This Week in the News

We begin reporting on the curse under which the current US government seems to be laboring—especially in light of the fact that the USA (and the UK) are encountering strong opposition from their “friends” and “allies,” including Israel, Germany and Egypt.

At the same time, we see that Far Eastern countries, such as Russia and Japan, are trying to build mutual trust for each other, while China is claiming that they have the potential of attacking the USA with nuclear weapons and destroying its major cities, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York.

We conclude with articles, among other topics, addressing the attempts of many “Christian” churches and “Evangelists” to “justify” or “condone” homosexual practices, and the terrible consequences of Obamacare for millions of innocent Americans.

Update 612

Anger Management?

On November 9, 2013, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “Anger Management?”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Being Grateful

by Rene Messier (Canada)

My wife and I were watching a documentary on Netflix about two Americans who went to India to do a film on orphans. They were trying to use the perspective of what their world looked like through their eyes. Needless to say, it was a real eye opener for my wife and me.

We get so wrapped up in our own lives that we sometimes  become oblivious to how bad conditions really are in other parts of the world.  These two men had contact and were involved with a group of about twenty-five young people–both males and females, ranging in age from three to twenty-five.

The twenty-five year old was the leader, and he looked after the “welfare” of the group. They were sleeping on the sidewalk or in the streets near a train station. They got money by mostly begging at the train station, and several had limbs missing from jumping off the train or accidently falling in front of it. One young girl had fingers missing on her hand because her boyfriend forced her to place her hand on the tracks, so the train could run over it, in order for her to draw more sympathy from those she was begging from.

A lot of them had HIV and/or AIDS from unprotected sex; some were injecting substances into their veins without knowing what they were; others sniffed the fumes of a product to “give them a high”; and then there were those who used tobacco to “get a buzz”–all so that it could help them to forget the miserable condition and life they had. Some had lost their parents who had died or were missing, while others had left their home due to mistreatment, or they had been abandoned by their parents.

I was somewhat shocked to hear that there are thirty-one million orphans in India alone. That figure does not include nations like China, Europe or America. Watching them sleep on cement with just a blanket covering them made me comment to my wife that I will not complain anymore about hotel beds.

They have an existence without future in this day and age. Their life is pretty bleak, to say the least. At the end of the movie, they were soliciting funds to help out these orphans. However, the problems they face are overwhelming, and no help will make it a better world or a better life for them.

In fact, all efforts now to create a better world are doomed to failure because Satan, the god of this world and ruler over this society and civilisation, doesn’t want to make this a better world, but he wants to keep it deceived and in a state of godlessness. In time, he will seek to destroy all of mankind.

We who are living in the Western world are so fortunate to have the things we do, and at times we need to look at how parts of the rest of the world are living to really appreciate what we have.

No effort on anyone’s part will make this world a better place.  The only viable solution is the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God, when Satan will be banished and when we will assist Jesus Christ in creating tomorrow’s world–a better world for all of humanity.

Watching this documentary was really sobering, and it helped me to realize how badly we need the Kingdom of God to really change the fate of these orphans who are just the tip of the iceberg of the countless problems facing all of mankind.  Thankfully, the true solution is not too far away.

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We begin reporting on the curse under which the current US government seems to be laboring—especially in light of the fact that the USA (and the UK) are encountering strong opposition from their “friends” and “allies,” including Israel, Germany and Egypt.

At the same time, we see that Far Eastern countries, such as Russia and Japan, are trying to build mutual trust for each other, while China is claiming that they have the potential of attacking the USA with nuclear weapons and destroying its major cities, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York.

We conclude with articles, among other topics, addressing the attempts of many “Christian” churches and “Evangelists” to “justify” or “condone” homosexual practices, and the terrible consequences of Obamacare for millions of innocent Americans.

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The Curse!

The Independent wrote on November 2:

“Obama’s vacillations in the Middle East have not only upset every US ally in the region, from Saudi Arabia and Turkey to Israel, but provided Vladimir Putin, no less, with a chance to lecture the US on the op-ed page of The Times, a spectacle as grotesque as it was humiliating. Meanwhile, the requisition of a score of journalists’ phone logs has paled beside the revelation that the NSA has been scooping up the internet records of about every human being on the planet, and listening into Angela Merkel’s mobile.

“On top of that, we’ve had the government shutdown (not Obama’s fault, but which did not reflect well on his ability to wheel and deal) and, most recently, the shambolic launch of his signature healthcare reform, in which he has been revealed as being, shall we say, somewhat economical with the truth. Obama’s approval rating has dropped to 42 per cent, not yet at Nixon or Bush levels, but the worst since he took office…”

Our governmental leaders ARE under a curse, because God’s laws are being violated daily, and God’s time allotted to America for the enjoyment of freedom, safety and prosperity is running out.

Israel Upset With America

The Times of Israel wrote on November 1:

“Israel is fuming with the White House for confirming that it was the Israeli Air Force that struck a military base near the Syrian port city of Latakia on Wednesday, hitting weaponry that was set to be transferred to Hezbollah. Israel has not acknowledged carrying out the strike, one of half a dozen such attacks widely ascribed to Israel in recent months, but an Obama administration official told CNN on Thursday that Israeli warplanes had indeed attacked the Syrian base, and that the target was ‘missiles and related equipment’ set for delivery to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“Israel’s Channel 10 TV on Friday night quoted Israeli officials branding the American leak as ‘scandalous.’ For Israel’s ally to be acting in this way was ‘unthinkable,’ the officials were quoted as saying. A second TV report, on Israel’s Channel 2, said the leak ‘came directly from the White House,’ and noted that ‘this is not the first time’ that the administration has compromised Israel by leaking information on such Israeli Air Force raids on Syrian targets.

“It said some previous leaks were believed to have come from the Pentagon, and that consideration had been given at one point to establishing a panel to investigate the sources.

“Channel 2’s military analyst, Roni Daniel, said the Obama administration’s behavior in leaking the information was unfathomable. Daniel noted that by keeping silent on whether it carried out such attacks, Israel was maintaining plausible deniability, so that Syria’s President Bashar Assad did not feel pressured to respond to the attacks. But the US leaks ‘are pushing Assad closer to the point where he can’t swallow these attacks, and will respond.’ This in turn would inevitably draw further Israeli action, Daniel posited, and added bitterly: ‘Then perhaps the US will clap its hands because it will have started a very major flare-up.'”

One scandal follows another scandal, and now this one. It seems as if the USA seems to be wanting to do just about everything to make sure its allies become upset… as if it is on a suicidal trip… it is hard to recount ANYTHING that the US leadership is doing to inspire the world which is quickly passing the US by. If the present US government is meant to bring this nation to its knees, then they seem to be certainly excelling in that predestined task. We grieve for the innocent people who have to suffer because of incompetent leadership, and we hope that those who are truly looking to God for help will find it.

“German-American Relations at an Absolute Low Point”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 2:

“The very idea that Germany is paying so much attention to whistleblower Edward Snowden is an affront to many Americans. His Moscow meeting with Green politician Hans-Christian Ströbele has caused quite a stir in the US… It would be a disaster for American-German relations if Snowden came to Germany and publicly testified before the Bundestag… What Green MP Christian Ströbele ultimately is hoping for after his surprise visit with Edward Snowden in Moscow would be a nightmare for Stephen Szabo of the German Marshall Fund, as well for the Obama administration. The relationship between the two countries is headed towards ‘a deep, downward spiral,’ says Szabo…

“… while in Germany Snowden is considered enlightened, in the eyes of many in the US – and especially President Obama – he is a traitor. Particularly sensitive is the fact that Snowden, according to Ströbele, is apparently ready to testify in Germany about NSA spying. This intention is also underscored by an open letter from Snowden. That German Interior Minister, Hans-Peter Friedrich, has even welcomed the news, saying he ‘was glad to hear it’ has left official Washington speechless…

“‘If it really happens, it would be a slap in the face to the Americans, there’s no question about that,” said Jackson Janes, Director of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) at Johns Hopkins University in Washington… Janes interprets the growing interest of the German federal government and parliament in a statement from Snowden – wherever he might make it – as a no-confidence vote against the Obama administration…

“Both Janes and Szabo see German-American relations at an absolute low point. They are ‘worse than during the war in Iraq,’ says Szabo. ‘We have differences on very fundamental values, ​​such as trust and economic competition. And esteem for America in Germany has been very low for some time.’”

BBC News and the Huffington Post reported on November 3 that “the White House” and “Senior US lawmakers have rejected the idea of any clemency for the fugitive intelligence analyst Edward Snowden.” This was in response to Snowden’s offer to testify before the US Congress if he was granted clemency. With this harsh reaction, the impression is continued to be given that the USA is more interested in secretly spying on friends and allies than in repentance and the revelation of the truth.

On the other hand, the German government would love to hear more from Snowden, but it is apparently too afraid to grant him asylum, fearing a further deterioration of their relationship with the USA. But several influential German politicians as well as the mass media and celebrities are not that timid—they demand asylum for Snowden and they request his testimony to be given before the German Parliament. Newsy reported on November 3 that “In a letter to Der Spiegel, several high-ranking German officials voiced support for Snowden and said Germany should grant his request for asylum.” Apparently Snowden has stated that he was not willing to testify in Moscow; and Russia, which has granted Snowden temporary asylum until June 2014, has said that Snowden was free to testify wherever he wanted.

Der Spiegel Online explained on November 2 that “Snowden would be safe from deportation [to the USA] if he were provided with a residence permit [by the German government]. Since the withdrawal of his US passport, Snowden is officially stateless. A residence permit can be issued on the basis of international law or on humanitarian grounds as well as for the ‘protection of political interests.’”

However, Deutsche Welle reported on November 6:

“A parliamentary committee has announced that bringing NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to Germany for questioning is not yet on the cards. Speaking after a special meeting of the Parliamentary Control Panel on Wednesday, Chairman Thomas Oppermann said the body would not try to interrogate Snowden in Germany for the time being.”

Die Welt added on November 6 that it was also announced by the German government that Snowden would not receive asylum in Germany.

The German people, the mass media, and the opposition have strongly criticized Angela Merkel for her unwillingness to confront the US government, when NSA’s massive spying activities became known, until it was revealed that her cell phone conversations had been spied upon. Bild Online reported on November 5 that 72 %  of the Germans believe that Obama is lying regarding NSA’s spying on Merkel, and only 16% believe him, while 12% are undecided.

Bild Online commented on November 6:

“It is today’s hottest debate in German politics. Should Snowden be granted asylum in Germany? Angela Merkel rejected it strongly. Now John Kerry warned against granting Snowden asylum in Germany. He said that he should be sent to the USA to be tried there in a fair procedure.”

None of that will make most Germans happy.

The Distance Between the Two Continents Has Grown Larger

On November 4, wrote the following:

“German-Russian relations are at their worst since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Things between the US and Russia are no better either. By driving a wedge between the two allies, Moscow is scoring a major achievement… Mr Snowden wasn’t planted by the Russians in the first place. He was created by the National Security Agency, obsessed with the idea of spying on everything and everyone. Worse still, the NSA gave Mr Snowden access to its secrets, which he took advantage of before fleeing through Hong Kong to Russia. No one knows what other compromising evidence he is holding up his sleeve and how long the revelations will continue to emerge and cause embarrassment to the White House…

“There’s no denying that there’s been a lot of hypocrisy in the EU’s reactions to the Snowden affair. After all, European intelligence agencies do not sit idly watching as the NSA hacks the Internet, but are instead doing exactly the same and using similar means. Moreover, they coordinate their efforts and advise each other on how to circumvent the EU’s anti-surveillance laws. Besides, Europeans too – if on a smaller scale – spy on the Americans and try to steal their secrets…

“During Mr Obama’s term, the distance between the continents has grown larger… Barack Obama hasn’t fulfilled the hopes that were pinned on him in Europe. US intelligence agencies have treated European countries like colonies. We have good reasons to hold a grudge against America…”

Secret Meeting Between Guttenberg and Merkel

Bild Online and Welt Online reported on November 6 about a secret meeting between Angela Merkel and former defense minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. It is claimed by Bild that the meeting dealt with the NSA scandal and possible asylum for Snowden. Prior to his meeting, Guttenberg had accused Obama of inexcusable wrong conduct in the matter, according to Die Welt.

USA and Britain the Worst Offenders

CNN reported on November 3:

“Leaked classified documents show the U.S. National Security Agency and its British counterpart are among the ‘worst offenders’ of mass surveillance without oversight, according to an open letter purportedly written by Edward Snowden and published Sunday by the German magazine Der Spiegel. The publication of the letter, titled ‘A Manifesto for the Truth,’ came just days after a German lawmaker met with the former NSA contract analyst…

“‘The world has learned a lot in a short amount of time about irresponsibly operated security agencies and, at times, criminal surveillance programs. Sometimes the agencies try to avoid controls,’ Snowden wrote, according to the news magazine. ‘While the NSA and GCHQ (the British national security agency) appear to be the worst offenders — at least according to the documents that are currently public — we cannot forget that mass surveillance is a global problem and needs a global solution.’ The letter, published in German by Der Spiegel, was written on Friday in Moscow and provided to Der Spiegel through a ‘locked channel,’ the news magazine said. It was published in German and has been translated by CNN…

“The letter also accused governments of trying to squash debate about mass surveillance ‘with a never before seen witch hunt’ that threatens journalists and criminalizes the publication of details about the programs. ’The debate they wanted to avoid is now taking place in countries around the world,’ the letter said.”

Deutsche Welle added on November 5:

“The British Ambassador to Germany has been called in by the foreign ministry over spying reports. The Independent newspaper says that Britain is operating a spy post near Germany’s parliament and chancellery.”

And Now New Zealand…

The Guardian wrote on November 5:

“New Zealand’s parliament has narrowly passed new legislation compelling telecommunication companies to allow the intelligence agencies to access customers’ emails, texts and phone calls… The law, which passed by 61 votes to 59, would give GCSB powers similar to Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters… and the… NSA.

“Along with the Australian and Canadian intelligence agencies, GCSB shares large amounts of data with its US and UK counterparts through the ‘Five Eyes’ electronic espionage alliance. ‘Essentially signing up to this legislation is part of the price for membership of the Five Eyes network,’ said the Green party co-leader, Russel Norman, according to Fairfax New Zealand News. The Greens have called for an inquiry by the Independent Police Conduct Authority into GCSB spying.”

Google: NSA Spying Outrageous and Potentially Illegal, If True

Reuters reported November 4:

“Google Inc Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said widespread U.S. government spying on its data centers would be outrageous and potentially illegal if true, the Wall Street Journal reported. ‘It’s really outrageous that the NSA was looking between the Google data centers, if that’s true,’ Schmidt said in an interview… Schmidt told the newspaper in Hong Kong that Google had registered complaints with the National Security Agency (NSA), President Barack Obama and Congress members.

“According to a Washington Post report on Wednesday, the NSA had tapped directly into communications links used by Google and Yahoo Inc to move huge amounts of email and other user information among overseas data centers… Schmidt said in the interview that the NSA allegedly collected the phone records of 320 million people in order to identify roughly 300 people who might be at risk.”

Obama: “I am Really Good at Killing People” With Drones

CBS reported on November 3:

“A new book covering the 2012 presidential campaign uncovers a series of scathing remarks from political figures, but one alleged comment has stirred controversy around President Barack Obama and his administration’s use of targeted drone strikes. Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s book ‘Double Down: Game Change 2012’ notes President Obama commenting on drone strikes, reportedly telling his aides that he’s ‘really good at killing people’… The White House had not officially commented on the alleged remarks…

“The Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimates that a total of 2,528-3,648 people have been killed by CIA drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004, and between 416-948 of them being civilians. The group labels 326 of such events as ‘Obama strikes.’”

This newest revelation has caused another stir in Germany where drone strikes are highly unpopular and are viewed by many as illegal.

“Anti-U.S. Sentiments in Egypt at All-Time High”

Fox News reported on November 3:

“With U.S. aid to Egypt being cut in the wake of the military crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, word on the street in Egypt, along with tweets and Facebook posts, seems to indicate anti-U.S. sentiments are at an all-time high. Washington has lost friends on both sides of the Egyptian political battle, including both supporters and critics of ousted Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi.

“The anger against the U.S. is based on Egypt’s June 30 uprising that led to the July 3 ouster of Morsi. Supporters of Morsi said Obama turned his back on him while secular Egyptians say Obama sided with ‘terrorists’ instead of aligning with freedom fighters in eradicating extremism from their country…

“After a one-month review, Washington reported that it would halt the delivery of American-made tanks, fighter jets, attack helicopters and offensive missiles in reaction to the Egyptian army’s deadly crackdowns against protestors. The U.S. also suspended $260 million in cash assistance to the interim government, which has been in power since Morsi’s overthrow. Many… say Russia will make up the loss in U.S. aid, and they prefer it that way.”

Biggest Anti-American Protest in Iran in Years

The Washington Times wrote on November 4:

“Tens of thousands of protesters converged Monday at the U.S. Embassy in Iran, calling for ‘death to America’ in what’s shaping to be the largest anti-American gathering in the nation in years. The Associated Press reported that similar protests have gone forth every year since 1979, when the Islamic Revolution launched an attack and took 52 hostage for 444 days. But this year’s protest is particularly large.

“It comes as hard-liners in the country are decrying President Hassan Rouhani’s stated interest in forming peaceful relations with Washington, D.C., leaders and reaching a resolution on nuclear development, AP said. Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supports the reach-out to America. Others, however, decry any friendly associations with the West and vow their protests will continue, AP reported.”

Iran will never be on friendly terms with the USA.

Dictatorial Russia’s “Justice”

France 24 wrote on November 5:

“Jailed Pussy Riot band member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is on her way to a new penal colony in Siberia, her husband said Tuesday, following fears after two weeks without information about her whereabouts. Tolokonnikova, 23, who alleged major prison abuses in her previous colony in central Russia, is on her way to a new prison colony deep in the Krasnoyarsk region, her husband Pyotr Verzilov wrote on Twitter, saying the information comes from a reliable source.

“‘Essentially, she is transferred 4,500 kilometres (2,800 miles) from central Russia to the heart of Siberia as punishment for the resonance of her letter’ that alleged abuses, Verzilov added. [There are]  just months left of her two-year term for performing a ‘punk prayer’ in Russia’s main Orthodox cathedral protesting ties between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Kremlin…”

And Mr. Putin dares to condemn the Americans for spying…

Russia and Japan Getting Closer

Reuters reported on November 2:

“Japan and Russia held their first joint defense and foreign ministers’ meeting on Saturday and agreed to boost security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific… [They] have never signed a treaty to mark the end of World War Two because of a territorial dispute but they are moving to deepen ties… The foreign ministers of both countries said the meeting helped build trust…”

The Bible predicts a strong alliance of Far Eastern nations under Chinese leadership.

China’s “Superior” Nuclear Submarines

The Huffington Post wrote on November 1:

“For the first time in more than 40 years, China has given the rest of the world a view of its mysterious fleet of nuclear submarines… State-run China Daily reports that Gao particularly noted the importance of the fleet’s supposedly spotless safety record when compared to that of the United States and Russia… some characterize it as a power move as China becomes increasingly confident in its economic and military capabilities… earlier in the year, a report by the U.S. military’s National Air and Space Intelligence Center reported that the modernized arsenal includes ‘nuclear warheads capable of reaching the United States.’”

China Capable of Destroying Major American Cities?

Newsmax reported on November 1:

“China’s state-run media have revealed for the first time Beijing’s potential for attacking U.S. cities with submarine-launched nuclear missiles… The Washington Times reports an article in the Global Times features a map showing damage projections for nuclear attacks on Seattle and Los Angeles, with radiation reaching as far east as Chicago… ‘Because the Midwest states of the U.S. are sparsely populated, in order to increase the lethality, nuclear attacks should mainly target the key cities on the West Coast, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego,’ the Global Times observed.

“China’s submarine fleet reportedly includes about 70 vessels, with at least four capable of launching nuclear missiles. The Global Times article also asserts that China can launch land-based ballistic missiles over the North Pole that can ‘easily destroy’ U.S. cities in the East, including New York…”

Sadly, the Bible predicts that major American cities such as the ones mentioned in the article above WILL be totally destroyed in the near future, just prior to Christ’s return—but the military attack will not be launched by China and its Far Eastern allies, but by a powerful European union. However, we also read that following Christ’s return, China and its allies will attempt to destroy the peoples of America, Britain, Canada and other English-speaking nations who have survived the terrible devastation of the Great Tribulation. For more information, please read our free booklet, titled, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever.”

You might also want to read our free booklet, titled, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

Joel Osteen’s “Gay Problem” wrote on November 3:

“Joel Osteen has a problem, one that all Evangelicals in the U.S. are facing. The anti-gay position of mainstream Christianity has fallen out of favor with the public. Every reputable poll currently shows uncontested majority support for gay marriage. And the cultural shift happened more quickly than the churches can follow. The Huffington Post’s Josh Zepps recently asked Osteen about this passage from his new book…: ‘It doesn’t matter who likes you or doesn’t like you, all that matters is that God likes you. He accepts you, he approves of you.’

“Zepps wanted to know if this included gay folks. ‘Absolutely,’ Osteen offered without missing a beat. Evangelicals are notoriously tricky on the subject. It’s common theology to claim that God accepts absolutely everyone because being gay is viewed as an affliction, not an identity. What makes Osteen’s statement so unusual is his claim that God ‘approves’ of gay folks.

“The Texas megachurch pastor has always been relatively soft on the issue… In the past, Osteen at the very least claimed homosexuality was unacceptable. He told Fox News’ Chris Wallace in 2012, ‘I believe that Scripture says that being gay is a sin, but every time I say that, Chris, I get people saying, “You’re a gay hater.”’

“Osteen is quite a bit more slippery on the issue than his straightforward answer to Wallace would imply. In the same interview, Osteen immediately followed his anti-gay pronouncement by saying, ‘Gays are some of the nicest, kindest, most loving people in the world.’ Osteen never says a bad word about LGBT individuals without offering some sort of olive branch afterward, often a condescending one. In a particularly weird moment with CNN’s Piers Morgan, he even professed a love of Lady Gaga while his wife prefers Madonna.”

They are all wrong, and public opinion is no guide. The Bible makes it very clear what God thinks about homosexual practices. One does not have to be “slippery” or “apologetic” or “tricky” about it, if one wants to follow the inspired Word of God. Please watch our video-taped message, “Today’s Sodom.” 

The Obamacare Curse

Business Insider wrote on November 3:

“At least 3.5 million Americans have been issued cancellations, but the exact number is unclear. Associated Press checks find that data is unavailable in… half the states… Obama said the problem is limited to fewer than 5 percent of Americans… But in a nation of more than 300 million, 5 percent is a big number — about 15 million people. Among them are Ian and Sara Hodge of Lancaster, Pa., in their early 60s and paying $1,041 a month for a policy.

“After insurer Highmark, Inc., sent the Hodges a cancellation notice, the cheapest rate they say they’ve been able to find is $1,400 for a comparable plan. Ian is worried they may not qualify for tax credits, and doesn’t trust that the federal website is secure enough to enter personal financial information in order to find out… Their policy may not have met the government’s standards, ‘but it certainly met our minimum standards,’ Hodge added. ‘The main thing that upsets us is the president … said over and over and over again: If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan, guaranteed.’

“There’s a chance the number of people getting unwanted terminations may grow. In 2015, the law’s requirement that larger companies provide health insurance will take effect. It’s expected that a small share of firms will drop coverage, deciding that it’s cheaper to pay fines imposed under the law…”

When Is a Lie a Lie?

The Daily Caller wrote on November 6:

“President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times. The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that ‘if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.’ But that’s not what he really said, Obama announced Monday…. ‘What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed,’ he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.

“That claim is not supported by his videotaped statements, which don’t include any mention of his new ‘if it hasn’t changed’ exception.

“But the newly-revealed exception is justified by a higher-priority promise in Obamacare, Obama declared. ‘If we had allowed these old plans [to continue]… then we would have broken an even more important promise — making sure that Americans gain access to health care that doesn’t leave them one illness away from financial ruin,’ he announced. ‘So the bottom line is, is that we are making the insurance market better for everybody,’ he declared, prompting loud applause by supporters eager to ignore his three years of fraudulent statements. Obama’s higher promise is now causing the cancelation of insurance policies chosen by at least 3.5 million Americans…”

Pediatrics vs. Religious Beliefs

Reuters reported on October 28:

“Pediatricians and child abuse agencies should step in when parents’ religious beliefs keep kids from getting necessary medical care, doctors said Monday. In a policy statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics also said states should repeal any exemptions to child abuse and neglect laws. Those exemptions mean some states don’t always consider parents negligent if they forgo medical treatment for a child because of their religious beliefs…

“People of certain faiths, including many Christian Scientists, advocate prayer before or instead of medical treatments when a person is ill. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions… In one recent case, an Ohio court ruled that a hospital could force a 10-year-old Amish girl with leukemia to resume chemotherapy. Her parents had decided to forgo the treatment in favor of ‘natural medicines.’”

These are dangerous developments, because unbelieving doctors are very quick in labeling parental conduct as child neglect if religious parents do not follow their recommended medical treatment, however erroneous or incompetent the doctor’s “advice” might be.

Spanking Harmful for Kids?—NO WAY!

Reuters wrote on October 21:

“Think spanking will help teach an out of control child to stay in line? A new study suggests the opposite may be true. Researchers found kids who were spanked as five-year-olds were slightly more likely to be aggressive and break rules later in elementary school.

“Those results are in keeping with past research, said Elizabeth Gershoff… ‘There’s just no evidence that spanking is good for kids,’ she told Reuters Health… Despite mounting evidence on the harms tied to spanking, it is ‘still a very typical experience’ for U.S. children, the study’s lead author said.”

This is just another example of a rebellious and Bible-defying society which thinks that they know it better than their Creator.

Kristallnacht in Germany—and the World Kept Silent

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 5:

“In the days surrounding Nov. 9, 1938, the Nazis committed the worst pogrom Germany had seen since the Middle Ages… the shocking events prompted little more than hollow condemnation…

“The pogroms in November 1938 lasted several days, although history books often refer to the event merely as one ‘Night of the Broken Glass’ (Kristallnacht) because Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels announced on the radio on Nov. 10 that the excesses had ended…

“The diplomats almost unanimously condemned the murders and acts of violence and destructions. The British described the pogrom as ‘Medieval barbarism,’ the Brazilians called it a ‘disgusting spectacle,’ and French diplomats wrote that the ‘scope of brutality’ was only ‘exceeded by the massacres of the Armenians,’ referring to the Turkish genocide of 1915-1916. Nevertheless, no country broke off diplomatic relations with Berlin or imposed sanctions, and only Washington recalled its ambassador. Most of all, however, the borders of almost all countries remained largely closed for the roughly 400,000 Jewish Germans…

“Most of the diplomats were well informed about the scope of the atrocities through the accounts they had heard from desperate people describing their experiences. Besides, the smashed windows and ransacked premises of Jewish businesses were clearly visible… Unfortunately for the German Jews, many international observers failed to notice how radically the Nazis now felt about their victims. If they hadn’t, perhaps some exile countries, such as the United States or Brazil, might have relaxed their rigid immigration requirements, which became a key obstacle to Jews trying to emigrate.”

Sadly, not much has changed since then…

The Real Threat of Huge Asteroids Hitting Earth

BBC News reported on November 6:

“The threat of another asteroid strike like the one that hit Russia earlier this year is much higher than was previously thought, a study suggests. Researchers have found that space rocks of a similar size to the one that exploded over Chelyabinsk are hurtling into the Earth’s atmosphere with surprising frequency… The asteroid that exploded over Russia on 15 February this year was estimated to be about 19m-wide. It hit the atmosphere with energy estimated to be equivalent to 500,000 tonnes of TNT, sending a shockwave twice around the globe. It caused widespread damage and injured more than 1,000 people.

“Now though, scientists say there could be many more space rocks like this one on a collision course with the Earth. An international team looked at the last 20 years of data collected from sensors used by the US government and infrasound sensors positioned around the globe… The researchers found that during this time about 60 asteroids up to 20m in size had smashed into the Earth’s atmosphere: far more than was previously thought. Most went undetected because they exploded over the ocean or in very remote areas… This suggests that the risk from asteroids of this scale has been underestimated. The team estimates that the strike rate of asteroids that are tens of metres in size is between two and 10 times higher than was previously thought…

“‘There are literally millions of objects in the tens-of-metres-of-size range that we suspect are near Earth asteroids, that can get close to the Earth,’ [a scientist] said. ‘We have only discovered over 1,000 of these… In another study… scientists believe they have traced the asteroid that the Chelyabinsk meteor splintered off from. They think it is a fragment of a 2km-wide rock called asteroid 86039.”

The Bible predicts that the earth will be hit by huge asteroids, just prior to Christ’s return.

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Can we attach any significance to certain numbers in the Bible?

Even though one has to avoid the “temptation” to attach a symbolic meaning to just about every number or combination of numbers, as used in the Holy Scriptures, there can be no doubt that a particular significance exists in regard to certain numbers or numerical combinations. This concept is known as biblical Numerology. The Bible itself makes this clear when it talks about the famous figure “666” (as will be discussed below)—the number of the end-time beast in the book of Revelation—or when it refers to certain numbers in the book of Daniel (for instance, 1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days).

In this series, we will discuss obvious significance associated with certain numbers, and we will see that the biblical choice of those numbers in a particular context is by no means “accidental.” The lists are not meant to be exhaustive, but might be used as a guideline or a basis for the review of other instances where these numbers are mentioned in the Bible. We will also see that some ascribe “significance” or “interpretation” to certain numbers, where they do not exist.

One of the more obvious numbers which can lead to a wrong interpretation, is number 1.

Some point at the number 1 as always describing unity or singularity. They are wrong on both counts.

We read that God is one in the sense that the Father is one Being, but that does not exclude the fact that God is a Family, and that the God Family consists today of TWO Beings (see below), and that it is the potential of man to enter the God Family or the Kingdom of God. It is also true that the number 1 may describe unity between two members, but also between many members. God is one in the sense that the Father and the Son are completely unified, and God’s disciples are to become one or unified as well (John 17:11; compare Galatians 3:28). We read of one baptism (Ephesians 4:5)—again, describing unity—as there are many who have been baptized over the years, being baptized in the one Body of Christ—a spiritual organism consisting of many members (1 Corinthians 12:12-13).

We read about one Spirit, because it is unified. The Holy Spirit is not a person, but the power and mind of God, emanating from both the Father and the Son (Romans 8:9), and it dwells in all of God’s true disciples. By forgiving their sins, Christ has made “one new man from the two”; that is, from Gentiles and Israelites (Ephesians 2:15-16). Unity is also expressed by the fact that a man and a woman, when they get married, become “one flesh” (Matthew 19:4-6; compare Ephesians 5:31-32, showing that in a spiritual sense, Christ and His church become one spirit, note 1 Corinthians 6:17). A man who has sexual intercourse with a prostitute becomes “one” with her (1 Corinthians 6:16)—the wrong kind of “unity.”

So we see that the number 1 can, at times, refer to more than one person, describing unity. On the other hand, there are countless examples in the Bible when “one” person or concept or event is described, without referring to unity or unification. So, to always ascribe singularity or unity to the number 1 would be misleading.

Number 2 is sometimes associated with union, but also with division. It signifies duality as well as contrast.

In many cases, biblical prophecies have dual meaning—they might find a prior, preliminary fulfillment, as well as a climatic end-time fulfillment. Christ spoke of developments at the time of His First Coming or even prior to that, but in the same context, He pointed out that a major fulfillment should be expected in the latter days. He compared the times of Noah with the end-time; He spoke of the destruction of the Second Temple at around 70 A.D., but also explained that apparently, another destruction of a rebuilt temple would occur during the time of the Great Tribulation. He prophesied that the abomination of desolation, spoken of by the prophet Daniel, would occur, as a forerunner, in the first century, but more importantly, that it would occur again in the end time (Matthew 24:15-21). In addition, He explained that as ancient Israel was defeated in war in Old Testament times, so it would happen again for modern Israel just prior to His Second Coming.

Specifically focusing on the number 2, we should note the following by the way of contrast or opposites:

We read about light and darkness (Genesis 1:18; compare Ephesians 5:8), as well as the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. These two contrasts are highlighted by the fact that we either build our lives on the foundation of Christ—the house built on a rock—or on another foundation—the house built on sand (Matthew 7:24-27). In other words, if we build our lives on any other foundation than on Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11), we have built on sand.  There are only two ways—the way which leads to death, and the way which leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14). It is either God’s Way (Acts 18:26) or the way of Cain (Jude 11), and so we read about two brothers—righteous Abel and unrighteous Cain. We read that two cannot walk together, unless they are agreed (Amos 3:3), and that righteousness has no fellowship and communion with lawlessness (2 Corinthians 6:14). In this context, we cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24)—if we don’t serve God, we are serving something or someone else, summarized as “mammon.” We read about two goats during the ancient Atonement ceremony—the one (“to the LORD”) symbolizes Jesus Christ; the other—Azazel—symbolizes Satan the Devil (Leviticus 16:7-8).

A slightly different way—that of contrast—is depicted in the following examples, but even though they do not necessarily represent opposites, they are still expressing different thoughts or concepts.

We read about two covenants—the old covenant and the new covenant. We also read about Jesus Christ, the last or second Adam and the second Man (1 Corinthians 15:45-47). The Bible reports about Jacob (Israel) and Esau (Edom), as well as Isaac and Ishmael.

On the other hand, the number 2 also signifies complete harmony and necessary connection.

God consists of two Persons or Personages, and the whole law can be summarized in two commandments (Matthew 22:40). Also, the Ten Commandments were written on two tablets of stone. The testimony of two witnesses is true (John 8:17), and some words are repeated or mentioned twice to show their significance, such as, “Truly, truly, I say to you…” God’s Word is sharper than a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12; compare Revelation 1:16; 2:12).

We also find that Christ sent out His disciples two by two (Mark 6:7); that Christ dealt at times with two brothers (Moses and Aaron; James and John); and that Joshua and Caleb were the only two persons who gave a good report of the Promised Land (Numbers 14:6-7).

We also read about the two witnesses and two persons (Moses and Elijah) who appeared in a vision to Christ and His three disciples on the Mount of Transformation (Matthew 17).

Further, on a human level, a person has two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, and we read that a man and a woman (two persons) should marry and become one.

We even read that at the time of Noah’s ark, “Of clean animals, of animals that are unclean, of birds, and of everything that creeps on the earth, two by two, they went into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah” (Genesis 7:8-9).

How are we to view number 3?

Many assign special godly significance to the number 3, claiming that it stands for perfection or completeness. There are occasions when the number 3 has such significance (compare 2 Corinthians 12:8; Deuteronomy 17:6; Acts 20:31; 1 Corinthians 13:13; 1 John 5:7-8, but note that in the last Scripture, the original does NOT contain the words: “in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one…” These words were added in later centuries to support the unbiblical teaching of the Trinity—“One God Person in three God Persons.”) Also, in Deuteronomy 16:16, we are told to appear “three times a year” before God to keep His annual Festivals. But it is interesting that this passage only refers to the three Holy Day seasons (Days of Unleavened Bread in the spring, Pentecost in early summer and the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day in the autumn), while all the individual Holy Days consist of seven days—the number of completeness (as we will discuss in a subsequent Q&A).

There are examples where the number 3 does not signify completeness (compare Luke 13:6-9, especially verses 7-8). The real basis for the claim that the number 3 always describes completeness or perfection lies in the erroneous thinking that God is perceived to be a Trinity. Some even try to support this false claim by referring to the angelic words of “holy, holy, holy” in Isaiah 6:3. This argument is to be rejected for the simple reason that angels say the same words to God the Father, while Jesus Christ, the Lamb, is present as well (Revelation 4:8; 5:6). The Bible teaches that God consists of TWO Persons or Personages or Spirit Beings—the Father and the Son—while, as mentioned, the Holy Spirit is NOT a person, but the power and mind emanating from both God Beings.

On the other hand, it is interesting that most deny the reality of a crucial aspect, which does include the number 3; namely, that Christ was three days and three nights in the grave, as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster (Matthew 12:40). Jesus did in fact fulfill this sign for His Messiahship, in that He was placed in the grave on Wednesday afternoon, just before sunset, and in that He left the grave on Saturday afternoon, just before sunset—after having been dead in the grave for exactly 72 hours. But those who believe in a Friday afternoon crucifixion and a Sunday morning resurrection say instead that Christ was only 1 ½ days in the grave.

Let us continue with number 4.

The number 4 is used many times to signify God’s revelation. God might reveal something about Himself, or about something or someone else.

The Bible contains four gospel records, in which the human life of Jesus Christ and His preexistence is revealed, and it is interesting that Christ was born in the year 4 B.C. The Holy Scriptures are helpful and profitable for four things, as 2 Timothy 3:16 explains, namely “for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness.”

We read about four living creatures or angelic beings in Revelation 4:6, and about four cherubim in the book of Ezekiel (1:10-12; 10:20); and at the same time, we read about God’s revelation to Daniel that four great beasts would appear on the earth, representing human governments, but that Christ would return to make an end to human rule.

We find that God changed the names of four human beings: Abram’s name was changed to Abraham (Genesis 17:5); Sarai’s name was changed to Sarah (Genesis 17:15); Jacob’s name was changed to Israel (Genesis 32:28; 35:10); and Pashhur’s name was changed to Magor-Missabib (Jeremiah 20:3). [We also read that God will give all of His disciples a new name (Revelation 2:17), and that Jesus Christ was given a name that is “more excellent” than the name of any angel (Hebrews 1:4), and that only He knows His new name (Revelation 19:12; compare Revelation 3:12).]

In Old Testament times, God revealed His Will sometimes through His prophets, and it is remarkable that four Old Testament prophetesses are mentioned by name: Miriam (Exodus 15:20); Deborah (Judges 4:4); Huldah (2 Kings 22:14); and Noadiah (Nehemiah 6:14) [There are of course other prophetesses mentioned in the Old Testament, such as the wife of Isaiah (8:3), but they are not identified by name. There is also a reference in the New Testament to the prophetess Anna, in Luke 2:36, but it is interesting that after the foundation of the New Testament Church, no more mention is made regarding a prophetess or the office of a prophetess.]

By contrast, Eve is also mentioned four times in Scripture (Genesis 3:20; 4:1; 2 Corinthians 11:3; and 1 Timothy 2:13).

In the book of Zechariah, the number four figures prominently in the prophecies about the four horns (1:18), the four chariots with the four horses (6:1-2, 5); and the four craftsmen (1:20). We also know, of course, about the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

In addition, God has created everything, including the four regions (north, east, south and west). (In the Bible, there is no word for “north-east” or “south-west”; therefore, it may sometimes speak of “north and east,” meaning “north-east”; or it may just speak of “north” with the understanding that “east” is included).

God has also created the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter; compare Genesis 8:22). In this context, four angels standing at the four corners of the earth hold the four winds of the earth, until 144,000 Israelites are sealed to be protected from the wrath of the Lord (Revelation 7:1-3).

Focusing on number 5, there seems to be wide-spread recognition that it is many times used to describe God’s grace and power.

The Torah consists of five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy).

When Abram’s and Sarai’s names were changed to “Abraham” and “Sarah,” the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet was added in both cases to their new names (“h” in English).

In Old Testament times, five types of animals were sacrificed to God: goats, sheep, cattle, pigeons and doves. Animal sacrifices did not forgive sin, but they made it possible to restore a physical relationship with God.

Following the four worldly kingdoms described in the book of Daniel, the Kingdom of God – the fifth Kingdom – will be established on earth.

Christ used five loaves of bread to feed 5,000 men (Matthew 14:17, 21; 16:9).

Paul would rather speak five words with understanding, that he may teach others God’s Word, than ten thousand words in a tongue (a foreign language which the listeners could not understand) (1 Corinthians 14:19).

Some have raised other concepts which are supposed to show God’s grace in the number 5, but they are highly suspect or erroneous.

For example, one commentary claims that “Five Greek words form the acrostic phrase ‘Jesus Christ, God’s Son Savior,’ taking the first letter in Greek from each word [which form] the Greek word for ‘fish’: Iota, Chi, Theta, Epsilon, Sigma = (ichthys) ‘FISH’, which became a symbol for Christ and a secret symbol for identifying Christians.” However, true Christians never identified themselves with the symbol of a fish, as pagans worshipped a fish god, Dagon, and true Christians would have been abhorred by the idea of applying such a heathen symbol to Christ or to themselves. In passing, they never used a cross for their worship. The cross was an abominable pagan symbol. True Christians never wore a cross or placed the symbol of a cross in their homes. In addition, it is highly unlikely that the Romans nailed Christ on the type of cross, which is being used today by nominal Christians in “remembrance” of Christ’s death. Please see our Q&A on that issue.

Let us now review number 6. It is the number of man who is far from God or alienated from Him; it can also refer to the fact that something is not perfect or needs to be completed.

The most famous combination of the number six is perhaps the number of the beast in the book of Revelation, namely 666. In the Greek, this number is written as 600 and 60 and 6. This number stands for total separation from God and the unconditional submission to Satan the Devil. Most people will be so deceived that they will worship Satan and his human instruments—the beast and the false prophet—, while rejecting the true God and His Law.

The sixth commandment forbids murder in all of its different forms (Exodus 20:13), but man, separated from God, thinks that some kinds of murder are permitted, such as killing in war. The descendants of unrighteous Cain, who slew his brother Abel, are only listed until the sixth generation.

God has allotted to man 6,000 years to rule himself, under the influence of Satan [which will be followed by God’s rule—the peaceful “rest” of the Millennium (Hebrews 4:1, 11), or the seventh “day” which consists of 1,000 years; compare 2 Peter 3:8].

Man was created on the sixth day (but the week was only completed and perfected with the creation of the Sabbath); and while man is to do his work on six days, he is to rest on the seventh day (Exodus 16:26; 20:9-11; 23:12; Leviticus 23:3; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Mark 2:23-28).  

God commanded Joshua and the Israelites to march around the wicked city of Jericho for six days (Joshua 6:3, 14), but it was on the seventh day, after having circled the city seven times, that it would be destroyed (verses 4, 16-17).

Old Testament Israel received six things from their lovers or political allies, namely bread and water, wool and linen, oil and drink (Hosea 2:5). In this, they became more and more alienated from God.

Jesus said six times to the Jews, “Have you not read?”

When Jesus was on the cross, darkness fell on the earth on the sixth hour (Matthew 27:45).

In the next installment, we will continue explaining the significance of additional numbers in the Bible.

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Plans have been finalized to conduct the 2014 Church Conference starting Friday, March 28th and continuing through Tuesday, April 1st. Following this Conference, Norbert and Johanna Link will leave for Germany–departing on or about April 7th and returning by the end of April or the beginning of May. Also, Brian and Jill Gale will stay following the Conference, and Mr. Gale will conduct Passover services in Ramona, California. Plans are for Rene and Delia Messier to be in Oregon for Passover and the beginning of Unleavened Bread.

A new StandingWatch program in High Definition was recorded by Norbert Link and posted this week, titled, “Why Will the Beast and the False Prophet Deceive the Masses?” The beast and the false prophet will deceive most people. How is this possible? This program explains the reasons, shows examples from recent history, and offers our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation.”

“Neu! Das Weltgericht, Teil 3,” is the new German sermon recorded this week in High Definition and to be played this coming Sabbath. The title in English is: “New! The World’s Judgment, Part 3.”

A new German AufPostenStehen program in High Definition was recorded by Norbert Link and posted this week, titled “Amerikas Spionage in Deutschland” The title in English would be: “American Spying in Germany.”

Two new SW Talking Points from Rene Messier, on Halloween and Christmas:

They are posted on YouTube and also on the local Canadian site: talkingpointscogacf

Another one was posted earlier, on the Nature of God:

Also, a link is on the Canadian website, under “View Our Channel on YouTube.”

Programs from Brian Gale include the following SW Talking Points:

Also, a link is on the UK Website, under “View Our Channel on YouTube.”

They are also posted on the local UK site globalchurchsw BG.

We are pleased to announce the addition of SEVEN new radio stations carrying our StandingWatch Radio Programs. They are:

WWNL in Pittsburg, PA–Friday, 12:45-1:00PM; WBRI in Indianapolis, IN–Saturday, 1:45-2:00PM; WELP in Greenville, SC–Tuesday, 12:15-12:30PM; WVTJ in Pennsacola, FL–Saturday, 11:45AM-12:00PM; WYYC in York, PA–Saturday, 11:15-11:30AM; KIOU in Shreveport, LA–Saturday, 12:00-12:15PM; WITK in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA–Saturday, 10:00-10:15AM.

These and our other stations are all part of the Wilkins Radio Network, Inc. Recently, Wilkins has added live streaming to their services, and you can check the times and tune in to hear the programs being broadcast at: The live streaming allows anyone in the world to listen to these radio stations, and this will definately expand our own potential audience! All of the radio programs are available at our own site:

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“A Chicken’s Heart”

by Delia Messier

This summer our little black hen hatched five very strange babies—five yellow baby ducks! She loved them instantly and quickly started her job of teaching them how to be good chickens—clucking, then scratching, showing them what to do to find food. She clucked and scratched tirelessly, hoping they would follow her example. She did so day after day with no success! Finally, having become desperate to get their attention, she turned to a more drastic approach: She flipped them over first and then clucked and scratched, but there was still no response. Bad news! Not only were her loved babies very homely, their elevator didn’t go all the way to the top. And what was it with the water anyway?

But she did not give up and did “not throw in the towel.” Persistency prevailed, and finally there was success! The babies responded to her clucking. Holding a nice fat worm in her beak, they gathered around her, jumping up, hoping to be the recipient of this nice juicy morsel. My husband and I could see her satisfaction as she held her neck and head up high, and I am sure if she had lips we would probably have seen a smile.

All summer long, she followed her babies around the yard, keeping them warm when it was cold and nervously standing by, watching them when they splashed in the creek. Loving them was a given. She was willing to die for them and defending them when the neighbor’s dog was attacking them. Our little black hen has a good heart, a soft heart, no matter what the babies’ shape, size, color or intelligence. There was no rejection, no judging, no condemning, no envy, but only her “true love” of accepting, giving and serving.

Unknown to this little black hen with her soft heart, like a miracle, these strange babies will attain their great destiny of one day becoming the most beautiful big white pecan ducks they were created to be! But my destiny will be of course so much more awesome if I use and live with the “chicken’s” soft “heart of flesh” which our great God has given me.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

Did President Obama Know and Approve NSA Spying on Merkel and Others?

BBC News wrote on 27 October 27, 2013:

“Fresh reports in German media based on leaked US intelligence documents are prompting damaging new questions about the extent of US surveillance. Der Spiegel suggests the US has been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone since 2002. Another report says Mr Obama was told in 2010 about the surveillance and failed to stop it. The spy row has led to the worst diplomatic crisis between the two countries in living memory…

“As well as the bugging of Mrs Merkel’s phone, there are claims the NSA has monitored millions of telephone calls made by German and French citizens…

“Mrs Merkel phoned the US president when she first heard of the spying allegations on Wednesday. President Barack Obama apologised to the German chancellor and promised Mrs Merkel he knew nothing of the alleged phone monitoring and would have stopped it if he had, Der Spiegel reports.

“But on Sunday Bild newspaper quoted US intelligence sources as saying NSA head Keith Alexander personally briefed the president about the covert operation targeting Mrs Merkel in 2010. ‘Obama did not halt the operation but rather let it continue,’ the newspaper quoted a senior NSA official as saying… Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich told Bild that running such an operation on German soil would be illegal under German law, and adds that those ‘responsible must be held accountable’.

“Similar [US] listening units [as the one in Berlin] were based in around 80 locations worldwide, according to the documents seen by Der Spiegel, 19 of them in European cities. If the existence of listening stations in US embassies were known, there would be ‘severe damage for the US’s relations with a foreign government,’ the documents said. Mrs Merkel – an Americophile who was awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011 – is said to be shocked that Washington may have engaged in the sort of spying she had to endure growing up in Communist East Germany.”

“Obama Was Aware of Merkel Spying: Report”

The Local added on October 27:

“Bild am Sonntag said that Obama wanted to be informed in detail about Merkel, who has played a decisive role in the eurozone debt crisis and is widely seen as Europe’s most powerful leader. As a result, the report said, the NSA stepped up its surveillance of her communications, targeting not only the mobile phone she uses to conduct business for her conservative Christian Democratic Union party but also her encrypted official device. It said US intelligence specialists were then able to monitor the content of her conversations as well as text messages, which Merkel sends by the dozen each day to key associates. Bild said only the specially secured land line in her office was out of the reach of US spies. The intelligence gathered was forwarded straight to the White House, without bypassing the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, according to the report.

“Bild and Spiegel described a hive of spy activity on the fourth floor of the US embassy in central Berlin, a stone’s throw from the government quarter, from which the United States kept tabs on Merkel and other German officials. If the spying against Merkel began as early as 2002, it would mean the United States under then president George W. Bush targeted her while she was still the country’s chief opposition leader, three years before she became chancellor. Bild said that Merkel’s predecessor Gerhard Schroeder was also in the NSA’s sights because of his vocal opposition to the US invasion of Iraq. Bush was also mistrustful of the Social Democrat because of his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the report added.”

NSA Denies German Reports

Deutsche Welle reported on October 28:

“Barack Obama has come under intense pressure following the scandal over the bugging of Angela Merkel’s cell phone by the NSA. The intelligence agency insists the US president knew nothing, but there are contradictions.

“The White House remains silent, while the National Security Agency denies German media claims that its chief, Keith Alexander, informed President Barack Obama in 2010 that it was bugging German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone. Alexander neither spoke with Obama about the secret operation, ‘nor has he ever discussed alleged operations involving Chancellor Merkel,’ a statement from NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines said.

“According to the New York Times, the eavesdropping began 10 years ago, around the time of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, while Merkel was still in opposition as chairwoman of her party, the Christian Democratic Union. ‘What is coming to light now is no surprise to me,” said Thomas Drake, an NSA operative for 18 years before becoming a whistleblower… He says the new revelations about the NSA tally with his own memories of working for the agency a decade ago. ‘Just after the September 11 attacks the word on the ground was: since many of the attackers had been to Germany, had lived in Germany, or had travelled through Germany, the NSA and the US government declared Germany as the number one target in Europe.’

“Still the former agent is shocked by the level of surveillance targeting Merkel. ‘It is an unbelievable violation of the rules of international diplomacy,’ he said. ‘It affects Chancellor Merkel personally. That is her personal cell phone. How is that necessary?’… The man who once spied on East Germany from airplanes says the operations reminded him of the dictatorial state that was once in the grip of the stasi.

“The veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward also criticized the NSA activities. ‘They need to review this secret world and its power in their government because you run into this rats nest of concealment and lies time and time again then and now,’ Woodward told broadcaster CBS. He said that the US was being ruled by an ‘incredibly powerful government that gets on automatic pilot and you have people with inexperience who don’t know about nuts and bolts questions.’…

“For its part, the White House has refused to add anything to its previous statements on the transatlantic bugging scandals. ‘The United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor,’ White House spokesman Jay Carney said last Wednesday (23.10.2013). Insiders now argue that may have been a straight lie… ‘The president makes the rules by which the secret services operate. The NSA and other US organizations cannot work outside the boundaries that the president sets,’ [Pete Hoekstra, former chairman of the secret services committee at the US House of Representatives] said.”


Der Spiegel Online wrote on October 28:

“What did President Barack Obama know? How can the crisis of confidence in the trans-Atlantic alliance be repaired? And what will really change in the end?

“That last question can already be answered: not a lot. Over the weekend, senior members of Congress strongly defended the NSA’s actions and dismissed the White House’s efforts at appeasement as nothing more than superficial politeness…

“It’s an attitude that newspaper editorialists shared…

“There is also confusion about what and when Obama knew about the operation against Merkel… Even if Obama didn’t know, it wouldn’t look good… The White House remains tight-lipped… Obama remained silent and spent his Sunday with a visit to church and a four-hour golf game.”

The Accusation and Denial Game Goes On…

Fox News reported on October 29:

“With every passing day bringing new allegations of the U.S. spying on its allies, many Israelis figure they would be naive to believe America wasn’t snooping on its closest ally in the Middle East. But instead of the indignation seen in France, Spain and Germany at the prospect that the National Security Agency listened in to the phone calls of top leaders, Israelis seem to take in stride the prospect of Uncle Sam listening in. ‘I think it is almost a universal assumption that everyone tries to spy on everyone,’ Mark Heller, of Tel Aviv’s Institute for National Security Studies told… ‘It’s almost a given’ Heller continued. ‘The whole story reminds me of the scene from Casablanca when the Chief of Police is shocked to find out that there is gambling going on in the casino!’

“‘The Americans rightly see themselves as a superpower, but wrongly feel that they can do whatever they want, including the eavesdropping,’ Yatom, former head of Israel’s spy agency Mossad, told Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv. ‘I can tell you with certain knowledge that [America] has been listening in on its allies, including Israel. The U.S. doesn’t really care about anyone [but itself],’ Yatom said. ‘When the Americans think they need to listen in on someone, they’ll do just that.’…

“‘I think a lot of it [the shocked European reaction] is either hypocrisy or jealousy,’ Heller concluded. ‘After all, that is why almost everybody takes whatever counter-measures they can if they want to keep things secret. In the case of the Europeans, well, they’ve done a fair bit of their own [spying] as well.’”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on October 28:

“The White House and the State Department signed off on surveillance targeting phone conversations of friendly foreign leaders, current and former U.S. intelligence officials said Monday, pushing back against assertions that President Obama and his aides were unaware of the high-level eavesdropping…

“Intelligence officials also disputed a Wall Street Journal article Monday that said the White House had learned only this summer… about an NSA program to monitor communications of 35 world leaders.”

The New York Times wrote on October 29:

“The nation’s top spymaster said on Tuesday that the White House had long been aware in general terms of the [NSA’s] overseas eavesdropping, stoutly defending the agency’s intelligence-gathering methods and suggesting possible divisions within the Obama administration…

“General Alexander said news media reports that the N.S.A. had vacuumed up tens of millions of telephone calls in France, Spain and Italy were ‘completely false.’ That data, he said, is at least partly collected by the intelligence services of those countries and provided to the N.S.A. Still, both he and Mr. Clapper said that spying on foreign leaders — even those of allies — was a basic tenet of intelligence tradecraft and had gone on for decades. European countries, Mr. Clapper said, routinely seek to listen in on the conversations of American leaders…

“Several current and former American officials said that presidents and their senior national security advisers have long known about which foreign leaders the United States spied on…”

BBC News reported on October 29:

“The head of US intelligence has told lawmakers that discerning foreign leaders’ intentions is a key goal of the nation’s spying operations. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said such efforts were a ‘top tenet’ of US intelligence policy. But he told the intelligence panel of the House of Representatives the US did not ‘indiscriminately’ spy on nations.”

The Local wrote on October 30:

“The head of German foreign intelligence denied on Wednesday that Berlin was carrying out bugging operations from its embassy in the United States in a deepening espionage row. ‘No telecommunication-intelligence is conducted from the German embassy in Washington,’ Gerhard Schindler, head of the BND agency, was quoted by Zeit online news site as saying…”

The New York Times wrote on October 31:

“In testimony to Congress on Tuesday, the director of national intelligence… gave only the roughest sketch of the size of the N.S.A.’s surveillance program, but suggested that the leader of the United States’ most powerful European ally [Angela Merkel] was a single fish in a very big sea… ‘They suck up every phone number they can in Germany,’ said one former intelligence official.”

Spying on the Pope

AFP wrote on October 30:

“The US National Security Agency allegedly eavesdropped on cardinals before the conclave in March to elect a new pope, Italian weekly magazine Panorama claimed on Wednesday. ‘The National Security Agency wire-tapped the pope,’ the magazine said, accusing the United States of listening in to telephone calls to and from the Vatican, including cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio before he was elected Pope Francis. The allegations follow a report on surveillance website, Cryptome, which said the US intercepted 46 million telephone calls in Italy in December last year and early January this year…

“Bergoglio ‘had been a person of interest to the American secret services since 2005, according to Wikileaks’, it said… If true, the US spying would be an embarrassing blow to an institution famous for its secrecy. The goings-on of the conclave are particularly [cloak]-and-dagger, with a system installed in the Sistine chapel where the cardinals meet in order to scramble any mobile phone communications and excommunication for those who spill the beans.”

Spain Too

CNN wrote on October 28:

“The Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported Monday that the NSA collected data from 60 million phone calls in Spain in one 30-day period.”

Spying on Yahoo and Google

Deutsche Welle reported on October 30:

“The US National Security Agency has reportedly broken into links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world. The latest revelations came hours after German and US officials met to discuss US spy claims… The program, operated jointly with the NSA’s British counterpart GCHQ (UK Government Communications Headquarters), allows the agencies to intercept data flows from the fiber-optic cables used by the US Internet giants.”

Brazil and Germany Request UN Resolution Against USA

Foreign Policy wrote on October 24:

“Brazil and Germany today joined forces to press for the adoption of a U.N. General Resolution that promotes the right of privacy on the internet, marking the first major international effort to restrain the National Security Agency’s intrusions into the online communications of foreigners…

“Although the U.N.’s ability to fundamentally constrain the NSA is nil, the mounting international uproar over U.S. surveillance has security experts fearful for the ramifications… Anyone who thinks this issue will only resonate in Brazil, Mexico, France, Italy, and Germany… isn’t paying attention.”

US-European Relationship – “After the Love Has Gone”

CNN wrote on October 25:

“On July 24, 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama addressed tens of thousands of Germans on the avenue that leads from the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. In a pointed reference to the outgoing administration of President George W. Bush, he promised a new era of ‘allies who will listen to each other, who will learn from each other, who will, above all, trust each other’… No U.S. politician since John F. Kennedy had so captured Europeans’ imagination. Five years on, in the words of the song, it’s a case of ‘After the Love Has Gone.’…

“Even pro-U.S. newspapers like the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung are in full throttle, writing that: ‘The government in Washington has apparently not yet understood the level of damage that continues to be caused by the activities of American intelligence agencies in Europe.’… French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault commented it was ‘incredible that an allied country like the United States at this point goes as far as spying on private communications that have no strategic justification, no justification on the basis of national defense.’…

“The fall-out may be more than rhetorical. Germany’s opposition Social Democrats are asking whether the European Union can — or should — agree a free trade deal with the U.S. in the current atmosphere. Negotiations on the Transatlatic Trade and Investment Partnership were already in a fragile state and will not be helped by claims in Le Monde that large French corporations such as telecom company Alcatel-Lucent have been targeted by the NSA…

“Der Spiegel reported… that the British equivalent of the NSA was involved in a cyber-attack against Belgium’s state-run telecommunications company, Belgacom…”

All of these events are highly significant, as the Bible has prophesied—and the Church of God has proclaimed for decades—that in these end times continental Europe, under German leadership, will rise, while the USA and the UK will fall and become totally isolated in the world, and that a hostile relationship will especially develop between a European power bloc and the USA and the UK. We are clearly seeing now the beginning stages of these developments.

USA Upset with Germany

The Wall Street Journal wrote on October 30:

“The U.S. used sharp language Wednesday to criticize Germany’s economic policies in a semiannual currency report, saying the country’s export-led growth is creating problems for the euro zone and the global economy.

“The U.S. identified Germany ahead of its traditional target, China, and the most-recent problem country, Japan, in the ‘key findings’ section. The move indicates U.S. concerns about Germany’s policies have moved to the forefront while U.S. angst over the yuan and the yen is abating.”

The Local wrote on October 31:

“Germany on Thursday rejected as ‘incomprehensible’ criticism levelled by the US Treasury that Berlin should do more to increase its domestic demand and rely less on exports in order to help boost the global economy… The critical [US] report comes amid already strained German-US ties over reported US bugging of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone…”

One wonders whether the USA is engaging in a case of revenge against Germany’s strong attacks on American spying activities. This would not help to heal the broken relationship between the two countries.

“One ‘Oops’ Away from Armageddon”

The Independent wrote on October 26:

“In the 68 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, apart from scheduled nuclear tests, not a single nuclear warhead has exploded… since 1945, no nuclear weapon has gone off by accident… The US… currently has around 4,650 strategic missiles, 1,950 of which are deployed, the rest on stand-by. No figures are published, but upkeep, support and modernisation of the nuclear force reputedly costs at least $50bn (£31bn) a year…

“But never rule out the human factor. Somehow, for example, in contravention of rules set in place after North Carolina, six cruise missiles fitted with live nuclear warheads were carried on a flight in 2007 from North Dakota to Louisiana without authorisation. Apparently, loaders confused dummy warheads with the real thing…

“Back in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, at the height of the Cold War, the greatest nuclear threat to America was accidental detonation of an American weapon. That remains the case now…”

The dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear sites worldwide should not be underestimated, as this and the following articles show.

Big Earthquake Hits Japan Near Fukushima Nuclear Site

On October 25, The Associated Press reported:

“An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck early Saturday off Japan’s east coast, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and Japan’s emergency agencies issued a tsunami advisory for the region that includes the crippled Fukushima nuclear site. Tsunamis of up to 15 inches were reported at four areas along the coast, but the advisory was lifted less than two hours after the quake. There were no immediate reports of damage on land…

“All but two of Japan’s 50 nuclear reactors have been offline since a March 2011 magnitude-9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami triggered multiple meltdowns and massive radiation leaks at the Fukushima plant, about 160 miles northeast of Tokyo. About 19,000 people were killed in the disaster. A string of mishaps this year at the Fukushima plant has raised international concerns about the operator’s ability to tackle the continuing crisis.”

Iran Almost Ready to Build a Bomb?

JTA reported on October 25:

“Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb in as little as a month, according to a new estimate by a top American think tank… The new assessment comes as the White House invited Senate staffers to a briefing on negotiations with Iran as part of its efforts to persuade Congress not to go ahead with a bill to stiffen sanctions against Iran…

“Israeli Intelligence and International Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz has said that Iran had made no concrete offer to resolve the conflict around its nuclear program during the last round of talks…”

Religious Freedom and Conviction at Stake

On October 25, The San Diego Union Tribune wrote the following:

“The U.S. Supreme Court is… likely to consider a complex legal tangle that focuses on a simple question: Are business owners free to follow their religious beliefs when they conflict with the expanding dictates of the government? The main case involves a nationwide craft store known as the Hobby Lobby, which objects to the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that it provide certain types of contraceptives as part of the health plan the company offers its 22,000 employees.

“It is owned by evangelical Christians who see their business as an extension of their religious faith. Hobby Lobby already covers contraceptives in its insurance plan, but it objects to including ‘drugs and devices (they) … believe to be abortifacients,’ explained the 10th Circuit Court of Appeal in a decision siding with the company. Federal officials and state attorney generals, including California’s Kamala Harris, urged the court to take the case and side – no surprise here – with the government…

“This case is about a question that harkens back to the nation’s founding. When the individual’s conscience collides with the government’s rules, who wins?…”

New Deadline for Obamacare’s Individual Mandate – March 31.

Newsmax wrote on October 23:

“The Obama administration is giving individuals who buy health insurance through government-run marketplaces until the end of March to enroll in a plan, an administration official said.  And the deadline for a penalty or fine? It hasn’t changed, says White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest… It’s still March 31. ‘Under [the Affordable Care Act], if you have access to affordable coverage but choose to be uninsured for 3 consecutive months in a calendar year, you would face a penalty. In other words, you need to have insurance by the end of March to avoid a penalty in 2014,’ Earnest said in an emailed statement.

“‘Some have asked whether consumers could face a tax penalty if they don’t enroll in coverage by Feb. 15 of next year. This is not the case. If you sign up for insurance by the end of March, you will not face a penalty. The guidance that the administration will issue soon will reinforce this,’ Earnest continued… The open enrollment period extends from Oct. 1 to March 31…”

Broken Promises and Misrepresentations

Breitbart wrote on October 30:

“In a speech at Boston’s Faneuil Hall on Wednesday afternoon, President Barack Obama discarded his now-infamous broken promise: ‘If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.’ Instead, he offered a new promise: ‘You will be getting a better deal,’ the president told health insurance consumers. He blamed insurance companies, not Obamacare, for the canceled policies:

“‘Now, if you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you really like that plan, you were able to keep it. That’s what I said when I was running for office. That was part of the promise we made. But ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel the substandard plans, what we said under the law is that you have got to replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage because that, too, was a central premise of the Affordable Care Act from the very beginning… So if you’re getting one of these letters [canceling your insurance policy], just shop around in the new marketplace. That’s what it’s for…

“‘For the fewer than 5% of Americans who buy insurance on your own [sic], you will be getting a better deal. So anyone peddling the motion that insurers are canceling people’s plan without mentioning that almost all the insurers are encouraging people to join better plans with the same carrier and stronger benefits and stronger protections, while others will be able to get better plans with new carriers through the marketplace, and then many will get new help to pay for these better plans and make them actually cheaper–if you leave that stuff out, you’re being grossly misleading, to say the least.’”

“Ignoring evidence that the ‘better deal’ is often far more expensive than existing plans, the president updated his promise without apologizing for misleading voters for years about the consequences of Obamacare. He also ignored the fact that companies were compelled by the law to change their plans to comply with new rules…”

The earlier promise and the updated representations are simply false. Statements especially by Democrats during a House hearing on Wednesday, applauding the Obamacare disaster, were likewise misleading. The fact is that insurance companies are cancelling individual insurance policies by the hundreds of thousands because of Obamacare—including policies which were not substandard by any means—and that it is virtually impossible for MANY customers to find similar policies with the same or lower rates. The TRUTH is that the rates are much higher and simply not affordable for many “customers.”

There is no doubt that America’s healthcare system is in an awful state—the concept that a person who loses his or her job is forced to maintain individual healthcare through extremely expensive and largely unaffordable mechanisms (such as COBRA) is just one of the many horrible examples of a totally broken system—but sadly, Obamacare is not the solution. And of course, the ungodly greed of many insurance companies does not help to solve the problems either. The bottom line is that America’s disastrous healthcare system is just one of the many manifestations of a superpower which is descending into the abyss.

Americans More Divided Than Ever

Money Morning wrote on October 31:

“Obamacare doesn’t officially kick off until January 1st, yet millions of Americans are already at each other’s throats over it. Research from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that the country is now more divided than any other time in history since the Civil War era. In fact, 20 states including Texas, Georgia and Louisiana have threatened to secede. And despite a recent Supreme Court ruling making Obamacare the law of the land, only 24 states are moving forward with a key aspect of Obamacare- the expansion of Medicaid. Of the rest, 21 are opposed and five are deadlocked in debate.

“So far, every single southern state from Texas to Virginia has refused to widen Medicaid, a key provision of the Obamacare program. This will leave millions of Americans without coverage. That’s because they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid as it now stands, but not enough to get the subsidies to buy insurance in the new exchanges.

“The South isn’t alone in rejecting Obamacare. Liberal states such as Maine have opposed the bill. Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Ohio have yet to move forward with the expansion. Even legendary investor Warren Buffett, a one-time Obamacare supporter, said in 2010 he would scrap the healthcare bill and start over. One of the main architects of the bill, Democratic Senator Max Baucus from Montana said Obamacare is heading for a ‘train wreck’ if it’s not implemented properly.

“While even Obamacare detractors applaud the requirement that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions and put a stop to lifetime caps on benefits, they say these laudable benefits don’t compensate for the bills high cost – especially in new taxes. According to most experts, Obamacare will create no fewer than twenty new taxes or tax hikes on the American people. In fact, the Obama administration has already given the IRS an extra $500 million to enforce the rules and regulations of Obamacare.

“The new taxes don’t bode well for millions of middle-class Americans. Incomes for the rich have soared this decade but middle class workers have seen their wages stagnate and even drop since the 2008 Great Recession. Many fear Obamacare with its high insurance costs and new taxes, could provide the middle class a fatal blow… a third of all U.S. employers could stop offering health insurance to their workers… ordinary Americans will get stuck paying for substance abuse coverage – even if they never touched a drink or drug in their life… senior citizens will get hit the hardest. Hip and knee replacements and cataract surgery will be especially hard to get from Medicare in the months ahead thanks to Obamacare…”

The Bible pronounces a curse on those who take advantage of and neglect or mistreat the elderly.

Spooky Halloween Candy Is Big Business for Careless Americans

The website of published the following article:

“Halloween has always been about the things trick-or-treating represent… For a thousand years, Halloween has been all about eating sugar to assuage our fears. Dating as far back as the ancient pagan Celtic festival called Samhain–in which the end of harvest coincided with the opening of a liminal window into the spirit world–October 31st has always been an amalgamated swirl of sweets and the supernatural… As the Celts gorged themselves on crude jellies, sweetmeats, and candies, they would mask or blacken their faces to placate evil spirits…

“In the 1950s, candy companies started realizing that this trick-or-treat thing might be a huge thing for them… Then on November 2, 1970, 5-year-old Kevin Toston from Detroit died after eating what initial reports identified as heroin-laced Halloween candy. It later turned out that the heroin never came from the candy, but by that point, no one was paying attention. The idea that sickos were poisoning candy to give to trick-or-treaters had been launched into the zeitgeist.

“In a ghoulish twist, the notion that Halloween candy might be poisoned turned out to be great for candy makers. Concerned with safety, parents started telling their kids not to take any sweets that weren’t factory-wrapped, which meant that the homemade treats or loose candy that most houses had handed out in the past became objects of suspicion…

“Buoyed by the monster fad of the 1970s, the packaging of Halloween candy got increasingly weirder and wilder… Today, Halloween candy is big business. In 2011, $2.3 billion worth of Halloween candy… ‘When it comes to the money Americans spend on the holiday, Halloween is second only to Christmas’…

“Yet if there’s anything that the history of trick-or-treating or even Halloween shows us, it’s that sugar and fear are a winning combination. Whether you’re an ancient Celt facing the long nights of winter, when the spirits of the dead are rumored to roam; a kid running through the streets in a costume with his mouth full of gummi worms; or a mom, telling her children to only accept individually wrapped chocolates from name-brand candy makers, lest they be poisoned: candy sells better when it’s spooky.”

This Week in the News

Revelations about America’s worldwide spying activities do not stop, and now, high-ranking governmental officials and President Obama himself are in the limelight of criticism. The German press is already speaking of Obamagate, and the US President’s reputation among world leaders and even the world population as a whole has been severely damaged. The explanations, denials and admissions of the White House and some NSA officials are contradictory and leave little doubt that America is not going to recover from this most recent scandal. The fact that high-ranking US politicians justify America’s spying activities is not helping either.

In other news, we are reporting on the real dangers of “accidental” detonations of America’s nuclear weapons; another earthquake in Japan near the Fukushima nuclear site; Iran’s progressing nuclear weapons program; the attack on religious freedom in the USA; and new deadlines for Obamacare’s individual mandate requirements; as well as Halloween.

Update 611

Tarnished Christianity and Ready or Not!

On November 2, 2013, Robb Harris and Dave Harris will give split sermons, titled, respectively, “Tarnished Christianity”, and “Ready or Not!”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Eric Rank

 I recently had the opportunity to experience just a taste of what it is like to be unemployed. With the recent shutdown of the United States government, my job as a contractor was suspended until further notice. For the first few days, I have to admit, I enjoyed the free time. I took the time to take care of things around the house in preparation for the winter, I enjoyed the company of my family, and I even took a little more time to relax. However, as one day off turned into two, two into three, and eventually many more, my anxiety heightened to quite an uncomfortable level.

Even though I knew that the government shutdown would eventually end, I found myself in the immediate moment with feelings of genuine worry. I really did lose the sense of security I had in my job, and it caused some real stress. It is during times of stress when things that might otherwise remain hidden come to the surface. Trials, like sudden unemployment, have real value to a Christian because of this fact that they have the ability to refine us (James 1:2-4). What came to the surface for me was the realization that I had placed too much value on having security of a job that ultimately is not completely secure. This realization was an immense relief for me to find.

The Bible provides plenty of flawless guidance for how to live, but there are two keys that help to balance how we live and work that I find most helpful. The first key is that we must know that God is in control and that His Will is perfect. When we answer the calling that God has for us, and we commit to live our lives His Way at the time of baptism, we sign up to live within the boundary and circumstances that He controls. The events of our life are in the hand of God to control (Ecclesiastes 9:1), which means that there is nothing that we might go through that He does not want us to experience. It is very helpful to let that thought soak in. We should be relieved to know that the burden of controlling our circumstances is not ours, but God’s. Our job is to choose the correct way to respond to the individual, custom-made tests that God has designed for us.

The second key that I find helpful is to place value where it belongs. It is easy to get wrapped up in the apparent importance of the things in the carnal world in which we live. Taking the events we experience, the material we accumulate, and even ourselves too seriously can be dangerous. This turns us away from God, and has the effect of turning God away from us. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Investing the correct amount of our resources – care, attention, time, or money – in the things we do and have in this life should prove that our walk in life is a spiritual one, guided by God.

It might be a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31), but once that passes, there is a tremendous relief that we can experience as He lifts that weight from our shoulders (Matthew 11:30).

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Revelations about America’s worldwide spying activities do not stop, and now, high-ranking governmental officials and President Obama himself are in the limelight of criticism. The German press is already speaking of Obamagate, and the US President’s reputation among world leaders and even the world population as a whole has been severely damaged. The explanations, denials and admissions of the White House and some NSA officials are contradictory and leave little doubt that America is not going to recover from this most recent scandal. The fact that high-ranking US politicians justify America’s spying activities is not helping either.

In other news, we are reporting on the real dangers of “accidental” detonations of America’s nuclear weapons; another earthquake in Japan near the Fukushima nuclear site; Iran’s progressing nuclear weapons program; the attack on religious freedom in the USA; and new deadlines for Obamacare’s individual mandate requirements; as well as Halloween.

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Did President Obama Know and Approve NSA Spying on Merkel and Others?

BBC News wrote on 27 October 27, 2013:

“Fresh reports in German media based on leaked US intelligence documents are prompting damaging new questions about the extent of US surveillance. Der Spiegel suggests the US has been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone since 2002. Another report says Mr Obama was told in 2010 about the surveillance and failed to stop it. The spy row has led to the worst diplomatic crisis between the two countries in living memory…

“As well as the bugging of Mrs Merkel’s phone, there are claims the NSA has monitored millions of telephone calls made by German and French citizens…

“Mrs Merkel phoned the US president when she first heard of the spying allegations on Wednesday. President Barack Obama apologised to the German chancellor and promised Mrs Merkel he knew nothing of the alleged phone monitoring and would have stopped it if he had, Der Spiegel reports.

“But on Sunday Bild newspaper quoted US intelligence sources as saying NSA head Keith Alexander personally briefed the president about the covert operation targeting Mrs Merkel in 2010. ‘Obama did not halt the operation but rather let it continue,’ the newspaper quoted a senior NSA official as saying… Germany’s Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich told Bild that running such an operation on German soil would be illegal under German law, and adds that those ‘responsible must be held accountable’.

“Similar [US] listening units [as the one in Berlin] were based in around 80 locations worldwide, according to the documents seen by Der Spiegel, 19 of them in European cities. If the existence of listening stations in US embassies were known, there would be ‘severe damage for the US’s relations with a foreign government,’ the documents said. Mrs Merkel – an Americophile who was awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011 – is said to be shocked that Washington may have engaged in the sort of spying she had to endure growing up in Communist East Germany.”

“Obama Was Aware of Merkel Spying: Report”

The Local added on October 27:

“Bild am Sonntag said that Obama wanted to be informed in detail about Merkel, who has played a decisive role in the eurozone debt crisis and is widely seen as Europe’s most powerful leader. As a result, the report said, the NSA stepped up its surveillance of her communications, targeting not only the mobile phone she uses to conduct business for her conservative Christian Democratic Union party but also her encrypted official device. It said US intelligence specialists were then able to monitor the content of her conversations as well as text messages, which Merkel sends by the dozen each day to key associates. Bild said only the specially secured land line in her office was out of the reach of US spies. The intelligence gathered was forwarded straight to the White House, without bypassing the NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, according to the report.

“Bild and Spiegel described a hive of spy activity on the fourth floor of the US embassy in central Berlin, a stone’s throw from the government quarter, from which the United States kept tabs on Merkel and other German officials. If the spying against Merkel began as early as 2002, it would mean the United States under then president George W. Bush targeted her while she was still the country’s chief opposition leader, three years before she became chancellor. Bild said that Merkel’s predecessor Gerhard Schroeder was also in the NSA’s sights because of his vocal opposition to the US invasion of Iraq. Bush was also mistrustful of the Social Democrat because of his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the report added.”

NSA Denies German Reports

Deutsche Welle reported on October 28:

“Barack Obama has come under intense pressure following the scandal over the bugging of Angela Merkel’s cell phone by the NSA. The intelligence agency insists the US president knew nothing, but there are contradictions.

“The White House remains silent, while the National Security Agency denies German media claims that its chief, Keith Alexander, informed President Barack Obama in 2010 that it was bugging German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone. Alexander neither spoke with Obama about the secret operation, ‘nor has he ever discussed alleged operations involving Chancellor Merkel,’ a statement from NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines said.

“According to the New York Times, the eavesdropping began 10 years ago, around the time of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, while Merkel was still in opposition as chairwoman of her party, the Christian Democratic Union. ‘What is coming to light now is no surprise to me,” said Thomas Drake, an NSA operative for 18 years before becoming a whistleblower… He says the new revelations about the NSA tally with his own memories of working for the agency a decade ago. ‘Just after the September 11 attacks the word on the ground was: since many of the attackers had been to Germany, had lived in Germany, or had travelled through Germany, the NSA and the US government declared Germany as the number one target in Europe.’

“Still the former agent is shocked by the level of surveillance targeting Merkel. ‘It is an unbelievable violation of the rules of international diplomacy,’ he said. ‘It affects Chancellor Merkel personally. That is her personal cell phone. How is that necessary?’… The man who once spied on East Germany from airplanes says the operations reminded him of the dictatorial state that was once in the grip of the stasi.

“The veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward also criticized the NSA activities. ‘They need to review this secret world and its power in their government because you run into this rats nest of concealment and lies time and time again then and now,’ Woodward told broadcaster CBS. He said that the US was being ruled by an ‘incredibly powerful government that gets on automatic pilot and you have people with inexperience who don’t know about nuts and bolts questions.’…

“For its part, the White House has refused to add anything to its previous statements on the transatlantic bugging scandals. ‘The United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor,’ White House spokesman Jay Carney said last Wednesday (23.10.2013). Insiders now argue that may have been a straight lie… ‘The president makes the rules by which the secret services operate. The NSA and other US organizations cannot work outside the boundaries that the president sets,’ [Pete Hoekstra, former chairman of the secret services committee at the US House of Representatives] said.”


Der Spiegel Online wrote on October 28:

“What did President Barack Obama know? How can the crisis of confidence in the trans-Atlantic alliance be repaired? And what will really change in the end?

“That last question can already be answered: not a lot. Over the weekend, senior members of Congress strongly defended the NSA’s actions and dismissed the White House’s efforts at appeasement as nothing more than superficial politeness…

“It’s an attitude that newspaper editorialists shared…

“There is also confusion about what and when Obama knew about the operation against Merkel… Even if Obama didn’t know, it wouldn’t look good… The White House remains tight-lipped… Obama remained silent and spent his Sunday with a visit to church and a four-hour golf game.”

The Accusation and Denial Game Goes On…

Fox News reported on October 29:

“With every passing day bringing new allegations of the U.S. spying on its allies, many Israelis figure they would be naive to believe America wasn’t snooping on its closest ally in the Middle East. But instead of the indignation seen in France, Spain and Germany at the prospect that the National Security Agency listened in to the phone calls of top leaders, Israelis seem to take in stride the prospect of Uncle Sam listening in. ‘I think it is almost a universal assumption that everyone tries to spy on everyone,’ Mark Heller, of Tel Aviv’s Institute for National Security Studies told… ‘It’s almost a given’ Heller continued. ‘The whole story reminds me of the scene from Casablanca when the Chief of Police is shocked to find out that there is gambling going on in the casino!’

“‘The Americans rightly see themselves as a superpower, but wrongly feel that they can do whatever they want, including the eavesdropping,’ Yatom, former head of Israel’s spy agency Mossad, told Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv. ‘I can tell you with certain knowledge that [America] has been listening in on its allies, including Israel. The U.S. doesn’t really care about anyone [but itself],’ Yatom said. ‘When the Americans think they need to listen in on someone, they’ll do just that.’…

“‘I think a lot of it [the shocked European reaction] is either hypocrisy or jealousy,’ Heller concluded. ‘After all, that is why almost everybody takes whatever counter-measures they can if they want to keep things secret. In the case of the Europeans, well, they’ve done a fair bit of their own [spying] as well.’”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on October 28:

“The White House and the State Department signed off on surveillance targeting phone conversations of friendly foreign leaders, current and former U.S. intelligence officials said Monday, pushing back against assertions that President Obama and his aides were unaware of the high-level eavesdropping…

“Intelligence officials also disputed a Wall Street Journal article Monday that said the White House had learned only this summer… about an NSA program to monitor communications of 35 world leaders.”

The New York Times wrote on October 29:

“The nation’s top spymaster said on Tuesday that the White House had long been aware in general terms of the [NSA’s] overseas eavesdropping, stoutly defending the agency’s intelligence-gathering methods and suggesting possible divisions within the Obama administration…

“General Alexander said news media reports that the N.S.A. had vacuumed up tens of millions of telephone calls in France, Spain and Italy were ‘completely false.’ That data, he said, is at least partly collected by the intelligence services of those countries and provided to the N.S.A. Still, both he and Mr. Clapper said that spying on foreign leaders — even those of allies — was a basic tenet of intelligence tradecraft and had gone on for decades. European countries, Mr. Clapper said, routinely seek to listen in on the conversations of American leaders…

“Several current and former American officials said that presidents and their senior national security advisers have long known about which foreign leaders the United States spied on…”

BBC News reported on October 29:

“The head of US intelligence has told lawmakers that discerning foreign leaders’ intentions is a key goal of the nation’s spying operations. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said such efforts were a ‘top tenet’ of US intelligence policy. But he told the intelligence panel of the House of Representatives the US did not ‘indiscriminately’ spy on nations.”

The Local wrote on October 30:

“The head of German foreign intelligence denied on Wednesday that Berlin was carrying out bugging operations from its embassy in the United States in a deepening espionage row. ‘No telecommunication-intelligence is conducted from the German embassy in Washington,’ Gerhard Schindler, head of the BND agency, was quoted by Zeit online news site as saying…”

The New York Times wrote on October 31:

“In testimony to Congress on Tuesday, the director of national intelligence… gave only the roughest sketch of the size of the N.S.A.’s surveillance program, but suggested that the leader of the United States’ most powerful European ally [Angela Merkel] was a single fish in a very big sea… ‘They suck up every phone number they can in Germany,’ said one former intelligence official.”

Spying on the Pope

AFP wrote on October 30:

“The US National Security Agency allegedly eavesdropped on cardinals before the conclave in March to elect a new pope, Italian weekly magazine Panorama claimed on Wednesday. ‘The National Security Agency wire-tapped the pope,’ the magazine said, accusing the United States of listening in to telephone calls to and from the Vatican, including cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio before he was elected Pope Francis. The allegations follow a report on surveillance website, Cryptome, which said the US intercepted 46 million telephone calls in Italy in December last year and early January this year…

“Bergoglio ‘had been a person of interest to the American secret services since 2005, according to Wikileaks’, it said… If true, the US spying would be an embarrassing blow to an institution famous for its secrecy. The goings-on of the conclave are particularly [cloak]-and-dagger, with a system installed in the Sistine chapel where the cardinals meet in order to scramble any mobile phone communications and excommunication for those who spill the beans.”

Spain Too

CNN wrote on October 28:

“The Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported Monday that the NSA collected data from 60 million phone calls in Spain in one 30-day period.”

Spying on Yahoo and Google

Deutsche Welle reported on October 30:

“The US National Security Agency has reportedly broken into links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world. The latest revelations came hours after German and US officials met to discuss US spy claims… The program, operated jointly with the NSA’s British counterpart GCHQ (UK Government Communications Headquarters), allows the agencies to intercept data flows from the fiber-optic cables used by the US Internet giants.”

Brazil and Germany Request UN Resolution Against USA

Foreign Policy wrote on October 24:

“Brazil and Germany today joined forces to press for the adoption of a U.N. General Resolution that promotes the right of privacy on the internet, marking the first major international effort to restrain the National Security Agency’s intrusions into the online communications of foreigners…

“Although the U.N.’s ability to fundamentally constrain the NSA is nil, the mounting international uproar over U.S. surveillance has security experts fearful for the ramifications… Anyone who thinks this issue will only resonate in Brazil, Mexico, France, Italy, and Germany… isn’t paying attention.”

US-European Relationship – “After the Love Has Gone”

CNN wrote on October 25:

“On July 24, 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama addressed tens of thousands of Germans on the avenue that leads from the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. In a pointed reference to the outgoing administration of President George W. Bush, he promised a new era of ‘allies who will listen to each other, who will learn from each other, who will, above all, trust each other’… No U.S. politician since John F. Kennedy had so captured Europeans’ imagination. Five years on, in the words of the song, it’s a case of ‘After the Love Has Gone.’…

“Even pro-U.S. newspapers like the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung are in full throttle, writing that: ‘The government in Washington has apparently not yet understood the level of damage that continues to be caused by the activities of American intelligence agencies in Europe.’… French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault commented it was ‘incredible that an allied country like the United States at this point goes as far as spying on private communications that have no strategic justification, no justification on the basis of national defense.’…

“The fall-out may be more than rhetorical. Germany’s opposition Social Democrats are asking whether the European Union can — or should — agree a free trade deal with the U.S. in the current atmosphere. Negotiations on the Transatlatic Trade and Investment Partnership were already in a fragile state and will not be helped by claims in Le Monde that large French corporations such as telecom company Alcatel-Lucent have been targeted by the NSA…

“Der Spiegel reported… that the British equivalent of the NSA was involved in a cyber-attack against Belgium’s state-run telecommunications company, Belgacom…”

All of these events are highly significant, as the Bible has prophesied—and the Church of God has proclaimed for decades—that in these end times continental Europe, under German leadership, will rise, while the USA and the UK will fall and become totally isolated in the world, and that a hostile relationship will especially develop between a European power bloc and the USA and the UK. We are clearly seeing now the beginning stages of these developments.

USA Upset with Germany

The Wall Street Journal wrote on October 30:

“The U.S. used sharp language Wednesday to criticize Germany’s economic policies in a semiannual currency report, saying the country’s export-led growth is creating problems for the euro zone and the global economy.

“The U.S. identified Germany ahead of its traditional target, China, and the most-recent problem country, Japan, in the ‘key findings’ section. The move indicates U.S. concerns about Germany’s policies have moved to the forefront while U.S. angst over the yuan and the yen is abating.”

The Local wrote on October 31:

“Germany on Thursday rejected as ‘incomprehensible’ criticism levelled by the US Treasury that Berlin should do more to increase its domestic demand and rely less on exports in order to help boost the global economy… The critical [US] report comes amid already strained German-US ties over reported US bugging of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone…”

One wonders whether the USA is engaging in a case of revenge against Germany’s strong attacks on American spying activities. This would not help to heal the broken relationship between the two countries.

“One ‘Oops’ Away from Armageddon”

The Independent wrote on October 26:

“In the 68 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, apart from scheduled nuclear tests, not a single nuclear warhead has exploded… since 1945, no nuclear weapon has gone off by accident… The US… currently has around 4,650 strategic missiles, 1,950 of which are deployed, the rest on stand-by. No figures are published, but upkeep, support and modernisation of the nuclear force reputedly costs at least $50bn (£31bn) a year…

“But never rule out the human factor. Somehow, for example, in contravention of rules set in place after North Carolina, six cruise missiles fitted with live nuclear warheads were carried on a flight in 2007 from North Dakota to Louisiana without authorisation. Apparently, loaders confused dummy warheads with the real thing…

“Back in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, at the height of the Cold War, the greatest nuclear threat to America was accidental detonation of an American weapon. That remains the case now…”

The dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear sites worldwide should not be underestimated, as this and the following articles show.

Big Earthquake Hits Japan Near Fukushima Nuclear Site

On October 25, The Associated Press reported:

“An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck early Saturday off Japan’s east coast, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and Japan’s emergency agencies issued a tsunami advisory for the region that includes the crippled Fukushima nuclear site. Tsunamis of up to 15 inches were reported at four areas along the coast, but the advisory was lifted less than two hours after the quake. There were no immediate reports of damage on land…

“All but two of Japan’s 50 nuclear reactors have been offline since a March 2011 magnitude-9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami triggered multiple meltdowns and massive radiation leaks at the Fukushima plant, about 160 miles northeast of Tokyo. About 19,000 people were killed in the disaster. A string of mishaps this year at the Fukushima plant has raised international concerns about the operator’s ability to tackle the continuing crisis.”

Iran Almost Ready to Build a Bomb?

JTA reported on October 25:

“Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb in as little as a month, according to a new estimate by a top American think tank… The new assessment comes as the White House invited Senate staffers to a briefing on negotiations with Iran as part of its efforts to persuade Congress not to go ahead with a bill to stiffen sanctions against Iran…

“Israeli Intelligence and International Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz has said that Iran had made no concrete offer to resolve the conflict around its nuclear program during the last round of talks…”

Religious Freedom and Conviction at Stake

On October 25, The San Diego Union Tribune wrote the following:

“The U.S. Supreme Court is… likely to consider a complex legal tangle that focuses on a simple question: Are business owners free to follow their religious beliefs when they conflict with the expanding dictates of the government? The main case involves a nationwide craft store known as the Hobby Lobby, which objects to the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that it provide certain types of contraceptives as part of the health plan the company offers its 22,000 employees.

“It is owned by evangelical Christians who see their business as an extension of their religious faith. Hobby Lobby already covers contraceptives in its insurance plan, but it objects to including ‘drugs and devices (they) … believe to be abortifacients,’ explained the 10th Circuit Court of Appeal in a decision siding with the company. Federal officials and state attorney generals, including California’s Kamala Harris, urged the court to take the case and side – no surprise here – with the government…

“This case is about a question that harkens back to the nation’s founding. When the individual’s conscience collides with the government’s rules, who wins?…”

New Deadline for Obamacare’s Individual Mandate – March 31.

Newsmax wrote on October 23:

“The Obama administration is giving individuals who buy health insurance through government-run marketplaces until the end of March to enroll in a plan, an administration official said.  And the deadline for a penalty or fine? It hasn’t changed, says White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest… It’s still March 31. ‘Under [the Affordable Care Act], if you have access to affordable coverage but choose to be uninsured for 3 consecutive months in a calendar year, you would face a penalty. In other words, you need to have insurance by the end of March to avoid a penalty in 2014,’ Earnest said in an emailed statement.

“‘Some have asked whether consumers could face a tax penalty if they don’t enroll in coverage by Feb. 15 of next year. This is not the case. If you sign up for insurance by the end of March, you will not face a penalty. The guidance that the administration will issue soon will reinforce this,’ Earnest continued… The open enrollment period extends from Oct. 1 to March 31…”

Broken Promises and Misrepresentations

Breitbart wrote on October 30:

“In a speech at Boston’s Faneuil Hall on Wednesday afternoon, President Barack Obama discarded his now-infamous broken promise: ‘If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.’ Instead, he offered a new promise: ‘You will be getting a better deal,’ the president told health insurance consumers. He blamed insurance companies, not Obamacare, for the canceled policies:

“‘Now, if you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you really like that plan, you were able to keep it. That’s what I said when I was running for office. That was part of the promise we made. But ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel the substandard plans, what we said under the law is that you have got to replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage because that, too, was a central premise of the Affordable Care Act from the very beginning… So if you’re getting one of these letters [canceling your insurance policy], just shop around in the new marketplace. That’s what it’s for…

“‘For the fewer than 5% of Americans who buy insurance on your own [sic], you will be getting a better deal. So anyone peddling the motion that insurers are canceling people’s plan without mentioning that almost all the insurers are encouraging people to join better plans with the same carrier and stronger benefits and stronger protections, while others will be able to get better plans with new carriers through the marketplace, and then many will get new help to pay for these better plans and make them actually cheaper–if you leave that stuff out, you’re being grossly misleading, to say the least.’”

“Ignoring evidence that the ‘better deal’ is often far more expensive than existing plans, the president updated his promise without apologizing for misleading voters for years about the consequences of Obamacare. He also ignored the fact that companies were compelled by the law to change their plans to comply with new rules…”

The earlier promise and the updated representations are simply false. Statements especially by Democrats during a House hearing on Wednesday, applauding the Obamacare disaster, were likewise misleading. The fact is that insurance companies are cancelling individual insurance policies by the hundreds of thousands because of Obamacare—including policies which were not substandard by any means—and that it is virtually impossible for MANY customers to find similar policies with the same or lower rates. The TRUTH is that the rates are much higher and simply not affordable for many “customers.”

There is no doubt that America’s healthcare system is in an awful state—the concept that a person who loses his or her job is forced to maintain individual healthcare through extremely expensive and largely unaffordable mechanisms (such as COBRA) is just one of the many horrible examples of a totally broken system—but sadly, Obamacare is not the solution. And of course, the ungodly greed of many insurance companies does not help to solve the problems either. The bottom line is that America’s disastrous healthcare system is just one of the many manifestations of a superpower which is descending into the abyss.

Americans More Divided Than Ever

Money Morning wrote on October 31:

“Obamacare doesn’t officially kick off until January 1st, yet millions of Americans are already at each other’s throats over it. Research from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that the country is now more divided than any other time in history since the Civil War era. In fact, 20 states including Texas, Georgia and Louisiana have threatened to secede. And despite a recent Supreme Court ruling making Obamacare the law of the land, only 24 states are moving forward with a key aspect of Obamacare- the expansion of Medicaid. Of the rest, 21 are opposed and five are deadlocked in debate.

“So far, every single southern state from Texas to Virginia has refused to widen Medicaid, a key provision of the Obamacare program. This will leave millions of Americans without coverage. That’s because they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid as it now stands, but not enough to get the subsidies to buy insurance in the new exchanges.

“The South isn’t alone in rejecting Obamacare. Liberal states such as Maine have opposed the bill. Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Ohio have yet to move forward with the expansion. Even legendary investor Warren Buffett, a one-time Obamacare supporter, said in 2010 he would scrap the healthcare bill and start over. One of the main architects of the bill, Democratic Senator Max Baucus from Montana said Obamacare is heading for a ‘train wreck’ if it’s not implemented properly.

“While even Obamacare detractors applaud the requirement that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions and put a stop to lifetime caps on benefits, they say these laudable benefits don’t compensate for the bills high cost – especially in new taxes. According to most experts, Obamacare will create no fewer than twenty new taxes or tax hikes on the American people. In fact, the Obama administration has already given the IRS an extra $500 million to enforce the rules and regulations of Obamacare.

“The new taxes don’t bode well for millions of middle-class Americans. Incomes for the rich have soared this decade but middle class workers have seen their wages stagnate and even drop since the 2008 Great Recession. Many fear Obamacare with its high insurance costs and new taxes, could provide the middle class a fatal blow… a third of all U.S. employers could stop offering health insurance to their workers… ordinary Americans will get stuck paying for substance abuse coverage – even if they never touched a drink or drug in their life… senior citizens will get hit the hardest. Hip and knee replacements and cataract surgery will be especially hard to get from Medicare in the months ahead thanks to Obamacare…”

The Bible pronounces a curse on those who take advantage of and neglect or mistreat the elderly.

Spooky Halloween Candy Is Big Business for Careless Americans

The website of published the following article:

“Halloween has always been about the things trick-or-treating represent… For a thousand years, Halloween has been all about eating sugar to assuage our fears. Dating as far back as the ancient pagan Celtic festival called Samhain–in which the end of harvest coincided with the opening of a liminal window into the spirit world–October 31st has always been an amalgamated swirl of sweets and the supernatural… As the Celts gorged themselves on crude jellies, sweetmeats, and candies, they would mask or blacken their faces to placate evil spirits…

“In the 1950s, candy companies started realizing that this trick-or-treat thing might be a huge thing for them… Then on November 2, 1970, 5-year-old Kevin Toston from Detroit died after eating what initial reports identified as heroin-laced Halloween candy. It later turned out that the heroin never came from the candy, but by that point, no one was paying attention. The idea that sickos were poisoning candy to give to trick-or-treaters had been launched into the zeitgeist.

“In a ghoulish twist, the notion that Halloween candy might be poisoned turned out to be great for candy makers. Concerned with safety, parents started telling their kids not to take any sweets that weren’t factory-wrapped, which meant that the homemade treats or loose candy that most houses had handed out in the past became objects of suspicion…

“Buoyed by the monster fad of the 1970s, the packaging of Halloween candy got increasingly weirder and wilder… Today, Halloween candy is big business. In 2011, $2.3 billion worth of Halloween candy… ‘When it comes to the money Americans spend on the holiday, Halloween is second only to Christmas’…

“Yet if there’s anything that the history of trick-or-treating or even Halloween shows us, it’s that sugar and fear are a winning combination. Whether you’re an ancient Celt facing the long nights of winter, when the spirits of the dead are rumored to roam; a kid running through the streets in a costume with his mouth full of gummi worms; or a mom, telling her children to only accept individually wrapped chocolates from name-brand candy makers, lest they be poisoned: candy sells better when it’s spooky.”

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How are we to view Hebrew Poetry in the Bible (Part 3)?

In the last two Q&As, we discussed several variations of the concept of parallelism in biblical Hebrew Poetry, namely identical and similar synonymous parallelism, and introverted and antithetic parallelism.

As we will recall, Synonymous Parallelism describes the repetition of identical or similar thoughts; while in Introverted Parallelism, the order of thoughts is reversed, and in Antithetical Parallelism, opposite thoughts are expressed.

In this final Q&A in our series about Hebrew Poetry in the Bible, we will discuss further concepts of poetic devices.

One of these devices is the concept of SYNTHETIC PARALLELISM, which is also sometimes referred to as constructive or epithetic parallelism.

In Synthetic Parallelism, the word “synthesis” describes a combination of separate parts or elements into a whole. In other words, thoughts are built upon each other.

In Synthetic Parallelism, the second thought adds something fresh or new to the first thought, or it may explain the first thought.

We can divide this concept further.

First, we are going to review two examples in which a thought in the first line is complemented by another related thought in the second line.

Psalm 2:6:

“Yet I have set My King
“On My holy hill of Zion.”

In this passage, the first thought in the first line needs to be complemented by the second thought in the second line, in order to express a complete statement and give a complete sentence. In this meaningful statement, God the Father explains to the nations and the kings of the earth, who are scoffing at God, that He has already set “His King” on “His holy hill of Zion.” The King is a reference to the Son, the Anointed One, Jesus Christ (compare verses 2, 7 and 12). Long before Jesus Christ would be born as a human being, it was clear to the Father that He would qualify as Ruler of the coming Kingdom of God. When the Father says, “My King,” He did not mean that Jesus would be superior to Him, but just the opposite: Jesus is the Father’s King—He belongs to and is under the Father.

Psalm 138:4

“All the kings of the earth shall praise You, O LORD,
“When they hear the words of Your mouth.”

In this passage, the first thought in line 1 is complemented by a second thought in line 2: All the kings of the earth will praise and give glory to God when they hear His words. The context is the Millennium, when the glorified Jesus Christ will rule the earth (verse 5)—it will be then that they will understand what God is telling them, and then they WILL praise Him for the truth.

Let us focus now on one example of Synthetic Parallelism, where the thoughts in both lines are compared or contrasted with each other.

Proverbs 15:17:

“Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,
“Than a fatted calf with hatred.”

The contrast or comparison can be clearly seen by the phraseology, “better … than.”  It is better to have little with love than much with hatred. Solomon contrasts a dinner of herbs with a fatted calf, but points out that such physical riches are never satisfying when there is no love in the house.

As a third variation, we are looking at two examples where the thought in the second line explains the thought in the first line. This is an important device to understand; otherwise, we might not grasp the fully intended meaning of a particular statement.

Proverbs 26:4:

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
“Lest you also be like him.”

In this passage, the thought of the first line is explained by the thought in the second line. If answering a fool according to his folly would result in us becoming like him, we should refrain from doing so.

Proverbs 26:5:

“Answer a fool according to his folly,
“Lest he be wise in his own eyes.”

In this passage, the thought in the first line is also explained by the thought in the second line, but in contrast with the previous example, we are told here that we are to answer a fool according to his folly, if he might otherwise think that he is wise and that we are unable to respond to him. So, depending on the circumstances, we ought not answer a fool according to his folly so that we do not become like the fool, but we should answer him according to his folly, if the fool would otherwise think that he is wise. Our Q&A on Proverbs 26:4 and 5 gives several examples as to how to apply these passages in practice. We also stated this:

“In verse 4, we are told not to answer a fool, ‘…Lest you also be like him.’ We are admonished to avoid a pointless argument, wasting fruitless time and energy on foolishness, and to avoid responding approvingly by like folly. However, in verse 5, we are told to answer a fool, ‘… Lest he be wise in his own eyes.’ There is a time when we cannot give tacit approval by silence. There is a selective time to stand up, and not close our eyes to damage.”

Let us continue by focusing on the concept of CLIMACTIC PARALLELISM in Hebrew Poetry. Depending on certain commentaries and designations, this concept is also sometimes referred to as comprehensive parallelism, stair-like parallelism or anaphora parallelism.

Climactic Parallelism describes the concept that a thought in the first line becomes greater and more comprehensive in the second line. The second line reaches a climax. A thought in the first line is repeated in the second line, but a new and climactic thought is added (like stepping on the next step of a stair), making the entire statement more comprehensive.

Psalm 29:1:

“Give unto the LORD, O you mighty ones,
“Give unto the LORD glory and strength.”

The first thought in line 1 (“Give unto the LORD”) is repeated in line 2, but then line 2 adds what is to be given—“glory and strength.” The “mighty ones” could refer to angels or to humans whose potential it is to become God beings. But all are to give glory and strength to God. In using this poetic device, it is emphasized WHAT everyone is owed to give to God.

Psalm 29:8:

“The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness;
“The LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.”

In the second line, the wilderness is identified as the “wilderness of Kadesh,” making this a climactic statement, since Kadesh was in the wilderness to which the spies returned from Jericho (Numbers 13:26). The fact that the LORD’s voice shook the wilderness of Kadesh shows His displeasure with the evil report which the spies brought when returning.

Psalm 1:2:

“But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
“And in His law he meditates day and night.”

This example of Climactic Parallelism is also an example of Introverted Parallelism, showing that sometimes, different devices are being used in one particular passage. The climax here is expressed by the fact that the person, who delights in the law of God, meditates on it day and night. It is also an example of Introverted Parallelism, as the order of the thoughts is reversed (thought 1 in line 1 [“delight”] is expressed in thought 2 in line 2 [“meditates day and night”]).

Another device in Hebrew Poetry, which is used in the Bible, is that of EMBLEMATIC PARALLELISM.

The word “emblem” describes a symbol or a design that represents something; for instance, a dove is oftentimes used as a symbol of peace.

This is an important devise of Poetry, in that a literal statement in one line is contrasted with a metaphor or a simile in the other line.

A metaphor indicates something different from the literal meaning, such as, “You will eat my words,” or, “You have a heart of stone.” A simile compares one thing to another, such as, “He is as brave as a lion,” or, “childhood is like a passing dream.”

We distinguish between Emblematic Parallelism with a link and Emblematic Parallelism without a link. Many times, in the Hebrew text, the link is designated with the word “so,” connecting the different thoughts and making the contrast with a metaphor or simile quite clear.

Notice the following two examples of Emblematic Parallelism WITH a link:

Psalm 42:1:

“As the deer pants [longs for] the water brooks,
“So pants my soul for you, O God.”

The word “so” indicates here that the thought in line 1 is contrasted with the thought in line 2. While line 1 describes a literal occurrence (the thirsty deer longs for water), line 2 describes an emblem—a simile or a metaphor: David’s soul—his entire being—longs for God.

Proverbs 25:25:

“A cold water to a weary soul,
“So [is] good news from a far country.”

Here we find another contrast between something literal (cold water for a weary person) and something emblematic (good news from a far country). Even though good news from a far country can be quite real, it is contrasted here symbolically with the effect of cold water for a weary soul.

In the next example, no link to a metaphor or simile is given, but it is clear that in the Hebrew, a link is intended.

Emblematic Parallelism WITHOUT a link:

Proverbs 11:22:

“[As] a ring of gold in a swine’s snout,
“[so is] a lovely woman who lacks discretion.”

In the Hebrew, the words “as” in the first line and “so is” in the second line are not in the Original, but it is obvious that they must be added (as the translators did) to make the meaning clear. The literal statement (“a ring of gold in a swine’s snout”) is contrasted symbolically with a lovely woman (“the ring of gold”) who lacks discretion (“the swine’s snout”).

As another device of Hebrew Poetry, let us now focus on PALILOGICAL PARALLELISM.

The word “palilogy” describes the repetition of a word or phrase for emphasis. In Palilogical Parallelism, one or more words within the first thought are repeated, as an echo, in the second or third thought. As we will see, especially in this device, other devices may also be used. This is important to understand, if we want to grasp the full meaning of a particular statement.

Psalm. 72:17:

“His name shall endure forever;
“His name shall continue as long as the sun.
“And men shall be blessed in Him;
“All nations shall call Him blessed.”

This example combines several devices of Hebrew Poetry.  First, it incorporates the concept of Palilogical Parallelism. The thought of “His name” in line 1 is repeated, as an echo, in line 2, and the concept of being blessed in line 3 is repeated, as an echo, in line 4. In addition, we find here also an example of Synonymous Parallelism in lines 1 and 2. The concept of “endur[ing] forever” in line 1 is equated with the concept of “continu[ing] as long as the sun.” This is interesting in light of the fact that Jesus also said that as long as heaven and earth remain, the law of God will remain in force as well (Matthew 5:18). So, since God’s name will endure as long as the sun continues, so will His law.

Nahum 1:2:

“God is jealous, and the LORD avenges;
“The LORD avenges and is furious.
“The LORD will take vengeance on His adversaries,
“And He reserves wrath for His enemies.”

The thought in line 1 (“the LORD avenges”) is repeated as an echo in line 2. In line 3, it is almost repeated (“the LORD will take vengeance”), and the thought of Him being “furious” in line 2 is equated with His “wrath” in line 4, while His “adversaries” in line 3 are equated with His “enemies” in line 4, showing that when man acts adverse to the Will of God, God is angry with man and regards him as His enemy.

Judges 5:27:

“At her feet he sank, he fell, he lay still;
“At her feet he sank, he fell;
“here he sank, there he fell dead.”

Certain words in line 1 (“at her feet he sank, he fell”) are repeated as an echo in line 2, and to an extent in line 3, but other thoughts are added: “he lay still” in line 1 is repeated, as an identical thought, in line 3 (“he fell dead”). This shows that a dead person lies still; there is no continuation of life or consciousness when one dies.

Before concluding this series, we want to address one more device in Hebrew Poetry. It does not contain the concept of Parallelism, but it is known as the “Acrostic” device. “Acrostic” literally means, “beginning of the line.” It refers to instances when each line—or each series of lines—begins with a new letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which has 22 letters.

For instance, Psalm 119 has 176 verses. Each verse of the first eight verses begins with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet; each verse of the second eight verses begins with the second letter of the alphabet, and so on. Each verse of the last eight verses of the psalm begins with the last or 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Many translations, such as the Authorized Version or the New King James Bible, have these passages marked and designated in Psalm 119. Each verse of the first eight verses begins with the letter “Aleph,” followed by the second stanza of eight verses with the letter “beth,” and so on. The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the letter “tau,” is prominent in verses 169-176, where each verse of these last eight verses begins with the letter “tau.”

There are additional acrostic poems in the Bible.

Psalm 34:1-22 is an acrostic psalm, and so is Psalm 25, where with “minor exceptions, each verse of this alphabetic acrostic psalm begins with successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet” (compare Ryrie Study Bible, comments to Psalm 34 and 25). In addition, Psalm 37 is an “alphabetic acrostic, every second verse beginning with successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet” (compare Ryrie Study Bible). Other acrostic psalms can be found in Psalms 9 and 10, “every alternate verse (for the most part) beginning with the next successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet” (Ryrie Study Bible).

Proverbs 31:10-31 is an acrostic poem as well, and much of the book of Lamentations contains acrostic poems. (For instance, the Jewish Bible, Tanakh, designates quite nicely the different original letters of the Hebrew alphabet in these passages in the English translation) The Ryrie Study Bible explains that “the book [of Lamentations] consists of five poems, one for each chapter, the first four being written as acrostics (each verse begins with a word whose first letter is successively one of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet—except in chapter 3, where three verses are allotted to each letter).”

To summarize, recognizing the different devices of Hebrew Poetry, as used in the Holy Bible, should give us a deeper understanding of the intended meaning of certain passages and also additional appreciation of the beauty contained in those passages. The Bible is a living book—the Word of the living God—and its richness should fill us with amazement and thankfulness, always remembering that man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY Word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Hope and Desire in Trials,” is the title of last week’s sermon given by Evangelist Norbert Link. This is now posted for viewing–here is a summary:

When we go through trials, do we have the faith and trust in God that He will carry us through; that He will give us the strength to endure the trial; and that He will give us the desires of our hearts? This sermon shows how we can have this confidence, and what God expects of us.

“Spying in Satan’s World,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

America’s habitual spying activities on friends and allies have caused an unprecedented worldwide uproar. Especially Europeans are up in arms. The blame game is continuing, misrepresentations and hypocrisy prevail, and the Germans have lost confidence in President Obama, who is perceived as having lied or being hopelessly ignorant in the matter, while some American politicians are defending NSA’s conduct. In this world, spying activities and falsehoods are one of Satan’s major devices. The Bible shows that just prior to Christ’s return, a war between Europe and the USA will break out, and wars start with words. We are in the preliminary stages of this development, leading to the Great Tribulation.

“Neu! Das Weltgericht,Teil 2,” is the new German sermon that has been recorded and will be presented this coming Sabbath. Title in English: “The World’s Judgment, Part 2.”

Our most recent booklet, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire,” has received several positive comments. Among these are the following:

“I read it with great interest. It is much appreciated.”

“I read your new booklet on the ‘Ten European Revivals’ and it must be the best I have ever seen on the subject. Congratulations on this effort to bring together so much overpowering information.”

Also, we received these encouraging comments about our StandingWatch programs:

“I appreciate very much the intelligent commentary of Mr. Link about the current events in the world. It is unique. It is a very good idea to introduce and conclude the program with a narrator. The music at the end of the program is spiritually inspiring. Keep up your essential work!”

“I watch the StandingWatch video with Norbert Link often and enjoy the information that he speak[s] about.”

We certainly appreciate hearing from those who read, listen to and view our materials!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Spying in Satan’s World

America’s habitual spying activities on friends and allies have caused an unprecedented worldwide uproar. Especially Europeans are in arms. The blame game is continuing, misrepresentations and hypocrisy prevail, and the Germans have lost confidence in President Obama, who is perceived as having lied or being hopelessly ignorant in the matter, while some American politicians are defending NSA’s conduct. In this world, spying activities and falsehoods are one of Satan’s major devices. The Bible shows that just prior to Christ’s return, a war between Europe and the USA will break out, and wars start with words. We are in the preliminary stages of this development, leading to the Great Tribulation.

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Hope and Desire in Trials

When we go through trials, do we have the faith and trust in God that He will carry us through; that He will give us the strength to endure the trial; and that He will give us the desires of our hearts? This sermon shows how we can have this confidence, and what God expects of us.

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Current Events

Expensive Government Shutdown

Time and CNN reported the following on October 17, under the following headline:

“Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy.”
The article continued:

“$24 billion. That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent…

“Hundreds of thousands of federal workers bore the economic brunt of the shutdown. But small businesses also suffered from frozen government contracts and stalled business loans. Tourism suffered from closed national parks, and military families had to cope without childcare and other services. Federal workers will receive back-pay under the deal, but contractors will probably not get their lost wages…

“And with the deal only guaranteeing government funding through Jan. 15, the situation could grow worse…”

And all of this for nothing…

National Debt

AFP wrote on October 19:

“The government shutdown may have ended Wednesday, but the bipartisan deal that put workers back on the job also suspended the nation’s debt ceiling, leaving the national debt soaring at an astronomical rate that is expected to keep growing.

“The nation’s debt climbed by a record $328 billion on Thursday alone, reports The Washington Times, the first day the federal government could borrow money under the agreement. The debt is now at a record $17.075 trillion and climbing, according to the Treasury Department.”

The website offers up-to-date figures of the climbing national debt. Newsmax reported on October 10 that “The national debt is set to double by the time President Barack Obama leaves office, if it continues to increase at the current rate.”

Obamacare Website—Disastrous and Catastrophic

Newsmax reported on October 18:

“The disastrous rollout of the Obamacare website has taken a new turn with errors turning up for the few who successfully managed to enroll through the glitch-filled site.

“Executives at more than a dozen health plans have told The Wall Street Journal that errors include duplicate enrollments, spouses reported as children, missing data fields [sic], and suspect eligibility determinations. In one case, a customer successfully signed up on for three plans at one company. ‘The longer this takes to resolve… the harder it will be to get people to [come back and] sign up,’ Aetna Inc. Chief Executive Mark Bertolini told the Journal. ‘It’s not off to a great start.’…

“The administration initially blamed the issues on high demand, but has since admitted the site was fraught with serious flaws, though officials have withheld details. President Barack Obama this week admitted his frustration with the website… On Thursday, the Journal published an editorial labeling the Obamacare website ‘a catastrophe.’”

Newsmax reported on October 21:

“Consumer Reports, the nation’s most respected consumer watchdog, has some sobering advice for Americans attempting to sign up for Obamacare: ‘Stay away.’ The federal exchange,, which has been plagued by software glitches, should be avoided ‘for at least another month if you can… Hopefully that will be long enough for its software vendors to clean up the mess they’ve made.’”

The Weekly Standard wrote on October 23:

“While the Affordable Care Act was making its way through Congress in 2009 and 2010, President Obama famously promised the American people over and over again that if you like your health plan, you can keep it. ‘Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,’ Obama said at one rally in July 2009. ‘First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.  Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.’ 

“But the president’s promise is turning out to be false for millions of Americans who have had their health insurance policies canceled because they don’t meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.  According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans because of Obamacare.”

Breitbart wrote on October 23:

“The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein now admits that weeks before the disastrous ObamaCare launch, he heard ‘some very ugly things about how the system was performing[.]’ We also now know that a few hundred people were involved in a test that crashed the site days before the launch and that insurance companies were complaining about the site before the launch.  On top of all that, we are now seeing story after story about the red flags ignored by the Administration. But it isn’t just the White House claiming to be caught off guard by The Obvious, it is also a useless American media that seems incapable of breaking stories embarrassing to this president…

“Once again, despite numerous red flags, our media claims to  be as surprised by a major scandal as the rest of… America. This isn’t the first major Obama White House scandal the media failed to break. The NSA, Associated Press, IRS, and Benghazi scandals were all missed by an American mainstream media that apparently spends its days spinning for the White House instead of engaging in the kind of investigative journalism into it that might result in revelations they don’t want to know about or report.

“From what we now know, three weeks after the launch of this half-billion dollar debacle, the only thing more outrageous than the Obama administration launching a site they knew was nowhere near ready, is that our media was too lazy or partisan or incompetent or all three to have been way ahead of this scandal.”

Some even try to put their usual positive spin on these events, praising the “success” of Obamacare by pointing out that so many have (unsuccessfully) attempted to sign up for it. Beg your pardon?

Next War Inevitable

USA Today wrote on October 17:

“Budget reductions could render the Army at ‘high risk to meet even one major war,’ according to documents obtained by USA TODAY, a warning the Army is sounding because it sees another war as inevitable before long… War is likely to break out again…

“Since May, the Army, Marines and Special Operations Command have been emphasizing the importance of ground forces in future conflicts. The Strategic Landpower Task Force states that some in the defense community believe wars will be fought primarily with weapons fired from a safe distance… [But] operations on land are most effective at achieving national objectives. [Commanders] referred to the need to influence what they refer to as the ‘human domain.’ Compelling people to act in U.S. interests is best accomplished by land forces, they said.”

Sadly, America’s next war IS inevitable, but America will not win it.

U.S.-Saudi Arabia Rift Deepens

The Guardian wrote on October 22:

“A deepening diplomatic rift between Saudi Arabia and the US burst open on Tuesday after secretary of state John Kerry acknowledged that Washington’s key strategic ally had serious misgivings about US foreign policy in the Middle East.

“Kerry held urgent talks with his Saudi counterpart in Paris on Monday amid complaints from Riyadh that the US was not doing enough to help Sunni-dominated rebels in Syria following a decision not launch US military action… Kerry insisted relations remained fundamentally sound, but news of the meetings appears to confirm reports in the Wall Street Journal that the Saudis had threatened to scale back their regional co-operation with the US in protest at what it saw as a misguided Middle East strategy…

“Reuters also quoted Prince Bandar telling European diplomats that the kingdom would be making a ‘major shift’ in relations with Washington over perceived inaction towards the conflict in Syria, and a possible rapprochement with Iran over its nuclear program. Saudi Arabia is understood to be upset at perceived US weakness over Iran – and wants more aggressive steps taken to prevent Tehran’s development of nuclear weapons technology – and Egypt, where the US has severed military ties with the new government in protest at crackdowns on demonstrators…

“These are the latest signs that a US policy of rapprochement with Iran is causing friction with existing allies in the region, following similar concerns expressed by Israel. Washington is also struggling to maintain good relations with France, Brazil, and Germany over separate arguments about surveillance by the National Security Agency. But the row with Saudi Arabia threatens to destabilise one of the strongest diplomatic ties in Washington, based historically on mutual oil and security interests. Last week, Riyadh snubbed a US-backed offer to take a seat on the United Nations security council.”

Mail On Line added on October 22:

“In unusually blunt public remarks, [Saudi Arabia’s] Prince Turki al-Faisal  called Obama’s policies in Syria ‘lamentable’ and ridiculed a U.S.-Russian deal to eliminate Assad’s chemical weapons…

“Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, ploughs much of its earnings back into U.S. assets. Most of the Saudi central bank’s net foreign assets of $690 billion are thought to be denominated in dollars, much of them in U.S. Treasury bonds. ‘All options are on the table now, and for sure there will be some impact,’ the [unnamed] Saudi source said. He said there would be no further coordination with the United States over the war in Syria, where the Saudis have armed and financed rebel groups fighting Assad.”

“America’s Not in Decline… It’s on the Rise”

Believe it or not, this ridiculous article was published on October 20 by the Washington Post. The authors, Ely Ratner and Thomas Wright, begin to describe correctly the ACCURATE international reaction to the most current developments, as follows:

“It’s been a banner month for the oracles of American decline. The shutdown of the federal government, the prospect of a default on the country’s debt, and the political dysfunction that made the United States seem rudderless on Syria and forced the cancellation of President Obama’s trip to Asia seemed to confirm that the end of American preeminence is finally upon us.

“Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass argued that Washington was ‘hastening the emergence of a post-American world.’ The Guardian’s Timothy Garton Ash wrote that ‘the erosion of American power is happening faster than most of us predicted — while the politicians in Washington behave like rutting stags with locked antlers.’ And the financial Web site MarketWatch declared: ‘This is what decline of a superpower looks like.’…”

But then, the opinion is uttered that these concerns are baseless, and that a glorious future is ahead of the USA. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. But read yourself the statements in the article:

“Despite gridlock in Washington, America is recovering from the financial crisis and combining enduring strengths with new sources of influence… Meanwhile, emerging powers are running into troubles of their own. Taken together, these developments are ushering in a new era of American strategic advantage… the United States is experiencing a turnaround of fortunes. The unemployment rate has fallen to just over 7 percent from an October 2009 peak of 10 percent. By contrast, euro-zone unemployment remains stuck at around 12 percent.”

This is so wrong. These figures (even though lamentable per se) are terribly misleading, as they do not include those who are self-employed and who have lost their business; who are part-time or under-employed, and who have given up on even claiming unemployment.

The article continues:

“In this dawning era of strategic advantage, the United States will confront foreign policy challenges largely associated with weakness and instability abroad… The Middle East will continue its painful and bloody revolution. And Europe appears increasingly unable to move beyond protracted stagnation, eroding its ability to play a constructive role in world affairs.”

This world view is hopelessly naïve and unrealistic. It’s mere wishful thinking. It reminds us of the false prophets of old, at the time of Jeremiah, who proclaimed peace and security, while captivity and slavery were awaiting the nation. The same is true today. Don’t listen to these false prognosticators of incorrect fantasies… they are lulling the people to sleep and don’t help them at all.

Schwarzenegger for President?

The Washington Times wrote on October 18:

“Hollywood action star and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been quietly lobbying key politicos for a legal loophole or a constitutional change that would clear the path for him to run for president in 2016. If allowed, Mr. Schwarzenegger would face off against Hillary Rodham Clinton, The New York Post reported… ‘Schwarzenegger has been talking openly about working on getting the constitutional rules changed so he can run for president in 2016,’ a source said, The Post reported. ‘He is ready to file legal paperwork to challenge the rules.’

“The actor was born in Austria, making him ineligible to seek the high office. The Constitution states plainly that one of the requirements for a U.S. president is to be a natural born citizen. Section One Article Two states: ‘No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president.’

“The loophole language could be the definition of ‘natural born citizen,’ legal minds have argued. Columbia University Law School professor Michael Dorf said, The Post reported: ‘The law is very clear, but it’s not 100 percent clear that the courts would enforce that law rather than leave it to the political process.’

“Meanwhile, there’s little doubt that the Hollywood icon would run if he could. Mr. Schwarzenegger became a legal U.S. citizen in 1983, and in 2010 he was asked during a ‘Tonight Show’ appearance if he would seek the presidency if the law allowed. His answer: ‘Without any doubt.’”

One has to wait and see what will develop. After all, there are still nagging doubts and many unresolved answers whether Barack Obama is a “natural born citizen” under the Constitution and therefore eligible to hold the office of President.

Obama Administration to Give Iran Billions of Dollars?

The Associated Press reported on October 18:

“The Obama administration is weighing whether to offer Iran the chance to recoup billions of dollars in frozen overseas assets if it takes steps to scale back its nuclear program, U.S. officials and congressional aides said Friday. The proposal would face a skeptical Congress determined to make the end of Tehran’s uranium enrichment activity the condition for any sanctions relief.

“The brainstorming comes after two days of nuclear negotiations between Iran and world powers ended this week in Geneva. The talks — the first since Iranian President Hassan Rouhani took office — ended on an upbeat note although it fell short of specific and concrete commitments by Iran to stop enriching uranium or ship out its stockpiles of higher-enriched uranium…

“Under the plan being weighed, Iran would be able to access money from oil sales overseas that it currently can only barter with because of U.S. and international sanctions. Senate aides put the total between $50 billion and $75 billion. It’s not clear what Iran would have to do in return to prompt the Obama administration to allow banks to release the money.”

Iran would be happy to get that money, while NEVER agreeing to forsaking their nuclear program…

USA Guilty of War Crimes?

The Guardian wrote on October 21:

“US officials responsible for the secret CIA drone campaign against suspected terrorists in Pakistan may have committed war crimes and should stand trial, a report by a leading human rights group warns. Amnesty International has highlighted the case of a grandmother who was killed while she was picking vegetables and other incidents which could have broken international laws designed to protect civilians.

“The report is issued in conjunction with an investigation by Human Rights Watch detailing missile attacks in Yemen which the group believes could contravene the laws of armed conflict, international human rights law and Barack Obama’s own guidelines on drones… The US has repeatedly claimed very few civilians have been killed by drones. It argues its campaign is conducted ‘consistent with all applicable domestic and international law’.”

Frightening Incompetency in the US Air Force

Fox News wrote on October 23:

“Four Air Force officers who were entrusted with the launch keys to nuclear-tipped missiles have been punished for leaving open blast doors intended to help prevent a terrorist or other intruder from entering their post while they were sleeping. Air Force officials confirm to Fox News that twice this year alone, Air Force officers were caught leaving open blast doors. The doors are never to be left open if one of the crew members inside is asleep — as was the case in both these instances — out of concern for the damage an intruder could cause, including the compromising of secret launch codes.

“Transgressions such as these, which were first reported by the Associated Press, are rarely revealed publicly. But officials with direct knowledge of Air Force intercontinental ballistic missile operations told the AP that such violations have happened, undetected, many more times than in the cases of the two launch crew commanders and two deputy commanders who were given administrative punishments this year. The blast door violations are another sign of serious trouble in the handling of the nation’s nuclear arsenal. The Associated Press has discovered a series of problems within the ICBM force, including a failed safety inspection, the temporary sidelining of launch officers deemed unfit for duty and the abrupt firing last week of the two-star general in charge.”

30 Million People Enslaved Today

Reuters reported on October 17:

“Some 30 million people are enslaved worldwide, trafficked into brothels, forced into manual labor, victims of debt bondage or even born into servitude, a global index on modern slavery showed on Thursday. Almost half are in India, where slavery ranges from bonded labor in quarries and kilns to commercial sex exploitation, although the scourge exists in all 162 countries surveyed by Walk Free, an Australian-based rights group… almost 21 million people are [estimated to be] victims of forced labour…

“The Global Slavery Index 2013 defines slavery as the possession or control of people to deny freedom and exploit them for profit or sex, usually through violence, coercion or deception. The definition includes indentured servitude, forced marriage and the abduction of children to serve in wars. According to the index, 10 countries alone account for three quarters of the world’s slaves.

“After India, China has the most with 2.9 million, followed by Pakistan (2.1 million), Nigeria (701,000), Ethiopia (651,000), Russia (516,000), Thailand (473,000), Democratic Republic of Congo (462,000), Myanmar (384,000) and Bangladesh (343,000)…

“At the other end of the scale, Iceland has the lowest estimated prevalence with fewer than 100 slaves. Next best are Ireland, Britain, New Zealand, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, Finland and Denmark, although researchers said slave numbers in such wealthy countries were higher than previously thought…”

It is interesting that the countries with the lowest percentage of slaves are all of Israelite descent, while the countries with the highest percentage are all of non-Israelite descent. Sadly, it will be many of the Israelite nations who will find themselves in slavery and captivity of war in the not-too-distant future.

France Prohibits Freedom of Conscience

AFP wrote on October 19:

“France’s Constitutional Council ruled on Friday that the country’s mayors cannot refuse to officiate at same-sex weddings, rejecting a bid by a group of mayors who claimed gay marriage went against their moral or religious beliefs.

“The Constitutional Council’s ruling followed an appeal by mayors and registrars opposed to France’s controversial bill legalising same-sex marriages, which came into effect in May this year. They argued that the same-sex marriage bill should have included a ‘freedom of conscience’ clause, giving officiators the right not to carry out same-sex marriages if it conflicts with their personal religious or moral beliefs. The lack of such a clause in the bill goes against the French constitution, they claim.

“But the Council, France’s highest legal authority, rejected this argument in its ruling on Friday morning. Jean-Michel Colo, the Mayor of Arcangues in southwest France who hit headlines in June when he became the first official to refuse to marry a gay couple, denounced the Council’s decision. ‘The Constitutional Council has been manipulated by politics. It is a political decision,’ he told AFP.

“Colo said that the group of mayors would now take their case to the European Court of Human Rights. Meanwhile, the group Manif Pour Tous, which has been at the forefront of protests against the legalisation of same-sex marriage, said it supports ‘all the mayors who courageously dare to assert their right to freedom of conscience’. The organisation says a petition it launched in defence of the right of mayors not to officiate at gay weddings has collected more than 80,000 signatures.

“In France [as well as in Germany and many other European countries], marriages can only be made official by state authorities, though many couples also celebrate religious weddings.”

France Immigration Debacle

Der Spiegel Online wrote on October 21:

“French Interior Minister Manuel Valls on Sunday defended his decision to deport a 15-year-old Roma girl and her family to Kosovo after they lost their bid for asylum. The deportation has prompted calls for the minister’s resignation by students and leftist groups. Valls, the point person on immigration policy in François Hollande’s Socialist government, has been assailed in the French media ever since police detained Leonarda Dibrani in front of her classmates while on a fieldtrip on Oct. 9. Dibrani and the rest of her family, who were living in Levier in eastern France, were all flown to Kosovo that day.

“Thousands of secondary school students demonstrated in Paris and across the country last week against the government, while some politicians have backed students’ demands that Valls step down, according to French media…

“The interior minister has taken a hard line on illegal immigration, causing a rift within his own center-left party. Valls argued last month that France’s 20,000 Roma migrants were ‘different’ and not capable of integrating into French society, suggesting they should be returned to their countries of origin… Hollande was criticized on both the left and the right for the move. The leader of the center-right opposition Union for a Popular Movement accused the prime minister of undermining the ‘authority of the state,’ while the Left Party called the decision not to allow her family to join her one of ‘abject cruelty’…

“The Dibrani case appears to have further damaged the popularity of the embattled Hollande. A new poll published Sunday by the Journal de Dimanche gave him a record low approval rating of 23 percent. However, a survey conducted by French pollster BVA, published in Saturday’s Le Parisien, showed that around 77 percent of the French public support Valls’ stance on the situation, indicating continued French unease with immigration.

“Over 10,000 Roma — mostly from Romania, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia — were forcefully evicted from informal settlements in France during the first half of 2013, according to a recent report by Amnesty International.”

For additional information, please view our new StandingWatch program, “France in Prophecy.”

France Appalled by US Spying Activities

The Associated Press reported on October 21:

“The U.S. National Security Agency swept up 70.3 million French telephone records in a 30-day period, according to a newspaper report Monday that offered new details of the massive scope of a surveillance operation that has angered some of the country’s closest allies. The French government summoned the U.S. ambassador for an explanation on Monday and renewed demands for talks on protection of personal data, as well as pledges that the surveillance would cease…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government canceled a Cold War-era agreement that allowed the U.S. and Britain the authority to request German authorities to conduct surveillance operations within the country to protect their troops stationed there. Privacy is especially cherished in Germany after the country’s painful history of mass surveillance of citizens of communist East Germany and Adolf Hitler’s Nazi state.

“‘I can understand the anger in France. You don’t do that among partners. You don’t do that among friends. That is why it is important that everything becomes clear what happened. That applies to France. It applies to other countries, and also for Germany,’ German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Monday…”

US Allies Outraged

Deutsche Welle reported on October 22:

“The revelations of US espionage have angered several US allies. On Sunday, the Mexican Foreign Ministry demanded answers from Washington after the publication of a separate article alleging NSA-snooping on Mexico. The latest revelations stemmed from an article published by the German news magazine Der Spiegel which said the US surveillance program had been spying on Mexico for years… Last week, Deutsche Telekom announced a plan to shield domestic Internet traffic from foreign spying. The telecommunications giant aims to strengthen data privacy in Germany by preventing it from leaving its borders and opting instead to channel it through domestic servers only.”

NPR added on October 22:

“The fallout from revelations about the National Security Agency’s spying activities continues: A key European Parliament committee approved new rules strengthening online privacy and outlawing the kind of surveillance the U.S. has been conducting. NPR’s Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson says the legislation could also have significant implications for U.S. Internet companies.”

The Associated Press added on October 23:

“European lawmakers on Wednesday called for the suspension of an agreement that grants U.S. authorities access to bank data for terror-related investigations, marking a sharp official rebuke of Washington’s surveillance programs. The European Parliament’s resolution, adopted in a 280-254 vote with 30 abstentions, is not binding. The agreement could only be suspended by a two-thirds majority of the 28-nation bloc’s member states.”

Did USA Spy on Angela Merkel?

BBC News reported on October 23:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called US President Barack Obama after receiving information that the US may have spied on her mobile phone. A spokesman for Mrs Merkel said the German leader ‘views such practices… as completely unacceptable’… [and calling any spying activities on Merkel “a grave breach of trust.”] The White House said President Obama had told Chancellor Merkel the US was not snooping on her communications… The US has been on the receiving end of anger from allies over spying allegations based on material said to originate from fugitive American leaker Edward Snowden… But the spokesman did not address whether Mrs Merkel’s phone had been monitored in the past.”

In an accompanying “analysis,” BBC News stated this:

“The language in the White House statement responding to allegations that the NSA monitored Angela Merkel’s private mobile phone is deliberately precise. ‘The president assured the chancellor that the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of Chancellor Merkel.’ It did not deny possible past surveillance on her phone.

“Clearly, Angela Merkel believes these allegations are plausible enough to confront directly Barack Obama, in what must have been an awkward conversation.Tonight at the White House there was supposed to be a state dinner for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. But she cancelled the visit last month following allegations that the NSA snooped on her personal communications.

“Only on Monday, President Obama had to reassure his French counterpart, Francois Hollande, over allegations published in Le Monde of electronic eavesdropping on French political figures and business leaders on a vast scale. The diplomatic backlash is getting fiercer by the day.”

The Associated Press added on October 23:

“In Germany, opposition politicians, the media and privacy activists have been vocal in their outrage over the U.S. eavesdropping. Up until now, Merkel had worked hard to contain the damage to U.S.-German relations and refrained from saying anything bad about the Americans.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on October 23, 2013:

“During her conversation with Obama, Merkel expressed her expectation that ‘US authorities would provide an explanation about the possible extent of such surveillance practices, and thus answer questions that the German government already posed months ago’…”

In possibly spying on Angela Merkel, the USA might have gone too far and might have taken too big a bite of the apple—being unable to swallow it.

Europeans Angry with the USA

Der Spiegel wrote on October 24:

“The newest allegations of US spying have unleashed a torrent of criticism and concern in Europe. If suspicions unearthed by SPIEGEL that the US tapped Chancellor Merkel’s cell phone turn out to be true, the ramifications for trans-Atlantic ties could be immense.

“Leading politicians and media commentators in Germany expressed serious concern on Thursday following allegations that US intelligence agencies had tapped Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone. Merkel’s spokesman confirmed that she placed an angry call Wednesday night to United States President Barack Obama to discuss the suspicions, which arose from an inquiry by SPIEGEL. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle took the unusual step Thursday morning of summoning the US ambassador, John B. Emerson…

“The news agency Reuters reported that representatives of both Merkel and French President François Hollande said the two would have a one-on-one meeting on the US spying issue Thursday afternoon before the start of a two-day EU summit in Brussels.

“And the German Federal Prosecutor’s office in Karlsruhe is also looking into the new allegations of US spying, setting up a so-called ‘monitoring process,’ and requiring the appropriate federal agencies to supply them with relevant reliable information. The agency started a similar process at the end of June to look into possible activities by the NSA in Germany. That process is still ongoing, a spokesman said. Claudia Roth, the outgoing co-leader of the German Green Party, told SPIEGEL ONLINE that the alleged bugging of Angela Merkel’s cell phone is a ‘terrible, terrible scandal’ that will lead to a ‘meltdown’ in German-US relations… adding that the allegations, if proven, are a more extreme invasion of privacy than those imagined in George Orwell’s 1984.

“Sharp criticism also came from German Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière… De Maizière went on to say that he had assumed for years his own phone had been tapped. ‘However, I did not expect the Americans,’ he added. Asked about possible effects on US-German and US-European relations, de Maizière said: ‘We can’t simply return to business as usual. There are allegations in France, too.’ Diplomatic relations between France and the US have been strained following reports that millions of French calls had been monitored by US intelligence agencies.

 “‘The allegation shows once again that our fears have been confirmed,’ said Thomas Oppermann, chairman of the Parliamentary Control Panel, which is responsible for monitoring Germany’s federal intelligence services. ‘The NSA’s monitoring activities have gotten completely out of hand and evidently take place beyond all democratic controls,’ continued the center-left Social Democrat…

“German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger has called for Merkel’s government to suspend the SWIFT deal between the EU and US, which governs the transfer of some bank data from the EU to anti-terror authorities in the United States. ‘The new suspicion exceeds all bounds. The NSA affair is not over,’ she said, calling for EU bodies to ‘decide quickly’ on the matter.

“German media commentators also reacted angrily on Thursday. ‘A greater affront by a friendly country is hardly conceivable,’ wrote the prominent center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung in a front-page commentary that criticized Merkel’s government for initially downplaying the US spying scandal. ‘But the new allegations also cast a new light on Obama and the US intelligence community. During his visit to Germany, the US president grandly promised a trustful cooperation. But even Merkel now seems to have lost her belief in that. It’s hard to even imagine how Obama’s intelligence services deal with hostile states when one sees how they behave toward their closest allies.’

“The conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung cautioned readers that nothing had yet been proven regarding the chancellor’s mobile phone, but it also emphasized the extent to which the US spying scandal has already damaged diplomatic relations. ‘As Obama’s cool reaction shows, the government in Washington has apparently not yet understood the level of damage that continues to be caused by the activities of American intelligence agencies in Europe. They have diminished the trans-Atlantic relationship — even to a major degree.’

“Elsewhere in Europe, other editorialists also reacted with outrage to the latest spying allegations. Conservative Paris daily Le Figaro called the news ‘a warning shot in the direction of the US and a call for a resolute response from the EU. Europe is not discovering the NSA wiretapping scandal now. But with a personal accusation from Angela Merkel, the matter takes on a spectacular new scale.’

“Even if the cell-phone allegation turns out to be false, writes right-leaning Milan daily Corriere della Sera, ‘it doesn’t change anything of the substance. … The real central issue is that a threshold has already been crossed… [The] left-wing Guardian newspaper on Wednesday evening… question[ed] what it means ‘to be an American ally in the 21st century.’”

NSA Scandal in Germany—More and More Details Come to Light

The Guardian wrote on October 24:

“Germany’s foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, has called the US ambassador to a personal meeting to discuss allegations that US secret services bugged Angela Merkel’s mobile phone. The decision to call in John B Emerson, who has only been the US representative in Berlin since mid-August, is an unusually drastic measure. During previous upheavals in relations, such as over the Syrian crisis, conversations have taken place between diplomats.

“Allegations that the US government’s spying had reached the highest level were met with outrage and disappointment in Germany on Thursday. On Wednesday Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, made plain that the chancellor upbraided Obama unusually sharply… The sharpness of the German complaint direct[ed] to a US president strongly suggested that Berlin had no doubt about the grounds for protest…

“On Thursday Süddeutsche Zeitung conveyed a strong sense of the depth of disillusionment with the US president in Germany when it wrote that ‘Barack Obama is not a Nobel peace prize winner, he is a troublemaker’… Die Zeit wrote that Obama’s ‘half-hearted denial’ of the allegations raised more questions than it answered…”

The German press reported that the NSA spying activity on Angela Merkel might have emanated from the US Embassy in Berlin. In addition, according to an article of the Guardian, dated October 24, 2013, the “NSA monitored [the telephone] calls of 35 world leaders.”

Obama—the Isolated “Ice-Cold” President

Der Spiegel Online wrote on October 24:

“US President Barack Obama… has failed to foster close relationships with other heads of state, causing much frustration around the world… The Democrat, who prefers to spend his evenings with his family or alone in front of his computer, has made it no secret in Washington that he does not want to make new friends. That maxim especially applies to his foreign diplomacy. Unlike his predecessor George W. Bush, Obama is loved by the people of the world, but much less by their heads of government. On the heels of recent revelations that US spy agencies might have monitored Chancellor Merkel’s cell phone, the complaints about Merkel’s ‘lost friend’ Obama are misplaced. Obama doesn’t want to be a friend

“During a recent visit by a European head of government to Washington, the atmosphere was described as frosty by those in the entourage from Europe. Obama didn’t find the time for even a little small talk…

“Obama angered Nicolas Sarkozy by choosing to dine with his family instead of with France’s then-president during his visit to Paris. The Polish and Czech heads of state informed the president by telephone that they would not install a long-planned missile defense system. And when it comes to Britain, traditionally America’s closest partner, Obama was initially uncomfortable with the long-held notion of a ‘special relationship’ between the two countries. He may have expressed his vision for the friendship when, on his state visit, he brought the queen an iPod as a gift. London was not amused.

“The frustration extended well beyond the typical bruised vanities of the Europeans… An African head of government said during a visit to Washington that he longed for the days of George W. Bush. At least with him, he said, one knew where one stood… Israel, one of the closest allies of the US, was irritated that Obama didn’t find time for a state visit during his first term in office. Obama let the relationships with Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s president, and the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki deteriorate so much that the troop withdrawals grew more difficult.

“And Obama promised the Asian diplomats that he would be the ‘Pacific president,’ but he just cancelled his trip to the continent because the budget debate was more important to him. So much non-diplomacy is new among US presidents… ‘Coolness has its price,’ Washington Post columnist Jackson Diehl wrote in 2010, adding that Obama appeared to have no genuine friend among world leaders. But what for? He has the NSA.”

The German Success Story

Deutsche Welle reported on October 19:

“The world is fascinated by Europe’s biggest economy. Despite the economic crisis, Germany has grown, created more jobs, and reduced its national debt…  Around 100,000 new engineers and scientists arrive on the job market every year – young men and women who have just received a top class education at one of the 200 engineering schools, or in the technical faculty of a university. But also uneducated, still well-qualified workers also contribute to the country’s high productivity…

“Having a good product is often no longer enough to compete with low-wage economies in Asia. The ‘Made in Germany’ now includes a number of extra services. ‘A company now doesn’t just sell a machine – it installs it, it trains the buyer’s staff in how to use it, it offers a 24-hour repairs service,’ said Röhl. ‘At the end of the day it practically goes so far as to guarantee the machine’s performance.’

“One guarantee for the success of the ‘Germany Model’ is advanced technologies. Germany is practically forced to innovate, because it doesn’t have any real natural resources. As many as 11 percent of German workers are employed in high-tech industries – far more than the EU average. Every year, around 70 billion euros ($96 billion) is spent on research – more than in any other European country…  only hard facts count when it comes to infrastructure. But here, too, Germany passes the stress test.

“Only a few countries in the world can boast such well-developed networks in energy, telecommunications, roads, rail, and aviation. Every European country is within a few hours’ journey of Berlin – and the country’s geographical location may well make up the final piece of the puzzle. That, and the moderate climate. ‘We don’t have any heat waves or tornadoes that could act as shocks to the system,’ said Brückner. ‘It is relatively moderate and cool, which has meant that through the centuries better growth and production conditions have appeared than at the edges of Europe. And Germany has profited from that too.’”

Germany is destined to lead Europe. Even though some human and natural factors might contribute to its success story, the most important reason is that Germany must fulfill its prophesied future.

Germany Undisputed Leader of Europe

Der Spiegel Online wrote on October 21:

“At the beginning of her third term, Merkel has more power in Germany and Europe than any chancellor before her. There hasn’t been such a strong majority behind a government in Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag, since the first grand coalition half a century ago. In the midst of the European crisis, Germany has become the undisputed dominant power in Europe.

“The grand coalition will hand Merkel a majority she could use to shape Germany and Europe and address major issues, including constitutional reforms in Germany and the reform of European Union institutions.”

Beware of Genetically Modified Salmon

The Telegraph wrote on October 20:

“American supermarkets are being pressured to refuse to stock genetically-modified salmon, which is poised to become the first GM animal ever approved for human consumption in the coming weeks. A so-called ‘super salmon’, which has been under development in Massachusetts for 18 years, is expected to be cleared for sale soon by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“The AquAdvantage salmon, which contains genes from an eel-like fish and from another breed of salmon, grows twice as fast as its natural alternative, allowing for increased and more robust supplies… opponents claim the fish poses a risk of cancer to consumers and could destroy other breeds. They also point to polling suggesting that some 90 per cent of Americans do not want GM fish to go on sale.”

One of the many obvious problems is that the genetically-modified salmon contains genes from an eel—an unclean fish, which is not meant for human consumption.

This Week in the News

We begin with the horrible monetary effects of the useless US governmental shutdown and the ever-climbing national debt; speak of the disastrous Obamacare Website; the inevitable next war for an unprepared America; the deepening rift between Saudi Arabia and the USA; the hopelessly unrealistic expectations by some that the USA will be able to get out of the current mess; Arnold Schwarzenegger’s attempts to become the next President; the intent by the Obama administration to give Iran billions of dollars; the allegation that the USA might be guilty of war crimes; and examples of frightening incompetency in the US Air Force.

We continue reporting on alarming figures of worldwide slavery; focus on developments in France and Germany—the two most powerful leading nations of continental Europe; speak of the growing anger of European allies towards the USA about its “totally unacceptable” spying activities; and conclude with an article on the dangers of genetically modified salmons.

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