mitchell

As God’s people, who have been called out of this world, we are to live differently than the rest of mankind. Peter tells us in 1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

It is our potential to become rulers in the world tomorrow. We see in Revelation 1:6 and 5:10 that it is our calling to become kings and priests “to God.”

As a leader, ruler and priest, one has great responsibilities. As one grows spiritually and receives greater responsibilities, the ongoing and increasing need to serve is required (compare Matthew 20:25-28). Great leadership demands being an even better servant.

The term servant leadership applies here. As a called-out people, it is our duty now and in the future to help serve those who will one day become God beings along with us. At some point, all people will have the opportunity to become God beings. How incredible! Which is why we are told NOW that we are to be treating all people well.

James 2:8-12 explains: “If you really fulfill [that is, keep] the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you do well; but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors. For whoever shall keep [or, fulfill] the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.”

When the young man came to Christ and asked Him what he would have to do to inherit eternal life, he walked away because he did not like Christ’s answer, since he was not willing to completely let go of his money and serve others (Matthew 19:21-22).

A life of service is what we have committed to. Let us take this calling seriously and embrace all opportunities to help others and to treat them just as we would wish to be treated, even if others may treat us unkindly. There is always the need to check our personal desires and really look to the betterment and well being of others.  Our very existence now and in the soon-coming future depends on this.

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We begin with America’s ongoing involvement in Iraq and the reaction of some Iraqi Christians, and focus on the brutal murder of three Israeli teenagers through, what appears to be, terrorists from the Hamas group. Israel’s expected response will most likely create a new round of bloodshed and war in the region.

Turning our attention to some weird and incredible developments on the religious front in the USA and worldwide, we speak of the US military’s “enforcement” of Ramadan; religious persecution and restrictions of parental rights through the US government with the approval of the US Supreme Court; strict and at the same time inconsistent Sabbath laws in Israel; an attempt in Germany to bring Christianity, Judaism and Islam into one and the same “house”; comments by the pope claiming that Communism is closest to original Christianity; and the Hollywood-propagated utterly false idea of a secret rapture.

Focusing on events in Europe, we speak of the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker to the top post of the EU and David Cameron’s devastating defeat  in the process.  We reveal little-known facts about Mr. Juncker and quote from a biting British article pertaining to Angela Merkel, which has caused quite a stir in Germany. It has also been observed that a rift between the UK and Germany (as well as most of the rest of Europe) has been created, and that the UK finds itself in a very isolated position.

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Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq

Fox News wrote on June 30:

“President Obama announced Monday that he is sending approximately 200 American troops to Iraq to reinforce security at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the Baghdad International Airport, as the country wages a bloody battle against jihadists. The troops will serve a different mission in Iraq than the 275 advisory troops sent to Iraq earlier this month in response to advances by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Syria (ISIS). The additional troops will serve to solely augment security.

“Obama notified House and Senate leaders in a letter on Monday. Obama said the additions include security forces, rotary-wing aircraft, and support for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. Obama has ruled out sending combat troops back into Iraq, but he said the additional troops will be equipped for combat. He said their purpose is to protect U.S. citizens and property if needed.”

What double talk. No combat troops in Iraq, but the troops are equipped for combat…?

Iraq’s Christians See Putin As Savior

The Daily Beast wrote on June 29:

“Iraq’s Christians have some legitimate grievances. Once protected by Saddam—though subject to the same tyrannical rulings as the rest of the population—the community was left brutally exposed when the civil war that followed the US invasion of 2003 devolved into bitter sectarian strife. Many Christians had initially rallied to the U.S.-led coalition’s side, enlisting as army translators and hailing its early successes, but as Western troops outgrew their welcome, Christians were damned by their association with the occupying powers…

“Among the many charges leveled at the U.S. and its partners is that it failed to exercise a duty of care towards a minority whose secure position it had undermined… Meanwhile, Putin’s continuing defense of Assad in neighboring Syria, at a time of peak unrest in Iraq, is seen as an admirable demonstration of Russia’s commitment to minority rights.”

Putin–the Savior of Iraqi Christians? His “defense” of Assad has NOTHING to do with any wish to protect minorities. His brutal actions against minorities in Russia and its former satellite states prove this without any doubt.

“Islamic State” in Iraq and Syria?

BBC News reported on June 30:

“Jihadist militant group Isis has said it is establishing a caliphate, or Islamic state, on the territories it controls in Iraq and Syria.It also proclaimed the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as caliph and ‘leader for Muslims everywhere’.

“Setting up a state governed under strict Islamic law has long been a goal of many jihadists. Meanwhile, Iraq’s army continued an offensive to retake the northern city of Tikrit from the Isis-led rebels.

“… the announcement of the establishment of a caliphate is rich with religious, cultural and historic significance… In the recording, the rebels also demanded that all Muslims ‘pledge allegiance’ to the new ruler and ‘reject democracy and other garbage from the West’.

“… a caliphate [is] an Islamic state ruled by a single political and religious leader, or Caliph. Caliphs are regarded by their followers as successors to the Prophet Muhammad and the leader of all Muslims. [The] first caliphate came into being after Muhammad’s death in 632. In the centuries which followed, caliphates had dominion in the Middle East and North Africa. The last widely accepted caliphate was abolished in 1924 by Turkish leader Kemal Ataturk after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire…”

Three Israeli Teenagers Murdered by Hamas Terrorists?

JTA wrote on June 30:

“The bodies of three kidnapped Israeli teenagers were found in the West Bank in a field north of Hebron… It is believed that the bodies were dumped in haste and covered quickly. The teens reportedly were killed shortly after they were abducted on June 12… One of the teens… is a dual American-Israeli citizen…

“Shortly after the news was made public, rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip on southern Israel. Israel’s Shin Bet security service and the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday identified two West Bank Palestinian men affiliated with the terrorist group Hamas… as the alleged kidnappers. The suspects, who live in Hebron, have been missing since the kidnapping…

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a Facebook post said, ‘Hamas is responsible and Hamas will pay.’… Hamas warned Israel against taking revenge for the murders. ‘If the occupiers carry out an escalation or a war,’ Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told the French news agency AFP, ‘they will open the gates of hell on themselves.’”

Subsequently, the Times of Israel reported on Monday that “Israeli Air Force struck 34 targets in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, carrying out ‘precision strikes’ against Hamas and Islamic Jihad structures.” It also reported that “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas spoke to several world leaders Monday night, hours after the bodies of the three kidnapped Israeli teenagers were found near Hebron in the West Bank, and asked them for help in reining in an Israeli response… Abbas is said to be anticipating a firm Israeli demand that the Palestinian Authority end its unity pact with Hamas.”

Further Bloodshed and Murder

Deutsche Welle reported on July 2:

“Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday accused extremist Jewish settlers of ‘killing and burning a little boy’ and demanded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemn the murder and punish those who carried it out… Shortly afterwards, Netanyahu issued a statement condemning the ‘despicable murder’ and urged Israeli authorities speed up their investigation into Wednesday’s incident.

“Secretary of State John Kerry added his own condemnation, saying in a statement, ‘There are no words to convey adequately our condolences to the Palestinian people.’ President Barack Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice said on Twitter that the murder of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khder was ‘heinous’ and called on both Israelis and Palestinians to avoid a cycle of retribution and revenge.

“Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, said Israel would ‘pay’ for the teenager’s kidnap and murder.”

Ramadan “Enforced” by US Military on US Personnel in Muslim Nations

The website of thegatewaypundit wrote on June 28:

“The US Air Force kicked Christian Gideon’s volunteers off base in March. The Bibles were too offensive and violated the separation of church and state rule. But US military personnel are expected to adhere Islamic practices during Ramadan.

“Stars and Stripes reported:

“‘U.S. personnel accustomed to drinking their coffee on the drive to work will have to put that habit on hold for about a month. It’s one of a few lifestyle changes Americans will have to make during the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Officials expect Ramadan to begin at sunrise on Saturday, depending on when the new moon is sighted. The holy month lasts for approximately 30 days — until about July 28. For Muslims around the world, Ramadan is a month of fasting and devotion to God. Most Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, when families gather for Iftar — the meal that breaks the fast.

“‘For the 8,200 U.S. personnel living here, and those serving throughout the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility — including service members, civilian personnel, contractors and family members — the month may require changing some daily routines. Businesses and government offices will reduce hours and most restaurants will be closed during daylight hours.

‘‘While not required to fast during Ramadan, in Bahrain, Americans can be fined or detained by local authorities for eating, drinking or smoking in public when off-base during daylight hours. Navy officials are requiring U.S. personnel to dress more conservatively off-base during Ramadan. Although not a requirement by Bahraini authorities, the Navy is demanding that men wear long-sleeved shirts and women wear sleeved blouses that cover their elbows. Also, men must wear long trousers, and women should wear pants or skirts that cover the knees.’”

Religious Persecution

The Huffington Post wrote on June 24:

“Judge William F. Kuntz II has ruled to uphold a New York City policy that bars unvaccinated children from attending school when another student has a disease preventable by a vaccination… In the ruling, Kuntz wrote that the Supreme Court, ‘strongly suggested that religious objectors are not constitutionally exempt from vaccinations.’

“Three families filing suit contended that the school policy preventing their unvaccinated children from attending school at risky times is a First Amendment violation of religious freedom… [The parents]  had decided not to vaccinate their children on the grounds of ‘sincere religious belief.’… Kuntz cited a 109-year-old ruling on public health as a precedent in this case. He also pointed to a more recent Brooklyn federal court decision that said, ‘the free exercise clause of the First Amendment does not provide a right for religious objectors to be exempt from New York’s compulsory inoculation law.’”

Religious liberties and freedoms are being taken away from the American citizens. In this context, the following article should be of interest, reporting on a scandal in Ireland in the 1930’s—but those kinds of occurrences are clearly not limited to Ireland or restricted to the past.

The Horrible Story of Child Vaccinations in Ireland

The Daily Mail reported on June 6, 2014:

“Scientists secretly vaccinated more than 2,000 children in religious-run homes in suspected illegal drug trials, it emerged today. Old medical records show that 2,051 children and babies in Irish care homes were given a one-shot diphtheria vaccine for international drugs giant Burroughs Wellcome between 1930 and 1936.

“There is no evidence that consent was ever sought, nor any records of how many may have died or suffered debilitating side-effects as a result. The scandal was revealed as Irish premier, Enda Kenny, ordered ministers to see whether there are more mass baby graves after the discovery that 800 infants may be buried in a septic tank outside a former mother and baby home in Tuam, Co. Galway.

“Michael Dwyer, of Cork University’s School of History, found the child vaccination data by trawling through tens of thousands of medical journal articles and archive files. He discovered the trials were carried out before the vaccine was made available for commercial use in the UK. Homes where children were secretly tested included Bessborough, in Co. Cork and Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, both of which are at the centre of the mass baby graves scandal.

“Other institutions where children may also have been vaccinated include Cork orphanages St Joseph’s Industrial School for Boys, run by the Presentation Brothers, and St Finbarr’s Industrial School for Girls, run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. In Dublin, it is believed that children for the trials came from St Vincent’s Industrial School, Goldenbridge, St Joseph’s School for Deaf Boys, Cabra, and St Saviours’s Dominican Orphanage.

“But Mr Dwyer said: ‘What I have found is just the tip of a very large and submerged iceberg… the fact that reports of these trials were published in the most prestigious medical journals suggests that this type of human experimentation was largely accepted by medical practitioners and facilitated by authorities in charge of children’s residential institutions.’…

“Historian Catherine Corless, whose discovery of the suspected mass baby grave at Tuam was revealed by the Mail earlier this week, said her study of death records for the St Mary’s home run by Catholic Bon Secours nuns from 1925-1961 pointed to the existence of the mass grave… St Mary’s was one of several such ‘mother and baby’ homes for ‘fallen women’ who had become pregnant outside marriage in early 20th century Ireland…

“The ‘mother and baby’ homes accommodated women who were ostracised from their own families and had nowhere else to turn. Under conservative Catholic teaching of the time, children born outside of marriage were not baptised and were therefore denied a Catholic burial on consecrated ground.”

But they were apparently used as guinea pigs for vaccination research and experimental drugs with the result that many of them died and were secretly “buried” in “unconsecrated” ground.

Another Wrong Decision by the US Supreme Court

The Associated Press reported on June 30:

“The U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way Monday for enforcement of a first-of-its-kind California law that bars psychological counseling aimed at turning gay minors straight…The law says professional therapists and counselors who use treatments designed to eliminate or reduce same-sex attractions in their patients would be engaging in unprofessional conduct and subject to discipline by state licensing boards. It does not cover the actions of pastors and lay counselors who are unlicensed but provide such therapy through church programs.”

The Bible says: “TRAIN UP a child in the way he should go…” Becoming a homosexual is NOT the way…

Sabbath Laws in Israel

JTA wrote on June 30:

“Israel’s interior minister, Gideon Saar, rejected an amendment to a Tel Aviv statute that would have allowed some stores to stay open on the Sabbath and holidays… Saar said… was not explained why it was essential for the stores to remain open on the Sabbath rather than meet the public’s needs during the rest of the week…

“It is illegal in Israel to open retail businesses on the Jewish Sabbath, which begins at sundown Friday and ends after sunset Saturday. Businesses that remain open are levied modest fines. Saar did, however, approve the Sabbath opening of businesses in the Tel Aviv Port, Jaffa Port and Hatahana D, the renovated Old Train Station complex. Convenience stores in gas stations also may remain open…

“Also Sunday, a proposed bill to allow public transportation on the Sabbath was rejected by the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee. Three government ministers voted in favor, three against and three abstained. One who abstained… was quoted as saying… that ‘there should be public transportation, but not entirely – the Shabbat is a special day and should be kept as such…’”

“‘House of One’: World’s First Church-Mosque-Synagogue in One?”

The website of wrote on June 23:

“Berlin is no stranger to division. Yet it’s in this German city that the three monotheistic faiths of the world will gather together in one building, perhaps for the first time ever. The ‘House of One,’ winner of an architectural contest, is planned to house three worship centers—one for Christians, one for Muslims and one for Jews, according to BBC.

“The combined church-mosque-synagogue will be comprised of three distinct houses of worship, unique in shape, yet equal in size. Most interesting is the fact that, of the three clerics spearheading the project, it was the Christian pastor’s idea. Pastor Gregor Hohberg, a Protestant, chose for the ‘House of One’ the former location of St. Peter’s church, Berlin’s first church (dating back to the 12th century), which was destroyed after sustaining heavy damage during World War 2…

“‘We can [get along with each other],’ the Jewish leader involved, Rabbi Tovia Ben Chorin, said…The imam involved, Kadir Sanci, commented that the project was a testimony to the peacefulness of nonviolence of the Muslim community.

“While the house of worship is a great showing of tolerance, is it biblically sound?…

“In a passage of striking relevance, the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18: ‘Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”’

“While the God of the Bible is not held in temples made of human hands (Acts 17:24), his true temples—Christ’s followers in whom the Holy Spirit dwells—must be kept just as pure as the holy places of ages past.”

What we are seeing here are further attempts to create a universal religion of all faiths. These attempts will fail. Ultimately, it will be the Jews and all Sabbath-keeping Christians who will be hated by all the others.

Pope Says Communists Are Closet Christians

Reuters wrote on June 29:

“Pope Francis, whose criticisms of unbridled capitalism have prompted some to label him a Marxist, said in an interview published on Sunday that communists had stolen the flag of Christianity. The 77-year-old pontiff gave an interview to Il Messaggero, Rome’s local newspaper, to mark the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a Roman holiday.

“He was asked about a blog post in the Economist magazine that said he sounded like a Leninist when he criticized capitalism and called for radical economic reform. ‘I can only say that the communists have stolen our flag. The flag of the poor is Christian. Poverty is at the center of the Gospel,’ he said, citing Biblical passages about the need to help the poor, the sick and the needy. ‘Communists say that all this is communism. Sure, twenty centuries later. So when they speak, one can say to them: “but then you are Christian,”’ he said, laughing.”

This is SO wrong. Communism has absolutely NOTHING to do with true Christianity. If anything, it is a Satanic counterfeit of true Christianity.

Vatican Recognizes “International Association of Exorcists”

The Associated Press reported on July 2:

“The Vatican has formally recognized the International Association of Exorcists, a group of 250 priests in 30 countries who liberate the faithful from demons. The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano reported Tuesday that the Vatican’s Congregation for Clergy had approved the organization’s statutes and recognized the group under canon law.

“More than his predecessors, Pope Francis speaks frequently about the devil, and last year was seen placing his hands on the head of a man purportedly possessed by four demons in what exorcists said was a prayer of liberation from Satan. The head of the association, the Rev. Francesco Bamonte, said the Vatican approval was cause for joy. ‘Exorcism is a form of charity that benefits those who suffer,’ he told L’Osservatore.”    

The Fantasy of a “Secret Rapture”

The Washington Times wrote on June 26:

“Millions of people disappear without a trace, leaving behind chaos and anarchy while a lone hero emerges to stand between mankind and the end of the world. For some, this is known as the Rapture, the preamble to the apocalypse. For Hollywood, it means a biblical blockbuster. ‘Jesus explicitly warned about “that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven,”’ said Craig Detweiler, professor of communication at Pepperdine University. ‘But producers and directors can’t resist the temptation to speculate.’

“HBO on Sunday premieres its latest series, ‘The Leftovers,’ based on the book of the same name by Tom Perrotta, which chronicles the aftermath of millions of people vanishing. Later this year, Nicolas Cage stars in ‘Left Behind,’ based on the best-selling postapocalyptic novel series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins…

“The Rapture often is related to the biblical apocalypse, the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus Christ. In fact, the concept is not Bible-based but is commonly attributed to 19th century religious leader John Nelson Darby 

“Darby didn’t coin the term ‘rapture,’ but it’s a reference in his thinking that ‘those of us believers on earth, when this moment Christ comes back, believers will simply vanish and will meet Christ in the air’… Once all believers are safely in heaven, the earth will go through a ‘tribulation period.’”

The concept of a secret or even open “rapture” to heaven is nowhere taught in the Bible; in fact, the Bible teaches the exact opposite. It was first developed by Jesuit monks and later taught due to a special “revelation” of the Holy Spirit, which was clearly wrong in other respects as well. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible—The  Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

Jean Claude Juncker Appointed to Top EU Job—“UK Edges Closer to EU Exit”

The Independent wrote on June 28:

“Britain took another step towards the EU exit door as David Cameron warned that Jean-Claude Juncker’s appointment to the top job in Brussels would make it harder to persuade the public to remain in the 28-nation bloc. Mr Cameron’s stark warning came after he suffered a humiliating defeat in his lonely battle to stop the veteran federalist becoming president of the European Commission. At a Brussels summit, EU leaders voted 26-2 to nominate Mr Juncker after Mr Cameron demanded an unprecedented formal vote on a post traditionally settled by consensus. Hungary’s Viktor Orban was the only leader to back the Prime Minister.

“Asked if the crushing setback had taken the UK closer to an EU exit, Mr Cameron told a press conference: ‘The job has got harder of keeping Britain in a reformed Europe. The stakes are higher…’

“Mr Cameron described Mr Juncker’s appointment as a ‘serious mistake’ and said it was a ‘bad day for Europe,’ which had taken a ‘big step backwards’…  During the summit, Mr Cameron warned his fellow leaders they could ‘live to regret’ the appointment…

“Mr Cameron’s uncompromising stance over Mr Juncker has strained his relations with some of his natural allies, including Germany’s Angela Merkel… Francois Hollande, the French President, said: ‘David Cameron spoke about the major interest of a country that could slip away from the EU: we can understand this political domestic issue, but at the same time there is no such thing as a veto. in Europe we need to learn to live together in the framework of rules and treaties, there’s no other way’…

“There was stinging criticism from other countries about the way Mr Cameron had campaigned against Mr Juncker. “It was noisy and counter-productive,” a diplomat from one natural UK ally said…  Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, said: ‘On Europe, David Cameron has now become a toxic Prime Minister. He cannot stand up for Britain’s national interest because when he supports something, he drives our allies away.’

“John Redwood, the Eurosceptic former Tory Cabinet minister, said: ‘If the rest of the EU continue to be so unsympathetic to UK requirements, more UK voters will draw their own conclusions about the desirability of our continued membership.’”

The Express wrote on June 27:

“Angry critics claimed the Prime Minister had left the UK virtually isolated in Europe. But Tory MPs were celebrating the defeat as a sign of loosening ties between Britain and Brussels…  in some EU capitals, the verdict on Mr Cameron’s stance was less complimentary. The German newspaper Bild said: ‘Cameron is becoming more and more the Wayne Rooney of EU politics: he lines up, he loses, he goes home.’”    

Who Is Jean-Claude Juncker?

The EUObserver wrote on June 27:

“Britain’s tabloid The Sun portrayed him as ‘the most dangerous man in Europe’… All the buzz surrounding Britain’s opposition to his nomination has made him probably the first widely-known head of an EU institution. But who is Jean-Claude Juncker?

“The 59-year old Luxembourg politician was the EU’s longest serving prime minister until last year, when he lost his post due to an illegal wiretapping scandal. Luxembourg’s intelligence service (SREL) last year was embroiled in a scandal when it emerged that it had carried out illegal wiretaps, kept secret files on people and run a fictional counterterror operation to cover for a Russian oligarch.

“Juncker said he was not aware of the abuses, but he had to step down, prompting early elections, in which his party gained the most seats. But the Grand Duke of Luxembourg tasked Liberal Xavier Bettel, not Juncker, with forming a government.

“Often portrayed as a ‘veteran’ in EU politics, Juncker was a finance minister when Germany was governed by Chancellor Helmut Kohl, with whom he helped lay down the foundations of the euro… From 2005 until 2013, Juncker was also chairman of the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, which became instrumental in negotiating and supervising bailout packages for the countries that faced bankruptcy in the euro crisis: Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus.

“Back in 2011, during a debate in Brussels recorded by EUobserver Juncker admitted that he often had to lie to journalists about secret meetings held at the height of the euro-crisis, in order to prevent markets from betting against troubled countries. ‘I am for secret, dark debates,’ he quipped. He recalled an instance where journalists asked him if there would be a meeting in Paris the following weekend. ‘I said no. I had to lie. I am a Christian Democrat, a Catholic, so when it becomes serious we have to lie. The same applies to economic and monetary policy in the Union… I’m ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious,’ Juncker said…”

The admitted lying of a top politician in the EU is another reason why true Christians shouldn’t vote for any politician, as we should know that we cannot really rely on their promises. In politics, lying can be seen as a means to an end without any reference to the 9th Commandment.   That is the problem with compromise – being true to conviction is trumped by “political necessities.”  No doubt we will see much greater deceits when the charismatic political leader (the “beast”) and the religious leader (the “false prophet”) are in power.    

The Role of the European Commission President

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 28 

“The European Commission president is a key figure in the most important EU body, analogous to a head of state, with a broad policy mandate.. He is appointed to a five-year position by the EU’s 28 heads of state and government and confirmed by the European Parliament… The president first starts work six months after the inaugural session of the European Parliament.

“The president determines the European Commission’s policy agenda. Through his political leadership, he plays a decisive role in the development of the EU. He represents the Commission abroad, such as at the meetings of the G7 group of seven leading industrialized nations and at European Council meetings. He also takes part in the important policy debates of the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. The president appoints the other commissioners in consultation with heads of government…”

Angela Merkel Real Enemy of the UK?

The Daily Mail wrote on June 30:

“Forget tipsy Jean-Claude Juncker. Our real EU enemy is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Initially, she agreed with David Cameron that Juncker was a useless candidate for presidency of the EU Commission. But then she supported the ill-regarded Luxembourger. Why? Because she could easily manage him and he suited her purposes better than the main alternative candidate who is her Socialist rival in Germany.

“Meanwhile, surprise is expressed about how several other national leaders who had agreed with Cameron privately that Juncker was unacceptable then voted otherwise. This is to misunderstand the nature of the European Union. In theory, the 28 independent nations enjoy equal rights, but in practice it’s run by Angela Merkel.

“There’s fancy talk about EU community spirit and a vision of  what ‘Europe’ can be in the world, but the truth is that Merkel is Queen Bee and the 27 other national leaders are her drones… patience is running out with the EU, in Europe and here at home. Only the UK and Hungary — which voted with Cameron last Friday — have recognised this…

“Fans of Europe used to argue that membership of the EU would entail no loss of sovereignty. Now they say it doesn’t matter. But it does matter to many people… The cynicism of powerful Frau Merkel, backing the useless Juncker, is a wake-up call: the EU is headed for a United States of Europe, run by Germany… The public demand for a restoration of national powers frightens our EU rulers. They worry over where it can end.”

So now, we have two “real enemies” of the UK… Jean Claude Juncker, the “most dangerous man in Europe,” and Angela Merkel, the “Queen Bee” ruling over “27 drones.” Such polemics are not going to make continental Europeans too happy.  

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Would you please explain 1 Timothy 1:18. What were the “prophecies” pertaining to Timothy?

In 1 Timothy 1:18-19, Paul says the following: 

“This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck…” 

As we pointed out in a previous Q&A about “prophets” in God’s Church today, the concept of “prophecy” and “prophet” does not have to relate to the future, but can include or refer to “inspired” teaching and preaching. We stated the following: 

“… there are most certainly ‘prophets’ in God’s Church today who preach with godly inspiration and who speak on prophecies which are recorded in the Bible. God might also give some of His servants special insight today into prophetic events and details, which might not be specifically mentioned in Scripture, but which would be in line with prophecies contained in the Bible.”

Regarding Paul’s statement about prophecies concerning Timothy, it does not appear that Paul was referring to particular and specific future revelations about Timothy, but rather, he was alluding to God’s inspiration in ordaining Timothy to the office of a minister and an Evangelist. In Timothy’s case, it is possible that prophets in the Church attested to God’s Will in this matter.

The Weymouth New Testament renders the passage in this way:

“This is the charge which I entrust to you, my son Timothy, in accordance with the inspired instructions concerning you which were given me long ago, that being equipped with them as your armour you may be continually fighting the good fight…”

Note how the following commentaries explain this passage:

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible says:

“… according to the prophecies which went before on thee; by which are meant, not the prophecies of the Old Testament, though of these Timothy had a considerable share of knowledge from a child, and was hereby greatly qualified to have such a charge committed to him; but then these were not prophecies concerning him, but the Messiah, his person, office, kingdom, and grace: nor are any particular revelations made unto the Apostle Paul concerning Timothy intended, of which there is no account.

“… rather the testimonies of the brethren at Lystra and Iconium, and the good reports they made of him to the apostle, which promised and foreboded future usefulness, are designed; though it seems best of all to understand these prophecies of such as were delivered out by the prophets in the church, for such there were in those times; who, when Timothy was a child, or a youth, foretold that he would have great gifts bestowed upon him, and would be a very useful, diligent, laborious, and successful preacher of the Gospel; and therefore the apostle mentions these to stimulate him the more to the discharge of his work, that he might answer the prophecies concerning him: for he adds,  that thou by them mightest war a good warfare: that is, that in consideration of the charge committed to him, and the prophecies that went before of him, might be the more industrious to fulfil his ministry…”

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary says:

“… according to—in pursuance of; in consonance with–the prophecies which went before on thee—the intimations given by prophets respecting thee at thy ordination, 1Ti[mothy] 4:14 (as, probably, by Silas, a companion of Paul, and ‘a prophet,’ Ac[ts] 15:32). Such prophetical intimation, as well as the good report given of Timothy by the brethren (Ac[ts] 16:2), may have induced Paul to take him as his companion. Compare similar prophecies as to others: Ac[ts] 13:1-3, in connection with laying on of hands; Ac[ts] 11:28; 21:10, 11; compare 1Co[rinthians] 12:10; 14:1; Eph[esians] 4:11. In Ac[ts] 20:28, it is expressly said that ‘the Holy [Spirit] had made them (the Ephesian presbyters) overseers.’…”

Christ has built His church, and He is the Head. We read that HE appoints the ministers, but He inspires the human ministerial government in His Church to recognize His Will in the matter.

In a Q&A about the ordination of ministers we wrote the following: 

“God used ordained ministers to appoint others to the ministry (Titus 1:5). Titus was a minister. He is also referred to as a brother. After all, a true minister is a servant and a spiritual brother. This is why Paul could call Titus a brother, but this does not mean that Titus was not also ordained to the ministry. The Bible shows that ministers or elders are ordained or appointed by other ministers or elders. The laying on of hands through the ministry is very important in this regard (1 Timothy 5:22)…

“We read in Ephesians 4:11 that Christ has given the ministry to the Church, ‘for the equipping of the saints’ (verse 12). Verse 11 speaks about certain ranks, offices and functions within the ministry, including apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Paul referred to himself on several occasions as a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher (1 Timothy 2:7; 2 Timothy 1:11).

“God has set in place a ministry (ordained elders), through which He administers the Church…

“It is claimed by some that the word ‘ordained’ or ‘appointed,’ as it is used in Acts 14:23, allegedly conveys the meaning of ‘voting.’… However… ‘The Englishman’s Greek New Testament… An Interlinear Literal Translation,’ renders Acts 14:23, word-for-word, as follows: ‘And having chosen FOR THEM elders IN every assembly, having prayed with fastings they committed them to the Lord, on whom they had believed.’

“Again, we see that Paul and Barnabas ‘chose’ FOR THE CHURCH elders IN every congregation or assembly… The Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W.E. Vine (under ‘appoint’) explains… that the Greek word in Acts 14:23, translated as ‘ordained,’ ‘appointed’ or ‘chosen,’ refers to the ‘appointment of elders by apostolic missionaries in the various churches which they revisited.’ 

“God is not the author of confusion, but of order. He has designated that the ministry is to ordain or appoint qualified members to the ministry. This is the clear teaching of the Bible, which we must uphold and practice.” 

We also understand that God inspires the ministry to ordain others to the ministry (as well as to the office of deacon and deaconess). With this ordination, God gives the new ministers or deacons/deaconesses an additional portion of His Holy Spirit to empower them to fulfill their responsibilities of a minister, deacon or deaconess (The same is true, when a minister is raised in rank—let’s say, from an elder to a pastor, or from a pastor to an evangelist). In time, it will become very evident by the fruits of the newly ordained deacon/deaconess or the minister (or his raise in rank) that God did indeed bestow on them an extra portion of the Holy Spirit.

In our Q&A on John 3:34, we said the following:

“When a man or a woman is ordained to the office of deacon or deaconess, they receive an extra portion of the Holy Spirit to accomplish their responsibilities. But a deacon is not a minister. To become a minister, a further ordination [of the deacon] is necessary [Deaconesses cannot be ordained to the ministry, as women are not to teach and preach in Church services, compare 1 Timothy 2:11-15; 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.]. And so, when a member or a deacon is ordained to the ministry, an additional extra portion of the Holy Spirit is given them at that time. Note what Paul wrote to Timothy: ‘Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind’ (2 Timothy 1:6-7). This passage refers foremost to Timothy’s ordination as a minister. Timothy had received a measure of the Holy Spirit when he was baptized, but when he became ordained, he received an extra measure of the Holy Spirit to fulfill his work as a minister.

“There is a hierarchy of spiritual offices within the ministry (elder, pastor, evangelist, etc.). When God’s ministers are raised in rank through an ordination and the laying on of hands, they will at that time obtain still more of God’s Holy Spirit to enable them to fulfill their added responsibilities, including spiritual discernment to make right decisions (compare Matthew 16:19; 18:18). We have an example in which two ministers were ordained to offices of greater responsibility, indicating, also, that they were given more of God’s Holy Spirit:

“‘Now there were at Antioch, in the church that was there, prophets and teachers: Barnabas, and Simeon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away’ (Acts 13:1-3).

“Note that these men are first identified as ‘prophets and teachers’; however, after the laying on of hands in this account, the two men, Barnabas and Saul (Paul), are subsequently called ‘apostles’ (compare Act 14:14)…”

Some have misunderstood, however, what God says about the ordination of ministers, and their raise in rank. As we saw, it is clear that only ministers can ordain others to the office of deacon/deaconess and the ministry, but does the Bible teach that ministers can only ordain other ministers to a rank equal to or lower than the rank held by the ordaining minister? In other words, can only an Evangelist ordain a Pastor to the rank of an Evangelist?

We discussed this question in our Q&A about the ordination of an Evangelist

“Although God has always used His ministry to ordain others into the ministry [and ‘raising them in rank’], through the laying on of hands and prayer, it is likewise evident that it is God who must inspire those ordinations. We read about this principle in Hebrews 5:4, addressing the ordination to the office of high priest: ‘And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.’ 

“We also find, in the Old Testament, that the prophet Samuel anointed Saul and David as kings, but it can be hardly said that the office of prophet was ‘above’ the office of king. Again, we see how certain men were chosen by God to fulfill certain functions. We might also remember how Elisha, when he received Elijah’s mantle, also received a double (!) portion of the Holy Spirit, that had dwelt in Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-14).

“When we analyze Paul’s life, baptism and ordination, we find that Christ had already set aside Paul (known at that time as Saul) for the purpose of the ministry, before he became converted (compare Acts 9:15-16). When the time had come, the disciple Ananias (most likely a minister)… baptized Saul and laid hands on him for the purpose of receiving the Holy Spirit and for being healed from his blindness. We find, in Acts 11:26, that Barnabas and Saul assembled with the church at Antioch for one year ‘and taught a great many people.’ Then they went to Jerusalem to bring the elders of the church relief from the famine that plagued the areas. Acts 12:25 continues to report that ‘Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem [to Antioch] when they had fulfilled their ministry, and they also took with them John whose surname was Mark.’ 

“At this juncture, we read, in Acts 13:1: ‘Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.’ We notice that all these prophets and teachers were functioning in the church at Antioch, and that both Barnabas and Saul were included in the group referred to as teachers and prophets at that time. Continuing in verse 2: ‘As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “NOW, separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”’ 

“It was at that moment in time that Christ made it clear to the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch that Barnabas and Saul were to be ‘separated’ for a particular aspect or function of the work of Christ. Notice verse 3: ‘Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away.’

“The word ‘apostle’ means, ‘one who is sent.’ We read, in Matthew 10:1-8, that Christ SENT OUT the original twelve apostles to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. It is of special note that Jesus Himself established the office of apostle–even selecting that name as the title: ‘And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles’ (Luke 6:13). Consider, also, that first, Jesus prayed about those whom He should choose to be apostles: ‘Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God’ (Luke 6:12).

“The same was now happening with Barnabas and Saul. The prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch ordained them to the office of apostles, to be sent forth to do a particular work. We know this to be true as they were never referred to as apostles before, but they were subsequently called apostles (compare Acts 14:4, 14). This has also been the long-held understanding of the Church of God. In addition, Paul said that he was ordained as an apostle (compare 1 Timothy 2:7, Authorized Version). The only record of his ordination can be found in Acts 13:1-3.

“What is important to realize is that Barnabas and Saul were appointed to the office of apostle by ‘prophets and teachers’ — that is, by ministers of lower positions than that of apostle. But, this was inspired and approved by God, as we have seen.

“Some believe that the prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch were actually sent by the apostles from Jerusalem, charging them with the task of ordaining Saul and Barnabas to the office of apostle. This, however, is mere speculation, and cannot be proven from Scripture. In fact, Scripture strongly suggests the opposite. We need to realize that Paul and Barnabas had just been in Jerusalem, and returned to Antioch. It was THERE, in Antioch, that Christ inspired the ministry to ordain Paul and Barnabas as apostles — not in Jerusalem. Also, the fact that prophets came from Jerusalem is normally specifically mentioned in Scripture (compare Acts 11:27; 21:10).

“In any event, it is THE Apostle, Jesus Christ (compare Hebrews 3:1), Who directs the ministry to ordain people in His Church. And it was Christ Who inspired the prophets and teachers (ministers of lower positions than that of apostle) in the church at Antioch to ordain Barnabas and Saul (who belonged to the group of prophets and teachers), to the rank and office of apostle. It is therefore clear, from Scripture, that pastors and elders are authorized, by God, and under God’s inspiration and direction, to ordain a fellow minister to a higher rank and office — such as evangelist.” 

We are receiving, once in a great while, questions pertaining to the ordination of Pastor Norbert Link to the rank of Evangelist on February 19, 2005. This ordination took place before the Church congregation through ministers and elders of the Church of God, including two Pastor-rank ministers (Edwin Pope and Dave Harris). We are including a report from Dave Harris which explains in detail how this ordination came about: 

“The annual conference of the Church of the Eternal God and its affiliates was conducted in late February of 2005. Leading up to that conference, I had been considering the possibility of suggesting the ordination of Norbert Link as Evangelist.

“It had been evident to me that God was working with Norbert in ways that reflected his unique leadership role in the Church. At this time, J. Edwin Pope, an ordained Pastor of long-standing service, was serving in the corporate role of President for the Church. At his invitation, I was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pope during this particular Church conference.

“Following the first day of meetings, held on Friday, February 18, 2005, Mr. Pope and I returned to his home for the evening. During this short trip, I brought up the idea of ordaining Norbert to the rank of Evangelist at this conference. His initial response was that he did not believe this was the time. 

“That evening, the thought of ordaining Norbert stayed with me, and just before going to bed, I asked God in fervent prayer to make His Will known. Specifically, I asked God to change Edwin’s mind in this matter if it was now the time to ordain Norbert.

“Rising very early that next morning, the Sabbath, I went into the kitchen to find Edwin surrounded by several papers, some reference books and Bibles. Evidently, he had been preparing for the Sabbath services which would follow in the afternoon. 

“However, to my astonishment, one of the first things he spoke was to say that we need to do it—that is, to ordain Norbert as Evangelist! From that day forward, Edwin upheld this as the right time and the right decision. The need for Edwin’s leadership in this matter became even more evident, for in December of 2006, he died following a heart attack. 

“Norbert was never told that he would be ordained to the office of Evangelist, nor did he ever voice to anyone any desire for such ordination. In fact, he and his wife Johanna were in total shock when the ordination took place.

“While some may question whether or not Norbert could be ordained as Evangelist by ministers of lesser rank, there can be no doubt as to the fruit of this action.”

When a person is to be ordained to an office in God’s Church, God will make His Will known and direct and inspire such an ordination, as He did in the case of Timothy. This is not to say that the Church ministry is infallible and could not make a mistake, but that will also become known in time. We are told that by their fruits, you shall know them.

It is true that in the past, some deacons, deaconesses and ministers—including ministers in high offices and with high ranks—have left the Church of God or had to be put out.  Undoubtedly, in some cases, it became evident that their original ordination was not approved by God (The same can be said about individuals who were baptized and subsequently left the Church, without ever having received the Holy Spirit at the time of their baptism).

On the other hand, this is most certainly not true in every case. Some became unfaithful and unproductive in their functions of deacon/deaconess and minister, and in most cases, this was due to an inflated ego, pride and haughtiness, coupled with a desire to be in charge and their unwillingness to submit to Church government, thinking that they knew and understood everything better than those whom God had placed in authority and who had proven to be loyal to God without compromising. Such a rebellious person is in grave danger of losing his or her eternal salvation, and we all must be aware that such an attitude is directly stemming from Satan (compare Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28).

We pray that anyone who has fallen prey to Satan’s evil devices will come to his or her senses and repent with a deeply humble attitude. At the same time, all of us must be certain that we do not fall into the same trap of self-deception and ungodly pride.

Let us be thankful that God, through Jesus Christ,  is directing His Church, and that He reveals to His appointed servants His Will in the matter of Church government, including in areas of baptism and ordinations, and that GOD will correct each and every one of us if correction is needed.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link    

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our newest booklet has entered the initial review process. “When and How Will Christ Return?,” is the title, and this will be our 40th booklet to be published. All of our booklets are posted on

“Becoming Surety for a Friend?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

What does the Bible say about becoming surety for another person, including your neighbor or your friend, or about co-signing a loan or a guarantee agreement? Should you provide financial security or collateral for another person? Don’t be too sure that you know the answer, because many well-meaning persons have acted wrongly to their own hurt, while bringing many sleepless nights and even financial ruin on themselves and their family. We are offering two free booklets on this program, which deal with sound financial principles.

“Führt Sünde zum Erfolg?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Does Sin Lead to Success?”

A new Global Trailer by Pastor Brian Gale is now available on YouTube. In it, Mr. Gale discusses our booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days.” Here is a summary:

WHY has God commanded us to keep holy certain annual Holy Days, which are listed, for example, in Leviticus 23? What possible relevance and meaning could these “ancient” Holy Days have for us today? In this booklet, you will learn the truth about the annual Holy Days and Festivals to be kept in the Spring and early Summer. These days carry a deep and rich meaning, actually revealing to us the great master plan of God for mankind. But just knowing about them academically is not enough! Blessed are those who understand them and actually DO them, keeping them Holy as God made them holy!

Truth Be Bold,” the sermon presented by Michael Link on the previous Sabbath is now posted. Here is a summary:

Are we convinced that we know the truth, that the Bible is in fact true? If we know what we read is true, how do we apply it in our lives and do we speak the truth with boldness?  The Bible is filled with many examples of those who spoke the truth with boldness, along with evidence that the Bible is the Truth.     

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Happy About God’s Way

by Monique Sperzel (Germany)

I am very happy that my family and I are allowed to live God’s Way–that He has called us to His good Way of Life and brought us out of this bad world. I am truly thankful to Him that He has given us this wonderful opportunity and the knowledge and understanding of His Word. It is not self-evident to me, and I do not take it for granted, and that makes it so much more special for us. It is great that I can experience this and that God gives us all the wonderful things, teaching us every day to fight against the world, but it is for our best and to learn, and God gives us the strength through His Spirit, so that we can overcome.

Again and again I realize how God leads and guides me. I can see how much I want to change my life so that I can please God. He gives me so much inspiration, and He helps me and gives me strength in difficult times. Before I learned about God, my life was so wrong, and I had many problems and I felt very bad. But since I have begun to go God’s Way, I feel better, and I’m thankful for the tasks and responsibilities that He gives me, and His direction which motivates me to obey Him. I’m so very happy about this, because I can never receive enough of His help.    

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Becoming Surety for a Friend?

What does the Bible say about becoming surety for another person, including your neighbor or your friend, or about co-signing a loan or a guarantee agreement? Should you provide financial security or collateral for another person? Don’t be too sure that you know the answer, because many well-meaning persons have acted wrongly to their own hurt, while bringing many sleepless nights and even financial ruin on themselves and their family. We are offering two free booklets on this program, which deal with sound financial principles.

Download Audio Download Video 

Current Events

America’s New Dictatorship

The Washington Times wrote on June 20:

“With so much happening internationally and the number of scandals, crises and general screw-ups of the Obama administration here at home, it’s worth noting a disturbing development here on the domestic front: a rapidly expanding police state… We all know about the scope of National Security Agency (NSA) spying. It’s fair to say at this point in our lives that the notion of privacy is all but dead and gone…

“Spying is one thing, but control is, in fact, key. During the Obama administration, most of us have grown concerned about the massive buy-up of ammunition of various federal agencies. The U.S. Postal Service, the Department of Agriculture, the Commerce Department and even the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, among so many other agencies, have acquired billions of rounds of ammunition…

“The New York Times reports, ‘During the Obama administration, according to Pentagon data, police departments have received tens of thousands of machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers, armored cars and aircraft.’

“Silencers? Machine guns? Now why would local law enforcement need that sort of gear? They do if they’re conditioning everyone, including local law enforcement itself, to believe that a police state is necessary and inevitable…”

Very frightening indeed. Orwell’s 1984 is becoming grim reality…. See also the next article.

Medical Marijuana Defense “Irrelevant”?

US News reported on June 23:

“Attorney General Eric Holder swooped into Spokane, Washington, without public notice Friday to visit with federal prosecutors, but his trip didn’t immediately benefit a group of indicted medical marijuana patients nicknamed the Kettle Falls Five.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Washington, based in Spokane, is not backing down in its multiple-felony case against four family members and a friend who tended a rural marijuana garden for what they say was personal medical use.

“The case, easily the highest-profile prosecution involving medical marijuana this year, is nearing trial as federal lawmakers consider cutting the purse strings for such enforcement.
“Prosecutors argued Monday during a conference call with federal Judge Fred Van Sickle and defense attorneys that the defendants should not be allowed to tell jurors the marijuana was for medical use. ‘There is no right to present irrelevant evidence,’ Assistant U.S. Attorney Caitlin Baunsgard said, dismissing the applicability of state medical marijuana law to federal charges. ‘Medical marijuana is not a defense.’ ‘What they were doing was illegal under federal law,’ Assistant U.S. Attorney Earl Hicks said…

“Van Sickle said he agreed with prosecutors and was unlikely to reconsider his May decision barring that defense. ‘These things are not relevant and they would confuse the jury,’ he said…

“The Kettle Falls Five prosecution appears to fly in the face of 2009 guidance from Holder’s Department of Justice that prosecutors should avoid going after medical marijuana patients. It also comes as Holder’s department allows Colorado and Washington to unfurl regulated and taxed recreational marijuana markets…

“Harvey, a co-defendant alongside his wife, a son and daughter-in-law, and a family friend – all of whom have conditions that qualify them for medical pot under state law – was lobbying Congress to pass legislation to block the Drug Enforcement Administration and federal prosecutors from going after medical marijuana in states that allow it. The House of Representatives voted 219-189 on May 30 in favor of a spending bill amendment that would do just that. A Senate version of the amendment is being sponsored by Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Cory Booker, D-N.J….”

The Obama Administration is being accused of operating under false pretenses, while giving false and misleading assurances. It is alleged that the denial of the medical Marijuana defense is just one of many examples of a government which is not reliable.

True Christians Must Have No Part in Jury Duty System!

The following report is even more revealing and exemplifies once again why a true Christian must NEVER allow him- or herself to become an active participant in the jury duty system. Those who believe and teach otherwise are ignorant and lacking experience of the operations of the legal system.

The Huffington Post wrote on June 23:

“Larry Harvey, 70; his wife, Rhonda Firestack-Harvey, 55; their son Rolland Gregg, 33; daughter-in-law Michelle Gregg, 35; and family friend Jason Zucker, 38, sought to present evidence that the marijuana they grew was, in fact, legal under state law, doctor-recommended and appropriate for each family member’s condition. ‘The jury will never hear that there was a sign [at the grow site] for medical marijuana,’ lawyer Douglas D. Phelps, who represents Rolland Gregg, said during Monday’s hearing. ‘They’ll never hear that the defendants had a use for the marijuana that was medicinal. They’ll never hear how they intended to use the crop, the purposes that they would use it for or that the doctors believed that the amounts they were growing was consistent with their medical necessity.’

“The federal government charged each defendant with six felonies, including manufacturing, possession and distribution of marijuana and possession of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking. Their lawyers said the family kept multiple guns for hunting and defense at their home, which lies in the wilderness of northeast Washington state near the U.S.-Canadian border. They have encountered black bears, cougars and coyotes at their front door on several occasions, according to the lawyers. Federal prosecutors argue that the presence of firearms shows the defendants were involved in drug trafficking.

“… a number of studies over the years have shown the medical potential of cannabis, from fighting cancer to controlling blood sugar. There have also been multiple attempts to reschedule the drug since the 1970s. ‘One must reasonably conclude that there is an accepted safety for use of marijuana under medical supervision,’ said a motion filed by the Harvey family’s attorneys that prompted Monday’s hearing. ‘To conclude otherwise, on this record, would be unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious.’ The motion was quoting then-DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis Young’s response to a 1988 petition to reschedule marijuana.

“‘Decades after this judicial acknowledgment of the irrationality of classifying marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance, the possession and cultivation of this plant remains subject to the harshest criminal penalties authorized under the Controlled Substances Act of 1972,’ the Harvey family’s motion said. ‘Despite the federal prohibition, science has forged ahead to prove Judge Young correct, and in the twenty-first century, cannabis has been proven to be a harmless yet effective medication for treating, and possibly preventing, serious illnesses.’

“At the DEA’s own behest, the Food and Drug Administration is currently considering loosening federal regulation of marijuana. However, in its latest guidelines regarding cannabis, published Friday, the FDA states that it still ‘has not approved marijuana as a safe and effective drug for any indication’ despite ‘significant interest in the potential utility of marijuana for a variety of medical conditions.’”

One MUST ask, why not?

America’s Presbyterian Church vs. Israel

The Associated Press wrote on June 21:

“The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on Friday became the most prominent religious group in the United States to endorse divestment as a protest against Israeli policies toward Palestinians, voting to sell church stock in three companies whose products Israel uses in the occupied territories…

“The American Jewish Committee, a policy and advocacy group based in New York, said the vote was ‘driven by hatred of Israel.’ But Heath Rada, moderator for the church meeting, said immediately after the vote that ‘in no way is this a reflection of our lack of love for our Jewish brothers and sisters.’… Israeli officials, along with many American Jewish groups, denounced the campaign as an attempt to delegitimize the Jewish state… The vote was the subject of intense lobbying both from within and outside the church.”

This article shows at least two things: Hate-driven action speaks louder than hypocritical words of love; and these kinds of votes include intense lobbying and bring about questionable results. Another article of questionable votes of the Presbyterian Church is featured later in this Current Events section.

JTA reported on June 21:

“Some of the delegates promoting the resolution were at pains to distance it from the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, noting that the measure targeted only American companies profiting from West Bank security systems, and successfully added amendments making the distinction clear.

“Others said that the resolution, coupled with an anti-Zionist tract released earlier this year by a church committee, allied the church with groups that seek to dismantle Israel. The ‘decision will undoubtedly have a devastating impact on relations between mainstream Jewish groups and the national Presbyterian Church (USA),’ Rabbi Steve Gutow, the president of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the umbrella body for Jewish public policy groups, said in a statement…

“Other groups anticipating a rift included the Anti-Defamation League, the Union for Reform Judaism, StandWithUs and the American Jewish Committee…”

The Washington Times added on June 22:

“Speaking on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ on Sunday, Mr. Netanyahu said the move demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the Middle East… ‘It should trouble all people and of conscience and morality because it’s so disgraceful,’ he said of the vote. ‘You come to Israel and you see the one democracy that upholds basic human rights, that guards the rights of all minorities, that protects Christians. …

“‘Most Americans understand Israel is a beacon of civilization and moderation. I would suggest to the Presbyterian organizations — fly to the Middle East. Come and see Israel for the embattled democracy that it is and then take a bus tour. Go to Libya, go to Syria, go to Iraq, and see the difference. And I would give them two pieces of advice: make sure it is an armor-plated bus, and second, don’t say that you’re Christians.’”

Egypt’s New Dictatorship

The Washington Post wrote on June 21:

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader and over 180 others were sentenced to death Saturday by an Egyptian court in the latest mass trial following last year’s overthrow of the country’s Islamist president. The ruling by the southern Minya Criminal Court is the largest confirmed mass death sentence to be handed down in Egypt in recent memory and comes from Judge Said Youssef, who earlier presided over the mass trial. It is the second death sentence for the Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie since the crackdown against his group began…

“Initially, Youssef sentenced some 683 people to death over the attack, then sent the case to Egypt’s Grand Mufti, the country’s top spiritual leader. The Mufti offered his opinion, then sent the case back to Youssef to confirm his sentence. Lawyers for the accused said they planned to appeal…

“The mass trials have drawn worldwide rebuke. However, the trials have continued with many Egyptians appearing to approve of the heavy-handed measures… Saturday’s hearing lasted for less than 15 minutes…”

One Egyptian dictatorship is replaced by another… America just announced that they will support the new Egyptian leadership militarily… a wrong decision which is bound to backfire.

Deutsche Welle reported on June 22:

“After President Mohammed Morsi was ousted almost a year ago, the US froze some of its $1.3 billion (956 million euros) in annual military aid to Egypt. About $575 million in suspended funds have been released over the past ten days and are to be used to pay existing defense contracts, according to the State Department. Washington has also said it is to provide ten Apache attack helicopters to help soldiers battling militants in the Sinai peninsula. Kerry said they would arrive ‘very soon.’”

In a further move, an Egyptian court has even convicted non-Egyptian journalists by falsely labeling them as terrorists or operating with terrorists—in an obvious attempt to suppress any truthful reporting about Egypt’s oppressive government.

The New Islamic State of ISIS

AFP wrote on June 22:

“The militants, led by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) jihadist group, have begun imposing an extreme interpretation of Islamic law in the days since they took the city [of Mosul in northern Iraq]… The city, known before 2003 for its historic sites and parks and in later years as a hub for deadly violence, fell on June 10 to the militants, who subsequently overran surrounding Nineveh province and swathes of other territory… After seizing control, gunmen declared Nineveh a part of their Islamic state and issued a document outlining new rules.

“The 16-point document announced the prohibition of the selling and consumption of alcohol and drugs as well as smoking, and forbade gatherings and carrying weapons. Women are to wear non-revealing clothes and keep to their homes, while ‘shrines’ are to be destroyed. All depictions of people are considered idolatrous under the militants’ extreme interpretation of Islam, and gunmen have removed various statues from the city in recent days, including some depicting famous poets.

“Abu Ramzi, one of Mosul’s Christians who did not flee the city, said militants destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary in front of a church. The militants also distributed a document to mosques in the city ordering that they not make or publish any statement not approved by ISIL, and designated a specific mosque for the acceptance of the ‘repentance of apostates’. ISIL has also appointed representatives for different areas of the city who are to conduct a survey of its residents.

“One resident who fled said a neighbour told him that gunmen came to check empty houses in the area and find out who owns them… ‘They asked about my house, my (religious) sect and my phone number,’ he said. The gunmen left a message that he had two days to return and renounce his Shiite faith, or the house would be burned.”

The radical interpretation of the militant Islamists pertaining to some provisions in the Koran mirrors, to an extent, the radical interpretation of orthodox Jews and Christian Fundamentalists pertaining to some passages in the Old Testament. For a much clearer understanding as to what the Old Testament does and does not say, and how it applies to us today, please read our brand-new booklet, “Old Testament Laws—Still Valid Today?”

ISIS Claims to Have Nuclear Weapons to Use Against Israel

On June 23, WorldNetDaily reported the following:

“The well-organized army of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, claims it has access to nuclear weapons and a will to use them to ‘liberate’ Palestine from Israel as part of its ‘Islamic Spring,’ according to a WND source in the region.

“Franklin Lamb, an international lawyer based in Beirut and Damascus, said the move is part of the ISIS aim of creating a caliphate under strict Islamic law, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to Iraq… Lamb said that in Iraq alone, some 6 million Iraqi Sunnis recently have become supportive of the ISIS lightning strikes in the Sunni portion of the country…

“ISIS access to nuclear weapons could come from Sunni Pakistan, which is home to more than 30 terrorist groups. Pakistan possibly has transferred nuclear weapons to the chief bankroller of its nuclear development program, Sunni Saudi Arabia… The Saudis… also have provided billions of dollars to ISIS…”

Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Killed by ISIS

The website of wrote on June 22:

“Judge Rauf Rashid, the man who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death, has reportedly been captured and killed by ISIS terrorists. Several Arab News websites are reporting the news… Wikipedia says he is dead: ‘On 16 June 2014, Abd al-Rahman was arrested by ISIS rebels during 2014 Northern Iraq offensive. Two days later, it was reported that ISIS captured and executed him.’ Iraqi officials have not denied the news.”

US Troops Not Welcome in Iraq

Sky News reported on June 21:

“A Shia cleric loyal to anti-US cleric Moqtada al Sadr has warned that the 300 US military advisers en route to Iraq will be attacked. In a sermon from Baghdad’s Sadr City district, Nassir al Saedi threatened what he called ‘the occupier’, saying: ‘We will be ready for you if you are back.’

“The warning comes after President Barack Obama announced the deployment of US military advisers made up mostly of special forces. Their aim is to help the Iraqi government in its fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group of Sunni extremists who have seized cities and towns across northern Iraq.

“Al Saedi’s threats highlight a potentially dangerous secondary front for US forces heading to Iraq. Moqtada al Sadr’s militia fought the Americans in at least two rounds of street warfare during the eight years US troops were on the ground there.”

Iran Opposed to American “Help”

The Times of Israel wrote on June 22:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday warned close ally the United States against working with arch-foe Iran in the effort to pull Iraq back from the brink…  ‘What you’re seeing in the Middle East today in Iraq and in Syria is the stark hatred between radical Shiites — in this case led by Iran — and radical Sunnis led by al-Qaeda and ISIS and others,’ Netanyahu told NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ referring to ISIL.

“‘Now both of these camps are enemies of the United States, and when your enemies are fighting each other, don’t strengthen either one — weaken both,’ said Netanyahu…”

Rand Paul vs. Dick Cheney: Should US Stay Out of Iraq or Get Involved?

The Huffington Post wrote on June 22:

“As the Islamist militia group ISIS gains new ground in Iraq, capturing four more towns near the Syrian border and barreling towards Baghdad, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is holding strong to his belief that the United States should stay out of the conflict in the region. On CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ Sunday, Paul ruled out ground troops in Iraq and said that as president, he would ask Congress before getting involved at all…

“Paul also responded Sunday to some of Obama’s critics in the Republican Party, who say he should have overthrown Syrian President Bashar Assad following evidence that he used chemical weapons on citizens last year… ‘We went into Libya and we got rid of that terrible Qaddafi, now it’s a jihadist wonderland over there,’ Paul said, referring to Libya’s former dictator. ‘There’s jihadists everywhere. If we were to get rid of Assad it would be a jihadist wonderland in Syria. It’s now a jihadist wonderland in Iraq…’

“‘You have to ask yourself, are you willing to send your son, am I willing to send my son to retake back a city, Mosul, that they weren’t willing to defend themselves?’ Paul said. ‘I’m not willing to send my son into that mess.’

“Former Vice President Dick Cheney strongly disagreed with Paul on Sunday. ‘Rand Paul, with all due respect, is basically an isolationist,’ Cheney said on ABC’s ‘This Week.’ ‘He doesn’t believe we ought to be involved in that part of the world. I think it’s absolutely essential. One of the things I worried about 12 years ago — and that I worry about today — is that there will be another 9/11 attack and that the next time it’ll be with weapons far deadlier than airline tickets and box cutters.’”

Please read our free booklet, “Should You Fight in War?” 

Cameron’s Waterloo

Der Spiegel Online wrote on June 19:

“British Prime Minister David Cameron is determined not to let Jean-Claude Juncker become president of the European Commission. But he is increasingly isolated. He might face his Waterloo as early as next week.

“Reading the newspaper hasn’t been particularly pleasurable for Jean-Claude Juncker in recent days. First, British historian Timothy Garton Ash compared him to King Louis the XVI, who was executed by the guillotine. Then, the Swiss paper Weltwoche lumped him together with Hitler and Mussolini and the British tabloid Sun described him as ‘the most dangerous man in Europe.’…

“The situation is a delicate one: British Prime Minister David Cameron continues to categorically reject Juncker as the next president of the European Commission. Yet a majority in the European Parliament supports the former Luxembourg prime minister. The European Council, made up of EU heads of state and government, has the power of nomination, but the body is divided.

“Several voices, including the influential German weekly Die Zeit last week, have called on Juncker to withdraw his candidacy as a final service to Europe. It is a potential solution that Berlin, too, could live with, despite Chancellor Angela Merkel’s official support for Juncker’s candidacy. But Juncker, 59, has no intention of doing Merkel and Cameron that favor. It’s a matter of principle, he argues. He campaigned as the lead candidate for European conservatives ahead of last month’s EU elections, with the assumption being that the winner would become Commission president. Should he not be confirmed for that office, he says, it amounts to voter betrayal.

“More than anything, though, a European power struggle is afoot. If Cameron prevails, the European Council will continue to reign supreme and the Parliament will continue to look like little more than a European debate club…  Cameron’s warning — that if Juncker was named to the position, it could accelerate Britain’s exit from the EU — had its intended effect. Almost all significant UK parties are opposed to Juncker, who they see as a European technocrat unable to reform the Commission. Only the EU-skeptic party UKIP is in favor or Juncker, say pro-EU voices in Britain, noting that a Juncker presidency would make it even easier for the party to sell its anti-Europe message…

“One leading member of Merkel’s CDU says Cameron has acted ‘incredibly clumsily, from a strategic perspective.’ … Even a meeting last week between Cameron, Merkel, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Swedish leader Fredrik Reinfeldt only hurt the British position… ‘Cameron is increasingly isolating himself,’ says Elmar Brok, a member of European Parliament for the CDU. ‘In the end, there will be a clear majority for Juncker in the Council.’ Even Council President Herman Van Rompuy has recently said that Cameron could be isolated.” 

BBC News wrote on June 26:

“David Cameron’s bid to block Jean-Claude Juncker becoming the next European Commission president looks set to fail after his allies changed tack… both the Netherlands and Sweden now say they will back Luxembourg’s ex-PM.”

Britain’s way out of the EU is just a matter of time…

Italy’s Push for a “United States of Europe”

The Telegraph wrote on June 22:

“Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister, has said that Italy will push for a ‘United States of Europe’ during its six-month EU presidency, in a move likely to raise hackles in Britain. Launching an appeal to convince European leaders to show ‘that a stronger and more cohesive Europe is the only solution to… solve the problems of our time’, Mr Renzi said: ‘For my children’s future I dream, think and work for the United States of Europe.’

“He further called for “courageous leaders” to work towards achieving that goal – something that Britain has always objected to. In 1988 Margaret Thatcher, then prime minister, dismissed the idea that the United States might be a model for the future of Europe and David Cameron is actively trying to prevent the election of a committed federalist, Jean-Claude Juncker, to the head of the European Commission.

“Italy takes over the rotating EU presidency from Greece on July 1. Its job will be to steer the EU at a time when the so-called ‘European Project’ is coming under renewed attack, in the wake of an EU-wide surge in support for Eurosceptic parties in the recent European elections.

“Mr Renzi… said it was vital to show that the EU ‘is not only a common past but a common destiny.’”

How to Boost the EU’s Military…

The EUObserver wrote on June 25:

“The European Commission on Tuesday (24 June) laid out plans on how to boost the EU’s military and defence industries. It wants to create a single market on defence, make it more profitable, and intensify and merge research with the civil sector. Antonio Tajani, the EU industry commissioner, said greater defence collaboration is needed between member states to enable the EU to ‘adequately face its security challenges’… ‘It is vital that the European defenceindustry remains a world-leading centre for manufacturing and innovation, creating highly qualified jobs and growth,’ he said in a statement…

“Among the ideas is to create drones capable of carrying out both civil and military operations. It wants the European Defence Agency (EDA) to prepare a ‘new process for developing defence and hybrid standards in Europe’… Another idea is to shift the ‘control of industrial and technological assets’ away from national governments to a new system at the EU level…”

Austria Defies USA

Deutsche Welle reported on June 24:

“Austrian energy company OMV and Russia’s Gazprom signed a contract on Tuesday for the construction of the South Stream pipeline’s Austrian section. It came just hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Vienna for a one-day visit.

“While OMV general director Gerhard Roiss said the South Stream pipeline would ‘ensure energy security for Europe, particularly for Austria,’ the US embassy in Vienna launched a thinly veiled attack on the move. In a statement, it said that trans-Atlantic unity had been essential in ‘discouraging further Russian aggression’ and that the Austrians ‘should consider carefully whether today’s events contribute to that effort.’

“In a meeting with Austrian president Heinz Fischer, Putin slammed the criticism by saying that ‘our American friends… want to supply Europe with gas themselves. They do everything to derail this contract…’ Fischer also defended the project, stating that ‘no one can tell me why… a gas pipeline that crosses NATO and EU states can’t touch 50 kilometers (31 miles) of Austrian territory.’

“Putin and Fischer also emphasized Russia’s and Austria’s close business ties, with Putin calling Austria an ‘important and reliable’ partner. Austria was the first western European country to sign, in 1968, long-term gas supply deals with Moscow. Russia is Austria’s third-biggest non-EU trading partner after the United States and Switzerland.

“While Austria is a member of the EU and should, therefore, endorse the bloc’s visa bans and asset freezes against Russia, Fischer said on Tuesday that he opposed sanctions against Moscow. But he also told Putin Moscow’s annexation of Crimea violated international law. South Stream, which will cost an estimated $40 billion (29.4 billion euros), is designed to carry Russian gas to the center of Europe. Russia currently supplies a third of Europe’s gas… The pipeline will stretch across Russia, under the Black Sea and then through Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia to Austria.

“Gazprom’s partners for the offshore part of the project are Italy’s ENI, Germany’s Wintershall Holding and France’s EDF.”

“Polish-American Alliance Worth Nothing and Harmful”

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 22:

“A Polish magazine says it has a recording of the country’s foreign minister saying Warsaw’s relationship with Washington is worthless… The weekly magazine Wprost on Sunday published a short transcript of a recorded conversation it says features Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski speaking to then-Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski last year. ‘You know that the Polish-American alliance is worth nothing,’ Sikorski is quoted as saying, before adding that it was ‘even harmful because it creates a false sense of security.’…”

Ebola Outbreak Totally Out of Control

The Associated Press wrote on June 20:

“The Ebola outbreak ravaging West Africa is ‘totally out of control,’ according to a senior official for Doctors Without Borders, who says the medical group is stretched to the limit in responding. The outbreak has caused more deaths than any other of the disease, said another official with the medical charity. Ebola has been linked to more than 330 deaths in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, according to the World Health Organization…

“The Ebola virus, which causes internal bleeding and organ failure, spreads through direct contact with infected people. There is no cure or vaccine, so containing an outbreak focuses on supportive care for the ill and isolating them to limit the spread of the virus… the only way to stop the disease’s spread is to persuade people to come forward when symptoms occur and to avoid touching the sick and dead.

“… this outbreak is particularly challenging because it began in an area where people are very mobile and has spread to even more densely populated areas, like the capitals of Guinea and Liberia. The disease typically strikes sparsely populated areas in central or eastern Africa, where it spreads less easily… By contrast, the epicenter of this outbreak is near a major regional transport hub, the Guinean city of Gueckedou.”

The worldwide spread of contagious diseases is prophesied to occur in these end times. Note the next article as well, and read our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.” 

Illegal Aliens Bring Terrible Diseases to the US

World Net Daily wrote on June 19:

“Health professionals are warning of a ‘humanitarian crisis’ festering in Texas and Arizona as a result of unchecked border crossings of illegal-immigrant children into border communities. Cramped conditions and the spread of difficult-to-treat diseases has doctors worried in the wake of a massive influx of children coming across the Mexican-U.S. border, many of them from Central and South America. Outbreaks of scabies, lice, dengue fever, tuberculosis and other diseases – many of them contagious – are already being documented among the children and in some border agents who work among them…

“… some rare cases of leprosy have even been reported in immigrants coming across the approximately 2,000-mile border with Mexico… a scabies outbreak began more than a month ago, and now reports of various viruses are beginning to surface. Scabies is a contagious skin disease marked by a severe, painful rash. Tuberculosis is an airborne communicable disease caused by bacteria that is spread from person to person. Symptoms include fever, night sweats, coughing, chest pains and weight loss…

“Late last week, Texas public health officials confirmed a new wave of dengue fever has cropped up in the southernmost tip of Texas, marking the first outbreak the state has seen since 2005…”

The White House’s Fascination with LGBT Rights

Reuters wrote on June 19:

“The United States on Thursday cut aid to Uganda, imposed visa restrictions and canceled a regional military exercise in response to a Ugandan law that imposes harsh penalties on homosexuality. The White House said in a statement the measures were intended to ‘reinforce our support for human rights of all Ugandans regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.’

“Homosexuality is taboo in most African countries and illegal in 37, including in Uganda where it has been a crime since British rule. Uganda’s new law, signed by President Yoweri Museveni in February, imposes jail terms of up to life for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ which includes homosexual sex with a minor or while HIV-positive. Widely condemned by donor countries, the law also criminalizes lesbianism for the first time and makes it a crime to help individuals engage in homosexual acts…

‘Uganda is a key Western ally in the fight against Islamic extremism in Somalia, where Ugandan troops [form] the backbone of the African Union force battling al Qaeda-aligned militants…

“In Kampala, a government official asked about the U.S. measures said that Uganda would not alter its decision to toughen laws against homosexuals. ‘Uganda is a sovereign country and can never bow to anybody or be blackmailed by anybody on a decision it took in its interests, even if it involves threats to cut off all financial assistance,’ [a] government spokesman… said.”

Note the following reported excerpts from President Obama’s speech on June 17 during a LGBT fundraiser:

“…Pride Month is a time for celebration, and this year we’ve got a lot to celebrate. If you think about everything that’s happened in the last 12 months, it is remarkable. In nine more states you’re now free to marry the person you love—that includes my two home states of Hawaii and Illinois. The NFL drafted its first openly gay player. The U.S. Postal Service made history by putting an openly gay person on a stamp—the late, great Harvey Milk smiling from ear to ear… we’ve been able to do more to protect the rights of lesbian and gay, and bisexual and transgender Americans than any administration in history… We repealed ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ because no one should have to hide who you love to serve the country we love… Before I took office, only one openly gay judge had been confirmed in history. We have 10 more…”

Nothing to be proud of, really.

In Germany Too…

On June 21, 2014, the website of reported the following:

“The first Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Berlin was celebrated on the 30th of June 1979. Since then the gay community has extended its political agenda, broadened the definition of diversity and pushed the fight for equality.  Up to 500,000 people celebrate the CSD in Berlin, which is also known as the biggest gay-lesbian ‘holiday’…

“The Christopher Street Day is held in memory of the first big uprising of homosexuals against police assaults in Greenwich Village (New York, USA) on June 27, 1969. The so-called Stonewall Riots took place in a bar called Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street. In Germany, Christopher Street Day was celebrated in 1979 in Bremen and Berlin for the first time.”

The website of added:

“Christopher Street Day is held in Berlin in June of every year. Lesbians, gay men, transgender people, intersex and bisexual people demonstrate here for equal rights and protest against all forms of discrimination in society. But it is also a joyful occasion, as on CSD, demonstrators celebrate the rights they have won over the last few decades. Pride Week traditionally takes place the week prior to CSD in Berlin, which is packed full with parties, events, and street festivals…

“CSD Berlin is a huge party on the streets of Berlin – and at the same time it is becoming increasingly more political. For example, people protest for equal marriage rights. Every year, there is a special motto which sums up the main CSD demands. About half a million people demonstrate for the rights of homosexual, bisexual, transsexual, and transgender people – heterosexual people also come along to support them…”

The website of reported on June 6:

“Cologne stands for ‘joie de vivre’, cultural diversity, tolerance and optimism. For many years now, Cologne has established itself as one of Europe’s centres for gay and lesbian life.

“The most important event in the gay and lesbian calendar is the Christopher Street Day (CSD). Every year on the first weekend of July half a million participants and visitors celebrate and demonstrate in the city centre. Aside from the partying and the fun, there is always a political focus that is illustrated through a new motto each year. For those who are lucky enough to visit Cologne for longer than a weekend, during the two weeks prior to the CSD there are all kinds of gay and lesbian events on offer…

“Together, on the 6th July at the CSD Parade they will demonstrate that lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals will be equally treated legally and socially accepted… Cologne Pride and WomenPride offer something for every gay and lesbian, and their friends.”

Those who adhere to the injunctions of the Bible will soon become a much hated and despised “minority,” “unworthy of living” in a “tolerant” and “enlightened” democracy…

Presbyterian General Assembly’s Vote on Same-Sex Marriages an “Abomination”

The Associated Press reported on June 19:

“The top legislative body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted by large margins Thursday to recognize same-sex marriage as Christian in the church constitution, adding language that marriage can be the union of ‘two people,’ not just ‘a man and a woman.’

“The amendment approved by the Presbyterian General Assembly requires approval from a majority of the 172 regional presbyteries, which will vote on the change over the next year. But in a separate policy change that takes effect at the end of this week’s meeting, delegates voted to allow ministers to preside at gay weddings in states where the unions are legal and local congregational leaders approve. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia recognize same-sex marriage.

“The votes, during a national meeting in Detroit, were a sweeping victory for Presbyterian gay-rights advocates. The denomination in 2011 eliminated barriers to ordaining clergy with same-sex partners, but ministers were still barred from celebrating gay marriages and risked church penalties for doing so…

“Bill Norton, of the Presbytery de Cristo, which covers parts of Arizona and New Mexico, urged the assembly to delay any changes. ‘We are laying hands on something that is holy, that God has given us, so we need to be sure any changes we make are in accord with God’s will revealed in Scripture,’ Norton said…

“The conservative Presbyterian Lay Committee decried the votes in Detroit as an ‘abomination.’…  ‘The General Assembly has committed an express repudiation of the Bible, the mutually agreed upon Confessions of the PCUSA, thousands of years of faithfulness to God’s clear commands and the denominational ordination vows of each concurring commissioner,’ the Presbyterian Lay Committee said in a statement.

“Of the mainline Protestant denominations, only the United Church of Christ supports gay marriage outright. The Episcopal Church has approved a prayer service for blessing same-sex unions. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has eliminated barriers for gay clergy but allows regional and local church officials to decide their own policies on ordination and blessings for same-sex couples…”

The Bible is very clear on this issue, and “debates” only ensue because the “carnal mind” is enmity to the law of God; it does not want to and cannot be subject to God’s Will. 

Methodists Divided on Same-Sex Marriages

The Guardian wrote on June 24:

“A United Methodist Church appeals panel has overturned the church’s decision to defrock a pastor who presided over his son’s same-sex wedding ceremony and said he would perform other gay marriages if asked. He can return to the pulpit.

“The nine-person panel ordered the church to restore Frank Schaefer’s pastoral credentials, saying the jury that convicted him of breaking church law erred when fashioning his punishment. ‘I’ve devoted my life to this church, to serving this church, and to be restored and to be able to call myself a reverend again and to speak with this voice means so much to me,’ an exultant Schaefer told the Associated Press, adding he intends to work for gay rights ‘with an even stronger voice from within the United Methodist Church’.

“The church suspended Frank Schaefer, of Pennsylvania, last year for officiating his son’s 2007 wedding. The church then defrocked Schaefer because he wouldn’t promise never to preside over another gay ceremony. Schaefer appealed, arguing the decision was wrong because it was based on an assumption he would break church law in the future.

“The appeals panel, which met last week to hear the case, upheld a 30-day suspension that Schaefer has already served and said he should get back-pay dating to when the suspension ended in December. The jury’s punishment was illegal under church law, the appeals panel concluded, writing in its decision that ‘revoking his credentials cannot be squared with the well-established principle that our clergy can only be punished for what they have been convicted of doing in the past, not for what they may or may not do in the future.’

“The topic of gay marriage has long roiled the United Methodist Church, the nation’s second-largest Protestant denomination. Hundreds of Methodist ministers have publicly rejected church doctrine on homosexuality, which allows for gay members but bars ‘self-avowed practicing homosexuals’ from becoming clergy and forbids ministers from performing same-sex marriages.

“Traditionalists say clergy have no right to break church law just because they disagree with it. Some conservative pastors are calling for a breakup of the denomination, which has 12 million members worldwide, saying the split over gay marriage is irreconcilable…”

Pope Takes on the Mafia

Reuters reported on June 21:

“Pope Francis on Saturday took on one of Italy’s most dangerous organised crime groups, calling it an example of ‘the adoration of evil and saying Mafiosi ‘are excommunicated’. The pope, speaking about the ‘Ndrangheta crime group during a mass in… southern Italy, issued the strongest attacks on organised crime since the late Pope John Paul lambasted the Sicilian Mafia in 1993. ‘Those who in their lives follow this path of evil, as mafiosi do, are not in communion with God. They are excommunicated,’ Pope Francis said in impromptu comments at a mass before tens of thousands of people.

“He told the crowd: ‘This evil must be fought against, it must be pushed aside. We must say no to it.’ He branded the ‘Ndrangheta as the ‘adoration of evil and contempt of the common good’ and said the Church would exert its full force in efforts to combat organised crime.”

The pope is surely living dangerously. 

Sun Worship and Mass Yoga Practice at Stonehenge

The Associated Press reported on June 21:

“Self-styled Druids, new-agers and thousands of revelers have watched the sun rise above the ancient stone circle at Stonehenge to mark the summer solstice – the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. English Heritage, which manages the monument, says some 36,000 sun-watchers gathered on the Salisbury Plain about 80 miles (130 kilometers) southwest of London on Saturday. Police say the event was peaceful with only 25 arrests, mainly for drug offenses.

“Couples kissed, dancers circled with hoops and revelers took part in a mass yoga practice as part of the free-form celebrations. Stonehenge was built in three phases between 3000 B.C. and 1600 B.C. and its purpose… remains under study. An icon of Britain, it remains one of its most popular tourist attractions.”

Everything goes… only God’s Truth is being suppressed in this Satanic world…

Schools With Dictatorial Authority in Britain

The Telegraph wrote on June 23:

“A defiant mum says she is prepared to go to prison after her son’s primary school banned him from attending her wedding. Clare Whitelegg, 30, is flouting the ruling by taking her nine-year-old son Riley Bryant out of school to witness her tying the knot with fiancé Andy McLeary, 37. Police communications operator Clare wrote to Clive Church of England School in Shrewsbury, Shrops., asking for permission to let Riley miss three days this week.  But the school refused, claiming the wedding failed to fulfil the criteria of ‘exceptional circumstances’ necessary to legitimately take children out of class in term time.

“The couple, from Shrewsbury, Shrops., are now facing a criminal prosecution by taking Riley out of school so he can watch them get married in Clare’s hometown of Newquay, Cornwall… If parents fail to ensure their children attend school, they may be issued with penalty notices of £50 to £100. Prosecution can result in a fine of up to £2,500, a jail sentence of up to three months or a community sentence.

“Miss Whitelegg and Mr McLeary, a police officer with West Mercia Police, have been together for three years and will tie the knot in Newquay on Tuesday. Parents can put in requests for term-time holidays, but they are granted or refused entirely at the head teacher’s discretion and are not a parental right.”

This is truly ridiculous, and our so-called individual freedoms in “democratic” countries are highly dubious… Governments take over with questionable means and results…

“Prehistoric Remains Complicate Picture of Human Evolution”

The Washington Post wrote on June 19:

“In a cave in northern Spain, a team of scientists has retrieved the remains of 28 prehistoric humans, members of an enigmatic species that could be described as a little bit Neanderthal. They had Neanderthal faces, with heavy brows and protruding noses. They had powerful mandibles and mouths that could open extremely wide, indicating that they used their teeth as gripping tools. But they didn’t have the large skulls or other robust skeletal features seen in the prototypical Neanderthals who, hundreds of millennia later, roamed Ice Age Europe…

“The discovery does not dramatically change the general picture of human evolution, but it complicates it a bit, providing new evidence that there were many distinct, and largely isolated, human species existing simultaneously…

“[Scientists] think these proto-Neanderthals possessed the power of speech and lived in social groups… There are few human ancestors more intriguing than the Neanderthals, who could be described as the best example in the history of the planet of an intelligent species that has gone extinct. They had large craniums and larger brains than modern humans (although that doesn’t mean they were smarter). They existed as recently as about 30,000 years ago, when their kind disappears from the fossil record.

“How they died out, and why, and to what extent they may have interbred with anatomically modern humans is an ongoing source of debate and contentiousness among highly credentialed scientists… But as a species, the Neanderthal vanished. In their place came anatomically modern humans, who evolved in Africa and are the ancestors of everyone alive today.

“The Neanderthals, [one expert] said, ‘obviously were very intuitively smart. They were great toolmakers. They were ingenious. They were resourceful. They were living through difficult times.’…”

The sad truth is, Evolutionists and Scientists do not know what they are talking about. The reason is that they reject God’s infallible Word, the Bible, and come up with their fanciful ideas as to how there could be human beings today without a Creator. All their speculations regarding the Neanderthal and “related species” are just wrong. For an accurate understanding, please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution—a Fairy Tale for Adults?” 

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