Update 578


On February 23rd, 2013, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Unawares!”
The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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It’s That Frog Again!

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

On the 5th February 2013, MPs in the House of Commons overwhelmingly backed the plan to legalise “gay marriage” in the UK by 400 votes to 175. Even some of those who voted against this measure said that there was insufficient time given to debate this issue. As members of the true Church of God know, on such a matter no debate is necessary; the answer defining right conduct is there in the Word of God. End of story!

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, approved and promoted this plan, after the two previous Prime Ministers, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, had been equally enthusiastic about promoting this ungodly practice.  

All three of these politicians profess to being Christians, but not one of them seems to be in the least bit bothered by what God’s instruction manual, the Bible, has to say on this matter. I mentioned this trait in my last editorial (“Instruction Manual Ignored Again,” Update 572, week of January 11, 2013, about the Church of England voting about the ordination of women bishops. God’s Word never seems to be properly and correctly studied, or even consulted, when such situations arise; it’s the 21st century, and we have to move on and “get with it”.

But how did we get into this mess? It’s that frog’s fault yet again. For anyone who hasn’t heard this analogy, Wikipedia explains it as follows: “The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.”  

The significant changes that have occurred in society, like “gay marriage”, have come about slowly over quite a period of time. Of course, our societies’ problems are manifold, and “gay marriage” is just one of its many evils. But it shows how “changes” are introduced and accepted over time. The Sexual Offences Act 1967 was an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom which decriminalised homosexual acts in private between two men, both of whom had to have attained the age of 21. At that time, public opinion was very much against this abhorrent act. (The Church of God does not take a stand or utter a position whether or not homosexual conduct should be considered a crime punishable by our human governments. We understand that this is Satan’s world, and that true Christians are not to engage in political acts or agendas, but they are ambassadors of the world tomorrow, when Christ will set up the Kingdom of God here on earth and establish true and fair laws regulating human conduct.)

However, in the next 38 years much was done, without too much publicity, but was moulding public opinion wherever and whenever possible. The old saying that it is a “cinch by the inch but hard by the yard” perfectly describes how “progress” was made. Stonewall, the lesbian, gay and bisexual charity, has been in the forefront of helping to change public perception, and as time passed, hardened views were softened.

Wikipedia again reports that “since 2005 same-sex couples have been allowed to enter into civil partnerships, a separate union which provides the legal consequences of marriage.” Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was a great advocate for the homosexual lobby. As Shadow Home Secretary, before he became Prime Minister, he not only supported the lowering of the age of consent for homosexuals from age 18 to 16, but quite literally championed it. When such high profile individuals support and promote such a cause, others are galvanised too, and it then increases in intensity. Many who were implacably opposed to this before may now take a more “live and let live” approach.

It has taken about half a century of hard work and constant application to arrive at the stage where “gay marriage” is now seen as a good thing, and many people who would have thought otherwise 50 years ago are now in favour of this. It’s that frog again! Unfortunately, in such a climate, young people are raised in a society where this “alternate lifestyle” is now accepted as normal.  

What can we learn from all of this? Given enough time, enough commitment and enough patience, all manner of evil can be foisted on society, and indeed has been. The year 2013 is a very different place, and with very different acceptances, than was the case 50-60 years ago. This is how the verse in Isaiah 5:20 can be explained: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”  And the next verse answers why: “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!”

Politicians think they know better than God. Others ignore biblical teaching and many scoff. The time is coming when our countries will be punished severely, and they will wonder why. The answer will have been there all along for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

The analogy of the frog can help us understand how Satan works and what he has achieved. We need to understand such workings and to make sure that we will never be taken in by them. We can also learn the lesson that we have a lifetime to make progress in our Christian lives, and little by little, perhaps indiscernibly at times, we should be improving, growing and overcoming which is pleasing in the sight of God. When we become more and more accustomed to positive change, then a modified “analogy” about the frog will have a desirable effect in our lives.

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We begin reporting on the recent meteor blast over Russia; tackle the growing problem on drone warfare and the use of drones in general; and address the power struggle in the Catholic Church after the pope’s announcement of his resignation.

We continue reporting on China and its return to the terrible philosophies of Marx and Lenin; speak about the irresponsible conduct of North Korea and the controversial conduct of the Obama Administration regarding Syria; address the EU’s telling ongoing military involvement in other countries, including Mali; and show that European governments are really nervous about the forthcoming election in Italy.

We conclude with an article regarding Islam’s wrong teaching on the consumption of horsemeat.

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Meteors and Asteroids a Real Danger for Planet Earth

NBC News reported on February 16:

“Scientists have raised their estimates of the size and power of what turns out to be the most widely witnessed asteroid strike in modern history. The size estimate puts the object that caused Friday’s meteor blast over Russia in a troublesome category of asteroids: big enough to cause damage, but small enough to evade detection.

“The new estimates, based on additional readings from a sensor network built to detect nuclear blasts, suggest the meteor released the energy equivalent of nearly 500 kilotons of TNT. That’s about 30 times the power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. NASA now says the Chelyabinsk object must have been about 55 feet wide (17 meters wide) with a mass of 10,000 tons before it entered Earth’s atmosphere… The space agency said Friday’s Russian meteor was the largest reported since 1908, when an asteroid roughly the size of 2012 DA14 exploded over a remote wooded areas [sic] in Siberia’s Tunguska region. That blast flattened millions of trees over a 820-square-mile area, but was not widely seen. Friday’s event, in contrast, took place over a city of 1.1 million inhabitants, and hundreds of millions more watched the videos that were distributed over the Internet.

“As powerful as the meteor blast was, it’s on the low end of the asteroid impact scale. Astronomers estimate that there are about a million potentially hazardous near-Earth objects smaller than 100 meters (330 feet) in width, and only about 1 percent of those have been cataloged…”

Fox News wrote on February 15:

“On the same day that the world’s scientists were polishing their telescopes in anticipation of asteroid 2012 DA124, a meteor broke apart over the Ural Mountains in Russia and rained down fire and debris — reportedly injuring nearly 1,000 people. So why didn’t they see this one coming?

“Apparently, size matters… The Russian meteor — estimated to be just 10 tons and about 15 meters or 49 feet wide — entered the Earth’s atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of at least 33,000 mph and shattered about 18-32 miles above the ground. It released the energy of several [hundred] kilotons above the Chelyabinsk region.

“That’s relatively small compared with asteroid 2012 DA14, which will make the closest recorded pass of an asteroid to the Earth — about 17,150 miles — later today. And while NASA’s Near Earth Object Program and other skywatchers track thousands of larger asteroids like it, the countless smaller ones in the heavens are virtually impossible to locate. ‘This thing is probably pretty small compared to DA14,’ explained K.T. Ramesh, professor of science and engineering at Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering and founding director of Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute. ‘If you think about objects the size of the one that came into Russia, you’re probably looking at 100 million up there. Of those likely to intersect Earth, there’s less, maybe 100,000,’ Ramesh told FoxNews.com…”

BBC News reported on February 15:

“An object of similar size to 2012 DA14 carved out the magnificent 1.2km-wide depression known as Meteor Crater in Arizona. This object was metallic – composed of iron and nickel – ensuring that it reached the ground relatively intact… The impact implicated in killing off the dinosaurs… was probably caused by an object some 10-15km wide. The space rock hurtled through our atmosphere, striking Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. Scientists estimate that the explosive energy released by the impact was equivalent to 100 trillion tonnes of TNT – billions of times more explosive than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

“The huge crater that remains from the event is some 180km in diameter and surrounded by a circular fault about 240km in diameter… Initially, the Chicxulub impact triggered large-scale fires, huge earthquakes, and continental landslides which generated tsunamis. Then the hot rock and gas blasted at high velocity into the atmosphere shrouded the planet in darkness. There is evidence for considerable cooling following the asteroid strike; this ‘impact winter’ could have lasted up to 10 years. An object of this size hitting Earth today could potentially wipe out civilisation.”

Please see our new broadcast on YouTube, titled, “The Stars Are Falling.”

President Obama Speaks Out

Breitbart reported on February 17:

“During a Google+ Hangout responding to a question about immigration, President Barack Obama made a stunning remark: ‘This is something I’ve struggled with throughout my presidency,’ said Obama. ‘The problem is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.’”

The problem is that he is not an emperor? Or, that he is the President?

Drone Warfare

The Washington Times published the following editorial by Sen. Rand Paul:

“The recent leak of a Department of Justice white paper on the legal justification for the use of drones to execute American citizens abroad accused of terrorism raises some very important constitutional and moral issues. Politicians should not decide the crime and the punishment for American citizens here or abroad. A trial by jury with a judge is a right to be prized by American citizens… Mr. Obama tells us that an ‘imminent threat’ need not be ‘immediate’… my opposition to his drone killing is an opposition to any politician, Republican or Democrat, becoming an imperial executioner-in-chief. No politician should ever be granted that power…

“Why can we not just kill Americans who dissent? For one, because our government has already shown recklessness in defining who is a terrorist. Fusion centers in Missouri defined pro-life and pro-border-security hawks as potential terrorists. The Department of Justice produced a list of characteristics of terrorists that we should report to the government: people missing fingers; people who’ve changed the color of their hair; people who like to pay in cash; people who have more than seven days of food; and people who buy weatherized ammunition.

“Mr. Obama’s pick for drone-killer-in-chief, John O. Brennan, says the 2001 authorization for military force after Sept. 11 authorizes him to kill American citizens, and it ‘does not contain a geographical limitation’…”

The Washington Times reported on February 18:

“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the White House doesn’t necessarily have to confess to killing American citizens by unarmed drones. It all depends on the situation, she said in reply to a Huffington Post reporter who asked if President Obama’s administration should acknowledge when it targets a U.S. citizen in a drone strike…

“At least one Republican House colleague is outraged. ‘Anytime the government willfully executes a citizen, regardless of the circumstances, it is a very serious issue,’ said Rep. Mike Lee, from Utah, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee… ‘As the body that oversees executive branch actions, at the very least, Congress should have a full accounting — even if it must sometimes be in a classified setting — of the specific considerations that went into the decision.’ Mrs. Pelosi said her views would be the same even if a Republican held the White House.”

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Tyranny in the USA?”

Will Drones Destroy Our Remaining Privacy?

The Sydney Morning Herald wrote on February 17:

“…drones that can record video footage are being sold in large retail stores, alarming privacy experts who say they could be used to spy on people. The drones sell for as little as $350, making them increasingly popular with the general public, and worrying those who believe the technology has the potential to be a peeping Tom in the sky. Associate Professor Kevin Heller from the Melbourne Law School says the idea that private citizens can buy drones and record footage directly onto smartphones had serious privacy implications.

“He said that while ‘not everybody who buys these drones is a closet criminal … there are infinite mischievous possibilities’… Victoria Police is also concerned that drones could be used unlawfully… Police departments throughout the US are already using aerial drones for surveillance purposes.”

Power Struggle in the Catholic Church

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 18:

“A shift is taking place in the otherwise immovable Catholic Church. A global struggle has begun over the prerogative of interpretation, opportunities, legacy and positions — a silent battle for Rome. The ultimate effects of the pope’s resignation are thus far impossible to predict…

“In the modern age, a pope has never resigned from the office, one that some believe is the most important on earth. There hasn’t been an ex-pontiff since the last years of the Schism, after Gregory XII and the Avignon pope agreed to resign to reunite the church. That was the last time that an ex-pope spent the rest of his days strolling around the Vatican gardens as nothing but a simple brother. Never before has the decision of a single pope presented such a challenge to the Catholic Church as this one. Zero hour has begun at the Vatican. The pope’s resignation was certainly ‘great’ within Dante’s meaning. But it was not made through cowardice. On the contrary, it was probably the most courageous step in a long-drifting papacy marred by scandals and misunderstandings. With his revolt against tradition and the church machinery, Benedict XVI may have brought more change to the church than he did in the seven years and 10 months of his papal reign…

“Vatican correspondents agree that there will be a battle for control. The focus is already on holding on to power, the threat that heads will roll and on the web of relationships within the curia after Ratzinger’s departure… There is a saying in secular Rome: ‘morto un papa se ne fa un altro’, or ’if a pope dies, one simply makes another one.’ But it isn’t that easy this time. The pope is still alive and the curia is divided, which makes everything so difficult to predict… Joseph Ratzinger, Bishop of Rome emeritus, will not be present at the conclave. He is five years too old for that. For days, papal spokesman Federico Lombardi has denied that the soon-to-be-ex-pope could nevertheless influence the conclave’s decision, saying that Benedict is too modest. But no one believes Lombardi.

“Every word Benedict will utter in the coming days will be carefully analyzed and possibly even interpreted as a message to the conclave. This was already evident at the Ash Wednesday mass, at which Benedict spoke of ‘religious hypocrisy,’ of ‘individuals and rivalries’ and of ‘sins against the unity of the church and divisions in the body of the church.’ All of this is unambiguous criticism, a settling of accounts, as well as an allusion to the conclave and a preview of what could come in the next few weeks.

“Benedict is giving up power and, at the same time, is accusing his underlings of being obsessed with power, and of clinging to power and of thus being unable to follow their hearts, as he has done. A comparably explosive constellation hasn’t been seen at the Vatican in a long time…

“Benedict has been careful to point out that he intends to ‘hide from the world.’ Nevertheless, he will be a source of conflict for as long as he lives… ‘Benedict threatens to become a shadow pope,’ says Swiss theologian Hans Küng. One cannot simply stop being pope, says Benedict biographer Andreas Englisch. ‘In the worst case, a part of the church would split off, perhaps because Ratzinger believed that his successor was doing great harm to the church’…

“What it’s seeking is a miracle. The Vaticanisti agree that, given this job description, none of the six German cardinals (Paul Josef Cordes, Walter Kasper, Karl Lehmann, Reinhard Marx, Joachim Meisner, Rainer Maria Woelki) is a possibility. If the new pope is to be a European, he will most likely be an Italian. After almost 35 years of foreign rule, first by a Pole and then by a German, an Italian pontiff would certainly be desirable. The problem is that the Italians in the curia are divided, into both territorial groups and theological factions… The Latin Americans, among others, have great expectations… Africa too is hoping for a change of course… ‘… let’s hope it’s not an African!’ Stefan Hippler, a foreign priest in South Africa, said in April 2005 before the white smoke rose from the Sistine Chapel marking the beginning of Benedict’s papacy. The ultra-conservative Cardinal Francis Arinze from Nigeria, now 80, was among the favorites at the time.

“This time around, though, Hippler would consider 64-year-old Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson a good choice. The Ghanaian, already dubbed the ‘Obama of the Vatican,’ is multilingual and has been a member of the Roman curia for more than three years. He is also ranked highly on gambling sites. Turkson is relatively young and open-minded on social issues. He represents positions of Liberation Theology and advocates a cautious correction of course on the issue of condoms. A 63-year-old Brazilian with ancestors from the German state of Saarland, Odilo Pedro Scherer, is also on the list of likely possibles, as is French-Canadian Marc Ouellet, a close friend of Ratzinger who could garner the votes of North and South Americans, thereby bridging the old and new worlds.

“New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, 63, a representative of the wealthy US church, is also frequently mentioned as a possible candidate. And then there is another candidate, the ‘Wojtyla from the Far East,’ Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila in the Philippines. He is said to possess the brain of a theologian and the heart of a shepherd, as well as being more charismatic than most in the College of Cardinals. But at 55, he is also the second youngest in the College of Cardinals, practically a baby by Vatican standards…

“The next pope could be a black man, an African. He could be a charismatic South American or an Italian apparatchik or a reformist European. He could be someone who continues Ratzinger’s course or someone who takes advantage of zero hour…”

Ratzinger—A Future Shadow Pope?

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 18:

“Progressive Catholic theologian Hans Küng, whose authority to teach Catholic theology was rescinded by the Vatican in 1979, spoke to SPIEGEL about the challenges facing the next pope and the need for reform of the Catholic Church… ‘Benedict XVI could turn into a shadow pope who has stepped down but can still exert indirect influence. He has already assigned himself a place within the Vatican.

“‘He is keeping his secretary, who will also remain prefect of the papal household under the new pope. This is a new form of nepotism, and one that isn’t appreciated in the Vatican either. No priest likes to have his predecessor looking over his shoulder. Even the bishop of Rome doesn’t find it pleasant to have his predecessor constantly keeping an eye on him.”

Please see our StandingWatch program, “Peter of Rome—The Last Black Pope?” 

China’s Problems and the Return to Marx and Lenin

The Wall Street Journal wrote on February 6:

“Karl Marx would be pleased. After decades of ‘from each according to their ability,’ China’s rulers are promising a bit of ‘to each according to their need.’ A wide-ranging plan to address income inequality, endorsed by China’s State Council on Tuesday, is meant to head off social unrest by closing the gap between rich and poor. It should also help get China’s economy on an even keel, with more equal income distribution fostering higher levels of consumption…

“Not everyone will be pleased by the plans. Liberalizing interest rates—and restricting fees—will erode profits at the banks. Higher wages will impose costs on manufacturers and exporters already struggling with razor thin margins. The luxury sector could suffer from a crackdown on corruption and more taxes on high-end goods and services. The winners are firms that can sell into the broad, shallow markets of China’s emerging middle class…

“Making progress, though, won’t be easy. Beijing will have to swallow lower growth… Look out for the return of Marx to China’s markets.”

The New York Times added on February 14:

“When China’s new leader, Xi Jinping, visited the country’s south to promote himself before the public as an audacious reformer following in the footsteps of Deng Xiaoping, he had another message to deliver to Communist Party officials behind closed doors. Despite decades of heady economic growth, Mr. Xi told party insiders… China must still heed the ‘deeply profound’  lessons of the former Soviet Union, where political rot, ideological heresy and military disloyalty brought down the governing party… he demanded a return to traditional Leninist discipline… He has also repeatedly demanded that the military show unflinching loyalty — a principle that, in his view, the Soviet Communist Party under Mikhail S. Gorbachev fatally failed to uphold.’”

North Korea Threatens Final Destruction of South Korea

Reuters reported on February 19:

“North Korea threatened South Korea with ‘final destruction’ during a debate at the U.N Conference on Disarmament on Tuesday, saying it could take ‘second and third steps’ after a nuclear test last week… ‘If the U.S. takes a hostile approach toward the DPRK to the last, rendering the situation complicated, it (North Korea) will be left with no option but to take the second and third stronger steps in succession,’ [North Korean diplomat Jon Yong Ryong said]. His comments drew immediate criticism from other nations, including South Korea and Britain… U.S. Ambassador Laura Kennedy said she found North Korea’s statement profoundly disturbing.”

Does President Obama Support President Assad of Syria?

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 19:

“Syrian activists say that the conflict raging in their country is not a ‘civil war’ at all – it’s a massacre perpetrated by the government on its own people. The United Nations high commissioner for human rights Navi Pillay this month put the latest death toll for the two-year conflict at ‘approaching 70,000’ – but the relentless reports of atrocities in Aleppo and the suburbs of Damascus have done nothing to move western governments to intervene in the conflict…

“For the Syrian activists abroad, this lack of action equals support for President Bashar Assad’s brutal regime… Just what is preventing the West’s intervention in the Syrian conflict? In last two weeks, it has become clear that one significant obstacle is US President Barack Obama…”

EU Dispatches Military Training Mission to Mali

Deutsche Welle reported on February 19:

“The German cabinet has given the green light for German military instructors to begin the training of the Malian army. Germany’s armed forces are to provide logistical support, but will not be deployed in combat…

“The Malian army is poorly trained and equipped, which is why the European Union has decided to dispatch a military training mission. More than a dozen EU countries will be taking part in this mission which is due to start in the next few weeks… German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle says Mali’s security is crucial for Europe…”

The Future of Nuclear Weapons

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 19:

“Just hours after US President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address last week, in which he announced a new push to convince Russia to jointly reduce their respective nuclear arsenals, North Korea went ahead with its third nuclear test. Iran, meanwhile, is suspected of working on its own ‘bomb,’ despite international efforts to contain the program, while Pakistan, a highly unstable country, already has an atomic weapon…

“A world without nuclear weapons appears to be a distant dream. Is there any chance to achieve a nuclear-free world…?

“In addition to the recognized nuclear powers – USA, Russia, Britain, France and China – at least India, Pakistan and North Korea also have the bomb. Israel is believed to possess nuclear weapons, but this has never been officially confirmed by the government. All four of these countries have not signed the NPT and are not likely to join any international effort at global disarmament…

“In the case of Pakistan and India, these two adversarial nuclear powers are right next door to one another. A resolution of their long-standing regional conflict, not to mention nuclear disarmament, will only ever be achieved through bilateral negotiations. North Korea is also not interested in disarmament…  An Iranian atomic bomb would seriously disrupt the balance of power in the entire region… The road to a nuclear-free world… is a long way off.”

And with it the hope for world peace. Only the return of Jesus Christ will accomplish both.

Berlusconi—a Real Danger for Italy and the EU

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 19:

“It was German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble who allegedly fired the first shot. In an interview with the Italian newsmagazine l’Espresso late last week, Schäuble warned Italians against voting for Silvio Berlusconi in general elections scheduled for Feb. 24 and 25… ‘my advice to the Italians is not to make the same mistake again by re-electing him.’ A Finance Ministry spokesman was quick to deny that Schäuble had said such a thing. But this week, given Berlusconi’s seemingly inexorable climb toward the top of Italian public opinion polls, two more top German politicians have warned against re-electing a man who many see as being partially responsible for the economic troubles facing the country.

“‘We are of course not a party in the Italian campaign,’ German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle told the center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung in comments printed on Tuesday. ‘But whoever ends up forming the next government, we are emphatic that (Rome’s) pro-European path and necessary reforms are continued.’ Given Berlusconi’s fiscally irresponsible campaign promises combined with his anti-European rhetoric, it isn’t difficult to guess who Westerwelle’s verbal darts were aimed at. But just to be sure the message was clear, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in German parliament, Ruprecht Polenz, also spoke up. Polenz, a senior member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, said: ‘Italy needs political leaders who stand for the future. Berlusconi is certainly not one of them.’…

“The anxiety apparent in the comments is the result of Berlusconi’s astounding rise from political afterthought last autumn to a genuine threat to win a fourth term as Italian prime minister… A Berlusconi victory, many fear, could result in an immediate rise in Italian borrowing costs and a return to the critical situation in which Rome found itself in late 2011, when Berlusconi was essentially forced to step down in favor of the technocratic government led by outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti… One Italian bank even went so far this week as to issue a report arguing that a Berlusconi election would almost certainly force the country to apply for emergency bailout aid from the EU…

“And Chancellor Merkel? She has so far remained silent on the Italian campaign. But her antipathy for Berlusconi is not something she goes out of her way to hide… Just this week, Berlusconi called Merkel an ‘Eastern bureaucrat,’ a reference to her having grown up in communist East Germany. That, of course, can be regarded as a compliment in comparison with some of the things he has said about the German leader in the past.”

How anyone could vote for Berlusconi is beyond comprehension. But especially in Italy, the land of Benito Mussolini, strange things do happen.

Koran—Wrong Again on Horsemeat

The Local reported on February 19:

“The Berliner Zeitung daily reported on Monday that traces of horse and pork had been found in kebabs in Berlin [and] in Leipzig. Normally made from lamb, döner sandwiches with pork would be outrage for Germany’s Muslim and Jewish communities. Horse is also not considered kosher, although it can be halal according to Islam… Traces of horsemeat were detected in processed meals sold in a number of German supermarket chains last week. Horse has also been discovered in beef tortellini manufactured in Germany by a Liechtenstein-based group, Hilcona, and sold by budget retailer Lidl.”

The Bible prohibits the consumption of horsemeat. It is “unclean” and can’t be made clean. The Koran does apparently teach that horsemeat is “halal” or permissible.

As one Website informs us, “In Arabic, the word halal means permitted or lawful. Halal foods are foods that are allowed under Islamic dietary guidelines. According to these guidelines gathered from the Qu’ran, Muslim followers cannot consume the following: pork or pork by products; animals that were dead prior to slaughtering; animals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allah; blood and blood by products.”

As one can see, these dietary laws are a mixture of right and wrong. Only the true God of the Bible tells us with authority what animal meat is good for food, and in a conflict, we are to obey God and not human beings.

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Who will build the Temple of Ezekiel? (Part 2)

Jesus very clearly said that the Temple of God which existed in His generation would be utterly destroyed (compare Matthew 24:1-2; Mark 13:1-2; Luke 21:1-6). However, He also spoke of startling prophecies for our day in answer to His disciples’ questions: “‘…Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’” (Matthew 24:3).

Among the future occurrences Jesus related, the following astounding statement is made by Him—warning of an event that was not yet fulfilled, but it would be shortly before His return:

“‘Therefore when you see the “abomination of desolation,” spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the HOLY PLACE’ (whoever reads, let him understand)…” (Matthew 24:15; also, Mark 13:14).

Jesus continued to warn His disciples, especially about “‘false christs and false prophets’” in verse 24, and He added this intriguing caution:

“‘Therefore if they say to you, “Look, He is in the desert!” do not go out; or “Look, He is in the INNER ROOMS!” do not believe it’” (Matthew 24:26).

“INNER ROOMS,” along with what Jesus had just said about “the abomination of desolation… standing in the HOLY PLACE,” gives strong evidence that a Temple of God will exist in the City of Jerusalem at the time leading up to Christ’s return, and that the “inner rooms” might refer to the section of the Tabernacle and later the Temple called the “Holiest of All” (Hebrews 9:3)!

There is more proof that this will happen, and we find it in the writings of the apostle Paul. In his second letter to the Thessalonian Church of God, Paul cautioned the brethren there not to believe what some were falsely teaching about the return of Christ being imminent:

“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

“The man of sin” has not yet been revealed, nor did someone fulfill this prophecy in the first century A.D. before the Temple of God was destroyed by the Romans! Indeed, Paul reveals that the man he is writing about will be living when Jesus Christ returns:

“And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10).

The Book of Revelation, written well after the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., gives us more detail about “the man of sin” or the “false prophet,” as well as the religious system which he will represent and lead:

”Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666” (Revelation 13:11-18).

The fate of this individual is to be thrown alive into a burning lake of fire (compare Revelation 19:20; 20:10). This serves to confirm that the “man of sin” is uniquely singled out for the horrific actions he will commit—including his pretense of being “God” and of daring to enter into the inner rooms of the Temple of God!

Just before the two witnesses identified in Revelation 11 begin their prophesying for a period of one thousand two hundred and sixty days, mention of an existing Temple of God is made:

“Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months” (Revelation 11:1-2). Some feel that the reference to the Temple in 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 11 is meant to apply to the Church of God, which is sometimes described as a spiritual Temple, but the context of these passages and the intended meaning prohibit such an interpretation.

We see, then, that the New Testament, with writings from before and after the destruction of the Temple, contains prophetic evidence that another Temple of God will be present at the end-time.

We have already established in Part 1 of this Q&A that the Old Testament both foretold and then reported on the building of the Temples of Solomon and Zerrubabel. It also contains remarkable prophecies about the Temple of God to which Jesus Christ will come!

As referred to by Jesus, Daniel speaks of “the wing of abominations… who makes desolate” and of the “abomination of desolation” in the visions given to him by God (compare Daniel 9:27; 11:31; and 12:11). The Temple of God constructed by Zerubbabel suffered a prefiguring of this prophecy when Antiochus IV Epiphanes ruled over the Jews in the second century B.C. From the Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible; Herbert Lockyer, Sr., Editor; Antiochus, page 69:

“Antiochus IV (175-164 B.C.), surnamed Epiphanes (God manifest) but called by his enemies Epimanes (madman). Antiochus IV was one of the cruelest rulers of all time. Like his father, Antiochus III the Great, he was enterprising and ambitious; however, he had a tendency to cruelty that bordered on madness. His primary aim—to unify his empire by spreading Greek civilization and culture—brought him into direct conflict with the Jews. This conflict broke into open rebellion in 167 B.C. Accounts of these conflicts are found in the apocryphal book of 2 Maccabees.

“The revolt began with Antiochus’ edict that sought to unite all the peoples of his kingdom in religion, law, and custom. The Jews were the only people who would not adhere to this edict. Antiochus issued regulations against observing the Sabbath, practicing circumcision, and keeping all food laws. These regulations were followed by the ‘Abomination of Desolation’ (Dan. 11:31)—the erection of the altar of the Greek god Zeus over the altar of the burnt offering in the Temple. Jews were forced to participate in heathen festivities and were put to death if they were caught with the Book of the Law in their possession.

“As the revolt, led by Judas Maccabeus, gained momentum, the people of Israel united to overthrow Seleucid domination of their land. The Syrians were routed and the Temple was cleansed on the 25th of Chislev, 165 B.C. This cleansing is now observed by the Jews as the Feast of Lights (Hanukkah), around December 25. According to ancient writers, Antiochus IV withdrew into the East following his defeat. He died in Persia a madman…”

Understand, however, that this event foreshadowing what would happen in a future Temple of God was just a type and not the ultimate fulfillment.  Daniel was told to “‘shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end…’” (12:4); and, that “‘the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end’” (12:9). Then, in verse 11 of Daniel 12, we find this extraordinary statement:

“‘And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.’”

This prophecy is speaking of a situation which will occur in the final generation, the one to be living just before the return of Jesus Christ! It addresses the forceful cessation of daily sacrifices—something which could only rightfully be happening at the site of the Temple of God. It is true that in the past, the Jews sacrificed at the Temple site before the Temple was actually built. But they did so after the foundation of the Temple had been laid, and in anticipation of the final completion of the structure. It also reveals that a yet future idolatrous act of sacrilege will take place—the very thing we have already cited from what Jesus warned and the apostles Paul and John wrote.

Jeremiah also addresses the desecration of the Temple of God.

In chapters 50 and 51 of the Book of Jeremiah, God’s judgment on Babylon is proclaimed. While parts of this prophecy pertain to Babylon in the time of King Nebuchadnezzar, there is duality in applying and understanding what is written.

Focusing on the future fulfillment of this prophecy, carefully consider the following:

“‘In those days and in that time,’ says the LORD, ‘The children of Israel shall come, They and the children of Judah together; With continual weeping they shall come, And seek the LORD their God. They shall ask the way to Zion, With their faces toward it, saying, “Come and let us join ourselves to the LORD In a perpetual covenant That will not be forgotten”’” (Jeremiah 50:4-5).

This is an event which has never happened, but it will in the future as many other scriptures support!

Note, also:

“‘The voice of those who flee and escape from the land of Babylon Declares in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, The vengeance of His temple’” (Jeremiah 50:28; compare 51:11, 24).

“You who have escaped the sword, Get away! Do not stand still! Remember the LORD afar off, And let Jerusalem come to your mind. We are ashamed because we have heard reproach. Shame has covered our faces, For strangers have come into the sanctuaries (better, Holy places) of the LORD’S house” (Jeremiah 51:50-51). 

Again, what Jesus indicated would happen regarding the defilement of the Temple of God finds mention in prophesied events at the close of the age!

There is great significance to the Temple of God which has yet to arise in Jerusalem—prophecies from both the Old and New Testaments make mention of it! And while this Temple will again become part of Jewish life, it will also be profaned when it is seized and occupied by the final resurrection of the Roman Empire—Babylon the Great!

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The new member letter for February, written by Rene Messier, has been sent out and posted on the Web. 

Our new booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever,” is being printed and should be ready for distribution by the beginning of March.

Evangelist Norbert Link has recorded a new StandingWatch program, titled, “Tyranny in the USA?” Here is the summary: The Guardian speaks of the usurpation of radical and dangerous powers in the context of drone warfare. Retired General Vallely speaks of tyrannical ways of the president. Der Spiegel warns of the demise of the political order to be replaced by a global police state. Deutsche Welle accuses the US government of illegal killings of suspects without charges and trial. Senator Rand Paul accuses the government of recklessness. President Obama laments that he is only the president and not the emperor. And Time magazine warns that one day, the U.S. will bitterly regret its course of conduct. What is going on? Are we observing U.S. tyranny in the making?

This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Saturday, March 16, 2013, following the broadcast of the program, “Peter of Rome—The Last Black Pope?”, beginning March 9, 2013.

We have now posted the videos from last week’s sermonette and sermon, both presented by Norbert Link. Here are the titles and summaries:

“The Stars Are Falling”: Fox News asked the question as to why scientists didn’t see the Russian meteorite coming. The answer is simple: There are just far too many asteroids and meteors out there, and it is estimated that 100,000 of them are likely to intersect with Earth in the future. The Bible shows that in the past, these impacts did happen, and it prophesies terrible calamities in the future.

“Europe—an Economic Power Bloc”: What does the Bible say about Europe’s future? Some have taught that Europe’s “experiment” of unification will fail, and that the euro will collapse. They are terribly wrong and don’t understand what the Bible teaches. Europe is destined to become the most powerful economic bloc in the world. It will exceed by far the United States, Great Britain, the Arab nations  or China. However, at the height of its prosperity, it will suddenly fall—but not before it has launched unparalleled persecution on true Christians.

“Europas Reichtum” is the title of this week’s German sermon. In English, the title is “Europe’s Wealth!”  It covers the wealth of united Europe and its demise, as well as the prince of Tyre–or false prophet–and the persecution of Christians (similar to the sermon from last Sabbath).

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Tree House Shack

by Shana Rank

Not too many years back — before marriage, before university, and before kids — I found myself in an adventure of a lifetime. Newly baptized and my backpack full, I left my home in Colorado to live on an Island far out at sea. Kauai is the “Garden Island” of the Hawaiian Islands, and this was my new home.

I temporarily lived in a hostel, helping out throughout the week for free room and board, though I had my sights on a more permanent residence on the North Shore. After I got a job at a coffee shop in Hanalei, I began asking around and checking the local advertisement boards for a place to live. A friend shared a listing with me and off I went to check it out.

I remember walking into the “space” and laughing in disbelief to myself. What my eyes saw was a shack—literally boards nailed together around a tree, kind of like a kids’ playhouse. There was an outhouse and an outside shower. The footprint of the house was approximately 8 x 12 feet, with a loft to sleep in. The front door was a screen-door with a simple latch hook. I left that shack shaking my head and wondering who on earth could live in a place like that!

I could, and I did end up living in that shack. At first, I could not see the silver lining to my situation. I began to understand that my happiness and well-being did not hinge on square footage and air-conditioning. I also learned to find great contentment in only what I needed and nothing more. As a newly begotten member of God’s Family, I was taken care of; I had running water, and shelter and a place to grow. My lesson continues to be this: never doubt God’s Hand in my life—even when my eyes may deceive me!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Tyranny in the USA?

The Guardian speaks of the usurpation of radical and dangerous powers in the context of drone warfare. Retired General Vallely speaks of tyrannical ways of the president. Der Spiegel warns of the demise of the political order to be replaced by a global police state. Deutsche Welle accuses the US government of illegal killings of suspects without charges and trial. Senator Rand Paul accuses the government of recklessness. President Obama laments that he is only the president and not the emperor. And Time magazine warns that one day, the U.S. will bitterly regret its course of conduct. What is going on? Are we observing U.S. tyranny in the making?

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Europe—an Economic Power Bloc

What does the Bible say about Europe’s future? Some have taught that Europe’s “experiment” of unification will fail, and that the euro will collapse. They are terribly wrong and don’t understand what the Bible teaches. Europe is destined to become the most powerful economic bloc in the world. It will exceed by far the United States, Great Britain, the Arab nations  or China. However, at the height of its prosperity, it will suddenly fall—but not before it has launched unparalleled persecution on true Christians.

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The Stars Are Falling

Fox News asked the question as to why scientists didn’t see the Russian meteorite coming. The answer is simple: There are just far too many asteroids and meteors out there, and it is estimated that 100,000 of them are likely to intersect with Earth in the future. The Bible shows that in the past, these impacts did happen, and it prophesies terrible calamities in the future.

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Current Events

Present German Pope Resigns

On February 11, the New York Times wrote the following:

“Citing advanced years and infirmity, but showing characteristic tough-mindedness and unpredictability, Pope Benedict XVI shocked Roman Catholics on Monday by saying that he would resign on Feb. 28, becoming the first pope to do so in six centuries… Benedict’s papacy was overshadowed by clerical abuse scandals, a case involving documents leaked from within the Vatican itself and tangles with Jews, Muslims and Anglicans. In his handling of the sexual abuse crisis, critics said that his failures of governance were tantamount to moral failings… Father Lombardi said that the pope would continue to carry out his duties until Feb. 28 at 8 p.m., and that a successor would probably be elected by Easter, which falls on March 31…

“The church’s 265th pope, Benedict was the first German to hold the title in half a millennium, and his election was a milestone toward Germany’s spiritual renewal 60 years after World War II and the Holocaust. At 78, he was also the oldest new pope since 1730…”

A Divisive Figure

Der Spiegel wrote on February 11:

“Ever since his appointment in April 2005, Benedict XVI has been a divisive figure. The euphoria over the election of a Bavarian pope that first swept Germany has long since receded. With all due respect to the first pope to voluntarily step down in hundreds of years: In the eight years he held office, the pope did more to polarize than to unify Catholics in his country of birth… Here in Germany, his election led to an increasing split within the Church. On the one side were the disappointed advocates of long-overdue reform. On the other were the fundamentalists, the upholders of tradition and self-appointed guardians of the faith who wanted to turn the clock back to before the Second Vatican Council and sought salvation in an authoritarian and hierarchical Church of the past…

“Some in Germany are already speaking of a schism within the Conference of Bishops. During his years in office, Pope Benedict boosted the reactionary wing of the Catholic community, with its frequently obscure splinter groups, more than his predecessor did — be it with his approaches to the ultra-conservative Pius Brothers, his scolding of renegade theologians or his fondness for the Traditional Mass. His efforts to address the abuse scandals that rocked the Catholic Church all over the world were too little, too late. Neither in the United States, Ireland nor Germany did he and his bishops manage to regain the trust subsequently lost.  Under a German pope, no less, the Church’s reputation arrived at an all-time low in Germany in early 2013. According to a study conducted by the Sinus Institute, even the most loyal Catholics don’t trust their own bishops. Once hailed as a sophisticate, the head of the Church morphed into a leader who lurched on the international stage from one unfortunate mishap to another…

“Benedict’s resignation, however, now reshuffles the cards. Power structures could shift as a result, however slightly, when a new pope, possibly even one from another continent, blesses the world from St. Peter’s Basilica this Easter. It is a prospect that fills many leading Catholics in Germany with hope, others with fear. The pope, though, has taken some steps to ensure that his political legacy will continue in Rome — particularly through his appointment of former Regensburg Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller. As the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Müller is a rough and ready guarantee of strict orthodoxy on central Vatican positions. And just a short time ago, Benedict elevated his private secretary, Georg Gänswein, to the status of bishop.

“… many in Germany have long yearned for an end to the Ratzinger era, no matter who might succeed him. It remains to be seen whether German bishops will have more confidence than before to follow a more independent path. But there will certainly be more room for risk taking. Indeed, Benedict’s resignation offers the Catholic Church in Germany a new chance to free itself from torpor created by this paternalistic pope and to perhaps finally find a way to begin resolving the deep crisis facing German Catholics.”

The Search for a Successor

As the Catholic Church is preparing for the election of a new pope, opinions vary widely as to whether the upcoming election will be inspired by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary—or whether it will be simply the product of politicking and human agreements under the sway and influence of the current pope, or perhaps even the “dark side.”

The Associated Press reported on February 11:

“The announcement… will also allow Benedict to hold great sway over the choice of his successor. He has already hand-picked the bulk of the College of Cardinals — the princes of the church who will elect the next Pope — to guarantee his conservative legacy and ensure an orthodox future for the church…

“The last Pope to resign was Pope Gregory XII, who stepped down in 1415 in a deal to end the Great Western Schism among competing papal claimants. The most famous resignation was Pope Celestine V in 1294; Dante placed him in hell for it…

“[Benedict] called it prophetic that a German followed a Polish pope — with both men coming from such different sides of World War II…”

The Guardian wrote on February 11:

“By the time the conclave begins, there is likely to be at least some consensus over the leading contenders. But Catholics believe that, once behind the shut doors of the Sistine Chapel, the cardinals are guided to their decision by God directly in the guise of the Holy Spirit. Anything becomes possible.”

In his resignation, the pope wrote: “… let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 11:

“In terms of church politics, Pope Benedict XVI’s eight-year tenure was a period of transition. But he did leave his own mark by appointing nearly half of the cardinals who will now elect his successor…”

The Washington Times wrote on February 11:

“It will be the first conclave to take place with a previous pope still alive since the one that selected Boniface in 1294, and it is clear Benedict will yield great influence over a conclave in which every voting cardinal was appointed either by Benedict or by John Paul with the counsel of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict’s name before he became pope. It is unlikely that Benedict will make a single utterance about the conclave once he steps down, but Vatican experts said cardinals will know that whatever decision they make will be judged by the man he replaced. ‘A strong figure like Benedict will be in the [conclave] even if he is not there physically,’ said the Rev. Alistair Sear, a retired church historian. ‘He will be in their thoughts as they cast their votes.’”

The Washington Post wrote on February 11:

“In the 13th century, the position was vacant for 31 / 2 years… In some ways, the selection of a new pope will have more potential to influence the future of Catholicism than the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then 78, in 2005…

“The list is highly speculative. Unlike in a presidential race, Vatican practice for centuries has barred public discussion about possible successors while a pope is alive, or anything that even whiffs of open campaigning. Italians make up a quarter of the cardinals who will participate in the voting meeting, or conclave, in March. Europeans make up more than half. Since this pope is alive, the cardinals are in unchartered waters and will probably meet in small groups to quietly brainstorm and discuss the possibilities until the conclave begins.

“That’s when they will decide what kind of theologian they want, what kind of manager, what kind of communicator. Do they want to try to revive the powerful and secularizing West or turn toward the developing world, where two-thirds of Catholics now live? Even within regions, there is huge diversity. For example, some African Catholics aren’t as orthodox on contraception, which can protect from AIDS, but are conservative on homosexuality…

“Catholic debate in the United States often centers on issues such as whether the church should allow the ordination of women or married priests. But those are not the debates of the cardinals, all of whom were picked by Benedict or his like-minded predecessor, Pope John Paul II. They are in agreement on such matters as allowing female priests, contraception, or equality for gays and lesbians: no, no and no.”

“Will a Black Pope Replace Benedict?”

On February 11, Newsmax ran an article with the above-cited headline, continuing:

“With the shocking announcement that Pope Benedict XVI will be stepping down at the end of the month, all eyes are now on the men who are being considered to replace him and become the 266th Pope. Many within the Roman Catholic Church believe the time has come for a non-European to ascend to the papacy. Here is a look at some of the front-runners:

“Peter Turkson (Ghana, age 64) is the one of the top African candidates. Head of the Vatican justice and peace bureau, he is spokesman for the Church’s social conscience and backs world financial reform… 

“Francis Arinze (Nigeria, age 80) is also a strong African contender. He is Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, having served as prefect from 2002 to 2008. He is the current Cardinal Bishop of Velletri-Segni, succeeding Joseph Ratzinger in 2005…

“In addition, there is a large and growing Catholic population in Latin America to consider. The region already represents 42 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion-strong Catholics, the largest single block in the Church, compared to 25 percent in Europe.”

The “Prophecy” of an Ancient Bishop

Newsmax wrote on February 13:

“Ancient Catholic prophecies by a revered Irish bishop end with the chilling prediction that the next Pope to be selected by the College of Cardinals to fill Benedict XVI’s place will be the last Pope. St. Malachy, an Archbishop of Armagh who died in 1148, left behind a list of 112 Popes that has amazed some with its remarkable accuracy. Malachy used a short phrase in Latin to describe each Pope, beginning with Celestine II and ‘From a castle on the Tiber.’ That Pope’s birth name was Guido di Castello. More recently, he described Pope John Paul I with the phrase: ‘From the midst of the moon.’ His reign, which began in 1978, began with the moon half full and lasted only one month — or one moon. He was followed by Pope John Paul II by the Latin expression ‘Laboris Solis’ — or translated ‘From the labor of the sun’ — an expression meaning a solar eclipse.  As it turned out, John Paul II was the only known pope to be born on the day of a solar eclipse — and he was buried on the day of a solar eclipse.

“A near total eclipse was seen across Europe on May 18, 1920, the day he was born in Poland. And on April 8, 2005, the day of the Pope’s funeral, a partial solar eclipse blotted out most of the sun and darkened a wide area of the world, from the South Pacific to the Western Hemisphere. For the next Pope, Benedict XVI, St. Malachy wrote: ‘Glory of the olive.’ Before the Pope was selected, some suggested a Benedictine would be elected because the order is sometimes referred to as the Olivetans, whose name ultimately derives from the Mount of Olives in the New Testament. A Benedictine was not selected. However, upon his election as pontiff, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger chose the name Benedict after St. Benedict of Nursia, founder of the Benedictine Order.

“St. Malachy described only one more Pope after Benedict, ‘Petrus Romanus’ or ‘Peter the Roman.’ The Irish prophet wrote: ‘In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (Rome) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.’  Some believe the prophecy could foretell the destruction of the Church, or the world, and play into Christian prophecy as revealed in the book of Revelation which suggests a final battle between good and evil…

“According to a traditional account, Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II in 1139, and while there he purportedly experienced a vision of future Popes. He recorded the vision in his cryptic phrases and this manuscript was left in an archive and forgotten until its rediscovery in 1590…”

Please see our new StandingWatch program, “Peter of Rome–The Last Black Pope?” If that “prophecy” was indeed genuine,  it was not a prophecy given by God. And one cannot trust demonic prophecies. Even though demons may know aspects of the truth and the future, they are also liars and deceivers.

Cartoons and Lightning

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 13:

“The day before it happened, a German page-a-day calendar prophesied the pope’s resignation, and then lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Were these mysterious events just coincidence or a sign from God? On Monday morning he tore off a page from his daily calendar, just like any other day. But then a bit later he heard the news on the radio: Pope Benedict XVI was resigning.  ‘I was a bit shocked,’ says Jürgen Holtfreter. Certainly the announcement came as [a] shock to many, but Holtfreter was positively mystified. The calendar he had updated was his own — a page-a-day cartoon calendar called ‘Karicartoon’ that he produces each year. The cartoon that he tore away from the day before, Sunday February 10, happened to be of the pope winning the lottery. ‘Holy sack of straw!,’ the pope thinks as he sees all of his numbers come up on the televized lottery results. Then, the thought bubble became prophetic. ‘I’m quitting tomorrow!’ it reads. And then, as though the cartoon had predicted the future, Pope Benedict XVI announced he was stepping down.

“Holtfreter says the 2013 calendar was finished around Easter of 2012. It was a coincidence ‘as unlikely as a lottery win,’ says cartoonist Katharina Greve, who originally created the prophetic drawing about a year and a half ago for the German weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung… The cartoon wasn’t the only strange coincidence on that day, though. On Monday evening, two photojournalists and a BBC video captured stunning images of a bolt of lightning striking St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican late on Monday afternoon after the pope’s announcement. And this after one of his senior cardinals, Angelo Sodano, had made the widely quoted comment that Benedict’s move was a ‘bolt of lightning in a clear blue sky.’  Mere coincidences, or a message from beyond?”

German Reactions

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 12:

“Pope Benedict XVI told almost no one that he was preparing to become the first pope in 719 years to resign from the papacy. His advisors were taken by surprise, as were the cardinals attending a papal consistory on Monday, a gathering they believed had been called for a trio of canonizations. Cardinal Angelo Sodano, who was present, called the announcement ‘a bolt of lightning in a clear blue sky.’ But the pope’s brother, Georg Ratzinger, knew. He knew the exact date and even the time when Joseph, three years his junior, was going to announce his resignation…

“Center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘… Only in his departure has Benedict broken the chains of tradition. Everywhere else, he left those chains alone, or even strengthened them… As a bridge builder, he was never able to reach the other side of the bridge. As such, the question remains at the end of his papacy: transition to what? Nobody knows…’

“Conservative daily Die Welt writes: ‘… One should… recognize that there are good reasons for strengthening the earthly institution of the church as an antipode to the current zeitgeist and its unavoidable relativization of values. One should understand why he cannot say yes to gay marriage and why he cannot embrace Protestantism. The church’s dilemma is simple: If it refuses to bend to the times, it will lose members; if it does bend, it will lose them anyway…’

“Center-right daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘… Benedict saw himself confronted with powers in the church that darkened the light of faith, dampened hope and perverted love. The long episode of sexual abuse fell over the papacy of Benedict XVI and over the entire church like a devilish shadow… In one facet, Benedict is similar to his predecessor Pope John Paul II. Both had their difficulties in dealing with the Roman Curia and with the machinations of the cardinals. John Paul II escaped by travelling the world, Benedict XVI retired to the world of his books…’

“Left-leaning daily Die Tageszeitung’s front page is largely blank on Tuesday, but for the words ‘Gott Sei Dank,’ or ‘Thank God.’ Below the fold is an editorial entitled ‘Even Worse than Expected.’ ‘It is good that this pope is gone, because nothing is good. Not in the Vatican and certainly not in the rest of the global church. During his eight-year papacy, Pope Benedict XVI managed to outdo even the worst fears harbored by Catholics in Germany. As God’s deputy, Benedict showed little interest in facing the numerous sexual abuse crimes within his own institution. Nor did he wish to confront the fascist organization Opus Dei. Whether the topic was women, homosexuals, rape or human rights, it is hard to be more reactionary than this pope proved to be. The papal visit to the home of Martin Luther also served to cement the schism and destroyed all hope for a long overdue rapprochement between the two large Christian churches. It would be a good thing if Pope Benedict XVI were the last of his kind…’”

But he won’t be. The next pope will continue in the traditions of his predecessor.

Tyranny in America?

On February 7, 2013, Newsmax reported:

“As a senator, Barack Obama decried George W. Bush’s use of presidential war powers to prosecute the war on terror. As president, Obama has embraced those powers and promoted the preemptive use of drones to target al-Qaida operatives. That’s the thrust of an editorial in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal that accuses the administration of ‘hypocrisy.’…

“The editorial comes after the leaking of a confidential 16-page Justice Department memo asserting that the U.S. can order the killing of American citizens it deems a threat. The ‘white paper’, obtained by NBC News, states that Americans and others can be targeted if they are believed to be ‘senior operational leaders’ of al-Qaida or ‘an associated force,’ even if there is no evidence that they are engaged in an active plot to attack American interests. Drone strikes in Yemen in September 2011 killed al-Qaida operatives Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, both American citizens ‘who had never been indicated by the U.S. government or charged with any crimes,’ NBC reported.

“The Justice Department memo states: ‘The condition that an operational leader present an “imminent” threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future.’ Rather, it claims, an ‘informed, high-level’ American official may determine that the targeted American has been recently involved in activities posing a threat of violent attack and ‘there is no evidence suggesting that he has renounced or abandoned such activities.’…

“The editorial also comes two days after The New York Times reported that a clandestine U.S. drone base was built in Saudi Arabia to carry out strikes against al-Qaida operatives in neighboring Yemen. The Times and other news organizations say they knew about the base for some time but had not revealed its existence at the request of U.S. officials.”

These developments are indeed deeply disturbing and frightening, and it appears to be thoroughly unconstitutional to grant autocratic powers to an “‘informed, high-level’ American official” to order the assassination of suspected American citizens without charges, trials or conviction under the disguise of a “war” on terror. One can’t help but begin to draw comparisons with dictatorial leaderships, such as Egyptian President Morsi’s attempts to gain autocratic powers.

On February 8, 2013, Newsmax reported:

“Administration Documents providing legal coverage for drone strikes on Americans are just more of the ‘tyrannical’ ways the president is using his executive powers to run the government, warns Gen. Paul Vallely. The retired general…  told Newsmax TV…  that using drones is nothing new, but President Barack Obama’s authorization to use them against Americans is ‘what’s in question’… 

“Vallely said he’s…  concerned, as are many other Americans, that Obama has granted himself broader powers without consulting Congress through his use of executive orders and classified documents. ‘We have growing here a tyrannical form of government which is supposed to be a shared government with Congress, the White House, and the courts . . . They’re trying to consolidate power solely within the White House and the executive branch while at the same time diminishing the court’s input,’ he said. Vallely noted, however, that Congress in his view is ‘inept and weakened’ and therefore won’t shut off funding for the drone program despite ‘what we see happening.’”

The American People “rebelled” against the “tyranny” of the British King. Some warn that they will be “rebelling” soon against the “tyranny” of the American President.

The Dire Prospects of Drone Warfare

Der Spiegel wrote on February 8:

“Germany’s government recently announced plans to do a 180-degree policy shift by deploying armed drones in combat. It argues that remote-controlled killing machines are no different than any other weapons… Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière has spoken, and it’s apparently no big deal. ‘In ethical terms,’ he says, ‘a weapon should always be viewed neutrally’… Franz Josef Strauss… [ancient] predecessor at the Defense Ministry, said weapons aren’t evil, just their use — and even then only sometimes. That was in the 1950s, when Strauss was trying to equip the new Bundeswehr, Germany’s postwar military, with nuclear weapons.

“The Basic Law, as Germany’s constitution is called, allows Germans to cite reasons of [conscience] in refusing to take up arms for the country, thereby respecting their opposition to weapons on ethical grounds. In fact, the very first section of the constitution’s very first article says respecting ‘human dignity’ is ‘inviolable’ and elevates it to the status of the supreme ‘duty of all state authority.’

“The question is: Can a country with a constitution like Germany’s justify the acquisition of remote-controlled killing machines? The quick shooters among experts in the international laws on warfare aren’t at all troubled by the issue… However, pacifists aren’t the only ones warning about the killer machines… As long as they were part of an organized legal order of war, weapons were used in regrettably violent, yet still legitimate conflicts between those who held the state’s monopoly on the use of force… The war was thought about in terms of a battle between nations rather than a hunt for humans. Likewise, at the domestic level, having armed agents go after private individuals was viewed as a task solely reserved for the police…

“To the horror of international law experts, drawing such differences has been almost impossible ever since US President George W. Bush declared his ‘War on Terror’ just days after the 9/11 attacks. The hunt for terrorists is a hunt for individuals… In civilized countries that respect the human dignity of their opponents, criminals are detained before a trial rather than executed without one… The ‘new wars’… could very well usher in the demise of the political order of sovereign states that has been in place since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. But what could replace it? A global police state?…

“In all of this, one can also not exclude the possibility that one of de Maizière’s new killing machines will execute a suspected terrorist fighter right outside the defense minister’s own front door. Indeed, Germany’s highest court, the Federal Constitutional Court, has ruled that the Bundeswehr can also employ its weapons in German territory under exceptional circumstances entailing a worst-case scenario…”

The same discussion, which is being held in the USA, has reached Germany as well. Can a civilized government use drones to kill its own citizens in their own countries, who are merely suspected of illegal activities? And will a (global) police state be the inevitable result? A freaky and eerie memory of dictatorial regimes such as Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Nazi Germany seems to be raising its ugly head… See the next article.

Drones Under Attack—“Unconstitutional and Unethical Killings”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 9:

“They can stay in the air for more than 24 hours – controlled remotely from the ground, and they fly where terrorists are suspected. In the past few days, the unmanned high-tech aircraft known as drones have been making headlines in the US, as well as in Europe. Almost daily, new aspects of remote-controlled killing are emerging in the debate. It has now become known that Saudi Arabia has housed a secret base for US drones for two years. Iran, meanwhile, has published aerial photographs that the country alleges came from a US drone. The Iranians say they intercepted the unmanned RQ-170 aircraft along the border with Afghanistan in December 2011.

“Because of the use of drones, John Brennan, President Obama’s closest counterterrorism adviser and nominee for head of the CIA, had to listen to harsh criticism from senators and vociferous protesters during his confirmation hearings. Above all, it is the number of innocent victims that critics object to. According to the independent Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London, about 3,000 people have been killed by drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004, including at least 470 civilians. The victims include American citizens, such as the radical Islamist Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in 2011 in an attack in Yemen. In 2010, a German citizen known solely as Bünyamin E. in press reports was killed by a US drone. He had traveled to a mountainous region in northwest Pakistan, an Islamist stronghold.

“People in Germany have voiced numerous ethical concerns over the use of drones. ‘If the decision over life and death is handed over to a computer, no one is responsible in the end for the people who are dying,’ said Niklas Schörnig, a peace researcher at the Hessian Foundation for Peace and Conflict Studies, in an interview with DW. In this way, Schörnig believes the officer who launches the drone, but does not fire the weapon, can distance himself from the act just as easily as the programmer.

“The use of drones with missiles is highly controversial under international law. From the American perspective, the country is in an armed conflict against Al-Qaeda, Schörnig said. The reasoning: Because Al Qaeda operates worldwide, it is necessary to take action globally against the terror network. But European international law rejects these arguments. ‘Such attacks happen in a legal vacuum,’ Wolfgang Neskovic told RBB public televison. Neskovic, a legal expert and independent member of the German parliament… said, ‘International law contains no legal basis for the killing of alleged terrorists outside a combat situation. In the case of Pakistan, for example, so far no western country has officially announced that it is a war zone or that this is an armed conflict within the meaning of international law.’ Neskovic added that the targeted killing of suspected terrorists is like ‘a death sentence without trial.’

“These accusations have gathered strength thanks to a new paper published by the US government. Television station NBC has already published a short form of the report, which shows how the rules for the killing of US citizens can be laid down. According to the document, it is sufficient if the government determines that the US citizen has been involved in relevant ‘activities.’ Schörnig is not surprised by that statement. On the one hand, the US government insists that it uses restraint when approaching the targeted killing of terrorists and has so-called kill lists, which the president must authorize personally. But, Schörnig adds, ‘If you look at the extent of drone attacks on suspected Al-Qaeda members in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, you can see that these were always much more extensive than the American rhetoric suggests.’

“Götz Neuneck, of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, is especially critical of the White House’s information policy, saying, ‘There is a lack of transparency in this sector. We do not really know anything. Who is now making what decision and on what basis?’… In addition, Schörnig adds, ‘There are studies that clearly show that the population at home considers this type of warfare unethical,’ Neuneck said. The drones are invisible and kill seemingly indiscriminately. In the regions where drones have flown over, that leads to trauma and terror.’”

Asteroid Close to Earth

On www.space.com, the following was reported on February 8:

“At 2:26 p.m. EST… on Feb. 15, the asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly within 17,200 miles (27,680 kilometers) of Earth. This is lower than the communications satellites that orbit 22,000 miles (35,800 km) above the equator. The asteroid will not hit the Earth on this orbital pass, but asteroid 2012 DA14 is about the size of the object that hit Siberia in 1908 (the ‘Tunguska Event’). The asteroid was discovered on Feb. 23, 2012… It is about half the size of a football field…

“The asteroid passes at a sharp angle to the path of the satellites… The asteroid’s current orbit is similar to the Earth’s, but tilted. Asteroid 2012 DA14 passes Earth twice per orbit, but February’s pass is the closest approach for many decades…”

The Atlantic Wire reported on February 7:

“In fact, the so-called DA14 asteroid will be such a close call that the force of Earth’s gravity will actually cause the asteroid to ricochet off those orbits, creating more distance between the asteroid and our planet… At 17,100 miles away, the DA14 will become the largest object ever (on record) to fly so close to Earth and not hit it. Which is really good news since it’s traveling eight times faster than a speeding bullet. Scientists say that it could take out a satellite or two, however…

“Although 17,100 miles is a lot of miles in terms of space distance, for an asteroid half the size of the International Space Station to zip by so closely is a little breath-taking… DA14’s projected path brings it just one-thirteenth the distance to the moon from Earth, less than seven roundtrip flights from New York to Los Angeles. If it hit us, the resultant explosion would have the force of a 2.5-megaton atomic bomb…

“This record breaking brush with cosmic inevitability is just a reminder that we’re sometimes on the wrong end of the galaxy’s shooting range and never completely safe from [a] world-ending event… as Yeomans put it, ‘There are lots of asteroids we are watching where we haven’t yet ruled out an Earth impact.’ But, thankfully, the one that will zip by on February 15 is not one of them. Not this time around anyways.”

Even though THIS asteroid will not hit the earth, the Bible predicts that in the future, other asteroids will.

Solar Super Storm Will Hit the Earth

The Independent wrote on February 8:

“A solar ‘superstorm’ could knock out Earth’s communications satellites, cause dangerous power surges in the national grid and disrupt crucial navigation aids and aircraft avionics, a major report has found. It is inevitable that an extreme solar storm – caused by the Sun ejecting billions of tonnes of highly-energetic matter travelling at a million miles an hour – will hit the Earth at some time in the near future, but it is impossible to predict more than about 30 minutes before it actually happens, a team of engineers has warned.

“Solar superstorms are estimated to occur once every 100 or 200 years, with the last one hitting the Earth in 1859. Although none has occurred in the space age, we are far more vulnerable now than a century ago because of the ubiquity of modern electronics, they said. ‘The general consensus is that a solar superstorm is inevitable, a matter not of “if” but “when?”’ says a report into extreme space weather by a group of experts at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London.

“In the past half century, there have been a number of ‘near misses’ when an explosive ‘coronal mass ejection’ of energetic matter from the Sun has been flung into space, narrowly bypassing the Earth. In 1989 a relatively minor solar storm knocked out several key electrical transformers in the Canadian national grid, causing major power blackouts. Similar solar storms significantly increased atmospheric radiation levels in 1956, 1972, 1989 and 2003, the experts found.”

The Bible predicts the occurrence of cosmic disturbances and heavenly signs prior to Christ’s soon-coming return.

Major Snowstorm Hits USA and Canada

BBC wrote on February 9:

“A major snowstorm has brought swathes of the north-eastern US and eastern Canada to a standstill, leaving about half a million homes without power. High winds and blizzard conditions have emptied the centre of Boston and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has banned all non-essential traffic. More than 600,000 homes and businesses are without power in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut…  A nuclear power station in Massachusetts also lost power and was forced to shut down…

“Airlines cancelled more than 5,000 flights – including all those to and from the three major airports in New York City – and the train operator Amtrak has suspended nearly all services north of the city.

“Canadians on the Atlantic Coast are also bracing for blizzards after heavy snow fell on Ontario… Fuel shortages were being reported from Connecticut to New York City as motorists queued at petrol stations to fill up vehicles, generators and snow blowers.”

America Like Ancient Rome

Newsweek reported on February 8:

“World-renown pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson told conservative radio and television host Armstrong Williams on Friday that his attacks on the nation’s ills in his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast this week were not directed at President Barack Obama… [but they were] ‘directed at the situation that is going on in our nation and how we can solve it’…

“Opening his remarks with quotations from the Old Testament books of Proverbs and Second Chronicles, the neurosurgeon blasted the nation’s $16.4 trillion debt, its cumbersome tax system–and its ‘inefficient’ health care system.

“President Obama showed no reaction to Carson’s attacks, simply sitting stoically at the dais table. First Lady Michelle Obama also was in attendance. ‘Our deficit is a big problem,’ said Carson… ‘Sixteen-and-a-half trillion dollars. You think that’s not a lot of money? Count one number per second. You know how long it would take to count to 16 trillion? 507,000 years. More than half-a-million years to get there. What about our taxation system?… So complex, there is no one who can possibly comply with every jot and tittle of our tax system. If I wanted to get you, I can get you on a tax issue…’

“He then discussed the biblical principle of tithing. ‘God has given us a system. He didn’t say, “If [your] crops fail, don’t give me a tithe.” He didn’t say, “If you get a bumper crop, give me a triple-tithe.” So, there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 billion, you put in a billion. You make $10, you put in $1… But some people say, “That’s not fair because it doesn’t hurt the guy who made $10 billion as much as the guy who made $10”–but where does it say that you have [to] hurt the guy? He just put a billion dollars in the pot. We don’t need to hurt him…’

“As for health care, he began, ‘We need to have good health care for everybody, but we have to figure out efficient ways to do it… When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account (HSA) to which money can be contributed — pretax — from the time you’re born ’til the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members… For the people who are indigent who don’t have any money, we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money. Instead of sending it to some bureaucracy, let’s put it in their HSAs. Now, they have some control over their own health care.’

“In his interview with Williams on Friday, Carson said… likened the United States to the ancient Roman civilization. ‘The Roman Empire was very, very much like us,’ he told Williams. ‘They lost their moral core, their sense of values in terms of who they were. And after all of those things converged together, they just went right down the tubes very quickly. When you look at America, it’s not too hard to see great similarities. We’ve spread ourselves all over the place. We have incredible expenses. We don’t adjust–and, consequently, we expand the deficit and the debt and entitlement programs, and not living within our means and not adjusting programs and not adjusting people’s expectations. When it comes to wanting things, people don’t really care about the national debt… They don’t really care about the future; they just care about, “Give me my check so I can eat next week.”’”

Please read our recent member letter of January 11, 2013 , pointing out in much more detail the similarities between America and ancient Rome. 

State of the Union

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 13:

“President Obama should have stuck to the adage that less is usually more. Instead of focusing on specific issues, the president presented a long domestic to-do list. Judging by that list, he has his work cut out for him, a sign that not all is well with the state of the union, contrary to his optimistic opening.

“Where to begin? Budget spending needs to be reined in, Medicare is in desperate need of reform, and tax loopholes need to be closed. America needs to create more jobs, especially in the industrial sector, while vocational training needs an overhaul and climate change must be combated. And the list goes on: the country’s decrepit infrastructure, immigration policy, election laws and gun laws.

“In a nutshell, we’ve heard it all before. There were few concrete proposals, although he did lay out his plans to increase the minimum wage to $9. He also gave Congress an ultimatum on climate change, saying he would resort to executive actions if lawmakers dragged their feet. But therein lies the problem. Republicans dominate the House of Representatives and are unlikely to show any willingness to compromise – apart from possibly on immigration reform. In his response to Obama’s speech, Florida’s Republican Senator Marco Rubio repeated the Republican mantra: less government is the panacea, and the president is the problem. That sounds like four more years of political stalemate.

“In terms of foreign policy, Obama made a few fleeting remarks. The withdrawal from Afghanistan will go ahead as planned. Some 34,000 troops are set to come home by early next year. The president stressed that any future US military intervention would be a last resort, applicable also to the fight against al Qaeda. The world, he said, should no longer rely on the US to pull the chestnuts out of the fire.

“Ahead of his Israel trip next month, Obama reiterated his support, an obligatory statement to avoid any type of criticism. There were brief admonitions for North Korea and Iran, and reassurances that the administration’s controversial drone program was, is and would continue to stand on a sound legal footing. He also pledged to work together with Russia to further reduce the two countries’ nuclear arsenals. There was good news for Europe with Obama’s announcement to intensify talks about a trans-Atlantic trade pact, notwithstanding the fact that his agenda is driven by domestic interests, namely creating more American jobs… his window of opportunity is closing. Congressional elections are coming up in two years…  his to-do list can be seen as a legacy for his successor – and as a sobering analysis of America’s status quo.”

America is in BIG trouble.

Findus Beef Lasagna up to 100% Horsemeat

On February 8, 2013, sky.com reported:

“Tests on Findus beef lasagne have revealed that some of the ready meals were made entirely from horsemeat. Findus analysed 18 of its beef lasagne products and found 11 meals contained between 60% and 100% horsemeat, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said… All food companies have been told to test their beef products, with the FSA saying it was ‘highly likely’ that criminal activity was to blame for the contamination.

“Consumers who have purchased the ready meals – produced by French food supplier Comigel on behalf of Findus – have been advised by the FSA not to eat them and return them to the shop they were bought from. Retail giant Tesco and discount chain Aldi have already withdrawn a range of ready meals produced by Comigel over fears they contained contaminated meat.

“Findus UK has already started a full recall of its lasagne products. It withdrew its 320g, 360g and 500g lasagne meals from supermarket shelves as a precautionary measure earlier this week. It came after Comigel alerted Findus and Aldi that their products ‘do not conform to specification’. It advised them to remove Findus beef lasagne and Aldi’s Today’s Special frozen beef lasagne and Today’s Special frozen spaghetti Bolognese… Tesco also decided to withdraw its Everyday Value spaghetti bolognese, which is produced at the same Comigel site.”

The Sun wrote on February 8:

“Downing Street described the latest incident as ‘distasteful’ but stressed there was no evidence of a health risk and urged consumers to follow the FSA advice… Findus last night admitted it had no idea how LONG the products had been on sale or how MANY families had bought them… The findings — which raised the spectre of human food being contaminated with vets’ drugs — are a major humiliation for the Government…

“Red-faced officials at the Food Standards Agency have urged families who bought the ready meals to take them back to shops unopened.  And they ordered Findus to check whether the lasagne contained phenylbutazone — an animal painkiller linked to harmful effects, including potentially causing cancer, in humans.”

Breitbart wrote on February 8:

“Findus, a frozen foods manufacturer, has acknowledged that the frozen lasagna it offers has been using 100 percent horsemeat—and it all comes from France. The French company Comigel pounded the horsemeat into the lasagna in its plant in Metz.

“Great Britain’s Food Safety Agency (FSA) is checking all beef products on the shelves to look for horsemeat, which is banned in Britain but widely eaten in France. Meanwhile, Findus told stores to remove all three sizes of its beef lasagna from stores… Horsemeat can contain the veterinary drug phenylbutazone, which was banned when research showed one person in 30,000 could have serious side effects to it.

“The Labour Party’s Shadow Food and Farming Secretary, Mary Creagh, was furious with the British government, saying: ‘People do not feel they can trust what it says on the label. The Government’s handling of this has been appalling. Unless they come out on the front foot and show leadership, we won’t have a meat processing industry left.’”

CNN reported on February 11:

“High-stakes lawsuits, overlapping investigations and a bitter battle over blame are spreading across Europe in the wake of a scandal that has rocked the meat industry.

Horse meat was discovered in products that are supposed to be 100% beef, sold in Sweden, the United Kingdom and France. On Sunday, a major company under scrutiny called one of its suppliers a ‘villain’ responsible for the fraud. The supplier, in turn, insisted it was ‘fooled’ by a subsupplier… the discovery was a new shock to an industry already reeling from a bombshell last month when Irish investigators found horse and pig DNA in numerous hamburger products.

“Swedish food producer Findus has been a focus of the uproar… Findus is only one of several companies that receive products from Comigel. Others include Axfood, Coop and ICA, which have recalled some meat products in Sweden, and Aldi, which has pulled some products from shelves in Britain. Six big French retailers — Auchan, Casino, Carrefour, Cora, Picard and Monoprix — said Sunday that they were recalling lasagne and other products… While Findus has begun legal action in Sweden, Findus France previously said it will file a legal complaint Monday against a Romanian business that is part of the supply chain…  Aldi said tests on random samples demonstrated that the withdrawn products contained between 30% and 100% horse meat.

“The revelations have revolted many meat eaters in the United Kingdom, where horse meat is generally considered taboo, although it is commonly eaten in neighboring France, as well as countries including China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Italy. The discovery of pig DNA in beef products is of particular concern to Jews and Muslims, whose dietary laws forbid the consumption of pork products. Jewish dietary laws also ban the eating of horse meat. The UK Justice Ministry confirmed last week that a number of meat pies and similar items supplied to prisons in England and Wales were labeled and served as halal — prepared in compliance with Islamic dietary law — but contained traces of pork DNA…

“Horse meat is not commonly eaten in the United States, but the country does export it to Canada and Mexico. Congress passed a bill in November 2011 that lifted a 5-year-old ban on the slaughter of horses for meat in the United States.”

The Local added on February 11:

“British watchdog the Food Safety Association said that there could be a chance of horse meat in ready-made products on sale in Germany as experts found it in food on sale in UK branches of German supermarket chain Aldi.”

Der Spiegel Online and Bild Online speculated on February 8 and 9 that Findus’ contaminated “beef” products were also sold in other European countries, including Germany. The Bible prohibits the human consumption of horsemeat, as it poses a health risk, regardless of uninformed statements by medical “experts” such as the FSA.

“Horse Meat Scandal Gallops On”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 13:

“No one knows the actual magnitude of the current horsemeat scandal at this point, nor who is responsible… Greenpeace spokesman Jürgen Knirsch said the horsemeat scandal shows how insufficient the labeling of food is in Germany. The supply chain is obscure, he told DW… Germany has many horse lovers and eating horse meat is simply taboo…”

The Local wrote on February 13:

“The Consumer Protection Ministry in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) said that a Luxembourgian distributor has been delivering products thought to contain horse meat ‘on a large scale across Germany and NRW.’ Deliveries had been made between November 2012 and January 2013, not only to a wide range of supermarkets but also to other food production companies.”

The Daily Star wrote on February 13:

“HORSES killed at a British slaughterhouse were turned into doner kebabs, it was alleged last night. Officials from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) raided two UK meat plants yesterday. They were probing whether either plant was linked to 100% horse kebabs and burgers that have been discovered. It comes amid fears that old racehorses, even pet ponies, may have ended up in fast food restaurants across Britain as kebabs as well as beefburgers. The raids took place at the Peter Boddy slaughterhouse in Todmorden, West Yorks, which allegedly supplied horse carcasses to Farmbox Meats in Aberystwyth, Wales.”

Egypt’s Hard-Line Muslim Clerics

The Globe and Mail wrote on February 7:

“One hard-line Muslim cleric on an Egyptian TV station justified sexual assaults on women protesters. Others issued religious edicts saying opposition leaders must be killed. Television screeds by ultraconservative sheiks are raising fears of assassinations here a day after a top anti-Islamist politician was gunned down in Tunisia… The office of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and his prime minister denounced the edicts and the top prosecutor began an investigation into one of the clerics.

“The TV screeds by the clerics reflect the fury with which some ultraconservatives have reacted to nationwide protests against Mr. Morsi, which turned into deadly clashes as police cracked down on the demonstrators… Egyptians saw a series of assassinations of top statesmen and writers after religious edicts were issued against them back in 1990s during a bloody Islamic extremist insurgency.”

When Islamists come to power and pronounce evil things, the people suffer and hide (compare Proverbs 28:12, 15-16, 28; 29:2; 11:11).

Iraq Next?

The Washington Post wrote on February 8:

“In an echo of the Arab Spring protests that have overturned regimes elsewhere in the region, angry residents have been staging weekly demonstrations against the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, calling, among a host of other demands, for him to step down and for Iraq’s U.S.-brokered constitution to be replaced. The Friday protests have also drawn huge crowds in towns and cities elsewhere across the Sunni provinces, as the passions of the Arab Spring collide with the bitter legacy of the Iraq war.

“The demonstrations first erupted in December in response to the detention of the bodyguards of a Sunni minister in Maliki’s coalition government, which reinforced widespread Sunni perceptions that the premier is intent on eliminating his Sunni political rivals. But the protests have evolved into a far deeper expression of the many grievances left unresolved when U.S. forces withdrew a little over a year ago, ranging from abuses committed disproportionately against Sunnis by the Iraqi security forces to what Sunnis perceive to be an unequal distribution of power among the sects.

“With their huge turnouts, these largely peaceful protests have the potential to present a far bigger challenge to Maliki’s hold on power than the violent and stubbornly persistent insurgency, which continues to claim scores of lives every month without any discernible impact on the political process. At a time when civil war is raging in neighboring Syria the demonstrations also risk becoming embroiled in the wider regional conflict already spilling beyond Syria’s borders…

“The Islamic State of Iraq, the umbrella extremist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, is seeking to exploit the heightened tensions. In a statement last week, it called on Sunni protesters to take up arms against the Shiite government. The group has intensified the pace of its attacks in recent weeks, targeting Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis in what looks like an attempt to capitalize on the heightened tensions and reignite the sectarian war that engulfed the country from 2006 to 2007. In the most recent attack Friday, at least 36 people died in bombings against Shiite marketplaces and a taxi stand in Baghdad, Karbala and Hilla.”

The “Arab Spring”—a wrong term for a disastrous movement—will continue to spread with devastating consequences for Western nations, especially the USA.

“Flaws Found in US Missile Shield against Iran”

The Times of Israel and The Associated Press reported on February 9:

“Secret US Defense Department studies cast doubt on whether a multibillion-dollar missile defense system planned for Europe will ever be able to protect the US from Iranian missiles as intended, congressional investigators said Friday… proposed fixes could be difficult. One possibility has already been ruled out as technically unfeasible. Another, relocating missile interceptors planned for Poland and possibly Romania to ships on the North Sea, could be diplomatically explosive.

“The studies are the latest to highlight serious problems for a plan that has been criticized on several fronts. Republicans claim it was hastily drawn up in an attempt to appease Russia, which had opposed an earlier system. But Russia is also critical of the plan, which it believes is really intended to counter its missiles. A series of governmental and scientific reports has cast doubt on whether it would ever work as planned.

“At a time that the military faces giant budget cuts, the studies could prompt Congress to reconsider whether it is worthwhile to spend billions for a system that may not fulfill its original goals… The military has considered deploying interceptors on ships, but the Navy has safety concerns that have not yet been resolved. The suggestion of attempting intercepts from ships on the North Sea would likely aggravate tensions with Russia. That could put it right in the path that some Russian ICBMs would use, further reinforcing Russia’s belief that it, not Iran, is the target of the system…”

It seems that America’s problems are mounting and increasing continuously…

Worldwide Condemnation of North Korean Nuclear Test

Deutsche Welle reported on February 12:

“North Korea has confirmed that it has conducted a third nuclear test after monitoring agencies detected an ‘explosion-like’ quake. The test, which defied United Nations sanctions, has prompted international condemnation… The isolated country is banned under United Nations Security Council resolutions from developing nuclear and missile technology following previous tests in 2006 and 2009. Following Tuesday’s test, South Korea’s mission to the UN called an emergency Security Council meeting to be held in New York later in the day. South Korea holds the presidency of the 15-nation council this month.

“The European Union’s foreign policy coordinator, Catherine Ashton condemned the test… German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle condemned the test ‘in the strongest possible terms,’ a statement released by Westerwelle’s office said. ‘Further sanctions against the regime in Pyongyang should now be considered.’ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the nuclear test as ‘deplorable’… Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the test must not be tolerated. US President Barack Obama described North Korea’s nuclear test as a ‘highly provocative act.’ ‘The danger posed by North Korea’s threatening activities warrants further swift and credible action by the international community. The United States will also continue to take steps necessary to defend ourselves and our allies,’ a White House statement said. North Korea’s communist neighbor and closest ally, China, expressed ‘firm opposition’ to the nuclear test.’”

Merkel Leads Europe… but the Opposition Grows…

The Local wrote on February 8:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday successfully convinced EU leaders to cut the bloc’s budget for the first time in its six-decade history, following marathon talks in Brussels… Negotiating for nearly 26 hours with little break, Merkel, backed by British Prime Minister David Cameron, led a sustained push for the EU budget for 2014-2020 to share in the austerity national governments are facing. The tentative agreement would trim spending by three percent over the rest of the decade…

“France, along with Italy, fought to protect spending it sees as essential to boost growth and jobs at a time of record unemployment, but indications early Friday were that Paris could live with the deal. ‘It is not a fantastic compromise deal but it is acceptable,’ said a French diplomatic source…

“But there is another important hurdle still to clear – the European Parliament must approve the deal and lawmakers have already made clear they are in no mood for more austerity. Parliament head Martin Schulz said bluntly on Thursday that he and the assembly would not accept a budget which would compromise EU programmes and undercut its future. ‘That’s called a deficit. I won’t sign a deficit budget anymore,’ he said.”

Unification of Europe under ten core nations is prophesied. Even though constituting a mighty military power bloc, these nations will still attempt to gain individual political advantages and pursue their own goals, as iron does not really mix with clay (Daniel 2:40-43).

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the Pope’s announcement that he will retire by the end of February; address the ongoing discussion on the controversial and perhaps illegal use of drones and potentially tyrannical and autocratic measures of governments; continue with threats for this earth from outer space; report on a major snow storm hitting the USA and Canada; quote from recent statements comparing the USA with ancient Rome; and speak of further European discoveries of horse meat in “beef” products.

Turning to the Middle East, we address the troubling situation in Egypt and Iraq, as well as America’s planned controversial and potentially ineffective Missile Shield; and conclude with developments in Europe, proving again the leadership role of Germany.

Update 577

Europe—an Economic Power Bloc

On February 16th, 2013, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “Europe—an Economic Power Bloc.”
The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Watch Out for the False Prophet!


Joseph Ratzinger, or Pope Benedict XVI as he is known, shocked much of the world this week by breaking with tradition.  He is willingly stepping down from his office as opposed to dying in it like his predecessors have for the last 700+ years.  Perhaps even more surprising, is the plethora of criticism that has followed what most consider a conservative reign.

Der Spiegel said that “his papacy failed to introduce much-needed reforms.” The Süddeutsche Zeitung writes that he has “no understanding for the third millennium” and that the “church is no longer triumphant, nor is it combative” and “has seldom needed reform as badly as it does at the end of Pope Benedict XVI’s papacy.” Die Tageszeitung, echoing similar sentiments, wrote, “It would be good if Pope Benedict XVI was the last of his kind. And if the history books could soon write: ‘The Pope’s resignation heralded a new era, the Catholic Church had understood that it could not continue as before.'”

How does the old adage go, “be careful what you wish for, because you might get it?”

The Bible predicts that there will be a great religious leader that comes from a land in the midst of the seas and from a city that sits on seven mountains.  This is none other than Rome!  And of course the religious leader of Rome is the Pope.  The issue at hand here that many do not realize is that the great religious leader that is prophesied to come out of Rome is none other than the False Prophet.

This Pope will teach wrong doctrines and be anti-law. He will do signs and lying wonders, even making fire come from heaven. These miracles will easily fool the masses, those who will take the “mark of the beast.”  He will sit in the “inner sanctuary”, and it appears that he will be sitting in a literal temple in Jerusalem at that time and even claim to be God.  For more on the coming temple of Ezekiel, please see our new Q&A and listen to our sermon on false prophets (see below).

Through direct influence from Satan and demon possession, this man will accomplish these things and more.  He will also be able to influence world leaders — to the point that they will gather at Armageddon in preparation to foolishly fight Christ at His return.

Knowing that this is the case and that these exact events will happen, we, as Christians, are still strongly admonished to avoid being deceived by the “man of sin,” the False Prophet. Paul implies that we could succumb to the wiles of this man when he writes in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first….” This apostle identifies this harbinger as the end time. He actually prophesies that there will indeed be another apostasy, a move from true Christianity to false religion and that this will be at the time of this last leader of “Babylon the Great.” 

The Words of the Bible are written for our benefit, to aid us in the days ahead. Not just this particular caution, but all the testimony of God. We must hear them and live them and love them in order to prevent what will inevitably befall many (1 Corinthians 10:11-12; 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Will this next pope indeed be “the one?” We don’t know, but need to watch.

For more information on this subject, please view this week’s StandingWatch program, “Peter of Rome–The Last Black Pope?” and listen to how to identify a false prophet, in the sermon entitled, “Unprophetable.”

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We begin with reporting on the Pope’s announcement that he will retire by the end of February; address the ongoing discussion on the controversial and perhaps illegal use of drones and potentially tyrannical and autocratic measures of governments; continue with threats for this earth from outer space; report on a major snow storm hitting the USA and Canada; quote from recent statements comparing the USA with ancient Rome; and speak of further European discoveries of horse meat in “beef” products.

Turning to the Middle East, we address the troubling situation in Egypt and Iraq, as well as America’s planned controversial and potentially ineffective Missile Shield; and conclude with developments in Europe, proving again the leadership role of Germany.

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Present German Pope Resigns

On February 11, the New York Times wrote the following:

“Citing advanced years and infirmity, but showing characteristic tough-mindedness and unpredictability, Pope Benedict XVI shocked Roman Catholics on Monday by saying that he would resign on Feb. 28, becoming the first pope to do so in six centuries… Benedict’s papacy was overshadowed by clerical abuse scandals, a case involving documents leaked from within the Vatican itself and tangles with Jews, Muslims and Anglicans. In his handling of the sexual abuse crisis, critics said that his failures of governance were tantamount to moral failings… Father Lombardi said that the pope would continue to carry out his duties until Feb. 28 at 8 p.m., and that a successor would probably be elected by Easter, which falls on March 31…

“The church’s 265th pope, Benedict was the first German to hold the title in half a millennium, and his election was a milestone toward Germany’s spiritual renewal 60 years after World War II and the Holocaust. At 78, he was also the oldest new pope since 1730…”

A Divisive Figure

Der Spiegel wrote on February 11:

“Ever since his appointment in April 2005, Benedict XVI has been a divisive figure. The euphoria over the election of a Bavarian pope that first swept Germany has long since receded. With all due respect to the first pope to voluntarily step down in hundreds of years: In the eight years he held office, the pope did more to polarize than to unify Catholics in his country of birth… Here in Germany, his election led to an increasing split within the Church. On the one side were the disappointed advocates of long-overdue reform. On the other were the fundamentalists, the upholders of tradition and self-appointed guardians of the faith who wanted to turn the clock back to before the Second Vatican Council and sought salvation in an authoritarian and hierarchical Church of the past…

“Some in Germany are already speaking of a schism within the Conference of Bishops. During his years in office, Pope Benedict boosted the reactionary wing of the Catholic community, with its frequently obscure splinter groups, more than his predecessor did — be it with his approaches to the ultra-conservative Pius Brothers, his scolding of renegade theologians or his fondness for the Traditional Mass. His efforts to address the abuse scandals that rocked the Catholic Church all over the world were too little, too late. Neither in the United States, Ireland nor Germany did he and his bishops manage to regain the trust subsequently lost.  Under a German pope, no less, the Church’s reputation arrived at an all-time low in Germany in early 2013. According to a study conducted by the Sinus Institute, even the most loyal Catholics don’t trust their own bishops. Once hailed as a sophisticate, the head of the Church morphed into a leader who lurched on the international stage from one unfortunate mishap to another…

“Benedict’s resignation, however, now reshuffles the cards. Power structures could shift as a result, however slightly, when a new pope, possibly even one from another continent, blesses the world from St. Peter’s Basilica this Easter. It is a prospect that fills many leading Catholics in Germany with hope, others with fear. The pope, though, has taken some steps to ensure that his political legacy will continue in Rome — particularly through his appointment of former Regensburg Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller. As the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Müller is a rough and ready guarantee of strict orthodoxy on central Vatican positions. And just a short time ago, Benedict elevated his private secretary, Georg Gänswein, to the status of bishop.

“… many in Germany have long yearned for an end to the Ratzinger era, no matter who might succeed him. It remains to be seen whether German bishops will have more confidence than before to follow a more independent path. But there will certainly be more room for risk taking. Indeed, Benedict’s resignation offers the Catholic Church in Germany a new chance to free itself from torpor created by this paternalistic pope and to perhaps finally find a way to begin resolving the deep crisis facing German Catholics.”

The Search for a Successor

As the Catholic Church is preparing for the election of a new pope, opinions vary widely as to whether the upcoming election will be inspired by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary—or whether it will be simply the product of politicking and human agreements under the sway and influence of the current pope, or perhaps even the “dark side.”

The Associated Press reported on February 11:

“The announcement… will also allow Benedict to hold great sway over the choice of his successor. He has already hand-picked the bulk of the College of Cardinals — the princes of the church who will elect the next Pope — to guarantee his conservative legacy and ensure an orthodox future for the church…

“The last Pope to resign was Pope Gregory XII, who stepped down in 1415 in a deal to end the Great Western Schism among competing papal claimants. The most famous resignation was Pope Celestine V in 1294; Dante placed him in hell for it…

“[Benedict] called it prophetic that a German followed a Polish pope — with both men coming from such different sides of World War II…”

The Guardian wrote on February 11:

“By the time the conclave begins, there is likely to be at least some consensus over the leading contenders. But Catholics believe that, once behind the shut doors of the Sistine Chapel, the cardinals are guided to their decision by God directly in the guise of the Holy Spirit. Anything becomes possible.”

In his resignation, the pope wrote: “… let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 11:

“In terms of church politics, Pope Benedict XVI’s eight-year tenure was a period of transition. But he did leave his own mark by appointing nearly half of the cardinals who will now elect his successor…”

The Washington Times wrote on February 11:

“It will be the first conclave to take place with a previous pope still alive since the one that selected Boniface in 1294, and it is clear Benedict will yield great influence over a conclave in which every voting cardinal was appointed either by Benedict or by John Paul with the counsel of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict’s name before he became pope. It is unlikely that Benedict will make a single utterance about the conclave once he steps down, but Vatican experts said cardinals will know that whatever decision they make will be judged by the man he replaced. ‘A strong figure like Benedict will be in the [conclave] even if he is not there physically,’ said the Rev. Alistair Sear, a retired church historian. ‘He will be in their thoughts as they cast their votes.’”

The Washington Post wrote on February 11:

“In the 13th century, the position was vacant for 31 / 2 years… In some ways, the selection of a new pope will have more potential to influence the future of Catholicism than the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then 78, in 2005…

“The list is highly speculative. Unlike in a presidential race, Vatican practice for centuries has barred public discussion about possible successors while a pope is alive, or anything that even whiffs of open campaigning. Italians make up a quarter of the cardinals who will participate in the voting meeting, or conclave, in March. Europeans make up more than half. Since this pope is alive, the cardinals are in unchartered waters and will probably meet in small groups to quietly brainstorm and discuss the possibilities until the conclave begins.

“That’s when they will decide what kind of theologian they want, what kind of manager, what kind of communicator. Do they want to try to revive the powerful and secularizing West or turn toward the developing world, where two-thirds of Catholics now live? Even within regions, there is huge diversity. For example, some African Catholics aren’t as orthodox on contraception, which can protect from AIDS, but are conservative on homosexuality…

“Catholic debate in the United States often centers on issues such as whether the church should allow the ordination of women or married priests. But those are not the debates of the cardinals, all of whom were picked by Benedict or his like-minded predecessor, Pope John Paul II. They are in agreement on such matters as allowing female priests, contraception, or equality for gays and lesbians: no, no and no.”

“Will a Black Pope Replace Benedict?”

On February 11, Newsmax ran an article with the above-cited headline, continuing:

“With the shocking announcement that Pope Benedict XVI will be stepping down at the end of the month, all eyes are now on the men who are being considered to replace him and become the 266th Pope. Many within the Roman Catholic Church believe the time has come for a non-European to ascend to the papacy. Here is a look at some of the front-runners:

“Peter Turkson (Ghana, age 64) is the one of the top African candidates. Head of the Vatican justice and peace bureau, he is spokesman for the Church’s social conscience and backs world financial reform… 

“Francis Arinze (Nigeria, age 80) is also a strong African contender. He is Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, having served as prefect from 2002 to 2008. He is the current Cardinal Bishop of Velletri-Segni, succeeding Joseph Ratzinger in 2005…

“In addition, there is a large and growing Catholic population in Latin America to consider. The region already represents 42 percent of the world’s 1.2 billion-strong Catholics, the largest single block in the Church, compared to 25 percent in Europe.”

The “Prophecy” of an Ancient Bishop

Newsmax wrote on February 13:

“Ancient Catholic prophecies by a revered Irish bishop end with the chilling prediction that the next Pope to be selected by the College of Cardinals to fill Benedict XVI’s place will be the last Pope. St. Malachy, an Archbishop of Armagh who died in 1148, left behind a list of 112 Popes that has amazed some with its remarkable accuracy. Malachy used a short phrase in Latin to describe each Pope, beginning with Celestine II and ‘From a castle on the Tiber.’ That Pope’s birth name was Guido di Castello. More recently, he described Pope John Paul I with the phrase: ‘From the midst of the moon.’ His reign, which began in 1978, began with the moon half full and lasted only one month — or one moon. He was followed by Pope John Paul II by the Latin expression ‘Laboris Solis’ — or translated ‘From the labor of the sun’ — an expression meaning a solar eclipse.  As it turned out, John Paul II was the only known pope to be born on the day of a solar eclipse — and he was buried on the day of a solar eclipse.

“A near total eclipse was seen across Europe on May 18, 1920, the day he was born in Poland. And on April 8, 2005, the day of the Pope’s funeral, a partial solar eclipse blotted out most of the sun and darkened a wide area of the world, from the South Pacific to the Western Hemisphere. For the next Pope, Benedict XVI, St. Malachy wrote: ‘Glory of the olive.’ Before the Pope was selected, some suggested a Benedictine would be elected because the order is sometimes referred to as the Olivetans, whose name ultimately derives from the Mount of Olives in the New Testament. A Benedictine was not selected. However, upon his election as pontiff, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger chose the name Benedict after St. Benedict of Nursia, founder of the Benedictine Order.

“St. Malachy described only one more Pope after Benedict, ‘Petrus Romanus’ or ‘Peter the Roman.’ The Irish prophet wrote: ‘In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (Rome) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.’  Some believe the prophecy could foretell the destruction of the Church, or the world, and play into Christian prophecy as revealed in the book of Revelation which suggests a final battle between good and evil…

“According to a traditional account, Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II in 1139, and while there he purportedly experienced a vision of future Popes. He recorded the vision in his cryptic phrases and this manuscript was left in an archive and forgotten until its rediscovery in 1590…”

Please see our new StandingWatch program, “Peter of Rome–The Last Black Pope?” If that “prophecy” was indeed genuine,  it was not a prophecy given by God. And one cannot trust demonic prophecies. Even though demons may know aspects of the truth and the future, they are also liars and deceivers.

Cartoons and Lightning

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 13:

“The day before it happened, a German page-a-day calendar prophesied the pope’s resignation, and then lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Were these mysterious events just coincidence or a sign from God? On Monday morning he tore off a page from his daily calendar, just like any other day. But then a bit later he heard the news on the radio: Pope Benedict XVI was resigning.  ‘I was a bit shocked,’ says Jürgen Holtfreter. Certainly the announcement came as [a] shock to many, but Holtfreter was positively mystified. The calendar he had updated was his own — a page-a-day cartoon calendar called ‘Karicartoon’ that he produces each year. The cartoon that he tore away from the day before, Sunday February 10, happened to be of the pope winning the lottery. ‘Holy sack of straw!,’ the pope thinks as he sees all of his numbers come up on the televized lottery results. Then, the thought bubble became prophetic. ‘I’m quitting tomorrow!’ it reads. And then, as though the cartoon had predicted the future, Pope Benedict XVI announced he was stepping down.

“Holtfreter says the 2013 calendar was finished around Easter of 2012. It was a coincidence ‘as unlikely as a lottery win,’ says cartoonist Katharina Greve, who originally created the prophetic drawing about a year and a half ago for the German weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung… The cartoon wasn’t the only strange coincidence on that day, though. On Monday evening, two photojournalists and a BBC video captured stunning images of a bolt of lightning striking St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican late on Monday afternoon after the pope’s announcement. And this after one of his senior cardinals, Angelo Sodano, had made the widely quoted comment that Benedict’s move was a ‘bolt of lightning in a clear blue sky.’  Mere coincidences, or a message from beyond?”

German Reactions

Der Spiegel Online wrote on February 12:

“Pope Benedict XVI told almost no one that he was preparing to become the first pope in 719 years to resign from the papacy. His advisors were taken by surprise, as were the cardinals attending a papal consistory on Monday, a gathering they believed had been called for a trio of canonizations. Cardinal Angelo Sodano, who was present, called the announcement ‘a bolt of lightning in a clear blue sky.’ But the pope’s brother, Georg Ratzinger, knew. He knew the exact date and even the time when Joseph, three years his junior, was going to announce his resignation…

“Center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘… Only in his departure has Benedict broken the chains of tradition. Everywhere else, he left those chains alone, or even strengthened them… As a bridge builder, he was never able to reach the other side of the bridge. As such, the question remains at the end of his papacy: transition to what? Nobody knows…’

“Conservative daily Die Welt writes: ‘… One should… recognize that there are good reasons for strengthening the earthly institution of the church as an antipode to the current zeitgeist and its unavoidable relativization of values. One should understand why he cannot say yes to gay marriage and why he cannot embrace Protestantism. The church’s dilemma is simple: If it refuses to bend to the times, it will lose members; if it does bend, it will lose them anyway…’

“Center-right daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘… Benedict saw himself confronted with powers in the church that darkened the light of faith, dampened hope and perverted love. The long episode of sexual abuse fell over the papacy of Benedict XVI and over the entire church like a devilish shadow… In one facet, Benedict is similar to his predecessor Pope John Paul II. Both had their difficulties in dealing with the Roman Curia and with the machinations of the cardinals. John Paul II escaped by travelling the world, Benedict XVI retired to the world of his books…’

“Left-leaning daily Die Tageszeitung’s front page is largely blank on Tuesday, but for the words ‘Gott Sei Dank,’ or ‘Thank God.’ Below the fold is an editorial entitled ‘Even Worse than Expected.’ ‘It is good that this pope is gone, because nothing is good. Not in the Vatican and certainly not in the rest of the global church. During his eight-year papacy, Pope Benedict XVI managed to outdo even the worst fears harbored by Catholics in Germany. As God’s deputy, Benedict showed little interest in facing the numerous sexual abuse crimes within his own institution. Nor did he wish to confront the fascist organization Opus Dei. Whether the topic was women, homosexuals, rape or human rights, it is hard to be more reactionary than this pope proved to be. The papal visit to the home of Martin Luther also served to cement the schism and destroyed all hope for a long overdue rapprochement between the two large Christian churches. It would be a good thing if Pope Benedict XVI were the last of his kind…’”

But he won’t be. The next pope will continue in the traditions of his predecessor.

Tyranny in America?

On February 7, 2013, Newsmax reported:

“As a senator, Barack Obama decried George W. Bush’s use of presidential war powers to prosecute the war on terror. As president, Obama has embraced those powers and promoted the preemptive use of drones to target al-Qaida operatives. That’s the thrust of an editorial in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal that accuses the administration of ‘hypocrisy.’…

“The editorial comes after the leaking of a confidential 16-page Justice Department memo asserting that the U.S. can order the killing of American citizens it deems a threat. The ‘white paper’, obtained by NBC News, states that Americans and others can be targeted if they are believed to be ‘senior operational leaders’ of al-Qaida or ‘an associated force,’ even if there is no evidence that they are engaged in an active plot to attack American interests. Drone strikes in Yemen in September 2011 killed al-Qaida operatives Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, both American citizens ‘who had never been indicated by the U.S. government or charged with any crimes,’ NBC reported.

“The Justice Department memo states: ‘The condition that an operational leader present an “imminent” threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future.’ Rather, it claims, an ‘informed, high-level’ American official may determine that the targeted American has been recently involved in activities posing a threat of violent attack and ‘there is no evidence suggesting that he has renounced or abandoned such activities.’…

“The editorial also comes two days after The New York Times reported that a clandestine U.S. drone base was built in Saudi Arabia to carry out strikes against al-Qaida operatives in neighboring Yemen. The Times and other news organizations say they knew about the base for some time but had not revealed its existence at the request of U.S. officials.”

These developments are indeed deeply disturbing and frightening, and it appears to be thoroughly unconstitutional to grant autocratic powers to an “‘informed, high-level’ American official” to order the assassination of suspected American citizens without charges, trials or conviction under the disguise of a “war” on terror. One can’t help but begin to draw comparisons with dictatorial leaderships, such as Egyptian President Morsi’s attempts to gain autocratic powers.

On February 8, 2013, Newsmax reported:

“Administration Documents providing legal coverage for drone strikes on Americans are just more of the ‘tyrannical’ ways the president is using his executive powers to run the government, warns Gen. Paul Vallely. The retired general…  told Newsmax TV…  that using drones is nothing new, but President Barack Obama’s authorization to use them against Americans is ‘what’s in question’… 

“Vallely said he’s…  concerned, as are many other Americans, that Obama has granted himself broader powers without consulting Congress through his use of executive orders and classified documents. ‘We have growing here a tyrannical form of government which is supposed to be a shared government with Congress, the White House, and the courts . . . They’re trying to consolidate power solely within the White House and the executive branch while at the same time diminishing the court’s input,’ he said. Vallely noted, however, that Congress in his view is ‘inept and weakened’ and therefore won’t shut off funding for the drone program despite ‘what we see happening.’”

The American People “rebelled” against the “tyranny” of the British King. Some warn that they will be “rebelling” soon against the “tyranny” of the American President.

The Dire Prospects of Drone Warfare

Der Spiegel wrote on February 8:

“Germany’s government recently announced plans to do a 180-degree policy shift by deploying armed drones in combat. It argues that remote-controlled killing machines are no different than any other weapons… Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière has spoken, and it’s apparently no big deal. ‘In ethical terms,’ he says, ‘a weapon should always be viewed neutrally’… Franz Josef Strauss… [ancient] predecessor at the Defense Ministry, said weapons aren’t evil, just their use — and even then only sometimes. That was in the 1950s, when Strauss was trying to equip the new Bundeswehr, Germany’s postwar military, with nuclear weapons.

“The Basic Law, as Germany’s constitution is called, allows Germans to cite reasons of [conscience] in refusing to take up arms for the country, thereby respecting their opposition to weapons on ethical grounds. In fact, the very first section of the constitution’s very first article says respecting ‘human dignity’ is ‘inviolable’ and elevates it to the status of the supreme ‘duty of all state authority.’

“The question is: Can a country with a constitution like Germany’s justify the acquisition of remote-controlled killing machines? The quick shooters among experts in the international laws on warfare aren’t at all troubled by the issue… However, pacifists aren’t the only ones warning about the killer machines… As long as they were part of an organized legal order of war, weapons were used in regrettably violent, yet still legitimate conflicts between those who held the state’s monopoly on the use of force… The war was thought about in terms of a battle between nations rather than a hunt for humans. Likewise, at the domestic level, having armed agents go after private individuals was viewed as a task solely reserved for the police…

“To the horror of international law experts, drawing such differences has been almost impossible ever since US President George W. Bush declared his ‘War on Terror’ just days after the 9/11 attacks. The hunt for terrorists is a hunt for individuals… In civilized countries that respect the human dignity of their opponents, criminals are detained before a trial rather than executed without one… The ‘new wars’… could very well usher in the demise of the political order of sovereign states that has been in place since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. But what could replace it? A global police state?…

“In all of this, one can also not exclude the possibility that one of de Maizière’s new killing machines will execute a suspected terrorist fighter right outside the defense minister’s own front door. Indeed, Germany’s highest court, the Federal Constitutional Court, has ruled that the Bundeswehr can also employ its weapons in German territory under exceptional circumstances entailing a worst-case scenario…”

The same discussion, which is being held in the USA, has reached Germany as well. Can a civilized government use drones to kill its own citizens in their own countries, who are merely suspected of illegal activities? And will a (global) police state be the inevitable result? A freaky and eerie memory of dictatorial regimes such as Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Nazi Germany seems to be raising its ugly head… See the next article.

Drones Under Attack—“Unconstitutional and Unethical Killings”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 9:

“They can stay in the air for more than 24 hours – controlled remotely from the ground, and they fly where terrorists are suspected. In the past few days, the unmanned high-tech aircraft known as drones have been making headlines in the US, as well as in Europe. Almost daily, new aspects of remote-controlled killing are emerging in the debate. It has now become known that Saudi Arabia has housed a secret base for US drones for two years. Iran, meanwhile, has published aerial photographs that the country alleges came from a US drone. The Iranians say they intercepted the unmanned RQ-170 aircraft along the border with Afghanistan in December 2011.

“Because of the use of drones, John Brennan, President Obama’s closest counterterrorism adviser and nominee for head of the CIA, had to listen to harsh criticism from senators and vociferous protesters during his confirmation hearings. Above all, it is the number of innocent victims that critics object to. According to the independent Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London, about 3,000 people have been killed by drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004, including at least 470 civilians. The victims include American citizens, such as the radical Islamist Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in 2011 in an attack in Yemen. In 2010, a German citizen known solely as Bünyamin E. in press reports was killed by a US drone. He had traveled to a mountainous region in northwest Pakistan, an Islamist stronghold.

“People in Germany have voiced numerous ethical concerns over the use of drones. ‘If the decision over life and death is handed over to a computer, no one is responsible in the end for the people who are dying,’ said Niklas Schörnig, a peace researcher at the Hessian Foundation for Peace and Conflict Studies, in an interview with DW. In this way, Schörnig believes the officer who launches the drone, but does not fire the weapon, can distance himself from the act just as easily as the programmer.

“The use of drones with missiles is highly controversial under international law. From the American perspective, the country is in an armed conflict against Al-Qaeda, Schörnig said. The reasoning: Because Al Qaeda operates worldwide, it is necessary to take action globally against the terror network. But European international law rejects these arguments. ‘Such attacks happen in a legal vacuum,’ Wolfgang Neskovic told RBB public televison. Neskovic, a legal expert and independent member of the German parliament… said, ‘International law contains no legal basis for the killing of alleged terrorists outside a combat situation. In the case of Pakistan, for example, so far no western country has officially announced that it is a war zone or that this is an armed conflict within the meaning of international law.’ Neskovic added that the targeted killing of suspected terrorists is like ‘a death sentence without trial.’

“These accusations have gathered strength thanks to a new paper published by the US government. Television station NBC has already published a short form of the report, which shows how the rules for the killing of US citizens can be laid down. According to the document, it is sufficient if the government determines that the US citizen has been involved in relevant ‘activities.’ Schörnig is not surprised by that statement. On the one hand, the US government insists that it uses restraint when approaching the targeted killing of terrorists and has so-called kill lists, which the president must authorize personally. But, Schörnig adds, ‘If you look at the extent of drone attacks on suspected Al-Qaeda members in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, you can see that these were always much more extensive than the American rhetoric suggests.’

“Götz Neuneck, of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, is especially critical of the White House’s information policy, saying, ‘There is a lack of transparency in this sector. We do not really know anything. Who is now making what decision and on what basis?’… In addition, Schörnig adds, ‘There are studies that clearly show that the population at home considers this type of warfare unethical,’ Neuneck said. The drones are invisible and kill seemingly indiscriminately. In the regions where drones have flown over, that leads to trauma and terror.’”

Asteroid Close to Earth

On www.space.com, the following was reported on February 8:

“At 2:26 p.m. EST… on Feb. 15, the asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly within 17,200 miles (27,680 kilometers) of Earth. This is lower than the communications satellites that orbit 22,000 miles (35,800 km) above the equator. The asteroid will not hit the Earth on this orbital pass, but asteroid 2012 DA14 is about the size of the object that hit Siberia in 1908 (the ‘Tunguska Event’). The asteroid was discovered on Feb. 23, 2012… It is about half the size of a football field…

“The asteroid passes at a sharp angle to the path of the satellites… The asteroid’s current orbit is similar to the Earth’s, but tilted. Asteroid 2012 DA14 passes Earth twice per orbit, but February’s pass is the closest approach for many decades…”

The Atlantic Wire reported on February 7:

“In fact, the so-called DA14 asteroid will be such a close call that the force of Earth’s gravity will actually cause the asteroid to ricochet off those orbits, creating more distance between the asteroid and our planet… At 17,100 miles away, the DA14 will become the largest object ever (on record) to fly so close to Earth and not hit it. Which is really good news since it’s traveling eight times faster than a speeding bullet. Scientists say that it could take out a satellite or two, however…

“Although 17,100 miles is a lot of miles in terms of space distance, for an asteroid half the size of the International Space Station to zip by so closely is a little breath-taking… DA14’s projected path brings it just one-thirteenth the distance to the moon from Earth, less than seven roundtrip flights from New York to Los Angeles. If it hit us, the resultant explosion would have the force of a 2.5-megaton atomic bomb…

“This record breaking brush with cosmic inevitability is just a reminder that we’re sometimes on the wrong end of the galaxy’s shooting range and never completely safe from [a] world-ending event… as Yeomans put it, ‘There are lots of asteroids we are watching where we haven’t yet ruled out an Earth impact.’ But, thankfully, the one that will zip by on February 15 is not one of them. Not this time around anyways.”

Even though THIS asteroid will not hit the earth, the Bible predicts that in the future, other asteroids will.

Solar Super Storm Will Hit the Earth

The Independent wrote on February 8:

“A solar ‘superstorm’ could knock out Earth’s communications satellites, cause dangerous power surges in the national grid and disrupt crucial navigation aids and aircraft avionics, a major report has found. It is inevitable that an extreme solar storm – caused by the Sun ejecting billions of tonnes of highly-energetic matter travelling at a million miles an hour – will hit the Earth at some time in the near future, but it is impossible to predict more than about 30 minutes before it actually happens, a team of engineers has warned.

“Solar superstorms are estimated to occur once every 100 or 200 years, with the last one hitting the Earth in 1859. Although none has occurred in the space age, we are far more vulnerable now than a century ago because of the ubiquity of modern electronics, they said. ‘The general consensus is that a solar superstorm is inevitable, a matter not of “if” but “when?”’ says a report into extreme space weather by a group of experts at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London.

“In the past half century, there have been a number of ‘near misses’ when an explosive ‘coronal mass ejection’ of energetic matter from the Sun has been flung into space, narrowly bypassing the Earth. In 1989 a relatively minor solar storm knocked out several key electrical transformers in the Canadian national grid, causing major power blackouts. Similar solar storms significantly increased atmospheric radiation levels in 1956, 1972, 1989 and 2003, the experts found.”

The Bible predicts the occurrence of cosmic disturbances and heavenly signs prior to Christ’s soon-coming return.

Major Snowstorm Hits USA and Canada

BBC wrote on February 9:

“A major snowstorm has brought swathes of the north-eastern US and eastern Canada to a standstill, leaving about half a million homes without power. High winds and blizzard conditions have emptied the centre of Boston and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has banned all non-essential traffic. More than 600,000 homes and businesses are without power in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut…  A nuclear power station in Massachusetts also lost power and was forced to shut down…

“Airlines cancelled more than 5,000 flights – including all those to and from the three major airports in New York City – and the train operator Amtrak has suspended nearly all services north of the city.

“Canadians on the Atlantic Coast are also bracing for blizzards after heavy snow fell on Ontario… Fuel shortages were being reported from Connecticut to New York City as motorists queued at petrol stations to fill up vehicles, generators and snow blowers.”

America Like Ancient Rome

Newsweek reported on February 8:

“World-renown pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson told conservative radio and television host Armstrong Williams on Friday that his attacks on the nation’s ills in his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast this week were not directed at President Barack Obama… [but they were] ‘directed at the situation that is going on in our nation and how we can solve it’…

“Opening his remarks with quotations from the Old Testament books of Proverbs and Second Chronicles, the neurosurgeon blasted the nation’s $16.4 trillion debt, its cumbersome tax system–and its ‘inefficient’ health care system.

“President Obama showed no reaction to Carson’s attacks, simply sitting stoically at the dais table. First Lady Michelle Obama also was in attendance. ‘Our deficit is a big problem,’ said Carson… ‘Sixteen-and-a-half trillion dollars. You think that’s not a lot of money? Count one number per second. You know how long it would take to count to 16 trillion? 507,000 years. More than half-a-million years to get there. What about our taxation system?… So complex, there is no one who can possibly comply with every jot and tittle of our tax system. If I wanted to get you, I can get you on a tax issue…’

“He then discussed the biblical principle of tithing. ‘God has given us a system. He didn’t say, “If [your] crops fail, don’t give me a tithe.” He didn’t say, “If you get a bumper crop, give me a triple-tithe.” So, there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 billion, you put in a billion. You make $10, you put in $1… But some people say, “That’s not fair because it doesn’t hurt the guy who made $10 billion as much as the guy who made $10”–but where does it say that you have [to] hurt the guy? He just put a billion dollars in the pot. We don’t need to hurt him…’

“As for health care, he began, ‘We need to have good health care for everybody, but we have to figure out efficient ways to do it… When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account (HSA) to which money can be contributed — pretax — from the time you’re born ’til the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members… For the people who are indigent who don’t have any money, we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money. Instead of sending it to some bureaucracy, let’s put it in their HSAs. Now, they have some control over their own health care.’

“In his interview with Williams on Friday, Carson said… likened the United States to the ancient Roman civilization. ‘The Roman Empire was very, very much like us,’ he told Williams. ‘They lost their moral core, their sense of values in terms of who they were. And after all of those things converged together, they just went right down the tubes very quickly. When you look at America, it’s not too hard to see great similarities. We’ve spread ourselves all over the place. We have incredible expenses. We don’t adjust–and, consequently, we expand the deficit and the debt and entitlement programs, and not living within our means and not adjusting programs and not adjusting people’s expectations. When it comes to wanting things, people don’t really care about the national debt… They don’t really care about the future; they just care about, “Give me my check so I can eat next week.”’”

Please read our recent member letter of January 11, 2013 , pointing out in much more detail the similarities between America and ancient Rome. 

State of the Union

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 13:

“President Obama should have stuck to the adage that less is usually more. Instead of focusing on specific issues, the president presented a long domestic to-do list. Judging by that list, he has his work cut out for him, a sign that not all is well with the state of the union, contrary to his optimistic opening.

“Where to begin? Budget spending needs to be reined in, Medicare is in desperate need of reform, and tax loopholes need to be closed. America needs to create more jobs, especially in the industrial sector, while vocational training needs an overhaul and climate change must be combated. And the list goes on: the country’s decrepit infrastructure, immigration policy, election laws and gun laws.

“In a nutshell, we’ve heard it all before. There were few concrete proposals, although he did lay out his plans to increase the minimum wage to $9. He also gave Congress an ultimatum on climate change, saying he would resort to executive actions if lawmakers dragged their feet. But therein lies the problem. Republicans dominate the House of Representatives and are unlikely to show any willingness to compromise – apart from possibly on immigration reform. In his response to Obama’s speech, Florida’s Republican Senator Marco Rubio repeated the Republican mantra: less government is the panacea, and the president is the problem. That sounds like four more years of political stalemate.

“In terms of foreign policy, Obama made a few fleeting remarks. The withdrawal from Afghanistan will go ahead as planned. Some 34,000 troops are set to come home by early next year. The president stressed that any future US military intervention would be a last resort, applicable also to the fight against al Qaeda. The world, he said, should no longer rely on the US to pull the chestnuts out of the fire.

“Ahead of his Israel trip next month, Obama reiterated his support, an obligatory statement to avoid any type of criticism. There were brief admonitions for North Korea and Iran, and reassurances that the administration’s controversial drone program was, is and would continue to stand on a sound legal footing. He also pledged to work together with Russia to further reduce the two countries’ nuclear arsenals. There was good news for Europe with Obama’s announcement to intensify talks about a trans-Atlantic trade pact, notwithstanding the fact that his agenda is driven by domestic interests, namely creating more American jobs… his window of opportunity is closing. Congressional elections are coming up in two years…  his to-do list can be seen as a legacy for his successor – and as a sobering analysis of America’s status quo.”

America is in BIG trouble.

Findus Beef Lasagna up to 100% Horsemeat

On February 8, 2013, sky.com reported:

“Tests on Findus beef lasagne have revealed that some of the ready meals were made entirely from horsemeat. Findus analysed 18 of its beef lasagne products and found 11 meals contained between 60% and 100% horsemeat, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said… All food companies have been told to test their beef products, with the FSA saying it was ‘highly likely’ that criminal activity was to blame for the contamination.

“Consumers who have purchased the ready meals – produced by French food supplier Comigel on behalf of Findus – have been advised by the FSA not to eat them and return them to the shop they were bought from. Retail giant Tesco and discount chain Aldi have already withdrawn a range of ready meals produced by Comigel over fears they contained contaminated meat.

“Findus UK has already started a full recall of its lasagne products. It withdrew its 320g, 360g and 500g lasagne meals from supermarket shelves as a precautionary measure earlier this week. It came after Comigel alerted Findus and Aldi that their products ‘do not conform to specification’. It advised them to remove Findus beef lasagne and Aldi’s Today’s Special frozen beef lasagne and Today’s Special frozen spaghetti Bolognese… Tesco also decided to withdraw its Everyday Value spaghetti bolognese, which is produced at the same Comigel site.”

The Sun wrote on February 8:

“Downing Street described the latest incident as ‘distasteful’ but stressed there was no evidence of a health risk and urged consumers to follow the FSA advice… Findus last night admitted it had no idea how LONG the products had been on sale or how MANY families had bought them… The findings — which raised the spectre of human food being contaminated with vets’ drugs — are a major humiliation for the Government…

“Red-faced officials at the Food Standards Agency have urged families who bought the ready meals to take them back to shops unopened.  And they ordered Findus to check whether the lasagne contained phenylbutazone — an animal painkiller linked to harmful effects, including potentially causing cancer, in humans.”

Breitbart wrote on February 8:

“Findus, a frozen foods manufacturer, has acknowledged that the frozen lasagna it offers has been using 100 percent horsemeat—and it all comes from France. The French company Comigel pounded the horsemeat into the lasagna in its plant in Metz.

“Great Britain’s Food Safety Agency (FSA) is checking all beef products on the shelves to look for horsemeat, which is banned in Britain but widely eaten in France. Meanwhile, Findus told stores to remove all three sizes of its beef lasagna from stores… Horsemeat can contain the veterinary drug phenylbutazone, which was banned when research showed one person in 30,000 could have serious side effects to it.

“The Labour Party’s Shadow Food and Farming Secretary, Mary Creagh, was furious with the British government, saying: ‘People do not feel they can trust what it says on the label. The Government’s handling of this has been appalling. Unless they come out on the front foot and show leadership, we won’t have a meat processing industry left.’”

CNN reported on February 11:

“High-stakes lawsuits, overlapping investigations and a bitter battle over blame are spreading across Europe in the wake of a scandal that has rocked the meat industry.

Horse meat was discovered in products that are supposed to be 100% beef, sold in Sweden, the United Kingdom and France. On Sunday, a major company under scrutiny called one of its suppliers a ‘villain’ responsible for the fraud. The supplier, in turn, insisted it was ‘fooled’ by a subsupplier… the discovery was a new shock to an industry already reeling from a bombshell last month when Irish investigators found horse and pig DNA in numerous hamburger products.

“Swedish food producer Findus has been a focus of the uproar… Findus is only one of several companies that receive products from Comigel. Others include Axfood, Coop and ICA, which have recalled some meat products in Sweden, and Aldi, which has pulled some products from shelves in Britain. Six big French retailers — Auchan, Casino, Carrefour, Cora, Picard and Monoprix — said Sunday that they were recalling lasagne and other products… While Findus has begun legal action in Sweden, Findus France previously said it will file a legal complaint Monday against a Romanian business that is part of the supply chain…  Aldi said tests on random samples demonstrated that the withdrawn products contained between 30% and 100% horse meat.

“The revelations have revolted many meat eaters in the United Kingdom, where horse meat is generally considered taboo, although it is commonly eaten in neighboring France, as well as countries including China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Italy. The discovery of pig DNA in beef products is of particular concern to Jews and Muslims, whose dietary laws forbid the consumption of pork products. Jewish dietary laws also ban the eating of horse meat. The UK Justice Ministry confirmed last week that a number of meat pies and similar items supplied to prisons in England and Wales were labeled and served as halal — prepared in compliance with Islamic dietary law — but contained traces of pork DNA…

“Horse meat is not commonly eaten in the United States, but the country does export it to Canada and Mexico. Congress passed a bill in November 2011 that lifted a 5-year-old ban on the slaughter of horses for meat in the United States.”

The Local added on February 11:

“British watchdog the Food Safety Association said that there could be a chance of horse meat in ready-made products on sale in Germany as experts found it in food on sale in UK branches of German supermarket chain Aldi.”

Der Spiegel Online and Bild Online speculated on February 8 and 9 that Findus’ contaminated “beef” products were also sold in other European countries, including Germany. The Bible prohibits the human consumption of horsemeat, as it poses a health risk, regardless of uninformed statements by medical “experts” such as the FSA.

“Horse Meat Scandal Gallops On”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 13:

“No one knows the actual magnitude of the current horsemeat scandal at this point, nor who is responsible… Greenpeace spokesman Jürgen Knirsch said the horsemeat scandal shows how insufficient the labeling of food is in Germany. The supply chain is obscure, he told DW… Germany has many horse lovers and eating horse meat is simply taboo…”

The Local wrote on February 13:

“The Consumer Protection Ministry in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) said that a Luxembourgian distributor has been delivering products thought to contain horse meat ‘on a large scale across Germany and NRW.’ Deliveries had been made between November 2012 and January 2013, not only to a wide range of supermarkets but also to other food production companies.”

The Daily Star wrote on February 13:

“HORSES killed at a British slaughterhouse were turned into doner kebabs, it was alleged last night. Officials from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) raided two UK meat plants yesterday. They were probing whether either plant was linked to 100% horse kebabs and burgers that have been discovered. It comes amid fears that old racehorses, even pet ponies, may have ended up in fast food restaurants across Britain as kebabs as well as beefburgers. The raids took place at the Peter Boddy slaughterhouse in Todmorden, West Yorks, which allegedly supplied horse carcasses to Farmbox Meats in Aberystwyth, Wales.”

Egypt’s Hard-Line Muslim Clerics

The Globe and Mail wrote on February 7:

“One hard-line Muslim cleric on an Egyptian TV station justified sexual assaults on women protesters. Others issued religious edicts saying opposition leaders must be killed. Television screeds by ultraconservative sheiks are raising fears of assassinations here a day after a top anti-Islamist politician was gunned down in Tunisia… The office of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and his prime minister denounced the edicts and the top prosecutor began an investigation into one of the clerics.

“The TV screeds by the clerics reflect the fury with which some ultraconservatives have reacted to nationwide protests against Mr. Morsi, which turned into deadly clashes as police cracked down on the demonstrators… Egyptians saw a series of assassinations of top statesmen and writers after religious edicts were issued against them back in 1990s during a bloody Islamic extremist insurgency.”

When Islamists come to power and pronounce evil things, the people suffer and hide (compare Proverbs 28:12, 15-16, 28; 29:2; 11:11).

Iraq Next?

The Washington Post wrote on February 8:

“In an echo of the Arab Spring protests that have overturned regimes elsewhere in the region, angry residents have been staging weekly demonstrations against the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, calling, among a host of other demands, for him to step down and for Iraq’s U.S.-brokered constitution to be replaced. The Friday protests have also drawn huge crowds in towns and cities elsewhere across the Sunni provinces, as the passions of the Arab Spring collide with the bitter legacy of the Iraq war.

“The demonstrations first erupted in December in response to the detention of the bodyguards of a Sunni minister in Maliki’s coalition government, which reinforced widespread Sunni perceptions that the premier is intent on eliminating his Sunni political rivals. But the protests have evolved into a far deeper expression of the many grievances left unresolved when U.S. forces withdrew a little over a year ago, ranging from abuses committed disproportionately against Sunnis by the Iraqi security forces to what Sunnis perceive to be an unequal distribution of power among the sects.

“With their huge turnouts, these largely peaceful protests have the potential to present a far bigger challenge to Maliki’s hold on power than the violent and stubbornly persistent insurgency, which continues to claim scores of lives every month without any discernible impact on the political process. At a time when civil war is raging in neighboring Syria the demonstrations also risk becoming embroiled in the wider regional conflict already spilling beyond Syria’s borders…

“The Islamic State of Iraq, the umbrella extremist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, is seeking to exploit the heightened tensions. In a statement last week, it called on Sunni protesters to take up arms against the Shiite government. The group has intensified the pace of its attacks in recent weeks, targeting Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis in what looks like an attempt to capitalize on the heightened tensions and reignite the sectarian war that engulfed the country from 2006 to 2007. In the most recent attack Friday, at least 36 people died in bombings against Shiite marketplaces and a taxi stand in Baghdad, Karbala and Hilla.”

The “Arab Spring”—a wrong term for a disastrous movement—will continue to spread with devastating consequences for Western nations, especially the USA.

“Flaws Found in US Missile Shield against Iran”

The Times of Israel and The Associated Press reported on February 9:

“Secret US Defense Department studies cast doubt on whether a multibillion-dollar missile defense system planned for Europe will ever be able to protect the US from Iranian missiles as intended, congressional investigators said Friday… proposed fixes could be difficult. One possibility has already been ruled out as technically unfeasible. Another, relocating missile interceptors planned for Poland and possibly Romania to ships on the North Sea, could be diplomatically explosive.

“The studies are the latest to highlight serious problems for a plan that has been criticized on several fronts. Republicans claim it was hastily drawn up in an attempt to appease Russia, which had opposed an earlier system. But Russia is also critical of the plan, which it believes is really intended to counter its missiles. A series of governmental and scientific reports has cast doubt on whether it would ever work as planned.

“At a time that the military faces giant budget cuts, the studies could prompt Congress to reconsider whether it is worthwhile to spend billions for a system that may not fulfill its original goals… The military has considered deploying interceptors on ships, but the Navy has safety concerns that have not yet been resolved. The suggestion of attempting intercepts from ships on the North Sea would likely aggravate tensions with Russia. That could put it right in the path that some Russian ICBMs would use, further reinforcing Russia’s belief that it, not Iran, is the target of the system…”

It seems that America’s problems are mounting and increasing continuously…

Worldwide Condemnation of North Korean Nuclear Test

Deutsche Welle reported on February 12:

“North Korea has confirmed that it has conducted a third nuclear test after monitoring agencies detected an ‘explosion-like’ quake. The test, which defied United Nations sanctions, has prompted international condemnation… The isolated country is banned under United Nations Security Council resolutions from developing nuclear and missile technology following previous tests in 2006 and 2009. Following Tuesday’s test, South Korea’s mission to the UN called an emergency Security Council meeting to be held in New York later in the day. South Korea holds the presidency of the 15-nation council this month.

“The European Union’s foreign policy coordinator, Catherine Ashton condemned the test… German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle condemned the test ‘in the strongest possible terms,’ a statement released by Westerwelle’s office said. ‘Further sanctions against the regime in Pyongyang should now be considered.’ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the nuclear test as ‘deplorable’… Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the test must not be tolerated. US President Barack Obama described North Korea’s nuclear test as a ‘highly provocative act.’ ‘The danger posed by North Korea’s threatening activities warrants further swift and credible action by the international community. The United States will also continue to take steps necessary to defend ourselves and our allies,’ a White House statement said. North Korea’s communist neighbor and closest ally, China, expressed ‘firm opposition’ to the nuclear test.’”

Merkel Leads Europe… but the Opposition Grows…

The Local wrote on February 8:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday successfully convinced EU leaders to cut the bloc’s budget for the first time in its six-decade history, following marathon talks in Brussels… Negotiating for nearly 26 hours with little break, Merkel, backed by British Prime Minister David Cameron, led a sustained push for the EU budget for 2014-2020 to share in the austerity national governments are facing. The tentative agreement would trim spending by three percent over the rest of the decade…

“France, along with Italy, fought to protect spending it sees as essential to boost growth and jobs at a time of record unemployment, but indications early Friday were that Paris could live with the deal. ‘It is not a fantastic compromise deal but it is acceptable,’ said a French diplomatic source…

“But there is another important hurdle still to clear – the European Parliament must approve the deal and lawmakers have already made clear they are in no mood for more austerity. Parliament head Martin Schulz said bluntly on Thursday that he and the assembly would not accept a budget which would compromise EU programmes and undercut its future. ‘That’s called a deficit. I won’t sign a deficit budget anymore,’ he said.”

Unification of Europe under ten core nations is prophesied. Even though constituting a mighty military power bloc, these nations will still attempt to gain individual political advantages and pursue their own goals, as iron does not really mix with clay (Daniel 2:40-43).

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Who will build the Temple of Ezekiel?

There is compelling biblical evidence that this will be accomplished by the modern Jewish State of Israel. In spite of the current seemingly overwhelming obstacles, a Temple dedicated to God is destined to once again arise in Jerusalem.

The setting for the Book of Ezekiel is of particular interest.

Ezekiel, a member of the priestly family of Buzi (Ezekiel 1:3), was taken to Babylon from Judah in 597 B.C. It was in this period of captivity that Ezekiel received visions from God. Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in 586 B.C., and some of Ezekiel’s prophetic messages addressed these events; however, the greater part of his prophecies were for future fulfillment!

The fact that God was sending Ezekiel “‘to the children of Israel’” (Ezekiel 2:3) and that God had made him “a watchman for the house of Israel’” (Ezekiel 33:7) points to a period that far transcends his own lifetime.

The House of Israel, as the tribes exclusive of Judah, Levi and parts of Benjamin were known, had been removed from their land long before Ezekiel lived. 2 Kings, chapter 17, provides the record of this occurrence—culminating, approximately, in 721 B.C.

Yet, Ezekiel’s messages from God were to be proclaimed to Israel and to Judah in spite of the fact that both nations were at that time devastated and scattered as captives among other empires.

Couched in the oftentimes enigmatic context of prophecy, the visions Ezekiel witnessed have very specific application for our time—especially those found beginning in chapter forty of the Book of Ezekiel.

While much of these last eight chapters of Ezekiel very clearly depict the beginning period following Jesus Christ’s return and the establishment of His rule in Jerusalem, great detail is rendered concerning the Temple He will enter. In fact, there is what amounts to an architectural plan one could use to actually build this structure.

Note these specific instructions given to Ezekiel:     

“And the man said to me, ‘Son of man, look with your eyes and hear with your ears, and fix your mind on everything I show you; for you were brought here so that I might show them to you. Declare to the house of Israel everything you see’” (Ezekiel 40:4).


“‘Son of man, describe the temple to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the pattern. And if they are ashamed of all that they have done, make known to them the design of the temple and its arrangement, its exits and its entrances, its entire design and all its ordinances, all its forms and all its laws. Write it down in their sight, so that they may keep its whole design and all its ordinances, and perform them’” (Ezekiel 43:10-11).

Before the Tabernacle was constructed by the Israelites, Moses was given very exact details by God concerning how it was to be done:

“Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying… “And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall make it’” (Exodus 25:1, 8-9; compare verse 40; Numbers 8:4; also noted in Hebrews 8:5).

Before the Temple was constructed, God revealed the plans to King David, who, in turn, gave them to his son, Solomon:

“‘Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong, and do it.’ Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the vestibule, its houses, its treasuries, its upper chambers, its inner chambers, and the place of the mercy seat; and the plans for all that he had by the Spirit, of the courts of the house of the LORD, of all the chambers all around, of the treasuries of the house of God, and of the treasuries for the dedicated things; also for the division of the priests and the Levites, for all the work of the service of the house of the LORD, and for all the articles of service in the house of the LORD… ‘All this,’ said David, ‘the Lord made me understand in writing, by His hand upon me, all the works of these plans.’ And David said to his son Solomon, ‘Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God–my God–will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD’” (1 Chronicles 28:10-13, 19-20).

Even before this magnificent Temple of God was destroyed by the Babylonian Kingdom, God revealed through the prophet Isaiah that His House would stand again in Jerusalem—He did this, even calling by name the yet unborn Gentile king who would implement this:

“‘… Who says of Cyrus, “He is My shepherd, And he shall perform all My pleasure, Saying to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be built,’ And to the temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid’”’” (Isaiah 44:28).

In the beginning of the Book of Ezra, we find the fulfillment of this prophecy:

“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and also put it in writing, saying, ‘Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth the Lord God of heaven has given me. And He has commanded me to build Him a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah. Who is among you of all His people? May his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (He is God), which is in Jerusalem. And whoever is left in any place where he dwells, let the men of his place help him with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, besides the freewill offerings for the house of God which is in Jerusalem’” (Ezra 1:1-4).

God had also caused Jeremiah to write to the captives in Babylon to assure them that their nation would be restored:

“‘For thus says the Lord: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place’” (Jeremiah 29:10).

In both the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we have a record of the remnant of the House of Judah who returned to the land of Israel and who rebuilt the Temple of God and the City of Jerusalem—including its defensive walls. The Gentile rulers neighboring Judah stood in opposition and tried to stop the Jews. Among their many actions, they complained in a letter sent to King Darius, but the king’s answer was in support of the rebuilding:

“Let the work of this house of God alone; let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of God ON ITS SITE” (Ezra 6:7).

While the Temple of God was rebuilt on the original location as that of Solomon’s construction, it did not compare in size and grandeur:

“But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes. Yet many shouted aloud for joy, so that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people, for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the sound was heard afar off” (Ezra 3:12-13).

God, through the prophet Haggai, responded to those who were so disappointed with the Temple then being constructed:

“In the seventh month, on the twenty-first of the month, the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, saying: ‘Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and to the remnant of the people, saying: “Who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now? In comparison with it, is this not in your eyes as nothing? Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,” says the LORD; “and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land,” says the LORD, “and work; for I am with you,” says the LORD of hosts’” (Haggai 2:1-4)

Now the place for the building of Solomon’s Temple had been clearly manifested by God. This happened when David numbered Israel. However, David’s foolish action in numbering the people was a great sin before God:

“So the LORD sent a plague upon Israel, and seventy thousand men of Israel fell. And God sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it. As he was destroying, the LORD looked and relented of the disaster, and said to the angel who was destroying, ‘It is enough; now restrain your hand.’ And the angel of the LORD stood by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite” (1 Chronicles 21:14-15).

This account also states that David was instructed to “…go and erect an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite” (verse 18).

God accepted David’s offerings and in the events of this occurrence the location for the Temple of God was revealed to David:

“Then David said, ‘This is the house of the LORD God, and this is the altar of burnt offering for Israel’” (1 Chronicles 22:1).

Solomon followed his father’s instruction and built the Temple of God where God had revealed that it should be placed:

“Now Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the LORD had appeared to his father David, at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite” (2 Chronicles 3:1).

Mount Moriah is also linked to Abraham, for it was to this area of what would become part of the City of Jerusalem that Abraham brought his son Isaac to offer in sacrifice:

“Then He said, ‘Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you’” (Genesis 22:2).

Jerusalem is associated with Melchizedek in an earlier account involving Abram’s rescue of Lot:

“Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said: ‘Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.’ And he gave him a tithe of all” (Genesis 14:18-20).

(Regarding the identity of Melchizedek, please refer to our booklets, “God Is A Family” and “Jesus Christ—a Great Mystery.”)

Psalm 76, verse 2, shows that Salem corresponds to Jerusalem when identifying the place of God’s Temple: “In Judah God is known; His name is great in Israel. In Salem also is His tabernacle, And His dwelling place in Zion.”

We must understand from the foregoing accounts that the place where God’s Temple will be built in the future has historical precedence! Even more importantly, the Word of God shows that He very specifically chose the site that would be His dwelling place, and prophecy indisputably establishes that this will not change!

Before going into the prophecies about a future Temple being built in Jerusalem, let’s examine the Temple of God enlarged through Herod.

“In the 18th year of his reign (20-19 B.C.) Herod obtained the reluctant consent of his subjects to his ambitious scheme for [enlarging and beautifying] the temple [and] its courts. The former was finished in eighteen months by a thousand priests trained for this special purpose, the courts in eight years, but the complete reconstruction occupied more than eighty years, lasting almost till the final breach with Rome, which culminated in the destruction of the sacred edifice by the soldiers of Titus in A.D. 70” (Encyclopedia Britannica Eleventh Edition; The Temple of Herod; page 607).

“The Jerusalem temple is the focus of many NT events. The birth of John the Baptist was announced there (Luke 1:11-20). The offering by Joseph and Mary at the circumcision of the baby Jesus was brought there. Simeon and Anna greeted Jesus there (2:22-38). Jesus came there as a boy of 12 (2:42-51) and later taught there during His ministry…” (Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary; Herod’s Temple; page 1567).

A point to be made about the Temple of God that existed during the lifetime of Jesus Christ is that Jesus recognized this structure as God’s or the Father’s House—we have two examples of Jesus forcefully defending the Temple, one in the beginning of His ministry and another instance shortly before His death:

“Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables. And He said to those who sold doves, ‘Take these things away! Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!’” (John 2:13-16).

“So they came to Jerusalem. Then Jesus went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He would not allow anyone to carry wares through the temple. Then He taught, saying to them, ‘Is it not written, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations”? But you have made it a “den of thieves”’” (Mark 11:15-17).

Because of the terrible sins of the nation of Judah, Jesus foretold that Jerusalem would soon be destroyed:

“Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation’” (Luke 19:41-44).

In addition, Jesus revealed that the Temple of God would suffer the same fate in the first century:

“Then as He went out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Teacher, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!’  And Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone shall be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down’” (Mark 13:1-2).

That destruction came upon the City of Jerusalem along with its Temple in 70 A.D. Judah as a nation ceased to exist at that time. Throughout the centuries several attempts have been made to re-establish the Temple in Jerusalem, but all have failed!

The Dome of the Rock was completed about 691 A.D., and it is considered one of Islam’s most important shrines. It, along with the Al-Aqsa Mosque, now occupies the place that is biblically known as Mount Moriah—the very same location of the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite and the place where the temples built by Solomon and Zerubbabel as well as the additions done by Herod once existed.

Now surrounded by the Jewish State of Israel, the Dome of the Rock is also the place where the future Temple of God prophesied by Ezekiel is appointed to stand!

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written by Rene Messier. In this letter, Mr. Messier shows how the United States, Canada and other nations are destroying themselves through their wrong and ungodly actions. He also reminds us of the role Christians have in these closing days of human government.

“Peter of Rome–The Last Black Pope?” is the title of the new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: The surprising and unprecedented resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has opened up the floodgates of prophetic speculation and conspiracy. Will the next pope be black? Will he be the last pope? Will he be appointed by God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary or demons, or just through human politicking and manipulations under the sway and influence of the current pope? Is there any validity to the obscure prophecies of Malachy, an Irish priest and Kabbalist? Should we consult mediums or listen to demonic predictions to find out the future?
“Gottes Lohn für unsere Arbeit” is the title of this week’s Geman sermon presented by Norbert Link. The English title is “God’s Reward for Our Labor.”

“When Will Russia Attack Israel?” remains one of our most popular YouTube videos–This StandingWatch program has received in excess of 129,500 viewings!

The most-viewed German APS program, so far, appears to be “Die Turkei in der Prophezeiung” (“Turkey in Prophecy”), with in excess of 50,000 views, followed by programs about the swine flu and the economic crisis, with views in excess of 30,000 each.

The funeral of Nancy Burns, mother of Andrew Burns, took place on Thursday, February 14, 2013, at the Brakespear Crematorium in Ruislip which is just north of London. Nancy would have been 99 on 30th March this year, and she was widowed for many years. She had 4 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Brian Gale conducted the service and about 50 people attended. The Eulogy was given by Andrew Burns, and a few words were spoken by his cousin who was a bridesmaid at Nancy’s wedding. There were three different Church of God fellowships represented at the funeral as well as from other churches.

Although not a baptized church member, Nancy had attended Sabbath services at times and the Feast of Tabernacles for a number of years with Andrew.  She was a lovely, caring individual who will be sadly missed by all who knew her.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Peter of Rome–The Last Black Pope?

The surprising and unprecedented resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has opened up the floodgates of prophetic speculation and conspiracy. Will the next pope be black? Will he be the last pope? Will he be appointed by God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary or demons, or just through human politicking and manipulations under the sway and influence of the current pope? Is there any validity to the obscure prophecies of Malachy, an Irish priest and Kabbalist? Should we consult mediums or listen to demonic predictions to find out the future?

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Current Events

The President Speaks… Who Is Listening?

USA Today wrote on February 3:

“President Obama said Sunday the economy is poised for growth, but not if Washington ‘dysfunction’ gets in the way. ‘Washington cannot continually operate under a cloud of crisis,’ Obama told CBS News in his annual Super Bowl Sunday interview. He urged Congress to avoid an upcoming series of automatic spending cuts. Obama… also urged the Boy Scouts of America to drop its ban on gays, expressed concern about the safety of football, and said he would not hesitate to order women into combat…

“The president spoke just days after news that the economy shrunk slightly in the fourth quarter of 2012, a development Obama attributed to a sharp drop in defense spending brought on by uncertainty over the ‘fiscal cliff’ and other political disputes. The White House and Congress forestalled the fiscal cliff — a series of automatic tax hikes and budget cuts — with a New Year’s Day agreement that raised income tax rates on households that make more than $450,000 per year. The deal also deferred automatic spending cuts for two months, to the start of March.”

President Obama’s contradictory statements do not seem to be convincing. He speaks out against violence in football and unrestricted access to assault weapons, but has no hesitation ordering women into combat. He predicts economic growth, while the economy shrunk in 2012. He blames Congress for our economic situation, while willing to increase spending. He proposes lifting the ban on gays in Boy Scouts, while endorsing liberties and freedom for everyone… but denies the Boy Scouts their freedom to exclude gays. In this context, please read the next article.

Religious Groups Object to Boy Scout Changes

The Wall Street Journal reported on February 6:

“The Boy Scouts of America’s national executive board said Wednesday that it is delaying a vote on changes to the group’s ban on gay scouts and leaders, amid pressure from religious groups that say more discussion is needed… ‘After careful consideration and extensive dialogue within the Scouting family, along with comments from those outside the organization, the volunteer officers of the Boy Scouts of America’s National Executive Board concluded that due to the complexity of this issue, the organization needs time for a more deliberate review of its membership policy,’ the Scouts said in a statement…

“Some of the religious leaders were opposed to the change, while others supported it… Last summer, the Scouts reaffirmed the ban, saying it was ‘absolutely the best policy’…  The Scouts have been under pressure from gay-rights activists, who over the past year have gathered more than a million signatures through online petitions to end the ban. Some corporate sponsors pulled funding because of the ban…”

Obamacare’s Disaster and “Hidden” Curse

Breitbart wrote on January 31, 2013:

“The IRS has begun implementing Obamacare; starting in 2014, ‘people who choose not to buy insurance and don’t qualify for an exemption from the mandate will have to pay a fine of $95.’ The $95 penalty will increase to $695 in 2016, and continue to grow thereafter at a ‘pre-determined’ rate.
“Households that do not earn enough to pay federal income tax are exempt from the penalty of the mandate, as are persons who are temporarily unemployed or transitioning from one job to another. The current rules of the healthcare overhaul also say that if you have insurance ‘for one day of a month,’ it will count as having coverage for that entire month.”
On January 31, 2013, CNS News reported:

“In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year. Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS. The IRS’s assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan.

“The examples point to families of four and families of five, both of which the IRS expects in its assumptions to pay a minimum of $20,000 per year for a bronze plan. ‘The annual national average bronze plan premium for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) is $20,000,’ the regulation says. Bronze will be the lowest tier health-insurance plan available under Obamacare–after Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Under the law, the penalty for not buying health insurance is supposed to be capped at either the annual average Bronze premium, 2.5 percent of taxable income, or $2,085.00 per family in 2016… the IRS calculates that a family earning $120,000 per year that did not buy insurance would need to pay a ‘penalty’ (a word the IRS still uses despite the Supreme Court ruling that it is in fact a ‘tax’) of $2,400 in 2016…”

Ignorant left-wing liberals and socialists embraced and welcomed the Obamacare regulations as a great accomplishment, while nobody had actually read the bill. They are being surprised more and more by the hidden curses and disastrous concepts of this ill-conceived adventure which are bound to contribute to the economic downfall of our country.

Drone War At High Risk

NBC News reported on February 6:

“Legal experts expressed grave reservations Tuesday about an Obama administration memo concluding that the United States can order the killing of American citizens believed to be affiliated with al-Qaida — with one saying the White House was acting as ‘judge, jury and executioner’… The experts said the memo… threatened constitutional rights and dangerously expanded the definition of national self-defense and of what constitutes an imminent attack. ‘Anyone should be concerned when the president and his lawyers make up their own interpretation of the law or their own rules,’ said Mary Ellen O’Connell, a law professor at the University of Notre Dame and an authority on international law and the use of force. ‘This is a very, very dangerous thing that the president has done,’ she added.

“…the memo… specifically says the government is not required to have ‘clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future.’… Glenn Greenwald, a constitutional lawyer who writes about security and liberty for the British newspaper The Guardian, described the memo as ‘fundamentally misleading,’ with a clinical tone that disguises ‘the radical and dangerous power it purports to authorize. If you believe the president has the power to order U.S. citizens executed far from any battlefield with no charges or trial, then it’s truly hard to conceive of any asserted power you would find objectionable,’ he wrote.”

While many conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats support the Obama Administration’s use of drones to kill “the enemy”—including American citizens abroad—CNN, normally very supportive of President Obama, asked the pertinent question on February 6 where it will end—if it is permitted today to kill American citizens abroad without any charges, trial and conviction, only because they are SUSPECTED of terrorist activities, will the government soon be willing to kill “suspicious” American citizens INSIDE the USA?

Cyberattacks at High Risk

Deutsche Welle reported on February 6:

“Media reports claim that the US is secretly claiming the right to launch pre-emptive cyberattacks in ‘credible threat’ scenarios… Many were surprised when the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post announced recently that they had been hit for over four months by cyberattacks, in part coming from China. Perhaps more alarmingly, the US Department of Homeland Security said that one power station had been knocked out for weeks by a cyberattack, though it declined to say which. The US has of course launched a number of digital onslaughts of its own, most notably on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities. And that attack was not risk-free, as the so-called Stuxnet virus injected into Iranian systems ended up being leaked onto the Internet and copied millions of times.

“A number of security firms and analysts have warned that cyber warfare will escalate in 2013, with some warning that it could be only a matter of time before a cyberweapon takes lives like any other weapon would…  ‘A [cyberattack] perpetrated by nation states or violent extremist groups could be as destructive as the terrorist attack of 9/11,’ Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said last October. ‘Such a destructive cyber terrorist attack could paralyze the nation.’ That view appeared to be confirmed by a report in the New York Times on Sunday (03.02.2013), which indicated that the arsenal of cyber weapons now at the disposal of the US and other nation-states is larger than most suspect. ‘There are levels of cyberwarfare that are far more aggressive than anything that has been used or recommended to be done,’ one official told the paper on condition of anonymity…

“That begs many questions – such as: who is able to order such attacks, and under what circumstances? According to the officials quoted in the New York Times, the answer to the first question is pretty clear – only the president… the answer to the second question – the definition of when an attack may be carried out – remains deliberately vague… a secret legal review seen by the New York Times suggests that President Barack Obama has the power to order a pre-emptive strike, if the US has credible evidence of an imminent digital attack…”

In light of the government’s dealings with drones, the President’s perceived authority to order cyberattacks is also a frightening and little assuring scenario.

“Those Who Live by the Sword…”

Fox News reported on February 5:

“After a public backlash, former presidential candidate Ron Paul used his Facebook page to clarify controversial comments he made Monday about the Navy SEAL who was killed at a Texas gun range over the weekend. On Monday, Paul, 77, took cyber heat for a tweet he sent out following the news of the veteran’s death. Paul wrote: ‘Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword”’…

“Paul… offered a clarification on his Facebook page. He wrote: ‘As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend’s violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies…’

“Paul has spent much of his congressional career denouncing military intervention overseas. He publicly opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and called them unconstitutional… Kyle, who had four tours in Iraq, was the most lethal sniper in the U.S. He had 160 confirmed kills and received 14 different awards and decorations, including two Silver Stars, five Bronze Stars with Valor and two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals…”

Egypt Receives U.S. Fighter Jets

Reuters reported on February 3:

“The United States has delivered four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt, Egypt’s military and a U.S. military delegation said on Sunday, highlighting military links between the two countries despite Egypt’s political upheaval. A statement from the American embassy in Cairo said a U.S. delegation and Egypt held a joint ceremony on Sunday to mark the arrival of the jets, the latest of 224 F-16s delivered to Egypt. “

“U.S. aid, which has brought criticism in the U.S. Congress, has given the United States leverage over Egypt for decades and given its warships preferential access to the Suez Canal… Part of a group of 20 F-16s, the four jets arrived in January, with the rest due later in 2013, Egyptian media reported.”

America’s political blindness continues. It has not learned from its past mistakes. It is continuing to feed the Frankenstein monster of its own creation.

Iran Wants Ties with Egypt

The Washington Post reported on February 5:

“President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Cairo on Tuesday as Iran’s first leader to visit Egypt since the two nations ended diplomatic relations in 1980, another sign of the regional shifts triggered by the Arab Spring. But although the countries’ ties have thawed since the overthrow of Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak, key differences — including opposing views on the conflict in Syria — make the prospect of fully restored relations distant…

“Iran cut off diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1980 over the latter’s recognition of Israel, and Mubarak, who cultivated ties with the West, was deeply suspicious of Tehran’s influence. But Morsi traveled to Iran in August for a Non-Aligned Movement meeting, and Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has begun advancing the idea that Iran’s 1979 revolution was, as he put it last summer, ‘a role model for these popular movements’ that have risen up during the Arab Spring. As he left Tehran for Cairo, where he is scheduled to attend an Islamic conference, Ahmadinejad told reporters that his purpose was to ‘try to prepare the grounds for cooperation between the two great nations of Iran and Egypt’…

“Their governments share opposition to Israel and intense interest in the Syrian conflict…The most immediate divergence between the nations is their view of the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which Iran supports and Egypt condemns… Still, some observers say Egypt is looking to maintain at least cordial ties with the Islamic republic, which it recognizes as a major regional player and worthwhile economic partner.”

Egypt Asks Muslim Countries to Unite Against Israel

The Times of Israel wrote on February 6:

“Egypt’s Islamist president on Wednesday told leaders of Islamic countries that there will not be regional peace until a Palestinian state is founded, and called on them to unite against Israel. Speaking at an Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit in Cairo, Mohammed Morsi said that ‘there won’t be peace in the Arab region unless the Palestinian people receive their rights and unless the brutal assault [on them] ends and the Palestinians receive their freedom and have a separate homeland and sovereign state.’

“The means of obtaining that objective, he told OIC leaders, was unified action by Muslim states against Israel. ‘We must cooperate to stop Israel’s hotheaded takeover of the Palestinian territories,’ he said. ‘The Palestinian issue is the central issue… it is the cornerstone for stability [in the Middle East]. The aspiration is to found a sovereign state whose capital is Jerusalem, and [we] are obliged to do it.’”

Brainwashing Through Evolution

The Guardian wrote on January 31, 2013:

“Four US states are considering new legislation about teaching science in schools, allowing pupils to be taught religious versions of how life on earth developed in what critics say would establish a backdoor way of questioning the theory of evolution. Fresh legislation has been put forward in Colorado, Missouri and Montana. In Oklahoma, there are two bills before the state legislature that include potentially creationist language…

“The moves in such a wide range of states have angered advocates of secularism in American official life… Over the past few years, only Tennessee and Louisiana have managed to pass so-called ‘academic freedom’ laws of the kind currently being considered in the four states…

“Intelligent design, which a local school board in Dover, Pennsylvania, had sought to get accepted as legitimate science, [was defeated in a landmark court case in 2005 and] asserts that modern life is too complex to have evolved by chance alone…”

While the unscientific and thoroughly atheistic evolution concept is being taught to the minds of our children with the obvious attempt to brainwash them, the biblical and godly truth of creation is being rejected by secularists and scientific agnostics.

Monumental Decision Regarding Ecumenical Relations

The Huffington Post wrote on January 31:

“In a monumental occasion for ecumenical relations, the U.S. Roman Catholic church and a group of Protestant denominations plan to sign a document on Tuesday evening to formally agree to recognize each other’s baptisms. Catholic leaders will join representatives from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Christian Reformed Church in North America, Reformed Church in America and United Church of Christ at the ceremony in Austin, Texas, to sign the agreement…

“Currently, the Protestant churches recognize Roman Catholic baptisms, but the Catholic church does not always recognize theirs. The mutual agreement on baptisms, a key sacrament in the churches, has been discussed between denominational leadership for seven years and hinges in part on invoking trinity of the ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ during the baptism…

“The Roman Catholic church as a whole has generally recognized the baptisms of most mainstream Christian denominations since the Second Vatican Council, a series of historic church meetings from 1962 to 1965, but the formal baptism agreement is the first of its kind for the U.S. church.

“According to a prior statement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which was released in 2010 when bishops were deliberating the agreement, the understanding between the churches ‘affirms that both Catholic and Reformed Christians hold that baptism is the sacramental bond of unity for the Body of Christ, which is to be performed only once, by an authorized minister, with flowing water, using the Scriptural Trinitarian formula of “Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”’…

“The Austin newspaper reported that Tuesday’s agreement says that ‘for our baptisms to be mutually recognized, water and the scriptural Trinitarian formula ‘Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’ (Matthew 28:19-20) must be used in the baptismal rite.’”

The Bible predicts that the Protestant churches, which separated from the Catholic Church during the Reformation or subsequently, will return to the mother church of Rome and become again part of a worldwide religious system. However, this system is not in accord with major biblical doctrines. For instance, the Trinity is nowhere taught in Scripture, and the biblical concept and “formula” of baptism is totally different from the baptism practiced by the Catholic and Protestant churches. Please read our free booklet, “Baptism—A Requirement for Salvation?”

Coming—Agreement Between Holy See and Palestine

On January 31, 2013, VIS reported:

“Following the bilateral negotiations held in past years with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), an official meeting took place in Ramallah, Palestine on 30 January 2013, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine. The talks were headed by Dr. Riad Al-Malki, minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine, and Msgr. Ettore Balestrero, under-secretary for the Holy See’s Relations with States.

“The Parties exchanged views regarding the draft Agreement under discussion, especially the Preamble and Chapter I of the mentioned Agreement. The talks were held in an open and cordial atmosphere, the expression of the existing good relations between the Holy See and the State of Palestine. The Delegations expressed the wish that negotiations be accelerated and brought to a speedy conclusion. It was thus agreed that a joint technical group will meet to follow-up.”

According to the Bible, the Catholic Church will involve itself more and more in the political affairs in the Middle East, thereby taking the side of countries and movements opposed to the state of Israel.

Catholic Archbishop of Germany Allows Morning-After Pill in Cases of Rape

The Local wrote on February 5:

“Clergy across North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) on Monday backed the Archbishop of Cologne’s controversial decision to allow doctors in Catholic-run clinics in the western German state to prescribe rape victims the morning-after pill.

“Archbishop Josef Cardinal Meisner caused a stir in Church circles last week when he said the morning-after pill was, in certain circumstances, not morally objectionable. Bishops of the Münster, Aachen, Essen and Paderborn dioceses officially gave him their support on Monday… In the instance of rape, medication that stopped pregnancy by halting the division of cells had the Archbishop’s blessing. Chemical abortion pills, however, remained unacceptable in the eyes of the Church.

“Two Catholic clinics in NRW came under fire in January after it emerged that they refused in December a woman who had been raped the morning-after pill. Their reasoning was that their medical treatment of the woman would result in ending a pregnancy, which is against Church doctrine.”

The Pope has not officially spoken on this rather startling development in the German Catholic Church.

Jews Not Welcome!

The Spectator wrote on January 29:

“Should Jews leave Britain?… David Ward, the Liberal Democrat MP for Bradford East, used the opportunity provided by Holocaust Memorial Day to punish the Jews for the Holocaust:

“‘Having visited Auschwitz twice – once with my family and once with local schools – I am saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza.’

“And on the day itself the Sunday Times saw fit to publish a cartoon by the witless Gerald Scarfe showing the Prime Minister of the Jewish state building a wall consisting of bloodied and dying Palestinians. Much of the comment on these latter cases has focused on the ‘inappropriateness’ of running an anti-Semitic cartoon or making an anti-Semitic comment so close to Holocaust Memorial Day. I cannot help thinking that this is missing the point…

“There is absolutely no connection between, for instance, the liquidation of hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto and the treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank. There is absolutely no connection between the situation in Gaza and the herding of six million Jews into concentration camps. The wonder then is not over Scarfe or Ward’s sense of timing, but why at any point in any year they would be so keen to spread lies and to bait Jews by comparing the actions of the Jewish state with those of a genocidal doctrine of Nazism which sought to annihilate the Jews.

“Rupert Murdoch has apologised for the Scarfe cartoon and Ward now seems to be reluctantly towing what Liberal Democrat party line can be held… What sort of future is there in Britain for Jews?… what is becoming increasingly clear is that the price of that future is that Jews will increasingly be expected to distance themselves from Israel. There is a fair amount of evidence from the Jewish community suggesting that this process is already underway. Once it is complete then those ‘good’ anti-Israel Jews will be able to proclaim victory…”

These are remarkable words in the light of biblical prophecy. We read in the book of Zechariah, in the 14th chapter, that in the end time, Judah will fight against Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:14, Revised Standard Version), speaking of those Jews who escaped captivity by supporting the Gentile armies, compare Daniel 11:32.

In addition, there is a tendency in Europe to establish countries which will be “free from Jews” (“Judenfrei”), as Kopp Online reported already on July 19, 2012. According to that article, all Norwegian Jews left their country because of fear of growing anti-Semitism. Regular attacks against Jews were reported in Sweden, France, Belgium and The Netherlands, leading, as a consequence, to a mass exodus of Jews from those countries. The anti-Jewish decision of a court in Germany pertaining to circumcision must be viewed in this light. There may be a temporary “cease-fire” arrangement, due to a German law permitting circumcision under certain circumstances, but it is, in effect, nothing else but the temporary calm before the next storm. Please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Worldwide Attacks on Israel.”

Europe–a Free-Fire Zone for Iran and Hezbollah?

On February 5, the Washington Post wrote the following:

“On Tuesday, the Bulgarian government confirmed what most of the world has known for months: The bombing of a bus carrying Israeli tourists in the Black Sea resort of Burgas last July 18 was carried out by members of Lebanon’s Hezbollah organization. The results of an official investigation present leaders of the European Union with a reality that will be difficult to ignore. They must decide whether to allow a terrorist attack on E.U. territory to go unpunished or to sanction a movement that is both an Iranian proxy and the dominant party in the Lebanese government.

“The case for sanctions is a strong one. The Burgas attack, which killed five Israelis and wounded more than 100, was not an isolated incident but part of a campaign of terrorism against Israeli, U.S. and gulf state targets by Hezbollah and the Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. According to a new report by Matthew Levitt of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the two groups decided in January 2010 to launch a campaign of violence aimed at punishing Israel for the assassination of Iranian scientists and deterring an attack on Iran’s nuclear program.

“Since then the Quds Force has, among other things, plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States in Washington and the U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan, and it has attacked an Israeli diplomat’s wife in India. Hezbollah has attempted attacks on Israeli tourists in Cyprus, Greece and Thailand as well as in Bulgaria. Mr. Levitt says that more than 20 terror attacks by Hezbollah or the Iranian force were detected between May 2011 and July 2012; fortunately, almost all failed or were disrupted.

“Israel participates in this shadow war, too: Five Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated in recent years. The United States has sponsored cyberattacks on Iranian nuclear facilities. But nothing justifies Hezbollah’s attempts to murder tourists; one of those killed in Bulgaria was a pregnant woman. Nor should a democratic community such as the European Union tolerate terrorist attacks on its territory by an established organization such as Hezbollah, which seeks recognition as a legitimate political movement worthy of governing Lebanon.

“The United States, which long ago designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, has been pressing European leaders to do the same so that the group’s funds in European banks and other financial assets can be targeted. Several governments, led by France, have resisted; they worry that sanctions could further destabilize Lebanon or subject European peacekeepers in the south of that country to reprisals. Bulgaria’s findings should end the debate. Inaction would mean accepting that Europe can be a free-fire zone for Iran and its proxies.”

The Times of Israel added on February 6:

“Now that a Bulgarian investigation has confirmed that Hezbollah is responsible for the bus bombing last July in Burgas that killed six civilians, more and more voices are demanding that the European Union place the Shiite group on its list of terror organizations. EU officials said Wednesday they would reassess their stance, but experts remain doubtful that anything will change.

“The West didn’t need a Bulgarian police report to know Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. Even Turkey includes Hassan Nasrallah’s militia in its official list of terrorist groups. So why is it that the EU refuses to state the obvious, and thereby help prevent terrorism and save lives?

“Officially labeling Hezbollah a terrorist entity… requires unanimity among the EU’s 27 member states… ‘We know that the French government has until now been reluctant to back other European countries with respect to Hezbollah. But Burgas has shown that Islamist terrorism is not just happening in Mali, it is not just happening in the Middle East, it is also happening right here in Europe, and it must be stopped,’ said Ronald Lauder, the head of the World Jewish Congress…

“Among policy analysts it is indeed clear that the French are behind the EU’s refusal, and had actually been pressuring Bulgarian authorities not to name Hezbollah so as not to up the pressure on them. But why is France so reluctant to call a spade a spade? After all, the country has experienced firsthand the deadly effects of Hezbollah terrorism. In 1983, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah’s predecessor organization, sent two suicide bombers to attack American and French troops in Beirut. Among the 299 dead were 58 French paratroopers, in what is said to have been the single worst military loss for Le Grande Nation since the end of the Algerian War in 1962…

“One often-quoted argument says Hezbollah is also a political party and therefore Europe shies away from categorizing it as a terror group. But the EU’s terror list does include Hamas, which won the Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, as well as the militant Communist Party of the Philippines, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and other groups that are involved in their countries’ political systems.

“Obviously, there must be other reasons for the stubbornness of the French and their supporters, Germany among them. According to Matthew Levitt, the director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s counterterrorism and intelligence program, the Europeans are afraid to stir up a hornet’s nest. ‘Hezbollah is not very active in Europe. The Europeans feel that if you poke Hezbollah or Iran in the eye then they will do the same to you. If you leave them alone, then maybe they will leave you alone,’ Levitt said… But none of these are sufficient reasons to stall efforts to label Hezbollah a terrorist group, argues Levitt…

“Hershco, the Begin-Sadat Center expert, seemed to believe that not much would change. ‘The report is very embarrassing for the French but they will stick to their policy, trying to keep good relations with the Lebanese government — and Hezbollah is the strong party there,’ she said. As long as France hides behind the absence of near-unattainable unanimity and doesn’t clearly take a stand, the EU’s ‘Common Position 2001/931/CFSP on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism’ is unlikely to be amended to include Hezbollah. In other words, if France sticks to its guns, so will Hezbollah — literally. ‘Failure to [list the organization as a terrorist group] will only give these killers the opportunity to further organize, recruit, raise funds, and carry out additional terrorist attacks across the continent,’ Royce, the chairman of House Foreign Affairs Committee, said. ‘The EU’s indefensible policy on Hezbollah makes defending all of us from Iranian-backed terrorism even more difficult.’”

Magnitude 8.0 Earthquake in South Pacific Generates Tsunami

Fox News and The Associated Press reported on February 6:

“A powerful magnitude 8.0 earthquake off the Solomon Islands generated a tsunami of up to 5 feet that killed at least 5 people, a hospital official says, while the death toll is feared to rise as officials inspect dozens of damaged homes… Solomons officials reported two 1.5-meter (4 foot, 11 inch) waves hit the western side of Santa Cruz Island, damaging between 70 and 80 homes and properties… Dozens of aftershocks stronger than magnitude 5 followed the quake…

“The tsunami formed after a magnitude-8.0 earthquake struck near the town of Lata, on Santa Cruz in Temotu, the easternmost province in the Solomons, about a 3-hour flight from the capital, Honiara. Temotu has a population of around 30,000. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said a tsunami of about a meter (3 feet) was measured in Lata wharf…

“More than 50 people were killed and thousands lost their homes in April 2007 when a magnitude-8.1 quake hit the western Solomon Islands, sending waves crashing into coastal villages. The Solomons comprise more than 200 islands with a population of about 552,000 people. They lie on the ‘Ring of Fire’ — an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones that stretches around the Pacific Rim and where about 90 percent of the world’s quakes occur.”

Hundreds of European and Non-European Football (Soccer) Matches Rigged

The EUobserver reported on February 5:

“A ‘sophisticated organised crime operation’ stretching all the way to Asia bribed officials and rigged over 380 football [soccer] matches in Europe, generating some €8 million in profit, EU’s police agency (Europol) has uncovered… the sheer size of the illegal profits ‘threatens the very fabric of the game’. A total of 425 football officials, players and serious criminals from more than 15 countries are suspected of being involved. Some €2 million were paid out in bribes.

“Europol said it used intelligence from 13,000 emails connecting the dots between suspects and establishing the links with organised crime networks in Asia. Several prosecutions have already started, with 14 people convicted in Germany. Among the 380 rigged matches in Europe between 2008 and 2011 are World Cup and European Championship qualification matches, two UEFA Champions League matches and several top-flight matches in European national leagues. Another 300 suspicious matches were identified outside Europe, mainly in Africa, Asia, South and Central America.

“‘We have evidence for 150 of these cases and the operations were run out of Singapore with bribes of up to €100,000 paid per match. Even two World Championship Qualification matches in Africa, and one in Central America, are under suspicion,’ a German police officer present at the briefing said Monday… The ringleaders are of Asian origin, working closely together with European facilitators. During the investigation, links were also found to Russian-speaking and other criminal syndicates. Europol would not name any individual clubs, but its chief said ‘it would be naive and complacent to think’ that no English clubs were involved.”

Carnival in Germany

Deutsche Welle reported on February 7:

“A week of partying in what is commonly known as the year’s ‘fifth season’ has begun in Germany’s western Rhineland region… The Rhineland Carnival is held each year in the last week before Lent, which is the 40-day religious period before Easter observed by Christians around the world. Between Thursday morning and Ash Wednesday, the Rhineland is transformed by day-upon-day of partying complete with costumes, copious amounts of alcohol and carnival parades… The biggest parade is to be held on Monday, which is known as Rose Monday, through the streets of downtown Cologne. Tens of thousands line the parade route each year to catch sweets thrown from the crowd from revelers on the passing floats. Those same floats are often used to poke fun at German politicians.

“Although the Rhineland is regarded as being at the heart of Carnival in Germany, it is also celebrated in other regions of the country, in which it sometimes goes by different names, such as Fasching, as it is known in the south…

“Carnival in Germany mobilizes millions of people who spend billions of euros every year. The celebration, often referred to as ‘the fifth season’ because of its huge economic clout, differs commercially from other events like Halloween where people also wear costumes but spend far less… The carnival season generates annual revenues of almost 2 billion euros ($2.7 billion), according to data provided by the German Carnival Association (BDK), which has 2.6 million enthusiasts organized in some 4,700 clubs. But it’s not only these groups that are in a spending mood during the days of what many call ‘complete madness.’ Carnival bastions such as Cologne, Düsseldorf and Mainz attract millions of visitors to the delight of hotels and catering businesses. Carnival tourism alone generates three-digit-million-euro revenue… In fact, some 3,000 firms with more than 40,000 employees rely completely on carnival sales…”

The Local added on February 7:

“According to the tradition of Weiberfastnacht, or the ‘Wenches Carnival,’ hoards of women in the largely Catholic region descend on city halls at exactly 11:11 am to snip off men’s ties to show them who’s really boss. Always on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, the day is also known as Fat Thursday, when men generally wear old ties in anticipation of losing this symbol of their manhood, a humiliation that is also traditionally soothed with a kiss. In Düsseldorf, the women traditionally stage the mock arrest of the city’s mayor, while in Cologne the triumvirate of presiding fools, or Dreigestirn, takes hold of the keys to the city. Thousands of costumed clownish revellers known as Narren took to Cologne’s streets despite extremely chilly weather… But Trier has decided to ease into Karneval this year, instituting a ban on booze in the old town until 7pm on Thursday. The city is hoping to avoid a repeat of teenage excesses last year, when 60 youths suffered injuries and alcohol poisoning.”

We produced a new StandingWatch program in the German language, addressing the origin of carnival and its customs, and showing that it is not godly to participate in it.

This Week in the News

We begin with quoting controversial statements from President Obama and reporting on the haunting curses of his new Healthcare experiment; address the ongoing controversy regarding drone and cyber wars; continue with America’s foolish endeavor to provide radical Egypt with fighter jets and Egypt’s and Iran’s attempts to unite the Muslim world against Israel; and speak of the brainwashing tactics of Evolution-believing scientists and God-defying secularists.

We report on monumental ecumenical and political developments involving the Catholic Church, Protestant churches and Palestine; report on a dramatic switch of Catholic policy in Germany; continue with a growing trend in Europe to verbally and physically attack “Zionists” and to rid themselves of “unwelcome” Jews, while refusing to identify Hezbollah as a terrorist group; and conclude with articles on a major earthquake and tsunami in the South Pacific; the detestable bribes in major soccer games in Europe, Africa, Asia and South and Central America; and Carnival celebrations in Germany.

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