It's Easter Time Again

While the world is engaged in Easter celebrations, some Christians are not. WHY would anyone claiming to be a Christian not celebrate the most important festival of the Christian world, purportedly memorializing the death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ? Simply put, because the origins of Easter are not Christian at all, and the death and resurrection of Christ did not occur on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

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Current Events

The Week in Review

Our lead articles deal this week with the growing discontent of the American public with their new governmental leadership and an increasing fear of another Great Depression. The original Obama enthusiasm has declined sharply–and that even BEFORE the most recent scandal pertaining to the AIG bonuses. The Obama Administration’s bumbling attempts to claim ignorance and deny any responsibilities did not appease the American public–and the hypocritical outrage of politicians–who did or should have known better–only exaggerated public distrust and condemnation.

Alarming is also the fact that the Obama Administration seems to be willing to severely limit the constitutional freedoms of Americans and deny rights stemming from their personal conscience. Observers are further worried by a written US commitment to share highly sensitive information with Germany, and by President Obama’s intention to abandon the European Missile Defense Shield, while at the same time Russia announced its goal to rearm against “threats” from NATO. And while Mr. Obama seems to be in support of a European superstate under German and French leadership, many in Britain are concerned.

The western world views with dismay developments in Israel and Iran, pointing at a possible military conflict, and Germany and Austria see themselves confronted with domestic violent developments and a resurgence of Neo-Nazism in the light of a worldwide recession. Finally, the pope spoke out in Africa against pre-marital sex and the use of condoms to protect the partners from HIV and AIDS–and even though his position on this matter is absolutely correct, most liberal commentators condemned him for his stance.

Americans Lose Confidence in President Obama and His Administration

The Wall Street Journal wrote on March 13:

“It is simply wrong for commentators to continue to focus on President Barack Obama’s high levels of popularity, and to conclude that these are indicative of high levels of public confidence in the work of his administration. Indeed, a detailed look at recent survey data shows that the opposite is most likely true. The American people are coming to express increasingly significant doubts about his initiatives, and most likely support a different agenda and different policies from those that the Obama administration has advanced.

“Polling data show that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001… Mr. Obama has lost virtually all of his Republican support and a good part of his Independent support, and the trend is decidedly negative…

“There is also a clear sense in the polling that taxes will increase for all Americans because of the stimulus, notwithstanding what the president has said about taxes going down for 95% of Americans. Close to three-quarters expect that government spending will grow under this administration.

“Recent Gallup data echo these concerns. That polling shows that there are deep-seated, underlying economic concerns. Eighty-three percent say they are worried that the steps Mr. Obama is taking to fix the economy may not work and the economy will get worse. Eighty-two percent say they are worried about the amount of money being added to the deficit. Seventy-eight percent are worried about inflation growing, and 69% say they are worried about the increasing role of the government in the U.S. economy…

“Support for the stimulus package is dropping from narrow majority support to below that. There is no sense that the stimulus package itself will work quickly, and according to a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, close to 60% said it would make only a marginal difference in the next two to four years… And by 2-to-1, voters reject House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s call for a second stimulus package.

“While over two-thirds support the plan to help homeowners refinance their mortgage, a 48%-36% plurality said that it will unfairly benefit those who have been irresponsible… There is no real appetite for increasing taxes to pay for an expanded health-insurance program. Less than half would support such an idea, which is 17% less than the percentage that supported government health insurance when Bill Clinton first considered it in March of 1993…

“Fifty-six percent of Americans oppose giving bankers any additional government money or any guarantees backed by the government… Only less than a quarter of Americans believe that the federal government truly reflects the will of the people… When it comes to the nation’s economic issues, two-thirds of voters have more confidence in their own judgment than they do in the average member of Congress.

“Finally, what probably accounts for a good measure of the confidence and support the Obama administration has enjoyed is the fact that they are not Republicans. Virtually all Americans, more than eight in 10, blame Republicans for the current economic woes, and the only two leaders with lower approval ratings than Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and John Boehner.”

Many Americans Very Pessimistic About the Economic Future

The Boston Globe reported on March 17:

“While it’s no shocker that nearly 9 in 10 Americans rate the economy as somewhat or very poor, it is noteworthy that poll findings released today show they are more pessimistic about a recovery… only 10 percent of respondents believe the economy will bounce back within the next year, while 32 percent say it will take as long as two years… Even more worrisome, while only a minority of economists are talking about the possibility, 45 percent believe another Great Depression is somewhat or very likely within the next year…”

Risky Conduct of the Federal Reserve

The International Herald Tribune reported on March 18:

“The Federal Reserve sharply stepped up its efforts to bolster the economy on Wednesday, announcing that it would pump an extra $1 trillion into the financial system by purchasing Treasury bonds and mortgage securities… the central bank has increasingly turned to alternatives… as a way of getting more dollars into the economy, a tactic that amounts to creating vast new sums of money out of thin air.

“… there were… clear indications that the Fed was taking risks that could dilute the value of the dollar and set the stage for future inflation… In its announcement, the central bank said that the United States remained in a severe recession and listed its continuing woes, from job losses and lost housing wealth to falling exports as a result of the worldwide economic slowdown.”

Unprecedented National Debt

Politico wrote on March 17:

“The eye-popping national debt surpassed $11 trillion Monday, the largest in U.S. history… The new Treasury Department figures on the national debt… is expected to project that the annual budget deficit will be higher than previously estimated by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget… The whopping number has major ramifications for President Barack Obama, who is trying to push through a raft of big-ticket bills on health care, energy, education and climate change — while also attempting to stabilize the swooning economy.”

President Obama’s Attack on Freedom of Conscience

On March 15, Newsmax printed the following comments by Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich:

“Earlier this month, the President took the first step in rescinding a Bush administration moral conscience regulation which enforces existing legal protections against discrimination and intimidation for doctors and other healthcare professionals who invoke conscience by refusing to participate in medical procedures they believe immoral… Efforts to roll back freedom of conscience protections are only the latest in a series of aggressive actions that demonstrate intolerance for those whose conscience is convicted in support of a culture of life:

“… In the first month of his presidency, Obama reversed the established Mexico City policy that kept taxpayer money from being used by international organizations for abortions as a method of family planning protecting millions of Americans from paying for a procedure that they find morally objectionable. Last week, the President unilaterally lifted embryonic-stem-cell research restrictions. In the President’s recent healthcare summit, groups that support abortion were invited but pro-life groups with a stake in healthcare were excluded. With the President’s support, Congress recently approved $50 million in funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). UNFPA is complicit in China’s unspeakably cruel one-child enforcement policy, which employs forced abortion and sterilization… In February, the Administration decided that it would no longer extend hiring protections to faith-based organizations but would instead review on a case-by-case basis…

“Yet, the most hostile assault against the civil liberties in the medical profession may be yet to come.

“In 2007, Obama promised a Planned Parenthood gathering on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade that, as president, he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). If enacted, FOCA would repeal all federal and state restrictions on abortion including the ban on partial-birth abortion. FOCA would force all public hospitals and health programs offering maternity services to provide abortions. Moreover, provisions in state constitutions that protect speech and the free exercise of religion of those whose conscience is opposed to abortion could be invalidated.

“Having no reason to believe that President Obama will not fulfill this radical campaign pledge, some Catholic bishops are talking openly about engaging in civil disobedience to protect Catholic hospitals and their doctors from being forced to perform abortions. The chilling effect of the Obama administration forcing doctors and nurses to choose between their losing their careers and being compelled to participate in abortions against their moral and religious belief is incalculable.”

Hard To Believe–Obama Administration Did Not Know About AIG Bonuses?

ABC News reported on March 17:

“Sources in the Obama administration Tuesday said that despite previous media reports administration officials did not know until a couple weeks ago that the officials of the controversial AIG Financial Product Division were set to receive $165 million in bonuses on March 13.

“It was just this month, administration sources told ABC News, that officials of the New York Federal Reserve Bank — after studying AIG’s more than 100 compensation policies for more than 116,000 employees throughout the world — informed the Treasury Department of the $165 million in bonuses pending for the controversial Financial Products Subsidiary…

“How the Obama administration was caught flat-footed by this controversy dates back to last Fall, when the New York Federal Reserve Bank — then run by Geithner — stepped in to give AIG a high-interest loan to help prevent the company from going under, as Lehman Brothers was doing at the time.

“In late October, the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program passed Congress, which includes rules about executive compensation but nothing about retention bonuses… AIG provided information about the company’s myriad compensation packages to the New York Fed, but officials described the information as extremely complex and not easily understood.”

This hard-to-believe version of the Obama Administration did nothing to appease the anger of the American public over the Bonus scandal. The Washington Post reported on March 17:

“President Obama’s apparent inability to block executive bonuses at insurance giant AIG has dealt a sharp blow to his young administration and is threatening to derail both public and congressional support for his ambitious political agenda. Politicians in both parties flocked to express outrage over $165 million in bonuses paid out to executives at the company… The populist anger at the executives who ran their firms into the ground is increasingly blowing back on Obama, whom aides yesterday described as having little recourse in the face of legal contracts that guaranteed those bonuses… Obama himself sought to channel the public’s sense of disbelief yesterday…

“But the damage control did not seem to satisfy incredulous lawmakers in both parties, who said the image of financial executives taking huge bonuses from a taxpayer-funded rescue puts the president in a politically impossible position… More than 80 House Democrats signed a letter demanding that the money used to pay the bonuses be recouped from AIG.”

Costly U.S. Missile Defense System Might Be Discontinued

USA Today reported on March 16:

“President Obama recently suggested he would consider scrapping the Europe [missile defense] system in exchange for Russia’s help in thwarting Iran’s nuclear ambitions… The type of ground-based interceptors that would be deployed in Europe failed to hit targets in five of 13 tests, according to the Pentagon… The system, planned as a potential defense should Iran develop a nuclear capability, would cost $9 billion to $13 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and would leave parts of Europe unprotected from an Iranian missile. All told, the government has spent $144 billion on missile defense since 1985, according to the CBO… Independent technical analysis has shown that Iran and North Korea, which has a nuclear program, could fool the system using simple countermeasures such as balloons…

“Charles McQueary, who directs testing for the missile agency, told a congressional committee last month that the U.S.-based system ‘has demonstrated a limited capability to defend against a simple long-range ballistic missile threat launched from North Korea,’ but ‘we still have a long way to go.’ Physicist Richard Garwin, who helped design the hydrogen bomb and served recently on a commission to assess the ballistic missile threat, said in an email that because it can be so easily defeated by decoys, the ‘system is not worth deploying, because it will be useless.'”

Major Military Rearmament in Russia in Light of Risk of “Significant Conflict” with NATO

Times Online reported on March 17:

“President Medvedev ordered a major military rearmament today, warning that Russia faced the risk of ‘significant conflict’… In a stark assessment, Mr Medvedev said that Nato was still intent on expanding closer to Russia’s borders and told military chiefs to raise the combat readiness of the country’s armed forces. Russia’s Defence Minister also lashed out at the United States, accusing it of plotting to take control of energy and mineral resources in states bordering Russia. Mr Medvedev called for modernisation of Russia’s nuclear forces and said that ‘large-scale rearmament’ of the army and navy would commence in 2011…

“The conflict with Georgia over South Ossetia last August had exposed weaknesses in Russia’s weaponry and communications systems that had to be rectified quickly. Mr Medvedev has stationed more than 7,000 troops in South Ossetia and Georgia’s other breakaway region of Abkhazia. He recognised them as independent after the war, a move condemned by Nato, the US and the European Union. The previous Republican administration under President Bush pushed hard for Nato to offer Membership Action Plans to Georgia and Ukraine, a move fiercely opposed by Moscow. Mr Obama has given no indication so far that he is as enthusiastic about Nato expansion.”

Europe, USA and Egypt Concerned Over Developments in Israel reported on March 16:

“Ties between the European Union and Israel depend on the Israeli government’s commitment to a two-state solution in the peace process with Palestinians, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said on Monday. Asked to comment on Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu’s preliminary coalition pact with the ultra-right Yisrael Beiteinu party [of Avigdor Lieberman], Solana told reporters: ‘We will be ready to do business as usual, normally with a government in Israel that is prepared to continue talking and working for a two-state solution. If that is not the case, the situation would be different.'”

AFP reported on March 16:

“Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmad Abul Gheit voiced concern Monday for Middle East peace hopes after an ultra-nationalist party signed up to be part of Israel’s new government. ‘We have a negative, possibly damaging factor, which is the emergence of an extreme right government in Israel,’ he told members of the European Parliament in Brussels… Lieberman, a controversial firebrand slammed as a ‘racist’ by critics, is due to become the foreign minister in the new government.

“Gheit expressed fears about the new government, saying that ‘if they would implement what they’ve been talking about over the last few years, we would all of us face dire difficulties and face the most extreme of situations.’… A narrow right-wing government is likely to put Israel at odds with its main ally the United States because it would probably put the brakes on the already hobbled peace negotiations with the Palestinians…”

In an article dated March 17, Der Spiegel Online reported about the German press reaction to the most recent developments in Israel:

“With Likud and Yisrael Beitenu having signed a coalition agreement, it looks increasingly likely that far-right politician Avigdor Lieberman will be the next Israeli foreign minister. German newspapers are concerned that such an appointment would signal the end of the peace process… Netanyahu still needs other coalition partners to form a majority government…

“On Tuesday, German commentators are gloomy about the prospects for peace in the Middle East, arguing that Netanyahu and Lieberman represent a step backwards.

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘… Netanyahu associates politics with fear, not hope… Netanyahu is only going to administer the conflict, not solve it. He and Lieberman are the gravediggers of the Middle East peace process. They want to maintain the occupation and expand the settlements… Hamas needs Netanyahu, because the confrontation with Israel legitimizes its very existence.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘… Lieberman is a persona non grata for Israel’s neighbors — even for states like Jordan and Egypt who see themselves as Jerusalem’s partners…’

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘Whoever had believed that after the short but brutal war in the Gaza Strip and the inauguration of President Obama… the relations between Israel and the Palestinians could experience a new beginning has been disappointed…'”

Has Iran BECOME a Nuclear Power?

On March 13, RIA reported:

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday that pressure from Western powers trying to keep Iran in economic isolation have in fact spurred the country to become a space and nuclear power. ”

In fact, Ahamadinejad said more than that. As RIA clarified:

“‘Had you not been bad-tempered and blocked the way, the Iranian nation would not have been present in space, and WOULD HAVE NOT BECOME a nuclear power,” Fars news agency quoted Ahmadinejad…”

Israel Ready to Strike Iran?

On March 16, reported:

“IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi, who is on an official visit to the United States, told his American colleagues Monday that the Iranian threat could still be handled via sanctions, but stressed that an Israeli military strike was a ‘serious’ option.

“Ashkenazi reportedly stressed that any final decision pertaining to a possible Israeli course of action against Iran would be made by the government and not by him, adding that as head of the Israeli Defense Forces he has been asked to come up with various contingencies and that a military operation was a concrete possibility… Israel has repeatedly stated that it… would prefer to apply economic sanctions to military ones, but that all options remain viable.”

According to an article in Newsmax, dated March 17, “The Jerusalem Post reported earlier this month that Israeli leaders are ‘seriously considering’ a unilateral strike on Iran, likely to occur this year, to destroy its nuclear weapons facilities. And former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nancy Soderberg, said the timetable for an Israeli strike might be moved up if Israel believed Russia was going to follow through on its pledge to supply Iran with a surface-to-air missile system that would greatly complicate an Israeli attack.”

Mr. Obama Supports European Superstate

The Telegraph wrote on March 18:

“Barack Obama heads to Britain and Europe in two weeks’ time as the leader of the first U.S. Administration to wholeheartedly back the creation of a federal Europe. In contrast to earlier U.S. administrations, including those of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, the Obama administration is avowedly Euro-federalist in outlook, and is keen to help build a European Union defense identity as well as support the foundations of a European superstate in Brussels.

“This dangerous shift in U.S. policy is a betrayal of both U.S. and British interests that will threaten the long-term future of the Anglo-American Special Relationship, weaken the NATO alliance, and undermine the defence of British sovereignty in Europe. It will also undercut opposition across the EU to the Treaty of Lisbon, including in countries such as Ireland, Poland and the Czech Republic, and may set the scene for a major confrontation between the Obama White House and a future Conservative administration in London…

“President Obama’s government will strongly back the European Security and Defence Policy, the Lisbon Treaty and the Common Foreign and Security Policy, and will seek to strengthen French and German leadership at the heart of a united European Union… Significantly, while wooing both continental Europe and Russia, the new U.S. administration has been largely indifferent to the Anglo-American alliance, with an appallingly handled reception for the British Prime Minister when he visited the White House earlier this month…

“There is a chance the Obama Administration will eventually wake up to the reality that American support for a federal Europe will backfire… Under a unified EU foreign policy, U.S. allies would lose the freedom to decide where and when they can fight alongside America.

“As they approach the transatlantic alliance, President Obama and his aides should heed the advice of a former prime minister and great friend of the United States who fought to defend the Special Relationship and maintain British sovereignty in Europe. As Margaret Thatcher put it, ‘that such an unnecessary and irrational project as building a European superstate was ever embarked upon will seem in future years to be perhaps the greatest folly of the modern era.”

USA Shares Top Secret Research with Germany

NetZeitung reported on March 16:

“Germany and the United States signed a new government accord… to develop better protection from terror attacks, natural disasters, large-scale accidents and organised crime… the accord is the first such agreement between the two countries and marks a new step in sharing details of previously top secret US research that began after September 11, 2001… German scientists will now take part in research programmes that find vaccines for biological weapons in high-security laboratories…”

Germany Tries to Cope with Teenage Shooting

NetZeitung reported on March 16:

“Police on Monday said they were investigating the father of the teenage gunman who murdered 15 people last week in southwestern Germany for negligent homicide. Tim Kretschmer’s father kept a dozen weapons at his home and his son is thought to have found the nine-millimetre pistol he used in the massacre in the town of Winnenden outside Stuttgart in his parent’s bedroom. The 17-year-old also apparently knew the code to the weapons safe where his father kept thousands of rounds of ammunition.

“‘There are concrete indications that the parents were aware of their son’s health problems,’ prosecutors said in a statement, referring to reports Kretschmer suffered from depression. New details also emerged earlier on Monday about Tim’s activities at his father’s shooting club… there were credible witnesses who saw the 17-year-old shooting a large-calibre weapon at the range only three weeks before he would kill 15 people in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Kretschmer then turned his father’s nine-millimetre pistol on himself during a shoot-out with police…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel… has avoided making rash demands or suggestions for new laws following the massacre in Winnenden, but spoke on Deutschlandfunk radio on Sunday calling for more attention to be given to young people. ‘We must do everything to see that children do not get weapons, and certainly that they are not encouraged to violence. We have to pay attention to all young people. That goes for parents, and it goes for teachers,’ she said. She added that authorities should consider surprise visits to gun owners to see that they have their firearms locked away as prescribed by the law.”

Germany Under Attack reported on March 19:

“German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck hit back on Thursday at Swiss comments comparing him to a Nazi and said he had received threatening letters from the Alpine country. A growing war of words between Switzerland and Germany over banking secrecy intensified on Wednesday when a Swiss politician said Steinbrueck reminded him of the Nazis…

“‘This is completely out of proportion and unacceptable,’ [Steinbrueck] added, saying the dispute arose because of a realisation in Switzerland that the country was violating international norms. Thomas Mueller, a Swiss member of parliament, compared the minister to a ‘generation of Germans…who went through the streets wearing leather coats, boots and [Nazi] arm-bands’… He was speaking during a heated debate in the Swiss parliament after Switzerland, the world’s biggest offshore center, offered to relax bank secrecy in the face of a global crackdown on tax havens led by Germany.

“Steinbrueck, who angered Switzerland last year by calling for a ‘carrot and stick’ approach on the tax issue, prompted new outrage on Saturday when he compared Germany’s southern neighbour to ‘Indians’ running scared from the cavalry.

“It was not the first time Germans [have] been compared to Nazis for campaigning against tax havens. In September, Liechtenstein’s Prince Hans-Adam II dubbed Germany a ‘Fourth Reich’ after Berlin launched a probe into rich citizens who parked savings in the miniature state.”

Neo-Nazism on the Rise

The Daily Mail wrote on March 14:

“In Austria’s recent general election [in September], nearly 30 per cent of voters backed extremist right-wing parties. Some 70 years on from that infamous pogrom, the world faces a similar financial crisis to the one that precipitated the rise of Hitler and, in chilling echoes of Thirties Europe, support for far-right groups is exploding. Hitler’s birthplace has become the focus for neo-Nazis across the world.”

Reuters reported on March 17:

“Roughly one in twenty 15-year-old German males is a member of a neo-Nazi group, a higher proportion than are involved in mainstream politics, according to a study released on Tuesday. Many politicians fear a resurgence of right-wing extremism as unemployment creeps higher in Germany, which is facing its deepest recession since World War Two. Government figures have shown anti-Semitic crimes rose at the end of last year.

“‘It is shocking that right-wing groups have more success recruiting male youths than the established political parties,’ said Christian Pfeiffer, author of the report issued by Lower Saxony’s criminal research [institute]. Pfeiffer said fewer than 2 percent of young men were active in mainstream politics, compared to the 5 percent involved in far-right groups.”

UK’s Recession Worst in the World?

The Daily Mail reported on March 18:

“Gordon Brown’s economic credibility suffered another blow last night following a warning that Britain’s recession will be the worst in the world. The International Monetary Fund said the downturn in the UK would be deeper than anyone previously feared – and it would last through 2010…

“A slump of 3.8 per cent, economists say, would mean tens of thousands of businesses going to the wall and unemployment rising above 3million… Only Japan is now forecast to suffer a worse slump than the UK this year, with a 5 per cent contraction – sharply down from the last forecast of a 2.6 per cent.”

The Pope–Condoms Help to Spread AIDS

Times Online reported on March 17:

“The Pope courted further controversy on his first trip to Africa today by declaring that condoms were not a solution to the Aids epidemic – but were instead part of the problem… the pontiff told reporters… that Aids ‘is a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, and that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems’…

“The Vatican encourages sexual abstinence to fight the spread of the disease… He said the ‘traditional teaching of the Church’ on chastity outside marriage and fidelity within it had proved to be ‘the only sure way of preventing the spread of HIV and Aids.'”

Update 386

It’s Easter Time Again

On Saturday, March 21, 2009, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, respectively, “It’s Easter Time Again…”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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"The Restoration Act"

by Eric Rank

Just over a month ago, the United States signed into law the American Recovery and Re-investment Act. By its own accord, it claims to be “…an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century.” 

How ambitious!

Even though we would like to see financial circumstances around this world improve, we know, as we have taught for decades, that our bad circumstances now are just the tip of the iceberg. Merely jumpstarting an economy will not be effective in the long term. The Bible makes it very clear that the coming circumstances will be much worse than what we experience now. When comparing the prophecies in the Bible with the news reported today around the globe, it seems certain that this will happen sooner than later.

Knowing the clear plan of God stirs up a feeling of fear and anxiety for the impending doom of this world’s future that simply cannot be ignored. The judgment to be meted out and the penalties for disobedience, mentioned in the latter part of Deuteronomy 28, which are especially applicable to these modern United States of America, set an especially trembling tone in these times, culminating in ruin. Deuteronomy 28:63 summarizes quite succinctly: “And it shall be, that just as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good and multiply you, so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you and bring you to nothing; and you shall be plucked from off the land which you go to possess.”

However, even greater than fear, we need to find comfort, and even excitement, in the anticipation of the events to come. We do not look forward to seeing a disobedient world at its knees in a morbid way, but rather, we hope for the arrival of righteousness. God’s plan establishes itself more and more clearly every day, and this is cause for rejoicing — especially as the coming of God’s Kingdom draws closer (compare Luke 21:27-28, 31).

The American Recovery and Re-investment Act stakes a claim at being “unprecedented,” but it is absolutely a joke in comparison to God’s plan for true recovery.

We look forward to a future when a secure and successful society is not measured by gross domestic product, but by the obedience to God. The restoration of God’s way of life will be the goal for the true recovery of this world (compare Acts 3:19-21). We look forward to the day when all people on earth desire a clean heart, and shout out, as reported in Psalm 51:12, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.”

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The Week in Review

Our lead articles deal this week with the growing discontent of the American public with their new governmental leadership and an increasing fear of another Great Depression. The original Obama enthusiasm has declined sharply–and that even BEFORE the most recent scandal pertaining to the AIG bonuses. The Obama Administration’s bumbling attempts to claim ignorance and deny any responsibilities did not appease the American public–and the hypocritical outrage of politicians–who did or should have known better–only exaggerated public distrust and condemnation.

Alarming is also the fact that the Obama Administration seems to be willing to severely limit the constitutional freedoms of Americans and deny rights stemming from their personal conscience. Observers are further worried by a written US commitment to share highly sensitive information with Germany, and by President Obama’s intention to abandon the European Missile Defense Shield, while at the same time Russia announced its goal to rearm against “threats” from NATO. And while Mr. Obama seems to be in support of a European superstate under German and French leadership, many in Britain are concerned.

The western world views with dismay developments in Israel and Iran, pointing at a possible military conflict, and Germany and Austria see themselves confronted with domestic violent developments and a resurgence of Neo-Nazism in the light of a worldwide recession. Finally, the pope spoke out in Africa against pre-marital sex and the use of condoms to protect the partners from HIV and AIDS–and even though his position on this matter is absolutely correct, most liberal commentators condemned him for his stance.

Americans Lose Confidence in President Obama and His Administration

The Wall Street Journal wrote on March 13:

“It is simply wrong for commentators to continue to focus on President Barack Obama’s high levels of popularity, and to conclude that these are indicative of high levels of public confidence in the work of his administration. Indeed, a detailed look at recent survey data shows that the opposite is most likely true. The American people are coming to express increasingly significant doubts about his initiatives, and most likely support a different agenda and different policies from those that the Obama administration has advanced.

“Polling data show that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001… Mr. Obama has lost virtually all of his Republican support and a good part of his Independent support, and the trend is decidedly negative…

“There is also a clear sense in the polling that taxes will increase for all Americans because of the stimulus, notwithstanding what the president has said about taxes going down for 95% of Americans. Close to three-quarters expect that government spending will grow under this administration.

“Recent Gallup data echo these concerns. That polling shows that there are deep-seated, underlying economic concerns. Eighty-three percent say they are worried that the steps Mr. Obama is taking to fix the economy may not work and the economy will get worse. Eighty-two percent say they are worried about the amount of money being added to the deficit. Seventy-eight percent are worried about inflation growing, and 69% say they are worried about the increasing role of the government in the U.S. economy…

“Support for the stimulus package is dropping from narrow majority support to below that. There is no sense that the stimulus package itself will work quickly, and according to a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, close to 60% said it would make only a marginal difference in the next two to four years… And by 2-to-1, voters reject House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s call for a second stimulus package.

“While over two-thirds support the plan to help homeowners refinance their mortgage, a 48%-36% plurality said that it will unfairly benefit those who have been irresponsible… There is no real appetite for increasing taxes to pay for an expanded health-insurance program. Less than half would support such an idea, which is 17% less than the percentage that supported government health insurance when Bill Clinton first considered it in March of 1993…

“Fifty-six percent of Americans oppose giving bankers any additional government money or any guarantees backed by the government… Only less than a quarter of Americans believe that the federal government truly reflects the will of the people… When it comes to the nation’s economic issues, two-thirds of voters have more confidence in their own judgment than they do in the average member of Congress.

“Finally, what probably accounts for a good measure of the confidence and support the Obama administration has enjoyed is the fact that they are not Republicans. Virtually all Americans, more than eight in 10, blame Republicans for the current economic woes, and the only two leaders with lower approval ratings than Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and John Boehner.”

Many Americans Very Pessimistic About the Economic Future

The Boston Globe reported on March 17:

“While it’s no shocker that nearly 9 in 10 Americans rate the economy as somewhat or very poor, it is noteworthy that poll findings released today show they are more pessimistic about a recovery… only 10 percent of respondents believe the economy will bounce back within the next year, while 32 percent say it will take as long as two years… Even more worrisome, while only a minority of economists are talking about the possibility, 45 percent believe another Great Depression is somewhat or very likely within the next year…”

Risky Conduct of the Federal Reserve

The International Herald Tribune reported on March 18:

“The Federal Reserve sharply stepped up its efforts to bolster the economy on Wednesday, announcing that it would pump an extra $1 trillion into the financial system by purchasing Treasury bonds and mortgage securities… the central bank has increasingly turned to alternatives… as a way of getting more dollars into the economy, a tactic that amounts to creating vast new sums of money out of thin air.

“… there were… clear indications that the Fed was taking risks that could dilute the value of the dollar and set the stage for future inflation… In its announcement, the central bank said that the United States remained in a severe recession and listed its continuing woes, from job losses and lost housing wealth to falling exports as a result of the worldwide economic slowdown.”

Unprecedented National Debt

Politico wrote on March 17:

“The eye-popping national debt surpassed $11 trillion Monday, the largest in U.S. history… The new Treasury Department figures on the national debt… is expected to project that the annual budget deficit will be higher than previously estimated by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget… The whopping number has major ramifications for President Barack Obama, who is trying to push through a raft of big-ticket bills on health care, energy, education and climate change — while also attempting to stabilize the swooning economy.”

President Obama’s Attack on Freedom of Conscience

On March 15, Newsmax printed the following comments by Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich:

“Earlier this month, the President took the first step in rescinding a Bush administration moral conscience regulation which enforces existing legal protections against discrimination and intimidation for doctors and other healthcare professionals who invoke conscience by refusing to participate in medical procedures they believe immoral… Efforts to roll back freedom of conscience protections are only the latest in a series of aggressive actions that demonstrate intolerance for those whose conscience is convicted in support of a culture of life:

“… In the first month of his presidency, Obama reversed the established Mexico City policy that kept taxpayer money from being used by international organizations for abortions as a method of family planning protecting millions of Americans from paying for a procedure that they find morally objectionable. Last week, the President unilaterally lifted embryonic-stem-cell research restrictions. In the President’s recent healthcare summit, groups that support abortion were invited but pro-life groups with a stake in healthcare were excluded. With the President’s support, Congress recently approved $50 million in funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). UNFPA is complicit in China’s unspeakably cruel one-child enforcement policy, which employs forced abortion and sterilization… In February, the Administration decided that it would no longer extend hiring protections to faith-based organizations but would instead review on a case-by-case basis…

“Yet, the most hostile assault against the civil liberties in the medical profession may be yet to come.

“In 2007, Obama promised a Planned Parenthood gathering on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade that, as president, he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). If enacted, FOCA would repeal all federal and state restrictions on abortion including the ban on partial-birth abortion. FOCA would force all public hospitals and health programs offering maternity services to provide abortions. Moreover, provisions in state constitutions that protect speech and the free exercise of religion of those whose conscience is opposed to abortion could be invalidated.

“Having no reason to believe that President Obama will not fulfill this radical campaign pledge, some Catholic bishops are talking openly about engaging in civil disobedience to protect Catholic hospitals and their doctors from being forced to perform abortions. The chilling effect of the Obama administration forcing doctors and nurses to choose between their losing their careers and being compelled to participate in abortions against their moral and religious belief is incalculable.”

Hard To Believe–Obama Administration Did Not Know About AIG Bonuses?

ABC News reported on March 17:

“Sources in the Obama administration Tuesday said that despite previous media reports administration officials did not know until a couple weeks ago that the officials of the controversial AIG Financial Product Division were set to receive $165 million in bonuses on March 13.

“It was just this month, administration sources told ABC News, that officials of the New York Federal Reserve Bank — after studying AIG’s more than 100 compensation policies for more than 116,000 employees throughout the world — informed the Treasury Department of the $165 million in bonuses pending for the controversial Financial Products Subsidiary…

“How the Obama administration was caught flat-footed by this controversy dates back to last Fall, when the New York Federal Reserve Bank — then run by Geithner — stepped in to give AIG a high-interest loan to help prevent the company from going under, as Lehman Brothers was doing at the time.

“In late October, the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program passed Congress, which includes rules about executive compensation but nothing about retention bonuses… AIG provided information about the company’s myriad compensation packages to the New York Fed, but officials described the information as extremely complex and not easily understood.”

This hard-to-believe version of the Obama Administration did nothing to appease the anger of the American public over the Bonus scandal. The Washington Post reported on March 17:

“President Obama’s apparent inability to block executive bonuses at insurance giant AIG has dealt a sharp blow to his young administration and is threatening to derail both public and congressional support for his ambitious political agenda. Politicians in both parties flocked to express outrage over $165 million in bonuses paid out to executives at the company… The populist anger at the executives who ran their firms into the ground is increasingly blowing back on Obama, whom aides yesterday described as having little recourse in the face of legal contracts that guaranteed those bonuses… Obama himself sought to channel the public’s sense of disbelief yesterday…

“But the damage control did not seem to satisfy incredulous lawmakers in both parties, who said the image of financial executives taking huge bonuses from a taxpayer-funded rescue puts the president in a politically impossible position… More than 80 House Democrats signed a letter demanding that the money used to pay the bonuses be recouped from AIG.”

Costly U.S. Missile Defense System Might Be Discontinued

USA Today reported on March 16:

“President Obama recently suggested he would consider scrapping the Europe [missile defense] system in exchange for Russia’s help in thwarting Iran’s nuclear ambitions… The type of ground-based interceptors that would be deployed in Europe failed to hit targets in five of 13 tests, according to the Pentagon… The system, planned as a potential defense should Iran develop a nuclear capability, would cost $9 billion to $13 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office, and would leave parts of Europe unprotected from an Iranian missile. All told, the government has spent $144 billion on missile defense since 1985, according to the CBO… Independent technical analysis has shown that Iran and North Korea, which has a nuclear program, could fool the system using simple countermeasures such as balloons…

“Charles McQueary, who directs testing for the missile agency, told a congressional committee last month that the U.S.-based system ‘has demonstrated a limited capability to defend against a simple long-range ballistic missile threat launched from North Korea,’ but ‘we still have a long way to go.’ Physicist Richard Garwin, who helped design the hydrogen bomb and served recently on a commission to assess the ballistic missile threat, said in an email that because it can be so easily defeated by decoys, the ‘system is not worth deploying, because it will be useless.'”

Major Military Rearmament in Russia in Light of Risk of “Significant Conflict” with NATO

Times Online reported on March 17:

“President Medvedev ordered a major military rearmament today, warning that Russia faced the risk of ‘significant conflict’… In a stark assessment, Mr Medvedev said that Nato was still intent on expanding closer to Russia’s borders and told military chiefs to raise the combat readiness of the country’s armed forces. Russia’s Defence Minister also lashed out at the United States, accusing it of plotting to take control of energy and mineral resources in states bordering Russia. Mr Medvedev called for modernisation of Russia’s nuclear forces and said that ‘large-scale rearmament’ of the army and navy would commence in 2011…

“The conflict with Georgia over South Ossetia last August had exposed weaknesses in Russia’s weaponry and communications systems that had to be rectified quickly. Mr Medvedev has stationed more than 7,000 troops in South Ossetia and Georgia’s other breakaway region of Abkhazia. He recognised them as independent after the war, a move condemned by Nato, the US and the European Union. The previous Republican administration under President Bush pushed hard for Nato to offer Membership Action Plans to Georgia and Ukraine, a move fiercely opposed by Moscow. Mr Obama has given no indication so far that he is as enthusiastic about Nato expansion.”

Europe, USA and Egypt Concerned Over Developments in Israel reported on March 16:

“Ties between the European Union and Israel depend on the Israeli government’s commitment to a two-state solution in the peace process with Palestinians, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said on Monday. Asked to comment on Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu’s preliminary coalition pact with the ultra-right Yisrael Beiteinu party [of Avigdor Lieberman], Solana told reporters: ‘We will be ready to do business as usual, normally with a government in Israel that is prepared to continue talking and working for a two-state solution. If that is not the case, the situation would be different.'”

AFP reported on March 16:

“Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmad Abul Gheit voiced concern Monday for Middle East peace hopes after an ultra-nationalist party signed up to be part of Israel’s new government. ‘We have a negative, possibly damaging factor, which is the emergence of an extreme right government in Israel,’ he told members of the European Parliament in Brussels… Lieberman, a controversial firebrand slammed as a ‘racist’ by critics, is due to become the foreign minister in the new government.

“Gheit expressed fears about the new government, saying that ‘if they would implement what they’ve been talking about over the last few years, we would all of us face dire difficulties and face the most extreme of situations.’… A narrow right-wing government is likely to put Israel at odds with its main ally the United States because it would probably put the brakes on the already hobbled peace negotiations with the Palestinians…”

In an article dated March 17, Der Spiegel Online reported about the German press reaction to the most recent developments in Israel:

“With Likud and Yisrael Beitenu having signed a coalition agreement, it looks increasingly likely that far-right politician Avigdor Lieberman will be the next Israeli foreign minister. German newspapers are concerned that such an appointment would signal the end of the peace process… Netanyahu still needs other coalition partners to form a majority government…

“On Tuesday, German commentators are gloomy about the prospects for peace in the Middle East, arguing that Netanyahu and Lieberman represent a step backwards.

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘… Netanyahu associates politics with fear, not hope… Netanyahu is only going to administer the conflict, not solve it. He and Lieberman are the gravediggers of the Middle East peace process. They want to maintain the occupation and expand the settlements… Hamas needs Netanyahu, because the confrontation with Israel legitimizes its very existence.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘… Lieberman is a persona non grata for Israel’s neighbors — even for states like Jordan and Egypt who see themselves as Jerusalem’s partners…’

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘Whoever had believed that after the short but brutal war in the Gaza Strip and the inauguration of President Obama… the relations between Israel and the Palestinians could experience a new beginning has been disappointed…'”

Has Iran BECOME a Nuclear Power?

On March 13, RIA reported:

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday that pressure from Western powers trying to keep Iran in economic isolation have in fact spurred the country to become a space and nuclear power. ”

In fact, Ahamadinejad said more than that. As RIA clarified:

“‘Had you not been bad-tempered and blocked the way, the Iranian nation would not have been present in space, and WOULD HAVE NOT BECOME a nuclear power,” Fars news agency quoted Ahmadinejad…”

Israel Ready to Strike Iran?

On March 16, reported:

“IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi, who is on an official visit to the United States, told his American colleagues Monday that the Iranian threat could still be handled via sanctions, but stressed that an Israeli military strike was a ‘serious’ option.

“Ashkenazi reportedly stressed that any final decision pertaining to a possible Israeli course of action against Iran would be made by the government and not by him, adding that as head of the Israeli Defense Forces he has been asked to come up with various contingencies and that a military operation was a concrete possibility… Israel has repeatedly stated that it… would prefer to apply economic sanctions to military ones, but that all options remain viable.”

According to an article in Newsmax, dated March 17, “The Jerusalem Post reported earlier this month that Israeli leaders are ‘seriously considering’ a unilateral strike on Iran, likely to occur this year, to destroy its nuclear weapons facilities. And former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nancy Soderberg, said the timetable for an Israeli strike might be moved up if Israel believed Russia was going to follow through on its pledge to supply Iran with a surface-to-air missile system that would greatly complicate an Israeli attack.”

Mr. Obama Supports European Superstate

The Telegraph wrote on March 18:

“Barack Obama heads to Britain and Europe in two weeks’ time as the leader of the first U.S. Administration to wholeheartedly back the creation of a federal Europe. In contrast to earlier U.S. administrations, including those of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, the Obama administration is avowedly Euro-federalist in outlook, and is keen to help build a European Union defense identity as well as support the foundations of a European superstate in Brussels.

“This dangerous shift in U.S. policy is a betrayal of both U.S. and British interests that will threaten the long-term future of the Anglo-American Special Relationship, weaken the NATO alliance, and undermine the defence of British sovereignty in Europe. It will also undercut opposition across the EU to the Treaty of Lisbon, including in countries such as Ireland, Poland and the Czech Republic, and may set the scene for a major confrontation between the Obama White House and a future Conservative administration in London…

“President Obama’s government will strongly back the European Security and Defence Policy, the Lisbon Treaty and the Common Foreign and Security Policy, and will seek to strengthen French and German leadership at the heart of a united European Union… Significantly, while wooing both continental Europe and Russia, the new U.S. administration has been largely indifferent to the Anglo-American alliance, with an appallingly handled reception for the British Prime Minister when he visited the White House earlier this month…

“There is a chance the Obama Administration will eventually wake up to the reality that American support for a federal Europe will backfire… Under a unified EU foreign policy, U.S. allies would lose the freedom to decide where and when they can fight alongside America.

“As they approach the transatlantic alliance, President Obama and his aides should heed the advice of a former prime minister and great friend of the United States who fought to defend the Special Relationship and maintain British sovereignty in Europe. As Margaret Thatcher put it, ‘that such an unnecessary and irrational project as building a European superstate was ever embarked upon will seem in future years to be perhaps the greatest folly of the modern era.”

USA Shares Top Secret Research with Germany

NetZeitung reported on March 16:

“Germany and the United States signed a new government accord… to develop better protection from terror attacks, natural disasters, large-scale accidents and organised crime… the accord is the first such agreement between the two countries and marks a new step in sharing details of previously top secret US research that began after September 11, 2001… German scientists will now take part in research programmes that find vaccines for biological weapons in high-security laboratories…”

Germany Tries to Cope with Teenage Shooting

NetZeitung reported on March 16:

“Police on Monday said they were investigating the father of the teenage gunman who murdered 15 people last week in southwestern Germany for negligent homicide. Tim Kretschmer’s father kept a dozen weapons at his home and his son is thought to have found the nine-millimetre pistol he used in the massacre in the town of Winnenden outside Stuttgart in his parent’s bedroom. The 17-year-old also apparently knew the code to the weapons safe where his father kept thousands of rounds of ammunition.

“‘There are concrete indications that the parents were aware of their son’s health problems,’ prosecutors said in a statement, referring to reports Kretschmer suffered from depression. New details also emerged earlier on Monday about Tim’s activities at his father’s shooting club… there were credible witnesses who saw the 17-year-old shooting a large-calibre weapon at the range only three weeks before he would kill 15 people in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Kretschmer then turned his father’s nine-millimetre pistol on himself during a shoot-out with police…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel… has avoided making rash demands or suggestions for new laws following the massacre in Winnenden, but spoke on Deutschlandfunk radio on Sunday calling for more attention to be given to young people. ‘We must do everything to see that children do not get weapons, and certainly that they are not encouraged to violence. We have to pay attention to all young people. That goes for parents, and it goes for teachers,’ she said. She added that authorities should consider surprise visits to gun owners to see that they have their firearms locked away as prescribed by the law.”

Germany Under Attack reported on March 19:

“German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck hit back on Thursday at Swiss comments comparing him to a Nazi and said he had received threatening letters from the Alpine country. A growing war of words between Switzerland and Germany over banking secrecy intensified on Wednesday when a Swiss politician said Steinbrueck reminded him of the Nazis…

“‘This is completely out of proportion and unacceptable,’ [Steinbrueck] added, saying the dispute arose because of a realisation in Switzerland that the country was violating international norms. Thomas Mueller, a Swiss member of parliament, compared the minister to a ‘generation of Germans…who went through the streets wearing leather coats, boots and [Nazi] arm-bands’… He was speaking during a heated debate in the Swiss parliament after Switzerland, the world’s biggest offshore center, offered to relax bank secrecy in the face of a global crackdown on tax havens led by Germany.

“Steinbrueck, who angered Switzerland last year by calling for a ‘carrot and stick’ approach on the tax issue, prompted new outrage on Saturday when he compared Germany’s southern neighbour to ‘Indians’ running scared from the cavalry.

“It was not the first time Germans [have] been compared to Nazis for campaigning against tax havens. In September, Liechtenstein’s Prince Hans-Adam II dubbed Germany a ‘Fourth Reich’ after Berlin launched a probe into rich citizens who parked savings in the miniature state.”

Neo-Nazism on the Rise

The Daily Mail wrote on March 14:

“In Austria’s recent general election [in September], nearly 30 per cent of voters backed extremist right-wing parties. Some 70 years on from that infamous pogrom, the world faces a similar financial crisis to the one that precipitated the rise of Hitler and, in chilling echoes of Thirties Europe, support for far-right groups is exploding. Hitler’s birthplace has become the focus for neo-Nazis across the world.”

Reuters reported on March 17:

“Roughly one in twenty 15-year-old German males is a member of a neo-Nazi group, a higher proportion than are involved in mainstream politics, according to a study released on Tuesday. Many politicians fear a resurgence of right-wing extremism as unemployment creeps higher in Germany, which is facing its deepest recession since World War Two. Government figures have shown anti-Semitic crimes rose at the end of last year.

“‘It is shocking that right-wing groups have more success recruiting male youths than the established political parties,’ said Christian Pfeiffer, author of the report issued by Lower Saxony’s criminal research [institute]. Pfeiffer said fewer than 2 percent of young men were active in mainstream politics, compared to the 5 percent involved in far-right groups.”

UK’s Recession Worst in the World?

The Daily Mail reported on March 18:

“Gordon Brown’s economic credibility suffered another blow last night following a warning that Britain’s recession will be the worst in the world. The International Monetary Fund said the downturn in the UK would be deeper than anyone previously feared – and it would last through 2010…

“A slump of 3.8 per cent, economists say, would mean tens of thousands of businesses going to the wall and unemployment rising above 3million… Only Japan is now forecast to suffer a worse slump than the UK this year, with a 5 per cent contraction – sharply down from the last forecast of a 2.6 per cent.”

The Pope–Condoms Help to Spread AIDS

Times Online reported on March 17:

“The Pope courted further controversy on his first trip to Africa today by declaring that condoms were not a solution to the Aids epidemic – but were instead part of the problem… the pontiff told reporters… that Aids ‘is a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, and that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems’…

“The Vatican encourages sexual abstinence to fight the spread of the disease… He said the ‘traditional teaching of the Church’ on chastity outside marriage and fidelity within it had proved to be ‘the only sure way of preventing the spread of HIV and Aids.'”

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Would you please explain James 1:14-15?

The passage reads:

“But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”

When and how does sin start? Does death only await us when sin is “full-grown”?

Vincent’s Word Studies explains that the terms “drawn away” and “enticed” “are metaphors from hunting and fishing.” It continues: “Drawn away, as beasts are enticed from a safecovert into a place beset with snares. Note the present participle, as indicating the progress of the temptation: ‘is being drawn away.’ Enticed– As a fish with bait. Also the present participle.”

We see, then, that a PROGRESSION is described.

In addition, the ORIGIN of sinful conduct is not mainly external, but INTERNAL. The commentary of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown explains:

“Every man, when tempted, is so [tempted] through being drawn away of… his own lust [or, desire]. The cause of sin is in ourselves. Even Satan’s suggestions do not endanger us before they are made our own. Each one has his own peculiar (so the Greek) lust, arising from his own temperament and habit… drawn away [describes] the beginning step in temptation: drawn away from truth and virtue. Enticed [means] literally, ‘taken with a bait,’ as fish are. The further progress: the man allowing himself… to be enticed to evil… ‘Lust’ [or ‘desire’] is here personified as the harlot that allures the man…

“The guilty union is committed by the will embracing the temptress. ‘Lust,’ the harlot, then, ‘brings forth sin,’ namely, of that kind to which the temptation inclines. Then the particular sin… ‘when it is completed, brings forth death,’ with which it was all along pregnant…”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible gives the following additional explanation, showing that the sin in the heart becomes manifest for all to see:

“… the fountain or source of all temptation is in man himself. It is true that external inducements to sin may be placed before him, but they would have no force if there was not something in himself to which they corresponded, and over which they might have power. There must be some ‘lust’; some desire; some inclination; something which is unsatisfied now… The original propensity may not be wrong, but may be perfectly harmless – as in the case of the desire of food… The error, the fault, the sin, is, not restraining the indulgence where we are commanded to do it, either in regard to the objects sought, or in regard to the degree of indulgence. ‘And enticed’ [actually means] Entrapped, caught; that is, he is seized by this power, and held fast; or he is led along and beguiled, until he falls into sin, as in a snare that springs suddenly upon him… Without doubt, the apostle traces the whole evil of temptation, which some falsely ascribed to God, to the sinful desires of the human heart…

“The whole passage, with the words and figures which are used, show that the idea in the apostle’s mind was that of an enticing harlot… The meaning is, when the desire which we have naturally is quickened, or made to act, the result is that sin is produced… In the mere desire of good, of happiness, of food, of raiment, there is no sin; it becomes sin when indulged in an improper manner, and when it leads us to seek that which is forbidden – to invade the rights of others, or in any way to violate the laws of God…

“‘It bringeth forth sin’ [means that:] The result is sin – OPEN, actual sin. When that which is conceived in the heart is matured, it is SEEN to be sin. The design of all this is to show that sin is not to be traced to God, but to man himself…

“There are, first, our natural propensities; those which we have as men… Such Adam had in innocence; such the Saviour had; and such are to be regarded as in no respect in themselves sinful and wrong. Yet they may, in our case, as they did in Adam, lead us to sin, because, under their strong influence, we may be led to desire that which is forbidden, or which belongs to another… And sin, when it is finished bringeth forth death…”

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible alludes to the fact that James has the progression of sin in mind, which, through habitual conduct, may lead to committing the unforgivable or unpardonable sin:

“Every man is tempted (in an ill sense) when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. In other scriptures the devil is called the tempter, and other things may sometimes concur to tempt us; but neither the devil nor any other person or thing is to be blamed so as to excuse ourselves…

“The method of sin in its proceeding [is described:] First it draws away, then entices. As holiness consists of two parts – forsaking that which is evil and cleaving to that which is good, so these two things, reversed, are the two parts of sin. The heart is carried from that which is good, and enticed to cleave to that which is evil…

“Then, when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; that is, sin being allowed to excite desires in us, it will soon ripen those desires into consent, and then it is said to have conceived. The sin truly exists, though it be but in embryo. And, when it has grown [to] its full size in the mind, it is then brought forth in ACTUAL EXECUTION…

“Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. After sin is brought forth in actual commissions, the finishing of it… is its being strengthened by FREQUENT ACTS and SETTLED INTO A HABIT. And, when the iniquities of men are thus FILLED UP, death is brought forth… the wages of sin is eternal death… Your own hearts’ lusts and corruptions are your tempters; and when by degrees they have carried you off from God, and finished the power and dominion of sin in you, then they will prove your DESTROYERS.”

It is correct that James is addressing here, foremost, the concept of the UNPARDONABLE SIN. All sin deserves the death penalty, and sin is not only to be seen in outward acts, but also in inward WRONG desires. Christ said that whoever LOOKS at a woman with the thought of committing adultery with her has already committed adultery in his heart and has therefore sinned in the eyes of God (compare Matthew 5:27-28). He also said that whoever HATES a person in his mind has already committed murder in the eyes of God (compare Matthew 5:21-22). But sin can be forgiven, upon repentance (1 John 1:8-10), unless it has reached such a state of habitual conduct that the perpetrator does not want to repent of it anymore. In that case, it is IMPOSSIBLE to renew such a person to repentance (Hebrews 6:4-6). His conscience is seared–he does not see anymore that what he does is evil; he has embraced his sinful conduct as a way of life to be desired. In that case, eternal death is the fate of such a person, and his sin–which began in his mind but which was allowed to grow unchecked–has led to the second and final death in the lake of fire from which there will be no resurrection (Revelation 20:15; 21:7-8).

We are admonished to bring every thought into the obedience of Jesus Christ–not to dwell on evil thoughts, but to eradicate them from our minds (2 Corinthians 10:5). Christ was tempted in all points as we are, but He never allowed any tempting thought to take root in His mind; He never allowed any natural desires to embrace sinfulness. When Satan tempted Him in the desert, He resisted Satan by dwelling on the Word of God. When people tempted Christ by either wanting Him to become their king or by ending His misery and pain at the cross, He rejected those tempting thoughts by dwelling on the Word of God. He never allowed desires to settle in His mind to conceive sin–let alone allowing sin to grow in His mind and to even manifest itself in outward acts.

We read that Christ, who had been GOD since all eternity, BECAME flesh–a human being. He came into sinful flesh (Romans 8:3), being born of the Virgin Mary who had human nature, but He overcame sin in His flesh. He never sinned once–not even in His mind. When He was in the garden called Gethsemane, He prayed to the Father to let the cup of torture and crucifixion depart from Him, if there was a different way to accomplish the same purpose for His Coming, but He added that the Father’s Will–not His own Will–needed to be done. He always submitted to God’s Will. His prayer for relief from death was a product of His human desire not to die, but this desire was not bad or sinful. IF, however, He had decided NOT to go through His ordeal and flee from the soldiers who had come to arrest Him, then He would have sinned, as He would have violated the Will of God. But He did not do this–in fact, He never entertained the thought of doing this. He never had the desire to disobey God; but He controlled His human desires so as to never entertain the thought of wanting to do evil.

With Christ living in us through His Holy Spirit, we CAN reach the same kind of mind frame which Jesus possessed. We are told to renew our mind (Romans 12:2); to acquire and have the same mind which Jesus had (Philippians 2:5). We, too, can CONTROL our thoughts and overcome any desires to sin. We CAN become more and more perfect by eradicating from our minds the very desire to disobey God and to sin.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was sent out reporting about our recent conference. We attached a flyer to the member letter with important information regarding the Feast of Tabernacles 2009.

In addition, important Feast information has been posted on our various Websites.

A new StandingWatch program was recorded this week and will be posted shortly. It is titled, “Why Most Americans Disapprove of Obama Administration.”

Norbert Link’s new German sermon “In Frieden Leben” (“Living in Peace”), from March 18, 2009, was posted on Google Video.

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Assume Love

by Kalon Mitchell (23)

I was recently listening to a podcast. The lady on the show was talking about assuming love. Now maybe this sounds very fishy to some of us, but the lady had a point.

She explained that many times when we are upset, we as human beings tend to just fly off the handle. We may also blow situations way out of proportion because we have a desire to want to be justified. But this is not right. Instead, she went on to say, many times we don’t have all the information or may not know or understand what is truly going on in another human being’s mind.

That being said, what if we could take any situation we are in and learn to put ourselves in that person’s shoes? If we tried to empathize a little more, and attempt to understand where someone is coming from, a lot of fights would not happen or continue.

For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to put this into action. At first it was hard and I would get mad at many of the things that go on in daily life! But the fact is that when I do assume love, I am more calm and can think more clearly about the situation at hand, instead of flying off the handle. This is the exact opposite of what Satan wants. He wants me to get upset with others and go for the throat.

When I feel myself getting upset, I need to take a deep breath. Rather than dwelling on something bad, I need to reflect on what is good. Rather than reacting with anger, I need to concentrate on “assuming” love. This helps to work out whatever it is that bothers me.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Why Most Americans Disapprove of Obama Administration

Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping. As the Wall Street Journal revealed, the overwhelming majority of Americans disagrees with his course of action, and this was even before the most recent scandal involving AIG bonuses. But many don’t even realize that the Obama Administration has begun attacking protection of speech, individual conscience and free exercise of religion.

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Current Events

Murders Upon Murders!


Another shocking murder took place this past Sunday in an Illinois church.

The AP reported about the incident on March 9, 2009:

“The gunman, identified by authorities only as a 27-year-old from Troy, strode toward the Rev. Fred Winters shortly after 8 a.m. Sunday, exchanged words with him, then fired a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol until it jammed. Winters, 45, died of a single shot to the heart, the coroner said Monday.”

While others were wounded, had not this man’s gun jammed, many more of those in the church would have fallen victim to his murderous rampage.


Deutsche Welle, March 12, 2009, reported on another school-related mass murder. Pointing to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s televised address to the nation and her description of this horrific event “…as a day of sorrow for the entire country,” the article also gave this summary of the tragedy:

“A 17-year-old gunman entered a school in the town of Winnenden shortly after nine in the morning and opened fire, killing students and teachers. He then left the school, shooting dead more people as he fled. The assailant killed 15 people in total. He commandeered a vehicle and traveled to a town around 40 kilometres from Winnenden, where police cornered him. The gun battle that ensued left two police officers seriously injured and the attacker dead. Police say he turned his weapon on himself. The gunman is believed to have been a former student of the school.”

German commentators pointed out that no country seems to be safe from these horrendous acts. Early reports stated that the murderer targeted mainly young female students and that he suffered from depression. There has been no evidence so far that he was in any way connected to terrorists or neo-Nazis.


From Reuters, March 11, 2009:

“U.S. authorities trying to piece together why a man killed 10 people in the worst rampage in Alabama’s history focused on Wednesday on the grudges that he bore.”

USA, March 11, 2009, adds these details of the murderous crimes:

“Alabama authorities say the gunman who killed 10 people, including five members of this family, was armed with two assault rifles and a .38-caliber pistol. They say he fired more than 200 rounds in his crime spree Tuesday afternoon.

“According to authorities, the suspect, Michael McLendon, killed his mother in Kinston, Ala., then drove to the town of Samson and killed four more relatives and two others. Finally, he went on a general shooting spree in the town, the Associated Press reports. The victims included the wife and child of a local sheriff’s deputy. McLendon then killed himself.”

Northern Ireland Sees Return to Sectarian Violence!

From the Christian Science Monitor, March 8, 2009:

“Police believe dissident Irish nationalists attempting to smash the decade-old peace in Northern Ireland might have been behind the shooting deaths Saturday night of two British soldiers.

“The soldiers were killed in a drive-by shooting at Massereene Army base in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Four others, including two pizza delivery men, were injured when gunmen opened fire. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but police are blaming dissident Irish republicans.”

Grim Financial News!

On March 8, 2009, a World Bank report was summarized in the Washington Post:

“Developing nations are facing a massive financing shortfall of up to $700 billion this year as private investment evaporates and global trade collapses, threatening to return many countries to the days of heavy reliance on foreign aid, the World Bank warned yesterday…

“The World Bank predicted that the global economy will shrink this year for the first time since World War II, a prognosis more dire than that of almost any private investment house. Its report underscored what many are calling a mounting crisis within a crisis, as the downturn that started in the wealthy nations of the West washes over developing countries through a pullback in investment, trade and credit…

“Falling demand in the West is sparking the sharpest drop in world trade in 80 years, sending sales of the products and commodities of poorer nations spiraling down, the report said.”

Also reporting on the World Bank assessment, (March 9, 2009) stated:

“The world economy is on track to post its worst performance since the Great Depression, with developing countries bearing much of the economic pain, the World Bank said Monday.”

Bloomberg added on March 10:

“Billionaire Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway Inc. posted its worst results ever in 2008, said the economy ‘has fallen off a cliff’ and that efforts to stimulate recovery may lead to inflation higher than the 1970s.”

Mr. Obama to “Restore Scientific INTEGRITY”???

MSNBC on March 9, 2009, wrote the following in its coverage of President Obama’s signing of a Presidential executive order:

“Before an East Room audience of doctors, scientists, lawmakers and religious leaders President Obama signed an executive order Monday lifting the ban on federal funding for stem cell research, fulfilling a promise he made on the campaign trail.

“The order overturns the Bush policy that said no government money could be used for research on stem cell lines created after Aug. 9, 2001.”

While only those opposed to the new directive took strong ethical and moral positions decrying both the destruction of human life and the potential for more and more erosion in anything based on religious views, the President seems ready to justify much in the name of science. The article adds these comments:

“The president also signed a memorandum that directs the head of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop a strategy for restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making. Obama spoke frequently on the campaign trail of the need to make sure public policy was based on sound science.

“’It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda,’” Obama said, “’and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.’”

Reuters added on March 10:

“After Obama signed the order on Monday, the Vatican and U.S. Church leaders condemned the move… Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ committee on pro-life activities, called Obama’s decision ‘a sad victory of politics over science and ethics… This action is morally wrong because it encourages the destruction of innocent human life, treating vulnerable human beings as mere products to be harvested,’ he added.

“The Catholic Church, other religious groups and pro-life advocates oppose such research — which scientists hope can lead to cures for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s — because it involves the destruction of embryos. The Catholic Church supports adult stem cell research, which has made advances in recent years, because it does not involve the destruction of embryos.”

Jerusalem Stays Center Stage!

The Guardian reported on March 7:

“A confidential EU report accuses the Israeli government of using settlement expansion, house demolitions, discriminatory housing policies and the West Bank barrier as a way of ‘actively pursuing the illegal annexation’ of East Jerusalem.

“The document says Israel has accelerated its plans for East Jerusalem, and is undermining the Palestinian Authority’s credibility and weakening support for peace talks. ‘Israel’s actions in and around Jerusalem constitute one of the most acute challenges to Israeli-Palestinian peace-making,’ says the document, EU Heads of Mission Report on East Jerusalem.”

The Guardian article added this comment about the European Union’s view:

“The EU report goes further, saying that the demolitions are ‘illegal under international law, serve no obvious purpose, have severe humanitarian effects, and fuel bitterness and extremism.’ The EU raised its concern in a formal diplomatic representation on December 1, it says…

“However, the EU says the fourth Geneva convention prevents an occupying power extending its jurisdiction to occupied territory. Israel occupied the east of the city in the 1967 six day war and later annexed it. The Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.”

This report comes as the new American Administration has called for a two-state solution for the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Pope to Visit Israel

As reported in the Jerusalem Post on May 8, 2009, “Pope Benedict XVI will visit Israel between May 8 and 15, the leader of the Catholic church confirmed in Sunday’s mass at St. Peter’s in the Vatican.”

Israeli president Shimon Peres was quoted in the article:

“’I am delighted that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has responded positively and accepted my invitation to visit the Holy Land. The pope will be a most honored guest, welcomed and respected by people from all walks of life. His visit will be a moving and important event bringing the spirit of peace and hope. Welcome to Israel.’”

Beyond the historic significance of such a papal visit at this time of turmoil in the Middle East, the specific sites chosen for the Pope’s tour hold prophetic overtones, and the article states:

“The pope is expected to tour sites in Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, and in the Center and North. Large numbers of police will be assigned to secure these areas. He will also visit sites in the Palestinian Authority.”

Iran’s Military Threat Grows!

The Jerusalem Post wrote on March 8, 2009, about the successful test-firing of a new generation of long range missiles.

“Last Wednesday, a senior Teheran official announced that Iranian missiles can reach Israeli nuclear sites.

“’All the nuclear facilities in different parts of the land under the occupation of the Zionist regime are in the reach of Iran’s missile defenses,’ Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Islamic republic’s Revolutionary Guards, was quoted by the ISNA news agency as saying.”

Also reporting about this latest development, Fox News on March 8, stated:

“Iran’s Shahab-3 missiles have a range of up to 1,250 miles, putting Israel within striking distance.”

This Week in the News

Violence has once again overtaken the news of the week. Such mindless acts as random mass murders in both the United States and Germany were added to the deliberate execution of two British military personnel in Northern Ireland.

Survivors were so stunned by the senselessness of the acts that few could offer anything but utter dismay at the sudden impact of their tragedies.

As the financial morass of the U.S. and the rest of the world only grew worse, plans for recovery and its mounting costs seem to be lost in an ever more distant future. The fact that the Dow Jones industrials shot up 240 points, bringing its gains over the past three days to 622 points, should not obscure the reality that–as USA Today put it on March 12–“No one is calling the end to the selling on Wall Street. The economic picture is too uncertain, and much of this week’s rally has been driven by technical factors.” In addition, German Chancellor Angela Merkel just described the present worldwide economic crisis as the worst since World War II.

Undoing what had been viewed as more middle ground in stem cell research approved under the Bush Administration, President Obama backed up by a chorus of determined supporters has now approved the destruction of human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells!

And in the Middle East, Jerusalem and Israel continue to simmer as the focus of attention from the Pope, the EU and Iran’s military!

In our websites, listed below, we present biblical explanations that help explain WHY the people of our generation have entered into such a dark and seemingly hopeless period of troubles. There is good news, and it is revealed in the knowledge that God will soon send Jesus Christ back to bring His government and to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth—only then will true and lasting peace replace the violence that threatens even now to overwhelm us!;;;;;

Update 385

Only When It Suits Us…

On Saturday, March 14, 2009, Brian Gale will give the sermon, titled, “Only When It Suits Us…”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Spiritual Discernment

by Dave Harris

Are there many truths? Is there an inexhaustible supply of explanations and ways of looking at things that all lead to the same conclusion?

In religion the statement is often made, or at least, inferred, that while there may be different ways of worshipping, in the end we all are worshipping the same God! However, a close examination of the Bible and specifically the teachings of Jesus Christ does not support such an idea. For example, in Matthew 7, verses 21 through 23, Jesus warns those who claim to follow Him but do not obey the Father and who actually “‘practice lawlessness.'”

When Jesus began to preach, He was confronted by the religion of the Jews who fiercely held to their own beliefs. They had the full text of the Old Testament plus the history of being one of the tribes of Israel. They practiced a kind of Sabbath observance that spelled out endless details of do’s and don’ts. The magnificent Temple stood as the center of Jewish life and worship.

However, with all of the trappings of religion that consumed the scribes and Pharisees and other sects of Judaism, Jesus rebuked them for their lack of true understanding and true teaching:

“‘Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men”‘” (Matthew 15:7-9).

And so it is today! Deceptive religious practices now stand as the most visible representation of so-called Christianity. But the real truth of God is not what this world embraces. The differences between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God are irreconcilable. They are not and never will be the same!

If we believe this, then we should also understand what the Word of God so clearly and so emphatically teaches–the wisdom of God is spiritually discerned (Compare 1 Corinthians 2:14).

The lack of spiritual discernment overturned the Jewish nation when they rejected Jesus, the True Messiah. The lack of spiritual discernment has led to the emergence of a totally false religion masquerading itself as Christian–which, like the various sects of Judaism in Christ’s time, has given rise to endless divisions. The lack of spiritual discernment has led to the scattering of the true Church of God as human reasoning and demonic influences supplanted the truth with lies.

We are warned to not be among those who are “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). We must be careful that none of us begin to “strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers” (2 Timothy 2:14). Rather, we are to be teachable and guidable by the True Shepherd of our salvation, Jesus Christ, Who is the living Head of the Church of God.

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Violence has once again overtaken the news of the week. Such mindless acts as random mass murders in both the United States and Germany were added to the deliberate execution of two British military personnel in Northern Ireland.

Survivors were so stunned by the senselessness of the acts that few could offer anything but utter dismay at the sudden impact of their tragedies.

As the financial morass of the U.S. and the rest of the world only grew worse, plans for recovery and its mounting costs seem to be lost in an ever more distant future. The fact that the Dow Jones industrials shot up 240 points, bringing its gains over the past three days to 622 points, should not obscure the reality that–as USA Today put it on March 12–“No one is calling the end to the selling on Wall Street. The economic picture is too uncertain, and much of this week’s rally has been driven by technical factors.” In addition, German Chancellor Angela Merkel just described the present worldwide economic crisis as the worst since World War II.

Undoing what had been viewed as more middle ground in stem cell research approved under the Bush Administration, President Obama backed up by a chorus of determined supporters has now approved the destruction of human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells!

And in the Middle East, Jerusalem and Israel continue to simmer as the focus of attention from the Pope, the EU and Iran’s military!

In our websites, listed below, we present biblical explanations that help explain WHY the people of our generation have entered into such a dark and seemingly hopeless period of troubles. There is good news, and it is revealed in the knowledge that God will soon send Jesus Christ back to bring His government and to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth—only then will true and lasting peace replace the violence that threatens even now to overwhelm us!;;;;;

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Murders Upon Murders!


Another shocking murder took place this past Sunday in an Illinois church.

The AP reported about the incident on March 9, 2009:

“The gunman, identified by authorities only as a 27-year-old from Troy, strode toward the Rev. Fred Winters shortly after 8 a.m. Sunday, exchanged words with him, then fired a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol until it jammed. Winters, 45, died of a single shot to the heart, the coroner said Monday.”

While others were wounded, had not this man’s gun jammed, many more of those in the church would have fallen victim to his murderous rampage.


Deutsche Welle, March 12, 2009, reported on another school-related mass murder. Pointing to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s televised address to the nation and her description of this horrific event “…as a day of sorrow for the entire country,” the article also gave this summary of the tragedy:

“A 17-year-old gunman entered a school in the town of Winnenden shortly after nine in the morning and opened fire, killing students and teachers. He then left the school, shooting dead more people as he fled. The assailant killed 15 people in total. He commandeered a vehicle and traveled to a town around 40 kilometres from Winnenden, where police cornered him. The gun battle that ensued left two police officers seriously injured and the attacker dead. Police say he turned his weapon on himself. The gunman is believed to have been a former student of the school.”

German commentators pointed out that no country seems to be safe from these horrendous acts. Early reports stated that the murderer targeted mainly young female students and that he suffered from depression. There has been no evidence so far that he was in any way connected to terrorists or neo-Nazis.


From Reuters, March 11, 2009:

“U.S. authorities trying to piece together why a man killed 10 people in the worst rampage in Alabama’s history focused on Wednesday on the grudges that he bore.”

USA, March 11, 2009, adds these details of the murderous crimes:

“Alabama authorities say the gunman who killed 10 people, including five members of this family, was armed with two assault rifles and a .38-caliber pistol. They say he fired more than 200 rounds in his crime spree Tuesday afternoon.

“According to authorities, the suspect, Michael McLendon, killed his mother in Kinston, Ala., then drove to the town of Samson and killed four more relatives and two others. Finally, he went on a general shooting spree in the town, the Associated Press reports. The victims included the wife and child of a local sheriff’s deputy. McLendon then killed himself.”

Northern Ireland Sees Return to Sectarian Violence!

From the Christian Science Monitor, March 8, 2009:

“Police believe dissident Irish nationalists attempting to smash the decade-old peace in Northern Ireland might have been behind the shooting deaths Saturday night of two British soldiers.

“The soldiers were killed in a drive-by shooting at Massereene Army base in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Four others, including two pizza delivery men, were injured when gunmen opened fire. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but police are blaming dissident Irish republicans.”

Grim Financial News!

On March 8, 2009, a World Bank report was summarized in the Washington Post:

“Developing nations are facing a massive financing shortfall of up to $700 billion this year as private investment evaporates and global trade collapses, threatening to return many countries to the days of heavy reliance on foreign aid, the World Bank warned yesterday…

“The World Bank predicted that the global economy will shrink this year for the first time since World War II, a prognosis more dire than that of almost any private investment house. Its report underscored what many are calling a mounting crisis within a crisis, as the downturn that started in the wealthy nations of the West washes over developing countries through a pullback in investment, trade and credit…

“Falling demand in the West is sparking the sharpest drop in world trade in 80 years, sending sales of the products and commodities of poorer nations spiraling down, the report said.”

Also reporting on the World Bank assessment, (March 9, 2009) stated:

“The world economy is on track to post its worst performance since the Great Depression, with developing countries bearing much of the economic pain, the World Bank said Monday.”

Bloomberg added on March 10:

“Billionaire Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway Inc. posted its worst results ever in 2008, said the economy ‘has fallen off a cliff’ and that efforts to stimulate recovery may lead to inflation higher than the 1970s.”

Mr. Obama to “Restore Scientific INTEGRITY”???

MSNBC on March 9, 2009, wrote the following in its coverage of President Obama’s signing of a Presidential executive order:

“Before an East Room audience of doctors, scientists, lawmakers and religious leaders President Obama signed an executive order Monday lifting the ban on federal funding for stem cell research, fulfilling a promise he made on the campaign trail.

“The order overturns the Bush policy that said no government money could be used for research on stem cell lines created after Aug. 9, 2001.”

While only those opposed to the new directive took strong ethical and moral positions decrying both the destruction of human life and the potential for more and more erosion in anything based on religious views, the President seems ready to justify much in the name of science. The article adds these comments:

“The president also signed a memorandum that directs the head of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop a strategy for restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making. Obama spoke frequently on the campaign trail of the need to make sure public policy was based on sound science.

“’It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda,’” Obama said, “’and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.’”

Reuters added on March 10:

“After Obama signed the order on Monday, the Vatican and U.S. Church leaders condemned the move… Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ committee on pro-life activities, called Obama’s decision ‘a sad victory of politics over science and ethics… This action is morally wrong because it encourages the destruction of innocent human life, treating vulnerable human beings as mere products to be harvested,’ he added.

“The Catholic Church, other religious groups and pro-life advocates oppose such research — which scientists hope can lead to cures for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s — because it involves the destruction of embryos. The Catholic Church supports adult stem cell research, which has made advances in recent years, because it does not involve the destruction of embryos.”

Jerusalem Stays Center Stage!

The Guardian reported on March 7:

“A confidential EU report accuses the Israeli government of using settlement expansion, house demolitions, discriminatory housing policies and the West Bank barrier as a way of ‘actively pursuing the illegal annexation’ of East Jerusalem.

“The document says Israel has accelerated its plans for East Jerusalem, and is undermining the Palestinian Authority’s credibility and weakening support for peace talks. ‘Israel’s actions in and around Jerusalem constitute one of the most acute challenges to Israeli-Palestinian peace-making,’ says the document, EU Heads of Mission Report on East Jerusalem.”

The Guardian article added this comment about the European Union’s view:

“The EU report goes further, saying that the demolitions are ‘illegal under international law, serve no obvious purpose, have severe humanitarian effects, and fuel bitterness and extremism.’ The EU raised its concern in a formal diplomatic representation on December 1, it says…

“However, the EU says the fourth Geneva convention prevents an occupying power extending its jurisdiction to occupied territory. Israel occupied the east of the city in the 1967 six day war and later annexed it. The Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.”

This report comes as the new American Administration has called for a two-state solution for the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Pope to Visit Israel

As reported in the Jerusalem Post on May 8, 2009, “Pope Benedict XVI will visit Israel between May 8 and 15, the leader of the Catholic church confirmed in Sunday’s mass at St. Peter’s in the Vatican.”

Israeli president Shimon Peres was quoted in the article:

“’I am delighted that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has responded positively and accepted my invitation to visit the Holy Land. The pope will be a most honored guest, welcomed and respected by people from all walks of life. His visit will be a moving and important event bringing the spirit of peace and hope. Welcome to Israel.’”

Beyond the historic significance of such a papal visit at this time of turmoil in the Middle East, the specific sites chosen for the Pope’s tour hold prophetic overtones, and the article states:

“The pope is expected to tour sites in Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, and in the Center and North. Large numbers of police will be assigned to secure these areas. He will also visit sites in the Palestinian Authority.”

Iran’s Military Threat Grows!

The Jerusalem Post wrote on March 8, 2009, about the successful test-firing of a new generation of long range missiles.

“Last Wednesday, a senior Teheran official announced that Iranian missiles can reach Israeli nuclear sites.

“’All the nuclear facilities in different parts of the land under the occupation of the Zionist regime are in the reach of Iran’s missile defenses,’ Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Islamic republic’s Revolutionary Guards, was quoted by the ISNA news agency as saying.”

Also reporting about this latest development, Fox News on March 8, stated:

“Iran’s Shahab-3 missiles have a range of up to 1,250 miles, putting Israel within striking distance.”

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What is your position regarding the "Apostles' Creed"?

We do not consider the “Apostles’ Creed” as inspired–neither in the form used by the Roman Catholic Church, nor in its numerous variations used by Protestant churches. Some claim that the “Apostles’ Creed” is the oldest of all the Christian creeds. It is considered the basis of all other creeds in non-Catholic churches. As fairy tales would have it, some allege that each of the apostles supplied one article to the Creed. This claim is totally without merit. The apostles had nothing to do with formulating this Creed.

In “The Lost Books of the Bible,” the following is explained:

“Mr. Justice Bailey says [in Mr. Justice Bailey’s Common Prayers, 1813]: ‘It is not to be understood that this Creed was framed by the Apostles, or indeed that it existed as a Creed in their time,’ and after giving the Creed as it existed in the year 600… he says, ‘how long this form had existed before the year 600 is not exactly known…’ The most important ‘addition,’ since the year of Christ 600, is that which affirms, that Christ ‘descended into hell.’ This has been proved… to have been an invention… after the time of Eusebius.”

The Cambridge Encyclopedia, Volume 6, explains that the Apostles’ Creed is “a statement of Christian faith widely used in Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, and recognized by the Orthodox Churches. It stresses the trinitarian nature of God (as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)… In its present form, it dates from the 8th [century] but its origins go back to the 3rd [century].”

The encyclopedia continues:

“Many Lutheran sources label the Apostles’ Creed as ecumenical since the essential tenets of the creed are held in common by all Christians, though its practical use appears to be limited to Churches whose rituals are derived from the Latin rite (i.e. The Apostles’ Creed holds a special place in Roman Catholic tradition as the ‘ancient Baptismal symbol of the Church of Rome’)…

“Many hypotheses exist concerning the date and nature of the origin of the Apostles’ Creed. The earliest known concrete historical evidence of the creed’s existence as it is currently titled (Symbolum Apostolicum) is a letter of the Council of Milan (390) to Pope Siricius…”

In its present form, the Apostles’ Creed, as used by the Roman Catholic Church, reads as follows:

“I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to hell.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit [or Holy Ghost],
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.”

As mentioned, this Creed, as used by the Catholic Church, is not substantially different from the versions of many of the Protestant churches. It is widely used by a number of Christian denominations for both liturgical and catechetical purposes, most visibly by liturgical Churches of Western tradition, including Lutheranism, the Anglican Communion, and Western Orthodoxy. It is also used by Presbyterians, Methodists, Congregationalists and many Baptists.

Most even use the term “catholic” in the phrase, “I believe in the… holy catholic Church,” with the exception of a few Lutheran churches, especially those in Germany, which have replaced the word “catholic” with “Christian.” Those who have maintained the word “catholic” in their version of the Creed claim that it just means “universal.”

The doctrinal problems with the “Apostles’ Creed” are numerous.

First of all, it clearly suggests the belief in the Trinity–a belief which is a human invention and which cannot be found in the Holy Scriptures. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Is God a Trinity?”

It also suggests that Christ went to “hell,” while He was dead and in the grave for three days and three nights, apparently, so it is said, to preach to demons. This concept is false–Christ had NO CONSCIOUSNESS while in the grave, and He did not go anywhere. For more information, please read pages 26-28 of our free booklet, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

Another wrong or at least misleading concept is expressed in the term, “I believe in the resurrection of the body.” Those who have died will not be resurrected with the same body they had. THAT body has long decayed. Those in the FIRST resurrection–who died “in Christ”–will be resurrected to immortal spirit life. Their physical body will not be resurrected at all. Those who died without having known and accepted the truth, will be resurrected in the SECOND resurrection to a physical life–but it will not be a resurrection of their physical bodies which they had when they died, and which since that time had long decayed. For more information, please read our Q&A on the resurrection of the body.

The statement that we believe in the resurrection of the body is not in accordance with Biblical teaching. For the exact nature of CHRIST’s resurrection, please read the above-mentioned Q&A on the resurrection.

Rather than following human attempts to create an “Apostolic Creed,” you might want to review our Statement of Beliefs, summarizing the essential doctrines of the Bible which Christians should believe in and adhere to.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written reporting on the recent Church Conference held on the dates of February 25-March 3, 2009, in San Diego, California. This letter will be sent to those on our mailing list in the next few days.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

“This Is Change!”

USA Today reported on February 27:
“This is change, whether you believe in it or not. And not just pocket change. Following through on many of his campaign promises, President Obama wants to spend about $3.6 trillion next year to pull the nation out of recession and begin major new initiatives in health care, energy and education. All that and more is contained in a 134-page budget request for 2010 and beyond that is unprecedented in size, breathtaking in scope and sure to have a major impact on millions of Americans — if he can get much of it through Congress.

“It’s a budget plan that would help the young by increasing their chances of getting a college education and the poor by providing funds for health insurance. It seeks to clean the air and reduce the USA’s dependence on foreign oil. It would cut taxes on low- and middle-income Americans while raising them, starting in 2011, on couples who make at least $250,000 a year.

“All this would come at a price to be paid by in the future: annual deficits of at least $500 billion, and a federal debt that would reach $23 trillion in a decade…

“In little more than five weeks, Obama has shown he intends to think big and act quickly. He’s already agreed to spend nearly $800 billion over two years to try to jump-start the economy. He’s not only pressed Congress for the second half of a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, he’s reserving the option for another $750 billion on top of that…”

But USA Today has to admit the incredible “risks” involved with this proposed budget. It states:

“Even groups aligned with Obama express concern that tax increases at the end of this recession could trigger another one — a situation Franklin Roosevelt faced in the 1930s. ‘The Great Depression was really two big recessions with a recovery in the middle,’ says Bill Gale of the Brookings Institution. ‘There’s potential to do real damage.'”

Mr. Obama’s Proposed Budget–The Big Gamble

Reuters added on February 27:

“President Barack Obama forecast the biggest U.S. deficit since World War Two in a budget on Thursday that urges a costly overhaul of the healthcare system and would spend billions to arrest the economy’s freefall. An eye-popping $1.75 trillion deficit for the 2009 fiscal year underlined the heavy blow the deep recession has dealt to the country’s finances as Obama unveiled his first budget. That is the highest ever in dollar terms, and amounts to a 12.3 percent share of the economy — the largest since 1945. In 2010, the deficit would dip to a still-huge $1.17 trillion, Obama predicted.

“With that backdrop, his budget represents a gamble that Americans are ready for the sort of change they embraced by electing him in November… The cost of extra borrowing to pay for the record budget deficit pushed U.S. stocks and government debt prices down on Thursday. The budget’s healthcare plans delivered a hit to shares in health insurers and drugmakers

“… some analysts questioned whether Obama’s goals were realistic at a time when the economy is still in crisis and the surging deficits threaten to burden a future recovery… While Obama is still basking in high approval ratings from the U.S. public, his stimulus package and other efforts to revitalize the economy have done little to win over Wall Street. U.S. stocks prices hit 12-year lows this week.”

Mr. Obama’s Proposed Budget–“The Great Illusion”

The Wall Street Journal wrote on February 26:

“President Obama has laid out the most ambitious and expensive domestic agenda since LBJ, and now all he has to do is figure out how to pay for it. On Tuesday, he left the impression that we need merely end ‘tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of Americans,’ and he promised that households earning less than $250,000 won’t see their taxes increased by ‘one single dime.’

“This is going to be some trick. Even the most basic inspection of the IRS income tax statistics shows that raising taxes on the salaries, dividends and capital gains of those making more than $250,000 can’t possibly raise enough revenue to fund Mr. Obama’s new spending ambitions…

“Mr. Obama is of course counting on an economic recovery. And he’s also assuming along with the new liberal economic consensus that taxes don’t matter to growth or job creation. The truth, though, is that they do. Small- and medium-sized businesses are the nation’s primary employers… The bottom line is that Mr. Obama is selling the country on a 2% illusion. Unwinding the U.S. commitment in Iraq and allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire can’t possibly pay for his agenda. Taxes on the not-so-rich will need to rise as well.

“On that point, by the way, it’s unclear why Mr. Obama thinks his climate-change scheme won’t hit all Americans with higher taxes. Selling the right to emit greenhouse gases amounts to a steep new tax on most types of energy and, therefore, on all Americans who use energy… Mr. Obama is very good at portraying his agenda as nothing more than center-left pragmatism. But pragmatists don’t ignore the data. And the reality is that the only way to pay for Mr. Obama’s ambitions is to reach ever deeper into the pockets of the American middle class.”

Germany to the Rescue

The EUObserver wrote on February 27:

“German chancellor Angela Merkel has given the strongest signal to date that her country may come to the rescue of embattled eurozone economies… Certain conditions are likely to be attached to any support plan offered by Berlin. While Ms Merkel refused to be drawn on the exact nature of financial support, she made it clear that action to tackle excessive budget deficits would be a stipulation for receiving aid.

“She indicated such action could be carried out under Article 100 of the Maastricht Treaty that allows financial assistance to be given to countries experiencing ‘difficulties caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences beyond its control’… German officials hinted support for Ireland could be dependent on the country increasing its low corporate tax…

“Germany [is] seen as the safest EU economy by investors…”

German Neo-Nazi’s Dream of a Fourth Reich

The Daily Mail reported on February 26:

“Neo-Nazis are on the rise in Germany and are planning to exploit the economic crisis to build a Fourth Reich, a defector from their ranks warned yesterday. Uwe Luthardt painted a chilling picture of the far-Right trying to recruit the record number of young Germans facing a bleak future as the country’s economy contracts and unemployment mounts. Experts fear that the worsening conditions are worryingly similar to those of the late 1920s and early 1930s which propelled Hitler’s Nazi regime – the Third Reich – to power…

“German unemployment has climbed by 63,000 this month to 3,552,000, or 8.5 per cent. Its economy – the world’s third largest – is predicted to shrink by 5 per cent this year.

“A sign of resurgent extreme Right came earlier this month in Dresden where nearly 7,000 neo-Nazis turned up to ‘honour German patriots’ on the anniversary of the Allied bombing in 1945 which killed 25,000 residents. It was nearly double the turnout of last year…

“Mr Luthardt described an organisation that preys on the gullible and the weak who seek, as he did, to restore some mythical glory to Germany while finding scapegoats for the economic misery. He told of weapons stores, how members greet each other with Heil Hitler! salutes, sing the banned songs of the Third Reich, relish the idea of a new Holocaust against the Jews and plot to bring hard-core Nazism back with a vengeance.

“Luthardt was in the NPD for only four months, but quickly rose to become a member of the ruling board. He told Der Spiegel magazine that old Nazis living in South America donate to the party via shell companies. Other funds come from the staging of skinhead-music concerts. He went on: ‘The simple aim is the restoration of the Reich in which a new stormtrooper organisation takes revenge on anyone who disagrees with them… The basic concept the NPD talks about is, “Let’s kick out all the foreigners, then the Germans will have jobs again.”‘”

Israel Moves to the Right

Deutsche Welle reported on February 27:

“Last ditch talks to form a broad coalition government in Israel have failed after Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu and Tzipi Livni from the Kadima party were unable to reach agreement. Netanyahu said a coalition with Foreign Minister Livni’s centrist Kadima party was impossible.

“This increases the possibility that Israel’s next government will be an alliance of hawks and hard-line religious parties opposed to substantial concessions for peace. After the talks in Tel Aviv, Livni said the meeting ended without agreements on some substantial issues, like support for the formation of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which Netanyahu opposes.”

More Attacks on Israel

Haaretz reported on March 1:

“A Qassam launched from the Gaza Strip exploded off the coast of Ashkelon on Sunday, just hours after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert promised a ‘painful, uncompromising response’ to Palestinian rocket fire… Olmert’s vow came a day after ten rockets were fired at Israel from the coastal territory, bringing the number of projectiles launched from Gaza since the truce to more than 60…  Olmert said that Israel would respond to rocket fire…”

Jewish Leaders “Furious” With Hillary Clinton

On February 27, and CBS wrote the following:
“In a swift about face from her views as New York’s senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now hammering Israel over its treatment of Palestinians in Gaza… On Thursday… she [delivered] angry messages demanding Israel speed up aid to Gaza. Jewish leaders are furious…
“Clinton’s decision to hammer Israel comes as the Clintons and President Barack Obama are planning to give the Palestinians $900 million toward the rebuilding of Gaza in the wake of the Israeli offensive that was sparked by Hamas rocket fire…”

Nuclear War at Sea

On February 26, Der Spiegel Online wrote:

“The collision of two strategic nuclear submarines [owned by the French and the British] earlier this month shows that the Cold War is still being fought every day in the Atlantic — with the world’s most powerful weapons… It quickly became clear that a nuclear catastrophe had almost occurred out at sea — and that it could happen at any time…

“Vanguard and Le Triomphant aren’t ordinary attack submarines — they’re rare and extremely expensive ballistic missile submarines. The British have four, as do the French, the Americans have 14, the Russians 15, and the Chinese are believed to have three. The hull of the Vanguard, as tall as a four-story building and roughly 150 meters (492 feet) long, contains a nuclear reactor and 16 ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads with a combined power more than 300 times greater than that of the atom bomb that destroyed Hiroshima…

“Neither the British nor the French are willing to reveal when, where and exactly how it happened… Strategic submarines are high-tech weapons with an archaic mission: to exact revenge. And they are built for the day the world comes to an end…The submarines… are designed to retaliate with such force that there can be no winners in a nuclear war…

“That leaves the Russians. The 173-meter (567-foot) Dimitry Donskoy, for example, is the world’s largest strategic submarine… According to the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda, the Donskoy could ‘simultaneously destroy dozens of cities like New York, or level half of Afghanistan.'”

Left-Liberal Propaganda for Darwin’s Evolution Theory

On February 25, Der Spiegel Online published the following “masterpiece” about brainwashed evolution-worshipping scientists (and other “intellectuals”):
“The US isn’t the only place with heated debates about Darwin’s theory of evolution: Europe has its own hardcore creationists and intelligent design backers, too… Fundamentalist Christians who believe in creationism — which holds that God created the world and humanity in the manner described in the Bible — reject the principle of evolution and are striking back. They are pushing for the use of school texts that vilify the theory of evolution as a mere ideology. They have sued to have the theory of intelligent design — a water-down version of creationism — taught in biology courses at the same time as evolution, as both an equally valid scientific theory and alternative to evolution.

“‘It would be like claiming a right to teach astrology in a physics course,’ said James Williams, a lecturer in science education at the University of Sussex…

“According to a survey conducted in 2006, the majority of British have their doubts about evolution, and 40 percent want creationism taught in biology classes.

“Scientists agree that the overwhelming mass of evidence supports the theory of evolution. ‘No serious scientist questions the theory of evolution,’ says Ralf Sommer, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Tübingen…

“The guerrilla tactics used against evolution continue to be the same: Evolution’s opponents try to discredit Darwin’s broader theory by looking for gaps and narrower scientific issues that remain answered… Scientists today also know that evolution is verifiable because you don’t have to wait millions of years to see it in action. ‘Evolution can sometimes happen very quickly,’ says Claus Wedekind, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Lausanne — so quickly, in fact, that scientists can sometimes observe it within the space of one human generation.

“Intelligent design and creationism, on the other hand, are not scientific theories because they aren’t falsifiable: They postulate the existence of a deity, a divine creation and guided evolution — all things that can never be empirically proved or disproved… This type of reasoning hasn’t stopped people from doubting the theory of evolution. In Germany, 20 percent of the population doesn’t believe in the theory; in the US, it’s closer to one-third…

“In June 2007, the Council of Europe’s Committee on Culture, Science and Education released a report entitled “The Dangers of Creationism in Education.” According to Anne Brasseur, a member of the council who collaborated on the report, its goal was to firmly anchor the theory of evolution in school curricula.

“The report was prompted by resistance to teaching Darwin’s theory in some European countries. ‘For example,’ Brasseur explains, ‘the former deputy education minister of Poland called the theory of evolution a lie.’

“She went on to list a number of other negative examples:

“In Russia, many parents are strongly opposed to the teaching of evolution in grade schools. In Italy in 2004, there was a proposed decree against the theory of evolution. In Switzerland, the ProGenesis group has a tentative project called ‘Genesis-Land’ that envisions a leisure park on the model of the Creation Museum in the US state of Kentucky… In Germany, the Ministry of Education for the state of Hesse saw no infringement of the curriculum when teachers at a number of schools were found to be teaching the Biblical theory of creation in biology class. The publishing house ‘Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen’ is now publishing the sixth edition of a grade school textbook that includes the theory of intelligent design.

“The Catholic Church’s position on evolution is unclear. Pope Benedict XVI has stated that the theories of evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive and, in July 2007, that ‘there is much scientific proof in favor of evolution.’ Still, in April 2007, he wrote in a theological book published in Germany that the existence of evolution was ‘not ultimately provable.’ In 2005, Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn published an opinion piece in the New York Times entitled ‘Finding Design in Evolution,’ in which he discussed a theory of creation that included the theory of a guided evolution — in short, intelligent design… At previous times in history, the Catholic Church has espoused different positions on evolution. John Paul II, for example, the predecessor of the current pope, apparently gave some recognition to Darwin’s theory when he said in 1996 that: ‘The theory of evolution is more than a hypothesis’…

“According to Brasseur, however, Pope Benedict XVI’s Vatican criticized the Council of Europe’s report — without success. The council ultimately approved the report’s recommendations, with 48 votes in favor and 25 against. As for Germany’s five representatives on the council, three voted against the report, one voted for it and one abstained.”

This Week in the News

President Obama “revealed” his new budget proposal. It’s change, alright. But at what cost? Even an Obama-supporting newspaper like the USA Today cannot hide the fact that Mr. Obama’s new budget is a nightmare of added debts, higher taxes and incredibly small benefits for most Americans. For many, a $13.00 pay increase per salary check is proposed, but other news reports about contemplated rising energy, sales and income taxes… While the uninsured would receive health-care insurance benefits, some of the Medicare help (which is insufficiently bad enough) is supposed to be cut, according to some news reports. Also, it was reported that the permissible cap of charitable contributions for income tax purposes is supposed to be lowered. And employers would be called upon to provide even more mandatory benefits to their employees–which would undoubtedly force them to terminate MORE employees or cut their salaries.
In other news, Germany is being called upon–once again–to come to the financial rescue of other European nations, as it is recognized to be the MOST STABLE OF ALL European communities. But Germany is suffering too, and so it should come as no surprise that rightist extremists are dreaming of a return of the Hitler era and the establishment of the Fourth Reich.
While rocket attacks on Israel continue, coalition negotiations in Israel failed and it is therefore to be expected that a right-wing government will take over. What this may mean for peace in the Middle East can be seen, too, by the furor of Jewish leaders over the most recent pronouncements by Secretary of Sate Hillary Clinton.
An analysis on the recent collision of two strategic nuclear submarines reveals the Satanically-inspired destructiveness of the human mind. It points out that these “are high-tech weapons with an archaic mission: to exact revenge. And they are built for the day the world comes to an end…The submarines… are designed to retaliate with such force that there can be no winners in a nuclear war…” For instance, the Russian strategic nuclear submarine “Donskoy could simultaneously destroy dozens of cities like New York, or level half of Afghanistan.”
Finally, in a typical piece of pro-Evolution-anti-Christian propaganda by the left-liberal magazine Der Spiegel, Christians and others are attacked by illusionary scientists who claim that Darwin’s theory of evolution has been proven to be accurate. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults.”

Don't Wait Too Long

How do you look at life? What do you expect from life? I’m not talking about life after death–I’m talking about the “here and now.”
Are you just drifting along–day after day? Or are you concentrating on making each day “special” in some way? This may be a difficult challenge in times of trials, but it is not impossible to do.
It’s really a matter of setting right priorities. We can work ourselves to death, without realizing perhaps, that “our riches may make themselves wings and fly away,” before we know it (Proverbs 23:5). Or, we can concentrate on being content and enjoying the good things in life (Ecclesiastes 2:22-24; 3:12-13, 22; 9:7).
When we are confronted with the death of a loved one, we may stop to think what all we could have done for him or her, when we had opportunity, but we were just “too busy” and “occupied” with seemingly more important matters. We just waited too long and missed opportunities to “give flowers to the living.”
A word of kindness, fitly spoken at the right time (Proverbs 25:11), or an act of love and mercy, expressing our appreciation and concern for another dear person, will not only brighten his or her days, but ours as well (Proverbs 11:17). If misunderstandings have severed friendly relationships, we ought to try to restore them now. Don’t wait too long–until it is too late (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, 10).
We can concentrate so much on comparatively smaller things, that we overlook and neglect the weightier and more important matters of God’s law (Matthew 23:2; Luke 11:42). Jesus emphasizes its greatness by stressing love for God and for our neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40). Paul encourages us to love one another by refraining from inflicting any harm on our neighbor (Romans 13:8-10). Husbands and wives are admonished to love each other (Ephesians 5:25; Titus 2:4).
When we really love someone, we will show him or her our appreciation. True love is much more than just saying, “I love you,” while neglecting to prove it through our conduct (1 John 3:18).
We must constantly manifest true Christian love to our fellow man–whenever the opportunity arises (Galatians 6:10). Never be too busy to do this–and don’t wait too long.

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