When the Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men

Genesis 6:1-4 has been misunderstood by many people, including Jewish and Christian commentators, Bible translators and scholars. Based on a terribly wrong interpretation of that passage, horrendous false concepts developed, teaching blasphemous doctrines. We must make totally sure that we do not fall for or embrace any of those wrong teachings, and that we know and uphold the truth.

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Insane–Bailouts Topping $8.5 Trillion

What else must happen before we realize that our leaders don’t seem to have a clue as to how to solve our financial problems–that we are facing an inevitable and unparalleled disaster, unless we change course immediately? It is as if a spirit of intoxication had swept the land. Don’t you become victim of it. There are solutions, but you won’t find them in the political arena.

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Current Events

Will the US Fall for Russia’s Blackmail Attempts?

Deutsche Welle reported on November 24:

“Russia is prepared to make plans to deploy missiles in its Kaliningrad exclave ‘disappear’ if the US drops plans to base part of its missile defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic, Russia’s prime minister says.

“If the new administration of US president-elect Barack Obama drops deployment plans for a missile shield in what Russia considers to be within its sphere of influence, then ‘questions of our retaliatory measures will disappear by themselves,’ Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told journalists at a forum in St Petersburg on Monday, Nov. 24. Putin is considered by many to have the last say on Russian foreign policy.”

The Russian Bear Is Marching Again…

AFP reported on November 24:

“Russian warships approached Venezuela Monday for upcoming joint maneuvers — Moscow’s first military presence in the region since the Cold War — as Washington closely monitored the situation. Venezuelan defense officials said the ships, including the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great and destroyer Admiral Chabankenko, would arrive on Tuesday. The joint exercises were to coincide with a two-day visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Venezuela, the strongest US critic in the region. Medvedev was due to arrive Wednesday and meet fiercely anti-liberal President Hugo Chavez on Thursday, before heading to communist Cuba.

“Analysts see Medvedev as bringing a defiant message to Washington’s doorstep, in the wake of Russian outrage at US plans to install a strategic missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, and support for the brief Georgia war in August. The maneuvers will start on Wednesday in port and take place at sea on December 1…”

… While U.S. Influence in the Region Declines…

The Associated Press reported on November 27:

“Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to help start a nuclear energy program in Venezuela and said Moscow is willing to participate in a socialist trade bloc in Latin America led by President Hugo Chavez.

“Medvedev used his visit to Venezuela—the first by a Russian president—to extend Moscow’s reach into Latin America and deepen trade and military ties. Chavez denied trying to provoke the United States, but he welcomed Russia’s growing presence in Latin America as a reflection of declining U.S. influence.”

Americans and British Targeted in India’s Terror Attack

The Los Angeles Times wrote on November 27:

“The sophistication of Wednesday’s assault in Mumbai and the targeting of U.S. and British citizens are the hallmarks of groups affiliated with Al Qaeda, but an array of other organizations have launched attacks in India and may also have played a role, officials and counter-terrorism experts said.

“Experts cautioned that it was too early to fix responsibility for the coordinated attacks that killed [hundreds] of people [and injured more than 300] at a pair of luxury hotels, two hospitals, a train station and an upscale restaurant. They said the group that claimed responsibility, the Deccan Mujahedin, was unknown…

“Instead of the bombings that are the trademark of Al Qaeda, the attackers Wednesday appeared to use mostly automatic weapons and grenades, and they reportedly took hostages. But they showed sophistication and ambition by storming five-star hotels during the peak of the tourist season in a clear attempt to target Westerners… The choice of India for such an assault could reflect the fact that increased security has made Western countries more difficult to hit, while India’s increasingly close alliance with the U.S. makes it a more desirable target… The attackers reportedly inquired specifically about the whereabouts of British and American citizens…

“Al Qaeda has urged its followers to launch attacks in India in recent years, especially as the government established closer ties with the United States. And Washington has accused some members of Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, of playing a role in this year’s attack on the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan, where India is increasingly active.”

US Prepared to “Lend” More Than $7.4 TRILLION

Bloomberg reported on November 24:

“The U.S. government is prepared to lend more than $7.4 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers, or half the value of everything produced in the nation last year, to rescue the financial system since the credit markets seized up 15 months ago. The unprecedented pledge of funds includes $2.8 trillion already tapped by financial institutions in the biggest response to an economic emergency since [President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s  New Deal of the 1930s, when almost 10,000 banks failed and there was no mechanism to bolster them with cash]…

“The worst financial crisis in two generations has erased $23 trillion, or 38 percent, of the value of the world’s companies and brought down three of the biggest Wall Street firms… The money that’s been pledged is equivalent to $24,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. It’s nine times what the U.S. has spent so far on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan…”

Citigroup “Rescue” for $326 Billion–and People Don’t Like It

AFP wrote on November 24:

“The US government vowed Monday to safeguard the ailing economy, after stepping in to guarantee over 300 billion dollars in potential losses at Citigroup and pump 20 billion more into the financial giant…

“Citigroup, which last month reported a third-quarter loss of 2.8 billion dollars its fourth straight quarter in the red, will issue seven billion dollars in preferred stock to the US Treasury and the FDIC as payment for the 306 billion dollar guarantee.”

Reuters reported on November 26:

“The bailout of Citigroup has made people in New York angrier than they were about any of the other government rescues of financial institutions this year…

“‘They were bailed out before, this is the second bailout, so what’s going on? Are they going to ask for another bailout soon?’ asked Cheril Nichols, a 50-year-old nurse from New Jersey. ‘It is wasteful, very wasteful,’ said retiree William Dwyer, 70… ‘This is not the right thing to do. They (the U.S. government) should help the people, not the big companies,’ said Renu Malconi, 38, from New Jersey… ‘It’s ridiculous. If I did as poorly as they did in my job, I would be out of the job, so why are they not accountable?’ said Mike Delibero, an IT salesman.

“The frustration on the streets of New York was echoed by two of New York’s major daily newspapers, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, which slammed the board of Citigroup on Tuesday with calls for all or many of its directors to quit or be removed. The Post on Wednesday ran a series of letters from readers, all of them harshly criticizing the bailout and Citigroup’s former and current executives and board members.

“High salaries, seven-figure bonuses and an agreement for the bank to pay $400 million to name the New York Mets baseball team’s new stadium Citi Field haven’t helped sentiment.”

… And Another $800 Billion for Bad Mortgage and Securities Purchases…

AFP reported on November 25:

“US authorities launched fresh efforts Tuesday to unfreeze credit and limit the economic downturn with programs to buy up to 800 billion dollars in mortgage- and asset-backed securities. The initiatives call for up to 600 billion dollars in Federal Reserve purchases of mortgage securities, and a separate 200 billion dollars for asset-backed securities to help get credit to consumers…

“The US central bank said it would launch purchases of up to 100 billion dollars of obligations of housing-related government-sponsored enterprises including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the next week, and buy another 500 billion dollars in a process started by the end of this year. Separately, the Fed said it would launch a program to buy up to 200 billion dollars in asset-backed securities — backed by student loans, auto loans, credit card loans, and other loans — in a further effort to unclog frozen credit markets.”

Still Not Enough!… Recovery Package for Another $700 Billion in the Making…

The Associated Press reported on November 25:

“President-elect Barack Obama wants to project fiscal restraint even as his economic team assembles a massive recovery package… Economists from across the political spectrum… have put the size of an economic recovery package as high as $700 billion over two years… Obama is already starting in the red. The federal government reported a record deficit of $237.2 billion in October, which reflected only a portion of the $700 billion Congress approved last month to rescue the financial markets.”

Is the US Heading for Collapse?

The Drudge Report stated on November 25:

“A leading Russian political analyst has said the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the country is heading for collapse… Professor Igor Panarin said… ‘The dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998… it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse’…

“When asked when the U.S. economy would collapse, Panarin said: ‘It is already collapsing. Due to the financial crisis, three of the largest and oldest five banks on Wall Street have already ceased to exist, and two are barely surviving. Their losses are the biggest in history. Now what we will see is a change in the regulatory system on a global financial scale: America will no longer be the world’s financial regulator’…”

Chief Rabbis Call for Mass Prayer Because of Financial Crisis

The Jerusalem Post reported on November 25:

“The country’s chief rabbis are calling for a mass prayer rally Thursday [Thursday will be celebrated in the USA as Thanksgiving Day] in the hope that heavenly intervention will stem the global financial crisis. With Jewish philanthropists reeling and Israeli businesses preparing to make major layoffs, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger and Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar have decided that this Thursday, the first day of the Jewish month of Kislev, will be a special day of prayer.

“‘Education and Torah institutions are failing to make ends meet, and many are in danger of closure,’ wrote the two rabbis in a statement. ‘Factories and businesses are firing workers, and many household heads are no longer able to support their families. Therefore, we call on the public to pray one hour before mincha [the afternoon prayer] on Thursday in synagogues across the nation.’

“Religious institutions have been among the hardest hit by the economic downturn. Many are totally dependent on foreign donations. In recent weeks, the heads of some of the largest kollels have complained that they have returned empty-handed from fundraising campaigns in the US and Europe, saying philanthropists hurt by the financial crisis are no longer willing to make contributions.”

Grim Economic Outlook for Europe in 2009

Deutsche Welle reported on November 23:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of a grim 2009 economic outlook as Europe’s largest economy slips into recession. Merkel said in the Welt am Sonntag newspaper that her grand coalition government was divided over the right medicine for the country.

“Merkel rejected calls by business leaders to slash taxes, saying they would remain off the table until after the September 2009 general election. But Merkel’s economics minister, Michael Glos, said a stimulus package put together earlier this month was only the beginning, if Germany wished to protect itself against global financial turmoil.”

“Merkel Criticises US Over Crisis”

The Financial Times wrote on November 26:

“Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, turned the tables on her international critics on Wednesday by accusing the US and other governments of making ‘cheap money’ a central tool of their economic management, thus planting the seeds of a similar crisis in five years.

“’Excessively cheap money in the US was a driver of today’s crisis,’ she told the German parliament. ‘I am deeply concerned about whether we are now reinforcing this trend through measures being adopted in the US and elsewhere and whether we could find ourselves in five years facing the exact same crisis.’

“There have been calls from outside Germany for it to beef up fiscal support, but Ms Merkel has been wary of raising public borrowing to stimulate demand, fearing that the extra income could boost Germans’ savings rate, which is already high.”

“As Financial Crisis Grows, EU Emerges Stronger”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 27:

“The global financial crisis creates new losers each day. So far, though, the EU is looking like a winner. For many countries along the continent’s northern edge, euro-skepticism is a luxury they can no longer afford. Will 2008 be remembered as the year that killed the euro-skeptics?…  Now, from Iceland to the Czech Republic, previously wary populations are warming to the EU, heaping praise on the very Brussels-based behemoth they had spent so many years deriding…

“The most obvious way the financial crisis has strengthened the image of the EU among the less-than-faithful is by making the euro look like a safehaven. Denmark, one of the few countries that deliberately opted out of the euro, may now be regretting its decision…

“Of all the countries on Europe’s periphery, perhaps none has experienced as pronounced a shift in EU sentiment as Iceland, a nation which, not coincidentally, also serves as Ground Zero for the financial crisis. Since January, Iceland’s currency has lost nearly half its value against the euro, plunging the country’s economy into chaos… the surge in EU support suggests that Icelanders have lost faith in their own government…

“By rejecting the Lisbon treaty in a referendum in June, the people of Ireland brought the EU to its knees. Now, after a bruising ride on the financial crisis roller coaster, they might be the ones that get the EU back on its feet…

“The EU might not be out of the woods yet, but it is in a considerably stronger position heading into 2009 than many feared would be the case six months ago… Europe’s dream of ever-closer union might be happen sooner than we think.”

“Is Britain Going Bankrupt?”

The British paper, The Telegraph, wrote on November 24:

“There is now a palpable fear that global investors may start to shun British debt as the budget deficit rockets to £118bn… The cost of insuring against the bankruptcy of the British state has broken out – upwards – over the last month…

“Alistair Darling has had to admit that the British economy faces the most sudden economic collapse since World War Two, and the worst budget deficit of any major country in the world… Should we be worried? Yes… Britain will have to borrow £450bn over the next five years. This is an utter fiasco…”

How Much Longer Will Britain Stay in the EU?

On November 20, The Daily Mail reported the following:

“The European Union is costing Britain a staggering £106,000 a minute, a think-tank has revealed. As the UK teeters on the brink of what experts predict will be the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Government has surrendered £55.8 billion to Brussels this year. That is equivalent to paying a whopping £900 for every man, woman and child in the country.”

Controversial Leader Next European President

The New York Times wrote on November 25:

“Mr. Klaus, the 67-year-old president of the Czech Republic… blamed what he calls the misguided fight against global warming for contributing to the international financial crisis, branded Al Gore an ‘apostle of arrogance’ for his role in that fight, and accused the European Union of acting like a Communist state. Now the Czech Republic is about to assume the rotating presidency of the European Union…

“To supporters, Mr. Klaus is a brave, lone crusader, a defender of liberty, the only European leader in the mold of the formidable Margaret Thatcher… To his many critics, he is a cynical populist, a hardheaded pragmatist… As a former finance minister and prime minister, he is credited with presiding over the peaceful 1993 split of Czechoslovakia into two states and helping to transform the Czech Republic into one of the former Soviet bloc’s most successful economies…

“While even many of the world’s most ardent free marketeers acknowledged the need for the recent coordinated bailout of European banks, Mr. Klaus lambasted it as irresponsible protectionism… A fervent critic of the environmental movement, he has called global warming a dangerous ‘myth’… he is a vocal opponent of the Lisbon Treaty, which aims to help Europe become more of an international player, but which he argues will strip countries of sovereignty…

“And while other European leaders have criticized a newly assertive Russia, Mr. Klaus has forged close ties with Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin and recently distanced himself from the Czech government’s criticism of Russia over the war with Georgia in August.”

Major Earthquake Expected in Southern and Midwestern US

Reuters reported on November 20:

“People in a vast seismic zone in the southern and midwestern United States would face catastrophic damage if a major earthquake struck there… The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)… predicted a large earthquake would cause ‘widespread and catastrophic physical damage’ across Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee — home to some 44 million people. Tennessee is likely to be hardest hit… In Tennessee alone, it forecast hundreds of collapsed bridges, tens of thousands of severely damaged buildings and a half a million households without water…

“The zone, named for the town of New Madrid in Missouri’s southeast corner, is subject to frequent mild earthquakes. Experts have long tried to predict the likelihood of a major quake like those that struck in 1811 and 1812. These shifted the course of the Mississippi River and rang church bells on the East Coast but caused few deaths amid a sparse population. ‘People who live in these areas and the people who build in these areas certainly need to take into better account that at some time there is … expected to be a catastrophic earthquake in that area, and they’d better be prepared for it,’ said FEMA spokesperson Mary Margaret Walker.”

The Commercialism of Christmas

The Daily Mail wrote on November 24:

“Now the Church of England has joined the chorus of those who want to revolutionise Christmas with a call for people to send fewer cards… [It] launched a campaign for people to celebrate the season this year by cutting up their credit cards…

“Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams is among the leading clerics who – while they are strongly in favour of preserving the importance of Christmas as a Christian festival – are deeply anxious at the commercialism and high spending that goes with the holiday…

“In a new book, Do Nothing: Christmas is Coming, Dr Cottrell said: ‘It might be the season of goodwill, but it feels like the last straw on an already over-burdened camel’… The bishop also suggested that families should give up the ‘monstrous burden’ of giving presents they cannot afford.”

Reuters reported on November 24:

“Germans are trying to shut out the financial crisis by taking comfort in traditional festivities, and there is an acute shortage of Santas to entertain children at shopping centers, Christmas markets and private parties.

“‘Being Santa is not an easy job,’ Jens Wittenberger, in charge of Santa Claus recruitment at the Jobcafe Munich, told Reuters Monday. ‘To be honest, not many people have what it takes to be a good Father Christmas… You can’t have your Santa drive up in a car,’ said Wittenberger. ‘Every child knows that Santa travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer so we don’t want to disappoint anybody.’ Santas are told to park their car a few streets away and walk… ‘Santas can make up to 60 euros ($75) an hour,’ he said.”

Yoga Blasphemous?

Die Welt Online reported on November 22:

“A top Islamic council in mostly Muslim Malaysia told Muslims on Saturday to avoid yoga because it uses Hindu prayers and encourages a union with God that is blasphemous. ‘There are other ways to get exercise and a peace of mind,’ council chairman Abdul Shukor Husin told reporters… ‘You can go cycling, swimming and eat less fatty food.’

“‘For us, yoga can destroy a Muslim’s faith. But this is not a matter for the non-Muslims to be concerned about because it’s not imposed on them. We are looking out for the Muslim community,’ he said, noting Egypt and Singapore had issued similar rulings.”

Increased Belief in Paranormal Concepts

LifeScience.com reported on November 24:

“More people believe in aliens and ghosts than in God, a new survey finds, according to a British newspaper. The survey, however, was done by a marketing firm in conjunction with the release of an X-Files DVD, and details of how the poll was conducted were not reported in the Daily Mail. Survey questions, depending on how they are written, can greatly skew results, along with how subjects are sampled.

“That said, the poll of 3,000 people found that 58 percent believe in the supernatural, including paranormal encounters, while 54 percent believe God exists. Women were more likely than men to believe in the supernatural and were also more likely to visit a medium…

“A survey of U.S. college students done in 2006 found 23 percent of freshmen had a general belief in paranormal concepts – from astrology to communicating with the dead. Interestingly, the number jumped to 31 percent among seniors and 34 percent among graduate students.”

Update 370

When the Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men…

On Saturday, November 29, 2008, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “When the Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men…”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

We are living in a world that can be very discouraging and depressing, and a word of encouragement can be very uplifting. One lady sends in her tithes every week together with a note of encouragement, often along the lines of, “You are always in my prayers for the great work you are doing. God bless each and every one of you as you go about His great work. May God bless you all greatly and guide and inspire you. You are all doing a fantastic job.” Encouraging words indeed!

In Acts 4:36 we read that “Joses who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement)…”   This is the first time in the Bible that he is mentioned. It shows his outstanding example of generosity when he sold a field that he owned and then took the money to the apostles to distribute to those in need (verse 37).

In Acts 9:26-27, Barnabas is seen encouraging the apostle Paul. He even took him to the apostles in Jerusalem for an introduction.   Two chapters later he encouraged new believers in Antioch (compare Acts 11:22-24). 

It has been said that encouragement is the greatest tool available to adults to boost children’s self-esteem. The psychologist Rudolph Dreikers once said, “Like a plant needs water children need encouragement.” It is through encouragement that we lead others to achieve greater things than they thought possible.

Do we encourage others? Is this part of our Christian way of life? It certainly should be! Hebrews 10:24 states, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.” In a world of doom and gloom, a word of encouragement can work wonders. As the saying goes: “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.”

We kept the autumnal Feast days not too long ago. This should have been a time of great encouragement for all of God’s people and a time when, hopefully, we encouraged each other. These autumnal Holy Days picture Christ’s return, Satan being banished for a 1,000 years and the institution of God’s Kingdom on earth. What a future God’s people have to look forward to and a time when encouragement, not doom and gloom, will be the order of the day! 

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Will the US Fall for Russia’s Blackmail Attempts?

Deutsche Welle reported on November 24:

“Russia is prepared to make plans to deploy missiles in its Kaliningrad exclave ‘disappear’ if the US drops plans to base part of its missile defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic, Russia’s prime minister says.

“If the new administration of US president-elect Barack Obama drops deployment plans for a missile shield in what Russia considers to be within its sphere of influence, then ‘questions of our retaliatory measures will disappear by themselves,’ Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told journalists at a forum in St Petersburg on Monday, Nov. 24. Putin is considered by many to have the last say on Russian foreign policy.”

The Russian Bear Is Marching Again…

AFP reported on November 24:

“Russian warships approached Venezuela Monday for upcoming joint maneuvers — Moscow’s first military presence in the region since the Cold War — as Washington closely monitored the situation. Venezuelan defense officials said the ships, including the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great and destroyer Admiral Chabankenko, would arrive on Tuesday. The joint exercises were to coincide with a two-day visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Venezuela, the strongest US critic in the region. Medvedev was due to arrive Wednesday and meet fiercely anti-liberal President Hugo Chavez on Thursday, before heading to communist Cuba.

“Analysts see Medvedev as bringing a defiant message to Washington’s doorstep, in the wake of Russian outrage at US plans to install a strategic missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, and support for the brief Georgia war in August. The maneuvers will start on Wednesday in port and take place at sea on December 1…”

… While U.S. Influence in the Region Declines…

The Associated Press reported on November 27:

“Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to help start a nuclear energy program in Venezuela and said Moscow is willing to participate in a socialist trade bloc in Latin America led by President Hugo Chavez.

“Medvedev used his visit to Venezuela—the first by a Russian president—to extend Moscow’s reach into Latin America and deepen trade and military ties. Chavez denied trying to provoke the United States, but he welcomed Russia’s growing presence in Latin America as a reflection of declining U.S. influence.”

Americans and British Targeted in India’s Terror Attack

The Los Angeles Times wrote on November 27:

“The sophistication of Wednesday’s assault in Mumbai and the targeting of U.S. and British citizens are the hallmarks of groups affiliated with Al Qaeda, but an array of other organizations have launched attacks in India and may also have played a role, officials and counter-terrorism experts said.

“Experts cautioned that it was too early to fix responsibility for the coordinated attacks that killed [hundreds] of people [and injured more than 300] at a pair of luxury hotels, two hospitals, a train station and an upscale restaurant. They said the group that claimed responsibility, the Deccan Mujahedin, was unknown…

“Instead of the bombings that are the trademark of Al Qaeda, the attackers Wednesday appeared to use mostly automatic weapons and grenades, and they reportedly took hostages. But they showed sophistication and ambition by storming five-star hotels during the peak of the tourist season in a clear attempt to target Westerners… The choice of India for such an assault could reflect the fact that increased security has made Western countries more difficult to hit, while India’s increasingly close alliance with the U.S. makes it a more desirable target… The attackers reportedly inquired specifically about the whereabouts of British and American citizens…

“Al Qaeda has urged its followers to launch attacks in India in recent years, especially as the government established closer ties with the United States. And Washington has accused some members of Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, of playing a role in this year’s attack on the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan, where India is increasingly active.”

US Prepared to “Lend” More Than $7.4 TRILLION

Bloomberg reported on November 24:

“The U.S. government is prepared to lend more than $7.4 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers, or half the value of everything produced in the nation last year, to rescue the financial system since the credit markets seized up 15 months ago. The unprecedented pledge of funds includes $2.8 trillion already tapped by financial institutions in the biggest response to an economic emergency since [President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s  New Deal of the 1930s, when almost 10,000 banks failed and there was no mechanism to bolster them with cash]…

“The worst financial crisis in two generations has erased $23 trillion, or 38 percent, of the value of the world’s companies and brought down three of the biggest Wall Street firms… The money that’s been pledged is equivalent to $24,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. It’s nine times what the U.S. has spent so far on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan…”

Citigroup “Rescue” for $326 Billion–and People Don’t Like It

AFP wrote on November 24:

“The US government vowed Monday to safeguard the ailing economy, after stepping in to guarantee over 300 billion dollars in potential losses at Citigroup and pump 20 billion more into the financial giant…

“Citigroup, which last month reported a third-quarter loss of 2.8 billion dollars its fourth straight quarter in the red, will issue seven billion dollars in preferred stock to the US Treasury and the FDIC as payment for the 306 billion dollar guarantee.”

Reuters reported on November 26:

“The bailout of Citigroup has made people in New York angrier than they were about any of the other government rescues of financial institutions this year…

“‘They were bailed out before, this is the second bailout, so what’s going on? Are they going to ask for another bailout soon?’ asked Cheril Nichols, a 50-year-old nurse from New Jersey. ‘It is wasteful, very wasteful,’ said retiree William Dwyer, 70… ‘This is not the right thing to do. They (the U.S. government) should help the people, not the big companies,’ said Renu Malconi, 38, from New Jersey… ‘It’s ridiculous. If I did as poorly as they did in my job, I would be out of the job, so why are they not accountable?’ said Mike Delibero, an IT salesman.

“The frustration on the streets of New York was echoed by two of New York’s major daily newspapers, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, which slammed the board of Citigroup on Tuesday with calls for all or many of its directors to quit or be removed. The Post on Wednesday ran a series of letters from readers, all of them harshly criticizing the bailout and Citigroup’s former and current executives and board members.

“High salaries, seven-figure bonuses and an agreement for the bank to pay $400 million to name the New York Mets baseball team’s new stadium Citi Field haven’t helped sentiment.”

… And Another $800 Billion for Bad Mortgage and Securities Purchases…

AFP reported on November 25:

“US authorities launched fresh efforts Tuesday to unfreeze credit and limit the economic downturn with programs to buy up to 800 billion dollars in mortgage- and asset-backed securities. The initiatives call for up to 600 billion dollars in Federal Reserve purchases of mortgage securities, and a separate 200 billion dollars for asset-backed securities to help get credit to consumers…

“The US central bank said it would launch purchases of up to 100 billion dollars of obligations of housing-related government-sponsored enterprises including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the next week, and buy another 500 billion dollars in a process started by the end of this year. Separately, the Fed said it would launch a program to buy up to 200 billion dollars in asset-backed securities — backed by student loans, auto loans, credit card loans, and other loans — in a further effort to unclog frozen credit markets.”

Still Not Enough!… Recovery Package for Another $700 Billion in the Making…

The Associated Press reported on November 25:

“President-elect Barack Obama wants to project fiscal restraint even as his economic team assembles a massive recovery package… Economists from across the political spectrum… have put the size of an economic recovery package as high as $700 billion over two years… Obama is already starting in the red. The federal government reported a record deficit of $237.2 billion in October, which reflected only a portion of the $700 billion Congress approved last month to rescue the financial markets.”

Is the US Heading for Collapse?

The Drudge Report stated on November 25:

“A leading Russian political analyst has said the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the country is heading for collapse… Professor Igor Panarin said… ‘The dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998… it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse’…

“When asked when the U.S. economy would collapse, Panarin said: ‘It is already collapsing. Due to the financial crisis, three of the largest and oldest five banks on Wall Street have already ceased to exist, and two are barely surviving. Their losses are the biggest in history. Now what we will see is a change in the regulatory system on a global financial scale: America will no longer be the world’s financial regulator’…”

Chief Rabbis Call for Mass Prayer Because of Financial Crisis

The Jerusalem Post reported on November 25:

“The country’s chief rabbis are calling for a mass prayer rally Thursday [Thursday will be celebrated in the USA as Thanksgiving Day] in the hope that heavenly intervention will stem the global financial crisis. With Jewish philanthropists reeling and Israeli businesses preparing to make major layoffs, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger and Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar have decided that this Thursday, the first day of the Jewish month of Kislev, will be a special day of prayer.

“‘Education and Torah institutions are failing to make ends meet, and many are in danger of closure,’ wrote the two rabbis in a statement. ‘Factories and businesses are firing workers, and many household heads are no longer able to support their families. Therefore, we call on the public to pray one hour before mincha [the afternoon prayer] on Thursday in synagogues across the nation.’

“Religious institutions have been among the hardest hit by the economic downturn. Many are totally dependent on foreign donations. In recent weeks, the heads of some of the largest kollels have complained that they have returned empty-handed from fundraising campaigns in the US and Europe, saying philanthropists hurt by the financial crisis are no longer willing to make contributions.”

Grim Economic Outlook for Europe in 2009

Deutsche Welle reported on November 23:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of a grim 2009 economic outlook as Europe’s largest economy slips into recession. Merkel said in the Welt am Sonntag newspaper that her grand coalition government was divided over the right medicine for the country.

“Merkel rejected calls by business leaders to slash taxes, saying they would remain off the table until after the September 2009 general election. But Merkel’s economics minister, Michael Glos, said a stimulus package put together earlier this month was only the beginning, if Germany wished to protect itself against global financial turmoil.”

“Merkel Criticises US Over Crisis”

The Financial Times wrote on November 26:

“Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, turned the tables on her international critics on Wednesday by accusing the US and other governments of making ‘cheap money’ a central tool of their economic management, thus planting the seeds of a similar crisis in five years.

“’Excessively cheap money in the US was a driver of today’s crisis,’ she told the German parliament. ‘I am deeply concerned about whether we are now reinforcing this trend through measures being adopted in the US and elsewhere and whether we could find ourselves in five years facing the exact same crisis.’

“There have been calls from outside Germany for it to beef up fiscal support, but Ms Merkel has been wary of raising public borrowing to stimulate demand, fearing that the extra income could boost Germans’ savings rate, which is already high.”

“As Financial Crisis Grows, EU Emerges Stronger”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 27:

“The global financial crisis creates new losers each day. So far, though, the EU is looking like a winner. For many countries along the continent’s northern edge, euro-skepticism is a luxury they can no longer afford. Will 2008 be remembered as the year that killed the euro-skeptics?…  Now, from Iceland to the Czech Republic, previously wary populations are warming to the EU, heaping praise on the very Brussels-based behemoth they had spent so many years deriding…

“The most obvious way the financial crisis has strengthened the image of the EU among the less-than-faithful is by making the euro look like a safehaven. Denmark, one of the few countries that deliberately opted out of the euro, may now be regretting its decision…

“Of all the countries on Europe’s periphery, perhaps none has experienced as pronounced a shift in EU sentiment as Iceland, a nation which, not coincidentally, also serves as Ground Zero for the financial crisis. Since January, Iceland’s currency has lost nearly half its value against the euro, plunging the country’s economy into chaos… the surge in EU support suggests that Icelanders have lost faith in their own government…

“By rejecting the Lisbon treaty in a referendum in June, the people of Ireland brought the EU to its knees. Now, after a bruising ride on the financial crisis roller coaster, they might be the ones that get the EU back on its feet…

“The EU might not be out of the woods yet, but it is in a considerably stronger position heading into 2009 than many feared would be the case six months ago… Europe’s dream of ever-closer union might be happen sooner than we think.”

“Is Britain Going Bankrupt?”

The British paper, The Telegraph, wrote on November 24:

“There is now a palpable fear that global investors may start to shun British debt as the budget deficit rockets to £118bn… The cost of insuring against the bankruptcy of the British state has broken out – upwards – over the last month…

“Alistair Darling has had to admit that the British economy faces the most sudden economic collapse since World War Two, and the worst budget deficit of any major country in the world… Should we be worried? Yes… Britain will have to borrow £450bn over the next five years. This is an utter fiasco…”

How Much Longer Will Britain Stay in the EU?

On November 20, The Daily Mail reported the following:

“The European Union is costing Britain a staggering £106,000 a minute, a think-tank has revealed. As the UK teeters on the brink of what experts predict will be the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Government has surrendered £55.8 billion to Brussels this year. That is equivalent to paying a whopping £900 for every man, woman and child in the country.”

Controversial Leader Next European President

The New York Times wrote on November 25:

“Mr. Klaus, the 67-year-old president of the Czech Republic… blamed what he calls the misguided fight against global warming for contributing to the international financial crisis, branded Al Gore an ‘apostle of arrogance’ for his role in that fight, and accused the European Union of acting like a Communist state. Now the Czech Republic is about to assume the rotating presidency of the European Union…

“To supporters, Mr. Klaus is a brave, lone crusader, a defender of liberty, the only European leader in the mold of the formidable Margaret Thatcher… To his many critics, he is a cynical populist, a hardheaded pragmatist… As a former finance minister and prime minister, he is credited with presiding over the peaceful 1993 split of Czechoslovakia into two states and helping to transform the Czech Republic into one of the former Soviet bloc’s most successful economies…

“While even many of the world’s most ardent free marketeers acknowledged the need for the recent coordinated bailout of European banks, Mr. Klaus lambasted it as irresponsible protectionism… A fervent critic of the environmental movement, he has called global warming a dangerous ‘myth’… he is a vocal opponent of the Lisbon Treaty, which aims to help Europe become more of an international player, but which he argues will strip countries of sovereignty…

“And while other European leaders have criticized a newly assertive Russia, Mr. Klaus has forged close ties with Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin and recently distanced himself from the Czech government’s criticism of Russia over the war with Georgia in August.”

Major Earthquake Expected in Southern and Midwestern US

Reuters reported on November 20:

“People in a vast seismic zone in the southern and midwestern United States would face catastrophic damage if a major earthquake struck there… The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)… predicted a large earthquake would cause ‘widespread and catastrophic physical damage’ across Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee — home to some 44 million people. Tennessee is likely to be hardest hit… In Tennessee alone, it forecast hundreds of collapsed bridges, tens of thousands of severely damaged buildings and a half a million households without water…

“The zone, named for the town of New Madrid in Missouri’s southeast corner, is subject to frequent mild earthquakes. Experts have long tried to predict the likelihood of a major quake like those that struck in 1811 and 1812. These shifted the course of the Mississippi River and rang church bells on the East Coast but caused few deaths amid a sparse population. ‘People who live in these areas and the people who build in these areas certainly need to take into better account that at some time there is … expected to be a catastrophic earthquake in that area, and they’d better be prepared for it,’ said FEMA spokesperson Mary Margaret Walker.”

The Commercialism of Christmas

The Daily Mail wrote on November 24:

“Now the Church of England has joined the chorus of those who want to revolutionise Christmas with a call for people to send fewer cards… [It] launched a campaign for people to celebrate the season this year by cutting up their credit cards…

“Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams is among the leading clerics who – while they are strongly in favour of preserving the importance of Christmas as a Christian festival – are deeply anxious at the commercialism and high spending that goes with the holiday…

“In a new book, Do Nothing: Christmas is Coming, Dr Cottrell said: ‘It might be the season of goodwill, but it feels like the last straw on an already over-burdened camel’… The bishop also suggested that families should give up the ‘monstrous burden’ of giving presents they cannot afford.”

Reuters reported on November 24:

“Germans are trying to shut out the financial crisis by taking comfort in traditional festivities, and there is an acute shortage of Santas to entertain children at shopping centers, Christmas markets and private parties.

“‘Being Santa is not an easy job,’ Jens Wittenberger, in charge of Santa Claus recruitment at the Jobcafe Munich, told Reuters Monday. ‘To be honest, not many people have what it takes to be a good Father Christmas… You can’t have your Santa drive up in a car,’ said Wittenberger. ‘Every child knows that Santa travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer so we don’t want to disappoint anybody.’ Santas are told to park their car a few streets away and walk… ‘Santas can make up to 60 euros ($75) an hour,’ he said.”

Yoga Blasphemous?

Die Welt Online reported on November 22:

“A top Islamic council in mostly Muslim Malaysia told Muslims on Saturday to avoid yoga because it uses Hindu prayers and encourages a union with God that is blasphemous. ‘There are other ways to get exercise and a peace of mind,’ council chairman Abdul Shukor Husin told reporters… ‘You can go cycling, swimming and eat less fatty food.’

“‘For us, yoga can destroy a Muslim’s faith. But this is not a matter for the non-Muslims to be concerned about because it’s not imposed on them. We are looking out for the Muslim community,’ he said, noting Egypt and Singapore had issued similar rulings.”

Increased Belief in Paranormal Concepts

LifeScience.com reported on November 24:

“More people believe in aliens and ghosts than in God, a new survey finds, according to a British newspaper. The survey, however, was done by a marketing firm in conjunction with the release of an X-Files DVD, and details of how the poll was conducted were not reported in the Daily Mail. Survey questions, depending on how they are written, can greatly skew results, along with how subjects are sampled.

“That said, the poll of 3,000 people found that 58 percent believe in the supernatural, including paranormal encounters, while 54 percent believe God exists. Women were more likely than men to believe in the supernatural and were also more likely to visit a medium…

“A survey of U.S. college students done in 2006 found 23 percent of freshmen had a general belief in paranormal concepts – from astrology to communicating with the dead. Interestingly, the number jumped to 31 percent among seniors and 34 percent among graduate students.”

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Would you please explain 1 Timothy 2:1-2? How are we to pray for governmental leaders?

To properly understand what Paul is saying–and what he is not saying–let us read the entire passage of 1 Timothy 2:1-7, in context:

“(1) Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for ALL MEN, (2) for kings and all who are in authority, THAT WE MAY LEAD A QUIET AND PEACEABLE LIFE in all godliness and reverence. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, (4) who desires ALL MEN to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, (5) For there is ONE God and ONE Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, (6) who gave Himself a ransom FOR ALL, to be testified in due time, (7) for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle–I am speaking the truth in Christ and not lying–a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.”

As this passage clearly shows, we are to pray for governmental leaders, regardless of whether they behave and rule righteously or unrighteously. But how, exactly, are we to pray for them?

The Life Application Bible explains:

“Paul’s command to pray for kings was remarkable considering that Nero, a notoriously cruel ruler, was emperor at this time (A.D. 54-68). When Paul wrote this letter, persecution was a growing threat to believers. Later, when Nero needed a scapegoat for the great fire that destroyed much of Rome in A.D. 64, he blamed the Roman Christians so as to take the focus off himself. Then persecution erupted throughout the Roman empire. Not only were Christians denied certain privileges in society, some were even publicly butchered, burned, or fed to animals…

“When our lives are going along peacefully and quietly, it is difficult to remember to pray for those in authority, because we often take good government for granted. It’s easier to remember to pray when we experience problems. But we should pray for those in authority around the world so that their societies will be conducive to the spread of the gospel.”

This is a correct statement. True Christians ARE to pray that God would influence leaders, especially in societies hostile to Christianity, to allow the unhindered and unrestricted preaching of the true gospel (compare 2 Thessalonians 3:1). Paul is not telling us here that we are to necessarily pray for the conversion of these leaders–God will convert people in His due time–but that they be motivated to make decisions allowing us to lead peaceful and quiet lives. We are not asked to pray that God would reward evil leaders for and in their sins.

We are to pray even for our enemies (compare Matthew 5:44)–not, that they will be blessed in their sins, but that they perhaps come to the understanding of the truth and change their way of life (compare Romans 12:20). The king of Nineveh and the entire city-state repented of their evil deeds, when they heard Jonah’s warning–and as a consequence, they were spared from destruction. Jonah should have prayed for such a change in the minds of the people–but he did not. This should be a lesson for us today, not to act and think as Jonah did at that time.

There are occasions, of course, when we are not to pray for the benefit and welfare of a particular governmental leader. After God rejected King Saul, He told Samuel to cease mourning for the king (compare 1 Samuel 16:1).

At the same time, we are asked to pray with thanksgiving. This may be easy to do when we are living in peace. It is more difficult to do so when we are encountering persecution. But still, we need to include in our supplications and intercessions the giving of thanks in and even for those circumstances. We know that nothing just happens in our lives of which God is unaware. Whatever God allows to happen in our lives is for a reason. We read that God will see to it that even our enemies make peace with us when our ways are pleasing to God (compare Proverbs 16:7). If our enemies don’t make peace with us, then, perhaps, our ways are not as pleasing to God as we may think. Also, we are asked to be joyful in persecution, as we know that our reward will be great in heaven (Matthew 5:10-12). There are many reasons why we can be thankful even in adverse circumstances. For more information, please read our free booklets, “Teach Us to Pray” and “Human Suffering–Why and How Much Longer?”

The following commentaries explain quite succinctly how to pray for governmental leaders–and WHY. As we will see, Paul emphasizes the outcome of our prayers–to be able to lead quiet and peaceful lives in furtherance of the preaching of the gospel and walking the way of God.

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states that Paul is asking Christians to pray for “supreme governors, as the emperor of Rome, and kings of particular nations; and for all sub-governors, or inferior magistrates, as procurators or governors of provinces, and proconsuls, and the like; all that were in high places, and acted under the authority of those that were supreme.”

The commentary continues to explain the phrase, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty,” in the following way:

“… which does not merely design the end [or goal, purpose, aim] of civil government by kings and magistrates, which is to preserve the peace and quiet of the commonwealth; to protect the persons and properties of men, that they may possess their own undisturbed; and to secure to them their civil and religious rights and liberties… nor does this clause only point out the duty of saints to live peaceably under the government they are, and not disturb it… but also expresses the thing to be prayed for; and the sense is, that since the hearts of kings are in the hands of the Lord, and he can turn them as he pleases, prayer should be made to him for them [kings, etc.], that he [God] would… bring them [kings] to the knowledge of the truth, [which] they now persecuted; or at least so dispose their hearts and minds, that they might stop the persecution, and so saints might live peaceably under them…”

Vincent’s Word Studies adds that we are to pray for governmental leaders that we may lead a “quiet and peaceable life,” by explaining that “quiet” arises “from the absence of outward disturbance,” while “peaceable” or “with tranquility” arises “from within.”

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible points out:

“The design of the Christian religion is to promote prayer; and the disciples of Christ must be praying people. Pray always with all prayer [Ephesians 6:18]. There must be prayers for ourselves in the first place; this is implied here. We must also pray for all men, for the world of mankind in general, for particular persons who need or desire our prayers…

“Pray for kings…; though the kings at this time were heathens, enemies to Christianity, and persecutors of Christians, yet they must pray for them, because it is for the public good that there should be civil government, and proper persons entrusted with the administration of it, for whom therefore we ought to pray, yea, though we ourselves suffer under them… [We] must not plot against them… and give thanks for them and for the benefit we have under their government…

“Here we see what we must desire for kings, that God will so turn their hearts, and direct them and make use of them, that we under them may lead a quiet and peaceable life… Here we have our duty as Christians summed up in two words: godliness, that is, the right worshipping of God; and honesty, that is, a good conduct towards all men…

“The Jews at Babylon were commanded to seek the peace of the city whither the Lord had caused them to be carried captives, and to pray to the Lord for it; for in the peace thereof they should have peace [Jeremiah 29:7]…

“As a reason why we should in our prayers concern ourselves for all men, he [Paul] shows God’s love to mankind in general… God will have all men to be saved; he desires not the death and destruction of any [Ezekiel 33:11], but the welfare and salvation of all. Not that he has decreed the salvation of all, for then all men would be saved; but he has a good will to the salvation of all, and none perish but by their own fault… There is one Mediator, and that mediator gave himself a ransom for all.”

Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible states:

“… As it is a positive maxim of Christianity to pray for all secular governors, so it has ever been the practice of Christians… Indeed they prayed even for those by whom they were persecuted. If the state be not in safety, the individual cannot be secure; self-preservation, therefore, should lead men to pray for the government under which they live. Rebellions and insurrections seldom terminate even in political good; and even where the government is radically bad, revolutions themselves are most precarious and hazardous. They who wish such commotions would not be quiet under the most mild and benevolent government…

“Good rulers have power to do much good; we pray that their authority may be ever preserved and well directed. Bad rulers have power to do much evil; we pray that they may be prevented from thus using their power. So that, whether the rulers be good or bad, prayer for them is the positive duty of all Christians; and the answer to their prayers, in either [case], will be the means of their being enabled to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible writes:

“… while all people should be the subjects of prayer, those should be particularly remembered before the throne of grace who are in authority. The reason is, that so much depends on their character and plans; that the security of life, liberty, and property, depends so much on them. God has power to influence their hearts, and to incline them to [do] what is just and equal; and hence we should pray that a divine influence may descend upon them. The salvation of a king is of itself of no more importance than that of a peasant or a slave; but the welfare of thousands may depend on him, and hence he should be made the special subject of prayer.”

The commentary continues that we ought to pray for governmental leaders so “That their hearts may be so inclined to what is right that they may protect us in the enjoyment of religion, and that we may not be opposed or harassed by persecution.”

The Broadman Bible Commentary explains:

“Prayer for the emperor contrasted with worship of him. The practice reflected Christian fidelity to established institutions and the belief that power for orderly government came from God…”

For more information on this vital issue–how and in what way power for orderly government is derived from God–please read our Q&A on Romans 13:3.

The Broadman Bible Commentary continues:

“The aim of the prayer would be not the conversion of the emperor but the welfare of the state, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.”

In conclusion, we are instructed to include governmental leaders in our prayers so that we may be able to lead quiet and peaceable lives, enabling us to preach the gospel of the peaceful Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness. We are not asked to pray for the conversion of our leaders, but rather, that they may be motivated not to persecute us or to cease from their persecution. Instead of praying for a violent overthrow of our government, we are to pray that God will influence our leaders to do good and refrain from evil. Anarchy, insurrections and revolutions don’t establish peace, but they are, by their very nature, hazardous and violent. Our prayers for governmental leaders with the goal of leading peaceful lives would also include praying that, subject to God’s Will, our leaders do not decide to go to war, and that they are motivated to end whatever wars their nations might be engaged in.

We are to pray always and without ceasing, including on behalf of our leaders and even our enemies, so that we may be allowed to lead peaceful lives. In this world of hatred, violence and war, such kinds of prayers are necessary and very pleasing to God.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was written for December. In the letter, Dave Harris discusses several prophecies dealing with the future of the USA and Britain, as well as the endtime Church of God, and concludes with a challenging warning for God’s people.

The following new sermon was posted on Google Video and on our Website:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–Stubbornness, a Sure Way to Destruction,” November 15, 2008

Set forth below are recent comments from our readers and StandingWatch viewers:

I have watched the standingwatch.org website. It’s really a great blessing for us as we could understand about the prophecies in the Bible. I just want to have a copy of The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. And if you can send some more booklets which may be helpful to us, please do send us, so that we can spread the word. (Viewer from England)

Circuit City is closing hundreds of their stores. When that happens. people will lose their jobs. When people lose their jobs, they have no money to spend. When they don’t have money to spend, companies will have to go bankrupt or just close down their businesses (Viewer from the USA)

Thank you for your lovely teaching about the word of God, more especially the teachings of holy days of God. I have been a member of… conference church but I have never heard this wonderful teaching [as explained on] your web site [church of the eternal God]. Friends, because of this truth which I have found on your web and I believe that even if I can take this teaching to the church…, I know they will reject the message, but the coming Sabbath I will give it a trial to see if they will accept your message, and I will let you know next week. Be continually blessed in the Christ, and I request you to send to me the literature of [Mr. Herbert W.] Armstrong to help me to understand more of the truth (“Elder” from Kenya)

I want to thank you for all the strength you give me in my knowing [for] sure that Jesus Christ is my only savior (Reader from Holland)

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

America’s Recession Deepens

Reuters reported on November 19:

“Consumer prices fell at a record pace in October and new-home building slumped to fresh lows, according to government reports on Wednesday that suggested the economy likely is already in a recession that may be long and deep.”

The Associated Press added on November 19:

“Consumer prices plunged by the largest amount in the past 61 years in October… With the economy sliding into a recession and mortgage foreclosures continuing to rise to record levels, there was little prospect of a rebound any time soon…”

The New York Times wrote on November 19:

“Shares on Wall Street closed at their lowest levels in five years on Wednesday as hope dimmed in Washington for an emergency bailout of the auto industry. The late-day sell-off came in frenzy amid growing fears of deflation.

“The Dow Jones settled below 8,000 for the first time since 2003…  All corners of the market were down, but the financial, transportation and consumer sectors took the heaviest blows. Financial stocks were down an average of 9 percent over the day, and the banking giant Citigroup dropped 22 percent.

“Auto shares fell as the leaders of the three American automakers reprised their appearance on Capitol Hill to discuss an emergency bailout and the threat of bankruptcy. General Motors was down 10 percent, to $2.78 a share, and the Ford Motor Company was down 24 percent, to $1.27. By late Wednesday, it seemed clear the automakers would leave Washington without the $25 billion in federal aid the companies contend is critical to their long-term survival.”

Reuters reported on November 20:

“The U.S. financial system still needs at least $1 trillion to $1.2 trillion of tangible common equity to restore confidence and improve liquidity in the credit markets, Friedman Billings Ramsey analyst Paul Miller said. Eight financial companies — Citigroup Inc, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Wells Fargo & Co, JPMorgan Chase & Co, American International Group Inc, Bank of America Corp and GE Financial — are in greatest need of capital, he said… Currently, the U.S. financial system has $37 trillion of debt outstanding, he noted…”

Obama’s Promises Unrealizable

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 19:

“By some estimates the total cost of Barack Obama’s campaign promises could come to $2 trillion. The new president will have to disappoint many of his voters — or resign himself to an enormous government deficit…

“During the campaign, he repeated his mantra — ‘Yes, we can’ — several times daily. But now it will be more important for Obama to know when to say ‘no’… Time is running short… The new president can hardly expect any tailwind from the economy. A wave of layoffs has begun to accelerate at an incredible rate, destroying 17,000 jobs in January, 62,000 in June and 240,000 in October. Experts say that America could see next year’s unemployment rate rise to twice the 2007 rate…”

Catholic Cardinal Says, Future with Obama Will Be Catastrophic

Zenit wrote on November 19:

“The decline in respect for human life has had ‘catastrophic effects’ on the unity and integrity of the United States, which are evidenced by the presidential election, says a Vatican official [Baltimore-native Cardinal James Stafford, major penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary]… “‘On Nov. 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake,’ continued the cardinal. He pointed out that president-elect Barack Obama campaigned on an ‘extremist anti-life platform,’ and described him as ‘aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic.’

“Now Catholics will experience the Agony of the Garden through the next few years of Obama’s presidency, the cardinal said, and will have to endure the ‘hot, angry tears of betrayal.’ … Cardinal Stafford served as the archbishop of Denver for 10 years before being called to Rome.”

Europe Needs to Get Its House in Order

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 18:

“Congratulations Mr. President … Here is our Agenda… Barack Obama’s election has created a ground swelling of excitement in Europe. In an effort to revitalize transatlantic relations, several issues need to be addressed. First and foremost, Europe needs to get its own house in order if it expects the new President to heed its calls for greater cooperation.

“The global Obamania hype has reached European soil. Expectations are gigantic. But the fate of the transatlantic relationship does not solely depend on Barack Obama. Its fate will rather be decided by the way Europeans react to and interact with the new US President, as well as to what extent they are willing and able to set an agenda and contribute to its implementation.

“The current, rather passive, European approach concerning the future of transatlantic relations is founded on a substantial strategic deficit within most EU member states’ capitals. It limits Europeans to being spectators and passive bystanders instead of being proactive, contributing partners. Consequently, two things need to change if the EU’s role within the transatlantic partnership is to be saved from marginalization.

“First, the US needs to give up its reluctance to accept the reality of a multipolar world order. Second, the EU needs to become a credible partner for Washington, capable of dealing with the major tasks of our time… it is primarily the European Union that holds the key to this development… Military force no longer represents the core element of political power…”

The Failed G-20 Summit

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 18:

“At the financial summit in Washington, the international community was unduly respectful of the United States, neglecting to probe more deeply into the reasons for the crisis… The closing statements of the meeting, which had already been written before the dinner, absolved the United States of any blame. Suddenly the financial crisis had become nationless, which, given what has happened in the US real estate market, the business practices on Wall Street and the fact that American financial regulators have looked the other way for years, could be counted as a final coup for the Bush administration.”

In a related article, the magazine wrote on November 17:

“In the end, delegates to the financial summit of industrial and emerging economies delivered a closing statement without any concrete decisions. Host Bush has nothing left to say as the world eagerly awaits his successor Obama…

“This time around, it was primarily a meeting of either outgoing or politically weakened statesmen and women. Bush is a lame duck. A number of European leaders had just spent the week announcing that their economies had entered a recession. Russia has lost political influence as a result of plunging oil prices. And none of them saw the crisis coming…”

World Economy Looks Gloomier Than “Expected”

Deutsche Welle reported on November 20:

“A world economic confidence index released Thursday dropped to its lowest level in 20 years amid further news of heavy losses on global markets and an ongoing crisis among the world’s carmakers. The index, drawn up by German institute Ifo, was released as fears of a looming global economic recession grow… ‘Altogether the data points to a global recession,’ the institute said… adding that expectations for the coming six months have worsened further…

“France’s PSA Peugeot Citroen announced it would cut 3,550 jobs, and Britain’s Rolls-Royce, which is also a maker of plane engines, said it would cut up to 2,000 jobs worldwide. While in Japan, Isuzu Motors said it would cut 1,400 jobs… In the US, the chiefs of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler warned of a ‘catastrophic collapse’ of the industry if the government did not approve multibillion-dollar loans for the auto giants.”

Gigantic European Bail-Out Plan in the Making?

The EUObserver reported on November 20:

“A massive €130 billion prime-the-pump operation to stimulate the European economy is currently being planned by the European Commission. First revealed by German weekly Der Spiegel’s online edition, the EU executive is constructing a package that would see each of the 27 member states commit one percent of their GDP to fiscal stimulus measures to pull the bloc out of its downturn and stave off the greater threat of deflation…

“The move may run into resistance from some member states, whose public finances have little room to manoeuvre without borrowing the money for such an initiative, particularly at a time when the economic crisis is putting pressure on government revenues. Until now, Germany has strongly resisted pan-European measures, although it has already adopted domestic stimulus measures amounting to €32 billion over two years – equivalent to just over one percent of GDP…

“A stimulus package of such size would be a major turnaround for most European leaders… the downturn has been of so considerable a scale and speed – the eurozone officially entered its first-ever recession last Friday – that liberal hostility to government intervention is crumbling across the board.”

Iran’s Production of Uranium Too Close for Comfort?

Bloomberg reported on November 20:

“Iran has produced the minimum amount of low-enriched uranium needed to make a bomb if it was processed to weapons grade, a scenario that would first require the expulsion of UN inspectors, arms-control experts said. ‘There is definitely cause for concern,’ Andreas Persbo, a senior researcher… said.

“… analysts estimate that it would take Iran at least one year to make enough bomb-grade uranium, if it were to leave the treaty and reconfigure its enrichment facilities. Their comments followed a New York Times report today in which experts were cited as saying that yesterday’s IAEA report shows Iran has enough enriched uranium to make a bomb if the country breaches its treaty obligations and masters the design of a warhead.”

The Jerusalem Post added on November 20:

“One must not forget that the enriched uranium is low grade. For now, it can be used for nuclear power plants. However, it can be further refined into higher grade uranium. To do that, enrichment facilities at Natanz would have to go through major visible reconfigurations. For example, all the piping infrastructure will have to be redone. This would make it very difficult for Iran to hide from the IAEA inspectors.

“Unless, that is, there are secret facilities where the low enriched uranium is purified, away from the eyes and knowledge of the IAEA. And this is very possible… With Russia and China refusing to back further sanctions, all that remains diplomatically is for incoming President Barack Obama to try and use direct negotiations. Unless there is a miracle and the Russians and Chinese join in, there is little else that can be done diplomatically…

“If talks fail, the US could also take unilateral sanctions, the most powerful of which could be sanctions against the Iranian Central Bank (Bank Markazi). With oil prices falling, and reports that Iran will face a $60 billion budget deficit next year, this may force Ayatollah Khamenei to take negotiations seriously. One can not also help but notice that such reports help those who want a military solution. This may not be around the corner; however, it is there. Even when Obama enters office.”

The World’s Fight Against Somalia’s Pirates

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 19:

“Efforts by the European Union and NATO to fight pirates off the coast of Somalia have proven futile. With a limited mandate, their ships cannot keep armed bandits from seizing merchant vessels and taking hostages… Although NATO, European and US vessels are stationed in the region, they are helpless in effectively battling the increasing problem of piracy…

“NATO has four ships on patrol in the waters off Somalia, with two protecting UN food aid convoys to the troubled Horn of Africa country. The mission, NATO’s first-ever against pirates, ends in mid-December when the more extensive European Union operation ‘Atalanta’ begins…

“Given that the pirates in the region are well-armed with grenades, heavy machine guns and rocket-launchers, most foreign navies have steered clear of direct confrontation once ships have been hijacked, for fear of putting hostages at risk. Somalia’s vast coastline is also virtually impossible to monitor completely, even for modern warships.”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on November 19:

“An Indian warship patrolling the treacherous waters off the Horn of Africa destroyed a suspected pirate ship late Tuesday, at least the second time in a week that India’s armed forces have unleashed military force to combat piracy amid a surge in maritime lawlessness… Along with the U.S., Russia and European nations, India is among the naval forces patrolling the Gulf of Aden…

“Concern over piracy surged after audacious bandits Saturday hijacked a gigantic 1,000-foot tanker loaded with at least $100 million worth of crude oil and moored it near a pirate’s haven off the coast of Somalia. The pirates aboard the tanker, the Sirius Star, today demanded money in exchange for the $120-million ship, its crew and cargo…

“The U.S. military said it could take only limited steps to intervene and thwart pirates. Maritime experts say international law on jurisdiction regarding pirates is murky…

“But New Delhi has apparently taken a different approach. Last week, Indian marine commandos on a helicopter swooped in on the scene of a hijacking to fend off pirates assailing an Indian commercial ship. Two suspected pirates were killed in a shootout with British commandos defending a Danish vessel this month…

“More than 90 ships have been hijacked by pirates this year off the Horn of Africa… today’s pirates are tough young criminals armed with AK-47s and dressed in camouflage… modern piracy [is described] as ‘ruthless, high-level organized crime.'”

“Absurdistan Along the Horn of Africa”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 20:

“Just a few weeks before the EU anti-pirate mission is set to deploy, German officials are still unsure how much military force they are allowed to use against Somali raiders. Politicians are frustrated by the indecision and, on Thursday, German commentators joined the fray.

“… the EU will begin its own military mission, dubbed ‘Atalanta,’ in early December… the German government claims that it is bound by a treaty it signed in 1994 that strictly defines the scope of military encounters on the high seas. According to the terms of that convention, German ships may have to wait until pirates openly demonstrate aggression before they’re permitted to act in self-defense; and they may be required to cease their attacks as soon as pirates have gained control of another ship…

“The business daily Handelsblatt writes: ‘The pirates on the Horn of Africa are steering attention to another German farce…’

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘Piracy can only be challenged from land. It’s only when Somalia has a fully functioning government that the pirate dens will be cleared out… It’s only when Somali has a competent coast guard that one of Africa’s longest coastal stretches will be brought under control. But instead of that, the world is only talking about defending the attacks from the sea. The West is exclusively defending itself and its economic interests.'”

Prince Charles–The Defender of WHAT Faith?

The Telegraph reported on November 14:

“The Prince of Wales, who is 60 today, is planning a symbolic change when he becomes King by taking the title Defender OF FAITH to reflect Britain’s multicultural society… The Prince caused controversy within the Anglican church when he floated the idea several years ago of becoming Defender of THE FAITHS in an attempt to embrace the other religions in Britain…

“The Monarch has been known by the title Defender of THE FAITH ever since the title was bestowed on Henry VIII by the Pope in 1521 for his early support for Roman Catholicism… Vernon Bogdanor, the constitutionalist who is Professor of Government at Oxford University, said: ‘In 1952, when the Queen came to the throne, it was very much an Anglican society. The Prince of Wales will become head of a nation which is multi-denominational. The Prince has said that he wants to be seen as a defender of all religious faiths and not just the Anglican church but the Coronation is an Anglican ceremony. Any change would require legislation.’

“Professor Bogdanor said that after the Coronation, which will take place at Westminster Abbey, it was plausible that a second service would be held for other denominations and faiths, such as the Muslims and Hindus…”

When Mammoths Walk(ed) the Earth…

The Associated Press reported on November 19:

“Bringing ‘Jurassic Park’ one step closer to reality, scientists have deciphered much of the genetic code of the woolly mammoth, a feat they say could allow them to recreate the shaggy, prehistoric beast in as little as a decade or two. The project marks the first time researchers have spelled out the DNA of an extinct species, and it raised the possibility that other ancient animals such as mastodons and sabertooth tigers might someday walk the Earth again.

“‘It could be done. The question is, just because we might be able to do it one day, should we do it?’ asked Stephan Schuster, a Penn State University biochemist and co-author of the new research. ‘I would be surprised to see if it would take more than 10 or 20 years to do it.'”

For further information, you may want to listen to or view Norbert Link’s two-part series on the “Biblical World of Animals.” Audio and video versions are posted on our Website (www.eternalgod.org under Audio); additional video versions are posted on Google Video, as follows:

Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 1,” October 25, 2008

“Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 2,” November 1, 2008

Update 369

Fatal Sequence


The “fatal sequence” of an empire is most commonly attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler. It states that a nation progresses as follows:

          From Bondage to Spiritual Faith
          From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage
          From Courage to Liberty
          From Liberty to Abundance
          From Abundance to Selfishness
          From Selfishness to Complacency
          From Complacency to Apathy
          From Apathy to Dependency
          From Dependency back into Bondage

There may be debate as to whether they all have followed this course, but when looking at it, there are some undeniable accuracies. For some time now the English speaking countries have been the dominant empires. So this begs the question, where might we be in Tytler’s cycle?

If we are honest, we would have to say that we are near the end… in more ways than one. We are near the end of the list as well as being near “The End.” The Bible long ago predicted that the end-times would come and that there would be indicators that we are living in those times. Those events are presently happening all around us, and harbingers of future events are becoming clearer every day.

There is no question that these prophecies are going to take place and this present day empire will come to an end. This WILL happen! What is not clear is whether we as individuals will get caught up in the surge and suffer the same fate.

What are our tendencies? Is it to head towards bondage and away from godliness? Or is it to head towards spirituality and away from carnality? As we live in this world and walk through it, is the world wearing off on us or are we wearing off on it?

In the parable of the sower, Christians are warned about “the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches” (Matthew 13:22)–that they will choke off the Word of God and cause us to become unfruitful. If we succumb to these temptations, then we are in danger of receiving a great trial and tribulation (Matthew 24:21) to help get us back on the track.

We have been given a tremendous blessing in the calling and knowledge that has been bestowed upon us. Matthew 13:16-17 says: “But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

God brought us out of bondage and led us to the spiritual faith of Christ where He has given us courage, liberty and abundance in His way of life. Now we must be ever vigilant not to be caught in the vicious circle that leads back to the ignominy of bondage. Where are we in this “fatal sequence”?

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America’s Recession Deepens

Reuters reported on November 19:

“Consumer prices fell at a record pace in October and new-home building slumped to fresh lows, according to government reports on Wednesday that suggested the economy likely is already in a recession that may be long and deep.”

The Associated Press added on November 19:

“Consumer prices plunged by the largest amount in the past 61 years in October… With the economy sliding into a recession and mortgage foreclosures continuing to rise to record levels, there was little prospect of a rebound any time soon…”

The New York Times wrote on November 19:

“Shares on Wall Street closed at their lowest levels in five years on Wednesday as hope dimmed in Washington for an emergency bailout of the auto industry. The late-day sell-off came in frenzy amid growing fears of deflation.

“The Dow Jones settled below 8,000 for the first time since 2003…  All corners of the market were down, but the financial, transportation and consumer sectors took the heaviest blows. Financial stocks were down an average of 9 percent over the day, and the banking giant Citigroup dropped 22 percent.

“Auto shares fell as the leaders of the three American automakers reprised their appearance on Capitol Hill to discuss an emergency bailout and the threat of bankruptcy. General Motors was down 10 percent, to $2.78 a share, and the Ford Motor Company was down 24 percent, to $1.27. By late Wednesday, it seemed clear the automakers would leave Washington without the $25 billion in federal aid the companies contend is critical to their long-term survival.”

Reuters reported on November 20:

“The U.S. financial system still needs at least $1 trillion to $1.2 trillion of tangible common equity to restore confidence and improve liquidity in the credit markets, Friedman Billings Ramsey analyst Paul Miller said. Eight financial companies — Citigroup Inc, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Wells Fargo & Co, JPMorgan Chase & Co, American International Group Inc, Bank of America Corp and GE Financial — are in greatest need of capital, he said… Currently, the U.S. financial system has $37 trillion of debt outstanding, he noted…”

Obama’s Promises Unrealizable

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 19:

“By some estimates the total cost of Barack Obama’s campaign promises could come to $2 trillion. The new president will have to disappoint many of his voters — or resign himself to an enormous government deficit…

“During the campaign, he repeated his mantra — ‘Yes, we can’ — several times daily. But now it will be more important for Obama to know when to say ‘no’… Time is running short… The new president can hardly expect any tailwind from the economy. A wave of layoffs has begun to accelerate at an incredible rate, destroying 17,000 jobs in January, 62,000 in June and 240,000 in October. Experts say that America could see next year’s unemployment rate rise to twice the 2007 rate…”

Catholic Cardinal Says, Future with Obama Will Be Catastrophic

Zenit wrote on November 19:

“The decline in respect for human life has had ‘catastrophic effects’ on the unity and integrity of the United States, which are evidenced by the presidential election, says a Vatican official [Baltimore-native Cardinal James Stafford, major penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary]… “‘On Nov. 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake,’ continued the cardinal. He pointed out that president-elect Barack Obama campaigned on an ‘extremist anti-life platform,’ and described him as ‘aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic.’

“Now Catholics will experience the Agony of the Garden through the next few years of Obama’s presidency, the cardinal said, and will have to endure the ‘hot, angry tears of betrayal.’ … Cardinal Stafford served as the archbishop of Denver for 10 years before being called to Rome.”

Europe Needs to Get Its House in Order

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 18:

“Congratulations Mr. President … Here is our Agenda… Barack Obama’s election has created a ground swelling of excitement in Europe. In an effort to revitalize transatlantic relations, several issues need to be addressed. First and foremost, Europe needs to get its own house in order if it expects the new President to heed its calls for greater cooperation.

“The global Obamania hype has reached European soil. Expectations are gigantic. But the fate of the transatlantic relationship does not solely depend on Barack Obama. Its fate will rather be decided by the way Europeans react to and interact with the new US President, as well as to what extent they are willing and able to set an agenda and contribute to its implementation.

“The current, rather passive, European approach concerning the future of transatlantic relations is founded on a substantial strategic deficit within most EU member states’ capitals. It limits Europeans to being spectators and passive bystanders instead of being proactive, contributing partners. Consequently, two things need to change if the EU’s role within the transatlantic partnership is to be saved from marginalization.

“First, the US needs to give up its reluctance to accept the reality of a multipolar world order. Second, the EU needs to become a credible partner for Washington, capable of dealing with the major tasks of our time… it is primarily the European Union that holds the key to this development… Military force no longer represents the core element of political power…”

The Failed G-20 Summit

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 18:

“At the financial summit in Washington, the international community was unduly respectful of the United States, neglecting to probe more deeply into the reasons for the crisis… The closing statements of the meeting, which had already been written before the dinner, absolved the United States of any blame. Suddenly the financial crisis had become nationless, which, given what has happened in the US real estate market, the business practices on Wall Street and the fact that American financial regulators have looked the other way for years, could be counted as a final coup for the Bush administration.”

In a related article, the magazine wrote on November 17:

“In the end, delegates to the financial summit of industrial and emerging economies delivered a closing statement without any concrete decisions. Host Bush has nothing left to say as the world eagerly awaits his successor Obama…

“This time around, it was primarily a meeting of either outgoing or politically weakened statesmen and women. Bush is a lame duck. A number of European leaders had just spent the week announcing that their economies had entered a recession. Russia has lost political influence as a result of plunging oil prices. And none of them saw the crisis coming…”

World Economy Looks Gloomier Than “Expected”

Deutsche Welle reported on November 20:

“A world economic confidence index released Thursday dropped to its lowest level in 20 years amid further news of heavy losses on global markets and an ongoing crisis among the world’s carmakers. The index, drawn up by German institute Ifo, was released as fears of a looming global economic recession grow… ‘Altogether the data points to a global recession,’ the institute said… adding that expectations for the coming six months have worsened further…

“France’s PSA Peugeot Citroen announced it would cut 3,550 jobs, and Britain’s Rolls-Royce, which is also a maker of plane engines, said it would cut up to 2,000 jobs worldwide. While in Japan, Isuzu Motors said it would cut 1,400 jobs… In the US, the chiefs of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler warned of a ‘catastrophic collapse’ of the industry if the government did not approve multibillion-dollar loans for the auto giants.”

Gigantic European Bail-Out Plan in the Making?

The EUObserver reported on November 20:

“A massive €130 billion prime-the-pump operation to stimulate the European economy is currently being planned by the European Commission. First revealed by German weekly Der Spiegel’s online edition, the EU executive is constructing a package that would see each of the 27 member states commit one percent of their GDP to fiscal stimulus measures to pull the bloc out of its downturn and stave off the greater threat of deflation…

“The move may run into resistance from some member states, whose public finances have little room to manoeuvre without borrowing the money for such an initiative, particularly at a time when the economic crisis is putting pressure on government revenues. Until now, Germany has strongly resisted pan-European measures, although it has already adopted domestic stimulus measures amounting to €32 billion over two years – equivalent to just over one percent of GDP…

“A stimulus package of such size would be a major turnaround for most European leaders… the downturn has been of so considerable a scale and speed – the eurozone officially entered its first-ever recession last Friday – that liberal hostility to government intervention is crumbling across the board.”

Iran’s Production of Uranium Too Close for Comfort?

Bloomberg reported on November 20:

“Iran has produced the minimum amount of low-enriched uranium needed to make a bomb if it was processed to weapons grade, a scenario that would first require the expulsion of UN inspectors, arms-control experts said. ‘There is definitely cause for concern,’ Andreas Persbo, a senior researcher… said.

“… analysts estimate that it would take Iran at least one year to make enough bomb-grade uranium, if it were to leave the treaty and reconfigure its enrichment facilities. Their comments followed a New York Times report today in which experts were cited as saying that yesterday’s IAEA report shows Iran has enough enriched uranium to make a bomb if the country breaches its treaty obligations and masters the design of a warhead.”

The Jerusalem Post added on November 20:

“One must not forget that the enriched uranium is low grade. For now, it can be used for nuclear power plants. However, it can be further refined into higher grade uranium. To do that, enrichment facilities at Natanz would have to go through major visible reconfigurations. For example, all the piping infrastructure will have to be redone. This would make it very difficult for Iran to hide from the IAEA inspectors.

“Unless, that is, there are secret facilities where the low enriched uranium is purified, away from the eyes and knowledge of the IAEA. And this is very possible… With Russia and China refusing to back further sanctions, all that remains diplomatically is for incoming President Barack Obama to try and use direct negotiations. Unless there is a miracle and the Russians and Chinese join in, there is little else that can be done diplomatically…

“If talks fail, the US could also take unilateral sanctions, the most powerful of which could be sanctions against the Iranian Central Bank (Bank Markazi). With oil prices falling, and reports that Iran will face a $60 billion budget deficit next year, this may force Ayatollah Khamenei to take negotiations seriously. One can not also help but notice that such reports help those who want a military solution. This may not be around the corner; however, it is there. Even when Obama enters office.”

The World’s Fight Against Somalia’s Pirates

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 19:

“Efforts by the European Union and NATO to fight pirates off the coast of Somalia have proven futile. With a limited mandate, their ships cannot keep armed bandits from seizing merchant vessels and taking hostages… Although NATO, European and US vessels are stationed in the region, they are helpless in effectively battling the increasing problem of piracy…

“NATO has four ships on patrol in the waters off Somalia, with two protecting UN food aid convoys to the troubled Horn of Africa country. The mission, NATO’s first-ever against pirates, ends in mid-December when the more extensive European Union operation ‘Atalanta’ begins…

“Given that the pirates in the region are well-armed with grenades, heavy machine guns and rocket-launchers, most foreign navies have steered clear of direct confrontation once ships have been hijacked, for fear of putting hostages at risk. Somalia’s vast coastline is also virtually impossible to monitor completely, even for modern warships.”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on November 19:

“An Indian warship patrolling the treacherous waters off the Horn of Africa destroyed a suspected pirate ship late Tuesday, at least the second time in a week that India’s armed forces have unleashed military force to combat piracy amid a surge in maritime lawlessness… Along with the U.S., Russia and European nations, India is among the naval forces patrolling the Gulf of Aden…

“Concern over piracy surged after audacious bandits Saturday hijacked a gigantic 1,000-foot tanker loaded with at least $100 million worth of crude oil and moored it near a pirate’s haven off the coast of Somalia. The pirates aboard the tanker, the Sirius Star, today demanded money in exchange for the $120-million ship, its crew and cargo…

“The U.S. military said it could take only limited steps to intervene and thwart pirates. Maritime experts say international law on jurisdiction regarding pirates is murky…

“But New Delhi has apparently taken a different approach. Last week, Indian marine commandos on a helicopter swooped in on the scene of a hijacking to fend off pirates assailing an Indian commercial ship. Two suspected pirates were killed in a shootout with British commandos defending a Danish vessel this month…

“More than 90 ships have been hijacked by pirates this year off the Horn of Africa… today’s pirates are tough young criminals armed with AK-47s and dressed in camouflage… modern piracy [is described] as ‘ruthless, high-level organized crime.'”

“Absurdistan Along the Horn of Africa”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 20:

“Just a few weeks before the EU anti-pirate mission is set to deploy, German officials are still unsure how much military force they are allowed to use against Somali raiders. Politicians are frustrated by the indecision and, on Thursday, German commentators joined the fray.

“… the EU will begin its own military mission, dubbed ‘Atalanta,’ in early December… the German government claims that it is bound by a treaty it signed in 1994 that strictly defines the scope of military encounters on the high seas. According to the terms of that convention, German ships may have to wait until pirates openly demonstrate aggression before they’re permitted to act in self-defense; and they may be required to cease their attacks as soon as pirates have gained control of another ship…

“The business daily Handelsblatt writes: ‘The pirates on the Horn of Africa are steering attention to another German farce…’

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘Piracy can only be challenged from land. It’s only when Somalia has a fully functioning government that the pirate dens will be cleared out… It’s only when Somali has a competent coast guard that one of Africa’s longest coastal stretches will be brought under control. But instead of that, the world is only talking about defending the attacks from the sea. The West is exclusively defending itself and its economic interests.'”

Prince Charles–The Defender of WHAT Faith?

The Telegraph reported on November 14:

“The Prince of Wales, who is 60 today, is planning a symbolic change when he becomes King by taking the title Defender OF FAITH to reflect Britain’s multicultural society… The Prince caused controversy within the Anglican church when he floated the idea several years ago of becoming Defender of THE FAITHS in an attempt to embrace the other religions in Britain…

“The Monarch has been known by the title Defender of THE FAITH ever since the title was bestowed on Henry VIII by the Pope in 1521 for his early support for Roman Catholicism… Vernon Bogdanor, the constitutionalist who is Professor of Government at Oxford University, said: ‘In 1952, when the Queen came to the throne, it was very much an Anglican society. The Prince of Wales will become head of a nation which is multi-denominational. The Prince has said that he wants to be seen as a defender of all religious faiths and not just the Anglican church but the Coronation is an Anglican ceremony. Any change would require legislation.’

“Professor Bogdanor said that after the Coronation, which will take place at Westminster Abbey, it was plausible that a second service would be held for other denominations and faiths, such as the Muslims and Hindus…”

When Mammoths Walk(ed) the Earth…

The Associated Press reported on November 19:

“Bringing ‘Jurassic Park’ one step closer to reality, scientists have deciphered much of the genetic code of the woolly mammoth, a feat they say could allow them to recreate the shaggy, prehistoric beast in as little as a decade or two. The project marks the first time researchers have spelled out the DNA of an extinct species, and it raised the possibility that other ancient animals such as mastodons and sabertooth tigers might someday walk the Earth again.

“‘It could be done. The question is, just because we might be able to do it one day, should we do it?’ asked Stephan Schuster, a Penn State University biochemist and co-author of the new research. ‘I would be surprised to see if it would take more than 10 or 20 years to do it.'”

For further information, you may want to listen to or view Norbert Link’s two-part series on the “Biblical World of Animals.” Audio and video versions are posted on our Website (www.eternalgod.org under Audio); additional video versions are posted on Google Video, as follows:

Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 1,” October 25, 2008

“Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 2,” November 1, 2008

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Can you explain the fate of the city of Jerusalem at the time of Christ's return, as revealed in the book of Zechariah?

Numerous passages in the book of Zechariah and in other places in the Old and New Testament reveal that the city of Jerusalem will be facing a terrible time of destruction, but that it also will be subsequently blessed beyond human comprehension.

Jesus stated in Luke 21 that Jerusalem will be surrounded by Gentile armies which will make the city “desolate” (verse 20). He added that the city will be “trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (verse 24). We read in Daniel 11:41 that the “king of the North” — a military leader — will “enter the Glorious Land” and “plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain” (verse 45)–apparently establishing the city of Jerusalem as his new headquarters.

Paul adds in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 that the “man of sin” or the “lawless one” — a religious leader — will sit “as God in the temple of God,” claiming to be God. His powers will be given to him by Satan (verse 9). This passage indicates that a physical temple will be built in Jerusalem, and that the “lawless one” will be sitting in that temple. That an end-time temple may be built can also be seen in Zechariah 6:15.

Revelation 11:1-2 seems to confirm that a physical temple will be built in Jerusalem, and that the Gentiles will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months–that is, for three-and-a-half years. They will kill God’s “two witnesses” in Jerusalem–a city which by that time is compared with the city of Sodom (verse 8). But God will resurrect the two witnesses, and an earthquake will strike the city, destroying a tenth part of it, and 7,000 people will die in that earthquake (verse 13).

We also read that sacrifices will be given in Jerusalem until the king of the North, the man of sin and the Gentile armies take them away (Daniel 11:31; 8:9-14).

Joel 3:2, 11-14 reveals that at the time of Jesus Christ’s return, ALL nations–that is, their armies–will move to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, outside Jerusalem, in order to fight there. Revelation 16:14, 16 tells us that they will first assemble at a place called Armageddon–but according to the book of Joel, they will then move towards Jerusalem. At that time, the modern nations of Israel and Judah will have already been defeated in war and have become captives of Gentile powers (Joel 3:1, 6; compare Jeremiah 30:10). The book of Joel informs us further that Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem to fight for it–and THEN “Jerusalem shall be holy” (verse 17). He and His saints will overcome all of God’s enemies, including the king of the North, the man of sin and their armies–their attempt to fight Christ and His saints will be defeated (Revelation 17:14).

With this brief background, let us now focus on what is stated in the book of Zechariah, regarding the end-time fate of Jerusalem.

The LORD or Jesus Christ, the Messiah, tells us that He will return to Jerusalem with mercy, and that His house shall be built in it (Zechariah 1:16). He assures us that Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls–that is, it will be peaceful (2:4). When God dwells in Jerusalem, it shall be called the “City of Truth, The Mountain of the LORD of hosts, The Holy Mountain'” (8:3). Then, “Old men and old women shall again sit In the streets of Jerusalem… The streets of the city Shall be full of boys and girls Playing in its streets…” (8:4-5). The captives of Israel and Judah will be brought back to Jerusalem “from the land of the east and from the land of the west… And they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. They shall be My people, And I will be their God, In truth and righteousness” (8:7-8).

As the modern nations of Israel and Judah will become a curse among the nations just prior to Christ’s return, so they will become a blessing when Christ saves them (8:13). Christ is determined to do good to Jerusalem in the end (8:15). Then, “many peoples and strong nations Shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem And to pray before the LORD” (8:22). The Jews will be respected at that time–rather than still harboring anti-Semitic feelings, Gentile nations will ask the Jewish people to show them the way to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (8:23).

In Zechariah 9:9-10, we read about Christ’s first AND second coming to Jerusalem. At His first coming, He rode peacefully on a donkey (verse 9). At His second coming, He will also bring peace to the city–by DESTROYING all the weapons of war (verse 10)–and–as we will see–by DESTROYING those who want to destroy the city.

Just prior to His return, Christ will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against it (12:2). Verses 3 and 4 tell us: “And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it. In that day… I will strike every horse with confusion, and its rider with madness… and will strike every horse of the peoples [soldiers] with blindness.”

Verses 8, 9 and 11 continue: “In that day the LORD will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem… It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem… In that day there shall be great mourning in Jerusalem…”

When Christ returns to Jerusalem, He will “cut off the names of the idols from the land” and He will “cause the [false] prophets and the unclean spirit to depart from the land” (13:2). We also read that two-thirds of all the inhabitants of the land of Judah will die, and that the remaining one-third will be refined in fire–that is, they will repent during the “Great Tribulation” and the “Day of the Lord,” and become converted (13:8-9).

The last chapter of the book of Zechariah (chapter 14) gives us, without doubt, the great crescendo or final climax of the fate of the city of Jerusalem–picturing first its terrible future destruction, and then its subsequent glorious destiny.

Note these highlights from chapter 14, which bring into focus, in a coordinated fashion, the various statements quoted in this Q&A pertaining to Jerusalem’s future:

“(1) Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, And your spoil will be divided in your midst. (2) For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; The city shall be taken, the houses rifled, And the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, But the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. (3) Then the LORD will go forth And fight against those nations, As He fights in the day of battle. (4) And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley… (5) Then you shall flee through my mountain valley… As you fled from the earthquake In the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Thus the LORD my God will come, And all the saints with [Him]… (7) It shall be one day Which is known to the LORD [God the Father]…

“(12) And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongue shall dissolve in their mouths. (13) It shall come to pass in that day That a great panic from the LORD will be among them. Everyone will… raise his hand against his neighbor’s hand; (14) Judah will also fight at [better: against] Jerusalem [speaking of those Jews who escaped captivity by supporting the Gentile armies, compare Daniel 11:32]… (15) Such also shall be the plague On the horse and the mule, On the camel and the donkey, And on all the cattle that will be in those [military] camps. So shall this plague be.”

But Christ also tells us in the 14th chapter of the book of Zechariah what will happen AFTER His return–when He begins to RULE in Jerusalem, sitting on the throne of David (compare Luke 1:31-33):

“(8) And in that day it shall be that living waters shall flow from Jerusalem… (9) And the LORD shall be King over all the earth… (10) Jerusalem shall be raised up and inhabited in her place… (11) The people shall dwell in it; And no longer shall there be utter destruction, But Jerusalem shall be inhabited… (16) And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. (17) And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain. (18) If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. (19) This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

“(20) In that day ‘HOLINESS TO THE LORD’ shall be engraved on the bells of the horses… (21) Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the LORD of hosts. Everyone who sacrifices shall come and take them and cook in them. In that day there shall no longer be a Canaanite [an unconverted, rebellious person] in the house of the LORD of hosts.”

The entire book of Zechariah, all its visions and prophecies, point at this most important event in the history of man–the return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. He will come to establish the righteous and peaceful Kingdom of God on this war-stricken earth. May God speed THAT day, and let us pray, “Your Kingdom COME,” while making sure that we are coming out of spiritual Babylon, lest we “share in her sins, and lest [we] receive of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Set forth below are recent comments from our StandingWatch viewers:

It all comes down to one word: greed. Man can get away with greed for a while but it will catch up to you, and it did, worldwide! It is good to know that a better and “greed-less” future is coming!

God’s will shall be done regardless of who is the president, I did not vote for [Obama] or McCain.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Stubbornness – A Sure Way to Destruction

In the Bible, stubbornness is generally described in a negative way. It is sometimes difficult to detect, because it is often related to self-righteousness. If we are in that frame of mind, we may not see a need for us to repent. We may see all kinds of faults in others, but not in ourselves. We may stubbornly reject counsel–and this attitude may lead to our complete downfall. If we refuse to allow God to change us, we are predestined to fail.

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Current Events

USA–Is the “Last Best Hope on Earth” Gone?

The British paper, The Daily Mail, wrote on November 8:

“The swooning frenzy over the choice of Barack Obama as President of the United States must be one of the most absurd waves of self-deception and swirling fantasy ever to sweep through an advanced civilisation… This is a cult like the one which grew up around Princess Diana, bereft of reason and hostile to facts…

“Proper books, recording his sordid associates, his cowardly voting record, his astonishingly militant commitment to unrestricted abortion and his blundering trip to Africa, are little-read and hard to find… one of his alarmingly close associates, a state-subsidised slum landlord called Tony Rezko, has been convicted on fraud and corruption charges.

“… the US is just as segregated as it was before Martin Luther King – in schools, streets, neighbourhoods, holidays… Mr Obama, thanks mainly to the now-departed grandmother he alternately praised as a saint and denounced as a racial bigot, has the huge advantages of an expensive private education. He did not have to grow up in the badlands of useless schools, shattered families and gangs which are the lot of so many young black men of his generation.

“If the nonsensical claims made for this election were true, then every positive discrimination programme aimed at helping black people into jobs they otherwise wouldn’t get should be abandoned forthwith. Nothing of the kind will happen. On the contrary, there will probably be more of them. And if those who voted for Obama were all proving their anti-racist nobility, that presumably means that those many millions who didn’t vote for him were proving themselves to be hopeless bigots. This is obviously untrue…

“The United States, having for the most part a deeply conservative people, had until now just about stood out against many of the mistakes which have ruined so much of the rest of the world. Suspicious of welfare addiction, feeble justice and high taxes, totally committed to preserving its own national sovereignty, unabashedly Christian in a world part secular and part Muslim, suspicious of the Great Global Warming panic, it was unique.

“These strengths had been fading for some time, mainly due to poorly controlled mass immigration and to the march of political correctness. They had also been weakened by the failure of America’s conservative party – the Republicans – to fight on the cultural and moral fronts. They preferred to posture on the world stage. Scared of confronting Left-wing teachers and sexual revolutionaries at home, they could order soldiers to be brave on their behalf in far-off deserts. And now the US, like Britain before it, has begun the long slow descent into the Third World. How sad. Where now is our last best hope on Earth?”

“Will the Real Barack Obama Now Finally Stand Up?”

The British paper, The Independent, wrote on November 10:

“What is a strong way of saying ‘ecstatic enthusiasm’? No President has ever had such a hyperbolic welcome. The Second Coming would have been greeted in more measured terms. Then again, much of the reportage assumed that this was a secular Second Coming: a rebirth of America. Thus far, it has been impossible to fault Mr Obama. He has certainly displayed magnanimity in victory.

“… [at] some stage, the hard work will have to begin, the hard decisions will force their way on to the agenda. The Russians have already made it plain that they do not share in the global euphoria. While everyone else expresses hope, they exploit weakness. Nor is it likely that Iran, North Korea, al-Qa’ida and the Taliban will be asking for tickets to the inauguration. Then there is the little matter of the economy. No president since Abraham Lincoln has taken office in such troubled circumstances – and even Lincoln only had one enormous problem…

“His victory has at least two fascinating aspects. First, he will be much the least experienced occupier of the White House in the era of the imperial presidency. Second, no one knows what he believes. In every previous presidential campaign, there were moments of political nakedness, when the voters were able to see the candidate as he really was. Mr Obama kept his clothes on.

“We know that he had one of the most left-wing voting records in the Senate… His speeches are absolutely no guide. Mr Obama is an orator, but thus far, he has used that gift to create a cloud of exaltation. There are hardly any arguments…

“The most alarming aspect of the current economic crisis is that none of the experts seem to understand it. So how can anyone tell when it is going to end?…

“Mr Obama was right to insist that Wall Street cannot prosper if Main Street is suffering. But a healthy financial sector is vital… Many Congressional Democrats are economic ignoramuses with all the wrong instincts. If they had their way, there would be a forest of new regulations… But the world needs a strong Wall St. It is to be hoped that President Obama understands this. A president who tells blacks that the Civil Rights era belongs to history while reassuring American bankers: that is not how most of Mr Obama’s followers expect him to behave. But greatness is not to be found by pandering to followers’ illusions…

“Thus far – the cliché is inescapable – the Obama story has been stranger than fiction. Yet the real drama has still to begin.”

Will Guantanamo Bay Prison Be Shut… and Then What?

The Independent wrote on November 10:

“Mr Obama has a long-standing commitment to shut down Guantanamo, which has become a symbol of injustice for human rights campaigners, and a lightning rod for anti-US criticism since it opened eight years ago. Closing the prison, which is on a part of Cuba leased to the US, will bring to an end one of the most poisonous legacies of the Bush administration while sending a signal that the ‘war on terror’ is under more enlightened management.

“During his election campaign, Mr Obama described Guantanamo and the CIA’s secret prisons around the world as a ‘sad chapter in American history’. Other aspects of Mr Bush’s ‘war on terror’ will also demand Mr Obama’s urgent attention such as yesterday’s revelation by the New York Times that the US military has, during the past four years, conducted up to a dozen secret raids in Pakistan and other countries not at war with the US. Mr Obama has previously said he would approve such raids against enemies such as Osama bin Laden if… no other option was available.

“Mr Obama’s plans for Guantanamo inmates should see most detainees, against whom there is little or no evidence, being released to their home countries after years in legal limbo. Others will face prosecution in US criminal courts. One problem… those courts will face is deciding whether evidence from anonymous intelligence sources or obtained without any legal process can be taken into account. Some Guantanamo inmates suffered torture or other abusive treatment at the hands of CIA interrogators either at the prison or after they were picked up in security sweeps in Afghanistan or Pakistan. A few have been through the controversial military commissions process, from which even prosecutors have resigned. The US Supreme Court has several times rebuked the Bush administration for its handling of the detainees…

“Republicans will strongly oppose bringing terrorism suspects to the US. Many Democrats oppose the creation of a new court system on US soil that will have fewer rights for suspects than at present.

“Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor who is acting as a legal adviser to the Obama team, said at the weekend that ‘theoretical’ plans for Guantanamo would now become more focused because closing the prison is a top priority. But he also predicted that transferring suspected terrorists to US soil will be a cause of controversy. ‘I think the answer is going to be, they can be as securely guarded on US soil as anywhere else,’ Mr Tribe said. ‘We can’t put people in a dungeon forever without processing whether they deserve to be there.’…

“Lawyers representing clients at Guantanamo Bay such as Marc Falkoff point out that only a dozen or so detainees are known to be avowed terrorists… ‘Most of the detainees are goat herders, or Arabs who volunteered to help the Taliban, but they are not hardcore terrorists. The real problem is getting their home countries to accept them back.'”

How American Muslims View Barack Obama

USA Today reported on November 7:

“After months of balancing their support for the presidential candidate with concerns that their allegiance could do more harm than good, millions of relieved American Muslims cheered the election of the son of a Muslim immigrant whose middle name is Hussein.

“Record numbers of U.S. Muslims had cast their votes, boosted by registration drives held by the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, which targeted swing-state residents. MAS Freedom estimates that about 70,000 Muslims voted in Virginia, a state that had not backed a Democratic president in more than 40 years, and which Barack Obama won by fewer than 160,000 votes…

“The Muslim community has mobilized greatly since 2000, when most of its voters — with the exception of African American Muslims — had supported George W. Bush. Ultimately dismayed by the president’s post-9/11 policies, they began swinging Democratic in 2004… Early estimates indicate that between 70 and 90% of Muslim voters supported Obama this year…

“Throughout the party primaries and the general election, Muslims had to temper their political activism against a smear campaign calling Obama a ‘secret Muslim,’ based on his father’s Kenyan roots. These efforts ultimately backfired; Jen’nan Read, a Duke University sociology professor, said the rumors helped galvanize Muslims and other offended Americans to fight back.

“But some Muslims were more frustrated that Obama’s campaign, which responded to the accusations by highlighting the candidate’s Christian faith, did not also state that there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim American — an anti-Islamophobia point finally made in Gen. Colin Powell’s mid-October endorsement. They also complained when Obama volunteers moved two headscarf-wearing Muslim women out of a background shot at a Detroit rally last summer, prompting the campaign to apologize.

“‘They were disappointed,’ Read said. ‘But they were also disappointed by the past eight years of George Bush, and more disappointed in that than in (Obama’s) campaign strategy.’ Rumors of Obama’s Muslim ties, and the possible implications for U.S.-Israel relations, also fueled an unusually tough battle for the Jewish vote. But ultimately, about 78% of Jews supported Obama — slightly higher than their 2004 votes for John Kerry, although the Republican Jewish Coalition noted that this did not reach their support for either Bill Clinton or Al Gore…

“In terms of immediate goals for the next White House resident, the Muslim community now wants to see Obama fulfill his promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq, and to take a more balanced approach when dealing with turmoil in Pakistan and the Middle East…”

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Position on Same-Sex Marriage “Evolving”

The Los Angeles Times reported on November 10:

“Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sunday expressed hope that the California Supreme Court would overturn Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that outlawed same-sex marriage. He also predicted that the 18,000 gay and lesbian couples who have already wed would not see their marriages nullified by the initiative. ‘It’s unfortunate, obviously, but it’s not the end,’ Schwarzenegger said…

“With his favorable comments toward gay marriage, the governor’s thinking appears to have evolved on the issue. In past statements, he has said he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman and has rejected legislation authorizing same-sex marriage. Yet he has also said he would not care if same-sex marriages were legal, saying he believed that such an important societal issue should be determined by the voters or the courts. Schwarzenegger publicly opposed Proposition 8, which amends the state Constitution to declare that ‘only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.’

“On Sunday, he urged backers of gay marriage to follow the lesson he learned as a bodybuilder trying to lift weights that were too heavy for him at first. ‘I learned that you should never ever give up. . . . They should never give up. They should be on it and on it until they get it done’…

“Schwarzenegger’s comments came as protesters took to the streets for a fifth day in a row, sometimes marching to [and protesting against] Catholic and Mormon churches that supported passage of the ballot measure…

“Some churches… assailed Proposition 8 as discriminatory. ‘We will continue to bless same-sex unions here until we can legally celebrate same-sex unions again,’… [Pastor] Ed Bacon told 1,000 congregants during Sunday services at All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, which has blessed same-sex unions for 16 years… [He said:] “In the eyes of God, these people are married.”

The Associated Press added on November 10:

“Speaking on CNN’s ‘Late Edition’ Sunday, Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed disappointment at Proposition 8’s passage. ‘It is unfortunate,’ Schwarzenegger said. ‘But it is not the end because I think this will go back into the courts. … It’s the same as in the 1948 case when blacks and whites were not allowed to marry. This falls into the same category.'”

Circuit City Files for Bankruptcy

The Associated Press reported on November 10:

“Circuit City Stores Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday heading into the busy holiday season as analysts question whether the nation’s second-biggest electronics retailer will be able to survive… The company also said it cut 700 more jobs at its headquarters, after announcing a week ago that it would close 20 percent of its stores and lay off thousands of workers.

“Circuit City filed for Chapter 11 protection, which will allow it to hold off creditors and continue operations while it develops a reorganization plan. Its Canadian operations also filed for similar protection.”

AIG’s Bailout Keeps Climbing…

Bloomberg reported on November 10:

“American International Group Inc. got a $150 billion government rescue package, almost doubling the initial bailout of less than two months ago… The move extends the government’s reach into the financial system amid the worst economic crisis in 75 years…”

Troubled Banks Continue to Lobby

USA Today wrote on November 7:

“Nineteen banks taking taxpayer money from the Treasury Department have spent $32.4 million lobbying the federal government during the first nine months of this year, their lobbying disclosure reports show. Combined, the Treasury is investing in the banks $159 billion from the $700 billion financial rescue package approved by Congress last month. None of the banks has indicated it plans to stop lobbying.”

In an accompanying article, the newspaper listed some of the larger banks in question, including Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Capital One.

70 Years Ago–Germany’s Kristallnacht

AFP reported on November 9:

“Germany marked Sunday [November 9] the 70th anniversary of the Kristallnacht [“the Night of Broken Glass”] pogrom, a prelude to the Holocaust, with solemn ceremonies throughout the country and celebrations of the rebirth of Jewish life here. Chancellor Angela Merkel and Jewish leaders gathered at Germany’s biggest synagogue to pay tribute to the victims of Kristallnacht on November 9-10, 1938, and to the revival of a Jewish community against all odds…

“The pogrom… saw Nazi thugs plunder Jewish businesses throughout Germany, torch some 300 synagogues and round up some 30,000 Jewish men for deportation to concentration camps. Some 90 Jews were killed in the orgy of violence, whose pretext was the murder of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris by a student, Herschel Grynspan, who sought revenge for the expulsion of his family from Germany with about 15,000 other Polish Jews…

“Historians say the Nazis tested the German public’s reaction to the spasm of anti-Semitic violence and the lack of public outcry led them to press on, culminating in the extermination campaign launched three years later…

“After national unification in 1990, Germany began accepting Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet states and the country now has one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in the world with some 110,000 members… Because it shares the same date [November 9], the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was also marked Sunday at low-key events ahead of the 20th anniversary next year.”

Welt-On-Line added on November 9:

“German-born Pope Benedict voiced on Sunday his lingering pain over the night 70 years ago when the Nazis whipped up anti-Jewish riots in a pogrom known as the ‘Kristallnacht’, a harbinger of the Holocaust… ‘Still today I feel pain over what happened in those tragic events, whose memory must serve to ensure such horrors are never repeated and that we strive, on every level, against all forms of anti-Semitism and discrimination … ,’ said the pope. ‘I invite people to pray for the victims of that night and to join me in expressing profound solidarity with the Jewish world,’ the pontiff told crowds at the Vatican…

“Pope Benedict, born Joseph Ratzinger in Bavaria in 1927, was forced to join the Hitler Youth as a teenager, though both his parents opposed the Nazis. Earlier this year the pontiff spoke in New York about his teenage years being ‘marred by a sinister regime’…”

Holocaust Survivors Ask Vatican to Freeze Sainthood Procedure for Pope Pius XII

Reuters wrote on November 10:

“One of the most influential groups of Holocaust survivors accused Nazi-era Pope Pius XII on Monday of keeping ‘silent in the face of absolute evil’ and asked the Vatican to freeze his sainthood process…

“Elan Steinberg, the group’s vice president [and director emeritus of the World Jewish Congress], said in a statement: ‘There were many individuals and representatives of the Church whose shining heroism during the terrible years of the Holocaust should be recognized, but Pope Pius was not among them… ‘

“Some Jews have accused Pius, who reigned from 1939 to 1958, of turning a blind eye to the Holocaust. The Vatican says he worked silently behind the scenes and helped save many Jews… Pius was guilty of ‘public silence in the face of absolute evil,’ Steinberg said.

“‘During World War II, despite pleas and reports from other Church leaders and the Allies, Pope Pius failed to even once publicly and explicitly denounce the Nazi crimes against the Jews,’ he said. Differences over Pius’s role haunted Catholic-Jewish relations. Some Catholics recently pushed for the Pope to speed up his sainthood process and some Jews want it put on hold until Vatican archives are opened in about seven years…

“Steinberg said the Vatican should instead look to Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), who helped save Jews and who reported to the Vatican on Nazi plans to exterminate the Jews when he was a bishop and the Vatican’s wartime representative in Turkey.”

Billy Graham No Longer Pastor to President

USA Today and The Associated Press reported on November 7:

“Billy Graham’s work as a pastor to presidents is coming to an end, but he is praying for Barack Obama as the next U.S. leader begins his work, Graham’s son said Friday on the ailing evangelist’s 90th birthday… Graham’s views of the world are still respected in White House circles. Republican presidential candidate John McCain visited Graham at his mountainside home during the campaign, and Obama tried to meet Graham but wasn’t able to do so because of the preacher’s poor health.

“Though never partisan in his preaching, Billy Graham is a registered Democrat. His son expressed concern about Obama’s views on abortion and gay marriage — an issue Franklin Graham raised in a meeting with the Illinois senator — saying that he and his father are conservatives who believe the Bible speaks clearly on those issues.

“‘President-elect Obama heard our position,’ Franklin Graham said. ‘And I told him that this was very difficult for us and hard for us. It’s a moral issue that we just can’t back down on. But he’s our president-elect, and those positions that he holds that are contrary to Biblical teaching, I hope that God will change his heart…’ Obama favors abortion rights, and does not support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage…

“His days at 90 are a stark contrast to Graham’s days as a globe-trotting evangelist — a ministry that put him behind the pulpit to speak with 215 million people in more than 185 countries and placed him in the confidence of some of the world’s most powerful people.”

Robert Schuller Ousts His Son–Does Not Want to Preach What Is Sin

The Los Angeles Times reported on October 27:

“The schism between… Robert H. Schuller and his son at Orange County’s Crystal Cathedral arose over a disagreement about broadening the church’s long-running television show, ‘Hour of Power,’ beyond a single personality — a move opposed by the younger Schuller, pastors involved in the matter said Sunday. The elder Schuller announced Saturday that he was removing his son… Robert A. Schuller, as the show’s only preacher three years after turning the program over to him. The show will now be hosted by different pastors, and even businessmen, from around the country and Latin America…

“Schuller built his worldwide ministry over a half century on the psychology of positive thinking and appealing to people turned off by the formality of traditional faiths. In contrast, his son’s sermons have been full of direct references to the Bible. ‘I was called to start a mission, not a church,’ Schuller told his audience Sunday. ‘There is a difference. . . . You don’t try to preach . . . what is sin and what isn’t sin. A mission is a place where you ask nonbelievers to come and find faith and hope and feel love. We’re a mission first, a church second.’… ‘I love my son and am proud of my son,’ he said, adding that the younger Schuller will continue to work as a Crystal Cathedral senior pastor.”

Pope Condemns Trade in Human Organs

Reuters reported on November 7:

“Pope Benedict condemned the trade in human organs as an abomination Friday and urged caution in removing organs for transplant from dying donors who might not actually yet be dead… Buying and selling of human organs is a lucrative business for suppliers and countries that allow foreign ‘transplant tourists’ to have operations they cannot get at home. Organs are often bought from poor peasants and sometimes harvested from condemned prisoners…

“A recent article in the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano challenged the medical consensus that brain death marks the death of a person. Since the brain can die before other organs, this allows doctors to harvest organs for transplant… The Vatican has long accepted the brain death criterion. Rejecting it now could force Catholic hospitals to revert to the cardiac death rule, leaving many fewer organs for transplant.”

Life Begins at Defined Moment of Conception

On November 7, 2008, Zenit published an interview with scientist Maureen Condic who holds that human life begins at a defined moment of conception. Condic is an associate professor of neurobiology and anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She received her doctorate in neurobiology from the University of California, Berkely. Her teaching focuses primarily on embryonic development, and she directs the University of Utah School of Medicine’s course in human embryology.

In the interview, Condic stated the following:

“… resolving when human life begins has important implications for a number of controversial political topics, including abortion and human embryonic stem cell research… The central question of ‘when does human life begin’ can be stated in a somewhat different way: When do sperm and egg cease to be, and what kind of thing takes their place once they cease to be?…

“[My] conclusion [is] that a new human organism comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion… a scientific analysis of the best available data does not support the conclusion that fertilization is a ‘process’; it supports the conclusion that fertilization is an event that takes less than a second to complete. The events of the first 24 hours following sperm-egg fusion are clearly unique, but they are also clearly acts of a human organism, not acts of a mere human cell.”

Update 368

Stubbornness–A Sure Way to Destruction

On Saturday, November 15, 2008, Norbert Link will give the sermon from Oregon, titled, “Stubbornness–A Sure Way to Destruction.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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He Cares For You

by Rene Messier (Canada)

The fact that God cares for us and is involved in our lives to the smallest and infinite details was “driven home” to me on the way back from the Feast of Tabernacles. Like many of you, my wife Delia and I had to “drive home” after a most inspiring and fulfilling Feast. We had a safe and uneventful trip except for two incidents:

We stopped for a break about twenty miles north of Yakima, Washington. I parked our van on the edge of the paved parking area, and we went into the gas station store. When we got back in the van, it would not start. I lifted the hood to see if I could find anything wrong, tapped on the battery, and tried again to start the van, but to no avail. We then both prayed to God for His assistance in this matter. I went back inside the store and asked a driver of a Pepsi delivery truck, if he had jumper cables, so I could start the van. He said he had none, so I bought a small wrench, took the cables off the battery, cleaned them off and tried again. The van did not start. I went back into the store. The driver was still there. He suggested to go across the street to another gas station to see if I could find someone who had jumper cables.

I followed his advice and approached two men in a pickup truck to see if they had jumper cables. They said they did not have any. At this time I looked over my shoulder and noticed a man at the pumps, trying to start his small truck. I went over and commented that it looked like he was having some problems. He said the battery was weak and wouldn’t start his truck.

I went back to talk to the two men in the pickup truck and then I noticed the man who could not start his truck speaking on a cell phone, so I went back to talk to him. He said a friend from a company not far away was coming to jump-start his car. I asked if he could send him over to our van across the street after he was done, since I also needed a jump-start. I walked back to our van and Delia asked me what was happening. I told her the story and no sooner had I finished when a man came over with a power pack and started my van. I thanked him, and we were again on our way.

When we got to Wenatchee, we stopped for a bite to eat and sure enough, when I tried to start the van, it would not work. I was feeling a little more confident this time and got out just when a truck pulled in with two men in it. I walked over and found out from the driver that he had jumper cables. I asked if he could get my van going, and he did. On our way home, we marveled how God had worked things out for us to bring us back safely. The next day I jump-started my van and took it to a repair shop. After testing the battery, I was told that it was no good. I bought a new one, and our van has been working fine ever since.

Christ said in Hebrews 13:5: “… I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.” This promise was “driven home” to me when we “drove home” from the Feast. No matter what the trial; no matter what the test; no matter how severe or minute–we can have confidence that He is there; that He cares for us; and that He intervenes for us when we ask Him.

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USA–Is the “Last Best Hope on Earth” Gone?

The British paper, The Daily Mail, wrote on November 8:

“The swooning frenzy over the choice of Barack Obama as President of the United States must be one of the most absurd waves of self-deception and swirling fantasy ever to sweep through an advanced civilisation… This is a cult like the one which grew up around Princess Diana, bereft of reason and hostile to facts…

“Proper books, recording his sordid associates, his cowardly voting record, his astonishingly militant commitment to unrestricted abortion and his blundering trip to Africa, are little-read and hard to find… one of his alarmingly close associates, a state-subsidised slum landlord called Tony Rezko, has been convicted on fraud and corruption charges.

“… the US is just as segregated as it was before Martin Luther King – in schools, streets, neighbourhoods, holidays… Mr Obama, thanks mainly to the now-departed grandmother he alternately praised as a saint and denounced as a racial bigot, has the huge advantages of an expensive private education. He did not have to grow up in the badlands of useless schools, shattered families and gangs which are the lot of so many young black men of his generation.

“If the nonsensical claims made for this election were true, then every positive discrimination programme aimed at helping black people into jobs they otherwise wouldn’t get should be abandoned forthwith. Nothing of the kind will happen. On the contrary, there will probably be more of them. And if those who voted for Obama were all proving their anti-racist nobility, that presumably means that those many millions who didn’t vote for him were proving themselves to be hopeless bigots. This is obviously untrue…

“The United States, having for the most part a deeply conservative people, had until now just about stood out against many of the mistakes which have ruined so much of the rest of the world. Suspicious of welfare addiction, feeble justice and high taxes, totally committed to preserving its own national sovereignty, unabashedly Christian in a world part secular and part Muslim, suspicious of the Great Global Warming panic, it was unique.

“These strengths had been fading for some time, mainly due to poorly controlled mass immigration and to the march of political correctness. They had also been weakened by the failure of America’s conservative party – the Republicans – to fight on the cultural and moral fronts. They preferred to posture on the world stage. Scared of confronting Left-wing teachers and sexual revolutionaries at home, they could order soldiers to be brave on their behalf in far-off deserts. And now the US, like Britain before it, has begun the long slow descent into the Third World. How sad. Where now is our last best hope on Earth?”

“Will the Real Barack Obama Now Finally Stand Up?”

The British paper, The Independent, wrote on November 10:

“What is a strong way of saying ‘ecstatic enthusiasm’? No President has ever had such a hyperbolic welcome. The Second Coming would have been greeted in more measured terms. Then again, much of the reportage assumed that this was a secular Second Coming: a rebirth of America. Thus far, it has been impossible to fault Mr Obama. He has certainly displayed magnanimity in victory.

“… [at] some stage, the hard work will have to begin, the hard decisions will force their way on to the agenda. The Russians have already made it plain that they do not share in the global euphoria. While everyone else expresses hope, they exploit weakness. Nor is it likely that Iran, North Korea, al-Qa’ida and the Taliban will be asking for tickets to the inauguration. Then there is the little matter of the economy. No president since Abraham Lincoln has taken office in such troubled circumstances – and even Lincoln only had one enormous problem…

“His victory has at least two fascinating aspects. First, he will be much the least experienced occupier of the White House in the era of the imperial presidency. Second, no one knows what he believes. In every previous presidential campaign, there were moments of political nakedness, when the voters were able to see the candidate as he really was. Mr Obama kept his clothes on.

“We know that he had one of the most left-wing voting records in the Senate… His speeches are absolutely no guide. Mr Obama is an orator, but thus far, he has used that gift to create a cloud of exaltation. There are hardly any arguments…

“The most alarming aspect of the current economic crisis is that none of the experts seem to understand it. So how can anyone tell when it is going to end?…

“Mr Obama was right to insist that Wall Street cannot prosper if Main Street is suffering. But a healthy financial sector is vital… Many Congressional Democrats are economic ignoramuses with all the wrong instincts. If they had their way, there would be a forest of new regulations… But the world needs a strong Wall St. It is to be hoped that President Obama understands this. A president who tells blacks that the Civil Rights era belongs to history while reassuring American bankers: that is not how most of Mr Obama’s followers expect him to behave. But greatness is not to be found by pandering to followers’ illusions…

“Thus far – the cliché is inescapable – the Obama story has been stranger than fiction. Yet the real drama has still to begin.”

Will Guantanamo Bay Prison Be Shut… and Then What?

The Independent wrote on November 10:

“Mr Obama has a long-standing commitment to shut down Guantanamo, which has become a symbol of injustice for human rights campaigners, and a lightning rod for anti-US criticism since it opened eight years ago. Closing the prison, which is on a part of Cuba leased to the US, will bring to an end one of the most poisonous legacies of the Bush administration while sending a signal that the ‘war on terror’ is under more enlightened management.

“During his election campaign, Mr Obama described Guantanamo and the CIA’s secret prisons around the world as a ‘sad chapter in American history’. Other aspects of Mr Bush’s ‘war on terror’ will also demand Mr Obama’s urgent attention such as yesterday’s revelation by the New York Times that the US military has, during the past four years, conducted up to a dozen secret raids in Pakistan and other countries not at war with the US. Mr Obama has previously said he would approve such raids against enemies such as Osama bin Laden if… no other option was available.

“Mr Obama’s plans for Guantanamo inmates should see most detainees, against whom there is little or no evidence, being released to their home countries after years in legal limbo. Others will face prosecution in US criminal courts. One problem… those courts will face is deciding whether evidence from anonymous intelligence sources or obtained without any legal process can be taken into account. Some Guantanamo inmates suffered torture or other abusive treatment at the hands of CIA interrogators either at the prison or after they were picked up in security sweeps in Afghanistan or Pakistan. A few have been through the controversial military commissions process, from which even prosecutors have resigned. The US Supreme Court has several times rebuked the Bush administration for its handling of the detainees…

“Republicans will strongly oppose bringing terrorism suspects to the US. Many Democrats oppose the creation of a new court system on US soil that will have fewer rights for suspects than at present.

“Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor who is acting as a legal adviser to the Obama team, said at the weekend that ‘theoretical’ plans for Guantanamo would now become more focused because closing the prison is a top priority. But he also predicted that transferring suspected terrorists to US soil will be a cause of controversy. ‘I think the answer is going to be, they can be as securely guarded on US soil as anywhere else,’ Mr Tribe said. ‘We can’t put people in a dungeon forever without processing whether they deserve to be there.’…

“Lawyers representing clients at Guantanamo Bay such as Marc Falkoff point out that only a dozen or so detainees are known to be avowed terrorists… ‘Most of the detainees are goat herders, or Arabs who volunteered to help the Taliban, but they are not hardcore terrorists. The real problem is getting their home countries to accept them back.'”

How American Muslims View Barack Obama

USA Today reported on November 7:

“After months of balancing their support for the presidential candidate with concerns that their allegiance could do more harm than good, millions of relieved American Muslims cheered the election of the son of a Muslim immigrant whose middle name is Hussein.

“Record numbers of U.S. Muslims had cast their votes, boosted by registration drives held by the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, which targeted swing-state residents. MAS Freedom estimates that about 70,000 Muslims voted in Virginia, a state that had not backed a Democratic president in more than 40 years, and which Barack Obama won by fewer than 160,000 votes…

“The Muslim community has mobilized greatly since 2000, when most of its voters — with the exception of African American Muslims — had supported George W. Bush. Ultimately dismayed by the president’s post-9/11 policies, they began swinging Democratic in 2004… Early estimates indicate that between 70 and 90% of Muslim voters supported Obama this year…

“Throughout the party primaries and the general election, Muslims had to temper their political activism against a smear campaign calling Obama a ‘secret Muslim,’ based on his father’s Kenyan roots. These efforts ultimately backfired; Jen’nan Read, a Duke University sociology professor, said the rumors helped galvanize Muslims and other offended Americans to fight back.

“But some Muslims were more frustrated that Obama’s campaign, which responded to the accusations by highlighting the candidate’s Christian faith, did not also state that there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim American — an anti-Islamophobia point finally made in Gen. Colin Powell’s mid-October endorsement. They also complained when Obama volunteers moved two headscarf-wearing Muslim women out of a background shot at a Detroit rally last summer, prompting the campaign to apologize.

“‘They were disappointed,’ Read said. ‘But they were also disappointed by the past eight years of George Bush, and more disappointed in that than in (Obama’s) campaign strategy.’ Rumors of Obama’s Muslim ties, and the possible implications for U.S.-Israel relations, also fueled an unusually tough battle for the Jewish vote. But ultimately, about 78% of Jews supported Obama — slightly higher than their 2004 votes for John Kerry, although the Republican Jewish Coalition noted that this did not reach their support for either Bill Clinton or Al Gore…

“In terms of immediate goals for the next White House resident, the Muslim community now wants to see Obama fulfill his promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq, and to take a more balanced approach when dealing with turmoil in Pakistan and the Middle East…”

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Position on Same-Sex Marriage “Evolving”

The Los Angeles Times reported on November 10:

“Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sunday expressed hope that the California Supreme Court would overturn Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that outlawed same-sex marriage. He also predicted that the 18,000 gay and lesbian couples who have already wed would not see their marriages nullified by the initiative. ‘It’s unfortunate, obviously, but it’s not the end,’ Schwarzenegger said…

“With his favorable comments toward gay marriage, the governor’s thinking appears to have evolved on the issue. In past statements, he has said he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman and has rejected legislation authorizing same-sex marriage. Yet he has also said he would not care if same-sex marriages were legal, saying he believed that such an important societal issue should be determined by the voters or the courts. Schwarzenegger publicly opposed Proposition 8, which amends the state Constitution to declare that ‘only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.’

“On Sunday, he urged backers of gay marriage to follow the lesson he learned as a bodybuilder trying to lift weights that were too heavy for him at first. ‘I learned that you should never ever give up. . . . They should never give up. They should be on it and on it until they get it done’…

“Schwarzenegger’s comments came as protesters took to the streets for a fifth day in a row, sometimes marching to [and protesting against] Catholic and Mormon churches that supported passage of the ballot measure…

“Some churches… assailed Proposition 8 as discriminatory. ‘We will continue to bless same-sex unions here until we can legally celebrate same-sex unions again,’… [Pastor] Ed Bacon told 1,000 congregants during Sunday services at All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, which has blessed same-sex unions for 16 years… [He said:] “In the eyes of God, these people are married.”

The Associated Press added on November 10:

“Speaking on CNN’s ‘Late Edition’ Sunday, Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed disappointment at Proposition 8’s passage. ‘It is unfortunate,’ Schwarzenegger said. ‘But it is not the end because I think this will go back into the courts. … It’s the same as in the 1948 case when blacks and whites were not allowed to marry. This falls into the same category.'”

Circuit City Files for Bankruptcy

The Associated Press reported on November 10:

“Circuit City Stores Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday heading into the busy holiday season as analysts question whether the nation’s second-biggest electronics retailer will be able to survive… The company also said it cut 700 more jobs at its headquarters, after announcing a week ago that it would close 20 percent of its stores and lay off thousands of workers.

“Circuit City filed for Chapter 11 protection, which will allow it to hold off creditors and continue operations while it develops a reorganization plan. Its Canadian operations also filed for similar protection.”

AIG’s Bailout Keeps Climbing…

Bloomberg reported on November 10:

“American International Group Inc. got a $150 billion government rescue package, almost doubling the initial bailout of less than two months ago… The move extends the government’s reach into the financial system amid the worst economic crisis in 75 years…”

Troubled Banks Continue to Lobby

USA Today wrote on November 7:

“Nineteen banks taking taxpayer money from the Treasury Department have spent $32.4 million lobbying the federal government during the first nine months of this year, their lobbying disclosure reports show. Combined, the Treasury is investing in the banks $159 billion from the $700 billion financial rescue package approved by Congress last month. None of the banks has indicated it plans to stop lobbying.”

In an accompanying article, the newspaper listed some of the larger banks in question, including Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Capital One.

70 Years Ago–Germany’s Kristallnacht

AFP reported on November 9:

“Germany marked Sunday [November 9] the 70th anniversary of the Kristallnacht [“the Night of Broken Glass”] pogrom, a prelude to the Holocaust, with solemn ceremonies throughout the country and celebrations of the rebirth of Jewish life here. Chancellor Angela Merkel and Jewish leaders gathered at Germany’s biggest synagogue to pay tribute to the victims of Kristallnacht on November 9-10, 1938, and to the revival of a Jewish community against all odds…

“The pogrom… saw Nazi thugs plunder Jewish businesses throughout Germany, torch some 300 synagogues and round up some 30,000 Jewish men for deportation to concentration camps. Some 90 Jews were killed in the orgy of violence, whose pretext was the murder of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris by a student, Herschel Grynspan, who sought revenge for the expulsion of his family from Germany with about 15,000 other Polish Jews…

“Historians say the Nazis tested the German public’s reaction to the spasm of anti-Semitic violence and the lack of public outcry led them to press on, culminating in the extermination campaign launched three years later…

“After national unification in 1990, Germany began accepting Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet states and the country now has one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in the world with some 110,000 members… Because it shares the same date [November 9], the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was also marked Sunday at low-key events ahead of the 20th anniversary next year.”

Welt-On-Line added on November 9:

“German-born Pope Benedict voiced on Sunday his lingering pain over the night 70 years ago when the Nazis whipped up anti-Jewish riots in a pogrom known as the ‘Kristallnacht’, a harbinger of the Holocaust… ‘Still today I feel pain over what happened in those tragic events, whose memory must serve to ensure such horrors are never repeated and that we strive, on every level, against all forms of anti-Semitism and discrimination … ,’ said the pope. ‘I invite people to pray for the victims of that night and to join me in expressing profound solidarity with the Jewish world,’ the pontiff told crowds at the Vatican…

“Pope Benedict, born Joseph Ratzinger in Bavaria in 1927, was forced to join the Hitler Youth as a teenager, though both his parents opposed the Nazis. Earlier this year the pontiff spoke in New York about his teenage years being ‘marred by a sinister regime’…”

Holocaust Survivors Ask Vatican to Freeze Sainthood Procedure for Pope Pius XII

Reuters wrote on November 10:

“One of the most influential groups of Holocaust survivors accused Nazi-era Pope Pius XII on Monday of keeping ‘silent in the face of absolute evil’ and asked the Vatican to freeze his sainthood process…

“Elan Steinberg, the group’s vice president [and director emeritus of the World Jewish Congress], said in a statement: ‘There were many individuals and representatives of the Church whose shining heroism during the terrible years of the Holocaust should be recognized, but Pope Pius was not among them… ‘

“Some Jews have accused Pius, who reigned from 1939 to 1958, of turning a blind eye to the Holocaust. The Vatican says he worked silently behind the scenes and helped save many Jews… Pius was guilty of ‘public silence in the face of absolute evil,’ Steinberg said.

“‘During World War II, despite pleas and reports from other Church leaders and the Allies, Pope Pius failed to even once publicly and explicitly denounce the Nazi crimes against the Jews,’ he said. Differences over Pius’s role haunted Catholic-Jewish relations. Some Catholics recently pushed for the Pope to speed up his sainthood process and some Jews want it put on hold until Vatican archives are opened in about seven years…

“Steinberg said the Vatican should instead look to Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), who helped save Jews and who reported to the Vatican on Nazi plans to exterminate the Jews when he was a bishop and the Vatican’s wartime representative in Turkey.”

Billy Graham No Longer Pastor to President

USA Today and The Associated Press reported on November 7:

“Billy Graham’s work as a pastor to presidents is coming to an end, but he is praying for Barack Obama as the next U.S. leader begins his work, Graham’s son said Friday on the ailing evangelist’s 90th birthday… Graham’s views of the world are still respected in White House circles. Republican presidential candidate John McCain visited Graham at his mountainside home during the campaign, and Obama tried to meet Graham but wasn’t able to do so because of the preacher’s poor health.

“Though never partisan in his preaching, Billy Graham is a registered Democrat. His son expressed concern about Obama’s views on abortion and gay marriage — an issue Franklin Graham raised in a meeting with the Illinois senator — saying that he and his father are conservatives who believe the Bible speaks clearly on those issues.

“‘President-elect Obama heard our position,’ Franklin Graham said. ‘And I told him that this was very difficult for us and hard for us. It’s a moral issue that we just can’t back down on. But he’s our president-elect, and those positions that he holds that are contrary to Biblical teaching, I hope that God will change his heart…’ Obama favors abortion rights, and does not support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage…

“His days at 90 are a stark contrast to Graham’s days as a globe-trotting evangelist — a ministry that put him behind the pulpit to speak with 215 million people in more than 185 countries and placed him in the confidence of some of the world’s most powerful people.”

Robert Schuller Ousts His Son–Does Not Want to Preach What Is Sin

The Los Angeles Times reported on October 27:

“The schism between… Robert H. Schuller and his son at Orange County’s Crystal Cathedral arose over a disagreement about broadening the church’s long-running television show, ‘Hour of Power,’ beyond a single personality — a move opposed by the younger Schuller, pastors involved in the matter said Sunday. The elder Schuller announced Saturday that he was removing his son… Robert A. Schuller, as the show’s only preacher three years after turning the program over to him. The show will now be hosted by different pastors, and even businessmen, from around the country and Latin America…

“Schuller built his worldwide ministry over a half century on the psychology of positive thinking and appealing to people turned off by the formality of traditional faiths. In contrast, his son’s sermons have been full of direct references to the Bible. ‘I was called to start a mission, not a church,’ Schuller told his audience Sunday. ‘There is a difference. . . . You don’t try to preach . . . what is sin and what isn’t sin. A mission is a place where you ask nonbelievers to come and find faith and hope and feel love. We’re a mission first, a church second.’… ‘I love my son and am proud of my son,’ he said, adding that the younger Schuller will continue to work as a Crystal Cathedral senior pastor.”

Pope Condemns Trade in Human Organs

Reuters reported on November 7:

“Pope Benedict condemned the trade in human organs as an abomination Friday and urged caution in removing organs for transplant from dying donors who might not actually yet be dead… Buying and selling of human organs is a lucrative business for suppliers and countries that allow foreign ‘transplant tourists’ to have operations they cannot get at home. Organs are often bought from poor peasants and sometimes harvested from condemned prisoners…

“A recent article in the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano challenged the medical consensus that brain death marks the death of a person. Since the brain can die before other organs, this allows doctors to harvest organs for transplant… The Vatican has long accepted the brain death criterion. Rejecting it now could force Catholic hospitals to revert to the cardiac death rule, leaving many fewer organs for transplant.”

Life Begins at Defined Moment of Conception

On November 7, 2008, Zenit published an interview with scientist Maureen Condic who holds that human life begins at a defined moment of conception. Condic is an associate professor of neurobiology and anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She received her doctorate in neurobiology from the University of California, Berkely. Her teaching focuses primarily on embryonic development, and she directs the University of Utah School of Medicine’s course in human embryology.

In the interview, Condic stated the following:

“… resolving when human life begins has important implications for a number of controversial political topics, including abortion and human embryonic stem cell research… The central question of ‘when does human life begin’ can be stated in a somewhat different way: When do sperm and egg cease to be, and what kind of thing takes their place once they cease to be?…

“[My] conclusion [is] that a new human organism comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion… a scientific analysis of the best available data does not support the conclusion that fertilization is a ‘process’; it supports the conclusion that fertilization is an event that takes less than a second to complete. The events of the first 24 hours following sperm-egg fusion are clearly unique, but they are also clearly acts of a human organism, not acts of a mere human cell.”

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What does the Bible say about the ultimate fate of Satan and his demons? Will they live forever, or will they cease to exist?

The question of the ultimate destiny of Satan and demons has been hotly debated for centuries and even millennia. However, just based on the revelation of the Bible, we cannot conclude that Satan and his fallen angels will ever cease to exist. If they will, then the Bible has simply not revealed that to us. What is revealed points clearly at a never-ending life of Satan and his demons, cut off from God and existing in the blackness of spiritual darkness forever.

We explain the fate of Satan and his demons in more detail in our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” on pages 51 and 52. We are quoting below a few excerpts:

“… The angels who sinned are presently in chains of darkness, to be reserved for future judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6). They are living today in a state of darkness. They are spiritually imprisoned by their own perversions… Satan’s spiritual torment, and that of his angels, will continue. After a time period called the Great White Throne Judgment, Satan and his demons will be cast into the lake of fire, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20:10; Matthew 25:41). Their torment will be spiritual, as they will see all of their evil works destroyed by fire (compare 2 Peter 3:10–13), and their influence on others will be gone forever. Their final fate might be revealed in Jude 13, referring to ‘wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.’ Compare, too, 2 Peter 2:17. God knows what is in store for them, and so do they.”

We need to realize that Satan and his demons are fallen ANGELS–and angels CANNOT die (compare Luke 20:36). As invisible spirit beings (Colossians 1:16), both God’s righteous angels and the rebellious angels are “ETERNAL” (2 Corinthians 4:18)–that is, they are created spirit beings, incapable of dying. When God gives us ETERNAL life, we will live forever. There is never a possibility to lose our eternal destiny–because God has promised it to us, and God cannot lie.

Some have speculated that Satan will cease to exist, claiming that God will change him from a spirit being into a mortal being, who is then capable of dying. However, there is no biblical evidence that God will do this; nor, that this could be done. God is faithful to His own word–and He declared through Jesus Christ that angels cannot die. Nowhere does the Bible say that angels or demons CAN die; nowhere is it mentioned that any angel or demon EVER died; and nowhere do we find it expressed that an angel or a demon EVER changed into a physical being. (We find that God’s angels materialized on occasion, appearing in a human form–but they did not CHANGE into a human being. We also find, however, that Satan and his demons were deprived of that ability. This is fully explained in our booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” on pages 42-44.)

Some have pointed out that God cannot die, either, but that Jesus Christ–the God of the Old Testament–became a man so that He could die. This is true–Christ divested Himself of His divinity–He, who had been a God being, chose to BECOME flesh for the purpose of death. But note HOW this was done. Christ was conceived in the womb of a human mother–the virgin Mary. God the Father did not simply change Him from a God being into a man by fiat–Christ became a man by being conceived of God’s Holy Spirit, and He was then nurtured in the womb, until the day of His birth as a little baby. If we allow the Bible to tell us HOW God changed a spirit being into a physical being–the only time this EVER happened, based on the Scriptural record–then here is the answer. However, nowhere does the Bible as much as suggest that God will do with Satan, as He did with Christ. Surely, God will not change Satan into a physical being by having him conceived in the womb of a woman. It is interesting that Hollywood movies portray this kind of diabolical scenario–something which was undoubtedly inspired by Satan himself. He might want to WISH this to happen–but God will NOT allow it.

Some have pointed at a passage in Ezekiel 28 which describes the fall of Lucifer, who became Satan. They say that this passage shows that Satan will be burned up and that he will therefore cease to exist.

However, we need to understand that Ezekiel 28 speaks about a human being, as well as Satan. In Ezekiel 28:1-10, God addresses the “PRINCE of Tyre” (verse 2), a mighty human leader. Beginning with verse 11 and until verse 17, God then addresses the real power behind that human leader–Satan the devil, who is identified in verse 12 as the “KING of Tyre.” But beginning in verse 18, God returns to the description of the prince of Tyre–the human leader–and it is the human leader who will be “devoured” and “turned… to ashes,” and he “will be no more forever” (verse 19).

We see a similar way of describing a human leader, and the spiritual power behind the leader, in Isaiah 14. Beginning in verse 3, God addresses the human king of Babylon (see verse 4). But beginning in verse 12, God speaks of the fall of Lucifer or Satan–the one giving his power and authority to the king of Babylon. But commencing in verse 16, God returns to the description and fate of the human king, addressing him in verse 16 as “the MAN who made the earth tremble…” He is a human being with children (verse 21), and he will not be buried, but he will be cast out of his GRAVE, as he disgraced the land (verses 19, 20). Clearly, God is here no longer talking about a spirit being, but He returns to the description of the physical king of Babylon, whom He had originally addressed in that chapter.

Returning to Ezekiel 28, we find that God said in verse 16 to Lucifer: “And you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing Out of the mountain of God; And I DESTROYED you, O covering cherub, From the midst of the fiery stones.” Some claim that this passage proves that Satan will be “destroyed” in the sense of “annihilated.”

However, that is not the meaning of “destroyed” in that context. Please note that God speaks about the fall of Lucifer which occurred BEFORE the creation of man. It was already at THAT time that God “destroyed” him “from the midst of the fiery stones.” But Satan did not cease to exist at that time. He is still around today–and he will be around at the end of the Millennium, to deceive the nations (Revelation 20:7-10). All Ezekiel 28:16 is telling us is that God did not allow Lucifer any longer to dwell with Him on the mountain of God–in heaven. He was no longer allowed to fulfill any holy administrative functions in the service of God. Rather, he FELL down from heaven to this earth like lightning (Luke 10:18).

Even though the Hebrew word for “destroy,” “abad,” can have the meaning, by implication, of “perish,” it can also mean “wander away” or “to lose oneself.” Judging from the context and in light of the remainder of the Bible, it is clear that the meaning here is not, “cease to exist.” The New International Version translates, “… I EXPELLED you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.” Other translations say here, “drove out.”

Some have pointed at a question by demons at the time of Jesus, when they asked Him: “Did you come to destroy us?” (compare Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34). They have concluded that this shows that demons know that they will be annihilated. This is, however, not what the passages indicate–apart from the fact that the Greek word for “destroy,” apollu,” can ALSO mean, “to lose off or away.”

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible comments that the context of the passages does not mean, “… to annihilate them, but either to turn them out of the bodies of men, which to them was a sort of a destruction of them, and was really a destroying that power, which they had for some time exercised over men; or to shut them up in… prison…, and inflict that full punishment on them, which is in reserve for them…”

Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible adds: “We may suppose this spirit to have felt and spoken thus: ‘Is this the time of which it hath been predicted, that in it the Messiah should destroy all that power which we have usurped and exercised over the bodies and souls of men?'”

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary adds that the feared “destruction” refers to the power or the works of the demons, and does not imply that they themselves will be annihilated: “Conscious, too, that their power was but permitted and temporary, and perceiving in Him, perhaps, the woman’s Seed that was to bruise the head and destroy the works of the devil, they regard His approach to them on this occasion as a signal to let go their grasp of this miserable victim.”

The demons KNEW that their fate was not one of annihilation. Rather, we read that they asked Christ whether He had come to “torment” them “before the time” (Matthew 8:29).

To quote again from page 51 of our afore-mentioned booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World”:

“Luke 8:31 adds that they begged Christ not to command them ‘to go out into the abyss.’ At this point in time, they are not yet in that ‘abyss.’ Satan is not in it either; rather, he will be placed in it at the beginning of the Millennium (Revelation 20:1-3, 7—the word ‘abyss’ is translated there as ‘bottomless pit’). What is the ‘abyss?’ The word is used in Romans 10:7, where we read, ‘Who will descend into the abyss? (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).’

“In Romans 10, the ‘abyss’ is used as an analogy in association with the dead who are buried. It is also used as an analogy in Luke 8 and in Revelation 20. When Satan and his demons will be placed in the ‘abyss’ at the beginning of the Millennium, they will be as good as dead—unable to influence and deceive the nations any longer during that time period (compare Revelation 20:3). The fact that they won’t be able to destroy others will give them spiritual torment—that is why they asked Christ whether He had come to torment them before ‘the time.'”

Viewing all of the Scriptures in context, and based on what IS revealed in the Bible, we conclude that the fate of Satan and his demons is NOT one of annihilation or extinction; rather, it appears that they will become “wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever” (Jude 13).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New Sermons posted on Google Video:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 1,” October 25, 2008

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–The Biblical World of Animals, Part 2,” November 1, 2008

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Can Mr. Obama Deliver and Save Us?”  In the program, Norbert Link points out that the world reacted with great euphoria and optimism to Barack Obama’s “historic election” as the 44th President of the USA. International governmental leaders and reporters expressed hope for “change” and the “dawn of a new era.” But can Mr. Obama fulfill his promises in light of unparalleled “seismic challenges”? Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, terrorism, climate change, Afghanistan, Iran, healthcare, unemployment, financial recession and depression are just some of the issues to be addressed. Is our hope and trust in a human leader totally misplaced?

A new StandingWatch program in the German language was posted on AufPostenStehen and YouTube. In the program, Norbert Link discusses the question whether abortion is EVER justified, and when the life of a human being begins.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch viewers:

Mr Obama is faced with very challenging problems for the nation of USA. Like you say, his success and that of the country depends on obedience and TRUST in God. For example, think of how much money could be reallocated from the defense budget if the nation had faith and trusted in God for deliverance. Imagine what the healthcare industry would look like if all trusted God for healing. Unfortunately, these concepts are so foreign to most and seem ridiculous.

I think everyone will sober up when he starts appointing his cabinet. Things are going to start getting very strange after that. We will see how far left this country can go. Check Mr Obama’s voting record. Left always, more than anyone else in the senate ever.

It looks like the American way of life — including greed, which you rightly point out — is no longer serving us well. It’s comforting to know there’s a better future ahead.

wow these are the events of before and to world war 2 all over again 🙁

It is true that things are not going to get better, no matter who the president is and no matter what type of “solution” is going to be tossed out there. You are right when you say how the Bible prophesies what is going to happen, what is happening right now in the world. All hope is not lost however, thanks to these informative programs on what we all NEED to be doing! Well Done!!

As you have recommended watching the [StandingWatch program] “Comfort in terminal sickness”, I did and I believe it is true and it is also biblical that the fervent prayer of the believers in Christ will help heal a sick person… I am no longer interested in physical healing. I am more interested in my own spiritual healing and my family’s salvation. Pray for our salvation. Salvation is to me more important than physical healing. Physical healing will come second, after spiritual healing and salvation. That is what I am looking for. I know that my time will end soon. The degeneration has already reached my neck. I know that it will just be a matter of time before it reaches my brain and I will lose my mobility at first… We know now that becoming a true Christian is not that easy. It takes time and effort to become one with God. I am more concerned about my family than myself.

Continue enjoying your “punchy” deliveries on StandingWatch.

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Staying Focused

by Simon Akl

The Feast of Tabernacles has come and gone, and I am now back to my everyday life of school and work. The amount of school work that was awaiting me seemed to be insurmountable. With all the usual school distractions it is very easy to become overwhelmed and stressed out. However, the Feast was a reminder of the need to prioritize what should be important in my life.

It allowed me to take a step back and realize how many of the tasks that I view as large mountains are really a small drop in the ocean compared to God’s plan. Focusing on more important reasons behind my purpose and existence helps me put everything in perspective and reduces some of the daily obstacles that I am confronted with. I find that some of the toughest times of trials and tribulations tend to come right after the Feast. They tend to divert me and force me to forget about all the great lessons that I have just finished learning during the Feast. They tend to depress me when thinking about the tough time that I am about to face.

It is important for me to always keep the right mindset and focus to keep reminding myself of what truly is important. Satan does whatever he can to knock me off the righteous path and deceive me. That is why I constantly have to try and refresh my thoughts with lessons that I have learned while at the Feast, as well as trying to apply them in my everyday life.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Can Mr. Obama Deliver and Save Us?

The world reacted with great euphoria and optimism to Barack Obama’s “historic election” as the 44th President of the USA. International governmental leaders and reporters expressed hope for “change” and the “dawn of a new era.” But can Mr. Obama fulfill his promises in light of unparalleled “seismic challenges”? Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, terrorism, climate change, Afghanistan, Iran, healthcare, unemployment, financial recession and depression are just some of the issues to be addressed. Is our hope and trust in a human leader totally misplaced?

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