Update 356

The Book of Malachi

On Saturday, August 9, 2008, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “The Book of Malachi.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Spider Solitaire

by Rene Messier (Canada)

There is an interesting game of solitaire on most new computers, called “Spider Solitaire,” which has a rather neat feature–an undo button. This feature allows you to undo a move when you realize that you could have made a better move or that you have just made a rather dumb move, and then you can carry on playing the game. The other nice part about the undo feature is that if you reach a point when you cannot play and would normally have to resign and quit the game, you can undo several moves which allows you to take a different path, make different moves and at times even win the game.

Life is not like that where we can undo things we have said that were perhaps harsh or unkind, or when we have done things which were somewhat disastrous in our life and which might have impacted someone else in a very negative way. Like the saying goes, “You can’t unring a bell.” If we make cutting remarks to someone, we cannot take them back. That is why it is so important to put our brain in gear before we open our mouth. There is an old carpenter’s saying that it is better to measure twice and cut once. Once a board is cut too short, it cannot be used for the intended application.

The Bible tells us to curtail our tongues. James 3:2-5 reads: “For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.   Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body.   Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires.   Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles!”

This admonition should not be viewed as limited to the things we say, but we should also apply it to the things we do. We really have to use wisdom and ponder our path as it were before acting, because we have to  live with the consequences–sometimes for a very long time.  For example, a person can work for a company for thirty years and no one may notice him, but if he makes one mistake that costs the company a lot of money or lost time, everyone will remember that. They will not recall the good work he did, but they will focus on the disastrous mistake he made.

There are consequences for the things we do, and we have to live with them. I have heard statements like, “That wasn’t the smartest thing to do,” or, “If I had to do it again, I would do it in a different manner.”

 It is important to think twice before acting or reacting too quickly in word or deed. We need to meditate, seek counsel and ask God for wisdom to make correct decisions.  Proverbs 1:5 says: “A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.” Proverbs 2:6 adds, “For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

Life offers us many challenges and opportunities to ensure that the things we say and do are in accordance with God’s Word, instruction and wisdom. We have to live with the consequences of our words–be they kind or harsh–and our actions–be they wise or foolish. After all, life is not a “Spider Solitaire” game which offers us automatic undo buttons.

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“The USA Has Won the Iraq War”?–NO WAY!!!!

In a polemic and highly opinionated piece, The Wall Street Journal published an editorial on August 5, stating that the USA has won the Iraq war. Here is what it said: “No matter what happens in November, the war in Iraq will not be brought to an end by either Barack Obama or John McCain. The war in Iraq is over. We’ve won.”

This is utter nonsense, and it totally defies the expert opinions of competent commentators and prominent world leaders–such as former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, as reported in the Current Events of Update 351 (“Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt–‘Both Sides in the Grips of Insanity'”). Schmidt stated that the USA has NOT won, and CANNOT win the Iraq war. The reasons are clear: IF the USA would withdraw its ground troops at once–which, according to Schmidt, are not even sufficient at this point–absolute chaos would ensue in Iraq. Therefore, both U.S. presidential candidates agree that the troops will have to be withdrawn carefully and slowly, depending on the conditions in Iraq. What we are witnessing, then, is an implied or expressed admission of DEFEAT, NOT of victory, with the goal to save face as much as possible under the circumstances.

Notice this article from The Associated Press, which was published on August 7:

“Two Iraqi officials say the U.S. and Iraq are close to a deal under which all American combat troops would leave by October 2010 with remaining U.S. forces gone about three years later. A U.S. official in Washington acknowledges progress has been made on the timelines for a U.S. departure but offered no firm date. Another U.S. official strongly suggested the 2010 date may be too ambitious.

“A timetable is part of a security agreement being negotiated by U.S. and Iraqi officials. Both sides stress the deal is not final and could fall apart over the issue of legal immunity for American troops.”

As we have said so many times, the USA will NOT win another war, according to the clear prophecies of the Bible, UNLESS all of us drastically and fundamentally REPENT of our ways. We have said the same regarding the terrible USA economy–even though some continually DENIED the indisputable fact THAT the U.S. economy is in an awful condition.

When we point out these things in our publications and video presentations, many scoff or become irate and hostile. National repentance does not seem likely, but DENIAL of the true facts will get us nowhere.

Interestingly, the following was reported by AFP on August 7:

“Iraq on Thursday postponed provincial elections due in October after MPs failed to agree the necessary legislation in time, in a blow to US-backed efforts to consolidate national reconciliation… Thursday’s decision was a major setback for both Washington and the United Nations which viewed the ballot as critical to consolidating Iraq’s fledgling political process and reconciling its deeply divided ethnic groups…

“The disagreement centres on an article of original draft legislation that would have divided power amongst the province’s Arab, Kurds and Turkmen communities, but is opposed by the Kurds on the basis of their superior numbers and historical claims to the city. Ethnic tension has dogged Kirkuk since the US-led invasion of 2003 that ousted now executed dictator Saddam Hussein… At least 22 people were killed more than a week ago in a suicide bombing during a protest rally held by Kurds over the same issue in Kirkuk and in gunfire in the panic that followed.”

For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

How American Presidential Campaigns Are Run

On August 5, The Associated Press published an article with the following headline: “Negativity the norm in presidential campaign.”

In the article, it was stated:

“For all the talk about John McCain’s hard-hitting politics, Barack Obama is hardly innocent. Both candidates and their allies are fully engaged in creating unflattering caricatures of each other that they hope will stick in voters’ minds for the next three months. Obama and his Democratic allies argue that the Republican is negative and offers nothing new, while McCain and his Republicans claim the Democrat is presumptuous and ill-prepared… Nevermind that at the outset of the general election Obama and McCain each expressed a desire for a courteous campaign focused on issues and free of the negative politics that have marked – and marred – presidential races.”

Preparations for Strike Against Iran

The Associated Press reported on August 6:

“Israel is building up its strike capabilities amid growing anxiety over Iran’s nuclear ambitions and appears confident that a military attack would cripple Tehran’s atomic program, even if it can’t destroy it… The Jewish state has purchased 90 F-16I fighter planes that can carry enough fuel to reach Iran… It has bought two new Dolphin submarines from Germany reportedly capable of firing nuclear-armed warheads — in addition to the three it already has…

“America’s ability to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities is far superior to Israel’s. Unlike Israel, the United States has cruise missiles that can deliver high-explosive bombs to precise locations and B-2 bombers capable of dropping 85 500-pound bombs in a single run.  Yet the cost of an attack — by the U.S., Israel or both — is likely to be enormous. Iran could halt oil production and shut down tanker traffic in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, which could send the price of crude skyrocketing and wreck Western economies.”

News24.com reported on August 6:

“Amid the continued tensions, Iran said on Monday it had successfully test-fired an anti-ship missile with a range of 300km that would allow it to close the Strait of Hormuz between Iran and Oman. ‘Given the equipment our armed forces have, an indefinite blockade of the Strait of Hormuz would be very easy,’ said the commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards, General Mohammad Ali Jafari. But Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said that any move by Iran to close the Strait of Hormuz would be ‘self-defeating’ because its economy is so heavily dependent on income from oil exports.”

German Papers Comment on Potential War With Iran

Der Spiegel Online reported on August 7:

“Following Iran’s non-committal response [earlier this week]  to join in talks over its nuclear enrichment program, UN diplomats are fuming and threatening a fourth set of sanctions… The left-leaning daily Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘It is incomprehensible that the West continues this senseless game with Iran about nuclear issues. … This strategy of sticks and carrots only hurts the West’s economy and pushes Iran even further into the arms of Russia and China. And it’s also a dangerous game to be playing because it could lead to war. The consequences of such a war would be gruesome not only for Iran and the region, but also for Europe and the United States…’

“The Berlin daily Tagesspiegel writes: ‘Without even a blush, Germany is doing business with the world champion of anti-Semitism and undermining international efforts aimed at imposing sanctions on Iran — such is the tenor of the critique aimed at Berlin for the last week. The source of the criticism is the planned and supposedly “harmless” delivery of three liquefied natural gas plants to Iran by the firm Steiner-Prematechnik Gastec (SPG)… The case makes it clear that the government is disengaged and lacking in any sense of responsibility. And it has also become obvious that the current sanctions and export restrictions on Iran are completely insufficient… The only remaining alternative to military strikes has yet to be tried in earnest: imposing the most targeted and painful economic and political sanctions possible on the regime. Diplomacy without real pressure is just asking for failure. Tehran is just playing for time.'”

The “Conscience of Russia” Is Dead

Reuters reported on August 4:

“Russians on Monday mourned Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the author and dissident whose criticism of the tyranny of Soviet rule made him one of the bravest figures of the 20th century… a chorus of voices across the world expressed grief at the death of a man whose struggle exposed the horror of Josef Stalin’s camps and made him the conscience of Russia… Mikhail Gorbachev… President Dmitry Medvedev and top Russian officials as well as global leaders including French President Nicolas Sarkozy and U.S. President George W. Bush sent their condolences.”

Der Spiegel added on August 4:

“Solzhenitsyn’s unflinching accounts of torment and survival in the gulags provoked persecution by the Soviet authorities and forced him into an unhappy exile in the West… Solzhenitsyn was arrested in 1945 while fighting Hitler’s forces as a captain in the Red Army. His crime — writing a letter criticizing Stalin — earned him eight years in the slave labor camps, where tens of millions of people perished. He was released in 1953, suffering from stomach cancer, and in 1962, as part of Khrushchev’s denunciation of Stalin, he was allowed to publish his scathing account of his gulag experiences ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.’

“His acceptance of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970 earned him the wrath of the new hardline regime of Leonid Brezhnev. He managed to smuggle out his epic work ‘The Gulag Archipelago,’ to be published in Paris. The book’s searing description of the brutal repressiveness of the Soviet system changed the way many Western intellectuals viewed the USSR. It also forced Solzhenitsyn into exile. He was arrested in 1974, stripped of his Soviet citizenship and then expelled to West Germany, where he stayed for a time with the German writer Heinrich Böll. He eventually settled in the US state of Vermont with his wife Natalya.

“The writer became a leading critic of the Soviet Union but he also attacked the West for its materialism and what he saw as the shallow obsession with individualism and liberty. He returned to Russia in 1994 and was outraged by the huge gap between rich and poor, refusing to accept an honor from then President Boris Yeltsin because of his disgust with post-Soviet society.

“Solzhenitsyn gradually warmed to Yeltsin’s successor Vladimir Putin, despite his background as a former KGB officer. Some Western critics began to accuse the writer of becoming an apologist for the increasingly authoritarian rule in Russia and he was also dogged by accusations of anti-Semitism.”

Some German Writers Not Happy With Solzhenitsyn

Especially Solzhenitsyn’s friendship with Vladimir Putin and his support of modern Russia’s policies caused severe criticism in parts of Germany. The Financial Times Deutschland wrote on August 5:

“… to Western observers, he was always an alien figure, and this says a lot about the relationship between established democracies and Russia. As courageous as the maverick Solzhenitsyn may have been in the Soviet era, after his return from exile in 1994 he expressed an opinion that would come to be shared by millions of Russians: Namely, that the Western model of the market economy and democracy nearly destroyed Russia. Coming from the minds of simple Russians who lost their jobs as a result of the unbridled capitalism of the 1990s, that’s an understandable position. But it’s different coming from an intellectual who lived for years in the US.

“For most in Western Europe and America, it is accepted as fact that socialism itself led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, making the re-emergence of Russia possible. But the majority of Russians do not share this viewpoint. And Putin often enjoyed support not because he supported democracy, but because of his anti-democratic tendencies. The Russian people have an arcane yearning for an all-powerful leader. With his vision of a village-like Russian solidarity, Solzhenitsyn nourished and supported Putin. Though Solzhenitsyn contributed significantly to the fight against Stalinism, he had little interest in democracy.”

The Süddeutsche Zeitung echoed these sentiments on August 5, stating:

“For too long, the West overlooked the Solzhenitsyn’s reactionary, anti-modernist tendencies. …the West confused Solzhenitsyn’s hatred of the Soviet powers as a commitment to democracy… Of all people, it was former KGB chief Vladimir Putin who was finally accepted by Solzhenitsyn. Putin… had once again turned the media into an uncritical government mouthpiece… But that didn’t seem to matter to Solzhenitsyn — after all, Putin had restored Russia’s greatness. That was merit enough for the author.”

“Mikhail Gorbachev, who the author despised, praised Solzhenitsyn for his battle for a ‘truly free and democratic country.’ But it was a misunderstanding. The tragedy in Solzhenitsyn, this man of the century, is that he has never recognized his people’s greatest historical achievement: That they liberated themselves from Bolshevism without any bloodshed. Nevertheless, he did help them to achieve this victory — and that’s a lot to accomplish in one lifetime.”

Will Russia Renew Its Ties with Cuba?

Reuters reported on August 4:

“The Kremlin is angry at U.S. plans for a missile defence system in Eastern Europe, and last month a news report suggested Russia might use Cuba, a thorn in America’s side for half a century, as a refueling stop for nuclear-capable bombers… ‘We need to reestablish positions on Cuba and in other countries,’ news agency Interfax quoted Putin as saying…

“Just 144 km (90 miles) from the coast of U.S. state of Florida, Cuba still has no formal diplomatic ties with Washington D.C. At the height of the Cold War in 1962, a two-week crisis over Soviet missiles on the island nearly led to full-blown war.

“Putin’s remarks came after Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin reported on a recent three-day visit to Cuba, where he discussed a raft of trade and investment issues and met with Raul Castro, Fidel’s brother and now the island’s leader.”

France Accused of Participation in Mass Genocide in Rwanda

On August 5, Der Spiegel Online reported the following:

“Rwanda’s government has released a report into France’s alleged role in the 1994 genocide on Tuesday. It accuses senior French political and military officials of involvement in the mass murder — a charge Paris denies… Those named by the report include former French Prime Minister Dominque de Villepin and late President Francois Mitterand.

“‘The French support was of a political, military, diplomatic and logistic nature,’ the report said. The commission named 33 French political and military officials, Reuters reports. ‘Considering the gravity of the alleged facts,’ the report reads according to Reuters, ‘the Rwandan government asks competent authorities to undertake all necessary actions to bring the accused French political and military leaders to answer for their acts before justice.’…

“The commission spent nearly two years investigating France’s alleged role in the genocide which saw some 800,000 people killed in just 100 days in 1994. It heard testimonies from genocide survivors, researchers and reporters. Kagame’s government has repeatedly accused France of arming and training the Hutu extremists, the Interhahamwe, who perpetrated the genocide — a charge France denies.

“Rwanda broke off diplomatic relations with Paris in 2006 after a French judge implicated Kagame, former leader of the Tutsi rebels, in the downing of then President Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane in 1994. The incident unleashed the mass killings of members of the Tutsi minority.”

The French press agency, AFP, added the following on August 5:

“‘French forces directly assassinated Tutsis and Hutus accused of hiding Tutsis… French forces committed several rapes on Tutsi survivors,’ said a justice ministry statement released after the report was presented in Kigali. The 500-page report alleged that France was aware of preparations for the genocide, contributed to planning the massacres and actively took part in the killing. It named former French prime minister Edouard Balladur, former foreign minister Alain Juppe and then-president Francois Mitterrand, who died in 1996, among 13 French politicians accused of playing a role in the massacres. The report also names 20 military officials as being responsible.”

The Olympics in China–A Drastic Mistake

Der Spiegel Online wrote on August 4:

“Just days before the Aug. 8 opening ceremonies usher in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, reporters from around the world who are in China to cover the games are pulling their hair out. Two things in particular are driving them nuts: not knowing what they will be able to cover and not knowing how much the Chinese government will censor their online coverage…

“The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes: ‘Now, just a few days before the Olympics start, there is wave upon wave of outrage because Chinese officials are practicing censorship and are trying to put some controls on the freedom of the press. But they are only doing what authoritarian and dictatorial regimes always do. No one can really be unclear about the true character of the Chinese system of rule.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘Seven years ago, it was already clear what is now becoming even clearer: The Olympics cannot be held in a country ruled by a dictatorship without having to play by its rules.’

“Right-leaning Die Welt writes:

“‘… The Chinese leadership continues to bully and even imprison its critics. Dissidents are exiled into the countryside. Journalists are threatened and even denied visas…. The true spirit of the Olympics is dead…'”

German Firms Leave China

Der Spiegel wrote on August 4:

“China lost its status as the world’s cheapest country for manufacturing some time ago. The momentum now seems to be shifting away from outsourcing to the Far East, with one in five Germany companies pulling production out of the country… Some are searching for countries with lower wages while others are returning production to Germany…

“Rising energy costs, stricter environmental rules, the elimination of many tax incentives, a dearth of skilled workers and the increasing strength of the yuan against the dollar have all pushed production costs up in China. In addition, the country’s 8-percent inflation rate has also driven up wages in the past year by as much as 20 percent… For some companies and industries, China is already getting to be too expensive… Chinese companies, too, are increasingly outsourcing production abroad…

“Four years ago, Steiff, a world-famous German company that makes high-quality teddy bears, moved part of its production to China. In early July, though, the company announced it would return all manufacturing to Germany… Steiff CEO Martin Frenchen… said it took six months to train workers to produce the teddy bears’ complicated stitching and to meet the company’s standards for quality. ‘By then you might have already lost them to an automobile factory next door that pays more,’ he added. Despite the company’s arduous efforts to produce high quality products in China, Steiff executives weren’t satisfied with the end result, [Frenchen] said.

“The company also complained of the length of delivery times. Sometimes the ships carrying the company’s stuffed animals would take up to three months to get to Germany. For sales successes like the company’s stuffed Knut polar bear, of which 80,000 were sold, that waiting period was just too long. Following a major scandal last year in which researchers discovered that some toys made in China were coated in toxic lead paint, the public’s faith in production in the country was shaken, and Steiff decided to end its production in Asia.”

Haider To Run for Austrian Chancellor?

The International Herald Tribune wrote on August 2:

“Right-wing politician Joerg Haider said Saturday that he will return as leader of the slumping breakaway party he formed in 2005. Haider, now serving… as governor of the province of Carinthia, said he would replace Peter Westenthaler, who was convicted of providing false testimony about a brawl involving his former bodyguard. Haider also said he was also considering to become the party’s leading candidate for the Sept. 28 elections, but would only vacate his post as governor to serve as chancellor…

“Haider founded the Alliance for the Future of Austria three years ago after breaking away from the extreme-right Freedom Party. That party joined Austria’s coalition government in 2000 after an election campaign tinged with anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic rhetoric, which led to seven months of punitive EU sanctions and diplomatic isolation. Haider handed over the alliance’s leadership to Westenthaler in 2006.”

The Knights Templar Sue the Pope

The Register reported on August 4:

“The Knights Templar are demanding that the Vatican give them back their good name and, possibly, billions in assets into the bargain, 700 years after the order was brutally suppressed by a joint venture between the Pope and the King of France… The Daily Telegraph reports that The Association of the Sovereign Order of the Temple of Christ has launched a court case in Spain, demanding Pope Benedict ‘recognise’ the seizure of assets worth €100bn…

“This might come as a surprise to those who believe that the order of warrior monks – also credited with possessing the Holy Grail and laying the foundation of the European banking system – was smashed in 1307 by Pope Clement V and Philip IV of France…  it appeared that the order’s suppression was more a piece of realpolitik on the pope’s part to pacify Philip, who was somewhat irked by the prospect of the powerful order increasing its continental activities after Jerusalem fell to the Turks.”

Royal Seal Discovered–Proving Once More the Accuracy of the Bible

WorldNetDaily reported on August 5:

“A team of archaeologists in Israel has unearthed what’s believed to be the royal seal of an Old Testament prince who is said to have tossed the prophet Jeremiah down a well. The stamped engraving, known as a ‘bulla,’ was discovered earlier this year about 600 feet south of the Temple Mount, but is just now making headlines.

“Team leader Dr. Eilat Mazar of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University says the imprint was found in clay, astonishingly well-preserved, bearing the name of Gedaliah, the son of Pashur. ‘How absolutely fantastic and special this find is can only be realized when you hold in your hand this magnificent one-centimeter piece of clay and know that it survived 2,600 years in the debris of the destruction, and came to us complete and in perfect condition,’ Mazar said.

“Gedaliah is mentioned by name in Jeremiah 38:1 as he served Judah’s King Zedekiah in the final days before Jerusalem was conquered by Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. The prophet’s writings tell of the actions that Gedaliah and his fellow princes took against him:

“‘Then took they Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchiah the son of Hammelech, that was in the court of the prison: and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in the mire.’ (Jeremiah 38:6) The prophet was rescued after an Ethiopian eunuch pleaded with the king on Jeremiah’s behalf, saying, ‘he is like[ly] to die [from] hunger in the place where he is: for there is no more bread in the city.’ (38:9) The king then ordered 30 men to hoist up the prophet before the city fell to the Babylonians.

“The letters on the seal are in ancient Hebrew… This is actually the second recent discovery of an ancient bulla from the time of Jeremiah. In 2005, Mazar found another seal with the name of Jehucal the son of Shelemiah, who is mentioned twice in the prophet’s book. That artifact was found in a stone structure Mazar believes was part of King David’s ancient palace. She added, ‘It is not very often that such a discovery happens to archaeologists in which real figures of the past shake off the dust of history and so vividly revive the stories of the Bible.'”

Muslims Deny Jewish and Christian Access to Temple Mount

Israel Today wrote on August 1:

“In an interview with Israel Today, Azzam Khatib, director of the Islamic Trust (or Waqf) that safeguards the mosques that sit atop the Temple Mount, said that Jews and Christians who try to pray at the ancient holy site are effectively declaring war. Any non-Muslim ‘who seeks such an approach is really seeking a religious war,’ said Khatib, who insisted that the Temple Mount is an exclusively Muslim site and that Jews and Christians should not even want to pray there…

“Khatib refused to consider the possibility that the site was once home to the First and Second Jewish Temples, calling such claims unsubstantiated myths. When presented with a citation from a 1929 tourist guide published by the Supreme Muslim Council that acknowledged the Temple Mount as the site of Solomon’s Temple, Khatib rejected the idea that such a book was ever published by a Muslim authority… Various Waqf officials also failed to provide a single, cohesive answer as to why the gate on the eastern side of the Temple Mount, known in the Bible as the Golden Gate, is sealed shut. Historical Muslim sources state that the gate was sealed and a cemetery planted in front of it to prevent Jesus’ prophesied return.”

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Would you please explain Hebrews 10:25. Why does Paul warn against "forsaking the assembling of ourselves together"?

Hebrews 10:24-26 reads, in context:

“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. For if we sin willfully, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.”

We can clearly see from this passage that Paul warns us not to forsake the “assembling of ourselves together,” as the consequence of doing so could lead to our committing the unpardonable sin.

What is meant by, “assembling of ourselves together”?

Note the following renderings, which make the intended meaning clearer:

The Berkely Version of the New Testament says: “… not neglecting our own church meeting.”

J.B. Phillips writes in The New Testament in Modern English: “And let us not hold aloof from our church meetings.”

The Living Bible states: “Let us not neglect our church meetings…”

The Jewish New Testament, by David H. Stern, renders it in this way: “… not neglecting our own congregational meetings, as some have made a practice of doing so, but, rather, encouraging each other…”

These renditions state correctly that we are not to forsake assembling for CHURCH SERVICES. The following commentaries support this understanding:

The Nelson Study Bible writes:

“Evidently some believers had stopped attending the worship services of the church… [Paul] uses a compound form of the word ‘synagogue,’ which specifically means the local, physical gathering of believers (see Ps. 40:9, 10; 42:4)… The local assembly is where the gospel message is preached, but also where the word of God is applied to the circumstances of our lives… Knowing that Christ’s return is imminent, the believers [are] to encourage each other even more to remain faithful to Him.”

The Ryrie Study Bible writes that the term “assembling” describes “the gathering of Christians for worship and edification,” and that “the Day” describes “the day… of Christ’s coming (also v. 37; 1 Cor. 3:13; Phil. 1:10).”

Some have stated that Paul had public gatherings in mind, when speaking about “assembling together,” rather than private Church worship services. However, this does not seem correct. In any case, as Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible explains, the difference is of little consequence. Clarke points out:

“Whether this means public or private worship is hard to say; but as the word is but once more used in the New Testament [compare 2 Thessalonians 2:1], and there means the gathering together of the redeemed of the Lord at the day of judgment, it is as likely that it means here private religious meetings, for the purpose of mutual exhortation: and this sense appears the more natural here, because it is evident that the Church was now in a state of persecution, and therefore their meetings were most probably held in private.”

Clarke continues to warn against deserting regular Church attendance, for whatever reason:

“For fear of persecution, it seems as if some had deserted these meetings… They had given up these strengthening and instructive means, and the others were in danger of following their example… Those who relinquish Christian communion are in a backsliding state; those who backslide are in danger of apostasy…”

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible explains that “assembling” describes “their act of meeting together in some one place to attend his [God’s] worship, word, and ordinances. Now to ‘forsake’ such assembling, signifies a great infrequency in attending with the saints, a rambling from place to place, and takes in an entire apostasy. It is the duty of saints to assemble together… on the account of the saints themselves, that they may be delighted, refreshed, comforted, instructed, edified, and perfected… And an assembling together ought not to be forsaken; for it is a forsaking God, and their own mercies, and such are like to be forsaken of God; nor is it known what is lost hereby; and it is the first outward visible step to apostasy, and often issues in it… in our day, this evil practice [of forsaking the assembly of the saints] arises sometimes from a vain conceit of being in no need of ordinances…”

Gill states correctly that forsaking the assembly means forsaking God [as we don’t obey His command to assemble for Church services]. Gill also mentions one important “human justification” for forsaking Church services–the wrong idea that we don’t need the Church; that we can stay at home on our own, doing our own Bible studies and gaining thereby the same kind of knowledge which we might have received by attending Church services. This wrong concept is dangerous. It also ignores the fact that we are not only to assemble to be instructed, but also to fellowship with and encourage and help other members.

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary explains:

“The Greek, ‘episunagoge,’ [for “assembling”] is only found here and [ in 2 Thessalonians 2:1] (the gathering together of the elect to Christ at His coming)… The assembling or gathering of ourselves for Christian communion… is an earnest of our being gathered together to Him at His appearing. Union is strength; continual assemblings together beget and foster love, and give good opportunities for ‘provoking to good works,’ by ‘exhorting one another’… To neglect such assemblings together might end in apostasy at last…”

Jamieson points out correctly that assembling with other members at Church services demonstrates our love to God and to our neighbor–to God, as we DO what He instructs us to do, and to our neighbor, as we show him or her that we care enough for them to assemble and fellowship with them.

The New Bible Commentary:Revised supports this concept:

“There should also be among Christians mutual ‘provocation’… to active good works by deliberately taking notice of each other’s needs… they should not, therefore, copy the custom of some and cease attendance at Christian meetings, but rather use such opportunities for mutual encouragement, and the more so in the light of the approaching consummation and judgment of the Day that is coming.”

In other words, one reason for assembling at Church services is to encourage one another, and to look after the needs of other brethren. Staying at home does not fulfill any of these requirements.

The Life Application Bible gives the following and most helpful analysis:

“We have significant privileges associated with our new life in Christ: (1) we have personal access to God through Christ and can draw near to him without an elaborate system…; (2) we may grow in faith, overcome doubts and questions, and deepen our relationship with God… ; (3) we may enjoy encouragement from one another…; (4) we may worship together (10:25)… To neglect Christian meetings is to give up the encouragement and help of other Christians. We gather together to share our faith and to strengthen one another in the Lord. As we get closer to the ‘Day’ when Christ will return, we will face many spiritual struggles, and even times of persecution. Anti-Christian forces will grow in strength. Difficulties should never be excuses for missing church services. Rather, as difficulties arise, we should make an even greater effort to be faithful in attendance.”

There may always be “legitimate” reasons to the human mind for not attending worship services regularly and in person–reasons such as inconvenience, just not feeling like it, feeling too tired, staying with visiting relatives or friends, persecution, high costs of transportation or distance, as well as the idea that we don’t really “need” to attend. Rather, as the reasoning may go, we might as well stay home today and listen to sermon tapes or live services which are broadcast over the Internet.

However, based on the PURPOSE of PERSONAL CHURCH ATTENDANCE with other members, the means of broadcasting services of the Church of the Eternal God (CEG) over the Internet was developed for those brethren who are scattered, or who might be sick, and who therefore cannot attend regular CEG Church services. It was never meant to be a replacement for personal attendance. Listening to live Internet Church services or listening to sermon tapes does NOT constitute an equally valuable alternative to personal CEG Church attendance. Those who can physically attend CEG Church services are commanded by God to do so, for their own good and for the benefit of other Church members. Listening to Internet services and participating in the chatlines before and after services may only be the second-best option; personal attendance is always the preferable course of action.

The practice of meeting together for religious services that was observed by the New Testament Church of God and that has been faithfully continued to this time is based on God’s command regarding the weekly and annual Sabbath Days. Note how the weekly Sabbath is addressed in Leviticus 23:3: “‘Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a HOLY CONVOCATION…'”

Focusing on the annual Holy Days, which are also called “Sabbaths” (compare for example Leviticus 23:32, 39), notice the instructions regarding “holy convocations” in Leviticus 23:7-8, 21, 24, 27, 35, 36-37, pertaining to the annual Holy Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.

Concerning the concept of a “holy convocation,” God very carefully commanded His people to assemble for worship services according to His instructions and in the place He chooses (compare Deuteronomy 12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 16:6, 11, 15-16). Upon the founding of the Church, Jesus Christ established the ministry and holds them strictly responsible to continue guiding His people in obedience to God’s commands–including, “…the assembling of ourselves together” (compare Ephesians 4:11-16).

Acts 2 reports that Christ’s disciples were all assembled in one room on the Day of Pentecost, and that is when they received the Holy Spirit. Would God have given the Holy Spirit to those, using modern terms, who had decided to stay home and listen over the Internet, while they could have assembled in person with the other disciples?

Paul’s warning to us today rings loud and clear: We are NOT to forsake REGULAR PERSONAL Church attendance, if we can reasonably do so. Our attitude towards this command tells God quite a lot about our whole make-up as Christians. How dedicated and zealous are we? How diligent are we to OBEY His command? How much LOVE do we have for God and our brethren? Remember, what we have done for the least of our brethren, that we have done for God. If we decide that it is not important enough for us to personally attend Church services, for whatever reason, then we are walking on dangerous ground. Paul tells us that if we are not careful, such an indifferent neglectful attitude might very well lead to the point that we commit apostasy–the unpardonable sin.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “WHY Is Our Economy THAT Bad?” In the program, Norbert Link discusses that the fact that the U.S. budget deficit will reach $500 billion in 2009. A new law raises the nation’s debt limit to $10.6 trillion. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have issued $5 trillion in debt. Ford Motor Co. posted the worst quarterly performance in its history. General Motors lost $15.5 billion in the second quarter. So far, seven banks have been shut by regulators in 2008, with many more to follow. 463,000 jobs were lost so far this year. An economic recovery is not expected any time soon, if at all. WHY should this happen to the greatest nation on earth? Is GOD really pleased with how we are living today?

Set forth below are the numbers of all-times views on Google Video, as of August 1,  pertaining to our five most successful sermons:

Bible Study–The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 1, 3,525 views and 78 downloads

Bible-Study–Day of Atonement: Mystery of the Atonement Rituals, 2,585 views

Bible Study–Christian Suffering, 2,234 views and 71 downloads

Bible Study–Sin, a Powerful Enemy, 1,465 views and 32 downloads

Bible Study–The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 2, 1,141 views and 24 downloads

Set forth below are a few selected comments received from viewers of our StandingWatch programs, as posted on YouTube:

“Why do you keep going on about the Law knowing you yourself cannot live up to all of it? Don’t you know that if you are guilty of breaking one law you are guilty of breaking them all? THAT is the reason for Jesus’ death on the cross, YOUR inability to keep the law. It seems you can’t accept the cross of Christ for what it is. You have not been made complete by grace. Just accept it man, Christ fulfilled the law and then died in your place because YOU(WE) could not fulfill it. Dude read Romans!”

“I agree with you. As it says in the psalms, ‘The law of the Lord is perfect.'”

“Useless preaching. No hard facts.”

“Blessed are those, whom God instructs.”

“The Bible does not mention the peak oil crisis, nor does it mention climate change, world wide human overpopulation, soil degradation, fiat-money and many other cataclysms of the modern world faces. Why should an ancient scripture be appropriate in today’s world? Sorry, but the Bible? has no appeal to me at all. It’s a document of a past ancient world.”

“I thought it was a serious video and then the guy goes on talking about the Bible… Don’t waste your time watching this…”

“Thank you for another outstanding program. Prophecy is falling into place right before our eyes. And it seems that there are still too many ignorant people out there who think they know everything. But instead they know nothing and could not care less what is being said in those programs. They rather listen to any other book inspired by man. But I believe that the time will come when most of them will wake up–hopefully–I know that you are doing your part.”

“The status quo of the US economy is the product of a greedy money culture, that has no moral or social values anymore. We are witnessing the fall of great nation.”

“Things are going to get worst. I urge everyone to accept Jesus Christ !!!!”

“Dude, hope all that listen to this will listen. Man, this is no joke!”

“I agree. God bless you.”

“Put up your treasures in heaven. I like that. It’s a great message.”

“I’ve watched your video on ‘Will Your Soul Go To Heaven?’ I was overwhelmed to learn that you agree with me. I do not believe man has an immortal soul.”

“Everyone needs to hear this message about Halloween. Thank you for revealing the truth about this festival. People need to stop following tradition and ask themselves about origins and customs of holidays they celebrate.”

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Blind Faith

by Louise Amorelli
My husband and I live in a very rural area with mountainous terrain and unpaved narrow country backroads.  We moved here to leave the “rat race” of urban life and drink in the serene and breathtaking views of the two mountain ranges that surround our home.  Quite a difference from the fast-paced thrill-seeking drivers on the New Jersey turnpike that seem to enjoy leaving those drivers in the dust who take life in stride in the slow lane. 

But as laid back as these West Virginia roads can be, there is still danger and uncertainty.

As I drive my “city” car ‘round these country roads with spectacular views, I realize that I need to use wisdom.  Many roads are two lanes with no dividing yellow line, with just enough space between two passing cars to barely squeeze through.  When the road bends, you just don’t know how fast the other car will be coming.  You also hope that the oncoming driver will use his or her expert and cautious driving skills to judge where his or her side of the road begins and ends.

One of the scariest driving situations I encounter is when I have to drive over a one-lane-bridge with poor visibility that I can’t even see the oncoming car!! I still cringe when I have to make it to the other side of that one-lane-bridge.  Each time I do, I pray that God will guide me to the other side safely.  I am totally in His hands and each time,  I realize what blind faith really means.  Since moving here, there have been many trials that have tested my faith, not knowing what awaits me on the other side.  But I have and will put my faith in God, knowing that He will get me through to the other side, safely.  I know that I have to continue to humble my life to Him and to His lead, no matter what lies ahead.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

WHY Is Our Economy THAT Bad? — StandingWatch #177

The U.S. budget deficit will reach $500 billion in 2009. A new law raises the nation’s debt limit to $10.6 trillion. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have issued $5 trillion in debt. Ford Motor Co. posted the worst quarterly performance in its history. General Motors lost $15.5 billion in the second quarter. So far, seven banks have been shut by regulators in 2008, with many more to follow. 463,000 jobs were lost so far this year. An economic recovery is not expected any time soon, if at all. WHY should this happen to the greatest nation on earth? Is GOD really pleased with how we are living today?

Watch this now on StandingWatch or GoogleVideo or YouTube.

Current Events

Soon to Come–NUCLEAR War in the Middle East?

The German mass tabloid, Bild, published two articles on its Website on July 20 and 22, discussing the possibility of a NUCLEAR WAR in the Middle East.

The first article quoted Benny Morris, author and professor at the Ben Gurion University in Israel, saying that “it is virtually certain that Israel will attack the Iranian nuclear facilities within the next four to six months.” He continued that the attack had better be successful, because if it was not, a NUCLEAR WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST would be the likely consequence. His rationale: If Israel’s attack fails, then Iran will retaliate, forcing Israel to respond with nuclear weapons. Morris is also quoted as saying: “Israel has the choice between the Black Death and Cholera. In either case, a nuclear Holocaust looms over the Middle East.”

The second article quoted U.S. Major-General Henry Obering as saying that Iran possesses missiles which could reach a very large part of Europe, including Great Britain. Although not expressly stated in the article, the implication was given, of course, that Iran might strike Europe with missiles if it was attacked by European ally Israel.

In addition, Reuters reported on July 29:

“The United States will soon link Israel up to two advanced missile detection systems as a precaution against any future attack by a nuclear-armed Iran, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday… Barak declined to give details on whether Israel, which is believed to have the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal, would be prepared to take on Iran alone. Iran denies seeking atomic weapons and has vowed to retaliate for any attack… Israeli and U.S. officials this month voiced differing assessments on when Iran might acquire advanced S-300 anti-aircraft systems from Russia. The S-300s would complicate any pre-emptive air strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites… Israeli Defence officials, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, predicted first delivery of the systems as early as September.”

ABC reported on July 30:

“Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, met with House Democrats yesterday [and] told the caucus, according to an attendee, ‘Nobody said this to me directly  but I get the feeling from my talks [in the Middle East] that if the sanctions don’t work Israel is going to strike Iran.’ Others in the room recall this as well.

“The notion that Israel is preparing for such an action against Iran’s myriad nuclear facilities is not new, with conjecture heating up in May after an Israeli military exercise featuring 150 aircraft flying almost a thousand miles over the Mediterranean Sea in what was seen as a dress rehearsal for an air strike. Now that the Bush administration is engaged in diplomatic efforts with Iran, many Israeli officials are worried the US is getting soft on Iran, prompting Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to travel to the US this week to meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Barak’s office released a statement saying ‘a policy that consists of keeping all options on the table must be maintained.'”

For more information, please watch our StandingWatch program, “Is War With Iran Coming Soon?”, which is posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube.

Israel’s Olmert Announces Intent to Resign

The Jerusalem Post reported on July 30:

“Prime Minister Ehud Olmert intends to hand his resignation letter to President Shimon Peres the day after the September 17 Kadima primary and ask him to entrust the new party leader with forming a new government, Olmert’s associates said Wednesday night… By law, Olmert will remain prime minister until a new government is formed. If the new Kadima leader forms a government soon after the primary, Olmert will then leave office. But if no new government is established, Olmert, despite having formally tendered his resignation, could remain prime minister until after a general election that would likely be held in spring 2009.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 31:

“When Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stepped in front of the camera and spoke to the nation on Wednesday evening, it is not hard to imagine millions of his countrymen united in a deep sigh of relief. Olmert, plagued by accusations of corruption, finally did that which the country of Israel had been awaiting for months: He said he would resign…

“For months, his countrymen have followed every new piece in an ever-growing mosaic of corruption allegations. The most recent low point was reached two weeks ago when the Israeli police indicated they suspected Olmert of having double- or even triple-billed for trips abroad and pocketing the profit. Olmert also stands accused of having accepted envelopes stuffed with cash from a Jewish-American businessman to fund his luxurious lifestyle and propensity for fat cigars. Dubious real-estate deals and sketchy political appointments made before he became prime minister round out the dossier against him…

“Israelis are sure to welcome the news of Olmert’s resignation. A huge percentage of the country’s voters have been unhappy with the prime minister for months and almost 60 percent of those in his own party were in favor of his stepping down. A survey carried out on Wednesday evening found that over 77 percent of Israelis think that Olmert did a poor job as head of Israel’s government. Even worse, many Israelis fear that Olmert has inflicted lasting damage on the office of prime minister. Olmert’s zigzag policies of the past few months have had just one aim: his own political survival…

“On Wednesday night, he also pledged to prove his innocence, saying that ‘those preaching to me today will one day have to contend with the truth.’ That, though, seems unlikely given the mountains of material state prosecutors have gathered to use against him. Few in Israel believe that his name will ever be cleared. The Israelis are sorely afflicted when it comes to scandals involving politicians. The then Chief of Staff Dan Halutz sold off his Israeli share package just before the war with Lebanon in 2006, fearing a stock market dip. Olmert’s predecessor Ariel Sharon had to defend himself on several occasions against corruption allegations. One of his sons even ended up in jail.

“Once the initial relief about Olmert’s resignation fades, the debate will begin about who will succeed him… Whoever follows in Olmert’s footsteps will face a huge task. Alongside all the other problems, he or she will have to re-establish a basic level of trust among Israelis in the integrity of their politicians.”

White House Sees Record Budget Gap of $482 Billion in 2009

Reuters reported on July 28:

“The Bush administration on Monday projected the U.S. budget deficit will soar to a record of nearly half a trillion dollars in fiscal 2009 as a housing-led economic slowdown cuts into government revenues. The economic and fiscal deterioration will complicate efforts to bring the budget to balance and pose challenges for whoever takes over the White House in January, either Republican Sen. John McCain or Democratic Sen. Barack Obama…

“Reacting to the White House’s new prediction that the budget deficit will hit $482 billion in the fiscal year that starts October 1, [Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent] Conrad said that number easily could rise by an additional $80 billion when the full costs of the Iraq war are tallied next year.”

New Bill INCREASES U.S. Debt Limit by Almost 1 Trillion Dollars

Bloomberg reported on July 30:

“President George W. Bush signed into law legislation that helps 400,000 homeowners facing foreclosure and extends a lifeline to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac… The measure passed the Senate July 26 and the House three days earlier… [Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson] who was the lead lobbyist for the White House, persuaded Bush to back off a threatened veto over a section of the legislation that provides $3.9 billion in grants to states to buy and repair foreclosed properties. Bush said he regarded it as a bailout of lenders. Democrats said it would stabilize neighborhoods…

“Under the law, the Federal Housing Administration can now insure higher loan limits, up to $625,500 from $417,000 in high- cost areas. The law also raises the nation’s debt limit to $10.6 trillion from $9.816 trillion to accommodate the Paulson plan.”

The Associated Press added on July 31:

“The Treasury Department gains unlimited power, until the end of 2009, to lend money to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or buy their stock should they need it… Democratic leaders, recognizing that the measure could be one of the last items to become law during what’s left of their abbreviated election-year schedule, tacked on an $800 billion increase, to $10.6 trillion, in the statutory limit on the national debt… Conservative Republicans were vehemently opposed to the bill, particularly the help for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Critics charge the companies enjoy lavish profits in good times and wield their outsized political clout to resist regulation while depending on the government to bail them out should they falter.”

“Ford Posts $8.7 Billion Loss”

The Associated Press reported the following on July 24:

“Ford Motor Co. posted the worst quarterly performance in its history Thursday, losing $8.67 billion in the second quarter… Ford shares dropped 58 cents, or 9.6 percent, to $5.45 in morning trading… Ford’s capital expenditures will reach $6 billion annually between now and 2010 because of the cost of revamping plants and introducing new products and engines. Ford plans to upgrade or replace all of its engines by 2010… Cost cuts also will come from employee layoffs. Ford said 4,000 U.S. hourly workers took buyouts in the second quarter, and the company will continue offering buyouts at targeted U.S. plants. Ford also has announced plans to cut its salaried costs by Aug. 1 through voluntary and involuntary layoffs…

“Ford reported a pretax loss of $1.3 billion in North America because of the deteriorating U.S. market and the shift away from trucks. U.S. sales overall were down 10 percent in the first half of the year, with Ford’s sales down 14 percent.

“The company, though, continued to be profitable overseas, posting a $582 million profit in Europe and $388 million in South America. The company also made $50 million at its Asia-Pacific-Africa division… Ford said it does not expect a U.S. economic recovery to start until early 2010.”

The Latest U.S. Bank Failures

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 28:

“The latest bank failures… came late Friday, when federal regulators shut down First National Bank of Nevada, based in Reno, and First Heritage Bank of Newport Beach, Calif. The $3.2 billion in deposits of the closed banks were acquired by Mutual of Omaha Bank, a unit of insurer Mutual of Omaha. The branches are reopening Monday.

“The two failed banks were units of closely held First National Bank Holding Co., based in Scottsdale, Ariz. Both had been grappling with problem loans and had a combined first-quarter loss of about $140 million. First National Bank of Arizona, which was absorbed into First National Bank of Nevada in June, had a first-quarter loan-loss provision of $95.9 million…

“They are the sixth and seventh banks to have been shut by regulators so far this year, though they are far smaller than IndyMac Bank, the Pasadena, Calif., lender that collapsed earlier this month. IndyMac was a nationwide powerhouse in mortgage lending, while First National Bank of Arizona relied on brokers to generate loan volume from much of the U.S. Regulators are anticipating more closures as banks are overwhelmed by bad loans.”

“Is Your Bank Safe?”

Business Week wrote on July 28:

“Nothing says hard times like people standing outside a bank demanding their money. IndyMac Bancorp’s failure and the resulting chaos were reminiscent of Depression-era bank runs… the FDIC compiles a quarterly watch list of troubled banks; there are 90… That list ‘is going to grow longer, given the stresses we have in the marketplace, given the housing correction,’ Paulson said on July 20 in an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation. Just don’t ask for the names of any banks on the list. The FDIC cannot discuss which firms are in danger of failing, given that the agency collects proprietary data from each bank and says it would be unfair to use the information to expose them publicly…

“Many more people now have deposits that are above FDIC-insured limits, meaning that if their bank failed they might get only a portion of that money back… Today, only about 62% are insured…

“Wachovia’s new president and CEO, Robert Steel, is featured in a video on the company’s Web site aimed at bank customers. ‘Although the nation’s financial news lately has been a bit troubling and Wachovia certainly isn’t immune, I want you to know that our company is on exceptionally sound footing,’ he says. Steel goes on to list the bank’s capital ($50 billion), liquid funding capability ($150 billion), and says the bank has enough cash to meet its current long-term debt obligations for three and a half years… Associated Banc-Corp, a regional bank based in Green Bay, Wis., issued talking points to tellers and other bank employees the week after IndyMac’s demise. It wanted customers to know, among other things, that it was well-capitalized and had issued dividends for 154 consecutive quarters…

“But even as banks try to reassure their customers, they are competing with increasingly vocal skeptics. Lists of troubled institutions continue to proliferate on the Internet…”

Who Wins in Today’s Economy

CNN reported on July 31 that “Exxon Mobil [the world’s largest publicly traded oil firm] once again reported the largest quarterly profit in U.S. history Thursday, posting net income of $11.68 billion on revenue of $138 billion in the second quarter. That profit works out to $1,485.55 a second.”

In addition, as the International Herald Tribune wrote, “Royal Dutch Shell, Europe’s largest oil company, reported a 33 percent increase in second-quarter profit Thursday, helped by a higher oil price even as production declined. Like smaller rival BP earlier this week, Shell profited from an oil price that almost doubled in the second quarter from the year earlier…”

The Current (and Future) State of Affairs of the US Economy

The Associated Press wrote on July 31:

“The country didn’t get the energetic rebound in economic growth hoped for from the government’s tax rebates in the second quarter, and the economy jolted into reverse at the end of 2007, raising new recession fears.

“The Commerce Department reported Thursday that gross domestic product, or GDP, increased at an annual rate of 1.9 percent in the April-to-June period. That marked an improvement over the feeble 0.9 percent growth logged in the first quarter of this year…

“Still, the second-quarter rebound wasn’t as robust as economists had hoped; they were forecasting growth at a 2.4 percent pace. The pickup, while welcome, isn’t likely to be seen as a signal that the fragile economy is growing healthier. There are fears that as the bracing tonic of the tax rebates fades, the economy could be in for another rough patch later this year…

“A trio of crises — housing, credit and financial — have badly bruised the economy. In response, employers have cut jobs for six months in a row, bringing total losses this year close to a staggering half-million — 438,000. The Labor Department reported Thursday that layoffs rose sharply last week. New claims filed for unemployment insurance jumped to 448,000, the highest in five years… With more job cuts expected for July and in coming months, there’s growing concern that many people will pull back on their spending… dealing a blow to the shaky economy. These worries — along with the negative GDP in the fourth quarter of last year — may rekindle recession fears.”

“Obama Will Be Costly and Difficult for Germany”

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 25 on the German reaction to Barack Obama’s speech in Berlin:

“Barack Obama conjured up Berlin’s Cold War past in his speech on Thursday, urging Germany to strengthen the trans-Atlantic relationship. The German press on Friday regards the plea as a prelude to demands for more Bundeswehr soldiers in Afghanistan… Most hear one essential message loud and clear: If Obama ends up in the White House, then Europeans — and Germans in particular — will be called upon to play a greater role in the war on terror — and that means contributing more troops to the war in Afghanistan.
“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘There is no doubt that Obama will demand more from the Europeans to ensure success in Afghanistan and Iraq. … And the Germans in particular should prepare themselves for those demands. Obama will be costly for Germany. The haggling over sending more troops to Afghanistan will continue. And a President Obama will demand help in winding up the Iraq adventure in the name of strengthened trans-Atlantic solidarity…’

“Conservative daily Die Welt writes: ‘… if he were to become president, he would demand that Germany and the EU play a much stronger role than they have been up to now in the war against terror and against the other evils in the world… Someone who dares to claim that now is the moment of great change should have very good arguments to back up that claim. And he should make it clear that he knows something about those tragedies where goodwill often creates nothing good. Unfortunately there was little trace of this in Barack Obama’s otherwise pleasant speech.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘… It is now finally clear to the German government that more involvement — and particularly in Afghanistan — will be expected from Berlin. The US doesn’t see why they should grind away at fighting the Taliban while the Germans play the nice reconstruction aid workers…. Obama will ask for more. He’ll ask the Germans to deploy troops in the dangerous south. Although this has long been clear to the German government, Obama was still treated like a teddy bear. Politicians from almost every party projected the feeling that the trans-Atlantic partnership would automatically blossom with the Democratic politician (as president).

“‘While the government already knows what awaits it, the voters for the parties in Berlin’s grand coalition could soon experience a rude awakening once they see that Obama’s new America is pursuing the same old goals. Until now, the Germans have always been able to reject a more robust mandate for Afghanistan with the unspoken knowledge that there was no need to run after someone like George W. Bush. But it will be much tougher to reject any urgent requests from a President Obama, who has just been so widely celebrated here.’

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘Obama’s agenda seems to contradict George W. Bush’s foreign policy on nearly every point. … His agenda is well thought through and could easily have been drafted by political thinkers in Europe. However, it is very abstract on many points. When he eventually gives them substance, then these differences with the Bush administration’s policies fall away. For Obama, as for John McCain, a militarily strong America forms the basis of all their foreign policy concepts… Obama makes no mention of fewer troops, agents or weapons. On the contrary… The Europeans must renew their efforts to formulate their own common security and foreign policy…’

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘… When you take away the Obama feel-good factor, what remains is a crystal clear demand: More European soldiers for Afghanistan. If he wins, Obama will also be a difficult US president for Germany…’

“The business daily Handelsblatt writes: ‘… He did not spare the Germans and the Europeans the bitter truth that a change of administration in Washington will not change anything in the difficult task that faces the alliance. That was a friendly way of saying that the Europeans should not be under the illusion that the departure of George W. Bush will mark the beginning of paradise…'”

The Bible reveals that the relationship between the USA and Europe will not substantially improve. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Google Under Attack in Italy

Times Online wrote on July 25:

“Italian prosecutors have indicated that they will press charges against four Google executives over a video which was posted on one of the search giant’s Italian sites in 2006, which showed four youths making fun of a disabled teenager in a classroom in the northern city of Turin… A spokesman for Google was quoted by the Wall Street Journal as saying that the company co-operated with Italian prosecutors throughout their investigation and that the video was removed from the site in question within hours of administrators being notified of its existence in September, 2006…

“A Google spokesman was quoted as saying that there was no basis for the legal action because under EU legislation – which has been incorporated into Italian law – Google isn’t required to monitor third-party content on its sites. It must only take down offending content when it is notified.”

National State of Emergency in Italy

On July 28, the EUObserver wrote the following:

“The Italian government of Silvio Berlusconi is facing strong criticism from the country’s opposition over the declaration of a national state of emergency to deal with the ‘exceptional and persistent influx’ of irregular immigrants… The decision came shortly after Italy passed another controversial piece of law that would make undocumented migration a criminal offence punishable by six months to four years in prison. The law also allows that property rented to such an immigrant can be confiscated…

“In June, the Berlusconi government also found itself under heavy criticism… for plans to conduct a census, under which all Roma people, including children, would be fingerprinted. Left critics of the move compared it to the policies of Benito Mussolini, the country’s fascist leader during the second world war.”

European Double-Standards Policy

The following article was originally published by Adevarul, Bucharest, in Romanian, on July 24, 2008, and published in English by the BBC:

“Corruption is deeply rooted in Bulgarian society and the European Union is naive to think that several rules or highways will change the situation. However, corruption is an issue for new EU member Bulgaria (also Romania), so that it is no surprise that Brussels is threatening to suspend financial aid and retain travel restrictions for work- seekers should Sofia not crack down on organized crime and other forms of corruption. Bulgaria, the poorest EU member, is hoping to get 7m euros for structural reforms over the next five years… the EU threat shows a recurrent habit – the European Commission bullies smaller member states but is often soft on the important ones.

“Do you remember the agitation caused by Joerg Haider’s party getting good results in Austria? Fourteen countries, although they were not officially part of the EU, condemned Austrians as if Haider had set the Reichstag on fire. Portugal and Ireland were criticized for having infringed the euro zone debt rules and the Danish and the Irish were threatened in various ways for the ‘wrong’ results of their respective referendums.

“I do not recall, however, when the French or the German governments were last threatened or when the Italians were seriously warned about their own corruption, which swallowed a large slice of the EU aid intended for southern Italy. One can see those highways suddenly end in the middle of some Sicilian plain.  In short, if Brussels often lacks courage in front of the EU ‘big guys,’ the fact that it pompously and severely points at the ‘little ones’ can only highlight its double-standards policy.”

“Two-Speed Europe May Emerge Over Divorce Rules”

The EUObserver wrote on July 25:

“In the face of long-lasting deadlock, a group of nine EU states have decided to take the unprecedented path of closer co-operation and apply common rules for divorce between couples of different European nationality… Austria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania, Slovenia and Spain have teamed up in order to formally request the European Commission launch the so-called enhanced co-operation mechanism – allowing a group of countries to move ahead in one particular area, even though other states are opposed…

“A controversial and politically sensitive issue anyway, this route for dealing with the divorce question has further irked some capitals because, under normal procedures, a decision in this area would have to be taken by unanimity… Under the foreseen rules, if a Czech-German couple living in Belgium decide to divorce, spouses would be allowed to choose the competent court and the law to apply to their case. Should they fail to agree, the couple would be automatically referred to a court in Belgium, their place of residence.

“Malta and Sweden are widely considered the most reluctant to give the go-ahead to a EU-wide divorce scheme. Strongly Catholic Malta does not recognise divorce, while Stockholm fears that EU harmonisation in the area could threaten its liberal family law…

“Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Lithuania are also believed to be considering joining the initiative.”

“Multi-Speed Europe” On Defense

The EUObserver wrote on July 29, 2008:

“Europeans are a heterogeneous lot, and efforts to develop European defence need to recognise and accommodate this diversity. This last point is especially relevant in the aftermath of the Irish ‘No’ to the Lisbon Treaty. For some, this latest failure to get 27 runners and riders into the starting gates at the same time has only confirmed the need to accept a ‘multi-speed’ Europe. Whether or not this is true for the future of the Union as a whole, there is no room for dispute in defence – multi-speed is the reality, and will remain so as long as 27 Member States reserve the right to set their own defence policies, and take their own decisions about sending their young men and women into danger…

“This approach – the concept of the ‘pioneer group’ – appears in the Lisbon Treaty in the provisions on ‘permanent structured cooperation’. But, with Lisbon in baulk for the foreseeable future, the principles should be introduced as far and as fast as possible into the existing practices and institutions of European defence – most obviously, into the workings of the European Defence Agency.”

Deutsche Welle reported on July 29:

“Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer has called for a group of EU states to develop a military force capable of reacting to crises around the world. He said the bloc needs a flexible defense policy. A group [of] EU nations should form a ‘pioneering group’ to deal with issues of European security and defense, Fischer said Tuesday, July 28, at the presentation of a European Council on Foreign Relations study. ‘We must recognize the reality of a “multi-speed Europe” on defense,’ said Fischer, one of the council’s co-chairs. ‘The reluctant should not be bullied, but neither must they hold the others back.’ Fischer added that the bloc needed to take a ‘flexible approach’ to cooperation between states on key issues in order to move forward after the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty, which foresees creating a new post to steer European foreign and security policy…

“A former leader of the German Greens party, Fischer was instrumental in convincing his fellow party members to turn away from the party’s pacifist roots and to support NATO efforts in the Balkans in the late 1990s. It represented the first time German soldiers conducted military operations since World War II. Though he opposed sending troops to Iraq, Fischer lent his support to the Bundeswehr’s mission in Afghanistan.

“If such a European reaction force were created it would be able to react to violence around the globe such as in Chad and Congo, more effectively than allowed by current policies, according to the council’s report. ‘Europe’s security is being jeopardized by the reluctance of defense ministries to change and to work together,’ said Lord George Robertson, former NATO Secretary General, and one of council’s members. ‘Stronger European defense cooperation will only strengthen NATO.’ ‘A large part of the 200 billion euros that Europe spends on defense every year is simply wasted,’ the study says.”

A two-speed Europe–with a core Europe leading the continent–is inevitable. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

No Second Vote in Ireland?

The EUObserver wrote on July 28:

“Almost three quarters of Irish voters are opposed to the idea of a second vote on the EU’s Lisbon treaty…The leader of France, which currently [holds] the EU’s six-month rotating presidency, last week proposed to the Irish prime minister, Brian Cowen, that a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty be held on the same day as elections to the European Parliament next June…

“The survey also suggested that in the case of a repeated referendum, even more people would vote No than the first time around…

“Twenty out of 27 EU states have definitively ratified the EU treaty. Spain, Germany and Poland’s parliaments have approved the text but the respective heads of state must still sign off on the document, with the German constitutional court still considering a legal challenge.

“The Italian lower house is expected to back the text this week. Swedish MPs are set to pass the treaty without serious opposition when they begin their autumn session in September. And Czech deputies are planning to hold a vote in autumn, after the verdict of the country’s constitutional court on a legal appeal.”

New Sunday Law in Croatia

The Associated Press reported on July 26:

“The Croatian parliament has passed a law forcing shops to close on Sundays in a concession to the Roman Catholic church… The church has campaigned for years for Sundays to be devoted to family or Mass in Croatia, which is almost 90 percent Roman Catholic. But Croatians have begun spending weekends in shopping malls that have flourished across the country in the past few years and remain open seven days a week.

“The law [was] adopted Tuesday and goes into effect Jan. 1. It allows Sunday shopping over the summer and Christmas holidays. The law also allows stores in gas, bus and train stations to open on Sundays year-round, along with those in hospitals. Bakeries, newsstands and flower shops are also exempt from the ban.”

First Ever Recession in Eurozone?

The EUObserver wrote on July 25:

“The eurozone is facing the threat of the first ever recession in its brief history since 1999, according to the latest business data on the 15-country single currency bloc. A survey issued on Thursday (24 July) of some 5,000 companies showed both manufacturing and services activity declining rapidly in July, after data for March to June suggest that the second quarter may have experienced economic contraction. If the July to September period continues on its downward trajectory, the eurozone will meet the technical definition of a recession: two consecutive quarters of contraction…

“Employment in the service sector also shrank in July, the first time the number of services jobs has not grown in four years. And Employment in manufacturing dropped to a three-year low. Manufacturing output is at its lowest rate since the attacks on New York and Washington in September 2001 and new orders are at their lowest level in seven years.

“A slew of other surveys of the French, German and Italian economies also backed up the PMI data. A key survey of German business sentiment… showed the business climate in Europe’s largest economy at a three-year low. In France, business confidence fell this month for the sixth month in a row, and slipped to its lowest level since May 2005… In Italy, business sentiment plunged to its lowest levels for almost seven years… For its part, the Spanish government, struggling with a collapse in the housing market, has cut its growth forecast for 2008 to 1.6 percent, down from 2.3 percent.

“‘Economic growth in the eurozone is coming almost to a halt,’ said Bank of America economist Holger Schmieding, according to AFP.”

AFP also reported on July 31 that “Deutsche Bank [the biggest German bank] posted on Thursday a 63.0-percent slump in second-quarter net profit… the bank has suffered from the global credit crisis that broke a year ago, and was obliged to write down the value of its assets by 2.3 billion euros in the second quarter, following a markdown of 2.7 billion in the first three months of the year.”

WTO Talks Collapse With Gloomy Consequences

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 30:

“The WTO [World Trade Organization] efforts to strike a new global trade pact ended in failure on Tuesday, after the US resisted what [it] saw as protectionism from China and India. German papers on Wednesday are gloomy about the impact on the global economy.

“The negotiations had already dragged on for seven years but nine days of marathon talks in Geneva could not bridge the gap. On Tuesday the current round of World Trade Organization talks… collapsed in failure. The result is no trade deal and no good news in a time of increasing economic uncertainty.

“In the end, the deal hit a fatal snag when the United States refused to allow China and India a loophole which would have protected farmers from a sudden surge in imports. The recriminations started almost immediately, with each side blaming the other for what has been widely regarded as a disaster. On Wednesday China blamed ‘selfish’ wealthy Western nations for the failure to free up global trade, while Japan pointed the finger at China and India for focusing on their own interests instead of considering the global economy…

“The disappointment was all the more crushing because a compromise which had been painstakingly negotiated was so close to being accepted by all 153 WTO member states. The deal would have allowed poorer countries to sell more produce to rich countries while Western nations would have had access to emerging markets for their industrial goods and services. US officials were reported to be particularly bitter because they had made significant concessions by agreeing to limit US farm subsidies…

“Business daily Handelsblatt writes: ‘In the long term the debacle in Geneva marks a break of immense importance… Above all the failure of the WTO talks reflects the changing power relations in the world. Gone are the days when the US and Europe could set the tone and largely draw up the world trade agreements amongst themselves. China and India took a tough stance. They fight hard for their interests and only support free trade when it suits them. The old industrial powers will slowly realize the bitter truth of this. Geneva was just a foretaste.’

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘On Tuesday in Geneva the hope died that the powerful WTO would be capable of at least getting close to solving the most urgent problems facing people across the world. These are: rising food prices, declining natural resources, the crisis in the financial markets and the economic downturn in the Western industrial countries. A flourishing world trade, according to the WTO, could lead to a greater availability of food, which would decrease the prices of bread, rice and corn, make cars cheap and make it easier for people to make a living.'”

Earthquake in Southern California–A Drill for the “Big One”

The Associated Press reported on July 29:

“The strongest earthquake to strike a populated area of Southern California in more than a decade rattled windows and chandeliers, made buildings sway and sent people running into the streets on Tuesday… The 5.4-magnitude quake — considered moderate — was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego, and as far east as Las Vegas, 230 miles away. Nearly 30 aftershocks quickly followed, the largest estimated at 3.8. The quake was centered 29 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles near Chino Hills, a San Bernardino County city of 80,000 built mostly in the early 1990s with the latest in earthquake-resistant technology…

“As strong as it felt, Tuesday’s quake was far less powerful than the deadly magnitude-6.7 Northridge earthquake that toppled bridges and buildings on Jan. 17, 1994. That was the last damaging temblor in Southern California, though not the biggest. A 7.1 quake struck the desert in 1999.

“The earthquake had about 1 percent of the energy of the Northridge quake, said Thomas Heaton, director of the earthquake engineering and research laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. ‘People have forgotten, I think, what earthquakes feel like,’ said Kate Hutton, a seismologist at Caltech. ‘So I think we should probably look at it as an earthquake drill. … It’s a drill for the “Big One” that will be coming some day.'”

LifeScience wrote on July 29:

“As if the San Andreas Fault weren’t long and menacing enough, newly found mud pots and mud volcanoes now suggest it extends another 18 miles, going under the Salton Sea and beyond, in the desert southeast of Palm Springs… Geologists had suspected that the San Andreas Fault extended beyond its agreed-upon terminal point near Bombay Beach, a location about midway along the eastern shore of the Salton Sea… The Salton Sea is an extremely salty, below-sea-level lake and the largest lake in California. It formed starting in 1905 when rainfall forced the Colorado River to swell and breach a nearby dike. The town of Salton and some Indian land was submerged by the time the flooding was controlled, two years later…

“The San Andreas Fault is a 700-mile plate boundary in California, separating the Pacific and North American plates. Seismologists say that enough stress has accumulated at the fault to generate the next ‘Big One,’ an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 or greater, any day now or 10 years or more from now. Southern California is at greatest risk…”

What About Cell Phones and Cancer?

LifeScience wrote on July 29:

“Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, shocked just about all law-abiding scientists (abiding by laws of physics, that is) with his warning last week to his faculty and staff that cell phones might pose a cancer risk. This is troublesome because this time a really smart person is saying it, not just another nutcase. The basics still ring true, and Herberman admitted as much: There’s no convincing evidence that cell phone radiation causes cancer. Nor is there plausible biological or physical reasoning for why it would cause cancer.

“Herberman said his warning is based on early, unpublished data from a 13-country study on cell phone use. Scientists tend to be wary of preliminary results, and many are scratching their heads over why Herberman would make such a stern and public warning now. Herberman countered that until there’s definitive proof that cell phones are harmless, users should practice some caution…

“Yet Einstein, in a way, disproved the notion that cell phone radiation causes cancer. It’s called the photoelectric effect: Light is composed of photons which, when above a threshold energy, can dislodge electrons from atoms – for example, break chemical bonds in DNA and cause cancerous mutations. That threshold energy is near the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum, thousands of times more energetic than cell phone radio waves. UV, X-rays and gamma rays cause cancer. These photons are like golf balls, whereas radio photons are like cotton balls. You can throw millions of cotton balls against a window; it just won’t break…

“Despite myriad studies showing no increased cancer risk from up to 20 years of cell phone use, some scientists continue to probe – as they should, given the omnipresence of cell phones.

“One alternate theory is that heat generated by cell phones can cook brain cells… One problem with the heat theory is that the sun can heat your head far more efficiently than a cell phone. And your body does a rather decent job at regulating heat, anyway… Each type of living tissue absorbs radiation at a different frequency. So it is plausible that cell phone radiation bypasses the skin and skull and is absorbed selectively by brain tissue. But scientists see only marginal evidence for changes at the cellular level induced by cell phone radiation in Petri dishes, fruit flies and mice. Similarly in human studies, such as the 13-country study Herberman was privy to, called INTERPHONE, there is at best only an inkling of evidence that cell phones might cause cancer if you use them long enough, for 30 or more years.”

Update 355

Where Is The Good News?

by Eric Rank

It doesn’t take an expert analyst to conclude that the news in the world today is generally not good. Certainly, this statement has been true for a long time. However, what makes this interesting is that the world’s state of affairs does not seem to improve. You might think that a continual set of poor circumstances and problems would become resolved over time. But instead, as one problem approaches resolution, a multiplicity of new problems pop up. Topple a dictator, only to create civil unrest and drive a healthy economy into unfathomable debt. Allow the citizens of a country to buy their dream homes when interest rates are low, only to cause default on those loans when rates rise, bringing down established financial institutions with the fall. Our solutions to the problems we see only seem to cause more problems — and more bad news.

All the bad news we read about begs the question, where’s the good news? Most mainstream media will try to convince their audiences that the trouble we see now is a flash in the pan, and that the general state of affairs will improve. Some claim that the problems the world experiences today aren’t actually problems at all, but rather apparitions of poor or incomplete analysis. Others still hope that a new President in the United States in the coming months will provide solutions. Yet, we know from experience that man will not be able to make sufficient progress before causing his own demise.

The truth of the matter is that the good news, even though it is more significant than any of the news we see and hear in the media, never sees headlines, nor does it find a place in the media at all. In fact, the good news predominantly falls on deaf ears. Where is the good news? What is the good news?

In Psalm 96:2-3, King David tells us what this good news is: “Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” To summarize, the good news is that God will establish His Kingdom on this earth, and finally provide us with solutions to the problems that plague us. He will provide salvation for His people.

In the meantime, while the media is mostly silent about this good news, it is our responsibility to report it. We hear the Scripture frequently, but it bears repeating. In Matthew 24:14, Jesus reveals: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” The substance of the gospel is that God has a plan to save us from ourselves. This message is absolutely simple. It is up to us to do the Work of God in order to preach, publish and broadcast it, so that we do not delay His plans.

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Soon to Come–NUCLEAR War in the Middle East?

The German mass tabloid, Bild, published two articles on its Website on July 20 and 22, discussing the possibility of a NUCLEAR WAR in the Middle East.

The first article quoted Benny Morris, author and professor at the Ben Gurion University in Israel, saying that “it is virtually certain that Israel will attack the Iranian nuclear facilities within the next four to six months.” He continued that the attack had better be successful, because if it was not, a NUCLEAR WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST would be the likely consequence. His rationale: If Israel’s attack fails, then Iran will retaliate, forcing Israel to respond with nuclear weapons. Morris is also quoted as saying: “Israel has the choice between the Black Death and Cholera. In either case, a nuclear Holocaust looms over the Middle East.”

The second article quoted U.S. Major-General Henry Obering as saying that Iran possesses missiles which could reach a very large part of Europe, including Great Britain. Although not expressly stated in the article, the implication was given, of course, that Iran might strike Europe with missiles if it was attacked by European ally Israel.

In addition, Reuters reported on July 29:

“The United States will soon link Israel up to two advanced missile detection systems as a precaution against any future attack by a nuclear-armed Iran, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday… Barak declined to give details on whether Israel, which is believed to have the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal, would be prepared to take on Iran alone. Iran denies seeking atomic weapons and has vowed to retaliate for any attack… Israeli and U.S. officials this month voiced differing assessments on when Iran might acquire advanced S-300 anti-aircraft systems from Russia. The S-300s would complicate any pre-emptive air strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites… Israeli Defence officials, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, predicted first delivery of the systems as early as September.”

ABC reported on July 30:

“Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, met with House Democrats yesterday [and] told the caucus, according to an attendee, ‘Nobody said this to me directly  but I get the feeling from my talks [in the Middle East] that if the sanctions don’t work Israel is going to strike Iran.’ Others in the room recall this as well.

“The notion that Israel is preparing for such an action against Iran’s myriad nuclear facilities is not new, with conjecture heating up in May after an Israeli military exercise featuring 150 aircraft flying almost a thousand miles over the Mediterranean Sea in what was seen as a dress rehearsal for an air strike. Now that the Bush administration is engaged in diplomatic efforts with Iran, many Israeli officials are worried the US is getting soft on Iran, prompting Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to travel to the US this week to meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Barak’s office released a statement saying ‘a policy that consists of keeping all options on the table must be maintained.'”

For more information, please watch our StandingWatch program, “Is War With Iran Coming Soon?”, which is posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube.

Israel’s Olmert Announces Intent to Resign

The Jerusalem Post reported on July 30:

“Prime Minister Ehud Olmert intends to hand his resignation letter to President Shimon Peres the day after the September 17 Kadima primary and ask him to entrust the new party leader with forming a new government, Olmert’s associates said Wednesday night… By law, Olmert will remain prime minister until a new government is formed. If the new Kadima leader forms a government soon after the primary, Olmert will then leave office. But if no new government is established, Olmert, despite having formally tendered his resignation, could remain prime minister until after a general election that would likely be held in spring 2009.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 31:

“When Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stepped in front of the camera and spoke to the nation on Wednesday evening, it is not hard to imagine millions of his countrymen united in a deep sigh of relief. Olmert, plagued by accusations of corruption, finally did that which the country of Israel had been awaiting for months: He said he would resign…

“For months, his countrymen have followed every new piece in an ever-growing mosaic of corruption allegations. The most recent low point was reached two weeks ago when the Israeli police indicated they suspected Olmert of having double- or even triple-billed for trips abroad and pocketing the profit. Olmert also stands accused of having accepted envelopes stuffed with cash from a Jewish-American businessman to fund his luxurious lifestyle and propensity for fat cigars. Dubious real-estate deals and sketchy political appointments made before he became prime minister round out the dossier against him…

“Israelis are sure to welcome the news of Olmert’s resignation. A huge percentage of the country’s voters have been unhappy with the prime minister for months and almost 60 percent of those in his own party were in favor of his stepping down. A survey carried out on Wednesday evening found that over 77 percent of Israelis think that Olmert did a poor job as head of Israel’s government. Even worse, many Israelis fear that Olmert has inflicted lasting damage on the office of prime minister. Olmert’s zigzag policies of the past few months have had just one aim: his own political survival…

“On Wednesday night, he also pledged to prove his innocence, saying that ‘those preaching to me today will one day have to contend with the truth.’ That, though, seems unlikely given the mountains of material state prosecutors have gathered to use against him. Few in Israel believe that his name will ever be cleared. The Israelis are sorely afflicted when it comes to scandals involving politicians. The then Chief of Staff Dan Halutz sold off his Israeli share package just before the war with Lebanon in 2006, fearing a stock market dip. Olmert’s predecessor Ariel Sharon had to defend himself on several occasions against corruption allegations. One of his sons even ended up in jail.

“Once the initial relief about Olmert’s resignation fades, the debate will begin about who will succeed him… Whoever follows in Olmert’s footsteps will face a huge task. Alongside all the other problems, he or she will have to re-establish a basic level of trust among Israelis in the integrity of their politicians.”

White House Sees Record Budget Gap of $482 Billion in 2009

Reuters reported on July 28:

“The Bush administration on Monday projected the U.S. budget deficit will soar to a record of nearly half a trillion dollars in fiscal 2009 as a housing-led economic slowdown cuts into government revenues. The economic and fiscal deterioration will complicate efforts to bring the budget to balance and pose challenges for whoever takes over the White House in January, either Republican Sen. John McCain or Democratic Sen. Barack Obama…

“Reacting to the White House’s new prediction that the budget deficit will hit $482 billion in the fiscal year that starts October 1, [Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent] Conrad said that number easily could rise by an additional $80 billion when the full costs of the Iraq war are tallied next year.”

New Bill INCREASES U.S. Debt Limit by Almost 1 Trillion Dollars

Bloomberg reported on July 30:

“President George W. Bush signed into law legislation that helps 400,000 homeowners facing foreclosure and extends a lifeline to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac… The measure passed the Senate July 26 and the House three days earlier… [Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson] who was the lead lobbyist for the White House, persuaded Bush to back off a threatened veto over a section of the legislation that provides $3.9 billion in grants to states to buy and repair foreclosed properties. Bush said he regarded it as a bailout of lenders. Democrats said it would stabilize neighborhoods…

“Under the law, the Federal Housing Administration can now insure higher loan limits, up to $625,500 from $417,000 in high- cost areas. The law also raises the nation’s debt limit to $10.6 trillion from $9.816 trillion to accommodate the Paulson plan.”

The Associated Press added on July 31:

“The Treasury Department gains unlimited power, until the end of 2009, to lend money to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or buy their stock should they need it… Democratic leaders, recognizing that the measure could be one of the last items to become law during what’s left of their abbreviated election-year schedule, tacked on an $800 billion increase, to $10.6 trillion, in the statutory limit on the national debt… Conservative Republicans were vehemently opposed to the bill, particularly the help for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Critics charge the companies enjoy lavish profits in good times and wield their outsized political clout to resist regulation while depending on the government to bail them out should they falter.”

“Ford Posts $8.7 Billion Loss”

The Associated Press reported the following on July 24:

“Ford Motor Co. posted the worst quarterly performance in its history Thursday, losing $8.67 billion in the second quarter… Ford shares dropped 58 cents, or 9.6 percent, to $5.45 in morning trading… Ford’s capital expenditures will reach $6 billion annually between now and 2010 because of the cost of revamping plants and introducing new products and engines. Ford plans to upgrade or replace all of its engines by 2010… Cost cuts also will come from employee layoffs. Ford said 4,000 U.S. hourly workers took buyouts in the second quarter, and the company will continue offering buyouts at targeted U.S. plants. Ford also has announced plans to cut its salaried costs by Aug. 1 through voluntary and involuntary layoffs…

“Ford reported a pretax loss of $1.3 billion in North America because of the deteriorating U.S. market and the shift away from trucks. U.S. sales overall were down 10 percent in the first half of the year, with Ford’s sales down 14 percent.

“The company, though, continued to be profitable overseas, posting a $582 million profit in Europe and $388 million in South America. The company also made $50 million at its Asia-Pacific-Africa division… Ford said it does not expect a U.S. economic recovery to start until early 2010.”

The Latest U.S. Bank Failures

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 28:

“The latest bank failures… came late Friday, when federal regulators shut down First National Bank of Nevada, based in Reno, and First Heritage Bank of Newport Beach, Calif. The $3.2 billion in deposits of the closed banks were acquired by Mutual of Omaha Bank, a unit of insurer Mutual of Omaha. The branches are reopening Monday.

“The two failed banks were units of closely held First National Bank Holding Co., based in Scottsdale, Ariz. Both had been grappling with problem loans and had a combined first-quarter loss of about $140 million. First National Bank of Arizona, which was absorbed into First National Bank of Nevada in June, had a first-quarter loan-loss provision of $95.9 million…

“They are the sixth and seventh banks to have been shut by regulators so far this year, though they are far smaller than IndyMac Bank, the Pasadena, Calif., lender that collapsed earlier this month. IndyMac was a nationwide powerhouse in mortgage lending, while First National Bank of Arizona relied on brokers to generate loan volume from much of the U.S. Regulators are anticipating more closures as banks are overwhelmed by bad loans.”

“Is Your Bank Safe?”

Business Week wrote on July 28:

“Nothing says hard times like people standing outside a bank demanding their money. IndyMac Bancorp’s failure and the resulting chaos were reminiscent of Depression-era bank runs… the FDIC compiles a quarterly watch list of troubled banks; there are 90… That list ‘is going to grow longer, given the stresses we have in the marketplace, given the housing correction,’ Paulson said on July 20 in an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation. Just don’t ask for the names of any banks on the list. The FDIC cannot discuss which firms are in danger of failing, given that the agency collects proprietary data from each bank and says it would be unfair to use the information to expose them publicly…

“Many more people now have deposits that are above FDIC-insured limits, meaning that if their bank failed they might get only a portion of that money back… Today, only about 62% are insured…

“Wachovia’s new president and CEO, Robert Steel, is featured in a video on the company’s Web site aimed at bank customers. ‘Although the nation’s financial news lately has been a bit troubling and Wachovia certainly isn’t immune, I want you to know that our company is on exceptionally sound footing,’ he says. Steel goes on to list the bank’s capital ($50 billion), liquid funding capability ($150 billion), and says the bank has enough cash to meet its current long-term debt obligations for three and a half years… Associated Banc-Corp, a regional bank based in Green Bay, Wis., issued talking points to tellers and other bank employees the week after IndyMac’s demise. It wanted customers to know, among other things, that it was well-capitalized and had issued dividends for 154 consecutive quarters…

“But even as banks try to reassure their customers, they are competing with increasingly vocal skeptics. Lists of troubled institutions continue to proliferate on the Internet…”

Who Wins in Today’s Economy

CNN reported on July 31 that “Exxon Mobil [the world’s largest publicly traded oil firm] once again reported the largest quarterly profit in U.S. history Thursday, posting net income of $11.68 billion on revenue of $138 billion in the second quarter. That profit works out to $1,485.55 a second.”

In addition, as the International Herald Tribune wrote, “Royal Dutch Shell, Europe’s largest oil company, reported a 33 percent increase in second-quarter profit Thursday, helped by a higher oil price even as production declined. Like smaller rival BP earlier this week, Shell profited from an oil price that almost doubled in the second quarter from the year earlier…”

The Current (and Future) State of Affairs of the US Economy

The Associated Press wrote on July 31:

“The country didn’t get the energetic rebound in economic growth hoped for from the government’s tax rebates in the second quarter, and the economy jolted into reverse at the end of 2007, raising new recession fears.

“The Commerce Department reported Thursday that gross domestic product, or GDP, increased at an annual rate of 1.9 percent in the April-to-June period. That marked an improvement over the feeble 0.9 percent growth logged in the first quarter of this year…

“Still, the second-quarter rebound wasn’t as robust as economists had hoped; they were forecasting growth at a 2.4 percent pace. The pickup, while welcome, isn’t likely to be seen as a signal that the fragile economy is growing healthier. There are fears that as the bracing tonic of the tax rebates fades, the economy could be in for another rough patch later this year…

“A trio of crises — housing, credit and financial — have badly bruised the economy. In response, employers have cut jobs for six months in a row, bringing total losses this year close to a staggering half-million — 438,000. The Labor Department reported Thursday that layoffs rose sharply last week. New claims filed for unemployment insurance jumped to 448,000, the highest in five years… With more job cuts expected for July and in coming months, there’s growing concern that many people will pull back on their spending… dealing a blow to the shaky economy. These worries — along with the negative GDP in the fourth quarter of last year — may rekindle recession fears.”

“Obama Will Be Costly and Difficult for Germany”

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 25 on the German reaction to Barack Obama’s speech in Berlin:

“Barack Obama conjured up Berlin’s Cold War past in his speech on Thursday, urging Germany to strengthen the trans-Atlantic relationship. The German press on Friday regards the plea as a prelude to demands for more Bundeswehr soldiers in Afghanistan… Most hear one essential message loud and clear: If Obama ends up in the White House, then Europeans — and Germans in particular — will be called upon to play a greater role in the war on terror — and that means contributing more troops to the war in Afghanistan.
“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘There is no doubt that Obama will demand more from the Europeans to ensure success in Afghanistan and Iraq. … And the Germans in particular should prepare themselves for those demands. Obama will be costly for Germany. The haggling over sending more troops to Afghanistan will continue. And a President Obama will demand help in winding up the Iraq adventure in the name of strengthened trans-Atlantic solidarity…’

“Conservative daily Die Welt writes: ‘… if he were to become president, he would demand that Germany and the EU play a much stronger role than they have been up to now in the war against terror and against the other evils in the world… Someone who dares to claim that now is the moment of great change should have very good arguments to back up that claim. And he should make it clear that he knows something about those tragedies where goodwill often creates nothing good. Unfortunately there was little trace of this in Barack Obama’s otherwise pleasant speech.’

“The Financial Times Deutschland writes: ‘… It is now finally clear to the German government that more involvement — and particularly in Afghanistan — will be expected from Berlin. The US doesn’t see why they should grind away at fighting the Taliban while the Germans play the nice reconstruction aid workers…. Obama will ask for more. He’ll ask the Germans to deploy troops in the dangerous south. Although this has long been clear to the German government, Obama was still treated like a teddy bear. Politicians from almost every party projected the feeling that the trans-Atlantic partnership would automatically blossom with the Democratic politician (as president).

“‘While the government already knows what awaits it, the voters for the parties in Berlin’s grand coalition could soon experience a rude awakening once they see that Obama’s new America is pursuing the same old goals. Until now, the Germans have always been able to reject a more robust mandate for Afghanistan with the unspoken knowledge that there was no need to run after someone like George W. Bush. But it will be much tougher to reject any urgent requests from a President Obama, who has just been so widely celebrated here.’

“The left-leaning Berliner Zeitung writes: ‘Obama’s agenda seems to contradict George W. Bush’s foreign policy on nearly every point. … His agenda is well thought through and could easily have been drafted by political thinkers in Europe. However, it is very abstract on many points. When he eventually gives them substance, then these differences with the Bush administration’s policies fall away. For Obama, as for John McCain, a militarily strong America forms the basis of all their foreign policy concepts… Obama makes no mention of fewer troops, agents or weapons. On the contrary… The Europeans must renew their efforts to formulate their own common security and foreign policy…’

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘… When you take away the Obama feel-good factor, what remains is a crystal clear demand: More European soldiers for Afghanistan. If he wins, Obama will also be a difficult US president for Germany…’

“The business daily Handelsblatt writes: ‘… He did not spare the Germans and the Europeans the bitter truth that a change of administration in Washington will not change anything in the difficult task that faces the alliance. That was a friendly way of saying that the Europeans should not be under the illusion that the departure of George W. Bush will mark the beginning of paradise…'”

The Bible reveals that the relationship between the USA and Europe will not substantially improve. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Google Under Attack in Italy

Times Online wrote on July 25:

“Italian prosecutors have indicated that they will press charges against four Google executives over a video which was posted on one of the search giant’s Italian sites in 2006, which showed four youths making fun of a disabled teenager in a classroom in the northern city of Turin… A spokesman for Google was quoted by the Wall Street Journal as saying that the company co-operated with Italian prosecutors throughout their investigation and that the video was removed from the site in question within hours of administrators being notified of its existence in September, 2006…

“A Google spokesman was quoted as saying that there was no basis for the legal action because under EU legislation – which has been incorporated into Italian law – Google isn’t required to monitor third-party content on its sites. It must only take down offending content when it is notified.”

National State of Emergency in Italy

On July 28, the EUObserver wrote the following:

“The Italian government of Silvio Berlusconi is facing strong criticism from the country’s opposition over the declaration of a national state of emergency to deal with the ‘exceptional and persistent influx’ of irregular immigrants… The decision came shortly after Italy passed another controversial piece of law that would make undocumented migration a criminal offence punishable by six months to four years in prison. The law also allows that property rented to such an immigrant can be confiscated…

“In June, the Berlusconi government also found itself under heavy criticism… for plans to conduct a census, under which all Roma people, including children, would be fingerprinted. Left critics of the move compared it to the policies of Benito Mussolini, the country’s fascist leader during the second world war.”

European Double-Standards Policy

The following article was originally published by Adevarul, Bucharest, in Romanian, on July 24, 2008, and published in English by the BBC:

“Corruption is deeply rooted in Bulgarian society and the European Union is naive to think that several rules or highways will change the situation. However, corruption is an issue for new EU member Bulgaria (also Romania), so that it is no surprise that Brussels is threatening to suspend financial aid and retain travel restrictions for work- seekers should Sofia not crack down on organized crime and other forms of corruption. Bulgaria, the poorest EU member, is hoping to get 7m euros for structural reforms over the next five years… the EU threat shows a recurrent habit – the European Commission bullies smaller member states but is often soft on the important ones.

“Do you remember the agitation caused by Joerg Haider’s party getting good results in Austria? Fourteen countries, although they were not officially part of the EU, condemned Austrians as if Haider had set the Reichstag on fire. Portugal and Ireland were criticized for having infringed the euro zone debt rules and the Danish and the Irish were threatened in various ways for the ‘wrong’ results of their respective referendums.

“I do not recall, however, when the French or the German governments were last threatened or when the Italians were seriously warned about their own corruption, which swallowed a large slice of the EU aid intended for southern Italy. One can see those highways suddenly end in the middle of some Sicilian plain.  In short, if Brussels often lacks courage in front of the EU ‘big guys,’ the fact that it pompously and severely points at the ‘little ones’ can only highlight its double-standards policy.”

“Two-Speed Europe May Emerge Over Divorce Rules”

The EUObserver wrote on July 25:

“In the face of long-lasting deadlock, a group of nine EU states have decided to take the unprecedented path of closer co-operation and apply common rules for divorce between couples of different European nationality… Austria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania, Slovenia and Spain have teamed up in order to formally request the European Commission launch the so-called enhanced co-operation mechanism – allowing a group of countries to move ahead in one particular area, even though other states are opposed…

“A controversial and politically sensitive issue anyway, this route for dealing with the divorce question has further irked some capitals because, under normal procedures, a decision in this area would have to be taken by unanimity… Under the foreseen rules, if a Czech-German couple living in Belgium decide to divorce, spouses would be allowed to choose the competent court and the law to apply to their case. Should they fail to agree, the couple would be automatically referred to a court in Belgium, their place of residence.

“Malta and Sweden are widely considered the most reluctant to give the go-ahead to a EU-wide divorce scheme. Strongly Catholic Malta does not recognise divorce, while Stockholm fears that EU harmonisation in the area could threaten its liberal family law…

“Germany, Belgium, Portugal and Lithuania are also believed to be considering joining the initiative.”

“Multi-Speed Europe” On Defense

The EUObserver wrote on July 29, 2008:

“Europeans are a heterogeneous lot, and efforts to develop European defence need to recognise and accommodate this diversity. This last point is especially relevant in the aftermath of the Irish ‘No’ to the Lisbon Treaty. For some, this latest failure to get 27 runners and riders into the starting gates at the same time has only confirmed the need to accept a ‘multi-speed’ Europe. Whether or not this is true for the future of the Union as a whole, there is no room for dispute in defence – multi-speed is the reality, and will remain so as long as 27 Member States reserve the right to set their own defence policies, and take their own decisions about sending their young men and women into danger…

“This approach – the concept of the ‘pioneer group’ – appears in the Lisbon Treaty in the provisions on ‘permanent structured cooperation’. But, with Lisbon in baulk for the foreseeable future, the principles should be introduced as far and as fast as possible into the existing practices and institutions of European defence – most obviously, into the workings of the European Defence Agency.”

Deutsche Welle reported on July 29:

“Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer has called for a group of EU states to develop a military force capable of reacting to crises around the world. He said the bloc needs a flexible defense policy. A group [of] EU nations should form a ‘pioneering group’ to deal with issues of European security and defense, Fischer said Tuesday, July 28, at the presentation of a European Council on Foreign Relations study. ‘We must recognize the reality of a “multi-speed Europe” on defense,’ said Fischer, one of the council’s co-chairs. ‘The reluctant should not be bullied, but neither must they hold the others back.’ Fischer added that the bloc needed to take a ‘flexible approach’ to cooperation between states on key issues in order to move forward after the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty, which foresees creating a new post to steer European foreign and security policy…

“A former leader of the German Greens party, Fischer was instrumental in convincing his fellow party members to turn away from the party’s pacifist roots and to support NATO efforts in the Balkans in the late 1990s. It represented the first time German soldiers conducted military operations since World War II. Though he opposed sending troops to Iraq, Fischer lent his support to the Bundeswehr’s mission in Afghanistan.

“If such a European reaction force were created it would be able to react to violence around the globe such as in Chad and Congo, more effectively than allowed by current policies, according to the council’s report. ‘Europe’s security is being jeopardized by the reluctance of defense ministries to change and to work together,’ said Lord George Robertson, former NATO Secretary General, and one of council’s members. ‘Stronger European defense cooperation will only strengthen NATO.’ ‘A large part of the 200 billion euros that Europe spends on defense every year is simply wasted,’ the study says.”

A two-speed Europe–with a core Europe leading the continent–is inevitable. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

No Second Vote in Ireland?

The EUObserver wrote on July 28:

“Almost three quarters of Irish voters are opposed to the idea of a second vote on the EU’s Lisbon treaty…The leader of France, which currently [holds] the EU’s six-month rotating presidency, last week proposed to the Irish prime minister, Brian Cowen, that a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty be held on the same day as elections to the European Parliament next June…

“The survey also suggested that in the case of a repeated referendum, even more people would vote No than the first time around…

“Twenty out of 27 EU states have definitively ratified the EU treaty. Spain, Germany and Poland’s parliaments have approved the text but the respective heads of state must still sign off on the document, with the German constitutional court still considering a legal challenge.

“The Italian lower house is expected to back the text this week. Swedish MPs are set to pass the treaty without serious opposition when they begin their autumn session in September. And Czech deputies are planning to hold a vote in autumn, after the verdict of the country’s constitutional court on a legal appeal.”

New Sunday Law in Croatia

The Associated Press reported on July 26:

“The Croatian parliament has passed a law forcing shops to close on Sundays in a concession to the Roman Catholic church… The church has campaigned for years for Sundays to be devoted to family or Mass in Croatia, which is almost 90 percent Roman Catholic. But Croatians have begun spending weekends in shopping malls that have flourished across the country in the past few years and remain open seven days a week.

“The law [was] adopted Tuesday and goes into effect Jan. 1. It allows Sunday shopping over the summer and Christmas holidays. The law also allows stores in gas, bus and train stations to open on Sundays year-round, along with those in hospitals. Bakeries, newsstands and flower shops are also exempt from the ban.”

First Ever Recession in Eurozone?

The EUObserver wrote on July 25:

“The eurozone is facing the threat of the first ever recession in its brief history since 1999, according to the latest business data on the 15-country single currency bloc. A survey issued on Thursday (24 July) of some 5,000 companies showed both manufacturing and services activity declining rapidly in July, after data for March to June suggest that the second quarter may have experienced economic contraction. If the July to September period continues on its downward trajectory, the eurozone will meet the technical definition of a recession: two consecutive quarters of contraction…

“Employment in the service sector also shrank in July, the first time the number of services jobs has not grown in four years. And Employment in manufacturing dropped to a three-year low. Manufacturing output is at its lowest rate since the attacks on New York and Washington in September 2001 and new orders are at their lowest level in seven years.

“A slew of other surveys of the French, German and Italian economies also backed up the PMI data. A key survey of German business sentiment… showed the business climate in Europe’s largest economy at a three-year low. In France, business confidence fell this month for the sixth month in a row, and slipped to its lowest level since May 2005… In Italy, business sentiment plunged to its lowest levels for almost seven years… For its part, the Spanish government, struggling with a collapse in the housing market, has cut its growth forecast for 2008 to 1.6 percent, down from 2.3 percent.

“‘Economic growth in the eurozone is coming almost to a halt,’ said Bank of America economist Holger Schmieding, according to AFP.”

AFP also reported on July 31 that “Deutsche Bank [the biggest German bank] posted on Thursday a 63.0-percent slump in second-quarter net profit… the bank has suffered from the global credit crisis that broke a year ago, and was obliged to write down the value of its assets by 2.3 billion euros in the second quarter, following a markdown of 2.7 billion in the first three months of the year.”

WTO Talks Collapse With Gloomy Consequences

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 30:

“The WTO [World Trade Organization] efforts to strike a new global trade pact ended in failure on Tuesday, after the US resisted what [it] saw as protectionism from China and India. German papers on Wednesday are gloomy about the impact on the global economy.

“The negotiations had already dragged on for seven years but nine days of marathon talks in Geneva could not bridge the gap. On Tuesday the current round of World Trade Organization talks… collapsed in failure. The result is no trade deal and no good news in a time of increasing economic uncertainty.

“In the end, the deal hit a fatal snag when the United States refused to allow China and India a loophole which would have protected farmers from a sudden surge in imports. The recriminations started almost immediately, with each side blaming the other for what has been widely regarded as a disaster. On Wednesday China blamed ‘selfish’ wealthy Western nations for the failure to free up global trade, while Japan pointed the finger at China and India for focusing on their own interests instead of considering the global economy…

“The disappointment was all the more crushing because a compromise which had been painstakingly negotiated was so close to being accepted by all 153 WTO member states. The deal would have allowed poorer countries to sell more produce to rich countries while Western nations would have had access to emerging markets for their industrial goods and services. US officials were reported to be particularly bitter because they had made significant concessions by agreeing to limit US farm subsidies…

“Business daily Handelsblatt writes: ‘In the long term the debacle in Geneva marks a break of immense importance… Above all the failure of the WTO talks reflects the changing power relations in the world. Gone are the days when the US and Europe could set the tone and largely draw up the world trade agreements amongst themselves. China and India took a tough stance. They fight hard for their interests and only support free trade when it suits them. The old industrial powers will slowly realize the bitter truth of this. Geneva was just a foretaste.’

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes: ‘On Tuesday in Geneva the hope died that the powerful WTO would be capable of at least getting close to solving the most urgent problems facing people across the world. These are: rising food prices, declining natural resources, the crisis in the financial markets and the economic downturn in the Western industrial countries. A flourishing world trade, according to the WTO, could lead to a greater availability of food, which would decrease the prices of bread, rice and corn, make cars cheap and make it easier for people to make a living.'”

Earthquake in Southern California–A Drill for the “Big One”

The Associated Press reported on July 29:

“The strongest earthquake to strike a populated area of Southern California in more than a decade rattled windows and chandeliers, made buildings sway and sent people running into the streets on Tuesday… The 5.4-magnitude quake — considered moderate — was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego, and as far east as Las Vegas, 230 miles away. Nearly 30 aftershocks quickly followed, the largest estimated at 3.8. The quake was centered 29 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles near Chino Hills, a San Bernardino County city of 80,000 built mostly in the early 1990s with the latest in earthquake-resistant technology…

“As strong as it felt, Tuesday’s quake was far less powerful than the deadly magnitude-6.7 Northridge earthquake that toppled bridges and buildings on Jan. 17, 1994. That was the last damaging temblor in Southern California, though not the biggest. A 7.1 quake struck the desert in 1999.

“The earthquake had about 1 percent of the energy of the Northridge quake, said Thomas Heaton, director of the earthquake engineering and research laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. ‘People have forgotten, I think, what earthquakes feel like,’ said Kate Hutton, a seismologist at Caltech. ‘So I think we should probably look at it as an earthquake drill. … It’s a drill for the “Big One” that will be coming some day.'”

LifeScience wrote on July 29:

“As if the San Andreas Fault weren’t long and menacing enough, newly found mud pots and mud volcanoes now suggest it extends another 18 miles, going under the Salton Sea and beyond, in the desert southeast of Palm Springs… Geologists had suspected that the San Andreas Fault extended beyond its agreed-upon terminal point near Bombay Beach, a location about midway along the eastern shore of the Salton Sea… The Salton Sea is an extremely salty, below-sea-level lake and the largest lake in California. It formed starting in 1905 when rainfall forced the Colorado River to swell and breach a nearby dike. The town of Salton and some Indian land was submerged by the time the flooding was controlled, two years later…

“The San Andreas Fault is a 700-mile plate boundary in California, separating the Pacific and North American plates. Seismologists say that enough stress has accumulated at the fault to generate the next ‘Big One,’ an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 or greater, any day now or 10 years or more from now. Southern California is at greatest risk…”

What About Cell Phones and Cancer?

LifeScience wrote on July 29:

“Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, shocked just about all law-abiding scientists (abiding by laws of physics, that is) with his warning last week to his faculty and staff that cell phones might pose a cancer risk. This is troublesome because this time a really smart person is saying it, not just another nutcase. The basics still ring true, and Herberman admitted as much: There’s no convincing evidence that cell phone radiation causes cancer. Nor is there plausible biological or physical reasoning for why it would cause cancer.

“Herberman said his warning is based on early, unpublished data from a 13-country study on cell phone use. Scientists tend to be wary of preliminary results, and many are scratching their heads over why Herberman would make such a stern and public warning now. Herberman countered that until there’s definitive proof that cell phones are harmless, users should practice some caution…

“Yet Einstein, in a way, disproved the notion that cell phone radiation causes cancer. It’s called the photoelectric effect: Light is composed of photons which, when above a threshold energy, can dislodge electrons from atoms – for example, break chemical bonds in DNA and cause cancerous mutations. That threshold energy is near the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum, thousands of times more energetic than cell phone radio waves. UV, X-rays and gamma rays cause cancer. These photons are like golf balls, whereas radio photons are like cotton balls. You can throw millions of cotton balls against a window; it just won’t break…

“Despite myriad studies showing no increased cancer risk from up to 20 years of cell phone use, some scientists continue to probe – as they should, given the omnipresence of cell phones.

“One alternate theory is that heat generated by cell phones can cook brain cells… One problem with the heat theory is that the sun can heat your head far more efficiently than a cell phone. And your body does a rather decent job at regulating heat, anyway… Each type of living tissue absorbs radiation at a different frequency. So it is plausible that cell phone radiation bypasses the skin and skull and is absorbed selectively by brain tissue. But scientists see only marginal evidence for changes at the cellular level induced by cell phone radiation in Petri dishes, fruit flies and mice. Similarly in human studies, such as the 13-country study Herberman was privy to, called INTERPHONE, there is at best only an inkling of evidence that cell phones might cause cancer if you use them long enough, for 30 or more years.”

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Since God has already qualified His people to be in His kingdom, isn't their salvation a fait accompli?

It most certainly is not, even though some within orthodox Christianity teach this false idea. The biblical teaching, however, is altogether different.

It is true that God WANTS those to be in His Kingdom whom He calls to salvation. And as we explain in our booklet, “Are You Predestined to Be Saved?”, God is confident that His disciples WILL “make it” into His kingdom (compare Philippians 1:6). He knows that all those whom He has called now CAN make it. We even read that God has already “glorified” them (Romans 8:30), even though their glorification is still in the future. God is so confident that they will be glorified that He speaks of that future event as something which has already occurred (compare Romans 4:17).

Paul tells us in Colossians 1:12 that “the Father… has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.” The Authorized Version states that He has “made us meet,” which actually means, that He has made us “fit” or “sufficient” or “able” or “worthy.” Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 that God made him and others “sufficient as ministers of the new covenant.”

When God calls us in this day and age, He ENABLES us and therefore KNOWS that we CAN finish our race successfully. Our ability, sufficiency or qualification come from God: We cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws us to Him (John 6:44, 65); we cannot repent unless the Father grants us the gift of repentance (Romans 2:4); we cannot really and truly believe unless the Father grants us the gift of faith (1 Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 12:2); we cannot live a righteous life unless the Father grants us the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17).

All of this does not mean, however, that we cannot lose out. The Bible contains many warnings against taking our calling lightly. It is our responsibility to accept God’s gifts and use them. For instance, we are being admonished that we are to hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness, and that we are to seek it as a first priority (Matthew 5:6; 6:33). And so, even though the Father has qualified us to inherit salvation, we must continue in that process of qualification. We must make sure that we DON’T DISQUALIFY ourselves.

Although Paul was a “qualified” minister, he knew that it was possible that he might become disqualified, and so he made every effort to prevent this from happening. We read in 1 Corinthians 9:27: “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become DISQUALIFIED.” The Authorized Version renders this as “castaway.” The phrase means, “not approved,” “not standing the test,” “rejected” or “reprobate.”

Paul encourages and warns the Church in 2 Corinthians 13:5-6: “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?–unless indeed you are DISQUALIFIED. But I trust that you will know that we are not disqualified.”

Additional Scriptures using the identical Greek word can be found in 2 Timothy 3:8 (“disapproved”) and Titus 1:16 (“disqualified”).

That it IS possible for “qualified” members of the Church to become “disqualified” can also be seen in Paul’s strong warning in Hebrews 6, where the concept of the unpardonable sin is discussed. In verses 4 and 5, Paul talks about those who “were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift and have BECOME PARTAKERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come.” In other words, he is speaking of those who HAD received the Holy Spirit–who WERE converted. Paul is clearly NOT talking here about people who had never been enlightened. Just the opposite is true. He was speaking about those whom God had “qualified” to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light (compare again Colossians 1:12), and who had been “delivered” from the “power of darkness and conveyed… into (i.e., placed under the power of) the kingdom of the Son of His love” (Colossians 1:13; compare Acts 26:18).

In regard to these converted Church members, Paul says that it is “impossible” (Hebrews 6:4) to “renew them AGAIN to repentance,” “if they fall away… since they crucify AGAIN for themselves the Son of God” (Hebrews 6:6). He goes on to explain that they–like the earth which bears thorns and briers–are “rejected” or “disqualified” and “near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned” (verse 8)–referring to their destruction in the lake of fire.

The concept that those who are called to salvation could not lose salvation is also wrong for the additional reason that they don’t have yet complete and total salvation. Salvation, as well as our qualification, is a PROCESS. We read that God’s people WERE saved (Romans 8:24); that they are BEING saved (Acts 2:47); and that they WILL be saved (Romans 5:9-10). Salvation is something which they are to INHERIT (Hebrews 1:14), and they will inherit it, IF they endure TO THE END (Matthew 10:22; 24:13). It is only promised to those who “overcome,” that they will INHERIT ALL THINGS (Revelation 21:7)–including the gift of salvation. That is why we are encouraged to “WORK OUT [our] own salvation with FEAR and TREMBLING” (Philippians 2:12), always recognizing the fact that it is GOD who works in us both to WILL and to DO for His good pleasure (verse 13). Even though we are appointed to obtain salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:9), we are admonished not to “drift away” and “neglect so great a salvation” (Hebrews 2:3); for if we do, we will not escape the judgment of God for our transgression and disobedience (verses 2-3). In 1 Corinthians 15:2, Paul says to the Church members in Corinth that they “ARE saved, IF [they] hold fast that word which [Paul] preached” to them.

It is true that God has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance (compare again Colossians 1:12). But this does not mean that we already possess the inheritance. Today we are HEIRS of the promises (compare Romans 8:17; Galatians 3:29; 4:7; 1 Peter 3:7; Titus 3:7). We are not yet inheritors–but we will inherit the promises if we remain faithful. God says that He “has chosen [or we might say, “qualified”] the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him” (James 2:5). We are told that we love God when we keep His commandments (1 John 5:3). THEREFORE, if we don’t love God–if we refuse to keep His commandments–we don’t have God’s promise of the kingdom and are disqualified from being heirs of the kingdom and of salvation (Note the connection between inheriting salvation, eternal life and the kingdom of God, in Matthew 19:16, 23-25).

Let us also realize what our FUTURE inheritance will consist of–always recognizing that we don’t have it yet. We are to INHERIT eternal life (Matthew 19:29)–an “eternal inheritance” (Hebrews 9:15)–the kingdom of God (Matthew 25:34; note that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Corinthians 15:50; Ephesians 5:5-7). We are to INHERIT the promises through faith and patience (Hebrews 6:12), always remembering that it is GOD who is ABLE to build us up and give us an inheritance among all those who are sanctified (Acts 20:32). When we receive the Holy Spirit after repentance and belief in Christ’s sacrifice, baptism and the laying on of hands by one of God’s true ministers, then we receive a “guarantee of our INHERITANCE until the redemption of the purchased possession” (Ephesians 1:13-14). As long as God’s Holy Spirit continues to dwell in us, we WILL inherit the promises–including the promise of salvation.

Note 1 Peter 1:3-5:

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an incorruptible and undefiled INHERITANCE and that does not fade away, RESERVED in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith FOR SALVATION ready to be revealed in the last time.”

Some commentaries, including the Ryrie Study Bible, have said that our salvation is guaranteed, even though we might lose our reward, referring to a passage in 1 Corinthians 3:8-15. However, that passage does not justify such a conclusion. It refers to God’s ministers who are to preach the gospel and feed the flock. The endurance of the flock–the “work” of the minister–will be tested by fire (verse 12-13). If that work endures, the minister will receive a reward for that particular work (verse 14). But if that work is burned, he himself might suffer loss (it is never a pleasant experience for a minister to see the flock under his care drifting away), but he still will be saved, “through fire,” if he was genuine in his efforts (verse 15). However, this passage does not address someone who falls away from the truth. Such a person will neither inherit salvation nor will he receive a reward.

We should also ask, how COULD it be that someone who was unwilling to obey God and who developed an attitude of hatred toward God COULD inherit salvation WITHOUT a reward? What would he DO for all eternity–how would he live? The truth is, both our salvation and our reward for living a righteous life pleasing to God ARE interconnected. Even though God GRANTS us the gift of salvation by His grace, independent from what we might have done prior to our calling (Titus 2:11; 3:5), He expects of us to live worthy of our calling by diligently seeking Him and His Will (Hebrews 11:6). We will be rewarded in accordance with our works (Revelation 22:12), but our reward might be greater or smaller, depending on how we live our lives (Matthew 10:42; Luke 6:35; 2 John 8).

To summarize, those who live unworthy of God’s gift of salvation will NOT inherit salvation, nor will they receive a reward. After all, we don’t have total salvation yet, but we are waiting for it. Paul says in Romans 13:11 that “now our salvation is NEARER than when we first believed.” He also tells us in Colossians 3:23-25: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive THE REWARD OF THE INHERITANCE, for you serve the Lord Christ. But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality.”

God has qualified us to inherit the promises, but we must continue in that qualification process to ensure that we don’t become disqualified and that we don’t judge ourselves unworthy of everlasting life (Acts 13:46)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new, comprehensive booklet on the Book of Revelation has entered the second review cycle.

As a special service to our readers–especially for those who may not be able to watch our StandingWatch programs on the Internet–we are offering, via email, informal transcripts of future programs. Please contact us if you are interested.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Obama and the Beast of Europe.” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that on Thursday, July 24, Senator Barack Obama gave his long-awaited speech in Berlin, Germany, but not all liked his demand for more European military involvement in Afghanistan. Would a military buildup in Europe be good for America and the rest of the world? And what role will religion play in all of this–given the fact that a separation between Church and State is unknown in Europe?

Our StandingWatch program,“Coming–The Great Depression,” was viewed in excess of 8200 times on YouTube, followed by “Food Shortage in the USA” (over 3700 views).

Set forth below, as of July 25, 2008, are the numbers of all-time views on Google Video pertaining to our fifteen most successful StandingWatch programs:

Title Page Views Downloads
What is Happening in Germany? 12415 16
America’s Illegal Aliens 7871 73
666, the Beast and Antichrist 5443 100
Is Nuclear War Coming? 3855 125
To Spank or Not to Spank… 3642 20
America’s Latest Phone Scandal 3220 10
American Hiroshima 2699 80
Are Ghosts for Real? 2431 54
Ghosts of Departed Ones? 2101 7
Iran’s Frightening Intentions 1995 51
War in the Middle East 1986 18
USA–The Fading Superpower! 1729 36
Afghanistan’s Radical Islam 1562 149
Why So Much Cruelty? 1367 20
What’s in Store for America? 1361 15

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

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Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Obama and the Beast of Europe — StandingWatch #176

On Thursday, July 24, Senator Barack Obama gave his long-awaited speech in Berlin, Germany, but not all liked his demand for more European military involvement in Afghanistan. Would a military buildup in Europe be good for America and the rest of the world? And what role will religion play in all of this–given the fact that a separation between Church and State is unknown in Europe?

Watch this now on StandingWatch or GoogleVideo or YouTube.

Current Events

American Economy MUCH MUCH WORSE Than Assumed

Bloomberg reported on July 21:

“American Express Co., the biggest U.S. credit-card company by purchases, withdrew its 2008 earnings forecast after second-quarter profit fell 37 percent on worse-than-expected consumer defaults… Profit from continuing operations declined to $655 million… ‘By almost any measure, the U.S. economy and business environment are much weaker than the assumptions’ the company had in January, Chief Executive Officer Kenneth Chenault said today in a conference call. ‘Unemployment rates took the largest jump in over twenty years. Home prices declined at the fastest rate in decades and consumer confidence is at one of its all-time low points.’ The U.S. economic slowdown worsened in June, affecting even American Express’s wealthier cardholders with high credit scores…

“American Express, Capital One Financial Corp. and Discover Financial Services shares have dropped by more than a third in the past year as consumers have a harder time repaying debt of all kinds… Discover, based in Riverwoods, Illinois, said last month that profit from continuing operations in the quarter ended May 31 fell 19 percent to $202 million.”

The Associated Press reported on July 22:

“Wachovia Corp. reported a surprisingly large second-quarter loss Tuesday, deflating Wall Street’s hopes that the nation’s big banks are weathering the credit crisis well. The nation’s fourth-largest bank by assets said it lost $8.86 billion, is slashing its dividend and eliminating 10,750 positions after losses tied to mortgages soared. Even excluding one-time items, the results substantially missed Wall Street estimates…

“Late Monday, Wachovia announced plans to leave the wholesale mortgage lending business. And beginning Friday, the company will no longer offer mortgages through brokers, joining other lenders making similar moves to exit the troubled sector. Big banks, such as Bank of America Corp. and National City Corp., have stopped making loans through brokers entirely, relying instead on their loan officers.”

In a related article, The Associated Press reported on July 22:

“A federal rescue of troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could cost taxpayers as much as $25 billion, Congress’ top budget analyst said Tuesday… [Treasury Secretary Henry M.] Paulson said that Fannie and Freddie have issued $5 trillion in debt and mortgage backed securities. Of that amount more than $3 trillion is held by U.S. financial institutions and over $1.5 trillion is held by foreign institutions, making the stabilization of the two companies essential to the global economy… Paulson said that housing was at the ‘heart of our nation’s economy.’ He added that a key to turning the housing market around was bringing home buyers back into the market, an area where he said Fannie and Freddie needed to play a critical role to provide mortgage financing.

“The effort to provide support to the two mortgage giants follows the government’s involvement in dealing with the near-collapse of Bear Stearns in March when the Federal Reserve provided a $30 billion loan to facilitate the sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan.”

How much longer can the Federal Reserve “bail” out banks and thereby deplete its FDIC fund of an estimated amount of $75 billion? How soon are taxpayers going to be asked to “help” in the form of higher taxes and other hidden “incentives”? Surely, this country is facing a gigantic economic storm of unparalleled proportions in recent times–with all of our politicians being absolutely unable and helpless to weather it.

God HAS declared far in advance that this IS going to happen–all gainsaying and scoffing of so-called experts and an uninformed and indifferent public notwithstanding. The reason is that we do NOT OBEY God and that this country has been turning its back on God FAR TOO LONG. Now, man is going to reap what he has been sowing.

For more information, please read our free booklet, “And Lawlessness Will Abound

Worldwide Economy in Mortal Danger

The Telegraph wrote on July 21:

“It feels like the summer of 1931. The world’s two biggest financial institutions have had a heart attack. The global currency system is breaking down. The policy doctrines that got us into this mess are bankrupt. No world leader seems able to discern the problem, let alone forge a solution. The International Monetary Fund has abdicated into schizophrenia…

“Oil has queered the pitch. So has America’s fatal reliance on foreign debt… China, Russia, petro-powers and other foreign states own $985bn of US agency debt, besides holdings of US Treasuries. Purchases of Fannie/Freddie debt covered a third of the US current account deficit of $700bn over the last year. Alex Patelis from Merrill Lynch says America faces the risk of a ‘financing crisis’ within months. Foreigners have a veto over US policy…

“The coalitions in Belgium and Austria have just collapsed. Germany’s left-right team is fraying… This is the healthy part of Europe… Finance minister Pedro Solbes said Spain is facing the ‘most complex’ economic crisis in its history.”

Coming–Worldwide Water Shortage

The Economist wrote on July 19:

“SO WORLD markets are short of oil, and supplies of food are running thin. The prices of all sorts of basic commodities are soaring, and now there may also be reason for many to worry about the most fundamental of necessities—water. Some experts believe so, at least, and they are spreading doom-laden warnings of a Malthusian crisis in the world’s water supply.

“Goldman Sachs, an investment bank which likes to ponder the future of the world, recently suggested that a global lack of water could prove to be a bigger threat to mankind than rising food prices or the depletion of energy resources. Sir Nicholas Stern… points to some big local problems, for example in the Himalayas, where melting glaciers risk disrupting supplies of usable water in the region, just as many underground aquifers are drying up. He argues that water—at least the fresh sort—is not a renewable resource…

“Global water consumption is doubling every 20 years says Goldman Sachs. According to Sir Nicholas, in many places supplies are running short as rising consumption cannot be matched by fresh rainfall. As a result, suggests Goldman Sachs, the price of water is bound to rise…”

Coming–Worldwide Flu Pandemic

The Independent wrote on July 21:

“The world is failing to guard against the inevitable spread of a devastating flu pandemic which could kill 50 million people and wreak massive disruption around the globe, the [British] Government has warned… The Government’s evidence appeared in a highly critical report… which attacked the World Health Organisation (WHO) as ‘dysfunctional’…

“The Government said: ‘While there has not been a pandemic since 1968, another one is inevitable.’ Ministers said it would… leave up to 75,000 people dead in Britain and cause ‘massive’ disruption.”

Obama Wants MORE Troops–Not Less…

The Associated Press reported on July 19:

“Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama started a campaign-season tour of combat zones and foreign capitals, visiting with U.S. forces in Kuwait and then Afghanistan — the scene of a war he says deserves more attention and more troops… Obama advocates ending the U.S. combat role in Iraq by withdrawing troops at the rate of one to two combat brigades a month. But he supports increasing the military commitment to Afghanistan, where the Taliban has been resurgent and Osama bin laden is believed to be hiding…”

Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel?

AFP wrote on July 23:

“Barack Obama on Wednesday vowed to forge an ‘unshakeable’ bond with Israel if he becomes the next US president and warned a nuclear Iran would pose a ‘grave threat’ which the world must forestall. The Democratic White House hopeful hailed Israel as a ‘miracle’ as he courted Jewish voters at home… The Illinois senator also tried to convince the Palestinians, during a short trip to see the conflict from the other side, on the occupied West Bank, that he would sponsor a vigorous peace effort if elected…

“The senator reiterated his vow to stop Iran developing a nuclear weapon, but defended his offer of talks with leaders from the Islamic Republic, promising to use ‘big carrots and big sticks. A nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,’ Obama said…

“Obama also said that he had not backed down from his comment that Jerusalem should not be divided, which he made before the US Jewish lobby last month, sparking anger among Palestinians… ‘I continue to say that Jerusalem will be the [capitol] of Israel. I have said it before and will say it again… but I’ve also said that it is a final status issue’ that must be decided by negotiation. Obama’s original comment was seen by some observers as prejudging final status peace talks, and his campaign has since said that it was poorly worded.”

Israeli Attack on Iran Inevitable?

The Jerusalem Post wrote on July 16:

“An Israeli attack on Iran seems inevitable. If it succeeds, it will return to Israel its deterrent power and send a clear message to the saber-rattling jihadists that they were too early in beginning the countdown for the disappearance of the Jewish state.

“If it fails, or fails to achieve the majority of its objectives, it could amount to an act of national suicide. Fanatical Muslims on every side will be encouraged by the failure and outcome of an Iranian retaliation which would cause heavy damage to the whole center of our country… A non-nuclear Israeli attack on Iran would be a ‘surgical’ operation… Iran has the motivation to destroy Israel, and if it is allowed to gain nuclear weapons it will not need an excuse to do so…

“Let us try a scenario in which Israel carries out a successful attack, with or without active American help, on a few key Iranian reactors. Such an operation would not completely destroy Iran’s nuclear capability, but it would badly wound its national and Islamic pride.

“The Iranian people, including the opposition would, at least in the initial stage, rally around the ruling mullahs. The price of oil would soar, Israel would be blamed for the destruction of the West’s economy, and Europe might go so far as to impose sanctions on Israel, with or without a UN decision.

“Moreover, being an easy target, Israel would have to brace for the inevitable Iranian retaliation. Iran would attack with the Shihab 3 ballistic missiles that carry a warhead of up to one ton and have an accuracy of 50 meters-100m. Israel has an answer to a limited number of these missiles, of which Iran has probably a few hundred. It has no answer to all the missiles that would be launched against it from three fronts.

“Theoretically, Iran can deliver 1,000-1,500 tons of the most modern explosives within a few days. The long-range missiles that have been supplied to Hizbullah via Damascus, and the arsenal that has been massed by Hamas in Gaza, which includes missiles that can reach Beersheba, must also be taken into consideration.

“There is no question that these two organizations will move into action together with Iran, and it is not impossible that Hizbullah would attempt the invasion of Israel proper to gain a local victory by occupying a border village, killing inhabitants and kidnapping a few over to Lebanon.”

German Politicians Warn Obama

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 21:

“In the run-up to Barack Obama’s visit to Berlin, leading foreign and security policy experts for Germany’s center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) are warning the United States presidential candidate against making any far-reaching demands on the Germans.

“‘Obama should only ask of us what we are able to deliver,’ Niels Annen — a member of Germany’s federal parliament, with the left wing of the SPD — told SPIEGEL ONLINE Monday. ‘We won’t increase our number of troops.’

“Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet, however, has approved a plan to increase the number of troops from Germany’s armed forces in Afghanistan by 1,000 to 4,500 soldiers. All troop deployments of the Bundeswehr require a mandate from the German parliament, which is expected to consider the issue in the autumn. And SPD party chief Kurt Beck made clear over the weekend that 4,500 was the ceiling of what could be expected from Germany…”

Will Europe’s Adulation of Obama Soon End?

On July 21, Der Spiegel Online wrote about Germany’s Adulation of Barack Obama, which may end very soon. The magazine reported:

“Germans have fallen in love with the man many in Europe have come to see as the anti-Bush — the man who many hope will steer America back toward the path of peace, love and happiness. Almost three-quarters of Germans would vote for Obama were they given the opportunity to do so; in France, that number approaches 90 percent…

“… The financial daily Handelsblatt… looks at what Berlin might expect from Obama’s speech. ‘With the speech at the Siegessäule on Thursday, a new phase is beginning. And there are a number of signs pointing to the fact that those pleasantly anticipating an Obama presidency might not be quite as euphoric should he get elected. The reasons are clear: Obama’s superstar status in Germany is based primarily on two factors. One is the fact that he is not George W. Bush…. The second is that Obama has remained quite vague until now: Everyone can see in him what he or she wants. But now the senator from Illinois is beginning to mold a concrete foreign policy. Soon, it will be clear what ‘change’ really means. Obama wants to withdraw from Iraq but at the same time he wants to bolster troops in Afghanistan… Obama, should he become the superpower’s next president, will not suddenly transform into a dove. He too will use the US military to reach his political goals.'”

“An American Idol in Germany”

In a related and unnecessarily lengthy, laborious and almost tiresome article of July 21, titled, “An American Idol in Germany,”  Der Spiegel Online wrote about Europe’s perception of Barack Obama as a savior of mankind–a perception which might soon disappear. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“Europeans have fallen in love with the Democrat, mostly because he’s not Bush. But they may not like what they hear this week… He will be in Berlin this Thursday, when Germans will hail him as a magician with the ability to transform a gloomy world into a brighter place. Never before has there been so much excitement in Germany over the visit of a presumed US presidential candidate. Obama may be running for the White House, but judging by the commotion, one would think that he had already advanced two steps further and were the president of the world.

“Which is precisely the issue. Obama raises hopes that he will not just change America, but politics as a whole. Obama is the hope of a Western world filled with concerns… It is time for leadership. And only one man inspires the kind of confidence that would enable him to assume this leadership: Barack Obama…

“Chancellor Angela Merkel was also a candidate for the global presidency once. But by now it has become clear that she even has trouble leading her coalition government at home. Obama will be visiting a country that lacks leadership… it’s no wonder that many a German sees the charismatic American as a savior… While Germany looks forward to being spellbound by Obama this week, the magician’s allure has already begun to fade in America…

“Perhaps the ‘honeymoon’ will last a little longer with Obama, says Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg, a CSU foreign policy expert. But, Guttenberg adds, the ‘fracture point’ will be reached no later than the NATO summit in the spring of 2009, when the new US president, be it Obama or McCain, outlines exactly how he envisions trans-Atlantic cooperation in the future — and that will include US demands that Germany send more troops to embattled southern Afghanistan.

“Most US experts at research institutions share this assessment. They warn of exaggerated expectations. They warn against discounting McCain and the experience he brings to the table. And they warn of Obama’s lack of experience, speculating that the presidency could very well turn out to be a rude awakening for the Democratic candidate…

“Just how Obama feels about the Europeans becomes clear from chatting with Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security advisor under former President Jimmy Carter and a current advisor to the Obama campaign… ‘I think the Europeans have to decide whether they want to be a global power or not,’ says Brzezinski. Should they decide they do, Brzezinski’s message continues, they will be called upon to assume their fair share of the decision-making process, responsibility and the financial burden.

“Suffering, of course, would also be a part of that. More than 4,500 Americans have died and more than 30,000 have been wounded, many of them severely, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Only recently, President Bush invited a group of war invalids to join him for a jog at the White House. Bush posed for photographers next to the wounded soldiers, as they stood there on prosthetic metal legs and plastic feet. The war on terror would not cease under a President Obama. Bush’s foreign policy meant tanks, aircraft carriers and bombers. Obama’s foreign policy would be focused on diplomacy, reconstruction aid and, if this doesn’t work, tanks, aircraft carriers and bombers…

“In the 60 years since the end of World War II, there has been only one president who, with the exception of an attempt to liberate hostages, did not command a military campaign. That president was the hapless Jimmy Carter. All others have taken greater or lesser advantage of their powers as commander-in-chief of the US Armed Forces. In this regard, there have been few distinctions between Republicans and Democrats. Under Obama, the tone might be different than it has been under the stubborn President Bush, but the larger foreign policy substance likely would not be…”

In a related article, Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 24:

“Meanwhile, the foreign policy spokesman for Chancellor Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats, Eckart von Klaeden, told RBB-Inforadio public radio he didn’t share the expectation of many German politicians that there would be a major shift in foreign policy under Obama. ‘Regardless whether it is a President McCain or a President Obama, people will quickly determine that the trans-Atlantic relationship will not be transformed to the degree that many are expecting.'”

We share this assessment, in spite of Obama’s meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday, during which the “restoration of Transatlantic ties” was discussed (see AFP, dated July 24). Regardless of who the next American President will be, the relationship between Europe and the USA will NOT improve. For more information, please read our free booklets, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,”and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Obama Speaks in Berlin

On July 24, Barack Obama gave his long-awaited speech in Berlin. The “Superstar,” as Der Spiegel Online called him, spoke to an estimated crowd of more than 200,000 people, according to Bild Online. He said a few things which Europeans and especially Germans might NOT have wanted to hear, including his allusion to the need of the continuance of the war in Afghanistan and the necessity of Europeans to send more troops. It was observed that the crowd was more enthusiastic when they came than when they left. The Associated Press reported on July 24:

“Before an enormous crowd, Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama on Thursday summoned Europeans and Americans together to ‘defeat terror and dry up the well of extremism that supports it’ as surely as they conquered communism a generation ago.

“‘The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand,’ Obama said, speaking not far from where the Berlin Wall once divided the city. ‘The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand,’ he said…

“He drew loud applause when he talked of a world without nuclear weapons and again when he called for steps to counter climate change. Obama mentioned Iraq, a war he has opposed from the start, only in passing. But in discussing Afghanistan, he said, ‘no one welcomes war. … But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO’s first mission beyond Europe’s borders is a success’…”

AFP added on July 24:

“The strikingly audacious speech, in a fevered atmosphere in Berlin’s famed Tiergarten, took the White House race out of US borders in a way never seen before, and was designed to portray Obama as a leader with unique global appeal… Despite its soaring cadences however, the speech was short on specifics… The Illinois senator rebuked both his country and Europe for blaming one another for strains in their relations…

“In a speech that risked being seen as presumptuous, considering Obama will not even face US voters for another three months, he warned of a world where partnership was not a choice but the only means of survival… He promised America under his watch would be serious about tackling global warning, a huge concern in Europe and a cause of rifts between the continent and the United States during the Bush administration. But he also signalled he would demand Europe live up to its side of the bargain, asking for more help in the struggle against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. ‘America cannot do this alone,’ Obama said.”

Europe Pressures Ireland

The EUObserver wrote on July 24:

“The Italian senate’s unanimous support for the Lisbon treaty on Wednesday (23 July) should help force Ireland into a revote, Italian politicians said, with Ireland looking increasingly likely to stand out as the only EU country not to ratify the text… Twenty one out of 27 EU states have definitively ratified the EU treaty despite the Irish No vote in a referendum in June. The Spanish, German and Polish parliaments have also approved the text, which now awaits the signatures of the respective heads of state…

“Meanwhile, France is pushing Ireland to hold a second vote, with President Nicolas Sarkozy on his visit to Dublin on Monday suggesting that the June 2009 European Parliament elections would be a good time for another referendum on Lisbon.

“The EU summit in October will see the next major discussion of the future of the EU treaty, with Irish foreign minister Micheal Martin pledging to give ‘clarity’ on Ireland’s plans in December.”

However, the article by the EUObserver is somewhat misleading. Deutsche Welle correctly reported on July 24:

“The Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty has left the bloc searching for a new way to move forward as the treaty must be unanimously ratified in order to go into effect. [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel was one of the driving forces behind the new treaty under Germany’s EU presidency in the first half of last year.

“The treaty faces obstacles in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. German President Horst Koehler has said he will await a decision by the Constitutional Court on the treaty’s compatibility with the German Constitution before signing into law the necessary legislation, which has been passed by both houses of parliament.”

The Bible clearly shows that ultimately, ten core nations or groups of nations will lead Europe, and they will, in turn, give their power and authority to a charismatic political leader.

The European “Beast” Overtakes the USA…

The EUObserver wrote on July 16:

“Mark Schapiro – an American investigative journalist of some twenty years’ standing and the editorial director of the Center for Investigative Journalism – believes… that we can date the eclipse of the United States by the European Union quite precisely indeed – 25 June, 2004.

“On that day, some 200 million Europeans went to the polls to elect their representatives to the European Parliament, consolidating the union’s ascendancy. Europe’s parliament leap-frogged the US Congress in size of population represented, with an additional two member states, Romania and Bulgaria, boosting the numbers still further to almost half a billion people in 2007. Even more critically, in 2005, the GDP of the EU overtook that of the States.

“‘The EU is now the single largest trading partner with every continent except Australia,’ he writes in his recent book, Exposed, which considers the massive global economic power shift that has occurred as a result of these changes. He looks at how companies and state governments in the US, China and the rest of the world increasingly take their legislative lead – whether willingly or dragged kicking and screaming – on issues such as environmental standards, health and safety regulation and consumer protection not from Washington, but Brussels.”

Shapiro was quoted in the article, as follows:

“The world is changing, and it’s changing in dramatic ways in a number of different arenas. What’s interesting is that the role of the United States is shifting very sharply, independent of Iraq. Let’s not even talk about Iraq – which has also delivered a body-blow to American power in the world – let’s just look purely at the level of economics. In 2005, the US was supplanted as the world’s largest single market by the EU, and that was reported to us by our own CIA in their World Factbook…

“US corporations along with other companies are increasingly reliant on foreign markets to sustain their profitability. For many American firms, that means Europe… all these firms, which had become quite expert at influencing the rule-making apparatus in the United States through lobbying in congress and campaign contributions – suddenly had this new beast to deal with – the EU… This is indeed a self-interested political beast…”

The choice of the word “European beast” is quite interesting–since the Bible uses the same expression for the final political European revival of the ancient Roman Empire–as well as for the human leader of that revival (Revelation 13:1-4, 18). For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

Update 354

Salt and Commitment

On Saturday, July 26, 2008, Kalon Mitchell and Michael Link will give split sermons, titled, respectively, “Salt” and “Commitment.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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I Can Help

by Dave Harris

“Can you help me?”

Parents and teachers have this question asked of them very frequently, but most of us don’t often hear these words from others. In fact, our generation is noteworthy for its lack of willingness to voluntarily reach out and assist others–even in times of great peril.

In two appalling examples of calloused indifference, news programs in this country showed a man who was the victim of a hit and run accident, while in another case a woman sitting in a hospital emergency room collapsed and died. In both of these cases, people around ignored these helpless individuals.

Love for others–that is, outgoing concern that is on a par with love for self–is becoming increasingly rare. Jesus spoke of our day and among the many warnings He gave, what He said about the way society would behave is finding its tragic fulfillment: “‘And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold'” (Matthew 24:12).

We must not let that happen to us, and a point to consider is our own approach when we see an opportunity to help others. It is really a matter of the way we think about those with whom we come into contact–that is, our “neighbor.”

The apostle John taught about love, and his writings show us how to prevent our own love from growing cold–he states: “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:10-11).

Take careful note that God FIRST loved us, and by that we learned to love–both to love God and others! In fact John very clearly states, “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19 NASB).

Rather than only waiting to be asked for help, we can develop an attitude and approach built upon the idea that “I can help.” Why think this way? Because it will help us to be the kind of person that really fulfills the Christian way of living.

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American Economy MUCH MUCH WORSE Than Assumed

Bloomberg reported on July 21:

“American Express Co., the biggest U.S. credit-card company by purchases, withdrew its 2008 earnings forecast after second-quarter profit fell 37 percent on worse-than-expected consumer defaults… Profit from continuing operations declined to $655 million… ‘By almost any measure, the U.S. economy and business environment are much weaker than the assumptions’ the company had in January, Chief Executive Officer Kenneth Chenault said today in a conference call. ‘Unemployment rates took the largest jump in over twenty years. Home prices declined at the fastest rate in decades and consumer confidence is at one of its all-time low points.’ The U.S. economic slowdown worsened in June, affecting even American Express’s wealthier cardholders with high credit scores…

“American Express, Capital One Financial Corp. and Discover Financial Services shares have dropped by more than a third in the past year as consumers have a harder time repaying debt of all kinds… Discover, based in Riverwoods, Illinois, said last month that profit from continuing operations in the quarter ended May 31 fell 19 percent to $202 million.”

The Associated Press reported on July 22:

“Wachovia Corp. reported a surprisingly large second-quarter loss Tuesday, deflating Wall Street’s hopes that the nation’s big banks are weathering the credit crisis well. The nation’s fourth-largest bank by assets said it lost $8.86 billion, is slashing its dividend and eliminating 10,750 positions after losses tied to mortgages soared. Even excluding one-time items, the results substantially missed Wall Street estimates…

“Late Monday, Wachovia announced plans to leave the wholesale mortgage lending business. And beginning Friday, the company will no longer offer mortgages through brokers, joining other lenders making similar moves to exit the troubled sector. Big banks, such as Bank of America Corp. and National City Corp., have stopped making loans through brokers entirely, relying instead on their loan officers.”

In a related article, The Associated Press reported on July 22:

“A federal rescue of troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could cost taxpayers as much as $25 billion, Congress’ top budget analyst said Tuesday… [Treasury Secretary Henry M.] Paulson said that Fannie and Freddie have issued $5 trillion in debt and mortgage backed securities. Of that amount more than $3 trillion is held by U.S. financial institutions and over $1.5 trillion is held by foreign institutions, making the stabilization of the two companies essential to the global economy… Paulson said that housing was at the ‘heart of our nation’s economy.’ He added that a key to turning the housing market around was bringing home buyers back into the market, an area where he said Fannie and Freddie needed to play a critical role to provide mortgage financing.

“The effort to provide support to the two mortgage giants follows the government’s involvement in dealing with the near-collapse of Bear Stearns in March when the Federal Reserve provided a $30 billion loan to facilitate the sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan.”

How much longer can the Federal Reserve “bail” out banks and thereby deplete its FDIC fund of an estimated amount of $75 billion? How soon are taxpayers going to be asked to “help” in the form of higher taxes and other hidden “incentives”? Surely, this country is facing a gigantic economic storm of unparalleled proportions in recent times–with all of our politicians being absolutely unable and helpless to weather it.

God HAS declared far in advance that this IS going to happen–all gainsaying and scoffing of so-called experts and an uninformed and indifferent public notwithstanding. The reason is that we do NOT OBEY God and that this country has been turning its back on God FAR TOO LONG. Now, man is going to reap what he has been sowing.

For more information, please read our free booklet, “And Lawlessness Will Abound

Worldwide Economy in Mortal Danger

The Telegraph wrote on July 21:

“It feels like the summer of 1931. The world’s two biggest financial institutions have had a heart attack. The global currency system is breaking down. The policy doctrines that got us into this mess are bankrupt. No world leader seems able to discern the problem, let alone forge a solution. The International Monetary Fund has abdicated into schizophrenia…

“Oil has queered the pitch. So has America’s fatal reliance on foreign debt… China, Russia, petro-powers and other foreign states own $985bn of US agency debt, besides holdings of US Treasuries. Purchases of Fannie/Freddie debt covered a third of the US current account deficit of $700bn over the last year. Alex Patelis from Merrill Lynch says America faces the risk of a ‘financing crisis’ within months. Foreigners have a veto over US policy…

“The coalitions in Belgium and Austria have just collapsed. Germany’s left-right team is fraying… This is the healthy part of Europe… Finance minister Pedro Solbes said Spain is facing the ‘most complex’ economic crisis in its history.”

Coming–Worldwide Water Shortage

The Economist wrote on July 19:

“SO WORLD markets are short of oil, and supplies of food are running thin. The prices of all sorts of basic commodities are soaring, and now there may also be reason for many to worry about the most fundamental of necessities—water. Some experts believe so, at least, and they are spreading doom-laden warnings of a Malthusian crisis in the world’s water supply.

“Goldman Sachs, an investment bank which likes to ponder the future of the world, recently suggested that a global lack of water could prove to be a bigger threat to mankind than rising food prices or the depletion of energy resources. Sir Nicholas Stern… points to some big local problems, for example in the Himalayas, where melting glaciers risk disrupting supplies of usable water in the region, just as many underground aquifers are drying up. He argues that water—at least the fresh sort—is not a renewable resource…

“Global water consumption is doubling every 20 years says Goldman Sachs. According to Sir Nicholas, in many places supplies are running short as rising consumption cannot be matched by fresh rainfall. As a result, suggests Goldman Sachs, the price of water is bound to rise…”

Coming–Worldwide Flu Pandemic

The Independent wrote on July 21:

“The world is failing to guard against the inevitable spread of a devastating flu pandemic which could kill 50 million people and wreak massive disruption around the globe, the [British] Government has warned… The Government’s evidence appeared in a highly critical report… which attacked the World Health Organisation (WHO) as ‘dysfunctional’…

“The Government said: ‘While there has not been a pandemic since 1968, another one is inevitable.’ Ministers said it would… leave up to 75,000 people dead in Britain and cause ‘massive’ disruption.”

Obama Wants MORE Troops–Not Less…

The Associated Press reported on July 19:

“Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama started a campaign-season tour of combat zones and foreign capitals, visiting with U.S. forces in Kuwait and then Afghanistan — the scene of a war he says deserves more attention and more troops… Obama advocates ending the U.S. combat role in Iraq by withdrawing troops at the rate of one to two combat brigades a month. But he supports increasing the military commitment to Afghanistan, where the Taliban has been resurgent and Osama bin laden is believed to be hiding…”

Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel?

AFP wrote on July 23:

“Barack Obama on Wednesday vowed to forge an ‘unshakeable’ bond with Israel if he becomes the next US president and warned a nuclear Iran would pose a ‘grave threat’ which the world must forestall. The Democratic White House hopeful hailed Israel as a ‘miracle’ as he courted Jewish voters at home… The Illinois senator also tried to convince the Palestinians, during a short trip to see the conflict from the other side, on the occupied West Bank, that he would sponsor a vigorous peace effort if elected…

“The senator reiterated his vow to stop Iran developing a nuclear weapon, but defended his offer of talks with leaders from the Islamic Republic, promising to use ‘big carrots and big sticks. A nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,’ Obama said…

“Obama also said that he had not backed down from his comment that Jerusalem should not be divided, which he made before the US Jewish lobby last month, sparking anger among Palestinians… ‘I continue to say that Jerusalem will be the [capitol] of Israel. I have said it before and will say it again… but I’ve also said that it is a final status issue’ that must be decided by negotiation. Obama’s original comment was seen by some observers as prejudging final status peace talks, and his campaign has since said that it was poorly worded.”

Israeli Attack on Iran Inevitable?

The Jerusalem Post wrote on July 16:

“An Israeli attack on Iran seems inevitable. If it succeeds, it will return to Israel its deterrent power and send a clear message to the saber-rattling jihadists that they were too early in beginning the countdown for the disappearance of the Jewish state.

“If it fails, or fails to achieve the majority of its objectives, it could amount to an act of national suicide. Fanatical Muslims on every side will be encouraged by the failure and outcome of an Iranian retaliation which would cause heavy damage to the whole center of our country… A non-nuclear Israeli attack on Iran would be a ‘surgical’ operation… Iran has the motivation to destroy Israel, and if it is allowed to gain nuclear weapons it will not need an excuse to do so…

“Let us try a scenario in which Israel carries out a successful attack, with or without active American help, on a few key Iranian reactors. Such an operation would not completely destroy Iran’s nuclear capability, but it would badly wound its national and Islamic pride.

“The Iranian people, including the opposition would, at least in the initial stage, rally around the ruling mullahs. The price of oil would soar, Israel would be blamed for the destruction of the West’s economy, and Europe might go so far as to impose sanctions on Israel, with or without a UN decision.

“Moreover, being an easy target, Israel would have to brace for the inevitable Iranian retaliation. Iran would attack with the Shihab 3 ballistic missiles that carry a warhead of up to one ton and have an accuracy of 50 meters-100m. Israel has an answer to a limited number of these missiles, of which Iran has probably a few hundred. It has no answer to all the missiles that would be launched against it from three fronts.

“Theoretically, Iran can deliver 1,000-1,500 tons of the most modern explosives within a few days. The long-range missiles that have been supplied to Hizbullah via Damascus, and the arsenal that has been massed by Hamas in Gaza, which includes missiles that can reach Beersheba, must also be taken into consideration.

“There is no question that these two organizations will move into action together with Iran, and it is not impossible that Hizbullah would attempt the invasion of Israel proper to gain a local victory by occupying a border village, killing inhabitants and kidnapping a few over to Lebanon.”

German Politicians Warn Obama

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 21:

“In the run-up to Barack Obama’s visit to Berlin, leading foreign and security policy experts for Germany’s center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD) are warning the United States presidential candidate against making any far-reaching demands on the Germans.

“‘Obama should only ask of us what we are able to deliver,’ Niels Annen — a member of Germany’s federal parliament, with the left wing of the SPD — told SPIEGEL ONLINE Monday. ‘We won’t increase our number of troops.’

“Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet, however, has approved a plan to increase the number of troops from Germany’s armed forces in Afghanistan by 1,000 to 4,500 soldiers. All troop deployments of the Bundeswehr require a mandate from the German parliament, which is expected to consider the issue in the autumn. And SPD party chief Kurt Beck made clear over the weekend that 4,500 was the ceiling of what could be expected from Germany…”

Will Europe’s Adulation of Obama Soon End?

On July 21, Der Spiegel Online wrote about Germany’s Adulation of Barack Obama, which may end very soon. The magazine reported:

“Germans have fallen in love with the man many in Europe have come to see as the anti-Bush — the man who many hope will steer America back toward the path of peace, love and happiness. Almost three-quarters of Germans would vote for Obama were they given the opportunity to do so; in France, that number approaches 90 percent…

“… The financial daily Handelsblatt… looks at what Berlin might expect from Obama’s speech. ‘With the speech at the Siegessäule on Thursday, a new phase is beginning. And there are a number of signs pointing to the fact that those pleasantly anticipating an Obama presidency might not be quite as euphoric should he get elected. The reasons are clear: Obama’s superstar status in Germany is based primarily on two factors. One is the fact that he is not George W. Bush…. The second is that Obama has remained quite vague until now: Everyone can see in him what he or she wants. But now the senator from Illinois is beginning to mold a concrete foreign policy. Soon, it will be clear what ‘change’ really means. Obama wants to withdraw from Iraq but at the same time he wants to bolster troops in Afghanistan… Obama, should he become the superpower’s next president, will not suddenly transform into a dove. He too will use the US military to reach his political goals.'”

“An American Idol in Germany”

In a related and unnecessarily lengthy, laborious and almost tiresome article of July 21, titled, “An American Idol in Germany,”  Der Spiegel Online wrote about Europe’s perception of Barack Obama as a savior of mankind–a perception which might soon disappear. We are bringing you the following excerpts:

“Europeans have fallen in love with the Democrat, mostly because he’s not Bush. But they may not like what they hear this week… He will be in Berlin this Thursday, when Germans will hail him as a magician with the ability to transform a gloomy world into a brighter place. Never before has there been so much excitement in Germany over the visit of a presumed US presidential candidate. Obama may be running for the White House, but judging by the commotion, one would think that he had already advanced two steps further and were the president of the world.

“Which is precisely the issue. Obama raises hopes that he will not just change America, but politics as a whole. Obama is the hope of a Western world filled with concerns… It is time for leadership. And only one man inspires the kind of confidence that would enable him to assume this leadership: Barack Obama…

“Chancellor Angela Merkel was also a candidate for the global presidency once. But by now it has become clear that she even has trouble leading her coalition government at home. Obama will be visiting a country that lacks leadership… it’s no wonder that many a German sees the charismatic American as a savior… While Germany looks forward to being spellbound by Obama this week, the magician’s allure has already begun to fade in America…

“Perhaps the ‘honeymoon’ will last a little longer with Obama, says Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg, a CSU foreign policy expert. But, Guttenberg adds, the ‘fracture point’ will be reached no later than the NATO summit in the spring of 2009, when the new US president, be it Obama or McCain, outlines exactly how he envisions trans-Atlantic cooperation in the future — and that will include US demands that Germany send more troops to embattled southern Afghanistan.

“Most US experts at research institutions share this assessment. They warn of exaggerated expectations. They warn against discounting McCain and the experience he brings to the table. And they warn of Obama’s lack of experience, speculating that the presidency could very well turn out to be a rude awakening for the Democratic candidate…

“Just how Obama feels about the Europeans becomes clear from chatting with Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security advisor under former President Jimmy Carter and a current advisor to the Obama campaign… ‘I think the Europeans have to decide whether they want to be a global power or not,’ says Brzezinski. Should they decide they do, Brzezinski’s message continues, they will be called upon to assume their fair share of the decision-making process, responsibility and the financial burden.

“Suffering, of course, would also be a part of that. More than 4,500 Americans have died and more than 30,000 have been wounded, many of them severely, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Only recently, President Bush invited a group of war invalids to join him for a jog at the White House. Bush posed for photographers next to the wounded soldiers, as they stood there on prosthetic metal legs and plastic feet. The war on terror would not cease under a President Obama. Bush’s foreign policy meant tanks, aircraft carriers and bombers. Obama’s foreign policy would be focused on diplomacy, reconstruction aid and, if this doesn’t work, tanks, aircraft carriers and bombers…

“In the 60 years since the end of World War II, there has been only one president who, with the exception of an attempt to liberate hostages, did not command a military campaign. That president was the hapless Jimmy Carter. All others have taken greater or lesser advantage of their powers as commander-in-chief of the US Armed Forces. In this regard, there have been few distinctions between Republicans and Democrats. Under Obama, the tone might be different than it has been under the stubborn President Bush, but the larger foreign policy substance likely would not be…”

In a related article, Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 24:

“Meanwhile, the foreign policy spokesman for Chancellor Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats, Eckart von Klaeden, told RBB-Inforadio public radio he didn’t share the expectation of many German politicians that there would be a major shift in foreign policy under Obama. ‘Regardless whether it is a President McCain or a President Obama, people will quickly determine that the trans-Atlantic relationship will not be transformed to the degree that many are expecting.'”

We share this assessment, in spite of Obama’s meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday, during which the “restoration of Transatlantic ties” was discussed (see AFP, dated July 24). Regardless of who the next American President will be, the relationship between Europe and the USA will NOT improve. For more information, please read our free booklets, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,”and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Obama Speaks in Berlin

On July 24, Barack Obama gave his long-awaited speech in Berlin. The “Superstar,” as Der Spiegel Online called him, spoke to an estimated crowd of more than 200,000 people, according to Bild Online. He said a few things which Europeans and especially Germans might NOT have wanted to hear, including his allusion to the need of the continuance of the war in Afghanistan and the necessity of Europeans to send more troops. It was observed that the crowd was more enthusiastic when they came than when they left. The Associated Press reported on July 24:

“Before an enormous crowd, Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama on Thursday summoned Europeans and Americans together to ‘defeat terror and dry up the well of extremism that supports it’ as surely as they conquered communism a generation ago.

“‘The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand,’ Obama said, speaking not far from where the Berlin Wall once divided the city. ‘The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand,’ he said…

“He drew loud applause when he talked of a world without nuclear weapons and again when he called for steps to counter climate change. Obama mentioned Iraq, a war he has opposed from the start, only in passing. But in discussing Afghanistan, he said, ‘no one welcomes war. … But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO’s first mission beyond Europe’s borders is a success’…”

AFP added on July 24:

“The strikingly audacious speech, in a fevered atmosphere in Berlin’s famed Tiergarten, took the White House race out of US borders in a way never seen before, and was designed to portray Obama as a leader with unique global appeal… Despite its soaring cadences however, the speech was short on specifics… The Illinois senator rebuked both his country and Europe for blaming one another for strains in their relations…

“In a speech that risked being seen as presumptuous, considering Obama will not even face US voters for another three months, he warned of a world where partnership was not a choice but the only means of survival… He promised America under his watch would be serious about tackling global warning, a huge concern in Europe and a cause of rifts between the continent and the United States during the Bush administration. But he also signalled he would demand Europe live up to its side of the bargain, asking for more help in the struggle against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. ‘America cannot do this alone,’ Obama said.”

Europe Pressures Ireland

The EUObserver wrote on July 24:

“The Italian senate’s unanimous support for the Lisbon treaty on Wednesday (23 July) should help force Ireland into a revote, Italian politicians said, with Ireland looking increasingly likely to stand out as the only EU country not to ratify the text… Twenty one out of 27 EU states have definitively ratified the EU treaty despite the Irish No vote in a referendum in June. The Spanish, German and Polish parliaments have also approved the text, which now awaits the signatures of the respective heads of state…

“Meanwhile, France is pushing Ireland to hold a second vote, with President Nicolas Sarkozy on his visit to Dublin on Monday suggesting that the June 2009 European Parliament elections would be a good time for another referendum on Lisbon.

“The EU summit in October will see the next major discussion of the future of the EU treaty, with Irish foreign minister Micheal Martin pledging to give ‘clarity’ on Ireland’s plans in December.”

However, the article by the EUObserver is somewhat misleading. Deutsche Welle correctly reported on July 24:

“The Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty has left the bloc searching for a new way to move forward as the treaty must be unanimously ratified in order to go into effect. [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel was one of the driving forces behind the new treaty under Germany’s EU presidency in the first half of last year.

“The treaty faces obstacles in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. German President Horst Koehler has said he will await a decision by the Constitutional Court on the treaty’s compatibility with the German Constitution before signing into law the necessary legislation, which has been passed by both houses of parliament.”

The Bible clearly shows that ultimately, ten core nations or groups of nations will lead Europe, and they will, in turn, give their power and authority to a charismatic political leader.

The European “Beast” Overtakes the USA…

The EUObserver wrote on July 16:

“Mark Schapiro – an American investigative journalist of some twenty years’ standing and the editorial director of the Center for Investigative Journalism – believes… that we can date the eclipse of the United States by the European Union quite precisely indeed – 25 June, 2004.

“On that day, some 200 million Europeans went to the polls to elect their representatives to the European Parliament, consolidating the union’s ascendancy. Europe’s parliament leap-frogged the US Congress in size of population represented, with an additional two member states, Romania and Bulgaria, boosting the numbers still further to almost half a billion people in 2007. Even more critically, in 2005, the GDP of the EU overtook that of the States.

“‘The EU is now the single largest trading partner with every continent except Australia,’ he writes in his recent book, Exposed, which considers the massive global economic power shift that has occurred as a result of these changes. He looks at how companies and state governments in the US, China and the rest of the world increasingly take their legislative lead – whether willingly or dragged kicking and screaming – on issues such as environmental standards, health and safety regulation and consumer protection not from Washington, but Brussels.”

Shapiro was quoted in the article, as follows:

“The world is changing, and it’s changing in dramatic ways in a number of different arenas. What’s interesting is that the role of the United States is shifting very sharply, independent of Iraq. Let’s not even talk about Iraq – which has also delivered a body-blow to American power in the world – let’s just look purely at the level of economics. In 2005, the US was supplanted as the world’s largest single market by the EU, and that was reported to us by our own CIA in their World Factbook…

“US corporations along with other companies are increasingly reliant on foreign markets to sustain their profitability. For many American firms, that means Europe… all these firms, which had become quite expert at influencing the rule-making apparatus in the United States through lobbying in congress and campaign contributions – suddenly had this new beast to deal with – the EU… This is indeed a self-interested political beast…”

The choice of the word “European beast” is quite interesting–since the Bible uses the same expression for the final political European revival of the ancient Roman Empire–as well as for the human leader of that revival (Revelation 13:1-4, 18). For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

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Why did Jesus refuse to confirm the Old Testament law to stone the woman caught in adultery?

The particular passage in question is found in John 8:3-11. It reads, in context (emphasis added):

“Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, ‘Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, IN THE VERY ACT. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?’ This they said, TESTING HIM, THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING OF WHICH TO ACCUSE HIM. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, ‘He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first’ [better: ‘let Him throw THE first stone’]. And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, BEING CONVICTED BY THEIR CONSCIENCE, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, ‘Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?’ She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.'”

We need to understand that Jesus did NOT come to destroy the law (Matthew 5:17-20). He did not come to declare that the Ten Commandments were obsolete and that adultery was no longer a sin. At the same time, the passage in John 8 points out that the scribes and Pharisees came to test or tempt Him, so that they could accuse Him. In what way was this a test?

Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible points out:

“Had our Lord condemned the woman to death, they might have accused him to Pilate, as arrogating to himself the power of life and death, which the Romans had taken away from the Jews [compare John 18:31]; besides, the Roman laws did not condemn an adulteress to be put to death. On the other hand, if he had said she should not be put to death, they might have represented him to the people as one who decided contrary to the law, and favored the crime of which the woman was accused.”

We also need to keep in mind that Christ had not come in the flesh to condemn or destroy, but to save human life (compare Luke 9:56). It was simply not His purpose to get involved in the affairs of this world. For instance, He refused to become judge or arbitrator over those who fought over their inheritance (compare Luke 12:13-14).

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible points out:

“Christ came not into the world to act the part of a civil magistrate, and therefore refused to arbitrate a case, or be concerned in dividing an inheritance… Nor did he come into the world to condemn it, but that the world, through him, might be saved [John 3:17]…”

Christ expects this same kind of approach and conduct from His disciples today. He told Pilate that His servants–either His angels or His disciples–would not fight, as His Kingdom was not (and still is not) of this world (John 18:36). That is one reason why Christ’s disciples are opposed to joining the military or voting in governmental presidential elections or serving on a jury.

We should note that Christians, who live under the conditions of the New Covenant, are NOT to carry out or participate in any way in the execution of criminals. As we explain in our free booklet, “And Lawlessness Will Abound”:

“God gave Israel certain national laws, for instance in Deuteronomy 16 and 17, dealing with the punishment and, in certain cases, the execution of criminals. Converted Christians are servants of the New Covenant, which gives life (2 Corinthians 3:6). They are not to judge or condemn another person. Christ said that he who is without sin may cast the first stone (John 8:7). At the same time, we are told that nobody can claim to be without sin (1 John 1:8). Therefore, Christians are not to participate, for instance as jurors, in the judicial systems of this world. In addition, the Church today is not to carry out the death penalty, either. Rather, the ministry is to preach today reconciliation and eternal life (2 Corinthians 5:18–21).”

Under Old Testament law, both the adulteress AND the adulterer had to be stoned (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22), if they had been convicted based on the accusations of at least two witnesses (Deuteronomy 17:6). In addition, the witnesses had to cast the first stones (Deuteronomy 17:7). We can see from the foregoing that the situation before Christ did not even come close to such a “trial” and “conviction” and “sentencing,” as required by the law.

First, even though the woman was allegedly caught in the very act of adultery, the accusers did not present the man. Secondly, when Christ challenged them by pointing out their hypocrisy, they all disappeared, so that Christ and the woman were left without any accuser. No valid or legal judgment was pronounced by any competent judge, and even if it had been, the witnesses had disappeared so that the sentence could not have been carried out.

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible states: “They had accused her, but they had not proceeded to the act expressive of judicial condemnation.”

Based on all of these factors, Christ told the woman that He did not condemn her to death either. Barnes elaborates:

“This is evidently to be taken in the sense of judicial condemnation, or of passing sentence as a magistrate, for this was what they had arraigned her for. It was not to obtain his opinion about adultery, but to obtain the condemnation of the woman. As he claimed no civil authority, he said that he did not exercise it, and should not condemn her to die.”

Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible adds the following thoughts: “It would have been strange if Jesus, when he was not a magistrate, and had not the witnesses before him to examine them, and when she had not been tried and condemned by the law and legal judges, should have taken upon him to condemn her.”

Compare also Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible: “The law appointed the hands of the witnesses to be first upon the criminal, and afterwards the hands of all the people, so that if they fly off, and do not condemn her, the prosecution drops.”

However, Christ admonished the woman not to continue sinning. Even though Christ did not claim “civil authority,” He nevertheless showed that He “regarded the action of which they accused her as sin” (Barnes), and He commanded her to cease from sinning–especially from the act of adultery. If we apply Christ’s comments, that He was not “condemning” the person, in a spiritual sense, we have to conclude that Christ forgave the woman her sins. God forgives us upon true repentance (compare Acts 2:38; Acts 17:30; 1 Kings 8:33-40). Christ, knowing our thoughts and hearts (compare Luke 5:22), could and would have seen that the woman before Him had deeply repented of her sin, and so Christ forgave her. We find, in similar instances, that Christ forgave sins upon repentance (compare Luke 7:36-50). At the same time, Christ cautioned the woman caught in the act of adultery, not to return to her former adulterous conduct (compare John 5:14).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

This week, Norbert Link video-recorded the Feast sermon to be played during the Feast of Tabernacles 2008 in Tucson.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “America’s Financial Crisis.” In the program, Norbert Link is discussing that recently, the U.S. federal government took control of the Pasadena, California, based IndyMac Bank, signifying the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. The largest U.S. mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also in big financial trouble. The third largest U.S. investment bank Merrill Lynch is $10 billion in debt. More than 300 U.S. banks might fail over the next few years. The US. is facing a global crisis to fund its $700 billion (!) account deficit. Especially Europe is upset with America’s irresponsible financial dealings and is looking for alternatives. What DOES the future hold for all of us?

Three StandingWatch programs in the German language were posted on our German Website  and on YouTube, discussing a potential War with Iran; Ireland’s Vote on the Lisbon Treaty; and the recent Mission to Mars.

The following video-recorded sermons by Edwin Pope were posted on Google Video:

Bible Study–Inherit the Promises Through Faith and Patience, May 13, 2006

Bible Study–God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness, March 18, 2006

The following video-recorded sermons by Norbert Link were posted on Google Video:

Bible Study–The Good Samaritan, July 19, 2008

Bible Study– Abraham, Part 1, January 5, 2006

Bible Study–Abraham, Part 2, January 21, 2006

Bible Study–Who Is Your Lord?, November 26, 2005

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This Life

This Life
by Kalon Mitchell

We live in a world of get and of debt. Nationally, the United States of America is going backwards literally by the second. And so it is, as I sit here writing this article for the Youth Forum, that I wonder what I will do with my life. I have an amazing wife and of course our furry animal family. But there is more that we both would like. That is children and a house to raise them in.

As I stop to think about others my age, I see that more and more young people are going back to live with their parents after they get out of college because they cannot afford to be out on their own. Gas prices are going up. Food prices are going up. Life as we know it is exploding out of control. Will I ever be able to have children; will I be able to afford a home? These questions go through my head a lot. How will I afford to raise a family?

But unlike many of these young people whom I am around, I thankfully have something that they do not at this time–and that is the help of God. God has said numerous times throughout the Bible that He is here to help me and to shower me with good things. But what is it that I must do? Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. That is the key. No matter what, I must be striving to live up to the standards set forth by God. If I do this, then I will have nothing to worry about because God will take care of me, in accordance with His Will.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

The Good Samaritan

Why did Christ’s “Parable of the Good or Merciful Samaritan,” as recorded in Luke, chapter 10, have such a tremendous impact on the society of His time? What was so revolutionary and provocative about this parable, which teaches us how to love our neighbor? Why is it still so relevant and meaningful for us today? Who were the Samaritans? Do they still exist? Why did many of the Jews hate them so much? And how did Jesus show that He refused to be a part of that kind of antagonism and prejudice?

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America’s Financial Crisis — StandingWatch #175

Last Friday, the U.S. federal government took control of the Pasadena, California, based IndyMac Bank, signifying the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. The largest U.S. mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also in big financial trouble. The third largest U.S. investment bank Merrill Lynch is $10 billion in debt. More than 300 U.S. banks might fail over the next few years. The US. is facing a global crisis to fund its $700 billion (!) account deficit. Especially Europe is upset with America’s irresponsible financial dealings and is locking for alternatives. What DOES the future hold for all of us?

View this now on StandingWatch or GoogleVideo or YouTube.

Current Events

America’s Banks Are Failing–The Handwriting IS On the Wall

The Associated Press reported on July 11:

“The last thing the Bush White House and the rest of the country needed in these economically trying times was another financial crisis. But they got one. The Republican administration and Democratic-run Congress now are facing the possibility that mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, once staid and stable, could need a bailout or even go under. Their default would send shock waves through already distressed financial markets, drive the U.S. economy further into recession territory and make it even harder for people to obtain mortgages or refinance their homes…

“Bush told reporters that [Treasury Secretary Henry] Paulson had briefed him on financial markets and ‘assured me that he and (Federal Reserve Chairman) Ben Bernanke will be working this issue very hard. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are very important institutions,’ Bush said.

“Bush, the first U.S. president with an MBA degree, may have been assured, but investors apparently weren’t. They dumped stocks in response to the woes of Freddie and Fanny, pushing the Dow Jones industrials at one point below the 11,000 mark for the first time in two years before recovering slightly. The two companies’ stocks are now at their lowest levels in 16 years, down 80 percent from just a year ago.”

Please make sure to watch our recent StandingWatch program on YouTube titled, “Coming–The Great Depression?”

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac–an “Unmitigated Disaster”

Bloomberg reported on July 14:

“The U.S. Treasury Department’s plan to shore up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is an ‘unmitigated disaster’ and the largest U.S. mortgage lenders are ‘basically insolvent,’ according to investor Jim Rogers. Taxpayers will be saddled with debt if Congress approves U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s request for the authority to buy unlimited stakes in and lend to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Rogers said in a Bloomberg Television interview. Rogers is betting that Fannie Mae shares will keep tumbling…

“‘I don’t know where these guys get the audacity to take our money, taxpayer money, and buy stock in Fannie Mae,’ Rogers, 65, said in an interview from Singapore. ‘So we’re going to bail out everybody else in the world. And it ruins the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and it makes the dollar more vulnerable and it increases inflation.’… The U.S. economy is in a recession, possibly the worst since World War II, Rogers said. ‘They’re ruining what has been one of the greatest economies in the world,’ Rogers said… ‘[They] are bailing out their friends on Wall Street but there are 300 million Americans that are going to have to pay for this.”’

US Government Not to Expect to Help More Lenders

The Associated Press reported on July 13:

“The U.S. government is signaling it won’t throw a lifeline to struggling financial companies – except for mortgage linchpins Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – marking a shift to a new and potentially more volatile phase of the credit crisis.

“Such an approach could mean beaten-down investment banks like Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and regional banks must now fend for themselves as they try to recover from billions of dollars in mortgage-related losses. That is bound to unnerve Wall Street, already anxious as it awaits financial companies’ earnings reports that are expected to be down a stunning 69 percent from a year ago when all the numbers are in…

“‘The credit crisis has obviously entered into a new phase – the government has one bailout left in them, and this is it,’ said Jeffrey Gundlach, chief investment officer of TCW Group in Los Angeles, which invests $160 billion. ‘One consequence of Freddie and Fannie is that other firms are allowed to go under,’ he said.”

IndyMac Bank Seized by Federal Regulators

The Los Angeles Times reported on July 12:

“The federal government took control of Pasadena-based IndyMac Bank on Friday in what regulators called the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. Citing a massive run on deposits, regulators shut its main branch three hours early, leaving customers stunned and upset…

“Based on a preliminary analysis, federal authorities said the takeover of IndyMac, which had $32 billion in listed assets, would cost the FDIC between $4 billion and $8 billion. Regulators said deposits of up to $100,000 were safe and insured by the FDIC. IndyMac’s failure had been widely expected in recent days. As the bank was shuttering offices and laying off employees to cope with huge losses from defaulted mortgages made at the height of the housing boom, nervous depositors were pulling out $100 million a day. The bank’s stock price had plummeted to under $1 as analysts predicted the company’s imminent demise.

“The takeover of IndyMac came amid rampant speculation that the federal government would also have to take over lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which together stand behind almost half of the nation’s mortgage debt.”

Reuters reported on July 14:

“IndyMac Bancorp Inc customers lined up outside a branch at the company’s headquarters on Monday, hoping to withdraw their money after regulators seized what was once one of the largest mortgage lenders in the United States… IndyMac is the fifth U.S. banking company to fail this year, and the largest since the 1980s savings-and-loan crisis… Gerard Cassidy, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, on Sunday estimated that 300 U.S. banks might fail over the next three years because of credit losses and tight capital markets…”

U.S. Economic Tempest Overtakes Europe

On July 16, Der Spiegel Online re-published the following article from the New York Times:

“Spain, Ireland and Denmark are either in a recession or on the brink. Italy is stagnating. France is weakening fast. And Germany, the sturdy locomotive of European growth, is suddenly faltering — dashing most residual hopes that Europe could escape the upheaval in the United States. On Tuesday, an influential poll of German investors by the Center for European Economic Research in Mannheim found that confidence had plummeted to its lowest level since the survey was started in 1991…

“While most economists had predicted that Europe would suffer fallout from the financial market chaos and the broader American malaise, the speed of the deterioration has been surprising… The tense mood in the United States is pushing investors to sell dollars and seek refuge in the euro. For all the storm clouds here, Europe still looks like a safe harbor in comparison to the United States… Still, the strong euro — combined with high oil prices — is exacting a toll on Europe’s export machine.”

How long will Europe allow the weak U.S. dollar to damage or destroy its economy? When will Europe begin to make drastic changes? For sure, it can’t be too long from now. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

Temporary Rebound of the U.S. Dollar

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 17:

“The greenback staged a surprising, though brief, rally when oil prices fell. But don’t mistake an uptick for a bottom.

“On July 15, traders in Europe knocked the dollar to an all-time low of $1.6020 to the euro and a three-month low against the British pound. It was hardly a surprise: Investors around the world were appalled by the US government’s need to rescue the multitrillion-dollar mortgage behemoths, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, last weekend… The Asian markets duly punished banks that held Fannie and Freddie paper.

“But to the surprise of many traders, instead of plunging to uncharted depths, the dollar managed to bounce back and was trading at about 1.584 to the euro on July 16. ‘A lot of hedge funds were confused by the price action,’ says Stephen Jen, currency strategist at Morgan Stanley in London.

“Jen and other analysts think several factors have helped — at least, so far — to keep the dollar from going into the out-of-control downward spiral that many fear could be coming. For one thing, the greenback is already quite cheap, especially against the euro, making investors wonder how much lower it can go. But what may be even more important is that the wave of economic misery that began in the US last year is clearly starting to hit European economies, as well.

“… the dollar’s decline is hurting the US, because the weakness is being passed along to consumers in the form of higher energy prices, which, among other things, have largely negated the Bush Administration’s tax rebates.

“Awareness in the markets that intervention [of the U.S. government] is a growing possibility is probably another reason the dollar didn’t plunge further on July 16. The sharp selloff in oil prices that began on July 15 was also positive for the dollar. Indeed, the fact that the greenback kept its head above water could signal a turn, or at least a temporary bottom. But don’t count on it.”

US Faces Global Funding Crisis

The Telegraph wrote on July 15:

“Merrill Lynch has warned that the United States could face a foreign ‘financing crisis’ within months as the full consequences of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage debacle spread through the world. The country depends on Asian, Russian and Middle Eastern investors to fund much of its $700bn (£350bn) current account deficit, leaving it far more vulnerable to a collapse of confidence than Japan in the early 1990s after the Nikkei bubble burst. Britain and other Anglo-Saxon deficit states could face a similar retreat by foreign investors…”

President Bush Backs Israeli Plan for Strike on Iran

The Sunday Times wrote on July 13:

“President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official. Despite the opposition of his own generals and widespread scepticism that America is ready to risk the military, political and economic consequences of an airborne strike on Iran, the president has given an ‘amber light’ to an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s main nuclear sites with long-range bombing sorties, the official told The Sunday Times.

“’Amber means get on with your preparations, stand by for immediate attack and tell us when you’re ready,’ the official said. But the Israelis have also been told that they can expect no help from American forces and will not be able to use US military bases in Iraq for logistical support.

“Nor is it certain that Bush’s amber light would ever turn to green without irrefutable evidence of lethal Iranian hostility. Tehran’s test launches of medium-range ballistic missiles last week were seen in Washington as provocative and poorly judged, but both the Pentagon and the CIA concluded that they did not represent an immediate threat of attack against Israeli or US targets.

“’It’s really all down to the Israelis,’ the Pentagon official added. ‘This administration will not attack Iran. This has already been decided. But the president is really preoccupied with the nuclear threat against Israel and I know he doesn’t believe that anything but force will deter Iran.’ …

“Senator Barack Obama’s previous opposition to the war in Iraq, and his apparent doubts about the urgency of the Iranian threat, have intensified pressure on the Israeli hawks to act before November’s US presidential election. ‘If I were an Israeli I wouldn’t wait,’ the Pentagon official added…

“The one thing that all sides agree on is that any strike by either Iran or Israel would trigger a catastrophic round of retaliation that would rock global oil markets, send the price of petrol soaring and wreck the progress of the US military effort in Iraq… How genuine the Iranian threat is was the subject of intense debate last week, with some analysts arguing that Iran might have a useable nuclear weapon by next spring and others convinced that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is engaged in a dangerous game of bluffing…

“Obvious targets would include Iran’s Isfahan plant, where uranium ore is converted into gas, the Natanz complex where this gas is used to enrich uranium in centrifuges and the plutonium-producing Arak heavy water plant. But Iran is known to have scattered other elements of its nuclear programme in underground facilities around the country. Neither US nor Israeli intelligence is certain that it knows where everything is.”

Whom to Believe…?

Reuters reported on July 11:

“An Israeli military spokesman described as ‘utterly baseless’ media reports on Friday about Israeli warplanes secretly training in U.S.-controlled Iraq for possible attacks on neighbouring Iran. The Baghdad government and the Pentagon similarly played down a report, carried on the website of the Jerusalem Post and quoting a Iraqi news network, that Israeli jets were practising in Iraqi airspace and landing on U.S. airbases in the country… Recent months have seen a flurry of high-level contacts between Israel and the United States, which accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons. Tehran denies the charge.

“The talks have stoked global speculation that the allies are planning pre-emptive military strikes… The Iraqi report carried by the Jerusalem Post referred to an airbase in western Anbar province near the town of Haditha. The airbase is controlled by the U.S. military. The Israeli newspaper said it could not confirm the veracity of the report.

“Security for Anbar is still formally in the hands of the U.S. military, although control is expected to be transferred to Iraqi security forces soon. Iraq has security control over nine of its 18 provinces.”

Iran and the Bomb

The Wall Street Journal wrote the following on July 15, voicing the opinion that military confrontation in the near future between Israel and Iran appears more and more likely–perhaps with the support of the USA. Please make sure to watch our new StandingWatch program on YouTube, titled, “”Is War With Iran Coming Soon?

“Iran’s test salvo of ballistic missiles last week together with recent threatening rhetoric by commanders of the Islamic Republic’s Revolutionary Guards emphasizes how close the Middle East is to a fundamental, in fact an irreversible, turning point.

“Tehran’s efforts to intimidate the United States and Israel from using military force against its nuclear program, combined with yet another diplomatic charm offensive with the Europeans, are two sides of the same policy coin. The regime is buying the short additional period of time it needs to produce deliverable nuclear weapons, the strategic objective it has been pursuing clandestinely for 20 years.

“Between Iran and its long-sought objective, however, a shadow may fall: targeted military action, either Israeli or American… If Iran reaches weaponization… the Middle East, and indeed global, balance of power changes in potentially catastrophic ways. And consider what comes next for the U.S.: the Bush administration’s last six months pursuing its limp diplomatic efforts, plus six months of a new president getting his national security team and policies together. In other words, one more year for Tehran to proceed unhindered to ‘the point of no return.’

“We have almost certainly lost the race between giving ‘strong incentives’ for Iran to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons, and its scientific and technological efforts to do just that. Swift, sweeping, effectively enforced sanctions might have made a difference five years ago. No longer…

“That is why Israel is now at an urgent decision point: whether to use targeted military force to break Iran’s indigenous control over the nuclear fuel cycle at one or more critical points… The alternative is Iran with nuclear weapons, the most deeply unattractive alternative of all… What will the U.S. do if Israel decides to initiate military action?…

“Israel sees clearly what the next 12 months will bring, which is why ongoing U.S.-Israeli consultations could be dispositive. Israel told the Bush administration it would destroy North Korea’s reactor in Syria in spring, 2007, and said it would not wait past summer’s end to take action. And take action it did… we should be intensively considering what cooperation the U.S. will extend to Israel before, during and after a strike on Iran. We will be blamed for the strike anyway, and certainly feel whatever negative consequences result, so there is compelling logic to make it as successful as possible. At a minimum, we should place no obstacles in Israel’s path, and facilitate its efforts where we can. These subjects are decidedly unpleasant. A nuclear Iran is more so.”

Could Iran Strike Europe with Missiles?

Reuters wrote on July 15:

“The Pentagon said on Tuesday that Iran has the ability to launch a ballistic missile capable of hitting sections of eastern and southern Europe… Older versions of the Shahab-3 have a 800-mile (1,300-km) range. But a new extended version is believed to have a range of up to 1,250 miles, making it capable of hitting targets as far away as Greece, Serbia, Romania and Belarus.”

“Two Coffins for a Murderer”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 16:

“Some had hoped that Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev [Israeli soldiers who were abducted in the 2006 raid] still lived. But on Wednesday, a deal negotiated by German intelligence led to Hezbollah handing over two coffins with their remains. In exchange, Israel turned over a brutal murderer — and a bit of its dignity… ‘Today is a great victory for the resistance movements and for Hezbollah,’ said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. ‘It shows that the only successful way to free the prisoners is by kidnapping soldiers’…

“That Olmert and his cabinet… agreed to the deal on Tuesday was largely attributable to the government’s weakness domestically. For months, the prime minister has been plagued by corruption investigations…”

Chaos and Upheaval in Belgium

Der Spiegel Online reported on July 16:

“Chaos has returned to Belgium’s capital: The government has collapsed, the prime minister has offered his resignation. German newspapers on Wednesday wonder if the linguistically divided country will ever get its act together. The Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme threw in the towel late on Monday night, saying he could not force through a consensus between the Flemish and French-speaking coalition partners…

“The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes: ‘In terms of economics, Belgium is the most successful “failed state” of all time. Its per capita income is way ahead of Germany, the world’s leading exporter… Belgium can continue to flourish without a national government for the simple reason that the cabinet doesn’t have to decide much anyway. Most authority has devolved to the regions … The central government is left to deal with foreign policy, defense and finance policy — all issues that are increasingly taken care of at the EU level… The Belgian government still controls spending on social welfare. And this is where the conflict has blown up between the two language groups, because rich Flanders wants to pay less for poorer Wallonia…’

“The conservative Die Welt writes: ‘Belgium had always prided itself on being a model for Europe: exemplifying, through the art of compromise and the virtue of tolerance, how nations and cultures can exist peacefully side by side. The country can no longer claim this. The latest political crisis sees the kingdom moving towards the limits of being governable… The question is how much solidarity people are prepared to show when times are tough… In the end it’s all about money.'”

EU’s Galileo Satellite for Military Use

Deutsche Welle reported on July 10:

“The European Parliament in Strasbourg approved by 502 votes to 83 the military use of the European Union’s Galileo satellite. The bill, proposed by German conservative politician Karl von Wogau, aims to create a space surveillance system to watch out for space debris and other threats. It was approved on Thursday, July 10. Changes to the bill proposed by the Greens to use the system purely for civilian purposes were rejected. Secure, independent and sustainable access to space was a basic requirement for the EU, the text of the draft bill said.

“The system was about acquiring information so that the EU could prevent conflicts, be effective during crises and increase world security by, for example, monitoring the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. ‘The EU and NATO are expressly called upon to start up a strategic dialogue on the politics of space and missile defense,’ the text of the bill said.”

America’s Shrinking Influence in the World

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 11:

“There is little consensus on whether the G-8 summit can be seen as a success for the climate. What is certain is that US President George W. Bush had little part in the efforts to save the world. He didn’t lead, he only followed — and the American superpower never before looked as small as it did this week… the president doesn’t want to understand and he doesn’t even want to go for a walk. That’s why at the meeting of the world’s eight most industrialized nations the most powerful man in the world had to have the world explained to him by seven less powerful leaders.”

“This Bud Is For the EU”

The Associated Press reported on July 14:

“The maker of the King of Beers has agreed to go to work for the Belgian brewer InBev SA. Anheuser Busch Cos. said early Monday it had agreed to a sweetened $52 billion takeover bid from InBev, creating the world’s largest brewer… InBev is the world’s second-largest beer-maker, narrowly behind SABMiller. Swallowing Anheuser-Busch sees it leap ahead, capturing half of the U.S. beer market and a fifth of China and Russia… To some in St. Louis, losing Anheuser-Busch to a foreign buyer meant losing a little bit of history. From college buildings to theme parks to offices to the stadium where the Cardinals play baseball, the Busch name is virtually everywhere in the Gateway City.”

Religion and War

USA Today published an interesting article on July 14 about religion and war. Although much of the article must be rejected as inaccurate interpretation, here are a few worth-while excerpts:

“The specter of violent religion certainly hangs over us in these times, especially when it comes to certain followers of the world’s two dominant religions. Christian and Muslim conflict-mongers drone on against ‘Islamic terrorists’ and ‘Christian infidels,’ respectively, while violence continues erupting in the name of Islam, and conservative Christian figures in America… urge violent solutions to foreign policy problems…

“Yes, there appears to be considerable truth to the oft-heard claim that Christian-Muslim co-existence must be achieved lest our collective future turn out brief and brutal…

“As demonstrated by James Carroll’s powerful and dark new documentary, Constantine’s Sword, Christians over the centuries have too often wielded religion as a lethal weapon. Today that dubious distinction is most strongly associated with violent extremists from the Muslim world, who invoke Islam in terrorist strikes that have killed many thousands of innocents… Judaism, too, has had its spasms of violence, as have other major faiths and sects…

“So how we will know religion in the final analysis? By its peace or by its violence? The scriptures have had their say. It’s now up to the believers  — through their words and works  — to settle the account.”

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