Slavery in the Bible

Why was there slavery in the Old Testament? Why didn’t the early apostles condemn slavery? Will there be slavery in God’s Kingdom and the Millennium? How should Christians view the concept of slavery today?

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Britain At Odds with EU

The Associated Press wrote on January 24:

“British Prime Minister David Cameron wants nothing to do with a United States of Europe, an idea that’s gaining currency as the countries that use the euro struggle to fix their debt crisis. But what if it’s a choice between a single country called Europe or a splintered continent? Cameron is determined to avoid that scary scenario. A day after he shook up Europe’s political landscape by offering British citizens the prospect of a vote on whether to stay in the 27-country European Union, Cameron insisted Thursday he wants Britain to remain a part of the bloc but that more unification would not be the answer…

“Many in the EU, particularly among the 17 countries that use the euro, are on a drive for closer political unification, and that’s raised particular concerns recently in Britain, which has often viewed the bloc through a business prism. ‘If you mean that Europe has to be a political union, a country called Europe, then I disagree,’ said Cameron… But many politicians in Europe think closer political ties are exactly what is needed to maintain continental unity… Some even think Europe’s end-game has to be to resemble the United States of America. Countries would be so tied together in their economic and social fabric to make war inconceivable.

“… many European leaders refuse to publicly acknowledge that a British exit is a possibility… Britain’s relations with Europe have been strained since the end of World War II. It did not join the European Steel and Coal Community, the forebear of what would later become the European Union, in 1951. Britain later realized there were benefits accruing from joining up with some of its wartime friends and foes, and joined the evolving European bloc in the 1970s. It has stood against many efforts to forge closer ties, notably the creation of the euro, but was at the forefront of the drive to create a single market.”

Europe’s coming political and military unification is clearly prophesied.

Britain No Longer a Leading Nation in the EU—-To Be Replaced by Poland?

The EUobserver wrote on January 25:

“Britain has lost its place in the club of leading EU nations with France and Germany over its plan to hold a referendum on EU membership, the Polish foreign minister has said. ‘The Prime Minister [the UK’s David Cameron] has shifted his country’s position in the EU hierarchy. From a country which was a natural member of the triumvirate capable of ruling the EU, Great Britain has moved to the category of a country of special concern, which should be treated with care in case it does something unwise, harms itself and leaves the Union. It means the group which holds power in the Union will have a different shape,’ Radek Sikorski [said]…

“He said Poland could take Britain’s place over the next decade.  ‘We would have to continue reforms and join the eurozone, then we could be the ones in the group of three, or five, countries which have the biggest say in the EU,’ he added… He also said Cameron’s two conditions for holding the vote – renegotiating the EU treaties and repatriating some EU powers to the UK – ‘seem unlikely to happen.’ But he added that – referendum or no referendum – the British leader has shown he wants no part in further EU integration. ‘Cameron said very clearly: “We’re not interested in a political union, we want to take care of our own interests and retreat to our island.” But the rest of the continent does want political union because it’s indispensible to save the euro and to protect our place on the world arena,’ Sikorski said.”

The days of Britain’s stay in the EU are indeed numbered, and Poland might very well become quite influential as one of several leading core nations of the EU, under Germany’s direction. In this context, recent revelations and facts regarding Poland may not be in favor of Polish-British relationships.

The Guardian revealed on January 30 that in regard to horsemeat in “beef” hamburgers, a “Polish supplier at the heart of the scandal has been selling beef ‘filler’ to an Irish meat processor for over a year,” and “The Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine… announced earlier this week that their tests had shown that the horsemeat was probably being imported from Poland.”

In addition, Mail Online reported on January 31 that “Polish is Britain’s second language and nearly one in five people in London only speak English as a second tongue.”

While former Prime Minister Tony Blair has become increasingly unpopular in his homeland, Mail Online reported on January 30:

“In Britain, his ‘open door’ immigration policies have been criticised by all sides. But in Poland, which was transformed by entry into the EU, Tony Blair is feted as a hero. And yesterday the former Prime Minister was handed a special award for helping hundreds of thousands of Poles come to live in the UK… Around 700,000 eastern Europeans migrated to the UK from eight former communist nations when they were admitted to the European Union in 2004 – despite ministers predicting only 15,000 a year would arrive. Between December 2003 and December 2010 the Polish-born population of the UK increased from 75,000 to 532,000. Latest census figures reveal that the number of Poles living in Britain now stands at 625,000.

“Tory MP Philip Hollobone raged last night: ‘This award is entirely appropriate. Tony Blair presided over the biggest wave of immigration this country has seen since the Norman conquest, 2.5 million net migrants came in to the UK while he was in charge and Britain will never be the same again.’”

The British people might agree with the last statement and that the award to Tony Blair was “entirely appropriate.” since many would not agree with what Tony Blair did. Mr. Hollobone’s statements are to be viewed as a strong criticism of Tony Blair.

Scientology Destroys People with Crazy Ideas and Dangerous Methods?

The Website of reported on January 26:

“The great-grandson of the founder of Scientology said… Scientology specifically tries to rope in celebrities… DeWolf said Elvis Presley turned down an offer to join Scientology… Scientology ‘works through electrified hypnosis. It works through past life regression therapy… But to meet people who’ve been out of the cult… you want to ask them about Xenu and aliens — but the fact is these are smart people. They’ve just been completely destroyed,’ said DeWolf.”

That is indeed weird—but the people of this world want to believe just about anything, as long as it is not in accordance with the Bible.

Is The Catholic Church “Riding” the Government?

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 24:

“Catholic facilities are increasingly sealing themselves off, often behaving as if they were part of a state within a state; a cosmos subject to its own rules, which are monitored by the pope and his bishops… Every year, Catholic dioceses receive billions in funds from obligatory taxes paid by church members. But when it comes to scandals, such as when sexual abuse is systematically covered up and remains uninvestigated for years, citizens have little influence and are left to experience how the church energetically defends its special rights…

“The church… is the second-largest employer in the country, after the government. It dictates the kind of life its doctors, educators, teachers and cleaning women are allowed to lead. It determines how children are raised… Germany has gradually entrusted the churches with large parts of its social welfare system… Between 90 and 100 percent of the funding for most of the Catholic Church’s social facilities comes from the government. Nevertheless, politicians and citizens have rarely tried to exert their influence…”

The Bible tells us about the dangers of collaboration between European states and the Catholic Church—which will even drastically increase in the future.

Some Jewish Thoughts on a Chief Rabbi

Jewish Ideas Daily wrote on January 23:

“Come September, both England and Israel will install new chief rabbis…The position of chief rabbi dates far back in Jewish history. In the Middle Ages, when Jews were treated as a corporate body, the chief rabbi served not only as the judge, scholar, and supreme religious authority for his community, but frequently bore responsibility for collecting its taxes as well. Many a chief rabbi, as a result, was appointed or confirmed directly by the king.

“Chief rabbis today confine their authority to the religious realm, but their role is never purely ceremonial. Inevitably, they must also devote themselves to promoting their own brand of Judaism (usually some variety of Orthodoxy) over all the others. Israel’s chief rabbinate, in recent years, has sought to undermine more liberal approaches…

“America is unusual in never having had an official chief rabbi. In 1888, a short-lived Association of American Orthodox Hebrew Congregations imported Rabbi Jacob Joseph of Vilna to serve as chief rabbi of New York, but that effort ended disastrously… A few Orthodox rabbis in other American cities did, for a time, carry the title ‘chief rabbi,’ based on their learning and status. One or two even pretended to the title ‘chief rabbi of the United States.’ But none ever achieved recognition outside his own Orthodox circle.

“As a matter of law, the First Amendment precludes the government from recognizing one religious authority as ‘chief’ over another… the creation in America of a government-protected form of Judaism under the authority of a chief rabbi was clearly impossible…

“Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, America’s foremost 20th-century Modern Orthodox thinker… turned down the invitation to serve as Israel’s chief rabbi, because, he explained in 1964, he ‘was afraid to be an officer of the State.’ As England and Israel prepare to install new chief rabbis, Rabbi Soloveitchik’s decision deserves to be remembered. ‘A rabbinate linked up with the state,’ he warned, ‘cannot be completely free.’”

This kind of collaboration between religion and state has never produced good fruits in this day and age. Rabbi Soloveitchik’s objections are indeed worthwhile considering.

“Is Gun Ownership Christian?”

The Washington Post wrote on January 25:

“57 percent of white evangelicals live in homes where someone owns a gun (compared, for example, with 31 percent of Catholics.) And more startling, even after 20 first-graders were slaughtered in Connecticut at the hands of a madman with an assault rifle, 59 percent of white evangelicals continue to oppose tighter restrictions on gun laws.

“An obvious question occurs in light of these results: How do such Christians reconcile their stalwart commitment to the Second Amendment with their belief in a gospel that preaches nonviolence?… ‘If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also,’ [Jesus] says, in the Gospel of Matthew. The Bible is mute on the matter of guns, of course, but it is impossible to imagine that Jesus would find anything good to say about them…

“More than 500 children were killed in accidental gun deaths in 2011. As… Gary Hall preached at Washington National Cathedral last week, ‘If we want to stand with Jesus and Martin Luther King, we’ve also got to stand with those who, like them, die by means of violence. . . . That may sound like a hard truth, but for a Christian, there’s no way around it.’”

True Christians ought to be able to see that gun violence and the teachings of Jesus Christ are indeed totally incompatible. Many Jewish thinkers who strictly argue from the pages of the Old Testament, agree as well… note the next article.

Some Jewish Thoughts on Guns…

Jewish Ideas Daily wrote on January 22:

“The transformation of swords into plowshares represents the end of war and the beginning of the messianic era (Isaiah 2:4)…

“The Bible forbids the use of certain metal instruments to construct an altar (Exodus 20:21); the reason, in one interpretation, is that those same instruments may be used to shorten life, while worship on the altar is meant to extend life. Similarly, the Sages forbade entering the Sanctuary with a sword… a restriction later interpreted by medieval Jewish law to forbid bringing sharp knives, apparently used by traveling merchants for protection, into a synagogue…  many rabbis believe that handling guns is prohibited on Shabbat… unless for saving lives…

“The same logic makes the notion of using guns for recreation, like hunting, totally alien to Jewish law… to use weapons to kill animals for fun… is to imitate biblical villains like Nimrod and Esau, not our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

“In the same way… the glorification of weaponry is foreign to Jewish thought… the Sages, in line with Isaiah’s messianic vision, banned bearing weapons in public on Shabbat, even as an ornament, since ‘they are merely shameful.’ Very few historical sources refer to Jews wearing arms as ornaments…”

In this context, we might also remember that King David was not allowed to build the temple, as he was a man of war who had shed blood. Only Solomon, a “prince” of peace, was permitted to build the temple. But violence is not restricted to guns, as the next article shows.

President Obama: “Football a Violent Sport”

The Washington Times wrote on January 27:

“President Obama took a swipe at football in a new interview, saying he would “have to think long and hard” before letting his hypothetical son play the dangerous sport. ‘I think that those of us who love the sport are going to have to wrestle with the fact that it will probably change gradually to try to reduce some of the violence,’ Mr. Obama told The New Republic in its Feb. 11 issue. ‘In some cases, that may make it a little bit less exciting,’ he said. ‘But it will be a whole lot better for the players, and those of us who are fans maybe won’t have to examine our consciences quite as much.’”

We agree with President Obama on his assessment of the violence in football and also in other “sports,” and the need for change.

Iran’s Brutal Islamist Dictatorship and Persecution of Christians

The Associated Press and Fox News reported on January 27:

“Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, an American imprisoned in Iran on charges of evangelizing, was sentenced this morning to eight years in prison. According to the American Center for Law and Justice, Abedini was verbally sentenced in Tehran by Judge Pir-Abassi, known as the ‘hanging judge,’ to eight years in prison for threatening the national security of Iran through his leadership in Christian house churches. He will serve the time in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison, known as one of the most brutal. The evidence, the ACLJ reports, was based on Abedini’s activities primarily during the early 2000s, when house churches were not considered a threat in Iran.

“‘This is a real travesty – a mockery of justice,’ Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the ACLJ, who represents Pastor Saeed’s wife and children living in the U.S., said in a statement. ‘From the very beginning, Iranian authorities have lied about all aspects of this case, even releasing rumors of his expected release. Iran has not only abused its own laws, it has trampled on the fundamentals of human rights. We call on the citizens of the world to rise up in protest. We call on governments around the world to stand and defend Pastor Saeed.’…

“The 34-year-old father of two denied evangelizing in Iran and claims he had only returned to his native land to help establish an orphanage. Authorities pulled him off a bus last August and threw him into the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran. The exact crimes he is accused of only became public on Monday, when the prosecutor outlined charges that Abedini undermined the Iranian government by creating a network of Christian house churches and that he was attempting to sway Iranian youth away from Islam.

“‘This trial apparently is focused on 13 years ago, when Pastor Saeed converted from Islam to Christianity,’ Sekulow said in a statement to last week… Although the U.S. does not have diplomatic relations with Iran, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said earlier this month that the administration was troubled over Abedini’s imprisonment. ‘We remain troubled by the case of U.S. citizen Saeed Abedini, who was arrested by Iranian officials more than three months ago on charges relating to his religious beliefs,’ Vietor said. ‘We call upon Iranian authorities to release him immediately.’”

It is very comforting and reassuring to know that the USA is “troubled” by this travesty of Iran’s Gestapo-like methods. As Fox News correctly put it on January 27: “…there has been little public repudiation from President Obama… why the irresponsible neglect from the bully pulpit of the White House? … Is the Obama White House fearful of confronting Iran?… This administration has proven over and over again to be unwilling to take on Islamist ideologies and defend their victims on the front lines… [its policy] is leading more and more to the lonely abandonment of icons of religious freedom inside Iran.”

But Iran’s dangerous modus operandi gets even worse. See the next article.

Ahmadinejad’s Call for Muslim Unity to Eradicate “Zionism”

The Times of Israel wrote on January 27:

“Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the Muslim world to unite to eradicate Zionism, which he called ‘corrupt, uncultured and murderous’ Sunday. Ahmadinejad spoke in Tehran to the 26th International Islamic Unity Conference, which coincided with International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Muslim nations around the world should pursue ‘specific aims’ toward unity, Iran’s semi-official PressTV quoted the president as saying…

“‘Under [the] circumstances [in which] the corrupt, uncultured and murderous Zionists are occupying and killing oppressed people, we should not sit idly by,’ [he reportedly said]… The existence of deep rifts and dissension among various sects within the Muslim world got short shrift from Iran’s leader, who stated that ‘an incomplete understanding of the Quran’ was the reason for such differences.”

One can only imagine what the Muslim world would look like if all Muslims would follow Ahmadinejad’s crazy interpretations and his dangerous understanding of the Quran.

Kissinger Warns of Nuclear War in Middle East

Newsmax reported on January 27:

“Former U.S. Secretary of State and Nobel Peace laureate Henry Kissinger is warning that the United States and Israel are very close to facing a crisis with a nuclear-arming Iran. The 89-year-old Kissinger told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that such a crisis — a full-fledged atomic war — would be ‘a turning point in human history,’ the BBC reported. ‘There has emerged in the region, the current and most urgent issue of nuclear proliferation. For 15 years, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council [UNSC] have declared that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, but it has been approaching,’ he said.

“ ‘In a few years, people will have to come to a determination of how to react, or the consequences of non-reaction. I believe this point will be reached in a very foreseeable future,’ he added… The most important thing, Kissinger said, was for the West to prevent letting things get so bad that Israel is forced to act alone… If Tehran gets nuclear weapons, regimes across the Middle East and Africa will want them, too, Kissinger said…”

Explosion at Iran’s Nuclear Plant?

Israel National News reported on January 28:

“Iran has denied reports that surfaced over the weekend about an explosion at its underground Fordo nuclear plant… On Friday, the American WND website reported that an explosion had occurred deep within Fordo.

“According to the report, the explosion which took place last Monday destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground. The report of the blast was passed on to WND by Hamidreza Zakeri, formerly with the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Intelligence and National Security. Zakeri said that the blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. Security forces enforced a no-traffic radius of 15 miles, and the Tehran-Qom highway was shut down for several hours after the blast, the source said.

“Iran admitted in the past it was moving more centrifuge machines for enriching uranium to the underground Fordo facility, which is carved into a mountain to protect it against possible attacks. The existence of the facility near Qom only came to light after it was identified by Western intelligence agencies in September 2009. The UN’s nuclear watchdog has already confirmed that Iran begun enriching uranium at the plant.

“Israeli officials on Sunday said they did not know whether there was any truth to the reports on the explosion. The reports came after Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that the United States has plans for surgical strikes against Iran as a last-ditch measure if Tehran refuses to stop its development of a nuclear weapons capability.”

The White House denied the accuracy of the report as well. However, without any doubt, there are many secret operations and developments going on behind the political scene that are publically denied.

The World Against Israel?

Israel National News reported on January 31:

“The United Nations says Israel must withdraw all of its citizens from the regions of Judea and Samaria. The recommendation came in a report issued Thursday by the U.N. Human Rights Council, which has a history of passing numerous biased resolutions condemning Israel for various alleged ‘crimes’ each year…

“In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said, ‘The Human Rights Council has sadly distinguished itself by its systemically one-sided and biased approach towards Israel. This latest report is yet another reminder of that’… At least half a million Israelis live in Judea, Samaria and areas of Jerusalem restored to the capital during the 1967 Six Day War.”

Israeli Strike in Syria—Is a New War Coming?

The Times of Israel wrote on January 31:

“Iran threatened that a reported Israeli strike in Syria would have ‘grave consequences for Tel Aviv’ on Thursday, days after saying that an attack on Syria would be seen as an attack on Iran… On Wednesday, Damascus said Israeli planes struck a ‘research facility’ northwest of the Syrian capital. The accusation came after reports from foreign news sources earlier in the day saying Israel hit a weapons convoy near the Syria-Lebanon border that was transferring arms to the terror group Hezbollah… Iran is a major backer of both Syrian President Bashar Assad and Lebanon-based Hezbollah.

“The Jamraya research center is… a crucial element of Syria’s missile program, and… it is also home to a chemical weapons facility… Officials [in Israel] have said in the past that it would act to keep chemical weapons or other arms from being transferred to Hezbollah…

“Russia, Syria’s strongest international ally, said Moscow is taking ‘urgent measures to clarify the situation in all its details. If this information is confirmed, we have a case of unprovoked attacks on targets in the territory of a sovereign state, which grossly violates the U.N. Charter and is unacceptable,’ Russia’s foreign ministry said in a statement… Earlier Thursday, Hezbollah condemned the attack… Lebanon and the Arab League slammed Israel for the attacks, calling them a violation of the [country’s] sovereignty…

“US officials told The New York Times on Wednesday that Israel notified the United States about the reported airstrike. MK Tzachi Hanegbi, who is close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stopped short of confirming Israel’s involvement in the strike. Hanegbi hinted, however, that Israel could carry out similar missions in the future…”

The Jerusalem Post added on January 31:

“Syrian state television accused Israel of bombing a military research center at Jamraya between Damascus and the nearby border. Syrian rebels disputed that, saying their forces had attacked the site.”

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 31 that Israel’s press (including Yedioth Ahronoth and Haaretz) and the civilian population are afraid of and are preparing for a new war with Syria and Lebanon.

Not “Politically Expedient” to List Terrorist Group Hezbollah as Terrorists?

JTA reported on January 29:

“Hezbollah may not be included on the European Union’s list of terrorist groups even if it did bomb Jewish tourists in Bulgaria, the EU’s top counter-terrorism official [Gilles de Kerchove] reportedly said… According to Israel, the Lebanon-based Hezbollah was behind the bombing on July 19 in Burgas, which targeted a bus of Israeli tourists and left five Israelis and one Bulgarian dead.

“U.S. and Israeli officials have said the EU should blacklist Hezbollah if the Bulgarians find it guilty of perpetrating the attack. Its inclusion would make it illegal for Hezbollah sympathizers in Europe to send money to the group, which the United States and Israel list as terrorist… [Kerchove] noted there is ‘no consensus’ among EU states on whether listing Hezbollah, which is part of the Lebanese government, would be useful or not.”

Egypt’s President Morsi—Arch Enemy of Israel

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 28:

“Is Mohammed Morsi a peacebroker or a virulent anti-Semite? A former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who has known Morsi for 13 years, believes that behind the Egyptian president’s veneer of goodwill towards Israel lies a deep-seated hatred… the Egyptian president, who is visiting Berlin this week and will meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel, a champion of Israel, appears to be a man with two faces… In mid-January… Western diplomats and politicians saw… a man filled with hate for the ‘Zionist entity,’ the term Islamists use for the Jewish state. An almost three-year-old video… depicts an Islamist who is practically foaming at the mouth, as he rants about the Israelis in an interview with an Arab network. Speaking in a deep and firm voice, he calls them ‘bloodsuckers’ and ‘warmongers,’ and says that there can be no peace with these ‘descendants of apes and pigs.’

“It was apparently more than just a regrettable moment of madness for Morsi, claims a prominent former member of the Muslim Brotherhood. After all, he says, the current president served as general inspector of the Muslim Brotherhood for years, which put him in charge of the group’s online service. That service includes quotes about Israelis and Jews that testify to the same hatred as the lapses in the video.

“Despite outrage internationally and at the White House over the video, Morsi was unperturbed by the furor over his remarks. In the end, his spokesman said that Morsi’s words had been taken out of context, but offered no further explanation or apology…

“The current president became the general inspector of the organization [Muslim Brotherhood] in 2007… In this capacity, Morsi would have been partly responsible for the anti-Jewish propaganda on the website, which featured the ‘banner of jihad’ at the time and saw ‘Jews and Zionists as archenemies’… Morsi gave a self-promoting interview in May 2009. Referring to the Israelis, the current president said: ‘They all have the same nature. They are equally shaped by shrewdness, deception and hate.’ He added that their only objectives are ‘killing, aggression and subjugation.'”

Morsi is not only determined (not unlike Iran’s Ahmadinejad) to go to war with and eradicate Israel; he is also determined to maintain his Islamist Presidency in Egypt with all means. The USA and Europe are willingly blind towards the true nature of Egypt’s newest dictator.

Egypt Denies the Holocaust

Mail Online wrote on January 30:

“A senior figure close to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi provoked outrage today after claiming the Holocaust was a myth invented by the United States. Fathi Shibab-Eddim, who is responsible for appointing editors of all the state-run newspapers, claimed the six million Jews killed by Hitler had actually been moved to America.

“His comments came as the world marked Holocaust Remembrance day on Sunday and little more than a week after it emerged that President Morsi himself had once described Jews as ‘descendants of apes and pigs’.

“Shibab-Eddim said: ‘The myth of the Holocaust is an industry that America invented. U.S. intelligence agencies in co-operation with their counterparts in allied nations during World War II created it [the Holocaust] to destroy the image of their opponents in Germany and to justify war and massive destruction against military and civilian facilities of the Axis powers, and especially to hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the atomic bomb.’

“His views have sparked fears that the Egyptian Government, like Iran’s, has significant elements that refuse to acknowledge one of the best-documented genocides in history. The bizarre claims will also be especially concerning for Israel, which had fostered good relations with President Morsi’s predecessor, Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted in 2011 following days of violent protests.

“Efraim Zuroff, Israel Director of the Jerusalem-based Simon Weisenthal Center, whose mission is to defend against anti-Semitism and teach the lessons of the Holocaust to future generations, [said] that Shibab-Eddim’s views showed a dangerous mindset. He said: ‘Obviously, if a person in that position makes that ridiculous claim it is of concern. The sad truth is that these views are relatively common in the Arab world and are the result of ignorance on one hand and of government-sponsored Holocaust denial on the other hand’… there are fears that Morsi may prove to be a radical Islamist…”

Morsi’s Rule with an Iron Fist

Deutsche Welle reported on January 29:

“Two years after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, thousands protest against his successor. They feel betrayed and demand a government of national unity. Enraged demonstrators, armed police, violence on the streets: the television pictures are reminiscent of February 2011, when thousands of Egyptians demanded the overthrow of the regime. They refused to give up until the dictator Hosni Mubarak was gone. Now we see the same pictures, but the leader of the government is Mohammed Morsi – and he doesn’t seem to be ready to go.

“Morsi has responded to the deadly rioting by imposing a state of emergency in three cities. On Monday (28.01.2013) he announced that the military would be deployed in an attempt to restore calm, and that the army would take on police duties until the forthcoming parliamentary elections. That development has brought the opposition onto the streets, saying it reminds them of the tyranny of the Mubarak regime.

“Morsi’s disparate opponents are united by one thing: they want a state that keeps a certain distance from religion. According to Gudrun Krämer, professor of Islam Studies at the Free University of Berlin, ‘The opposition doesn’t want the state or society to be dominated by Islam as interpreted by the Islamists. But that doesn’t mean that they are secularists or non-believing Muslims.’ Krämer sees two main tendencies among Morsi’s opposition. One group, centered on former presidential candidate Hamdin Sabahi, rejects an Islamist state and demands a separation between the state and religion, as well as a state welfare policy. A second group, meanwhile, also rejects any further Islamization, but also wants to see economic problems solved and demands the right of greater consultation and participation…

“Morsi can rely on the Muslim Brotherhood… The prominent opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohammed ElBaradei tweeted, ‘Until the president takes responsibility for the recent bloodshed and promises to set up a government of national salvation and an independent authority to amend the constitution, any dialogue would be a mere waste of time.’”

As the Bible has prophesied long ago—Egyptians will fight against Egyptians in their own land. But more is revealed to come. Please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

Germany Turns Blind Eye To Morsi

The Local wrote on January 30:

“Merkel told a joint press conference in Berlin with President Mohamed Morsi that Germany wanted a successful transformation process in Egypt, where Morsi took over last year, and was ready to help… Merkel said Morsi’s visit — his first to Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, since his election in June — was appreciated, albeit shortened, given the ‘not easy’ political situation at home… Morsi told reporters that Egypt would have ‘rule of law’ and be a state that allowed the exchange of opinions, and spoke of ties with Germany based on respect of different interests ‘without interference in domestic affairs’… Egypt’s military chief on Tuesday warned that the political crisis could lead to the collapse of the state.”

These developments are interesting, as it is prophesied that Germany and Egypt will work together for a while against Israel, before they become enemies.

Europe’s Present Wars

Italy’s La Repubblica reported the following on January 28:

“Remarkably for a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Europe has been at war for close to 15 years: in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, in Libya, and today in the Sahel… On the eve of elections in Italy [in February] and in Germany [in September] the lack of discussion over a subject as important as war is astonishing. Because a conflict is occurring elsewhere, it is not discussed. Yet, war permeates deep into our bones, and has done so for a long time.

“Because it lacks a common political government, the European Union is not leading the war but it is, nonetheless, now part of its daily routine. If we add the never-ending fight against terrorism to the fighting that spread throughout the Balkans at the end of the 20th Century, Europeans have been sporadically participating in armed conflicts for the past 14 years. At first, these were the object of heated debates: are these wars really necessary? And if not, what are we fighting for? Are they truly for humanitarian reasons or are they destructive? And what assessment are we to make of the War on Terror at the global level: has it reduced or increased terrorism?

“Political leaders are not answering these questions and no European country is raising the issue of a Union that has nothing to say on the question of war because it is too focused on its currency. Entering blindly into a new neo-colonial war, Europe is advancing into a fog-filled future…

“War – often bloody and rarely fruitful – is never called by its true name. It moves forward hidden behind a mask: an initiative that will stabilise countries that have collapsed and bring them democracy and, most of all, one that will be short and not costly. This is the case with the war that began on January 13 in Mali, which is led by the France of François Hollande with the feeble support of African troops and the – retroactive – support of France’s European allies.

“In violation of the Treaty of Lisbon (articles 32 and 347), there was no prior discussion. We are almost always thrown into war. We even have someone… to thank France, while immediately explaining that Paris will have to go it alone ‘in the absence of a European military force’…

“Much of what we read about the war is false: it does not call for reflection on the event but rather for us to, passively, take note and to consider the conflicts as isolated cases without any relation to each other… In these recent conflicts, we have learned nothing from the errors of the past, because these were systematically not discussed…

“The collapse of the situation in Mali would have been avoidable if Europeans had paid more attention to the country… Failures in Afghanistan engendered the Libyan conflict, while the half-failed Libyan effort is responsible for the situation in Mali. The problem is that each new conflict begins without any critical analysis of previous conflicts. In Libya, complacency continued until the assassination, in Benghazi, of the United States Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, on September 11, 2012. It took this event to demonstrate that many of Gaddafi’s militia troops – Tuaregs or Jihadists – had moved into the Azawad region. And that the war was not over, but that it was about to rise from its ashes in Mali.

“In the past seven years, the number of democracies in Africa has fallen from 24 to 19. This is a failure for Europe and for the West…”

America’s Failure in Mali

Deutsche Welle reported on January 30:

“For years, the US trained the Malian army to fight militants based in the Sahel desert. But Washington’s efforts have faced a major reversal, with armed Islamists now threatening Mali’s survival as a state. As French forces have swept through northern Mali in a campaign to flush out Islamist militant groups from the region’s major population centers, the United States has backed France’s military intervention, offering Paris transport and refueling planes as well as intelligence support. But these modest contributions belie a much deeper American involvement in a region where militants are making inroads against governments shaken by popular unrest.

“Situated on a critical juncture between North and West Africa, Mali has been a focus of US counterterrorism efforts. The Malian armed forces have just 7,000 personnel in a country three times the size of Germany. Islamist militant groups have exploited the security vacuum to take refuge in Mali’s northern desert expanse… with the focus on counterterrorism, little attention was paid to the political dynamics in Mali. The US and its European allies heralded the country as a model democracy on a continent where coups and corruption were all too common…  ‘The US government was blind to many of the real problems that were going on in the country,’ [an expert] said… The militant groups Washington had sought to contain had established a sanctuary and began implementing Shariah law.

“While France has hastily intervened to stop an Islamist advance toward Bamako and reclaim the north, the US has suspended its military relations with the Malian government and called for a political solution…”

Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands Will Abdicate the Throne in Favor of Prince Willem-Alexander

CNN reported on January 28:

“Queen Beatrix spent 33 years on the throne and will be succeeded by her son, the Prince of Orange, Prince Willem-Alexander. She ascended to the throne when Queen Juliana abdicated on her 71st birthday, on April 30, 1980. Beatrix announced Monday that she will step aside on April 30.

“Beatrix was born January 31, 1938, and when World War II reached Holland the family fled to London. Juliana, Beatrix and her sister Irene then moved to Ottawa, Canada. Beatrix married German diplomat Claus von Amsberg on March 10, 1966, in Amsterdam. They have three sons, Willem-Alexander, born in 1967, Friso, born in 1968, and Constantijn, born in 1969. Friso was injured in an avalanche at an Austrian ski resort last year. She has eight grandchildren.

“Her husband died in 2002 aged 76. He overcame early Dutch wariness — in a country where the German occupation in WWII was still fresh in the national memory — to become one of the most popular members of the Dutch royal family .

“Under the Dutch Constitution the king or queen is head of state but politically neutral. The head of state also signs all new acts of Parliament, and plays a role in the formation of new governments.

“Prince Willem-Alexander, 45, was educated in Wales and Holland where he earned a history degree at Leiden University. He served in the Dutch Royal Navy from August 1985 to January 1987… He is married to Princess Máxima, who was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has a degree in economics and has worked for HSBC and Deutsche Bank. The couple, who met at a party, were engaged in March 2001 and they were married in February 2002.

“The relationship — like his mother’s marriage — sparked initial controversy when it emerged that Maxima’s father had been a minister during the 1976-1983 Argentinean military dictatorship. He agreed to stay away from the wedding. They have three daughters, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane. When Willem-Alexander becomes king, 9-year-old Catharina-Amalia will be next in line.”

What is interesting is the German descent of Prince Willem-Alexander.

Hitler’s Rise to Power Eighty Years Ago

The Local wrote on January 30:

“Germany on Wednesday marks Adolf Hitler’s rise to power 80 years ago… In a black-and-white photo… the Führer [is] saluting the crowd from the chancellery window on the evening of January 30, 1933, after earlier having been made chancellor and been charged by president Paul von Hindenburg with forming a new government… ‘The hour has come! We are at Wilhelmstrasse (the site of the chancellery at the time). Hitler is chancellor of the Reich. Like in a fairytale,’ wrote Joseph Goebbels, who was to become Nazi propaganda chief, in his diary on January 31, 1933… the Reichstag [was] going up in flames the following month and then the first measures [were] taken against the Jews on April 1, with the start of a boycott of Jewish shops, doctors and lawyers. ‘Germans, defend yourselves! Don’t buy from Jews,’ a poster state[d]…

“Andreas Nachama, director of The Topography of Terror, said the arrival of the failed painter from Austria at the helm of power in Germany was an ‘incision’ in history, although nobody at the time thought he would last. However the parliamentary system of the Weimar Republic failed to find a stable majority and Hitler, on the back of over-simplified themes, rallied millions of unemployed and people who had lost everything in the economic crisis…

“The 80th anniversary has sparked much interest in Germany – a novel that imagines Hitler’s return to modern-day Berlin entitled ‘He’s Back’ (Er Ist Wieder Da) has become a bestseller here… Just ahead of the anniversary, Merkel said in her weekly podcast that Germany had ‘an everlasting responsibility for the crimes of National Socialism, for the victims of World War II, and above all, for the Holocaust’. ‘We’re facing our history, we’re not hiding anything, we’re not repressing anything. We must confront this to make sure we are a good and trustworthy partner in the future, as we already are today, thankfully,’ Merkel said.”

In spite of the hope of well-meaning politicians and many Europeans, the terrible atrocities of the past are prophesied to repeat themselves… and even much worse…

Berlusconi and Mussolini—“Disgrace” for Italy or True Reflection?

Reuters reported on January 27:

“Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi triggered outrage from Italy’s political left on Sunday with comments defending fascist wartime leader Benito Mussolini at a ceremony commemorating victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Speaking at the margins of the event in Milan, Berlusconi said Mussolini had been wrong to follow Nazi Germany’s lead in passing anti-Jewish laws but that he had in other respects been a good leader… ‘Obviously the government of that time, out of fear that German power might lead to complete victory, preferred to ally itself with Hitler’s Germany rather than opposing it,’ he said. ‘As part of this alliance, there were impositions, including combating and exterminating Jews,’ he told reporters. ‘The racial laws were the worst fault of Mussolini as a leader, who in so many other ways did well,’ he said, referring to laws passed by Mussolini’s fascist government in 1938…

“Berlusconi’s comments overshadowed Sunday’s commemoration of thousands of Jews and others deported from Italy to the Nazi death camps of eastern Europe. They were condemned as ‘disgusting’ by the center-left Democratic Party (PD), which is leading in the polls ahead of the February 24-25 election. ‘Our republic is based on the struggle against Nazi fascism and these are intolerable remarks which are incompatible with leadership of democratic political forces,’ said Marco Meloni, the PD’s spokesman for institutional affairs. Antonio Ingroia, a former anti-mafia magistrate campaigning at the head of a separate left-wing coalition, said Berlusconi was ‘a disgrace to Italy’… Faced by the onslaught of criticism, Berlusconi later issued a statement saying he had always condemned dictatorships and regretted not having spelled that out in his earlier remarks…

“However, it was not the first time Berlusconi has defended Mussolini, whose status in Italy remains deeply ambiguous 67 years after he was executed by communist partisans while trying to flee to Switzerland in April, 1945. Many Italian politicians, including the speaker of the Lower House of parliament, Gianfranco Fini, come from the ranks of the old Italian Social Movement (MSI) which grew out of the fascist party, although Fini and others have renounced the far right. Others, including Francesco Storace, Berlusconi’s candidate for president of the Lazio region, have stayed true to what they see as the ‘social-right’ tradition of the fascist movement.

“Monuments to Mussolini, who came to power in 1922, still dot many Italian cities, including Rome, where a column to Il Duce stands close to the city’s main football stadium, within a stone’s throw of the foreign ministry… Mussolini’s government persecuted Italy’s Jewish population, which was then estimated to number about 40,000… The 1938 laws imposed oppressive restrictions on Jews and some 10,000 are estimated to have been deported from Italy between September 1943 and March 1945. Most of them died in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland… acts ranging from anti-Jewish graffiti to chants at football matches occur periodically [in Italy].”

Mussolini was as evil and demon-inspired or -possessed as Hitler. Berlusconi’s attempts to re-write history are truly appalling and despicable.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the continuing debate regarding Britain’s future in or outside the EU; concentrate on “religion” in its several facets and the danger of “collaboration” between any religion and state in this day and age; pose the question as to whether gun ownership and gun violence are in accordance with either the New or the Old Testament of the Bible; address briefly the issue of violence in sports; speak of appalling and/or frightening developments in and pertaining to Iran and Egypt, as well as Israel; address events in The Netherlands and Germany; and conclude with despicable, but telling comments by Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi.

Update 575

Last Chance!

On February 2nd, 2013, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, respectively, “Last Chance!”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Kalon Mitchell

Everyone likes a good story. Whether it is real or fiction, human beings seem to have an affinity for liking stories. There are so many mediums by which we tell stories. We do it through books, movies, radio, TV, Internet or by mouth. Since the creation of man, people have been recording history and stories. One of the greatest examples is the story about Noah and the Ark. It is interesting that many societies have similar stories about a worldwide flood. Of course, the names change and details vary, but it is unique that this same enduring story exists in so many diverse places. This helps to prove the authenticity of the Bible. But more than this, we need to ask the question: Why did God make us wired to enjoy stories?

Narrative is a potent and persuasive tool, and it has the ability to shape beliefs and change minds.  Advertisers have long taken advantage of narrative persuasion by sprinkling likable characters or funny stories into their commercials. The point is, when you can connect to a story, it makes it personal. That’s when it takes on meaning. It becomes real.

Growing up in God’s Church, I remember “studying” YOU lessons for the very young. The beginning ones were like coloring books in which I learned about stories in the Bible. These stories gained depth and got bigger in scope, as I made my way through the subsequent lessons. They did more than just teach the basics of the Bible. They helped to captivate the imagination of my young mind and to build an awareness of the basic truths of the Bible.  As an adult, I still love the story aspect that the Bible lays out for us. 

It is so important that parents teach the Bible to their children from a young age (Psalm 78: 1-8). Children need an awareness of the basic truths of the Bible, as they are growing up!  (Deuteronomy 6: 1-9; 11:16-19; Exodus 10: 2; 12:24-26; Ephesians 6: 4.)

Parents are to teach their children true knowledge—including the knowledge of God; of the Creator and His vast creation; of His authority and rulership over the creation He brought into being and now sustains; of the invisible yet unstoppable spiritual laws that He set in motion to regulate relationships and to produce happiness, peace and everything good; of the biblical definition of sin as simply being the transgression of these laws operating for our good; of God’s purpose being worked out here below, and of His plan for working it out; of the biblical revelation of Christ and what He means to us today; and of the vital connection between, on the one hand, case histories, incidents and experiences, and, on the other hand, God’s overall purpose and the Gospel.

But it is not just children who need these stories. Even the more “mature” members in God’s Church need them. Matthew 18: 3 tells all of us to be “converted and become as little children.” All of us need to be meek and humble enough to be willing to listen to the stories of the Bible. They are there for us to use and to learn from.

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We begin with reporting on the continuing debate regarding Britain’s future in or outside the EU; concentrate on “religion” in its several facets and the danger of “collaboration” between any religion and state in this day and age; pose the question as to whether gun ownership and gun violence are in accordance with either the New or the Old Testament of the Bible; address briefly the issue of violence in sports; speak of appalling and/or frightening developments in and pertaining to Iran and Egypt, as well as Israel; address events in The Netherlands and Germany; and conclude with despicable, but telling comments by Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi.

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Britain At Odds with EU

The Associated Press wrote on January 24:

“British Prime Minister David Cameron wants nothing to do with a United States of Europe, an idea that’s gaining currency as the countries that use the euro struggle to fix their debt crisis. But what if it’s a choice between a single country called Europe or a splintered continent? Cameron is determined to avoid that scary scenario. A day after he shook up Europe’s political landscape by offering British citizens the prospect of a vote on whether to stay in the 27-country European Union, Cameron insisted Thursday he wants Britain to remain a part of the bloc but that more unification would not be the answer…

“Many in the EU, particularly among the 17 countries that use the euro, are on a drive for closer political unification, and that’s raised particular concerns recently in Britain, which has often viewed the bloc through a business prism. ‘If you mean that Europe has to be a political union, a country called Europe, then I disagree,’ said Cameron… But many politicians in Europe think closer political ties are exactly what is needed to maintain continental unity… Some even think Europe’s end-game has to be to resemble the United States of America. Countries would be so tied together in their economic and social fabric to make war inconceivable.

“… many European leaders refuse to publicly acknowledge that a British exit is a possibility… Britain’s relations with Europe have been strained since the end of World War II. It did not join the European Steel and Coal Community, the forebear of what would later become the European Union, in 1951. Britain later realized there were benefits accruing from joining up with some of its wartime friends and foes, and joined the evolving European bloc in the 1970s. It has stood against many efforts to forge closer ties, notably the creation of the euro, but was at the forefront of the drive to create a single market.”

Europe’s coming political and military unification is clearly prophesied.

Britain No Longer a Leading Nation in the EU—-To Be Replaced by Poland?

The EUobserver wrote on January 25:

“Britain has lost its place in the club of leading EU nations with France and Germany over its plan to hold a referendum on EU membership, the Polish foreign minister has said. ‘The Prime Minister [the UK’s David Cameron] has shifted his country’s position in the EU hierarchy. From a country which was a natural member of the triumvirate capable of ruling the EU, Great Britain has moved to the category of a country of special concern, which should be treated with care in case it does something unwise, harms itself and leaves the Union. It means the group which holds power in the Union will have a different shape,’ Radek Sikorski [said]…

“He said Poland could take Britain’s place over the next decade.  ‘We would have to continue reforms and join the eurozone, then we could be the ones in the group of three, or five, countries which have the biggest say in the EU,’ he added… He also said Cameron’s two conditions for holding the vote – renegotiating the EU treaties and repatriating some EU powers to the UK – ‘seem unlikely to happen.’ But he added that – referendum or no referendum – the British leader has shown he wants no part in further EU integration. ‘Cameron said very clearly: “We’re not interested in a political union, we want to take care of our own interests and retreat to our island.” But the rest of the continent does want political union because it’s indispensible to save the euro and to protect our place on the world arena,’ Sikorski said.”

The days of Britain’s stay in the EU are indeed numbered, and Poland might very well become quite influential as one of several leading core nations of the EU, under Germany’s direction. In this context, recent revelations and facts regarding Poland may not be in favor of Polish-British relationships.

The Guardian revealed on January 30 that in regard to horsemeat in “beef” hamburgers, a “Polish supplier at the heart of the scandal has been selling beef ‘filler’ to an Irish meat processor for over a year,” and “The Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine… announced earlier this week that their tests had shown that the horsemeat was probably being imported from Poland.”

In addition, Mail Online reported on January 31 that “Polish is Britain’s second language and nearly one in five people in London only speak English as a second tongue.”

While former Prime Minister Tony Blair has become increasingly unpopular in his homeland, Mail Online reported on January 30:

“In Britain, his ‘open door’ immigration policies have been criticised by all sides. But in Poland, which was transformed by entry into the EU, Tony Blair is feted as a hero. And yesterday the former Prime Minister was handed a special award for helping hundreds of thousands of Poles come to live in the UK… Around 700,000 eastern Europeans migrated to the UK from eight former communist nations when they were admitted to the European Union in 2004 – despite ministers predicting only 15,000 a year would arrive. Between December 2003 and December 2010 the Polish-born population of the UK increased from 75,000 to 532,000. Latest census figures reveal that the number of Poles living in Britain now stands at 625,000.

“Tory MP Philip Hollobone raged last night: ‘This award is entirely appropriate. Tony Blair presided over the biggest wave of immigration this country has seen since the Norman conquest, 2.5 million net migrants came in to the UK while he was in charge and Britain will never be the same again.’”

The British people might agree with the last statement and that the award to Tony Blair was “entirely appropriate.” since many would not agree with what Tony Blair did. Mr. Hollobone’s statements are to be viewed as a strong criticism of Tony Blair.

Scientology Destroys People with Crazy Ideas and Dangerous Methods?

The Website of reported on January 26:

“The great-grandson of the founder of Scientology said… Scientology specifically tries to rope in celebrities… DeWolf said Elvis Presley turned down an offer to join Scientology… Scientology ‘works through electrified hypnosis. It works through past life regression therapy… But to meet people who’ve been out of the cult… you want to ask them about Xenu and aliens — but the fact is these are smart people. They’ve just been completely destroyed,’ said DeWolf.”

That is indeed weird—but the people of this world want to believe just about anything, as long as it is not in accordance with the Bible.

Is The Catholic Church “Riding” the Government?

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 24:

“Catholic facilities are increasingly sealing themselves off, often behaving as if they were part of a state within a state; a cosmos subject to its own rules, which are monitored by the pope and his bishops… Every year, Catholic dioceses receive billions in funds from obligatory taxes paid by church members. But when it comes to scandals, such as when sexual abuse is systematically covered up and remains uninvestigated for years, citizens have little influence and are left to experience how the church energetically defends its special rights…

“The church… is the second-largest employer in the country, after the government. It dictates the kind of life its doctors, educators, teachers and cleaning women are allowed to lead. It determines how children are raised… Germany has gradually entrusted the churches with large parts of its social welfare system… Between 90 and 100 percent of the funding for most of the Catholic Church’s social facilities comes from the government. Nevertheless, politicians and citizens have rarely tried to exert their influence…”

The Bible tells us about the dangers of collaboration between European states and the Catholic Church—which will even drastically increase in the future.

Some Jewish Thoughts on a Chief Rabbi

Jewish Ideas Daily wrote on January 23:

“Come September, both England and Israel will install new chief rabbis…The position of chief rabbi dates far back in Jewish history. In the Middle Ages, when Jews were treated as a corporate body, the chief rabbi served not only as the judge, scholar, and supreme religious authority for his community, but frequently bore responsibility for collecting its taxes as well. Many a chief rabbi, as a result, was appointed or confirmed directly by the king.

“Chief rabbis today confine their authority to the religious realm, but their role is never purely ceremonial. Inevitably, they must also devote themselves to promoting their own brand of Judaism (usually some variety of Orthodoxy) over all the others. Israel’s chief rabbinate, in recent years, has sought to undermine more liberal approaches…

“America is unusual in never having had an official chief rabbi. In 1888, a short-lived Association of American Orthodox Hebrew Congregations imported Rabbi Jacob Joseph of Vilna to serve as chief rabbi of New York, but that effort ended disastrously… A few Orthodox rabbis in other American cities did, for a time, carry the title ‘chief rabbi,’ based on their learning and status. One or two even pretended to the title ‘chief rabbi of the United States.’ But none ever achieved recognition outside his own Orthodox circle.

“As a matter of law, the First Amendment precludes the government from recognizing one religious authority as ‘chief’ over another… the creation in America of a government-protected form of Judaism under the authority of a chief rabbi was clearly impossible…

“Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, America’s foremost 20th-century Modern Orthodox thinker… turned down the invitation to serve as Israel’s chief rabbi, because, he explained in 1964, he ‘was afraid to be an officer of the State.’ As England and Israel prepare to install new chief rabbis, Rabbi Soloveitchik’s decision deserves to be remembered. ‘A rabbinate linked up with the state,’ he warned, ‘cannot be completely free.’”

This kind of collaboration between religion and state has never produced good fruits in this day and age. Rabbi Soloveitchik’s objections are indeed worthwhile considering.

“Is Gun Ownership Christian?”

The Washington Post wrote on January 25:

“57 percent of white evangelicals live in homes where someone owns a gun (compared, for example, with 31 percent of Catholics.) And more startling, even after 20 first-graders were slaughtered in Connecticut at the hands of a madman with an assault rifle, 59 percent of white evangelicals continue to oppose tighter restrictions on gun laws.

“An obvious question occurs in light of these results: How do such Christians reconcile their stalwart commitment to the Second Amendment with their belief in a gospel that preaches nonviolence?… ‘If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also,’ [Jesus] says, in the Gospel of Matthew. The Bible is mute on the matter of guns, of course, but it is impossible to imagine that Jesus would find anything good to say about them…

“More than 500 children were killed in accidental gun deaths in 2011. As… Gary Hall preached at Washington National Cathedral last week, ‘If we want to stand with Jesus and Martin Luther King, we’ve also got to stand with those who, like them, die by means of violence. . . . That may sound like a hard truth, but for a Christian, there’s no way around it.’”

True Christians ought to be able to see that gun violence and the teachings of Jesus Christ are indeed totally incompatible. Many Jewish thinkers who strictly argue from the pages of the Old Testament, agree as well… note the next article.

Some Jewish Thoughts on Guns…

Jewish Ideas Daily wrote on January 22:

“The transformation of swords into plowshares represents the end of war and the beginning of the messianic era (Isaiah 2:4)…

“The Bible forbids the use of certain metal instruments to construct an altar (Exodus 20:21); the reason, in one interpretation, is that those same instruments may be used to shorten life, while worship on the altar is meant to extend life. Similarly, the Sages forbade entering the Sanctuary with a sword… a restriction later interpreted by medieval Jewish law to forbid bringing sharp knives, apparently used by traveling merchants for protection, into a synagogue…  many rabbis believe that handling guns is prohibited on Shabbat… unless for saving lives…

“The same logic makes the notion of using guns for recreation, like hunting, totally alien to Jewish law… to use weapons to kill animals for fun… is to imitate biblical villains like Nimrod and Esau, not our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…

“In the same way… the glorification of weaponry is foreign to Jewish thought… the Sages, in line with Isaiah’s messianic vision, banned bearing weapons in public on Shabbat, even as an ornament, since ‘they are merely shameful.’ Very few historical sources refer to Jews wearing arms as ornaments…”

In this context, we might also remember that King David was not allowed to build the temple, as he was a man of war who had shed blood. Only Solomon, a “prince” of peace, was permitted to build the temple. But violence is not restricted to guns, as the next article shows.

President Obama: “Football a Violent Sport”

The Washington Times wrote on January 27:

“President Obama took a swipe at football in a new interview, saying he would “have to think long and hard” before letting his hypothetical son play the dangerous sport. ‘I think that those of us who love the sport are going to have to wrestle with the fact that it will probably change gradually to try to reduce some of the violence,’ Mr. Obama told The New Republic in its Feb. 11 issue. ‘In some cases, that may make it a little bit less exciting,’ he said. ‘But it will be a whole lot better for the players, and those of us who are fans maybe won’t have to examine our consciences quite as much.’”

We agree with President Obama on his assessment of the violence in football and also in other “sports,” and the need for change.

Iran’s Brutal Islamist Dictatorship and Persecution of Christians

The Associated Press and Fox News reported on January 27:

“Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, an American imprisoned in Iran on charges of evangelizing, was sentenced this morning to eight years in prison. According to the American Center for Law and Justice, Abedini was verbally sentenced in Tehran by Judge Pir-Abassi, known as the ‘hanging judge,’ to eight years in prison for threatening the national security of Iran through his leadership in Christian house churches. He will serve the time in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison, known as one of the most brutal. The evidence, the ACLJ reports, was based on Abedini’s activities primarily during the early 2000s, when house churches were not considered a threat in Iran.

“‘This is a real travesty – a mockery of justice,’ Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the ACLJ, who represents Pastor Saeed’s wife and children living in the U.S., said in a statement. ‘From the very beginning, Iranian authorities have lied about all aspects of this case, even releasing rumors of his expected release. Iran has not only abused its own laws, it has trampled on the fundamentals of human rights. We call on the citizens of the world to rise up in protest. We call on governments around the world to stand and defend Pastor Saeed.’…

“The 34-year-old father of two denied evangelizing in Iran and claims he had only returned to his native land to help establish an orphanage. Authorities pulled him off a bus last August and threw him into the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran. The exact crimes he is accused of only became public on Monday, when the prosecutor outlined charges that Abedini undermined the Iranian government by creating a network of Christian house churches and that he was attempting to sway Iranian youth away from Islam.

“‘This trial apparently is focused on 13 years ago, when Pastor Saeed converted from Islam to Christianity,’ Sekulow said in a statement to last week… Although the U.S. does not have diplomatic relations with Iran, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said earlier this month that the administration was troubled over Abedini’s imprisonment. ‘We remain troubled by the case of U.S. citizen Saeed Abedini, who was arrested by Iranian officials more than three months ago on charges relating to his religious beliefs,’ Vietor said. ‘We call upon Iranian authorities to release him immediately.’”

It is very comforting and reassuring to know that the USA is “troubled” by this travesty of Iran’s Gestapo-like methods. As Fox News correctly put it on January 27: “…there has been little public repudiation from President Obama… why the irresponsible neglect from the bully pulpit of the White House? … Is the Obama White House fearful of confronting Iran?… This administration has proven over and over again to be unwilling to take on Islamist ideologies and defend their victims on the front lines… [its policy] is leading more and more to the lonely abandonment of icons of religious freedom inside Iran.”

But Iran’s dangerous modus operandi gets even worse. See the next article.

Ahmadinejad’s Call for Muslim Unity to Eradicate “Zionism”

The Times of Israel wrote on January 27:

“Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the Muslim world to unite to eradicate Zionism, which he called ‘corrupt, uncultured and murderous’ Sunday. Ahmadinejad spoke in Tehran to the 26th International Islamic Unity Conference, which coincided with International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Muslim nations around the world should pursue ‘specific aims’ toward unity, Iran’s semi-official PressTV quoted the president as saying…

“‘Under [the] circumstances [in which] the corrupt, uncultured and murderous Zionists are occupying and killing oppressed people, we should not sit idly by,’ [he reportedly said]… The existence of deep rifts and dissension among various sects within the Muslim world got short shrift from Iran’s leader, who stated that ‘an incomplete understanding of the Quran’ was the reason for such differences.”

One can only imagine what the Muslim world would look like if all Muslims would follow Ahmadinejad’s crazy interpretations and his dangerous understanding of the Quran.

Kissinger Warns of Nuclear War in Middle East

Newsmax reported on January 27:

“Former U.S. Secretary of State and Nobel Peace laureate Henry Kissinger is warning that the United States and Israel are very close to facing a crisis with a nuclear-arming Iran. The 89-year-old Kissinger told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that such a crisis — a full-fledged atomic war — would be ‘a turning point in human history,’ the BBC reported. ‘There has emerged in the region, the current and most urgent issue of nuclear proliferation. For 15 years, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council [UNSC] have declared that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, but it has been approaching,’ he said.

“ ‘In a few years, people will have to come to a determination of how to react, or the consequences of non-reaction. I believe this point will be reached in a very foreseeable future,’ he added… The most important thing, Kissinger said, was for the West to prevent letting things get so bad that Israel is forced to act alone… If Tehran gets nuclear weapons, regimes across the Middle East and Africa will want them, too, Kissinger said…”

Explosion at Iran’s Nuclear Plant?

Israel National News reported on January 28:

“Iran has denied reports that surfaced over the weekend about an explosion at its underground Fordo nuclear plant… On Friday, the American WND website reported that an explosion had occurred deep within Fordo.

“According to the report, the explosion which took place last Monday destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground. The report of the blast was passed on to WND by Hamidreza Zakeri, formerly with the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Intelligence and National Security. Zakeri said that the blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. Security forces enforced a no-traffic radius of 15 miles, and the Tehran-Qom highway was shut down for several hours after the blast, the source said.

“Iran admitted in the past it was moving more centrifuge machines for enriching uranium to the underground Fordo facility, which is carved into a mountain to protect it against possible attacks. The existence of the facility near Qom only came to light after it was identified by Western intelligence agencies in September 2009. The UN’s nuclear watchdog has already confirmed that Iran begun enriching uranium at the plant.

“Israeli officials on Sunday said they did not know whether there was any truth to the reports on the explosion. The reports came after Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that the United States has plans for surgical strikes against Iran as a last-ditch measure if Tehran refuses to stop its development of a nuclear weapons capability.”

The White House denied the accuracy of the report as well. However, without any doubt, there are many secret operations and developments going on behind the political scene that are publically denied.

The World Against Israel?

Israel National News reported on January 31:

“The United Nations says Israel must withdraw all of its citizens from the regions of Judea and Samaria. The recommendation came in a report issued Thursday by the U.N. Human Rights Council, which has a history of passing numerous biased resolutions condemning Israel for various alleged ‘crimes’ each year…

“In response, Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said, ‘The Human Rights Council has sadly distinguished itself by its systemically one-sided and biased approach towards Israel. This latest report is yet another reminder of that’… At least half a million Israelis live in Judea, Samaria and areas of Jerusalem restored to the capital during the 1967 Six Day War.”

Israeli Strike in Syria—Is a New War Coming?

The Times of Israel wrote on January 31:

“Iran threatened that a reported Israeli strike in Syria would have ‘grave consequences for Tel Aviv’ on Thursday, days after saying that an attack on Syria would be seen as an attack on Iran… On Wednesday, Damascus said Israeli planes struck a ‘research facility’ northwest of the Syrian capital. The accusation came after reports from foreign news sources earlier in the day saying Israel hit a weapons convoy near the Syria-Lebanon border that was transferring arms to the terror group Hezbollah… Iran is a major backer of both Syrian President Bashar Assad and Lebanon-based Hezbollah.

“The Jamraya research center is… a crucial element of Syria’s missile program, and… it is also home to a chemical weapons facility… Officials [in Israel] have said in the past that it would act to keep chemical weapons or other arms from being transferred to Hezbollah…

“Russia, Syria’s strongest international ally, said Moscow is taking ‘urgent measures to clarify the situation in all its details. If this information is confirmed, we have a case of unprovoked attacks on targets in the territory of a sovereign state, which grossly violates the U.N. Charter and is unacceptable,’ Russia’s foreign ministry said in a statement… Earlier Thursday, Hezbollah condemned the attack… Lebanon and the Arab League slammed Israel for the attacks, calling them a violation of the [country’s] sovereignty…

“US officials told The New York Times on Wednesday that Israel notified the United States about the reported airstrike. MK Tzachi Hanegbi, who is close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stopped short of confirming Israel’s involvement in the strike. Hanegbi hinted, however, that Israel could carry out similar missions in the future…”

The Jerusalem Post added on January 31:

“Syrian state television accused Israel of bombing a military research center at Jamraya between Damascus and the nearby border. Syrian rebels disputed that, saying their forces had attacked the site.”

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 31 that Israel’s press (including Yedioth Ahronoth and Haaretz) and the civilian population are afraid of and are preparing for a new war with Syria and Lebanon.

Not “Politically Expedient” to List Terrorist Group Hezbollah as Terrorists?

JTA reported on January 29:

“Hezbollah may not be included on the European Union’s list of terrorist groups even if it did bomb Jewish tourists in Bulgaria, the EU’s top counter-terrorism official [Gilles de Kerchove] reportedly said… According to Israel, the Lebanon-based Hezbollah was behind the bombing on July 19 in Burgas, which targeted a bus of Israeli tourists and left five Israelis and one Bulgarian dead.

“U.S. and Israeli officials have said the EU should blacklist Hezbollah if the Bulgarians find it guilty of perpetrating the attack. Its inclusion would make it illegal for Hezbollah sympathizers in Europe to send money to the group, which the United States and Israel list as terrorist… [Kerchove] noted there is ‘no consensus’ among EU states on whether listing Hezbollah, which is part of the Lebanese government, would be useful or not.”

Egypt’s President Morsi—Arch Enemy of Israel

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 28:

“Is Mohammed Morsi a peacebroker or a virulent anti-Semite? A former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, who has known Morsi for 13 years, believes that behind the Egyptian president’s veneer of goodwill towards Israel lies a deep-seated hatred… the Egyptian president, who is visiting Berlin this week and will meet with Chancellor Angela Merkel, a champion of Israel, appears to be a man with two faces… In mid-January… Western diplomats and politicians saw… a man filled with hate for the ‘Zionist entity,’ the term Islamists use for the Jewish state. An almost three-year-old video… depicts an Islamist who is practically foaming at the mouth, as he rants about the Israelis in an interview with an Arab network. Speaking in a deep and firm voice, he calls them ‘bloodsuckers’ and ‘warmongers,’ and says that there can be no peace with these ‘descendants of apes and pigs.’

“It was apparently more than just a regrettable moment of madness for Morsi, claims a prominent former member of the Muslim Brotherhood. After all, he says, the current president served as general inspector of the Muslim Brotherhood for years, which put him in charge of the group’s online service. That service includes quotes about Israelis and Jews that testify to the same hatred as the lapses in the video.

“Despite outrage internationally and at the White House over the video, Morsi was unperturbed by the furor over his remarks. In the end, his spokesman said that Morsi’s words had been taken out of context, but offered no further explanation or apology…

“The current president became the general inspector of the organization [Muslim Brotherhood] in 2007… In this capacity, Morsi would have been partly responsible for the anti-Jewish propaganda on the website, which featured the ‘banner of jihad’ at the time and saw ‘Jews and Zionists as archenemies’… Morsi gave a self-promoting interview in May 2009. Referring to the Israelis, the current president said: ‘They all have the same nature. They are equally shaped by shrewdness, deception and hate.’ He added that their only objectives are ‘killing, aggression and subjugation.'”

Morsi is not only determined (not unlike Iran’s Ahmadinejad) to go to war with and eradicate Israel; he is also determined to maintain his Islamist Presidency in Egypt with all means. The USA and Europe are willingly blind towards the true nature of Egypt’s newest dictator.

Egypt Denies the Holocaust

Mail Online wrote on January 30:

“A senior figure close to Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi provoked outrage today after claiming the Holocaust was a myth invented by the United States. Fathi Shibab-Eddim, who is responsible for appointing editors of all the state-run newspapers, claimed the six million Jews killed by Hitler had actually been moved to America.

“His comments came as the world marked Holocaust Remembrance day on Sunday and little more than a week after it emerged that President Morsi himself had once described Jews as ‘descendants of apes and pigs’.

“Shibab-Eddim said: ‘The myth of the Holocaust is an industry that America invented. U.S. intelligence agencies in co-operation with their counterparts in allied nations during World War II created it [the Holocaust] to destroy the image of their opponents in Germany and to justify war and massive destruction against military and civilian facilities of the Axis powers, and especially to hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the atomic bomb.’

“His views have sparked fears that the Egyptian Government, like Iran’s, has significant elements that refuse to acknowledge one of the best-documented genocides in history. The bizarre claims will also be especially concerning for Israel, which had fostered good relations with President Morsi’s predecessor, Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted in 2011 following days of violent protests.

“Efraim Zuroff, Israel Director of the Jerusalem-based Simon Weisenthal Center, whose mission is to defend against anti-Semitism and teach the lessons of the Holocaust to future generations, [said] that Shibab-Eddim’s views showed a dangerous mindset. He said: ‘Obviously, if a person in that position makes that ridiculous claim it is of concern. The sad truth is that these views are relatively common in the Arab world and are the result of ignorance on one hand and of government-sponsored Holocaust denial on the other hand’… there are fears that Morsi may prove to be a radical Islamist…”

Morsi’s Rule with an Iron Fist

Deutsche Welle reported on January 29:

“Two years after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, thousands protest against his successor. They feel betrayed and demand a government of national unity. Enraged demonstrators, armed police, violence on the streets: the television pictures are reminiscent of February 2011, when thousands of Egyptians demanded the overthrow of the regime. They refused to give up until the dictator Hosni Mubarak was gone. Now we see the same pictures, but the leader of the government is Mohammed Morsi – and he doesn’t seem to be ready to go.

“Morsi has responded to the deadly rioting by imposing a state of emergency in three cities. On Monday (28.01.2013) he announced that the military would be deployed in an attempt to restore calm, and that the army would take on police duties until the forthcoming parliamentary elections. That development has brought the opposition onto the streets, saying it reminds them of the tyranny of the Mubarak regime.

“Morsi’s disparate opponents are united by one thing: they want a state that keeps a certain distance from religion. According to Gudrun Krämer, professor of Islam Studies at the Free University of Berlin, ‘The opposition doesn’t want the state or society to be dominated by Islam as interpreted by the Islamists. But that doesn’t mean that they are secularists or non-believing Muslims.’ Krämer sees two main tendencies among Morsi’s opposition. One group, centered on former presidential candidate Hamdin Sabahi, rejects an Islamist state and demands a separation between the state and religion, as well as a state welfare policy. A second group, meanwhile, also rejects any further Islamization, but also wants to see economic problems solved and demands the right of greater consultation and participation…

“Morsi can rely on the Muslim Brotherhood… The prominent opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohammed ElBaradei tweeted, ‘Until the president takes responsibility for the recent bloodshed and promises to set up a government of national salvation and an independent authority to amend the constitution, any dialogue would be a mere waste of time.’”

As the Bible has prophesied long ago—Egyptians will fight against Egyptians in their own land. But more is revealed to come. Please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

Germany Turns Blind Eye To Morsi

The Local wrote on January 30:

“Merkel told a joint press conference in Berlin with President Mohamed Morsi that Germany wanted a successful transformation process in Egypt, where Morsi took over last year, and was ready to help… Merkel said Morsi’s visit — his first to Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, since his election in June — was appreciated, albeit shortened, given the ‘not easy’ political situation at home… Morsi told reporters that Egypt would have ‘rule of law’ and be a state that allowed the exchange of opinions, and spoke of ties with Germany based on respect of different interests ‘without interference in domestic affairs’… Egypt’s military chief on Tuesday warned that the political crisis could lead to the collapse of the state.”

These developments are interesting, as it is prophesied that Germany and Egypt will work together for a while against Israel, before they become enemies.

Europe’s Present Wars

Italy’s La Repubblica reported the following on January 28:

“Remarkably for a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Europe has been at war for close to 15 years: in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, in Libya, and today in the Sahel… On the eve of elections in Italy [in February] and in Germany [in September] the lack of discussion over a subject as important as war is astonishing. Because a conflict is occurring elsewhere, it is not discussed. Yet, war permeates deep into our bones, and has done so for a long time.

“Because it lacks a common political government, the European Union is not leading the war but it is, nonetheless, now part of its daily routine. If we add the never-ending fight against terrorism to the fighting that spread throughout the Balkans at the end of the 20th Century, Europeans have been sporadically participating in armed conflicts for the past 14 years. At first, these were the object of heated debates: are these wars really necessary? And if not, what are we fighting for? Are they truly for humanitarian reasons or are they destructive? And what assessment are we to make of the War on Terror at the global level: has it reduced or increased terrorism?

“Political leaders are not answering these questions and no European country is raising the issue of a Union that has nothing to say on the question of war because it is too focused on its currency. Entering blindly into a new neo-colonial war, Europe is advancing into a fog-filled future…

“War – often bloody and rarely fruitful – is never called by its true name. It moves forward hidden behind a mask: an initiative that will stabilise countries that have collapsed and bring them democracy and, most of all, one that will be short and not costly. This is the case with the war that began on January 13 in Mali, which is led by the France of François Hollande with the feeble support of African troops and the – retroactive – support of France’s European allies.

“In violation of the Treaty of Lisbon (articles 32 and 347), there was no prior discussion. We are almost always thrown into war. We even have someone… to thank France, while immediately explaining that Paris will have to go it alone ‘in the absence of a European military force’…

“Much of what we read about the war is false: it does not call for reflection on the event but rather for us to, passively, take note and to consider the conflicts as isolated cases without any relation to each other… In these recent conflicts, we have learned nothing from the errors of the past, because these were systematically not discussed…

“The collapse of the situation in Mali would have been avoidable if Europeans had paid more attention to the country… Failures in Afghanistan engendered the Libyan conflict, while the half-failed Libyan effort is responsible for the situation in Mali. The problem is that each new conflict begins without any critical analysis of previous conflicts. In Libya, complacency continued until the assassination, in Benghazi, of the United States Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, on September 11, 2012. It took this event to demonstrate that many of Gaddafi’s militia troops – Tuaregs or Jihadists – had moved into the Azawad region. And that the war was not over, but that it was about to rise from its ashes in Mali.

“In the past seven years, the number of democracies in Africa has fallen from 24 to 19. This is a failure for Europe and for the West…”

America’s Failure in Mali

Deutsche Welle reported on January 30:

“For years, the US trained the Malian army to fight militants based in the Sahel desert. But Washington’s efforts have faced a major reversal, with armed Islamists now threatening Mali’s survival as a state. As French forces have swept through northern Mali in a campaign to flush out Islamist militant groups from the region’s major population centers, the United States has backed France’s military intervention, offering Paris transport and refueling planes as well as intelligence support. But these modest contributions belie a much deeper American involvement in a region where militants are making inroads against governments shaken by popular unrest.

“Situated on a critical juncture between North and West Africa, Mali has been a focus of US counterterrorism efforts. The Malian armed forces have just 7,000 personnel in a country three times the size of Germany. Islamist militant groups have exploited the security vacuum to take refuge in Mali’s northern desert expanse… with the focus on counterterrorism, little attention was paid to the political dynamics in Mali. The US and its European allies heralded the country as a model democracy on a continent where coups and corruption were all too common…  ‘The US government was blind to many of the real problems that were going on in the country,’ [an expert] said… The militant groups Washington had sought to contain had established a sanctuary and began implementing Shariah law.

“While France has hastily intervened to stop an Islamist advance toward Bamako and reclaim the north, the US has suspended its military relations with the Malian government and called for a political solution…”

Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands Will Abdicate the Throne in Favor of Prince Willem-Alexander

CNN reported on January 28:

“Queen Beatrix spent 33 years on the throne and will be succeeded by her son, the Prince of Orange, Prince Willem-Alexander. She ascended to the throne when Queen Juliana abdicated on her 71st birthday, on April 30, 1980. Beatrix announced Monday that she will step aside on April 30.

“Beatrix was born January 31, 1938, and when World War II reached Holland the family fled to London. Juliana, Beatrix and her sister Irene then moved to Ottawa, Canada. Beatrix married German diplomat Claus von Amsberg on March 10, 1966, in Amsterdam. They have three sons, Willem-Alexander, born in 1967, Friso, born in 1968, and Constantijn, born in 1969. Friso was injured in an avalanche at an Austrian ski resort last year. She has eight grandchildren.

“Her husband died in 2002 aged 76. He overcame early Dutch wariness — in a country where the German occupation in WWII was still fresh in the national memory — to become one of the most popular members of the Dutch royal family .

“Under the Dutch Constitution the king or queen is head of state but politically neutral. The head of state also signs all new acts of Parliament, and plays a role in the formation of new governments.

“Prince Willem-Alexander, 45, was educated in Wales and Holland where he earned a history degree at Leiden University. He served in the Dutch Royal Navy from August 1985 to January 1987… He is married to Princess Máxima, who was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has a degree in economics and has worked for HSBC and Deutsche Bank. The couple, who met at a party, were engaged in March 2001 and they were married in February 2002.

“The relationship — like his mother’s marriage — sparked initial controversy when it emerged that Maxima’s father had been a minister during the 1976-1983 Argentinean military dictatorship. He agreed to stay away from the wedding. They have three daughters, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane. When Willem-Alexander becomes king, 9-year-old Catharina-Amalia will be next in line.”

What is interesting is the German descent of Prince Willem-Alexander.

Hitler’s Rise to Power Eighty Years Ago

The Local wrote on January 30:

“Germany on Wednesday marks Adolf Hitler’s rise to power 80 years ago… In a black-and-white photo… the Führer [is] saluting the crowd from the chancellery window on the evening of January 30, 1933, after earlier having been made chancellor and been charged by president Paul von Hindenburg with forming a new government… ‘The hour has come! We are at Wilhelmstrasse (the site of the chancellery at the time). Hitler is chancellor of the Reich. Like in a fairytale,’ wrote Joseph Goebbels, who was to become Nazi propaganda chief, in his diary on January 31, 1933… the Reichstag [was] going up in flames the following month and then the first measures [were] taken against the Jews on April 1, with the start of a boycott of Jewish shops, doctors and lawyers. ‘Germans, defend yourselves! Don’t buy from Jews,’ a poster state[d]…

“Andreas Nachama, director of The Topography of Terror, said the arrival of the failed painter from Austria at the helm of power in Germany was an ‘incision’ in history, although nobody at the time thought he would last. However the parliamentary system of the Weimar Republic failed to find a stable majority and Hitler, on the back of over-simplified themes, rallied millions of unemployed and people who had lost everything in the economic crisis…

“The 80th anniversary has sparked much interest in Germany – a novel that imagines Hitler’s return to modern-day Berlin entitled ‘He’s Back’ (Er Ist Wieder Da) has become a bestseller here… Just ahead of the anniversary, Merkel said in her weekly podcast that Germany had ‘an everlasting responsibility for the crimes of National Socialism, for the victims of World War II, and above all, for the Holocaust’. ‘We’re facing our history, we’re not hiding anything, we’re not repressing anything. We must confront this to make sure we are a good and trustworthy partner in the future, as we already are today, thankfully,’ Merkel said.”

In spite of the hope of well-meaning politicians and many Europeans, the terrible atrocities of the past are prophesied to repeat themselves… and even much worse…

Berlusconi and Mussolini—“Disgrace” for Italy or True Reflection?

Reuters reported on January 27:

“Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi triggered outrage from Italy’s political left on Sunday with comments defending fascist wartime leader Benito Mussolini at a ceremony commemorating victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Speaking at the margins of the event in Milan, Berlusconi said Mussolini had been wrong to follow Nazi Germany’s lead in passing anti-Jewish laws but that he had in other respects been a good leader… ‘Obviously the government of that time, out of fear that German power might lead to complete victory, preferred to ally itself with Hitler’s Germany rather than opposing it,’ he said. ‘As part of this alliance, there were impositions, including combating and exterminating Jews,’ he told reporters. ‘The racial laws were the worst fault of Mussolini as a leader, who in so many other ways did well,’ he said, referring to laws passed by Mussolini’s fascist government in 1938…

“Berlusconi’s comments overshadowed Sunday’s commemoration of thousands of Jews and others deported from Italy to the Nazi death camps of eastern Europe. They were condemned as ‘disgusting’ by the center-left Democratic Party (PD), which is leading in the polls ahead of the February 24-25 election. ‘Our republic is based on the struggle against Nazi fascism and these are intolerable remarks which are incompatible with leadership of democratic political forces,’ said Marco Meloni, the PD’s spokesman for institutional affairs. Antonio Ingroia, a former anti-mafia magistrate campaigning at the head of a separate left-wing coalition, said Berlusconi was ‘a disgrace to Italy’… Faced by the onslaught of criticism, Berlusconi later issued a statement saying he had always condemned dictatorships and regretted not having spelled that out in his earlier remarks…

“However, it was not the first time Berlusconi has defended Mussolini, whose status in Italy remains deeply ambiguous 67 years after he was executed by communist partisans while trying to flee to Switzerland in April, 1945. Many Italian politicians, including the speaker of the Lower House of parliament, Gianfranco Fini, come from the ranks of the old Italian Social Movement (MSI) which grew out of the fascist party, although Fini and others have renounced the far right. Others, including Francesco Storace, Berlusconi’s candidate for president of the Lazio region, have stayed true to what they see as the ‘social-right’ tradition of the fascist movement.

“Monuments to Mussolini, who came to power in 1922, still dot many Italian cities, including Rome, where a column to Il Duce stands close to the city’s main football stadium, within a stone’s throw of the foreign ministry… Mussolini’s government persecuted Italy’s Jewish population, which was then estimated to number about 40,000… The 1938 laws imposed oppressive restrictions on Jews and some 10,000 are estimated to have been deported from Italy between September 1943 and March 1945. Most of them died in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland… acts ranging from anti-Jewish graffiti to chants at football matches occur periodically [in Italy].”

Mussolini was as evil and demon-inspired or -possessed as Hitler. Berlusconi’s attempts to re-write history are truly appalling and despicable.

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Why did God kill Uzzah and the men of Beth Shemesh, when they touched the ark of the covenant?

In the previous Q&A, we answered the question as to what was in the ark of the covenant—just the tablets with the Ten Commandments, or also the pot with manna and Aaron’s rod? We pointed out that the latter two items could have been placed inside the ark at one time, but were later removed, perhaps through the Philistines or the men of Beth Shemesh. The question might be asked how this would be possible. Isn’t it true that no one could touch the ark without being killed—as the example with Uzzah is supposed to prove? If so, would not anyone be killed immediately, when touching the ark, before being able to remove items from the ark?

It is important to note God’s instructions pertaining to the ark, and why Uzzah was punished and killed on the spot.

It is correct that only the Levites could carry the ark in a very specified way, and that they were not allowed to touch any of the holy things (Numbers 4:15,19-20; Exodus 25:13-16). When David had the ark transported, but not in the prescribed way (compare 1 Chronicles 13:7), Uzzah saw how the ark started to slip, and he “put his hand to the ark” (1 Chronicles 13:9-10) and was killed. 

At the same time, we read that the Philistines (non-Levites) took the ark and placed it in the temple of Dagon, and that they sent it later to other cities, but they were not killed in the process (1 Samuel 5). They clearly moved the ark without being authorized to do so, and even touched it (1 Samuel 6:8, 11). As a consequence, they were plagued by God, but not killed.

Why then was Uzzah killed?

Note the following explanation by the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary:

“Fearing that the ark was in danger of being overturned, Uzzah, under the impulse of momentary feeling, laid hold of it to keep it steady. Whether it fell and crushed him, or some sudden disease attacked him, he fell dead upon the spot… It is of importance to observe the proportionate severity of the punishments attending the profanation of the ark. The Philistines suffered by diseases, from which they were relieved by their oblations, because the law had not been given to them [1Sa 5:8-12]… But Uzzah, who was a Levite, and well instructed, suffered death for his breach of the law. The severity of Uzzah’s fate may seem to us too great for the nature and degree of the offense. But it does not become us to sit in judgment on the dispensations of God; and, besides, it is apparent that the divine purpose was to inspire awe of His majesty, a submission to His law, and a profound veneration for the symbols and ordinances of His worship.”

Note also Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary:

“Uzzah was struck dead for touching the ark. God saw presumption and irreverence in Uzzah’s heart. Familiarity, even with that which is most awful, is apt to breed contempt.”

To add to this, note the disturbing account in 1 Samuel 6:15, 19, when God struck the men of Beth Shemesh of Israel for looking into the ark, after it had been returned to the Israelites by the Philistines:

“The Levites took down the ark of the LORD and the chest that was with it, in which were the articles of gold, and put them on a large stone. Then the men of Beth Shemesh offered burnt offerings and made sacrifices the same day to the LORD… Then He struck the men of Beth Shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD. He struck fifty thousand and seventy men of the people (or, as the margin has it, “He struck seventy men of the people and fifty oxen of men”), and the people lamented because the LORD had struck the people with a great slaughter.”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible writes:

“And he smote the men of Bethshemesh,…. That is, God smote them, though they had received the ark with such expressions of joy, and had offered sacrifices on account of it; yet sinning in one particular after mentioned, which was highly resented, they were smitten by him… because they had looked into the ark of the Lord; which was forbidden the Levites, Numbers 4:20. [O]ut of curiosity these men opened the ark, to see whether the Philistines had taken anything out of it, or put anything into it; and this, when in the tabernacle, being only to be seen by the high priest; and supposing they should never have the like opportunity again, to look upon the tables of the law which were in it, took it; and the rather they might be emboldened to this action, since it had been in the hands of the uncircumcised Philistines, who had profaned it; and as yet not restored to its pristine purity, holiness, and place: even he smote of the people fifty thousand and seventy men…”

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary writes:

“… he smote the men of Beth-shemesh, because they had looked into the ark-In the ecstasy of delight at seeing the return of the ark, the Beth-shemesh reapers pried into it beneath the wagon cover; and instead of covering it up again, as a sacred utensil, they let it remain exposed to common inspection, wishing it to be seen, in order that all might enjoy the triumph of seeing the votive offerings presented to it, and gratify curiosity with the sight of the sacred shrine. This was the offense of those Israelites (Levites, as well as common people), who had treated the ark with less reverence than the Philistines themselves.”

The Nelson Study Bible adds:

“The Lord brought judgment upon certain men of Beth Shemesh who were guilty of the presumptuous sin of gazing into the ark. They had shown a lack of reverence for the holy things of God and had directly violated Mosaic Law (Num 4:20).”

In the case of the people of Beth-Shemesh, God acted forcefully because of their presumptuous discontent for His instructions, which were clearly spelled out for them. But we don’t read that God killed them immediately when they touched the ark, nor was their death an automatic consequence of their touching the ark—an additional action of God was of course required; and so it appears that He reacted when they opened the ark and perhaps even removed the pot of manna and Aaron’s rod from it, as some commentaries suggest. Note that 1 Samuel 6:19 states that God struck the men AFTER they had looked into the ark—requiring of course that they first touched and opened it.

God is not a respecter of person, and His spiritual law (including the Ten Commandments) is valid and universal and must be obeyed by everyone. That was also true for temporary ritual laws which were given to Israel (but not to Gentiles), but at the same time, God inflicts punishment and varying penalties by considering all circumstances, including motives and a lack of understanding and repentance—which should prove to true Christians, among many reasons, why they could not possibly be involved in the judicial systems of this world, by serving as judges or jurors, as they would not be allowed to take these spiritual aspects into consideration.

Whether the men of Beth-Shemesh removed the pot with manna and Aaron’s rod, before being struck, or whether the Philistines had done so, or whether it occurred during another unrecorded event, it is entirely possible that at one time, these items were in the ark, while at the time of the dedication of the second temple, there was nothing in the ark except the tablets with the Ten Commandments (Hebrews 9:4; 1 Kings 8:9). At the same time, as explained in the previous Q&A, it is also possible that the pot with manna and Aaron’s rod were never IN the ark of the covenant, but simply close to, before or BESIDE it.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Worldwide Attacks on Israel” is the title of our new StandingWatch program. Presented by Evangelist Norbert Link, this very insightful program reveals what Bible prophecies indicate for Israel’s immediate future. Summary: We are seeing increasingly worldwide hostilities against Jews and anti-Semitic feelings. The hateful and mad utterings of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad and Egypt’s President Morsi are no exceptions.  Denial of the Holocaust becomes more wide-spread, not only in the Arab world. Still, America and Europe continue to collaborate with and militarily support Israel’s enemies. Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi defends Benito Mussolini, and the attention to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power 80 years ago is a grim reminder of what can happen if we are not circumspect. The storm clouds are clearly forming. What does the Bible say about all of this?

This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Saturday, February 23, 2013. We just signed a one-year contract for an additional radio station. Beginning Saturday, February 2, 2013, we will also broadcast our programs on KCNW – Kansas City, from 10:45-11:00 am. The first program will be “Japan and Germany—Pacifists No More,” followed on Saturday, February 9, 2013, by “Should a Christian Smoke Marijuana?”

“You Will Be Rewarded!” is the video recorded sermon from last Sabbath, presented by Nobert Link. Summary: God is not unfaithful that He should forget your sacrifices for Him. He promises you that He will reward you for it. However, you must be diligent that you do not lose the gift of eternal life and your full and exceedingly great reward.

Here is the summary of this week’s German sermon, “Neu! Gottes Alte Gesetze—Wie Weit Noch Gueltig? Teil 2,” continuing the discussion of the validity (or lack of it)  of certain Old Testament laws, including temporary ritual laws of washing, as well as tassels, and ongoing laws of clean and unclean meat, transvestites, different kinds of seed, garment of different sorts, and livestock breeding with another kind.

Feast of Tabernacles Site for Germany:

We have secured a Feast site (hotel with hall for up to 90 people) in the Black Forest. Hotel prices are under negotiation—we will know more by next week. But they already blocked the hall for us. Please DO NOT make any individual hotel reservations at this point, but this is where we have been led to go for this 2013 FOT:

The hotel is in Lauterbach, Germany, which is one hour from Stuttgart and one hour from Zuerich, and 3 hours from Frankfurt and also 3 hours from Munich. Titisee is very nearby (we kept the feast for years in Lenzkirch or Ruebuehl or Schluchsee, which are all in the general neighborhood). We are told that those who would be flying in could go to Stuttgart, which would be the nearest major airport. To drive from London, we are told, can be done within a day for sure.

When Johanna and Norbert Link are in Germany in March, they will visit the facility, but by that time, all negotiations should have been completed successfully. All the German members and those who have expressed interest in the German Feast of Tabernacles site have been contacted in order to get their commitment for the finalization of our plans. If you should be interested, please contact Johanna Link (

Our Church Conference for 2013 will begin on Friday, April 12th, and last until Tuesday, April 16th. This year, meetings will be conducted in Fort Collins, Colorado.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

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Worldwide Attacks on Israel

We are seeing increasingly worldwide hostilities against Jews and anti-Semitic feelings. The hateful and mad utterings of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad and Egypt’s President Morsi are no exceptions. Denial of the Holocaust becomes more wide-spread, not only in the Arab world. Still, America and Europe continue to collaborate with and militarily support Israel’s enemies. Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi defends Benito Mussolini, and the attention to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power 80 years ago is a grim reminder of what can happen if we are not circumspect. The storm clouds are clearly forming. What does the Bible say about all of this?

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Current Events

Algeria’s Brutal Response

The Associated Press wrote on January 20:

“In a bloody finale, Algerian special forces stormed a natural gas complex in the Sahara desert on Saturday to end a standoff with Islamist extremists that left at least 23 hostages dead and killed all 32 militants involved, the Algerian government said [Subsequent reports increased these numbers considerably.]

“The siege at Ain Amenas transfixed the world after radical Islamists linked to al-Qaida stormed the complex, which contained hundreds of plant workers from all over the world, then held them hostage surrounded by the Algerian military and its attack helicopters for four tense days that were punctuated with gun battles and dramatic tales of escape. Algeria’s response to the crisis was typical of its history in confronting terrorists, favoring military action over negotiation, which caused an international outcry from countries worried about their citizens. Algerian military forces twice assaulted the two areas where the hostages were being held with minimal apparent mediation — first on Thursday, then on Saturday.”

One has to ask whether such brutal allies are a blessing or a curse for the USA.

Algerian Stance Spoils U.S. Strategy for Region

The Washington Post wrote on January 19:

“The hostage crisis in Algeria has upended the Obama administration’s strategy for coordinating an international military campaign against al-Qaeda fighters in North Africa, leaving U.S., European and African leaders even more at odds over how to tackle the problem. For months, U.S. officials have intensively lobbied Algeria — whose military is by far the strongest in North Africa — to help intervene in next-door Mali, where jihadists and other rebels have established a well-defended base of operations… But Algeria’s unilateral decision to attack kidnappers at a natural gas plant — while shunning outside help, imposing a virtual information blackout and disregarding international pleas for caution — has dampened hopes that it might cooperate militarily in Mali, U.S. officials said. The crisis has strained ties between Algiers and Washington and increased doubts about whether Algeria can be relied upon to work regionally to dismantle al-Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa.

“‘The result is that the U.S. will have squandered six to eight months of diplomacy for how it wants to deal with Mali,’ said Geoff D. Porter, an independent North African security analyst… As the extremist threat has become more acute in recent years, the U.S. military has repeatedly pressed Algeria for overflight permission so its long-range reconnaissance planes can reach northern Mali from U.S. bases in Europe. Algiers has agreed at times, but it only approves flights on a case-by-case basis and often requires extensive advance notice, U.S. officials said. It withheld blanket permission unless Washington promises to share intelligence from the flights, including what they observe while over Algerian territory.

“U.S. officials said they are legally barred from doing so because of concerns that Algeria might misuse the intelligence to target people who are political opponents, not terrorists. The Algerian military and security services have a history of brutality and extrajudicial killings… At the same time, the United States has become dependent on Algerian intelligence to sort out a blurry constellation of jihadi groups, desert bandits, ethnic rebels and other groups…

“Feelings also remain raw in Algeria over the NATO-led military intervention in Libya. Although the campaign successfully toppled longtime ruler Moammar Gaddafi, the United States and its NATO allies did little to contain the aftershocks. The region was destabilized by a flood of weaponry and armed Tuareg nomads who had fought for Gaddafi but escaped across Libya’s borders. Many of those mercenaries have since teamed with AQIM to take control of the northern half of Mali. ‘This has just been an utter disaster. It was eminently foreseeable,’ [a] senior U.S. diplomat said of the ripple effects from Libya.”

The USA is not being blessed in just about anything it is doing… or not doing…

Years, Not Months…

The Telegraph wrote on January 20:

“The Prime Minister [Cameron] said that countering the rise of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in the Sahel region will require an ‘iron resolve’ and greater military, diplomatic and economic engagement with the region… Mr Cameron acknowledged that the terrorist threat in North Africa had grown and he predicted a prolonged struggle to meet it. ‘It will require a response that is about years, even decades, rather than months…’”

The Islamist threat might very well become one cause for Europe’s final unification with the goal of acting with “iron resolve and greater military engagement in the region.” Note also the next article.

Germans Distrust Islam

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 23:

“With the growing number of Muslims, and a series of failed terror attacks, distrust of Islam is rising… Islam appears to be encroaching on life in Germany and that bothers a lot of people…

“Only 19 percent of Germans believe that Islam is compatible with German culture… 46 percent of all Germans say there are ‘too many Muslims’ in Germany, and around 30 percent had specific concerns, for example, terrorist attacks… the fear of Islam is more widespread in economically well-placed Germany than in other European countries.”

Egypt’s Terror Regime of Fanatical Islamists

Fox News reported on January 16, 2013:

“The 15-year prison sentence given to a woman and her seven children by an Egyptian court for converting to Christianity is a sign of things to come, according to alarmed human rights advocates who say the nation’s Islamist government is bad news for Christians in the North African country… When the conversion came to light under the new regime, Nadia, her children and even the clerks who processed the identity cards were all sentenced to prison.

“Samuel Tadros, a research fellow at Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, said conversions like Nadia’s have been common in the past, but said Egypt’s new Sharia-based constitution ‘is a real disaster in terms of [religious] freedom. Now that Sharia law has become an integral part of Egypt’s new constitution, Christians in that country are at greater risk than ever. The cases will increase in the future…’

“Tadros said the constitution limits the practice of Christianity because ‘religious freedom has to be understood within the boundaries of Sharia.’ He added that the constitution prescribes that the highest Sunni authority should be referred to as an interpreter of the religion clause contained in the constitution…

“Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice [said:] “This is another tragic case that underscores the growing problem of religious intolerance in the Muslim world. To impose a prison sentence for a family because of their Christian faith sadly reveals the true agenda of this new government: Egypt has no respect for international law or religious liberty’… ‘The U.S. State Department must play more of a role in discouraging this kind of persecution,’ Sekulow said. ‘The U.S. should not be an idle bystander. The U.S. provides more than $1 billion to Egypt each year. The State Department should speak out forcefully against this kind of religious persecution in Egypt.’”

Sadly, the USA has been a passive or idle bystander in far too many cases, including Egypt or Mali, while antagonizing its very few allies.

Frictions Between the USA and Israel

The Guardian wrote on January 19:

“Already fractious relations between Binyamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama have been further strained in the run-up to the president’s inauguration on Monday and the Israeli prime minister’s anticipated victory in Tuesday’s election. Netanyahu aides accused Obama of interfering in the Israeli election following publication of an article by Jeffrey Goldberg, which quoted the president as saying: ‘Israel doesn’t know what its own best interests are.’ Obama, wrote Goldberg, viewed Netanyahu as a ‘political coward’.

“The Goldberg article, along with Obama’s nomination of Chuck Hagel as defence secretary, has been interpreted in Israel as clear signs of the president’s exasperation with Netanyahu and possible payback for the latter’s support of Obama’s rival, Mitt Romney, in the US election in November. Hagel is seen as ‘anti-Israel’ because of his questioning of Israeli government policy and the pro-Israel lobby in the US. Goldberg, who is known to be close to the president, wrote that Israel risked becoming ‘more of a pariah’ and that Obama was reluctant to invest fresh effort in the Middle East peace process in the face of Netanyahu’s continued settlement expansion…

“Obama and Netanyahu did not meet during the latter’s last visit to the US in September in what was seen as a White House snub. Obama has not visited Israel since taking office four years ago…”

The Times of Israel wrote on January 18:

“The relationship between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ‘the most dysfunctional’ ever between an American president and an Israeli prime minister, a veteran former American diplomat said Thursday.

“Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center who served under six secretaries of state in both Republican and Democratic administrations, added that while there had been strained personal relationships between the two countries top leaders in the past, this breakdown was unique in that it had not been corrected in four years, and would now likely be extended… he said, the two men ‘mistrust one another’ and ‘have very little confidence in one another.’ He blamed both men for the situation…”

The USA is going to lose all of its allies—even Judah (the state of Israel) will turn against the house of Israel (mainly the USA and Great Britain), and vice versa, and the once friendly relationship between the USA and Great Britain will also continue to deteriorate.

Major Setback for Netanyahu

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 23:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will have to form a broader coalition in order to govern in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, after his gamble to move to the right failed to pay off.

“The right bloc took a heavy hit following Netanyahu’s political gamble to join his center-right Likud party with right-leaning Yisrael Beytenu and to pepper its list with more hardliners, which evidently isolated voters and cost Netanyahu dearly at polls for the 19th Knesset… With… the biggest voter turnout since 1999, the right and left blocs are now evenly split, winning 60 seats each in the next Knesset in a surprising swing further to the left than recent polls suggested. Likud-Beytenu was still the highest polling political party despite its fall in fortunes, and Netanyahu immediately announced that he was commencing coalition negotiations…

“Should Netanyahu be successful, [Dr. Michael Widlanski, a lecturer in political science and communications at Bar Ilan University] said the biggest challenge his government would face would be countering Iran’s nuclear programme. ‘The US under Obama is not going to engage in any military actions. The question is, will Israel do something on its own, against the wishes of the US? I think that it’s a key issue that Israel will have to deal with within the next two years.’”

If Israel does, it could very well lose in that endeavor, as the Bible might suggest in Hosea 5:13, speaking about Judah’s “wound.” According to Der Stern, dated January 23, the election results do not give any hope that the volatile situation in the Middle East might improve.

Blasphemous Praise for President Obama

The Washington Examiner wrote on January 19:

“How did the rest of the media miss this? According to the new issue of Newsweek online, President Obama, who this weekend begins his second term–the third president in a row to do so–is ‘The Second Coming.’ With flattering photographs, the magazine edited by Obama fan Tina Brown holds out hope that in his second Inaugural Address, Obama can inspire and show that he can also lead.

“The conservative media watch dog, Media Research Center, first noticed the God-like cover. ‘Conservatives have long joked that the national press corps see Barack Obama as the second coming of Jesus Christ. Today, Newsweek – at least what’s left of it, an online product for tablets and e-readers – made it official,’ said Center Vice President Brent Baker. ‘Next to a side shot of Obama’s head, the “Inauguration 2013” cover story pronounces: “The Second Coming.”’

“Baker notes that the author, long-time Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas, gave Obama God-like qualities during his first year in office, saying on MSNBC, ‘In a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above… the world. He’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.’”

This is appalling… and those engaging in such blasphemies will be held accountable by God.

The Lying Left-Wing Media

Breitbart wrote on January 18:

“But there it finally was: The Truth — and from NBC News, no less. Poverty’s up (from 43.6 million to 46.2 million), middle class incomes are down ($50k compared to $52k), the deficit’s exploded (from $10 trillion to $16 trillion), food stamp recipients have skyrocketed (33.5 million to 46.6 million), unemployment hasn’t budged, and the same number of people are without health insurance today as there were in 2009.

“Still, NBC News couldn’t even bring itself to report the most damning Obamanomics numbers: a population so despondent by a lack of jobs that enough people have dropped out to shrink the labor market to levels unseen since the 1980s. A chronic long-term unemployment problem unseen in this country since World War II. An unemployment rate disproportionately savaging blacks and Hispanics.

“Where was all this news during the 2012 campaign…? Rather than report Truth, the media locked arms and circled Obama’s palace in order to protect him from the mindless hordes of racist, sexist Neanderthals who dared criticize The Lightbringer. The media’s weapons of choice were distraction and lies… In order to pretend Obama’s policies worked and to win him reelection, the media completely rewrote and redefined what a successful economic recovery is. Then, before anyone could notice the sleight of hand, the media would quickly change the subject…

“Yes, the media won. It still pains me to say so, but… the media successfully pushed a failed president over the second term finish line… In the long game of history (that will eventually be won by Christ) there are skirmishes, fights, battles, wars, and existential wars. What the media is winning are nothing more than a series of high-profile battles, but it is doing so in a way that represents an existential threat to themselves.

“By every measure — economic, credibility — the media is dying a slow death from a poison it must ingest in order to win these battles, but a poison nonetheless. This poison has cost the media almost all of its credibility with the public, a problem that grows by the year. This, naturally, delivers economic consequences. Recently, The New York Times, Reuters, and Time Magazine reported massive layoffs. CNN is collapsing… The broadcast networks are losing viewers by the day. Newsweek is no more…

“And it is mostly due to the poison of bias the media gulps by the bucket in order to push its agenda — and that amount of poison has only increased with the arrival of the Lightbringer… The media successfully fooled enough people into believing Obama’s policies roared us back into a recovery to win Obama the chance to do four more years of damage. But no one’s fooled to the point where they’re buying newspaper subscriptions or advertisements. The result has been a series of high-profile media layoffs…

“It’s all a house of cards built on dishonesty, which only works for so long. Reality and truth will someday intrude…”

Yes, it will—when Jesus Christ  returns, but sadly, not before then… And that goes for the media on the left, center or the right…

Grim Outlook for America under President Obama’s Second Term

Deutsche Welle reported on January 17:

“Plagued by deep domestic problems, Barack Obama would love to outsource many international issues to the EU in his second term… Is the European Union willing and capable to preserve the current liberal European order at the moment when Russia has turned her back on the West, Turkey has lost hope of joining the EU and the European periphery lies in shambles? And would the EU be America’s reliable partner outside Europe at a moment when Washington lacks the resources and the appetite to be the global policeman while the world is in constant turmoil?…

“The financial crisis has made America feel the limits of her global power. [It] has forced Americans to take a closer look at their own country and what they saw was not inspiring… the president’s efforts will be focused to reform America and not to transform the world… But in order to buy time for his American rebuilding project Obama needs to know how effective the EU can be as a regional power and how ambitious the EU will be as a global power.

“It is now pretty obvious that the US does not have any resources to continue its commitment in places like the Balkans or Ukraine; Obama’s reset with Russia is history and Washington is eager to ‘outsource’ all Europe related problems to Brussels. But can Obama rely on the EU…? Many in Washington are skeptical but the President does not have much of a choice…

“When it comes to the world outside of Europe, Obama’s fears are even greater. If the euro crisis and a possible break-up of the European Union was a major concern for the White House in 2012, at the start of his second term it is Britain and not Greece that preoccupies the President’s mind… the decline of British influence in the EU can only mean more problems for Washington. That begs the logical question: Is the US influential enough to keep the UK in the EU?

“When it comes to big ideas in US-EU bilateral relations one quickly notices that they are mostly absent… So what should Europeans and the EU expect from Barack Obama’s second term? Not much… President Obama does not have a grand strategy for the EU. What he has instead are fears and hopes. And it will be the balance between fears and hopes that will determine his policies during his second term.”

The Curse of the Second Term

The Washington Times wrote on January 20:

“As President Obama embarks on another four years in office, he is mindful that history is littered with the wreckage of presidents’ second terms.

“George W. Bush had the double-whammy of an unpopular war and a calamitous recession. Bill Clinton was impeached over lying about sex with an intern. Richard Nixon quit rather than face impeachment for Watergate. Even Ronald Reagan, whose second term included the beginnings of his cherished collapse of the Soviet Union, was damaged by the Iran-Contra scandal.

“Mr. Obama is starting out on the wrong foot by feuding with Congress over the nation’s borrowing limit and gun control, said Al Zacher, author of the book ‘Presidential Power in Troubled Second Terms.’ He said the rare successful second terms have involved presidents who forged good relationships with strong congressional leaders, such as Mr. Reagan with Speaker Thomas P. ‘Tip’ O’Neill Jr. and President Eisenhower with Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson. ‘Getting along with Congress is the issue, and it was for the majority of those presidents who either succeeded or failed,’ Mr. Zacher said. ‘The odds aren’t there for Obama.’…

“If working with Congress is the key to a successful second term, Mr. Obama’s tone has been notable in reflecting his refusal to negotiate with lawmakers on the debt ceiling. During the final news conference of his first term, on Jan. 14, the president used the language of terrorism to describe House Republicans. He said Republican lawmakers were trying to hold Americans hostage and were ‘holding a gun at the head of the American people’ by demanding that Democrats cut deficit spending. Mr. Zacher said that attitude is reminiscent of President Wilson, whose inflexibility with Congress during his second term led to the failure of his League of Nations initiative…

“Mr. Obama’s team also understands that in the dubious history of second presidential terms, the opportunity to achieve anything significant is usually limited to the first year or so… By then, the jockeying is well under way in both parties among candidates hoping to replace the second-term president. ‘Only rarely do second-term presidents retain their power through more than 18 months or so,’ Mr. Zacher said.”

Not a good prospect indeed for the welfare of the USA.

Majority of Republicans Backpedal

The Associated Press wrote on January 24:

“The House overwhelmingly passed a bill Wednesday to permit the government to borrow enough money to avoid a… default for at least four months, defusing a crisis looming next month and setting the stage for a springtime debate over taxes, spending and the deficit. The House passed the measure on a bipartisan 285-144 vote as majority Republicans back away from their previous demand that any increase in the government’s borrowing cap be paired with an equivalent level of spending cuts…

“The measure would suspend the $16.4 trillion cap on federal borrowing and reset it on May 19 to reflect the additional borrowing required between the date the bill becomes law and then. The amount of borrowing required depends on the tax receipts received during filing season, but over a comparable period last year the government ran deficits in the range of $150 billion…”

Hillary Clinton Testifies in “Spineless” Senate Hearing Regarding Benghazi

Breitbart wrote on January 23:

“‘What difference does it make?’ Hillary Clinton shouted… outraged that a Senator would dare to ask why she spread the lie that a video provoked the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. At that point, the presiding chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), should have rapped the gavel sharply: ‘Madam Secretary, you are out of order.’

“Perhaps that is too much to expect of a Democrat. The majority party’s members fell all over themselves to heap praise on the outgoing Secretary of State and likely contender for their party’s presidential nomination in 2016. Few showed any interest at all in what happened in Benghazi, why the State Department failed to provide adequate security, why the White House failed to send help, and why the President ordered a cover-up.

“So the ranking member, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), ought to have interrupted. But he did not. The Senator who posed the question, Ron Johnson (R-WI), seemed chastised by Clinton’s outburst. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) asked a few pointed questions that went unanswered. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Clinton that her negligence had been a firing offense. But even he went out of his way to say he did not suspect her of bad motives.

“That is preposterous. Everyone knows what her reasons were, and she even knows that we know. President Obama did not want to admit the attack was a terror attack, even though he later pretended… that he had, in fact, done so. He could not even admit that the Ft. Hood attack in 2009 was a terror attack–why would he admit this attack, with an election at stake?

“When even the toughest inquisitor bends over backwards to offer the Secretary of State a way out, it is a sign that our constitutional system of checks and balances is broken. It is the Senate’s job to hold the Secretary of State accountable, not the other way around. Yet she went on the attack, implying that Congress was to blame for Benghazi because of its failure to fund more diplomatic security–a claim her own department has denied.

“Democrats echoed that message in both chambers of Congress on Wednesday, and offered paeans to her performance over the past four years… But the committee’s Republicans–all of them–should be rebuked for failing to defend the dignity and independence of the Senate. If Clinton’s testimony is any indication, not only will John Kerry walk to confirmation, but there is little hope for a serious challenge to Chuck Hagel when he comes before the Armed Services Committee next week. If the opposition will not do its duty, then perhaps Clinton is right: it makes no difference at all.”

God-Given Right to Bear Arms?

Breitbart wrote on January 23:

“NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre responded to Obama’s inaugural speech by pointing out that the 2nd Amendment protects God-given rights. Of these rights–the right to keep and bear arms and the right to self-defense–LaPierre said: ‘No government gave [them] to us and no government can take them away.’”

But God most certainly can, as He never intended man to use weapons to commit violent acts—whether in times of peace or of war.

European Guns Responsible for American Mass Murders

Deutsche Welle reported on January 23:

“After each massacre in the US, Europe laments America’s gun culture and violence. At the same time, European companies have no problem selling arms to Americans and supporting the NRA’s fight against tougher gun laws. It is not widely reported, but European firearms for a long time have played a pernicious role in US mass shootings and Europe’s gun makers are among the strongest backers of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“Handguns by Austrian arms manufacturer Glock and German-owned SigSauer were used in the most recent massacre in December 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children and eight adults dead.

“A Glock gun was also used in the shooting spree inside a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado in July 2012 in which 11 people were killed. A semiautomatic weapon by the Austrian gun producer again featured in the January 2011 massacre in Tucson, Arizona in which six people were killed and congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was seriously injured. Two guns by Italian manufacturer Beretta were used to kill 14 people in Binghamton, New York in April 2009.

“And the worst massacre by a single gunman in US history was also perpetrated with European weapons: The Virginia Tech killing spree that left 33 people dead in 2007 was carried out with a German Walther and an Austrian Glock gun. All guns used were purchased legally. This list is by no means exhaustive, rather it is just the tip of the iceberg. European guns feature not only prominently in mass shootings, but they are a major player in US civilian gun sales…

“With a quarter of the civilian gun market in European hands, the continent is by far the biggest international seller into the US, dwarfing sales from Asia and Latin America. More than a dozen European nations – from Poland to Portugal, from Bulgaria to Britain – export guns to the United States to be sold to American citizens. But the lion’s share of European exports to the US stems from only three countries: Austria, Italy and Germany.

“Exporting 434,374 firearms – almost exclusively handguns – to the US in 2010 according to the ATF, Austria clearly leads the pack. Italy comes in second with 285,083 firearms destined for US civilians. Germany ranks third with 266,688 guns exported for the American market, according to the ATF. While most European guns sold in the US are imported, large players like Austria’s Glock, Italy’s Beretta or Germany’s SigSauer also produce guns directly at subsidiaries in the US…

“What’s more, selling guns to American citizens is apparently such a good business, that even European governments want a slice of the pie. The Belgian Herstal group which owns arms maker FN Herstal as well as the well-known American brand Browning, is ‘100 percent owned by the Walloon Region of Belgium,’ as the firm proudly proclaims on its homepage. ‘For more than 15 years now that group is in the hands of the Walloon government of Belgium, which means this is actually a government enterprise,’ Nils Duquet, a small arms researcher at the Flemish Peace Institute in Brussels, told DW. While Belgium and the Herstal Group are not one of the largest European civilian arms exporters to the US, the group’s production site is nevertheless a major employer in the economically depressed Walloon region of Belgium, adds Duquet…

“To counter any possible tightening of American gun laws, European companies do the same thing their US counterparts are doing: Support the NRA’s fight against tougher gun laws. The list of its biggest donors, honored by the NRA at the organization’s annual meeting in April 2012, reads like a Who-is-Who of European arms manufacturers… Combined, these European gun makers gave the NRA a minimum of $2,175 million in 2012. That figure does not include any smaller donation not publicized by the NRA….”

This hypocritical European conduct is appalling. While condemning America for its “gun violence,” they themselves actively promote and support it. Note the economic power of EU countries (“modern Babylon”), as described in chapter 18 of the book of Revelation.

Religious Freedom in Europe

Deutsche Welle reported on January 17:

“The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that religious freedom applies in the workplace, so long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. But the member states have been left to interpret the ruling… the European Court of Human Rights… upheld the right to wear religious symbols at work, but also noted that in certain cases religious freedom can be restricted to protect the rights of others. Following that logic, the court ruled in favor of one case and against three others brought by British Christians. While the judges said that a British Airways employee could wear a Christian cross to work, they ruled against a nurse whose employers forbade her from wearing the crucifix, citing legitimate health and safety concerns.

“The court also ruled that Christians are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, even if their religious beliefs forbid them from cooperating with homosexuals. Specifically, the judges rejected a complaint filed by a city hall registrar who had been disciplined for refusing to officiate same-sex civil partnerships. And in another case, the court rejected the suit brought by a relationship therapist, who was fired for refusing to serve homosexual couples…

“The European court emphasized that the individual states will have to decide in which cases religious freedom must be restricted to protect the rights of others. That’s because religion plays a very different role in the public sphere in different European countries…”

This leaves much room for persecution of religious minorities in Europe.

Major Setback for Angela Merkel

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 21:

“Things couldn’t be going worse for Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats. The slim center-left victory in Lower Saxony bodes poorly for the conservative coalition in federal elections this autumn. Now the fight for the Chancellery will get more brutal than the incumbent German leader had imagined.

“Whoever believed in recent days that the state elections in Lower Saxony would foretell a conservative victory in federal elections this autumn has been put in their place. Nothing is certain. Angela Merkel, the queen of opinion polls, and her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), have crashed and burned in the state. And what happened to state Governor David McAllister could also happen to Angela Merkel. Losing a few votes can mean losing an election…

“The Social Democrats (SDP) and the Green Party are celebrating their victory, but their momentum is easily overstated. They squeaked by… Voters, those erratic and unpredictable beings, let themselves have a bit of fun again with the parties — and they left them helplessly perplexed… This is no equal balance of horror; it’s a horrible balance of equals…

“Peer Steinbrück got lucky. The SPD managed their victory not because of, but despite their chancellor candidate… For the CDU and FDP… Sunday night was an unexpected and gruesome nightmare… The center-right base is not growing. It’s cannibalizing itself, while simultaneously crumbling, slowly and apparently without ceasing. The CDU-FDP marriage isn’t very popular as a political project, coalition or model… The FDP is Germany’s strangest party. It can register a big success, even though its top leaders do all in their power to achieve the contrary…”

Deutsche Welle added on January 21:

“Victory for the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens. It was an unexpected win… The losers are stumped, and election analysts are perplexed as well… A state election eight months before national parliamentary elections is automatically deemed a test case for Berlin – for government parties as well as the opposition. Chancellor Merkel has a problem now. Her man in Hanover, the very popular premier David McAllister, didn’t manage to stay in office despite being faced off against a comparatively dull contender Stephan Weil (SPD)… The FDP is now – all but officially – an unreliable partner for Merkel after the Lower Saxony election…

“When it comes to the SPD, only the most naive of optimists could have predicted such an outcome… It’s a small sensation – if not more…”

The election results also show the general dissatisfaction of the German people with ALL established parties… and until there is a perceived alternative, it will be difficult to predict what September will bring.

European Superstate Against British Interests

Mail Online wrote on January 18:

“David Cameron’s big speech on Europe may have been postponed, but the dilemma facing all the main political parties — not just the Tories — will continue to intensify. Much of what the PM would have said yesterday had already leaked out and his prepared comments were clearly intended to address widespread public disgust over the EU. For Europe’s economy is sclerotic and failing, its governance is corrupt, and Brussels will have to remove yet more powers from member states if it is going to have a prayer of saving the euro.

“In Britain, the pressure is growing in the opposite direction… For the truth is that the EU’s mission for ‘ever closer union’ has always meant ultimately creating a federal superstate, something that is unacceptable to most Britons…”

A European superstate is prophesied to occur—with Britain being outside its borders. On Wednesday, January 22, 2013, Mr. Cameron gave his postponed speech on Europe and Great Britain. Berlin and Paris reacted with frustration and anger. See the next article.

Berlin and Paris Angry with Britain

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 23:

“David Cameron has put himself on a collision course with the rest of Europe by pledging an ‘in or out’ referendum on Britain’s EU membership by 2017. He is demanding special privileges for his country and putting Britain’s partners under pressure — it’s a high-risk gamble that has angered Berlin and Paris.

“Germany and France on Wednesday criticized British Prime Minister David Cameron’s demands to claw back powers from the European Union and said his plan to hold an ‘in or out’ referendum was dangerous for Britain. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Britain cannot expect just to pick and choose the aspects of membership that it likes… French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: ‘If Britain wants to leave Europe we will roll out the red carpet for you.’ The tongue-in-cheek remark echoed Cameron himself, who once used the same words to invite rich Frenchmen alienated by high taxes to move to Britain.

“A referendum would be ‘dangerous for Britain itself,’ said Fabius. Responding to Cameron’s plan to renegotiate relations between the EU and Britain, he said Europe was like a football club. ‘You join the club but when you’re in it you can’t say: “I’m going to play rugby now.”’…

“[M. Cameron] had wanted to hold [his speech] last Friday in Amsterdam, in the spirit of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who chose the Belgian city of Bruges for a 1988 speech in which she lambasted what she called ‘a European superstate exercising a new dominance from Brussels.’… In the end, he decided to eschew the European mainland and address journalists in London instead…

“Cameron is banking on other governments helping him to convince the British. He is seeking support from traditional allies like Germany, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries. He is looking to Chancellor Angela Merkel in particular — he referred to her several times in his speech. It’s unknown what Merkel has offered Cameron in their face-to-face meetings. But Germany’s official reaction has been cool. Germany wants Britain in the EU, say government officials in Berlin — but not at any price. It’s up to the British to decide whether they can live with common rules. Germany, they say, won’t be blackmailed.”

The Daily Mail painted a slightly different picture, stating on January 23:

“The move received a cautious welcome from key ally Germany, when Ms Merkel said: ‘Germany, and I personally, want Britain to be an important part and an active member of the European Union. We are prepared to talk about British wishes but we must always bear in mind that other countries have different wishes and we must find a fair compromise.’”

This development reminds us of the prophecy in the Bible that Ephraim (Great Britain) will try to receive help from Germany (modern-day Assyria), but that Assyria won’t or can’t help them (Hosea 5:13; 8:9).

Pig and Horse Meat in “Beef” Hamburgers

CNN reported on January 16:

“The discovery of horse DNA in hamburgers on sale at supermarkets in Ireland and Britain is testing the appetite of meat lovers there… 10 out of 27 hamburger products… were found to contain horse DNA, and 23 of them tested positive for pig DNA… Alan Reilly, the chief executive of the Irish food authority, said there was a ‘plausible explanation’ for the pig meat finding its way into the burgers, since meat from different animals is processed at the same plants. ‘… for some religious groups or people who abstain from eating pig meat, the presence of traces of pig DNA is unacceptable.’”

The Telegraph added on January 16:

“Beef contaminated with horse meat may have been sold in Britain for ‘years’… because of lax food regulations, experts say… The Food Standards Agency was criticised after admitting it had never carried out tests for horse meat on food sold in Britain. Seven of the leading supermarkets have cleared their shelves of frozen beefburgers after a supplier sold Tesco products which were 29 per cent horse meat… Irish scientists said they had discovered that the meat was contaminated two months ago. However, they did not act because they wanted to conduct further tests.”

Mail Online wrote on January 19:

“[A] Dutch meat supplier believed to be responsible for contaminating British burgers with horse meat was still operating last night despite being under investigation… Horse steaks used to be popular in the Netherlands but its consumption has grown out of fashion in the last 20 years. However the country remains a major processor of horse meat imported from abroad, largely south America. And horse meat has been used to bulk out more expensive meat in Dutch snack products in the past.

“In 2007 checks on popular Dutch snacks such as bitterballen, meatballs made from a mix of beef and veal, found horsemeat in almost a third (32%) of those tested. And in 2008 a Dutch consumer affairs programme found horse was still used by many producers of frikandellen [sic], a deep fried hot dog…

“Ten million burgers have been taken off supermarket shelves across Ireland and the UK as a result of the scandal.”

Eating meat from horses and pigs IS a health issue—it is not meant to be consumed by humans, regardless of what ignorant scientists or confused Bible teachers might tell you. The Bible refers to both animals as “unclean” in terms of consumption. These timeless health laws are still in force and effect today.

The Crazy and Dangerous World of Scientists

Mail Online wrote on January 22:

“Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School believes he can reconstruct Neanderthal DNA. His ambitious plan requires a human volunteer willing to allow the DNA to be put into stem cells, then a human embryo… this incredible scenario is the plan of one of the world’s leading geneticists, who is seeking a volunteer to help bring man’s long-extinct close relative back to life… Professor Church’s plan would begin by artificially creating Neanderthal DNA based on genetic code found in fossil remains. He would put this DNA into stem cells. These would be injected into cells from a human embryo in the early stages of life.

“It is thought that the stem cells would steer the development of the hybrid embryo on Neanderthal lines, rather than human ones. After growing in the lab for a few days, the ‘neo-Neanderthal’ embryo would be implanted in the womb of a surrogate mother – the volunteer… [Church] says Neanderthals were not the lumbering brutes of the stereotype, but highly intelligent. Their brains were roughly the same size as man’s, and they made primitive tools. He told German magazine Der Spiegel: ‘Neanderthals might think differently than we do. They could even be more intelligent than us.’

“Scientists say that his plan is theoretically possible, although in Britain, like most countries, human reproductive cloning is a criminal offence. But Professor Church’s proposal is so cutting-edge that it may not be covered by existing laws.”

According to Der Stern, dated January 23, Church is now backpedaling by claiming that he was misquoted, and that the concept to find “a human volunteer willing to allow the DNA to be put into stem cells” was just a general statement, not a direct appeal. Regardless, the question whether the Neanderthal Man was human or ape-like has been the topic of hot discussions in the scientific world. Much evidence suggests that he was fully human, and that God had given him the spirit in man. This would prove, of course, that the dating of his fossils is woefully inaccurate, as being far too old. This should not surprise us because we have proofs that the radio-carbon method, on which the dating is based, is terribly wrong and operates from wrong assumptions.

The Crazy and Dangerous World of Scientology

The New York Post reported on January 13:

“Tom Cruise will save the world from aliens — not on the big screen but in real life. His day job as an actor pales next to the billion-year contract of service he signed with the Church of Scientology… New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright details Cruise’s demigod status within the church, as well as the group’s ultimate purpose — protect humanity from aliens living in our bodies, who are bent on destroying us and ultimately the planet…

“Cruise was introduced to the religion when he was 23 years old by his then-girlfriend, actress Mimi Rogers. Seven years his senior, Rogers was an avowed member of Scientology; they married in 1987. Cruise was quickly intrigued, but he kept his initial participation low-profile… It took several years for church leaders to realize that for all of their celebrity acolytes — including John Travolta, Priscilla Presley, Kirstie Alley, Kelly Preston and Sonny Bono — they had a true superstar at their disposal. Cruise would later come to believe that in the hierarchy of Scientology, he was No. 3, behind only the founder, the late L. Ron Hubbard (known as LRH) and No. 2 David Miscavige, who goes by COB, for Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center.”

The Washington Post wrote on January 18:

“Scientology… is built on the nuttiest of founding myths, involving incidents that Hubbard said occurred 75 million years ago in something called the Galactic Confederacy, in which an evil overlord named Xenu sent human souls (thetans, in Scientology jargon) to Earth in space planes…

“[In] Lawrence Wright’s book on the church, ‘Going Clear,’…  it becomes impossible to regard Scientology — or, to be specific, the people who run Scientology — with anything like dispassion… Hubbard was a voluble, charismatic, imaginative man, a writer who liked to spin fantastical stories. He was also a liar, according to Wright… He was married thrice and had innumerable extramarital liaisons…

“Hubbard’s famously paranoid worldview is extensively documented here as well. When a negative reputation began to taint Scientology worldwide, he launched what was perhaps his most grandiose and outrageous scheme. He called it the Snow White Program. Starting in 1973, Wright asserts, Hubbard placed as many as 5,000 Scientologists as spies in government agencies all over the world, charging them with unearthing official files on the church, ‘generating lawsuits to intimidate opponents, and waging an unremitting campaign against mental health professionals.’

“In the United States, Wright says, the spies penetrated the IRS; the Justice, Treasury and Labor Departments; the Federal Trade Commission; and the Drug Enforcement Administration… ‘Nothing in American history can compare with the scale of the domestic espionage of Operation Snow White,’ Wright says. LRH, as he is called among Scientologists, died in 1986, and since then, under the leadership of a reputedly authoritarian and violent man named David Miscavige, the organization has grown ever more barbaric… Certain Scientologists, notably Miscavige’s wife, Shelly, haven’t been seen publicly in years. (Wright’s sources suggest she’s being kept under guard at a Scientology facility in Running Springs, Calif.)

“One of Hubbard’s innovations was a system of penance called the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF), in which members who need religious remediation are allegedly consigned to live like medieval ascetics, without contact with the outside world, forced into labor and fed the most meager of meals. Custom furnishings for Cruise’s airplane hangar — “a dry bar, table and chairs” — were milled at an RPF base in Los Angeles, according to Wright…

“Mining Wright’s book, one encounters a long list of well-known people who have found in Hubbard’s teachings some degree of truth and help. Besides Cruise and John Travolta, there’s TV host Greta Van Susteren; actresses Anne Archer, Juliette Lewis and Jenna Elfman; actor Giovanni Ribisi and his sister… Marissa…”

Scientology is by far not the only surreal sect with unbiblical crazy ideas… but it serves as an example to reflect a God-defying society where everything goes and is believed, and where dangerous influences towards governments and their agencies are not realized or willfully ignored.

This Week in the News

We begin with the terrible events in Algeria and the failure of the US foreign policy in that part of the world as well; continue with Egypt’s move towards an Islamist dictatorship—with the tacit approval of the USA; report on the unparalleled frictions between the USA and Israel; and quote articles documenting blasphemous praise for President Obama by the left-liberal press, coupled with incredible lies, while the future of the USA under the President’s second term looks terribly grim and hopeless.

We turn to Germany and continental Europe and its relationship with Great Britain; report again on further developments regarding the sickening discovery that meat products were sold in Ireland, Britain and The Netherlands, which were contaminated with horse and pig meat; and address the dangerously crazy world of scientists and the sect of Scientology.

Update 574

“The Inevitable” and “You Will Be Rewarded!”

On January 26th, 2013, Michael Link and Norbert Link will each give split sermons, titled, respectively, “The Inevitable” and “You Will Be Rewarded!” 
The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Eric Rank

Last week Lance Armstrong, a professional cyclist who captured the admiration of millions of fans for his record-setting Tour de France victories, confessed to cheating during the races for each of his seven wins.  Lance Armstrong’s life will be turned upside down because his history of cheating and lying has stripped him of the core pieces of his identity. In the public view, he who was once an inspiring victor is now a cheating liar who can’t be trusted. Many people, including me, have inwardly defended him over the years as he endured the accusations of taking performance enhancing drugs to win races. Even though he has decided to come clean and tell the truth, many people who were once his fans will refuse to support him now because they feel deceived and betrayed. Because the trust of the public has been violated so blatantly, it will not be surprising to see even his professed genuine honesty called into question, as he begins the process of making right what he has done wrong. There is a long road ahead for Lance Armstrong, as he attempts to rise from this great fall.

Even though it is significant, the fact that Lance Armstrong cheated in order to win is not what is interesting to me about this story. What is interesting to me is the study of character and the effects of decisions made in the past and present. In a general way, this situation is something that is probably familiar to the life of a Christian, from many angles. Just as Lance Armstrong cheated and lied, people including Christians choose to do what is wrong and make mistakes. This is the sin that we work so hard to overcome. Just as Lance Armstrong negatively affected the lives of people directly and indirectly through his wrong behavior, when a Christian sins, there are ill effects. Just as Lance Armstrong has chosen to admit his wrongdoing and follow the right path even though it may be difficult, a Christian must turn from the wrong and do what is right and godly, no matter what the world around may think. And just as Lance Armstrong will suffer consequences of his past behavior, sin bears its ugly and disgusting fruit. You and I may not be world class bicycle racers, but we should all relate to this story.

There are several lessons that we can extract from this story, but the lesson of repentance stands out the most to me. Admitting when we are wrong and doing what is right is a primary duty of a Christian, and often it is not easy. Yet, repentance is absolutely required for a Christian. In Matthew 3:8, John the Baptist states that we must bear fruit that is worthy of repentance, meaning that merely acknowledging fault, but doing nothing about it is not enough. James 2:22 reminds us that our actions prove our faith. And we must have faith that following the righteous path will bring about results that are pleasing to God, even if the world around us rejects us. The fruit born of righteous behavior and a genuinely repentant heart is pleasing to God, if no one else.

Doing what’s right, even though there are negative consequences, is what characterizes integrity.  Integrity is an element that is tightly bound to the act of repentance because the change in course of action involves indicting ourselves and facing the consequences of our sin. By cheating, Lance Armstrong’s seven Tour de France victories have been stripped from him, and his eligibility to compete in professional events has been suspended. Beyond that, even by admitting his guilt, there will be consequences which may prevent him from being trusted. While I hesitate to extend much praise to him, admitting wrong takes serious self-examination and integrity for any man, including Lance Armstrong.

When we repent of sin, we are forgiven by God and spared from the penalty of eternal death, but this does not necessarily mean that other results of our sins will come of no effect. When David sinned by committing adultery with Bathsheba and coordinating the murder of her husband Uriah, he repented, but the consequences of his actions were multiplicative. From that day forward, David’s house saw conflict, the baby conceived by David and Bathsheba died, and his own son committed sexual sins with some of David’s concubines in plain sight (compare 2 Samuel 12:10-14). Yet, David was forgiven for his sin by God because he had the right, repentant attitude and character. By admitting his fault and facing the consequences with a humble attitude, David demonstrated the trait of integrity in a way from which we can all learn. The life of a Christian must be lived with behavior that proves his or her integrity, because doing what is right is what God requires, no matter what.

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We begin with the terrible events in Algeria and the failure of the US foreign policy in that part of the world as well; continue with Egypt’s move towards an Islamist dictatorship—with the tacit approval of the USA; report on the unparalleled frictions between the USA and Israel; and quote articles documenting blasphemous praise for President Obama by the left-liberal press, coupled with incredible lies, while the future of the USA under the President’s second term looks terribly grim and hopeless.

We turn to Germany and continental Europe and its relationship with Great Britain; report again on further developments regarding the sickening discovery that meat products were sold in Ireland, Britain and The Netherlands, which were contaminated with horse and pig meat; and address the dangerously crazy world of scientists and the sect of Scientology.

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Algeria’s Brutal Response

The Associated Press wrote on January 20:

“In a bloody finale, Algerian special forces stormed a natural gas complex in the Sahara desert on Saturday to end a standoff with Islamist extremists that left at least 23 hostages dead and killed all 32 militants involved, the Algerian government said [Subsequent reports increased these numbers considerably.]

“The siege at Ain Amenas transfixed the world after radical Islamists linked to al-Qaida stormed the complex, which contained hundreds of plant workers from all over the world, then held them hostage surrounded by the Algerian military and its attack helicopters for four tense days that were punctuated with gun battles and dramatic tales of escape. Algeria’s response to the crisis was typical of its history in confronting terrorists, favoring military action over negotiation, which caused an international outcry from countries worried about their citizens. Algerian military forces twice assaulted the two areas where the hostages were being held with minimal apparent mediation — first on Thursday, then on Saturday.”

One has to ask whether such brutal allies are a blessing or a curse for the USA.

Algerian Stance Spoils U.S. Strategy for Region

The Washington Post wrote on January 19:

“The hostage crisis in Algeria has upended the Obama administration’s strategy for coordinating an international military campaign against al-Qaeda fighters in North Africa, leaving U.S., European and African leaders even more at odds over how to tackle the problem. For months, U.S. officials have intensively lobbied Algeria — whose military is by far the strongest in North Africa — to help intervene in next-door Mali, where jihadists and other rebels have established a well-defended base of operations… But Algeria’s unilateral decision to attack kidnappers at a natural gas plant — while shunning outside help, imposing a virtual information blackout and disregarding international pleas for caution — has dampened hopes that it might cooperate militarily in Mali, U.S. officials said. The crisis has strained ties between Algiers and Washington and increased doubts about whether Algeria can be relied upon to work regionally to dismantle al-Qaeda’s franchise in North Africa.

“‘The result is that the U.S. will have squandered six to eight months of diplomacy for how it wants to deal with Mali,’ said Geoff D. Porter, an independent North African security analyst… As the extremist threat has become more acute in recent years, the U.S. military has repeatedly pressed Algeria for overflight permission so its long-range reconnaissance planes can reach northern Mali from U.S. bases in Europe. Algiers has agreed at times, but it only approves flights on a case-by-case basis and often requires extensive advance notice, U.S. officials said. It withheld blanket permission unless Washington promises to share intelligence from the flights, including what they observe while over Algerian territory.

“U.S. officials said they are legally barred from doing so because of concerns that Algeria might misuse the intelligence to target people who are political opponents, not terrorists. The Algerian military and security services have a history of brutality and extrajudicial killings… At the same time, the United States has become dependent on Algerian intelligence to sort out a blurry constellation of jihadi groups, desert bandits, ethnic rebels and other groups…

“Feelings also remain raw in Algeria over the NATO-led military intervention in Libya. Although the campaign successfully toppled longtime ruler Moammar Gaddafi, the United States and its NATO allies did little to contain the aftershocks. The region was destabilized by a flood of weaponry and armed Tuareg nomads who had fought for Gaddafi but escaped across Libya’s borders. Many of those mercenaries have since teamed with AQIM to take control of the northern half of Mali. ‘This has just been an utter disaster. It was eminently foreseeable,’ [a] senior U.S. diplomat said of the ripple effects from Libya.”

The USA is not being blessed in just about anything it is doing… or not doing…

Years, Not Months…

The Telegraph wrote on January 20:

“The Prime Minister [Cameron] said that countering the rise of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in the Sahel region will require an ‘iron resolve’ and greater military, diplomatic and economic engagement with the region… Mr Cameron acknowledged that the terrorist threat in North Africa had grown and he predicted a prolonged struggle to meet it. ‘It will require a response that is about years, even decades, rather than months…’”

The Islamist threat might very well become one cause for Europe’s final unification with the goal of acting with “iron resolve and greater military engagement in the region.” Note also the next article.

Germans Distrust Islam

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 23:

“With the growing number of Muslims, and a series of failed terror attacks, distrust of Islam is rising… Islam appears to be encroaching on life in Germany and that bothers a lot of people…

“Only 19 percent of Germans believe that Islam is compatible with German culture… 46 percent of all Germans say there are ‘too many Muslims’ in Germany, and around 30 percent had specific concerns, for example, terrorist attacks… the fear of Islam is more widespread in economically well-placed Germany than in other European countries.”

Egypt’s Terror Regime of Fanatical Islamists

Fox News reported on January 16, 2013:

“The 15-year prison sentence given to a woman and her seven children by an Egyptian court for converting to Christianity is a sign of things to come, according to alarmed human rights advocates who say the nation’s Islamist government is bad news for Christians in the North African country… When the conversion came to light under the new regime, Nadia, her children and even the clerks who processed the identity cards were all sentenced to prison.

“Samuel Tadros, a research fellow at Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, said conversions like Nadia’s have been common in the past, but said Egypt’s new Sharia-based constitution ‘is a real disaster in terms of [religious] freedom. Now that Sharia law has become an integral part of Egypt’s new constitution, Christians in that country are at greater risk than ever. The cases will increase in the future…’

“Tadros said the constitution limits the practice of Christianity because ‘religious freedom has to be understood within the boundaries of Sharia.’ He added that the constitution prescribes that the highest Sunni authority should be referred to as an interpreter of the religion clause contained in the constitution…

“Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice [said:] “This is another tragic case that underscores the growing problem of religious intolerance in the Muslim world. To impose a prison sentence for a family because of their Christian faith sadly reveals the true agenda of this new government: Egypt has no respect for international law or religious liberty’… ‘The U.S. State Department must play more of a role in discouraging this kind of persecution,’ Sekulow said. ‘The U.S. should not be an idle bystander. The U.S. provides more than $1 billion to Egypt each year. The State Department should speak out forcefully against this kind of religious persecution in Egypt.’”

Sadly, the USA has been a passive or idle bystander in far too many cases, including Egypt or Mali, while antagonizing its very few allies.

Frictions Between the USA and Israel

The Guardian wrote on January 19:

“Already fractious relations between Binyamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama have been further strained in the run-up to the president’s inauguration on Monday and the Israeli prime minister’s anticipated victory in Tuesday’s election. Netanyahu aides accused Obama of interfering in the Israeli election following publication of an article by Jeffrey Goldberg, which quoted the president as saying: ‘Israel doesn’t know what its own best interests are.’ Obama, wrote Goldberg, viewed Netanyahu as a ‘political coward’.

“The Goldberg article, along with Obama’s nomination of Chuck Hagel as defence secretary, has been interpreted in Israel as clear signs of the president’s exasperation with Netanyahu and possible payback for the latter’s support of Obama’s rival, Mitt Romney, in the US election in November. Hagel is seen as ‘anti-Israel’ because of his questioning of Israeli government policy and the pro-Israel lobby in the US. Goldberg, who is known to be close to the president, wrote that Israel risked becoming ‘more of a pariah’ and that Obama was reluctant to invest fresh effort in the Middle East peace process in the face of Netanyahu’s continued settlement expansion…

“Obama and Netanyahu did not meet during the latter’s last visit to the US in September in what was seen as a White House snub. Obama has not visited Israel since taking office four years ago…”

The Times of Israel wrote on January 18:

“The relationship between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ‘the most dysfunctional’ ever between an American president and an Israeli prime minister, a veteran former American diplomat said Thursday.

“Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center who served under six secretaries of state in both Republican and Democratic administrations, added that while there had been strained personal relationships between the two countries top leaders in the past, this breakdown was unique in that it had not been corrected in four years, and would now likely be extended… he said, the two men ‘mistrust one another’ and ‘have very little confidence in one another.’ He blamed both men for the situation…”

The USA is going to lose all of its allies—even Judah (the state of Israel) will turn against the house of Israel (mainly the USA and Great Britain), and vice versa, and the once friendly relationship between the USA and Great Britain will also continue to deteriorate.

Major Setback for Netanyahu

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 23:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will have to form a broader coalition in order to govern in Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, after his gamble to move to the right failed to pay off.

“The right bloc took a heavy hit following Netanyahu’s political gamble to join his center-right Likud party with right-leaning Yisrael Beytenu and to pepper its list with more hardliners, which evidently isolated voters and cost Netanyahu dearly at polls for the 19th Knesset… With… the biggest voter turnout since 1999, the right and left blocs are now evenly split, winning 60 seats each in the next Knesset in a surprising swing further to the left than recent polls suggested. Likud-Beytenu was still the highest polling political party despite its fall in fortunes, and Netanyahu immediately announced that he was commencing coalition negotiations…

“Should Netanyahu be successful, [Dr. Michael Widlanski, a lecturer in political science and communications at Bar Ilan University] said the biggest challenge his government would face would be countering Iran’s nuclear programme. ‘The US under Obama is not going to engage in any military actions. The question is, will Israel do something on its own, against the wishes of the US? I think that it’s a key issue that Israel will have to deal with within the next two years.’”

If Israel does, it could very well lose in that endeavor, as the Bible might suggest in Hosea 5:13, speaking about Judah’s “wound.” According to Der Stern, dated January 23, the election results do not give any hope that the volatile situation in the Middle East might improve.

Blasphemous Praise for President Obama

The Washington Examiner wrote on January 19:

“How did the rest of the media miss this? According to the new issue of Newsweek online, President Obama, who this weekend begins his second term–the third president in a row to do so–is ‘The Second Coming.’ With flattering photographs, the magazine edited by Obama fan Tina Brown holds out hope that in his second Inaugural Address, Obama can inspire and show that he can also lead.

“The conservative media watch dog, Media Research Center, first noticed the God-like cover. ‘Conservatives have long joked that the national press corps see Barack Obama as the second coming of Jesus Christ. Today, Newsweek – at least what’s left of it, an online product for tablets and e-readers – made it official,’ said Center Vice President Brent Baker. ‘Next to a side shot of Obama’s head, the “Inauguration 2013” cover story pronounces: “The Second Coming.”’

“Baker notes that the author, long-time Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas, gave Obama God-like qualities during his first year in office, saying on MSNBC, ‘In a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above… the world. He’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides together.’”

This is appalling… and those engaging in such blasphemies will be held accountable by God.

The Lying Left-Wing Media

Breitbart wrote on January 18:

“But there it finally was: The Truth — and from NBC News, no less. Poverty’s up (from 43.6 million to 46.2 million), middle class incomes are down ($50k compared to $52k), the deficit’s exploded (from $10 trillion to $16 trillion), food stamp recipients have skyrocketed (33.5 million to 46.6 million), unemployment hasn’t budged, and the same number of people are without health insurance today as there were in 2009.

“Still, NBC News couldn’t even bring itself to report the most damning Obamanomics numbers: a population so despondent by a lack of jobs that enough people have dropped out to shrink the labor market to levels unseen since the 1980s. A chronic long-term unemployment problem unseen in this country since World War II. An unemployment rate disproportionately savaging blacks and Hispanics.

“Where was all this news during the 2012 campaign…? Rather than report Truth, the media locked arms and circled Obama’s palace in order to protect him from the mindless hordes of racist, sexist Neanderthals who dared criticize The Lightbringer. The media’s weapons of choice were distraction and lies… In order to pretend Obama’s policies worked and to win him reelection, the media completely rewrote and redefined what a successful economic recovery is. Then, before anyone could notice the sleight of hand, the media would quickly change the subject…

“Yes, the media won. It still pains me to say so, but… the media successfully pushed a failed president over the second term finish line… In the long game of history (that will eventually be won by Christ) there are skirmishes, fights, battles, wars, and existential wars. What the media is winning are nothing more than a series of high-profile battles, but it is doing so in a way that represents an existential threat to themselves.

“By every measure — economic, credibility — the media is dying a slow death from a poison it must ingest in order to win these battles, but a poison nonetheless. This poison has cost the media almost all of its credibility with the public, a problem that grows by the year. This, naturally, delivers economic consequences. Recently, The New York Times, Reuters, and Time Magazine reported massive layoffs. CNN is collapsing… The broadcast networks are losing viewers by the day. Newsweek is no more…

“And it is mostly due to the poison of bias the media gulps by the bucket in order to push its agenda — and that amount of poison has only increased with the arrival of the Lightbringer… The media successfully fooled enough people into believing Obama’s policies roared us back into a recovery to win Obama the chance to do four more years of damage. But no one’s fooled to the point where they’re buying newspaper subscriptions or advertisements. The result has been a series of high-profile media layoffs…

“It’s all a house of cards built on dishonesty, which only works for so long. Reality and truth will someday intrude…”

Yes, it will—when Jesus Christ  returns, but sadly, not before then… And that goes for the media on the left, center or the right…

Grim Outlook for America under President Obama’s Second Term

Deutsche Welle reported on January 17:

“Plagued by deep domestic problems, Barack Obama would love to outsource many international issues to the EU in his second term… Is the European Union willing and capable to preserve the current liberal European order at the moment when Russia has turned her back on the West, Turkey has lost hope of joining the EU and the European periphery lies in shambles? And would the EU be America’s reliable partner outside Europe at a moment when Washington lacks the resources and the appetite to be the global policeman while the world is in constant turmoil?…

“The financial crisis has made America feel the limits of her global power. [It] has forced Americans to take a closer look at their own country and what they saw was not inspiring… the president’s efforts will be focused to reform America and not to transform the world… But in order to buy time for his American rebuilding project Obama needs to know how effective the EU can be as a regional power and how ambitious the EU will be as a global power.

“It is now pretty obvious that the US does not have any resources to continue its commitment in places like the Balkans or Ukraine; Obama’s reset with Russia is history and Washington is eager to ‘outsource’ all Europe related problems to Brussels. But can Obama rely on the EU…? Many in Washington are skeptical but the President does not have much of a choice…

“When it comes to the world outside of Europe, Obama’s fears are even greater. If the euro crisis and a possible break-up of the European Union was a major concern for the White House in 2012, at the start of his second term it is Britain and not Greece that preoccupies the President’s mind… the decline of British influence in the EU can only mean more problems for Washington. That begs the logical question: Is the US influential enough to keep the UK in the EU?

“When it comes to big ideas in US-EU bilateral relations one quickly notices that they are mostly absent… So what should Europeans and the EU expect from Barack Obama’s second term? Not much… President Obama does not have a grand strategy for the EU. What he has instead are fears and hopes. And it will be the balance between fears and hopes that will determine his policies during his second term.”

The Curse of the Second Term

The Washington Times wrote on January 20:

“As President Obama embarks on another four years in office, he is mindful that history is littered with the wreckage of presidents’ second terms.

“George W. Bush had the double-whammy of an unpopular war and a calamitous recession. Bill Clinton was impeached over lying about sex with an intern. Richard Nixon quit rather than face impeachment for Watergate. Even Ronald Reagan, whose second term included the beginnings of his cherished collapse of the Soviet Union, was damaged by the Iran-Contra scandal.

“Mr. Obama is starting out on the wrong foot by feuding with Congress over the nation’s borrowing limit and gun control, said Al Zacher, author of the book ‘Presidential Power in Troubled Second Terms.’ He said the rare successful second terms have involved presidents who forged good relationships with strong congressional leaders, such as Mr. Reagan with Speaker Thomas P. ‘Tip’ O’Neill Jr. and President Eisenhower with Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson. ‘Getting along with Congress is the issue, and it was for the majority of those presidents who either succeeded or failed,’ Mr. Zacher said. ‘The odds aren’t there for Obama.’…

“If working with Congress is the key to a successful second term, Mr. Obama’s tone has been notable in reflecting his refusal to negotiate with lawmakers on the debt ceiling. During the final news conference of his first term, on Jan. 14, the president used the language of terrorism to describe House Republicans. He said Republican lawmakers were trying to hold Americans hostage and were ‘holding a gun at the head of the American people’ by demanding that Democrats cut deficit spending. Mr. Zacher said that attitude is reminiscent of President Wilson, whose inflexibility with Congress during his second term led to the failure of his League of Nations initiative…

“Mr. Obama’s team also understands that in the dubious history of second presidential terms, the opportunity to achieve anything significant is usually limited to the first year or so… By then, the jockeying is well under way in both parties among candidates hoping to replace the second-term president. ‘Only rarely do second-term presidents retain their power through more than 18 months or so,’ Mr. Zacher said.”

Not a good prospect indeed for the welfare of the USA.

Majority of Republicans Backpedal

The Associated Press wrote on January 24:

“The House overwhelmingly passed a bill Wednesday to permit the government to borrow enough money to avoid a… default for at least four months, defusing a crisis looming next month and setting the stage for a springtime debate over taxes, spending and the deficit. The House passed the measure on a bipartisan 285-144 vote as majority Republicans back away from their previous demand that any increase in the government’s borrowing cap be paired with an equivalent level of spending cuts…

“The measure would suspend the $16.4 trillion cap on federal borrowing and reset it on May 19 to reflect the additional borrowing required between the date the bill becomes law and then. The amount of borrowing required depends on the tax receipts received during filing season, but over a comparable period last year the government ran deficits in the range of $150 billion…”

Hillary Clinton Testifies in “Spineless” Senate Hearing Regarding Benghazi

Breitbart wrote on January 23:

“‘What difference does it make?’ Hillary Clinton shouted… outraged that a Senator would dare to ask why she spread the lie that a video provoked the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. At that point, the presiding chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), should have rapped the gavel sharply: ‘Madam Secretary, you are out of order.’

“Perhaps that is too much to expect of a Democrat. The majority party’s members fell all over themselves to heap praise on the outgoing Secretary of State and likely contender for their party’s presidential nomination in 2016. Few showed any interest at all in what happened in Benghazi, why the State Department failed to provide adequate security, why the White House failed to send help, and why the President ordered a cover-up.

“So the ranking member, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), ought to have interrupted. But he did not. The Senator who posed the question, Ron Johnson (R-WI), seemed chastised by Clinton’s outburst. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) asked a few pointed questions that went unanswered. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Clinton that her negligence had been a firing offense. But even he went out of his way to say he did not suspect her of bad motives.

“That is preposterous. Everyone knows what her reasons were, and she even knows that we know. President Obama did not want to admit the attack was a terror attack, even though he later pretended… that he had, in fact, done so. He could not even admit that the Ft. Hood attack in 2009 was a terror attack–why would he admit this attack, with an election at stake?

“When even the toughest inquisitor bends over backwards to offer the Secretary of State a way out, it is a sign that our constitutional system of checks and balances is broken. It is the Senate’s job to hold the Secretary of State accountable, not the other way around. Yet she went on the attack, implying that Congress was to blame for Benghazi because of its failure to fund more diplomatic security–a claim her own department has denied.

“Democrats echoed that message in both chambers of Congress on Wednesday, and offered paeans to her performance over the past four years… But the committee’s Republicans–all of them–should be rebuked for failing to defend the dignity and independence of the Senate. If Clinton’s testimony is any indication, not only will John Kerry walk to confirmation, but there is little hope for a serious challenge to Chuck Hagel when he comes before the Armed Services Committee next week. If the opposition will not do its duty, then perhaps Clinton is right: it makes no difference at all.”

God-Given Right to Bear Arms?

Breitbart wrote on January 23:

“NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre responded to Obama’s inaugural speech by pointing out that the 2nd Amendment protects God-given rights. Of these rights–the right to keep and bear arms and the right to self-defense–LaPierre said: ‘No government gave [them] to us and no government can take them away.’”

But God most certainly can, as He never intended man to use weapons to commit violent acts—whether in times of peace or of war.

European Guns Responsible for American Mass Murders

Deutsche Welle reported on January 23:

“After each massacre in the US, Europe laments America’s gun culture and violence. At the same time, European companies have no problem selling arms to Americans and supporting the NRA’s fight against tougher gun laws. It is not widely reported, but European firearms for a long time have played a pernicious role in US mass shootings and Europe’s gun makers are among the strongest backers of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“Handguns by Austrian arms manufacturer Glock and German-owned SigSauer were used in the most recent massacre in December 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children and eight adults dead.

“A Glock gun was also used in the shooting spree inside a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado in July 2012 in which 11 people were killed. A semiautomatic weapon by the Austrian gun producer again featured in the January 2011 massacre in Tucson, Arizona in which six people were killed and congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was seriously injured. Two guns by Italian manufacturer Beretta were used to kill 14 people in Binghamton, New York in April 2009.

“And the worst massacre by a single gunman in US history was also perpetrated with European weapons: The Virginia Tech killing spree that left 33 people dead in 2007 was carried out with a German Walther and an Austrian Glock gun. All guns used were purchased legally. This list is by no means exhaustive, rather it is just the tip of the iceberg. European guns feature not only prominently in mass shootings, but they are a major player in US civilian gun sales…

“With a quarter of the civilian gun market in European hands, the continent is by far the biggest international seller into the US, dwarfing sales from Asia and Latin America. More than a dozen European nations – from Poland to Portugal, from Bulgaria to Britain – export guns to the United States to be sold to American citizens. But the lion’s share of European exports to the US stems from only three countries: Austria, Italy and Germany.

“Exporting 434,374 firearms – almost exclusively handguns – to the US in 2010 according to the ATF, Austria clearly leads the pack. Italy comes in second with 285,083 firearms destined for US civilians. Germany ranks third with 266,688 guns exported for the American market, according to the ATF. While most European guns sold in the US are imported, large players like Austria’s Glock, Italy’s Beretta or Germany’s SigSauer also produce guns directly at subsidiaries in the US…

“What’s more, selling guns to American citizens is apparently such a good business, that even European governments want a slice of the pie. The Belgian Herstal group which owns arms maker FN Herstal as well as the well-known American brand Browning, is ‘100 percent owned by the Walloon Region of Belgium,’ as the firm proudly proclaims on its homepage. ‘For more than 15 years now that group is in the hands of the Walloon government of Belgium, which means this is actually a government enterprise,’ Nils Duquet, a small arms researcher at the Flemish Peace Institute in Brussels, told DW. While Belgium and the Herstal Group are not one of the largest European civilian arms exporters to the US, the group’s production site is nevertheless a major employer in the economically depressed Walloon region of Belgium, adds Duquet…

“To counter any possible tightening of American gun laws, European companies do the same thing their US counterparts are doing: Support the NRA’s fight against tougher gun laws. The list of its biggest donors, honored by the NRA at the organization’s annual meeting in April 2012, reads like a Who-is-Who of European arms manufacturers… Combined, these European gun makers gave the NRA a minimum of $2,175 million in 2012. That figure does not include any smaller donation not publicized by the NRA….”

This hypocritical European conduct is appalling. While condemning America for its “gun violence,” they themselves actively promote and support it. Note the economic power of EU countries (“modern Babylon”), as described in chapter 18 of the book of Revelation.

Religious Freedom in Europe

Deutsche Welle reported on January 17:

“The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that religious freedom applies in the workplace, so long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. But the member states have been left to interpret the ruling… the European Court of Human Rights… upheld the right to wear religious symbols at work, but also noted that in certain cases religious freedom can be restricted to protect the rights of others. Following that logic, the court ruled in favor of one case and against three others brought by British Christians. While the judges said that a British Airways employee could wear a Christian cross to work, they ruled against a nurse whose employers forbade her from wearing the crucifix, citing legitimate health and safety concerns.

“The court also ruled that Christians are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, even if their religious beliefs forbid them from cooperating with homosexuals. Specifically, the judges rejected a complaint filed by a city hall registrar who had been disciplined for refusing to officiate same-sex civil partnerships. And in another case, the court rejected the suit brought by a relationship therapist, who was fired for refusing to serve homosexual couples…

“The European court emphasized that the individual states will have to decide in which cases religious freedom must be restricted to protect the rights of others. That’s because religion plays a very different role in the public sphere in different European countries…”

This leaves much room for persecution of religious minorities in Europe.

Major Setback for Angela Merkel

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 21:

“Things couldn’t be going worse for Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats. The slim center-left victory in Lower Saxony bodes poorly for the conservative coalition in federal elections this autumn. Now the fight for the Chancellery will get more brutal than the incumbent German leader had imagined.

“Whoever believed in recent days that the state elections in Lower Saxony would foretell a conservative victory in federal elections this autumn has been put in their place. Nothing is certain. Angela Merkel, the queen of opinion polls, and her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), have crashed and burned in the state. And what happened to state Governor David McAllister could also happen to Angela Merkel. Losing a few votes can mean losing an election…

“The Social Democrats (SDP) and the Green Party are celebrating their victory, but their momentum is easily overstated. They squeaked by… Voters, those erratic and unpredictable beings, let themselves have a bit of fun again with the parties — and they left them helplessly perplexed… This is no equal balance of horror; it’s a horrible balance of equals…

“Peer Steinbrück got lucky. The SPD managed their victory not because of, but despite their chancellor candidate… For the CDU and FDP… Sunday night was an unexpected and gruesome nightmare… The center-right base is not growing. It’s cannibalizing itself, while simultaneously crumbling, slowly and apparently without ceasing. The CDU-FDP marriage isn’t very popular as a political project, coalition or model… The FDP is Germany’s strangest party. It can register a big success, even though its top leaders do all in their power to achieve the contrary…”

Deutsche Welle added on January 21:

“Victory for the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens. It was an unexpected win… The losers are stumped, and election analysts are perplexed as well… A state election eight months before national parliamentary elections is automatically deemed a test case for Berlin – for government parties as well as the opposition. Chancellor Merkel has a problem now. Her man in Hanover, the very popular premier David McAllister, didn’t manage to stay in office despite being faced off against a comparatively dull contender Stephan Weil (SPD)… The FDP is now – all but officially – an unreliable partner for Merkel after the Lower Saxony election…

“When it comes to the SPD, only the most naive of optimists could have predicted such an outcome… It’s a small sensation – if not more…”

The election results also show the general dissatisfaction of the German people with ALL established parties… and until there is a perceived alternative, it will be difficult to predict what September will bring.

European Superstate Against British Interests

Mail Online wrote on January 18:

“David Cameron’s big speech on Europe may have been postponed, but the dilemma facing all the main political parties — not just the Tories — will continue to intensify. Much of what the PM would have said yesterday had already leaked out and his prepared comments were clearly intended to address widespread public disgust over the EU. For Europe’s economy is sclerotic and failing, its governance is corrupt, and Brussels will have to remove yet more powers from member states if it is going to have a prayer of saving the euro.

“In Britain, the pressure is growing in the opposite direction… For the truth is that the EU’s mission for ‘ever closer union’ has always meant ultimately creating a federal superstate, something that is unacceptable to most Britons…”

A European superstate is prophesied to occur—with Britain being outside its borders. On Wednesday, January 22, 2013, Mr. Cameron gave his postponed speech on Europe and Great Britain. Berlin and Paris reacted with frustration and anger. See the next article.

Berlin and Paris Angry with Britain

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 23:

“David Cameron has put himself on a collision course with the rest of Europe by pledging an ‘in or out’ referendum on Britain’s EU membership by 2017. He is demanding special privileges for his country and putting Britain’s partners under pressure — it’s a high-risk gamble that has angered Berlin and Paris.

“Germany and France on Wednesday criticized British Prime Minister David Cameron’s demands to claw back powers from the European Union and said his plan to hold an ‘in or out’ referendum was dangerous for Britain. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Britain cannot expect just to pick and choose the aspects of membership that it likes… French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: ‘If Britain wants to leave Europe we will roll out the red carpet for you.’ The tongue-in-cheek remark echoed Cameron himself, who once used the same words to invite rich Frenchmen alienated by high taxes to move to Britain.

“A referendum would be ‘dangerous for Britain itself,’ said Fabius. Responding to Cameron’s plan to renegotiate relations between the EU and Britain, he said Europe was like a football club. ‘You join the club but when you’re in it you can’t say: “I’m going to play rugby now.”’…

“[M. Cameron] had wanted to hold [his speech] last Friday in Amsterdam, in the spirit of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who chose the Belgian city of Bruges for a 1988 speech in which she lambasted what she called ‘a European superstate exercising a new dominance from Brussels.’… In the end, he decided to eschew the European mainland and address journalists in London instead…

“Cameron is banking on other governments helping him to convince the British. He is seeking support from traditional allies like Germany, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries. He is looking to Chancellor Angela Merkel in particular — he referred to her several times in his speech. It’s unknown what Merkel has offered Cameron in their face-to-face meetings. But Germany’s official reaction has been cool. Germany wants Britain in the EU, say government officials in Berlin — but not at any price. It’s up to the British to decide whether they can live with common rules. Germany, they say, won’t be blackmailed.”

The Daily Mail painted a slightly different picture, stating on January 23:

“The move received a cautious welcome from key ally Germany, when Ms Merkel said: ‘Germany, and I personally, want Britain to be an important part and an active member of the European Union. We are prepared to talk about British wishes but we must always bear in mind that other countries have different wishes and we must find a fair compromise.’”

This development reminds us of the prophecy in the Bible that Ephraim (Great Britain) will try to receive help from Germany (modern-day Assyria), but that Assyria won’t or can’t help them (Hosea 5:13; 8:9).

Pig and Horse Meat in “Beef” Hamburgers

CNN reported on January 16:

“The discovery of horse DNA in hamburgers on sale at supermarkets in Ireland and Britain is testing the appetite of meat lovers there… 10 out of 27 hamburger products… were found to contain horse DNA, and 23 of them tested positive for pig DNA… Alan Reilly, the chief executive of the Irish food authority, said there was a ‘plausible explanation’ for the pig meat finding its way into the burgers, since meat from different animals is processed at the same plants. ‘… for some religious groups or people who abstain from eating pig meat, the presence of traces of pig DNA is unacceptable.’”

The Telegraph added on January 16:

“Beef contaminated with horse meat may have been sold in Britain for ‘years’… because of lax food regulations, experts say… The Food Standards Agency was criticised after admitting it had never carried out tests for horse meat on food sold in Britain. Seven of the leading supermarkets have cleared their shelves of frozen beefburgers after a supplier sold Tesco products which were 29 per cent horse meat… Irish scientists said they had discovered that the meat was contaminated two months ago. However, they did not act because they wanted to conduct further tests.”

Mail Online wrote on January 19:

“[A] Dutch meat supplier believed to be responsible for contaminating British burgers with horse meat was still operating last night despite being under investigation… Horse steaks used to be popular in the Netherlands but its consumption has grown out of fashion in the last 20 years. However the country remains a major processor of horse meat imported from abroad, largely south America. And horse meat has been used to bulk out more expensive meat in Dutch snack products in the past.

“In 2007 checks on popular Dutch snacks such as bitterballen, meatballs made from a mix of beef and veal, found horsemeat in almost a third (32%) of those tested. And in 2008 a Dutch consumer affairs programme found horse was still used by many producers of frikandellen [sic], a deep fried hot dog…

“Ten million burgers have been taken off supermarket shelves across Ireland and the UK as a result of the scandal.”

Eating meat from horses and pigs IS a health issue—it is not meant to be consumed by humans, regardless of what ignorant scientists or confused Bible teachers might tell you. The Bible refers to both animals as “unclean” in terms of consumption. These timeless health laws are still in force and effect today.

The Crazy and Dangerous World of Scientists

Mail Online wrote on January 22:

“Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School believes he can reconstruct Neanderthal DNA. His ambitious plan requires a human volunteer willing to allow the DNA to be put into stem cells, then a human embryo… this incredible scenario is the plan of one of the world’s leading geneticists, who is seeking a volunteer to help bring man’s long-extinct close relative back to life… Professor Church’s plan would begin by artificially creating Neanderthal DNA based on genetic code found in fossil remains. He would put this DNA into stem cells. These would be injected into cells from a human embryo in the early stages of life.

“It is thought that the stem cells would steer the development of the hybrid embryo on Neanderthal lines, rather than human ones. After growing in the lab for a few days, the ‘neo-Neanderthal’ embryo would be implanted in the womb of a surrogate mother – the volunteer… [Church] says Neanderthals were not the lumbering brutes of the stereotype, but highly intelligent. Their brains were roughly the same size as man’s, and they made primitive tools. He told German magazine Der Spiegel: ‘Neanderthals might think differently than we do. They could even be more intelligent than us.’

“Scientists say that his plan is theoretically possible, although in Britain, like most countries, human reproductive cloning is a criminal offence. But Professor Church’s proposal is so cutting-edge that it may not be covered by existing laws.”

According to Der Stern, dated January 23, Church is now backpedaling by claiming that he was misquoted, and that the concept to find “a human volunteer willing to allow the DNA to be put into stem cells” was just a general statement, not a direct appeal. Regardless, the question whether the Neanderthal Man was human or ape-like has been the topic of hot discussions in the scientific world. Much evidence suggests that he was fully human, and that God had given him the spirit in man. This would prove, of course, that the dating of his fossils is woefully inaccurate, as being far too old. This should not surprise us because we have proofs that the radio-carbon method, on which the dating is based, is terribly wrong and operates from wrong assumptions.

The Crazy and Dangerous World of Scientology

The New York Post reported on January 13:

“Tom Cruise will save the world from aliens — not on the big screen but in real life. His day job as an actor pales next to the billion-year contract of service he signed with the Church of Scientology… New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright details Cruise’s demigod status within the church, as well as the group’s ultimate purpose — protect humanity from aliens living in our bodies, who are bent on destroying us and ultimately the planet…

“Cruise was introduced to the religion when he was 23 years old by his then-girlfriend, actress Mimi Rogers. Seven years his senior, Rogers was an avowed member of Scientology; they married in 1987. Cruise was quickly intrigued, but he kept his initial participation low-profile… It took several years for church leaders to realize that for all of their celebrity acolytes — including John Travolta, Priscilla Presley, Kirstie Alley, Kelly Preston and Sonny Bono — they had a true superstar at their disposal. Cruise would later come to believe that in the hierarchy of Scientology, he was No. 3, behind only the founder, the late L. Ron Hubbard (known as LRH) and No. 2 David Miscavige, who goes by COB, for Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center.”

The Washington Post wrote on January 18:

“Scientology… is built on the nuttiest of founding myths, involving incidents that Hubbard said occurred 75 million years ago in something called the Galactic Confederacy, in which an evil overlord named Xenu sent human souls (thetans, in Scientology jargon) to Earth in space planes…

“[In] Lawrence Wright’s book on the church, ‘Going Clear,’…  it becomes impossible to regard Scientology — or, to be specific, the people who run Scientology — with anything like dispassion… Hubbard was a voluble, charismatic, imaginative man, a writer who liked to spin fantastical stories. He was also a liar, according to Wright… He was married thrice and had innumerable extramarital liaisons…

“Hubbard’s famously paranoid worldview is extensively documented here as well. When a negative reputation began to taint Scientology worldwide, he launched what was perhaps his most grandiose and outrageous scheme. He called it the Snow White Program. Starting in 1973, Wright asserts, Hubbard placed as many as 5,000 Scientologists as spies in government agencies all over the world, charging them with unearthing official files on the church, ‘generating lawsuits to intimidate opponents, and waging an unremitting campaign against mental health professionals.’

“In the United States, Wright says, the spies penetrated the IRS; the Justice, Treasury and Labor Departments; the Federal Trade Commission; and the Drug Enforcement Administration… ‘Nothing in American history can compare with the scale of the domestic espionage of Operation Snow White,’ Wright says. LRH, as he is called among Scientologists, died in 1986, and since then, under the leadership of a reputedly authoritarian and violent man named David Miscavige, the organization has grown ever more barbaric… Certain Scientologists, notably Miscavige’s wife, Shelly, haven’t been seen publicly in years. (Wright’s sources suggest she’s being kept under guard at a Scientology facility in Running Springs, Calif.)

“One of Hubbard’s innovations was a system of penance called the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF), in which members who need religious remediation are allegedly consigned to live like medieval ascetics, without contact with the outside world, forced into labor and fed the most meager of meals. Custom furnishings for Cruise’s airplane hangar — “a dry bar, table and chairs” — were milled at an RPF base in Los Angeles, according to Wright…

“Mining Wright’s book, one encounters a long list of well-known people who have found in Hubbard’s teachings some degree of truth and help. Besides Cruise and John Travolta, there’s TV host Greta Van Susteren; actresses Anne Archer, Juliette Lewis and Jenna Elfman; actor Giovanni Ribisi and his sister… Marissa…”

Scientology is by far not the only surreal sect with unbiblical crazy ideas… but it serves as an example to reflect a God-defying society where everything goes and is believed, and where dangerous influences towards governments and their agencies are not realized or willfully ignored.

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Does Hebrews 9:4 contradict 1 Kings 8:9? What, exactly, was in the Ark of the Covenant?

We know that the Bible does not contradict itself, as God’s Word cannot be broken (John 10:35). When we come across a seeming contradiction, it is only because of a misunderstanding of certain passages, or because of an inaccurate or misleading translation.

In Hebrews 9:4 we read regarding the ark of the covenant or Testimony, that “in [it] were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant…”

However, in 1 Kings 8:9, we read: “There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets of stone which Moses put there at Horeb…”

Several explanations are possible which would shed light on these passages, without attempting to create a contradiction.

Some refer to Exodus 16:32-34, saying that a pot with an omer of manna was laid up before the Testimony or the ark of the covenant, and they also refer to Numbers 17:10, stating that Aaron’s rod was placed before the Testimony. In addition, they point at Deuteronomy 31:26, which says that the Book of the Law was to be put “beside” the ark of the covenant (the Authorized Version says, “in the side of”).  The explanation goes on to say that the Book of the Law, as well as the manna and Aaron’s rod, were not “in” the ark of the covenant, but “before” or “beside” it.

In that context, Hebrews 9:4 is understood as not stating that the manna and Aaron’s rod were “in” the ark of the covenant or Testimony. It is pointed out that the Greek word for “in” in Hebrews 9:4 literally means, “at which place,” describing the “same location.” The conclusion is that the manna and Aaron’s rod, as well as the Book of the Law of Moses, were kept before or by the side of the ark of the covenant; they were in the same location or the same place as the ark, but they were not in it.

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states the following:

“… how this pot [with manna], as well as Aaron’s rod, can be said to be in the ark, when it is asserted, at the bringing of the ark into the temple, at the dedication of it by Solomon, that there was nothing in it but two tables of stone, 1 Kings 8:9, and both the pot of ‘manna’, and Aaron’s rod, are said to be before the testimony, Exodus 16:34 and not in it, is a difficulty. Some… have taken notice, that the preposition [“in”] sometimes signifies ‘at’, or ‘with’, as in Colossians 3:1 and so the sense is, that these were near unto it in the most holy place, and might be in the sides of it, though not within it; for there were places in the sides of the ark to put things into, Deuteronomy 31:26. And certain it is from the above account from Scripture, that they were near it; and so, by the Jewish writers, they are always mentioned along with it: when that was carried away, and hid, they were hid with it…”

This has also been the explanation of the Personal Correspondence Department of the Worldwide Church of God, which wrote in a letter:

“The original Greek word translated ‘wherein’ in Hebrew 9:4 is hou. From Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible and other sources, we find that hou means ‘at which place.’ Hou is a general word which does not necessarily mean ‘wherein,’ ‘within,’ or ‘in.’ It simply means ‘in the same location as’… The book of the law, along with the pot of manna… and Aaron’s rod, was kept by the side of the ark, not in it. All of these items could properly be described as being hou–in the same place as—the ark.”

This is most certainly a valid and convincing explanation. But there is also another way of understanding the passages in question.

While concluding that the manna and Aaron’s rod were not in the ark, the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary discusses the following two possibilities:

“In 1Ki 8:9; 2Ch 5:10, it is said there was nothing in the ark of Solomon’s temple save the two stone tables of the law put in by Moses. But the expression that there was nothing THEN therein save the two tables, leaves the inference to be drawn that formerly there were the other things mentioned by the Rabbis and by Paul here, the pot of manna (the memorial of God’s providential care of Israel) and the rod of Aaron, the memorial of the lawful priesthood (Nu 17:3, 5, 7, 10). The expressions ‘before the Lord’ (Ex 16:32), and ‘before the testimony’ (Nu 17:10) thus mean, ‘IN the ark.’ ‘In,’ however, may be used here (as the corresponding Hebrew word) as to things attached to the ark as appendages, as the book of the law was put ‘in the side of the ark,’ and so the golden jewels offered by the Philistines (1Sa 6:8).”

Others follow the rabbinical tradition that the pot of manna and the rod were inside the ark.

The commentary of Barnes’ Notes on the Bible writes regarding Hebrews 9:4:

“In 1 Kings 8:9, it is said that there was nothing in the ark, ‘save the two tables of stone which Moses put there at Horeb,’ and it has been supposed by some that the pot of manna and the rod of Aaron were not in the ark, but that they were in capsules, or ledges made on its sides for their safe keeping, and that this should be rendered ‘by the ark.’ But the apostle uses the same language respecting the pot of manna and the rod of Aaron which he does about the two tables of stone, and as they were certainly in the ark, the fair construction here is that the pot of manna and the rod of Aaron were in it also.

“The account in Exodus 16:32-34; Numbers 17:10, is, that they were laid up in the most holy place, ‘before the testimony,’ and there is no improbability whatever in the supposition that they were in the ark. Indeed, that would be the most safe place to keep them, as the tabernacle was often taken down and removed from place to place. It is clear from the passage in 1 Kings 8:9, that they were not in the ark in the temple, but there is no improbability in the supposition that before the temple was built they might have been removed from the ark and lost. When the ark was carried from place to place, or during its captivity by the Philistines, it is probable that they were lost, as we never hear of them afterward.”

J.H. Blunt, The Annotated Bible, agrees, offering these additional thoughts:

“It is expressly mentioned, in the account of the dedication of Solomon’s Temple, that at that time ‘there was nothing in the ark save the two tablets of stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt [1 Kings viii. 9]. But this does not prove that the memorial pot of manna [Exod. xvi. 33,34] and the memorial rod [Numb. xvii. 10,11] were not in the ark at the time of which the apostle is writing, and Jewish commentators make the same statement as St. Paul respecting them. It rather expresses surprise that nothing was found there but the two tables, and that the priests had expected to find the manna and the rod of Aaron inside the ark.

“Probably both were taken out of it by ‘the men of Beth-shemesh’ when they ‘looked into the ark of the Lord’ while it was in captivity among the Philistines [1 Sam. vi. 19]. They were not of so sacred a character as the tables of the Law, and it may have been after their removal, and when the two tables were about to be removed also, that the men of Beth-shemesh were smitten.”

So, it is entirely possible that the pot with manna and Aaron’s rod were “near” or “beside” the ark of the covenant, but not in it, while it is also conceivable that they were in the ark at one time, but that they were subsequently removed, so that only the tables of stone were in the ark at the time when Solomon’s Temple was dedicated. In neither case would there be a contradiction between Hebrews 9:4 and 1 Kings 8:9.

Whatever the correct explanation, it is true that even in technical details, the Bible does not contradict itself, but we are called upon to search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11; Isaiah 34:16; Luke 24:27; and John 5:39 in the Authorized Version), “precept upon precept… Line upon line… Here a little, there a little” (Isaiah 28:10), in order to grow in the understanding of the entire Word of God (2 Timothy 2:7; Matthew 4:4; 5:18). We are to study and get to know the Scriptures (compare Matthew 22:29), “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, Authorized Version).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The video and audio files for last Sabbath’s sermon, titled, “Living Without Fear?,” are now posted. Here is a summary of this presentation by Evangelist Norbert Link: What are you afraid of? Do you fear people or the future? Are you too fearful to make necessary decisions? Do you fear death? Are you afraid of God and His Word? Do you fear that you might forsake God? That you might not make it into His Kingdom? That you might stop repenting? Christ came to free us from fear. This sermon shows you how you can live without fear.

“Beware of Our Lying Media!” is our newest StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Summary: Can you trust our media? Can you believe what they tell you? They are charged now with lying to you about President Obama’s “success story” and committing blasphemy in attributing to him God-like status, while persecuting Christianity and the Bible. The facts are that there is no realistic hope for improvement of our economy during the President’s second term, and big and positive ideas for improving our damaged relationship with other countries are mostly absent.

This StandingWatch program will be broadcast also on radio beginning Sunday, February 17, 2013.

“Skandal—Pferde- und Schweinefleisch in Hamburgers” is the title of a new very revealing AufPostenStehen program. It discusses pork and horsemeat in beef hamburgers and poultry and calf-liver sausages. Title in English: “Scandal—Horsemeat and Pork in Hamburgers.”

“Neu! Alttestamentliche Gesetze—Gueltig oder Nicht?,” is the newest German sermon. “Old Testament Laws—In Force or Not?” is the title in English. It is part of a series and discusses certain Old Testament laws and explains what their role is for Christians today, including the Law of the Nazirite; laws regarding warfare; death penalty for crime; marriage duty of surviving brother; and limited access of certain people to the congregation of Israel.

We are pleased to announce ministerial assignments for this year’s Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread: Norbert and Johanna Link will travel to Germany; Brian and Jill Gale to California; and Rene and Delia Messier to Oregon. Services by the resident ministers will also be conducted in Colorado.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Beware of Our Lying Media!

Can you trust our media? Can you believe what they tell you? They are charged now with lying to you about President Obama’s “success story” and committing blasphemy in attributing to him God-like status, while persecuting Christianity and the Bible. The facts are that there is no realistic hope for improvement of our economy during the President’s second term, and big and positive ideas for improving our damaged relationship with other countries are mostly absent.

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