Current Events

Iranians Don’t Approve of Their Leader…

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 19:

“The hardliners in Iran have suffered a major setback at the hands of the Iranian electorate. A combination of a high turnout and close cooperation between the reformists and moderate conservatives succeeded in giving President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a bit of a bloody nose at the ballot box. Partial results from last Friday’s elections for local governments and the powerful Assembly of Experts indicate that the president’s supporters have been widely rejected by the voters… However, the election results do not directly affect the Iranian government, and while it is likely that the poor showing by his allies will weaken the president, it is uncertain if this will provoke any change in policy or rhetoric.”

… But He Continues to Be Controversial

The Associated Press reported on December 16:

“Iran’s president said Saturday his country was ready to transfer nuclear technology to neighboring countries, Kuwaiti television reported, a week after Arab states on the Persian Gulf announced plans to consider a joint nuclear program… Iran is at odds with the United States and its European allies, who accuse Iran of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear program is aimed solely at the peaceful production of nuclear energy.”

The Middle East Is Facing Worst Crisis…

The EUobserver reported on December 15:

“EU leaders meeting in Brussels on Friday… said the Middle East is facing one of the ‘worst crises in years’ after fighting broke out on Friday between rival Palestinian factions, and Lebanon continues to stand on the verge of internal conflict. ‘The Israeli-Arab conflict is at the heart of this crisis,’ the EU said, urging Israel and Palestine to live ‘side-by-side.'” …

USA Is Not Winning in Iraq

AFP reported on December 20:

“President George W. Bush warned Americans of the need for new ‘sacrifices’ in Iraq next year, and said hard choices await in a war he now grimly admits the United States is not winning. A somber Bush, under fierce pressure to change course in Iraq, also said in a year-end news conference he had not yet decided whether to send a surge of more troops into the country, and said his heart broke for slain US soldiers.”

In a related article, AFP added:

“New US Defense Secretary Robert Gates met top generals in Baghdad to discuss whether or not to send tens of thousands of extra American troops into war-torn Iraq… On Tuesday, a Pentagon report confirmed that sectarian and insurgent violence in Iraq was at an all-time high, due in part to the provocations of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s militia, the Mahdi Army… Washington had hoped to clip the cleric’s wings by persuading a ‘moderate coalition’ of Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds to unite behind the ruling coalition and give it the backbone to face down the gunmen. But on Wednesday a leader of the main Shiite parliamentary bloc earmarked for this task, Hadi al-Ameri of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), described this idea as ‘madness’…

“Despite the latest bloodshed, US forces in Iraq handed responsibility for security in the Shiite province of Najaf to local provincial forces… British and Italian forces have already passed control of two southern provinces to local governors, but Wednesday’s ceremony was the first of its kind in the more volatile US-controlled regions of central Iraq. More provinces are expected to follow suit in the coming weeks.”

In spite of all the rhetoric, the question is this: Are the American people willing to bring more sacrifices in Iraq, including sending more American troops into Iraq, for a war which is admittedly not being won?

Japan Is Becoming More “Patriotic”

CNN reported on December 16:

“Japan’s conservative government chipped away at two pillars of the country’s postwar pacifism, requiring schools to teach patriotism and upgrading the Defense Agency to a full ministry for the first time since World War II. The measures, enacted Friday in a vote by Parliament’s upper house, form key elements of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to bolster Japan’s international military role, build up national pride and distance the country from its post-1945 war guilt…

“The call for more patriotism in the schools coincides with a push by some local governments to crack down on teachers and students who refuse to stand for the national flag or sing an anthem to the emperor at school ceremonies. Postwar Japan has been solidly pacifist under the 1947 U.S.-drafted Constitution, which foreswears Japan from using force to settle international disputes, and Tokyo maintains fighting forces only for self-defense.”

Germany Wants To Become Permanent UN Security Council Member…

The German Press Agency (dpa) reported on December 15:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday she would push hard for a permanent German United Nations Security Council seat in the coming years. ‘We will have this interest–but also an interest that the UN Security Council is reformed,’ she said at a news briefing. Berlin would seek a UN revamp and an upgraded role for Germany in the world body ‘with great intensity,’ she added.
“Present UN Security Council permanent members are Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. The Security Council also has 10 further non-permanent members, positions which are held on a rotating basis. Germany has for years sought a permanent Security Council seat, although some observers claimed it was unclear whether Merkel would continue the effort after her foreign policy successes since taking up office in autumn 2005.”

… While Hoping to Unite a Peaceful Europe

The Week in Germany reported on December 15:

“Germany takes over the rotating six-month EU presidency from Finland on January 1, and Chancellor Angela Merkel outlined three key priority areas…: strengthening Europe’s economy, promoting peace and justice and pressing ahead with a new plan for the European Constitutional Treaty… Merkel… recalled that the EU, which turns 50 next March, was created to maintain peace based on common values, including freedom, justice, democracy, the rule of law and human rights.”

German-French Spy Satellite Program

The following was stated on December 19 in an article of Spaceflight Now:

“The first of a fleet of five identical all-weather German spy satellites was launched Tuesday aboard a Russian rocket to collect high-resolution images of the ground 24 hours a day. Called SAR-Lupe 1, the 1,587-pound craft is Germany’s first reconnaissance satellite. It is fitted with a large radar dish antenna that can pierce darkness and thick clouds to resolve targets. The radar data can be analyzed and turned into images… The craft was built for the German Federal Ministry of Defense by OHB-System AG, an aerospace company based in Bremen, Germany.

“Control of the satellite will be handed over to the German military in mid-January to begin its 10-year reconnaissance mission… Four more SAR-Lupe spacecraft are scheduled for launch at intervals of four to six months until the constellation is completed around 2008. The fleet will orbit about 300 miles above Earth in three orbital planes to maximize the number of passes over potential targets.

“The SAR-Lupe program is also a key element of a joint reconnaissance initiative signed between Germany and France four years ago. In the treaty, the two nations agreed to share data from each country’s reconnaissance satellite system. France will be allowed access to German SAR-Lupe imagery, while French optical and infrared data from the Helios 2 system will be shared with Germany, according to the agreement. Tuesday’s launch was the 60th space mission to successfully reach orbit this year.”

Poland at Odds with the EU and Russia

AFP reported on December 20:

“Poland refused to lift its embargo on the opening of EU talks on a wide-ranging agreement with Russia [which it imposed in retaliation to a Russian embargo on Polish meat], despite a fresh initiative from the EU presidency… Since November, Poland has been blocking the start of talks between the whole of the 25-nation EU and Russia on a new political, economic and energy deal, which is meant to replace a decade-old accord that expires in a year… The EU attaches great importance to the new accord, which will have a large chapter on energy supply, aimed at securing a reliable flow from Russia’s massive oil and gas fields as well as tackling the issue of access for EU companies.”

Even though Poland’s concerns towards Russia might very well be justified, it is becoming more and more obvious that the present European system does not work which allows just one country to sabotage proposed agreements between the EU and other countries. We will soon see a revision of this present impractical procedure.

A Crime or Not a Crime?

AFP reported on December 20:

“An Austrian appeals court ruled that the convicted British Holocaust-denier, David Irving, should be released from prison and serve the remainder of his three-year sentence on probation… Irving, 68, has already served 13 months in jail, after being arrested in November 2005. He was sentenced to three years in February this year after being found guilty on three counts of Holocaust denial in remarks he had made in Austria 17 years before… Austrian authorities were debating whether to ban Irving from staying in Austria and were holding him meanwhile in an immigration prison… In presenting the ruling, chief judge Ernst Maurer cited the ‘exceptionally long time since the crime’ as well as Irving’s argument that he no longer denies the Holocaust took place…

“Irving had insisted that he no longer questioned the existence of gas chambers at the Nazis’ Auschwitz concentration camp… Irving was also on trial for saying the November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews was not the work of the Nazis, but of ‘unknown’ people who had dressed up as stormtroopers, and that Adolf Hitler had in fact protected the Jews. He was found guilty on all three denial counts by an eight-person jury. Irving was prosecuted under an Austrian law targeting those who ‘deny the genocide by the National Socialists or other National Socialist crimes against humanity.’ Austria is among 11 countries that have laws against denying the Holocaust, in which some six million Jews were slaughtered by Nazi Germany, mainly in the later years of World War II. Irving became notorious worldwide for attempting to establish, against the evidence, that Hitler was not party to the Holocaust and that the number of Jews slain by the Nazis was greatly exaggerated.”

That the Holocaust is a historical fact, and that the Nazis were responsible for the Kristallnacht, as well as the murder of over six million Jews and millions of other innocent victims, cannot be denied. The question pondered in the USA is, however, whether it should be a crime to do so, or whether this would be a violation of the constitutional right of free speech. According to the universally held understanding in the USA, it clearly would be unconstitutional to enact such a crime. This shows, then, how far certain European countries and the USA are apart in their value systems, even when applied to the fundamental understanding as to whether or not to “criminalize” statements which would be protected under the US Constitution.

The real danger is that Europe will in time enact other laws, making it a crime to express opinions which might be correct, but not in accordance with the politically desired understanding of certain European governments.

This development is clearly prophesied to happen. Please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

New IRS Rules for Charitable Donations

The Associated Press reported on December 15:

“Beginning in the 2007 tax year, taxpayers must provide bank records or other information when claiming deductions for charitable donations of money, the Internal Revenue Service said in newly released guidelines. The IRS said that bank records can include canceled checks, bank or credit union statements and credit card statements that show the name of the charity and the transaction posting date. Taxpayers may also submit a written communication from the charity with the organization’s name, the date of the transaction and the amount of the contribution.

“Money donations are defined as those made in cash, or by check, electronic funds transfer, credit card or payroll deductions. For payroll deductions, the taxpayer should retain a pay stub, W-2 wage statement or other document showing the amount withheld for charity along with the pledge card showing the name of the charity. Previously, taxpayers could back up donations of money with personal bank registers, diaries or notes made around the time of the donation. Such records are no longer sufficient.

“There’s no change in the requirement that a taxpayer get an acknowledgment from the charity for each deductible donation of $250 or more… The tax agency also reminded people making year-end donations that donations charged to a credit card before the end of the year count for 2006, even if the credit-card bill isn’t paid until next year. Checks also count for 2006 as long as they are mailed this year.”

Update 273

Psalm 15 Expounded

On December 23, 2006, Bill Grams will give the sermon titled, “Psalm 15 Expounded.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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"No" Is Not Negative


Sometimes, when we come before God in the right manner–petitioning
Him fervently, obediently, faithfully, humbly and persistently–the
answer that we will receive will be, “No.”

God has said “No” to
many before us and will continue to do so for those that may come after
us. But “No” shouldn’t be viewed in a negative way.

Often we are
unaware of how our request can and will impact our future and the plan
of God, and we won’t understand why we got the response that we did.
Perhaps, there will be a time in the future when we learn why things
didn’t work out the way we thought they should have. But for the time
being, we need to realize that God is completely and totally in charge
of our life, and we can take solace and comfort in the fact that the
right things are going to happen at the right time.

We need to
view a seemingly negative answer in a positive way. God knows what is
best for us. What He does, He does in love and for our own good. We
need to have faith in this! When God says, “No,” it is for our growth
and character. Innately, our hearts are deceitful and there is a way
that seems right to us, but isn’t (Jeremiah 17:9; Proverbs 14:12). We
need to trust God implicitly.

Instead of becoming upset, we need
to look at going in a different direction; knock on other doors; move
on with our life; and don’t become stuck in a quagmire of uncertainty.
We ought to pray: “Teach me your ways, show me your path,” and then
take any course corrections in stride.

God DOES hear the
righteous (Psalm 34:15, 17). We need to keep in mind that in the end,
God wants us to become immortal members in His Kingdom. He will do what
it takes to make sure that we are successful. It is not necessary to
live a life of luxury, but it is of paramount importance to build
character purified by fire.

We should take every opportunity to
glimpse into the mind of God and see what He wants for us. When we
pray, we need to ask for the strength and wherewithal to accept, learn
and move on when God says, “No.”

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Iranians Don’t Approve of Their Leader…

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 19:

“The hardliners in Iran have suffered a major setback at the hands of the Iranian electorate. A combination of a high turnout and close cooperation between the reformists and moderate conservatives succeeded in giving President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a bit of a bloody nose at the ballot box. Partial results from last Friday’s elections for local governments and the powerful Assembly of Experts indicate that the president’s supporters have been widely rejected by the voters… However, the election results do not directly affect the Iranian government, and while it is likely that the poor showing by his allies will weaken the president, it is uncertain if this will provoke any change in policy or rhetoric.”

… But He Continues to Be Controversial

The Associated Press reported on December 16:

“Iran’s president said Saturday his country was ready to transfer nuclear technology to neighboring countries, Kuwaiti television reported, a week after Arab states on the Persian Gulf announced plans to consider a joint nuclear program… Iran is at odds with the United States and its European allies, who accuse Iran of seeking nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear program is aimed solely at the peaceful production of nuclear energy.”

The Middle East Is Facing Worst Crisis…

The EUobserver reported on December 15:

“EU leaders meeting in Brussels on Friday… said the Middle East is facing one of the ‘worst crises in years’ after fighting broke out on Friday between rival Palestinian factions, and Lebanon continues to stand on the verge of internal conflict. ‘The Israeli-Arab conflict is at the heart of this crisis,’ the EU said, urging Israel and Palestine to live ‘side-by-side.'” …

USA Is Not Winning in Iraq

AFP reported on December 20:

“President George W. Bush warned Americans of the need for new ‘sacrifices’ in Iraq next year, and said hard choices await in a war he now grimly admits the United States is not winning. A somber Bush, under fierce pressure to change course in Iraq, also said in a year-end news conference he had not yet decided whether to send a surge of more troops into the country, and said his heart broke for slain US soldiers.”

In a related article, AFP added:

“New US Defense Secretary Robert Gates met top generals in Baghdad to discuss whether or not to send tens of thousands of extra American troops into war-torn Iraq… On Tuesday, a Pentagon report confirmed that sectarian and insurgent violence in Iraq was at an all-time high, due in part to the provocations of radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr’s militia, the Mahdi Army… Washington had hoped to clip the cleric’s wings by persuading a ‘moderate coalition’ of Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds to unite behind the ruling coalition and give it the backbone to face down the gunmen. But on Wednesday a leader of the main Shiite parliamentary bloc earmarked for this task, Hadi al-Ameri of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), described this idea as ‘madness’…

“Despite the latest bloodshed, US forces in Iraq handed responsibility for security in the Shiite province of Najaf to local provincial forces… British and Italian forces have already passed control of two southern provinces to local governors, but Wednesday’s ceremony was the first of its kind in the more volatile US-controlled regions of central Iraq. More provinces are expected to follow suit in the coming weeks.”

In spite of all the rhetoric, the question is this: Are the American people willing to bring more sacrifices in Iraq, including sending more American troops into Iraq, for a war which is admittedly not being won?

Japan Is Becoming More “Patriotic”

CNN reported on December 16:

“Japan’s conservative government chipped away at two pillars of the country’s postwar pacifism, requiring schools to teach patriotism and upgrading the Defense Agency to a full ministry for the first time since World War II. The measures, enacted Friday in a vote by Parliament’s upper house, form key elements of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to bolster Japan’s international military role, build up national pride and distance the country from its post-1945 war guilt…

“The call for more patriotism in the schools coincides with a push by some local governments to crack down on teachers and students who refuse to stand for the national flag or sing an anthem to the emperor at school ceremonies. Postwar Japan has been solidly pacifist under the 1947 U.S.-drafted Constitution, which foreswears Japan from using force to settle international disputes, and Tokyo maintains fighting forces only for self-defense.”

Germany Wants To Become Permanent UN Security Council Member…

The German Press Agency (dpa) reported on December 15:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday she would push hard for a permanent German United Nations Security Council seat in the coming years. ‘We will have this interest–but also an interest that the UN Security Council is reformed,’ she said at a news briefing. Berlin would seek a UN revamp and an upgraded role for Germany in the world body ‘with great intensity,’ she added.
“Present UN Security Council permanent members are Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. The Security Council also has 10 further non-permanent members, positions which are held on a rotating basis. Germany has for years sought a permanent Security Council seat, although some observers claimed it was unclear whether Merkel would continue the effort after her foreign policy successes since taking up office in autumn 2005.”

… While Hoping to Unite a Peaceful Europe

The Week in Germany reported on December 15:

“Germany takes over the rotating six-month EU presidency from Finland on January 1, and Chancellor Angela Merkel outlined three key priority areas…: strengthening Europe’s economy, promoting peace and justice and pressing ahead with a new plan for the European Constitutional Treaty… Merkel… recalled that the EU, which turns 50 next March, was created to maintain peace based on common values, including freedom, justice, democracy, the rule of law and human rights.”

German-French Spy Satellite Program

The following was stated on December 19 in an article of Spaceflight Now:

“The first of a fleet of five identical all-weather German spy satellites was launched Tuesday aboard a Russian rocket to collect high-resolution images of the ground 24 hours a day. Called SAR-Lupe 1, the 1,587-pound craft is Germany’s first reconnaissance satellite. It is fitted with a large radar dish antenna that can pierce darkness and thick clouds to resolve targets. The radar data can be analyzed and turned into images… The craft was built for the German Federal Ministry of Defense by OHB-System AG, an aerospace company based in Bremen, Germany.

“Control of the satellite will be handed over to the German military in mid-January to begin its 10-year reconnaissance mission… Four more SAR-Lupe spacecraft are scheduled for launch at intervals of four to six months until the constellation is completed around 2008. The fleet will orbit about 300 miles above Earth in three orbital planes to maximize the number of passes over potential targets.

“The SAR-Lupe program is also a key element of a joint reconnaissance initiative signed between Germany and France four years ago. In the treaty, the two nations agreed to share data from each country’s reconnaissance satellite system. France will be allowed access to German SAR-Lupe imagery, while French optical and infrared data from the Helios 2 system will be shared with Germany, according to the agreement. Tuesday’s launch was the 60th space mission to successfully reach orbit this year.”

Poland at Odds with the EU and Russia

AFP reported on December 20:

“Poland refused to lift its embargo on the opening of EU talks on a wide-ranging agreement with Russia [which it imposed in retaliation to a Russian embargo on Polish meat], despite a fresh initiative from the EU presidency… Since November, Poland has been blocking the start of talks between the whole of the 25-nation EU and Russia on a new political, economic and energy deal, which is meant to replace a decade-old accord that expires in a year… The EU attaches great importance to the new accord, which will have a large chapter on energy supply, aimed at securing a reliable flow from Russia’s massive oil and gas fields as well as tackling the issue of access for EU companies.”

Even though Poland’s concerns towards Russia might very well be justified, it is becoming more and more obvious that the present European system does not work which allows just one country to sabotage proposed agreements between the EU and other countries. We will soon see a revision of this present impractical procedure.

A Crime or Not a Crime?

AFP reported on December 20:

“An Austrian appeals court ruled that the convicted British Holocaust-denier, David Irving, should be released from prison and serve the remainder of his three-year sentence on probation… Irving, 68, has already served 13 months in jail, after being arrested in November 2005. He was sentenced to three years in February this year after being found guilty on three counts of Holocaust denial in remarks he had made in Austria 17 years before… Austrian authorities were debating whether to ban Irving from staying in Austria and were holding him meanwhile in an immigration prison… In presenting the ruling, chief judge Ernst Maurer cited the ‘exceptionally long time since the crime’ as well as Irving’s argument that he no longer denies the Holocaust took place…

“Irving had insisted that he no longer questioned the existence of gas chambers at the Nazis’ Auschwitz concentration camp… Irving was also on trial for saying the November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom against the Jews was not the work of the Nazis, but of ‘unknown’ people who had dressed up as stormtroopers, and that Adolf Hitler had in fact protected the Jews. He was found guilty on all three denial counts by an eight-person jury. Irving was prosecuted under an Austrian law targeting those who ‘deny the genocide by the National Socialists or other National Socialist crimes against humanity.’ Austria is among 11 countries that have laws against denying the Holocaust, in which some six million Jews were slaughtered by Nazi Germany, mainly in the later years of World War II. Irving became notorious worldwide for attempting to establish, against the evidence, that Hitler was not party to the Holocaust and that the number of Jews slain by the Nazis was greatly exaggerated.”

That the Holocaust is a historical fact, and that the Nazis were responsible for the Kristallnacht, as well as the murder of over six million Jews and millions of other innocent victims, cannot be denied. The question pondered in the USA is, however, whether it should be a crime to do so, or whether this would be a violation of the constitutional right of free speech. According to the universally held understanding in the USA, it clearly would be unconstitutional to enact such a crime. This shows, then, how far certain European countries and the USA are apart in their value systems, even when applied to the fundamental understanding as to whether or not to “criminalize” statements which would be protected under the US Constitution.

The real danger is that Europe will in time enact other laws, making it a crime to express opinions which might be correct, but not in accordance with the politically desired understanding of certain European governments.

This development is clearly prophesied to happen. Please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

New IRS Rules for Charitable Donations

The Associated Press reported on December 15:

“Beginning in the 2007 tax year, taxpayers must provide bank records or other information when claiming deductions for charitable donations of money, the Internal Revenue Service said in newly released guidelines. The IRS said that bank records can include canceled checks, bank or credit union statements and credit card statements that show the name of the charity and the transaction posting date. Taxpayers may also submit a written communication from the charity with the organization’s name, the date of the transaction and the amount of the contribution.

“Money donations are defined as those made in cash, or by check, electronic funds transfer, credit card or payroll deductions. For payroll deductions, the taxpayer should retain a pay stub, W-2 wage statement or other document showing the amount withheld for charity along with the pledge card showing the name of the charity. Previously, taxpayers could back up donations of money with personal bank registers, diaries or notes made around the time of the donation. Such records are no longer sufficient.

“There’s no change in the requirement that a taxpayer get an acknowledgment from the charity for each deductible donation of $250 or more… The tax agency also reminded people making year-end donations that donations charged to a credit card before the end of the year count for 2006, even if the credit-card bill isn’t paid until next year. Checks also count for 2006 as long as they are mailed this year.”

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Does God work out His Master Plan for Man according to a pre-determined time table?

Perhaps no other single event captures the focus of religionists
more than that of the return of Jesus Christ. From the first generation
of the Church of God until now, people have been utterly convinced that
Christ would return in their own lifetime. That has led some into
bitter disappointment and even an absolute abandonment and rejection of
their faith!

In spite of what people concoct in their own
imaginations, is God actually working out His plan according to a
pre-determined time line?

Let’s see what God reveals in His
written Word, and in doing so, let the Bible teach us a true
understanding and a balanced perspective on this important question.

have examined the make-up of this universe, and in their quests, they
have gained remarkable insight about the physical creation of God. One
extraordinary discovery is the approximate age of the universe—about 14
billion years!

With that perspective in mind, consider that the
Bible introduces God’s creation of mankind, and this event is but a
tiny moment in time from the galactic standpoint.

In this
beginning period for the creation that God accomplished that is
associated with man, we find that the earth, the solar system and the
heavens were already in existence! That record is found in Genesis 1,
verses 1 and 2. What follows is the account of God re-establishing life
on the planet (Compare Genesis 1:3-31; 2:1-25).

The earth, as
most scientists will attest, is unique! No other planet in our own
solar system, or any thus far discovered in distant regions is
compatible to life, as we know it. God even states that the earth holds
a special purpose in His creation: “For thus says the LORD, Who created
the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has
established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be
INHABITED…” (Isaiah 45:18).

We find in the first two chapters
of Genesis that God made the earth habitable in a period of six days.
Consider, as well, that the geologic record reveals previous creations
that far pre-date that of man. The fossil record shows physical
creations of a very different nature and purpose; although, there were
similarities in terms of the earth’s environment as well as the
biological aspects of the plant and animal life.

We know very
little about what God did in these earlier times, but we know that
these records found in the earth represent another age of God’s
creative work. Speaking of Jesus Christ, John reveals this staggering
truth: “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was
made that was made” (John 1:3).

In the very beginning of
creation, Jesus Christ was there, and it has been His role, as the
Son—the Word of God—to bring about God’s purpose. Just how
comprehensive this creative work is can be understood in something
stated by Paul in regard to God’s elect, who live “in hope of eternal
life which God, who cannot lie, promised BEFORE TIME BEGAN” (Titus 1:2;
Also, compare 2 Timothy 1:8-10).

This brings us to a very
significant fact—God has His plan in place for the salvation of
mankind, and it was established before the creation of the universe!

Bible reveals that God created life anew on the earth. Six days God
created, and on the seventh day, He rested. Along with the account as
found in Genesis 1 and 2, this creative work of God stands as a
reminder for us in the commandments of God:

“‘Remember the
Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your
work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it
you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your
male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your
stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the
seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed
it’” (Exodus 20:8-11).

The Hebrew word for “made” is “asah”—a
root word meaning “to do” or “make,” but a word with broad application
in the Bible (Strong’s #6213). “Asah” can also mean “bring forth” and
“prepare,” among other definitions. From the perspective we gain in the
first two chapters of Genesis, we learn that God did not create the
universe at the same time of man’s creation. The Hebrew word used in
Genesis 1:1 for “created” is “bara,” [Strong’s #1254), a different word
than used in Exodus 20, where it is said that God “made the heavens and
the earth…”. Rather, He PREPARED the earth and created new life on
it—accomplishing all of this during a period of six days!

in our own solar system, we see that the moon and planets have suffered
a long history of devastation. However, this was not their state in the
beginning of creation—our booklets, “Angels, Demons And The Spirit World” and “The Theory of Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults”—explain in more detail HOW the earth BECAME “without form and void” as mentioned in Genesis 1, verse 2.

day, defined by the rotation of the earth, consists of darkness and
light. In Genesis 1:5, we find that God specifically created and named
this delineation of time: “God called the light day, and the darkness
He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one
day” (NASB). This more literal translation points to the defining
relationship of the sun’s light and the relative position of the earth
to mark out the measurement of a day—both the dark and light periods.

week, consisting of seven days, is a designated measure of time that
God has established. In leading Israel out of Egypt, God again revealed
the Sabbath Day to His people (Compare Exodus 16). In addition, God
also showed Israel how to observe months and years (Compare Exodus
12:2). What God revealed was WHEN the year was to begin. It is evident
that calendars were kept based on months and years—all then being
determined by the rotation of earth, moon and sun along with various
celestial observations. However, God specifically re-established the
correct way to measure time for His nation.

In dealing with
Israel, God also revealed feasts of the Lord—holy convocations. In
Leviticus 23, these feast days are presented. Importantly, God also
revealed that they were to be observed at specific times throughout the
year: “‘These are the feasts of the LORD, holy convocations which you
shall proclaim AT THEIR APPOINTED TIMES’” (Leviticus 23:4).

understood properly, these feast days are an outline of God’s plan for
mankind. They picture key events that fulfill what God has planned and
is bringing to pass. Oftentimes, a particular feast will have a type of
fulfillment that is preparatory to an even greater occurrence. A case
in point is the Passover that took place when Israel was still in
Egypt, and the Passover that Jesus Christ fulfilled by His sacrificial
death on behalf of all of mankind. Christians participate in the annual
Passover celebration in memory of His death.

By this and many
other examples, then, we see that God DOES HAVE HIS PLAN–which is
being carried out according to pre-determined and appointed times and
seasons. God is accomplishing His Will over the vast expanse of
time—His purpose has remained unchanged since the beginning.

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a troubling dream, God revealed
both the dream and its meaning through the prophet Daniel. In this
instance, God let Nebuchadnezzar “see” into the future—here is how
Daniel introduced this revelation: “‘But there is a God in heaven who
reveals secrets, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will
be in the LATTER DAYS…’” (Daniel 2:28).

Besides the detailed
prophecies already fulfilled in God’s plan, the Bible also foretells
many events that will happen in the future. Of particular focus is that
period of time surrounding the return of Jesus Christ to this
earth—called “day of the LORD” and similar terms (For a detailed study
of this topic, please refer to our Q&A in Update #269, November 24, 2006).

in the Biblical record, another powerful national leader, a Pharaoh in
Egypt, had a dream he did not understand. In this case, God showed
Joseph—who then explained the true meaning: “‘And the dream was
repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God, and
God will shortly BRING IT TO PASS’” (Genesis 41:32).

Once again,
we see a clear example of God working out His plan–according to an
allotted time (compare verses 29-30, announcing that seven years of
great plenty and seven years of famine would arise).

We are
challenged to consider the record already written to understand that
God fulfills His Will. Carefully note what God states:

“‘…For I
am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things
that are not yet done, Saying, My counsel shall stand, And I will do
all My pleasure… Indeed I have spoken it; I WILL ALSO BRING IT TO
PASS. I have purposed it; I WILL ALSO DO IT’” (Isaiah 46:9-11).

we must understand that God does not reveal everything beforehand! He
reserves certain aspects of His actions in order to assure the
completion of His plan. Jesus spoke of the time of His return: “‘But of
that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My
Father ONLY’” (Matthew 24:36).

Peter understood that God is
revealing things in a progressive way and that even the prophets, as
well as angels, did not always understand what they prophesied: “To
them [the prophets of old] it was revealed that, not to themselves, but
to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to
you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy
Spirit sent from heaven—things which angels desire to look into” (1
Peter 1:12).

A very striking example of this is found in the Book
of Daniel: “Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, ‘My
lord, what shall be the end of these things?’ And he said, ‘Go your
way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of
the end’” (Daniel 12:8-9. Compare, also, Jeremiah 23:20; 30:24;
Habakkuk 2:3; and Revelation 10:4-7).

With these statements in mind, what, then, can we know about God’s plan?

answer is that we can understand much, and if we are faithfully obeying
God, we will not be caught by surprise! Let’s now examine some very
import keys that God has given to us so that we can comprehend what God
IS revealing.

Is there really any evidence for a 6,000-year plan?
Here is an important Scripture for us to consider in this regard: “But,
beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as
a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:8). This
verse provides a basis for believing that God is working out certain
parts of His plan in the context of 6,000 years.

Another part of
the puzzle is addressed in the period of time in which Jesus will rule
on the earth—a time lasting for 1,000 years (Compare Revelation
20:4-6). This millennial reign is compared to a Sabbath for the people
of God: “Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest…”
(Hebrews 4:1). This verse is speaking of a future fulfillment. The
comparison becomes even more firmly established by this statement in
verse 4: “For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in
this way: ‘And God rested on the seventh day from all His works.’”

we find in the observance of the Feast of Tabernacles another
fulfillment, in type, of the “rest” that God will bring (Compare
Leviticus 23:33-44).

Consider this additional fact concerning the
length of time that has transpired leading up to the time of Jesus
Christ’s birth: “So all the generations from Abraham to David are
fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are
fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the
Christ are fourteen generations” (Matthew 1:17).

Before Abraham
and before the Flood, the Bible records life spans of certain
individuals, and from these, a general idea of the number of years of
that period can be derived. However, even with this information,
experts vary when it comes to exact numbers. We are cautioned to not
overly focus on things of this nature—here is Paul’s warning to Timothy
in this regard: “As I urged you when I went into Macedonia—remain in
Ephesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, nor
give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes
rather than godly edification which is in faith” (1 Timothy 1:3-4).

the account in Daniel, God reveals a long period of time that was to
begin with the reign of Nebuchadnezzar and end with the return of Jesus
Christ (Compare Daniel 2:37-45).

For those who accept the
Biblical record, it is apparent that we are now living in what can
generally be understood as the period of time that is now about 6,000
years since God first created Adam and Eve. The most poignant
conclusion for us is that we are now living in the generation that will
witness the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth.

But a word of caution is in order! To quote from our booklet, “Are You Predestined to Be Saved?”:

Bible, as well as Hebrew tradition, convey the concept that God has
allotted to man about 6,000 years to govern himself, followed by 1,000
years of Godly rule here on earth, under Jesus Christ. Since God
created man on the sixth day, followed by the weekly Sabbath, He has
allotted 6,000 years of self-rule to mankind, followed by God’s
Millennial Sabbath rule of 1,000 years of peace and tranquillity
(compare Hebrews 4:4, 9, and 11).

“Some have pointed to 2 Peter
3:8, claiming that God allotted man exactly 6,000 years to rule this
earth, and that after exactly 6,000 years, Christ will return. However,
that is not what 2 Peter 3:8 conveys. The Scripture reads: ‘… with
the Lord one day is AS a thousand years, and a thousand years AS one

“This Scripture does not provide us with a fixed date. The
Greek word for ‘as’ is ‘hos,’ and it can also be translated as ‘about.’
(Compare Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, under ‘about.’)
In fact, the Authorized Version translates this word 14 times as
‘about.’ For instance, the word ‘hos’ is correctly translated as
‘about’ in passages such as Mark 8:9; Luke 2:37; 8:42; and John 1:39.

points out, under #5613, that the Greek word ‘hos’ is ‘… very
variously used, as follows: about, … (according) as (it had been, it
were)… even as (like)…’

“From this we can know that 2 Peter
3:8 conveys the principle that in the eyes of God one day is ABOUT
1,000 years—not necessarily exactly so.”

Although Jesus plainly
taught that we would not know the exact day of His return, He,
nonetheless, did reveal that we could know the generational time frame:

learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already
become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So
you also, when you see all these things, know that it is NEAR—AT THE
DOORS! Assuredly, I say to you, THIS GENERATION will by no means pass
away till all these things take place’” (Matthew 24:32-34).

Jesus also tells His followers to WATCH and be READY (Compare Matthew 24:42-44; 25:10, 13; Revelation 16:15).

the very beginning of mankind’s creation, God has taken the actual six
days in which He re-established the earth and life upon it and He has
shown that man was also to work for six days (Compare Exodus 20:9). He
has also revealed the seventh day as a Holy time—the Sabbath—a type of
the 1,000-year reign of Christ and His saints in the Kingdom of God.
This clear type and antitype for the Sabbath find their counterpart in
the weekly labor of man and the period of man’s self-rule under Satan’s

We may conclude that there is strong evidence to
support the fact that God is working out a set time for His great
master plan. In addition, it appears that man will have his portion of
the week to fulfill—a period of about 6,000 years.

consider this assurance from God—an absolute promise when it comes to
understanding what God is doing: “Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

Lead Writers: Dave Harris and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Talus Zane Harris was born at 4:00 AM on December 21, 2006. He
weighed 8 lbs and 2 ounces and was 20 3/4″ long. His parents, Robb and
Laura Harris, and brother Caymus live in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Our new booklet, “Human Suffering, Why… and How Much Longer?,”
has been printed and shipped from England to Canada and the USA. It
should arrive in the USA by the middle of next week. We plan to send it
to our U.S. subscribers with the January member letter. The booklet has
been posted on our Website.

Our new member letter for December, which was written by the ministry, has been posted on the Website.

Link’s video-recorded sermons, “Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 2,” and “Flee Idolatry,” have been
posted on Google Video. The audio versions of both sermons have
been posted, as usual, on our Website.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Flee Idolatry

Idolatry is a deadly enemy which we must overcome. Idolatry presents itself in many different forms and disguises. Don’t assume that you are not guilty of idolatry in God’s eyes, only because you might not be violating the most obvious prohibitions.
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Current Events

No Talks with Syria and Iran?

The Telegraph reported on December 8:

“Differences have emerged between Tony Blair and George Bush on strategy in the Middle East, even as the two leaders agreed that a major change of course was necessary in Iraq in the wake of the devastating critique delivered this week by a high-level bipartisan panel in Washington… at a joint press conference after a White House meeting yesterday, the President ruled out early talks with Iran and Syria… on which Britain seems much keener… But the direct talks with Tehran seen by some experts as an essential part of a new US strategy remain out of the question, Mr Bush stressed, until the regime verifiably suspended uranium enrichment. British officials later refused to make such a connection, pointing to the full diplomatic relations that exist between London and Tehran. In the case of Syria–recently visited by Mr Blair’s top foreign policy adviser–Mr Bush was equally uncompromising. Any serious discussions between Washington and Damascus depended on Syria not fomenting terrorism against Iraq and ceasing its meddling in Lebanon, he said…

“Yesterday’s meeting was a sombre occasion, the first at which the two architects of the war had to confront, head on and in public together, the recent slide towards anarchy in Iraq. A tired-looking Mr Bush acknowledged that the situation was ‘bad’ and ‘very tough,’ and that the task ahead was ‘daunting.’ But, he warned, the stakes could not be higher. A terrorist-dominated Middle East, he said, represented ‘an unprecedented threat to civilisation’. As unwilling as ever to admit error, he described America’s involvement in Iraq as ‘a noble mission’. Unlike the Prime Minister, he spoke explicitly of ‘victory’; insisting that it was ‘important for the entire world’ that the US and Britain prevailed.

“The two countries were facing ‘a difficult moment’ in Iraq. But Mr Bush noted that yesterday was the 65th anniversary of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour, the event that propelled the US into the Second World War, in which Britain and the US had fought side by side. They had faced difficult moments then but had prevailed, just as they would in this conflict. But differences in emphasis were evident. Mr Bush seemed only half-heartedly to accept the link between the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the crises in Lebanon and Iraq, all of which involve a clash between moderation and extremism, as the Prime Minister believes.”

For more information, please view our StandingWatch program: “How to Solve Iraq’s Problems…”

Kirk Douglas: “The World Is in a Mess”

On December 9, PRNewswire published an interesting press release from famous actor Kirk Douglas. We are reproducing the following excerpts:

“My name is Kirk Douglas… I was a movie star and I’m Michael Douglas’ dad, Catherine Zeta-Jones’ father-in-law, and the grandparent of their two children. Today I celebrate my 90th birthday. I have a message to convey to America’s young people. A 90th birthday is special. In my case, this birthday is not only special but miraculous. I survived World War II, a helicopter crash, a stroke, and two new knees… Instead of making a silent wish for myself, I want to make a LOUD wish for THE WORLD.

“Let’s face it: THE WORLD IS IN A MESS and you are inheriting it… You are the group facing many problems: abject poverty, global warming, genocide, AIDS, and suicide bombers to name a few. These problems exist, and the world is silent. We have done very little to solve these problems. Now, we leave it to you. You have to fix it because the situation is intolerable.

“You need to… care about people and the world you live in. We live in the best country in the world. I know. My parents were Russian immigrants. America is a country where EVERYONE, regardless of race, creed, or age has a chance. I had that chance. You are the generation that is most impacted and the generation that can make a difference.

“I love this country because I came from a life of poverty. I was able to work my way through college and go into acting, the field that I love. There is no guarantee in this country that you will be successful. But you always have a chance. Nothing should interfere with it. You have to make sure that nothing stands in the way.”

Arab World on the Brink of Exploding

AFP reported on December 9:

“Saudi King Abdullah opened the annual summit of Gulf leaders with a warning that the Arab world was on the brink of exploding because of conflicts in the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Lebanon. ‘Our Arab region is besieged by a number of dangers, as if it was a powder keg waiting for a spark to explode,’ he [said]… The Palestinians were reeling from ‘a hostile and ugly occupation’ by Israel while the international community watched their ‘bloody tragedy like a spectator,’ Abdullah said. But ‘most dangerous for the (Palestinian) cause is the conflict among brethren,’ he said in a reference to the differences between Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas’s Fatah faction and the Islamist Hamas movement that have blocked the formation of a unity government. In Iraq ‘a brother is still killing his brother,’ Abdullah said of the tit-for-tat killings between the Sunni Arab former elite and the ruling Shiite majority. Abdullah also warned that Lebanon, which was rocked by civil war in 1975-1990, risked sliding into renewed civil strife as a result of the current standoff between pro- and anti-Syrian camps.”

Iraq’s Grim Death Toll

The Associated Press reported on December 9:

“As of Saturday, Dec. 9, 2006, at least 2,930 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003… The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 2,356 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military’s numbers… The British military has reported 126 deaths; Italy, 33; Ukraine, 18; Poland, 18; Bulgaria, 13; Spain, 11; Denmark, six; El Salvador, five; Slovakia, four; Estonia, Netherlands, Thailand, two each; and Australia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Romania, one death each.”

This is almost the same number as the reported deaths on September 11th.

Rumsfeld Sued in U.S. Civil Court for Violation of Constitution and Civil Rights

MSNBC reported on December 8 that former alien detainees have filed a civil lawsuit against Don Rumsfeld. They argue that Rumsfeld is guilty of “‘derelictions of duty and command’ and promoting the practice of inflicting ‘physical and psychological injuries’ on civilians held by the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan… The former detainees accuse Rumsfeld and others of being personally responsible for approving torture techniques and violating the U.S. Constitution. Rumsfeld argues that they are all immune from liability… [and that] ‘alien military detainees held outside the United States are not generally entitled to constitutional protections.’…

“The former detainees who filed the lawsuit say they were all eventually released from detention and never charged with any crime or wrongdoing. The detainees–five were held at Abu Ghraib and four at Bagram–accuse Rumsfeld and the others of subjecting them to ‘torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including severe and repeated beatings, cutting with knives, sexual humiliation and assault, confinement in a wooden box, forcible sleep and sensory deprivation, mock executions, death threats, and restraint in contorted and excruciating positions,’ according to court documents.

“The suit seeks compensatory damages and a judicial declaration that the legal rights of the prisoners were violated under the Constitution, the Geneva accords and other international law. Although allegations in the suit are the equivalent of war crimes, it is a civil case, not a criminal one. Only the U.S. government is empowered to prosecute war crimes in criminal court or before a military court.”

Will Germany Get Involved?

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 7:

“The Iraq Study Group on Wednesday released its long awaited report on the increasingly chaotic situation in Iraq. And one of its central recommendations was, as expected, to talk directly with two of President George W. Bush’s most hated countries: Syria and Iran. Should he agree, Germany may be just the country to help him proceed. Indeed, Karsten Voigt, Berlin’s coordinator for German-American relations, wants Germany to play a central role in bringing Washington to the table with Damascus and Tehran. The Germans have long pushed for the dialogue, which they see as critical to regional stability.’Germans and Europeans can help here and mediate, but they can never replace direct talks between the US and Syria or Iran,’ Voigt told the Berliner Zeitung…

“Germany finds itself right in the middle of the diplomatic triangle. Last week, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier paid a visit to Damascus. He delivered a stern message to President Assad that Syria will only get his help in emerging from international isolation if it stops contributing to Lebanon’s instability. On Wednesday, Steinmeier’s travels will take him to Washington for consultations with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Syria is sure to be on the agenda. Germany’s nice-making with Syria has been as controversial within Europe as in the US.

“When it comes to speaking with Iran, Europe is more united. President Bush has said he would join Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China in talks with Tehran if Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad first suspends uranium enrichment. But the Iraq Study Group is urging Bush to hold talks ‘without preconditions.’ If the situation in Iraq deteriorates, says the report, Iran might ‘send in troops to restore stability in southern Iraq and perhaps gain control of oil fields.’ Voigt sees this as Germany’s moment to shine diplomatically. ‘Europe and the US can only be successful in the region if they are both strong and attractive and cooperate well,’ he said.”

Is Israel Going to Give Control of Parts of Mount Zion to the Vatican?

Israel National News published the following report on December 10:

“[Prime Minister] Olmert [of Israel] will meet in the Vatican this week with Pope Benedict–two weeks after Israeli diplomats confirmed the reopening of talks over the status of church property on Mt. Zion and elsewhere… A year ago… a Foreign Ministry official admitted that a blueprint of an agreement with the Vatican giving it control of parts of Mt. Zion in Jerusalem–also known as King David’s burial site–had been received. The proposed contract read as follows:

“‘The State of Israel hands over to the Holy See the use of the Cenacle [the room of the event known as the Last Supper, above King David’s tomb – ed.], of the access path to it, and of the spaces adjacent to it… It is the Holy See’s intention to inform the Bishops – and through them the world’s Priests – that the Catholic Church has been given the use of the Cenacle, inviting them to visit the Holy Place together with their faithful…’

“At the time, President Moshe Katzav was about to embark on a visit to the Vatican. In the face of increasing public pressure, he was forced to deny any plans to sign away the King David’s complex in Jerusalem. It now appears, however, that this option has once again surfaced.”

Israel Worries About President Bush

AFP reported on December 8:

“Israel’s foreign minister has arrived in the United States amid worries that the Jewish state’s main ally could shift course after a report [by the Iraq Study Group or ISG] urged Washington to redouble Mideast peacemaking efforts… ‘The fact that [Bush] has decided to support Blair’s visit to the region and to present this trip as a joint mission of Britain and the United States shows that Bush intends to at least try to change his policy,’ Israel’s Yediot Aharonot daily wrote Friday. The newspaper went on to slam the Iraq report, accusing its chief authors James Baker and Lee Hamilton of ignoring Israel while preparing the report.

“‘If the truth be told, they barely paid any attention to us,’ the newspaper lamented. ‘For 14 years, Israel enjoyed warm and pampering attention, under Clinton and Bush. Now, in light of the catastrophe in Iraq, Baker and Hamilton wish to restore us to our proper proportions.’ Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has also expressed dissatisfaction with the report’s recommendations. Speaking to reporters on Thursday, he said US problems in Iraq ‘are entirely independent of the controversy between us and the Palestinians.'”

Radioactive Polonium Surfaces in Germany

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 11:

“The cloud of intrigue around the death of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko continues to thicken… In true Cold War thriller fashion, a German connection has now been uncovered, with traces of the radioactive isotope polonium-210 which poisoned Litvinenko being found in Hamburg… Russia’s ambassador to Berlin, Vladimir Kotenev, on Sunday rejected criticism from the German government that the Russians were not doing enough to investigate the case… The discovery prompted German Chancellor Angela Merkel to warn the Russian government that cases such as Litvinenko’s death and the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya risked damaging Russia’s image abroad…

“Litvinenko died on November 23 after receiving a lethal dose of polonium-210. In a statement he issued shortly before his death, he accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of being responsible for his poisoning. The Kremlin has denied involvement in the case, which has revived memories of Cold War espionage, strained relations between Russia and Britain, and sparked a number of conspiracy theories.”

German Federal Government’s Latest “Disgrace”

On December 11, the German press, including Bild Online, reported about another incredible case of perceived incompetence of the German federal government, calling it the latest “giant disgrace.” According to Bild, the federal government deliberated for over six months how to ban smoking in trains, public buildings and discotheques, before announcing on Sunday that they are not even competent, for lack of jurisdiction, to make such decisions. Germany’s 16 states have extensive rights that cannot be overridden by Berlin. Bild asked: “Are our Politicians totally covered with smoke?”

Chile’s Pinochet Dies

AFP reported on December 11:

“Riot police clashed with thousands of demonstrators late Sunday celebrating the death of Chile’s former dictator Augusto Pinochet, as his body lay in a humble military school chapel. The former strongman died on Sunday aged 91, having evaded years of efforts to bring him to trial for thousands of cases of murder and torture arising from his 1973-1990 regime… The death of Pinochet, who came to power in a US-backed military coup in 1973 that toppled the Socialist government of Salvador Allende, struck a deep nerve in a country where many suffered under his regime and others defend it as salvation from the road to communism.

“The United States, which supported Pinochet’s 1973 coup against Allende, expressed sympathy for the victims of Pinochet’s regime… Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher was ‘greatly saddened’ by Pinochet’s death, her spokesman said on Sunday… Thatcher, who was prime minister from 1979 to 1990, would send her ‘deepest condolences’ to his widow and family. Left and right-wing political parties in Spain regretted that Pinochet had died before being brought to justice for atrocities committed under his regime… Some 3,000 people, by official count, were killed or disappeared under Pinochet’s regime.”

Freedom of the Internet?

Ireland-on-Line reported on December 8:

“Nearly one third of journalists now serving time in prisons around the world published their work on the internet, the second-largest category behind print journalists, the US committee to protect journalists said today. The bulk of internet journalists in jail–49 in total–shows that ‘authoritarian states are becoming more determined to control the internet,’ said Joel Simon, the New York-based group’s executive director…

“When Iranian journalist Mojtaba Saminejad was sentenced to two years in prison for insulting his country’s leader, it was not for an article that appeared in a newspaper. His offending story was posted on his personal weblog. Other noteworthy imprisoned internet journalists include US video blogger Joshua Wolf, who refused to give a grand jury his footage of a 2005 protest against a G-8 economic summit, and China’s Shi Tao, who is serving a 10-year sentence for posting online instructions by the government on how to cover the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown.

“For the second year in a row, CPJ’s annual survey found the total number of journalists in jail worldwide has increased. There were 134 reporters, editors and photographers incarcerated as of December 1, nine more than a year ago… In addition to the internet writers, the total includes 67 print journalists, eight TV reporters, eight radio reporters and two documentary filmmakers.

“Among the 24 nations that have imprisoned reporters, China topped the list for the eighth consecutive year with 31 journalists behind bars–19 of them internet journalists. Cuba was second with 24 reporters in prison…

“The US government and military has detained three journalists, including Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein, who was taken into custody in Iraq nine months ago and has yet to be charged with a crime…

“Cuban journalist Manuel Vasquez-Portal said he posted his articles on a Miami-based website because: ‘It was the only way to get the truth out of Cuba.’ Mr Vasquez-Portal, who was jailed for 15 months in 2003, said he had to call his stories in to the operator of the website, though, because Cubans are not allowed access to the internet.”

Christmas PAGAN-Inspired

On December 11, USA Today published a thought-provoking article by Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of women’s studies and religion at Skidmore College. She wrote:

“Happy holidays!

“Have I just offended you? If you are a member of the American Family Association, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights or the Committee to Save Merry Christmas, I probably have.

“For the second year in a row, conservative Christian groups have threatened boycotts of big-box and department stores whose advertisements for ‘holiday trees’ and whose hearty if non-specific holiday well-wishes reflect, these groups say, an ‘anti-Christian and anti-Christmas bias.’…

“Yet there is a deep, and seasonal, irony here – one that might come as a shock to the ‘Save Merry Christmas’ crowd. For Christmas is, in its origins and its symbolism, perhaps the most pagan-inspired of all Christian holidays. Its dating derives from the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, which was determined by the winter solstice, that astronomical point in the year after which the periods of sunlight on Earth lengthen…

“Most of the popular symbols surrounding Christmas–evergreen trees and other greenery, mistletoe and holly, the Yule log, candles and bonfires and holiday lights, mystical spirits with the ability to fly and to enter and leave a house through its chimney, tricksters who treat or taunt little children, not to mention those elves–all derive from older, pre-Christian Europe. These pagan-derived symbols and customs are precisely the elements of Christmas that Christian activists are pressing to preserve and promote, in venues such as Target and Macy’s.”

For more information on the REAL origins of Christmas, please read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas!”

The Certainty of Death

Let’s make no mistake–death IS our greatest enemy. When we
experience the death of a loved one, we are sobered and reminded of the
certainty of death. We know that we will die. Ecclesiastes 7:1-2
challenges us to take to heart and to meditate about the fact that
death is real.

We mourn in the face of death. It is alright to
mourn. Jesus cried over the death of Lazarus. The ancients of the
Bible, including Abraham and Moses, mourned over the death of their
loved ones. We are in mourning right now over the death of our beloved
Senior Pastor, Edwin Pope.

But even though we mourn, we do not despair. Even though we reflect, we do not lose hope.

Because there IS hope beyond the grave.

the Christ abolished death and brought life and immortality to light
through the gospel (2 Timothy 1:10). Even though we will die, we will
live again. Jesus tells us: “I am the resurrection and the [eternal] life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. We can find
comfort in these assuring words: “He Himself likewise shared in the
same [becoming a flesh-and-blood human being], that through death He
might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and
release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject
to bondage” (Hebrews 2:14-15).

Death is man’s enemy. But Jesus
Christ conquered death. He was raised from the dead. He became
victorious over death (1 Corinthians 15:54; Isaiah 25:8). And He is
giving us that victory (1 Corinthians 15:57). When we believe and obey
Him, we will not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:15).

are tremendous promises–awesome words which prove God’s comforting
love for us. And while we wait for the resurrection of the just at the
time of Christ’s return, we consider these statements of truth:

righteous perishes… merciful men are taken away… the righteous is
taken away from evil. He shall enter into peace; they shall rest…”
(Isaiah 57:1-2). We also reflect on this reality: “Blessed are the dead
who die in the Lord from now on… that they may rest from their
labors, and their works follow them” (Revelation 14:13).

in the face of death, we meditate about our own lives–being reminded
that we should “number our days” (Psalm 90:12); knowing that we too
will die and have to give an account. But we are also assured that even
“if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all
things” (1 John 3:20). We may slip and fall, but as long as we remain
“in Christ,” and as long as His love remains in us, we will succeed and
conquer death. Paul exclaims with joy: “Who shall bring a charge
against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns?
It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at
the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Romans

We will not die forever. Victory will triumph over our
death. Paul was convinced that in all things, even in death, “we are
more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). We will
be awakened from the temporary sleep of death by the voice of Jesus
Christ–we will be raised to everlasting life. When we have become
immortal, eternal, incorruptible Spirit beings in our Father’s Kingdom,
then, truly, “Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54).

was persuaded that nothing, including death, “shall be able to separate
us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans

Because it is the certainty of Life–not death–which is our ultimate destiny.

Update 272

Flee Idolatry!

On December 16, 2006, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “Flee Idolatry!”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Certainty of Death

by Norbert Link

Let’s make no mistake–death IS our greatest enemy. When we
experience the death of a loved one, we are sobered and reminded of the
certainty of death. We know that we will die. Ecclesiastes 7:1-2
challenges us to take to heart and to meditate about the fact that
death is real.

We mourn in the face of death. It is alright to
mourn. Jesus cried over the death of Lazarus. The ancients of the
Bible, including Abraham and Moses, mourned over the death of their
loved ones. We are in mourning right now over the death of our beloved
Senior Pastor, Edwin Pope.

But even though we mourn, we do not despair. Even though we reflect, we do not lose hope.

Because there IS hope beyond the grave.

the Christ abolished death and brought life and immortality to light
through the gospel (2 Timothy 1:10). Even though we will die, we will
live again. Jesus tells us: “I am the resurrection and the [eternal] life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. We can find
comfort in these assuring words: “He Himself likewise shared in the
same [becoming a flesh-and-blood human being], that through death He
might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and
release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject
to bondage” (Hebrews 2:14-15).

Death is man’s enemy. But Jesus
Christ conquered death. He was raised from the dead. He became
victorious over death (1 Corinthians 15:54; Isaiah 25:8). And He is
giving us that victory (1 Corinthians 15:57). When we believe and obey
Him, we will not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:15).

are tremendous promises–awesome words which prove God’s comforting
love for us. And while we wait for the resurrection of the just at the
time of Christ’s return, we consider these statements of truth:

righteous perishes… merciful men are taken away… the righteous is
taken away from evil. He shall enter into peace; they shall rest…”
(Isaiah 57:1-2). We also reflect on this reality: “Blessed are the dead
who die in the Lord from now on… that they may rest from their
labors, and their works follow them” (Revelation 14:13).

in the face of death, we meditate about our own lives–being reminded
that we should “number our days” (Psalm 90:12); knowing that we too
will die and have to give an account. But we are also assured that even
“if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all
things” (1 John 3:20). We may slip and fall, but as long as we remain
“in Christ,” and as long as His love remains in us, we will succeed and
conquer death. Paul exclaims with joy: “Who shall bring a charge
against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns?
It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at
the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Romans

We will not die forever. Victory will triumph over our
death. Paul was convinced that in all things, even in death, “we are
more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). We will
be awakened from the temporary sleep of death by the voice of Jesus
Christ–we will be raised to everlasting life. When we have become
immortal, eternal, incorruptible Spirit beings in our Father’s Kingdom,
then, truly, “Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54).

was persuaded that nothing, including death, “shall be able to separate
us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans

Because it is the certainty of Life–not death–which is our ultimate destiny.

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No Talks with Syria and Iran?

The Telegraph reported on December 8:

“Differences have emerged between Tony Blair and George Bush on strategy in the Middle East, even as the two leaders agreed that a major change of course was necessary in Iraq in the wake of the devastating critique delivered this week by a high-level bipartisan panel in Washington… at a joint press conference after a White House meeting yesterday, the President ruled out early talks with Iran and Syria… on which Britain seems much keener… But the direct talks with Tehran seen by some experts as an essential part of a new US strategy remain out of the question, Mr Bush stressed, until the regime verifiably suspended uranium enrichment. British officials later refused to make such a connection, pointing to the full diplomatic relations that exist between London and Tehran. In the case of Syria–recently visited by Mr Blair’s top foreign policy adviser–Mr Bush was equally uncompromising. Any serious discussions between Washington and Damascus depended on Syria not fomenting terrorism against Iraq and ceasing its meddling in Lebanon, he said…

“Yesterday’s meeting was a sombre occasion, the first at which the two architects of the war had to confront, head on and in public together, the recent slide towards anarchy in Iraq. A tired-looking Mr Bush acknowledged that the situation was ‘bad’ and ‘very tough,’ and that the task ahead was ‘daunting.’ But, he warned, the stakes could not be higher. A terrorist-dominated Middle East, he said, represented ‘an unprecedented threat to civilisation’. As unwilling as ever to admit error, he described America’s involvement in Iraq as ‘a noble mission’. Unlike the Prime Minister, he spoke explicitly of ‘victory’; insisting that it was ‘important for the entire world’ that the US and Britain prevailed.

“The two countries were facing ‘a difficult moment’ in Iraq. But Mr Bush noted that yesterday was the 65th anniversary of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour, the event that propelled the US into the Second World War, in which Britain and the US had fought side by side. They had faced difficult moments then but had prevailed, just as they would in this conflict. But differences in emphasis were evident. Mr Bush seemed only half-heartedly to accept the link between the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the crises in Lebanon and Iraq, all of which involve a clash between moderation and extremism, as the Prime Minister believes.”

For more information, please view our StandingWatch program: “How to Solve Iraq’s Problems…”

Kirk Douglas: “The World Is in a Mess”

On December 9, PRNewswire published an interesting press release from famous actor Kirk Douglas. We are reproducing the following excerpts:

“My name is Kirk Douglas… I was a movie star and I’m Michael Douglas’ dad, Catherine Zeta-Jones’ father-in-law, and the grandparent of their two children. Today I celebrate my 90th birthday. I have a message to convey to America’s young people. A 90th birthday is special. In my case, this birthday is not only special but miraculous. I survived World War II, a helicopter crash, a stroke, and two new knees… Instead of making a silent wish for myself, I want to make a LOUD wish for THE WORLD.

“Let’s face it: THE WORLD IS IN A MESS and you are inheriting it… You are the group facing many problems: abject poverty, global warming, genocide, AIDS, and suicide bombers to name a few. These problems exist, and the world is silent. We have done very little to solve these problems. Now, we leave it to you. You have to fix it because the situation is intolerable.

“You need to… care about people and the world you live in. We live in the best country in the world. I know. My parents were Russian immigrants. America is a country where EVERYONE, regardless of race, creed, or age has a chance. I had that chance. You are the generation that is most impacted and the generation that can make a difference.

“I love this country because I came from a life of poverty. I was able to work my way through college and go into acting, the field that I love. There is no guarantee in this country that you will be successful. But you always have a chance. Nothing should interfere with it. You have to make sure that nothing stands in the way.”

Arab World on the Brink of Exploding

AFP reported on December 9:

“Saudi King Abdullah opened the annual summit of Gulf leaders with a warning that the Arab world was on the brink of exploding because of conflicts in the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Lebanon. ‘Our Arab region is besieged by a number of dangers, as if it was a powder keg waiting for a spark to explode,’ he [said]… The Palestinians were reeling from ‘a hostile and ugly occupation’ by Israel while the international community watched their ‘bloody tragedy like a spectator,’ Abdullah said. But ‘most dangerous for the (Palestinian) cause is the conflict among brethren,’ he said in a reference to the differences between Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas’s Fatah faction and the Islamist Hamas movement that have blocked the formation of a unity government. In Iraq ‘a brother is still killing his brother,’ Abdullah said of the tit-for-tat killings between the Sunni Arab former elite and the ruling Shiite majority. Abdullah also warned that Lebanon, which was rocked by civil war in 1975-1990, risked sliding into renewed civil strife as a result of the current standoff between pro- and anti-Syrian camps.”

Iraq’s Grim Death Toll

The Associated Press reported on December 9:

“As of Saturday, Dec. 9, 2006, at least 2,930 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003… The figure includes seven military civilians. At least 2,356 died as a result of hostile action, according to the military’s numbers… The British military has reported 126 deaths; Italy, 33; Ukraine, 18; Poland, 18; Bulgaria, 13; Spain, 11; Denmark, six; El Salvador, five; Slovakia, four; Estonia, Netherlands, Thailand, two each; and Australia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Romania, one death each.”

This is almost the same number as the reported deaths on September 11th.

Rumsfeld Sued in U.S. Civil Court for Violation of Constitution and Civil Rights

MSNBC reported on December 8 that former alien detainees have filed a civil lawsuit against Don Rumsfeld. They argue that Rumsfeld is guilty of “‘derelictions of duty and command’ and promoting the practice of inflicting ‘physical and psychological injuries’ on civilians held by the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan… The former detainees accuse Rumsfeld and others of being personally responsible for approving torture techniques and violating the U.S. Constitution. Rumsfeld argues that they are all immune from liability… [and that] ‘alien military detainees held outside the United States are not generally entitled to constitutional protections.’…

“The former detainees who filed the lawsuit say they were all eventually released from detention and never charged with any crime or wrongdoing. The detainees–five were held at Abu Ghraib and four at Bagram–accuse Rumsfeld and the others of subjecting them to ‘torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, including severe and repeated beatings, cutting with knives, sexual humiliation and assault, confinement in a wooden box, forcible sleep and sensory deprivation, mock executions, death threats, and restraint in contorted and excruciating positions,’ according to court documents.

“The suit seeks compensatory damages and a judicial declaration that the legal rights of the prisoners were violated under the Constitution, the Geneva accords and other international law. Although allegations in the suit are the equivalent of war crimes, it is a civil case, not a criminal one. Only the U.S. government is empowered to prosecute war crimes in criminal court or before a military court.”

Will Germany Get Involved?

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 7:

“The Iraq Study Group on Wednesday released its long awaited report on the increasingly chaotic situation in Iraq. And one of its central recommendations was, as expected, to talk directly with two of President George W. Bush’s most hated countries: Syria and Iran. Should he agree, Germany may be just the country to help him proceed. Indeed, Karsten Voigt, Berlin’s coordinator for German-American relations, wants Germany to play a central role in bringing Washington to the table with Damascus and Tehran. The Germans have long pushed for the dialogue, which they see as critical to regional stability.’Germans and Europeans can help here and mediate, but they can never replace direct talks between the US and Syria or Iran,’ Voigt told the Berliner Zeitung…

“Germany finds itself right in the middle of the diplomatic triangle. Last week, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier paid a visit to Damascus. He delivered a stern message to President Assad that Syria will only get his help in emerging from international isolation if it stops contributing to Lebanon’s instability. On Wednesday, Steinmeier’s travels will take him to Washington for consultations with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Syria is sure to be on the agenda. Germany’s nice-making with Syria has been as controversial within Europe as in the US.

“When it comes to speaking with Iran, Europe is more united. President Bush has said he would join Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China in talks with Tehran if Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad first suspends uranium enrichment. But the Iraq Study Group is urging Bush to hold talks ‘without preconditions.’ If the situation in Iraq deteriorates, says the report, Iran might ‘send in troops to restore stability in southern Iraq and perhaps gain control of oil fields.’ Voigt sees this as Germany’s moment to shine diplomatically. ‘Europe and the US can only be successful in the region if they are both strong and attractive and cooperate well,’ he said.”

Is Israel Going to Give Control of Parts of Mount Zion to the Vatican?

Israel National News published the following report on December 10:

“[Prime Minister] Olmert [of Israel] will meet in the Vatican this week with Pope Benedict–two weeks after Israeli diplomats confirmed the reopening of talks over the status of church property on Mt. Zion and elsewhere… A year ago… a Foreign Ministry official admitted that a blueprint of an agreement with the Vatican giving it control of parts of Mt. Zion in Jerusalem–also known as King David’s burial site–had been received. The proposed contract read as follows:

“‘The State of Israel hands over to the Holy See the use of the Cenacle [the room of the event known as the Last Supper, above King David’s tomb – ed.], of the access path to it, and of the spaces adjacent to it… It is the Holy See’s intention to inform the Bishops – and through them the world’s Priests – that the Catholic Church has been given the use of the Cenacle, inviting them to visit the Holy Place together with their faithful…’

“At the time, President Moshe Katzav was about to embark on a visit to the Vatican. In the face of increasing public pressure, he was forced to deny any plans to sign away the King David’s complex in Jerusalem. It now appears, however, that this option has once again surfaced.”

Israel Worries About President Bush

AFP reported on December 8:

“Israel’s foreign minister has arrived in the United States amid worries that the Jewish state’s main ally could shift course after a report [by the Iraq Study Group or ISG] urged Washington to redouble Mideast peacemaking efforts… ‘The fact that [Bush] has decided to support Blair’s visit to the region and to present this trip as a joint mission of Britain and the United States shows that Bush intends to at least try to change his policy,’ Israel’s Yediot Aharonot daily wrote Friday. The newspaper went on to slam the Iraq report, accusing its chief authors James Baker and Lee Hamilton of ignoring Israel while preparing the report.

“‘If the truth be told, they barely paid any attention to us,’ the newspaper lamented. ‘For 14 years, Israel enjoyed warm and pampering attention, under Clinton and Bush. Now, in light of the catastrophe in Iraq, Baker and Hamilton wish to restore us to our proper proportions.’ Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has also expressed dissatisfaction with the report’s recommendations. Speaking to reporters on Thursday, he said US problems in Iraq ‘are entirely independent of the controversy between us and the Palestinians.'”

Radioactive Polonium Surfaces in Germany

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 11:

“The cloud of intrigue around the death of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko continues to thicken… In true Cold War thriller fashion, a German connection has now been uncovered, with traces of the radioactive isotope polonium-210 which poisoned Litvinenko being found in Hamburg… Russia’s ambassador to Berlin, Vladimir Kotenev, on Sunday rejected criticism from the German government that the Russians were not doing enough to investigate the case… The discovery prompted German Chancellor Angela Merkel to warn the Russian government that cases such as Litvinenko’s death and the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya risked damaging Russia’s image abroad…

“Litvinenko died on November 23 after receiving a lethal dose of polonium-210. In a statement he issued shortly before his death, he accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of being responsible for his poisoning. The Kremlin has denied involvement in the case, which has revived memories of Cold War espionage, strained relations between Russia and Britain, and sparked a number of conspiracy theories.”

German Federal Government’s Latest “Disgrace”

On December 11, the German press, including Bild Online, reported about another incredible case of perceived incompetence of the German federal government, calling it the latest “giant disgrace.” According to Bild, the federal government deliberated for over six months how to ban smoking in trains, public buildings and discotheques, before announcing on Sunday that they are not even competent, for lack of jurisdiction, to make such decisions. Germany’s 16 states have extensive rights that cannot be overridden by Berlin. Bild asked: “Are our Politicians totally covered with smoke?”

Chile’s Pinochet Dies

AFP reported on December 11:

“Riot police clashed with thousands of demonstrators late Sunday celebrating the death of Chile’s former dictator Augusto Pinochet, as his body lay in a humble military school chapel. The former strongman died on Sunday aged 91, having evaded years of efforts to bring him to trial for thousands of cases of murder and torture arising from his 1973-1990 regime… The death of Pinochet, who came to power in a US-backed military coup in 1973 that toppled the Socialist government of Salvador Allende, struck a deep nerve in a country where many suffered under his regime and others defend it as salvation from the road to communism.

“The United States, which supported Pinochet’s 1973 coup against Allende, expressed sympathy for the victims of Pinochet’s regime… Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher was ‘greatly saddened’ by Pinochet’s death, her spokesman said on Sunday… Thatcher, who was prime minister from 1979 to 1990, would send her ‘deepest condolences’ to his widow and family. Left and right-wing political parties in Spain regretted that Pinochet had died before being brought to justice for atrocities committed under his regime… Some 3,000 people, by official count, were killed or disappeared under Pinochet’s regime.”

Freedom of the Internet?

Ireland-on-Line reported on December 8:

“Nearly one third of journalists now serving time in prisons around the world published their work on the internet, the second-largest category behind print journalists, the US committee to protect journalists said today. The bulk of internet journalists in jail–49 in total–shows that ‘authoritarian states are becoming more determined to control the internet,’ said Joel Simon, the New York-based group’s executive director…

“When Iranian journalist Mojtaba Saminejad was sentenced to two years in prison for insulting his country’s leader, it was not for an article that appeared in a newspaper. His offending story was posted on his personal weblog. Other noteworthy imprisoned internet journalists include US video blogger Joshua Wolf, who refused to give a grand jury his footage of a 2005 protest against a G-8 economic summit, and China’s Shi Tao, who is serving a 10-year sentence for posting online instructions by the government on how to cover the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown.

“For the second year in a row, CPJ’s annual survey found the total number of journalists in jail worldwide has increased. There were 134 reporters, editors and photographers incarcerated as of December 1, nine more than a year ago… In addition to the internet writers, the total includes 67 print journalists, eight TV reporters, eight radio reporters and two documentary filmmakers.

“Among the 24 nations that have imprisoned reporters, China topped the list for the eighth consecutive year with 31 journalists behind bars–19 of them internet journalists. Cuba was second with 24 reporters in prison…

“The US government and military has detained three journalists, including Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein, who was taken into custody in Iraq nine months ago and has yet to be charged with a crime…

“Cuban journalist Manuel Vasquez-Portal said he posted his articles on a Miami-based website because: ‘It was the only way to get the truth out of Cuba.’ Mr Vasquez-Portal, who was jailed for 15 months in 2003, said he had to call his stories in to the operator of the website, though, because Cubans are not allowed access to the internet.”

Christmas PAGAN-Inspired

On December 11, USA Today published a thought-provoking article by Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of women’s studies and religion at Skidmore College. She wrote:

“Happy holidays!

“Have I just offended you? If you are a member of the American Family Association, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights or the Committee to Save Merry Christmas, I probably have.

“For the second year in a row, conservative Christian groups have threatened boycotts of big-box and department stores whose advertisements for ‘holiday trees’ and whose hearty if non-specific holiday well-wishes reflect, these groups say, an ‘anti-Christian and anti-Christmas bias.’…

“Yet there is a deep, and seasonal, irony here – one that might come as a shock to the ‘Save Merry Christmas’ crowd. For Christmas is, in its origins and its symbolism, perhaps the most pagan-inspired of all Christian holidays. Its dating derives from the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, which was determined by the winter solstice, that astronomical point in the year after which the periods of sunlight on Earth lengthen…

“Most of the popular symbols surrounding Christmas–evergreen trees and other greenery, mistletoe and holly, the Yule log, candles and bonfires and holiday lights, mystical spirits with the ability to fly and to enter and leave a house through its chimney, tricksters who treat or taunt little children, not to mention those elves–all derive from older, pre-Christian Europe. These pagan-derived symbols and customs are precisely the elements of Christmas that Christian activists are pressing to preserve and promote, in venues such as Target and Macy’s.”

For more information on the REAL origins of Christmas, please read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas!”

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Hebrews 9:27 states that "it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment." But aren’t there several instances in the Bible where some were resurrected to life and died again? They did not enter into judgment after they died the first time–did they?

Indeed there are numerous examples of resurrections, both in the Old
and the New Testament! For instance, 2 Kings 13:21 relates the record
of a dead person who “revived and stood on his feet,” when the bones of
Elisha touched him. There was no magic associated with Elisha’s bones
but it was a demonstration of God’s power and His approval of
Elisha–showing that he died as a servant of God, even though he died
from a sickness (verse 14). Also, John 11:38-44 records the story of
the resurrection of Lazarus who had been dead for several days. We also
read, in Luke 8:49-56, that Christ brought a dead girl back to life. In
the case of the young girl, we read that Christ commanded the parents
“that she be given something to eat” (verse 55) — proving that this
was a resurrection to physical life, as immortal beings have no need to
eat physical food. And after Jesus had died and was resurrected to
immortality, “the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints who
had fallen asleep were raised” (Matthew 27:52; compare verse 53).
However, all of these were resurrections to temporary physical
lives–not to eternal, immortal life. A Question & Answer about
Matthew 27:52 has previously been covered in Update #152, dated July
16, 2004.

In addition, those who are alive at Christ’s return
will not suffer death in the way that we understand it today, but will
be changed instantly from physical existence to Spirit beings (compare
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).

Why, then, do we read that it is
appointed to all men to die once, and after that the judgment? The
physical resurrections which we have discussed herein were not followed
by judgment; rather, their resurrection to judgment in the resurrection
will still occur.

The King James Commentary has this to say
about Hebrews 9:27: “’As it is appointed unto men once to die.’ The
relation of verse 27 to its context is often dismissed in order to
stress the certainty of man’s future judgment. It is axiomatic that man
dies once. Exceptions do exist (then cited)… But no exceptions
concerning God’s judgment can be cited. There is no reincarnation…
Yet the full significance of verse 27 cannot be seen apart from verse
28. As it is appointed unto men once to die… So Christ was once
offered to bear the sins of many (cf. Isa 53:12). The
author is clearly presenting a comparison. As it is with man, so it was
with Christ. As man can only die once, so the man Christ could only die
once as a sacrifice. His relation to humanity would be marred if he
would have to die more than once. Similarly, a second comparison seems
evident. Beyond death there exists another reality. For man it is the
reality of appearing for judgment; for Christ it is the certainty of
appearing with deliverance from condemnation unto them that look for

Taking into account the above examples of those who were
resurrected back to life, how is Hebrews 9:27 to be rightly understood?
The key words are “but after this the judgment,” showing that judgment
is not something that will be avoided by anyone. Those who were raised
from the dead lived a little longer as physical human beings for
specific purposes such as showing the power of God and the healing
power of the Messiah.

The Broadman Bible Commentary states of Hebrews 9:27:

High Priest, who has entered into the heavenly tabernacle, will come
again for his own. He wants his people to be ready for his coming.
Christ’s people are to live under the awareness that they must one day
give an accounting to God. After death there is the reality of
judgment. For those who are ready, the Judge is also the Saviour. The
early church never forgot that, beyond death, every man has a
rendezvous with God. For the enemies of God, this thought is full of
terror. For the friends of God, it is full of hope for his appearance
will mean salvation.”

We must all die once, or at least, undergo
a change equivalent to death (at Christ’s second coming) and then the
judgment. Those who were raised back to life, albeit temporarily, had
not been (finally) judged when they initially died, and they lived on
for a number of years before dying again. And having died they, like
everyone else, will face the judgment in due course. Notice that
Hebrews 9:27 does not say that man dies once, and that he will then
immediately be judged afterwards. Rather, the Scripture allows for much
time to pass before the judgment. It also allows for a temporary
resurrection back to physical life, which is just–so to speak–a
continuation of their physical life span. But ultimately, they will
die, and then there will be the judgment waiting for them, in due time.
It is also true, of course, that the judgment has already begun today
for the house of God–that is, for converted Christians (1 Peter 4:17).
But even they will still have to appear before the judgment seat of
Christ at the time of their resurrection or change to immortal life to
give account (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10). This aspect of
God’s plan is more fully discussed in our free booklet, “The Gospel of
the Kingdom of God.”

After we die, we will be raised back to
life. Those in the first resurrection will be immortal Spirit
beings–they will not have to face the possibility of death, but they
have “passed from death into life” (compare John 5:24). But they still
will appear before the judgment seat of Christ (compare, too, 1 John
4:17). Those in the second resurrection will be physical human
beings–they will be going through a judgment period before they are
ultimately judged worthy to receive eternal life or eternal death
(compare Revelation 20:5-6, 11-12). And those in the third resurrection
will be physical beings who have their judgment of eternal death
pronounced to them at that time–they will be thrown into the lake of
fire to be destroyed and burnt up (Revelation 20:13-15). So we see that
in each case, men will “die once, but after this the judgment,” as
Hebrews 9:27 says.

Lead Writers: Brian Gale and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program
was recorded last Friday and placed on our Websites, as well as on
Google Video. The program is titled “How To Solve Iraq’s Problems.” Set
forth below is a brief summary of the program:

This week, the
long-awaited Baker-Hamilton report was released, giving recommendations
as to how to solve the disaster in Iraq. Tony Blair and George Bush
gave a joint press conference on the 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
During the conference, both world leaders took different approaches in
the matter of Iraq. While Tony Blair supported the report’s suggestion
to involve Iran and Syria unconditionally in peace talks, President
Bush insisted that certain conditions had to be met first by both
countries. In addition, Germany has shown a strong interest in playing
a central role in bringing Washington to the table with Damascus and
Tehran, while Israel is becoming increasingly nervous about a perceived
shift in America’s foreign policy. What do all these developments mean?

new member letter was written by the ministry and will be distributed
shortly. The letter reflects on Mr. Pope’s death and the Work which is
ahead of us, discussing new opportunities and projects in the making.

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American Idle

by Laura Harris

According to a recent report published by
Nielsen Media Research, the average American home has more television
sets than people.  Furthermore, the average person watches 4
hours, 35 minutes of television per day.  So what are people
watching?  Several of the top rated television shows for the past
month include:

— Grey’s Anatomy

— Desperate Housewives

— CSI (Crime Scene Investigation)

— Criminal Minds

many television shows, these programs glamorize murder, adultery,
fornication, greed, lying and deception. I am guilty of eagerly
watching several of these shows (or similar programs) on a regular
basis.  But I’ve recently begun to ask myself: How are these shows
shaping my thoughts? Does God want me to spend my time on an activity
that contradicts the Christian values I’m trying to live by?

husband and I recently got rid of our cable box in anticipation of
changing to a new cable service. Because of our busy schedules, a day
of not calling a new service provider turned into a week, and a week
turned into a month. We have been without cable service for more than
two months, which has significantly decreased our television intake.
Although unintentional, this newfound freedom has allowed me time for
more productive and rewarding activities such as spending more time
with family, reading and studying. It has made me realize how much of
my valuable time has been wasted on TV

activities, including TV watching, are fine in moderation; however, we
should choose activities that will enhance our overall life. As
ambassadors for Christ, our actions should reflect our beliefs–not
embrace or condone sinful behavior. As they say on “Who Wants to be a
Millionaire?”: “And that’s my final answer!”

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

A European Army?

The EUobserver wrote on December 1:

“After its mission overseeing elections in Congo, EU troops are well on their way to being able to work as a common EU army, according to their French general. ‘I am very satisfied because I believe that we have a very well-functioning unit,’ said general Christian Damay… ‘Now we really have the beginning of a European army.’

“Discussions about creating a European army are not new, with Polish President Lech Kaczynski recently suggesting there should be a multinational EU army of 100,000 troops to support NATO missions… General Damay’s words come just as EU troops are packing their bags to leave Congo after having been in the country to monitor elections for four months–their mandate expired yesterday (30 November)… The 1,400-strong Congo mission has been held up as a shining example of a successful peacekeeping mission…”

According to Biblical prophecy, a powerful European army is going to exist very soon. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

How Propaganda Is to Be Used to Brainwash the British

England’s Daily Mail wrote on December 3:

“A multi-million pound propaganda war to force the British people to love the European Union and Brussels bureaucrats is to be launched by Tony Blair as part of his legacy as Prime Minister, it has been revealed… Details of the plan, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, show how the Prime Minister is so frustrated at his failure to persuade voters that the EU is a good thing, he is to spend a fortune from public funds in a final attempt to brainwash them before he resigns next year. They include banning Ministers and officials from referring to unpopular EU institutions like the European Commission, places such as Brussels and Strasbourg, the euro currency, terms like ‘Eurocrat’ and ‘EU directive’ and controversial policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy and the EU constitution. Instead they have been ordered to try to promote the ‘EU brand’ by linking to popular European events and institutions such as the Eurovision song contest, the Cannes Film Festival and the UEFA soccer organisation that runs the Champions League tournament–even though none of them has anything to do with the EU.”

In spite of these incredible alleged attempts by the British government to popularize the EU among British voters, Bible prophecy strongly indicates that Great Britain will ultimately not be a part of the EU. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

Afghanistan Isn’t Working, Either…

Sometimes, we hear politicians make the claim that Iraq isn’t working because the USA moved alone, without European support, while Afghanistan is working, as the USA acted in collaboration with Europe and many additional allies. Not so!!! Afghanistan isn’t working either–and has not been for a long time.

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 3:

“The regeneration of the Taliban — which has retaken control of parts of southern Afghanistan — is no longer fresh news to anyone. But are the insurgent forces preparing to launch a series of attacks on the capital city of Kabul, which is home to peacekeeping troops, the Afghan government and non-government organizations that are helping to rebuild the war-torn country? The leadership of Germany’s military, the Bundeswehr, fear that Taliban attacks on the Afghanistan capital of Kabul will likely increase in the coming months. According to a classified report on the state of Afghanistan obtained by SPIEGEL, ‘militant opposition forces’ have made it clear that they will focus fighting during the winter ‘on the country’s largest cities.’ “The security situation has already ‘visibly deteriorated’ in two districts located just 10 kilometers from Kabul’s city limits — to the point that Afghan security forces don’t even dare to patrol the streets at night. The report warned that Taliban fighters could use the district as ‘gateways’ to Kabul and also as [a] place where they could stage future attacks. According to the report, Taliban fighters are smuggled into the districts in small ‘groups of up to eight men,’ and they often blend in with the population by staying in the homes of local residents for several days at a time.

“In a separate development, NATO troops fired on civilians after a suicide car bomb exploded next to their convoy on Sunday. The suicide blast in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, killed two civilians and injured ten others, including three British soldiers. NATO spokesman Maj. Luke Knittig said that as the patrol was driving away from the scene they saw a car they feared might contain a second suicide bomber. At least one civilian was killed and nine were injured during the ensuing shooting.”

Hezbollah Used Civilians as Human Shields

USA Today reported on December 6:

“An Israeli think tank with strong links to the military released videos and testimony Tuesday it said proved Hezbollah guerrillas used civilians as human shields during last summer’s war in Lebanon. The report’s authors hoped the revelations would challenge allegations that Israel committed war crimes when it attacked residential areas during the war. Although no formal war crimes charges have been filed against either side, Israel has taken the brunt of international criticism. Israel is especially sensitive about the possibility of legal action because of previous lawsuits and indictments abroad against Israeli leaders and military officers.

“The 300-page report, compiled by a military intelligence expert who has an office in the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, argues that Lebanese government and media reports of the number of civilian dead in Lebanon were overblown. More than 850 Lebanese, most of them civilians, were killed in Israeli airstrikes and artillery attacks during the 34-day war, which began after Hezbollah guerrillas captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid. The guerrillas bombarded northern Israel with nearly 4,000 rockets, killing 39 civilians. Also, 120 soldiers were killed in the violence. Israel says its attacks against Hezbollah targets in populated areas did not violate international law.

“The report, first released to The New York Times, said Hezbollah operated from civilian areas to deter the Israeli military and gain a propaganda advantage if an Israeli counterattack caused civilian casualties. Guerrillas stashed weapons in hundreds of private homes and mosques, had missile transports closely follow ambulances and fired rockets near U.N. monitoring posts, the report said.”

Chavez’ Re-election Poses Threat to the USA

MSNBC wrote on December 3:

“Emboldened by a resounding re-election, President Hugo Chavez pledged to shake up Venezuela with a more radical version of socialism and forge a wider front against the United States in Latin America… Chavez has posed a growing challenge to the United States while leading a widening bloc of Latin American leftists, influencing elections across the region, and allying himself with U.S. opponents like Iran and Syria.”The United States remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil, but Chavez has sought to gradually diversify to new clients in Latin America and as far away as China… Venezuela is the world’s fifth largest oil exporter and soaring oil prices have made it the continent’s fastest-growing economy–a fact that some voters said helped tilt them toward Chavez… The president insists he is a democrat and will continue to respect private property–though he has boosted state control over the oil industry and has said he might nationalize utilities.”

Inevitable War Between Somalia, Islam, Ethiopia and Eritrea?

The Associated Press reported on December 5, 2006:

“Somalia’s troops are ready for an imminent and inevitable war with the Islamic militia that has taken over much of the country and surrounded the internationally backed government, the country’s prime minister [Ali Gedi] said… The Islamic movement has overrun much of Somalia, including the capital, in recent months, increasingly sidelining the weak government and vowing to bring Islamic law to the whole country… The United States has said the Islamic movement has links to al-Qaida, an accusation Islamic leaders have repeatedly denied… Gedi said the Islamic forces included more than 3,000 foreign fighters…

“A confidential U.N. report recently obtained by The Associated Press said there were up to 8,000 Ethiopian troops in the country supporting the government. Ethiopia’s parliament has authorized military action if attacked by the Islamic movement, which has declared holy war on Ethiopia over its troop incursions. The U.N. report said Ethiopia’s regional rival, Eritrea, had 2,000 troops in the country backing the Islamic movement, raising the specter of Eritrea and Ethiopia fighting a proxy war in Somalia… The United States has issued a travel advisory for Somalia’s neighbors Kenya and Ethiopia, warning that extremists in Somalia could launch suicide attacks in those countries.”

Terrible Disaster in the Philippines

AFP reported on December 2:

“Rescuers have arrived in this devastated Philippines city as officials warned there would be few survivors from giant mudslides which swept away entire villages, killing hundreds. Military and civilian emergency workers delayed by typhoon Durian, which triggered the mudflows on Thursday, flew in at first light with the toll already at 469 dead or missing [By now, the death toll has been estimated as exceeding at least 1,500]… Many buildings in Legaspi, capital of the eastern Bicol region, were damaged or demolished, while villages on the slopes of the scenic Mayon volcano had been reduced to just a few sticks…

“The disaster comes after an emergency in August, when 30,000 people were evacuated fearing Mayon would erupt before returning in September… The Philippines is also recovering from the impact of typhoon Cimaron, the strongest cyclone to hit the nation in more than 10 years, which left 38 dead or missing in late October… The floods have killed at least 120 people and displaced around 300,000 since unusually heavy rains started to pound the country in October.”

The IRS vs. Pasadena Church

On November 16, the Los Angeles Times published extended excerpts from a controversial sermon at Pasadena’s “All Saints Episcopal Church,” which was delivered at the eve of national elections in 2004, prompting the IRS to accuse the church of politically intervening. The paper asked the question: “But did [the controversial] speech violate federal laws? The answer, mostly likely to come from the courts, hinges on how one defines campaigning and interprets [the pastor’s] remarks.”

When reading the excerpts from the sermon, as set forth below, the FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM WITH THE SERMON becomes very clear: It was given in preparation of a vote for a political candidate or political party. This is the sad conclusion to be gleaned from the sermon which, otherwise, includes many valuable thoughts to consider. Whether such “political involvement” is enough to deny the church tax exemption is a different matter. However, we must stress that getting involved in the politics of this world and VOTING for a particular political candidate or party in governmental elections VIOLATES the Biblical principle of keeping ourselves separate from this world. As a consequence, members of the Church of the Eternal God and its corporate affiliates refuse to participate in governmental elections and to vote for a particular political candidate or political party.

The LA Times quoted the sermon speaker as follows:

“Good people of profound faith will be for either George Bush or John Kerry for reasons deeply rooted in their faith. I want you to hear me on this. Yet I want to say as clearly as I can how I see Jesus impacting your vote and mine. Both Sen. Kerry and President Bush are devout Christians–one a Roman Catholic and the other a Methodist. Against the teachings of Jesus, listen in as Kerry and Bush debate three hugely important issues this morning: ending war and violence, eliminating poverty and holding tenaciously to hope… I believe Jesus would say to Bush and Kerry: ‘War is itself the most extreme form of terrorism. President Bush, you have not made dramatically clear what have been the human consequences of the war in Iraq. More than 1,100 U.S. soldiers dead, 8,000 wounded–some disabled for life–and now the latest figures say 100,000 Iraqi fighters, women and children are dead… Your fundamental premise for the massive violence of this war is that it is the proper response to the terrorist attack that took place Sept. 11, 2001. But remember: The killing of innocent people to achieve some desired goal is morally repudiated by anyone claiming to follow me as their savior and guide.’

“Jesus, looking at the United States, the most powerful nation in the history of civilization, disavows any path that affirms grief must lead to war; Jesus refuses to accept the violence of war as the necessary consequences of our tragic losses on Sept. 11. Maybe you are calling Jesus naive, but he points us to the truest reality in the universe: ‘Mercy brings mercy and revenge brings revenge. Tragically, your world refuses to learn this truth even after so many bitter experiences in every part of the world. Mercy brings mercy. Revenge brings revenge.’

“How Jesus mourns the deaths of those 3,000 people killed on Sept. 11. But Jesus also mourns the death, devastation and loss in Afghanistan and Iraq and Sudan and Israel/Palestine and in so many other parts of the world. They too are part of God’s precious human family… Jesus would say to us: ‘Yes, mourn the deaths of those closest to you who have died; yet it is troublesome that you in America could get so caught up in the tragedy of Sept. 11 without ever noticing all my children who have been blown apart by this war, and the 30,000 children under 5 years of age across the globe who die every day of malnutrition and hunger. My heart can hardly bear it.’

“Jesus confronts both Sen. Kerry and President Bush: ‘I will tell you what I think of your war. The sin at the heart of this war against Iraq is your belief that an American life is of more value than an Iraqi life. That an American child is more precious than an Iraqi baby. God loathes war. At the time of the trauma of Sept. 11 you did not have to declare war. You could have said to the American people and the world: ‘We will respond but not in kind. We will not seek to avenge the death of innocent Americans by the death of innocent victims elsewhere, lest we become what we abhor.’ Jesus continues: ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine. Forcibly changing the regime of an enemy that posed no imminent threat has led to disaster. It will take years for the widely felt hostility in Iraq and around the world to ebb. The consequences of arrogance, accompanied by certitude that the world’s most powerful military can cure all ills, should be burned into America’s memory forever. President Bush, Sen. Kerry, will you save us from all this suffering? But God’s only hands are yours and all who call upon my name. In the midst of great suffering, I call out to you: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”‘

“Jesus turns to President Bush again with deep sadness. ‘Is what I hear really true? Do you really mean that you want to end a decade-old ban on developing nuclear battlefield weapons, as well as endorsing the creation of a nuclear “bunker-blaster” bomb? Are you really going to resume nuclear testing? That is sheer insanity. This only encourages nations to build their nuclear arsenal in defense against you. This is morally indefensible.’ Jesus grows more insistent. ‘The development of battlefield nuclear weapons and threatening their use against “rogue” nations and willing to strike first is a dangerous change of policy. Talk of winnable nuclear war is the greatest illusion. I am indignant when I hear people in your government saying a nuclear war could end for anyone as a victory.’

“Everything I know about Jesus would have him uttering those words. From my own study, prayer, reflection and dialogue, I say that nuclear war is the enemy… The political reality that nuclear war still remains an option for America and other countries is the paramount horror of modern existence. The nuclear bomb is the most outright evil thing that human beings ever created. What does it say about the moral values of a nation that puts its security in nuclear weapons that are morally outrageous? I believe that Jesus calls us to be nuclear abolitionists through the political process. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.’ When you go to the polls on Nov. 2, vote all your values. Jesus places on your heart this question: Who is to be trusted as the world’s chief peacemaker?”

Papal Authority Uncompromised

AFP reported on December 1:

“Pope Benedict XVI wrapped up a momentous visit to Turkey, in which he reached out to Muslims and the Orthodox Church while standing firm on key issues such as papal authority and Europe’s Christian roots… Adding drama to diplomacy, the 79-year-old pope made a stunning conciliatory gesture on Thursday when he assumed an attitude of Muslim prayer while facing Mecca in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque… he remained steadfast on a major point of disagreement — papal authority — when he stressed the Vatican’s ‘universal’ role.”

Are We To Observe Sunday?

CNA wrote on December 1:

“Pope Benedict XVI has sent a message to Cardinal Francis Arinze ahead of the Congregation for Divine Worship’s study day on the Sunday Mass… ‘Sundays,’ writes the Pope, ‘remain the fundamental seedbed and the primordial nucleus of the liturgical year… For the first Christians, participation in Sunday celebrations was the natural expression of their belonging to Christ, of their communion with His mystical Body, in joyous expectation of His glorious return. Today… it is more than ever necessary to reiterate the sacred nature of the Lord’s day and the need to participate in Sunday Mass.

“‘The cultural context in which we live, often marked by religious indifference and secularism that obscure the horizon of transcendence, must not cause us to forget that the People of God who came into being with the events of Easter must return [to those events] as an inexhaustible spring, in order to better understand … their own identity and the reasons for their existence. Sunday was not chosen by the Christian community… rather by the Apostles, indeed by Christ Himself Who on that day, “the first day of the week,” arose and appeared before the disciples. … Each Sunday celebration of the Eucharist enacts the sanctification of Christian people.’ Benedict XVI closed his message by expressing the hope that the study day ‘may help to recover the Christian meaning of Sunday in … the life of all believers.'”

But is any or all of this true? Did the early Apostles and the early Christians celebrate Sunday or Easter? Did Jesus Christ rise from the dead on Sunday morning? If you don’t know the answers to these vital questions, then the truth WILL surprise you. It might actually CHANGE your life!

To learn more, please read our free booklets, “Jesus Christ–a Great Mystery,”“Don’t Keep Christmas,” and “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

Update 271

Split Sermons

On December 9, 2006, Eric Rank and Robb Harris will be giving split sermons.

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Special Anouncement:

December 7, 2006, at 5:15 A.M. Pacific Time, Edwin Pope died. We are
deeply saddened by this loss of a faithful servant of God who has been
such a bright and shining example of gentleness and loving concern for
the brethren. In this moment of grieving, the words of another of God’s
servants remind us of the boundless hope that is given to those who
live this life as Christians:

“I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid
up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous
Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all
who have loved His appearing (2 Timothy 4:7-8). For more information, please read the Prayer section.

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Going Fishing

by Rene Messier (Canada)

On the morning of January 16,1986, we received a phone call from our
eldest daughter who was attending Ambassador College in Pasadena,
California, informing us that Mr. Herbert Armstrong had died. For my
wife and me, this news was not unexpected, since Mr. Armstrong had been
ill for quite a while. The entire Church had been praying and fasting
for him, but we had come to the conclusion a week or so earlier that in
spite of our wishes and desires for him to be healed, it may not be
God’s will to do so.

We were saddened, but knew we had to carry
on in our responsibilities to do the work and grow in grace and
knowledge. Others were totally devastated by his death. It did not fit
in with their preconceived speculative scenarios which they were
preaching as doctrine. Some were so fixed in their minds that Mr.
Armstrong was going to be one of the two final witnesses and that he
would finish the work and lead us to the place of safety, that they
fell by the wayside. Others rearranged their new speculations to cope
with the reality of the present situation. However, God had other plans
altogether, and many found it hard to accept that.

After spending
some three and a half years with, being taught by and witnessing the
miracles of Christ, and having heard His admonitions in regard to His
death, the apostle Peter said: “I am going fishing” (John 21:3). Some
of the other apostles said, “We are going with you also” (same verse).
It appears that their mindset was something like, the party is over, it
was fun while it lasted but now I am going back to what I formerly did,
earning a living by fishing.

Our beloved Senior Pastor died
Thursday morning, at 5:15 am. He had been in a coma for a month, and
although we would have liked to see him healed, that was not God’s will
at this time. When Christ was in the garden, just prior to His arrest,
He prayed fervently to the Father, knowing He would suffer greatly, be
beaten, scourged and spit upon. He did not want to go through His
trial, humanly speaking, yet He submitted to the Father’s will and
said, “… not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26:39). God knew
our wishes, desires and hopes in regard to Mr. Pope. And we know that
God was most certainly capable of completely healing Mr. Pope, and we
prayed fervently that He would do so, subject to His will. However, it
was God’s will that Mr. Pope would be taken from the evil to come and
that he be given rest till the time of his resurrection to immortal
life. Therefore, it is not the time for us to go fishing, but rather to
finish the job we have been given to do. We pause but do not stop. We
reflect but keep going. As the saying goes–and I don’t mean this in a
callous or unloving way–“The show must go

have a job to do and a commission to fulfill, and we need God’s power
and mercy to do it. We cannot do it on our own, but it must be done. We
must move forward in spite of trials, tests and obstacles which the
adversary puts in our path. We cannot get into the mindset of going
fishing, but rather, we must be moving forward and submitting to God’s
will. As was stated in Norbert Link’s sermon last Saturday, “Let’s be
about our Father’s business.” We are not to allow ourselves to be
discouraged by circumstances in our lives or in the Church. Instead, we
must look to God the Father and Jesus Christ to see us through
faithfully to the end, and we must be persevering in the relentless
pursuit of perfection.

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A European Army?

The EUobserver wrote on December 1:

“After its mission overseeing elections in Congo, EU troops are well on their way to being able to work as a common EU army, according to their French general. ‘I am very satisfied because I believe that we have a very well-functioning unit,’ said general Christian Damay… ‘Now we really have the beginning of a European army.’

“Discussions about creating a European army are not new, with Polish President Lech Kaczynski recently suggesting there should be a multinational EU army of 100,000 troops to support NATO missions… General Damay’s words come just as EU troops are packing their bags to leave Congo after having been in the country to monitor elections for four months–their mandate expired yesterday (30 November)… The 1,400-strong Congo mission has been held up as a shining example of a successful peacekeeping mission…”

According to Biblical prophecy, a powerful European army is going to exist very soon. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

How Propaganda Is to Be Used to Brainwash the British

England’s Daily Mail wrote on December 3:

“A multi-million pound propaganda war to force the British people to love the European Union and Brussels bureaucrats is to be launched by Tony Blair as part of his legacy as Prime Minister, it has been revealed… Details of the plan, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, show how the Prime Minister is so frustrated at his failure to persuade voters that the EU is a good thing, he is to spend a fortune from public funds in a final attempt to brainwash them before he resigns next year. They include banning Ministers and officials from referring to unpopular EU institutions like the European Commission, places such as Brussels and Strasbourg, the euro currency, terms like ‘Eurocrat’ and ‘EU directive’ and controversial policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy and the EU constitution. Instead they have been ordered to try to promote the ‘EU brand’ by linking to popular European events and institutions such as the Eurovision song contest, the Cannes Film Festival and the UEFA soccer organisation that runs the Champions League tournament–even though none of them has anything to do with the EU.”

In spite of these incredible alleged attempts by the British government to popularize the EU among British voters, Bible prophecy strongly indicates that Great Britain will ultimately not be a part of the EU. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”

Afghanistan Isn’t Working, Either…

Sometimes, we hear politicians make the claim that Iraq isn’t working because the USA moved alone, without European support, while Afghanistan is working, as the USA acted in collaboration with Europe and many additional allies. Not so!!! Afghanistan isn’t working either–and has not been for a long time.

Der Spiegel Online wrote on December 3:

“The regeneration of the Taliban — which has retaken control of parts of southern Afghanistan — is no longer fresh news to anyone. But are the insurgent forces preparing to launch a series of attacks on the capital city of Kabul, which is home to peacekeeping troops, the Afghan government and non-government organizations that are helping to rebuild the war-torn country? The leadership of Germany’s military, the Bundeswehr, fear that Taliban attacks on the Afghanistan capital of Kabul will likely increase in the coming months. According to a classified report on the state of Afghanistan obtained by SPIEGEL, ‘militant opposition forces’ have made it clear that they will focus fighting during the winter ‘on the country’s largest cities.’ “The security situation has already ‘visibly deteriorated’ in two districts located just 10 kilometers from Kabul’s city limits — to the point that Afghan security forces don’t even dare to patrol the streets at night. The report warned that Taliban fighters could use the district as ‘gateways’ to Kabul and also as [a] place where they could stage future attacks. According to the report, Taliban fighters are smuggled into the districts in small ‘groups of up to eight men,’ and they often blend in with the population by staying in the homes of local residents for several days at a time.

“In a separate development, NATO troops fired on civilians after a suicide car bomb exploded next to their convoy on Sunday. The suicide blast in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, killed two civilians and injured ten others, including three British soldiers. NATO spokesman Maj. Luke Knittig said that as the patrol was driving away from the scene they saw a car they feared might contain a second suicide bomber. At least one civilian was killed and nine were injured during the ensuing shooting.”

Hezbollah Used Civilians as Human Shields

USA Today reported on December 6:

“An Israeli think tank with strong links to the military released videos and testimony Tuesday it said proved Hezbollah guerrillas used civilians as human shields during last summer’s war in Lebanon. The report’s authors hoped the revelations would challenge allegations that Israel committed war crimes when it attacked residential areas during the war. Although no formal war crimes charges have been filed against either side, Israel has taken the brunt of international criticism. Israel is especially sensitive about the possibility of legal action because of previous lawsuits and indictments abroad against Israeli leaders and military officers.

“The 300-page report, compiled by a military intelligence expert who has an office in the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, argues that Lebanese government and media reports of the number of civilian dead in Lebanon were overblown. More than 850 Lebanese, most of them civilians, were killed in Israeli airstrikes and artillery attacks during the 34-day war, which began after Hezbollah guerrillas captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid. The guerrillas bombarded northern Israel with nearly 4,000 rockets, killing 39 civilians. Also, 120 soldiers were killed in the violence. Israel says its attacks against Hezbollah targets in populated areas did not violate international law.

“The report, first released to The New York Times, said Hezbollah operated from civilian areas to deter the Israeli military and gain a propaganda advantage if an Israeli counterattack caused civilian casualties. Guerrillas stashed weapons in hundreds of private homes and mosques, had missile transports closely follow ambulances and fired rockets near U.N. monitoring posts, the report said.”

Chavez’ Re-election Poses Threat to the USA

MSNBC wrote on December 3:

“Emboldened by a resounding re-election, President Hugo Chavez pledged to shake up Venezuela with a more radical version of socialism and forge a wider front against the United States in Latin America… Chavez has posed a growing challenge to the United States while leading a widening bloc of Latin American leftists, influencing elections across the region, and allying himself with U.S. opponents like Iran and Syria.”The United States remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil, but Chavez has sought to gradually diversify to new clients in Latin America and as far away as China… Venezuela is the world’s fifth largest oil exporter and soaring oil prices have made it the continent’s fastest-growing economy–a fact that some voters said helped tilt them toward Chavez… The president insists he is a democrat and will continue to respect private property–though he has boosted state control over the oil industry and has said he might nationalize utilities.”

Inevitable War Between Somalia, Islam, Ethiopia and Eritrea?

The Associated Press reported on December 5, 2006:

“Somalia’s troops are ready for an imminent and inevitable war with the Islamic militia that has taken over much of the country and surrounded the internationally backed government, the country’s prime minister [Ali Gedi] said… The Islamic movement has overrun much of Somalia, including the capital, in recent months, increasingly sidelining the weak government and vowing to bring Islamic law to the whole country… The United States has said the Islamic movement has links to al-Qaida, an accusation Islamic leaders have repeatedly denied… Gedi said the Islamic forces included more than 3,000 foreign fighters…

“A confidential U.N. report recently obtained by The Associated Press said there were up to 8,000 Ethiopian troops in the country supporting the government. Ethiopia’s parliament has authorized military action if attacked by the Islamic movement, which has declared holy war on Ethiopia over its troop incursions. The U.N. report said Ethiopia’s regional rival, Eritrea, had 2,000 troops in the country backing the Islamic movement, raising the specter of Eritrea and Ethiopia fighting a proxy war in Somalia… The United States has issued a travel advisory for Somalia’s neighbors Kenya and Ethiopia, warning that extremists in Somalia could launch suicide attacks in those countries.”

Terrible Disaster in the Philippines

AFP reported on December 2:

“Rescuers have arrived in this devastated Philippines city as officials warned there would be few survivors from giant mudslides which swept away entire villages, killing hundreds. Military and civilian emergency workers delayed by typhoon Durian, which triggered the mudflows on Thursday, flew in at first light with the toll already at 469 dead or missing [By now, the death toll has been estimated as exceeding at least 1,500]… Many buildings in Legaspi, capital of the eastern Bicol region, were damaged or demolished, while villages on the slopes of the scenic Mayon volcano had been reduced to just a few sticks…

“The disaster comes after an emergency in August, when 30,000 people were evacuated fearing Mayon would erupt before returning in September… The Philippines is also recovering from the impact of typhoon Cimaron, the strongest cyclone to hit the nation in more than 10 years, which left 38 dead or missing in late October… The floods have killed at least 120 people and displaced around 300,000 since unusually heavy rains started to pound the country in October.”

The IRS vs. Pasadena Church

On November 16, the Los Angeles Times published extended excerpts from a controversial sermon at Pasadena’s “All Saints Episcopal Church,” which was delivered at the eve of national elections in 2004, prompting the IRS to accuse the church of politically intervening. The paper asked the question: “But did [the controversial] speech violate federal laws? The answer, mostly likely to come from the courts, hinges on how one defines campaigning and interprets [the pastor’s] remarks.”

When reading the excerpts from the sermon, as set forth below, the FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM WITH THE SERMON becomes very clear: It was given in preparation of a vote for a political candidate or political party. This is the sad conclusion to be gleaned from the sermon which, otherwise, includes many valuable thoughts to consider. Whether such “political involvement” is enough to deny the church tax exemption is a different matter. However, we must stress that getting involved in the politics of this world and VOTING for a particular political candidate or party in governmental elections VIOLATES the Biblical principle of keeping ourselves separate from this world. As a consequence, members of the Church of the Eternal God and its corporate affiliates refuse to participate in governmental elections and to vote for a particular political candidate or political party.

The LA Times quoted the sermon speaker as follows:

“Good people of profound faith will be for either George Bush or John Kerry for reasons deeply rooted in their faith. I want you to hear me on this. Yet I want to say as clearly as I can how I see Jesus impacting your vote and mine. Both Sen. Kerry and President Bush are devout Christians–one a Roman Catholic and the other a Methodist. Against the teachings of Jesus, listen in as Kerry and Bush debate three hugely important issues this morning: ending war and violence, eliminating poverty and holding tenaciously to hope… I believe Jesus would say to Bush and Kerry: ‘War is itself the most extreme form of terrorism. President Bush, you have not made dramatically clear what have been the human consequences of the war in Iraq. More than 1,100 U.S. soldiers dead, 8,000 wounded–some disabled for life–and now the latest figures say 100,000 Iraqi fighters, women and children are dead… Your fundamental premise for the massive violence of this war is that it is the proper response to the terrorist attack that took place Sept. 11, 2001. But remember: The killing of innocent people to achieve some desired goal is morally repudiated by anyone claiming to follow me as their savior and guide.’

“Jesus, looking at the United States, the most powerful nation in the history of civilization, disavows any path that affirms grief must lead to war; Jesus refuses to accept the violence of war as the necessary consequences of our tragic losses on Sept. 11. Maybe you are calling Jesus naive, but he points us to the truest reality in the universe: ‘Mercy brings mercy and revenge brings revenge. Tragically, your world refuses to learn this truth even after so many bitter experiences in every part of the world. Mercy brings mercy. Revenge brings revenge.’

“How Jesus mourns the deaths of those 3,000 people killed on Sept. 11. But Jesus also mourns the death, devastation and loss in Afghanistan and Iraq and Sudan and Israel/Palestine and in so many other parts of the world. They too are part of God’s precious human family… Jesus would say to us: ‘Yes, mourn the deaths of those closest to you who have died; yet it is troublesome that you in America could get so caught up in the tragedy of Sept. 11 without ever noticing all my children who have been blown apart by this war, and the 30,000 children under 5 years of age across the globe who die every day of malnutrition and hunger. My heart can hardly bear it.’

“Jesus confronts both Sen. Kerry and President Bush: ‘I will tell you what I think of your war. The sin at the heart of this war against Iraq is your belief that an American life is of more value than an Iraqi life. That an American child is more precious than an Iraqi baby. God loathes war. At the time of the trauma of Sept. 11 you did not have to declare war. You could have said to the American people and the world: ‘We will respond but not in kind. We will not seek to avenge the death of innocent Americans by the death of innocent victims elsewhere, lest we become what we abhor.’ Jesus continues: ‘Mr. President, your doctrine of preemptive war is a failed doctrine. Forcibly changing the regime of an enemy that posed no imminent threat has led to disaster. It will take years for the widely felt hostility in Iraq and around the world to ebb. The consequences of arrogance, accompanied by certitude that the world’s most powerful military can cure all ills, should be burned into America’s memory forever. President Bush, Sen. Kerry, will you save us from all this suffering? But God’s only hands are yours and all who call upon my name. In the midst of great suffering, I call out to you: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”‘

“Jesus turns to President Bush again with deep sadness. ‘Is what I hear really true? Do you really mean that you want to end a decade-old ban on developing nuclear battlefield weapons, as well as endorsing the creation of a nuclear “bunker-blaster” bomb? Are you really going to resume nuclear testing? That is sheer insanity. This only encourages nations to build their nuclear arsenal in defense against you. This is morally indefensible.’ Jesus grows more insistent. ‘The development of battlefield nuclear weapons and threatening their use against “rogue” nations and willing to strike first is a dangerous change of policy. Talk of winnable nuclear war is the greatest illusion. I am indignant when I hear people in your government saying a nuclear war could end for anyone as a victory.’

“Everything I know about Jesus would have him uttering those words. From my own study, prayer, reflection and dialogue, I say that nuclear war is the enemy… The political reality that nuclear war still remains an option for America and other countries is the paramount horror of modern existence. The nuclear bomb is the most outright evil thing that human beings ever created. What does it say about the moral values of a nation that puts its security in nuclear weapons that are morally outrageous? I believe that Jesus calls us to be nuclear abolitionists through the political process. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.’ When you go to the polls on Nov. 2, vote all your values. Jesus places on your heart this question: Who is to be trusted as the world’s chief peacemaker?”

Papal Authority Uncompromised

AFP reported on December 1:

“Pope Benedict XVI wrapped up a momentous visit to Turkey, in which he reached out to Muslims and the Orthodox Church while standing firm on key issues such as papal authority and Europe’s Christian roots… Adding drama to diplomacy, the 79-year-old pope made a stunning conciliatory gesture on Thursday when he assumed an attitude of Muslim prayer while facing Mecca in Istanbul’s Blue Mosque… he remained steadfast on a major point of disagreement — papal authority — when he stressed the Vatican’s ‘universal’ role.”

Are We To Observe Sunday?

CNA wrote on December 1:

“Pope Benedict XVI has sent a message to Cardinal Francis Arinze ahead of the Congregation for Divine Worship’s study day on the Sunday Mass… ‘Sundays,’ writes the Pope, ‘remain the fundamental seedbed and the primordial nucleus of the liturgical year… For the first Christians, participation in Sunday celebrations was the natural expression of their belonging to Christ, of their communion with His mystical Body, in joyous expectation of His glorious return. Today… it is more than ever necessary to reiterate the sacred nature of the Lord’s day and the need to participate in Sunday Mass.

“‘The cultural context in which we live, often marked by religious indifference and secularism that obscure the horizon of transcendence, must not cause us to forget that the People of God who came into being with the events of Easter must return [to those events] as an inexhaustible spring, in order to better understand … their own identity and the reasons for their existence. Sunday was not chosen by the Christian community… rather by the Apostles, indeed by Christ Himself Who on that day, “the first day of the week,” arose and appeared before the disciples. … Each Sunday celebration of the Eucharist enacts the sanctification of Christian people.’ Benedict XVI closed his message by expressing the hope that the study day ‘may help to recover the Christian meaning of Sunday in … the life of all believers.'”

But is any or all of this true? Did the early Apostles and the early Christians celebrate Sunday or Easter? Did Jesus Christ rise from the dead on Sunday morning? If you don’t know the answers to these vital questions, then the truth WILL surprise you. It might actually CHANGE your life!

To learn more, please read our free booklets, “Jesus Christ–a Great Mystery,”“Don’t Keep Christmas,” and “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

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How can you really prove what the Bible teaches?

(Español: ¿Cómo se puede demostrar realmente lo que enseña la Biblia?)

The original writings of the Bible are, in fact, God’s infallible Word. However, in the face of such myriads of beliefs—all claiming the Bible as their source, most people dismiss the real authority of the Book that God has inspired.

Both Catholics and Protestants use the Bible as the basis for what they believe and teach. Various translations and versions of the Bible are available, and these differing accounts do reflect the bias of those organizations and individuals who have authored them.

However, the Bible transcends both language and translation issues. For example, consider the record found in Acts 2, where the disciples on the Day of Pentecost were led by God’s Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel. In particular, note what occurred for those who heard this message:

“Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, ‘Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we HEAR, EACH IN OUR OWN LANGUAGE IN WHICH WE WERE BORN? Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamhylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs–WE HEAR THEM SPEAKING IN OUR OWN TONGUES THE WONDERFUL WORKS OF GOD'” (Acts 2:7-11).

God, who caused different languages to arise (Compare Genesis 11:1-9), has also made it possible to understand His truth in the language of our birth! In addition, Jesus has commissioned His Church to preach the Gospel all over the earth (Compare Matthew 24:14). The Word of God has been translated and published in written form throughout the earth in our time!

Aside from those who flatly reject the Bible as myth, many people claiming to practice Christianity dismiss the Old Testament (as well as some books of the New Testament, such as the Book of Revelation)—all part of the enduring Word of God (Compare Isaiah 40:8). In fact, many who embrace Jesus as their Savior have never read the prophetic Scriptures about His first appearance, and they are likewise unaware of the dramatic prophecies concerning His return that are recorded throughout the Bible.

Add to this the fact that people READ INTO the Bible what they want to believe. A very striking example of this is found in the observance of the Sabbath. Some choose to follow the line of thinking originated by the Catholic Church that the Sabbath has been changed from the seventh day to the first. They quote Scriptures to justify this position and reject the commandment of God; the example of Jesus Christ; and, the practice of the Church of God as documented in the New Testament. (For a more detailed account of this, please read our booklet: “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”)

How then can we know what is true and what is false?

THE BIBLE PROVES ITSELF! Human interpretation is not the final authority when it comes to the Word of God. But that is exactly how those, who selectively pick and choose what they want to believe, view the Bible. It is also the position taken by so many who simply reject the Bible.

Jesus Christ made an utterly profound statement in answer to Pilate’s questioning: “Pilate therefore said to Him, ‘Are You a king then?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice’” (John 18:37).

Jesus Christ bore witness of the Word of God and that included the Holy Scriptures—the Old Testament. The prophecies of His birth, death and resurrection proved to be true!

Truth—as opposed to falsehood and deception—was the focus of what Jesus taught. He made this statement to the Jews of His day—many of whom were the religious leaders of the nation: “‘And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’” (John 8:32).

Jesus very poignantly stated that the religious practices of the Jews did not stand in the truth—that they were no longer following the Word of God:

“‘Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God’” (John 8:43-47).

In another encounter, some of the scribes and Pharisees challenged Jesus: “‘Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread’” (Matthew 15:2).

The response by Jesus went straight to the heart of why these religious leaders were not teaching the truth: “He answered and said to them, ‘Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?’” (Matthew 15:3). Jesus adds this powerful indictment: “‘Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men”’” (Matthew 15:7-9).

In Matthew 23, Jesus very specifically reveals the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees—the ones who were the religious leaders and who claimed to derive their authority and practices from the Word of God. In verse 3, Jesus pinpoints the problem: “‘…they say, and do not do.’”

Because they were unwilling to obey what God commanded, these people did not understand what was true in God’s Word. Caring more for what people thought of them, they lost their fear of God.

Christ reveals to us an important key for the proper understanding of the Word of God. He says in John 7:17: “‘If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority.'” Christ adds in John 13:17: “‘And if you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.'”

Proving what is true in the Bible must begin with a reverence for God: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments” (Psalm 111:10). Psalm 119, verse 100, adds: “I understand more than the ancients, Because I keep Your precepts.”

In a discussion with His disciples, Jesus asked what the public said about who He was. He then asked that question of them, and Peter answered: “’…You are the Christ, the Son of the living God’” (Matthew 16:16). In Christ’s response, we find this stunning statement: “’…Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father, who is heaven’” (Matthew 16:17).

Jesus speaks of knowledge that is REVEALED! This transcends knowledge that one might gain in reading any other book! To really understand the Bible, which is, by its own claim, the Word of God, understanding must come from God Himself. Paul taught this same truth to the Church:

“And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written:

“‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’

“But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the
Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:4-14).

Following His resurrection, Jesus continued to teach His disciples the true meaning of God’s Word. Luke records an account in which Jesus explained prophecies from the Old Testament to two of His disciples that even they had not understood:

“And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). Jesus appeared to these two men for the very purpose of revealing understanding to them. This account continues: “Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight. And they said to one another, ‘Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He OPENED THE SCRIPTURES TO US?’” (Luke 24:30-32).

After this occurrence, Jesus met with several more of His disciples. In preparation for the work He gave His followers to accomplish, Jesus provided this vital element: “And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures” (Luke 24:45).

These disciples had undoubtedly read the Scriptures. At that time, Judaism was the vibrant religion of the nation. Synagogues existed throughout the region, and the Temple served as the focus of Jewish life. Yet even with this rich background, the true understanding of the Messiah had to be revealed!

Another account of revelation is found in the story of Philip being sent to preach to a faithful man from Ethiopia. Reading from Isaiah, this man was at a loss to understand the meaning: “So the eunuch answered Philip and said, ‘I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?’ Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him” (Acts 8:34-35).

Paul understood that the Church of God had been given a special understanding and responsibility to preach the truth of God’s Word: “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15).

Preaching is a grave responsibility, and it is not something that should be done by those who just decide, on their own, to preach— to represent God and to explain His Word: “And no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was” (Hebrews 5:4). James offers this caution: “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment” (James 3:1).

Here is what God says as an absolute prerequisite for not only preaching but for understanding His truth: “’…But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And WHO TREMBLES AT MY WORD’” (Isaiah 66:2).

An example of this kind of attitude is found in the record of individuals in Berea who had the Gospel preached to them by Paul and Silas: “These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES daily to find out whether these things were so”(Acts 17:11). The fruits of this approach were that many believed the Gospel! (Compare Acts 17:12).

By this example left for us, we understand that we must check up in our own Bible whether what is preached is true or not. A lie cannot be proven; however, people can be deceived. Paul warns us of those who would lie—of those people who would even falsely claim their authority from the Word of God:

“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transform himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to their works” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

The Bible also reveals a way for us to NOT be deceived but to prove what is only true: “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them”(Isaiah 8:20).

Jesus prayed for His followers, and He asked God to set them apart: “’Sanctify them by Your truth. YOUR WORD IS TRUTH’”(John 17:17). Paul reminded Timothy to stay anchored to God’s Word:

“But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:14-16).

However, there are those who set themselves apart FROM the Truth, and this kind of approach was to become prevalent just before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in LATTER TIMES some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

Note this further warning from Paul to Timothy:

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:2-4).

Jesus answered His disciples when they asked about the time of the end, and He began His answer with this somber warning: “‘…Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, “I am theChrist,” and will deceive many’” (Matthew 24:4-5); Also: “‘For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect’” (Verse 24).

Only the truth is contained in God’s Word (Compare Titus 1:2), even though the Bible may report about lies of Satan, demons or people. But the Holy Scriptures make it also clear, of course, that we are not to follow those lies. Only the truth to be embraced by us can be proven from the Bible! Nonetheless, God has clearly revealed that liars would arise and claim that what they teach is true. That has happened and it continues to happen, but we must use God’s Word as the true measure.

Here is a vital key for each of us to use to prove what is true in the Bible: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH” (2 Timothy 2:15).

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet on Suffering was sent to the printer in England.

new StandingWatch program was recorded and placed on the Web, titled,
“The Pope in Turkey.” Set forth is a brief summary of the program:

Benedict XVI’s visit in Turkey was full of surprises. In his attempt to
diminish or eradicate the damage caused by his speech earlier this
year, stating that Mohammed had brought the sword to the world, he made
some unique statements in favor of Turkey and Islam. The Pope also met
with the leader of the Orthodox Church in an attempt to bring about
reconciliation between these two influential religious entities. It is
the Pope’s declared goal to lead an ecumenical movement involving all
Christian churches and even non-Christian religions. Should you embrace
and support such a movement?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 2

After 15 years of inactivity, the Jews that had returned to Jerusalem, began to resume the work of building the Temple. And even though they completed the Temple within four years, restoration of the city of Jerusalem would not commence for almost 100 years. Filled with enthusiasm at one time, they had begun to become complacent toward the Work of God and their own personal lives. God chose the scribe and priest Ezra, as well as the governor Nehemiah and the prophet Malachi, to help the Jews to repent of their personal sins and to begin repairing the city wall and the city. The way God did it should give us today great encouragement and hope in the face of discouragement, persecution and trials.
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Current Events

The Pope’s Visit in Turkey

Prior to the pope’s arrival in Turkey on Tuesday, Der Spiegel Online reported on November 27:

“Pope Benedict XVI’s trip to Turkey this week is not shaping up to be an easy one. In fact, it seems as if everybody he will be visiting in Ankara and Istanbul would prefer he not come at all. Some 25,000 demonstrators took to the streets of Istanbul on Sunday chanting ‘No to the pope’ and ‘Don’t come insidious pope’ while waving signs depicting the pontiff as the grim reaper. Organized by an Islamist political party, the protest was the biggest yet against the pope’s visit to Turkey, set to begin on Tuesday.

“Muslims are still angered by a lecture Benedict gave in September, when he quoted a 14th century Byzantine emperor who wrote in a dialogue with a Persian that the Prophet Muhammad had brought ‘only evil and inhuman’ things. The speech, made during a visit to his native Germany, appeared to link Islam to violence. The pope never apologized to the extent Muslims have demanded. The pope also didn’t make any friends with a recent accidental reference to Istanbul as ‘Constantinople,’ the city’s name before the Ottomans took it in 1453…

“Benedict is also controversial in Turkey due to comments in 2004, prior to his becoming pope, that Turkey didn’t belong in the European Union. ‘Turkey has always represented a different continent, in permanent contrast to Europe,’ he said. Irrespective of the pope’s visit this week, Turkey’s EU ambitions took another hit on Monday as negotiations to allow Turkey to open up its ports to Cyprus broke down in Finland.

“In addition to boosting the dialogue between Catholics and Muslims, the pope will also be travelling to [Ephesus and] Istanbul to meet with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, the leader of the world’s [150 million] Orthodox Christians. The Vatican, which oversees the world’s 1 billion Catholics, is interested in deepening ties between the two churches, which split in the 11th century. But some in the Orthodox Church… have been wary of becoming too close to the pope. Istanbul was a major Christian capital until it fell to the Ottomans.”

How to Please the Turks

How quickly alleged opinions and positions can change, became clear when observing events DURING the first two days of the pope’s visit in Turkey.

Der Spiegel Online wrote on Wednesday, November 29:

“It didn’t take long for Pope Benedict XVI to transform himself from one of Turkey’s worst enemies to one of the country’s best friends. Already on Wednesday, the pope was being given praise for his attempts to bridge the gaps between Christians and Muslims… His comments on Tuesday saying that ISLAM WAS A RELIGION OF PEACE was well received.

“But that wasn’t all. The pope came bearing a surprise gift as well: SUPPORT FOR TURKISH MEMBERSHIP IN THE EUROPEAN UNION… With foreign ministers across Europe on Wednesday [with the notable exception of Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair] putting the pressure on Turkey to give ground in the country’s ongoing tiff with Greece and Cyprus, the pope suddenly seems one of Ankara’s few friends.”

AFP reported on November 29:

“Pope Benedict XVI has begun the religious leg of his four-day visit to Turkey Wednesday by celebrating his first mass on Muslim soil at the [alleged] Home of the Virgin Mary [in Ephesus] and making a fresh appeal for peace in the Middle East… The pope recalled that the Virgin Mary, venerated by Christians as the mother of Christ, ‘is EQUALLY VENERATED BY MUSLIMS.'”

…But Perhaps Not Quite…

AFP reported on November 30:

“Pope Benedict XVI has put the brakes on his charm offensive in EU-hopeful, Muslim majority Turkey, stressing Europe’s ‘Christian roots’ and taking a strong stand on religious freedoms and minority rights. Flanked by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I after mass at the patriarcal Church of St. George, the pontiff complained in a speech Thursday that ‘the process of secularization has weakened the hold of … (Christian) tradition’ in Europe. ‘In the face of this reality, we are called, together with all other Christian communities, to renew Europe’s awareness of its Christian roots, traditions and values, giving them new vitality,’ he said. His statement came just two days after he told Turkey’s Islamist-turned-conservative Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in what was widely seen as a spectacular U-turn, that he supported Turkey’s membership in the European Union. Turkey in the EU, he had said while still Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, would be ‘a grave error… against the tide of history.'”

“In a later joint declaration with Bartholomew I, at the risk of once again rubbing up his hosts the wrong way, he said respect for religious freedom must be a criterion for membership in the EU, which must ensure that its members respect the rights of their religious minorities… Another bone of contention is Turkey’s refusal to recognize Bartholomew I as the ecumenical, or universal, leader of about 150 million Orthodox faithful around the world… Benedict XVI and Bartholomew I have both put reconciliation of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches high on their agendas, and the pope described the schism, which dates back to 1054, as a ‘scandal to the world.’ But he remained steadfast on a key point of contention between the two rites — papal authority — by referring in his speech to the Catholic leader’s ‘universal responsibility.'”

Catholic Church and Anglican Church Remain Far Apart

AFP reported on November 23:

“Serious obstacles impede closer ties between Roman Catholics and Anglicans, Pope Benedict XVI and Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said… The cordial meeting marked the 40th anniversary of the historic encounter between Williams’ predecessor Michael Ramsey and pope Paul VI that set the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches on a path of reconciliation after a rift of more than 400 years. ‘There are many areas of witness and service in which we can stand together,’ the statement said, listing the quest for peace in the Middle East ‘and in other parts of the world marred by conflict and the threat of terrorism; promoting respect for life from conception until natural death (and) protecting the sanctity of marriage.’ Afterward, the two men prayed together in a chapel in the Apostolic palace.

“Experts expected LITTLE PROGRESS TOWARDS MORE UNITY between the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches, which remain divided on issues including papal authority, the ordination of women and gay priests, priestly celibacy and other questions of sexual mores. The Anglican communion, which split from Catholicism in the 16th century when Pope Clement VII refused to grant King Henry VIII a divorce from Catherine d’Aragon, opened the priesthood to women in 1994 and is currently considering allowing woman bishops.The church is also considering allowing openly homosexual men and women into the priesthood, while it remains divided on the question of gay marriage.”

Enlargement of Europe

AFP reported on November 25:

“Bulgaria and Romania have cleared the last hurdle to joining the EU next year… after the German parliament ratified their entry into the club. ‘I welcome today’s vote in the German Bundesrat (upper house) on the accession treaty of Bulgaria and Romania, which completes the ratification process in Germany. It also completes the ratification process as a whole in the EU, since all the parliaments of the 25 member states and both acceding countries have now ratified the treaty,’ said EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn…

“While the Bulgarians and Romanians will become full members of the club on January 1, [2007], they will do so under close scrutiny… Bulgaria and Romania began the membership process in 2000, along with the 10 mainly ex-Soviet bloc nations who joined the EU in 2004. Their admittance to the European Union continues the process of embracing former members of the Communist bloc which crumbled 15 years ago.

“Still waiting in the wings after January 1 will be the western Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia… However the Union wants to sort out its own constitutional crisis, caused by the rejection of the bloc’s draft constitution by Dutch and French voters last year, before letting anyone else into the club. Croatia could become the 28th EU member state but not until 2009-2010.

“As for Turkey, another EU hopeful, the membership horizon is growing more distant as relations grow more strained, and few observers expect Ankara to be popping any European champagne corks for at least another decade.”

Putin Unhappy With EU Enlargement

The Bulgarian paper, Sofia Weekly, reported on November 24:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin slammed the European Union for accepting Bulgaria and Romania as new member states without consulting Moscow, DPA reported. ‘Unfortunately, the EU while adopting the accession of those two countries didn’t find it necessary to consult with us on the interests of all sides concerned,’ Putin told reporters on the eve of summit talks in Helsinki. The remarks came after Poland refused to lift its veto on opening EU partnership talks with Russia. It came in protest against Moscow’s ban on imports of Polish meat and plant exports–which Russia sees as linked with Bulgarian and Romanian accession… Officials in Moscow say food products from the two former Eastern Bloc countries could reach Russia through third-party EU members–especially Poland–after their EU accession… Officials in Moscow said the reason for their planned EU-wide ban–which encompasses dairy and fish products, in addition to meat–was lax veterinary standards in Romania and Bulgaria.”

Listen to Poland!

On November 25, the German conservative daily, Die Welt, published an intriguing and thought-provoking article. The paper stated:

“We should not view Poland’s resistance to a continued relationship between the EU and Russia as mere stiff-necked opposition. Our eastern neighbor is far ahead of us in its realistic analysis of the dangers, which exist for Europe due to Putin’s hunger for power… All these developments [in Russia] have not created in us the realization that Russia’s desire to meddle could also pose a SECURITY THREAT FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION… That [former German Chancellor] Gerhard Schroeder agreed to a pipeline with Russia, thereby circumventing Poland, was devastating enough… But it was even a much worse blow when he participated in Moscow at the festivities of the Red Army in celebration of the end of the war sixty years ago, and when he praised [the Red Army’s] accomplishments in achieving ‘freedom from fascism,’ while failing to mention at all the Hitler-Stalin Pact, which led to the partitioning of the Polish Nation among the totalitarian comrades.”

Russia an Enemy of the U.S.?

Another insightful article was published on November 28 by The Wall Street Journal:

“It’s time we start thinking of Vladimir Putin’s Russia as an enemy of the United States. This isn’t simply because a former KGB agent turned Putin critic died last week in London after ingesting a dose of polonium 210, an element that usually functions as a neutron trigger in atomic bombs. Nor is it that Alexander Litvinenko’s death is the latest in a series of killings, attempted murders, imprisonments and forced exiles whose victims just happened to be prominent opponents of Mr. Putin. It is because the foreign policy of Russia has become openly, and often gratuitously, hostile to the U.S.

“Some examples: Last summer, Russia signed a billion-dollar arms deal with Venezuela; Hugo Chávez wasted no time fantasizing aloud about using the weapons to sink an American aircraft carrier. Last week, Russia began deliveries to Iran of highly sophisticated SA-15 anti-aircraft missiles, at a value of $700 million… the purpose of the missiles is to defend Iran’s nuclear sites, which do threaten the balance of power. [Russian Defense Minister Igor] Ivanov… says he is ‘absolutely sure’ the billion-dollar Bushehr reactor that Russia is building for Iran could not be used to build nuclear weapons. This is false, and Mr. Ivanov must know it: The spent plutonium from the reactor can easily be diverted and reprocessed to produce as many as 60 bombs.

“At the United Nations, Russia has consistently opposed U.S. efforts to sanction Iran and North Korea for their nuclear programs and diluted the effects of the resolutions that were passed. The Russians say they oppose the use of sanctions because they ‘don’t work.’ It’s an odd claim coming from a government that in October brusquely imposed trade, travel and postal sanctions on neighboring Georgia…”

Is Ethiopia Pushing or Being Pushed?

AFP reported on November 25:

“Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has said his country would not wait for foreign approval to attack powerful Islamists in neighboring Somalia that many fear could lead to a regional war. As the powerful Islamist movement poured troops into frontline positions outside the Ethiopian-backed weak Somali government’s seat, Meles called for international understanding but said he needed no ‘green light’ to fight. Speaking to reporters in Addis Ababa two days after announcing to parliament that ETHIOPIA HAD COMPLETED PREPARATIONS FOR WAR, he said he understood calls for restraint and was committed to dialogue but would act to defend his country…

“‘I want to stress again that we are not saying we might be attacked, we have already been attacked,’ Meles said of the Islamists, who have declared holy war on Ethiopian troops in Somalia deployed to protect the Somali government… Mainly Christian Ethiopia has watched with growing concern the rise on its southeastern border of the Islamists, who seized Mogadishu in June and now control most of southern and central Somalia.”

Will a New Lebanese War Break Out?

NewsFront Page magazine reported the following on November 22:

“In the wake of this summer’s bloody, 33-day war between Hezbollah and Israel, most analysts predicted that the region would never be the same. In fact, they asserted that with UN Resolution 1701, Hezbollah would be disarmed and expelled from its redoubt in southern Lebanon. This in turn would give effective control of the region to the Lebanese Army, while a UNIFIL force 15,000-men strong would secure the cease-fire and put an end to the armed conflict.

“But the present reality is far from this rosy picture. Indeed, one can make the case that this summer’s hostilities have achieved little and that ANOTHER WAR WILL RESUME IN THE NEAR FUTURE. A few prescient facts confirm this grim assessment. First, there is the anti-Israel composition of the Lebanese army. Forty percent of the 60,000-strong Lebanese army is composed of Shiite soldiers, many whom are extremely favorable to Hezbollah. There are also thousands of ex-Syrian troops, who joined the Lebanese Army when Syria ‘officially’ left Lebanon last year, just before the Syrian withdrawal, when thousands of Syrian soldiers were naturalized and incorporated into the ranks of the army.

“UNIFIL is scarcely an improvement. On the contrary, it is a DISASTER IN WAITING. Initially intended to number 15,000 soldiers, it is barely reaching 5,700. At the same time, countries like France are balking at sending additional troops to bolster the promised numbers. Understaffed and guided by an unclear mandate, UNIFIL troops are unwilling to tame Hezbollah. Proof for this proposition comes from a recent episode, wherein Spanish troops stood down at the mere sight of Hezbollah fighters. One of the Spanish patrol leaders explained that UNIFIL’s role was only to ‘observe changes in behavior of the local population.’

“On top of that, no UNIFIL patrols are carried out at night, for safety reasons. UN soldiers, feeling that they are increasingly viewed by the local population as an occupation force, are more interested in leaving than confronting Hezbollah: they are clearly worried about potential Hezbollah terror attacks. Such an attack would mirror the terrorist group’s October 1983 bombing, which killed 241 U.S. troops and 58 French troops. A few months later, multinational forces were gone. This time, the strategy appears to be preemptive retreat: A European diplomat was recently quoted as saying that, after an attack on UNIFIL, international forces would be gone within three days.

“To sum up the situation: the Lebanese Army is watching UNIFIL watching Hezbollah. Thus it is far from surprising that Hezbollah is fast rearming through Syria, right under the nose of UNIFIL troops and the Lebanese Army, a fact confirmed by U.N. Special envoy Terje Roed-Larsen. But while UNIFIL does not seem particularly concerned with Hezbollah’s buildup, it is focusing on Israel’s violations of Lebanese airspace. Significantly, however, these incursions occur because Israel is compelled to fulfill UNIFIL’s mandate, which is to arrest — and not simply to observe — Hezbollah’s rearmament. France in particular has threatened to punish Israel while permitting Hezbollah to operate with impunity… A likely scenario includes Hezbollah again controlling South Lebanon and launching attacks against Israel. This could be accelerated if Syria succeeds in igniting a civil war by pushing Hezbollah and its Shiite allies… towards a major confrontation with Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora…

“In the worst-case scenario, THE CHAOS COULD REACH WESTERN SHORES if Hezbollah decides, on the orders of Iran, to start a terror campaign in the West or against Western targets, as it did in France in 1986. In the meantime, one thing seems clear. This summer’s Israel-Hezbollah standoff marked not the end of a conflict but the BEGINNING OF A BROADER WAR THAT SEEMS LIKELY TO REIGNITE BEFORE LONG.”

U.S. Dollar Continues to Fall

The Financial Times wrote on November 24 about the continuing slide of the U.S. dollar, stating:

“A sharpening slide in the US dollar unnerved global markets on Friday as investors sought to protect themselves from the possibility of sustained dollar weakness. As US markets were closing on Friday, THE EURO STOOD AT A 19-MONTH HIGH of $1.309, up 1.2 per cent, while sterling gained 0.9 per cent… The dollar has now fallen this year by more than 10 per cent against the euro and 12 per cent against sterling. Some economists suggest the greenback has FURTHER TO SLIDE given a WEAK ECONOMIC OUTLOOK in the US.”

The stated on Wednesday, November 29:

“The dollar tumbled to a NEAR 15-YEAR LOW against sterling yesterday on fresh signs of economic trouble in the United States. An 8.3pc crash in US industrial orders and an admission by the Federal Reserve chairman that Washington does not know how bad housing really is set off another day of wild gyrations on the currency markets… The dollar continued its slide against the euro, dropping to $1.3194… The pound briefly touched $1.95 and surged to eight-year highs against the yen. The Japanese currency has been in freefall for months on repeated weak data. It suffered a fresh blow yesterday after retail sales fell for a second month, increasing fears that Japan’s export-dependent economy may slow in lock step with America.”

Violence in Iraq Out Of Control

On November 24, AFP reported about continuing violence in Iraq:

“The Iraqi capital has been locked down by an indefinite curfew after more than 200 people were killed by a wave of bombings in a Shiite slum in BY FAR THE DEADLIEST ATTACK SINCE THE WAR IN 2003… Almost a thousand people have been killed by violence in Iraq since Saddam was sentenced to death on November 5 for the mass killing of Shiites in the 1980s.”

The most recent attacks were blamed on Sunnis, prompting retaliation from Shiites. As The Associated Press reported on November 24:

“Shiite militiamen grabbed six Sunnis as they left Friday worship services, doused them with kerosene and burned them alive NEAR IRAQI SOLDIERS WHO DID NOT INTERVENE…The savage revenge attack for Thursday’s slaying of 215 people in the Shiite Sadr City slum occurred as members of the Mahdi Army militia burned four mosques, and several homes while killing an unknown number of Sunni residents in the once-mixed Hurriyah neighborhood of Baghdad.”

The vicious cycle of violence continues in Iraq, and NO ONE seems to be able to stop it.

Middle Eastern Civil Wars Not Just in Iraq?

The Associated Press reported on November 26:

“Jordan’s King Abdullah said Sunday the problems in the Middle East go beyond the war in Iraq and that much of the region soon could become engulfed in violence unless the central issues are addressed quickly. ‘We could possibly imagine going into 2007 and having three civil wars on our hands,’ he said, citing conflicts in Iraq, Lebanon and the decades-long strife between the Palestinians and Israelis.'”

On Monday, November 27, 2006, several U.S. broadcasting companies, including CNN, NBC and MSNBC, decided to officially label the present situation in Iraq as “Civil War.” President Bush rejected this description on Tuesday, while former “U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said on Wednesday Iraq had descended into civil war and urged world leaders to accept that ‘reality'” (Reuters, November 29, 2006).

Bring Saddam Hussein Back?

HOW BAD the situation in Iraq has become, and how desperate some are looking for “solutions” in face of an apparently unsolvable problem, can be seen when considering a most unusual and seemingly ridiculous proposal to bring rest to the area stricken by Civil War. The solution of The Los Angeles Times’ writer Jonathan Chait is simply this: Bring Saddam Hussein back! And Chait is not joking. In his editorial of November 26, 2006, he wrote:

“The debate about Iraq has moved past the question of whether it was a mistake (everybody knows it was) to the more depressing question of whether it is possible to avert total disaster. Every self-respecting foreign policy analyst has his own plan for Iraq. The trouble is that these tracts are inevitably unconvincing, except when they argue why all the other plans would fail. It’s all terribly grim. So allow me to propose the unthinkable: Maybe, just maybe, our best option is to restore Saddam Hussein to power… At the outset of the war, I had no high hopes for Iraqi democracy, but I paid no attention to the possibility that the Iraqis would end up with a worse government than the one they had. It turns out, however, that there is something more awful than totalitarianism, and that is endless chaos and civil war.

“Nobody seems to foresee the possibility of restoring order to Iraq. Here is the basic dilemma: The government is run by Shiites, and the security agencies have been overrun by militias and death squads. The government is strong enough to terrorize the Sunnis into rebellion but not strong enough to crush this rebellion… The disadvantages of reinstalling Hussein are obvious, but consider some of the upside. He would not allow the country to be dominated by Iran, which is the United States’ major regional enemy, a sponsor of terrorism and an instigator of warfare between Lebanon and Israel. Hussein was extremely difficult to deal with before the war, in large part because he apparently believed that he could defeat any U.S. invasion if it came to that. Now he knows he can’t. And he’d probably be amenable because his alternative is death by hanging.”

“Iraq Did Much Better Under Saddam”

On November 29, the German magazine, Der Stern Online, published an interview with Middle Eastern expert and well-known journalist Peter Scholl-Latour, almost echoing the above sentiments in the article of The Los Angeles Times. Scholl-Latour answered the question whether Iraq did better under Saddam:

“Much better. It is true that the Kurds and Shiites were persecuted, but Saddam held the country together; there was not daily fear to be killed or blackmailed through criminal gangs. Students could safely attend the university of Baghdad. Many women did not wear a scarf. When a woman is seen today on the streets of Baghdad without a scarf, she must expect the worse.”

When asked whether Iraqis are sad that Saddam is gone, Scholl-Latour answered:

“No, they only miss the order and security which existed then. There was one rule under Saddam Hussein: Do not oppose him. But when people kept quiet, they were left in peace for the most part.”

England Wants to Please Europe–and Angers Churches

The Daily Mail wrote on November 28 about proposed legislation in England, in compliance with a “European Directive,” pertaining to homosexuals, and the negative reaction of the Church of England and the Catholic Church. The article explained:

“The Sexual Orientation Regulations are set to go into law in England in April… [They] would have an impact on religious believers in business. Christian hoteliers will be compelled to rent rooms to gay couples, while Muslim printers will be unable to refuse to print homosexual magazines or advertisements.”

The article also stated: “Archbishop of Birmingham Vincent Nichols threatened to withdraw Catholic co-operation with the Government over schools, charity programmes and adoption agencies if the new sexual orientation regulations go ahead… Church of England leaders have said that priests could be sued for failing to bless same sex couples or give communion to churchgoers whose behaviour they believe to be wilfully sinful.” The article concluded with the following remarks:

“While the final version of the rules–which the Government has produced to MEET THE DEMANDS OF A EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE–have yet to be published in England, the version which will operate in Northern Ireland from 1 January has appeared. The Northern Ireland rules, which appear to cement the role of the province as a test bed for new legislation and forms of taxation in England, say those found guilty of breaking the rules will be fined between £500 and £1,000 for a first offence. Subsequent serious offences can attract penalties of up to £25,000.”

Colonizing Space Through Warp Drive?

On November 30, 2006, the British paper, The Telegraph, reported the following:

“Mankind will need to venture far beyond planet Earth to ensure the long-term survival of our species, according to the world’s best known scientist, Professor Stephen Hawking. Returning to a theme he has voiced many times before, the Cambridge University cosmologist said today that space-rockets propelled by the kind of matter/antimatter annihilation technology popularised in Star Trek would be needed to help Homo sapiens colonise hospitable planets orbiting alien stars… “He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that scientists still have ‘some way to go’ to reach his prediction in his bestselling A Brief History of Time that mankind would one day ‘know the mind of God’ by UNDERSTANDING THE COMPLETE SET OF LAWS WHICH GOVERN THE UNIVERSE. This set of laws, which will probably rely on theory that requires more than three dimensions of space and one of time, could be uncovered within 20 years…

“‘The long-term survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a single planet,’ he said. ‘Sooner or later, DISASTERS SUCH AS AN ASTEROID COLLISION OR NUCLEAR WAR COULD WIPE US ALL OUT. But once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe. ‘There isn’t anywhere like the Earth in the solar system, so we would have to go to another star. If we used chemical fuel rockets like the Apollo mission to the moon, the journey to the nearest star would take 50,000 years. This is obviously far too long to be practical, so science fiction has developed the idea of warp drive, which takes you instantly to your destination. Unfortunately, this would violate the scientific law which says that nothing can travel faster than light. However, we can still within the law, by using matter/antimatter annihilation, and reach speeds just below the speed of light. With that, it would be possible to reach the next star in about six years, though it wouldn’t seem so long for those on board.’

“The science fiction series Star Trek has used matter/antimatter annihilation as an explanation for the warp drive. But, in reality, he said that scientists believe that the flash of radiation produced when matter and antimatter are brought together and destroy one another could in fact one day be used to drive craft to close to the speed of light.”

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