Update 538

Moving Forward

On April 28, 2012, Michael Link will give the sermon, titled, “Moving Forward.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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“From Day to Day”

by Dave Harris

Sodom and Gomorrah occupy an infamous place in history. For their vile wickedness and the shameless sins they committed, God brought about their complete destruction.

These two cities became what they were through a process of time. Much like the rise and fall of great nations and empires, a kind of rottenness began to take hold until it just went too far.

Lot lived in Sodom, and Peter writes of him that he “was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)” (2 Peter 2:7-8).

We who desire to live as godly examples in the world of the ungodly are also “oppressed” and “tormented” by what we see and hear! We know that our times are perilous and filled with unspeakable lawlessness: In the Western Nations, such as the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and those of Europe, racial hatred gives way to murder; homosexuality and lesbianism are pushed in the media and through legislative acts as acceptable and normal, families are being shattered through divorce; abortions are commonplace; God is not honored—His Name is a vile expletive among youth and adults, nor are His laws known or obeyed; and the list of corruptions and pollutions of this world seems endless!

Things are getting worse—everything!

Just as happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, so sin will reach its full measure, and God will intervene. However, in the meantime, we face a challenge that has confronted every person who has sought to live a righteous life. Paul addresses this:

“Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life…” (Philippians 2:14-16).

For all the evil that we see and hear about every day of our lives, and although we sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done, we look forward—with ever-increasing hope—to the return of Jesus Christ and the part we will have with Him in the Kingdom of God (and that also, “from day to day”)!

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From Asia, Europe and Africa, war and the mad race to build more armaments take center stage in our reporting; immigration issues lie behind the call for new border controls in the EU; far right extremist parties influence the French elections and austerity measures tople the Dutch government; Britain suffers more recession woes; Israel entrenches its hold in settlements; and we conclude with a report about the sale of a Latin copy of the Book of John, which dates from the seventh century A.D.

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Asia: An Arms Race Develops

Spiegel Online wrote on April 20, 2012:

“India added itself to the short list of nuclear-armed countries with ballistic missile capability on Thursday. More importantly, though, the country’s successful test marks a new chapter in the developing Asian arms race. German commentators express deep concern on Friday.

“Asia’s military might appears to be growing by leaps and bounds these days. Just last month, China announced a significant increase to its military spending. Since then, North Korea attempted (and failed) to launch a rocket into space, the United States began a joint military exercise with the Philippines and, on Thursday, South Korea tested a missile whose range includes all of North Korea.

“The biggest headlines, however, have been reserved for India’s testing on Thursday of a long-range ballistic missile. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh praised the successful launch, saying it was ‘another milestone’ in India’s ‘quest for security, preparedness and to explore the frontiers of science.’ Many observers, however, noted that it furthered India’s goal of becoming a counterweight to China’s military dominance in the region…

“Most attention, though, was focused on what appear to be Indian efforts to both catch up to China militarily and to underline its supremacy over neighboring Pakistan, which also has nuclear weapons. Only recently, India ordered 126 fighter jets from the French firm Dassault, one of the biggest arms deals in the recent past. Furthermore, New Delhi has purchased nuclear submarines from Russia and is seeking to modernize its tank fleet. In 2011, the country was the world’s biggest purchaser of arms.”

Africa: Fighting for Oil

German-Foreign-Policy.com published the following on April 26, 2012:

“South Sudan, which, with German support, seceded from Sudan, is provoking a new war. A few days ago, troops from the South Sudanese regime in Juba occupied an oil field, belonging, according to a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, to Khartoum. The oil field accounting for about half of Sudan’s total oil production is vital, because the country has already lost approx. three-quarters of its oil reserves to secessionist South Sudan. Khartoum is counter-attacking to retake control of the oilfield. The fighting threatens to escalate into full-scale warfare. This is significant for Germany, not only because German soldiers are stationed in South Sudan, but also because Berlin, for years, has been pushing to establish a functioning South Sudanese state. The objective is to also link South Sudan, with its enormous deposits of oil and other natural resources, to Kenya and Uganda, which, unlike Sudan, are considered fundamentally pro-western and easier to control.”

Europe: Unifying Its Defense Capabilities

UPI.com wrote on April 20, 2012:

“The European Defense Agency is pushing cooperation among EU members with a series of projects and exercises.
“The agency reports an event focusing on energy and the environment will be in June in Brussels. Military Green 2012 will showcase high level visions on policy beyond 2020 and its impact on defense and crisis management.
“Also in June, the agency will host a land systems workshop at the Eurosatory trade show in France in which procurement options will be explored to give the EDA member states maximum procurement capabilities.
“The European Defense Agency is also leading three major multinational aerial exercises this year for rotary assets: Hot Blade 2012 in Portugal in July and Green Blade 2012 in Belgium in September.
“Its first fixed-wing training exercise for transport forces is being staged in Spain in June.
“The EDU was established in 2004 by the European Union to improve the defense capabilities of member states, promote and enhance cooperation in armaments, and strengthen the continent’s defense industrial base.”

As we have been reporting, the European Union is taking small, if difficult, steps toward a stronger military. In numerous ways, the military and political might of the EU is emerging. The Bible offers many details about what is about to happen as these nations do ultimately unify as the final revival of the ancient Roman Empire. Our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy – The Unfolding of End-Time Events,” along with “Germany in Prophecy,” are available at www.eternalgod.org.

EU: National Border Controls Sought

The Telegraph reported on April 20, 2012:

“Germany and France are seeking to curb free movement in Europe by demanding the right to reintroduce unilateral border controls to stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering the European Union.

“Berlin has backed a French campaign to give members of the EU’s borderless zone the power to carry out controls on their frontiers when there are influxes of immigrants via weakly policed borders in countries such as Greece.
“Passport-free travel within Europe’s ‘Schengen area’, which does not include Britain and Ireland, is regarded as a major achievement.
“But what applies to European travellers also applies to illegal immigrants, allowing them entry to any EU country without showing identity papers.
“Following demands by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, and during an election where immigration is a major issue, Germany is now supporting a ‘non-negotiable’ right to start national border controls if a country identifies an ‘exceptional’ frontier problem.
“’If the operation of the Schengen area is compromised, the other member states must have, ultimately, the possibility of reintroducing checks at internal borders for a period not exceeding 30 days,’ said a letter signed by the German and French interiors ministers and leaked yesterday…

“The EU’s passport-free travel zone has been under unprecedented pressure since April last year after Italy gave residence permits to more than 25,000 Arab migrants, allowing them unfettered access to the rest of the continent…

“In March, Britain joined Germany, France, Austria, Holland, Belgium and Sweden to demand EU intervention to plug a hole that is allowing illegal immigration via Greece into the rest of Europe. The Franco-German demand for new controls does not specifically mention Greece but diplomats said Athens was the main concern, especially as European funding was given to the Greeks for border checks.”

French Elections Reveal Far Right Influence

CNN.com wrote on April 25, 2012:

“The success of France’s anti-euro National Front party in the first round of the country’s presidential elections thrust the far right into the headlines.
“A day later in the Netherlands, the refusal of the far-right Freedom Party to back austerity measures led the Dutch government to collapse.
“Two very different scenarios, but with a common thread: the efforts of extremist parties to win support by plugging into popular discontent over the financial crisis, against the backdrop of a wider social unease and anti-immigrant sentiment.
“Across Europe, anger at a perceived mismanagement of the economic crisis, and accompanying high unemployment, low growth and painful cuts, has seen the fall of half a dozen governments.
“Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Finland and Italy are among them — and unless President Nicolas Sarkozy pulls a victory out of the bag in the second round of voting on May 6, France may be the next to see power change hands, this time in a shift to the left…

“Europe’s far-right parties are definitely seeing a resurgence, according to Dr. Matthew Feldman, director of the Radicalism and New Media Research Group at the University of Northampton, but the austerity crisis is only one part of the picture.
“He says the far right movement has been gaining ground for years, thanks partly to efforts to revamp its previously overtly racist and fascist image.
“This doesn’t mean that those racist or Nazi-sympathizing elements don’t still exist within different countries’ far right groups, he said, but those at the top have often learned to present a more acceptable public face.
“Instead of open racial attacks, they play up a threat to national identity and criticize multiculturalism, Feldman said…

“Dr. Michael Minkenberg, a professor of political science at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) who has also taught at New York, Cornell and Columbia universities, said concern over immigration, law and order ‘and the feeling that things aren’t what they used to be any more’ are at the heart of support for Europe’s radical right.
“Euroscepticism, as resistance to greater European political integration is known, is also on the increase, he said, and ‘there’s this anxiety about what will happen, a growing complexity and not much reassurance from either national governments or the European Union.’
“Coupled with a mistrust of the political elite, this has also led to a swell of support for the far right in Austria, Belgium and Scandinavian countries, Minkenberg said…

“Farther east, a different strand of far-right thinking dominates in countries like Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, he said. There, far-right groups poll around 10% but tend to be more nationalistic in tone, he said, with anti-Semitism and anti-Roma views seen as more legitimate there than elsewhere in Europe.”

Britain’s Economy Staggers

BBC News wrote on April 25, 2012:

“The UK economy has returned to recession, after shrinking by 0.2% in the first three months of 2012.

“A sharp fall in construction output was behind the surprise contraction, the Office for National Statistics said.

“A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of contraction. The economy shrank by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2011.

“BBC economics editor Stephanie Flanders says it ‘adds to the picture that the economy is bumping along the bottom’.

“She said economic output was slightly smaller now than it was in the autumn of 2010.”

Israel: The World Watches

The Los Angeles Times wrote on April 24, 2012:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that his Cabinet has decided to retroactively legalize three West Bank outposts that previous governments had conceded were built without permission, marking the first step toward what critics fear will become Israel’s first official new settlements since 1990.
“The decision late Monday by a Cabinet committee begins a long administrative process to authorize the small settlements of Rehalim, Sansana and Bruchin.
“The move infuriated Palestinians and frustrated the international community, which has been pushing Israel to freeze settlement construction in the West Bank and refrain from taking actions that might hinder efforts to restart peace talks.
“Government officials said it was inaccurate to characterize the legalization process as establishing new settlements, noting that the three outposts were founded in the 1990s, reportedly with the government’s blessing. Officials said the outposts lack only certain technical authorizations and planning permits, which now will be given.

“‘This decision does not change the reality on the ground whatsoever,” said a government official who was not authorized to speak publicly on the issue. ‘It does not establish new settlements or expand existing ones.'”

Little that happens in the State of Israel goes unnoticed by the world at large. Israel–and especially Jerusalem–remain a focus in the news. What is happening in this area of the Middle East is also central to many prophecies in the Bible! Our booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today!,” offers real insight into the future of this troubled land.

The Book of John

Time.com reported on April 16, 2012:

“The British Library has paid 9 million pounds (US$14.3 million) to acquire the St. Cuthbert Gospel, a remarkably well-preserved survivor of seventh-century Britain described by the library as the oldest European book to survive fully intact.

“The palm-sized book, a manuscript copy of the Gospel of John in Latin, was bought from the British branch of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), the library said Tuesday.

“The book measures 96 mm (3.8 inches) by 136 mm (5.4 inches) and has an elaborately tooled red leather cover. It comes from the time of St. Cuthbert, who died in 687, and it was discovered inside his coffin when it was opened in 1104 at Durham Cathedral.

“The British Library said the artifact is one of the world’s most important books.

“‘To look at this small and intensely beautiful treasure from the Anglo-Saxon period is to see it exactly as those who created it in the seventh century would have seen it,’ said the library’s chief executive, Lynne Brindley.

“‘The exquisite binding, the pages, even the sewing structure survive intact, offering us a direct connection with our forebears 1300 years ago,’ she added.

“Cuthbert’s coffin arrived in Durham after monks had removed it from the island of Lindisfarne, 330 miles (530 kilometers) north of London, to protect the remains from Viking raiders in the ninth and 10th centuries.”

While this is a remarkable example of the preservation of one of the books of the Bible, the even more astounding truth is that God has caused His entire Word, the Holy Bible, to be preserved throughout generations, centuries and millennia. Our booklet, “The Authority of the Bible,” presents proof that the Bible is and remains to be the inspired Word of God!

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Do certain biblical passages tell us that we go to heaven when we die?

As we explained in the previous Q&A, the Bible teaches nowhere that we ascend to God’s third heaven after we die. Some insist on the opposite, quoting a few passages which supposedly support their belief in an afterlife in heaven after death.

One of those passages is Philippians 1:23-24.  They claim that Paul said that he wanted to die, depart from this earth and be with Christ in heaven. The Nelson Study Bible interprets the passage to mean that “he wanted to go right away to heaven and be with Christ.”

But Paul did not say that he wanted to be with Christ in heaven.

As we explain in our free booklet, “Paul’s Letter to the Philippians,” Paul did not believe that he would join Christ in heaven. Paul raised the thought that it would be better for him to depart from this life and this physical mortal body, by falling asleep at the time of his death. He concluded, however, that it was better for the church’s sake to keep on living for a while.

He knew that once he died, he would be in the grave in an unconscious state until the resurrection from the dead at the time of Christ’s return to the earth. He knew that this would occur when the seventh or last trumpet would be blown (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).

He knew that at that time, he would be resurrected to immortality–but he also knew that for him, his resurrection would be within the next split second of his consciousness. He was aware and taught that he would die, and within the next split second of his consciousness–within a moment or the twinkling of an eye–he would be raised and always be with the returning Christ—not in heaven, but here on earth.

A similar passage, which is often misused to justify the unbiblical belief in life after death in heaven, is 2 Timothy 4:6. Paul says that he knew that his departure was at hand. Again, some claim that he was thinking that he would die soon, depart from the earth and ascend to heaven.

But Paul does not mention heaven. He says that he is going to depart soon. The Broadman Bible Commentary explains that this is just a metaphor for death. And reading on, Paul says in verse 8 that Christ will give Paul his crown of righteousness “at that day” of His “appearing.” Again, Paul is referring to his “departure” from this life, in anticipation of his resurrection to immortality at the time of Christ’s return, when he would also be honored with an incorruptible crown.

Perhaps one of the most often quoted passages for the erroneous teaching of life after death in heaven can be found in John 14:1-4. In that passage, Christ informs us that in His Father’s house, there are many mansions; that He was going to prepare a place for His disciples; and that He would come again to receive them “where I am.”

Those who teach life after death in heaven omit to mention the fact that Christ spoke about His return to the earth. They only focus on His statement that in His Father’s house there were many mansions and that He went to prepare a place for the disciples in His Father’s house, assuming that He was speaking of a dwelling place for His disciples in His Father’s house in heaven.

First, let us understand what Christ meant with “many mansions” in His Father’s house. The Greek word for mansion, “mone,” means a room, a place of staying, an abode, a chamber. It is only used one more time in the New Testament, in John 14:23, where it is rendered as “home” or “abode.” Christ said that the Father and Christ will make their home or abode with a disciple who loves Christ and keeps His words.

“The Father’s house” could refer to the physical temple of God in Jerusalem, with which Christ’s disciples were of course very familiar, and which was called the holy place in Acts 21:28. In John 2:14-16, Christ expressly referred to the physical temple in Jerusalem as “My Father’s house.” Compare Isaiah 56:7.

In the future, Christ will rule from Jerusalem, sitting on the throne of David, and as Ezekiel 40-48 informs us, there will again be a temple in Jerusalem. God’s temple had and will have chambers (Jeremiah 35:2; Ezekiel 42:1), which are lodging places. A “chamber” can also refer to a bridal canopy (Psalm 19:5).

Jeremiah 35:2 tells us that there were different chambers for people with different positions or responsibilities. Some chambers were situated above other chambers—showing the hierarchical structure of positions within the temple of God. Each chamber designated the residence or position or office, where the resident could be a doorkeeper or a prince. David said that he would love to be a doorkeeper, as long as he could be in God’s temple.

Christ told the church in Philadelphia that its members would become pillars in the temple of God, and they would go out no more (Revelation 3:12). That is, they would always be in God’s temple, being a part of it and connected with it. The Church of God is called the temple of God, and it is also the Bride of Christ.

Christ is using figurative language to say that His disciples would always be part of His Father’s house—they would never be disassociated from the Father.  He said that while He was in heaven, functioning as their Mediator and High Priest, He was preparing a place for them—that is, He would prepare individual positions of responsibility for each of His disciples, depending on their works (Revelation 22:12). But they all would be in God’s Kingdom (Matthew 25:34)—part of the Family of God and the Bride having made herself ready—born-again members of God’s spiritual Temple.

But Christ did not say that after He had prepared a place of rulership and responsibility for His disciples in God’s Kingdom and Family, He would receive them up there in heaven. Quite to the contrary, He said that He would return or come again and receive them to Himself, “that where I am, you may be also.”

When Christ spoke these words, He was here on earth—not in heaven.  And when He returns to this earth to establish God’s rule and kingdom over all of mankind, His disciples will be with Him here on earth also—in the Kingdom of God—ruling under Christ in their respective functions and positions as kings and priests over ten cities or five cities or two cities—which fact is signified by the different chambers in the Father’s house.

None of the Scriptures quoted above tell us that the dead will go to heaven when they die.

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Pentecost will be observed on Sunday, May 27, 2012, with morning and afternoon servies.

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

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In the Small Things

by Louise Amorelli

Each day, I just barely manage to get out of bed. As most of you know, I struggle with health conditions which bring extreme chronic fatigue, pain, flu like symptoms, and brain fog.  Since these ailments are at the forefront of my life and have taken such a huge toll on my husband and me, I tend to gravitate towards this facet of my being. I continually search how I need to learn, grow and bear Godly fruit through this health trial that God has allowed.   I would like to share what I think is the most important lesson I have learned which sums up all the others. In just a few words… “it’s the small things that matter most.”

Since I am in the minority, I tend to look intently (and with yearning) at those who work and have good jobs (since I am unable to work), to those who have limitless energy, and to those who are able to multitask with boundless activities and accomplishments.  I was once this type of person!  As I am not currently able to achieve many, if not any, of those undertakings, I have to refocus my attention on the small tasks at hand that on the surface seem so small, insignificant and routine; on tasks that might seem so effortless to others, but a personal arduous mountain climb for me, such as making a meal, driving or even a return phone call.

In studying God’s Word, I have learned that God looks at the small things in our lives and that gives me tremendous hope and encouragement with each new day. This theme that God is interested “in the small things” is found throughout the pages of the Bible. God watches how I seek Him in my small daily mundane chores, fully depending on Him to get me through the day. God watches how I handle the struggles and the trials. He observes how I utilize the fruit of His Spirit, while working on having a good attitude towards Him and others in the world who might not understand the daily challenges I deal with and misjudge me. I hope and pray that I can shine God’s light of longsuffering towards others in this regard as a witness to God’s way of life.

Knowing that it is God who will judge me mightily and righteously in the small things gives me hope for the big things…such as building Godly character and being a member of the God Family! That surely is not a small thing!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

Eurozone Security

Euobserver.com published the following on April 5, 2012:

“Since autumn 2008, the financial crisis and its implications has dictated EU policies. The pressure on EU governments to control expenditure continue to be enormous. Defence spending has not been immune. This raises important questions about how the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the EU can function in this new environment and if it can even survive austerity.

“Some commentators see it only as a question of choices – how much does defence matter and where does it stand in national priorities. This misses a critical point. Without a strong security and defence policy in the EU, underpinned by credible military capabilities, Europe risks becoming a marginalised player…

“…Europe’s role in the world can only be sustained through enhanced defence cooperation and a group of like-minded Member States ready to drive CSDP forward can be much more effective. Others may then follow suit.”

What is becoming more and more obvious to leaders in the EU is that the United States is beginning to focus on its Asia-Pacific concerns, and that is creating the need for unifying Europe’s various military organizations under the control of a central headquarters–a move that will happen in the not-so-distant future (For more information, please see our free booklet: “Europe in Prophecy-The Unfolding of End-Time Events!”).

Southern Europe Faces Reality!

Spiegel International online reported on April 17, 2012:

…”The euro debt crisis came as a rude awakening to countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, which are now firmly caught in the chokehold of their creditors and are forced to sharply cut back government spending. For many people, it is the biggest political and social turning point in decades.

“But these countries were already having trouble staying competitive before the current crisis. It was only possible for them to ignore China’s spike in exports or the new competition from Eastern Europe because of prospering national markets, generous transfers from Brussels and the existence of the euro. Because of the common currency, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece benefited from historically low interest rates, promoting a boom based on borrowed funds. It was suddenly cheaper than ever before to build a house or order a bigger car — or for governments to distribute generous welfare payments.

“It was an extended party for those in southern Europe who had work, as real wages rose sharply. In Germany, on the other hand, wages stagnated. Beginning in 2003, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder began a series of labor market and welfare reforms — known collectively as Agenda 2010 — which completely reorganized the welfare state. It is the kind of reform that now seems to be in the future of several southern European countries…

The countries of Southern Europe, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, are coming under unwelcomed and very exacting controls–as the article points out, a “troika consisting of the European Union, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB) monitoring compliance.”

Spain Suffers Loss in Argentina!

The Guardian wrote on April 17, 2012:

“Spain pledged to wage diplomatic and industrial war on Argentina after the country’s populist president, Cristina Fernández, announced plans to nationalise the Spanish-owned part of oil company YPF.

“‘With this attitude, this hostility from the Argentine authorities, there will be consequences that we’ll see over the next few days,’ industry minister José Manuel Soria pledged, calling it a hostile action against Spain. ‘They will be in the diplomatic field, the industrial field and on energy.’ Retaliatory measures for the expropriation of the Spanish Repsol company’s shares in YPF will be announced after a cabinet meeting on Friday, while the European Union was also pulled into the dispute.

“Spanish president Mariano Rajoy had blistering words for Fernández, speaking at the World Economic Forum on Latin America in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. ‘This damages Argentina’s international reputation,’ said Rajoy. ‘What happened yesterday could happen to any other investment.’ Spain’s foreign minister, José Manuel García-Margallo, claimed that Fernández had originally planned to time her announcement to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Falklands war on 2 April.

“‘We expect Argentinian authorities to uphold their international commitments and obligations, in particular those resulting from a bilateral agreement on the protection on investments in Spain,’ said European commission president José Manuel Barroso. European foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton called off a meeting of the EU-Argentine joint committee on Thursday.

“A Chinese website, meanwhile, reported that Repsol had been preparing to sell YPF to the China Petrochemical Corp (Sinopec) for $15bn. Repsol, which has Sinopec as a strategic partner in Brazil, did not comment on the claim. China has far greater clout than Spain in Argentina, whose economy is heavily dependent on soya exports to the Asian giant, leading to speculation that Fernández might strike her own deal with Sinopec, effectively handing even greater control over Argentina’s economy to Beijing…

“Argentina now runs the risk of scaring away other foreign investors needed to develop the larger Vaca Muerta area. Analysts said the move, announced live on television amid the increasingly populist and nationalist paraphernalia that accompanies Fernández, would have far-reaching implications.”

In the background of this battle between Spain and Argentina is China. In Africa, Mexico, Central America, South America and many other areas, China is “competing” for resources. These geopolitical strivings are setting the stage for global confrontations–events vividly portrayed in biblical prophecies! Our free booklets, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” along with “Is That In the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” present detailed explanations that will help you understand today’s news based on the Word of God!

The Battle for Arctic Resources

On April 16, 2012, Fox News reported:

“To the world’s military leaders, the debate over climate change is long over. They are preparing for a new kind of Cold War in the Arctic, anticipating that rising temperatures there will open up a treasure trove of resources, long-dreamed-of sea lanes and a slew of potential conflicts.
“By Arctic standards, the region is already buzzing with military activity, and experts believe that will increase significantly in the years ahead.
“Last month, Norway wrapped up one of the largest Arctic maneuvers ever — Exercise Cold Response — with 16,300 troops from 14 countries training on the ice for everything from high intensity warfare to terror threats. Attesting to the harsh conditions, five Norwegian troops were killed when their C-130 Hercules aircraft crashed near the summit of Kebnekaise, Sweden’s highest mountain.
“The U.S., Canada and Denmark held major exercises two months ago, and in an unprecedented move, the military chiefs of the eight main Arctic powers — Canada, the U.S., Russia, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland — gathered at a Canadian military base last week to specifically discuss regional security issues.

“None of this means a shooting war is likely at the North Pole any time soon. But as the number of workers and ships increases in the High North to exploit oil and gas reserves, so will the need for policing, border patrols and — if push comes to shove — military muscle to enforce rival claims.”

Britain Looks to Asia…

Reuters reported on April 10, 2012:

“Britain and Japan said on Tuesday they have agreed to jointly develop and build defense equipment, the first time since World War Two that Japan has concluded a weapons-building deal with a country other than the United States.

“The announcement came at the start of a tour of Japan and southeast Asia by British Prime Minister David Cameron aimed at boosting trade ties with the region.

“‘We have decided to identify a range of appropriate defense equipment for joint development and production … which contributes to both countries’ security and presents industrial opportunities,’ said a statement from Cameron and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda.

“Without elaborating, the leaders agreed to ‘seek to launch at least one programme of such defense equipment as soon as possible and explore the feasibility of a future major programme’.

“Japanese defense policy changed last December to allow Japanese companies to export weapons and collaborate with countries other than its main ally, the United States.

“Hours before Cameron’s plane touched down in Tokyo, Japanese carmaker Nissan Motor Co said it would spend $200 million to build a new hatchback at its British plant.

“Cameron’s two-year-old coalition government is trying to boost British manufacturing to lessen reliance on a financial services sector roiled by the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. It also seeks to limit the economy’s exposure to the crisis-hit euro zone by doing more business with fast-growing Asian economies and emerging markets around the world…

“‘There’s enormous upside potential, and I think a number of businesses are very excited by the fact we’re going to Indonesia,’ Cameron told reporters.

“In Malaysia, Britain aims to tap the Southeast Asian country’s position as a regional education hub, with many Western universities setting up campuses there.”

As we have been reporting, Britain is not finding itself in harmony with the EU. In fact, it appears that Great Britain is deliberately positioning itself outside of the rapidly changing structure of a unifying European super-power.

No Easy Fix for U.S. Cities

Reuters, on April 17, 2012, wrote:

“America’s swelling ranks of fallen municipal borrowers have been blamed in the past year on ‘what-were-they-thinking’ causes, be it a Taj Mahal sewer system in Alabama or an overpriced trash incinerator in Pennsylvania’s capital city of Harrisburg.

“But the next series of major cities and counties in danger of defaulting on their debt can hardly point to one single decision for their malaise. Whether it be Detroit, Miami or Providence, Rhode Island, their problems have a lot more to do with financial policies that put them on course to live well beyond their means.

“Municipal defaults have shot up since 2007 and are on pace for another high year in 2012, according to Richard Lehmann, publisher of the Distressed Securities Newsletter.

“Many failures will be due to local politicians’ willingness to give unionized local government workers lucrative pensions and health care benefits when times were good. For others, the housing bust was enough to destroy their real estate tax base. They almost all share the failure to prepare for a rainy day.

“Now, belt tightening by state and federal governments is adding to the pain – as contributions to governments at city and county levels get squeezed. Many of the places in the worst condition are in the Northeast, Midwest, California and Florida.”

In Malachi 3, verse 9, God rebukes His people, saying, “‘You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.'” Is it really possible that our national problems have anything to do with our robbing God? For more vital information, please read–“Tithing – Today?”–available, free, online at www.eternalgod.org.

Another Black Eye For America!

CNN reported on April 18, 2012:

“On Wednesday, the Los Angeles Times published photos of U.S. soldiers posing with what the paper said were bodies of insurgents in Afghanistan.
“The newspaper said a soldier came forward with the images to draw attention to the safety risk associated with a decline in leadership and discipline. In the Times story, editor Davan Maharaj said publishing the photos ‘would fulfill our obligation to readers to report vigorously and impartially on all aspects of the American mission in Afghanistan, including the allegation that the images reflect a breakdown in unit discipline that was endangering U.S. troops.’
“The Los Angeles Times said efforts to get responses from the soldiers involved were unsuccessful. CNN has not independently authenticated the photos.
“The images are just the latest in a string of scandals that some say could damage U.S. efforts in the war, which is in its 11th year.
“In January, video footage emerged of U.S. soldiers apparently urinating on Afghan corpses. In February, Afghans rioted after it was discovered that Qurans had been burned in violation of Islamic custom at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Last month, an Army staff sergeant allegedly went on a rampage and shot to death 17 Afghan civilians, including numerous children.
“The U.S. is due to hand over control of the country to Afghan forces in 2014…”

Will America somehow win this terrible war?–absolutely not! God warns the nation that because of its disobedience to Him, He will “‘break the pride of your power'”–that has been happening and it will continue, at least, until the modern descendants of the tribes of Israel are brought to repentance! Please review our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

“Rumors of War”

“The Times of Israel” wrote on April 15, 2012′

“A major Israel TV station on Sunday night broadcast a detailed report on how Israel will go about attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the event that diplomacy and sanctions fail and Israel decides to carry out a military strike.
“The report, screened on the main evening news of Channel 10, was remarkable both in terms of the access granted to the reporter, who said he had spent weeks with the pilots and other personnel he interviewed, and in the fact that his assessments on a strike were cleared by the military censor.
“No order to strike is likely to be given before the P5+1 talks with Iran resume in May, the reporter, Alon Ben-David, said. ‘But the coming summer will not only be hot but tense.’
“In the event that negotiations fail and the order is given for Israel to carry out an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, ‘dozens if not more planes’ will take part in the mission: attack and escort jets, tankers for mid-air refueling, electronic warfare planes and rescue helicopters, the report said…

“The attack, the report said, would presumably trigger a war in northern Israel, with missile attacks (presumably from the Iranian-proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon). ‘There will be no tranquility and peace anywhere in Israel,’ Ben-David said.”

Nuclear Power Plant Problems

CNN.COM reported on April 6, 2012:

“A large Southern California nuclear plant is out of commission indefinitely, and will remain so until there is an understanding of what caused problems at two of its generators and an effective plan to address the issues, the nation’s top nuclear regulator said Friday.
“Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, refused to give a timetable as to when the San Onofre nuclear plant could resume operation. He said only that his agency had ‘set some firm conditions’ as to when that could happen.
“‘We won’t make a decision (to approve the facility’s restart) unless we’re satisfied that public health and safety will be protected,’ Jaczko told reporters. ‘They have to demonstrate to us that they understand the causes, and … that they have a plan to address them.’
“The power plant has been shut down since this winter, when a small amount of radioactive gas escaped from a steam generator during a water leak. At the time, federal regulators said there was no threat to public health, though they could not identify how much gas leaked or exactly why it had happened…

“Located near San Clemente, the San Onofre nuclear plant’s twin reactors are ‘Southern California’s largest and most reliable sources of electricity,’ according to Southern California Edison’s website. When operational, the facility — which is owned by that utility, San Diego Gas and Electric and the city of Riverside — supplies power for 1.4 million households at any given time.”

The uneasiness with nuclear power is a growing worldwide concern–especially, in light of the frightening consequences of the Japanese Tsunami and the destruction of one of Japan’s nuclear facilities. Late in the game, governments are having to face up to the long-term responsibilities of using nuclear fuel. The unthinkable looms–what will happen when another Chernobyl occurs but on a scale of even much greater proportions?

Astronauts Reject Global Warming Endorsement

Washingtonexaminer.com wrote on April 10, 2012:

“In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists–including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center–claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency.

“Challenging statements from NASA that man is causing climate change, the former NASA executives demanded in a letter to Administrator Charles Bolden that he and the agency ‘refrain from including unproven remarks’ supporting global warming in the media.

“’We feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate,’ they wrote. ‘At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.’

“The letter was signed by seven Apollo astronauts, a deputy associate administrator, several scientists, and even the deputy director of the space shuttle program.

“NASA had no immediate comment.

“In their letter, the group said that thousands of years of data challenge modern-day claims that man-made carbon dioxide is causing climate change. ‘With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from (NASA’s) Goddard Institute for Space Studies leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled,’ they wrote.”

Livestock Antibiotics–A Sweeping Reform?

The Chicago Tribune reported on April 11, 2012:

“Livestock  producers  should use antibiotics to treat sick animals not to make them fatter faster, according to new voluntary guidelines released  by the Food and Drug Administration this morning.

“The long awaited guidance aimed at reigning [sic] in the explosion of antibiotic-resistant infections in humans, met with mixed reactions from activists who have long lobbied the agency to crack down on the routine feeding of antibiotics to healthy animals.

“’This is a step in the right direction, but much more must be done.  Antibiotic-resistant diseases now kill more Americans than AIDS and this issue needs to be treated with the seriousness it deserves,’ said Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-D) who has sponsored bills for tough regulation on the issue. ‘Nonbinding recommendations are not a strong enough antidote to the problem.’

“The Center for Science in the Public Interest’s Caroline Smith DeWaal called the guidelines ‘tragically flawed,’ noting they ‘rely too heavily on the drug industry and animal producers to act voluntarily in the best interest of consumers’…

“How much of an economic hit the pharmaceutical industry might take is hard to say.  An FDA report estimated that about 28.6 million pounds  of antibiotics were sold in 2009 for use in food animal production.  That’s about 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the country.

“The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that about 70 percent of those drugs were administered to healthy animals. The FDA would not offer such a specific figure but acknowledged that non-therapeutic usages  ‘represent a substantial portion’ of all antibiotics used in livestock production.

“While the guidelines restrict antibiotic use for growth promotion they do leave room for ‘judicious’ preventative usage. Some worry about this loophole.

“The UCS is concerned that antibiotic makers will simply ‘relabel drugs currently slated for growth promotion for disease prevention instead,’ said senior UCS scientist Margaret Mellon. ‘Such relabeling could allow them to sell the exact same drugs in the very same amounts.'”

This Week in the News

In wide-ranging reports, we begin with a focus on Europe; report on a new “cold war” in the Artic; cover Great Britain’s military agreements with Japan (and others); address the crumbling financial position of U.S. cities; note yet another outrage by U.S. soldiers; report on the persistent and growing rumors of an Israeli strike on Iran. We conclude with articles about aging nuclear power plants; cover more controversy concerning global warming; and relate the state of the use of livestock antibiotics in the United States.

It is Not in Man

I am writing this Editorial from Germany, just prior to the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. Recent events have emphasized again for my wife and me that our life is not in our hands, and that it is not in man to direct his path. Rather, we must rely on and trust in God at all times, especially when it is difficult to do so and when no solutions seem to be in sight or even possible.

We had planned to bring my almost 86-year-old mom back with us to the USA on our return trip on April 16. Several developments rendered the execution of that plan impossible. First, my mom’s condition has been deteriorating so much that she could not fly at this point. We have consistently prayed for the opposite result, but we have also prayed for God’s Will to be shown to us and to be done.

Until today, we were still waiting to see whether or not to postpone our current flight to see either an improvement or the opposite in my mom’s condition, but another unexpected message reached us from the USA. A pipe in our home had burst, causing major water damage in several of our rooms, including my office, bedroom and guest room, making them presently uninhabitable and necessitating lengthy repairs. Our son is supervising the progress and told us that it is a mess and to stay away from home as long as possible.

As bad as this development appeared, it forced us to make the decision to postpone our return flights. The decision to do so was made for us through circumstances beyond our control. Obviously, God made clear to us what He expected us to do, even though this was not what we had hoped for.

When this Editorial is published, maybe further decisions have been made for us—whatever they may be – or the immediate future might still be uncertain. We know that we are in God’s hands, and that He knows best.

Still, it is not easy to cope with trials like these, but we must remind ourselves daily that God will not allow any trial to overtake us which is too difficult for us to bear, and that He will show us the way of escape, so that we can endure it. For that, we must be deeply grateful.

Update 537

What Will You Do?

On April 21, 2012, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “What Will You Do?”
The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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It is Not in Man

by Norbert Link

I am writing this Editorial from Germany, just prior to the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. Recent events have emphasized again for my wife and me that our life is not in our hands, and that it is not in man to direct his path. Rather, we must rely on and trust in God at all times, especially when it is difficult to do so and when no solutions seem to be in sight or even possible.

We had planned to bring my almost 86-year-old mom back with us to the USA on our return trip on April 16. Several developments rendered the execution of that plan impossible. First, my mom’s condition has been deteriorating so much that she could not fly at this point. We have consistently prayed for the opposite result, but we have also prayed for God’s Will to be shown to us and to be done.

Until today, we were still waiting to see whether or not to postpone our current flight to see either an improvement or the opposite in my mom’s condition, but another unexpected message reached us from the USA. A pipe in our home had burst, causing major water damage in several of our rooms, including my office, bedroom and guest room, making them presently uninhabitable and necessitating lengthy repairs. Our son is supervising the progress and told us that it is a mess and to stay away from home as long as possible.

As bad as this development appeared, it forced us to make the decision to postpone our return flights. The decision to do so was made for us through circumstances beyond our control. Obviously, God made clear to us what He expected us to do, even though this was not what we had hoped for.

When this Editorial is published, maybe further decisions have been made for us—whatever they may be – or the immediate future might still be uncertain. We know that we are in God’s hands, and that He knows best.

Still, it is not easy to cope with trials like these, but we must remind ourselves daily that God will not allow any trial to overtake us which is too difficult for us to bear, and that He will show us the way of escape, so that we can endure it. For that, we must be deeply grateful.

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In wide-ranging reports, we begin with a focus on Europe; report on a new “cold war” in the Artic; cover Great Britain’s military agreements with Japan (and others); address the crumbling financial position of U.S. cities; note yet another outrage by U.S. soldiers; report on the persistent and growing rumors of an Israeli strike on Iran. We conclude with articles about aging nuclear power plants; cover more controversy concerning global warming; and relate the state of the use of livestock antibiotics in the United States.

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Eurozone Security

Euobserver.com published the following on April 5, 2012:

“Since autumn 2008, the financial crisis and its implications has dictated EU policies. The pressure on EU governments to control expenditure continue to be enormous. Defence spending has not been immune. This raises important questions about how the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the EU can function in this new environment and if it can even survive austerity.

“Some commentators see it only as a question of choices – how much does defence matter and where does it stand in national priorities. This misses a critical point. Without a strong security and defence policy in the EU, underpinned by credible military capabilities, Europe risks becoming a marginalised player…

“…Europe’s role in the world can only be sustained through enhanced defence cooperation and a group of like-minded Member States ready to drive CSDP forward can be much more effective. Others may then follow suit.”

What is becoming more and more obvious to leaders in the EU is that the United States is beginning to focus on its Asia-Pacific concerns, and that is creating the need for unifying Europe’s various military organizations under the control of a central headquarters–a move that will happen in the not-so-distant future (For more information, please see our free booklet: “Europe in Prophecy-The Unfolding of End-Time Events!”).

Southern Europe Faces Reality!

Spiegel International online reported on April 17, 2012:

…”The euro debt crisis came as a rude awakening to countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, which are now firmly caught in the chokehold of their creditors and are forced to sharply cut back government spending. For many people, it is the biggest political and social turning point in decades.

“But these countries were already having trouble staying competitive before the current crisis. It was only possible for them to ignore China’s spike in exports or the new competition from Eastern Europe because of prospering national markets, generous transfers from Brussels and the existence of the euro. Because of the common currency, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Greece benefited from historically low interest rates, promoting a boom based on borrowed funds. It was suddenly cheaper than ever before to build a house or order a bigger car — or for governments to distribute generous welfare payments.

“It was an extended party for those in southern Europe who had work, as real wages rose sharply. In Germany, on the other hand, wages stagnated. Beginning in 2003, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder began a series of labor market and welfare reforms — known collectively as Agenda 2010 — which completely reorganized the welfare state. It is the kind of reform that now seems to be in the future of several southern European countries…

The countries of Southern Europe, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, are coming under unwelcomed and very exacting controls–as the article points out, a “troika consisting of the European Union, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB) monitoring compliance.”

Spain Suffers Loss in Argentina!

The Guardian wrote on April 17, 2012:

“Spain pledged to wage diplomatic and industrial war on Argentina after the country’s populist president, Cristina Fernández, announced plans to nationalise the Spanish-owned part of oil company YPF.

“‘With this attitude, this hostility from the Argentine authorities, there will be consequences that we’ll see over the next few days,’ industry minister José Manuel Soria pledged, calling it a hostile action against Spain. ‘They will be in the diplomatic field, the industrial field and on energy.’ Retaliatory measures for the expropriation of the Spanish Repsol company’s shares in YPF will be announced after a cabinet meeting on Friday, while the European Union was also pulled into the dispute.

“Spanish president Mariano Rajoy had blistering words for Fernández, speaking at the World Economic Forum on Latin America in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. ‘This damages Argentina’s international reputation,’ said Rajoy. ‘What happened yesterday could happen to any other investment.’ Spain’s foreign minister, José Manuel García-Margallo, claimed that Fernández had originally planned to time her announcement to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Falklands war on 2 April.

“‘We expect Argentinian authorities to uphold their international commitments and obligations, in particular those resulting from a bilateral agreement on the protection on investments in Spain,’ said European commission president José Manuel Barroso. European foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton called off a meeting of the EU-Argentine joint committee on Thursday.

“A Chinese website, meanwhile, reported that Repsol had been preparing to sell YPF to the China Petrochemical Corp (Sinopec) for $15bn. Repsol, which has Sinopec as a strategic partner in Brazil, did not comment on the claim. China has far greater clout than Spain in Argentina, whose economy is heavily dependent on soya exports to the Asian giant, leading to speculation that Fernández might strike her own deal with Sinopec, effectively handing even greater control over Argentina’s economy to Beijing…

“Argentina now runs the risk of scaring away other foreign investors needed to develop the larger Vaca Muerta area. Analysts said the move, announced live on television amid the increasingly populist and nationalist paraphernalia that accompanies Fernández, would have far-reaching implications.”

In the background of this battle between Spain and Argentina is China. In Africa, Mexico, Central America, South America and many other areas, China is “competing” for resources. These geopolitical strivings are setting the stage for global confrontations–events vividly portrayed in biblical prophecies! Our free booklets, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” along with “Is That In the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” present detailed explanations that will help you understand today’s news based on the Word of God!

The Battle for Arctic Resources

On April 16, 2012, Fox News reported:

“To the world’s military leaders, the debate over climate change is long over. They are preparing for a new kind of Cold War in the Arctic, anticipating that rising temperatures there will open up a treasure trove of resources, long-dreamed-of sea lanes and a slew of potential conflicts.
“By Arctic standards, the region is already buzzing with military activity, and experts believe that will increase significantly in the years ahead.
“Last month, Norway wrapped up one of the largest Arctic maneuvers ever — Exercise Cold Response — with 16,300 troops from 14 countries training on the ice for everything from high intensity warfare to terror threats. Attesting to the harsh conditions, five Norwegian troops were killed when their C-130 Hercules aircraft crashed near the summit of Kebnekaise, Sweden’s highest mountain.
“The U.S., Canada and Denmark held major exercises two months ago, and in an unprecedented move, the military chiefs of the eight main Arctic powers — Canada, the U.S., Russia, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland — gathered at a Canadian military base last week to specifically discuss regional security issues.

“None of this means a shooting war is likely at the North Pole any time soon. But as the number of workers and ships increases in the High North to exploit oil and gas reserves, so will the need for policing, border patrols and — if push comes to shove — military muscle to enforce rival claims.”

Britain Looks to Asia…

Reuters reported on April 10, 2012:

“Britain and Japan said on Tuesday they have agreed to jointly develop and build defense equipment, the first time since World War Two that Japan has concluded a weapons-building deal with a country other than the United States.

“The announcement came at the start of a tour of Japan and southeast Asia by British Prime Minister David Cameron aimed at boosting trade ties with the region.

“‘We have decided to identify a range of appropriate defense equipment for joint development and production … which contributes to both countries’ security and presents industrial opportunities,’ said a statement from Cameron and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda.

“Without elaborating, the leaders agreed to ‘seek to launch at least one programme of such defense equipment as soon as possible and explore the feasibility of a future major programme’.

“Japanese defense policy changed last December to allow Japanese companies to export weapons and collaborate with countries other than its main ally, the United States.

“Hours before Cameron’s plane touched down in Tokyo, Japanese carmaker Nissan Motor Co said it would spend $200 million to build a new hatchback at its British plant.

“Cameron’s two-year-old coalition government is trying to boost British manufacturing to lessen reliance on a financial services sector roiled by the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. It also seeks to limit the economy’s exposure to the crisis-hit euro zone by doing more business with fast-growing Asian economies and emerging markets around the world…

“‘There’s enormous upside potential, and I think a number of businesses are very excited by the fact we’re going to Indonesia,’ Cameron told reporters.

“In Malaysia, Britain aims to tap the Southeast Asian country’s position as a regional education hub, with many Western universities setting up campuses there.”

As we have been reporting, Britain is not finding itself in harmony with the EU. In fact, it appears that Great Britain is deliberately positioning itself outside of the rapidly changing structure of a unifying European super-power.

No Easy Fix for U.S. Cities

Reuters, on April 17, 2012, wrote:

“America’s swelling ranks of fallen municipal borrowers have been blamed in the past year on ‘what-were-they-thinking’ causes, be it a Taj Mahal sewer system in Alabama or an overpriced trash incinerator in Pennsylvania’s capital city of Harrisburg.

“But the next series of major cities and counties in danger of defaulting on their debt can hardly point to one single decision for their malaise. Whether it be Detroit, Miami or Providence, Rhode Island, their problems have a lot more to do with financial policies that put them on course to live well beyond their means.

“Municipal defaults have shot up since 2007 and are on pace for another high year in 2012, according to Richard Lehmann, publisher of the Distressed Securities Newsletter.

“Many failures will be due to local politicians’ willingness to give unionized local government workers lucrative pensions and health care benefits when times were good. For others, the housing bust was enough to destroy their real estate tax base. They almost all share the failure to prepare for a rainy day.

“Now, belt tightening by state and federal governments is adding to the pain – as contributions to governments at city and county levels get squeezed. Many of the places in the worst condition are in the Northeast, Midwest, California and Florida.”

In Malachi 3, verse 9, God rebukes His people, saying, “‘You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.'” Is it really possible that our national problems have anything to do with our robbing God? For more vital information, please read–“Tithing – Today?”–available, free, online at www.eternalgod.org.

Another Black Eye For America!

CNN reported on April 18, 2012:

“On Wednesday, the Los Angeles Times published photos of U.S. soldiers posing with what the paper said were bodies of insurgents in Afghanistan.
“The newspaper said a soldier came forward with the images to draw attention to the safety risk associated with a decline in leadership and discipline. In the Times story, editor Davan Maharaj said publishing the photos ‘would fulfill our obligation to readers to report vigorously and impartially on all aspects of the American mission in Afghanistan, including the allegation that the images reflect a breakdown in unit discipline that was endangering U.S. troops.’
“The Los Angeles Times said efforts to get responses from the soldiers involved were unsuccessful. CNN has not independently authenticated the photos.
“The images are just the latest in a string of scandals that some say could damage U.S. efforts in the war, which is in its 11th year.
“In January, video footage emerged of U.S. soldiers apparently urinating on Afghan corpses. In February, Afghans rioted after it was discovered that Qurans had been burned in violation of Islamic custom at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. Last month, an Army staff sergeant allegedly went on a rampage and shot to death 17 Afghan civilians, including numerous children.
“The U.S. is due to hand over control of the country to Afghan forces in 2014…”

Will America somehow win this terrible war?–absolutely not! God warns the nation that because of its disobedience to Him, He will “‘break the pride of your power'”–that has been happening and it will continue, at least, until the modern descendants of the tribes of Israel are brought to repentance! Please review our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

“Rumors of War”

“The Times of Israel” wrote on April 15, 2012′

“A major Israel TV station on Sunday night broadcast a detailed report on how Israel will go about attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities in the event that diplomacy and sanctions fail and Israel decides to carry out a military strike.
“The report, screened on the main evening news of Channel 10, was remarkable both in terms of the access granted to the reporter, who said he had spent weeks with the pilots and other personnel he interviewed, and in the fact that his assessments on a strike were cleared by the military censor.
“No order to strike is likely to be given before the P5+1 talks with Iran resume in May, the reporter, Alon Ben-David, said. ‘But the coming summer will not only be hot but tense.’
“In the event that negotiations fail and the order is given for Israel to carry out an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, ‘dozens if not more planes’ will take part in the mission: attack and escort jets, tankers for mid-air refueling, electronic warfare planes and rescue helicopters, the report said…

“The attack, the report said, would presumably trigger a war in northern Israel, with missile attacks (presumably from the Iranian-proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon). ‘There will be no tranquility and peace anywhere in Israel,’ Ben-David said.”

Nuclear Power Plant Problems

CNN.COM reported on April 6, 2012:

“A large Southern California nuclear plant is out of commission indefinitely, and will remain so until there is an understanding of what caused problems at two of its generators and an effective plan to address the issues, the nation’s top nuclear regulator said Friday.
“Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, refused to give a timetable as to when the San Onofre nuclear plant could resume operation. He said only that his agency had ‘set some firm conditions’ as to when that could happen.
“‘We won’t make a decision (to approve the facility’s restart) unless we’re satisfied that public health and safety will be protected,’ Jaczko told reporters. ‘They have to demonstrate to us that they understand the causes, and … that they have a plan to address them.’
“The power plant has been shut down since this winter, when a small amount of radioactive gas escaped from a steam generator during a water leak. At the time, federal regulators said there was no threat to public health, though they could not identify how much gas leaked or exactly why it had happened…

“Located near San Clemente, the San Onofre nuclear plant’s twin reactors are ‘Southern California’s largest and most reliable sources of electricity,’ according to Southern California Edison’s website. When operational, the facility — which is owned by that utility, San Diego Gas and Electric and the city of Riverside — supplies power for 1.4 million households at any given time.”

The uneasiness with nuclear power is a growing worldwide concern–especially, in light of the frightening consequences of the Japanese Tsunami and the destruction of one of Japan’s nuclear facilities. Late in the game, governments are having to face up to the long-term responsibilities of using nuclear fuel. The unthinkable looms–what will happen when another Chernobyl occurs but on a scale of even much greater proportions?

Astronauts Reject Global Warming Endorsement

Washingtonexaminer.com wrote on April 10, 2012:

“In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists–including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center–claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency.

“Challenging statements from NASA that man is causing climate change, the former NASA executives demanded in a letter to Administrator Charles Bolden that he and the agency ‘refrain from including unproven remarks’ supporting global warming in the media.

“’We feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate,’ they wrote. ‘At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.’

“The letter was signed by seven Apollo astronauts, a deputy associate administrator, several scientists, and even the deputy director of the space shuttle program.

“NASA had no immediate comment.

“In their letter, the group said that thousands of years of data challenge modern-day claims that man-made carbon dioxide is causing climate change. ‘With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from (NASA’s) Goddard Institute for Space Studies leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled,’ they wrote.”

Livestock Antibiotics–A Sweeping Reform?

The Chicago Tribune reported on April 11, 2012:

“Livestock  producers  should use antibiotics to treat sick animals not to make them fatter faster, according to new voluntary guidelines released  by the Food and Drug Administration this morning.

“The long awaited guidance aimed at reigning [sic] in the explosion of antibiotic-resistant infections in humans, met with mixed reactions from activists who have long lobbied the agency to crack down on the routine feeding of antibiotics to healthy animals.

“’This is a step in the right direction, but much more must be done.  Antibiotic-resistant diseases now kill more Americans than AIDS and this issue needs to be treated with the seriousness it deserves,’ said Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-D) who has sponsored bills for tough regulation on the issue. ‘Nonbinding recommendations are not a strong enough antidote to the problem.’

“The Center for Science in the Public Interest’s Caroline Smith DeWaal called the guidelines ‘tragically flawed,’ noting they ‘rely too heavily on the drug industry and animal producers to act voluntarily in the best interest of consumers’…

“How much of an economic hit the pharmaceutical industry might take is hard to say.  An FDA report estimated that about 28.6 million pounds  of antibiotics were sold in 2009 for use in food animal production.  That’s about 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in the country.

“The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that about 70 percent of those drugs were administered to healthy animals. The FDA would not offer such a specific figure but acknowledged that non-therapeutic usages  ‘represent a substantial portion’ of all antibiotics used in livestock production.

“While the guidelines restrict antibiotic use for growth promotion they do leave room for ‘judicious’ preventative usage. Some worry about this loophole.

“The UCS is concerned that antibiotic makers will simply ‘relabel drugs currently slated for growth promotion for disease prevention instead,’ said senior UCS scientist Margaret Mellon. ‘Such relabeling could allow them to sell the exact same drugs in the very same amounts.'”

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What are the biblical proofs that we do not go to heaven when we die?

The idea that we will go to heaven after death is an entirely unbiblical concept. It is derived from paganism.

As Lewis Brown explains in “This Believing World”:

“In very early times that idea flourished not alone among the Babylonians and Egyptians, but also among the barbaric tribes in and around Greece…these mysteries [came] down from Thrace or across the sea from Egypt and Asia Minor… they declared that for every man, no matter how poor or vicious, there was a place in heaven. All one had to do was to be ‘initiated’ into the secrets of the cult.”

The Hebrews did not believe that we go to heaven when we die. Neither did the early Christians. But in time, the concept developed within the Roman Catholic Church that one will be saved and go to heaven when one has been baptized into the church as a little baby.

The Bible does not teach this. Much confusion exists because many do not understand that the Bible speaks of more than one heaven.

When the Bible speaks of “heaven,” it may refer to any one of three different locations. See Update #97. The first heaven is the atmosphere, surrounding the earth, where birds can fly and clouds move (Genesis 1:20; 27:28). The second heaven is the universe, with all its galaxies, suns, stars and planets (Psalm 8:3).

It is possible for man to reach these two heavens—at least, to a limited extent. But man cannot reach the third heaven, where God dwells—where His angels live and where His throne is located. It is spiritual, not physical. Physical beings cannot enter it—except in a vision—and we won’t go there after our death, either.

According to the biblical testimony, the only Being who entered the third heaven after death was Jesus Christ. Others saw the third heaven in a vision—such as Daniel (Daniel 7:9), Paul (2 Corinthians 12:2), Stephen (Acts 7:56) or John (Revelation 4:2), but they did not enter heaven in bodily form, or as spirit beings.

Christ said in John 3:13 that no human being–except He Himself –has entered the third heaven. The original German Luther Bible wrote: “And no one goes to heaven except for the Son of Man…”

This rendition sets forth accurately the intended meaning of Christ’s words to Nicodemus. Christ explained to him the significance and nature of being born again and the Kingdom of God, and He pointed out that only Spirit beings can enter or become part of the Kingdom, and that they won’t enter the Kingdom or Family of God in heaven, but that the Kingdom will be ruling here on earth.

Most translations render the passage as, “No one has ascended up to heaven…”, but even then, it is at least clear that no one before Christ ever went to the third heaven. This means that contrary to popular belief, Elijah and Enoch did NOT enter God’s third heaven. See Updates #128 and #130.

The same must be true, then, for Abraham, the father of the faithful and a friend of God; Noah; Moses; Samuel; Job; the major and minor prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel; as well as King David, a man after God’s own heart who will rule in the Millennium under Christ over the nations of Israel and Judah. The Bible stresses expressly that David did NOT go to heaven when he died (Acts 2:34, 29).

The Bible compares death with a dreamless sleep without consciousness, out of which one must awake. Compare John 11:11-14; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, 10; Psalm 6:5.

Man is not nor does he have an immortal soul. Man IS the soul that can and will die (Ezekiel 18:4, 19-20), and that must be resurrected from the dead. In order to enter into eternal life and the Kingdom of God, man must be changed to immortality (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; Job 14:14-15; Philippians 3:20-21).

The very fact that man is mortal and that he must be brought back to life through a resurrection from the dead PROVES that he does not go to heaven when he dies. Martin Luther asked the pertinent question, why there should be a resurrection from the dead if the dead are already living in heaven. He concluded: “The fact that there is a resurrection from the dead proves that man does not go to heaven when he dies.” Sadly, today’s Lutheran Churches have totally rejected the words of their “founder.”

God promised man the gift of eternal life (Titus 1:2)–here on earth (Matthew 5:5). Abraham was promised eternal life on the earth as an inheritance (Romans 4:13; Galatians 3:29). Until now, no one has inherited the promises of eternal life and rulership on the earth (Hebrews 11:13, 39-40).

When the righteous enters into eternal life, he will reign under Christ during the Millennium. However, he will not reign from or in heaven, but he will reign ON the earth and over the earth (Revelation 5:8-10; 11:15; Daniel 2:44; 7:13-14, 21-22, 26-27).

Christ will return to the earth—His feet will stand on that day of His appearing on the Mount of Olives—and He will sit on the throne of David… here on earth (Zechariah14:1-2, 4, 8-9, 11, 16-19; Isaiah 9:6-7; 2:1-4; Jeremiah 23:5). We read that all nations will appear before the judgment seat of Christ… here on earth (Matthew 25:31-34,41).

Some claim that we will “rule” in heaven for one thousand years, while the entire earth will be empty and void—with no human being alive at that time. This is the viewpoint of the Seventh Day Adventists, but as we have seen, this position is unbiblical. Please note too that the earth will not be without inhabitants during the Millennium. Christ told us that the days will be shortened just before His return so that NOT everyone would be destroyed… some WOULD survive. Isaiah 24:6 tells us that a few men WILL be left. Compare, too, Isaiah 11:1-12, 16. During the Millennium, the survivors will be “fruitful,” bear children and multiply, and everyone will live in peace and prosperity (Micah 4:4).

Why do the Seventh Day Adventists teach that the saints will be in heaven for the duration of the Millennium, and that the earth will be destitute and constitute the habitation of demons?

The reason lies in the person of Ellen White. On April 7, 1847, she claimed that she was transported, in a vision, to heaven, where she saw, in combination with subsequent visions, the righteous ruling for 1,000 years in heaven, while the earth was “emptied of its inhabitants” and “the home of Satan with his evil angels for 1,000 years.”

The Seventh Day Adventists regard Ellen White as a prophetess and accept her visions as godly revelations and as the truth–contrary to the clear teachings of the Bible. However, visions and revelations, which are in opposition to the Word of God—the Holy Bible—must be rejected. They must never be used to establish “new” understanding.

The biblical understanding is not complicated, but pure and simple, and very easy to comprehend: When a man dies, he is dead, but he will live again through the resurrection from the dead. Until then, he will sleep a dreamless sleep, without any consciousness. He will not go to heaven when he dies, nor will he suffer in a purgatory or “hell.” Rather, he is asleep, until Christ awakes him out of his sleep. And He will, because as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22).

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our video programs, www.StandingWatch.org and www.AufPostenStehen.de, continue to receive new viewers–YouTube has been particularly effective. The program titled, “When Will Russia Attack Israel?,” has received over 80,000 views on YouTube, while two of the German programs now have over 30,000 views, each. These ten to fifteen minute videos, both presented by Norbert Link, cover a wide range of topics that relate to the Bible and with a special emphasis on prophecy for our time.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

More Powerful Earthquakes!

The Japan Times Online reported on April 12, 2012:

“Two powerful earthquakes struck off the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island on Wednesday, triggering tsunami alerts around the Indian Ocean.

“But the waves observed as of Wednesday night were minor, and there were no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage.

“Nevertheless, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said a tsunami watch was in effect around the entire Indian Ocean, including India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Somalia, Tanzania, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa.

“The center said that while it was not immediately known whether the strong temblor had generated massive waves, ‘earthquakes of this size have the potential to generate widespread destructive tsunami that can affect coastlines across the entire Indian Ocean basin’…

“Speaking to reporters soon after the first, 8.6-magnitude quake jolted Sumatra at 2:38 p.m., Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the country remained on alert but was unlikely to experience massive tsunami.

“The second temblor, with an estimated magnitude of 8.2, rocked Sumatra at 5:43 p.m., and Indonesia’s government immediately issued tsunami warnings for the five provinces along the island’s western coast.

“Reporters in Banda Aceh and the city of Lhokseumawe in North Aceh Regency said the earthquakes caused panic among locals, many of whom were seen fleeing their homes screaming in terror.”

Following the earthquake activity near Indonesia, a strong earthquake was experienced in Mexico and a lesser quake occurred off the Oregon coast–all within a twenty-four hour period:

USA Today wrote on April 11, 2012:

“A strong earthquake struck a sparsely populated area in the mountains of western Mexico on Wednesday, and caused tall buildings to sway more than 200 miles away in Mexico City. People evacuated some buildings in the capital, but the city government said helicopter flights detected no signs of damage.

“Authorities in Michoacan state, where the tremor was centered, also had no immediate reports of damage.

“The U.S. Geological Survey initially reported a preliminary reading of 7.0 magnitude for the quake, but later downgraded it to 6.5.

“A quake of that magnitude is capable of producing severe damage in an urban area, but this one occurred about 41 miles below the surface and a tremor’s power to cause damage is often dissipated when it is so deep.

“The USGS said the tremor was centered in Michoacan state 238 miles west-southwest of Mexico City and 88 miles northwest of the Pacific resort of Zihuantanejo.

“Manuel Ortiz Rosete, the Michoacan state civil protection director, said no damage had been reported in major cities and coastal communities of the state.

“Wednesday’s tremor was the latest in a series of strong shakes to hit Mexico City since a powerful 7.4-magnitude quake hit southern Mexico three weeks ago, but this was not an aftershock of that one , USGS geophysicist Dale Grant said.

“‘It’s a different earthquake. We are calling it an individual earthquake,’ Grant said. ‘There’s a potential for aftershocks.'”

Reuters published this additional report on April 11, 2012:

“A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Oregon on Wednesday and was followed a minute later by a smaller quake off the coast of central California, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

“The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quakes were unlikely to trigger a tsunami. The Oregon quake was initially reported as a magnitude 6.2 and the California one as a 5.3. Both were later downgraded.”

CNN reported on April 12, 2012:

“A pair of strong earthquakes rocked Mexico’s Gulf of California only minutes apart early Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
“The quakes — magnitude 6.9 and 6.2 — were centered about 85 miles northeast of Guerrero Negro in the Mexican state of Baja California, or 325 miles south-southwest of Phoenix in the United States. Both epicenters were shallow, a little more than six miles underground.
“No tsunami warnings were issued and there were no immediate reports of damage, but people as far north as Tucson, Arizona, reported feeling them.”

While people all over the earth now can receive virtually instantaneous reports of major occurrences such as these, the fact remains that those who are experiencing these events are living in terror! In speaking of the time that would signal the end of this age of human government and His imminent return, Jesus said, “‘And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven'” (Luke 21:11). One must consider, are we just getting better reporting, or are events such as those prophesied to occur by Jesus actually taking place in our time?

A Worldview From the Muslim Brotherhood…

The Jerusalem Post wrote on April 10, 2012:

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s main presidential candidate seeks to fundamentally Islamicize Egyptian society if elected, according to newly uncovered footage of an extended address he gave supporters last year shortly after his release from prison.

“Egyptian activists have transcribed Khairat al-Shater’s 90- minute address into English, offering a rare glimpse into the worldview of the normally tight-lipped candidate who is a front-runner in upcoming elections to lead the Arab world’s most populous state.”

The article continues with these quotations from Khairat al-Shater:

“’Everywhere, the Brothers are working to restore Islam in its all-encompassing conception to the lives of people,’ Shater says in the address. ‘Thus the mission is clear: restoring Islam in its all-encompassing conception, subjugating people to God, instituting the religion of God, the Islamization of life, empowering of God’s religion, establishing the renaissance of the ummah [worldwide Muslim nation] on the basis of Islam… Every aspect of life is to be Islamicized.

“’We call upon God Almighty to make this transformation the beginning of a new renaissance for the ummah and the shaking off of the state of backwardness from which it has suffered for decades,” ‘Shater says in the clip.” ‘As Muslim Brothers, it is imperative that we, as well as the entirety of the ummah, God willing, take advantage of this revolution which took place in Egypt and continues in the countries surrounding us.’”

Does Syria Matter to the U.S.?

On April 10, 2012, CNN published the following:

“In between taking care of their families, working and trying to keep up with everyday life, many Americans have caught at least a couple of stories about Syria. Many probably know that clashes between government forces and protesters who want the country’s president to relinquish power have become increasingly bloody over the past several months. Much of that violence has been represented in online videos, ostensibly that Syrians have posted, suggesting the slaughter of children and families.
“It’s horrible. No one would argue anything else. But there is violence in many corners of the world. Why should what’s happening in Syria be especially important to Americans? It’s clear a lot of people think it’s not. Several readers reacted to Tuesday’s top story on CNN about Syria by commenting: ‘Zzzzzz not our problem’ and ‘Anyone surprised? *yawn*.'”

The reporter of this article adds several very key reasons why the upheaval in Syria should and does matter to the United States. However, this conflict may be just one revolt too many for the U.S. to take on! The seemingly endless involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan; the hard feelings with Pakistan; the unwelcomed extremist turn of the Arab Spring; and any number of other misadventures is causing Americans to–more and more–not want national involvement as peace keepers for the world!

Will Syria Boil Over?

Reported in the Washington Post, April 9, 2012:

“Conflict in Syria burst into neighboring Lebanon and Turkey on Monday, with one Lebanese cameraman killed and at least four people injured in fighting on the Syria-Turkey border.

“The attacks, on the eve of a deadline under a fading U.N.-backed deal for ­Syrian troops to withdraw from cities and cease hostilities amid a widespread uprising, risked bringing the Syrian conflict to what the Turkish government called a ‘new stage.’”

Will Europe and America be Attacked?

WND.COM posted the follow article on April 4, 2012:

“Terror cells have been placed on high alert to attack targets in the United States and Europe should Iran’s nuclear facilities be attacked, a source in the Revolutionary Guards says.

“The terror cells in the U.S. are being coordinated by Quds Force personnel operating out of the Iranian Interests Section in Washington, the source says. Because Iran and the U.S. have no diplomatic relations, Iran’s Interests Section operates under the umbrella of the Pakistani embassy.
“’These cells work out of safe houses where ammunition and explosives are stored, each with an operational commander who reports back to Iran,’ the source says.
“Analysts in Iran believe Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, has provided two choices to the West: either accept a nuclear Iran or face all-out retaliation if its nuclear facilities are attacked.
“According to the source, who has served in the Guards’ intelligence apparatus, Iranian leaders have long prepared for an all-out confrontation with the West. The Guards’ commander, Hussein Babai, has openly stated that after the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war in Lebanon, Quds Force and Hezbollah terror cells began expanding in cities across Europe and America.”

The Bible Belt Takes a Stand…

Huffingtonpost.com reported on April 4, 2012:

‘A Tennessee bill meant to protect teachers who allow students to question and criticize ‘controversial’ subjects such as evolution and climate change became law on Tuesday after Gov. Bill Haslam (R) declined to act.
“The state legislature had sent the bill to Haslam earlier this month. He had until Tuesday to veto it, sign it or allow it to pass without his signature.
“Critics of the legislation have dubbed it the ‘Monkey Bill’ and charge that it is anti-science, backdoor approval of the teaching of religion in schools that reminds of the state’s history with the Scopes Trial.
“‘It would open the door to creationism, it would open the door to climate change denial, and to other sorts of pseudosciences being introduced into Tennessee classrooms,’ Josh Rosenau of the National Center for Science Education told The Huffington Post last month.

Assessing the remarkable controversy this bill has aroused speaks to just how upside-down and far-removed people really are when it comes to biblical knowledge. The sad truth is that this bill would not pass in the legislature of almost all of the other states–it certainly would be soundly rejected on the federal level!

Russia Takes a Stand…

Reported in Spiegel Online on April 6, 2012:

“For the first time, police in St. Petersburg, Russia, have made arrests on the strength of a new law banning the dissemination of information on homo-, bi- and transsexuality. Two men were arrested in the city center on Thursday after holding up a sign reading ‘Homosexuality Is Normal,’ according to the newswire Interfax.

“Russia’s second-largest city passed the controversial law on Feb. 29. The two men now face a possible maximum fine of 500,000 rubles (€12,800/$17,000). The maximum penalty is more than the average annual income in Russia.

“The law bans films, music videos, books and newspapers that contain homosexual content as well as the rainbow flag, which is a common symbol of gay pride. And the ban may soon no longer be limited to just St. Petersburg and other cities in Russia. At the end of March, Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party introduced a bill in the country’s parliament, the Duma, which would impose the ban at the national level.

“”We are trying to protect our society from homosexual propaganda,’ Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Russian radio three weeks ago.

“German Green Party parliamentarian Volker Beck — who, like German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, is openly gay — said the bill is a “hate law” and that Russia is on the ‘path to the Dark Ages.’ In the past, Beck has attended anti-homophobia rallies in Russia.

“Homophobia remains widespread in Russia, and it is an open secret in the country that many public figures have sought to hide their sexual preferences by entering into marriages of convenience. The Russian Orthodox Church views homosexuality as a sin, and it was only in 1999 that homosexuality was stricken from the list of mental illnesses in the country.

“Vitaly Milonov, the United Russia politician who is one of the initiators of the proposal for a nationwide ban in the Duma, accused the German band Rammstein of ‘gay propaganda’ earlier this spring. He also warned the American singer Madonna against transgressing the law at a planned summer concert. Madonna, for her part, has said she plans on defying it.”

In considering the preceding two articles, this profound indictment from God comes to mind: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

Pesticides and Bee Collapse

Wired Science wrote on April 4, 2012

“A controversial new study of honeybee deaths has deepened a bitter dispute over whether the developed world’s most popular pesticides are causing an ecological catastrophe.

“Researchers led by biologist Chensheng Lu of Harvard University report a direct link between hive health and dietary exposure to imidacloprid, a so-called neonicotinoid pesticide linked to colony collapse disorder, the mysterious and massive die-off of bees across North America and Europe.

“The study isn’t without critics, who say doses used in the study may be unrealistically high. But the level of a realistic dose is also a matter of controversy, and even critics say the findings are troubling.

“’Our result replicates colony collapse disorder as a result of pesticide exposures,’ said Lu, who specializes in environmental exposures to pesticides. “We need to look at our agriculture policy and see if what we’re doing now is sustainable.”

“Developed in the 1990s as a relatively less-toxic alternative to pesticides that seriously harmed human health, neonicotinoids soon became the world’s fastest-growing pesticide class and an integral part of industrial agricultural strategy. In the United States alone, neonicotinoid-treated corn now covers a total area slightly smaller than the state of Montana.

“Like earlier pesticides, neonicotinoids disrupt insects’ central nervous systems. But unlike earlier pesticides, which affected insects during and immediately after spraying, neonicotinoids spread through the vascular tissues of plants. They’re toxic through entire growing seasons, including flowering times when bees consume their pollen.

“The first reports of colony collapse disorder came in the mid-2000s from commercial beekeepers, who depending on region have experienced colony losses ranging from 30 to 90 percent. Commercial pollination costs have since skyrocketed, and as wild bees are also afflicted, even naturally occurring pollination is threatened.

“Measuring bee declines, however, proved much easier than explaining them. Among a lineup of potential culprits including fungus, mites, viruses, bacteria and pesticides, studies failed to find an obvious, smoking-gun cause — but, piece by piece, evidence against neonicotinoids has steadily accumulated…

“Some European countries, including France, Germany and Italy, have even banned neonicotinoids, though pesticide companies vehemently defend their ecological safety and say concerns are based on inconclusive and premature science.”

Continuing from the Wired Science article:

“Among Bayer’s (the chemical and pharmaceutical giant that manufactures imidacloprid) criticisms is that imidacloprid, a first-generation neonicotinoid, is little-used in the United States. It’s largely been replaced by newer formulations — but these, said pesticide expert Charles Benbrook of The Organic Center, an organic food research consultancy, are chemically similar to imidacloprid.’

“’Virtually all our corn seed has been treated with a very similar neonicotinoid,” said Benbrook. If the study had been conducted with clothianidin, another controversial neonicotinoid, ‘they’d almost certainly have found the same thing.’”

Our honey bees may just be the so-called “canary” in the mine shaft–for us! With mounting strange sicknesses and allergies, many people are beginning to question what they are eating and how their food is being prepared and brought to market.

This Week in the News

This week powerful earthquakes have once again occupied the news cycle. Strident views calling for “Islamization of life” are reported; Syria stays front and center for its neighbors as well as world leaders; Iran warns of terror responses to attacks on its nuclear program; Tennessee passes a surprising law, while  Russia creates controversy with its anti-gay enforcement; we conclude by quoting a frightening article that addresses bee colony collapse–which also reveals the questionable safety of the products we eat! 

Update 536

“Our Deliverer” and “We Are At War!”

On April 13, 2012, is the Last Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread with morning and afternoon services. In the morning, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Our Deliverer”: In the afternoon, Brian Gale will give the sermon, titled, “We Are At War!”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Pacific Time, respectively (which is 11:00 am Mountain Time; 12:00 pm Central Time; 1:00 pm Eastern Time for the morning service; and 3:00 pm Mountain Time; 4:00 pm Central Time; 5:00 pm Eastern Time for the afternoon service). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.


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by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

Not too long ago, I happened to come across a photograph on the Internet of an old friend of mine from nearly half a century ago! This old friend lived close to our family in the 1950’s and early 1960’s in the north-east of England. I only had one photograph of him in a group from long ago, but I could still visualise him in my mind’s eye. I first of all recognised his name and then could certainly see a big resemblance to someone I knew from the distant past. As he was presenting an award at a prestigious university, I did have a point of contact and, after a number of e-mails and telephone calls, his wife rang me and remembered me even though I could only recall meeting her once.

It got me to thinking about recognition and all that it entails. We can be recognised by our facial characteristics and by our voice (and maybe even our mannerisms), but what about being recognised by our behaviour? As we have been called by God, we are to be a light to the world, but would our behaviour give that impression to anyone who didn’t know about our Christian faith?

As someone once asked, “If we were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict us?” What if someone followed us around all week, what would they discover? Would we be showing the fruit of God’s Spirit? What would those who knew us well have to say? Would we pass the test? Or would we be shown as falling far short of that which was expected of us?

Recently, we kept the Passover and are now keeping the Days of Unleavened Bread, before which we should have undergone a time of personal examination. Were we diligent in that approach, and has it paid off with us being more recognisable as someone who does indeed follow the full instructions of the Bible and the teachings of Christ?

In a few weeks time, we will be celebrating another one of God’s Holy Days, the Feast of Pentecost (see Acts 2), when the Holy Spirit was given on that wonderful day nearly 2,000 years ago. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit will enable those who come into contact with us to recognise that we do behave differently from society and, that there is something different about us.

But, most importantly of all, God will recognise His own.

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This week powerful earthquakes have once again occupied the news cycle. Strident views calling for “Islamization of life” are reported; Syria stays front and center for its neighbors as well as world leaders; Iran warns of terror responses to attacks on its nuclear program; Tennessee passes a surprising law, while  Russia creates controversy with its anti-gay enforcement; we conclude by quoting a frightening article that addresses bee colony collapse–which also reveals the questionable safety of the products we eat! 

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More Powerful Earthquakes!

The Japan Times Online reported on April 12, 2012:

“Two powerful earthquakes struck off the western coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island on Wednesday, triggering tsunami alerts around the Indian Ocean.

“But the waves observed as of Wednesday night were minor, and there were no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage.

“Nevertheless, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said a tsunami watch was in effect around the entire Indian Ocean, including India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Somalia, Tanzania, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa.

“The center said that while it was not immediately known whether the strong temblor had generated massive waves, ‘earthquakes of this size have the potential to generate widespread destructive tsunami that can affect coastlines across the entire Indian Ocean basin’…

“Speaking to reporters soon after the first, 8.6-magnitude quake jolted Sumatra at 2:38 p.m., Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the country remained on alert but was unlikely to experience massive tsunami.

“The second temblor, with an estimated magnitude of 8.2, rocked Sumatra at 5:43 p.m., and Indonesia’s government immediately issued tsunami warnings for the five provinces along the island’s western coast.

“Reporters in Banda Aceh and the city of Lhokseumawe in North Aceh Regency said the earthquakes caused panic among locals, many of whom were seen fleeing their homes screaming in terror.”

Following the earthquake activity near Indonesia, a strong earthquake was experienced in Mexico and a lesser quake occurred off the Oregon coast–all within a twenty-four hour period:

USA Today wrote on April 11, 2012:

“A strong earthquake struck a sparsely populated area in the mountains of western Mexico on Wednesday, and caused tall buildings to sway more than 200 miles away in Mexico City. People evacuated some buildings in the capital, but the city government said helicopter flights detected no signs of damage.

“Authorities in Michoacan state, where the tremor was centered, also had no immediate reports of damage.

“The U.S. Geological Survey initially reported a preliminary reading of 7.0 magnitude for the quake, but later downgraded it to 6.5.

“A quake of that magnitude is capable of producing severe damage in an urban area, but this one occurred about 41 miles below the surface and a tremor’s power to cause damage is often dissipated when it is so deep.

“The USGS said the tremor was centered in Michoacan state 238 miles west-southwest of Mexico City and 88 miles northwest of the Pacific resort of Zihuantanejo.

“Manuel Ortiz Rosete, the Michoacan state civil protection director, said no damage had been reported in major cities and coastal communities of the state.

“Wednesday’s tremor was the latest in a series of strong shakes to hit Mexico City since a powerful 7.4-magnitude quake hit southern Mexico three weeks ago, but this was not an aftershock of that one , USGS geophysicist Dale Grant said.

“‘It’s a different earthquake. We are calling it an individual earthquake,’ Grant said. ‘There’s a potential for aftershocks.'”

Reuters published this additional report on April 11, 2012:

“A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Oregon on Wednesday and was followed a minute later by a smaller quake off the coast of central California, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

“The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quakes were unlikely to trigger a tsunami. The Oregon quake was initially reported as a magnitude 6.2 and the California one as a 5.3. Both were later downgraded.”

CNN reported on April 12, 2012:

“A pair of strong earthquakes rocked Mexico’s Gulf of California only minutes apart early Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
“The quakes — magnitude 6.9 and 6.2 — were centered about 85 miles northeast of Guerrero Negro in the Mexican state of Baja California, or 325 miles south-southwest of Phoenix in the United States. Both epicenters were shallow, a little more than six miles underground.
“No tsunami warnings were issued and there were no immediate reports of damage, but people as far north as Tucson, Arizona, reported feeling them.”

While people all over the earth now can receive virtually instantaneous reports of major occurrences such as these, the fact remains that those who are experiencing these events are living in terror! In speaking of the time that would signal the end of this age of human government and His imminent return, Jesus said, “‘And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven'” (Luke 21:11). One must consider, are we just getting better reporting, or are events such as those prophesied to occur by Jesus actually taking place in our time?

A Worldview From the Muslim Brotherhood…

The Jerusalem Post wrote on April 10, 2012:

“The Muslim Brotherhood’s main presidential candidate seeks to fundamentally Islamicize Egyptian society if elected, according to newly uncovered footage of an extended address he gave supporters last year shortly after his release from prison.

“Egyptian activists have transcribed Khairat al-Shater’s 90- minute address into English, offering a rare glimpse into the worldview of the normally tight-lipped candidate who is a front-runner in upcoming elections to lead the Arab world’s most populous state.”

The article continues with these quotations from Khairat al-Shater:

“’Everywhere, the Brothers are working to restore Islam in its all-encompassing conception to the lives of people,’ Shater says in the address. ‘Thus the mission is clear: restoring Islam in its all-encompassing conception, subjugating people to God, instituting the religion of God, the Islamization of life, empowering of God’s religion, establishing the renaissance of the ummah [worldwide Muslim nation] on the basis of Islam… Every aspect of life is to be Islamicized.

“’We call upon God Almighty to make this transformation the beginning of a new renaissance for the ummah and the shaking off of the state of backwardness from which it has suffered for decades,” ‘Shater says in the clip.” ‘As Muslim Brothers, it is imperative that we, as well as the entirety of the ummah, God willing, take advantage of this revolution which took place in Egypt and continues in the countries surrounding us.’”

Does Syria Matter to the U.S.?

On April 10, 2012, CNN published the following:

“In between taking care of their families, working and trying to keep up with everyday life, many Americans have caught at least a couple of stories about Syria. Many probably know that clashes between government forces and protesters who want the country’s president to relinquish power have become increasingly bloody over the past several months. Much of that violence has been represented in online videos, ostensibly that Syrians have posted, suggesting the slaughter of children and families.
“It’s horrible. No one would argue anything else. But there is violence in many corners of the world. Why should what’s happening in Syria be especially important to Americans? It’s clear a lot of people think it’s not. Several readers reacted to Tuesday’s top story on CNN about Syria by commenting: ‘Zzzzzz not our problem’ and ‘Anyone surprised? *yawn*.'”

The reporter of this article adds several very key reasons why the upheaval in Syria should and does matter to the United States. However, this conflict may be just one revolt too many for the U.S. to take on! The seemingly endless involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan; the hard feelings with Pakistan; the unwelcomed extremist turn of the Arab Spring; and any number of other misadventures is causing Americans to–more and more–not want national involvement as peace keepers for the world!

Will Syria Boil Over?

Reported in the Washington Post, April 9, 2012:

“Conflict in Syria burst into neighboring Lebanon and Turkey on Monday, with one Lebanese cameraman killed and at least four people injured in fighting on the Syria-Turkey border.

“The attacks, on the eve of a deadline under a fading U.N.-backed deal for ­Syrian troops to withdraw from cities and cease hostilities amid a widespread uprising, risked bringing the Syrian conflict to what the Turkish government called a ‘new stage.’”

Will Europe and America be Attacked?

WND.COM posted the follow article on April 4, 2012:

“Terror cells have been placed on high alert to attack targets in the United States and Europe should Iran’s nuclear facilities be attacked, a source in the Revolutionary Guards says.

“The terror cells in the U.S. are being coordinated by Quds Force personnel operating out of the Iranian Interests Section in Washington, the source says. Because Iran and the U.S. have no diplomatic relations, Iran’s Interests Section operates under the umbrella of the Pakistani embassy.
“’These cells work out of safe houses where ammunition and explosives are stored, each with an operational commander who reports back to Iran,’ the source says.
“Analysts in Iran believe Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, has provided two choices to the West: either accept a nuclear Iran or face all-out retaliation if its nuclear facilities are attacked.
“According to the source, who has served in the Guards’ intelligence apparatus, Iranian leaders have long prepared for an all-out confrontation with the West. The Guards’ commander, Hussein Babai, has openly stated that after the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war in Lebanon, Quds Force and Hezbollah terror cells began expanding in cities across Europe and America.”

The Bible Belt Takes a Stand…

Huffingtonpost.com reported on April 4, 2012:

‘A Tennessee bill meant to protect teachers who allow students to question and criticize ‘controversial’ subjects such as evolution and climate change became law on Tuesday after Gov. Bill Haslam (R) declined to act.
“The state legislature had sent the bill to Haslam earlier this month. He had until Tuesday to veto it, sign it or allow it to pass without his signature.
“Critics of the legislation have dubbed it the ‘Monkey Bill’ and charge that it is anti-science, backdoor approval of the teaching of religion in schools that reminds of the state’s history with the Scopes Trial.
“‘It would open the door to creationism, it would open the door to climate change denial, and to other sorts of pseudosciences being introduced into Tennessee classrooms,’ Josh Rosenau of the National Center for Science Education told The Huffington Post last month.

Assessing the remarkable controversy this bill has aroused speaks to just how upside-down and far-removed people really are when it comes to biblical knowledge. The sad truth is that this bill would not pass in the legislature of almost all of the other states–it certainly would be soundly rejected on the federal level!

Russia Takes a Stand…

Reported in Spiegel Online on April 6, 2012:

“For the first time, police in St. Petersburg, Russia, have made arrests on the strength of a new law banning the dissemination of information on homo-, bi- and transsexuality. Two men were arrested in the city center on Thursday after holding up a sign reading ‘Homosexuality Is Normal,’ according to the newswire Interfax.

“Russia’s second-largest city passed the controversial law on Feb. 29. The two men now face a possible maximum fine of 500,000 rubles (€12,800/$17,000). The maximum penalty is more than the average annual income in Russia.

“The law bans films, music videos, books and newspapers that contain homosexual content as well as the rainbow flag, which is a common symbol of gay pride. And the ban may soon no longer be limited to just St. Petersburg and other cities in Russia. At the end of March, Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party introduced a bill in the country’s parliament, the Duma, which would impose the ban at the national level.

“”We are trying to protect our society from homosexual propaganda,’ Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Russian radio three weeks ago.

“German Green Party parliamentarian Volker Beck — who, like German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, is openly gay — said the bill is a “hate law” and that Russia is on the ‘path to the Dark Ages.’ In the past, Beck has attended anti-homophobia rallies in Russia.

“Homophobia remains widespread in Russia, and it is an open secret in the country that many public figures have sought to hide their sexual preferences by entering into marriages of convenience. The Russian Orthodox Church views homosexuality as a sin, and it was only in 1999 that homosexuality was stricken from the list of mental illnesses in the country.

“Vitaly Milonov, the United Russia politician who is one of the initiators of the proposal for a nationwide ban in the Duma, accused the German band Rammstein of ‘gay propaganda’ earlier this spring. He also warned the American singer Madonna against transgressing the law at a planned summer concert. Madonna, for her part, has said she plans on defying it.”

In considering the preceding two articles, this profound indictment from God comes to mind: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

Pesticides and Bee Collapse

Wired Science wrote on April 4, 2012

“A controversial new study of honeybee deaths has deepened a bitter dispute over whether the developed world’s most popular pesticides are causing an ecological catastrophe.

“Researchers led by biologist Chensheng Lu of Harvard University report a direct link between hive health and dietary exposure to imidacloprid, a so-called neonicotinoid pesticide linked to colony collapse disorder, the mysterious and massive die-off of bees across North America and Europe.

“The study isn’t without critics, who say doses used in the study may be unrealistically high. But the level of a realistic dose is also a matter of controversy, and even critics say the findings are troubling.

“’Our result replicates colony collapse disorder as a result of pesticide exposures,’ said Lu, who specializes in environmental exposures to pesticides. “We need to look at our agriculture policy and see if what we’re doing now is sustainable.”

“Developed in the 1990s as a relatively less-toxic alternative to pesticides that seriously harmed human health, neonicotinoids soon became the world’s fastest-growing pesticide class and an integral part of industrial agricultural strategy. In the United States alone, neonicotinoid-treated corn now covers a total area slightly smaller than the state of Montana.

“Like earlier pesticides, neonicotinoids disrupt insects’ central nervous systems. But unlike earlier pesticides, which affected insects during and immediately after spraying, neonicotinoids spread through the vascular tissues of plants. They’re toxic through entire growing seasons, including flowering times when bees consume their pollen.

“The first reports of colony collapse disorder came in the mid-2000s from commercial beekeepers, who depending on region have experienced colony losses ranging from 30 to 90 percent. Commercial pollination costs have since skyrocketed, and as wild bees are also afflicted, even naturally occurring pollination is threatened.

“Measuring bee declines, however, proved much easier than explaining them. Among a lineup of potential culprits including fungus, mites, viruses, bacteria and pesticides, studies failed to find an obvious, smoking-gun cause — but, piece by piece, evidence against neonicotinoids has steadily accumulated…

“Some European countries, including France, Germany and Italy, have even banned neonicotinoids, though pesticide companies vehemently defend their ecological safety and say concerns are based on inconclusive and premature science.”

Continuing from the Wired Science article:

“Among Bayer’s (the chemical and pharmaceutical giant that manufactures imidacloprid) criticisms is that imidacloprid, a first-generation neonicotinoid, is little-used in the United States. It’s largely been replaced by newer formulations — but these, said pesticide expert Charles Benbrook of The Organic Center, an organic food research consultancy, are chemically similar to imidacloprid.’

“’Virtually all our corn seed has been treated with a very similar neonicotinoid,” said Benbrook. If the study had been conducted with clothianidin, another controversial neonicotinoid, ‘they’d almost certainly have found the same thing.’”

Our honey bees may just be the so-called “canary” in the mine shaft–for us! With mounting strange sicknesses and allergies, many people are beginning to question what they are eating and how their food is being prepared and brought to market.

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What does the Bible say about the future boundaries of the Promised Land?

After Christ has returned and freed the tribes of Israel from slavery, brought them into the Promised Land and begun the reinstitution of the temple service, He will allot the Promised Land to the twelve tribes. This will apparently occur during the remaining 3 ½ years of Christ’s ministry to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (compare our Q&A, “What will Jesus do after Satan has been banished?”).

Beginning with Ezekiel 47:13, and continuing until the end of chapter 48, we are introduced to the description of the borders by which the Promised Land will be divided as an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph will have two portions in his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh, who will each have a separate inheritance. The priestly tribe of Levi will receive a special area (Ezekiel 45:1-8; 48:8-14), but since Joseph’s inheritance is divided into two tribes to compensate for Levi, the number of twelve for the tribes will be maintained.

As the Nelson Study Bible and the Ryrie Study Bible explain, the tribes will not be arranged as they were historically under Joshua. A reason for this deviation is not expressly given, but some indications can be deduced, as explained below. To the north of the central district around Jerusalem, which will be set aside for religion and government, will be the seven tribes of Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben and Judah. To the south will be the remaining five tribes, i.e., Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon and Gad.

The Nelson Study Bible includes the following interesting comments:

“The tribes resulting from the offspring of Jacob and his wives’ servants are given lands farthest from the most holy areas…, while the descendants of Jacob’s wives occupy a central position… the tribe of Judah is most favored, for it produced the Davidic and messianic line…. Historically, the tribe of Dan had occupied the northern limits of the land… Its idolatry was well known—Jeroboam had placed a golden calf there… Benjamin like Judah is favored.”

Some, like Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, maintain that the boundaries of the Promised Land and the borders are different than they were under Joshua—that they will be much larger and more extensive, being similar to the borders and boundaries under David and Solomon—while others state that the boundaries “are substantially the same as those given by Moses in Nu[mbers] 34:1-29; they here begin with the north, but in Numbers they begin with the south (Nu[mbers] 34:3)” (compare Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary).

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible agrees, adding: “The borders of the land follow closely Numbers 34, where they begin from the south, as the people came up from Egypt; in Ezekiel, they begin from the north, as they might return from Babylon.”

The Ryrie Study Bible summarizes the boundaries in Ezekiel 47 in this way:

“The northern border of Israel’s land will run from the Mediterranean north of Tyre to a point near Damascus (vv. 15-17); the eastern border will be formed by the Jordan River and the Dead Sea (v. 18); the southern boundary will run from a little below the Dead Sea to the river of Egypt (v. 19… [Note that some commentaries feel that the reference to the “river of Egypt” is not identical with the Nile]); and the western border will be the Mediterranean. This particular area will be allotted to the Israelites for their residences, though apparently they will control all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates (cf. Gen. 15:18).”

Ezekiel 47:21-23 specifically adds that strangers who will join and live among the tribes of Israel, will also obtain the right of inheritance. That was not the case under Moses and Joshua, showing further distinctions between the original distribution of the Promised Land under Joshua and the future allotment of the Promised Land, as foreseen by the prophet Ezekiel.

We also read that there will be exits of the city of Jerusalem, and the gates of these exits will be named after the tribes of Israel. Note the following comments by the Nelson Study Bible:

“The northern gates are Reuben (the firstborn), Judah (the tribe of the messianic line), and Levi (the priestly tribe)—all descendants of Jacob and Leah [Jacob’s first wife, even though Jacob was tricked into this marriage by his uncle Laban]… On the eastern side the gates represent Joseph, Benjamin, and Dan. While the first two were children of Jacob and Rachel [Jacob’s second wife whom he really loved and wanted to get married to in the first place], the third [Dan] was the child of Jacob and Rachel’s servant Bilhah… South of the city, the three other offsprings of Jacob and Leah have gates named for them: Simeon, Issachar and Zebulon… The three western gates are named after Gad and Asher—the sons of Jacob and Leah’s maidservant Zilpah—and Naphtali—a son of Jacob and Bilhah.”

It is interesting to compare the physical description of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas with the spiritual or heavenly Jerusalem (in which there will be no Temple), as described in Revelation 21 and 22, which will descend to the earth after the Millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment and the Third Resurrection, when God will create a new heaven and a new earth, in which there will dwell righteousness. This will be the topic of a further Q&A.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Brian and Jill Gale will be returning to England on Monday, April 16, 2012. The Gales have spent several weeks in the United States in conjunction with our Church Conference and in helping in the Ramona congregation. Their visit has been a special highlight for the brethren here.

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Almost in Common

Shelly Bruno

While shopping before Passover last week, the checker asked me if I had any special recipes I was preparing. That is all he asked, but someone familiar with Passover traditions would know I wasn’t buying Matzos for just any reason. I knew exactly what he was referring to—the Passover Seder. I was quick to point out that I’m Christian and also observe Passover, but not in the same traditions the Jews do. I excitedly wanted to tell him what I do observe and celebrate, but in the 2 minutes that our paths crossed, there seemed little interest on his part. I was no longer Jewish to him, so our connection was lost.

Yet we almost had faith in common, at least it briefly seemed so. I couldn’t help but wonder as I walked away what it will be like when all people have true faith in common. I look forward to that glorious future! No longer will we encounter others and wonder how their traditions differ from ours—we will walk together and worship together. And depending on what the future holds, we might even buy Matzos together.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

A Balanced U.S. Budget–Maybe Never Again!

CNN.COM reported on March 29, 2012:

“The House has passed the Republican budget plan submitted by Rep. Paul Ryan, but some budget experts believe that [the] federal government is so far in the red that it may not balance the budget again in our lifetime.

“‘We may never, as a country, have a balanced budget again,’ said Marc Goldwein, policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. ‘And you know what? We don’t have to.’

“Goldwein is a bit of a budget wunderkind who was also a staffer for the Bowles-Simpson Commission, established by President Obama to address the nation’s fiscal problems, and for the congressional super committee. He and the nonpartisan think tank where he works used to push vehemently for a balanced budget.’

“But no longer. Now the bumper sticker hanging in his cubicle reads, “Stabilize the Debt”…

“The Ryan budget, despite its cuts and aggressive fiscal moves, does not balance the budget for at least 23 years, according to the House Budget Committee and the Congressional Budget Office.

“‘This just shows you how deep of a hole our country is in,’ Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the Budget Committee, said when asked about the 2035 budget balance date.”

This stunning admission reflects on a society that is “throwing in the towel” on all of the difficult issues–such as abortion, drug abuse, illegal immigration and now, even the future stability of the nation’s economy.

A Difficult Union

From Reuter’s, April 2, 2012:

“As the euro zone debt crisis forces the currency area to integrate more closely to survive, those outside the bloc but in the European Union are worried that they will be left as junior partners without a say.

“The euro zone’s response to its public debt crisis has created layers of new agreements and mechanisms that affect the EU’s 10 non-euro countries, who are shut out when deals are done and only learn later of the decisions of the 17.

“Strategies to bring all EU countries together on overarching economic issues have had unintended consequences by creating divisions because not everyone can agree, threatening efforts to implement policies to revive the region’s depressed economies…

“Many EU officials concede that things are getting unwieldy, even for experts who struggle to decipher the structures intended to unify the EU’s 500 million citizens.

“‘We are building a fiscal union in a complicated way,’ Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said of the euro zone at a gathering of students in Copenhagen.”

The article concludes:

“But if an overarching integration strategy emerges, it must also go beyond monetary and economic affairs.

“‘The concurrent circles in the EU will always differ according to the subject,’ said Karel Lannoo of the Brussels-based Centre for European Policy Studies. ‘Today economic policy is most important, but tomorrow it may be defense.'”

The European Union IS uniting in spite of its difficulties! Our free booklet, “Europe In Prophecy–The Unfolding of End-Time Events“, gives real understanding about what is forming on the European continent and how that emerging super-power will change the world as we know it!

French Election Targets Immigrants

The Globe and Mail published on March 30, 2012:

“’There is an obsession with immigrants in this election,’ said Ms. Ghali, one of only three Arab members of France’s senate, ‘but there’s no talk, even within my own party, of doing anything to help them. All we have is an increase in tension directed at Muslims.’
“That’s because the tightly-fought presidential election, with the first round set for April 22, was upended last week when one of France’s young Arabs, Mohammed Merah of Toulouse, murdered seven people, including three Jewish children, in a calculated series of terror acts. In the week since Mr. Merah was killed in a standoff with police, President Nicolas Sarkozy made speeches across the country calling for restrictions on legal immigration, laws to make it illegal to browse Islamist websites or visit training camps, and for tougher policing and more deportations. He famously said, on the day of Mr. Merah’s first killing, that there were ‘too many foreigners’ in France…

“But on the campaign trail, he is also adopting some of the language of Marine Le Pen, the head of the ultra-right-wing National Front, a party with a history of Holocaust denial and an absolute opposition to immigration. Ms. Le Pen seized on the Merah killings, asking in a speech this week, ‘How many Mohammed Merahs are arriving on boats and planes each day, filling France with immigrants? How many Mohammed Merahs are among the children of our immigrants?'”
The bottom line is that the most recent terrorist attack inside of France has fueled a resurgence for Mr. Sarkozy in his attempt for re-election–all at the cost of inflaming the extreme left and far right contingents seeking to govern the nation.

The Next President of Egypt?

CNN.COM reported the following on April 2, 2012:

“The political arm of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has announced plans to run one of its leaders in the country’s presidential elections in May, reversing an earlier pledge to stay out of the race.

“The once-banned Islamist movement will be represented by Khairat al-Shater, a longtime financial backer, the Brotherhood announced over the weekend. Al-Shater has resigned from his post as deputy chairman to join the already crowded field of presidential candidates, the group said.

“The jail terms he served under ex-Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak had been an obstacle that would have kept him off the ballot. But the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which took power after the 2011 uprising that toppled Mubarak, pardoned him Sunday, his lawyer, Abdel Moneim Abdel Maqsood, told CNN.

“The Muslim Brotherhood has pledged repeatedly that it would not field a presidential candidate. But candidates from its political arm, the Freedom and Justice party, won the largest share of seats in Egypt’s parliamentary elections in December. And Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie said Saturday the new Egypt ‘is under a serious threat’ because its current, military-led government ‘has failed to represent the will of the people.'”

As we have learned in the United States, elections do have consequences, and so will, it appears, the Arab Spring.

Nuclear Israel–A Threat…

Haaretz.com reported on April 5, 2012:

“German Nobel literature laureate Guenter Grass published a poem Wednesday in which he said that Israel’s nuclear program is a threat to world peace.

“In his poem, the 85-year-old author claims that Israel’s nuclear reactor – and not Iran’s – presents a threat to world peace. Grass’ poem calls for Germany to cease supplying Israel with submarines, and warns against an Israeli strike on Iran.

“The poem, entitled ‘What must be said,’ will be published on Wednesday in the Deutsche Zeitung and La Republica. In the poem, Grass writes that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a ‘big mouth,’ and that the intentions of the Iranian nuclear program are not proven.

“The poem drew sharp criticism in Germany, Israel and among Jewish organizations. The Israeli embassy in Germany said that the poem was in line with the ‘tradition of blood libel ahead of Passover.'”

Nationalpost.com adds on April 4, 2012:

“German Nobel literature laureate Gunter Grass touched off a firestorm of protest Wednesday with a poem accusing Israel of plotting Iran’s annihilation and threatening world peace…

“Mr. Grass, author of the renowned anti-war novel The Tin Drum, shocked his admirers in 2006 when he admitted, six decades after World War II, that he had been a member of the notorious Waffen SS — a revelation that severely undermined his until then substantial moral authority in Germany.
“The country’s most influential media commentators were unanimous in their criticism. The website of news weekly Der Spiegel wrote, ‘Never before in the history of the republic has a prominent intellectual waged a battle against Israel in such a cliche-ed way.’”

Israel Teams With Azerbaijan

The Algemeiner reported on April 5, 2012:

“Much has been made of Mark Perry’s recent piece in Foreign Policy Magazine, which claims that Israel has been given access to at least one Azerbaijan airfield for use during a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.  Azerbaijan borders Iran to the north, which would allow Israeli planes to refuel on the ground instead of in the air.
“Israeli-Azeri relations have developed rapidly s’nce Azerbaijan’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. This is mainly due to both countries recognizing “Iran as a major, even existential security threat’. According to Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev, his country’s relationship with Israel is ‘nine-tenths … below the surface”…

“According to four anonymous U.S. senior diplomats and military intelligence officers, Israel now has access to Azeri airfields. The Sitalcay airstrip is considered to be suitable for Israeli aircraft due to its distance from Azerbaijan’s capital and its existing facilities. Israel may also have “electronic listening stations” along the border with Iran.
“Although Azerbaijan’s defense minister refused to allow any attack to be launched on Iran from Azerbaijan, he ‘did not explicitly bar Israeli bombers from landing in the country after a strike’ or ‘…rule out the basing of Israeli search-and-rescue units in the country.’”

North Korea Continues to Taunt

BBC.CO.UK reported on March 30, 2012:

“Japan says it will shoot down a North Korean rocket if necessary, as new satellite images appeared to show preparations for the launch next month.

“Defence Minister Naoki Tanaka issued the order to intercept the rocket if it threatened Japan’s territory.

“Pyongyang says it will launch a satellite on a rocket between 12-16 April.

“Satellite images taken on Wednesday indicate that work at the launch site is under way, says a US university.

“Mr Tanaka had issued an earlier order on Tuesday to the country’s defence forces to prepare ‘destruction measures against ballistic missiles’.

“On Friday, he told reporters in Tokyo that he had received cabinet approval to shoot down the rocket if necessary.

“The country began preparing missile defence systems last week.”

Also, from The Telegraph, April 3, 2012:

“Reconnaissance satellites have identified the huge missile at a government research and development facility in Pyongyang, South Korean government sources told the Chosun Ilbo newspaper.
“Analysts estimate the weapon to be around 130 feet long and, equipped with a more powerful booster unit, capable of delivering a warhead more than 6,200 miles.
“Unveiling the missile will raise new fears in neighbouring countries, already alarmed by Pyongyang’s insistence that it will go ahead with the launch in mid-April of a rocket to put a satellite into orbit…
“Tokyo is taking the threat posed by the planned launch of the North Korean rocket, announced for between April 12 and 16, seriously and is sending 450 troops to the southern island of Ishigaki to man Patriot Advanced Capability-3 interceptor missiles.
“The Japanese government has stated that it will shoot down the rocket if it threatens Japanese territory.
“Tokyo is also deploying state-of-the-art Aegis warships in the East China Sea to monitor the launch. The vessels will be protected by F-15 fighters.”

A Catholic Revival in Cuba

Caribbean 360 wrote on April 3, 2012:

“Good Friday, April 6, will be celebrated as a public holiday in Cuba for the first time since the early days of the 1959 Cuban Revolution when Fidel Castro abolished religious holidays in that country.

“This follows President Raul Castro’s granting of a request by Pope Benedict XVI during the pontiff’s three-day visit to Cuba last week.

“The government said in a communiqué that the decision was made in view of the success of Benedict’s ‘transcendental visit’, adding that the Council of Ministers, Cuba’s supreme governing body, will later determine whether to make Good Friday a permanent holiday.

“Havana’s Cardinal Jaime Ortega referred to Benedict’s visit as a ‘Springtime of faith’.  It came 14 years after Pope John Paul II’s groundbreaking trip in 1998, which many Cubans say was the beginning of the thaw in church-state relations.  During this visit, then President Fidel Castro honoured John Paul’s request to restore Christmas as a public holiday.

“While Fidel Castro received the pope warmly in 1998, his brother and current president Raul Castro was even more attentive on this latest papal visit, attending the two Masses celebrated by Benedict, seated in the front row.

“’The fact that the Cuban authorities quickly welcomed the Holy Father’s request to President Raul Castro, declaring Good Friday a non-work day, is certainly a very positive sign,’ said Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi in a statement.

“’The Holy See hopes that this will encourage participation in the religious celebrations and joyous Easter festivities, and that following the visit of the Holy Father will continue to bring the desired fruits for the good of the church and all Cubans,’ he added.”

On April 4, 2012, the Catholic News Service posted these summary comments given by Pope Benedict XVI regarding his visit to both Mexico and Cuba:

“‘I encouraged the Mexican people to let their deep Christian roots inspire their efforts to overcome violence and to work for a better future,’ he said.

“And in Cuba, ‘I prayed for a rebirth of faith, openness to God’s love and respect for the truth about our human dignity and freedom revealed in Christ,’ he said.”

Admittedly, this current pope has not seen the popularity of his predecessor, John Paul II; however, Benedict’s reception in Mexico and his impact on Cuban society have been significant. With a strong Catholic revival of former Communist bloc nations, Catholicism is gaining a renewed influence in both the religious and political realms.

This Week in the News

We open with a report on the dismal outlook for the U.S. being able to budget itself–ever! The ongoing struggles to unify the EU remain in the headlines; Immigrants in France become political fodder; The Muslim Brotherhood backtracks and will run a candidate for president of Egypt; Israel makes news as it is accused of threatening world peace–and revelations about its strategic relationship with Azerbaijan are published; Korea rattles its neighbors; and the papal visits to both Mexico and Cuba bear fruit–for Catholicism.

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