Update 379

"The Interview and the Job," and "The Ninth Commandment"

On Saturday, January 31, 2009, Kalon Mitchell and Michael Link will give split sermons, titled, respectively, “The Interview and the Job,” and “The Ninth Commandment.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Are YOU Converted?

by Dave Harris

Is our conversion to be measured by a series of actions we took at the very beginning periods of our calling? Is conversion something neatly tucked away— along with learning about the truth of God and being baptized?

If we are judged by our conduct, by our actions with family, friends, neighbors and—especially—our brethren, do our actions rise to the level of being truly converted?

Have you noticed a theme over the past several weeks in sermons, sermonettes and our written materials that deals with inter-personal relationships within the Church of God? That has not come about by accident! Rather, we have addressed problems that need to be taken seriously and very, very personally!

It would seem that the prevailing view and reaction is that this is certainly needed. But how many of us really apply these admonitions as personal correction? And how many of us implement the changes that we need to make?

Throughout both the best of times and the worst of times in the history of the Church of God, friction between people arises. It has, and it will again! This is a kind of thermometer—or, a litmus test—of our conversion in action. If we have not made it a point to stay mindful of valiantly struggling to walk as Jesus Christ walked, learning to think as He thinks, then we are doomed to fall back to our own personal likes and dislikes—to our own unconverted way of viewing and treating others; however, we are warned to not become entangled in these former ways once we have begun to live in the newness of conversion as Christians (Compare 2 Peter 2:18-22).

As we should know and as we have been reminded, what we do to others and how we treat them measures our conversion. Jesus Christ is the One doing this evaluation, and He, in no uncertain terms, warns us that our actions towards others is exactly how He views our treatment of Himself!

Shame on us if we refuse to humble ourselves and begin to love one another, as we ought! And shame on us if our own actions should cause someone to ask, “Are YOU converted”?

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News Overview in Light of Bible Prophecy

The already strained relationship between the Catholic Church and the Jewish community reached a new low over the Pope’s decision to welcome back an anti-Semitic Bishop who denied the Holocaust. The Catholic Church also sharply criticized President Obama for his recent decisions to allow stem-cell research and provide funds for abortion. In the USA, the Obama mania seems to have no end, but dark clouds are on the horizons of Afghanistan and Pakistan; as well as the ever-worsening economy in the USA and Great Britain [with frightening parallels being pointed out between the ever-increasing inflation of the US dollar and the German Reichsmark during the Weimar Republic]; the unresolved Guantanamo Bay situation; controversial comments by the Obama administration regarding white construction workers; and Mr. Obama’s failure to obtain bipartisan support for his unpopular $819 billion economic stimulus package [which has grown in the Senate to $888 billion] might soon bring idolizing supporters, as well as the entire country, back to the level of reality.

The situation surrounding the war in Gaza is still very volatile, as the fragile cease fire was broken this week. Lasting peace appears impossible to achieve. The EU continues to consider the possibility of getting involved militarily, while the world continues to condemn a seemingly indifferent Israel for its actions.

The Bible predicts that the USA and Great Britain will lose their status as influential world powers, facing destruction from the outside and within. Likewise, the state of Israel will be hated by all nations. Scripture is very clear that the EU will intervene in the Middle East, apparently motivated by a desire to bring peace to the region; to protect religious artifacts; and to guarantee unhindered access, religious and otherwise, to the city of Jerusalem. In support of Arab communities and to avoid a further escalation, the EU will prohibit sacrifices which the Jewish people will have begun in the city. However, that “confederation” between the EU and Arab nations will not last. Ultimately, outright war will thrust the region into utter chaos and devastation.

For more information, please read our free booklets, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” and “Europe in Prophecy”.

Catholic Church “Infuriates” Jews

The Guardian wrote on January 25:

“[Pope] Benedict yesterday welcomed back into the Roman Catholic Church Richard Williamson and three other men who were excommunicated in 1988 after being ordained without Vatican permission. The three had been appointed by breakaway French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The Vatican decree issued yesterday spoke of overcoming the ‘scandal of divisiveness’ and seeking reconciliation with Lefebvre’s conservative order, the Society of Saint Pius X, which opposes the modernisation of Catholic doctrine.

“But Jewish groups have warned the Pope that the decision could damage Catholic-Jewish relations after Williamson claimed in an interview, broadcast last week, that historical evidence ‘is hugely against six million having been deliberately gassed in gas chambers as a deliberate policy of Adolf Hitler … I believe there were no gas chambers’… Williamson added he realised he could go to jail for Holocaust denial in Germany…

“Relations between the Vatican and Jewish groups are already strained by the row over Pope Pius XII, who was pontiff during the second world war, and is being considered by the Vatican for beatification. He is accused by some historians and Jewish leaders of failing to speak out against the Holocaust. Israeli officials recently protested when a senior cardinal said Israel’s offensive in Gaza had turned it into a ‘big concentration camp’.

“It is not the first controversy for Benedict. His decision to allow freer use of the old Latin mass, including a Good Friday prayer for the conversion of Jews, caused widespread anger…”

The Time wrote on January 24:

“The bishop [Williamson]… has been accused of anti-Semitism in the past… The French Jewish organization CRIF called Williamson ‘a despicable liar whose only goal is to revive the centuries-old hatred against Jews.’..

“A senior Vatican official told TIME that the Pope is expected to make the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), the name Lefebvre followers call their movement, into a personal prelature of the papacy, the same special status that conservative lay group Opus Dei was granted by John Paul II… Benedict’s decision marks a watershed. Following on the Pope’s 2007 decision to widen use of the old Latin rite mass, the rapprochement with the traditionalist faction appears to be a purely papal initiative…

“Some will hail Benedict as a bold defender of the rights of traditionalist Catholics and a man of conviction unbent by the winds of controversy; but others, both inside and outside the Church, will take his embrace of the Lefebvre followers as the final proof that Benedict, deep down, is determined to make the Church far more traditional than it is today.”

Welt On Line wrote on January 25:

“While lifting excommunications that had barred them from the Roman Catholic Church left many internal questions open, there was no doubt it has provoked what some are calling the biggest setback in Catholic-Jewish relations in half a century.

“Israel-based Rabbi David Rosen, head of inter-religious affairs for the American Jewish Committee and a leading figure in decades of dialogue with the Vatican, said:

“‘The late Pope John Paul II called anti-Semitism a sin against God and man. The denial of the overwhelmingly detailed documentation of the Shoah (Holocaust) is anti-Semitism at its most blatant…’ Elan Steinberg, vice president of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants, spoke of ‘an act of moral debasement unworthy of a moral institution’…”

Outrageously Dangerous Opinions by Bishop Williamson

Arutz Daily Israel Report wrote on January 25:

“Williamson is a Holocaust denier, and has repeatedly said that the gas chambers did not exist and that no more than 300,000 Jews were killed during World War II, mostly of starvation. In addition, Williamson has declared that the Jews are plotting to take over the world, and that the U.S. and Israel were behind 9/11. In an interview with Swedish television conducted last November but broadcast last week, Williamson said that he believed that there were ‘no gas chambers. Between 200,000-300,000 perished in Nazi concentration camps, but not one of them by gassing in a gas chamber,’ he said…

“Williamson has had a long history of Holocaust denial. In a 1989 sermon in Sherbrooke, Canada, Williamson said that ‘there was not one Jew killed in the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies. The Jews created the Holocaust so we would prostrate ourselves on our knees before them and approve of their new State of Israel… Jews made up the Holocaust, Protestants get their orders from the devil, and the Vatican has sold its soul to liberalism.’ In dozens of sermons and letters, [Williamson] reiterated the same theme, adding that Hitler ‘liberated’ Germany from the Jews.

“[Williamson] advocates a return to the Middle Ages, with the Inquisition the preferred model of the Catholic relationship to Jews. ‘As Catholic faith goes up, so Jewish power goes down, while as Catholic faith goes down, so Jewish power goes up. In the Catholic Middle Ages, the Jews were relatively impotent to harm Christendom. But as Catholics have grown over the centuries weaker and weaker in the faith, especially since Vatican II, so the Jews have come closer and closer to fulfilling their substitute-Messianic drive towards world dominion… When Spanish Catholics were truly Catholic, God granted them by 1492 to reconquer Spain from the Arabs, and then granted them to create a Catholic empire in the Americas.'”

German Press’ Reactions

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 26 about the German press’ reaction to Bishop Williamson’s embrace by the Catholic Church:

“German papers on Monday argue that the pope is ruining decades of work aimed at improving relations between Jews and Catholics… Meanwhile in Germany, the vice president of the Central Council of Jews, Dieter Graumann, has accused the pope of an ‘incomprehensible act of provocation.’ Speaking to the Handelsblatt newspaper on Sunday, Graumann said: ‘The fact that it is of all things a German pope who conjured up this new ice age between Jews and the Catholic Church … that is something particularly painful, astonishing and deplorable’…

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘The pope’s reconciliation with an offensive anti-Semite is shocking… With the rehabilitation of the bishop, Benedict XVI is sabotaging the Christian-Jewish dialogue…’

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘… it remains a mystery why the pope is now making such concessions to the fanatical opponents of the Second Vatican Council, that he is making a mockery of his predecessor John Paul II’s insistence on obedience to the teachings of the church and to the pope…'”

Catholics Concerned About Pope’s Decision

Catholics are shocked, too, about the decision of the Pope to rehabilitate Bishop Williamson. NPR wrote on January 26:

“John Allen, a senior correspondent with the National Catholic Reporter, says, at least in the short term, the decision is a ‘catastrophe [and a ‘disaster’] in terms of Catholic-Jewish relations… a lot of even moderate and even some conservative Catholics would look at this as symbolic of a kind of course change in Catholicism.’

“The traditionalist Lefebvrites reject celebrating Mass in languages other than Latin, Allen says, and they oppose moves the church has made to recognize religious freedom and the separation of church and state, as well as to promote unity with other religions.”

German Jews Cut Contact with Catholic Church

Der Spiegel Online reported on January 29:

“Pope Benedict XVI these days is doing his best to calm waters roughened by his recent decision to bring Holocaust denier Bishop Richard Williamson back into the fold. At his Wednesday audience at the Vatican, Benedict went out of his way to express ‘full and indisputable solidarity’ with Jews and explicitly condemned those who would deny the Holocaust…

“Charlotte Knobloch, head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said she was breaking off contact with the Catholic Church. ‘Under such conditions, there will be no further dialogue between myself and the church… I am not dealing here with people who don’t know what they are doing,’ she continued. ‘The pope is one of the most educated and most intelligent people in the Catholic Church. Every word that he says, he means.’…”

Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Severs Vatican Ties

USA Today wrote on January 29:

“Israel’s chief rabbinate severed ties with the Vatican on Wednesday…

“The Jewish state’s highest religious authority sent a letter to the Holy See expressing ‘sorrow and pain’ at the papal decision. ‘It will be very difficult for the chief rabbinate of Israel to continue its dialogue with the Vatican as before,’ the letter said. Chief rabbis of both the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews were parties to the letter…

“The rabbinate and the state of Israel have separate ties with the Vatican, and Wednesday’s move does not affect state relations.”

Catholic Church Disappointed with “Arrogant” President Obama

AFP reported on January 24:

“A senior Vatican official on Saturday attacked US President Barack Obama for ‘arrogance’ for overturning a ban on state funding for family-planning groups that carry out or facilitate abortions overseas.

“It is ‘the arrogance of someone who believes they are right, in signing a decree which will open the door to abortion and thus to the destruction of human life,’ Archbishop Rino Fisichella was quoted as saying… Fisichella is president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, one of a number of so-called pontifical academies which are formed by or under the direction of the Holy See…”

The Associated Press added on January 24:

“Fisichella said in an interview… that ‘if this is one of President Obama’s first acts, I have to say, in all due respect, that we’re heading quickly toward disappointment.’…

“‘This deals a harsh blow not only to us Catholics but to all the people across the world who fight against the slaughter of innocents that is carried out with the abortion,’ another top official with the Academy for Life, Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, [said]… ‘Among the many good things that he could have done, Barack Obama instead chose the worst,’ he was quoted as saying Saturday.”

Prior to Mr. Obama’s signing the controversial bill on abortion, the Catholic Church had warned him not to do so. As NPR wrote on January 18:

“Less than a week after the presidential election, the Vatican’s top health official, Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, warned the President-elect that it’s unethical to give the green light to embryonic stem-cell research [which Mr. Obama did subsequently]. Even tougher words came from Cardinal James Francis Stafford, head of a Vatican court and one of the highest ranking Americans at the Vatican. The Cardinal said in a speech at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. that Obama’s statements on abortion reflect ‘an agenda and vision that are aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic.’

“Now, the Vatican’s number one concern is that Obama may sign a proposed Freedom of Choice Act [which he did, see article above] that would invalidate any state laws that place restrictions on abortions. A senior Vatican official told Time Magazine that ‘would be the equivalent of a war.’

“And this is not the only potential clash. Just last month, the Vatican issued a wide-ranging document on bioethics that forcefully condemned not only embryonic stem-cell research, but also artificial fertilization, and it declared that the morning-after pill falls within the ‘sin of abortion.’ A few days earlier, the Vatican opposed the United Nations declarations against discrimination of homosexuals and for the rights of the disabled on the grounds that they could be seen as sanctioning gay marriage and abortion.”

Attack on White Labor by Obama Administration?

Associated Content reported on January 22:

“Families of white, male construction workers may want to pay attention: Robert Reich [22nd secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton] has opined that the Obama stimulus funds allocated to businesses in the construction industry should be withheld specifically from white men… While it is comforting that in the audio clip Mr. Reich is quick to disclose that he has ‘nothing against while male construction workers,’ the fact that he does not want stimulus generated jobs to go to ‘white male construction workers’ is gravely disconcerting. Even more alarming is the fact that Barack Obama has remained mum about the opinions expressed by his economic adviser.

“Would there have been an outcry has Mr. Reich suggested keeping the stimulus funds from being spent on ‘black male construction workers’ or ‘undocumented alien construction workers?’ Maybe it would have made waves had he opined on ‘Jewish construction workers’ or ‘female construction workers?’ As it stands, it would appear that Robert Reich has declared open season on white males.”

President Obama’s Troubles with Afghanistan…

The Associated Press reported on January 25:

“President Hamid Karzai condemned a U.S. operation he said killed 16 Afghan civilians, while hundreds of villagers denounced the American military during an angry demonstration Sunday… Karzai’s latest criticism follows a Saturday raid in Laghman province that the U.S. says killed 15 armed militants, including a woman with an RPG, but that Afghan officials say killed civilians. Two women and three children were among the 16 dead civilians, Karzai said in a statement…

“Civilian deaths are an extremely complicated issue in Afghanistan. Afghan villagers have been known to exaggerate civilian death claims in order to receive more compensation from the U.S. military, and officials have said that insurgents sometimes force villagers to make false death claims. But the U.S. military has also been known to not fully acknowledge when it killed civilians.”

… and with Pakistan…

Welt on Line reported on January 25:

“U.S. drones fired missiles into Pakistan late on Friday killing 17 people, intelligence officials and residents said, in the first such strike since Barack Obama became U.S. president. These missile attacks on Islamist militants in Pakistan do not help its efforts in the U.S.-led campaign against militancy, a spokesman for President Asif Ali Zardari said on Sunday… There was no sign Friday’s strikes hit any of al Qaeda’s top leadership…

“Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry said it hoped the new U.S. administration would review the policy, although during his election campaign Obama had spoken of strikes into Pakistan if the Pakistani military was unwilling or unable to tackle militant targets… Pakistani authorities said the drone attacks, which sometimes kill villagers, enrage Pashtun tribesmen and drive them into the arms of the militants…”

Ordering to Close Guantanamo Bay Prison Just the “Easy Part”

AFP reported on January 24:

“Two men released from the US ‘war on terror’ prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have appeared in a video posted on a jihadist website… One of the two former inmates, a Saudi man… has been elevated to the senior ranks of Al-Qaeda in Yemen… The Defense Department has said as many as 61 former Guantanamo detainees — about 11 percent of 520 detainees transferred from the detention center and released — are believed to have returned to the fight.

“The latest case highlights the risk the new US administration faces as it moves to empty Guantanamo of its remaining 245 prisoners and close the controversial detention camp within a year.”

U.S. Economy in Deeper Trouble Than Realized

Bloomberg reported on January 24:

“First Centennial Bank of Redlands, California, was seized by a state regulator, the third U.S. bank to fail this year, as the recession deepens and the slump in the housing industry sends home foreclosures to records…

“Regulators closed 25 banks last year, the most since 1993, draining money from the FDIC deposit insurance fund… National Bank of Commerce in Berkeley, Illinois, and Bank of Clark County in Vancouver, Washington, were shuttered by regulators on Jan. 16…

“More than 2.3 million U.S. properties got a default or auction notice, or were seized by lenders… The FDIC classified 171 banks as ‘problem’ in the third quarter, a 46 percent jump from the second quarter, and said industry earnings fell 94 percent to $1.73 billion from the previous year. The agency doesn’t identify problem banks by name.

“The largest institution to fail in U.S. history, Washington Mutual, was sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Sept. 25 after customers drained $16.7 billion in deposits in less than two weeks. Wachovia Corp. was near failure before being bought by Wells Fargo & Co. for $12.7 billion.”

2009–Another Miserable Year for U.S. Employees

The Associated Press reported on January 27:

“Rising unemployment spared no state last month, and 2009 is shaping up as another miserable year for workers from coast to coast. Jobless rates for December hit double digits in Michigan and Rhode Island… With tens of thousands of layoffs announced this week by well-known employers such as Pfizer Inc., Caterpillar Inc. and Home Depot Inc., the unemployment picture is bound to get worse in every region of the country, economists say. ‘We won’t see a light at the end of the tunnel until 2010,’ said Anthony Sabino, a professor of law and business at St. John’s University.

“The number of newly laid off Americans filing claims for state unemployment benefits has soared to 589,000, while people continuing to draw claims climbed to 4.6 million, the government said last week. There’s been such a crush that resources in New York, California and other states have run dry, forcing them to tap the federal government for money to keep paying unemployment benefits…

“In 2008, the country lost 2.6 million jobs, and in 2009 at least 2 million more jobs are forecast to disappear… The U.S. has been mired in a recession since December 2007. It is on track to be the longest downturn since World War II.”

Is California Being “Terminated”?

ABC News reported on January 27:

“… tax refunds are now on hold in California for the first time in state history… the controller’s office estimates that a combined 2.74 million California individuals and businesses will have their tax refund delayed [which is hoped to] free up $1.99 billion over the next month to pay for education, debt service, and other payments that legally have first claim to state funds.

“California has had no money in its general fund for the past 17 months, and has been paying its bills by borrowing from Wall Street and special internal funds. If the state’s legislators and governor do not reach a budget agreement that brings immediate funds into the state’s coffers, the state’s borrowed funds will be entirely exhausted at the end of February, according to the controller’s office.”

Even though Governor Schwarzenegger (“the Terminator”) came to power in California due to a recall procedure, based on the concept that he could restore a sound economy to the state, it is clear that his ambitions have failed miserably.

New $819 Billion Economic Recovery Plan Only Approved by Most Democrats

USA Today reported on January 28:

“The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives quickly approved President Obama’s $819 billion economic recovery plan Wednesday. The vote was 244-188, mostly along party lines… The vote sent the bill to the Senate [and according to press releases, has now reached a figure of $888 billion]… Democratic leaders have pledged to have legislation ready for Obama’s signature by mid-February… No Republicans supported the measure. Eleven Democrats opposed it. The vote was Obama’s first test of the bipartisanship he pledged in his campaign.”

Obviously, this test has failed!

Broken Bank Bailout–Are We in Trouble!!!!

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 29:

“New Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner is exploring the creation of a government-funded ‘bad bank’ to buy up mortgage-backed securities and other troubled assets from banks in hopes of boosting their capital levels so they can begin lending again… Ultimately… Administration officials believe they could need up to $2 trillion.

“Fixing the banks will almost certainly require far more than $700 billion in TARP funds. Goldman Sachs analyst Andrew Tilton figures U.S. financial institutions will suffer more than $1 trillion in loan losses — about half of which have been recognized so far. The problem isn’t only with residential mortgages. Add in commercial real estate and other poorly performing loan categories, and the banks may hold some $5 trillion in ‘troubled assets’ on their books, he says.

“New York University’s bearish economics professor, Nouriel Roubini, estimates that additional private and public capital of $1 trillion to $1.4 trillion will be needed to recapitalize the banks…

“Prying more money out of Congress for expanded bank bailouts will be tough. Yet it’s hard to see the economy recovering without healthy banks. Getting there won’t come cheap.”

UK Economy Worse Than Great Depression in 1939?

The Telegraph wrote on January 25:

“Britain is heading for economic depression for the first time since the 1930s, economists have warned… They said the current crisis will be of a scale to rival the biggest peace-time crisis in modern history — the Great Depression… The news sent the pound sliding to its lowest level since 1985… Confirmation that the economy has entered recession capped a week in which Gordon Brown was forced to announce a new £350 billion bank rescue plan. Unemployment has almost reached two million…

“Britain is likely to suffer more than other economies due to its heavy reliance on the financial services sector, which has all but imploded in the wake of the economic crisis, experts said.

“Others raised the spectre of an outright economic depression, often defined by experts as a peak-to-trough economic contraction of 10 per cent. Aside from the demobilisation periods following the First and Second World Wars, this kind of contraction has never taken place — not even in the 1930s’ Great Depression.”

German Economy–How Bad Is It Really?

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 22:

“The German economy may shrink by as much as 2.25 percent this year, warns Economics Minister Glos. But there is some cause for optimism. Despite the deepest recession since World War II, the country could see positive quarterly growth before the year is out…

“Germany, which makes up about a third of economic output among those countries belonging to the single currency, the euro, could see a return to positive growth as early as April and keep growing for the remainder of the year, the government said…”

A less optimistic picture was painted by Der Spiegel Online in an article, dated January 23, quoting from several German newspapers and magazines:

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

“‘The (German government’s) rescue operations have so far not brought the desired results. The banks have been plugging up their worst holes with billions of euros of taxpayers’ money, but their losses have been growing even faster. Meanwhile complaints from companies about increasingly restrictive lending practices are growing louder. Obviously the banks can not be helped just with money alone…

“The financial daily Handelsblatt writes:

“‘It is not easy to say this loudly and clearly: The German banks are on the edge of the abyss. This is the painful truth, and nothing but the truth…’

“The conservative Die Welt writes:

“‘Taken as a whole, (Germany’s) financial institutions have dead weight to the tune of hundreds — or even thousands — of billions on their balance sheets. This problem can not be solved simply by sitting it out — action needs to be taken now so that the economic crisis is not exacerbated…'”

European Troops in the Middle East?

The Associated Press reported on January 24:

“French troops, Turkish monitors, British ships, German tunnel detectors, European radar equipment — officials say all these options are being weighed as they try to cement the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas… Potential obstacles include divisions within Europe over how robust an international border control presence should be, Western discord over how to deal with Hamas, and Egypt’s resistance to a foreign military presence on its soil…

“France is pressing other European allies and Egypt to consider an armed border force, possibly under European Union or United Nations auspices… British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has also offered Britain’s Royal Navy to help interdict arms shipments bound for Hamas.”

Smuggle of Arms for Hamas through Tunnels Still Ongoing

The JC.com added on January 22:

“The Egyptian regime is still enabling Bedouin smugglers to use the tunnels under their border with the Gaza Strip to transfer arms to Hamas… Despite announcements by senior Egyptian officials that they would clamp down on the smuggling, local Bedouin traders are still offering — even after the Gaza ceasefire — to smuggle goods and people under the border.

“These were the tunnels that enabled Hamas and the other Palestinian organisations to bring through materials to manufacture the missiles fired on Israel. Longer-range Grad and anti-aircraft missiles are also taken through the tunnels, as are regular consignments of marijuana grown in Sinai, destined for the Israeli market…  the smuggling never ceased during the past three weeks, despite the heavy bombardment by the Israeli Air Force of buildings on the Palestinian side of Rafah, suspected of hiding tunnel entrances.

“In one case, a group of German doctors who arrived to treat Palestinian wounded were smuggled through a tunnel, eyes blindfolded so they would not be able to reveal the location. ‘A lot of tunnels were destroyed,’ said one Bedouin active in the smuggling business, ‘but the deeper ones that are well shored up are still standing’…

“‘The only thing that will stop the tunnel business is a full opening of the crossings,’ said one Bedouin. ‘But even that won’t stop the arms smuggling. There will still be ways to put arms on the lorries going through the crossings and to bribe the guards.’”

Worldwide Anger Against Israel

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 22:

“Israelis do not understand a world that reproaches them for what they have done in the Gaza Strip. They brush aside concerns about civilian [casualties] and stories about Palestinian suffering are relegated to the back pages… The number of dead, wounded and homeless runs into the thousands — and all of this happened less than an hour’s drive from Tel Aviv. But no one in Israel seems to be talking much about the consequences of the war against Hamas. Thoughts about the upcoming elections on Feb. 10 push away those about the moral issues involved with military action. There is no public discourse about the ethical boundaries soldiers and officers should have observed. Nobody asks how many children it was acceptable to sacrifice in Gaza in order to save the life of one Israeli soldier. No one wants to know about the question of who is responsible for taking care of Gaza’s homeless and refugees.

“This silence worries Gadi Baltiansky, director general of the Geneva Initiative, a large Israeli peace organization advocating a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It troubles him that his country is so indifferent to the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza…

“During the war, Yedioth Ahronoth, the country’s most influential newspaper, reported each new expansion of the offensive in bold headlines, while at the same time relegating stories about the suffering of Palestinians to the back pages — as if the latter were somehow irrelevant. In any case, the Israeli media weighted the events in Gaza differently than Western newspapers and TV stations. For example, Israeli readers had to wait until page seven of Yedioth Ahronoth to find reports about the Israeli military’s shelling of a United Nations-run school. In the European and American media, on the other hand, reports about the incident were given far greater prominence.

“With Israel facing global condemnation and with the possibility of war crimes trials, the Israelis are concerned about the legal pitfalls that might lie ahead for its government ministers and military officers. Many people do not understand what the world wants them to do and dismiss the criticisms, saying: ‘As usual, everyone is turning against us again.’ A full 82 percent of Israeli citizens say they do not believe that Israel acted with disproportionate violence in Gaza. That might explain why they don’t understand how the images and reports coming out of Gaza could create a wave of empathy for Palestinians — and anger toward the Israelis — around the world…

“Palestinians are not completely blameless when it comes to rising indifference to Palestinian suffering among Israeli youths. Seeking to explain Israeli public sentiment, peace activist Baltiansky says: ‘The suicide bombers who brought insecurity to Israeli cities during the second intifada have hardened Israeli society. Why should we show restraint when Palestinians sacrifice their children for suicide attacks and send them against us?'”

Turkey Angry with Israel

Reuters reported on January 29:

“Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan stormed out of a debate on the Middle East at the World Economic Forum on Thursday, saying he might never return to the annual gathering of the rich and powerful. Israel’s President Shimon Peres had launched a fiery defense of his country’s assault on Gaza over the past month and, with a raised voice and pointed finger, questioned what Erdogan would do if rockets were fired at Istanbul every night.

“As the debate… was ending, Erdogan was cut short as he tried to respond. ‘I don’t think I will come back to Davos because you don’t let me speak,’ the Turkish prime minister said, as he stood up and walked out of the conference hall in the Swiss ski resort…

“Turkey’s state-run Anatolian news agency quoted Erdogan as saying to Peres: ‘When it comes to killing you know very well how to kill. I know very well how you killed children on the beaches.'”

And the War Goes On…

BBC reported on January 27:

“Israel has carried out an air attack in Gaza and sent tanks into the Strip, after Palestinian militants killed an Israeli soldier… It was the worst violence in Gaza since Israel’s offensive against Hamas ended with both sides declaring ceasefires… An Israeli soldier on patrol in a vehicle was killed by an explosive device deliberately planted on Israel’s side of the border near the Kissufim crossing, prompting troops to open fire into Gaza.

“The explosion was filmed by the militants, as was gun fire and a grenade blast. Three soldiers were injured in the attack. Israeli troops fired into the Gaza Strip in retaliation, as a result of which Palestinian officials said a farmer was killed. Heavy fighting was reported in Khan Younis, south of the Kissufim crossing, and many people had fled their homes.”

The Associated Press added on January 28:

“President Barack Obama’s new Mideast envoy sought Wednesday to boost a 10-day-old Gaza cease-fire that was thrown into turmoil, as Israeli warplanes pounded Gaza smuggling tunnels in retaliation for a Palestinian bombing that killed a soldier… U.S. envoy George Mitchell said it was ‘critical’ that the cease-fire be extended and consolidated… But the new violence cast a shadow over Mitchell’s arrival.

“The flare-up is the worst since Israel and Hamas separately declared cease-fires on Jan. 18 to end a three-week Israeli offensive against the Palestinian militant group in the Gaza Strip. Since withdrawing its troops, Israel has threatened to retaliate hard for any violations of the informal truce. Reflecting the seriousness of the situation, Defense Minister Ehud Barak canceled a planned trip to Washington this week to stay home and deal with the crisis…”

UPI added on January 29:

“Eight Palestinians, including children, were wounded Thursday when an Israeli airstrike hit a vehicle in Khan Yunis in Gaza, Palestinian officials said. The strike targeted Mahmoud Hamdan Samiri, a Khan Yunis resident Israeli authorities said was involved in the terror cell behind Tuesday’s attack at the Kissufim crossing in which an Israeli soldier was killed and three others were wounded, The Jerusalem Post reported.”

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Did the Roman Catholic Church Canonize the New Testament?

When we read certain historical books, we may find something like the following narrative, as adopted from sources published on the Internet:

The process of canonization was complex and lengthy. In the first three centuries of the Christian Church, there was no New Testament canon that was universally recognized. Nevertheless, by the 2nd century there was a common collection of letters and gospels that a majority of church leaders considered authoritative. These contained the four gospels and many of the letters of Paul. Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian (all 2nd century), held these to be on par with the Hebrew Scriptures as being divinely inspired. Other books were held in high esteem, but were gradually relegated to the status of New Testament apocrypha.

In about 170 AD, Irenaeus cited 23 of the 27 New Testament books, omitting only Philemon, James, 2 Peter and 3 John. The Muratorian fragment, written about the same time, attests to the widespread use of all the New Testament books except Hebrews, James, 1 Peter and 2 Peter.

However, other church fathers had already cited those omitted books in various writings defending against Gnostic doctrines. The Codex Barococcio from 206 AD includes 64 of the 66 books of today’s Bible. Esther and Revelation were omitted, but they had already been declared as inspired scripture by Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement, Tertullian and the Muratorian Canon. In 230 AD, Origen declared that all Christians acknowledged as scripture the four Gospels, Acts, the epistles of Paul, 1 Peter, 1 John and Revelation.

By the early 300’s, all of the New Testament books were being used in the mainstream church body. The New Testament canon as it is now, including all 27 books, was first listed by St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, in 367, in a letter written to his churches in Egypt. The Synod of Hippo (393 AD) and the third Synod of Carthage (397 AD) also recognized these 27 books as canonical. In addition, during this time, the highly influential church fathers, Jerome (340-420 AD) and Augustine (354-430 AD) published their lists of 27 books completing the New Testament.

Certain books continued to be questioned, especially James and Revelation. As late as the 16th century, theologian and reformer Martin Luther questioned (but in the end did not reject) the Epistle of James, the Epistle of Jude, the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Book of Revelation. Today, German-language Luther Bibles are printed with these four books at the end of the canon.

Even many of those who claim that the canonization of the New Testament books took place, as described above, admit that the recognition of the sanctity of Scripture was not the result of any pronouncement by Roman Catholic Church officials in the late fourth century. Rather, they clarify that the canon was determined by the authoritative use of these books by the first and second century church. It is claimed that the New Testament canon was merely a process of formal recognition of already recognized Scripture.

We do not believe that God gave the Roman Catholic Church the task to decide which books of the New Testament were inspired and should be included. Even though it RECOGNIZED their inspiration at a later date, the “canonization” took place much earlier–that is, in the lifetime of the apostles Peter, Paul and John (compare our Q&A in Update 374, discussing the completeness of the Bible).

In 2 Timothy 4:13, Paul asked Timothy to “bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas when you come—and the books, especially the parchments.” This appears to be a reference to letters which Paul had written, and which he wanted to be preserved. The commentary of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown states:

“He was anxious respecting these that he might transmit [the books] to the faithful, so that they might have the teaching of his writings when he should be gone… ‘especially the parchments’ — containing perhaps some of his inspired Epistles themselves.”

In 2 Peter 3:16, Peter considered the letters of Paul, which can be found in the New Testament, as part of the Scriptures. He also stated in 2 Peter 1:15 that he was anxious to ensure that the brethren would “always have a reminder of these things after my decease,” referring to his death. He went on to explain in 2 Peter 1:18, in regard to the transfiguration on the mount, that “we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.” Only three apostles were on the holy mountain when Christ was transfigured and when, in that vision, Elijah and Moses appeared. These disciples were Peter, John and James. By the time of Peter’s writing, James had died, and only John and Peter were still alive.

Peter continued, in verse 19, that “we have the sure word of prophecy” (Authorized Version). The use of the word “we” would have to be a reference to Peter and John. It would be Peter and John who preserved and would leave behind the inspired “word of prophecy” or “inspired writings”–the word “prophecy” can also refer to inspired preaching. Peter said that John and he had, or possessed, the inspired writings–the New Testament. This referred to the writings of the New Testament which were already in existence at that time, but it also allowed for those writings, which would still be added by the apostle John, before his death.

At the time of Peter’s writing, Paul had died, and Peter spoke of Paul’s letters as “Scripture,” showing that they were recognized as such. Who recognized them? Obviously, Paul must have recognized them before his death, and subsequently, they were recognized by the last remaining two original apostles, Peter and John, and they did so under godly inspiration.

After Peter’s death, John survived as the last of the early apostles. Before he died, he wrote the gospel of John, the three letters of John, and the book of Revelation, which concluded the sacred writings of the New Testament.

That the book of Revelation was meant to be the last and final book of the New Testament can be seen by its very claims. We read in Revelation 22:18: “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book.”

In other words, those would have to face God’s punishment who would claim that additional future writings should become part of the inspired Scriptures of the New Testament. We also read in verse 19 that punishment would befall those who would try to take away from the words of the book of Revelation–who would claim that portions of the book of Revelation, or the entire book, was not inspired.

We have every reason to believe that the books of the New Testament, as we have them today, were recognized as inspired by the apostles Paul, Peter and John, as they were guided by the Holy Spirit. And as we explained in the Q&A in Update 377 on the Preservation of the New Testament, God saw to it that the New Testament books would be preserved, as He also preserved the sacred writings of the Old Testament.

Jesus Christ Himself promised that God would ensure that His Word would be preserved for all eternity. He said in Matthew 5:18: “… one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”

Peter explained that “the word of the LORD endures forever” (1 Peter 1:25). Paul instructed Titus to only ordain an elder if he would hold “fast the faithful word as he has been taught” (Titus 1:9), expecting, of course, that “the word” would be preserved. Jude challenged the brethren to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Again, true brethren were asked to stand up for the faith which had been taught and preserved in the sacred writings.

We read that God’s end-time disciples would keep His Word (Revelation 3:8)–which requires that God’s Word had been preserved and would be available in the end time. In fact, some, living in the end time, would even be killed for keeping the Word of God (Revelation 20:4).

Jesus is the personified Word of God (Revelation 19:13; John 1:1, 14; 1 John 1:1). As He is still alive today, so He made sure that His written Word–the entire Bible–would stay ALIVE as well. After all, the Word of God is “LIVING and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12).

Who canonized the New Testament? It was God, but He inspired His apostles Paul, Peter and John to pronounce the decision which books and letters should be considered as sacred and infallible. And so, God ultimately used the apostle John to canonize the writings of the New Testament.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program and sermons in English and German

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Israel Lost the Gaza War against Hamas!”

Norbert Link points out in the program that in spite of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s declaration of victory, many commentators and news analysts have concluded that Israel was defeated. Why is this? Will American President Barack Obama’s announced efforts to bring peace to the Middle East have any lasting success? Who will become the most important nation to get involved in the Middle East–a nation which the Arab countries are waiting for? It is not the USA! The answer might surprise you.

A German version of the above-mentioned program (“Israels Verlorener Krieg”) was posted on YouTube and our German Website.

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “Poetry in the Hebrew Bible,” which was given on January 24, 2009, has been posted on our Website and on Google Video

A new German sermon (“Hat Jesus das Fleisch Unreiner Tiere Gereinigt?”), dealing with the question whether Jesus purified all unclean animals to make them fit for human consumption, was recorded this week to be posted soon on Google Video and our German Website.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Poetry in the Hebrew Bible

In the Old Testament, several poetic devices were used for teaching, prophesying or worship. Although constituting sophisticated art in the truest sense of the word, they were a delight to read and recite, and they are an important means for better understanding. Take a journey with us to learn more about the Hebrew poetry of acrostic and parallel writing.

Length:  67 Min
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Israel Lost the Gaza War against Hamas!

In spite of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s declaration of victory, many commentators and news analysts have concluded that Israel was defeated. Why is this? Will American President Barack Obama’s announced efforts to bring peace to the Middle East have any lasting success? Who will become the most important nation to get involved in the Middle East–a nation which the Arab countries are waiting for? It is not the USA! The answer might surprise you.

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Current Events

The Inauguration of the 44th President

On Tuesday, January 20, the world watched the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, with excitement and optimistic hope for a better future. ABC News reported on January 19 that even though the “country is in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, … this isn’t stopping rich donors and the government from spending $170 million, or more, on the inauguration of Barack Obama.”

The German paper, Die Welt, wrote on January 20: “Hundreds of thousands of people erupted in roars of approval on the broad National Mall grounds as they watched Obama stand with one hand raised, one hand on a Bible used to swear [in Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration] in 1861, and repeat the brief oath to become the 44th U.S. president and succeed George W. Bush.”

The paper added that “The inauguration of Obama, 47, the son of a black Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, was steeped in symbolic meaning for African-Americans, who for generations suffered slavery and then racial segregation that made them second-class citizens.”

During the Benediction, Joseph Lowery uttered the following controversial lines which were somewhat offensive to white people: “Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around… when the red man can get ahead; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen’…”

Some moments during the inauguration, even though embarrassing, might have been deeply symbolic–from the limping President Bush Sen. to Vice President Dick Cheney sitting in a wheelchair, to Ted Kennedy’s collapse, to the moment when the oath was messed up by Chief Justice John Roberts (so that the oath was re-administered the next day in the White House, without the use of a Bible). Also, it might have been better, depending on taste, if the musical “performance” by Aretha Franklin and the recital of the somewhat disjointed “poem” by Elizabeth Alexander had been dispensed with. Neither did the musical instrumental presentation of a rather boring piece by four performers merit enthusiastic approval. 

A strange sight remained the traditional READING of the prayers at the beginning and the end of the inauguration–the Invocation and the Benediction. Are we to believe that King Solomon READ his inspired prayer when he dedicated the Temple?

In President Obama’s historic inauguration speech, hope for a better world and the reality of calamity painted a colorful picture which was accentuated by contrast.

In Mr. Obama’s own words, “we are in the midst of crisis… Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.”

President Obama continued:  

“Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real.  They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America –  they will be met. On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

On Wednesday, January 21, 2008, President Obama took part in a prayer at the National Cathedral in northwest Washington. As one of the articles quoted in this Update points out, it seemed that representatives of virtually all religious belief systems participated, except perhaps for Atheists, Wiccans and Pagans. But wasn’t America built on the foundation and the faith of the Bible–and didn’t the Founding Fathers believe in the God of the Bible?

The fact that Mr. Obama became the 44th President exactly 220 years after the first President of the United States took office in 1789, might be deeply significant. In the Bible, the number 4 (in 44; i.e. 11 times 4) is associated with the revelation of God (compare the four gospel writers, for example). And the number 10 (in 220; i.e. 22 times 10) is associated with God’s judgment (compare the Ten Commandments which will be the basis for God’s judgment of man). Further, combinations of the numbers 4 and 10 signify God’s revelation IN judgment (compare Israel’s dwelling in the wilderness for 40 years because of disobedience and unbelief). Is it therefore possible that during the term of Mr. Obama’s office, God will reveal Himself more and more in judgment–showing that He will judge man severely, unless he repents?

In other news, we are reporting on the ongoing volatile situation in Gaza and the international reaction to the conflict; the attempts of certain Arab nations to unite; the desire of Iran to stay involved and of the EU to get involved in the Middle East; German fears of and hopes for the future; and Dresden’s incredible bestowal of honor on the former KGB officer Vladimir Putin.

After the Inauguration–Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral

USA Today reported on January 16:

“U.S. religious diversity will be on full display Wednesday (January 21) at the prayer service to be held at the Washington National Cathedral…

“Several folks invited to the pulpit are almost as controversial or nationally outspoken as… Rick Warren, who’ll give the invocation on Tuesday. There will be:…

“The presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church USA, the denomination riven over whether to accept a gay bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori. She is a supporter of Gene Robinson, the gay Episcopal bishop who will give the invocation at Sunday’s We Are One concert… The official prayer service plan is to ’embody the themes of tolerance, unity and understanding (in) a worship service for all Americans’ (except the atheists who lost their suit to bloc events like this)…

“Leaders of the Washington National Cathedral, an Episcopal Church that’s huge and beautiful and frequently the location for great national moments of prayer, will host Baptists, non-denominational church leaders, Greek Orthodox, Hindu and more… Who’s missing? Wiccans? Pagans?…”

The Associated Press added on January 16:

“Roman Catholic Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington will deliver a prayer for the nation… Sharon Watkins, the first woman president of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a Protestant group, will also be the first woman to deliver a sermon at the National Prayer Service. Several other women leaders will take part in the event.

“They include Ingrid Mattson, the first woman president of the Islamic Society of North America;… Cynthia Hale, senior pastor of Ray of Hope Christian Church in Atlanta;… Suzan Johnson-Cook of the Bronx Christian Fellowship in New York; and Dr. Uma Mysorekar, president of the Hindu Temple Society of North America…

“The Jewish community will be represented in the service by Reform Rabbi David Saperstein, Conservative Rabbi Jerome Epstein and Orthodox Rabbi Haskel Lookstein of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York. Greek Orthodox Archbishop Demetrios and Auxiliary Catholic Bishop Francisco Gonzalez of Washington will also take part…”

Germans Worry About the Future and Welcome the EU

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 16:

“57 percent of German citizens believe the economic situation in their own country will get worse, compared to 51 percent of Europeans as a whole. Regarding the economic prospects for the European Union, 47 percent of Germans believe the situation will worsen. Forty-one percent of Europeans as a whole share their view…

“The survey also reveals that Germans are more likely to trust their own system than the average European: 38 percent of German respondents feel that things are moving in the right direction in Germany, compared to only 28 percent in Europe. Germans are also more likely to believe that the European Union is moving in the right direction (41 compared to 35 percent).

“… the EU enjoys high approval ratings in Germany, with 64 percent of Germans believing that membership of the bloc is a good thing, 11 percentage points more than the EU average of 53 percent. European Commissioner Verheugen [who is German himself] sees this as a positive sign. He feels that Germany has a special responsibility for Europe because of its history and because of its role as the largest and economically strongest member state.

“However, German enthusiasm for the European project does have its limits. The Germans are not so keen on EU enlargement, with only 26 percent supporting the admission of new member states, compared to 44 percent of Europeans.”

OPERA BALL SCANDAL– Dresden Medal of Honor for Ex-KGB Agent Putin

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 16:

“It’s a big night for Russian Prime Minister Putin. The former KGB officer will return to his old Dresden haunt for the Semper Opera Ball. There, [he] will receive a medal of honor… [The medal] is a stunning replica of the ‘Heilige Georg zu Pferde’… And it is a special symbol: St. George symbolizes the victory of good over evil…

“The award… is to be pinned to the breast of [Putin], a man who has just cut off natural gas supplies to half of Europe. It is hard to imagine such an event taking place anywhere other than in Saxony…

“Just why Putin was chosen for the award is not entirely clear… From 1985 to 1990, he was stationed in the city as a KGB officer and resided in a villa located just across the street from the Stasi’s district offices. The Stasi was the feared East German secret police. Under the codename ‘Adamov,’ his job was to recruit new spies for the Soviet intelligence apparatus…

“The Saxony governor, Stanislaw Tillich — who back in 1989 was himself a functionary in the local government and has been put under massive pressure recently for apparently trying to cover up his ties to the communist system — will hand the former Dresden KGB officer a thank you medal 20 years after the fall of the Wall.”

Deutsche Welle added on January 16:

“‘[Putin] doesn’t deserve to be honored,’ the German-based Society for Threatened Peoples said, blaming Putin for human rights violations by Russian troops in Chechnya. During his time as president, the Russian leader was responsible for the deaths of around 80,000 men, women and children in the breakaway republic, the society said in a statement…

“Werner Schulz [a former civil rights activist in East Germany] told the newspaper Leipziger Volkszeitung that shortly before the fall of the wall [in 1989], Putin threatened to open fire on East German dissidents if they approached KGB headquarters in Dresden.”

Is German Pacifism Anti-Semitic?

Press TV wrote on January 16: “The German chancellor and British prime minister say they have been ‘shocked’ by the humanitarian tragedy created by Israel in the Gaza Strip…”

But on January 15, the German Netzeitung published an article about “German pacifism” by Ze’ev Avrahmi, a Berlin-based freelance correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. Avrahmi is asking the question whether German pacifism is actually nothing else but German anti-Semitism. We are reproducing the following excerpts:

“During these times of war in the Middle East, there is nothing that bothers me more than German pacifism. Or, to put it more correctly, I look at the Germans’ pacifism with a mixture of anger and envy, because it is a luxury that we Israelis can’t afford. If I had a choice, I would also like to end the conflict without guns. I would also self-righteously like to point out that violence only creates more violence. I would like to be leftist, pacifist and completely unaware of the daily attacks from Gaza on Israel for the past eight years.

“And at the same time, here is something I want to ask these German pacifists: Would you still condemn the right to self-defence if Austria or Poland would attack Berlin and Munich with daily barrages of rockets? I also want to ask them: Where is the preaching against violence when there are daily attacks on foreigners in Germany? Why don’t you cry out loud when your fellow German citizens beat up and attack innocent refugees and immigrants on the outskirts of Berlin or in small towns in Bavaria or Saxony?

“And where is your outspoken pacifism when Jews, only 60 years after the Holocaust, have to wear baseball caps to hide their kippas when they walk in the streets of Berlin because they are, again, afraid to identify themselves as Jews in the former Nazi capital? And why do you keep silent when German police force their way into an apartment in Duisburg to tear down Israeli flags to placate Muslim protestors who were becoming violent?

“I would like to know why pacifism gains so much strength every time it is directed against Israel. How come the newspaper pictures of the war are so one-sided and pro-Palestinian? Could it be that anti-Semitism is again prevalent in Germany, only this time it conveniently disguises itself as being anti-Israel?…”

Ceasefire in Gaza

Haaretz reported on January 18:

“Trying to hide a smile and a sense of self-satisfaction Prime Minister Ehud Olmert faced the cameras at the Defense Ministry and declared to the Israeli public, ‘We won.’ The Israel Defense Forces objectives for its operation in the Gaza Strip were ‘obtained in full.’ Hamas was ‘surprised and badly beaten,’ the government ‘made decisions responsibly and wisely,’ the IDF’s performance was excellent and the southern home front ‘displayed resilience’…

“The Gaza operation was undoubtedly intended to redeem Olmert, and will be used as a springboard for a comeback – if he avoids conviction on any of the charges pending against him…

“Israel succeeded in hurting Hamas and in creating an international awareness of the need to prevent weapons from being smuggled into the Gaza Strip, but not all the operation’s objectives were accomplished… Hamas’ gains cannot be ignored: It has won international legitimacy and sympathy, and its forces still control the Gaza Strip.”

Gaza–“The Situation Will Change Only for the Worse”

Welt-On-Line reported on January 18:

“In Gaza, families began emerging from their places of hiding, including U.N. school compounds where some 45,000 people sought refuge during the fighting, and returning to their homes — some only to find them damaged or destroyed… With no formal deal between the two sides, despite mediation efforts by Egypt, the situation looked much like that before the conflict…

“Israel’s leading newspapers put pictures of victorious Israeli troops on their front pages on Sunday, but behind the banner headlines some commentators wondered whether the conflict had not worsened the prospects for peace with Gaza. ‘This war was a just war,’ wrote one leading commentator in Ma’ariv, a right-of-centre tabloid. ‘But this was not a wise war. This war presumed to change the situation … But the situation, regrettably, will change only for the worse.'”

German Reactions to Ceasefire in Gaza

Der Spiegel Online commented on January 19 as follows on the cease fire in Gaza:

“German commentators ask what Israel actually achieved with its three-week offensive… Hamas for its part claimed that Israel had failed to achieve its war aims. ‘God has granted us a great victory, not for one faction, or party, or area, but for our entire people,’ said the top Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, in a televised speech… As the post-war analysis begins, many questions remain… Hamas… was adamant in its attention to re-arm…

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:

“‘What has Israel’s offensive actually achieved, apart from more than 1,300 people dead, more than 5,300 wounded, and some relatively unproductive crisis diplomacy? Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced that the aim of the offensive had been achieved. But so far he still hasn’t spelled out what the objective of the war against Hamas actually was…

“… the majority of the 1.5 million people in the Gaza Strip see Israel as being responsible for the devastation and destruction. Israel’s supposed victory, which Olmert talks of, is in reality a defeat. The campaign has sown hatred and anger and brought Israel only insecurity in return.’

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

“‘Israel has largely achieved what can be achieved militarily in terms of weakening Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, its tough — sometimes too tough — response to the rocket attacks against Israeli towns is a signal to the Lebanese group Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, who are equipped with missiles of ever-increasing range and who will therefore sooner or later have the capability to strike targets in the Israeli heartland. The offensive against the terrorist attacks from the Gaza Strip was also aimed at Tehran, home to the weapons suppliers and those who stir up the conflict’…

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes:

“‘Israel is certainly a big step closer to its aim of bringing weapons smuggling into Gaza under control… But did it really need a war to achieve this? Did the Europeans and the Americans really need a military operation and hundreds of dead children in order to be convinced that cooperating with Israel makes sense?… Hamas has survived the war. It exists, and it is here to stay…’

“The conservative Die Welt writes:

“‘… The main issue which needs to be addressed is the support that religious — in this case Islamic — fundamentalism and its representatives receive from both governments and, especially, religious leaders. The most important thing is the rhetoric of hate which originates in many mosques and is then spread by Arab TV and radio stations and the Internet. The fight — including the armed struggle — of Islam against all “infidels” is not only promoted but both encouraged and demanded. Potential suicide bombers are praised and promised glorious rewards in paradise…. Only when all imams stop glorifying murder can there be real peace in the Holy Land…'”

EU Gets Involved in Gaza

The EUObserver wrote on January 19:

“European Union states have engaged in a flurry of diplomatic activity following the announcement of a ceasefire…, with the EU’s big three [France, Germany and the UK] pledging naval support to prevent the delivery of weapons into Gaza.”

Unhappy Lieberman

On January 20, Haaretz published an interview with Israeli Yisrael Beiteinu party leader Avigdor Lieberman. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“What was achieved here? Zip, nada. The strategic objective of the operation should have been the collapse of Hamas. This goal could have been reached not by capturing Gaza and Jabalya, but [simply] by taking over the crossing points and the Philadelphi route… if we had closed the Strip in a vice, we would have strangled Hamas.

“… after the cease-fire, everyone wants to know how it could be that the strongest army in the Middle East was unable to overcome 12,000 terrorists. The result is similar to that of the Second Lebanon War: damage to our deterrent capability. Instead of destroying Hamas, the operation upgraded it, turning it into an important regional player. It’s only a matter of time before the government in Ramallah collapses and falls into Hamas hands…

“Iran threatens us three ways. Once through Hamas and Hezbollah. A second time through preparing global public opinion for the possibility of doing without Israel. A third time with nuclear [weapons development] and ballistic missiles. If we were a normal country, we would stop quarreling over the Palestinian issue and the Golan Heights issue and we would deal with Iran… Only after the source of the problem – Iran – is resolved will it be possible to discuss the symptoms of the problem in Judea, Samaria and the Golan… To accept an Iranian nuclear bomb in 2010 is like accepting Hitler’s election in 1933. A nuclear Iran is like Hitler with nuclear weapons…”

“Hurray! We Lost!”

On January 20, Der Spiegel Online wrote the following:

“Israel’s war in Gaza is a military victory. But with 1,300 dead and thousands wounded, it is also moral defeat. The painful lesson: Israel can only defeat itself. Hamas leader Ismail Haniya only had to hide to emerge as the winner…

“Approximately 1,300 dead is no trifle and no collateral damage from an act of war even when many of the dead were militants who just happened to forget to put their uniforms on and who hid behind civilians. Approximately 1,300 dead is a tenth of a percent of the population of Gaza. If it were Germany, that figure would be 80,000…

“Thirteen hundred dead: That screams to the heavens. That is not an issue of ‘proportionality,’ which is impossible in any asymmetrical war. A pile of corpses like that is a nightmare, a catastrophe… That is a down payment on the Apocalypse — no matter who started it, who bears responsibility and who ultimately settles the score… Hamas cannot win against Israel, but Israel really can lose against Hamas.”

“Gaza War Utter Failure for Israel”

Haaretz reported on January 22:

“On the morrow of the return of the last Israeli soldier from Gaza, we can determine with certainty that they had all gone out there in vain. This war ended in utter failure for Israel. This goes beyond the profound moral failure, which is a grave matter in itself, but pertains to its inability to reach its stated goals. In other words, the grief is not complemented by failure. We have gained nothing in this war save hundreds of graves, some of them very small, thousands of maimed people, much destruction and the besmirching of Israel’s image…

“The initial objective of the war was to put an end to the firing of Qassam rockets. This did not cease until the war’s last day. It was only achieved after a cease-fire had already been arranged. Defense officials estimate that Hamas still has 1,000 rockets. The war’s second objective, the prevention of smuggling, was not met either. The head of the Shin Bet security service has estimated that smuggling will be renewed within two months… this war has served to prove that only poor quality, rudimentary weapons passed through the smuggling tunnels connecting the Gaza Strip to Egypt.

“Israel’s ability to achieve its third objective is also dubious… The deterrence we supposedly achieved in the Second Lebanon War has not had the slightest effect on Hamas, and the one supposedly achieved now isn’t working any better: The sporadic firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip has continued over the past few days.

“The fourth objective, which remained undeclared, was not met either. The IDF has not restored its capability… The heroic descriptions and victory poems written abut the ‘military triumph’ will not serve to change reality… The describing of the operation as a ‘military achievement’ by the various generals and analysts who offered their take on the operation is plain ridiculous.

“We have not weakened Hamas. The vast majority of its combatants were not harmed and popular support for the organization has in fact increased. Their war has intensified the ethos of resistance and determined endurance… The population in Gaza, which has sustained such a severe blow, will not become more moderate now. On the contrary, the national sentiment will now turn more than before against the party which inflicted that blow – the State of Israel…

“When it comes to assessing Israel’s international situation, we must not allow ourselves to be fooled by the support parade by Europe’s leaders, who came in for a photo-op with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert… The conclusion [of the world] is that Israel is a violent and dangerous country, devoid of all restraints and blatantly ignoring the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, while not giving a hoot about international law…”

“Hamas Use of Children During Gaza Operation Was Monstrous”

Haaretz reported on January 22:

“The Israel Defense Forces’ Gaza Division Commander on Thursday branded Hamas’ use of women and children during Israel’s recent offensive in the coastal strip as ‘monstrous’ and ‘inhumane.’ Brig. Gen. Eyal Eisenberg said the civilians were sent by Hamas to transfer weapons to gunmen during the offensive. He also accused the Islamist militant group of booby-trapping many of the civilians’ homes…

“Israel has been heavily criticized for the high number of Palestinian civilian casualties in the operation. Eisenberg, however, asserted that Israel Defense Forces soldiers adhered to moral principles while fighting in Gaza. Palestinian civilians, meanwhile, have accused Hamas of forcing them to stay in homes from which gunmen shot at Israeli soldiers during the recent hostilities in Gaza, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported Thursday.

“The Italian paper also quoted a doctor at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital as disputing the number of Palestinians said to have been killed in the campaign. ‘It’s possible that the death toll in Gaza was 500 or 600 at the most, mainly youths aged 17 to 23 who were enlisted by Hamas – who sent them to their deaths,’ he said… The Gaza doctor was further quoted as saying: ‘Perhaps it is like Jenin in 2002. At the beginning they spoke about 1,500 dead, and at the end it turned out to be only 54 – of whom 45 were militants.'”

Iran Gets Involved Again

The Jerusalem Post reported on January 20:

“Iran has renewed efforts to supply advanced weaponry to Hamas… On Monday, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that renewed weapons smuggling would be legitimate grounds for Israel to renew attacks against Hamas.”

Iran–The Nuclear Clock Is Ticking…

Haaretz wrote on January 22:

“The policy Obama is formulating is one of engagement and negotiation. He hopes the Iranians will be tempted to respond to the generous proposals he intends to offer them, diplomatic relations, lifting sanctions, improved commercial ties, and in return a halt or at least suspend uranium enrichment.

“Iran… will ostensibly respond favorably to the American courtship and will even reciprocate with some gestures of its own, but in practice, Iran will accelerate its nuclear program and there are already signs of this. Even leading U.S. intelligence officials acknowledge that Iran is likely to produce its first nuclear bomb as early as this year. Remarks to this effect were made last week by CIA Director Michael Hayden, and the director of national intelligence, Michael McConnell, who said he is concerned Iran would continue along a path that will end with nuclear weapons…

“This is a race against the clock for all parties involved, Israel foremost among them, which may be obstructed by Obama’s policy, even though his intention to negotiate with Iran is good. It is clear to all the experts that Israel will be unable to attack without coordinating it on one way or another – probably tacitly with the American administration. And such coordination will be difficult, certainly a decision to let Israel attack Iran’s nuclear facilities so long as negotiations are underway between Washington and Tehran.

“The concern in Israel is that if the negotiations end in failure and even if Obama’s administration reaches the conclusion that Iran was toying with it and never intended to reach a compromise and suspend its uranium enrichment, it might already be too late. Iran might have nuclear weapons and then it will be too late and too dangerous to attack it.”

Will Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt Unite?

The New York Times wrote on January 19:

“At the talks in Kuwait, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia pledged $1 billion toward a $2 billion reconstruction fund [for Gaza] that Palestinians are seeking to establish… King Abdullah exhorted Arab nations to overcome their divisions and urged Israel to embrace an Arab peace plan put forward in 2002 or risk its being withdrawn… On the sidelines, leaders from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt met privately, apparently seeking to present a united front. Syria called for declaring Israel a terrorist state…”

The Los Angeles Times added on January 19:

“By offering cash and talking tough, Saudi King Abdullah sought to absorb popular anger directed at the so-called moderate Arab states, which have been accused of failing to do enough to halt the Israeli offensive. He also hopes to recapture Saudi Arabia’s diminished stature in the Arab world.

“The nation has been eclipsed by Syria and Iran, which support Hamas, and Qatar, which emerged as a diplomatic powerhouse in May after bypassing the Saudis in brokering a deal between competing Western-allied and Iranian-backed factions in Lebanon.”

Interview with Syria’s Bashar Assad

On January 19, Der Spiegel Online published a revealing interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“Basically, Hamas is not the problem in this conflict, but Israel… The fact is that for six months Hamas complied with the cease-fire that had been agreed upon… Hamas captured an absolute majority of votes in the internationally recognized parliamentary election three years ago, a landslide victory… During the most recent six-month ceasefire, Israel targeted and killed more than a dozen Palestinians, but no Israeli died. And yet Europe remained silent…

“We do not recognize Israel and Israel is still our enemy — it occupies part of our country, the Golan Heights. If the Israelis withdraw from Golan, we will recognize them. First comes peace, then recognition — not the other way around… Hamas must be included. Nothing will work without Hamas… Hamas today must be part of an agreement…

“Hamas will not disappear… Hamas has the trust of the people, and anyone who wishes to destroy it must destroy an entire people… we would welcome it if the Germans, in general, played a larger role… Peace without Syria is unthinkable.”

"Each in His Own Order…"

In the Q&A in this week’s Update, we address, among other concepts, the need for the Church of God to continue preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. We show from Scripture that God will still do a powerful short Work just prior to Christ’s return. In a recent sermon, I explained that God is not trying to convert all people right now and lead them to salvation at this time–and neither should we! For most, their opportunity will still come in the future–AFTER Christ’s return!

In this day and age, God only calls the very few–the firstfruits–the “little flock”–those who were “predestined” to be called from the foundation of the earth–in fact, before time began. He wants His Church today to announce, as a witness or testimony, that Christ’s return is imminent and that the Kingdom of God will soon be established on this earth (Matthew 24:14). He wants His Church to warn the world of what is going to happen, and to proclaim the need to repent and to change (Luke 24:47). Most will reject our message–but some will listen and respond. We don’t know who will change their lives because of our preaching–but God knows. He knows whom He WANTS to call OUT OF this world, and whom He IS calling. He expects us to do our job of preaching the gospel, because how can they believe in the true God unless they have heard Him proclaimed first (Romans 10:14-15)?

But then what? In order to be saved from this present evil generation, one must receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are clearly taught in the Bible that God promises His gift only to those who repent, believe and are baptized for the remission of their sins (Acts 2:38; 4:4; 10:43). God is not giving His Holy Spirit to those who refuse to obey Him (Acts 5:32)–and God will take His Holy Spirit away from those who turn away from His truth after they have embraced it, and who will live again a life of disobedience (Hebrews 6:4-8;10:26-29; 2 Peter 2:20-22).

Once someone has responded to God’s call and has received His Holy Spirit, such a person is then able to comprehend more clearly the mysteries of God. Prior to God’s involvement or calling, a person cannot understand the truth. Once God’s Spirit begins to work with a person and opens his mind, he will be able to comprehend some of it–enough to show God that he is serious by obeying Him. But it is only after the receipt of God’s Spirit that we can begin to really comprehend the truth more and more perfectly–that we can really grow in the KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST (2 Peter 3:18)–the knowledge WHICH CHRIST HAS and which He wants to share with us.

Notice that the Bible gives us an order or time sequence which pertains to collective and individual salvation!

In 1 Corinthians 15:22-24, Paul explains that there is an order of salvation for mankind:

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive [through a resurrection from the dead]. But each one in his own ORDER: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are [or “were” at the time of their death] Christ’s at His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father…”

The “end” includes those in the “second resurrection,” who will be “raised up” from the dead after the time of the Millennium. (Compare the commentary of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, equating “the end” with “the general resurrection, and final judgment and consummation.”) Revelation 20:4-5 refers to the first and the second resurrection. We read about those in the first resurrection–who were in Christ and Christ in them, when they died: “And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

Verse 5 clarifies that this describes those in the “first resurrection.” But the same verse speaks also of those who would be resurrected later: “But the rest of the dead did not live again UNTIL the thousand years are finished.” Their resurrection after the Millennium is described in Revelation 20:11-12–a time referred to in the Bible as the “Great White Throne Judgment” period.

Jesus referred to that judgment period in many passages. For instance, He prophesied the resurrection “in the judgment” of the men of Nineveh, the queen of the South and the Jews at the time of His first coming. He showed that they would all be resurrected AT THE SAME TIME. They will all be RAISED TOGETHER–in the second resurrection–and it is THEN that they will be offered salvation.

Note Christ’s exact wording in Matthew 12:41-42: “The men of Nineveh will RISE UP in the JUDGMENT WITH THIS generation… The Queen of the South will RISE UP in the JUDGMENT WITH THIS generation…” Christ also spoke of the resurrection of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah at that time of “JUDGMENT”–the Great White Throne judgment period of the second resurrection (compare Matthew 10:15; 11:24; compare also Luke 10:13-14).

As God deals with collective salvation according to a time order, so He deals with individual salvation in progressive stages as well. He does not reveal all of His truth right away to a newly-called person. It requires time to grow in spiritual knowledge, and it is impossible to do so unless God’s Spirit dwells IN us and is used by us.

Notice Christ’s sayings regarding the progressive stages of individual salvation. First, the gospel must be preached as a witness or testimony. That includes the preaching of repentance. Regarding those who respond to the preaching, Christ said in Matthew 28:19-20:

“Go therefore and make disciples of [“from among” or “in,” compare Living Bible] all nations, baptizing them in [“into,” compare “Literal Translation of the Holy Bible”] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe ALL THINGS that I have commanded you…”

First comes the preaching of the gospel, including the admonishment to repent or change. Those who respond, being called by God, believe and become obedient to what they understand, are to be baptized, as an outward sign of inner repentance. Christ did not say, of course, that all nations are to be baptized today–only THOSE who RESPOND to the preaching.

John Gill’s Exposition to the Entire Bible explains that the command to baptize “them” does not refer to “all nations” “since… the words for ‘all nations’, are of the neuter gender, whereas ‘them’, is of the masculine: nor can it be thought that it should be the mind of Christ, that all the individuals of all nations should be baptized, as Heathens, Turks, and Jews…”

Those who ARE properly baptized receive the gift of the Holy Spirit at the time of their baptism, and with the help of the Holy Spirit which now dwells within them, they are able to understand God’s truth more and more, and the need for their obedience of ALL THINGS which Christ teaches to His Church.

We see the same pattern of individual growth INTO the knowledge and obedience of Christ in John 14:15-17, 23:

“If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that [it] may abide with you forever–the Spirit of truth [which] the WORLD CANNOT receive, because it neither sees [it] nor knows [it]; but you know [it], for [it] dwells WITH you and will be IN you… If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.”

Note the time sequence. First, we show that we love God by keeping His commandments. However, we can only show true love for God and His Word, when God the Father draws us to Christ (John 6:44, 64-65)–when the Holy Spirit of God works WITH us. Then, when we are ready, we will be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which will then dwell IN us–not only WITH us. Both God the Father and Jesus Christ will live IN a converted person by and through the Holy Spirit. They will make their HOME with him, or, as the New Jerusalem Bible translates John 14:23: “.. and we shall come to him and make a home IN him.”

The Holy Spirit, living IN us, will gradually guide or lead us into all truth (John 16:13). But we must OBEY God FIRST–to the extent that we understand His commandments–BEFORE we can even receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And once we have received the gift of His Spirit, we must continue to GROW in godly understanding and OBEY God MORE and MORE–not less and less. Christ said that when we TRULY love Him, we WILL keep His Word.

How WONDERFUL and exciting are “the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God” (Romans 11:33). As He deals with mankind at large, pursuant to a time order to lead them to collective salvation, so He deals with us today individually, pursuant to a time order, to lead us to our individual salvation (Romans 13:11; Matthew 24:13).

But we need to respond to God, on an ongoing basis! How receptive are we to God’s lead? How much have we GROWN in knowledge and understanding since the time of our baptism? How much have we grown within the last year? Are we holding on to wrong concepts, even though we see them disproved in the Bible? Are we refusing to accept knowledge which God may reveal to us through His true and faithful ministers (compare Ephesians 4:11-13)?

Are we refusing to GROW in the knowledge of Christ–including how to live better Christian lives? Are we becoming more and more obedient to God’s words–or less and less? Are we going forward on our path to our salvation, or backwards? God has no pleasure in those who draw back (Hebrews 10:38). Therefore, let us not be “among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will posses [eternal] life” (Hebrews 10:39, New American Bible).

Update 378

Poetry in the Hebrew Bible

On Saturday, January 24, 2009, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “Poetry in the Hebrew Bible.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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"Each in His Own Order…"

by Norbert Link

In the Q&A in this week’s Update, we address, among other concepts, the need for the Church of God to continue preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. We show from Scripture that God will still do a powerful short Work just prior to Christ’s return. In a recent sermon, I explained that God is not trying to convert all people right now and lead them to salvation at this time–and neither should we! For most, their opportunity will still come in the future–AFTER Christ’s return!

In this day and age, God only calls the very few–the firstfruits–the “little flock”–those who were “predestined” to be called from the foundation of the earth–in fact, before time began. He wants His Church today to announce, as a witness or testimony, that Christ’s return is imminent and that the Kingdom of God will soon be established on this earth (Matthew 24:14). He wants His Church to warn the world of what is going to happen, and to proclaim the need to repent and to change (Luke 24:47). Most will reject our message–but some will listen and respond. We don’t know who will change their lives because of our preaching–but God knows. He knows whom He WANTS to call OUT OF this world, and whom He IS calling. He expects us to do our job of preaching the gospel, because how can they believe in the true God unless they have heard Him proclaimed first (Romans 10:14-15)?

But then what? In order to be saved from this present evil generation, one must receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are clearly taught in the Bible that God promises His gift only to those who repent, believe and are baptized for the remission of their sins (Acts 2:38; 4:4; 10:43). God is not giving His Holy Spirit to those who refuse to obey Him (Acts 5:32)–and God will take His Holy Spirit away from those who turn away from His truth after they have embraced it, and who will live again a life of disobedience (Hebrews 6:4-8;10:26-29; 2 Peter 2:20-22).

Once someone has responded to God’s call and has received His Holy Spirit, such a person is then able to comprehend more clearly the mysteries of God. Prior to God’s involvement or calling, a person cannot understand the truth. Once God’s Spirit begins to work with a person and opens his mind, he will be able to comprehend some of it–enough to show God that he is serious by obeying Him. But it is only after the receipt of God’s Spirit that we can begin to really comprehend the truth more and more perfectly–that we can really grow in the KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST (2 Peter 3:18)–the knowledge WHICH CHRIST HAS and which He wants to share with us.

Notice that the Bible gives us an order or time sequence which pertains to collective and individual salvation!

In 1 Corinthians 15:22-24, Paul explains that there is an order of salvation for mankind:

“For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive [through a resurrection from the dead]. But each one in his own ORDER: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are [or “were” at the time of their death] Christ’s at His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father…”

The “end” includes those in the “second resurrection,” who will be “raised up” from the dead after the time of the Millennium. (Compare the commentary of Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, equating “the end” with “the general resurrection, and final judgment and consummation.”) Revelation 20:4-5 refers to the first and the second resurrection. We read about those in the first resurrection–who were in Christ and Christ in them, when they died: “And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

Verse 5 clarifies that this describes those in the “first resurrection.” But the same verse speaks also of those who would be resurrected later: “But the rest of the dead did not live again UNTIL the thousand years are finished.” Their resurrection after the Millennium is described in Revelation 20:11-12–a time referred to in the Bible as the “Great White Throne Judgment” period.

Jesus referred to that judgment period in many passages. For instance, He prophesied the resurrection “in the judgment” of the men of Nineveh, the queen of the South and the Jews at the time of His first coming. He showed that they would all be resurrected AT THE SAME TIME. They will all be RAISED TOGETHER–in the second resurrection–and it is THEN that they will be offered salvation.

Note Christ’s exact wording in Matthew 12:41-42: “The men of Nineveh will RISE UP in the JUDGMENT WITH THIS generation… The Queen of the South will RISE UP in the JUDGMENT WITH THIS generation…” Christ also spoke of the resurrection of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah at that time of “JUDGMENT”–the Great White Throne judgment period of the second resurrection (compare Matthew 10:15; 11:24; compare also Luke 10:13-14).

As God deals with collective salvation according to a time order, so He deals with individual salvation in progressive stages as well. He does not reveal all of His truth right away to a newly-called person. It requires time to grow in spiritual knowledge, and it is impossible to do so unless God’s Spirit dwells IN us and is used by us.

Notice Christ’s sayings regarding the progressive stages of individual salvation. First, the gospel must be preached as a witness or testimony. That includes the preaching of repentance. Regarding those who respond to the preaching, Christ said in Matthew 28:19-20:

“Go therefore and make disciples of [“from among” or “in,” compare Living Bible] all nations, baptizing them in [“into,” compare “Literal Translation of the Holy Bible”] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe ALL THINGS that I have commanded you…”

First comes the preaching of the gospel, including the admonishment to repent or change. Those who respond, being called by God, believe and become obedient to what they understand, are to be baptized, as an outward sign of inner repentance. Christ did not say, of course, that all nations are to be baptized today–only THOSE who RESPOND to the preaching.

John Gill’s Exposition to the Entire Bible explains that the command to baptize “them” does not refer to “all nations” “since… the words for ‘all nations’, are of the neuter gender, whereas ‘them’, is of the masculine: nor can it be thought that it should be the mind of Christ, that all the individuals of all nations should be baptized, as Heathens, Turks, and Jews…”

Those who ARE properly baptized receive the gift of the Holy Spirit at the time of their baptism, and with the help of the Holy Spirit which now dwells within them, they are able to understand God’s truth more and more, and the need for their obedience of ALL THINGS which Christ teaches to His Church.

We see the same pattern of individual growth INTO the knowledge and obedience of Christ in John 14:15-17, 23:

“If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that [it] may abide with you forever–the Spirit of truth [which] the WORLD CANNOT receive, because it neither sees [it] nor knows [it]; but you know [it], for [it] dwells WITH you and will be IN you… If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.”

Note the time sequence. First, we show that we love God by keeping His commandments. However, we can only show true love for God and His Word, when God the Father draws us to Christ (John 6:44, 64-65)–when the Holy Spirit of God works WITH us. Then, when we are ready, we will be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which will then dwell IN us–not only WITH us. Both God the Father and Jesus Christ will live IN a converted person by and through the Holy Spirit. They will make their HOME with him, or, as the New Jerusalem Bible translates John 14:23: “.. and we shall come to him and make a home IN him.”

The Holy Spirit, living IN us, will gradually guide or lead us into all truth (John 16:13). But we must OBEY God FIRST–to the extent that we understand His commandments–BEFORE we can even receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And once we have received the gift of His Spirit, we must continue to GROW in godly understanding and OBEY God MORE and MORE–not less and less. Christ said that when we TRULY love Him, we WILL keep His Word.

How WONDERFUL and exciting are “the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God” (Romans 11:33). As He deals with mankind at large, pursuant to a time order to lead them to collective salvation, so He deals with us today individually, pursuant to a time order, to lead us to our individual salvation (Romans 13:11; Matthew 24:13).

But we need to respond to God, on an ongoing basis! How receptive are we to God’s lead? How much have we GROWN in knowledge and understanding since the time of our baptism? How much have we grown within the last year? Are we holding on to wrong concepts, even though we see them disproved in the Bible? Are we refusing to accept knowledge which God may reveal to us through His true and faithful ministers (compare Ephesians 4:11-13)?

Are we refusing to GROW in the knowledge of Christ–including how to live better Christian lives? Are we becoming more and more obedient to God’s words–or less and less? Are we going forward on our path to our salvation, or backwards? God has no pleasure in those who draw back (Hebrews 10:38). Therefore, let us not be “among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will posses [eternal] life” (Hebrews 10:39, New American Bible).

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The Inauguration of the 44th President

On Tuesday, January 20, the world watched the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, with excitement and optimistic hope for a better future. ABC News reported on January 19 that even though the “country is in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, … this isn’t stopping rich donors and the government from spending $170 million, or more, on the inauguration of Barack Obama.”

The German paper, Die Welt, wrote on January 20: “Hundreds of thousands of people erupted in roars of approval on the broad National Mall grounds as they watched Obama stand with one hand raised, one hand on a Bible used to swear [in Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration] in 1861, and repeat the brief oath to become the 44th U.S. president and succeed George W. Bush.”

The paper added that “The inauguration of Obama, 47, the son of a black Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, was steeped in symbolic meaning for African-Americans, who for generations suffered slavery and then racial segregation that made them second-class citizens.”

During the Benediction, Joseph Lowery uttered the following controversial lines which were somewhat offensive to white people: “Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around… when the red man can get ahead; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen’…”

Some moments during the inauguration, even though embarrassing, might have been deeply symbolic–from the limping President Bush Sen. to Vice President Dick Cheney sitting in a wheelchair, to Ted Kennedy’s collapse, to the moment when the oath was messed up by Chief Justice John Roberts (so that the oath was re-administered the next day in the White House, without the use of a Bible). Also, it might have been better, depending on taste, if the musical “performance” by Aretha Franklin and the recital of the somewhat disjointed “poem” by Elizabeth Alexander had been dispensed with. Neither did the musical instrumental presentation of a rather boring piece by four performers merit enthusiastic approval. 

A strange sight remained the traditional READING of the prayers at the beginning and the end of the inauguration–the Invocation and the Benediction. Are we to believe that King Solomon READ his inspired prayer when he dedicated the Temple?

In President Obama’s historic inauguration speech, hope for a better world and the reality of calamity painted a colorful picture which was accentuated by contrast.

In Mr. Obama’s own words, “we are in the midst of crisis… Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly; our schools fail too many; and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.”

President Obama continued:  

“Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real.  They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America –  they will be met. On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.”

On Wednesday, January 21, 2008, President Obama took part in a prayer at the National Cathedral in northwest Washington. As one of the articles quoted in this Update points out, it seemed that representatives of virtually all religious belief systems participated, except perhaps for Atheists, Wiccans and Pagans. But wasn’t America built on the foundation and the faith of the Bible–and didn’t the Founding Fathers believe in the God of the Bible?

The fact that Mr. Obama became the 44th President exactly 220 years after the first President of the United States took office in 1789, might be deeply significant. In the Bible, the number 4 (in 44; i.e. 11 times 4) is associated with the revelation of God (compare the four gospel writers, for example). And the number 10 (in 220; i.e. 22 times 10) is associated with God’s judgment (compare the Ten Commandments which will be the basis for God’s judgment of man). Further, combinations of the numbers 4 and 10 signify God’s revelation IN judgment (compare Israel’s dwelling in the wilderness for 40 years because of disobedience and unbelief). Is it therefore possible that during the term of Mr. Obama’s office, God will reveal Himself more and more in judgment–showing that He will judge man severely, unless he repents?

In other news, we are reporting on the ongoing volatile situation in Gaza and the international reaction to the conflict; the attempts of certain Arab nations to unite; the desire of Iran to stay involved and of the EU to get involved in the Middle East; German fears of and hopes for the future; and Dresden’s incredible bestowal of honor on the former KGB officer Vladimir Putin.

After the Inauguration–Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral

USA Today reported on January 16:

“U.S. religious diversity will be on full display Wednesday (January 21) at the prayer service to be held at the Washington National Cathedral…

“Several folks invited to the pulpit are almost as controversial or nationally outspoken as… Rick Warren, who’ll give the invocation on Tuesday. There will be:…

“The presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church USA, the denomination riven over whether to accept a gay bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori. She is a supporter of Gene Robinson, the gay Episcopal bishop who will give the invocation at Sunday’s We Are One concert… The official prayer service plan is to ’embody the themes of tolerance, unity and understanding (in) a worship service for all Americans’ (except the atheists who lost their suit to bloc events like this)…

“Leaders of the Washington National Cathedral, an Episcopal Church that’s huge and beautiful and frequently the location for great national moments of prayer, will host Baptists, non-denominational church leaders, Greek Orthodox, Hindu and more… Who’s missing? Wiccans? Pagans?…”

The Associated Press added on January 16:

“Roman Catholic Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington will deliver a prayer for the nation… Sharon Watkins, the first woman president of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a Protestant group, will also be the first woman to deliver a sermon at the National Prayer Service. Several other women leaders will take part in the event.

“They include Ingrid Mattson, the first woman president of the Islamic Society of North America;… Cynthia Hale, senior pastor of Ray of Hope Christian Church in Atlanta;… Suzan Johnson-Cook of the Bronx Christian Fellowship in New York; and Dr. Uma Mysorekar, president of the Hindu Temple Society of North America…

“The Jewish community will be represented in the service by Reform Rabbi David Saperstein, Conservative Rabbi Jerome Epstein and Orthodox Rabbi Haskel Lookstein of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York. Greek Orthodox Archbishop Demetrios and Auxiliary Catholic Bishop Francisco Gonzalez of Washington will also take part…”

Germans Worry About the Future and Welcome the EU

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 16:

“57 percent of German citizens believe the economic situation in their own country will get worse, compared to 51 percent of Europeans as a whole. Regarding the economic prospects for the European Union, 47 percent of Germans believe the situation will worsen. Forty-one percent of Europeans as a whole share their view…

“The survey also reveals that Germans are more likely to trust their own system than the average European: 38 percent of German respondents feel that things are moving in the right direction in Germany, compared to only 28 percent in Europe. Germans are also more likely to believe that the European Union is moving in the right direction (41 compared to 35 percent).

“… the EU enjoys high approval ratings in Germany, with 64 percent of Germans believing that membership of the bloc is a good thing, 11 percentage points more than the EU average of 53 percent. European Commissioner Verheugen [who is German himself] sees this as a positive sign. He feels that Germany has a special responsibility for Europe because of its history and because of its role as the largest and economically strongest member state.

“However, German enthusiasm for the European project does have its limits. The Germans are not so keen on EU enlargement, with only 26 percent supporting the admission of new member states, compared to 44 percent of Europeans.”

OPERA BALL SCANDAL– Dresden Medal of Honor for Ex-KGB Agent Putin

Der Spiegel Online wrote on January 16:

“It’s a big night for Russian Prime Minister Putin. The former KGB officer will return to his old Dresden haunt for the Semper Opera Ball. There, [he] will receive a medal of honor… [The medal] is a stunning replica of the ‘Heilige Georg zu Pferde’… And it is a special symbol: St. George symbolizes the victory of good over evil…

“The award… is to be pinned to the breast of [Putin], a man who has just cut off natural gas supplies to half of Europe. It is hard to imagine such an event taking place anywhere other than in Saxony…

“Just why Putin was chosen for the award is not entirely clear… From 1985 to 1990, he was stationed in the city as a KGB officer and resided in a villa located just across the street from the Stasi’s district offices. The Stasi was the feared East German secret police. Under the codename ‘Adamov,’ his job was to recruit new spies for the Soviet intelligence apparatus…

“The Saxony governor, Stanislaw Tillich — who back in 1989 was himself a functionary in the local government and has been put under massive pressure recently for apparently trying to cover up his ties to the communist system — will hand the former Dresden KGB officer a thank you medal 20 years after the fall of the Wall.”

Deutsche Welle added on January 16:

“‘[Putin] doesn’t deserve to be honored,’ the German-based Society for Threatened Peoples said, blaming Putin for human rights violations by Russian troops in Chechnya. During his time as president, the Russian leader was responsible for the deaths of around 80,000 men, women and children in the breakaway republic, the society said in a statement…

“Werner Schulz [a former civil rights activist in East Germany] told the newspaper Leipziger Volkszeitung that shortly before the fall of the wall [in 1989], Putin threatened to open fire on East German dissidents if they approached KGB headquarters in Dresden.”

Is German Pacifism Anti-Semitic?

Press TV wrote on January 16: “The German chancellor and British prime minister say they have been ‘shocked’ by the humanitarian tragedy created by Israel in the Gaza Strip…”

But on January 15, the German Netzeitung published an article about “German pacifism” by Ze’ev Avrahmi, a Berlin-based freelance correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. Avrahmi is asking the question whether German pacifism is actually nothing else but German anti-Semitism. We are reproducing the following excerpts:

“During these times of war in the Middle East, there is nothing that bothers me more than German pacifism. Or, to put it more correctly, I look at the Germans’ pacifism with a mixture of anger and envy, because it is a luxury that we Israelis can’t afford. If I had a choice, I would also like to end the conflict without guns. I would also self-righteously like to point out that violence only creates more violence. I would like to be leftist, pacifist and completely unaware of the daily attacks from Gaza on Israel for the past eight years.

“And at the same time, here is something I want to ask these German pacifists: Would you still condemn the right to self-defence if Austria or Poland would attack Berlin and Munich with daily barrages of rockets? I also want to ask them: Where is the preaching against violence when there are daily attacks on foreigners in Germany? Why don’t you cry out loud when your fellow German citizens beat up and attack innocent refugees and immigrants on the outskirts of Berlin or in small towns in Bavaria or Saxony?

“And where is your outspoken pacifism when Jews, only 60 years after the Holocaust, have to wear baseball caps to hide their kippas when they walk in the streets of Berlin because they are, again, afraid to identify themselves as Jews in the former Nazi capital? And why do you keep silent when German police force their way into an apartment in Duisburg to tear down Israeli flags to placate Muslim protestors who were becoming violent?

“I would like to know why pacifism gains so much strength every time it is directed against Israel. How come the newspaper pictures of the war are so one-sided and pro-Palestinian? Could it be that anti-Semitism is again prevalent in Germany, only this time it conveniently disguises itself as being anti-Israel?…”

Ceasefire in Gaza

Haaretz reported on January 18:

“Trying to hide a smile and a sense of self-satisfaction Prime Minister Ehud Olmert faced the cameras at the Defense Ministry and declared to the Israeli public, ‘We won.’ The Israel Defense Forces objectives for its operation in the Gaza Strip were ‘obtained in full.’ Hamas was ‘surprised and badly beaten,’ the government ‘made decisions responsibly and wisely,’ the IDF’s performance was excellent and the southern home front ‘displayed resilience’…

“The Gaza operation was undoubtedly intended to redeem Olmert, and will be used as a springboard for a comeback – if he avoids conviction on any of the charges pending against him…

“Israel succeeded in hurting Hamas and in creating an international awareness of the need to prevent weapons from being smuggled into the Gaza Strip, but not all the operation’s objectives were accomplished… Hamas’ gains cannot be ignored: It has won international legitimacy and sympathy, and its forces still control the Gaza Strip.”

Gaza–“The Situation Will Change Only for the Worse”

Welt-On-Line reported on January 18:

“In Gaza, families began emerging from their places of hiding, including U.N. school compounds where some 45,000 people sought refuge during the fighting, and returning to their homes — some only to find them damaged or destroyed… With no formal deal between the two sides, despite mediation efforts by Egypt, the situation looked much like that before the conflict…

“Israel’s leading newspapers put pictures of victorious Israeli troops on their front pages on Sunday, but behind the banner headlines some commentators wondered whether the conflict had not worsened the prospects for peace with Gaza. ‘This war was a just war,’ wrote one leading commentator in Ma’ariv, a right-of-centre tabloid. ‘But this was not a wise war. This war presumed to change the situation … But the situation, regrettably, will change only for the worse.'”

German Reactions to Ceasefire in Gaza

Der Spiegel Online commented on January 19 as follows on the cease fire in Gaza:

“German commentators ask what Israel actually achieved with its three-week offensive… Hamas for its part claimed that Israel had failed to achieve its war aims. ‘God has granted us a great victory, not for one faction, or party, or area, but for our entire people,’ said the top Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, in a televised speech… As the post-war analysis begins, many questions remain… Hamas… was adamant in its attention to re-arm…

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:

“‘What has Israel’s offensive actually achieved, apart from more than 1,300 people dead, more than 5,300 wounded, and some relatively unproductive crisis diplomacy? Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced that the aim of the offensive had been achieved. But so far he still hasn’t spelled out what the objective of the war against Hamas actually was…

“… the majority of the 1.5 million people in the Gaza Strip see Israel as being responsible for the devastation and destruction. Israel’s supposed victory, which Olmert talks of, is in reality a defeat. The campaign has sown hatred and anger and brought Israel only insecurity in return.’

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

“‘Israel has largely achieved what can be achieved militarily in terms of weakening Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, its tough — sometimes too tough — response to the rocket attacks against Israeli towns is a signal to the Lebanese group Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, who are equipped with missiles of ever-increasing range and who will therefore sooner or later have the capability to strike targets in the Israeli heartland. The offensive against the terrorist attacks from the Gaza Strip was also aimed at Tehran, home to the weapons suppliers and those who stir up the conflict’…

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes:

“‘Israel is certainly a big step closer to its aim of bringing weapons smuggling into Gaza under control… But did it really need a war to achieve this? Did the Europeans and the Americans really need a military operation and hundreds of dead children in order to be convinced that cooperating with Israel makes sense?… Hamas has survived the war. It exists, and it is here to stay…’

“The conservative Die Welt writes:

“‘… The main issue which needs to be addressed is the support that religious — in this case Islamic — fundamentalism and its representatives receive from both governments and, especially, religious leaders. The most important thing is the rhetoric of hate which originates in many mosques and is then spread by Arab TV and radio stations and the Internet. The fight — including the armed struggle — of Islam against all “infidels” is not only promoted but both encouraged and demanded. Potential suicide bombers are praised and promised glorious rewards in paradise…. Only when all imams stop glorifying murder can there be real peace in the Holy Land…'”

EU Gets Involved in Gaza

The EUObserver wrote on January 19:

“European Union states have engaged in a flurry of diplomatic activity following the announcement of a ceasefire…, with the EU’s big three [France, Germany and the UK] pledging naval support to prevent the delivery of weapons into Gaza.”

Unhappy Lieberman

On January 20, Haaretz published an interview with Israeli Yisrael Beiteinu party leader Avigdor Lieberman. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“What was achieved here? Zip, nada. The strategic objective of the operation should have been the collapse of Hamas. This goal could have been reached not by capturing Gaza and Jabalya, but [simply] by taking over the crossing points and the Philadelphi route… if we had closed the Strip in a vice, we would have strangled Hamas.

“… after the cease-fire, everyone wants to know how it could be that the strongest army in the Middle East was unable to overcome 12,000 terrorists. The result is similar to that of the Second Lebanon War: damage to our deterrent capability. Instead of destroying Hamas, the operation upgraded it, turning it into an important regional player. It’s only a matter of time before the government in Ramallah collapses and falls into Hamas hands…

“Iran threatens us three ways. Once through Hamas and Hezbollah. A second time through preparing global public opinion for the possibility of doing without Israel. A third time with nuclear [weapons development] and ballistic missiles. If we were a normal country, we would stop quarreling over the Palestinian issue and the Golan Heights issue and we would deal with Iran… Only after the source of the problem – Iran – is resolved will it be possible to discuss the symptoms of the problem in Judea, Samaria and the Golan… To accept an Iranian nuclear bomb in 2010 is like accepting Hitler’s election in 1933. A nuclear Iran is like Hitler with nuclear weapons…”

“Hurray! We Lost!”

On January 20, Der Spiegel Online wrote the following:

“Israel’s war in Gaza is a military victory. But with 1,300 dead and thousands wounded, it is also moral defeat. The painful lesson: Israel can only defeat itself. Hamas leader Ismail Haniya only had to hide to emerge as the winner…

“Approximately 1,300 dead is no trifle and no collateral damage from an act of war even when many of the dead were militants who just happened to forget to put their uniforms on and who hid behind civilians. Approximately 1,300 dead is a tenth of a percent of the population of Gaza. If it were Germany, that figure would be 80,000…

“Thirteen hundred dead: That screams to the heavens. That is not an issue of ‘proportionality,’ which is impossible in any asymmetrical war. A pile of corpses like that is a nightmare, a catastrophe… That is a down payment on the Apocalypse — no matter who started it, who bears responsibility and who ultimately settles the score… Hamas cannot win against Israel, but Israel really can lose against Hamas.”

“Gaza War Utter Failure for Israel”

Haaretz reported on January 22:

“On the morrow of the return of the last Israeli soldier from Gaza, we can determine with certainty that they had all gone out there in vain. This war ended in utter failure for Israel. This goes beyond the profound moral failure, which is a grave matter in itself, but pertains to its inability to reach its stated goals. In other words, the grief is not complemented by failure. We have gained nothing in this war save hundreds of graves, some of them very small, thousands of maimed people, much destruction and the besmirching of Israel’s image…

“The initial objective of the war was to put an end to the firing of Qassam rockets. This did not cease until the war’s last day. It was only achieved after a cease-fire had already been arranged. Defense officials estimate that Hamas still has 1,000 rockets. The war’s second objective, the prevention of smuggling, was not met either. The head of the Shin Bet security service has estimated that smuggling will be renewed within two months… this war has served to prove that only poor quality, rudimentary weapons passed through the smuggling tunnels connecting the Gaza Strip to Egypt.

“Israel’s ability to achieve its third objective is also dubious… The deterrence we supposedly achieved in the Second Lebanon War has not had the slightest effect on Hamas, and the one supposedly achieved now isn’t working any better: The sporadic firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip has continued over the past few days.

“The fourth objective, which remained undeclared, was not met either. The IDF has not restored its capability… The heroic descriptions and victory poems written abut the ‘military triumph’ will not serve to change reality… The describing of the operation as a ‘military achievement’ by the various generals and analysts who offered their take on the operation is plain ridiculous.

“We have not weakened Hamas. The vast majority of its combatants were not harmed and popular support for the organization has in fact increased. Their war has intensified the ethos of resistance and determined endurance… The population in Gaza, which has sustained such a severe blow, will not become more moderate now. On the contrary, the national sentiment will now turn more than before against the party which inflicted that blow – the State of Israel…

“When it comes to assessing Israel’s international situation, we must not allow ourselves to be fooled by the support parade by Europe’s leaders, who came in for a photo-op with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert… The conclusion [of the world] is that Israel is a violent and dangerous country, devoid of all restraints and blatantly ignoring the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, while not giving a hoot about international law…”

“Hamas Use of Children During Gaza Operation Was Monstrous”

Haaretz reported on January 22:

“The Israel Defense Forces’ Gaza Division Commander on Thursday branded Hamas’ use of women and children during Israel’s recent offensive in the coastal strip as ‘monstrous’ and ‘inhumane.’ Brig. Gen. Eyal Eisenberg said the civilians were sent by Hamas to transfer weapons to gunmen during the offensive. He also accused the Islamist militant group of booby-trapping many of the civilians’ homes…

“Israel has been heavily criticized for the high number of Palestinian civilian casualties in the operation. Eisenberg, however, asserted that Israel Defense Forces soldiers adhered to moral principles while fighting in Gaza. Palestinian civilians, meanwhile, have accused Hamas of forcing them to stay in homes from which gunmen shot at Israeli soldiers during the recent hostilities in Gaza, the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported Thursday.

“The Italian paper also quoted a doctor at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital as disputing the number of Palestinians said to have been killed in the campaign. ‘It’s possible that the death toll in Gaza was 500 or 600 at the most, mainly youths aged 17 to 23 who were enlisted by Hamas – who sent them to their deaths,’ he said… The Gaza doctor was further quoted as saying: ‘Perhaps it is like Jenin in 2002. At the beginning they spoke about 1,500 dead, and at the end it turned out to be only 54 – of whom 45 were militants.'”

Iran Gets Involved Again

The Jerusalem Post reported on January 20:

“Iran has renewed efforts to supply advanced weaponry to Hamas… On Monday, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that renewed weapons smuggling would be legitimate grounds for Israel to renew attacks against Hamas.”

Iran–The Nuclear Clock Is Ticking…

Haaretz wrote on January 22:

“The policy Obama is formulating is one of engagement and negotiation. He hopes the Iranians will be tempted to respond to the generous proposals he intends to offer them, diplomatic relations, lifting sanctions, improved commercial ties, and in return a halt or at least suspend uranium enrichment.

“Iran… will ostensibly respond favorably to the American courtship and will even reciprocate with some gestures of its own, but in practice, Iran will accelerate its nuclear program and there are already signs of this. Even leading U.S. intelligence officials acknowledge that Iran is likely to produce its first nuclear bomb as early as this year. Remarks to this effect were made last week by CIA Director Michael Hayden, and the director of national intelligence, Michael McConnell, who said he is concerned Iran would continue along a path that will end with nuclear weapons…

“This is a race against the clock for all parties involved, Israel foremost among them, which may be obstructed by Obama’s policy, even though his intention to negotiate with Iran is good. It is clear to all the experts that Israel will be unable to attack without coordinating it on one way or another – probably tacitly with the American administration. And such coordination will be difficult, certainly a decision to let Israel attack Iran’s nuclear facilities so long as negotiations are underway between Washington and Tehran.

“The concern in Israel is that if the negotiations end in failure and even if Obama’s administration reaches the conclusion that Iran was toying with it and never intended to reach a compromise and suspend its uranium enrichment, it might already be too late. Iran might have nuclear weapons and then it will be too late and too dangerous to attack it.”

Will Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt Unite?

The New York Times wrote on January 19:

“At the talks in Kuwait, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia pledged $1 billion toward a $2 billion reconstruction fund [for Gaza] that Palestinians are seeking to establish… King Abdullah exhorted Arab nations to overcome their divisions and urged Israel to embrace an Arab peace plan put forward in 2002 or risk its being withdrawn… On the sidelines, leaders from Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt met privately, apparently seeking to present a united front. Syria called for declaring Israel a terrorist state…”

The Los Angeles Times added on January 19:

“By offering cash and talking tough, Saudi King Abdullah sought to absorb popular anger directed at the so-called moderate Arab states, which have been accused of failing to do enough to halt the Israeli offensive. He also hopes to recapture Saudi Arabia’s diminished stature in the Arab world.

“The nation has been eclipsed by Syria and Iran, which support Hamas, and Qatar, which emerged as a diplomatic powerhouse in May after bypassing the Saudis in brokering a deal between competing Western-allied and Iranian-backed factions in Lebanon.”

Interview with Syria’s Bashar Assad

On January 19, Der Spiegel Online published a revealing interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“Basically, Hamas is not the problem in this conflict, but Israel… The fact is that for six months Hamas complied with the cease-fire that had been agreed upon… Hamas captured an absolute majority of votes in the internationally recognized parliamentary election three years ago, a landslide victory… During the most recent six-month ceasefire, Israel targeted and killed more than a dozen Palestinians, but no Israeli died. And yet Europe remained silent…

“We do not recognize Israel and Israel is still our enemy — it occupies part of our country, the Golan Heights. If the Israelis withdraw from Golan, we will recognize them. First comes peace, then recognition — not the other way around… Hamas must be included. Nothing will work without Hamas… Hamas today must be part of an agreement…

“Hamas will not disappear… Hamas has the trust of the people, and anyone who wishes to destroy it must destroy an entire people… we would welcome it if the Germans, in general, played a larger role… Peace without Syria is unthinkable.”

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Would you please explain the Vision of the Horses, as described in Zechariah 1:8-11

We explained in an earlier Q&A on Zechariah’s vision of the four chariots (in Zechariah 6:1-8), as well as in our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” that the horses mentioned in this first vision, as well as other visions in the book of Zechariah, describe angels or spirit beings. Angels can appear or manifest themselves in the form and shape of animals, including horses, as well as men. In Zechariah’s first vision, which begins in Zechariah 1:8, angels manifest themselves both as men and as horses. Notice the exact wording:

“(8) I saw by night, and behold, a MAN riding on a red HORSE, and it stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow, and behind him were HORSES: red, sorrel and white. (9) Then I said, ‘My lord, what are these?’ So the ANGEL who talked with me said to me, ‘I will show you what they are.’ (10) And the MAN who stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, ‘These are the ones whom the LORD has sent to walk to and fro throughout the earth.’ (11) So they answered the ANGEL of the LORD, who stood among the myrtle trees, and said, ‘We have walked to and fro throughout the earth, and behold, all the earth is resting quietly.”

While most commentaries apply this passage strictly and exclusively to the time and circumstances of Zechariah, all the visions of Zechariah, as we saw in previous Updates, deal mostly with the end time, just prior to Christ’s return. Of course, some aspects ARE limited to the events in Zechariah’s days–but even then, underlying principles still apply to our time.

(1) A World at Rest

In Zechariah’s first vision, a picture is painted of a world “at rest” (notice verse 11).

As Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible states to verse 11:

“There is general peace through the Persian empire, and other states connected with Judea; but the Jews are still in affliction; their city is not yet restored, nor their temple built.”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible adds:

“Wars, although soon to break out again, were in the second year of Darius for the time suspended [when Zechariah received his first vision]. The rest, in which the world was, suggests the contrast of the yet continuing unrest allotted to the people of God. Such rest had been promised to Israel, on its return from the captivity, but had not yet been fulfilled. Through the hostility of the Samaritans the building of the temple had been hindered and was just recommenced; the wall of Jerusalem was yet broken down…; its fire-burned gates not restored; itself was a waste…; its houses unbuilt…”

The Ryrie Study Bible explains:

“God’s patrols report that the earth ‘sitteth still, and is at rest’; i.e., the heathen nations still flourished and were self-confidently secure, while Israel was downtrodden.”

(2) A Short-Lived Rest

The peaceful rest of the world was short-lived. As mentioned above, wars would break out soon between the Persian and the Greek Empires. In any event, the peaceful rest of the Gentile nations was in opposition to the “downtrodden” condition of Israel.

In fact, the reaction of the angel of the Lord in verse 12 shows that this “rest” was detrimental to the condition of Israel: “Then the ANGEL of the LORD answered and said, ‘O LORD of hosts, how long will You not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah, against which You were angry these seventy years?'”

We also read in verse 15 that the nations opposed to Jerusalem were “at ease”–unaware of the destruction which would come upon them.

(3) God’s Anger for Seventy Years

We read that God was angry with Israel for seventy years. What does this time period refer to?

Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible points out:

“This cannot mean the duration of the captivity for that was nearly twenty years past. It must mean simply the time that had elapsed from the destruction of the temple to the time in which the angel spoke. As the temple was destroyed in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, and this vision took place in the second year of Darius, the term of seventy years was completed, or nearly so, between these two periods.”

The Nelson Study Bible agrees, stating:

“The seventy years refers to the period of exile during which the temple lay in ruins (586-515 B.C., see Jer. 25:7-14).”

It is important to note that Zechariah’s vision–as is the case with ALL the visions of Zechariah–is DUAL. It has application for us today–speaking of nations and individuals alike who are not willing to obey their Maker.

(4) No Anger for Seventy Years in the End-Time

However, there is no indication in prophecy that a period of seventy years of destruction of a physical or spiritual temple will apply to end time events. That is, there is no indication in prophecy that the modern nations of Israel and Judah, after they have been defeated in war and captured by their enemies, will remain enslaved for seventy years, before Christ returns to bring them out of slavery. Nor can we say that the spiritual temple–the Church–has been, or will be in ruins for seventy years, prior to Christ’s return.

(5) A Church at Ease

In fact, just the opposite is true:

The end-time Church of God was revived, beginning in the 1930’s. But it IS correct that the building of the spiritual temple, the Church, has not been completed yet, and the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God must still continue.

Unfortunately, we are facing a situation now where many in the Church (spiritual Israel) have become disillusioned and frustrated, and, being bogged down by own personal problems, have lost the zeal to finish the Work and to overcome sin in their own lives, rather than striving ever more for perfection.

In addition, we have also witnessed a terrible complacency within the modern nations of physical Israel–especially the USA. Even though the handwriting of national disaster and calamity is clearly on the wall, many in the USA still believe in the “American way of life,” which is going to save them from all their problems. Their trust in themselves–rather than in God–will be their downfall.

Relative peace or “rest” or a life “at ease” in this world has lulled the senses of many inside and outside the Church of God, who are asleep and who are not aware of the storm which will engulf this planet very soon to bring “sudden destruction” (compare 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3).

(6) The Work Will Be Finished

We read in Zechariah 1:13 that God answered the angel with “good and comforting words.” Verse 14 states that God is zealous for Jerusalem and for Zion; and verse 16 adds that He will return to Jerusalem with mercy and that His house or temple will be built there. The physical temple would in fact be finished at the time of Zechariah within four years after his first vision. This shows us that when God intervenes to motivate His people to finish His work, it will be done within a VERY SHORT time.

Again, these historical events foreshadow what is prophesied for our day and age. When the prophet Habakkuk announced sudden destruction, he quoted God’s words in Habakkuk 1:5: “Look among the nations and watch–Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you.”

Habakkuk continued to state in verse 6 that God will raise the Chaldeans to bring punishment on others. But Paul later applied this passage in Habakkuk 1:5, of raising up an “unbelievable” work, to the work of the preaching of the gospel (compare Acts 13:41). Since the preaching of the gospel in all the world as a witness is a sign of Christ’s impending return (Matthew 24:14), we can see that a most powerful work of preaching the gospel must still occur–so unique that “you would not believe, though it were told you” (compare again Habakkuk 1:5).

Paul also explains in Romans 9:28 that this final work will be quick and short: “For He will FINISH THE WORK and CUT IT SHORT in righteousness, Because the LORD will make a SHORT WORK upon the earth.”

(7) Time Is Short

When Christ returns, His bride–the Church–has made herself ready, and she will be arrayed with fine white linen (Revelation 19:7-8). But this does not mean that everyone “in the church” will be ready.

Rather, Christ warns us in Revelation 16:15: “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” Also, Christ warns His end-time Church in Laodicea: “[You] do not know that you are… naked. I counsel you to buy from Me… white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed” (Revelation 3:17-18).

The time is short (1 Corinthians 7:29). Satan knows it (Revelation 12:12). He knows that God will crush him under our feet shortly (Romans 16:20). He knows that all the things which are written in the book of Revelation must come to pass shortly (Revelation 1:1; 22:6). The question is, Do we in God’s Church know this, too? And if we do know it, do we ACT accordingly?

Let us heed the prophetic warning of Zechariah’s first vision. He wrote it down for us today “upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Corinthians 10:11).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program and sermons in English and German

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Ambassadors for God?”

In the program, Norbert Link asks the question how converted Christians can live in a world plagued with problems? Just consider the recent war in Gaza, affecting many innocent people; renewed discussions about a mandatory draft in the USA; the recent economic warfare between Russia and the Ukraine, leaving many Europeans freezing; more big American banks asking for bailouts; or a new U.S. stimulus package on the horizon. Do we realize that none of these activities or plans are in accordance with godly standards? The Bible says that true Christians are to live as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. But HOW are Christ’s representatives supposed to conduct themselves today?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “The Church of God–A Great Mystery,” which was given on February 3, 2007, has been posted on our Website and on Google Video.

A new German sermon, dealing with the biblical dietary laws (“Ist Alles Fleisch Essbar?”), was recorded this week and has been posted on Google Video.

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Close Call

by Cali Harris

A recent Monday morning drive to work was on a highway covered by four inches of slick, slushy snow.  As the traffic moved at about 25 miles per hour, a car sitting at a complete stop in an exit lane decided to merge back onto the highway at the last minute—right in front of me.  I knew I would either hit the car if I couldn’t slow down in time, or be rear-ended by the cars behind me if I slowed too quickly.  As I compressed my brakes, the back end of my car fishtailed into the next lane of traffic. I slowed down enough to avoid hitting the car in front of me, and looked in my rear-view mirror to see how close the cars were behind me.  I watched a van, only about 4 feet directly behind my car, slow down and fishtail exactly parallel to my car; we moved in unison together, avoiding any collision.  The van then pulled around and passed me, and the cars behind me all slowed in time.  By man’s standards, avoiding an accident in this situation was highly improbable—in fact, the other drivers probably thought, “That was a close call!”

I was thankful for the protection I knew God had provided. In my thankfulness, something struck me: it was not a close call.  God is in total control of my life, and whether or not I had ended up in an accident, I know God would have provided the protection He promises.  Just this past Friday, my sister, Shelly, and nephew, Nicolas, were in a car accident that essentially totaled their car.  God intervened and protected them from serious injury—another example of what would be a close call by this world’s standards, but was confirmation of God’s complete involvement in our lives.

These recent situations were good preparation for the times ahead, in which only God will be able to intervene and protect.  I now more fully understand that I don’t have to worry about “close calls,” because God is in close control. 

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Ambassadors for God?

How can converted Christians live in a world plagued with problems? Just consider the ongoing war in Gaza, affecting many innocent people; renewed discussions about a mandatory draft in the USA; economic warfare between Russia and the Ukraine, leaving many Europeans freezing; more big American banks asking for bailouts; or a new U.S. stimulus package on the horizon. Do we realize that none of these activities or plans are in accordance with godly standards? The Bible says that true Christians are to live as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. But HOW are Christ’s representatives supposed to conduct themselves today?

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Current Events

War in the Middle East

In this week’s Update, we are mainly reporting on the situation in the Middle East, and worldwide reactions to this crisis. All of these events ARE clearly in line with biblical prophecy.

While the war in Gaza continues, the overwhelming worldwide reaction has become one of CONDEMNATION of Israel. Demands for a cease fire get louder, but the warring parties don’t show any signs of listening. A report last week by the New York Times, stating that Israel was allegedly willing to attack IRAN directly last year, but did not get the green light from the USA, has raised concerns as to what Israel was and is willing to do. This is even more true specially in light of most recent news reports that Israel is preparing a strike against Iran within a few DAYS!!!

On the other hand, Iran is clearly involved in the present conflict between Israel and Hamas, and its destructive ambitions towards Israel must not be underestimated.

The Bible tells us that Israel will be hated by all nations. In addition, more and more voices are being heard now demanding a European intervention in the Middle East–again underscoring biblical prophecy announcing in advance that Europe will send TROOPS to the Middle East just prior to the return of Jesus Christ.

In light of all these worldwide crises, the EU is becoming more and more serious about the appointment of an EU President with REAL powers. And it is being considered that he should be selected from one of the BIGGER EU states! The Bible prophesies that such a powerful European leader being, of German descent, WILL ultimately manifest himself on the world scene. (See our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”)

We conclude this section with articles on the terrible financial situation in the USA. And this, too, is in line with biblical prophecies which predict that the USA will lose its status as a world superpower. (See our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”)

We are observing how prophecy is being fulfilled. It is exciting and at the same time sobering how quickly these events are shaping up… and God’s Church has a duty, of course, to report these developments in no uncertain terms. Not everyone will agree with what we write–but we are not in a popularity contest. Rather, we are conscious of the commission which God has given His end-time Church to carry out.

Israel Losing Public Relations War

The Financial Times reported on January 10:

“As Israel’s offensive in Gaza enters its third week, the Jewish state appears to be rapidly losing the public relations war abroad as criticism from United Nations officials and humanitarian agencies has mounted amid the constant stream of pictures of dead and wounded women and children.

“Israeli strikes on UN convoys and schools sheltering hundreds of Palestinians who fled their homes, as well allegations that Israeli troops prevented medical workers from retrieving dead and injured Palestinians, have increasingly called into question Israel’s conduct of the war.

“A UN agency added to the increasing negative news flow with a report that cited witness testimony alleging that Israeli troops evacuated Palestinian civilians to a house in Gaza City and then repeatedly shelled the building 24 hours later, killing some 30 people inside.

“And from the outset, Israel has been under fire for preventing foreign journalists from entering the strip – restrictions that were in place weeks before the bombardment started.

“‘… all [of this has] been hugely detrimental to the Israeli cause,’ said Charlie Beckett, a media specialist at the London School of Economics. ‘The fact that the Israelis seem to be trying to blockade the media only hurts their argument that they are somehow more democratic, more open and not terrorists.’

“Israel officials have insisted they regret civilian deaths and have accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. They have also sought to highlight the threat posed by rockets fired by Palestinian militants into southern Israel – which have killed three Israelis since the offensive started – saying some 950,000 Israelis are vulnerable to attacks. But analysts say the scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza overwhelms the impact.

“Anthony Cordesman, at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, says Israel has failed to talk to the world ‘in ways that the outside world finds relevant. We are now two weeks into the war and nobody has a clear idea what the Israelis are attempting to accomplish,’ he says…

“Still, an Israeli newspaper poll on Friday showed that 91 per cent of Israeli Jews were still in favour of the war… But for Israel losing the propaganda war could be costly.”

U.N. and France Condemn Israel

The Associated Press reported on January 15:

“Israel shelled the United Nations headquarters in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, engulfing the compound and a warehouse in fire and destroying thousands of pounds of food and humanitarian supplies intended for Palestinian refugees.”

It added in a related article:

“U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon was in the area on a mission to end Israel’s devastating offensive against the territory’s Hamas rulers. Ban expressed ‘outrage’ over the bombing. He said Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told him there had been a ‘grave mistake’ and promised to pay extra attention to protecting U.N. installations…”

Press TV reported on January 15:

“The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday issued strong condemnation of Tel Aviv over its targeting of several hospitals, a UN compound and a media building in the Gaza Strip… The comments come on the 20th day of the Tel Aviv offensive into the coastal sliver. So far at least 1,100 Palestinians have been killed and around 4,700 others have been wounded, according to medics.”

Most Germans Blame Israel at Least in Part for the War in Gaza

Deutsche Welle reported on January 14:

“Germany is split over its feelings towards Israel, according to a new survey. Of those questioned, 60 per cent thought the country no longer had a special duty towards the Jewish state… The figures… showed less engagement amongst young people, of whom 70 percent felt no special responsibility towards Israel…

“Questioned about the Gaza conflict, 30 percent held Hamas responsible for the current military offensive. Some 13 percent blamed Israel, while 35 percent said the causes lie on both sides in equal measure…

“More generally, 49 percent considered Israel to be an aggressive country. A further 10 percent said Israel was acting without regard for other countries. Only 30 percent of those surveyed thought Israel was respecting human rights.”

Israel Angers Bush Administration

The Jerusalem Post wrote on January 14:

“Ehud Olmert’s aides on Wednesday said that the prime minister stood by his claim that his intervention made the US abstain from last Thursday’s UN Security Council resolution vote on a Gaza cease-fire… Olmert had claimed that US President George W. Bush broke off a speech he was giving in Philadelphia to take his call, and that the abstention embarrassed Rice…

“Israel and the US engaged in a rare and uncharacteristic public spat Tuesday over events leading up to the UN vote… State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Olmert’s story of what happened in his conversation with Bush was ‘just 100 percent, totally, completely not true’…

“McCormack said that Rice had decided as early as Wednesday that she would not veto a resolution, after Arab ministers rejected an initial effort by the US to push for a weaker presidential statement from the Security Council. That left her with the option of either voting for the final text or abstaining…

“Middle East expert Steven Spiegel described the episode as ‘the worst faux pas by an Israeli prime minister in history.’

“‘You really do wonder what the prime minister was thinking – if it’s true, you’d really want to keep it as quiet as possible, and if it’s not true, why would you want to make up a story that would embarrass both the Bush administration and the Israeli government and draw criticism from those who are antagonistic to Israel?’ asked Spiegel, director of the Center for Middle East Development at UCLA. ‘No matter how you play it, exaggeration, falsehood, whole truth, the whole thing makes them all look bad,’ Spiegel told The Jerusalem Post.”

European Anti-Israel Demonstrations

The EUObserver wrote on January 12:

“Hundreds of thousands marched in cities across the [European] continent to protest Israel’s war on Gaza over the weekend in the biggest pan-European demonstrations the continent has seen since those against the launch of the Iraq war in 2003…

“Massive protests… took place in London, Brussels and throughout France. Sizeable demonstrations also took place in German and Italian cities, as well as Athens, Thessaloniki, Budapest, Bregenz, Oslo and Stockholm. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero, the first European leader to take part in such rallies, addressed a protest in Ourense…

“In the UK, 100,000 filled Hyde Park in London… Around 123,000 people took part in protests throughout France… Germany, home to some of Israel’s strongest supporters in Europe, was not immune, with 40,000 taking part in protests across the country, despite temperatures below zero, although most German politicians and trade union leaders were noticeable by their absence…

“The weekend also saw a handful of rallies supporting the Jewish state’s assault on Gaza, with 3,000 in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, 4,000 in Marseille, some 800 in Antwerp and a sizeable crowd of 200 in Prague.

“Two large pro-Israel rallies also took place in London and Manchester on Sunday. The estimated between 4,000 and 15,000 in Trafalgar Square raised a sea of Israeli and British flags and was addressed by Labour MPs. Another 2,000 showed their solidarity with Israel outside Manchester’s town hall.”

Articles like these show the growing anti-Israeli position around the world, a “handful” of some pro-Israeli voices notwithstanding–except, interestingly enough, for a larger pro-Israeli demo in Britain. But we also read in the Bible that Ephraim–Great Britain–will finally be taking a stance against Judah–the state of Israel.

The above-quoted article said that Germany was the “home to some of Israel’s strongest supporters in Europe.” This might be the official position of some governmental leaders and the politically accurate representations within the German main-stream press, but this is NOT the position of most German PEOPLE.

Holy See Advocates International Intervention in the Middle East

Zenit wrote on January 12:

“The warring parties in the Middle East cannot get out of the circle of violence on their own, and so they need international help, says the Holy See [adding that]… the international community… should therefore fulfill its responsibilities [and] intervene actively to stop the bloodshed, provide access for emergency humanitarian assistance, and end all forms of confrontation.”

In Need–A Real European President

The Financial Times wrote on January 11:

“Tony Blair, the former UK prime minister, is re-emerging as a possible choice to be the European Union’s first full-time president after four momentous crises reinforced the argument for having a high-profile international personality in the job… the sheer scale of the challenges facing the EU – from last August’s Russia-Georgia war and the global financial meltdown to the Gaza conflict and the shutdown of Russian gas deliveries to Europe – is redefining the debate.

“Whereas last year Germany and other countries looked favorably on candidates such as Jean-Claude Juncker, the long-serving prime minister of Luxembourg, more policymakers now feel the EU presidency demands an occupant from a much bigger member-state.”

How Iran Directs Its “Spiritual Little Brothers” Hamas and Hezbollah

The Jerusalem Post wrote on January 12:

“Iran is exerting heavy pressure on Hamas not to accept the Egyptian proposal for a cease-fire with Israel, an Egyptian government official said on Sunday… As soon as the Iranians heard about the Egyptian cease-fire initiative, they dispatched… two officials to Damascus on an urgent mission to warn the Palestinians against accepting it,’ the Egyptian government official told the Post.

“‘The Iranians threatened to stop weapons supplies and funding to the Palestinian factions if they agreed to a cease-fire with Israel. The Iranians want to fight Israel and the US indirectly. They are doing this through Hamas in Palestine and Hizbullah in Lebanon…’

“The Egyptian official accused Iran of ‘encouraging’ Hamas to continue firing rockets at Israel with the hope that this would trigger a war that would divert attention from Iran’s nuclear plans. ‘This conflict serves the interests of the Iranians,’ he said. ‘They are satisfied because the violence in the Gaza Strip has diverted attention from their nuclear ambitions.'”

In addition, The Associated Press reported about Hezbollah’s involvement on January 10:

“Nearly 20,000 people marched through the southern Lebanese town of Nabatiyeh in a protest organized by the militant Hezbollah group, a strong ally of Hamas that fought its own war with Israel in the summer of 2006.”

CAN Israel Win Against Iran’s Proxy Hamas?

This week’s edition of Time Magazine published the following words on its cover: “Why Israel Can’t Win. The siege of Gaza may punish Hamas, but it won’t make Israel safe. Why it is in peril like never before.”

Inside the magazine, an article with this headline was published: “Can Israel Survive Its Assault on Gaza?” In the article, it was stated:

“Israeli politicians and generals know that the total elimination of Hamas’ entrenched military command could take weeks; it might be altogether impossible. The more realistic outcome is an unsatisfactory, brokered truce that leaves Hamas wounded but alive and able to regenerate — and Israel only temporarily safe from attack.

“Israel’s Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, has promised a ‘war to the bitter end.’ But after 60 years of struggle to defend their existence against foreign threats and enemies within, many Israelis may be wondering, Where does that end lie? The threat posed by Hamas is only the most immediate of the many interlocking challenges facing Israel, some of which cast dark shadows over the long-term viability of a democratic Jewish state. The offensive in Gaza may degrade Hamas’ ability to menace southern Israel with rocket fire, but, as with Israel’s 2006 war against Hizballah, the application of force won’t extinguish the militants’ ideological fervor.

“The anti-Israeli anger swelling in the region has made it more difficult for Arab governments to join Israel in its efforts to deal with Iran, the patron of both Hamas and Hizballah and a state whose leaders have sworn to eliminate Israel and appear determined to acquire nuclear weapons…

“But there’s something tragic, too, in Israel’s predicament: in any confrontation with its enemies, it is damned if it does and doomed if it doesn’t. Across Israel’s political spectrum there seems to be a consensus that Hamas’ provocative rocket barrages could not go unanswered — though whether Israel’s response has been proportional to the threat is, at the least, questionable…

“After weeks of global outrage over the unfolding humanitarian disaster in Gaza, any mediator — France, the European Union, Turkey and Egypt are all auditioning for the role — will insist that Israel end its 18-month blockade. What then? Like Hizballah, Hamas will declare itself victorious…”

Israel to Strike Iran Within DAYS???

Newsmax.com wrote on January 12:

“Informed sources in Washington tell Newsmax that Israel indeed will launch a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities soon – possibly in just days as President George W. Bush prepares to leave office. The reason: The time clock has begun to run out. Iran is close to acquiring a nuclear device under the control of its radical president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

“International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said in June that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in as little as six months. That six-month period has passed.

“Reports of Israel’s decision to imminently launch strikes, although unconfirmed, would seem to contradict the Bush stance outlined in a front-page New York Times story last week, which asserted that Bush rejected a plea from Israel last year to help it raid Iran’s main nuclear complex. The Times said Israel was rebuffed after it requested from the U.S. specialized bunker-busting bombs that it needs to attack Iran’s nuclear complex at Natanz. The U.S. also reportedly nixed permission to the Israeli warplanes to fly over Iraqi territory to reach Iran…

“Last year 100 Israeli jets took part in an exercise over the eastern Mediterranean that was interpreted as a dress rehearsal for a possible attack on Iran.  And on Sept. 6 Israel launched an air attack against a site in Syria believed to be a nuclear-related facility containing material delivered by North Korea.

“Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton predicted that Israel would stage a raid against Iran’s nuclear facilities if Barack Obama won the presidential election. Bolton stated that he believed the Israeli attack would take place sometime between the day after Obama’s win and his inauguration on January 20. In an interview with FOX News, Bolton reasoned that Israel wouldn’t be able to hold off a strike on Iran any longer than that given Obama’s more conciliatory approach to Iran…

“William Perry, U.S. Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton, said that Obama would face a major crisis in his first few months in office over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Perry, speaking at a foreign policy conference on Jan. 8, said that Iran is ‘moving inexorably toward becoming a nuclear power’ and ‘it seems clear that Israel will not sit by idle while Iran takes the final steps toward becoming a nuclear power’…

“Iran, even without nuclear weapons, is a regional power. If attacked, they are likely to press proxy terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to launch offensives against Israel and possibly the U.S. Iran has warned in the past that it would launch a ‘missile blitz’ against Gulf states if it is attacked. And last July a senior Iranian official said the Islamic Republic would destroy Israel and 32 U.S. military bases in the Middle East if Iran is attacked over its nuclear program… Even more ominously, Iran has reportedly carried out missile tests for what could be a plan for a nuclear strike on the U.S.”

“U.S. Economy on Brink of Disaster”

Newsmax reported on January 12:

“When ‘IOUSA’ made its documentary film debut last August, it soon earned the sobriquet ‘fiscal wake-up tour.’  Its unrelenting gloom toted up a $9 trillion federal debt, a $738.6 billion trade deficit, and the news that each U.S. citizen now owes $30,000.

“But all the stats are already hopelessly out of date… Fiscal irresponsibility is now a calamitous cycle that poses a bigger threat than al-Qaida and its plans to attack the United States with a weapon of mass destruction…

“Today, counting all those who have dropped off unemployment rolls for part-time work or no work, 21 million Americans are either jobless or underemployed. Average workweeks also are being cut back. Some employers now shorten workweeks as a way to keep some on the payroll. And as the baby boomer generation begins to retire, ‘IOUSA’ asks if there will even be any Social Security benefits left to collect.

“Overextended entitlement programs and debts to foreign countries are becoming impossible to honor… The United States has mortgaged its future to foreigners with promises to its own people it can’t possibly keep. China, with $1.3 trillion in U.S. paper, could decide its strategic interest is no longer compatible with America’s — and quit as America’s banker…

“Overspending still dominates the lives of U.S. citizens. The Chinese save 35 percent of what they earn; Americans save less than 1 percent, the lowest of any developed country… Americans are now shocked to see their 401(k) retirement savings accounts losing their allure, as many employers say they no longer can afford matching funds. The government, for its part, is taking in more than it can pay out.”

More Banks in Trouble and Stocks Take a Dive

Reuters reported on January 15:

“Shares of Bank of America Corp and Citigroup Inc plummeted Thursday on worries the banks may need more government help to handle soaring credit losses… Bank of America, the largest U.S. bank, is seeking billions of dollars of new aid after realizing that credit losses at Merrill Lynch & Co, which it bought on January 1, were much higher than expected… Citigroup, the No. 3 U.S. bank, is expected on Friday to report a fifth straight multibillion-dollar quarterly loss… Even Wells Fargo & Co, which just bought troubled Wachovia Corp and has long been considered among the best-managed large banks, was hit, falling $3.90, or 16.9 percent, to $19.17.”

The Associated Press wrote on January 15:

“On Wednesday, stocks took a dive reminiscent of the terrifying jumps and drops of last fall, with the Dow Jones industrials falling more than 300 points before closing down 248. It was the Dow’s biggest point drop since Dec. 1 and the first string of six straight down days since early October…

“Holiday sales turned out to have been worse than expected, the jobless rate exceeds 7 percent for the first time in 16 years, the global economy is eroding faster and corporations from Alcoa to Intel to Wal-Mart have disappointed investors. Apple was the latest company out with bad news Wednesday, with CEO Steve Jobs saying he is taking a medical leave of absence.

“‘Right now we just don’t have any evidence to show that that free fall is over,’ said Robert Dye, senior economist at PNC Financial Services Group in Pittsburgh.”

Update 377

With God

On Saturday, January 17, 2009, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “With God.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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A Good Report

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

Rather unusually, I would like to dedicate this Editorial to a very close friend who recently died. We can always learn from the lives of others. This is why biographies and autobiographies are written, read and dissected by millions of people around the world. The Bible is full of examples of people whom we can imitate (compare 1 Corinthians 11:1).

The person I want to mention here was neither famous nor rich, nor did he hold an high office. He was a caring, unassuming man, dedicated to serving others, but with a charisma that made him likeable and popular with those who knew him.

Terry McQuire died in early December of 2008. As a Church member since the early 1960’s, he had seen much change in the Church, particularly after the death of Mr. Herbert Armstrong in 1986. He was fond of quoting the fact that we must have a love of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10), and he certainly exemplified that most important requirement.

Like Ananias (Acts 22:12), Terry had a “good report” (Authorized Version). He was “highly respected” (New International Version) and “highly spoken of” by others (New American Bible). Neighbors had a “high opinion” of him (Bible in Basic English), as he “bore a good character” with them (Weymouth New Testament).

Our “good report” can be from those who may not necessarily agree with our religious views, but who can see our sincerity and that we live our lives without hypocrisy.

Anyone who knew Terry would testify that he was very much like Nathanael of whom Jesus said: “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” (John 1:47, Authorized Version).

Terry was generous and service-orientated. He was gentle and loyal. He unquestionably had the attributes that make a true Christian. We so often look at the great and not-so-great men and women in the Bible to learn from their successes and failures. We can, likewise, do the same with our peers, and Terry, while not perfect, certainly provided us with a terrific example.

Could our legacy from those who knew us be one of having had a love of the truth and a good report among men, and that there was no guile in us? That we were generous with a service-orientated approach, and that we were unassuming, gentle and loyal? If so, we would have done very well.

Terry endured to the end (Matthew 24:13). He is now awaiting his reward. It was inspiring to see him cope with his terminal illness, with his faith intact and undiminished in any way. He waited on God’s decision on whether or not he would be healed at this time, and he accepted the result unquestioningly. That’s another good example which all of us should follow. 

You might want to listen to the last public interview with Terry, which was recorded for our StandingWatch program, just two months before he died. It is titled, “Comfort in Terminal Sickness.” When you watch this program, you will see why Terry was a man worth remembering.

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War in the Middle East

In this week’s Update, we are mainly reporting on the situation in the Middle East, and worldwide reactions to this crisis. All of these events ARE clearly in line with biblical prophecy.

While the war in Gaza continues, the overwhelming worldwide reaction has become one of CONDEMNATION of Israel. Demands for a cease fire get louder, but the warring parties don’t show any signs of listening. A report last week by the New York Times, stating that Israel was allegedly willing to attack IRAN directly last year, but did not get the green light from the USA, has raised concerns as to what Israel was and is willing to do. This is even more true specially in light of most recent news reports that Israel is preparing a strike against Iran within a few DAYS!!!

On the other hand, Iran is clearly involved in the present conflict between Israel and Hamas, and its destructive ambitions towards Israel must not be underestimated.

The Bible tells us that Israel will be hated by all nations. In addition, more and more voices are being heard now demanding a European intervention in the Middle East–again underscoring biblical prophecy announcing in advance that Europe will send TROOPS to the Middle East just prior to the return of Jesus Christ.

In light of all these worldwide crises, the EU is becoming more and more serious about the appointment of an EU President with REAL powers. And it is being considered that he should be selected from one of the BIGGER EU states! The Bible prophesies that such a powerful European leader being, of German descent, WILL ultimately manifest himself on the world scene. (See our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”)

We conclude this section with articles on the terrible financial situation in the USA. And this, too, is in line with biblical prophecies which predict that the USA will lose its status as a world superpower. (See our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”)

We are observing how prophecy is being fulfilled. It is exciting and at the same time sobering how quickly these events are shaping up… and God’s Church has a duty, of course, to report these developments in no uncertain terms. Not everyone will agree with what we write–but we are not in a popularity contest. Rather, we are conscious of the commission which God has given His end-time Church to carry out.

Israel Losing Public Relations War

The Financial Times reported on January 10:

“As Israel’s offensive in Gaza enters its third week, the Jewish state appears to be rapidly losing the public relations war abroad as criticism from United Nations officials and humanitarian agencies has mounted amid the constant stream of pictures of dead and wounded women and children.

“Israeli strikes on UN convoys and schools sheltering hundreds of Palestinians who fled their homes, as well allegations that Israeli troops prevented medical workers from retrieving dead and injured Palestinians, have increasingly called into question Israel’s conduct of the war.

“A UN agency added to the increasing negative news flow with a report that cited witness testimony alleging that Israeli troops evacuated Palestinian civilians to a house in Gaza City and then repeatedly shelled the building 24 hours later, killing some 30 people inside.

“And from the outset, Israel has been under fire for preventing foreign journalists from entering the strip – restrictions that were in place weeks before the bombardment started.

“‘… all [of this has] been hugely detrimental to the Israeli cause,’ said Charlie Beckett, a media specialist at the London School of Economics. ‘The fact that the Israelis seem to be trying to blockade the media only hurts their argument that they are somehow more democratic, more open and not terrorists.’

“Israel officials have insisted they regret civilian deaths and have accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. They have also sought to highlight the threat posed by rockets fired by Palestinian militants into southern Israel – which have killed three Israelis since the offensive started – saying some 950,000 Israelis are vulnerable to attacks. But analysts say the scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza overwhelms the impact.

“Anthony Cordesman, at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, says Israel has failed to talk to the world ‘in ways that the outside world finds relevant. We are now two weeks into the war and nobody has a clear idea what the Israelis are attempting to accomplish,’ he says…

“Still, an Israeli newspaper poll on Friday showed that 91 per cent of Israeli Jews were still in favour of the war… But for Israel losing the propaganda war could be costly.”

U.N. and France Condemn Israel

The Associated Press reported on January 15:

“Israel shelled the United Nations headquarters in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, engulfing the compound and a warehouse in fire and destroying thousands of pounds of food and humanitarian supplies intended for Palestinian refugees.”

It added in a related article:

“U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon was in the area on a mission to end Israel’s devastating offensive against the territory’s Hamas rulers. Ban expressed ‘outrage’ over the bombing. He said Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told him there had been a ‘grave mistake’ and promised to pay extra attention to protecting U.N. installations…”

Press TV reported on January 15:

“The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday issued strong condemnation of Tel Aviv over its targeting of several hospitals, a UN compound and a media building in the Gaza Strip… The comments come on the 20th day of the Tel Aviv offensive into the coastal sliver. So far at least 1,100 Palestinians have been killed and around 4,700 others have been wounded, according to medics.”

Most Germans Blame Israel at Least in Part for the War in Gaza

Deutsche Welle reported on January 14:

“Germany is split over its feelings towards Israel, according to a new survey. Of those questioned, 60 per cent thought the country no longer had a special duty towards the Jewish state… The figures… showed less engagement amongst young people, of whom 70 percent felt no special responsibility towards Israel…

“Questioned about the Gaza conflict, 30 percent held Hamas responsible for the current military offensive. Some 13 percent blamed Israel, while 35 percent said the causes lie on both sides in equal measure…

“More generally, 49 percent considered Israel to be an aggressive country. A further 10 percent said Israel was acting without regard for other countries. Only 30 percent of those surveyed thought Israel was respecting human rights.”

Israel Angers Bush Administration

The Jerusalem Post wrote on January 14:

“Ehud Olmert’s aides on Wednesday said that the prime minister stood by his claim that his intervention made the US abstain from last Thursday’s UN Security Council resolution vote on a Gaza cease-fire… Olmert had claimed that US President George W. Bush broke off a speech he was giving in Philadelphia to take his call, and that the abstention embarrassed Rice…

“Israel and the US engaged in a rare and uncharacteristic public spat Tuesday over events leading up to the UN vote… State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Olmert’s story of what happened in his conversation with Bush was ‘just 100 percent, totally, completely not true’…

“McCormack said that Rice had decided as early as Wednesday that she would not veto a resolution, after Arab ministers rejected an initial effort by the US to push for a weaker presidential statement from the Security Council. That left her with the option of either voting for the final text or abstaining…

“Middle East expert Steven Spiegel described the episode as ‘the worst faux pas by an Israeli prime minister in history.’

“‘You really do wonder what the prime minister was thinking – if it’s true, you’d really want to keep it as quiet as possible, and if it’s not true, why would you want to make up a story that would embarrass both the Bush administration and the Israeli government and draw criticism from those who are antagonistic to Israel?’ asked Spiegel, director of the Center for Middle East Development at UCLA. ‘No matter how you play it, exaggeration, falsehood, whole truth, the whole thing makes them all look bad,’ Spiegel told The Jerusalem Post.”

European Anti-Israel Demonstrations

The EUObserver wrote on January 12:

“Hundreds of thousands marched in cities across the [European] continent to protest Israel’s war on Gaza over the weekend in the biggest pan-European demonstrations the continent has seen since those against the launch of the Iraq war in 2003…

“Massive protests… took place in London, Brussels and throughout France. Sizeable demonstrations also took place in German and Italian cities, as well as Athens, Thessaloniki, Budapest, Bregenz, Oslo and Stockholm. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero, the first European leader to take part in such rallies, addressed a protest in Ourense…

“In the UK, 100,000 filled Hyde Park in London… Around 123,000 people took part in protests throughout France… Germany, home to some of Israel’s strongest supporters in Europe, was not immune, with 40,000 taking part in protests across the country, despite temperatures below zero, although most German politicians and trade union leaders were noticeable by their absence…

“The weekend also saw a handful of rallies supporting the Jewish state’s assault on Gaza, with 3,000 in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, 4,000 in Marseille, some 800 in Antwerp and a sizeable crowd of 200 in Prague.

“Two large pro-Israel rallies also took place in London and Manchester on Sunday. The estimated between 4,000 and 15,000 in Trafalgar Square raised a sea of Israeli and British flags and was addressed by Labour MPs. Another 2,000 showed their solidarity with Israel outside Manchester’s town hall.”

Articles like these show the growing anti-Israeli position around the world, a “handful” of some pro-Israeli voices notwithstanding–except, interestingly enough, for a larger pro-Israeli demo in Britain. But we also read in the Bible that Ephraim–Great Britain–will finally be taking a stance against Judah–the state of Israel.

The above-quoted article said that Germany was the “home to some of Israel’s strongest supporters in Europe.” This might be the official position of some governmental leaders and the politically accurate representations within the German main-stream press, but this is NOT the position of most German PEOPLE.

Holy See Advocates International Intervention in the Middle East

Zenit wrote on January 12:

“The warring parties in the Middle East cannot get out of the circle of violence on their own, and so they need international help, says the Holy See [adding that]… the international community… should therefore fulfill its responsibilities [and] intervene actively to stop the bloodshed, provide access for emergency humanitarian assistance, and end all forms of confrontation.”

In Need–A Real European President

The Financial Times wrote on January 11:

“Tony Blair, the former UK prime minister, is re-emerging as a possible choice to be the European Union’s first full-time president after four momentous crises reinforced the argument for having a high-profile international personality in the job… the sheer scale of the challenges facing the EU – from last August’s Russia-Georgia war and the global financial meltdown to the Gaza conflict and the shutdown of Russian gas deliveries to Europe – is redefining the debate.

“Whereas last year Germany and other countries looked favorably on candidates such as Jean-Claude Juncker, the long-serving prime minister of Luxembourg, more policymakers now feel the EU presidency demands an occupant from a much bigger member-state.”

How Iran Directs Its “Spiritual Little Brothers” Hamas and Hezbollah

The Jerusalem Post wrote on January 12:

“Iran is exerting heavy pressure on Hamas not to accept the Egyptian proposal for a cease-fire with Israel, an Egyptian government official said on Sunday… As soon as the Iranians heard about the Egyptian cease-fire initiative, they dispatched… two officials to Damascus on an urgent mission to warn the Palestinians against accepting it,’ the Egyptian government official told the Post.

“‘The Iranians threatened to stop weapons supplies and funding to the Palestinian factions if they agreed to a cease-fire with Israel. The Iranians want to fight Israel and the US indirectly. They are doing this through Hamas in Palestine and Hizbullah in Lebanon…’

“The Egyptian official accused Iran of ‘encouraging’ Hamas to continue firing rockets at Israel with the hope that this would trigger a war that would divert attention from Iran’s nuclear plans. ‘This conflict serves the interests of the Iranians,’ he said. ‘They are satisfied because the violence in the Gaza Strip has diverted attention from their nuclear ambitions.'”

In addition, The Associated Press reported about Hezbollah’s involvement on January 10:

“Nearly 20,000 people marched through the southern Lebanese town of Nabatiyeh in a protest organized by the militant Hezbollah group, a strong ally of Hamas that fought its own war with Israel in the summer of 2006.”

CAN Israel Win Against Iran’s Proxy Hamas?

This week’s edition of Time Magazine published the following words on its cover: “Why Israel Can’t Win. The siege of Gaza may punish Hamas, but it won’t make Israel safe. Why it is in peril like never before.”

Inside the magazine, an article with this headline was published: “Can Israel Survive Its Assault on Gaza?” In the article, it was stated:

“Israeli politicians and generals know that the total elimination of Hamas’ entrenched military command could take weeks; it might be altogether impossible. The more realistic outcome is an unsatisfactory, brokered truce that leaves Hamas wounded but alive and able to regenerate — and Israel only temporarily safe from attack.

“Israel’s Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, has promised a ‘war to the bitter end.’ But after 60 years of struggle to defend their existence against foreign threats and enemies within, many Israelis may be wondering, Where does that end lie? The threat posed by Hamas is only the most immediate of the many interlocking challenges facing Israel, some of which cast dark shadows over the long-term viability of a democratic Jewish state. The offensive in Gaza may degrade Hamas’ ability to menace southern Israel with rocket fire, but, as with Israel’s 2006 war against Hizballah, the application of force won’t extinguish the militants’ ideological fervor.

“The anti-Israeli anger swelling in the region has made it more difficult for Arab governments to join Israel in its efforts to deal with Iran, the patron of both Hamas and Hizballah and a state whose leaders have sworn to eliminate Israel and appear determined to acquire nuclear weapons…

“But there’s something tragic, too, in Israel’s predicament: in any confrontation with its enemies, it is damned if it does and doomed if it doesn’t. Across Israel’s political spectrum there seems to be a consensus that Hamas’ provocative rocket barrages could not go unanswered — though whether Israel’s response has been proportional to the threat is, at the least, questionable…

“After weeks of global outrage over the unfolding humanitarian disaster in Gaza, any mediator — France, the European Union, Turkey and Egypt are all auditioning for the role — will insist that Israel end its 18-month blockade. What then? Like Hizballah, Hamas will declare itself victorious…”

Israel to Strike Iran Within DAYS???

Newsmax.com wrote on January 12:

“Informed sources in Washington tell Newsmax that Israel indeed will launch a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities soon – possibly in just days as President George W. Bush prepares to leave office. The reason: The time clock has begun to run out. Iran is close to acquiring a nuclear device under the control of its radical president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

“International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Mohamed ElBaradei said in June that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in as little as six months. That six-month period has passed.

“Reports of Israel’s decision to imminently launch strikes, although unconfirmed, would seem to contradict the Bush stance outlined in a front-page New York Times story last week, which asserted that Bush rejected a plea from Israel last year to help it raid Iran’s main nuclear complex. The Times said Israel was rebuffed after it requested from the U.S. specialized bunker-busting bombs that it needs to attack Iran’s nuclear complex at Natanz. The U.S. also reportedly nixed permission to the Israeli warplanes to fly over Iraqi territory to reach Iran…

“Last year 100 Israeli jets took part in an exercise over the eastern Mediterranean that was interpreted as a dress rehearsal for a possible attack on Iran.  And on Sept. 6 Israel launched an air attack against a site in Syria believed to be a nuclear-related facility containing material delivered by North Korea.

“Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton predicted that Israel would stage a raid against Iran’s nuclear facilities if Barack Obama won the presidential election. Bolton stated that he believed the Israeli attack would take place sometime between the day after Obama’s win and his inauguration on January 20. In an interview with FOX News, Bolton reasoned that Israel wouldn’t be able to hold off a strike on Iran any longer than that given Obama’s more conciliatory approach to Iran…

“William Perry, U.S. Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton, said that Obama would face a major crisis in his first few months in office over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Perry, speaking at a foreign policy conference on Jan. 8, said that Iran is ‘moving inexorably toward becoming a nuclear power’ and ‘it seems clear that Israel will not sit by idle while Iran takes the final steps toward becoming a nuclear power’…

“Iran, even without nuclear weapons, is a regional power. If attacked, they are likely to press proxy terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to launch offensives against Israel and possibly the U.S. Iran has warned in the past that it would launch a ‘missile blitz’ against Gulf states if it is attacked. And last July a senior Iranian official said the Islamic Republic would destroy Israel and 32 U.S. military bases in the Middle East if Iran is attacked over its nuclear program… Even more ominously, Iran has reportedly carried out missile tests for what could be a plan for a nuclear strike on the U.S.”

“U.S. Economy on Brink of Disaster”

Newsmax reported on January 12:

“When ‘IOUSA’ made its documentary film debut last August, it soon earned the sobriquet ‘fiscal wake-up tour.’  Its unrelenting gloom toted up a $9 trillion federal debt, a $738.6 billion trade deficit, and the news that each U.S. citizen now owes $30,000.

“But all the stats are already hopelessly out of date… Fiscal irresponsibility is now a calamitous cycle that poses a bigger threat than al-Qaida and its plans to attack the United States with a weapon of mass destruction…

“Today, counting all those who have dropped off unemployment rolls for part-time work or no work, 21 million Americans are either jobless or underemployed. Average workweeks also are being cut back. Some employers now shorten workweeks as a way to keep some on the payroll. And as the baby boomer generation begins to retire, ‘IOUSA’ asks if there will even be any Social Security benefits left to collect.

“Overextended entitlement programs and debts to foreign countries are becoming impossible to honor… The United States has mortgaged its future to foreigners with promises to its own people it can’t possibly keep. China, with $1.3 trillion in U.S. paper, could decide its strategic interest is no longer compatible with America’s — and quit as America’s banker…

“Overspending still dominates the lives of U.S. citizens. The Chinese save 35 percent of what they earn; Americans save less than 1 percent, the lowest of any developed country… Americans are now shocked to see their 401(k) retirement savings accounts losing their allure, as many employers say they no longer can afford matching funds. The government, for its part, is taking in more than it can pay out.”

More Banks in Trouble and Stocks Take a Dive

Reuters reported on January 15:

“Shares of Bank of America Corp and Citigroup Inc plummeted Thursday on worries the banks may need more government help to handle soaring credit losses… Bank of America, the largest U.S. bank, is seeking billions of dollars of new aid after realizing that credit losses at Merrill Lynch & Co, which it bought on January 1, were much higher than expected… Citigroup, the No. 3 U.S. bank, is expected on Friday to report a fifth straight multibillion-dollar quarterly loss… Even Wells Fargo & Co, which just bought troubled Wachovia Corp and has long been considered among the best-managed large banks, was hit, falling $3.90, or 16.9 percent, to $19.17.”

The Associated Press wrote on January 15:

“On Wednesday, stocks took a dive reminiscent of the terrifying jumps and drops of last fall, with the Dow Jones industrials falling more than 300 points before closing down 248. It was the Dow’s biggest point drop since Dec. 1 and the first string of six straight down days since early October…

“Holiday sales turned out to have been worse than expected, the jobless rate exceeds 7 percent for the first time in 16 years, the global economy is eroding faster and corporations from Alcoa to Intel to Wal-Mart have disappointed investors. Apple was the latest company out with bad news Wednesday, with CEO Steve Jobs saying he is taking a medical leave of absence.

“‘Right now we just don’t have any evidence to show that that free fall is over,’ said Robert Dye, senior economist at PNC Financial Services Group in Pittsburgh.”

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Who preserved the New Testament?

As a first step in answering this question, we need to consider what the New Testament is. Why is there even such a collection of books and letters that report on events from the first century A.D.? Are these merely the random writings of an influential religious movement that have found their way into the literature of the present time?

Or, as the New Testament claims for itself, is this part of the inspired Word of God? Understanding who preserved the New Testament adds even more proof about the unquestionable authority of this part of the Bible that we now possess!

What is the New Testament? Consider the following summary statement given in the “Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible,” Herbert Lockyer, Sr., Editor, 1986:

“…the second major division of the Bible. It tells of the life and ministry of Jesus and the growth of the early church. The word testament is best translated as ‘covenant.’ The New Testament embodies the new covenant of which Jesus was Mediator (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 9:15)…

“The 27 books of the New Testament were formally adopted as the New Testament canon by the Synod of Carthage in A.D. 397, thus confirming three centuries of usage by the church.”

This traditional overview of the New Testament places formal acceptance of the “books” as occurring some three hundred years after the lives of the apostles and of their contemporaries. However, this selection, done by what had become the Catholic Church, is merely an example of a religious organization choosing to accept what already existed—much as did later movements within “Christianity,” such as Protestantism.

Earlier, history of the Church established by Jesus Christ, through His chosen ministry, also shows the source of the writings we now have in the canon of the New Testament. An important test of what truly constitutes the inspired Word of God is true for both the Old and New Testaments:

“…the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:15-16).

To this end, individuals inspired by God wrote the record of the life of Jesus Christ, the founding of the Church and the subsequent growth of the faith of Christianity, along with instructions concerning the doctrines of God. We must note that the New Testament also contains the record of false teachers with deceiving doctrines beginning to infiltrate the body of true worshippers of God and Jesus Christ:

“I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:6-9).

Along with this stern rebuke from Paul, others whose letters became a part of the New Testament, recorded warnings and admonitions concerning a growing departure from the original faith (compare 2 Peter 2; 1 John 4:1-6; 3 John 1:9-12, and the letter of Jude).

Additionally, carefully note what Peter said, showing that in his lifetime it was necessary to warn the brethren—and this message was written down in order that it would endure beyond his own lifetime:

“For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease” (2 Peter 1:12-15).

While most people who study the history of the Bible agree that the canon—that is, the entire New Testament as commonly accepted—is complete, the fact is that the preservation of these writings was first accomplished by the Church of God that began on the Day of Pentecost and the giving of the Holy Spirit of God in 31 A.D. And while the Church grew with powerful impact in the decades that followed, nonetheless, heresy arose to such an extent that the next century records a much different kind of Christianity. Note what Jesse Lyman Hurlbut states in his book, “The Story of the Christian Church,” 1967, page 33:

“For 50 years after… Paul’s life a curtain hangs over the church, through which we strive vainly to look; and when at last it rises about 120 A.D. with the writings of the earliest church fathers, we find a church in many aspects very different from that in the days of… Peter and… Paul.”

In fact, the true and faithful Christians all but disappeared from the annals of history in those times. These followers of the true faith depended on the copies of the letters that were to become a part of the New Testament, which they continued to preserve through hand-written documents. As already mentioned, the Roman Church was able to avail itself of long existing copies of the New Testament books several centuries later.

A very poignant example of multiple copies of a part of the New Testament being distributed among various congregations is found in the Book of Revelation. The resurrected Jesus Christ is quoted by John as saying: “‘…I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,’ and, ‘What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: To Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea’” (Revelation 1:11).

If we are to believe that John carried out what he was instructed to do, then we know that this information went to these churches—and, since they received this inspired “book” of Revelation, they then were instrumental in preserving it. The very intent of this book is primarily focused on the future and was to be preserved for our time—prophesying of events leading to the return of Jesus Christ (For further explanation, please read our free booklet: “Is That in the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation!”).

Other letters were commonly circulated among the churches (compare 2 Peter 3:15-16; Colossians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:27). However, not all of these “letters” were genuine (compare 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2). In fact, this very process of writing letters continued well past the lifetime of the first generation of the apostles. Spurious writings made claims to inspiration on par with that of the New Testament books; however, when closely examined for authorship and for agreement with foundational biblical teachings, these documents were eventually rejected.

Beyond the rather blurry record that marks the transition of the early Christian faith into history’s background and the subsequent emergence of the Roman Catholic Church, another factor supersedes in accounting for Who preserved the New Testament. The real Author of the inspired writings of the New Testament also has sustained His written Word throughout the ages. The proof of this statement is found in the words of Jesus Christ, when He said, “‘Sanctify them [set them apart] by Your truth, Your word is truth’” (John 17:17); and, “‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away’” (Matthew 24:35; also, compare parallel statements)—1 Peter 1:23, 25).

These Scriptures, along with many others, point to the fact that the New Testament record would be preserved. For instance, another quote from Jesus shows that His teachings would come before all men in all generations: “‘He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him–the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day’” (John 12:48).

Consider one final answer as to who preserved the New Testament. The teachings of Christianity became a Way of life for those who embraced what they learned! Note this statement by Paul: “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe” (1 Thessalonians 2:13; also, compare a parallel statement in 1 John 2:5).

By taking to heart their calling to salvation, the faithful of countless generations have helped sustain and preserve a true understanding of the written Word of God. That same responsibility now falls upon us—we, too, must endeavor to uphold the teachings we have been given, just as those who helped to preserve the New Testament: “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, HAVE KEPT MY WORD, and have not denied My name” (Revelation 3:8).

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch programs and sermons in English and German

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Israel’s Unpopular War in Gaza.” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that while Israel and Hamas continue their fighting, civilians are suffering the most. Europe has warned Israel that it is destroying its image and prestige. Aid agencies blame Israel for a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Europe is considering sending troops to the Middle East, if peaceful solutions cannot be found. What does all of this mean?

Norbert Link’s new sermon, “Converting Others? Why Not!,” which was given on December 10, 2009, has been posted on Google Video. 

A new StandingWatch program, dealing with the war in Gaza, was posted on our German Website and on YouTube.

Two new German sermons, addressing the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments (“Der Sabbat und die Zehn Gebote“), as well as the annual Holy Days (“Gottes Heilige Festtage“), were posted on Google Video and on our German Website.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers

Israel’s Unpopular War in Gaza:

I appreciate the diverse references and sources you include in your updates… you won’t hear them mentioned on CNN or Fox News. It helps give a broader perspective on these world events in light of biblical prophecy.

Soon, we shall see a “charismatic” individual who will (deceivingly) bring about “Peace, Peace” … and then … we shall truly shake our heads, bow our knees and cry out to our “Abba Father”. Your comments always inspire me into deeper, meaningful Bible study ; you are continually in my prayers. Thank you from Canada.

I appreciate your news updates especially using the holy scriptures.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Converting Others – Why Not?

Are we supposed to try to change or convert others so that they will accept and live by the truth? Does God try at all times to lead every human being to salvation? Why do Christians have to be drawn by the Father? Why are they described as firstfruits, predestined, called, elect, or chosen? Why is God’s true Church identified as the “little flock”? Why does God blind the eyes of people?

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