Current Events

Total Martial Law in the USA?

On December 18, the Drudge Report posted several articles which appeared in The following was pointed out:

“Leading GOP candidate Ron Paul has warned in recent interviews that the amendments passed in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) are not only dangerous, but authorize the establishment of total martial law inside the United States. Not only does the bill, in sections 1031 and 1032, declare the unconstitutional right to detain Americans indefinitely without trial, but it authorizes an Internet offensive and online Pentagon takeover under the pretext of cybersecurity and stopping online piracy…

“Real preparations for martial law and WWIII have taken place– including recent calls to staff emergency detention camps ready for use if an national emergency is signaled over civil unrest and a takeover goes red hot… various emergency provisions have long worked in conjunction to build a framework for martial law takeover inside America… from TSA at the airports, to highway checkpoints and now, the claimed power to indefinitely detain anyone the feds view as a threat to national security…

“Now, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and portions of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) have openly declared ‘offensive war’ on the Internet, implementing Pentagon censors & spies and instituting a Kill Switch to selectively shut down content on the basis of suspicion or accusation, without a vehicle for recourse, appeal or the burden of proof…”

These are indeed frightening developments. But there is even more! The following articles show that the tendencies can be clearly seen (if we have eyes to see) of attempting to abrogate individual freedom and liberty, and to place EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN AT RISK.

US Democracy Being Destroyed?

The Business Insider published the following article on December 14, under the headline, “American Democracy: 1776-2011.”

The article stated:

“It turns out that destroying the American democratic republic was easy to accomplish, historians will write someday. Simply get the three major cable news networks to blather on about useless [“information”] for a few days, while legislators meet in secret behind closed doors to rush through the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), and its evil twin sister, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which is a clever name for an Internet censorship bill straight out of an Orwellian nightmare.

“Sure, some independent media web sites and Jon Stewart warned us about this. Ron Paul & Son warned us about this. Amnesty International and the ACLU have been screaming from the rooftops… But the American people let it happen, because the vast majority of us simply didn’t find out in time. And now President Obama’s advisers are saying he is withdrawing his veto threat against NDAA, so it will become law. As will SOPA…

“I have no idea why an American media blackout on NDAA is still in effect — Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews, Bill O’Reilly and the other broadcast ‘journalists’ have been disgustingly silent on what is undoubtedly the most important news story of the past decade. The single most important news story since September 11th, 2001.

“Combined, NDAA and SOPA simply destroy American democracy. That isn’t hype. That isn’t exaggeration. Within a few days, your freedom of speech will be gone — post something controversial online, and the government can legally ‘disappear’ it.

“Annoy the government too much, or criticize Congress’ infinite wisdom and mercy, and you may find yourself in military prison for the remainder of your life, without access to a trial or attorney. Even if you’re an American citizen on US soil.

“This is a brave new world. Watch what you say. Be mindful of who you associate with. You may criticize your government within the privacy of your own home, amongst close family or friends, but do not post negative comments online. Do not assemble. Do not protest. Do not agitate. Do not give ‘comfort’ to the ‘enemy.’

“This is a sad day for all of us… it turns out democracy was attacked from within, the historians will write someday. We didn’t even see it coming.”

The Examiner added on December 15:

“The National Defence Authorization Bill 2012 (NDAA FY2012)… contains language allowing the Pentagon to wage cyberwar on domestic enemies of the state, a human and civil rights violation of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, as reported by MSNBC Wednesday, potentially impacting both Occupy movement and Tea Party participants plus independent news reporters and whistleblowers exposing government corruption…

“On December 5, Forbes reported, ‘If Obama does one thing for the remainder of his presidency let it be a veto of the National Defense Authorization Act, a law that would place domestic terror investigations and interrogations into the hands of the military and which would open the door for trial-free, indefinite detention of anyone, including American citizens, so long as the government calls them terrorists.’

“Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said about NDAA FY2012 that it ‘denigrates the very foundations of this country.’ Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) [son of Ron Paul] has repeatedly said that NDAA FY2012 ‘puts every single American citizen at risk.’”

SOPA Endangers Our Freedom

Roll Call wrote on December 14 (The article was posted on the Drudge Report’s website on December 21):

“The legislation that campaigns across the country should be concerned about is the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)…

“Imagine you are running for Congress in a competitive House district. You give a strong interview to a local morning news show and your campaign posts the clip on your website. When your opponent’s campaign sees the video, it decides to play hardball and sends a notice to your Internet service provider alerting them to what it [deems] ‘infringing content.’ It doesn’t matter if the content is actually pirated. The ISP has five days to pull down your website and the offending clip or be sued. If you don’t take the video down, even if you believe that the content is protected under fair use, your website goes dark.

“The ability of any entity to file an infringement notice is one of SOPA’s biggest problems. It creates an unprecedented ‘private right of action’ that would allow a private party, without any involvement by a court, to effectively shut down a website…

“Another damaging aspect of SOPA is the increased liability the bill would place on ISPs and search engines. SOPA effectively guts the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s safe harbors — one of the big reasons companies such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter weren’t crushed in their early days by harassing lawsuits. Without these safe harbors, the risk of frivolous lawsuits greatly increases…

“By creating legislation that allows sites to be shut down at will, with limited recourse available to the sites’ owners, SOPA greatly threatens the democratizing tool the Internet has become. With the Internet playing an ever increasing role in the political process, the powers the bill creates could be greatly abused by those wishing to silence their opponents. Political campaigns and anyone interested in an open political process should be greatly concerned about the regulations SOPA creates and the freedoms it restricts…”

For more information, please make sure to view (and circulate) our recent StandingWatch program, “Destruction of US Democracy?” 

US Politics Galore—and We All May Have to Pay!

The Washington Times wrote on December 20:

“The House officially voted Tuesday to start negotiations with the Senate on the payroll-tax fight — but Senate Democrats have said they won’t cancel their vacation to conduct the talks, leaving an impasse that could mean an average $1,000 tax increase on 160 million taxpayers in the new year… the House on Tuesday officially sent [the Senate] bill back to the Senate, which means, according to legislative rules, the Senate has to act next, and the House cannot take up the Senate’s proposal anymore…

“The House has passed a one-year extension of the current 2 percent payroll-tax cut, along with a two-year extension of full payments to doctors who take Medicare patients and another round of unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. But the Senate, which couldn’t agree on a long-term extension, instead passed a two-month bill last week, arguing it gave all sides breathing room to keep trying for a longer-term deal. The White House has endorsed the Senate compromise.”

America’s Downfall

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 16:

“The US has officially declared the war in Iraq to be over with a flag-casing ceremony in Baghdad. President Barack Obama said that America was leaving behind a ‘sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.’ German commentators ask if the conflict, which lasted almost nine years, was worth the toll… Many in America and elsewhere will continue to ask, however, if freeing Iraq from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein was worth the high cost of the war. The conflict, which began in March 2003 with a ‘shock and awe’ assault on Baghdad, left almost 4,500 Americans and over 100,000 Iraqis dead. Around 30,000 American soldiers were wounded, many of them permanently maimed as a result of the notorious improvised explosive devices (IEDs) which were used against coalition forces. Today, the country is still racked by religious conflict, and there are fears that sectarian violence could flare up again. The country’s political structures are weak and Iran continues to exert influence…

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘Even nearly nine years after the events, it is hard to contain the outrage that boils up when one remembers the fabricated justification for the war and the way the conflict proceeded. On the contrary, the distance to the events makes it even clearer how George W. Bush vacillated in his justification for the war and how he combined weapons of mass destruction, al-Qaida terror and the dictatorship into a single threatening brew. The politically twisted logic behind the invasion was coupled with a botched military strategy that laid the ground for an orgy of violence and hatred…

“‘America’s current decline is the logical consequence of the over-extension that was visible everywhere in the early 2000s, including its military strength, bloated budgets and promises of growth, its foreign policy ambitions and the verbal radicalism which ultimately promised to forcefully create democracy at gunpoint. With this form of extremism, America betrayed its own best ideals. And in the process the country lost its natural attraction, which historically had repeatedly given hope to freedom-seekers and those fleeing persecution.’

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘Every American schoolchild knows today that George W. Bush’s mission has not been accomplished. Iraq has not become the democracy that the neo-cons dreamed of, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein did not lead to democratization in the region and the regime in Tehran has not been weakened. On the contrary, Iran has more influence than ever in Iraq. And what about the people who were liberated? For them, life eight years after the start of the war is still dangerous. Everyday life, characterized by shortages of water and electricity, abuses of power by the police and the threat of attacks, is unspeakably difficult… the country that American troops are now leaving is not the ‘sovereign and stable’ nation that Obama spoke of in his speech at Fort Bragg. The US troops may indeed have conquered Baghdad in three weeks, but after eight years of occupation, they have still not won in Iraq.’

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘The last nine years of the American presence in Iraq is further proof that the political balance of power within a country cannot be changed by an external military intervention. What the US experienced in Iraq, Israel also experienced in the war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. One can only hope that both have learned their lesson before they start planning military operations against Iran… With its interference in Iraq, the US did lasting damage to the concept of democratization…’”

We should especially take note of the statements that America is in decline, and that the USA did NOT win the war in Iraq. The sad truth is that America did not win any war for a long time, and that it will NOT win any future wars. The Church of God began to proclaim this FACT over 40 years ago; it has been established and confirmed to be the absolute truth; and it will remain to be true. See also our other articles on Iraq in this issue.

“America On Its Deathbed”

In his December 6, 2011 newsletter, Gerald Celente, Founder and Director of The Trends Research Institute, wrote the following about the USA:

“Be it healthcare, education, longevity or working longer and vacationing less, the world’s former quality-of-life leader no longer wins, places or shows. In a blink of the calendrical eye, the United States of America had gone from first world to borderline third world…

“A record 47 million Americans – one of every six people… are impoverished, according to government statistics. If you take into account those who are teetering on the edge of poverty, that figure almost doubles. This means nearly one-third of the American populace is struggling to achieve what they once considered their inalienable rights – putting food on their tables, gas in their cars, and heat in their homes… nearly one-quarter of all American children are living in poverty… as we enter a national election year, no candidate… speaks directly of a nation in decline. Even as the country piles up more and more debt, the Washington Beltway is gridlocked …

“On the economic front, the trend towards wealth concentration… continues. The richest 1 percent of Americans now owns 70 percent of all financial assets. Even the November 2011 ‘drop’ in unemployment to a two-year low of 8.5 percent meant virtually nothing. The rate doesn’t consider the new class of people that the Bush/Obama Administrations have created – the millions of permanently unemployed Americans who have been down so low so long they’ve stopped looking for work and aren’t even counted as unemployed…

“In the decade since 9/11, under the guise of protecting its citizens from terrorism, the government has steadily abrogated individual rights, compromising the very liberties it pretends to preserve. As thousands of protestors occupied Wall Street and Main Streets across America, police department cameras recorded their every step. In New York City alone, more than 4,000 cameras monitored the marching, chanting throngs. Banks – which now charge us to hold and spend our money  – watch our every financial move… America has become a country of fear, not freedom…”

These statements are very true. No politician—regardless of what party he or she might belong to, or whether he or she might run as an “independent”– will be able to reverse the trend of America’s downfall. Our false hope in human accomplishments, while forgetting to give glory to and rely on God, awaits a rude awakening. The sooner we understand as to where our real hope and strength lie, the better it will be for us.

Pakistan Attack–Washington Admits Mistakes, but Does Not Apologize

The Washington Times wrote on December 22:

“An investigation into a NATO attack that killed 24 Pakistani troops last month near the Afghan border has concluded that a combination of mistrust and bad maps led to the airstrikes on two Pakistani outposts… It’s unclear whether the report, which says mistakes were made on both sides, will reduce the tension between Pakistan and the U.S. over the incident. The Pakistani army has said its troops did nothing wrong and claimed the attack was a deliberate act of aggression.

“A statement issued by the U.S. Department of Defense did not apologize for the attack, as the Pakistanis have demanded, and instead defended the actions of American forces… Since the Nov. 26 attack, a furious Pakistani government has shut down NATO supply routes to Afghanistan and thrown the U.S. out of its Shamsi Air Base in southwestern Baluchistan province…”

Euro Permanent and Irreversible

The EUobserver wrote on December 19:

“The euro is ‘irreversible’ and will overcome the crisis, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi said in his first appearance in front of the European Parliament’s economics committee on Monday (19 December), while making the case for austerity and fiscal discipline… the ECB chief said he has ‘no doubt in the strength, permanence and irreversibility of the euro,’ dismissing as ‘morbid speculation’ any eurozone break-up scenarios…”

German Economy Defying European Gloom

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 20:

“German companies and consumers are upbeat about the future, according to economic surveys released on Tuesday. They show that Europe’s largest economy has remained resilient in the face of the euro crisis… The index increased to 107.2 points from 106.6… surprising economists who had on average predicted a decline… There have been increasing signs that the euro zone as a whole, including France, its second largest economy, will slide into recession in 2012.

“But Germany, thanks to its broad industrial base and strong exports to countries outside the euro zone, especially emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil, will weather the storm, economists said… Another positive surprise came earlier on Tuesday with the release of the December consumer climate index from market research institute GfK, which showed the first rise in economic expectations in five months.”

Savior or Destroyer?

On December 20, The Local published the following English translation of a German editorial, which originally appeared in Die Zeit:

“Who is to blame for the split? Is it Cameron, who insisted that special rules must apply to Britain’s financial sector – or is it Merkel, who put the subject of a treaty change on the table in the first place? At any rate, it’s Cameron who came off worst, since he is now isolated in Europe, without having gained anything for his country’s interests. Knowing Merkel, an adept player of power games, she will have planned for such an eventuality. She and Sarkozy had a good argument on their side: as the French president said, we cannot agree stricter rules for the eurozone and then allow Britain room to deregulate its financial sector.

“But this success has not come cheap. The impression that 22 states stand firmly at Germany’s side is false. Most other heads of state are following Merkel with little enthusiasm – not out of conviction, but because they know that no solution to the debt crisis is possible without Germany. Even those that support the German vision of more budget discipline are unsure whether this is the right time or the right path to take.

“The eurozone states will now agree a new contract that will exist alongside current EU law… [Either] Merkel will go down in history as the saviour of the euro [or…] as the one who divided Europe.”

And there may be a third—and more likely–alternative: The German Chancellor will be remembered as both.

Britain Resists…

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 20:

“EU finance ministers wanted to raise 200 billion euros to boost the International Monetary Fund’s firepower in the euro crisis, but they only raised 150 billion on Monday, largely due to resistance from Britain… the United Kingdom refused, at least for the time being, to contribute its share of around €25 billion.

“Following a conference call, the ministers said in a statement that the Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland and Sweden, which are in the EU but not in the euro zone, would also grant loans to the International Monetary Fund to help rescue the currency. But the EU said those countries must first win parliamentary approval…

“Meanwhile, the German newspaper Die Welt reported on Tuesday that Germany will probably have to pay €8.6 billion, twice as much as originally planned, into the European Stability Mechanism in 2012. The newspaper cited an unnamed high-ranking member of government as its source. The first German tranche for the fund was to have been €4.3 billion, and would not have been due until 2013. But the decision to launch the ESM will force Berlin to make its contribution sooner.”

This won’t make the Germans happy, and they will blame Britain for it…

Britain’s Isolation Could Prove Costly

The Daily Mail wrote on December 20:

“A senior Church of England bishop warned yesterday against British isolation from Europe. The Bishop of Guildford…,Christopher Hill, who speaks for his colleagues on EU matters in the House of Lords, said: ‘It will be disastrous if we were actually isolated from the rest of Europe, economically and in terms of international relations.’ He added: ‘The structures need reform and accountability, but you don’t do that by stepping out.’

“Business leaders claim millions of British jobs will be lost if the country does not fight to keep its place as a key player in Europe. A group of tycoons and entrepreneurs, including Sir Richard Branson, have written an open letter to the Government urging David Cameron to ‘re-engage in the decision-making process in Europe’. Signatories say at least three million could find themselves unemployed if Britain continues to isolate itself from the EU.

“Co-ordinated by the lobby group Business for New Europe, the letter will put extra pressure on Mr Cameron at a time when he stands accused of trying to appease Europhile party members.”

Widening Gap Between Britain and Brussels

The EUobserver wrote on December 21:

“The British government has blamed the euro for ratings agency [Moody’s] worries on its triple-A status amid a widening political gap between Brussels and London. A UK treasury spokesman told newswires on Tuesday… that exposure to the eurozone is the main reason why Moody’s earlier the same day warned that Britain’s top-level grade faces ‘formidable and rising challenges.’ The spokesman said: ‘The UK is not immune to the problems facing our trading partners in the euro area; the crisis is having a chilling effect across Europe…’ The Moody’s report noted ‘that no EU sovereign rating can be considered immune to this crisis.’ But it cited internal UK problems as the main cause of concern.”

Britain’s Mounting Distrust of Germany

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 19:

“In Britain, distrust of Europe goes hand-in-hand with distrust of Germany. Relations between the two countries have cooled following the furore caused by the latest EU summit, and British euroskeptics are once again resorting to old stereotypes…

“The English Channel has suddenly become wider, deeper and foggier once again. The London-based Daily Telegraph newspaper has warned its readers against what it calls Berlin’s blatant effort to dominate Europe and already sees ‘a new era of Anglo-German antagonism’ on the horizon… The headline ‘Welcome to the Fourth Reich’ in the high-circulation Daily Mail summarized the German-French plans to rescue the monetary union. In another story, the paper wrote: ‘What we are witnessing is the economic colonisation of Europe by stealth by the Germans.’…

“The anti-German rhetoric was particularly strong after German reunification, which then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, nicknamed ‘the Iron Lady,’ sought to prevent. Even the levelheaded Economist warned against what it believed to be the threat of a German nuclear bomb. In 1990, Thatcher invited leading British historians to a conference at Chequers to analyze the dangerous German national character…

“For the British, the fact that the Germans, with their renowned engineering prowess, still produce goods and sell them around the world is a wistful reminder of their own days as major exporters during the Victorian age… The Indians bought Jaguar a few years ago, Rolls-Royce is now part of BMW, Volkswagen owns Bentley, and once-proud brands like Triumph, Austin and Vickers no longer exist. Even the colorful candies known as ‘Smarties’ haven’t been produced in York, where they were invented, for the last five years. All European production has now been moved to Germany…

“So a new ice age has set in for the time being. Many Britons have noticed that ‘suddenly German is being spoken in Europe,’ following the undiplomatic words of Volker Kauder, the parliamentary floor leader of Germany’s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU). They’ve also noticed that there are Germans who already anticipate ‘Britain’s departure from the EU,’ as SPD parliamentary leader Frank-Walter Steinmeier said. And Merkel’s statement that ‘no country, no financial center and no financial product can be unsupervised from now on’ was certainly understood in London just the way it was meant. Even before the Brussels summit, politicians in Berlin knew that there would be no compromise with the Tory government in London.”

We should be able to see more and more the veracity of the prophesied fact that Europe and Great Britain will finally turn out to be real enemies. Europe is moving ahead without Britain, and Britain’s isolation is rapidly manifesting itself. Please note also the next article.

New European Treaty Between Just Nine Initial Countries?

The EUobserver wrote on December 16:

“The first draft of a new treaty meant to tighten economic governance in eurozone countries was circulated Friday (16 December) with the aim to have the text finalised by January and coming into force once nine countries have ratified it. The ratification threshold would allow the treaty to go into place even if some euro states – such as Ireland which may have to hold a referendum – are having problems getting domestic approval.

“A euro country that rejected the treaty after it had already come into place will not be bound by it. Non-euro countries, who agree to sign up to the treaty, will be bound by the agreement as soon as they take on the single currency, but can put in place some of the details immediately…

“Following the UK’s refusal to allow full-blown treaty change, the pact is an intergovernmental treaty for the 17 euro states plus up to nine of the non-euro countries who have all indicated they will attempt to come on board. But in a bid to draw a line under the potentially damaging rift between London and the rest of member states, all 27 countries will be at the negotiation table, although London will only have observer status…”

We should be able to recognize the long-prophesied development of a core Europe or a Europe of two speeds.

Europe Meddles and Condemns

Haaretz wrote on December 20:

“The four European Union members of the UN Security Council on Tuesday strongly criticized Israel’s decision to speed up construction of settlements, which they termed a ‘wholly negative’ development. The ambassadors from Britain, France, Germany and Portugal issued a joint statement branding the Israeli settlements in Palestinian occupied territories and East Jerusalem as illegal under international law. ‘We call on the Israeli government to reverse these steps,’ the statement said. ‘The viability of the Palestinian state that we want to see and the two-state solution that is essential for Israel’s long-term security are threatened by the systematic and deliberate expansion of settlements’…

“Israel’s UN ambassador Ron Prosor responded by saying on Tuesday that ‘while innocent citizens are being slaughtered in Syria, terrorist elements are operating freely in Gaza, UN forces are attacked in Lebanon and Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon – the Security Council is silent and paralyzed.’ He added that ‘the main obstacle to peace was and remains the Palestinians’ demand to the right of return, and not recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.’”

European Intervention in Egypt?

Al Arabiya News reported on December 19:

“The fire that broke out in a Cairo library that houses thousands of rare documents raised concerns over the government’s and the army’s ability to protect historic sites at times of upheaval and drove several experts to warn of a possible intervention by foreign entities to preserve the heritage at risk…

“Haggag Ibrahim, deputy chairman of the Association for the Preservation of Heritage and member of the Higher Commission for Museums, labeled those involved in setting the Scientific Complex on fire ‘the new Tatars’ who want to erase all aspects of culture in the country. ‘Those are the grandchildren of the Tatars who burned the library of Baghdad when they invaded the Muslim world,’ he told Al Arabiya.

“According to Ibrahim, UNESCO is now capable of placing historic sites in Egypt under international protection since Egyptians proved unable to do so themselves. ‘Some countries like France might take this initiative.’…

“Nasser Amin, legal expert and member of the National Council for Human Rights, differed. ‘The UNESCO doesn’t have the right to impose international protection on a sovereign country because one historic establishment was subjected to an act of sabotage,’ he said. Amin explained that international protection on cultural heritage is imposed only if the country in which the sites are located is in a state of war or engaged in other types of armed conflict…

“A professor of archeology, Mamdouh al-Masry, held the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces (SCAF) accountable for failing to contain the fire and arrest the culprits… The fact that the fire targeted the Scientific Complex and maps of Egypt’s borders in particular raises a lot of questions about a possible conspiracy, according to Masry… Egyptian archeology professor Ayman Hassan al-Dahshan agreed that a conspiracy is involved in the library fire…”

The concern of Egyptians regarding a European intervention is remarkable. We know from Scripture that finally, a United States of Europe WILL intervene and occupy Egypt. We may not know the exact justification for such military aggression, but we do know that it WILL occur. See also the next article on Egypt.

Egyptian Democracy—a Joke!

Haaretz reported on December 20:

“Egyptian police and soldiers fired weapons and used batons and teargas for a fifth day on Tuesday in the latest effort to clear Cairo’s central Tahrir Square of opponents of army rule, amid mounting international concern about the violence… The United States, which saw Egypt as a staunch ally in the Mubarak era, gives Cairo $1.3 billion a year in military aid.”

Iraq in Danger of Civil War?

BBC wrote on December 20:

“Iraq’s Sunni Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashemi, has denied any wrongdoing, a day after a warrant was issued for his arrest on terrorism-related charges. Mr Hashemi described as ‘fabricated’ the accusation he was linked to attacks on government and security officials. He also accused Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, a Shia, of being behind a plot to embarrass him and blow apart recent attempts at national reconciliation. The Sunni deputy prime minister has warned Iraq risks a new sectarian war…

“Barely had the last American soldier stepped across the border into Kuwait than the fragile Iraqi political structure the US military left behind began to fall dangerously apart, as long-standing tensions between Shia and Sunni political leaders came to a head…”

BBC News added on December 21:

“In recent years, the Americans would have been expected to head off such a rift long before it happened. The White House has said it is deeply concerned by the current crisis and has been in touch with all sides. Its ability to continue playing a major role in the Iraqi political arena in the post-withdrawal period is thus faced with an immediate test, but the Iraqi perception is that US influence is now much diminished. The crisis may also give clues as to how hard Tehran will seek to push its advantage and exploit the perceived vacuum left by the American withdrawal…”

BBC reported on December 22:

“A wave of apparently [14] co-ordinated bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 63 people and injured around 185, say officials… the bombings are the worst in months – and follow the withdrawal of US troops. They come amid fears of rising sectarian tensions as the unity government faces internal divisions.”

Deutsche Welle added on December 22:

“The political turmoil is the worst since Iraq’s fragile powersharing government was formed a year ago. Iraq’s Sunni minority, to which the late dictator Saddam Hussein belonged, has faced a rise of Iraq’s Shiite majority since the 2003 US-led invasion.

“The upsurge in violence comes just days after US troops completed their withdrawal, nearly nine years after their invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, and leaving behind what US President Barack Obama had described as a ‘sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.’”

This does not really deserve any comment.

Syria’s Massacres

The Associated Press wrote on December 21:

“Syrian troops assaulting a northwest town with machine gun fire and shelling have killed at least 100 people in one of the deadliest episodes of the 9-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad’s regime… Tuesday’s attack… showed the Syrian government was pressing ahead with its crackdown despite its agreement this week to an Arab League plan for bringing a halt to the bloodshed.

“‘It was an organized massacre. The troops surrounded people then killed them,’ said Rami Abdul-Rahman, head of the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. He said troops on the outskirts of the town surrounded and fired on crowds of civilians and activists trying to flee out of fear they would be detained…

“The Syrian conflict, which began with peaceful protests in March, has become increasingly militarized in recent weeks, with clashes nearly every day between troops and army defectors who have joined the movement against Assad… Meanwhile, the Syrian military was displaying its might with a second round of maneuvers Tuesday involving warplanes, helicopters and surface-to-air missiles…”

Uncertainty for North Korea

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 20:

“With the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, an already jittery Asia has been thrown into great uncertainty. Questions over how his successor and son Kim Jong Un might rule abound… with little known about the young heir to their political dynasty, his father’s death has sparked a wave of uncertainty in the tense, heavily-armed region, with Asian markets thrown into turmoil following the announcement. Some worry that Kim Jong Un may not have a firm hold on power, which could destabilize the isolated country, which has still not sworn off nuclear weapons. The South Korean military has been placed on high alert, concerned about what the large armed forces in their northern neighbor might do… There are worries that the leader’s death after 17 years in power could prompt his inexperienced son to test his strength militarily…

“Die Welt writes: ‘The death of Kim Jong Il is good news, just as the deaths of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Saddam Hussein were all good news. … But that doesn’t mean that the situation for the North Koreans will now improve. Already the next Kim stands ready to take the office he has inherited from his father and grandfather. East Asia faces months and perhaps years of turbulence. The leader, not even 30 years old, is not sitting securely in the saddle. … Thus he will attempt to prove his tenacity to the military by operating aggressively both within and without…’

“Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘Kim Jong Il, the now dead dictator, will not be missed. He held his people in slavery and was responsible for the deaths of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. … But his worst crime was that he created a system of bondage that also laid claim to the minds of the people. Many generations of North Koreans live in the dark — and they have no idea. As long as the regime maintains power over the brains of the people, and as long as it controls the flow of information, then the system can theoretically survive…’

“Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘North Korea is the world’s most bizarre combination of Stalinism, dynastic succession and cult of personality, along with presumed atomic weapons and real hunger problems… Kim Jong Il was prepared to let his people starve and his region descend into chaos if it meant he could hold onto power… The tragedy for the people of North Korea will likely continue for some time.’”

Germany’s Execution of Alleged Witches…

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 16:

“Tortured and burned at the stake by the tens of thousands, Germany’s alleged witches have been largely forgotten… It began with the trial and execution of an eight-year-old girl for witchcraft in the spring of 1630. Compelled to name others involved in an alleged nighttime dance with the devil in the German town of Oberkirchen, young Christine Teipel’s confession sparked a wave of fingerpointing and subsequent trials. Within just three months, 58 people, including 22 men and two children, were burned at the stake there.

“The Oberkirchen trials represent just a small fraction of those that led to the execution of some 25,000 alleged witches between 1500 and 1782 in Germany. The country was a hotbed of persecution… some 40 percent of the 60,000 witches who were tortured and killed in Europe during the infamous era were executed in what is now modern Germany…

“In a time when many regions were fighting for political domination, historians believe that leaders also used the trials as an expression of power… And, contrary to common belief, it wasn’t just the Catholic Church that encouraged witch hunts. The Protestant Church was behind a significant number of trials…”

We should not believe that these events are just ancient history, and that something similar could not happen again in the 21st century.

Catholic Distortions and Admissions on Christmas

On December 20, The Catholic agency, Zenit, published the following interview with Pietro Messa, president of the Higher School of Medieval and Franciscan Studies of Rome’s Antonianum Pontifical University. We are quoting the following revealing excerpts, manifesting a hotchpotch of convoluted distortions and—at the same time—eye-opening admissions regarding Christmas—a festival deeply rooted in paganism:

“We know that the early Christians, all of them being of the Jewish religion, observed the Sabbath, but on the following day, that is the present Sunday, they gathered to commemorate the Resurrection [Editor’s note: The early Church, including Gentile Christians, kept the Sabbath. They never commemorated the resurrection on Sunday—one reason is that they knew that Christ was resurrected on the Sabbath, and not on Sunday.] Hence, the first celebration held par excellence was Easter [Editor’s note: Easter is a pagan festival, which was not kept by the early Christians. The Church kept the Passover, but not Easter.]. Subsequently, other events of Jesus’ life began to be celebrated, such as the birth fixed on Dec. 25, namely, on the same day in which previously the Sol invictus was celebrated, that is, the celebration of not being overcome by darkness, given that the winter solstice had passed, the days began to be longer and light imposed itself on the darkness of the night [Editor’s note: It has been established that Christ could not have been born in December, let alone December 25. It is true that the Catholic Church gradually introduced into so-called “Christianity” the celebration of the pagan festival of Christmas on December 25, which had been kept long before the birth of Christ in honor of pagan sun gods. The early Church of the apostles never kept Christmas or celebrated Christ’s birth on December 25. They would have been abhorred about anyone who would have even suggested such a thing.]…”

This Week in the News

We begin reporting about frightening developments in the USA, which are threatening our individual freedom and liberty,  while painting the dark prospects of the very end of our democracy. The infliction of total martial law in the USA is no longer a far-fetched fantastic nightmare scenario.

These trends go hand in hand with the realization that the USA is a nation doomed to fall. Sadly, the average American and ambitious politicians are apparently totally oblivious in respect to this inevitable conclusion. The ongoing bickering over the payroll tax for political gain is just one example showing how far our leaders are out-of-touch with the needs of the people. Those who understand the signs of the time are reminded of God’s warning in Isaiah 1:3, 5-6: “The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master’s crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider… the whole head is sick, And the whole heart faints. From the sole of your foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it…”

Focusing on Europe and the Middle East, we are reporting on the widening rift between Britain and continental Europe. While Britain has chosen to become an observer and bystander, Europe moves ahead with separate treaties, affecting especially the core European Eurozone member states. We are also speaking of the permanency of the euro; the astonishing economic success of Germany; and concerns that Europe is meddling too much in Israeli matters and that Europe might even militarily intervene in Egypt.

Focusing on the Middle East, we report on the volatile situation in Iraq and Syria. We also address the equally volatile situation in North Korea.

We conclude with two amazing pieces on religion. The first article speaks of witchcraft “trials” in Germany—which were not unlike those in the USA, especially in Salem. The surprising fact is that not only the German Catholic Church was guilty of those horrible crimes, but that the German Protestant Church was also heavily involved with the mass murder of tens of thousands of innocent victims who, under torture, had been falsely accused of witchcraft. The  Bible predicts that a worldwide martyrdom of true Christians lies ahead of us. Our so-called sophisticated “civilized” Western World will soon manifest its devilish proclivities when the circumstances and opportunities are perceived to be “right.” We must never forget that according to Holy Scripture, this present evil world (Galatians 1:4) is ruled and deceived by Satan (Revelation 12:9), the god and ruler of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4; John 14:30). This is THE reason why the world is in the state in which it is. We are not encouraged without reason to pray to God daily: “YOUR Kingdom COME” (Matthew 6:10).

The last article reflects on Catholic errors pertaining to true Christian religion, when addressing the festivals of Christmas and Easter.

Update 521

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Part 2

On December 24, 2011, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Part 2.”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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True Freedom


We have no doubt heard it loftily said that “…you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” We are accustomed to believing that we are free – and we are in many ways unconstrained to do what we want, but does this make us really free?

We are free to make choices, but not all choices make us free. There is one Way that does, and many others that do not. Of course it is God’s Way that truly frees us, and Satan’s that truly enslaves us.

When we follow the path that the devil has enticingly put before us, it seems pleasant for a time – this is how he sells the lies that he is pawning. In the end, whether we know it or not, there are dire consequences for choosing these falsehoods. They lead to sorrow, pain, damage, destruction and ultimately in all cases to death. His ultimate goal is to thwart the plan of God any way that he can, and he will stop at nothing to frame his lies as truth.

It is God’s truth and only His Way that can free us from the penalties of sin that we can become bound by in both the short and long term. This is how we are truly made free! We have the opportunity to reap the benefits of this now, as well as qualify to be a part of the Kingdom and the Family of God later.

If we weigh our actions against the commands of the Bible and choose wisely, not only will we be free from sin, but we will be free to enjoy the fruits and blessings that come with doing what is right. Then we can truly stand in the liberty by which Christ can and does make us free (Galatians 5:1).

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We begin reporting about frightening developments in the USA, which are threatening our individual freedom and liberty,  while painting the dark prospects of the very end of our democracy. The infliction of total martial law in the USA is no longer a far-fetched fantastic nightmare scenario.

These trends go hand in hand with the realization that the USA is a nation doomed to fall. Sadly, the average American and ambitious politicians are apparently totally oblivious in respect to this inevitable conclusion. The ongoing bickering over the payroll tax for political gain is just one example showing how far our leaders are out-of-touch with the needs of the people. Those who understand the signs of the time are reminded of God’s warning in Isaiah 1:3, 5-6: “The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master’s crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider… the whole head is sick, And the whole heart faints. From the sole of your foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it…”

Focusing on Europe and the Middle East, we are reporting on the widening rift between Britain and continental Europe. While Britain has chosen to become an observer and bystander, Europe moves ahead with separate treaties, affecting especially the core European Eurozone member states. We are also speaking of the permanency of the euro; the astonishing economic success of Germany; and concerns that Europe is meddling too much in Israeli matters and that Europe might even militarily intervene in Egypt.

Focusing on the Middle East, we report on the volatile situation in Iraq and Syria. We also address the equally volatile situation in North Korea.

We conclude with two amazing pieces on religion. The first article speaks of witchcraft “trials” in Germany—which were not unlike those in the USA, especially in Salem. The surprising fact is that not only the German Catholic Church was guilty of those horrible crimes, but that the German Protestant Church was also heavily involved with the mass murder of tens of thousands of innocent victims who, under torture, had been falsely accused of witchcraft. The  Bible predicts that a worldwide martyrdom of true Christians lies ahead of us. Our so-called sophisticated “civilized” Western World will soon manifest its devilish proclivities when the circumstances and opportunities are perceived to be “right.” We must never forget that according to Holy Scripture, this present evil world (Galatians 1:4) is ruled and deceived by Satan (Revelation 12:9), the god and ruler of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4; John 14:30). This is THE reason why the world is in the state in which it is. We are not encouraged without reason to pray to God daily: “YOUR Kingdom COME” (Matthew 6:10).

The last article reflects on Catholic errors pertaining to true Christian religion, when addressing the festivals of Christmas and Easter.

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Total Martial Law in the USA?

On December 18, the Drudge Report posted several articles which appeared in The following was pointed out:

“Leading GOP candidate Ron Paul has warned in recent interviews that the amendments passed in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) are not only dangerous, but authorize the establishment of total martial law inside the United States. Not only does the bill, in sections 1031 and 1032, declare the unconstitutional right to detain Americans indefinitely without trial, but it authorizes an Internet offensive and online Pentagon takeover under the pretext of cybersecurity and stopping online piracy…

“Real preparations for martial law and WWIII have taken place– including recent calls to staff emergency detention camps ready for use if an national emergency is signaled over civil unrest and a takeover goes red hot… various emergency provisions have long worked in conjunction to build a framework for martial law takeover inside America… from TSA at the airports, to highway checkpoints and now, the claimed power to indefinitely detain anyone the feds view as a threat to national security…

“Now, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and portions of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) have openly declared ‘offensive war’ on the Internet, implementing Pentagon censors & spies and instituting a Kill Switch to selectively shut down content on the basis of suspicion or accusation, without a vehicle for recourse, appeal or the burden of proof…”

These are indeed frightening developments. But there is even more! The following articles show that the tendencies can be clearly seen (if we have eyes to see) of attempting to abrogate individual freedom and liberty, and to place EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN AT RISK.

US Democracy Being Destroyed?

The Business Insider published the following article on December 14, under the headline, “American Democracy: 1776-2011.”

The article stated:

“It turns out that destroying the American democratic republic was easy to accomplish, historians will write someday. Simply get the three major cable news networks to blather on about useless [“information”] for a few days, while legislators meet in secret behind closed doors to rush through the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), and its evil twin sister, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which is a clever name for an Internet censorship bill straight out of an Orwellian nightmare.

“Sure, some independent media web sites and Jon Stewart warned us about this. Ron Paul & Son warned us about this. Amnesty International and the ACLU have been screaming from the rooftops… But the American people let it happen, because the vast majority of us simply didn’t find out in time. And now President Obama’s advisers are saying he is withdrawing his veto threat against NDAA, so it will become law. As will SOPA…

“I have no idea why an American media blackout on NDAA is still in effect — Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews, Bill O’Reilly and the other broadcast ‘journalists’ have been disgustingly silent on what is undoubtedly the most important news story of the past decade. The single most important news story since September 11th, 2001.

“Combined, NDAA and SOPA simply destroy American democracy. That isn’t hype. That isn’t exaggeration. Within a few days, your freedom of speech will be gone — post something controversial online, and the government can legally ‘disappear’ it.

“Annoy the government too much, or criticize Congress’ infinite wisdom and mercy, and you may find yourself in military prison for the remainder of your life, without access to a trial or attorney. Even if you’re an American citizen on US soil.

“This is a brave new world. Watch what you say. Be mindful of who you associate with. You may criticize your government within the privacy of your own home, amongst close family or friends, but do not post negative comments online. Do not assemble. Do not protest. Do not agitate. Do not give ‘comfort’ to the ‘enemy.’

“This is a sad day for all of us… it turns out democracy was attacked from within, the historians will write someday. We didn’t even see it coming.”

The Examiner added on December 15:

“The National Defence Authorization Bill 2012 (NDAA FY2012)… contains language allowing the Pentagon to wage cyberwar on domestic enemies of the state, a human and civil rights violation of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, as reported by MSNBC Wednesday, potentially impacting both Occupy movement and Tea Party participants plus independent news reporters and whistleblowers exposing government corruption…

“On December 5, Forbes reported, ‘If Obama does one thing for the remainder of his presidency let it be a veto of the National Defense Authorization Act, a law that would place domestic terror investigations and interrogations into the hands of the military and which would open the door for trial-free, indefinite detention of anyone, including American citizens, so long as the government calls them terrorists.’

“Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said about NDAA FY2012 that it ‘denigrates the very foundations of this country.’ Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) [son of Ron Paul] has repeatedly said that NDAA FY2012 ‘puts every single American citizen at risk.’”

SOPA Endangers Our Freedom

Roll Call wrote on December 14 (The article was posted on the Drudge Report’s website on December 21):

“The legislation that campaigns across the country should be concerned about is the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)…

“Imagine you are running for Congress in a competitive House district. You give a strong interview to a local morning news show and your campaign posts the clip on your website. When your opponent’s campaign sees the video, it decides to play hardball and sends a notice to your Internet service provider alerting them to what it [deems] ‘infringing content.’ It doesn’t matter if the content is actually pirated. The ISP has five days to pull down your website and the offending clip or be sued. If you don’t take the video down, even if you believe that the content is protected under fair use, your website goes dark.

“The ability of any entity to file an infringement notice is one of SOPA’s biggest problems. It creates an unprecedented ‘private right of action’ that would allow a private party, without any involvement by a court, to effectively shut down a website…

“Another damaging aspect of SOPA is the increased liability the bill would place on ISPs and search engines. SOPA effectively guts the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s safe harbors — one of the big reasons companies such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter weren’t crushed in their early days by harassing lawsuits. Without these safe harbors, the risk of frivolous lawsuits greatly increases…

“By creating legislation that allows sites to be shut down at will, with limited recourse available to the sites’ owners, SOPA greatly threatens the democratizing tool the Internet has become. With the Internet playing an ever increasing role in the political process, the powers the bill creates could be greatly abused by those wishing to silence their opponents. Political campaigns and anyone interested in an open political process should be greatly concerned about the regulations SOPA creates and the freedoms it restricts…”

For more information, please make sure to view (and circulate) our recent StandingWatch program, “Destruction of US Democracy?” 

US Politics Galore—and We All May Have to Pay!

The Washington Times wrote on December 20:

“The House officially voted Tuesday to start negotiations with the Senate on the payroll-tax fight — but Senate Democrats have said they won’t cancel their vacation to conduct the talks, leaving an impasse that could mean an average $1,000 tax increase on 160 million taxpayers in the new year… the House on Tuesday officially sent [the Senate] bill back to the Senate, which means, according to legislative rules, the Senate has to act next, and the House cannot take up the Senate’s proposal anymore…

“The House has passed a one-year extension of the current 2 percent payroll-tax cut, along with a two-year extension of full payments to doctors who take Medicare patients and another round of unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. But the Senate, which couldn’t agree on a long-term extension, instead passed a two-month bill last week, arguing it gave all sides breathing room to keep trying for a longer-term deal. The White House has endorsed the Senate compromise.”

America’s Downfall

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 16:

“The US has officially declared the war in Iraq to be over with a flag-casing ceremony in Baghdad. President Barack Obama said that America was leaving behind a ‘sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.’ German commentators ask if the conflict, which lasted almost nine years, was worth the toll… Many in America and elsewhere will continue to ask, however, if freeing Iraq from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein was worth the high cost of the war. The conflict, which began in March 2003 with a ‘shock and awe’ assault on Baghdad, left almost 4,500 Americans and over 100,000 Iraqis dead. Around 30,000 American soldiers were wounded, many of them permanently maimed as a result of the notorious improvised explosive devices (IEDs) which were used against coalition forces. Today, the country is still racked by religious conflict, and there are fears that sectarian violence could flare up again. The country’s political structures are weak and Iran continues to exert influence…

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘Even nearly nine years after the events, it is hard to contain the outrage that boils up when one remembers the fabricated justification for the war and the way the conflict proceeded. On the contrary, the distance to the events makes it even clearer how George W. Bush vacillated in his justification for the war and how he combined weapons of mass destruction, al-Qaida terror and the dictatorship into a single threatening brew. The politically twisted logic behind the invasion was coupled with a botched military strategy that laid the ground for an orgy of violence and hatred…

“‘America’s current decline is the logical consequence of the over-extension that was visible everywhere in the early 2000s, including its military strength, bloated budgets and promises of growth, its foreign policy ambitions and the verbal radicalism which ultimately promised to forcefully create democracy at gunpoint. With this form of extremism, America betrayed its own best ideals. And in the process the country lost its natural attraction, which historically had repeatedly given hope to freedom-seekers and those fleeing persecution.’

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘Every American schoolchild knows today that George W. Bush’s mission has not been accomplished. Iraq has not become the democracy that the neo-cons dreamed of, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein did not lead to democratization in the region and the regime in Tehran has not been weakened. On the contrary, Iran has more influence than ever in Iraq. And what about the people who were liberated? For them, life eight years after the start of the war is still dangerous. Everyday life, characterized by shortages of water and electricity, abuses of power by the police and the threat of attacks, is unspeakably difficult… the country that American troops are now leaving is not the ‘sovereign and stable’ nation that Obama spoke of in his speech at Fort Bragg. The US troops may indeed have conquered Baghdad in three weeks, but after eight years of occupation, they have still not won in Iraq.’

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘The last nine years of the American presence in Iraq is further proof that the political balance of power within a country cannot be changed by an external military intervention. What the US experienced in Iraq, Israel also experienced in the war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. One can only hope that both have learned their lesson before they start planning military operations against Iran… With its interference in Iraq, the US did lasting damage to the concept of democratization…’”

We should especially take note of the statements that America is in decline, and that the USA did NOT win the war in Iraq. The sad truth is that America did not win any war for a long time, and that it will NOT win any future wars. The Church of God began to proclaim this FACT over 40 years ago; it has been established and confirmed to be the absolute truth; and it will remain to be true. See also our other articles on Iraq in this issue.

“America On Its Deathbed”

In his December 6, 2011 newsletter, Gerald Celente, Founder and Director of The Trends Research Institute, wrote the following about the USA:

“Be it healthcare, education, longevity or working longer and vacationing less, the world’s former quality-of-life leader no longer wins, places or shows. In a blink of the calendrical eye, the United States of America had gone from first world to borderline third world…

“A record 47 million Americans – one of every six people… are impoverished, according to government statistics. If you take into account those who are teetering on the edge of poverty, that figure almost doubles. This means nearly one-third of the American populace is struggling to achieve what they once considered their inalienable rights – putting food on their tables, gas in their cars, and heat in their homes… nearly one-quarter of all American children are living in poverty… as we enter a national election year, no candidate… speaks directly of a nation in decline. Even as the country piles up more and more debt, the Washington Beltway is gridlocked …

“On the economic front, the trend towards wealth concentration… continues. The richest 1 percent of Americans now owns 70 percent of all financial assets. Even the November 2011 ‘drop’ in unemployment to a two-year low of 8.5 percent meant virtually nothing. The rate doesn’t consider the new class of people that the Bush/Obama Administrations have created – the millions of permanently unemployed Americans who have been down so low so long they’ve stopped looking for work and aren’t even counted as unemployed…

“In the decade since 9/11, under the guise of protecting its citizens from terrorism, the government has steadily abrogated individual rights, compromising the very liberties it pretends to preserve. As thousands of protestors occupied Wall Street and Main Streets across America, police department cameras recorded their every step. In New York City alone, more than 4,000 cameras monitored the marching, chanting throngs. Banks – which now charge us to hold and spend our money  – watch our every financial move… America has become a country of fear, not freedom…”

These statements are very true. No politician—regardless of what party he or she might belong to, or whether he or she might run as an “independent”– will be able to reverse the trend of America’s downfall. Our false hope in human accomplishments, while forgetting to give glory to and rely on God, awaits a rude awakening. The sooner we understand as to where our real hope and strength lie, the better it will be for us.

Pakistan Attack–Washington Admits Mistakes, but Does Not Apologize

The Washington Times wrote on December 22:

“An investigation into a NATO attack that killed 24 Pakistani troops last month near the Afghan border has concluded that a combination of mistrust and bad maps led to the airstrikes on two Pakistani outposts… It’s unclear whether the report, which says mistakes were made on both sides, will reduce the tension between Pakistan and the U.S. over the incident. The Pakistani army has said its troops did nothing wrong and claimed the attack was a deliberate act of aggression.

“A statement issued by the U.S. Department of Defense did not apologize for the attack, as the Pakistanis have demanded, and instead defended the actions of American forces… Since the Nov. 26 attack, a furious Pakistani government has shut down NATO supply routes to Afghanistan and thrown the U.S. out of its Shamsi Air Base in southwestern Baluchistan province…”

Euro Permanent and Irreversible

The EUobserver wrote on December 19:

“The euro is ‘irreversible’ and will overcome the crisis, European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi said in his first appearance in front of the European Parliament’s economics committee on Monday (19 December), while making the case for austerity and fiscal discipline… the ECB chief said he has ‘no doubt in the strength, permanence and irreversibility of the euro,’ dismissing as ‘morbid speculation’ any eurozone break-up scenarios…”

German Economy Defying European Gloom

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 20:

“German companies and consumers are upbeat about the future, according to economic surveys released on Tuesday. They show that Europe’s largest economy has remained resilient in the face of the euro crisis… The index increased to 107.2 points from 106.6… surprising economists who had on average predicted a decline… There have been increasing signs that the euro zone as a whole, including France, its second largest economy, will slide into recession in 2012.

“But Germany, thanks to its broad industrial base and strong exports to countries outside the euro zone, especially emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil, will weather the storm, economists said… Another positive surprise came earlier on Tuesday with the release of the December consumer climate index from market research institute GfK, which showed the first rise in economic expectations in five months.”

Savior or Destroyer?

On December 20, The Local published the following English translation of a German editorial, which originally appeared in Die Zeit:

“Who is to blame for the split? Is it Cameron, who insisted that special rules must apply to Britain’s financial sector – or is it Merkel, who put the subject of a treaty change on the table in the first place? At any rate, it’s Cameron who came off worst, since he is now isolated in Europe, without having gained anything for his country’s interests. Knowing Merkel, an adept player of power games, she will have planned for such an eventuality. She and Sarkozy had a good argument on their side: as the French president said, we cannot agree stricter rules for the eurozone and then allow Britain room to deregulate its financial sector.

“But this success has not come cheap. The impression that 22 states stand firmly at Germany’s side is false. Most other heads of state are following Merkel with little enthusiasm – not out of conviction, but because they know that no solution to the debt crisis is possible without Germany. Even those that support the German vision of more budget discipline are unsure whether this is the right time or the right path to take.

“The eurozone states will now agree a new contract that will exist alongside current EU law… [Either] Merkel will go down in history as the saviour of the euro [or…] as the one who divided Europe.”

And there may be a third—and more likely–alternative: The German Chancellor will be remembered as both.

Britain Resists…

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 20:

“EU finance ministers wanted to raise 200 billion euros to boost the International Monetary Fund’s firepower in the euro crisis, but they only raised 150 billion on Monday, largely due to resistance from Britain… the United Kingdom refused, at least for the time being, to contribute its share of around €25 billion.

“Following a conference call, the ministers said in a statement that the Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland and Sweden, which are in the EU but not in the euro zone, would also grant loans to the International Monetary Fund to help rescue the currency. But the EU said those countries must first win parliamentary approval…

“Meanwhile, the German newspaper Die Welt reported on Tuesday that Germany will probably have to pay €8.6 billion, twice as much as originally planned, into the European Stability Mechanism in 2012. The newspaper cited an unnamed high-ranking member of government as its source. The first German tranche for the fund was to have been €4.3 billion, and would not have been due until 2013. But the decision to launch the ESM will force Berlin to make its contribution sooner.”

This won’t make the Germans happy, and they will blame Britain for it…

Britain’s Isolation Could Prove Costly

The Daily Mail wrote on December 20:

“A senior Church of England bishop warned yesterday against British isolation from Europe. The Bishop of Guildford…,Christopher Hill, who speaks for his colleagues on EU matters in the House of Lords, said: ‘It will be disastrous if we were actually isolated from the rest of Europe, economically and in terms of international relations.’ He added: ‘The structures need reform and accountability, but you don’t do that by stepping out.’

“Business leaders claim millions of British jobs will be lost if the country does not fight to keep its place as a key player in Europe. A group of tycoons and entrepreneurs, including Sir Richard Branson, have written an open letter to the Government urging David Cameron to ‘re-engage in the decision-making process in Europe’. Signatories say at least three million could find themselves unemployed if Britain continues to isolate itself from the EU.

“Co-ordinated by the lobby group Business for New Europe, the letter will put extra pressure on Mr Cameron at a time when he stands accused of trying to appease Europhile party members.”

Widening Gap Between Britain and Brussels

The EUobserver wrote on December 21:

“The British government has blamed the euro for ratings agency [Moody’s] worries on its triple-A status amid a widening political gap between Brussels and London. A UK treasury spokesman told newswires on Tuesday… that exposure to the eurozone is the main reason why Moody’s earlier the same day warned that Britain’s top-level grade faces ‘formidable and rising challenges.’ The spokesman said: ‘The UK is not immune to the problems facing our trading partners in the euro area; the crisis is having a chilling effect across Europe…’ The Moody’s report noted ‘that no EU sovereign rating can be considered immune to this crisis.’ But it cited internal UK problems as the main cause of concern.”

Britain’s Mounting Distrust of Germany

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 19:

“In Britain, distrust of Europe goes hand-in-hand with distrust of Germany. Relations between the two countries have cooled following the furore caused by the latest EU summit, and British euroskeptics are once again resorting to old stereotypes…

“The English Channel has suddenly become wider, deeper and foggier once again. The London-based Daily Telegraph newspaper has warned its readers against what it calls Berlin’s blatant effort to dominate Europe and already sees ‘a new era of Anglo-German antagonism’ on the horizon… The headline ‘Welcome to the Fourth Reich’ in the high-circulation Daily Mail summarized the German-French plans to rescue the monetary union. In another story, the paper wrote: ‘What we are witnessing is the economic colonisation of Europe by stealth by the Germans.’…

“The anti-German rhetoric was particularly strong after German reunification, which then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, nicknamed ‘the Iron Lady,’ sought to prevent. Even the levelheaded Economist warned against what it believed to be the threat of a German nuclear bomb. In 1990, Thatcher invited leading British historians to a conference at Chequers to analyze the dangerous German national character…

“For the British, the fact that the Germans, with their renowned engineering prowess, still produce goods and sell them around the world is a wistful reminder of their own days as major exporters during the Victorian age… The Indians bought Jaguar a few years ago, Rolls-Royce is now part of BMW, Volkswagen owns Bentley, and once-proud brands like Triumph, Austin and Vickers no longer exist. Even the colorful candies known as ‘Smarties’ haven’t been produced in York, where they were invented, for the last five years. All European production has now been moved to Germany…

“So a new ice age has set in for the time being. Many Britons have noticed that ‘suddenly German is being spoken in Europe,’ following the undiplomatic words of Volker Kauder, the parliamentary floor leader of Germany’s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU). They’ve also noticed that there are Germans who already anticipate ‘Britain’s departure from the EU,’ as SPD parliamentary leader Frank-Walter Steinmeier said. And Merkel’s statement that ‘no country, no financial center and no financial product can be unsupervised from now on’ was certainly understood in London just the way it was meant. Even before the Brussels summit, politicians in Berlin knew that there would be no compromise with the Tory government in London.”

We should be able to see more and more the veracity of the prophesied fact that Europe and Great Britain will finally turn out to be real enemies. Europe is moving ahead without Britain, and Britain’s isolation is rapidly manifesting itself. Please note also the next article.

New European Treaty Between Just Nine Initial Countries?

The EUobserver wrote on December 16:

“The first draft of a new treaty meant to tighten economic governance in eurozone countries was circulated Friday (16 December) with the aim to have the text finalised by January and coming into force once nine countries have ratified it. The ratification threshold would allow the treaty to go into place even if some euro states – such as Ireland which may have to hold a referendum – are having problems getting domestic approval.

“A euro country that rejected the treaty after it had already come into place will not be bound by it. Non-euro countries, who agree to sign up to the treaty, will be bound by the agreement as soon as they take on the single currency, but can put in place some of the details immediately…

“Following the UK’s refusal to allow full-blown treaty change, the pact is an intergovernmental treaty for the 17 euro states plus up to nine of the non-euro countries who have all indicated they will attempt to come on board. But in a bid to draw a line under the potentially damaging rift between London and the rest of member states, all 27 countries will be at the negotiation table, although London will only have observer status…”

We should be able to recognize the long-prophesied development of a core Europe or a Europe of two speeds.

Europe Meddles and Condemns

Haaretz wrote on December 20:

“The four European Union members of the UN Security Council on Tuesday strongly criticized Israel’s decision to speed up construction of settlements, which they termed a ‘wholly negative’ development. The ambassadors from Britain, France, Germany and Portugal issued a joint statement branding the Israeli settlements in Palestinian occupied territories and East Jerusalem as illegal under international law. ‘We call on the Israeli government to reverse these steps,’ the statement said. ‘The viability of the Palestinian state that we want to see and the two-state solution that is essential for Israel’s long-term security are threatened by the systematic and deliberate expansion of settlements’…

“Israel’s UN ambassador Ron Prosor responded by saying on Tuesday that ‘while innocent citizens are being slaughtered in Syria, terrorist elements are operating freely in Gaza, UN forces are attacked in Lebanon and Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon – the Security Council is silent and paralyzed.’ He added that ‘the main obstacle to peace was and remains the Palestinians’ demand to the right of return, and not recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.’”

European Intervention in Egypt?

Al Arabiya News reported on December 19:

“The fire that broke out in a Cairo library that houses thousands of rare documents raised concerns over the government’s and the army’s ability to protect historic sites at times of upheaval and drove several experts to warn of a possible intervention by foreign entities to preserve the heritage at risk…

“Haggag Ibrahim, deputy chairman of the Association for the Preservation of Heritage and member of the Higher Commission for Museums, labeled those involved in setting the Scientific Complex on fire ‘the new Tatars’ who want to erase all aspects of culture in the country. ‘Those are the grandchildren of the Tatars who burned the library of Baghdad when they invaded the Muslim world,’ he told Al Arabiya.

“According to Ibrahim, UNESCO is now capable of placing historic sites in Egypt under international protection since Egyptians proved unable to do so themselves. ‘Some countries like France might take this initiative.’…

“Nasser Amin, legal expert and member of the National Council for Human Rights, differed. ‘The UNESCO doesn’t have the right to impose international protection on a sovereign country because one historic establishment was subjected to an act of sabotage,’ he said. Amin explained that international protection on cultural heritage is imposed only if the country in which the sites are located is in a state of war or engaged in other types of armed conflict…

“A professor of archeology, Mamdouh al-Masry, held the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces (SCAF) accountable for failing to contain the fire and arrest the culprits… The fact that the fire targeted the Scientific Complex and maps of Egypt’s borders in particular raises a lot of questions about a possible conspiracy, according to Masry… Egyptian archeology professor Ayman Hassan al-Dahshan agreed that a conspiracy is involved in the library fire…”

The concern of Egyptians regarding a European intervention is remarkable. We know from Scripture that finally, a United States of Europe WILL intervene and occupy Egypt. We may not know the exact justification for such military aggression, but we do know that it WILL occur. See also the next article on Egypt.

Egyptian Democracy—a Joke!

Haaretz reported on December 20:

“Egyptian police and soldiers fired weapons and used batons and teargas for a fifth day on Tuesday in the latest effort to clear Cairo’s central Tahrir Square of opponents of army rule, amid mounting international concern about the violence… The United States, which saw Egypt as a staunch ally in the Mubarak era, gives Cairo $1.3 billion a year in military aid.”

Iraq in Danger of Civil War?

BBC wrote on December 20:

“Iraq’s Sunni Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashemi, has denied any wrongdoing, a day after a warrant was issued for his arrest on terrorism-related charges. Mr Hashemi described as ‘fabricated’ the accusation he was linked to attacks on government and security officials. He also accused Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, a Shia, of being behind a plot to embarrass him and blow apart recent attempts at national reconciliation. The Sunni deputy prime minister has warned Iraq risks a new sectarian war…

“Barely had the last American soldier stepped across the border into Kuwait than the fragile Iraqi political structure the US military left behind began to fall dangerously apart, as long-standing tensions between Shia and Sunni political leaders came to a head…”

BBC News added on December 21:

“In recent years, the Americans would have been expected to head off such a rift long before it happened. The White House has said it is deeply concerned by the current crisis and has been in touch with all sides. Its ability to continue playing a major role in the Iraqi political arena in the post-withdrawal period is thus faced with an immediate test, but the Iraqi perception is that US influence is now much diminished. The crisis may also give clues as to how hard Tehran will seek to push its advantage and exploit the perceived vacuum left by the American withdrawal…”

BBC reported on December 22:

“A wave of apparently [14] co-ordinated bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 63 people and injured around 185, say officials… the bombings are the worst in months – and follow the withdrawal of US troops. They come amid fears of rising sectarian tensions as the unity government faces internal divisions.”

Deutsche Welle added on December 22:

“The political turmoil is the worst since Iraq’s fragile powersharing government was formed a year ago. Iraq’s Sunni minority, to which the late dictator Saddam Hussein belonged, has faced a rise of Iraq’s Shiite majority since the 2003 US-led invasion.

“The upsurge in violence comes just days after US troops completed their withdrawal, nearly nine years after their invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, and leaving behind what US President Barack Obama had described as a ‘sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.’”

This does not really deserve any comment.

Syria’s Massacres

The Associated Press wrote on December 21:

“Syrian troops assaulting a northwest town with machine gun fire and shelling have killed at least 100 people in one of the deadliest episodes of the 9-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad’s regime… Tuesday’s attack… showed the Syrian government was pressing ahead with its crackdown despite its agreement this week to an Arab League plan for bringing a halt to the bloodshed.

“‘It was an organized massacre. The troops surrounded people then killed them,’ said Rami Abdul-Rahman, head of the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. He said troops on the outskirts of the town surrounded and fired on crowds of civilians and activists trying to flee out of fear they would be detained…

“The Syrian conflict, which began with peaceful protests in March, has become increasingly militarized in recent weeks, with clashes nearly every day between troops and army defectors who have joined the movement against Assad… Meanwhile, the Syrian military was displaying its might with a second round of maneuvers Tuesday involving warplanes, helicopters and surface-to-air missiles…”

Uncertainty for North Korea

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 20:

“With the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, an already jittery Asia has been thrown into great uncertainty. Questions over how his successor and son Kim Jong Un might rule abound… with little known about the young heir to their political dynasty, his father’s death has sparked a wave of uncertainty in the tense, heavily-armed region, with Asian markets thrown into turmoil following the announcement. Some worry that Kim Jong Un may not have a firm hold on power, which could destabilize the isolated country, which has still not sworn off nuclear weapons. The South Korean military has been placed on high alert, concerned about what the large armed forces in their northern neighbor might do… There are worries that the leader’s death after 17 years in power could prompt his inexperienced son to test his strength militarily…

“Die Welt writes: ‘The death of Kim Jong Il is good news, just as the deaths of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Saddam Hussein were all good news. … But that doesn’t mean that the situation for the North Koreans will now improve. Already the next Kim stands ready to take the office he has inherited from his father and grandfather. East Asia faces months and perhaps years of turbulence. The leader, not even 30 years old, is not sitting securely in the saddle. … Thus he will attempt to prove his tenacity to the military by operating aggressively both within and without…’

“Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘Kim Jong Il, the now dead dictator, will not be missed. He held his people in slavery and was responsible for the deaths of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. … But his worst crime was that he created a system of bondage that also laid claim to the minds of the people. Many generations of North Koreans live in the dark — and they have no idea. As long as the regime maintains power over the brains of the people, and as long as it controls the flow of information, then the system can theoretically survive…’

“Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘North Korea is the world’s most bizarre combination of Stalinism, dynastic succession and cult of personality, along with presumed atomic weapons and real hunger problems… Kim Jong Il was prepared to let his people starve and his region descend into chaos if it meant he could hold onto power… The tragedy for the people of North Korea will likely continue for some time.’”

Germany’s Execution of Alleged Witches…

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 16:

“Tortured and burned at the stake by the tens of thousands, Germany’s alleged witches have been largely forgotten… It began with the trial and execution of an eight-year-old girl for witchcraft in the spring of 1630. Compelled to name others involved in an alleged nighttime dance with the devil in the German town of Oberkirchen, young Christine Teipel’s confession sparked a wave of fingerpointing and subsequent trials. Within just three months, 58 people, including 22 men and two children, were burned at the stake there.

“The Oberkirchen trials represent just a small fraction of those that led to the execution of some 25,000 alleged witches between 1500 and 1782 in Germany. The country was a hotbed of persecution… some 40 percent of the 60,000 witches who were tortured and killed in Europe during the infamous era were executed in what is now modern Germany…

“In a time when many regions were fighting for political domination, historians believe that leaders also used the trials as an expression of power… And, contrary to common belief, it wasn’t just the Catholic Church that encouraged witch hunts. The Protestant Church was behind a significant number of trials…”

We should not believe that these events are just ancient history, and that something similar could not happen again in the 21st century.

Catholic Distortions and Admissions on Christmas

On December 20, The Catholic agency, Zenit, published the following interview with Pietro Messa, president of the Higher School of Medieval and Franciscan Studies of Rome’s Antonianum Pontifical University. We are quoting the following revealing excerpts, manifesting a hotchpotch of convoluted distortions and—at the same time—eye-opening admissions regarding Christmas—a festival deeply rooted in paganism:

“We know that the early Christians, all of them being of the Jewish religion, observed the Sabbath, but on the following day, that is the present Sunday, they gathered to commemorate the Resurrection [Editor’s note: The early Church, including Gentile Christians, kept the Sabbath. They never commemorated the resurrection on Sunday—one reason is that they knew that Christ was resurrected on the Sabbath, and not on Sunday.] Hence, the first celebration held par excellence was Easter [Editor’s note: Easter is a pagan festival, which was not kept by the early Christians. The Church kept the Passover, but not Easter.]. Subsequently, other events of Jesus’ life began to be celebrated, such as the birth fixed on Dec. 25, namely, on the same day in which previously the Sol invictus was celebrated, that is, the celebration of not being overcome by darkness, given that the winter solstice had passed, the days began to be longer and light imposed itself on the darkness of the night [Editor’s note: It has been established that Christ could not have been born in December, let alone December 25. It is true that the Catholic Church gradually introduced into so-called “Christianity” the celebration of the pagan festival of Christmas on December 25, which had been kept long before the birth of Christ in honor of pagan sun gods. The early Church of the apostles never kept Christmas or celebrated Christ’s birth on December 25. They would have been abhorred about anyone who would have even suggested such a thing.]…”

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What is the time line of the events depicted during the “Day of the Lord”?

In the last two Q&As and on the order of prophetic events, we discussed Christ’s sayings in Matthew 24, showing that prior to His return, there would be religious deception, wars, famine, disease epidemics and pandemics, a Great Tribulation (including a martyrdom of the saints and an European attack on the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the state of Israel), heavenly signs, and a time described as God’s wrath, which will be poured out over this entire world.

We noticed that the Book of Revelation describes the events by comparing them with the opening of seven seals, and we saw that the first six seals depict religious deception, wars, famine, disease epidemics and pandemics, the Great Tribulation and heavenly signs, and that the seventh seal depicts the events which will occur on the Day of the Lord.

The seventh seal consists of seven trumpets. In our last Q&A on the time line of events, we discussed the FIRST SIX TRUMPETS, describing catastrophes caused by an apparent firestorm, a burning meteorite, a fiery comet, further cosmic disturbances, an attack of European forces on Far Eastern nations and a brutal retaliation of those nations against Europe.

In this Q&A, we will begin to discuss the events described by the SEVENTH trumpet. It consists of the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES or the seven bowls of God’s wrath, with which God’s wrath will be completed (compare Revelation 15:1). Revelation 16:1-21 describes these seven last plagues in more detail.

To repeat—as this is vitally important to understand—the SEVENTH SEAL consists of SEVEN TRUMPETS, and the SEVENTH TRUMPET consists of SEVEN PLAGUES. In this Q&A, we will begin to discuss the SEVEN PLAGUES OF THE SEVENTH TRUMPET OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.

Our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible?—The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation”, explains the terrible devastations caused by the seven plagues of the seventh seal. We are citing the following excerpts:

“(7.7.1) The FIRST OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES or bowls [of the SEVENTH trumpet] … causes ‘a foul and loathsome sore’ on those who worship the beast and its image, and who have accepted the mark of the beast (Revelation 16:2)…”

Remember that “the beast” is a very charismatic political and military leader, who will work hand in hand with a religious leader, who is also called, “the false prophet.” But the term, “the beast,” can also be a reference to the European power bloc—the final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire–and the false prophet represents the religious system under his control. It is apparently this religious system, which is meant in Revelation 16:2, in part, with the “image” of the first beast. This religious system is structured and patterned after the first beast—the political and military system. The religious system is also identified in Revelation 17 as the woman riding or influencing the political and military system, showing how both systems “supplement” each other. (For an additional stunning possibility as to what may be meant with the “image” of the beast, please read chapter 14 of our afore-mentioned booklet on the Book of Revelation.)

We also read that the first beast will have a mark—a particular sign of identification—which will be imposed on and accepted by all those who are going to be deceived by Satan to worship the political and religious leaders of the European power bloc, and the entire political and religious system which they will represent (called Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18).

Simply put, the mark of the beast is tantamount to a political and religious philosophy detrimental to the true worship of God. It includes the mandatory and legally enforced celebration of pagan holidays such as Sunday, Christmas and Easter, and the rejection of God’s weekly and annual Holy Days, including the weekly Saturday-Sabbath and, for instance, the Feast of Tabernacles. It also includes human and ungodly ideas such as fighting in war or supporting and embracing a religion which preaches a false Jesus or a false gospel.

Please note the following additional excerpts from our afore-mentioned booklet:

“(7.7.2) The SECOND OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… causes every living creature in the sea to die (Revelation 16:3).”

Remember that during the time of the second trumpet, one-third of all sea creatures will die (Revelation 8:8–9). Now we read that when the second plague of the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal is poured out, ALL sea creatures will die! No animal in our oceans will survive.

To continue:

“(7.7.3) The THIRD OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… causes the sweet water supply to become ‘blood’—that is, undrinkable (Revelation 16:4–7).”

Returning to the time of the third trumpet of the seventh seal, one-third of all the sweet drinking water was poisoned (Revelation 8:10–11), causing the death of one-third of the animals living in sweet water. Now, we are told that at the time of the third plague of the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal, all the sweet water in the rivers and springs will become blood, apparently causing the death of all sweet-water animals. This seems to indicate that no animal living in our rivers and springs will survive.

Let us proceed with quoting further comments from our afore-mentioned booklet:

“(7.7.4) The FOURTH OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… brings about increased solar radiation, which horribly scorches mankind. Despite this punishment from God for their sins, man will not repent, but rather will blaspheme God (Revelation 16:8–9).

“(7.7.5) The FIFTH OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… causes total darkness to cover the Headquarters of the beast—again, people will blaspheme God and will refuse to repent even then (Revelation 16:10–11).

“ (7.7.6) The SIXTH OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… will dry up the waters of the ‘great river Euphrates’ (Revelation 16:12) to enable the ‘kings from the east’ to advance to the place of ‘Armageddon’ (Revelation 16:16) to ‘gather’ there in preparation for ‘the battle of that great day of God Almighty’ (Revelation 16:14, 16).”

At the time of the sixth plague of the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal, we are again introduced to the kings from the east.

To appreciate the full scope and involvement of the kings of the east in the end time, let us return briefly to the fifth and sixth trumpets of the seventh seal.

We will recall that the fifth and sixth trumpets of the seventh seal depict a cruel and horrible war between the kings from the east and Europe. That war ensued after the four angels who are “bound” at the great river Euphrates were “released” (Revelation 9:14). At that time, we don’t read that the river was drying up—only, that the kings of the east were allowed to attack Europe and other nations, including countries in the Middle East.

Let us focus a little bit more on the fact that at the time of the sixth trumpet, the kings from the east will attack European and non-European countries, including the Middle East. Remember that their attacks will cause the death of the THIRD of mankind, and that the beast and the false prophet will apparently reside by then, at least at times, in Jerusalem (compare Daniel 11:45; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 11:7-8). In addition, some of the beast’s armies will have conquered Jerusalem and will be stationed there. Recall what we said in our last Q&A on the time line of prophesied occurrences, when discussing the events of the Great Tribulation [depicted by the fifth seal]:

“Other passages tell us that a military political leader of Europe, called the beast, will invade the Middle East and conquer Jerusalem, and his forces will, at the same time, successfully attack the USA and Great Britain—apparently using nuclear weapons, as all the big cities of the USA and the UK will be destroyed or laid waste in this war (compare Ezekiel 6:6…). We are told in Hosea 5:5, in the Authorized Version, that ‘Israel and Ephraim’ will ‘fall in their iniquity’ and that ‘Judah also shall fall with them.’ This is an end-time prophecy, which still needs to be fulfilled. In the past, Israel and Judah ‘fell’ at different times, but never together or at the same time. The Tanakh says: ‘Israel’s pride shall be humbled before his very eyes, As Israel and Ephraim fall because of their sin (And Judah falls with them).”

In passing, the defeat of modern Israel and Judah will have continuing effects. Their downfall is not limited to just the time when the Great Tribulation begins. We read in Jeremiah 30:7 that the Day of the Lord [depicted by the seventh seal] is “great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.” Jacob or Israel will be led into captivity and will be suffering greatly from the hands of their captors—including during the Day of the Lord, the time of the seventh seal—until Jesus Christ will free them from captivity AFTER His Second Coming.

Returning to the end-time beast and modern Babylon, Revelation 16:10-11 shows us that even shortly after the time of the retaliatory brutal attack of the Asiatic hordes [depicted by the sixth trumpet of the seventh seal], the “throne of the beast” will still be in Europe. Daniel 11:44-45 merely tells us that after he has conquered the Middle East [during the Great Tribulation of the fifth seal], and after his attack on the Far East [depicted by the fifth trumpet of the seventh seal], the beast or “king of the North” shall “plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain,” i.e., in Jerusalem. But the planting of TENTS indicates a temporary dwelling and not a permanent or exclusive place of residence, reminding us of events during World War II when Adolf Hitler had several places in different areas where he would reside from time to time. On occasion, all these places would be called “headquarters,” including “Wolfsschanze” in East Prussia/Poland (where Claus von Stauffenberg tried to kill Hitler); “Wehrwolf” in the Ukraine; “Felsennest” in Muenstereifel, Germany; Berghof and Eagle’s Nest in Obersalzburg, Austria; and the “Fuehrerbunker” in Berlin, where he committed suicide.

Returning now to the time of the sixth plague of the seventh trumpet, we are re-introduced to the kings from the east, and we are told that they are now preparing to strike a final blow in an effort to win the war. They will be crossing the dried-up river Euphrates to move their armies and equipment to a place called “Armageddon,” to assemble there with the apparent desire to advance towards Jerusalem to defeat the beast (who will by that time be in Jerusalem) and to wipe out his European armies which have conquered the Middle East and are mainly stationed in Jerusalem.

But the kings from the east will suddenly feel threatened by another “enemy,” and being influenced by Satan and his demonic powers, they will combine their forces with the kings of the whole world (including the beast power) to attempt to defeat that common foe. That foe is none other than the returning Jesus Christ and His angelic armies in heaven (We are reminded that due to a common foe—Jesus Christ—Pilate and Herod became friends, even though they had been enemies before, Luke 23:12).

Continuing with quoting from our afore-mentioned booklet:

“These kings from the east, as well as all of the other kings of the earth, will be influenced by Satan and the demonically possessed beast and the false prophet (Revelation 16:13–14). All of them will gather at ‘Armageddon’ or the ‘hill of Megiddo’ (‘har’ meaning ‘hill’ in Hebrew), about 55 miles or 90 kilometers north of Jerusalem, and about 15 miles or 25 kilometers inland from the Mediterranean Sea.

“Megiddo is a huge mound with a commanding view of the long and fertile valley of Jezreel—an ideal place for armies gathering there. Then, they will converge from there on Jerusalem to fight the returning Christ. We don’t read that there will be a battle at Armageddon—the battle will be fought farther south in the valley of Jehoshaphat, which is called today the ‘Kidron Valley’ bordering Jerusalem on the east.”

In fact, that battle is described in the nineteenth chapter of the book of Revelation, which pictures the return of Jesus Christ. But before this battle unfolds, other important events will take place at the time when the seventh plague of the seventh or last trumpet is being poured out.

This last plague and other events, which will begin to occur prior to the battle in the Kidron Valley, will be discussed in detail in a subsequent Q&A.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on You Tube and on our Website, titled, “Destruction of US Democracy?” Why are some observers warning about proposed new US laws, including NDAA and SOPA? Would these laws destroy our democratic republic? Are they placing YOU at risk? Are they unconstitutional? Could they be used to persecute the true followers of Christ? Don’t dismiss these valid concerns too quickly! This video will open your eyes! Watch and circulate it before it disappears!

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube, and on our Website,,  titled, “Die Grosse Truebsal, Teil 2” [“The Great Tribulation, Part 2”].

Death Announcement

The following announcement was published in the North County Times on December 11, 2011, pertaining to the death of Rhonda Cagle’s mother, Elizabeth Cagle:

“Elizabeth Cagle, born April 22, 1932, died at her home in Escondido, on Sunday, November 27, 2011 of lung cancer. She resided at the Villa Madeira Senior Park where she was an active member and served as the President of the Board of Directors. She enjoyed gardening and was known as the flower lady to all her neighbors and friends. Elizabeth is survived by her four children; five grandchildren; two great- grandchildren. Memorial Services will be held at the Villa Madeira Club House, 955 Howard Ave., Escondido, Calif. 92029, on January 15, 2012 at 1:00p.m. Norbert Link, minister, will officiate. We would like to thank all of the staff of the Elizabeth Hospice for their help and support.”

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Why No Peace on Earth?

When the angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, did they also promise peace on earth for all men? If so, why haven’t we experienced peace since then? How do we explain the paradox that nearly all really great religious and political leaders have acknowledged the utter futility of war, while war is ongoing? Did early Christians fight in war? What did Christ teach us? Is the concept of righteous war in accordance with the Bible? Will we ever experience peace on earth?

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Current Events

Great Britain All Alone

The EUobserver wrote on December 9:

“A group of 26 EU member states is to forge ahead with an intergovernmental agreement on tightening economic governance in the eurozone, following a stormy summit in Brussels that saw the UK sidelined after it overplayed its hand…The break represents a major symbolic shift for the European Union which has never before cemented a disagreement so publicly and so thoroughly…”

This major symbolic shift will have major practical consequences.

Exactly 20 Years Later…

The New York Times wrote on December 9:

“Europe’s worst financial crisis in generations is forging a new European Union, pushing Britain to the sidelines and creating a more integrated, fiscally disciplined core of nations under the auspices of a resurgent Germany. Exactly 20 years to the day after European leaders signed the treaty that led to the creation of the European Union and the euro currency, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany persuaded every current member of the union except Britain to endorse a new agreement calling for tighter regional oversight of government spending…

“The European Union… is now being reinvented by a united Germany… The big loser in Brussels was Britain…”

The fact that this new pact was agreed upon exactly 20 years after the Maastricht Treaty is no coincidence. At that time, Britain was a co-signer; now, Britain is being excluded. In the Bible, the number ten stands for judgment. Twenty (2 times 10) designates a severe time of judgment. Also, as one of the next articles points out, this week marked the tenth anniversary for the introduction of euro notes and coins in Germany.

… a Two Speed Europe

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 9:

“… the summit’s outcome will seal the status of a two-speed Europe… Nor is the loss of importance in Europe that Britain has now brought upon itself in the country’s geopolitical interest. Indeed, its trans-Atlantic partnership with the United States will suffer as a result.

“In the eyes of politicians in Washington, Britain has been particularly useful because of its ability to assert influence in Brussels… The pact… also represents a shift of power… at the EU level. The ‘economic government’ of leaders of these countries can make decisions via euro summits and would not need to seek the approval of the European Parliament…”

AFP wrote on December 12:

“French President Nicolas Sarkozy admitted on Monday that the European Union was now a two-speed alliance… Separately, the head of France’s financial regulator branded Cameron’s Conservatives ‘the stupidest’ right-wing party in the world for pushing its leader into confrontation with Europe…”

This confrontation with Europe will continue. The Bible shows that ultimately, ten nations or groups of nations will arise in Europe, and they will give their authority to a charismatic political and military leader, who, in turn, will begin a war with Great Britain. The next articles speak for themselves, showing that Great Britain is not being perceived as a part of Europe—whether or not they nominally stay in the EU. However, Britain will not remain a EU member for long.

Britain Abrogated Any Leadership Role in Europe

The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote on December 12:

“… nobody can seriously believe that Great Britain’s shrinking influence in Europe will have no consequences for the country’s economy… British industry is dependent on the European common market to which Cameron has just given the cold shoulder.”

The Financial Times wrote on December 12:

“Cameron has abandoned Britain’s claim to playing a leading role in the European Union. And the Continent is not prepared to wait. As the recent summit showed, it is quite willing to push forward with European integration even without the British…”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote on December 12:

“…the euroskeptics who already view the allegations that England is isolated as a badge of honor, may agitate even more vehemently for Britain to leave the EU. And Cameron, who is correctly defending EU membership as being in the national interest, will have to see how he can stuff this genie back into the bottle — and how he can bring the tumult in his coalition back under control…’”

Britain In or Out?

Der Spiegel wrote on December 11:

“The British were never completely dedicated to European unity and the ongoing project of greater fiscal integration is better off without them… European leaders in Brussels hammered out an agreement… that conflicts fundamentally with the British understanding of Europe…

“But from the very beginning, Great Britain’s participation in a united Europe was a misunderstanding. When the EU was founded, the British still hadn’t finished mourning over their lost empire… In the 1960s, the empire was history, with one colony after the other declaring independence. But instead of turning toward Europe, Britain looked west to the US. And to this day, the UK feels much closer to America than it does to the frogs and the krauts on the other side of the English Channel…

“Great Britain is an EU member that never truly wanted to be part of the club. It was more of an observer than a contributor and it always had one eye on Washington. Indeed, it is telling that the country never joined the border-free travel regime known as Schengen — Britain still checks everybody who enters the country from the other side of the Channel. The political establishment was likewise extremely skeptical of the common currency from the very beginning…

“Now, finally, there is a clear line of separation. On the one side is euro-Europe with a treaty obligating them to stay within clear budgetary and sovereign debt boundaries. And there is the rest which still has complete sovereign control over their finances. The 17 euro-zone member states will no longer be forced to accommodate a country that rejects anything that smells like supra-nationalism…

“British historian Timothy Garton Ash, a critic of the euro-skeptic course followed by the Cameron administration, said recently… ‘If the euro zone is saved, there will be a fiscal union, which means a political union of the euro countries…. Then, in the next two, three or four years, we in Great Britain will face the final question: in or out?’

“If the British political class does not undergo a fundamental transformation, there is only one possible answer. Out.”

These are strong words with grave meaning. Not too long ago, we would have been hard-pressed to see these kinds of statements in the European press. Now, suddenly, overnight, the world seems to have changed… Note also the next article.

The Beginning of the End for Great Britain

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 12:

“By casting his veto at the EU summit, Prime Minister David Cameron has signaled the beginning of the end of Britain’s EU membership. Many in Europe wouldn’t be sorry to see Britain go… Have we finally reached the end of this fractious alliance? Is Britain well on its way to once again becoming what it has always been both in geographical terms and in spirit: an island, politically and culturally far removed from Europe…?

“In the future, in addition to the old EU club of 27 states, there will also be one made up of the 17 euro-zone countries and their sympathizers. Isolated and paranoid, Britain will keep armies of lawyers busy watching over the EU like chained dogs to make sure that its institutions don’t ever assume an active role in matters that only concern the euro countries.

“Since joining what is now called the EU in 1973, the British have annoyed many Europeans with their constant and now notorious demands for special treatment, rebates and blocking tactics. They have placed a one-sided emphasis on making sure that the EU’s internal market functions as smoothly as possible, while sabotaging the establishment of a common foreign policy. They were just as allergic to the draft of a European constitution as they were to the free movement of workers.

“Britain is entering a new era. Indeed, Cameron’s veto marks the beginning of the end of Britain’s days as a member of the EU. Charles Grant is the director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank… [He] gives the island a decade at most before it severs its ties with Brussels for good… [Cameron’s] own party pushed him into distancing Britain from the continent… Many people in Britain view the EU as a neo-Stalinist power machine… Four years ago, a clear majority of Britons still wanted to stay in the EU. But that’s no longer the case, as 51 percent want out. And Cameron has now shown them the way…”

Britain’s exit might occur much sooner. As long as they are EU members, they are still under European scrutiny, as the next article shows.

Britain Cannot Escape

The EUobserver wrote on December 12:

“The European Commission has picked a fight with the British government… Economic and monetary affairs commissioner Olli Rehn on Monday (12 December) warned the UK that the City of London could not escape expanded European regulation of the financial sector and insisted that Brussels is on firm legal ground in the use of the EU institutions to police the new ‘fiscal compact’ – an intergovernmental agreement that Britain decided not to sign up to. ‘If this move was intended to prevent bankers and financial corporations of the City from being regulated, that’s not going to happen,’ he told reporters in Brussels.”

Political Union

The Euobserver wrote on December 14:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said a political union is beginning to take shape in the EU… Merkel said the crisis had seen Europeans ‘move closer than ever before.’

“Referring to a sense of determination in other EU leaders to overcome the eurozone problems, the chancellor said: ‘I am sure that this common sense of responsibility will remain with us far beyond the crisis…’

“However she was fiercely criticised by the Socialist opposition leader, Frank-Walter Steinmeier… [who] said the intergovernmental path chosen sounded ‘harmless at first glance, but it is not… With this (solution) we are putting Europe on a politically and legally fully incalculable path.’”

Abandoning the Euro Absurd

The Local wrote on December 14:

“The idea of abandoning the euro in the current eurozone debt crisis and returning to the Deutsche mark as called for by some people in Germany is ‘absurd,’ Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann said. ‘We’re doing everything we can so that that scenario won’t come about,’ Weidmann said… ‘The scenario we’re working on with the European Central Bank is a scenario for a solid euro,’ he told reporters.

“Weidmann, along with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, is scheduled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the introduction of euro notes and coins at a ceremony in Berlin later on Wednesday. ‘There’s no plan B, no printer in the Bundesbank’s cellars,’ he quipped. ‘The only Deutsche marks still in existence are those on display in the currency museum and those which people are still coming to us with to exchange’ for euros.”

Russian-European Summit

Deutsche Welle reported in December 15:

“Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has pledged up to 20 billion euros of Russian investment to bolster the eurozone… The EU must be ‘preserved as a powerful political and economic force … [and the euro] preserved as one of the most important reserve currencies,’ he added. The EU is Russia’s biggest trading partner… With 41 percent of Russia’s currency reserves held in the euro and half of all Russian external trade conducted with the EU, Russia’s interests in the survival of the euro are clear…

“It wasn’t just economic concerns, however, which were on the agenda of the 28th EU-Russia summit in Brussels. Speaking at a press conference at the close of the summit, EU president Herman Van Rompuy said the bloc was troubled by reports of corruption in Russia’s recent elections… Tens of thousands gathered in Moscow and other cities in Russia on Saturday denouncing the polls on December 4 as a farce.

“Van Rompuy noted, however, that EU leaders had had an honest discussion with the Russian president. He went on to praise the regime’s response to the weekend protests. ‘In contrast, the recent large demonstrations were peaceful and the authorities in my view handled it very well,’ he added.

“On Wednesday the European Parliament called for Russia to hold a new round of ‘free and fair elections’  and conduct investigations into any fraud claims. Medvedev declined to comment on the demands, but noted that his country’s legislature had ‘expressed indignation with the position of the European Parliament.’

“No real progress was made during the summit over the issue of sanctions against Syria and Iran. Moscow has been blocking United Nations condemnation of the Syrian government’s deadly crackdown on anti-regime protests. Russia also opposes any further moves on Iran, whose nuclear program worries the West…

“Meanwhile trade between Russia and the EU is expected to grow further, with Russia expected to join the World Trade Organization on Friday following 18 years of negotiation. The accession would offer ‘a myriad of new opportunities for trade, investment and global growth,’  Van Rompuy said.”

In addition, Putin lashed out on Thursday against American propaganda, and even claimed that American drones and special forces killed Gaddafi. Europe’s rather mild stance on the matter shows how money rules this world…

European Banks Stop Serving American Customers

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 14:

“European banks are dumping clients with US citizenship due to a new American law meant to curb tax evasion. The law would require financial institutions around the world to report on certain client activities. Compliance, say many banks, is way too expensive. The idea was to ensure that US citizens were paying their taxes on investments made through overseas banks. The result, however, has been that Americans in Europe may have difficulties finding banks who want their business.

“According to a report in the Wednesday edition of the Financial Times Deutschland, several European banks have elected to no longer serve American securities investors due to stricter reporting requirements pushed through last year by the administration of President Barack Obama.

“German financial institution HypoVereinsbank has informed its customers that it will no longer offer certain services to its US-based clients or to US citizens as of Jan. 1. Deutsche Bank told the paper that it already cancelled such accounts held by American citizens in the middle of 2011. Germany’s second largest bank, Commerzbank, is considering a similar move… British banking giant HSBC has also reported that it will no longer serve US investors as has the Swiss bank Credit Suisse.

“The reason for the sudden reticence to serve American clients is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which was passed in 2010 and will go into effect in January of 2013. The act requires all foreign banks to identify and report on US citizens with accounts holding more than $50,000 in an effort to clamp down on tax evasion. If banks refuse to comply, they could face a punitive 30 percent withholding tax on all payments from the US. The law is expected to increase tax revenues by $8 billion over the next 10 years… An official for DWPBank, which takes care of securities transactions for 1,600 banks in Germany, estimated that total cost of compliance in Germany alone could amount to €10 billion.”

The Local added on December 15:

“None of the banks have said they are restricting Americans’ run-of-the-mill banking activities such as making deposits into normal savings accounts. That’s because those transactions aren’t yet covered by US regulations… The regulations will only get more complex in 2013 when the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act comes into effect. That will require banks to report more information about account holders to American tax authorities, although specifics about what the law will require remain elusive, angering many in the financial services industry.”

Another example as to how man makes decisions without considering the consequences…

US Soldiers Leave Iraq

With the U.S. military ending its mission in Iraq, uncertain days lie ahead for that tumultuous Islamic country. Even though the following article by the Wall Street Journal seems to be overly enthusiastic and far too “patriotic” regarding the Iraq war which the USA did NOT win and which provides very little reason to be proud of, we are bringing you the following telling excerpts:

The Wall Street Journal reported on December 15:

“After nearly nine years of war, tens of thousands of casualties—including 4,500 Americans dead—and more than $800 billion spent, the U.S. military on Thursday formally ended its mission in Iraq and prepared to leave the country… In the coming days, the last of the 4,000 U.S. military personnel still in Iraq will follow the flag and head home—leaving fewer than 200 to serve as part of the diplomatic mission…

“The Iraq war has been a nine-year emotional roller-coaster ride for the American people and the military. With the destruction of Saddam Hussein’s military and advance on Baghdad accomplished within weeks, it at first appeared to be a quick victory for America and the world’s most technically advanced army.

“But within months of the taking of Baghdad, a growing insurgency emerged and turned the quick victory into a long slog. The advanced U.S. military was brought low by primitive weapons: homemade bombs made from fertilizer or discarded artillery shells… The surge, deeply controversial in the U.S., began to tamp down that violence in the summer of 2007, eventually restoring a measure of calm on a country that had descended into chaos.

“The U.S. force numbered more than 170,000 at the height of the surge—a mobilization that required grueling 15-month tours for many in the Army and constant trips to the war zone for a generation of Marines… Mr. Obama rose to prominence in part with his criticism of the Iraq war. He argued that it was a ‘dumb war’ that never should have been fought—a stance that helped him win the Democratic nomination. Bringing home the troops fulfills one of his major campaign promises.

“Iraqi officials say it also makes good on a pledge by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who won a second term by securing the support of parliamentarians who were dead-set against any extension of the U.S. troop presence.”

The New York Times added on December 15:

“The United States military officially declared an end to its mission in Iraq on Thursday even as violence continues to plague the country and the Muslim world remains distrustful of American power… The war was started by the Bush administration in March 2003 on arguments that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and had ties to Al Qaeda that might grow to an alliance threatening the United States with a mass-casualty terrorist attack.  As the absence of unconventional weapons proved a humiliation for the administration and the intelligence community, the war effort was reframed as being about bringing democracy to the Middle East…”

BBC News wrote on December 15:

“Some 4,500 US soldiers and more than 100,000 Iraqis have died in the war. The conflict, launched by the Bush administration in March 2003, soon became hugely unpopular as claims that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction and supporting al-Qaeda militants turned out to be untrue.

“The war has cost the US some $1tr. Republicans have criticised the pullout citing concerns over Iraq’s stability, but a recent poll by the Pew Research Centre found that 75% of Americans backed the troop withdrawal… Some Iraqis have said they fear the consequences of being left to manage their own security…

“But in the city of Falluja, a former insurgent stronghold which was the scene of major US offensives in 2004, people burned US flags on Wednesday in celebration at the withdrawal… Concerns have also been voiced in Washington that Iraq lacks robust political structures or an ability to defend its borders. There are also fears that Iraq could be plunged back into sectarian bloodletting, or be unduly influenced by Iran.”

The following article points out an interesting consequence stemming from US withdrawal from Iraq:

The Washington Times wrote on December 14:

“The U.S. military’s fast-approaching Dec. 31 exit from Iraq, which has no way to defend its airspace, puts Israel in a better place strategically to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iraq has yet to assemble a force of jet fighters, and since the shortest route for Israeli strike fighters to Iran is through Iraqi airspace, observers conclude that the U.S. exit makes the Jewish state’s mission planning a lot easier.”

USA Loses Another Drone

The Washington Post wrote on December 13:

“One of the Air Force’s premier drones crashed Tuesday morning in the Seychelles, the Indian Ocean archipelago that serves as a base for anti-piracy operations, as well as U.S. surveillance missions over Somalia. The crash of the MQ-9 Reaper comes roughly two weeks after a U.S. drone went down in Iran.

“The Seychelles, where U.S. officials have worked closely with local officials to establish the drone base, is hardly enemy territory, and the drone that crashed Tuesday was operated by the Air Force, not the CIA, which operated the stealth RQ-170 that crashed in Iran. Still, Tuesday’s crash once again illustrates the fallibility of unmanned aerial vehicles. The Air Force acknowledged the crash at the Seychelles airport, and a spokesman for the service said the crash happened as the drone was landing. No one was injured.”

President Obama’s plea to Iran to please return the first missing drone—which “request” was of course rejected outright–would be laughable, if it wasn’t so pathetic. And now, the USA is losing another drone, also apparently due to mechanical failure. It appears that just nothing goes right for the USA these days…

Iran’s New Threats

Fox News reported on December 13:

“A high-ranking Iranian official has said Iran’s military will practice sealing off the Strait of Hormuz, the world’s most important oil transport channel, in a provocative move that illustrates Iran’s capability of disrupting the world’s oil supply… The announcement Monday… sent oil prices up about $3 to $100 a barrel…

“Pentagon Spokesman Doug Wilson responded by saying although he has no information on the exercises, the United States government is committed to the free and safe passage in international waters and anything that interferes with that would be ‘detrimental’… About 15.5 million barrels of oil a day, about a sixth of global consumption, flows through the Strait of Hormuz…”

The Vatican and Jerusalem

Israel News reported on December 15:

“‘Peace negotiations in the Middle East must tackle the issue of the status of the holy sites of Jerusalem’, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican’s Council for Interreligious Dialogue, declared several days ago in Rome. The Vatican’s former foreign minister asked to place some Israeli holy places under Vatican authority, alluding to the Cenacle on Mount Zion and the garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The first site also houses what is referred to as King David’s tomb.

“‘There will not be peace if the question of the holy sites is not adequately resolved’, Tauran said…  The Israeli government and the Vatican are deadlocked in discussions over the status of the religious sites. Vatican officials are now reiterating their demand for control over the religious sites…The Vatican’s former archbishop in Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, just promoted an appeal to the European Union and United States to ‘stop the Hebraization of Jerusalem’…

“A few days earlier, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, gave a speech to greet the bishops of Europe and North America during their annual pilgrimage in Israel, in which Twal denounced ‘the Israeli right wing invading more and more of Jerusalem and trying to transform it into an only Hebrew-Jewish city, excluding the other faiths…’”

This Week in the News

In this issue, we are mainly concentrating on spectacular and wide-ranging developments pertaining to Great Britain. As the Church of God has prophesied and proclaimed for decades, Great Britain will finally be at odds with continental Europe. We have been saying for years that Britain will not join the Eurozone, and that it will ultimately leave or be expelled from the EU. The most recent events show the accuracy of our predictions, which are not based on human imagination, but on biblical prophecies showing that in the not-too-distant future, a military confrontation will ensue between continental Europe and Great Britain.

For more information, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

We also encourage you to view some of our recent StandingWatch programs, including “War Between Britain and Germany” and “War Between Britain and Europe”

We want to emphasize that we do not take any position in the matter, but we are just reporting as to what is happening. In previous Current Events sections, we quoted extensively from the British press. In this issue, we are citing primarily European papers to show their take on things. This is not so say that we feel that the EU member states are right and the UK is wrong.   Of course we know that both are wrong, in having ignored the Bible and its teaching of the right way to live and the worship of the true God.  And we know that the continental European nations—and especially the still emerging ten nations or groups of nations—will not really be strongly united culturally, as iron does not mix with clay (Daniel 2:43), but we also know that their unification will be of a powerful economic, political and military nature, which will finally cause them to transfer their authority to a charismatic leader of German descent.

We are also reporting on the European-Russian Summit; the continuing deteriorating relationship between the USA and Europe due to a new controversial US tax law; additional bad news for the USA; repeated threats from Iran; and the Vatican’s goals pertaining to Jerusalem.

Update 520

Of Good Courage

On December 17, 2011, Eric Rank will give the sermon, titled, “Of Good Courage.”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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A Better Plan

by Rene Messier (Canada)

God’s plan is basic and simple. It does not have difficult complexity to it. God is, and always has been a Family, and His plan is to enlarge His Family through man. To accomplish this, man was created physically with the opportunity to become spirit. Blood is the common element in the human family—it maintains us physically. God’s Spirit sustains us spiritually, with the prospect of eventually inheriting eternal life as a God being and member of the God Family.
God’s plan is based on love and maintains ten simple rules, as it were, outlining how to establish a proper relationship with God and our fellow man. These fundamental rules are known today as God’s Ten Commandments. The first four commandments show us how to love God, and the last six commandments teach us how to love our neighbor.
Satan invented what he determined to be a better plan. His plan is not based on man’s love for and obedience to the ten rules of a godly relationship with God and man, but it is based on the contrary and destructive principles of get, selfishness and greed. In God’s plan, man was to maintain and embellish the earth. Satan, not willing to obey God, influenced Eve to sin by disobeying God’s instructions, and Adam followed her bad example.
Satan has become the god of this world. He has deceived the whole world. His plan is in full-fledged mode today, and what do we see? We see wars, destruction of the environment, murder and mayhem.
God wants the earth to be a paradise for man. Satan wants to use the scorched earth approach in an attempt to destroy mankind, and all human flesh. He also wants those of us who are being called now to fail in our calling. He wants us to become disqualified, preventing us from becoming God beings. He also wants to thwart our efforts of proclaiming this gospel or good news of the Kingdom or Family of God. He wants to prevent the gospel from reaching mankind. He does not want anyone to repent, but that all would remain his captives.
Which is the better plan? The one, which entails peace and harmony between man and God, and which provides the means for man to eventually become God–or the one, which would lead to the destruction of all flesh and the pollution of our entire earth?
The answer is self-evident, and that is part of the reason why it is so important for us to remain focused on and to proclaim the good plan of God, and to go faithfully through doors which God may open for us in this endeavor.

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In this issue, we are mainly concentrating on spectacular and wide-ranging developments pertaining to Great Britain. As the Church of God has prophesied and proclaimed for decades, Great Britain will finally be at odds with continental Europe. We have been saying for years that Britain will not join the Eurozone, and that it will ultimately leave or be expelled from the EU. The most recent events show the accuracy of our predictions, which are not based on human imagination, but on biblical prophecies showing that in the not-too-distant future, a military confrontation will ensue between continental Europe and Great Britain.

For more information, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

We also encourage you to view some of our recent StandingWatch programs, including “War Between Britain and Germany” and “War Between Britain and Europe”

We want to emphasize that we do not take any position in the matter, but we are just reporting as to what is happening. In previous Current Events sections, we quoted extensively from the British press. In this issue, we are citing primarily European papers to show their take on things. This is not so say that we feel that the EU member states are right and the UK is wrong.   Of course we know that both are wrong, in having ignored the Bible and its teaching of the right way to live and the worship of the true God.  And we know that the continental European nations—and especially the still emerging ten nations or groups of nations—will not really be strongly united culturally, as iron does not mix with clay (Daniel 2:43), but we also know that their unification will be of a powerful economic, political and military nature, which will finally cause them to transfer their authority to a charismatic leader of German descent.

We are also reporting on the European-Russian Summit; the continuing deteriorating relationship between the USA and Europe due to a new controversial US tax law; additional bad news for the USA; repeated threats from Iran; and the Vatican’s goals pertaining to Jerusalem.

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Great Britain All Alone

The EUobserver wrote on December 9:

“A group of 26 EU member states is to forge ahead with an intergovernmental agreement on tightening economic governance in the eurozone, following a stormy summit in Brussels that saw the UK sidelined after it overplayed its hand…The break represents a major symbolic shift for the European Union which has never before cemented a disagreement so publicly and so thoroughly…”

This major symbolic shift will have major practical consequences.

Exactly 20 Years Later…

The New York Times wrote on December 9:

“Europe’s worst financial crisis in generations is forging a new European Union, pushing Britain to the sidelines and creating a more integrated, fiscally disciplined core of nations under the auspices of a resurgent Germany. Exactly 20 years to the day after European leaders signed the treaty that led to the creation of the European Union and the euro currency, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany persuaded every current member of the union except Britain to endorse a new agreement calling for tighter regional oversight of government spending…

“The European Union… is now being reinvented by a united Germany… The big loser in Brussels was Britain…”

The fact that this new pact was agreed upon exactly 20 years after the Maastricht Treaty is no coincidence. At that time, Britain was a co-signer; now, Britain is being excluded. In the Bible, the number ten stands for judgment. Twenty (2 times 10) designates a severe time of judgment. Also, as one of the next articles points out, this week marked the tenth anniversary for the introduction of euro notes and coins in Germany.

… a Two Speed Europe

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 9:

“… the summit’s outcome will seal the status of a two-speed Europe… Nor is the loss of importance in Europe that Britain has now brought upon itself in the country’s geopolitical interest. Indeed, its trans-Atlantic partnership with the United States will suffer as a result.

“In the eyes of politicians in Washington, Britain has been particularly useful because of its ability to assert influence in Brussels… The pact… also represents a shift of power… at the EU level. The ‘economic government’ of leaders of these countries can make decisions via euro summits and would not need to seek the approval of the European Parliament…”

AFP wrote on December 12:

“French President Nicolas Sarkozy admitted on Monday that the European Union was now a two-speed alliance… Separately, the head of France’s financial regulator branded Cameron’s Conservatives ‘the stupidest’ right-wing party in the world for pushing its leader into confrontation with Europe…”

This confrontation with Europe will continue. The Bible shows that ultimately, ten nations or groups of nations will arise in Europe, and they will give their authority to a charismatic political and military leader, who, in turn, will begin a war with Great Britain. The next articles speak for themselves, showing that Great Britain is not being perceived as a part of Europe—whether or not they nominally stay in the EU. However, Britain will not remain a EU member for long.

Britain Abrogated Any Leadership Role in Europe

The Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote on December 12:

“… nobody can seriously believe that Great Britain’s shrinking influence in Europe will have no consequences for the country’s economy… British industry is dependent on the European common market to which Cameron has just given the cold shoulder.”

The Financial Times wrote on December 12:

“Cameron has abandoned Britain’s claim to playing a leading role in the European Union. And the Continent is not prepared to wait. As the recent summit showed, it is quite willing to push forward with European integration even without the British…”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wrote on December 12:

“…the euroskeptics who already view the allegations that England is isolated as a badge of honor, may agitate even more vehemently for Britain to leave the EU. And Cameron, who is correctly defending EU membership as being in the national interest, will have to see how he can stuff this genie back into the bottle — and how he can bring the tumult in his coalition back under control…’”

Britain In or Out?

Der Spiegel wrote on December 11:

“The British were never completely dedicated to European unity and the ongoing project of greater fiscal integration is better off without them… European leaders in Brussels hammered out an agreement… that conflicts fundamentally with the British understanding of Europe…

“But from the very beginning, Great Britain’s participation in a united Europe was a misunderstanding. When the EU was founded, the British still hadn’t finished mourning over their lost empire… In the 1960s, the empire was history, with one colony after the other declaring independence. But instead of turning toward Europe, Britain looked west to the US. And to this day, the UK feels much closer to America than it does to the frogs and the krauts on the other side of the English Channel…

“Great Britain is an EU member that never truly wanted to be part of the club. It was more of an observer than a contributor and it always had one eye on Washington. Indeed, it is telling that the country never joined the border-free travel regime known as Schengen — Britain still checks everybody who enters the country from the other side of the Channel. The political establishment was likewise extremely skeptical of the common currency from the very beginning…

“Now, finally, there is a clear line of separation. On the one side is euro-Europe with a treaty obligating them to stay within clear budgetary and sovereign debt boundaries. And there is the rest which still has complete sovereign control over their finances. The 17 euro-zone member states will no longer be forced to accommodate a country that rejects anything that smells like supra-nationalism…

“British historian Timothy Garton Ash, a critic of the euro-skeptic course followed by the Cameron administration, said recently… ‘If the euro zone is saved, there will be a fiscal union, which means a political union of the euro countries…. Then, in the next two, three or four years, we in Great Britain will face the final question: in or out?’

“If the British political class does not undergo a fundamental transformation, there is only one possible answer. Out.”

These are strong words with grave meaning. Not too long ago, we would have been hard-pressed to see these kinds of statements in the European press. Now, suddenly, overnight, the world seems to have changed… Note also the next article.

The Beginning of the End for Great Britain

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 12:

“By casting his veto at the EU summit, Prime Minister David Cameron has signaled the beginning of the end of Britain’s EU membership. Many in Europe wouldn’t be sorry to see Britain go… Have we finally reached the end of this fractious alliance? Is Britain well on its way to once again becoming what it has always been both in geographical terms and in spirit: an island, politically and culturally far removed from Europe…?

“In the future, in addition to the old EU club of 27 states, there will also be one made up of the 17 euro-zone countries and their sympathizers. Isolated and paranoid, Britain will keep armies of lawyers busy watching over the EU like chained dogs to make sure that its institutions don’t ever assume an active role in matters that only concern the euro countries.

“Since joining what is now called the EU in 1973, the British have annoyed many Europeans with their constant and now notorious demands for special treatment, rebates and blocking tactics. They have placed a one-sided emphasis on making sure that the EU’s internal market functions as smoothly as possible, while sabotaging the establishment of a common foreign policy. They were just as allergic to the draft of a European constitution as they were to the free movement of workers.

“Britain is entering a new era. Indeed, Cameron’s veto marks the beginning of the end of Britain’s days as a member of the EU. Charles Grant is the director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank… [He] gives the island a decade at most before it severs its ties with Brussels for good… [Cameron’s] own party pushed him into distancing Britain from the continent… Many people in Britain view the EU as a neo-Stalinist power machine… Four years ago, a clear majority of Britons still wanted to stay in the EU. But that’s no longer the case, as 51 percent want out. And Cameron has now shown them the way…”

Britain’s exit might occur much sooner. As long as they are EU members, they are still under European scrutiny, as the next article shows.

Britain Cannot Escape

The EUobserver wrote on December 12:

“The European Commission has picked a fight with the British government… Economic and monetary affairs commissioner Olli Rehn on Monday (12 December) warned the UK that the City of London could not escape expanded European regulation of the financial sector and insisted that Brussels is on firm legal ground in the use of the EU institutions to police the new ‘fiscal compact’ – an intergovernmental agreement that Britain decided not to sign up to. ‘If this move was intended to prevent bankers and financial corporations of the City from being regulated, that’s not going to happen,’ he told reporters in Brussels.”

Political Union

The Euobserver wrote on December 14:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said a political union is beginning to take shape in the EU… Merkel said the crisis had seen Europeans ‘move closer than ever before.’

“Referring to a sense of determination in other EU leaders to overcome the eurozone problems, the chancellor said: ‘I am sure that this common sense of responsibility will remain with us far beyond the crisis…’

“However she was fiercely criticised by the Socialist opposition leader, Frank-Walter Steinmeier… [who] said the intergovernmental path chosen sounded ‘harmless at first glance, but it is not… With this (solution) we are putting Europe on a politically and legally fully incalculable path.’”

Abandoning the Euro Absurd

The Local wrote on December 14:

“The idea of abandoning the euro in the current eurozone debt crisis and returning to the Deutsche mark as called for by some people in Germany is ‘absurd,’ Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann said. ‘We’re doing everything we can so that that scenario won’t come about,’ Weidmann said… ‘The scenario we’re working on with the European Central Bank is a scenario for a solid euro,’ he told reporters.

“Weidmann, along with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, is scheduled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the introduction of euro notes and coins at a ceremony in Berlin later on Wednesday. ‘There’s no plan B, no printer in the Bundesbank’s cellars,’ he quipped. ‘The only Deutsche marks still in existence are those on display in the currency museum and those which people are still coming to us with to exchange’ for euros.”

Russian-European Summit

Deutsche Welle reported in December 15:

“Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has pledged up to 20 billion euros of Russian investment to bolster the eurozone… The EU must be ‘preserved as a powerful political and economic force … [and the euro] preserved as one of the most important reserve currencies,’ he added. The EU is Russia’s biggest trading partner… With 41 percent of Russia’s currency reserves held in the euro and half of all Russian external trade conducted with the EU, Russia’s interests in the survival of the euro are clear…

“It wasn’t just economic concerns, however, which were on the agenda of the 28th EU-Russia summit in Brussels. Speaking at a press conference at the close of the summit, EU president Herman Van Rompuy said the bloc was troubled by reports of corruption in Russia’s recent elections… Tens of thousands gathered in Moscow and other cities in Russia on Saturday denouncing the polls on December 4 as a farce.

“Van Rompuy noted, however, that EU leaders had had an honest discussion with the Russian president. He went on to praise the regime’s response to the weekend protests. ‘In contrast, the recent large demonstrations were peaceful and the authorities in my view handled it very well,’ he added.

“On Wednesday the European Parliament called for Russia to hold a new round of ‘free and fair elections’  and conduct investigations into any fraud claims. Medvedev declined to comment on the demands, but noted that his country’s legislature had ‘expressed indignation with the position of the European Parliament.’

“No real progress was made during the summit over the issue of sanctions against Syria and Iran. Moscow has been blocking United Nations condemnation of the Syrian government’s deadly crackdown on anti-regime protests. Russia also opposes any further moves on Iran, whose nuclear program worries the West…

“Meanwhile trade between Russia and the EU is expected to grow further, with Russia expected to join the World Trade Organization on Friday following 18 years of negotiation. The accession would offer ‘a myriad of new opportunities for trade, investment and global growth,’  Van Rompuy said.”

In addition, Putin lashed out on Thursday against American propaganda, and even claimed that American drones and special forces killed Gaddafi. Europe’s rather mild stance on the matter shows how money rules this world…

European Banks Stop Serving American Customers

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 14:

“European banks are dumping clients with US citizenship due to a new American law meant to curb tax evasion. The law would require financial institutions around the world to report on certain client activities. Compliance, say many banks, is way too expensive. The idea was to ensure that US citizens were paying their taxes on investments made through overseas banks. The result, however, has been that Americans in Europe may have difficulties finding banks who want their business.

“According to a report in the Wednesday edition of the Financial Times Deutschland, several European banks have elected to no longer serve American securities investors due to stricter reporting requirements pushed through last year by the administration of President Barack Obama.

“German financial institution HypoVereinsbank has informed its customers that it will no longer offer certain services to its US-based clients or to US citizens as of Jan. 1. Deutsche Bank told the paper that it already cancelled such accounts held by American citizens in the middle of 2011. Germany’s second largest bank, Commerzbank, is considering a similar move… British banking giant HSBC has also reported that it will no longer serve US investors as has the Swiss bank Credit Suisse.

“The reason for the sudden reticence to serve American clients is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which was passed in 2010 and will go into effect in January of 2013. The act requires all foreign banks to identify and report on US citizens with accounts holding more than $50,000 in an effort to clamp down on tax evasion. If banks refuse to comply, they could face a punitive 30 percent withholding tax on all payments from the US. The law is expected to increase tax revenues by $8 billion over the next 10 years… An official for DWPBank, which takes care of securities transactions for 1,600 banks in Germany, estimated that total cost of compliance in Germany alone could amount to €10 billion.”

The Local added on December 15:

“None of the banks have said they are restricting Americans’ run-of-the-mill banking activities such as making deposits into normal savings accounts. That’s because those transactions aren’t yet covered by US regulations… The regulations will only get more complex in 2013 when the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act comes into effect. That will require banks to report more information about account holders to American tax authorities, although specifics about what the law will require remain elusive, angering many in the financial services industry.”

Another example as to how man makes decisions without considering the consequences…

US Soldiers Leave Iraq

With the U.S. military ending its mission in Iraq, uncertain days lie ahead for that tumultuous Islamic country. Even though the following article by the Wall Street Journal seems to be overly enthusiastic and far too “patriotic” regarding the Iraq war which the USA did NOT win and which provides very little reason to be proud of, we are bringing you the following telling excerpts:

The Wall Street Journal reported on December 15:

“After nearly nine years of war, tens of thousands of casualties—including 4,500 Americans dead—and more than $800 billion spent, the U.S. military on Thursday formally ended its mission in Iraq and prepared to leave the country… In the coming days, the last of the 4,000 U.S. military personnel still in Iraq will follow the flag and head home—leaving fewer than 200 to serve as part of the diplomatic mission…

“The Iraq war has been a nine-year emotional roller-coaster ride for the American people and the military. With the destruction of Saddam Hussein’s military and advance on Baghdad accomplished within weeks, it at first appeared to be a quick victory for America and the world’s most technically advanced army.

“But within months of the taking of Baghdad, a growing insurgency emerged and turned the quick victory into a long slog. The advanced U.S. military was brought low by primitive weapons: homemade bombs made from fertilizer or discarded artillery shells… The surge, deeply controversial in the U.S., began to tamp down that violence in the summer of 2007, eventually restoring a measure of calm on a country that had descended into chaos.

“The U.S. force numbered more than 170,000 at the height of the surge—a mobilization that required grueling 15-month tours for many in the Army and constant trips to the war zone for a generation of Marines… Mr. Obama rose to prominence in part with his criticism of the Iraq war. He argued that it was a ‘dumb war’ that never should have been fought—a stance that helped him win the Democratic nomination. Bringing home the troops fulfills one of his major campaign promises.

“Iraqi officials say it also makes good on a pledge by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who won a second term by securing the support of parliamentarians who were dead-set against any extension of the U.S. troop presence.”

The New York Times added on December 15:

“The United States military officially declared an end to its mission in Iraq on Thursday even as violence continues to plague the country and the Muslim world remains distrustful of American power… The war was started by the Bush administration in March 2003 on arguments that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and had ties to Al Qaeda that might grow to an alliance threatening the United States with a mass-casualty terrorist attack.  As the absence of unconventional weapons proved a humiliation for the administration and the intelligence community, the war effort was reframed as being about bringing democracy to the Middle East…”

BBC News wrote on December 15:

“Some 4,500 US soldiers and more than 100,000 Iraqis have died in the war. The conflict, launched by the Bush administration in March 2003, soon became hugely unpopular as claims that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction and supporting al-Qaeda militants turned out to be untrue.

“The war has cost the US some $1tr. Republicans have criticised the pullout citing concerns over Iraq’s stability, but a recent poll by the Pew Research Centre found that 75% of Americans backed the troop withdrawal… Some Iraqis have said they fear the consequences of being left to manage their own security…

“But in the city of Falluja, a former insurgent stronghold which was the scene of major US offensives in 2004, people burned US flags on Wednesday in celebration at the withdrawal… Concerns have also been voiced in Washington that Iraq lacks robust political structures or an ability to defend its borders. There are also fears that Iraq could be plunged back into sectarian bloodletting, or be unduly influenced by Iran.”

The following article points out an interesting consequence stemming from US withdrawal from Iraq:

The Washington Times wrote on December 14:

“The U.S. military’s fast-approaching Dec. 31 exit from Iraq, which has no way to defend its airspace, puts Israel in a better place strategically to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iraq has yet to assemble a force of jet fighters, and since the shortest route for Israeli strike fighters to Iran is through Iraqi airspace, observers conclude that the U.S. exit makes the Jewish state’s mission planning a lot easier.”

USA Loses Another Drone

The Washington Post wrote on December 13:

“One of the Air Force’s premier drones crashed Tuesday morning in the Seychelles, the Indian Ocean archipelago that serves as a base for anti-piracy operations, as well as U.S. surveillance missions over Somalia. The crash of the MQ-9 Reaper comes roughly two weeks after a U.S. drone went down in Iran.

“The Seychelles, where U.S. officials have worked closely with local officials to establish the drone base, is hardly enemy territory, and the drone that crashed Tuesday was operated by the Air Force, not the CIA, which operated the stealth RQ-170 that crashed in Iran. Still, Tuesday’s crash once again illustrates the fallibility of unmanned aerial vehicles. The Air Force acknowledged the crash at the Seychelles airport, and a spokesman for the service said the crash happened as the drone was landing. No one was injured.”

President Obama’s plea to Iran to please return the first missing drone—which “request” was of course rejected outright–would be laughable, if it wasn’t so pathetic. And now, the USA is losing another drone, also apparently due to mechanical failure. It appears that just nothing goes right for the USA these days…

Iran’s New Threats

Fox News reported on December 13:

“A high-ranking Iranian official has said Iran’s military will practice sealing off the Strait of Hormuz, the world’s most important oil transport channel, in a provocative move that illustrates Iran’s capability of disrupting the world’s oil supply… The announcement Monday… sent oil prices up about $3 to $100 a barrel…

“Pentagon Spokesman Doug Wilson responded by saying although he has no information on the exercises, the United States government is committed to the free and safe passage in international waters and anything that interferes with that would be ‘detrimental’… About 15.5 million barrels of oil a day, about a sixth of global consumption, flows through the Strait of Hormuz…”

The Vatican and Jerusalem

Israel News reported on December 15:

“‘Peace negotiations in the Middle East must tackle the issue of the status of the holy sites of Jerusalem’, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican’s Council for Interreligious Dialogue, declared several days ago in Rome. The Vatican’s former foreign minister asked to place some Israeli holy places under Vatican authority, alluding to the Cenacle on Mount Zion and the garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The first site also houses what is referred to as King David’s tomb.

“‘There will not be peace if the question of the holy sites is not adequately resolved’, Tauran said…  The Israeli government and the Vatican are deadlocked in discussions over the status of the religious sites. Vatican officials are now reiterating their demand for control over the religious sites…The Vatican’s former archbishop in Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, just promoted an appeal to the European Union and United States to ‘stop the Hebraization of Jerusalem’…

“A few days earlier, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, gave a speech to greet the bishops of Europe and North America during their annual pilgrimage in Israel, in which Twal denounced ‘the Israeli right wing invading more and more of Jerusalem and trying to transform it into an only Hebrew-Jewish city, excluding the other faiths…’”

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The Feast of Tabernacles in 2012 will be observed again in California and North Wales. We will be meeting at the same locations as we did in 2011. New contracts with the Hilton Garden Inn at Pismo Beach and the Quay Hotel at Deganwy have been signed. For information about the Feast site in North Wales, please contact Brian Gale. Insofar as the Feast site in California is concerned, please do NOT make any individual reservations with the hotel at this point, until further notice. If you are interested in attending in California, please contact Norbert or Johanna Link.

A new member letter has been written and posted on the Web. Hard copies will be sent out on Friday. In the letter, Norbert Link describes in detail the incredible devastation which is prophesied to engulf this earth, and our responsibility in ensuring that there will be survivors.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on YouTube and on our Web site (, titled, “War Between Britain and Europe.” Germany must lead. Germany is master of Europe. Britain infuriates Europe. Death to England. Britain stands alone. The birth of a two-speed Europe. What do all these newspaper and magazine headlines mean? And is it mere coincidence that 27 members of the EU agreed to a new pact, without Britain, exactly 20 years to the day after the drafting of the Maastricht treaty of 12 EU member states, including Britain, that led to the creation of the euro?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Part 1,” was posted on YouTube and on our website ( What are the signs of the end? What does the Olivet Prophecy teach us? What do the seven seals in the book of Revelation mean? What do the four horsemen of the Apocalypse describe? In this first sermon of this new series, we will focus on the white horse. Does it picture the victory of true Christianity, as most think? Or does it show something which is quite different?

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube and our website (,  titled, “Die Grosse Truebsal” (”The Great Tribulation”).

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on YouTube and our website (, titled, “Europas Kampf mit England” (“Europe’s Fight With England”).

As was announced before, contracts for a new weekly radio broadcast have been signed, initially for a test run of six months. Set forth below is a list of the radio stations, locations and times. On an average, the programs will be about 13-14 minutes in length. The first program will be airing on Sunday, January 1, 2012. It will discuss the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

KWDF   Alexandria, Louisiana   10:30-10:45AM   Sunday   (1.25 million potential audience)
KLNG    Omaha, Nebraska   1:15-1:30PM   Saturday   (1.5 million potential audience)
WFAM   Augusta, Georgia   10:00-10:15AM   Saturday   (550,000 potential audience)
WBXR   Huntsville, Alabama   11:00-11-15AM   Saturday   (1 million potential audience)
WLMR   Chattanooga, Tennessee   6:00-6:15PM   Wednesday   (475,000 potential audience)
WSKY   Asheville, North Carolina   5:00-5:15PM   Tuesday   (450,000 potential audience)
WIJD   Mobile, Alabama   5:30-5:45PM   Saturday   (550,000 potential audience)
WNVY   Pensacola, Florida   5:45-6:00PM   Monday   (480,000 potential audience)
WCPC   Tupelo, Mississippi   5:30-5:45PM   Monday   (687,000 potential audience)
KXKS   Albuquerque, New Mexico   6:15-6:30PM   Friday   (885,000 potential audience)

Death Announcement

Herbert Horne died on Monday, December 5, 2011.  He had been a baptized member of the Global Church of God in the UK since the 1990’s, having previously been a member of the Worldwide Church of God. He was originally taken into the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham on September 27 and transferred to another hospital in Nottingham a few weeks later, where he died.   He was in his 92nd year.
He had been a Japanese Prisoner of War in the Second World War and suffered torture and damage which stayed with him until the end of his life.  He didn’t complain – and he regularly said that he kept faith with God when he discussed the downward spiral of British society and the ever-increasing world problems.   He lived on his own after his wife died several years ago, and he was capable of looking after himself until he was taken into the  hospital.
He is survived by his son Anthony and his wife Lesley, and by his son Geoffrey and his wife Pat, plus their children and grandchildren.  He was buried next to his wife, Doris. He was a man of faith and is now awaiting the resurrection which he was looking forward to.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Destruction of US Democracy?

Why are some observers warning about proposed new US laws, including NDAA and SOPA? Would these laws destroy our democratic republic? Are they placing YOU at risk? Are they unconstitutional? Could they be used to persecute the true followers of Christ? Don’t dismiss these valid concerns too quickly! This video will open your eyes! Watch and circulate it before it disappears!

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Germany in Prophecy

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The Mysterious Origin of German-Speaking Peoples and Their Prophetic Destiny

The following material reveals from a biblical viewpoint the gravity and highly significant importance of German-speaking peoples and their role in the not-too-distant future. This booklet will show Germany’s history and prophetic destiny and how it will impact Europe and the Middle East, including Jerusalem, as well as the USA and Great Britain.

Some scientists, writers and theologians say that many of the German peoples descended from the ancient Assyrians. Generally, this idea is rejected as absurd. However, historical annals, as well as myths and legends, show that the Assyrian tribes are, indeed, the ancestors of modern German-speaking peoples. Certainly, this finding has far-reaching consequences, as we will cover herein. The Bible has much to say about the origin and the immediate future of the Assyrians.

Who Were the Assyrians?

The term “Assyria” literally means “land of Asshur.” It denotes “strength” or “power.” In the Bible, Assyria may refer to a man or warrior or to his descendants, or even to the entire country. This way of using a word is not peculiar to the name Assyria, as the Bible also uses other names in the same way, such as Israel and Esau.

In Genesis 10:21-22 we read that Asshur was a son of Shem, and thus a grandson of Noah. Therefore, Assyria was of Semitic origin. The word “Semitic” is an adjective derived from the word “Shem”–more precisely, from the Greek derivative of that name, Σημ (Sēm). The noun form referring to a person of that ancestry is Semite.

So often in ancient times, famous people were worshipped as gods. The same applies to Asshur. The Assyrians worshipped him as the supreme god of the Assyrian “pantheon”—a huge assembly of “gods.”

Historical records reveal that ancient Assyrians were a large, powerful and warring nation. They were perfectly organized and were famous for their well-functioning war machines, and, along with that, they were also well known for their cruelty and ruthlessness toward their enemies. Even modern writers have emphasized parallels between the ancient Assyrians and the Germans.

Surprising Comparisons

In his well-documented book, “Nazi Germany – A New History,” which was published in 1995, German-born author Klaus P. Fischer describes Hitler’s custom of staging parades of lights, as follows: “It was a gleam of sinister beauty the world had not seen since the days of ancient Assyrians” (page 342). Speaking of Hitler’s intentions to subjugate peoples, he states on page 496: “Most of these grandiose plans were postponed by the exigencies of war, but they reflect the Assyrian nature of German policy toward conquered peoples.”

Language Confusion

How is it that the German peoples are of Assyrian ancestry? Didn’t the Assyrians speak a Semitic language, while the German language is Indo-Germanic?

Although they were Semitic in origin, apparently the Assyrians acquired the Indo-Germanic language after the Babylonian confusion of tongues. The famous commentator, Josephus, claims in “Antiquities of the Jews,” Book I, Chapter 9, that some of the kings described in Genesis 14:1 were Assyrians. He specifically mentions “Tidal king of nations” in this context as one of the commanders of the Assyrian army. It is notable that Tidal is not a Semitic name, but rather an Indo-Germanic name. This leads one to suppose that the Assyrians had adopted an Indo-Germanic language.

In addition, the Greek historian, Ctesias, names all the Assyrian kings from 1970 B.C. to 1850 B.C. They include such kings as Arelios, Xerxes, Armanithos, Shaeros and Tentamos. All of these names are of Indo-Germanic origin; they are not of Semitic origin.

The Assyriologist, Sydney Smith, says in his book “Early History of Assyria to 1000 B.C.,” that documents that were found in Asia Minor and in areas east of the Tigris were written in the Semitic dialect, although the Assyrians, who lived there, could not even pronounce all of the Semitic consonants.

However, if the Assyrians did not speak a Semitic language, why then do we find Assyrian written documents in the Semitic language?

The “Oxford Companion to the Bible” commentary, in its 1993 edition, explains on page 63 that the Assyrian ruler Ashurnasirpal II (884-859 B.C.) brought large numbers of western Arameans or Syrians into the heartland of Assyria, who were then swelling the ranks of the court, and that by the early seventh century, the Assyrian language had been replaced as the vernacular with Aramaic [a Semitic language].

Again, we see that the court and literary language of the Assyrians had become Semitic, while the common spoken word continued to remain Indo-Germanic, and from this spoken language the Germanic language is derived. This development is not unusual and was actually repeated later in Germany. We recall that Latin became the official language for written documents, while the German language was continually spoken.

Appearance of the Assyrian

It is interesting to visualize the original appearance of the Assyrians. When the Greeks wanted to differentiate the Assyrians from the darker Arameans, or Syrians, living in Mesopotamia, they called them “Leucosyri”; i.e., “white” or “blonde.” This is well established throughout ancient Greek writings.

In a work by C. Leonard Woolley, entitled “The Sumerians,” which was published in 1929 by Oxford University Press in New York, it says on page 5:

“In the Zagros hills and across the plain to the Tigris, there lived a… fair-haired… people akin to the Guti [the Goths] who… remained in what was afterwards [called] Assyria, the neighbour land to Akkad.”

Bravo of Troy

Who has not heard of the famous Trojan horse that was built at the time of the Trojan War? In 1183 B.C., the famous city of Troy fell into Greek hands. This occurred during the time of the biblical judges, about 200 years before King Solomon. Well-known poet Plato tells us that Troy was an Assyrian sanctuary. During the war, the Assyrian king, Tatarnis, sent weapons and soldiers to the Trojans; however, as we know, ultimately without success. When Troy was finally captured after a ten-year siege, an Assyrian soldier named Bravo fled Troy and migrated to Europe where he settled in the area around the German city of Trier. An old chronicle tells us that Bravo was filled with joy when he met the Assyrian descendants there who had followed Trebeta [an Assyrian prince] and who had settled in the area.

The Mysterious Origin of Trier

This brings us to the question of the origin of Trier. Official records teach us that Trier was built by the Romans. But there is also another version:

In the market square in Trier, there is a building called “Rotes Haus” (“Red House”). A Latin inscription on the house proclaims that Trier existed 1300 years before the founding of Rome. It says: “Ante RomamTreverisstetitannis mille trecentisperstetetaeterna pace fruatur Amen.” Translated into English, it means: “Treveris [Trier] existed 1300 years before Rome; let it continue to exist and enjoy eternal peace. Amen.” Rome was founded in 753 B.C. If the inscription is true, Trier was already in existence at the time of Abraham and Noah.

German books and newspaper articles about Trier tell of a legend whereupon Trier had been built 4000 years ago by the Assyrian prince Trebeta. Supposedly the name “Trier” is derived from “Trebeta.” Joseph K. L. Bihl wrote in “In DeutschenLanden” (“In German Lands”) on page 69 [re-published in 1953 in Cambridge, Massachusetts]:

“The inhabitants of Trier maintain that their city is the oldest in all Europe. Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian King Ninus.” The fact that Ninus was an Assyrian king is confirmed by Deodorus of Sicily (History, Volume II).

Legend has it that with the death of King Ninus, his son Trebeta fled from his wicked stepmother Semiramis, emigrated with a large following of Assyrians to Europe and settled in an area not far from the Rhine, where he built a town called Trebetam or Treverum, today’s Trier.

Next to the Red House is a building called “Steipe.” Eyewitnesses reported seeing on the second floor of this house a picture that represents Ninus and Trebeta. Today, that painting can be viewed in the “StadtmuseumSimeonstift,” which is located next to the Tourist Office and the famous PortaNigra.

In this painting, which states at the bottom that it was painted in 1559 A.D., Ninus is wearing a crown with the inscription “Ninus Rex”, or “King Ninus.” At the bottom of the painting is a caption saying that Trier was founded by Trebeta. In our StandingWatch program (, featuring the history of Trier, pictures of this historically interesting painting are shown.

In an old book that was originally published in 1851, “Trier und seine Umgebungen in Sagen und Liedern,” it is stated on page v that the ancient oral legend that Trebeta built Trier had already been reduced to writing prior to 909 A.D., in the “GestisTrevirorum,” through the monk Eberhard of the St. Matthew monastery.

If, therefore, Trebeta, son of King Ninus, founded Trier and settled there with many Assyrian subjects, then it is no wonder that later the Assyrian soldier Bravo was welcomed to the area around Trier by Assyrians, who at that time (around 1180 B.C.) still lived there.

Assyrian Migrations After Nineveh’s Downfall

Around 1000 B.C., the “neo-Assyrian empire” began. In 612 B.C. the capitol of this empire, Nineveh, in present-day Iraq, fell into Babylonian and Median hands and was completely destroyed. The biblical book of Jonah warns of the destruction of Nineveh, but because of the repentance of the Assyrians, the city was not destroyed at that time. Soon after, though, the Assyrians returned to their old habits, so that Nahum prophetically told of Nineveh’s ultimate obliteration. Some of the conquered Assyrians remained in their country, which is today in Iraq. Their descendants still live there now, constituting a persecuted Christian minority in a predominantlyIslamic environment.

At the time of the destruction of Nineveh, some Assyrians followed a leader named AssurUbalit, who established a short-lived government in Haran. However, he was defeated in war in the year 609 B.C.

Still other Assyrians migrated to the East and settled in present-day Iran, but most Assyrians went westward, as Charles Pfeiffer explains in “Old Testament History.”

Sylax wrote around 550 B.C., in “Periplus,” that the coast of the Black Sea was called Assyria. According to Diodorus, Assyria was a large colony in northern Asia Minor and south of the Black Sea.

Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.) wrote in “Natural History,” Volume 4, paragraph 12, on page 183, that in his time the “Assyriani” lived north of the Black Sea.

Taking all of these statements together, we can see that after the fall of Nineveh, most of the surviving Assyrians emigrated in due time to the Caucasus, and from there to Western Europe.

Asshur—An Indo-Germanic Tribe?

Jerome lived around 340 A.D., during the time of the great Indo-European migrations. In one of his letters, which is quoted in “Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers” (Letter 123, Section 16), Jerome wrote: “For ‘Assur also is joined with them.’” He quoted a statement in Psalm 83:8, and in mentioning Assyria, he identified it with one of the Indo-Germanic tribes who invaded Western Europe.

Notice the similarity of the immigration of Assyria into Europe and the historically known immigration of the Germans into Europe. Smith’s Classical Dictionary states in the article “Germania,” on page 361:

“There can be no doubt that they [the Germans] immigrated to Europe from the Caucasus and the countries around the Black and Caspian seas.”

As we have seen, the Assyrians also emigrated from the countries along the Black Sea to Europe. Since Assyria “also is joined with them”—the Indo-Germanic tribes as Jerome tells us—the Assyrians were synonymous with the Germans as part of the Indo-Germanic tribes that settled in Europe.

Assyrian Ancestors of Modern German Peoples?

How can we establish the connection between the ancient Assyrians and modern German-speaking peoples? To answer this question, we must investigate the ancestry of the “Germans” from various historical records.

The Origin of the Germans

Early annals identify the progenitor of all Germans as a man named “Tuysco” or “Tuisco”, sometimes also called “Tuisto” or “Tuitsch.”

Verstegan remarked in 1605 in “A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities”: “Of this Tuisco, the first and chiefest man of many among the Germans, and after whom they do call themselves Tuytshen, that is, duytsches or duytsch people, I have already spoken…”

The “DTV-Lexikon” conveys this about “Tuisto”:

“[According to Tacitus’ ‘Germania’, Tuisto was] among the Teutons the first person [who] sprang from the earth… his son had the designation ‘Mannus’ (i.e., man).”

Then the same lexicon writes under “Germania”:

“The oldest tribal division traditionally reports, according to Tacitus, of a deity Tuisto, his son Mannus, and his three sons, after whom the three Western Germanic tribal groups, the Ingwäonen, the Istwäonen and the Herminones, are named.”

In his work, “Die BayrischeChronik” (“The Bavarian Chronicle”), which was published in Abendsberg in 1526, Johannes Turmair states that Tuitsch or Tuisto reigned from 2214 B.C. to 2038 B.C. and that he was said to be a son of Noah. His son Mannus would have been the father of Trebeta, who, according to legend, founded Trier. We already know that Trebeta’s father was the Assyrian king Ninus. Thus Ninus and Mannus were the same person – Mannus would merely be the German name for Ninus. This would also mean that Ninus or Mannus was identical with Asshur, and that Asshur’s father Shem, the son of Noah, was none other than the German Tuitsch or Tuisto.


Associated Names


Shem Tuitsch; Tuisto; Tuisco; Tuysco Followers: Tuytshen, duytsches, or duytsch people
Asshur Ninus; Mannus Wife: Semiramis
Trebeta Trebetam; Treverum “Trier” possibly derived from these names

Again we see here the account of a legend, equating the Assyrian kings with German kings or emperors.

Further Evidence

The Teutons, ancestors of the German-speaking people, worshiped a pantheon of pagan gods. Their main god was Tieu, the god of war, sometimes known as Thor or Thur. This could designate the Assyrian god Assur (recall that the Assyrians later revered their ancestor Asshur as a god). In ancient manuscripts Assur is often referred to as Athur or Thur, and the country of Assyria is repeatedly designated as “Athuria.”

As mentioned, some Assyrians migrated during the fall of Nineveh to the east and settled among the Persians. Herodotus referred to these tribes of the Assyrians as the “Germanii” (“History,” Book 1, paragraph 125). This also shows that Assyrians were considered to be Germans.

History tells us that in the years 1650 B.C. and 1649 B.C., Indian King Sahadeva of Magadha battled with the “Asuras.” Indian scholars claim that these Asuras were Assyrians. It is interesting that these Asuras or Assyrians are referred to in Indian writings as “Daityas”—”Daityas” in Sanskrit has the meaning of “German.”

Further, it is noteworthy to identify some of the modern descendants of Asshur’s German-speaking tribes. Some of Asshur’s descendants are called the Almani or the Halmani. The Romans called a Germanic tribe “Allemanni,” and still today, Germany is called in Spanish “Alemania” and in French “Allemagne.”

The Mysterious Hatti

We have already determined that the Assyrians, after the Babylonian confusion of tongues, had accepted an Indo-Germanic language and were no longer speaking a Semitic language. The linguist Edgar Sturtevant compared the Assyrian with the Germanic language and came to surprising results, which he recorded in his book “A Comparative Grammar.” His book was published in 1933 in Philadelphia. Sturtevant wrote on page 240:

“To me it seems incredible that so remarkable a situation developed in two languages independently. I feel compelled to trace the Germanic… to a common origin [with the language of Hatti, which was a common language of the Western Assyrians].”

The language of Hatti was an Indo-Germanic language, and not a Semitic language. Many words of Hatti re-appear in the Old High German language. But who were the Hatti? Sturtevant called them Western Assyrians. But why were they called Hatti?

Assyrians lived in the land of the Hittites, who were descendants of Canaan. The Hittites were a brown, yellowish or reddish-colored people with protruding noses, full lips, beardless faces, dark brown eyes and black hair. Compared to them, the Assyrians appeared, as stated earlier, blonde or white. The name “Hatti” or “Chatti” was applied to the Hittites as well as to the Assyrians living among them. The word “Heth,” from which “Hittites” is derived, and the word “Chatti” mean the same thing—”warrior” or “man of war.” [It is interesting that the syllable “ger” in “Germane” is an old German word for “Wurfspiess,” i.e., “spear.” So a “Germane” is a man of the spear or a man of war. The names for “Chatti” “and “Heth,” meaning “warrior” or “man of war,” are therefore identical with the meaning of the word “Germane.”]

Other Assyrian tribes and kings knew very well that Assyrians lived among the Hittites. Luckenbill wrote in his book “Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylon”, volume 2, paragraph 29, which was published in 1926, that kings of certain tribes of the Hatti were regarded as “Assyrians.” Obviously, that referred to those Assyrians who were living among the Hittites. The old kings of the Assyrian Empire were called “Khatti-sars”; i.e., Czar, Emperor or King of the Hatti or Khatti.

As previously described, Genesis 14 mentions the Assyrian king Tidal who also belonged to the Assyrian tribe of the Hatti—the name “Tidal” was very common among the old kings of the Hatti. The Hatti were in fact Assyrians—and the kingdom of Hatti was the western part of the Assyrian Empire.

Origin of the Modern Hessian

As did the linguist Edgar Sturtevandt, other researchers have also recognized the relationship between the Assyrian Hatti and modern German tribes. The “Encyclopedia Britannica” writes in its article about Germany that the Hatti were a tribe living among the Teutons who invaded Europe. In another article (in Volume 6) on the “Chatti,” it is explained that they were an ancient Germanic tribe that often mixed with the Romans during the early first century conflict. Of course, not all Teutons are German. However, in an article about the Hessians, the “Encyclopedia Britannica” wrote in volume 13 that the early inhabitants of Germany were the Chatti, who lived here during the first century, and that the Chatti and the Hessians were identical.

If one understands this identity, certain historical events become very clear. For example, the Assyrian Hatti coined the term “master race.” They invented, or at least adopted, the double-headed eagle, the iron cross and the swastika. Ancient Assyrians are represented with a feather headdress and other insignia that emerged as emblems in the Third Reich, like the swastika and the concept of the master race.

Assyria—Ancestors of Modern German-Speaking People

The idea that the Assyrians are the ancestors of German peoples was not unknown in the past. Various authors from different backgrounds have expressed their beliefs in this regard. To note a few:

In 1870, the British author E. Hines published a book in London with the title “Forty-seven Identifications of the British Nation with the Lost Ten Tribes.” He claims in that book that the Germans are identical with the Assyrians.

Dr. Swaner, former editor of a German publication, stated in an essay, which was published in the Daily Mail in 1910, that many Germans are descendants of the ancient Assyrians.

D.J. Pilkey pointed out in his work, “The Origin of Nations,” which was published in San Diego in 1984, that many Germans descended from the Assyrians.

In summary, it can be stated that both legends and historical annals confirm that at least some modern German-speaking peoples, including the Hessians, are descendants of the ancient Assyrians. This knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for a correct understanding of the biblical prophecies about the immediate future of Germany.

What the Bible Reveals

Who would not like to know what the future brings? For sure, there is a certain curiosity about the unseen future, and people will use various means to grasp at what is ahead of us. However, true spiritual understanding, even when it refers to future events, can only come from God.

Biblical prophecy is the ultimate source of what the future holds for all of mankind, but with it comes a responsibility to use the information correctly and for the right reason. God does nothing unless He proclaims it beforehand to His servants the prophets (compare Amos 3:7). God has prompted the biblical prophets to write down what will shortly occur (compare Revelation 1:1).

Relevant to our discussion on Germany, God has shown in His Word, the Bible, what will befall the modern Assyrians. The future monumental role of the German people will drastically change the world! We must understand this, and keep a careful eye on world events so that impending danger does not overtake us like a thief in the night!

Assyria Cannot Help

There is currently an apparent concord between Germany and the State of Israel as well as the United States and, to a lesser extent, Great Britain. But according to the Bible, the time will soon come when this friendly relationship will come to an end. The days of calamity are looming, when the United States, Great Britain and the modern state of Israel will seek the help of the modern Assyrians, without receiving it.

The book of Jeremiah and the book of Hosea tell of this upcoming attempt to obtain help. When reading these prophecies, we must understand that the biblical term “house of Israel” or “house of Jacob” refers to the USA and Great Britain, and possibly other Anglo-Saxon nations, while the “house of Judah” refers to the present day state of Israel. (For more information, please read our free booklets, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”)

In Jeremiah 2:4, 8-9, 15, 18, 36, the futile attempt of those nations to receive support from Assyria is described:

“Hear the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob and all the families of the house of Israel… ‘The priests did not say, “Where is the LORD?” And those who handle the law did not know Me; The rulers also transgressed against Me; The prophets prophesied by Baal, And walked after things that do not profit. Therefore I will yet bring charges against you,’ says the LORD, ‘And against your children’s children I will bring charges… The young lions roared at him [Israel, see verse 14], and growled; They made his land waste; His cities are burned, without inhabitant… And now why take the road to Egypt, To drink the waters of Sihor? Or why take the road to Assyria, To drink the waters of the River?… Why do you gad about so much to change your way? Also you shall be ashamed of Egypt as you were ashamed of Assyria.’”

The prophet Hosea also describes the futile undertaking of modern Israelites and Jews, at the time of godly punishment, to try to obtain protection and help from human powers, especially the modern Assyrians. The time of godly punishment and direct intervention, which will begin just prior to Christ’s return, is many times described in Scripture as the “day of the Lord,” the “day of wrath,” the “day of anger,” “the latter days,” or simply, “that day.” Hosea sometimes uses the term, “day of rebuke.” These designations can also apply to and include the time just right after Christ’s return. We read God’s words in Hosea 5:9-14:

“Ephraim [modern Great Britain and possibly, by extension, the USA] shall be desolate in the day of rebuke; Among the tribes of Israel I make known what is sure. The princes of Judah [modern Jews] are like those who remove a landmark; I will pour out My wrath on them like water. Ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgment, Because he willingly walked by human precept. Therefore I will be to Ephraim like a moth, And to the house of Judah like rottenness. When Ephraim saw his sickness, And Judah saw his wound, Then Ephraim went to Assyria And [the Menge Bible says: “…and Judah…”] sent to King Jareb [Note that the “ElberfelderBibel” explains that “Jareb” means, “fighter; or one who seeks quarrels”]; Yet he cannot cure you, Nor heal you of your wound. For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, And like a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will tear them and go away; I will take them away, and no one shall rescue.”

Considering the former greatness of the British Empire and comparing it with today’s British Isles, we can see how accurate the following descriptions are in Hosea 7:8-9, 11-12. Beginning with verse 8:

“‘Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples; Ephraim is a cake unturned…’”

The Nelson Study Bible has the following interesting annotation: “Instead of depending on the Lord for political stability, Israel [Ephraim] formed [and forms] alliances with surrounding nations. The destructive outcome of this policy is compared to a cake that has been placed over a fire and left unturned.”

Continuing with Hosea 7:9, 11-12:

“‘Aliens have devoured his strength, But he does not know it; Yes, gray hairs are here and there on him, Yet he does not know it… Ephraim also is like a silly dove, without sense—They call to Egypt, They go to Assyria. Wherever they go, I will spread My net on them; I will bring them down like birds of the air; I will chastise them According to what their congregation has heard.’”

Interesting details of relevant prophetic developments are also imparted to us in Hosea 12:1-2. We read:

‘”Ephraim feeds on the wind, And pursues the east wind; He daily increases lies and desolation. Also they make a covenant with the Assyrians, And oil is carried to Egypt. The LORD also brings a charge against Judah, And will punish Jacob according to his ways…’”

If God punishes the modern Israelite nations, they will finally understand that help can only come from God and not from any human powers or accumulation of physical things, including a strong military force. And so Israel will finally, after a time of the greatest calamity ever, follow God’s calling and gain true knowledge:

“Take words with you, And return to the LORD. Say to Him, ‘Take away all iniquity; Receive us graciously, For we will offer the sacrifices of our lips. Assyria shall not save us, We will not ride on horses, Nor will we say anymore to the work of our hands, “You are our gods.” For in You the fatherless finds mercy.’ I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, For My anger has turned away from him” (Hosea 14:2-4).

Assyria Will Wage War Against Israel and Judah

Modern Israel and modern Judah will try in vain, at their time of distress, to obtain assistance from Assyria. Rather, as the Bible reveals, the current “amicable” relationships among certain nations will turn around. Another war is prophesied—the Assyrians will fight against modern Israel and Judah.

The prophecies in the book of Ezekiel show that the initial peaceful and friendly relations between the modern house of Israel and the modern Assyrians will be quickly reversed. Ezekiel 23:5-7, 9-10, describes what shortly will happen:

‘”Oholah [that is Samaria, see verse 4; i.e., the whole house of Israel, whose capital had been Samaria in ancient times] played the harlot even though she was Mine; And she lusted for her lovers, the neighboring Assyrians… All of them desirable young men, Horsemen riding on horses. Thus she committed her harlotry with them, All of them choice men of Assyria; And with all for whom she lusted, With all their idols, she defiled herself… Therefore I have delivered her Into the hand of her lovers, Into the hand of the Assyrians, For whom she lusted. They uncovered her nakedness, Took away her sons and daughters, And slew her with the sword; She became a byword among women, For they had executed judgment on her.”

However, Assyria will not go to battle only against the house of Israel. As in the past, modern Assyria will also (in the near future) wage war against the Jews (the State of Israel in the Middle East), as clearly revealed in Isaiah 8:7-8:

“…the Lord brings up over them [Judah] The waters of the River, strong and mighty— The king of Assyria and all his glory; He will go up over all his channels And go over all his banks. He will pass through Judah, He will overflow and pass over, He will reach up to the neck; And the stretching out of his wings Will fill the breadth of Your land, O Immanuel.”

Enslavement and mass deportation of peoples will be the result. Assyria, which will invade the territories of the modern Israelites and Jews, will bring some of the prisoners into its own country (as in the Second World War many of the imprisoned Poles and Yugoslavs were deported to Germany as forced laborers). Other Israelite and Jewish prisoners of war will be deported to various countries. Isaiah 11:12, 11, tells us more about this:

“He will set up a banner for the nations, And will assemble the outcasts of Israel, And gather together the dispersed of Judah From the four corners of the earth… It shall come to pass in that day That the Lord shall set His hand again the second time To recover the remnant of His people who are left, From Assyria and Egypt, From Pathros [a part of Egypt, see Ezekiel 30:14] and Cush [Ethiopia], From Elam [Iran] and Shinar [that is the former Babylon, Genesis 10:10], From Hamath [either a region in ancient Babylon, see 2 Kings 17:24, or more likely, a designation for the descendants of Ham’s son Canaan (Genesis 10:18), possibly including Egyptians, Arabs, Ethiopians, North Africans, Palestinians and Libyans] and the islands of the sea.”

Assyria Will Also Wage War Against Egypt

In the coming war, Assyria will actually go to battle against Egypt, and just as Israel and Judah will hope for the help of Assyria, they will also think they can obtain help from Egypt (see again Jeremiah 2:18). However, that hope will remain unfulfilled in both cases. Assyria will not allow Egypt to help Israel or Judah:

“… so shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians as prisoners and the Ethiopians as captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt. Then they shall be afraid and ashamed of Ethiopia their expectation and Egypt their glory. And the inhabitant of this territory will say in that day, ‘Surely such is our expectation, wherever we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria; and how shall we escape?’” (Isaiah 20:4-6)

God will free the Israelite and Jewish prisoners of war and bring them into the Promised Land. Notice again from where they will come to worship God:

“So it shall be in that day: The great trumpet will be blown; They will come, who are about to perish in the land of Assyria, And they who are outcasts in the land of Egypt, And shall worship the LORD in the holy mount at Jerusalem” (Isaiah 27:13).

The prophet Hosea also describes where the modern Israelites and Jews will end up as captives and slaves in the next great war:

“’They [Israel, Hosea 9:1] shall not dwell in the LORD’s land, But Ephraim shall return to Egypt, And shall eat unclean things in Assyria… I drew them [Israel, compare Hosea 11:1; and in particular, Ephraim, compare verse 3] with gentle cords, With bands of love, And I was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck. I stooped and fed them. He shall not return to the land of Egypt; But the Assyrian shall be his king, Because they refused to repent… They shall walk after the LORD. He will roar like a lion. When He roars, Then His sons shall come trembling from the west; They shall come trembling like a bird from Egypt, Like a dove from the land of Assyria. And I will let them dwell in their houses,’ Says the LORD” (Hosea 9:3; 11:4-5, 10-11).

The prophet Zechariah tells of these future developments:

“I will sow them [the house of Judah and the house of Joseph, verse 6 in particular, Ephraim, verse 7] among the peoples, And they shall remember Me in far countries; They shall live, together with their children, And they shall return. I will also bring them back from the land of Egypt, And gather them from Assyria… He shall pass through the sea with affliction, And strike the waves of the sea: All the depths of the River shall dry up. Then the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, And the scepter of Egypt shall depart” (Zechariah 10:9-11).

Assyria—Leader of Warlike Powers

Assyria will not be alone in the next war against Israel and Judah. Rather, the modern Assyrians will be backed by many more nations. In Ezekiel 23:22-24 we read the following prophecy:

“Therefore, Oholibah [that is Jerusalem, verse 4, the modern State of Israel], thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold, I will stir up your lovers against you, From whom you have alienated yourself, And I will bring them against you from every side: The Babylonians, All the Chaldeans [originally a social class and religious group of leaders in Babylon, Isaiah 13:19, Daniel 2:2, and today perhaps the Babylonian religious system]… All the Assyrians with them… And they shall come against you With chariots, wagons, and war-horses, With a horde of people. They shall array against you Buckler, shield, and helmet all around. I will delegate judgment to them, And they shall judge you according to their judgments.’”

In Psalm 83:4-8 a remarkable prophecy is found about a multilateral agreement of many nations that will ally against Israel—apparently against the modern descendants of the house of Israel as well as the Jews. Note who is being mentioned here, by name:

“They have said, ‘Let us come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.’ For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy [literally, “cut a covenant”] against You: The tents of Edom [Turkey] and the Ishmaelites [Saudi Arabia]; Moab [parts of Jordan, perhaps also Western Iraq] and the Hagrites [originally cattle breeding nomads in East Canaan]; Gebal [originally a city in Phoenicia, Ezekiel 27:9, perhaps today, Lebanon], Ammon [Jordan], and Amalek [perhaps modern description for PLO]; Philistia [modern Palestinians from the Gaza Strip] with the inhabitants of Tyre [city of the Phoenicians, Joshua 19:29; 2 Samuel 24:7; today perhaps a label for Rome, Italy and the political Babylonian system]; Assyria also has joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot [Jordan].”

Assyria Will Not Remain Victorious Forever

God will use Assyria to execute His punishment on the house of Israel and on the house of Judah. The next great prophesied war that Assyria will conduct against Israel and Judah, is expressly described as a punishment from God on a “faithless” or even “godless” people, the modern Israelites and Jews. However, Assyria will go too far, so that God will then punish them. We can realize from this that the next world war, as seen from God’s perspective, will have no distinction between guilty or innocent parties—rather, all human powers will be guilty in God’s sight. Isaiah 10 tells us more about this:

“Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger And the staff in whose hand is My indignation. I will send him against an ungodly nation [Israel and Judah], And against the people of My wrath I will give him charge, To seize the spoil, to take the prey, And to tread them down like the mire of the streets. Yet he does not mean so, Nor does his heart think so [i.e.; he does not see himself as a tool of God to execute righteous judgment]; But it is in his heart to destroy, And cut off not a few nations.

“For he says, ‘Are not my princes altogether kings?… As my hand has found the kingdoms of the idols… As I have done to Samaria [house of Israel] and her idols, Shall I not do also to Jerusalem [house of Judah] and her idols?'” Therefore it shall come to pass, when the LORD has performed all His work on Mount Zion and on Jerusalem, that He will say, ‘I will punish the fruit of the arrogant heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his haughty looks.’ For he says: “By the strength of my hand I have done it, And by my wisdom, for I am prudent; Also I have removed the boundaries of the people, And have robbed their treasuries; So I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man…”

“Shall the ax boast itself against him who chops with it?Or shall the saw exalt itself against him who saws with it? As if a rod could wield itself against those who lift it up, Or as if a staff could lift up, as if it were not wood! Therefore the Lord, the Lord of hosts, Will send leanness among his fat ones; And under his glory He will kindle a burning Like the burning of a fire. So the Light of Israel will be for a fire, And his Holy One for a flame; It will burn and devour His thorns and his briers in one day. And it will consume the glory of his forest and of his fruitful field, Both soul [the entire human being] and body; And they will be as when a sick man wastes away. Then the rest of the trees of his forest Will be so few in number That a child may write them. And it shall come to pass in that day That the remnant of Israel, And such as have escaped of the house of Jacob, Will never again depend on him who defeated them, But will depend on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth…

“‘O My people, who dwell in Zion, do not be afraid of the Assyrian. He shall strike you with a rod and lift up his staff against you, in the manner of Egypt [i.e.; Assyria will enslave Israel and Judah, as had been the case in Egypt]…’ And the LORD of hosts will stir up a scourge for him [Assyria] like the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb [as the two princes of Midian fell in the war]; as His rod was on the sea, so will He lift it up in the manner of Egypt [as the army of Pharaoh perished in the flood]. It shall come to pass in that dayThat his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, And his yoke from your neck…” (Isaiah 10:5-27).

Although God will use Assyria to punish Israel and Judah, Assyria will not actually see itself as God’s instrument, but will be determined to destroy many nations “all by itself.” It has no justification for its behavior. Assyria will by no means be more “just” than modern Israel and Judah. Hence we read in Isaiah 52:4-5:

“For thus says the Lord GOD: ‘My people went down at first Into Egypt to dwell there; Then the Assyrian oppressed them without cause… My people are taken away for nothing (i.e., without a cause)… Those who rule over them Make them wail,’ says the LORD…”

Because of this arrogance and unnecessary cruelty, God will not let Assyria go unpunished:

“The LORD of hosts has sworn, saying, ‘Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, And as I have purposed, so it shall stand: That I will break the Assyrian in My land, And on My mountains tread him underfoot. Then his yoke shall be removed from them, And his burden removed from their shoulders’” (Isaiah 14:24-25).

It is most notably the king of Assyria (Isaiah 10:12), who “will be broken” in God’s land—the “Promised Land”—and on “God’s mountains” of Israel. In Daniel 11 we read about an end-time personality, the “king of the North,” who will conquer Egypt, invade the Holy Land and perish without anyone to “help” him (Daniel 11:41-42, 45). The king of Assyria and the king of the North are one and the same person.

The destruction of Assyria and its end-time leader, who is also called the “king of Assyria,” is described in powerful images in Isaiah 30:

“The LORD will cause His glorious voice to be heard, And show the descent of His arm, With the indignation of His anger And the flame of a devouring fire, With scattering, tempest, and hailstones. For through the voice of the LORD Assyria will be beaten down, As He strikes with the rod. And in every place where the staff of punishment passes, Which the LORD lays on him, It will be with tambourines and harps; And in battles of brandishing He will fight with it. For Tophet was established of old, Yes, for the king it is prepared. He has made it deep and large; Its pyre is fire with much wood; The breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, Kindles it” (Isaiah 30: 30-33).

God emphasized again and again that it is He who will deal with Assyria, and that He Himself will execute the king or ruler of Assyria. Obviously God could achieve this through human forces or armies. It seems, however, that God will intervene personally, directly and immediately in regard to Assyria. Isaiah 31:4-9 states firmly:

“As a lion roars, And a young lion over his prey… So the LORD of hosts will come down To fight for Mount Zion and for its hill. Like birds flying about, So will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem. Defending, He will also deliver it; Passing over, He will preserve it… ‘Then Assyria shall fall by a sword not of man, And a sword not of mankind shall devour him… And his princes shall be afraid of the banner,’ Says the LORD, Whose fire is in Zion And whose furnace is in Jerusalem.”

Zechariah 14 teaches similarly, that the Lord, Jesus Christ, will return to the Mount of Olives, to fight against those who have invaded Jerusalem (verses 1-4). As Assyria will be destroyed in one day (see Isaiah 10:17), so will a terrible plague also wipe out the armies in one day (Zechariah 14:7, 12, 15). A parallel account of the destruction of these armies is found in Revelation 19:21.

We also read that the king of Assyria will not die by the sword of a man in the Promised Land, but rather, he will find his end directly through God’s intervention. The book of Revelation describes a political system in Europe as well as a political leader, that are both called “the beast,” wreaking much havoc (Revelation 11:3,7; 13:7; 16:13-14). In the end, the political and military leader will even fight with government leaders of other nations against the returning Christ (Revelation 17:12-14; 19:19). This senseless undertaking will remain unsuccessful—Christ will seize the “beast” and throw him alive “into the lake of fire burning with brimstone” (Revelation 19:20). If we compare this with the statements in Isaiah 30 about the king of Assyria, who is also thrown into a pit of fire, like a sulfur stream, it is clearly apparent that the beast—the designated political leader—is the king of Assyria. Thus the beast—the king of the North in Daniel 11—and the king of Assyria all describe the same person.

Historically, German-born leaders have repeatedly sat on the “throne of the beast” (the political system, compare Revelation 16:10), so that an end-time repetition to this extent would constitute nothing unusual. Historical Assyrian predecessors were, among others: Otto the Great (who was crowned in 962 by Pope John X as Emperor of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”); Charles V of Habsburg (who in 1530 was crowned “Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire” by Pope Clement VII); and Adolf Hitler (who wanted to establish a 1000-year Reich under an Aryan, Germanic master race). There is still dispute among historians whether Frankish Emperor Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, who was crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 800 A.D., was German or French. For more information, please read our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

Assyria—The Work of the Hands of God

God regards no person or nation as being exempt from His authority. He wants everyone to turn to Him. The next great war will give no person or nation an occasion to gloat in their own fame, glory and “justice.” In God’s eyes, all who participate in this war will be guilty. The good news, though, is that after this terrible devastation caused by nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that will lead to mass murders, just short of annihilation of all life on this planet, mankind will finally have had enough of war! Isaiah 2:2-4 tells us:

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter daysThat the mountain of the LORD’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains… Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD… He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths…’ He shall judge between the nations, And rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.”

And so Assyria, Egypt and Israel will ultimately find their way to God, and it will be that His judgment and corrections will finally achieve the intended purpose–for man to turn from his evil deeds and toward his Creator. All peoples and nations, including Assyria, by and large, are not ready for this now, but the time will come:

“Then the LORD will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day… they will make a vow to the LORD and perform it. And the LORD will strike Egypt, He will strike and heal it; they will return to the LORD, and He will be entreated by them and heal them. In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance’” (Isaiah 19:21-25).

May God grant this time of universal peace to come soon…

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Part 1

What are the signs of the end? What does the Olivet Prophecy teach us? What do the seven seals in the book of Revelation mean? What do the four horsemen of the Apocalypse describe? In this first sermon of this new series, we will focus on the white horse. Does it picture the victory of true Christianity, as most think?  Or does it show something which is quite different?

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