Current Events

Christmas Is Wrong… So What?

A shocking headline? Perhaps! But it reflects–sadly–the view point of many Christians these days. Even though they know that it is pagan, they see nothing wrong with it.

USA Weekend published an article on December 18, 2005, pointing out the following:

“If you think Scrooge and the Grinch are grumpy come Christmastime, consider the Puritans: These founding fathers banned Christmas! From 1659 to 1681, the devout Puritans of Massachusetts outlawed Christmas celebrations in Boston in part because they felt the holiday was rooted in, and therefore tainted by, pagan customs. And THEY WERE RIGHT: Much of what we celebrate about Christmas — from decorated trees to yule logs and mistletoe — does come from pagan myths and customs. These folk practices were wrapped around the nativity story and became the colorful array of Christmas customs observed today. Here are the stories behind some of our favorite holiday symbols:

“Christmas trees: The pagans get credit for using evergreens, the ancient symbols of life — trees that remained alive in the dead of winter… Santa Claus:… the predecessor to Santa Claus is based on the Norse god Odin, who rode through the winter skies on his eight-legged horse and brought gifts to the needy. Odin became Father Christmas, and the eight-legged horse transformed into eight reindeer. Mistletoe: The kissing tradition stems from Celtic and Norse myths. Considered sacred by the Celtic Druids, evergreen mistletoe was a healing plant so holy that enemies would lay down their arms if they met beneath it. Mistletoe emerged as a token of peace and, thanks to Norse myths, eventually romance.”

But unbelievable, perhaps, here is the conclusion of the article’s author: “Understanding the roots of Christmas doesn’t change the meaning of the holiday. Whether you say ‘Joyeux Noel,’ ‘God Yul’ or ‘Buon Natale,’ the season is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the hope for peace on Earth and goodwill toward men.”

In a related article by the Scripps Howard News Service, the question was asked: “How hard should Christians fight for Christmas?” And a surprising answer was given, as follows: “… I’m not sure we Christians should spend too much time saving the public use of red and green decorations, or candy canes, or ‘Christmas’ trees, or ‘Christmas’ cards or demand that stores wish us a ‘Merry Christmas’ when we purchase our ‘Christmas’ Pods and Palm Trees at this time of year… I mean, none of this has anything to do with Christmas. IN FACT, CHRISTMAS DOESN’T REALLY HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ‘CHRISTMAS.'”

“Let’s face it… Early Christians didn’t consider celebrating his [Christ’s] birth. That ‘Holy Day’ came later, probably when early missionaries conflated celebrating Christ’s birth with Pagan festivals as a way of trying to convert lost souls. The holiday didn’t really catch on as we know it today until Victorian times. And no, there was no brightly lighted or decorated Christmas tree in the manger. That was largely popularized as we know it now by Prince Albert in England, who brought one over from his native Germany.

“In fact, in part because our early American puritan forefathers were opposed to the pagan origins of ‘Christmas,’ in many early New England communities its celebration was literally banned. (For the same reasons, it was also banned for a time in England in the 1600s.) No, little puritan children never got to sit on Santa’s lap. And you know all those creche scenes which depict the wise men at the manger? Those fellows probably didn’t actually show up until around the time Christ was a toddler.

“When I lived in Virginia, I was a member of a Presbyterian church that did not officially recognize ‘Christmas.’ While the parishioners, including the pastor, typically celebrated the holiday with all its trimmings as largely a secular celebration, it wasn’t part of our church calendar in any way because an annual celebration of Christ’s birth wasn’t called for in scripture. (I had Christian friends who just could not get that.)”  

But again, after reading all of these correct expressions of wisdom, the author’s conclusion is nothing but shocking: “Now look, I go ga-ga over ‘Christmas.’ I love the songs, the lights, the gifts, the chaos, the parties, the whole deal. I don’t hold back. It’s fun! The older I get, the more ga-ga I get. When my first was born, I was adamant that I wouldn’t tell him that Santa Claus was anything but a lovely story. By the time number four came along, I was adamant that the Santa she was talking to at the mall just HAD to be the real one. I just recognize it for what it is–a largely secular celebration. Now I’m all for Christmas Day being a national holiday.”

How true is God’s Word, telling us that the “wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). For more information, please read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

Santa Claus a Myth…

… but teachers are not allowed to say it! In fact, they are instructed to teach the LIE of Santa Claus. And so, our young children are still being told LIES by their teachers–and concerned parents are not permitted to stop it.

This reads like a Crime or Horror Story from the Middle Ages. But, it’s happening in the sophisticated, civilized and modern United States of America–year after year. As WorldNetDaily reported on December 15, 2005:

“After angry calls from parents and involvement of school administrators, an elementary music teacher has RECANTED statements she made to her first-grade students earlier this week that Santa Claus was a MYTH. ‘She told the students that in fact SHE HAD HEARD FROM SANTA, and she WANTED TO REASSURE THEM THAT HE IS ALIVE AND WELL in the spirit of Christmas,’ Jeanne Guerra, Richardson, Texas, school district spokeswoman told the Dallas Morning News. The quick turnaround was the result of the teacher’s bosses receiving calls from parents upset that the part-time instructor would tell such young children that Santa wasn’t real. Guerra said the teacher MISSPOKE during a lesson about holiday traditions. During a discussion about how Christmas presents are delivered, the teacher reportedly told the children it was actually parents who were responsible for Santa’s gifts. According to the paper’s report, a student quickly disputed the teacher’s contention, at which time she realized the age of the children and quickly changed the subject. ‘Santa Claus is an important part of the holiday season for many children,’ a district statement said.”

End-of-Year News Conference

As AFP reported on December 19, 2005, “US President George W. Bush mounted a robust defense of domestic spying programs and hotly disputed anti-terror laws, in an end-of-year news conference at the White House. Bush rolled out a combative performance as he sought to right his presidency after a testing year which saw his popularity tumble amid bloodshed in Iraq, the Hurricane Katrina debacle and scandals soiling his Republican party.

“The president, under fire over revelations that he authorized the National Security Agency to conduct surveillance missions on terror suspects within the United States, contrary to legal precedent, was unapologetic… Bush also said he expected a full investigation into who leaked information about the secret wiretaps to the New York Times, which published a story on the issue last week, after holding off for a year amid administration protests… As debate on civil liberties and the battle against terrorism rumbled on, Bush demanded recalcitrant senators drop their opposition to renewal of the Patriot Act, which has also attracted concern from the civil liberties lobby. ‘The senators … must stop their delaying tactics and the Senate must vote to reauthorize the Patriot Act,’ he said of an act which expires in 12 days.”

Subsequently, it was reported by The Associated Press on December 22, that “The… Senate on Wednesday approved a six-month extension of the USA Patriot Act to keep the anti-terror law from expiring on Dec. 31. President Bush gave it his grudging blessing. The Republican-controlled House is now expected to come back and consider the legislation keeping the 16 provisions of the law passed after the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington from expiring. Republican leaders and Bush wanted to make most of the law permanent, but were stymied by a filibuster in the Senate and had to resort to a six-month extension.”

USA Today stated on December 20:

“President Bush made an unapologetic defense Monday of a controversial program to spy on some Americans’ international phone calls WITHOUT COURT WARRANTS, VOWING TO CONTINUE IT as long as the nation faces ‘an enemy that wants to kill American citizens.'”

AFP wrote in a follow-up article on December 20 that President Bush “vowed TO EXTEND an unprecedented spy effort targeting US citizens with suspected ties to Al-Qaeda and denied that the program was illegal or an abuse of his power.”

But as The Associated Press reported on December 20, “Some Democrats say they never approved a domestic wiretapping program, undermining suggestions by President Bush and his senior advisers that the plan was fully vetted in a series of congressional briefings… Some legal experts described the program as groundbreaking… [Before President Bush’s news conference,] there was a growing storm of criticism in Congress and calls for investigations, from Democrats and Republicans alike… The SPYING UPROAR WAS THE LATEST CONTROVERSY about Bush’s handling of the war on terror. It follows allegations of secret prisons in Eastern Europe and of torture and other mistreatment of detainees, and an American death toll in Iraq that has exceeded 2,150.”

First Afghan Parliament

Reuters reported on December 19, 2005, about the historic fact that the first Afghan parliament in decades was sworn in on Monday. This development was viewed as an overwhelming victory of the international efforts to bring peace and democracy to Afghanistan. But–was it? The article pointed out:

“Former warlords, ex-communists, Taliban defectors and women activists were sworn in on Monday as members of the first Afghan parliament in more than 30 years amid hopes of national reconciliation after decades of bloodshed. The inauguration was peaceful despite threats by Taliban guerrillas and was greeted with tears of emotion although there is disappointment that many in the parliament are accused of serious rights abuses and links to the drugs trade.”

The article continued:

“Human Rights Watch says up to 60 percent of deputies are warlords or their proxies, boding ill for efforts to account for abuses and to stamp out a massive drugs trade. Malalai Joya, a 27-year-old MP, told reporters she was upset by an assembly of ‘warlords, war criminals and drug lords’ and vowed to reveal their crimes, or resign… Opinions differed among Afghans. Government employee Ghulam Faroq, 60, said it was time to forget the past, but businessman Abdul Karim, 40, said parliament was ‘defective.’ ‘It was decided by the U.S.,’ he said. ‘It won’t be able to do anything for Afghans because lots of MPs are illiterate and most are warlords who know nothing except killing people.'”

Turkey in the News

The Associated Press reported on December 15, 2005, about a controversial and unwelcome trial in Turkey, which could jeopardize Turkey’s future proposed membership in the EU. As Turkey is identified as the Biblical Edom, it is highly unlikely that Turkey will become a member of the EU, even though it WILL cooperate with Europe. The article pointed out:

“Turkey’s foremost novelist goes on trial Friday in Istanbul in a free-speech case that has divided the nation, embarrassed its liberals and cast a pall over its dream of joining the European Union. For Europeans who oppose Turkey’s membership in their prosperous club of democracies, the prosecution of Orhan Pamuk reinforces the view that the nation of 70 million Muslims, WHILE A USEFUL BUFFER BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST, is no part of contemporary European civilization. Pamuk… faces up to three years in prison for saying to a Swiss newspaper in February that no one in Turkey is willing to deal with painful episodes in the country’s past treatment of its Armenian minority or its continuing problems with its 12 million Kurdish citizens. His remark that ‘30,000 Kurds and 1 million Armenians were killed in these lands, and nobody but me dares to talk about it,’ is being prosecuted as a breach of a law against insulting the Turkish Republic or ‘Turkishness.'”

The article continued:

“On Thursday, the European Union made the stakes clear. ‘It is not Orhan Pamuk who will stand trial tomorrow, but Turkey,’ said EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn, adding that prosecuting ‘a nonviolent opinion casts a shadow over the accession negotiations between Turkey and the EU.’… The Bush administration regards Turkey as an ally and strongly backs its admission to the EU… The dilemma has grown more acute now that even British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a staunch supporter of Turkey’s admission to the EU, is saying it can only happen if Turkey embraces European standards of free expression.”

These events are interesting in light of Biblical prophecies dealing with Edom. As mentioned, Edom describes modern Turkey–and not, as some erroneously claim–the Palestinians or Arab terrorist organizations. Such views are not supported in Scripture at all–in fact, several Biblical passages refute such an understanding. Let us therefore continue to watch the interesting developments in TURKEY.

“Domino” Bolivia Falls

As Der Spiegel Online reported on December 20, “The leftward shift in Latin America shows no signs of abatement. From the Caribbean to Tierra del Fuego, South American voters are rejecting ’90s-style free market policies for varying shades of socialism. Now Bolivia has followed suit, electing left-winger Evo Morales.” The article continued:

“When George Bush went to the Summit of the Americas in Argentina last November, he found that he had few friends. There was Vicente Fox of Mexico and Alvaro Uribe Velez of Colombia, but the guy who dominated the summit was Hugo Chavez, the left-wing Venezuelan who has become a thorn in Washington’s side. Washington has watched one electorate after another in South America turn its back on pro-globalization leaders and vote for left-wing governments. Now Bolivia has gone the same way.”

Jesus a Magician?

Discovery Channel announced that they will air on “Christmas eve” a special program about the miracles of Jesus, presented by Brock Gill, a world-renown magician and illusionist, who also claims to be a Christian. The program will address such questions as whether the miracles of Jesus can be re-created using 21st century technology.  Brock will be asking: “Was He a magician? Was He an illusionist? Was He a hypnotist?… Was He a paranormalist? Or was He just a master of psychology? What was the deal? Was He a real miracle worker?”

The program will allegedly investigate three different locations where Jesus performed His miracles: Nain, Galilee, where the widow’s son was raised from the dead; the Golan Heights, where the multiplication of loaves and fishes for the feeding of 5,000 people took place; and the Sea of Galilee where Christ walked on water.

“I’ve always been fascinated by miracles, ever since I was a kid reading the Bible stories. They were so outside of the ordinary,” says Brock. “I always liked the idea of being able to walk across the water.” 

We don’t know where this program is heading, or what beneficial value–if any–it will contain. The way in which the program is described, however, may create great disagreement with and damage for the inspired Word of God. We will, however, reserve further comments until after the program has been aired.

Chancellor Merkel–The Peacemaker

The Independent, a newspaper from Great Britain, reported on December 17: “During a day of tense talks, the new German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, emerged as a key powerbroker between Tony Blair and the French President, Jacques Chirac, as she attended her first European summit… The German Chancellor met Mr Blair and M. Chirac separately, then held a meeting with both. She also held talks with the French President, the Austrian Chancellor, Wolfgang Schüssel, and Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Jean-Claude Juncker.”

AFP added on December 18: “While Europe’s political leaders haggled over the sacrifices underpinning a budget accord, Germany’s Angela Merkel — a newcomer on the EU summit scene — quietly emerged as a key mediator in the diplomatic hurly-burly. It was a measure of her success that the deal eventually clinched by Blair was for precisely the spending limit Merkel had proposed. ‘She played an extraordinarily important role behind the scenes,’ Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel said. ‘It was her debut at a European summit, and she pulled it off brilliantly. She was cool, calm and very professional.’ Her tactics were also hailed by the European press. ‘THE GERMAN WALLET SAVED THE EU BUDGET,’ wrote the Svenska Dagbladet in its online edition, saying she had agreed to a higher budget level ‘so Blair could gather his “Christmas presents” for those who were dissatisfied.’ France’s Le Figaro newspaper went further. ‘It appeared as if WITHOUT HER, Europe would have found itself in a new political crisis.'”

Merkel for Europe

The EUobserver reported on December 19, 2005, that Angela Merkel is determined to save the EU Constitution, as is.  “Germany takes over the rotating EU presidency in the first half of 2007 and could play a key-role in reviving the constitution, Elmar Brok, a prominent member of Ms Merkel’s CDU party in the European Parliament, pointed out. ‘It will be the main task for the German EU presidency’, he said. In May 2007 France is to hold presidential elections while the Netherlands will hold parliamentary elections. ‘Following these terms, it falls INTO THE HAND OF GERMANY, to save the constitution’, Mr Brok said.”

Europe After Blair

The Telegraph, a British paper, reported on December 20:

“Europe’s federalist leaders yesterday celebrated the last days of Britain’s EU presidency and announced that the ‘time is ripe’ for reviving their most cherished project: the EU constitution. With BRITAIN’S PRESIDENCY–seen in Brussels as a time of MISERABLE STAGNATION–expiring this month, the baton is already passing to the next holders, AUSTRIA. Ursula Plassnik, the Austrian foreign minister, flew to Brussels yesterday to hail the constitution as holding the answers to key questions about Europe. Austria would relaunch the debate on the future of Europe at a June 2006 summit, Mrs Plassnik said.”

Europe’s Club Within a Club

The United States of Europe are not dead. But they may evolve differently than many have thought, perhaps as a club within the club–as a group of core nations directing the EU?

Der Spiegel Online discussed Europe’s future in its article, dated December 19, 2005, reporting about the old, but newly emerging idea of several core nations within Europe. The article pointed out:

“The fact is, a 25-member European club has proven to be incredibly unwieldy. The solution could be the creation of an EU core… For months, the EU — the mini-success of a budget agreement aside — has slid from one defeat to the next. And it’s a trend that isn’t likely to reverse itself anytime soon. Which has leant an increasing amount of credence to an idea that has been kicking around the halls of Brussels for some time now: that of creating a club within the European club. The heads of those states that have been in the EU the longest feel that they — working together — can lead Europe out of its current crisis. Old Europe pulling new Europe along behind… The idea would involve some EU core countries taking the next step toward Europe’s future ALONE… Indeed, [Prime Minister of Belgium, Guy] Verhofstadt has already issued a ‘manifesto’ describing just how such a ‘new Europe’ might look. The core of such a Europe would be a small group of states — a sort of ‘United States of Europe’ as he calls it — bound closely together. Those countries wary of such intimate alignment would form a looser alliance surrounding the tightly-knit core group. The ‘Organization of European States,’ as Verhofstadt has christened it.

“Verhofstadt has already started peddling his idea and has approached French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. THEY HAVE SHOWN INTEREST…”

The article continued:

“Verhofstadt’s model of a core EU ALREADY EXISTS: the single currency euro zone… When EU finance ministers meet, the 12 ministers from the euro zone hold talks among themselves before they meet the 13 colleagues whose countries haven’t adopted the euro. In that pre-meeting, THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISIONS FOR THE EURO ZONE ARE MADE — in the club of the avant-garde. And it’s a model that could conceivably be transferred from finance policy to other areas — with the euro zone core leading the way. It’s an idea that has been launched by France and which has found a certain degree of acceptance. Already, the first summit of euro-group leaders has been penciled in for 2006.”

In other words, according to this model, those countries which have adopted the euro would constitute the club of core nations, while those countries which have not adopted the euro, including Great Britain, would NOT. The concluding remarks of the article could prove to be almost prophetic:

“In 2007, Jacques Chirac will likely be facing retirement at the hands of French voters. Chancellor Merkel, on the other hand, will just have taken over the EU presidency — it will be Germany’s turn to run the show for the first six months of 2007. Merkel, who has emerged as Europe’s new star following the weekend’s budget agreement, would have a perfect opportunity to secure her European legacy. SHE COULD TRANSFORM THE EURO GROUP INTO A NEW, SOLID, POLITICAL CORE OF A UNIFIED EUROPE.”

Schroeder’s Pipeline Gains (Some) Support

As Deutsche Welle reported on December 16, 2005, some members of the German Parliament have apparently begun to realize that former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s involvement with the German-Russian pipeline might not be all that bad for Germany. While conservatives and those of the opposition, in typical political fashion, condemned Schröder’s conduct, most, but not all, Social Democrats, in likewise typical political fashion, conveniently chose to REFUSE making decisive comments. As the news agency reported:

“The German parliament pondered the ethical implications associated with former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s decision to take a top position on a Russian-German energy project so quickly after leaving office. The news that Schröder would head the supervisory board of the North European Gas Pipeline (NGEP) less than one month after leaving the chancellor’s office met with immediate disapproval from parliamentary conservatives Thursday, opening cracks in the governing grand coalition of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats… One of Schröder’s closest confidents, Müntefering, said it was not up to the current administration to make judgments on what kinds of work former politicians should or should not accept. He also said he was convinced Schröder would act in Germany’s best interest. ‘I’m personally glad he did it,’ Müntefering said. ‘It is a strategic project for all of Europe.’… Earlier this week Schröder defended his new post, calling it an honor to lead the project that would bring gas from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea… Social Democratic head and former defense minister under Schröder, Peter Struck, also said Schröder’s participation in the project would be good for Germany.”

Politics in the UK

According to information received from one of our correspondents in the UK, “Already the new UK Conservative leader David Cameron has invited a lesbian as part of his team. In the UK there is an increasing tendency to recognize homosexuals and lesbians in government circles. This week there was an article in the Daily Mail alluding to the persistent chastisement of those who call people ‘homophobic’ who demonstrate against homosexual practices.  I wrote a letter to the Editor that I just wondered if these people would dare call God Himself homophobic because He calls the practice abominable! The Editor wouldn’t print it.”

Homosexual “Marriages” in the UK

As The Telegraph reported on December 22, “The most sweeping social reform for 40 years came to fruition yesterday when nearly 700 couples, including Sir Elton John and David Furnish, celebrated England’s first gay ‘weddings.’ To the delight of gay rights campaigners and the dismay of many Church leaders, homosexual couples ‘tied the knot’ in ceremonies that were hardly distinguishable from civil marriages. The sense of history was heightened by Tony Blair, who welcomed the new civil partnerships as ‘a modern, progressive step’ of which he was proud…

“But hard-line Christian campaigners described the ‘weddings’ as ‘a sham and an affront to almighty God’. Stephen Green, the national director of Christian Voice, said: ‘Ordinary people will be revolted by the sight of these couples embracing and the recognition in our law of what the Bible describes as an abomination and ‘vile affection’ will bring judgment on our land from the same Almighty God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.'”

In a related article of the Evening Standard, which was published on December 19, it was reported that prior to Sir Elton John’s wedding, a video message from Bill Clinton was played at a cabaret party. In the message, Mr. Clinton congratulated Elton John and David Furnish, stating, “If there were more people like Elton, the world would be a better place.”

Schwarzenegger vs. Graz

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 20:

“The execution of Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams in California has sent ripples of outrage through Europe, in part because one of its native sons refused to grant clemency. Now Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Austrian hometown of Graz has threatened to remove his name from its soccer stadium — but the Terminator fights back… No sooner had the Austrian city of Graz begun a petition to remove the name ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger’ from its football (sorry, soccer) stadium than the governor of California fired off a fax. You can’t use it anyway, wrote Gov. Schwarzenegger to Graz Mayor Siegfried Nagl, in German: ‘In the future, the use of my name to advertise or promote the city of Graz in any way is not allowed… In all likelihood… during my term as governor I will have to make similar and equally difficult decisions. In order to spare the responsible politicians of the city of Graz further concern, I withdraw from them as of this day the right to use my name in association with the … stadium. You will receive related correspondence from my legal counsel shortly.’ …

“The earliest Graz would have considered removing the name by itself was January 19. Schwarzenegger beat them to it. He has also sent back a ‘ring of honor’ awarded to him by Graz in 1999. ‘Since … official Graz appears to no longer accept me as one of their own, this ring has lost its meaning and value to me,’ Schwarzenegger wrote. ‘It is already in the mail.'”

Compromise For Unity?

In its attempt to achieve unity amongst all Christians, the Catholic Church has again emphasized that this goal might have to be achieved through compromise. Of course, it was not put quite that way. Rather, it was stated that the submission of “our” will under God’s Will was required.

VIS reported on December 15, 2005: “Benedict XVI today received members of the joint coordinating committee of the International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.” The Pope “pointed out that the renewed dialogue will consider two aspects: ‘On the one hand, eliminating the remaining differences, and on the other, upholding the fundamental desire to do everything possible to re-establish full communion, which is so essential for the community of the disciples of Christ, as the preparatory document of your work makes clear. We must seek out God’s will… though it may not correspond to our simple human projects. We must achieve full unity of the Church and reconciliation among Christians, even at the cost of submitting our own will to the will of the Lord.”

This development might serve, perhaps, as a warning against “unity” at all costs. Even in God’s Church, some advocate mergers between several groups. However, if such a goal can only be achieved through compromise of established and revealed Biblical doctrines and practices, it cannot be pursued in such a way.

Evolution Nothing But A Theory!!!

Thanks to the correct understanding of a Federal Appeals Court, Evolution CAN be CORRECTLY described as merely a theory, and NOT as a fact. The Associated Press reported on December 15, 2005, that “A federal appeals panel Thursday questioned the accuracy of a judge’s ruling that a disclaimer in school textbooks describing evolution as ‘a theory, not a fact’ represents an endorsement of religion. ‘I don’t think you all can contest any of the sentences’ on the disclaimer sticker, Judge Ed Carnes of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals told an attorney arguing for parents who sued.

“‘IT IS A THEORY, NOT A FACT; the book supports that,’ Carnes said… The panel did not indicate when it would rule.”

It is hoped that the court will rule in favor of truth and accuracy–that is, that a label on school books advising that evolution is merely a theory, and not a fact, must NOT be removed from those books. Actually, evolution is really nothing but a fable. For further information, please read our free booklet, “Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults.”

But, of course, most don’t [want to] see it that way. As USA Today reported on December 21, 2005, “A federal judge dealt a major setback Tuesday to backers of the idea that some forms of life are so complex that they must be the product of an intelligent designer. Judge John Jones ruled that it is unconstitutional to teach the concept in public school science classes because it is ‘a religious view.’… Jones’ ruling is not binding outside the Middle District of Pennsylvania, but attorneys and outside experts say it will have broad impact on judges, lawyers and school boards… Intelligent design theory does not answer the question of who or what is the designer… In his ruling, Jones said intelligent design ‘violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking and permitting supernatural causation’; it relies on ‘flawed and illogical’ arguments; and its attacks on evolution ‘have been refuted by the scientific community.'”

However, neither Evolution nor Intelligent Design give us critical answers about WHO created Man, and WHY. Please be sure to listen to this week’s StandingWatch program, titled, “Evolution or the Bible?”

Water on Mars?

On December 22, 2005, UPI reported about another major setback to the concept that there must be–or must have been–life on other planets, such as Mars. Earlier this year, scientists proclaimed that they found evidence for water on Mars. Now it was strongly suggested that they did not. UPI stated:

“Two Arizona State University geologists say features at the Opportunity landing site on Mars were formed not by a lake, but by constant meteorite strikes… The site where the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landed has sediments and layered structures that are thought to be formed by the evaporation of an acidic salty sea. The prevailing thought is that when the Martian sea existed it may have supported life forms and thus would be a prime site to explore for fossils. However, ASU geologists L. Paul Knauth and Donald Burt — along with Kenneth Wohletz of Los Alamos National Laboratory — say base surges resulting from massive explosions caused by meteorite strikes offer a simpler and more consistent explanation for the rock formations and sediment layers.”

Elections in Iraq

Many have hailed the success in Iraq by pointing at the most recent historic governmental election. But not all seems to be “satisfactory” or a cause for joy. As AFP reported on December 20, there is already increased cause for concern due to the surprisingly low approval rate of Sunnis and the surprisingly high approval rate of Shiites in partial election results.

The news agency reported:

“Iraq’s largest Sunni political coalition has contested partial election results and threatened to demand a new ballot despite calls from US President George W. Bush for a swift new government. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani also appealed Tuesday for a broad-based government representing the entire ethnic and political spectrum following Thursday’s landmark general election.

“The National Concord Front, a coalition of three major Sunni powers that competed in parliamentary polls for the first time, condemned what it described as fraud and violations in the election… The conservative Shiite United Iraqi Alliance list won 58 percent of the vote in Baghdad while the National Concord Front came second with 18.6 percent, according to partial results announced by the electoral commission on Monday. ‘The electoral commission can still rectify the situation, otherwise it will be entirely responsible for this fraud which will have SERIOUS REPERCUSSIONS ON THE SECURITY AND ECONOMIC SITUATION,’ said Tareq al-Hashimi of the Iraqi Islamic Party, a coalition member.”

Update 223

Why the Church?

On December 24, 2005, J. Edwin Pope will give the sermon, titled “Why the Church?”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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False Worship

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

There are many aspects of false worship but one area that has
proliferated in more recent times has been that of the celebrity
culture. It has always been there, of course, but celebrity and hero
worship seems to have become embedded in a society where entertainment
and the media take center stage.

Recently in the UK we had the
spectacle of the funeral of an outstanding footballer [soccer player
for our American readers] who, by common consent, was one of the best
that the country had ever produced. He was just 59 years of age with a
chequered personal history of alcoholism and other problems, and yet he
was worshipped like a god. Hundreds of thousands of people lined the
funeral route, a motorcade escorted the hearse, and there was huge bill
for policing. A massive amount of flowers was laid outside his former
football club, and a minute’s silence was observed at football matches
throughout the land. Perhaps this was hardly surprising as
football is the new religion.

We had a similar outpouring of
grief when Princess Diana died a few years ago. One Church minister
said about this event: “Yes, ‘we all’ had shared the grief at Diana’s
death, ‘we all cried’, we all laid flowers, went to the funeral and
sang along to Elton John. But actually, by trying to pretend that Diana
was something other than human, we were guilty of ‘paganism’,
attributing the characteristics of holiness to an insufficiently worthy
vessel. We had worshipped the wrong thing, and worshipped in the wrong

Diana, it was implied, had been melted down and turned into
a golden calf. A former Prime Minister said that his perception was
that because we have become a secular society, the outpouring of grief
for Princess Diana was a manifestation of the worshipping of

These two events were linked in many people’s minds
here in the UK. One commentator wrote: “Not since that distant late
summer day when Princess Diana’s coffin was borne through the streets
of London have so many people turned out to demonstrate their surging
affection and sense of loss.”

And yet the Bible is very clear on
this issue: “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3) and:
“You shall not bow down to them nor serve them (verse 5).” Although
specifically referring to carved images, the worship of anyone or
anything can be covered by this verse. Aren’t we most blessed to
understand that, while we can admire others, only the true Creator God
is to be worshipped, and not flawed human beings?

let us not forget the false worship that is currently in full swing
with the inevitable Christmas celebrations. Much has been
written about that matter over the years and the recent member letter
discussed the “spirit” of Christmas. But only God is to be worshipped,
and only in the way that He has prescribed, and nothing else will

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Christmas Is Wrong… So What?

A shocking headline? Perhaps! But it reflects–sadly–the view point of many Christians these days. Even though they know that it is pagan, they see nothing wrong with it.

USA Weekend published an article on December 18, 2005, pointing out the following:

“If you think Scrooge and the Grinch are grumpy come Christmastime, consider the Puritans: These founding fathers banned Christmas! From 1659 to 1681, the devout Puritans of Massachusetts outlawed Christmas celebrations in Boston in part because they felt the holiday was rooted in, and therefore tainted by, pagan customs. And THEY WERE RIGHT: Much of what we celebrate about Christmas — from decorated trees to yule logs and mistletoe — does come from pagan myths and customs. These folk practices were wrapped around the nativity story and became the colorful array of Christmas customs observed today. Here are the stories behind some of our favorite holiday symbols:

“Christmas trees: The pagans get credit for using evergreens, the ancient symbols of life — trees that remained alive in the dead of winter… Santa Claus:… the predecessor to Santa Claus is based on the Norse god Odin, who rode through the winter skies on his eight-legged horse and brought gifts to the needy. Odin became Father Christmas, and the eight-legged horse transformed into eight reindeer. Mistletoe: The kissing tradition stems from Celtic and Norse myths. Considered sacred by the Celtic Druids, evergreen mistletoe was a healing plant so holy that enemies would lay down their arms if they met beneath it. Mistletoe emerged as a token of peace and, thanks to Norse myths, eventually romance.”

But unbelievable, perhaps, here is the conclusion of the article’s author: “Understanding the roots of Christmas doesn’t change the meaning of the holiday. Whether you say ‘Joyeux Noel,’ ‘God Yul’ or ‘Buon Natale,’ the season is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the hope for peace on Earth and goodwill toward men.”

In a related article by the Scripps Howard News Service, the question was asked: “How hard should Christians fight for Christmas?” And a surprising answer was given, as follows: “… I’m not sure we Christians should spend too much time saving the public use of red and green decorations, or candy canes, or ‘Christmas’ trees, or ‘Christmas’ cards or demand that stores wish us a ‘Merry Christmas’ when we purchase our ‘Christmas’ Pods and Palm Trees at this time of year… I mean, none of this has anything to do with Christmas. IN FACT, CHRISTMAS DOESN’T REALLY HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ‘CHRISTMAS.'”

“Let’s face it… Early Christians didn’t consider celebrating his [Christ’s] birth. That ‘Holy Day’ came later, probably when early missionaries conflated celebrating Christ’s birth with Pagan festivals as a way of trying to convert lost souls. The holiday didn’t really catch on as we know it today until Victorian times. And no, there was no brightly lighted or decorated Christmas tree in the manger. That was largely popularized as we know it now by Prince Albert in England, who brought one over from his native Germany.

“In fact, in part because our early American puritan forefathers were opposed to the pagan origins of ‘Christmas,’ in many early New England communities its celebration was literally banned. (For the same reasons, it was also banned for a time in England in the 1600s.) No, little puritan children never got to sit on Santa’s lap. And you know all those creche scenes which depict the wise men at the manger? Those fellows probably didn’t actually show up until around the time Christ was a toddler.

“When I lived in Virginia, I was a member of a Presbyterian church that did not officially recognize ‘Christmas.’ While the parishioners, including the pastor, typically celebrated the holiday with all its trimmings as largely a secular celebration, it wasn’t part of our church calendar in any way because an annual celebration of Christ’s birth wasn’t called for in scripture. (I had Christian friends who just could not get that.)”  

But again, after reading all of these correct expressions of wisdom, the author’s conclusion is nothing but shocking: “Now look, I go ga-ga over ‘Christmas.’ I love the songs, the lights, the gifts, the chaos, the parties, the whole deal. I don’t hold back. It’s fun! The older I get, the more ga-ga I get. When my first was born, I was adamant that I wouldn’t tell him that Santa Claus was anything but a lovely story. By the time number four came along, I was adamant that the Santa she was talking to at the mall just HAD to be the real one. I just recognize it for what it is–a largely secular celebration. Now I’m all for Christmas Day being a national holiday.”

How true is God’s Word, telling us that the “wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). For more information, please read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

Santa Claus a Myth…

… but teachers are not allowed to say it! In fact, they are instructed to teach the LIE of Santa Claus. And so, our young children are still being told LIES by their teachers–and concerned parents are not permitted to stop it.

This reads like a Crime or Horror Story from the Middle Ages. But, it’s happening in the sophisticated, civilized and modern United States of America–year after year. As WorldNetDaily reported on December 15, 2005:

“After angry calls from parents and involvement of school administrators, an elementary music teacher has RECANTED statements she made to her first-grade students earlier this week that Santa Claus was a MYTH. ‘She told the students that in fact SHE HAD HEARD FROM SANTA, and she WANTED TO REASSURE THEM THAT HE IS ALIVE AND WELL in the spirit of Christmas,’ Jeanne Guerra, Richardson, Texas, school district spokeswoman told the Dallas Morning News. The quick turnaround was the result of the teacher’s bosses receiving calls from parents upset that the part-time instructor would tell such young children that Santa wasn’t real. Guerra said the teacher MISSPOKE during a lesson about holiday traditions. During a discussion about how Christmas presents are delivered, the teacher reportedly told the children it was actually parents who were responsible for Santa’s gifts. According to the paper’s report, a student quickly disputed the teacher’s contention, at which time she realized the age of the children and quickly changed the subject. ‘Santa Claus is an important part of the holiday season for many children,’ a district statement said.”

End-of-Year News Conference

As AFP reported on December 19, 2005, “US President George W. Bush mounted a robust defense of domestic spying programs and hotly disputed anti-terror laws, in an end-of-year news conference at the White House. Bush rolled out a combative performance as he sought to right his presidency after a testing year which saw his popularity tumble amid bloodshed in Iraq, the Hurricane Katrina debacle and scandals soiling his Republican party.

“The president, under fire over revelations that he authorized the National Security Agency to conduct surveillance missions on terror suspects within the United States, contrary to legal precedent, was unapologetic… Bush also said he expected a full investigation into who leaked information about the secret wiretaps to the New York Times, which published a story on the issue last week, after holding off for a year amid administration protests… As debate on civil liberties and the battle against terrorism rumbled on, Bush demanded recalcitrant senators drop their opposition to renewal of the Patriot Act, which has also attracted concern from the civil liberties lobby. ‘The senators … must stop their delaying tactics and the Senate must vote to reauthorize the Patriot Act,’ he said of an act which expires in 12 days.”

Subsequently, it was reported by The Associated Press on December 22, that “The… Senate on Wednesday approved a six-month extension of the USA Patriot Act to keep the anti-terror law from expiring on Dec. 31. President Bush gave it his grudging blessing. The Republican-controlled House is now expected to come back and consider the legislation keeping the 16 provisions of the law passed after the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington from expiring. Republican leaders and Bush wanted to make most of the law permanent, but were stymied by a filibuster in the Senate and had to resort to a six-month extension.”

USA Today stated on December 20:

“President Bush made an unapologetic defense Monday of a controversial program to spy on some Americans’ international phone calls WITHOUT COURT WARRANTS, VOWING TO CONTINUE IT as long as the nation faces ‘an enemy that wants to kill American citizens.'”

AFP wrote in a follow-up article on December 20 that President Bush “vowed TO EXTEND an unprecedented spy effort targeting US citizens with suspected ties to Al-Qaeda and denied that the program was illegal or an abuse of his power.”

But as The Associated Press reported on December 20, “Some Democrats say they never approved a domestic wiretapping program, undermining suggestions by President Bush and his senior advisers that the plan was fully vetted in a series of congressional briefings… Some legal experts described the program as groundbreaking… [Before President Bush’s news conference,] there was a growing storm of criticism in Congress and calls for investigations, from Democrats and Republicans alike… The SPYING UPROAR WAS THE LATEST CONTROVERSY about Bush’s handling of the war on terror. It follows allegations of secret prisons in Eastern Europe and of torture and other mistreatment of detainees, and an American death toll in Iraq that has exceeded 2,150.”

First Afghan Parliament

Reuters reported on December 19, 2005, about the historic fact that the first Afghan parliament in decades was sworn in on Monday. This development was viewed as an overwhelming victory of the international efforts to bring peace and democracy to Afghanistan. But–was it? The article pointed out:

“Former warlords, ex-communists, Taliban defectors and women activists were sworn in on Monday as members of the first Afghan parliament in more than 30 years amid hopes of national reconciliation after decades of bloodshed. The inauguration was peaceful despite threats by Taliban guerrillas and was greeted with tears of emotion although there is disappointment that many in the parliament are accused of serious rights abuses and links to the drugs trade.”

The article continued:

“Human Rights Watch says up to 60 percent of deputies are warlords or their proxies, boding ill for efforts to account for abuses and to stamp out a massive drugs trade. Malalai Joya, a 27-year-old MP, told reporters she was upset by an assembly of ‘warlords, war criminals and drug lords’ and vowed to reveal their crimes, or resign… Opinions differed among Afghans. Government employee Ghulam Faroq, 60, said it was time to forget the past, but businessman Abdul Karim, 40, said parliament was ‘defective.’ ‘It was decided by the U.S.,’ he said. ‘It won’t be able to do anything for Afghans because lots of MPs are illiterate and most are warlords who know nothing except killing people.'”

Turkey in the News

The Associated Press reported on December 15, 2005, about a controversial and unwelcome trial in Turkey, which could jeopardize Turkey’s future proposed membership in the EU. As Turkey is identified as the Biblical Edom, it is highly unlikely that Turkey will become a member of the EU, even though it WILL cooperate with Europe. The article pointed out:

“Turkey’s foremost novelist goes on trial Friday in Istanbul in a free-speech case that has divided the nation, embarrassed its liberals and cast a pall over its dream of joining the European Union. For Europeans who oppose Turkey’s membership in their prosperous club of democracies, the prosecution of Orhan Pamuk reinforces the view that the nation of 70 million Muslims, WHILE A USEFUL BUFFER BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST, is no part of contemporary European civilization. Pamuk… faces up to three years in prison for saying to a Swiss newspaper in February that no one in Turkey is willing to deal with painful episodes in the country’s past treatment of its Armenian minority or its continuing problems with its 12 million Kurdish citizens. His remark that ‘30,000 Kurds and 1 million Armenians were killed in these lands, and nobody but me dares to talk about it,’ is being prosecuted as a breach of a law against insulting the Turkish Republic or ‘Turkishness.'”

The article continued:

“On Thursday, the European Union made the stakes clear. ‘It is not Orhan Pamuk who will stand trial tomorrow, but Turkey,’ said EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn, adding that prosecuting ‘a nonviolent opinion casts a shadow over the accession negotiations between Turkey and the EU.’… The Bush administration regards Turkey as an ally and strongly backs its admission to the EU… The dilemma has grown more acute now that even British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a staunch supporter of Turkey’s admission to the EU, is saying it can only happen if Turkey embraces European standards of free expression.”

These events are interesting in light of Biblical prophecies dealing with Edom. As mentioned, Edom describes modern Turkey–and not, as some erroneously claim–the Palestinians or Arab terrorist organizations. Such views are not supported in Scripture at all–in fact, several Biblical passages refute such an understanding. Let us therefore continue to watch the interesting developments in TURKEY.

“Domino” Bolivia Falls

As Der Spiegel Online reported on December 20, “The leftward shift in Latin America shows no signs of abatement. From the Caribbean to Tierra del Fuego, South American voters are rejecting ’90s-style free market policies for varying shades of socialism. Now Bolivia has followed suit, electing left-winger Evo Morales.” The article continued:

“When George Bush went to the Summit of the Americas in Argentina last November, he found that he had few friends. There was Vicente Fox of Mexico and Alvaro Uribe Velez of Colombia, but the guy who dominated the summit was Hugo Chavez, the left-wing Venezuelan who has become a thorn in Washington’s side. Washington has watched one electorate after another in South America turn its back on pro-globalization leaders and vote for left-wing governments. Now Bolivia has gone the same way.”

Jesus a Magician?

Discovery Channel announced that they will air on “Christmas eve” a special program about the miracles of Jesus, presented by Brock Gill, a world-renown magician and illusionist, who also claims to be a Christian. The program will address such questions as whether the miracles of Jesus can be re-created using 21st century technology.  Brock will be asking: “Was He a magician? Was He an illusionist? Was He a hypnotist?… Was He a paranormalist? Or was He just a master of psychology? What was the deal? Was He a real miracle worker?”

The program will allegedly investigate three different locations where Jesus performed His miracles: Nain, Galilee, where the widow’s son was raised from the dead; the Golan Heights, where the multiplication of loaves and fishes for the feeding of 5,000 people took place; and the Sea of Galilee where Christ walked on water.

“I’ve always been fascinated by miracles, ever since I was a kid reading the Bible stories. They were so outside of the ordinary,” says Brock. “I always liked the idea of being able to walk across the water.” 

We don’t know where this program is heading, or what beneficial value–if any–it will contain. The way in which the program is described, however, may create great disagreement with and damage for the inspired Word of God. We will, however, reserve further comments until after the program has been aired.

Chancellor Merkel–The Peacemaker

The Independent, a newspaper from Great Britain, reported on December 17: “During a day of tense talks, the new German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, emerged as a key powerbroker between Tony Blair and the French President, Jacques Chirac, as she attended her first European summit… The German Chancellor met Mr Blair and M. Chirac separately, then held a meeting with both. She also held talks with the French President, the Austrian Chancellor, Wolfgang Schüssel, and Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Jean-Claude Juncker.”

AFP added on December 18: “While Europe’s political leaders haggled over the sacrifices underpinning a budget accord, Germany’s Angela Merkel — a newcomer on the EU summit scene — quietly emerged as a key mediator in the diplomatic hurly-burly. It was a measure of her success that the deal eventually clinched by Blair was for precisely the spending limit Merkel had proposed. ‘She played an extraordinarily important role behind the scenes,’ Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel said. ‘It was her debut at a European summit, and she pulled it off brilliantly. She was cool, calm and very professional.’ Her tactics were also hailed by the European press. ‘THE GERMAN WALLET SAVED THE EU BUDGET,’ wrote the Svenska Dagbladet in its online edition, saying she had agreed to a higher budget level ‘so Blair could gather his “Christmas presents” for those who were dissatisfied.’ France’s Le Figaro newspaper went further. ‘It appeared as if WITHOUT HER, Europe would have found itself in a new political crisis.'”

Merkel for Europe

The EUobserver reported on December 19, 2005, that Angela Merkel is determined to save the EU Constitution, as is.  “Germany takes over the rotating EU presidency in the first half of 2007 and could play a key-role in reviving the constitution, Elmar Brok, a prominent member of Ms Merkel’s CDU party in the European Parliament, pointed out. ‘It will be the main task for the German EU presidency’, he said. In May 2007 France is to hold presidential elections while the Netherlands will hold parliamentary elections. ‘Following these terms, it falls INTO THE HAND OF GERMANY, to save the constitution’, Mr Brok said.”

Europe After Blair

The Telegraph, a British paper, reported on December 20:

“Europe’s federalist leaders yesterday celebrated the last days of Britain’s EU presidency and announced that the ‘time is ripe’ for reviving their most cherished project: the EU constitution. With BRITAIN’S PRESIDENCY–seen in Brussels as a time of MISERABLE STAGNATION–expiring this month, the baton is already passing to the next holders, AUSTRIA. Ursula Plassnik, the Austrian foreign minister, flew to Brussels yesterday to hail the constitution as holding the answers to key questions about Europe. Austria would relaunch the debate on the future of Europe at a June 2006 summit, Mrs Plassnik said.”

Europe’s Club Within a Club

The United States of Europe are not dead. But they may evolve differently than many have thought, perhaps as a club within the club–as a group of core nations directing the EU?

Der Spiegel Online discussed Europe’s future in its article, dated December 19, 2005, reporting about the old, but newly emerging idea of several core nations within Europe. The article pointed out:

“The fact is, a 25-member European club has proven to be incredibly unwieldy. The solution could be the creation of an EU core… For months, the EU — the mini-success of a budget agreement aside — has slid from one defeat to the next. And it’s a trend that isn’t likely to reverse itself anytime soon. Which has leant an increasing amount of credence to an idea that has been kicking around the halls of Brussels for some time now: that of creating a club within the European club. The heads of those states that have been in the EU the longest feel that they — working together — can lead Europe out of its current crisis. Old Europe pulling new Europe along behind… The idea would involve some EU core countries taking the next step toward Europe’s future ALONE… Indeed, [Prime Minister of Belgium, Guy] Verhofstadt has already issued a ‘manifesto’ describing just how such a ‘new Europe’ might look. The core of such a Europe would be a small group of states — a sort of ‘United States of Europe’ as he calls it — bound closely together. Those countries wary of such intimate alignment would form a looser alliance surrounding the tightly-knit core group. The ‘Organization of European States,’ as Verhofstadt has christened it.

“Verhofstadt has already started peddling his idea and has approached French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. THEY HAVE SHOWN INTEREST…”

The article continued:

“Verhofstadt’s model of a core EU ALREADY EXISTS: the single currency euro zone… When EU finance ministers meet, the 12 ministers from the euro zone hold talks among themselves before they meet the 13 colleagues whose countries haven’t adopted the euro. In that pre-meeting, THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISIONS FOR THE EURO ZONE ARE MADE — in the club of the avant-garde. And it’s a model that could conceivably be transferred from finance policy to other areas — with the euro zone core leading the way. It’s an idea that has been launched by France and which has found a certain degree of acceptance. Already, the first summit of euro-group leaders has been penciled in for 2006.”

In other words, according to this model, those countries which have adopted the euro would constitute the club of core nations, while those countries which have not adopted the euro, including Great Britain, would NOT. The concluding remarks of the article could prove to be almost prophetic:

“In 2007, Jacques Chirac will likely be facing retirement at the hands of French voters. Chancellor Merkel, on the other hand, will just have taken over the EU presidency — it will be Germany’s turn to run the show for the first six months of 2007. Merkel, who has emerged as Europe’s new star following the weekend’s budget agreement, would have a perfect opportunity to secure her European legacy. SHE COULD TRANSFORM THE EURO GROUP INTO A NEW, SOLID, POLITICAL CORE OF A UNIFIED EUROPE.”

Schroeder’s Pipeline Gains (Some) Support

As Deutsche Welle reported on December 16, 2005, some members of the German Parliament have apparently begun to realize that former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s involvement with the German-Russian pipeline might not be all that bad for Germany. While conservatives and those of the opposition, in typical political fashion, condemned Schröder’s conduct, most, but not all, Social Democrats, in likewise typical political fashion, conveniently chose to REFUSE making decisive comments. As the news agency reported:

“The German parliament pondered the ethical implications associated with former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s decision to take a top position on a Russian-German energy project so quickly after leaving office. The news that Schröder would head the supervisory board of the North European Gas Pipeline (NGEP) less than one month after leaving the chancellor’s office met with immediate disapproval from parliamentary conservatives Thursday, opening cracks in the governing grand coalition of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats… One of Schröder’s closest confidents, Müntefering, said it was not up to the current administration to make judgments on what kinds of work former politicians should or should not accept. He also said he was convinced Schröder would act in Germany’s best interest. ‘I’m personally glad he did it,’ Müntefering said. ‘It is a strategic project for all of Europe.’… Earlier this week Schröder defended his new post, calling it an honor to lead the project that would bring gas from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea… Social Democratic head and former defense minister under Schröder, Peter Struck, also said Schröder’s participation in the project would be good for Germany.”

Politics in the UK

According to information received from one of our correspondents in the UK, “Already the new UK Conservative leader David Cameron has invited a lesbian as part of his team. In the UK there is an increasing tendency to recognize homosexuals and lesbians in government circles. This week there was an article in the Daily Mail alluding to the persistent chastisement of those who call people ‘homophobic’ who demonstrate against homosexual practices.  I wrote a letter to the Editor that I just wondered if these people would dare call God Himself homophobic because He calls the practice abominable! The Editor wouldn’t print it.”

Homosexual “Marriages” in the UK

As The Telegraph reported on December 22, “The most sweeping social reform for 40 years came to fruition yesterday when nearly 700 couples, including Sir Elton John and David Furnish, celebrated England’s first gay ‘weddings.’ To the delight of gay rights campaigners and the dismay of many Church leaders, homosexual couples ‘tied the knot’ in ceremonies that were hardly distinguishable from civil marriages. The sense of history was heightened by Tony Blair, who welcomed the new civil partnerships as ‘a modern, progressive step’ of which he was proud…

“But hard-line Christian campaigners described the ‘weddings’ as ‘a sham and an affront to almighty God’. Stephen Green, the national director of Christian Voice, said: ‘Ordinary people will be revolted by the sight of these couples embracing and the recognition in our law of what the Bible describes as an abomination and ‘vile affection’ will bring judgment on our land from the same Almighty God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.'”

In a related article of the Evening Standard, which was published on December 19, it was reported that prior to Sir Elton John’s wedding, a video message from Bill Clinton was played at a cabaret party. In the message, Mr. Clinton congratulated Elton John and David Furnish, stating, “If there were more people like Elton, the world would be a better place.”

Schwarzenegger vs. Graz

Der Spiegel Online reported on December 20:

“The execution of Stanley ‘Tookie’ Williams in California has sent ripples of outrage through Europe, in part because one of its native sons refused to grant clemency. Now Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Austrian hometown of Graz has threatened to remove his name from its soccer stadium — but the Terminator fights back… No sooner had the Austrian city of Graz begun a petition to remove the name ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger’ from its football (sorry, soccer) stadium than the governor of California fired off a fax. You can’t use it anyway, wrote Gov. Schwarzenegger to Graz Mayor Siegfried Nagl, in German: ‘In the future, the use of my name to advertise or promote the city of Graz in any way is not allowed… In all likelihood… during my term as governor I will have to make similar and equally difficult decisions. In order to spare the responsible politicians of the city of Graz further concern, I withdraw from them as of this day the right to use my name in association with the … stadium. You will receive related correspondence from my legal counsel shortly.’ …

“The earliest Graz would have considered removing the name by itself was January 19. Schwarzenegger beat them to it. He has also sent back a ‘ring of honor’ awarded to him by Graz in 1999. ‘Since … official Graz appears to no longer accept me as one of their own, this ring has lost its meaning and value to me,’ Schwarzenegger wrote. ‘It is already in the mail.'”

Compromise For Unity?

In its attempt to achieve unity amongst all Christians, the Catholic Church has again emphasized that this goal might have to be achieved through compromise. Of course, it was not put quite that way. Rather, it was stated that the submission of “our” will under God’s Will was required.

VIS reported on December 15, 2005: “Benedict XVI today received members of the joint coordinating committee of the International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.” The Pope “pointed out that the renewed dialogue will consider two aspects: ‘On the one hand, eliminating the remaining differences, and on the other, upholding the fundamental desire to do everything possible to re-establish full communion, which is so essential for the community of the disciples of Christ, as the preparatory document of your work makes clear. We must seek out God’s will… though it may not correspond to our simple human projects. We must achieve full unity of the Church and reconciliation among Christians, even at the cost of submitting our own will to the will of the Lord.”

This development might serve, perhaps, as a warning against “unity” at all costs. Even in God’s Church, some advocate mergers between several groups. However, if such a goal can only be achieved through compromise of established and revealed Biblical doctrines and practices, it cannot be pursued in such a way.

Evolution Nothing But A Theory!!!

Thanks to the correct understanding of a Federal Appeals Court, Evolution CAN be CORRECTLY described as merely a theory, and NOT as a fact. The Associated Press reported on December 15, 2005, that “A federal appeals panel Thursday questioned the accuracy of a judge’s ruling that a disclaimer in school textbooks describing evolution as ‘a theory, not a fact’ represents an endorsement of religion. ‘I don’t think you all can contest any of the sentences’ on the disclaimer sticker, Judge Ed Carnes of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals told an attorney arguing for parents who sued.

“‘IT IS A THEORY, NOT A FACT; the book supports that,’ Carnes said… The panel did not indicate when it would rule.”

It is hoped that the court will rule in favor of truth and accuracy–that is, that a label on school books advising that evolution is merely a theory, and not a fact, must NOT be removed from those books. Actually, evolution is really nothing but a fable. For further information, please read our free booklet, “Evolution–a Fairy Tale for Adults.”

But, of course, most don’t [want to] see it that way. As USA Today reported on December 21, 2005, “A federal judge dealt a major setback Tuesday to backers of the idea that some forms of life are so complex that they must be the product of an intelligent designer. Judge John Jones ruled that it is unconstitutional to teach the concept in public school science classes because it is ‘a religious view.’… Jones’ ruling is not binding outside the Middle District of Pennsylvania, but attorneys and outside experts say it will have broad impact on judges, lawyers and school boards… Intelligent design theory does not answer the question of who or what is the designer… In his ruling, Jones said intelligent design ‘violates the centuries-old ground rules of science by invoking and permitting supernatural causation’; it relies on ‘flawed and illogical’ arguments; and its attacks on evolution ‘have been refuted by the scientific community.'”

However, neither Evolution nor Intelligent Design give us critical answers about WHO created Man, and WHY. Please be sure to listen to this week’s StandingWatch program, titled, “Evolution or the Bible?”

Water on Mars?

On December 22, 2005, UPI reported about another major setback to the concept that there must be–or must have been–life on other planets, such as Mars. Earlier this year, scientists proclaimed that they found evidence for water on Mars. Now it was strongly suggested that they did not. UPI stated:

“Two Arizona State University geologists say features at the Opportunity landing site on Mars were formed not by a lake, but by constant meteorite strikes… The site where the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landed has sediments and layered structures that are thought to be formed by the evaporation of an acidic salty sea. The prevailing thought is that when the Martian sea existed it may have supported life forms and thus would be a prime site to explore for fossils. However, ASU geologists L. Paul Knauth and Donald Burt — along with Kenneth Wohletz of Los Alamos National Laboratory — say base surges resulting from massive explosions caused by meteorite strikes offer a simpler and more consistent explanation for the rock formations and sediment layers.”

Elections in Iraq

Many have hailed the success in Iraq by pointing at the most recent historic governmental election. But not all seems to be “satisfactory” or a cause for joy. As AFP reported on December 20, there is already increased cause for concern due to the surprisingly low approval rate of Sunnis and the surprisingly high approval rate of Shiites in partial election results.

The news agency reported:

“Iraq’s largest Sunni political coalition has contested partial election results and threatened to demand a new ballot despite calls from US President George W. Bush for a swift new government. Iraqi President Jalal Talabani also appealed Tuesday for a broad-based government representing the entire ethnic and political spectrum following Thursday’s landmark general election.

“The National Concord Front, a coalition of three major Sunni powers that competed in parliamentary polls for the first time, condemned what it described as fraud and violations in the election… The conservative Shiite United Iraqi Alliance list won 58 percent of the vote in Baghdad while the National Concord Front came second with 18.6 percent, according to partial results announced by the electoral commission on Monday. ‘The electoral commission can still rectify the situation, otherwise it will be entirely responsible for this fraud which will have SERIOUS REPERCUSSIONS ON THE SECURITY AND ECONOMIC SITUATION,’ said Tareq al-Hashimi of the Iraqi Islamic Party, a coalition member.”

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Are angels or demons able to have sexual relationships with women and produce human offspring?

Absolutely not! God’s Word is very clear that such a possibility simply does not exist.

of all, let us remember that God made animals and humans according to
their kind (Genesis 1:21, 24-28). Animals can only reproduce other
animals, according to their kind (two dogs can produce another dog, but
they can’t produce a horse or a bird), and men can only produce humans
(they can’t produce animals). Since men and angels belong to a
different “kind,” it is impossible for that reason alone, that they
could produce human offspring.

In addition, as created spirit
beings, angels or fallen angels (demons) do not reproduce sexually or
by any other means. Jesus made this very clear. He said in Luke
20:34-36 that the “sons of this age,” i.e. human beings who live today,
“marry and are given in marriage.” One of the purposes of marriage is
reproduction, as well as having a sexual relationship (compare Genesis
1:28; 2:24). Married couples are to become “one flesh”–including
sexually. That is the reason why it is wrong to have sexual
relationships with a prostitute (1 Corinthians 6:16, 18). But
Christ told us that those who are worthy to attain the resurrection to
eternal life, will not marry or be given in marriage, but they will be,
in THAT sense, equal to angels. They will be OVER angels in authority
and essence (1 Corinthians 6:3; Hebrews 2:5-8), being children of GOD,
not of angels, but they will be EQUAL to angels in the sense that they
will no longer “marry”–physically–and engage in sexual activities. If
we want to accept Christ’s saying, it is obvious that angels (including
fallen angels) CANNOT have sexual relationships with humans and produce
human offspring.

Some quote Genesis 6:4 for the false idea that
angels married women and produced human offspring prior to the flood.
However, this interpretation is totally erroneous and must be rejected.
In Genesis 6:1-4, the context shows that sexual intercourse and
reproduction strictly through humans is described. We read:

it came to pass when MEN began to multiply on the face of the earth,
and daughters were born to them, that the SONS OF GOD saw the daughters
of MEN, that they were beautiful; and they took WIVES for themselves of
all WHOM THEY CHOSE. And the LORD said, ‘My Spirit shall not strive
with MAN forever, for he is indeed FLESH; yet his days shall be one
hundred and twenty years.’ There were giants (lit. mighty ones) on the
earth in those days, and also afterward, when the SONS OF GOD came to
the daughters of MEN and THEY BORE CHILDREN to THEM. Those were the
mighty MEN who were of old, men of renown.”

Although it is true
that in rare instances, “sons of God” can refer to angels (compare Job
1:6-8; 2:1), it refers most of the time to human beings (compare
Malachi 1:6; 2:10; Luke 3:38; Romans 8:14; Revelation 21:7). This is
also the case in Genesis 6. God decided to destroy sinful
men–flesh–not angels. We read that all flesh and every MAN died in
the flood (Genesis 7:21-23). Because of this, some commentaries point
out that the term “sons of God” might, in this instance, refer to the
“godly line of Seth” (compare Ryrie Study Bible). Halley’s Bible
Handbook allows for the possibility that the “sons of God” were
“leaders in Sethite families who intermarried with godless descendants
of Cain. These abnormal marriages… filled the earth with corruption
and violence.”

Even though the “sons of God” (human beings)
belonged to the line of Seth, and might have worshipped the true God
(compare Genesis 4:26), they took for themselves whatever women they
wanted–including those who did not believe in and worship the true God
(compare God’s warning in Malachi 2:15 and in 1 Corinthians 7:39; 2
Corinthians 6:14). The consequence was that “the wickedness of man was
great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).

The Commentary of
Jamieson, Faussett and Brown agrees that Genesis 6 refers strictly to
human marriages, stating: “‘the sons of God saw the daughters of
men’–by the former is meant the family of Seth, who were professedly
religious; by the latter, the descendants of apostate Cain. Mixed
marriages between parties of opposite principles and practice were
necessarily sources of extensive corruption. The women, irreligious
themselves, would as wives and mothers exert an influence fatal to the
existence of religion in their household, and consequently the people
of that later age sank to the lowest depravity.”

Matthew Henry
agrees with this explanation: “The sons of God (that is, the professors
of religion) married the daughters of men, that is, those that were
profane, and strangers to God and godliness. The posterity of Seth did
not keep by themselves, as they ought to have done. They intermingled
themselves with the excommunicated race of Cain.”

Similar the
Soncino Commentary, identifying the “sons of God” as “the sons of
princes and judges,” referring to the fact that the word “Elohim” (in
“sons of God” or “Elohim”) always implies rulership and can refer to
human judges (compare Exodus 4:16; 7:1). It goes on to say that “thus
the very men who should have defended justice openly committed
violence” and that they took wives “by force,” including those “married
to others.”

The New Bible Commentary: Revised agrees with the
conclusion that Genesis 6 describes sexual relationships between human
beings only, but gives a slightly different meaning of the passage.
They point out that “‘the sons of God’ could be translated ‘the sons of
the gods.’ Ancient texts attest to an ideology of divine kingship;
human kings were called sons of various gods. This blasphemous cult was
a culmination of the Cainite name-lust… ‘daughters of men’ are the
daughters of men in general. By ‘such of them as they chose,’ polygamy
is meant…”

Based on the Biblical evidence, it is abundantly
clear that Genesis 6 does NOT teach at all that angels or demons had
sexual intercourse with women and produced human offspring.

refer to a passage in Genesis 3:15, for the concept that Satan and his
demons can produce human offspring. However, this passage does not
allow for such an understanding. In Genesis 3:15, God speaks to Satan,
after he had tempted Eve to sin, stating: “And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall
bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”

The reference
here is to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the “Seed of a woman,” and to the
human beings who would be under the influence of Satan the devil–his
“seed.” Christ, born of a woman, would nullify Satan’s power over man.
Satan bruised Christ’s heel, causing Him to suffer and to be put to
death, but Christ conquered death through the resurrection (Hebrews
2:14-15). He overcame Satan and will ultimately replace him, when He
returns. “Satan’s seed” refers to human beings in general who are still
under Satan’s sway. Satan, as the god and ruler of this world, has
deceived the whole world. Humans follow him, and they are called in the
Bible “children of the devil” (John 8:44; compare Matthew 13:38). They
are not the LITERAL physical offspring of Satan, of course, but his
spiritual seed. Once we accept God’s way of life and receive God’s Holy
Spirit, we become begotten children of God (1 John 3:1-2)–but again,
not in the sense that we are the LITERAL physical offspring of God, but
we are His spiritual seed. The ONLY one who was LITERALLY physically
begotten by God the Father, through the Holy Spirit, was Jesus Christ
(Luke 1:30-35)–that is why He is called the “ONLY-begotten Son” (John
1:18; 1 John 4:9).

The Ryrie Study Bible explains Genesis 3:15 in
this way: “‘between thy seed’ (the spiritual descendants of Satan, cf.
John 8:44; Eph. 2:2) ‘and her seed’ (those who are in the family of
God)… An individual from among the woman’s seed, namely Christ, will
deal a death blow to Satan’s ‘head’ at the cross [and His subsequent
resurrection from the dead], while Satan (‘thou’) would ‘bruise
Christ’s heel’ (cause Him to suffer).”

Even though the woman’s
“seed” might very well include the “family of God”–that is, converted
Christians–it is nevertheless true that the most obvious reference is
to Jesus Christ. As Halley’s Bible Handbook points out: “Here… is
God’s prophecy that His Creation of Man would yet prove to be
successful, through the ‘seed of the Woman.’ This is the Bible’s first
hint of a Coming Redeemer. The use of ‘He’ (15) shows that One Person
is meant. There has been only ONE descendant of Eve who was born of
Woman without being begotten of Man.”

In conclusion, the idea
that angels or demons can produce human offspring is a dangerous and
wrong concept. It has inspired Hollywood’s movie writers to produce
some terrible and demonic pieces, such as “Rosemary’s Baby.” But many
ARE deceived today, thinking that such a diabolic act might be possible.

For more information on the world of angels and demons, please read our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program
has been posted on the Web, titled, “Evolution or the Bible?” In
the program, Norbert Link discusses the dangers of both the concepts of
Evolution and Intelligent Design, and points out the real answers for
man’s existence.

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Fiction to Faith

by Manuela Link (22)

Many of us may be familiar with a popular TV
series called Smallville. It depicts the adolescent to young adult life
of the famous person, Superman. Despite his incredible abilities, Clark
Kent portrays a wonderful character to the public: having a soft-spoken
tongue, being compliant and respectful to parents, helping those in
need, being a true friend, trustworthy and strong — mentally and

Everyone knows him as Clark Kent, a hard-working farm
boy, but they don’t know his secret, his true calling or destiny —
that of which he will one day save the world. He keeps his abilities a
secret because he believes that if he accidentally shows his strength,
people may not accept him for the man he really is.

In the real
life, we too have a true calling. We not only have to be a light to the
world by showing our true Christian character, but we cannot hide from
the person we were called to be. We cannot be afraid of what others may
think of us, because we understand that God will help us through
anything. We should be willing to explain anything about the person we
really are, when asked, because in these situations, secrets only
separate friendships. I know why I’m here. I am not of this world, and
like the fictional Clark, my future of faith contains greater

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

The Son of Man and of God

Do you fully understand who Jesus was, when He lived here on earth? If so, you belong to a very small percentage of people who do, even within Christianity. But it is extremely important that you DO understand, and that you do not lose this precious knowledge. Because without it, you cannot know God, and you cannot overcome the world. And if you understand, how thankful are you for this precious knowledge, and how much is your thankfulness reflected in the way you live?
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Current Events

The WRONG War on Christmas

AFP reported on December 10, 2005, about an alleged war on Christmas which angers the conservative right in the USA. The article stated: “Conservative Christians and commentators are seeing red as ‘Merry Christmas’ has been replaced by ‘happy holiday’ in many places in an effort to include the many beliefs of the country’s diverse population… The right wing has launched a counter-attack against secularists by calling for boycotts of stores refusing to wish shoppers ‘Merry Christmas.’… A Republican lawmaker from Virginia has introduced a resolution asking that Congress declare that it ‘strongly disapproves of attempts to ban reference to Christmas.’ Conservatives are not alone in their concerns, as some in the left cringe at what they see as excessive political correctness. ‘Christmas is a Christian holiday, and trying to eliminate the religious aspect is insulting,’ wrote Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein.”

It is a tragedy that the problem with Christmas celebrations is raised by the wrong people and for the wrong motives. IF Christmas WAS Christian, it should be kept, as Christmas, in a Christian country, regardless of the cultural diversities. BUT, Christmas is NOT Christian and NEVER HAS BEEN. It is the TRUE Christians who ought not participate in Christmas celebrations. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

Schröder’s Pipeline

Der Spiegel Online described former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s controversial future management role in a big German-Russian consortium, building a gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea. The magazine stated:

“On Friday, Schröder confirmed he would head an advisory committee of a massive undersea Russian-German gas project, sparking a storm of protest about a potential conflict of interest. Schröder, along with his old chum Russian President Vladimir Putin, signed off on the Euro 4-billion gas pipeline less than a fortnight before he lost Germany’s general election in September. Now only weeks after leaving office he has agreed to take a plum job in a project headed by partially state-owned Russian energy giant Gazprom.”

The reaction from the German press and the German and international political spectrum was basically one of condemnation. However, what might be overlooked in the discussion is the tremendous economic and strategic advantage which Germany will gain from Schröder’s new role.

Surprisingly, a lone voice of support came from one of Schröder’s former political opponents, Germany’s minister of economics, Michael Glos (CDU). He welcomed Schröder’s appointment to the new post, as the pipeline will satisfy one-third of Germany’s energy needs from 2010 (Bild Online, December 9, 2005).

The Washington Post added the following interesting comments in its article, dated December 13, 2005:

“But the announcement should also raise questions in German voters’ minds about the real reasons Mr. Schroeder was so keen to see this pipeline project launched. The pipeline has cost Germany diplomatically by infuriating its Central European and Baltic neighbors. They point out that the Russian government chose to use the sea route rather than run a new pipeline alongside one that already exists on land, despite the far greater expense. The only possible reason for doing so was political: The Baltic Sea pipeline could allow Russia, a country that has made political use of its energy resources, to cut off gas to Central Europe and the Baltic states while still delivering gas to Germany.”

Tsunamis Threaten California

The Associated Press reported on December 12, 2005, about a frightening scenario, threatening the very survival of coastal areas in California. The article pointed out:

“Tsunami waves generated by a large offshore earthquake would threaten at least 1 million coastal residents in California and inundate the nation’s largest port complex… In the past century, more than 80 tsunamis–mostly minor–have been recorded or observed along the California coastline.The most deadly was in 1964 when a magnitude-9.2 earthquake in Alaska generated massive waves that killed 12 people. Scientists have also kept a close eye on a 680-mile fault 50 miles off the West Coast that behaves much like those that produced the 1964 Alaska quake and the Southeast Asia tsunami that killed more than 176,000 last year…

“If a tsunami shut down the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach for two months, the economic loss could reach $60 billion. The ports make up the third busiest port in the world, but its docks and terminals are only about nine feet above the water.  A massive wave higher than that could cause extensive damage.”

Gigantic Explosion Near London

The Pravda reported on December 12 about the terrible explosion at an oil depot near London. The paper stated:

“A fire at an oil depot north of London blazed for a second day after explosions rocked the complex in probably the biggest such incident in peacetime Europe… Authorities said the blasts Sunday morning appeared to be accidental, though they came just four days after an Al Qaeda video appeared on the Internet calling for attacks on facilities carrying oil ‘stolen’ from Muslims in the Middle East…  The blasts could be heard up to 100 miles away–some reports suggested that they were felt as far away as northern France and the Netherlands.”

In a related article, The Associated Press added on December 12 that “A smoke cloud also drifted over northwestern France and was expected to reach Spain” within a few days.

The Associated Press also reported on December 14 that “Investigators searched Wednesday for the cause of [the] explosion… Since suicide bombers targeted London’s Underground and bus system in July, killing 56 people including the bombers, questions have arisen over Britain’s preparedness to deal with terrorist attacks and terror-related disasters…”

CIA Flights Under Investigation

The EUobserver reported on December 13, 2005, that “A Council of Europe report has reinforced suspicions that… the CIA has detained suspected Islamic terrorists without proper judicial procedure, and violated sovereignty laws in Europe… Meanwhile, the European Parliament is planning to set up its own temporary committee to deal with the allegations of secret jails and CIA flights in Europe… Despite secretary of state Condoleezza Rice’s assurances in Brussels last week that the US does not condone inhumane acts or torture, an increasing number of EU member states are trying to find out whether the CIA has been violating sovereignty and anti-torture laws in Europe.”

USA and EU Clash Again

The EUobserver published the following headline on December 14, 2005: “EU-US clash on food aid at WTO summit.” The article pointed out that “The first day of a key World Trade Organisation (WTO) summit saw an open clash between the EU and the US, with EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson accusing the United Nations of supporting US food dumping in the developing world… Brussels accuses Washington of offering large amounts of its superfluous agricultural products to developing countries in the form of food aid for hunger relief.”

Syria Guilty of Political Assassinations?

The AFP reported about the assassinations of two prominent Lebanese political and public figures critical of Syria. Investigations suggest that Syria supported or even carried out both murders, according to the news agency. The following was stated: “A UN enquiry report delivered to the Security Council cited new evidence further implicating senior Syrian officers in the murder of Lebanese ex-premier Rafiq Hariri and raised doubts about Syrian cooperation in the probe… The 25-page document was released amid rising tensions in Lebanon sparked by the killing of anti-Syrian lawmaker Gibran Tueni… The attacks have created a climate of fear in Lebanon… Many Lebanese blame Damascus for Hariri’s death and the other attacks, charges Syria denies.”

Iran Isolates Itself

The Jerusalem Post reported on December 10 about German reactions to the Iranian President’s recent controversial statements about Israel and the Holocaust. The paper pointed out:

“German church leaders on Saturday joined international protests against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s demand that Israel be moved to Europe and his statement doubting whether the Holocaust happened. Roman Catholic Cardinal Karl Lehmann said he was ‘outraged’… Lutheran Church leader Wolfgang Huber said the international community needed to take action against Iran, but he did not elaborate. ‘Whoever denies the historical fact of the murder of millions of Jews during the Third Reich in Germany and denies Israel’s right to exist has committed incitement,’ Huber was quoted… as saying. Incitement to racial hatred is a crime in Germany… The United States, Israel, Europe, [the] United Nations and even Iranian ally Russia have condemned Ahmadinejad for his remarks.”

Subsequently, Iran’s President added comments on Wednesday to the effect that “the Holocaust is a ‘myth’ that Europeans have used to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world,” according to an article of The Associated Press of December 14, 2005.

The press also reported that Israel threatened an attack on Iran, which was subsequently denied by Israel. The Pravda stated:

“Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the Israeli military command to prepare a military operation against Iran. An air strike on nuclear objects of the Islamic republic was set for March 28, Israeli military structures said. The date of the supposed attack coincides with the general election in Israel. Israel intends to strike Iran for the country’s persistent arms race and anti-Jewish statements released from [the] Iranian President… News messages about Israel’s intention to fire missiles on Iran first appeared on the pages of Britain’s Sunday Times.”

The paper continued: “The news about the IMMINENT WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST appeared several days after Iran’s [President] released another portion of anti-Israeli statements. It goes without saying that Iran will not sit on its hands and watch Israeli missiles hitting targets. The Islamic country will attack Israel in return too.”

The Russian paper also admitted: “Russia plays a significant role in Iran’s growing defensive capacity. Russia assisted Iran in launching its first satellite, the Sinah-1, which can perform the functions of a spy satellite too. Moscow also agreed to deliver Tor-M1 air defense complexes to Iran last week. To crown it all, Iran’s entire nuclear program is being conducted with the participation of Russian specialists.”

Modern Pharisees in Israel

On December 8, 2005, news.telegraph published the following article: 
“Machines will perform euthanasia on terminally ill patients in Israel under legislation devised not to offend Jewish law, which forbids people taking human life. A special timer will be fitted to a patient’s respirator which will sound an alarm 12 hours before turning it off. Normally, carriers would override the alarm and keep the respirator turned on but, if various stringent conditions are met, including the giving of consent by the patient or legal guardian, the alarm would not be overridden. Similar timing devices, known as Sabbath clocks, are used in the homes of orthodox Jews so that light switches and electrical devices can be turned on during the Sabbath without offending religious strictures.

“Parliamentarians reached a solution after discussions with a 58-member panel of medical, religious and philosophical experts. ‘The point was that it is wrong, under Jewish law, for a person’s life to be taken by a person but, for a machine, it is acceptable,’ a parliamentary spokesman said. ‘A man would not be able to shorten human life but a machine can.’ The bill… will become law next year.”

This article pinpoints the wrong Jewish teaching on both the stringent man-made prohibitions of activities on the Sabbath and the concept of “taking” human life. The article reflects the Pharisaical approach which was condemned by Jesus Christ. As it is absolutely not wrong to turn on light switches and electrical devises on the Sabbath, so it is also not necessarily wrong, and does not constitute the “taking” of human life, to end the ARTIFICIAL AND UNNATURAL prolongation of human life–for instance in case of a brain-dead person, who has been in a coma for several months, and who has been kept “alive” by machines.

Persecution of Christians in Pakistan

On December 13, WorldNetDaily reported about persecutions of Christians in Pakistan with the at least passive approval of the government. The article stated:

“Militant Islamists in Pakistan have called for the elimination of Christians and the public hanging of a Christian accused of blasphemy… [During a gathering on December 2,] Islamic leaders using loudspeakers urged Muslims to rise up and eliminate Christians. They also passed a resolution demanding that Yousaf Masih, a Christian accused of desecrating the Quran, be publicly hanged. A resolution [adopted by Pakistani minority religious and civil society leaders] accused the Pakistani authorities of having ‘done nothing to defuse the tension,’ and of ‘failing to repair the situation.’ It claimed the government was ‘not admitting the facts and is rather protecting the instigators of mob violence.’ Procedural delays have meant vital evidence has been lost, which has made the judicial process ‘ineffective,’ the resolution claimed.”

Update 222

Son of Man and of God

On December 17, 2005, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “Son of Man and of God.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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A Blessing of Omission


There are many blessings that we receive from God every day as we
keep His Law.  But many are not recognized by the five senses. It
is these that we need to fully appreciate, along with the tangible
ones. It would be easy to live year to year without recognizing that
God is indeed working in this way in our lives on a daily basis.

The reason that we are not as cognizant of these blessings is because nothing happens. That is the blessing–nothing.

at it this way: Traffic law decrees that you are to stop at a STOP
sign.  If you run a stop sign there is a good chance of getting
into an accident where the injuries can range from the mild to the
devastating.  If you stop and look both ways and proceed
cautiously through the intersection–NOTHING happens.

In the same
way, those who are living God’s Way every day benefit by keeping His
Laws, here and now, whether they know it or not.  If you don’t
have sex outside of marriage you won’t get an STD; if you don’t eat
unclean meat you can avoid diseases such as Hepatitis, SARS and
Trichinosis; if you don’t cheat on your taxes the IRS won’t see to it
that you are fined or put in jail. If you do what’s right in these
cases–NOTHING happens.

When we keep the commandments of God we
may not be fully aware of the consequences of breaking them, but we can
be assured that if we continue in them, many times we will receive
“nothing”–that is, a blessing of omission.

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The WRONG War on Christmas

AFP reported on December 10, 2005, about an alleged war on Christmas which angers the conservative right in the USA. The article stated: “Conservative Christians and commentators are seeing red as ‘Merry Christmas’ has been replaced by ‘happy holiday’ in many places in an effort to include the many beliefs of the country’s diverse population… The right wing has launched a counter-attack against secularists by calling for boycotts of stores refusing to wish shoppers ‘Merry Christmas.’… A Republican lawmaker from Virginia has introduced a resolution asking that Congress declare that it ‘strongly disapproves of attempts to ban reference to Christmas.’ Conservatives are not alone in their concerns, as some in the left cringe at what they see as excessive political correctness. ‘Christmas is a Christian holiday, and trying to eliminate the religious aspect is insulting,’ wrote Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein.”

It is a tragedy that the problem with Christmas celebrations is raised by the wrong people and for the wrong motives. IF Christmas WAS Christian, it should be kept, as Christmas, in a Christian country, regardless of the cultural diversities. BUT, Christmas is NOT Christian and NEVER HAS BEEN. It is the TRUE Christians who ought not participate in Christmas celebrations. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

Schröder’s Pipeline

Der Spiegel Online described former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s controversial future management role in a big German-Russian consortium, building a gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea. The magazine stated:

“On Friday, Schröder confirmed he would head an advisory committee of a massive undersea Russian-German gas project, sparking a storm of protest about a potential conflict of interest. Schröder, along with his old chum Russian President Vladimir Putin, signed off on the Euro 4-billion gas pipeline less than a fortnight before he lost Germany’s general election in September. Now only weeks after leaving office he has agreed to take a plum job in a project headed by partially state-owned Russian energy giant Gazprom.”

The reaction from the German press and the German and international political spectrum was basically one of condemnation. However, what might be overlooked in the discussion is the tremendous economic and strategic advantage which Germany will gain from Schröder’s new role.

Surprisingly, a lone voice of support came from one of Schröder’s former political opponents, Germany’s minister of economics, Michael Glos (CDU). He welcomed Schröder’s appointment to the new post, as the pipeline will satisfy one-third of Germany’s energy needs from 2010 (Bild Online, December 9, 2005).

The Washington Post added the following interesting comments in its article, dated December 13, 2005:

“But the announcement should also raise questions in German voters’ minds about the real reasons Mr. Schroeder was so keen to see this pipeline project launched. The pipeline has cost Germany diplomatically by infuriating its Central European and Baltic neighbors. They point out that the Russian government chose to use the sea route rather than run a new pipeline alongside one that already exists on land, despite the far greater expense. The only possible reason for doing so was political: The Baltic Sea pipeline could allow Russia, a country that has made political use of its energy resources, to cut off gas to Central Europe and the Baltic states while still delivering gas to Germany.”

Tsunamis Threaten California

The Associated Press reported on December 12, 2005, about a frightening scenario, threatening the very survival of coastal areas in California. The article pointed out:

“Tsunami waves generated by a large offshore earthquake would threaten at least 1 million coastal residents in California and inundate the nation’s largest port complex… In the past century, more than 80 tsunamis–mostly minor–have been recorded or observed along the California coastline.The most deadly was in 1964 when a magnitude-9.2 earthquake in Alaska generated massive waves that killed 12 people. Scientists have also kept a close eye on a 680-mile fault 50 miles off the West Coast that behaves much like those that produced the 1964 Alaska quake and the Southeast Asia tsunami that killed more than 176,000 last year…

“If a tsunami shut down the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach for two months, the economic loss could reach $60 billion. The ports make up the third busiest port in the world, but its docks and terminals are only about nine feet above the water.  A massive wave higher than that could cause extensive damage.”

Gigantic Explosion Near London

The Pravda reported on December 12 about the terrible explosion at an oil depot near London. The paper stated:

“A fire at an oil depot north of London blazed for a second day after explosions rocked the complex in probably the biggest such incident in peacetime Europe… Authorities said the blasts Sunday morning appeared to be accidental, though they came just four days after an Al Qaeda video appeared on the Internet calling for attacks on facilities carrying oil ‘stolen’ from Muslims in the Middle East…  The blasts could be heard up to 100 miles away–some reports suggested that they were felt as far away as northern France and the Netherlands.”

In a related article, The Associated Press added on December 12 that “A smoke cloud also drifted over northwestern France and was expected to reach Spain” within a few days.

The Associated Press also reported on December 14 that “Investigators searched Wednesday for the cause of [the] explosion… Since suicide bombers targeted London’s Underground and bus system in July, killing 56 people including the bombers, questions have arisen over Britain’s preparedness to deal with terrorist attacks and terror-related disasters…”

CIA Flights Under Investigation

The EUobserver reported on December 13, 2005, that “A Council of Europe report has reinforced suspicions that… the CIA has detained suspected Islamic terrorists without proper judicial procedure, and violated sovereignty laws in Europe… Meanwhile, the European Parliament is planning to set up its own temporary committee to deal with the allegations of secret jails and CIA flights in Europe… Despite secretary of state Condoleezza Rice’s assurances in Brussels last week that the US does not condone inhumane acts or torture, an increasing number of EU member states are trying to find out whether the CIA has been violating sovereignty and anti-torture laws in Europe.”

USA and EU Clash Again

The EUobserver published the following headline on December 14, 2005: “EU-US clash on food aid at WTO summit.” The article pointed out that “The first day of a key World Trade Organisation (WTO) summit saw an open clash between the EU and the US, with EU trade commissioner Peter Mandelson accusing the United Nations of supporting US food dumping in the developing world… Brussels accuses Washington of offering large amounts of its superfluous agricultural products to developing countries in the form of food aid for hunger relief.”

Syria Guilty of Political Assassinations?

The AFP reported about the assassinations of two prominent Lebanese political and public figures critical of Syria. Investigations suggest that Syria supported or even carried out both murders, according to the news agency. The following was stated: “A UN enquiry report delivered to the Security Council cited new evidence further implicating senior Syrian officers in the murder of Lebanese ex-premier Rafiq Hariri and raised doubts about Syrian cooperation in the probe… The 25-page document was released amid rising tensions in Lebanon sparked by the killing of anti-Syrian lawmaker Gibran Tueni… The attacks have created a climate of fear in Lebanon… Many Lebanese blame Damascus for Hariri’s death and the other attacks, charges Syria denies.”

Iran Isolates Itself

The Jerusalem Post reported on December 10 about German reactions to the Iranian President’s recent controversial statements about Israel and the Holocaust. The paper pointed out:

“German church leaders on Saturday joined international protests against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s demand that Israel be moved to Europe and his statement doubting whether the Holocaust happened. Roman Catholic Cardinal Karl Lehmann said he was ‘outraged’… Lutheran Church leader Wolfgang Huber said the international community needed to take action against Iran, but he did not elaborate. ‘Whoever denies the historical fact of the murder of millions of Jews during the Third Reich in Germany and denies Israel’s right to exist has committed incitement,’ Huber was quoted… as saying. Incitement to racial hatred is a crime in Germany… The United States, Israel, Europe, [the] United Nations and even Iranian ally Russia have condemned Ahmadinejad for his remarks.”

Subsequently, Iran’s President added comments on Wednesday to the effect that “the Holocaust is a ‘myth’ that Europeans have used to create a Jewish state in the heart of the Islamic world,” according to an article of The Associated Press of December 14, 2005.

The press also reported that Israel threatened an attack on Iran, which was subsequently denied by Israel. The Pravda stated:

“Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the Israeli military command to prepare a military operation against Iran. An air strike on nuclear objects of the Islamic republic was set for March 28, Israeli military structures said. The date of the supposed attack coincides with the general election in Israel. Israel intends to strike Iran for the country’s persistent arms race and anti-Jewish statements released from [the] Iranian President… News messages about Israel’s intention to fire missiles on Iran first appeared on the pages of Britain’s Sunday Times.”

The paper continued: “The news about the IMMINENT WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST appeared several days after Iran’s [President] released another portion of anti-Israeli statements. It goes without saying that Iran will not sit on its hands and watch Israeli missiles hitting targets. The Islamic country will attack Israel in return too.”

The Russian paper also admitted: “Russia plays a significant role in Iran’s growing defensive capacity. Russia assisted Iran in launching its first satellite, the Sinah-1, which can perform the functions of a spy satellite too. Moscow also agreed to deliver Tor-M1 air defense complexes to Iran last week. To crown it all, Iran’s entire nuclear program is being conducted with the participation of Russian specialists.”

Modern Pharisees in Israel

On December 8, 2005, news.telegraph published the following article: 
“Machines will perform euthanasia on terminally ill patients in Israel under legislation devised not to offend Jewish law, which forbids people taking human life. A special timer will be fitted to a patient’s respirator which will sound an alarm 12 hours before turning it off. Normally, carriers would override the alarm and keep the respirator turned on but, if various stringent conditions are met, including the giving of consent by the patient or legal guardian, the alarm would not be overridden. Similar timing devices, known as Sabbath clocks, are used in the homes of orthodox Jews so that light switches and electrical devices can be turned on during the Sabbath without offending religious strictures.

“Parliamentarians reached a solution after discussions with a 58-member panel of medical, religious and philosophical experts. ‘The point was that it is wrong, under Jewish law, for a person’s life to be taken by a person but, for a machine, it is acceptable,’ a parliamentary spokesman said. ‘A man would not be able to shorten human life but a machine can.’ The bill… will become law next year.”

This article pinpoints the wrong Jewish teaching on both the stringent man-made prohibitions of activities on the Sabbath and the concept of “taking” human life. The article reflects the Pharisaical approach which was condemned by Jesus Christ. As it is absolutely not wrong to turn on light switches and electrical devises on the Sabbath, so it is also not necessarily wrong, and does not constitute the “taking” of human life, to end the ARTIFICIAL AND UNNATURAL prolongation of human life–for instance in case of a brain-dead person, who has been in a coma for several months, and who has been kept “alive” by machines.

Persecution of Christians in Pakistan

On December 13, WorldNetDaily reported about persecutions of Christians in Pakistan with the at least passive approval of the government. The article stated:

“Militant Islamists in Pakistan have called for the elimination of Christians and the public hanging of a Christian accused of blasphemy… [During a gathering on December 2,] Islamic leaders using loudspeakers urged Muslims to rise up and eliminate Christians. They also passed a resolution demanding that Yousaf Masih, a Christian accused of desecrating the Quran, be publicly hanged. A resolution [adopted by Pakistani minority religious and civil society leaders] accused the Pakistani authorities of having ‘done nothing to defuse the tension,’ and of ‘failing to repair the situation.’ It claimed the government was ‘not admitting the facts and is rather protecting the instigators of mob violence.’ Procedural delays have meant vital evidence has been lost, which has made the judicial process ‘ineffective,’ the resolution claimed.”

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Is it possible for a Christian to receive more of God’s Holy Spirit?

The answer is yes, and the way in which this might occur involves personal growth as well as God choosing someone to fulfill a special function in His service.

First of all, understand that God gives man His Holy Spirit as a gift. Peter explains this in context in Acts 2:38: “Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission [Margin: forgiveness] of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'”

Paul further describes the purpose of God’s gift: “In Him [Christ] you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, [which] is the guarantee [Margin: down payment, earnest] of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14; also, compare 2 Corinthians 5:5).

Besides being a kind of “down payment” of eternal life, Christians are to use God’s power–His Holy Spirit–to live a converted life. We find this dramatic contrast of two ways of living explained in Romans 8: “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Verses 5-6).

Just repenting and just receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit is not enough–this is not the complete process God has established for mankind to enter into eternal life. In His message to the seven churches found in Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus Christ summarizes His instructions to each group with these words: “‘To him who overcomes…'” (Compare Revelation 2:7; 2:11; 2:17; 2:26; 3:5; 3:12; 3:21).

Consider how Paul encouraged Timothy, a young minister under his guidance, to use the gift of the Holy Spirit:
“Therefore I remind you to STIR UP the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:6-7).

Power, love and a sound mind are all areas in which Christians are to grow, and that growth comes through utilizing God’s Holy Spirit. One particular way for each of us to experience this kind of change and growth is revealed in Paul’s letter to the Christians in Philippi: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…” (Philippians 2:5).

Jesus taught a parable concerning a barren fig tree (Compare Luke 13:6-9). The issue was that this tree was not bearing any fruit. In the end, if this tree did not bear its fruit, it was to be cut down. The point for us is that we must utilize the Spirit of God and bear the fruit of conversion–that is, lives that are becoming more and more like those of the Father and Jesus Christ (Compare Matthew 5:48).

King David understood that his own actions had separated himself from God. In deep and bitter repentance he acknowledged his mistakes. David’s prayer is recorded in Psalm 51, and in it, he makes this startling request: “Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me” (verse 11).

Christians have an accountability to utilize what God has given them. In fact, Jesus taught in the parable of the talents that we will be judged and rewarded according to how productively we incorporate God’s power in our lives (Compare Matthew 25:14-30)! Here is how Peter presents this challenge: “…but GROW in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

We also find the record of individuals who did just that. When the seven were chosen to fulfill needed roles in the Church, the men were to be “full of the Holy Spirit…” (Acts 6:3). Quite obviously, these men were chosen based on their fruits of God’s Holy Spirit (Compare Galatians 5:22-23).

In 1 Corinthians 12, spiritual gifts that are given for the conduct of the Church of God are explained: “There are diversities [Margin: allotments or various kinds] of gifts, but the same Spirit” (verse 4); “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers,
after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues” (verses 27-28).

Further explanation of these various kinds of gifts is found in Ephesians 4: “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…” (Verses 11-13).

Numbers 11 shows that God actually took some of the Spirit given to Moses and gave it to elders in Israel in order that they could be empowered to assist Moses (Compare verses17; 25-26). And Elisha received a double portion of the Spirit that Elijah had (Compare 2 Kings 2:9-12).

However, in the case of Jesus Christ and God’s giving of His Holy Spirit to Him, we find this statement from John the Baptist: “‘For he [Christ] whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him [Christ]'” (John 3:34, Authorized Version).

Another example is that of John the Baptist. Here is what the angel, Gabriel, said to Zacharias: “‘…He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb'” (Luke 1:15).

Generally, God gives us only a small portion of His Holy Spirit at the time of our proper baptism. But God expects of us that we use His Spirit, and that we grow in God’s Way of life so that He can give us MORE of His Spirit. That is why we read that we have to consistently be RENEWED in the spirit of our mind (Ephesians 4:23). Paul addresses converted Christians in Romans 12:2, when he tells them: “And do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” This is a continuous process, and the supply of the Holy Spirit helps us to accomplish this change (Philippians 1:19).

We read in the NewTestament, in the Book of Acts, that Paul and Barnabas were ordained for a special work in the Church of God (13:1-4).

The Biblical record shows that God will use zealous individuals. In explaining the qualifications of an elder, Paul states: “This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work” (1Timothy 3:1). In these instances, when a man is ordained to the ministry, God grants helps through His Holy Spirit (Compare Luke10:17-20; Mark 16:15-18).

Finally, if you desire to have more ofGod’s Holy Spirit, ask! (Compare Luke 11:13). We have this further assurance: “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” (1 John 5:14); “And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight” (1 John 3:22).

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was recorded this week and placed on the Web. It is titled, “Your Reaction to World News.”

Our new German booklet, “Gott ist eine Familie” (“God Is A Family”), has been posted on the Web.

The Global Church of God in the UK received this letter from a reader:

a month ago I requested some booklets of the Global Church of God,
after having found your interesting website. Again, I would like to
thank you for having sent the literature. Meanwhile, I managed to study
almost all of the booklets (except for ‘Jesus Christ‘, which I will
start reading this very weekend), and I really enjoyed the reading very
much–although I must admit, it wasn’t always very easy. Being a
baptized Catholic, there are some items that are different from what I
learned in school, but then again, it was a challenge to check whether
my opinion about these things is right at all. (Furthermore, I am proud
I didn’t have to use my English dictionary very often, me being a
non-native speaker.) In these booklets, I found some other publications
that would interest me [requests 6 booklets]. I would be very pleased,
if you could send me a copy of these titles, too! Thank you very much
in advance. Kind regards from a very cold Germany.”

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Would you please explain the last phrase in Isaiah 28:16?

Isaiah 28:16 reads: “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold I lay
in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious
cornerstone, a sure foundation; WHOEVER BELIEVES WILL NOT ACT HASTILY.”

What is meant with “Whoever believes will not act hastily”?

context clearly refers to the announcement of God THE FATHER to lay in
Zion (which many times describes the Church of God) a precious
cornerstone for a foundation. This describes the Messiah, Jesus Christ,
as many New Testament passages reveal (compare Matthew 21:42; Mark
12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Romans 9:33; Ephesians 2:20; and 1 Peter

Notice, though, that this stone would be “tried” first.
Christ had to QUALIFY in His life as a human being to become the
foundation and the precious cornerstone–on which the New Testament
Church would be built. We read that Christ became perfect through
suffering (Hebrews 2:10); and that He was tempted in all things, just
as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He had to overcome
(Revelation 3:21)–Satan, this world, and His own human nature or His
sinful flesh (Romans 8:3)–as He WAS a human being, FULLY flesh and
blood when here on earth. He had BECOME flesh (John 1:14), having set
aside His divinity or “equality with God” (Philippians 2:6-8). The
Ryrie Study Bible points out in their comments to Isaiah 28:16, that
“Messiah is a FOUNDATION stone in His atonement, a TRIED STONE in His
temptations, and a PRECIOUS CORNER STONE in His relationship to His

As CHRIST overcame or BECAME victorious in all things,
so must WE (Revelation 2:26). It was a battle for Christ (Hebrews
5:6-8), and we too must FIGHT to conquer and win (Romans 8:37). But
with God the Father and Christ living in us through the power of the
Holy Spirit, we CAN win (Ephesians 6:10-17).

With this
background, let’s consider God’s statement in Isaiah 28:16 that we
won’t “act hastily” when we truly “believe.” Many, who are not really
called by God to salvation, act very “hastily” or “with excitement”
when they hear God’s Word proclaimed to them. The Hebrew word for
“hastily” is “chuwsh”, or “chush,” and means literally, “to hurry,” but
it also means figuratively, “to be eager with excitement or enjoyment”
(compare Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, No. 2363).
However, an enthusiastic immediate response to an “altar call,” to
“give our heart to Jesus” right there and then, is never an answer to
God’s TRUE calling. The reason being, we must first thoroughly count
the cost to determine whether we have enough to complete what we begin
(Luke 14:28). The one who starts and looks back is not fit for the
Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).

As the recent history in the Church
of God has shown, many who supposedly had “started” did not continue.
They just gave up, embracing the pleasures and philosophies of this
world, which they supposedly left behind when they “embraced” God’s Way
of life. They supposedly accepted the truth of the Bible that God IS a
Family–but not a Trinity– that GOD–the GOD FAMILY–IS reproducing
HIMSELF through MAN; that we are to keep today God’s commanded Holy
Days–the weekly Sabbath and the Annual Feast Days; that we are to
forsake pagan holidays such as Sunday, Christmas or Easter; that we–as
Christ’s ambassadors–are to come out of this world and be different,
by not participating in worldly endeavors such as government elections,
jury duty, or military service. And the list is ongoing, including even
such “physical things” as God’s dietary laws. Many once seemingly
understood those teachings. Some of them were very adamant, to the
point of becoming offensive with their radical and condemnatory
preaching, about those matters. But suddenly, when the spirit of the
world took hold of the leadership of their “parent” organization, they
followed the wrong teachings of spiritually unqualified men and
embraced “their” new understanding–which was EXACTLY what they had all
left behind when accepting God’s Way of Life. How convicted had they
ever been? How much time had they spent PROVING the truth to
themselves? Were they EVER converted? The late human leader of the
Church, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, felt at times that not even 10
percent of those who were attending Church services, CLAIMING to be
members, were truly converted. Subsequent facts have established how
RIGHT he was in this.

Many acted HASTILY. The seed of God’s Word
fell on stony places. Yes, they received the seed IMMEDIATELY with joy,
but when tribulation or persecution came because of the word,
IMMEDIATELY they stumbled (Matthew 13:20-21). They did not like to be
called a cult by the established religions of this world, and so they
tried to become accepted in the eyes of men, loving the honor and
praise of men more than the honor from God (John 5:44; 12:43).

true Christian who believes in God the Father and Jesus Christ, and who
is willing to OBEY them, will not act “hastily.” He understands that
His decision to follow God, and to be baptized as a consequence, is a
life-long commitment. He will have counted the cost first. He will not
be baptized just because of peer pressure–because other Church members
or attendees might have expected him to, or because his Church
organization is anxious to report how many of their new members have
been baptized through their preaching of the Word. Such types of
“altar-call conversions” simply do not last.

At the same time,
he SHOULD act hastily, and not delay, when he is ready for baptism. In
general, it is necessary to make haste, enthusiastically, regarding our
ongoing spiritual growth and the Work of God. We are not to be slack in
what we are doing (Zephaniah 3:16). The same Hebrew word, “chush,”
which is used in Isaiah 28:16, meaning, “acting hastily,” is used in
Psalm 119:60, where David said: “I made haste, and did not delay To
Keep Your commandments.” He also asked God repeatedly to make haste to
help him (Psalm 38:22; 40:13; 70:5; 71:12; 141:1).

We are even
told that God will hasten His work in His due time (Isaiah 60:22). But
even here, a word of caution is in order: It is correct that we can
hasten the coming of the day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12) by the way we
live. At the same time, God grants us room for repentance, not willing
that anyone in the Church should perish (2 Peter 3:9). But God does not
grant us time for repentance forever, and while God allots time to us,
we might be guilty of delaying Christ’s coming. The key is our
conduct–the way we live. BUT, we are not to DESIRE the Day of the Lord
in respect to others, to see God’s punishment inflicted upon them
(Jeremiah 17:16; Proverbs 17:5)–nor should we desire Christ’s coming,
if we are not ready for it (Amos 5:18). We are not to behave like those
mentioned in Isaiah 5:18-19: “Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords
of vanity, And sin as if with a cart rope; That say, ‘Let Him make
speed and hasten His work, that we may see it; And let the counsel of
the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, That we may know it.'”

speak facetiously, of course, not believing that God is in their lives,
or that God is still doing a Work here on earth. They might have
convinced themselves that God’s Work is done–and that all that is
required of them today is to make themselves ready. BUT, a Church
member who just concentrates on himself, while ignoring or rejecting
God’s Work, will NOT be ready when Christ returns.

Even in our
converted Christian life, it is prudent not to act too hastily. It is
always good to consider (Proverbs 14:15); take good counsel before
making a decision (Proverbs 11:14; 20:18); and, especially, to pray to
God, with faith, for wisdom and understanding as to what to do in a
certain circumstance (James 1:2-8). Our human tendencies might be to
react immediately–sometimes even before we might have fully heard a
matter (Proverbs 18:13)–but God tells us in many places to wait for
Him (Isaiah 30:18; 64:4). This is not to say that we are not to act at
all–but we are to make sure, first, that our action is in harmony with
God’s Will. As Isaiah 40:31 says: “But those who WAIT on the LORD Shall
renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they
shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

addition, Paul seems to quote Isaiah 28:16 in a slightly different way,
in Romans 9:33, including the following thought: “… And whoever
believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Peter states the same, in 1
Peter 2:6: “… and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to
shame.” This conveys essentially the same meaning: The one who does not
act hastily, but places His trust and confidence in God, shall not have
the shame of failure and disappointment. Matthew Henry’s Commentary
states: “And he that believes these promises, and rests upon them,
shall not make haste, but with a fixed heart shall quietly wait the
event, saying, Welcome the will of God.”

Some translations render
Isaiah 28:16 in such a way that the one who believes in God and His
promises shall not waiver; that he shall not be worried; that he shall
not be in a frenzy; or that he shall not have cause for panic. All
these renderings are meaningful, in the sense that the one who believes
in God will wait for His Will to be revealed in his life; and in doing
so, he will not be fearful and worried, trying hastily to “solve” a
problem on his own–without God.

Next time we are tempted to act
before we have heard or considered all the facts and circumstances, let
us remember God’s profound admonishment and encouragement in Isaiah
28:16: As we have a TRIED cornerstone–Jesus Christ–in Whom we
believe; on Whom we build our lives; and Who lives in us; let us NOT
“act hastily.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Current Events

Relationship Between USA and Germany DETERIORATING!!!

Der Spiegel Online published a remarkable article on December 7, 2005, pointing out the TRUE current relationship between the USA and Germany–all hopeful and wishful thinking notwithstanding. This development is, of course, in line with Biblical prophecy, even though some might have chosen to forget or ignore what the Bible clearly reveals. As the comments in the magazine are of such tremendous importance, we are quoting extensively from the article, as follows:

“If US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel was meant to herald a new era of trans-Atlantic harmony, IT HAS FAILED. Merkel ANGERED US officials with her public statement that Washington admitted it had made a ‘mistake’ by kidnapping a German national… Monday’s meeting between the TWO MOST POWERFUL WOMEN IN THE WORLD resulted in a DIPLOMATIC SPAT and HIGHLIGHTED A GROWING RIFT BETWEEN EUROPE AND AMERICA over whether the end always justifies the means in the war on terror. Rice’s trip was meant to signal a new start for trans-Atlantic ties, but if anything, RELATIONS ARE WORSE NOW.

“Merkel irritated US officials by telling journalists after their meeting that Washington had admitted making a mistake in the case of Khaled al-Masri, a Lebanese-born German citizen who was abducted by the CIA and claims that he was tortured while held in secret custody. ‘We discussed the one case which was accepted as a mistake by the government of the United States,’ MERKEL TOLD A JOINT NEWS CONFERENCE WITH RICE AFTER THEIR MEETING on Tuesday. US officials later told journalists that Rice had done nothing of the sort. ‘We are not quite sure what was in her head,’ the Reuters news agency quoted a senior American official as saying. The US government has informed the German government about al-Masri’s case but has not admitted making mistakes. Rice has merely given assurances that any errors made by the CIA would be corrected as and when they arose, officials said.

“The US irritation may stem from concern that any admission of an error would hurt the US government’s position in US lawsuits against it. Al-Masri, 42, was abducted while on holiday in Macedonia in late 2003 after being mistakenly identified as a suspect in the 9/11 attacks. He was then taken to Afghanistan, where he alleges he was drugged and beaten while being held captive in a secret CIA prison. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit on his behalf in the US Federal Court in Virginia on Tuesday.

“Merkel, who supported President George W. Bush over the Iraq war and has pledged to repair the damage her predecessor Gerhard Schröder did to relations with the US government, may have SURPRISED RICE WITH HER ROBUST COMMENTS on allegations that the US runs a network of ‘ghost flights’ and secret prisons around the world where terror suspects can be interrogated with little concern for international law… Rice’s comment that the US does not torture terrorism suspects met with skepticism in Berlin. Karsten Voigt, the German government’s coordinator on German-US relations, said: ‘The question remains whether she means the same thing by torture as we do.’…

The article also pointed out:

“For commentators in Germany, the US practice of ‘extraordinary rendition,’ or secretly transferring suspects to third countries, including some outside Europe that routinely use torture, reveals HOW FAR EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES HAVE DRIFTED APART since Sept. 11 on how much leeway secret services should have in pursuing terrorists. ‘Condoleezza Rice gave the best example of this by adopting what almost seemed like a blackmailing tone in saying that whoever discloses the work of their intelligence services would have to live with a higher threat of terror,’ stated an editorial in the liberal daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. ‘Rice came to Germany TO BEGIN A NEW ERA. SHE HAS RESOUNDINGLY FAILED TO DO SO’… In a swipe at the Bush administration, [former Interior Minister Otto] Schily said he had urged the Americans to give full assistance to the German prosecutor investigating al-Masri’s case. ‘Unfortunately that didn’t happen in an appropriate fashion,’ Schily told the paper [Die Zeit].”

HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa

As Terrence Higgins Trust reported in November, “Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the worst affected region, with 25.4 million people living with HIV at the end of 2004, up from 24.4 million in 2002… Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of all HIV infections worldwide. Three-quarters (76 per cent) of all the women living with HIV live there.”

Catholics in Limbo?

The Scotsman reported on November 30, 2005: “The Catholic Church is preparing to abandon the idea of limbo, the theological belief that children who die before being baptised are suspended in a space between heaven and hell… The idea of limbo was developed as a response to the harshness of early Church teachings which insisted that any child who died before he or she was baptised would still be stained by Original Sin and so would be condemned to hell… the new belief is expected to be that unbaptised babies [who have died] will go directly to heaven.”

Zenit reported on November 30, 2005, that “Whoever seeks peace and the good of the community with a pure conscience, and keeps alive the desire for the transcendent, will be saved even if he lacks biblical faith, says Benedict XVI.”

These two reports seem to indicate a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in Pope Benedict’s theological understanding. As Cardinal Ratzinger, he insisted that one must be or become a member of the Roman Catholic Church in order to be saved. The future will show how this new representation of the Catholic faith will play out.

The Bible neither teaches the concept of limbo, nor, that we go to heaven when we die, nor, that unbelievers will be thrown into an ever-burning hellfire, to be tortured and punished for all eternity. The Holy Scriptures clearly teach, however, that the belief in and the acceptance of Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary for salvation. For a better understanding of these VITAL issues, please read our free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

Turks Esteem Benedict XVI

On December 1, 2005, Zenit reported: “Benedict XVI will be ‘more than welcome’ in Turkey, says a Turkish professor of the history of Islam. Nahide Bozkurt… explained that for many Turkish Muslims, the Pope is ‘a spiritual man, holy.’  The [pope] plans to visit Turkey next year. ‘Many people believe in the Pope; he has spiritual power,’ Bozkurt told Zenit. ‘If he comes to Turkey, he will be much appreciated.'”

Russia Helps Iran

WorldNetDaily reported on December 2, 2005, that “Russia has signed a deal with Iran to sell 29 of its… anti-missile systems, a development that will complicate any planned pre-emptive attack on the… nation’s nuclear facilities… The system would theoretically permit Iran to intercept some cruise missiles as well as airborne missiles that U.S., Israeli or other western countries might use in an effort to keep the terrorist-supporting nation from developing nuclear weapons or using them.”

Israel on the Offensive

The Associated Press reported on December 6, 2005: “Israel clamped an open-ended closure on the West Bank and Gaza Tuesday, BANNING VIRTUALLY ALL PALESTINIANS FROM ISRAEL, and arrested 15 Palestinian militants in a first response to a suicide bombing that killed five Israelis outside a shopping mall. Israeli officials also said the army would target Islamic Jihad operatives in the West Bank, both through arrest raids and targeted killings of operatives, and renew airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to any Palestinian rocket attacks.”

Dangerous US Spending and Borrowing

Britain’s The Times reported on December 3, 2005, that “Alan Greenspan last night issued a stern, renewed warning over threats to the global economy… The Fed Chairman [who is resigning in January] said that, so far, the US had avoided any serious pressure in financing its vast $668 billion (£385 billion) current account deficit… he emphasised that the US reliance on ever- rising inflows of foreign capital could not go on [forever]… If policymakers failed to rein in spending and borrowing, he said that ‘in the end, the consequences for the US economy of doing nothing could be severe.'”

Joerg Haider’s Solutions

Austria’s NetWorld reported on December 3, 2005, that Austria’s unemployment figures have reached an all-time high. Joerg Haider blames foreigners living in Austria for this problem. He demanded not to give any further work permits to foreigners. He also insisted on deporting foreigners who are legally residing in Austria, but who have been without work for more than six months. He also demanded to refuse giving public work to companies in Austria which only employ foreigners.

It’s Christmas Time… Again!

The Christmas Season is upon us. True Christians refuse to keep Christmas, due to its blatantly pagan origin. Surprisingly, perhaps, some well-known public figures expressed their misgivings about Christmas over the years. Bild Online gave the following examples in their edition, dated December 3, 2005:

Otto von Bismarck exclaimed: “Whatever you may give as a [Christmas] present, you will be accused for it.” Friedrich Nietzsche said: “Those peoples are to be envied who do not know Christmas.” And German poet Theodor Storm wrote: “And now it’s Christmas once again. Please, help me, God, that I may endure it.”

Sadly, Zenit reported enthusiastically on December 5, that Christmas is making a comeback. The Catholic paper also admitted the heavy influence of Catholics in the United States in this regard, pointing out:

“The regular battle over Christmas decorations, carols and terminology started in early November, in a number of countries. The controversy got off to a start in the United States when Wal-Mart defended its practice of greeting people with ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Happy Christmas.’ The company came in for strong criticism from Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. In a press release dated Nov. 9 Donohue also criticized a Wal-Mart statement which claimed that Christmas was a composite of ancient traditions, made up of elements such as Siberian shamanism, Celt and Goth customs, and the worship of Baal. Donohue called for a boycott of the retail giant. The dispute quickly finished. Donohue announced two days later that Wal-Mart was withdrawing its statement about the origins of Christmas, as well as making some changes to its Web site…”

On December 5, 2005, Bild Online explored the origin of Santa Claus and his servant, “Knecht Ruprecht.” While the paper gave the usual, albeit wrong explanation that the concept of Santa Claus goes back to a Catholic priest who allegedly gave presents to children in December, it sets forth an interesting thought regarding the servant Ruprecht: “He became the symbol of the dark side. He punishes bad kids and puts them in his sack–the pit of hell.”

For more information on the REAL origins of Santa Claus and his servant, “Knecht Ruprecht,” please read pages 6-8 of our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

The United States of Europe

The EUobserver reported on December 1, 2005: “Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt has pleaded for the creation of a federal ‘United States of Europe.'” According to the proposal, “The EU should … have its own president, foreign minister, army and prosecutor… Mr Verhofstadt calls a federal EU ‘the only option.'”

The article continued: “Again reverting to older ideas, Mr Verhofstadt proposes a two-speed Europe as a way out of the dilemma, with a core of integrationist states, surrounded by a circle of states that favour a looser European construction. The nucleus, with the prestigious ‘United States of Europe’ title, could consist of the 12 EU states that have adopted the euro…”

Being aware of resistance from some European countries to such a model, Verhofstadt pointed to “the fact that in the history of the United States of America, not all states immediately adopted the federalist constitution drafted in 1787, but today, ‘it is clear…that the choice for the federal model was the right one.’… Mr Verhofstadt says he is confident Europeans would ‘by an overwhelming majority’ approve his federal Europe in a Europe-wide referendum.”

USA Loses “European Popularity Contest”

On December 5, 2005, Der Spiegel Online stated: “Research by the Washington Post, Spiegel and other media show that neither the previous [German] government nor the new administration under Angela Merkel should have been surprised about the reports in recent weeks about secret prisoner transports, secret prisons and CIA kidnappings.”

In an accompanying article, the magazine wrote: “For weeks, concern has grown about the use of airports in Germany by the CIA for its controversial ‘extraordinary renditions’ program. Now, it looks like there were hundreds of such suspected flights. At least 437 according to a new list provided by German air traffic controllers. As much as new German Chancellor Angela Merkel may want to improve relations between the United States and Germany, events in the skies over Europe are making it INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT.”

On December 6, 2005, the German press reported again in no uncertain terms about the alleged CIA violations, as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was visiting Germany and had a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Bild reported that Merkel demanded of Rice that the USA apply DEMOCRATIC AND LEGAL RULES in their fight against terrorism. Der Spiegel Online added, after recapturing Europe’s OUTCRY about alleged CIA violations:

“In total, European countries may have been used for a total of some 600 secret CIA flights since the autumn of 2001. The European Union has said it would suspend the voting rights of those members found to be illegally holding terror suspects or hosting clandestine US prisoners.”

The magazine concluded with this telling statement: “All of which means that the US, ONCE AGAIN, IS LOSING THE EUROPEAN POPULARITY CONTEST…”

Tragedies in Malawi

CNN reported on December 3, 2005, about Malawi, “a landlocked central African nation nestled between Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique.” The article explained: “This is one of the world’s 10 poorest countries; life expectancy is a mere 37 years; two-thirds of the population live on less than a dollar a day; one in six adults is HIV positive, and nearly half the population of 12 million faces starvation in coming months if help doesn’t arrive soon. That’s 5 million people, which is half the population of London or New York City.”

Update 221


On December 10, 2005, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Prophet: True or False?”

services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific
Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live

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One Nation "Under God"?

by Edwin Pope

In passing down to Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph, the
birthright blessings; Jacob said, “Let my name (Israel) be named upon
them” (Genesis 46:16). Then of Ephraim He said, “…his descendants
shall become a multitude of nations” (Genesis 46:19). And of Manasseh
He said, “He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great”
(same verse). Ephraim became the British Commonwealth of Nations, upon
which–once–the sun never set! And Manasseh became the greatest single
nation ever to exist on the earth– “the United States of America.” Its
sunset seems to be looming on the horizon as well! (See our booklet,
The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”)

Little did the
small band of men consider, as they left the British shores during the
18th century heading for a new land, that they were embarking upon a
journey which would result in the establishment of a nation which would
fulfill the second part of the prophecy noted above in the passing down
of God’s blessings, which came through Abraham to Jacob and on to the
sons of Joseph.

When George Mason wrote the “Virginia Declaration
of Rights,” which was adopted by the Virginia Constitutional Convention
on June 12, 1776, I am certain he had no thought that that document
would be used by Thomas Jefferson in writing the opening paragraphs of
the Declaration of Independence; nor, that it would be copied by other
colonies in establishing their states’ rights; nor, that it would
become the basis of the Bill of Rights of the United States. In the
Virginia Declaration of Rights, Section 16, Mason wrote: “That
religion, or the duty which we owe to our creator, and the manner of
discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by
force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the
free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and
that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance,
love, and charity toward each other.” The Declaration of Independence,
which was adopted July 4, 1776, makes reference to the Creator God in
the first and second paragraphs of that document. The Pledge of
Allegiance to flag and country was originally written by Francis
Bellamy in August, 1892. A minor change in a couple of words was made
in 1924, and in 1954 the words “under God” were added to the pledge. It
was said at the time that the pledge now was a patriotic oath and a
public prayer.

The motto, “In God We Trust” was placed on U.S.
coins largely because of increased religious sentiment existing during
the Civil War. After many appeals in favor of such a move, Secretary of
the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, instructed James Pollock, Director of
the Mint at Philadelphia, by letter dated November 20, 1861, as
follows: “Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of
God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God
should be declared on our national coins. You will cause a device to be
prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the
fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition.” Samples
were presented and the present wording which is used on U.S. coins
today was adopted and passed by the U.S. Congress on April 22, 1864.
This motto, “In God We Trust,” was added to $1 silver certificates with
printings beginning in 1957. In 1964, the motto was added to Federal
Reserve Notes in the amounts of $1, $5, $10, as well as with the $5
United States Note, and in 1966 the motto was added to the $50, and
$100 Federal Reserve Notes.

But a program of stamping out
religion on national currency began in 1978 and continues today. Some
are crossing out the national motto on paper money (An illegal act
under U.S. law). But there is a movement afoot across the country to
have the motto removed from all forms of U.S. currency. Programs are
ongoing to declare the Pledge of Allegiance as “unconstitutional” and
to not allow it to be recited in public schools because it contains the
words “under God.” The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals ruled the
Pledge of Allegiance “unconstitutional” on June 25, 2002, with the
stipulation that it no longer be recited in public schools. And on
September 14, 2005, a U.S. District Judge ruled that the reference to
one nation “under God” violates schoolchildren’s rights to be “free
from a coercive requirement to affirm God.” The Supreme Court dismissed
the case at a later date.

God established this great nation as He
promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to the sons of Joseph. Yet,
just as He raised it up, He will put it down if it continues to move in
the direction upon which it has now established as its course. We, as a
people of God, must not cover our faces to what is looming upon the
horizon, as prophesied in the Word of God.

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Relationship Between USA and Germany DETERIORATING!!!

Der Spiegel Online published a remarkable article on December 7, 2005, pointing out the TRUE current relationship between the USA and Germany–all hopeful and wishful thinking notwithstanding. This development is, of course, in line with Biblical prophecy, even though some might have chosen to forget or ignore what the Bible clearly reveals. As the comments in the magazine are of such tremendous importance, we are quoting extensively from the article, as follows:

“If US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit to Berlin for talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel was meant to herald a new era of trans-Atlantic harmony, IT HAS FAILED. Merkel ANGERED US officials with her public statement that Washington admitted it had made a ‘mistake’ by kidnapping a German national… Monday’s meeting between the TWO MOST POWERFUL WOMEN IN THE WORLD resulted in a DIPLOMATIC SPAT and HIGHLIGHTED A GROWING RIFT BETWEEN EUROPE AND AMERICA over whether the end always justifies the means in the war on terror. Rice’s trip was meant to signal a new start for trans-Atlantic ties, but if anything, RELATIONS ARE WORSE NOW.

“Merkel irritated US officials by telling journalists after their meeting that Washington had admitted making a mistake in the case of Khaled al-Masri, a Lebanese-born German citizen who was abducted by the CIA and claims that he was tortured while held in secret custody. ‘We discussed the one case which was accepted as a mistake by the government of the United States,’ MERKEL TOLD A JOINT NEWS CONFERENCE WITH RICE AFTER THEIR MEETING on Tuesday. US officials later told journalists that Rice had done nothing of the sort. ‘We are not quite sure what was in her head,’ the Reuters news agency quoted a senior American official as saying. The US government has informed the German government about al-Masri’s case but has not admitted making mistakes. Rice has merely given assurances that any errors made by the CIA would be corrected as and when they arose, officials said.

“The US irritation may stem from concern that any admission of an error would hurt the US government’s position in US lawsuits against it. Al-Masri, 42, was abducted while on holiday in Macedonia in late 2003 after being mistakenly identified as a suspect in the 9/11 attacks. He was then taken to Afghanistan, where he alleges he was drugged and beaten while being held captive in a secret CIA prison. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit on his behalf in the US Federal Court in Virginia on Tuesday.

“Merkel, who supported President George W. Bush over the Iraq war and has pledged to repair the damage her predecessor Gerhard Schröder did to relations with the US government, may have SURPRISED RICE WITH HER ROBUST COMMENTS on allegations that the US runs a network of ‘ghost flights’ and secret prisons around the world where terror suspects can be interrogated with little concern for international law… Rice’s comment that the US does not torture terrorism suspects met with skepticism in Berlin. Karsten Voigt, the German government’s coordinator on German-US relations, said: ‘The question remains whether she means the same thing by torture as we do.’…

The article also pointed out:

“For commentators in Germany, the US practice of ‘extraordinary rendition,’ or secretly transferring suspects to third countries, including some outside Europe that routinely use torture, reveals HOW FAR EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES HAVE DRIFTED APART since Sept. 11 on how much leeway secret services should have in pursuing terrorists. ‘Condoleezza Rice gave the best example of this by adopting what almost seemed like a blackmailing tone in saying that whoever discloses the work of their intelligence services would have to live with a higher threat of terror,’ stated an editorial in the liberal daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. ‘Rice came to Germany TO BEGIN A NEW ERA. SHE HAS RESOUNDINGLY FAILED TO DO SO’… In a swipe at the Bush administration, [former Interior Minister Otto] Schily said he had urged the Americans to give full assistance to the German prosecutor investigating al-Masri’s case. ‘Unfortunately that didn’t happen in an appropriate fashion,’ Schily told the paper [Die Zeit].”

HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa

As Terrence Higgins Trust reported in November, “Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the worst affected region, with 25.4 million people living with HIV at the end of 2004, up from 24.4 million in 2002… Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of all HIV infections worldwide. Three-quarters (76 per cent) of all the women living with HIV live there.”

Catholics in Limbo?

The Scotsman reported on November 30, 2005: “The Catholic Church is preparing to abandon the idea of limbo, the theological belief that children who die before being baptised are suspended in a space between heaven and hell… The idea of limbo was developed as a response to the harshness of early Church teachings which insisted that any child who died before he or she was baptised would still be stained by Original Sin and so would be condemned to hell… the new belief is expected to be that unbaptised babies [who have died] will go directly to heaven.”

Zenit reported on November 30, 2005, that “Whoever seeks peace and the good of the community with a pure conscience, and keeps alive the desire for the transcendent, will be saved even if he lacks biblical faith, says Benedict XVI.”

These two reports seem to indicate a FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE in Pope Benedict’s theological understanding. As Cardinal Ratzinger, he insisted that one must be or become a member of the Roman Catholic Church in order to be saved. The future will show how this new representation of the Catholic faith will play out.

The Bible neither teaches the concept of limbo, nor, that we go to heaven when we die, nor, that unbelievers will be thrown into an ever-burning hellfire, to be tortured and punished for all eternity. The Holy Scriptures clearly teach, however, that the belief in and the acceptance of Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary for salvation. For a better understanding of these VITAL issues, please read our free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”

Turks Esteem Benedict XVI

On December 1, 2005, Zenit reported: “Benedict XVI will be ‘more than welcome’ in Turkey, says a Turkish professor of the history of Islam. Nahide Bozkurt… explained that for many Turkish Muslims, the Pope is ‘a spiritual man, holy.’  The [pope] plans to visit Turkey next year. ‘Many people believe in the Pope; he has spiritual power,’ Bozkurt told Zenit. ‘If he comes to Turkey, he will be much appreciated.'”

Russia Helps Iran

WorldNetDaily reported on December 2, 2005, that “Russia has signed a deal with Iran to sell 29 of its… anti-missile systems, a development that will complicate any planned pre-emptive attack on the… nation’s nuclear facilities… The system would theoretically permit Iran to intercept some cruise missiles as well as airborne missiles that U.S., Israeli or other western countries might use in an effort to keep the terrorist-supporting nation from developing nuclear weapons or using them.”

Israel on the Offensive

The Associated Press reported on December 6, 2005: “Israel clamped an open-ended closure on the West Bank and Gaza Tuesday, BANNING VIRTUALLY ALL PALESTINIANS FROM ISRAEL, and arrested 15 Palestinian militants in a first response to a suicide bombing that killed five Israelis outside a shopping mall. Israeli officials also said the army would target Islamic Jihad operatives in the West Bank, both through arrest raids and targeted killings of operatives, and renew airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to any Palestinian rocket attacks.”

Dangerous US Spending and Borrowing

Britain’s The Times reported on December 3, 2005, that “Alan Greenspan last night issued a stern, renewed warning over threats to the global economy… The Fed Chairman [who is resigning in January] said that, so far, the US had avoided any serious pressure in financing its vast $668 billion (£385 billion) current account deficit… he emphasised that the US reliance on ever- rising inflows of foreign capital could not go on [forever]… If policymakers failed to rein in spending and borrowing, he said that ‘in the end, the consequences for the US economy of doing nothing could be severe.'”

Joerg Haider’s Solutions

Austria’s NetWorld reported on December 3, 2005, that Austria’s unemployment figures have reached an all-time high. Joerg Haider blames foreigners living in Austria for this problem. He demanded not to give any further work permits to foreigners. He also insisted on deporting foreigners who are legally residing in Austria, but who have been without work for more than six months. He also demanded to refuse giving public work to companies in Austria which only employ foreigners.

It’s Christmas Time… Again!

The Christmas Season is upon us. True Christians refuse to keep Christmas, due to its blatantly pagan origin. Surprisingly, perhaps, some well-known public figures expressed their misgivings about Christmas over the years. Bild Online gave the following examples in their edition, dated December 3, 2005:

Otto von Bismarck exclaimed: “Whatever you may give as a [Christmas] present, you will be accused for it.” Friedrich Nietzsche said: “Those peoples are to be envied who do not know Christmas.” And German poet Theodor Storm wrote: “And now it’s Christmas once again. Please, help me, God, that I may endure it.”

Sadly, Zenit reported enthusiastically on December 5, that Christmas is making a comeback. The Catholic paper also admitted the heavy influence of Catholics in the United States in this regard, pointing out:

“The regular battle over Christmas decorations, carols and terminology started in early November, in a number of countries. The controversy got off to a start in the United States when Wal-Mart defended its practice of greeting people with ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Happy Christmas.’ The company came in for strong criticism from Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. In a press release dated Nov. 9 Donohue also criticized a Wal-Mart statement which claimed that Christmas was a composite of ancient traditions, made up of elements such as Siberian shamanism, Celt and Goth customs, and the worship of Baal. Donohue called for a boycott of the retail giant. The dispute quickly finished. Donohue announced two days later that Wal-Mart was withdrawing its statement about the origins of Christmas, as well as making some changes to its Web site…”

On December 5, 2005, Bild Online explored the origin of Santa Claus and his servant, “Knecht Ruprecht.” While the paper gave the usual, albeit wrong explanation that the concept of Santa Claus goes back to a Catholic priest who allegedly gave presents to children in December, it sets forth an interesting thought regarding the servant Ruprecht: “He became the symbol of the dark side. He punishes bad kids and puts them in his sack–the pit of hell.”

For more information on the REAL origins of Santa Claus and his servant, “Knecht Ruprecht,” please read pages 6-8 of our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

The United States of Europe

The EUobserver reported on December 1, 2005: “Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt has pleaded for the creation of a federal ‘United States of Europe.'” According to the proposal, “The EU should … have its own president, foreign minister, army and prosecutor… Mr Verhofstadt calls a federal EU ‘the only option.'”

The article continued: “Again reverting to older ideas, Mr Verhofstadt proposes a two-speed Europe as a way out of the dilemma, with a core of integrationist states, surrounded by a circle of states that favour a looser European construction. The nucleus, with the prestigious ‘United States of Europe’ title, could consist of the 12 EU states that have adopted the euro…”

Being aware of resistance from some European countries to such a model, Verhofstadt pointed to “the fact that in the history of the United States of America, not all states immediately adopted the federalist constitution drafted in 1787, but today, ‘it is clear…that the choice for the federal model was the right one.’… Mr Verhofstadt says he is confident Europeans would ‘by an overwhelming majority’ approve his federal Europe in a Europe-wide referendum.”

USA Loses “European Popularity Contest”

On December 5, 2005, Der Spiegel Online stated: “Research by the Washington Post, Spiegel and other media show that neither the previous [German] government nor the new administration under Angela Merkel should have been surprised about the reports in recent weeks about secret prisoner transports, secret prisons and CIA kidnappings.”

In an accompanying article, the magazine wrote: “For weeks, concern has grown about the use of airports in Germany by the CIA for its controversial ‘extraordinary renditions’ program. Now, it looks like there were hundreds of such suspected flights. At least 437 according to a new list provided by German air traffic controllers. As much as new German Chancellor Angela Merkel may want to improve relations between the United States and Germany, events in the skies over Europe are making it INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT.”

On December 6, 2005, the German press reported again in no uncertain terms about the alleged CIA violations, as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was visiting Germany and had a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Bild reported that Merkel demanded of Rice that the USA apply DEMOCRATIC AND LEGAL RULES in their fight against terrorism. Der Spiegel Online added, after recapturing Europe’s OUTCRY about alleged CIA violations:

“In total, European countries may have been used for a total of some 600 secret CIA flights since the autumn of 2001. The European Union has said it would suspend the voting rights of those members found to be illegally holding terror suspects or hosting clandestine US prisoners.”

The magazine concluded with this telling statement: “All of which means that the US, ONCE AGAIN, IS LOSING THE EUROPEAN POPULARITY CONTEST…”

Tragedies in Malawi

CNN reported on December 3, 2005, about Malawi, “a landlocked central African nation nestled between Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique.” The article explained: “This is one of the world’s 10 poorest countries; life expectancy is a mere 37 years; two-thirds of the population live on less than a dollar a day; one in six adults is HIV positive, and nearly half the population of 12 million faces starvation in coming months if help doesn’t arrive soon. That’s 5 million people, which is half the population of London or New York City.”

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Would you please explain the last phrase in Isaiah 28:16?

Isaiah 28:16 reads: “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold I lay
in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious
cornerstone, a sure foundation; WHOEVER BELIEVES WILL NOT ACT HASTILY.”

What is meant with “Whoever believes will not act hastily”?

context clearly refers to the announcement of God THE FATHER to lay in
Zion (which many times describes the Church of God) a precious
cornerstone for a foundation. This describes the Messiah, Jesus Christ,
as many New Testament passages reveal (compare Matthew 21:42; Mark
12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Romans 9:33; Ephesians 2:20; and 1 Peter

Notice, though, that this stone would be “tried” first.
Christ had to QUALIFY in His life as a human being to become the
foundation and the precious cornerstone–on which the New Testament
Church would be built. We read that Christ became perfect through
suffering (Hebrews 2:10); and that He was tempted in all things, just
as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He had to overcome
(Revelation 3:21)–Satan, this world, and His own human nature or His
sinful flesh (Romans 8:3)–as He WAS a human being, FULLY flesh and
blood when here on earth. He had BECOME flesh (John 1:14), having set
aside His divinity or “equality with God” (Philippians 2:6-8). The
Ryrie Study Bible points out in their comments to Isaiah 28:16, that
“Messiah is a FOUNDATION stone in His atonement, a TRIED STONE in His
temptations, and a PRECIOUS CORNER STONE in His relationship to His

As CHRIST overcame or BECAME victorious in all things,
so must WE (Revelation 2:26). It was a battle for Christ (Hebrews
5:6-8), and we too must FIGHT to conquer and win (Romans 8:37). But
with God the Father and Christ living in us through the power of the
Holy Spirit, we CAN win (Ephesians 6:10-17).

With this
background, let’s consider God’s statement in Isaiah 28:16 that we
won’t “act hastily” when we truly “believe.” Many, who are not really
called by God to salvation, act very “hastily” or “with excitement”
when they hear God’s Word proclaimed to them. The Hebrew word for
“hastily” is “chuwsh”, or “chush,” and means literally, “to hurry,” but
it also means figuratively, “to be eager with excitement or enjoyment”
(compare Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, No. 2363).
However, an enthusiastic immediate response to an “altar call,” to
“give our heart to Jesus” right there and then, is never an answer to
God’s TRUE calling. The reason being, we must first thoroughly count
the cost to determine whether we have enough to complete what we begin
(Luke 14:28). The one who starts and looks back is not fit for the
Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).

As the recent history in the Church
of God has shown, many who supposedly had “started” did not continue.
They just gave up, embracing the pleasures and philosophies of this
world, which they supposedly left behind when they “embraced” God’s Way
of life. They supposedly accepted the truth of the Bible that God IS a
Family–but not a Trinity– that GOD–the GOD FAMILY–IS reproducing
HIMSELF through MAN; that we are to keep today God’s commanded Holy
Days–the weekly Sabbath and the Annual Feast Days; that we are to
forsake pagan holidays such as Sunday, Christmas or Easter; that we–as
Christ’s ambassadors–are to come out of this world and be different,
by not participating in worldly endeavors such as government elections,
jury duty, or military service. And the list is ongoing, including even
such “physical things” as God’s dietary laws. Many once seemingly
understood those teachings. Some of them were very adamant, to the
point of becoming offensive with their radical and condemnatory
preaching, about those matters. But suddenly, when the spirit of the
world took hold of the leadership of their “parent” organization, they
followed the wrong teachings of spiritually unqualified men and
embraced “their” new understanding–which was EXACTLY what they had all
left behind when accepting God’s Way of Life. How convicted had they
ever been? How much time had they spent PROVING the truth to
themselves? Were they EVER converted? The late human leader of the
Church, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, felt at times that not even 10
percent of those who were attending Church services, CLAIMING to be
members, were truly converted. Subsequent facts have established how
RIGHT he was in this.

Many acted HASTILY. The seed of God’s Word
fell on stony places. Yes, they received the seed IMMEDIATELY with joy,
but when tribulation or persecution came because of the word,
IMMEDIATELY they stumbled (Matthew 13:20-21). They did not like to be
called a cult by the established religions of this world, and so they
tried to become accepted in the eyes of men, loving the honor and
praise of men more than the honor from God (John 5:44; 12:43).

true Christian who believes in God the Father and Jesus Christ, and who
is willing to OBEY them, will not act “hastily.” He understands that
His decision to follow God, and to be baptized as a consequence, is a
life-long commitment. He will have counted the cost first. He will not
be baptized just because of peer pressure–because other Church members
or attendees might have expected him to, or because his Church
organization is anxious to report how many of their new members have
been baptized through their preaching of the Word. Such types of
“altar-call conversions” simply do not last.

At the same time,
he SHOULD act hastily, and not delay, when he is ready for baptism. In
general, it is necessary to make haste, enthusiastically, regarding our
ongoing spiritual growth and the Work of God. We are not to be slack in
what we are doing (Zephaniah 3:16). The same Hebrew word, “chush,”
which is used in Isaiah 28:16, meaning, “acting hastily,” is used in
Psalm 119:60, where David said: “I made haste, and did not delay To
Keep Your commandments.” He also asked God repeatedly to make haste to
help him (Psalm 38:22; 40:13; 70:5; 71:12; 141:1).

We are even
told that God will hasten His work in His due time (Isaiah 60:22). But
even here, a word of caution is in order: It is correct that we can
hasten the coming of the day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12) by the way we
live. At the same time, God grants us room for repentance, not willing
that anyone in the Church should perish (2 Peter 3:9). But God does not
grant us time for repentance forever, and while God allots time to us,
we might be guilty of delaying Christ’s coming. The key is our
conduct–the way we live. BUT, we are not to DESIRE the Day of the Lord
in respect to others, to see God’s punishment inflicted upon them
(Jeremiah 17:16; Proverbs 17:5)–nor should we desire Christ’s coming,
if we are not ready for it (Amos 5:18). We are not to behave like those
mentioned in Isaiah 5:18-19: “Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords
of vanity, And sin as if with a cart rope; That say, ‘Let Him make
speed and hasten His work, that we may see it; And let the counsel of
the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, That we may know it.'”

speak facetiously, of course, not believing that God is in their lives,
or that God is still doing a Work here on earth. They might have
convinced themselves that God’s Work is done–and that all that is
required of them today is to make themselves ready. BUT, a Church
member who just concentrates on himself, while ignoring or rejecting
God’s Work, will NOT be ready when Christ returns.

Even in our
converted Christian life, it is prudent not to act too hastily. It is
always good to consider (Proverbs 14:15); take good counsel before
making a decision (Proverbs 11:14; 20:18); and, especially, to pray to
God, with faith, for wisdom and understanding as to what to do in a
certain circumstance (James 1:2-8). Our human tendencies might be to
react immediately–sometimes even before we might have fully heard a
matter (Proverbs 18:13)–but God tells us in many places to wait for
Him (Isaiah 30:18; 64:4). This is not to say that we are not to act at
all–but we are to make sure, first, that our action is in harmony with
God’s Will. As Isaiah 40:31 says: “But those who WAIT on the LORD Shall
renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they
shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

addition, Paul seems to quote Isaiah 28:16 in a slightly different way,
in Romans 9:33, including the following thought: “… And whoever
believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Peter states the same, in 1
Peter 2:6: “… and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to
shame.” This conveys essentially the same meaning: The one who does not
act hastily, but places His trust and confidence in God, shall not have
the shame of failure and disappointment. Matthew Henry’s Commentary
states: “And he that believes these promises, and rests upon them,
shall not make haste, but with a fixed heart shall quietly wait the
event, saying, Welcome the will of God.”

Some translations render
Isaiah 28:16 in such a way that the one who believes in God and His
promises shall not waiver; that he shall not be worried; that he shall
not be in a frenzy; or that he shall not have cause for panic. All
these renderings are meaningful, in the sense that the one who believes
in God will wait for His Will to be revealed in his life; and in doing
so, he will not be fearful and worried, trying hastily to “solve” a
problem on his own–without God.

Next time we are tempted to act
before we have heard or considered all the facts and circumstances, let
us remember God’s profound admonishment and encouragement in Isaiah
28:16: As we have a TRIED cornerstone–Jesus Christ–in Whom we
believe; on Whom we build our lives; and Who lives in us; let us NOT
“act hastily.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written and will be sent out early next
week. Brian Gale discusses in the letter the “spirit of Christmas” in
all its different forms and disguises, which true Christians must avoid
at all costs.

We have received additional interesting responses
to our ad campaign in the United Kingdom, promoting our booklet, “The
Fall and Rise of Britain and America
.” The final number of responses is
1,648. Set forth below are a few samples:

“Dear Sir. I am a
Christian and I’ve read the Bible from cover to cover and have attended
a course analyzing the Old Testament; nevertheless I have never come
across an analysis and interpretation of the Scripture like yours. It
has certainly shed [light] on some of my unanswered questions.”

Christian friends. Thank you so much for sending me the booklet “The
Fall and Rise of Britain and America.
” It is so interesting. I have not
yet read it all as I like to look up all of the references. A real
revelation to me. I feel that here I am at 80, not much longer to be
here, yet, when reading your book, so much to learn before I go. If you
have any other publications, and have a list of them, will you kindly
send me a copy. Thank you. You said all your literature is free of
charge but please accept the enclosed small gift from the Lord towards
your great ministry. I like you name ‘Global’ church. What a day that
will be when we all rise to meet our Lord, we shall see a real Global
Church. Many thanks and every blessing.”

“We have been delighted
with the booklets and have passed them [on] so others could have a
blessing. There is only a couple of us but could you send us a few more
and where we could send a donation to and who[m] to make it payable
to. We have all gained so much from the booklets.”

have just finished reading your booklet entitled “The Fall and Rise of
Britain and America
” and found it to be very enjoyable. It would be
much appreciated if you could send me the following booklets (8 are
listed). I would also be grateful if you could send me further
information on your church. Thanking you in advance for your help.”

you for the booklets previously sent to me. I read them and I must say
that everything is scriptural that you pointed out in them. There are
so many churches today that do quote certain passages of the Bible to
persuade people that they have the ‘Truth.’… The Word of God teaches
me to not forget the doctrine that I have been taught from Scripture,
for it is God-breathed. I am extremely grateful to you and your church
for this free merchandise. There are not many free… booklets
[around]. If it is not too much trouble to you, I would like the
booklets, ‘The Theory of Evolution‘; ‘Don’t Keep Christmas‘; ‘Is God a
‘; and ‘Lawlessness Will Abound.’ I especially am keen to
see what your church has to say about it.”

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God DOES Help Us!

by Rhonda Cagle

On January 28, 2005, I was laid off from Musicmatch after five and a
half years, due to Yahoo, Inc. buying the company. My accounting
manager was kept on with Yahoo until the end of July. Just two weeks
before my unemployment benefits were to run out (in August), I was
hired by Emerald Publications for a “three month” period. This was to
result in a permanent position. As it turned out, the Vice President of
Finance, with whom I interviewed, was Jewish, and she had no problem
with me keeping the Sabbath and the Holy Days, which were right around
the corner. Only two weeks after I was hired with Emerald, she quit her
job! I always wondered (and still do) whether God just kept her there
long enough to hire me?

In October, I received an email from my
former accounting manager at Musicmatch, stating that she had been
hired by Carvin Guitars, which was located right across the street from
where I was now working. We got together for lunch a couple weeks
later, and she asked if I would be interested in an accounts payable
position at Carvin? Although I was happy and confident that I would be
hired permanently at Emerald, I gave her my resume anyway. Over the
three-month period at Emerald, I was told on numerous occasions how
glad they were to have me there and how pleased they were with my work.
My three-month agreement with Emerald was to end on November 15th. That
day came and went with no word from them. Another week went by. I kept
expecting to hear “the word” concerning my status.

On Tuesday,
November 22nd, I received a call from the H.R. manager at Carvin asking
whether I could interview with the President that afternoon! After much
scrambling around to get ready, I agreed to meet with him during my
lunch hour. I received a call at 2:30 that afternoon from Carvin,
offering me the job! The position paid $2000.00 a year more than what I
was currently making, with benefits. I didn’t have to explain about the
Sabbath and the Holy Days to the President because he had already been
informed of my needs by my previous accounting manager! She told me he
stated it was “refreshing” to find someone who had such “strong
religious beliefs.” Not knowing what was going on with my status at
Emerald, I accepted the “sure” job. The new job would start a week
later, although they were receptive to postponing the date if I needed
to give Emerald a longer notice.

I went home and prayed that God
would show me whether I was making the right decision. The very next
morning the V.P. of finance at Emerald approached me and said they
wanted to meet with me Monday morning concerning EXTENDING my TEMPORARY
position for another three-month duration (without any benefits)! There
was my answer.

On Monday morning, instead of having a meeting
about extending my temporary status, I told them of my decision to
accept a permanent position with Carvin. They immediately offered to
counter Carvin’s offer. I told them thank you, but I had already
accepted the permanent position offered by Carvin. At that time they
said how sorry they were to see me go but also stated that if my new
job didn’t work out or if I changed my mind, to please come back and
apply for any job they might have open!

I now wonder if God
gave me the position at Emerald just long enough for my previous
accounting manager to be hired by Carvin and to bring me on with her
when the time was right. It sure looks that way. I just wanted to share
this with you to show how God takes care of us in so many different
ways. I hope this will encourage all of us, as it is so wonderful to
see God work so closely in our lives. “Thank you” to all of you who
prayed for me during this time. God definitely answers our prayers.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Would you please explain 2 Kings 5:17-19? Did Elisha permit the Syrian officer Naaman to worship idols in the pagan temple of Rimmon?

Some have used this passage to justify Christian participation in
pagan worship services. This is, however, not the meaning of 2 Kings
5:17-19, and the Bible, as a whole, clearly condemns such practices.
Before analyzing the passage in question, let us review what happened

Beginning in verse 1 of 2 Kings 5, we find that Naaman
was the commander of the army of the king of Syria, a great and
honorable man, but a leper. With the king’s permission, Naaman went to
Israel to be healed by the prophet Elisha from his leprosy. Elisha did
not meet with Naaman, but told him through a messenger to wash in the
Jordan River seven times, to become clean. Naaman had expected to see
Elisha personally and reacted with anger regarding Elisha’s injunction,
belittling the Jordan River in comparison with the mighty rivers of
Syria. His servants persuaded him to obey Elisha, and when he did, he
was healed from his leprosy. Naaman went to Elisha and offered him a
gift, which Elisha refused to accept. Naaman also said: “Indeed, now I
know that there is no other God in all the earth, except in Israel”
(verse 15). Requesting “two mule-loads of earth,” he explained: “…
your servant will no longer offer either burnt offering or sacrifice to
other gods, but to the LORD” (verse 17).

He then continued to
say: “Yet in this thing may the LORD pardon your servant: when my
master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on
my hand, and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon–when I bow down in the
temple of Rimmon, may the LORD please pardon your servant in this
thing” (verse 18). The record goes on to say, in verse 19: “Then he
[Elisha] said to him, ‘Go in peace.’ So he departed from him…”

Henry’s Commentary points out, correctly, that both requests of Naaman
are dubious, to say the least: “1. In one instance he over-did it, that
he would not only worship the God of Israel, but he would have clods of
earth out of the prophet’s garden… He that a while ago had spoken
very slightingly of the waters of Israel (v. 12) now is in another
extreme, and over-values the earth of Israel, supposing that an altar
of that earth would be most acceptable to him. 2. In another instance
he under-did it, that he reserved to himself the liberty to bow in the
house of Rimmon, in complaisance to the king his master, and according
to the duty of his place at court (v. 18)… If, in covenanting with
God, we make a reservation for any known sin, which we will continue to
indulge ourselves in, that reservation is a defeasance of his covenant.
We must cast away all our transgressions and not except any house of
Rimmon. If we ask for a dispensation to go on in any sin for the
future, we mock God, and deceive ourselves.”

The Broadman Bible
Commentary points out that Naaman’s “desire for dirt from Israel [was] closely linked to the common belief that gods were identified with the
land itself–an attitude that continued even in Israel for an
embarrassingly long period of time… Naaman’s second request dealt
with the necessity of accompanying his master when he worshipped
Rimmon… the god of storm and rain… Elisha apparently grants both

The Ryrie Study Bible concurs, stating that “Elisha
assured him that God would understand…” But did he? Did Elisha permit
Naaman to worship idols in the temple of Rimmon? If he did, why did he
do it? And, why did Elisha not clearly prohibit Naaman from doing so?

The New Bible Commentary: Revised points out the difficulty with this passage, by stating:

answer is non-committal, but it has given scholars all sorts of
problems in former generations, and even led to establishing an
artificial difference between true worship of the false god and joining
in the ritual act without any faith in the act.”

But such
“difference” is in fact only “artificial”–that is, without value or
accuracy. After all, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:16-22: “The cup
of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of
Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body
of Christ? For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all
partake of that one bread. Observe Israel after the flesh: Are not
those who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? What am I
saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is
anything? Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they
sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have
fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the
cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table
of demons. Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than

As we explain on page 18 of our booklet, “Don’t Keep
,” Paul was referring here to the common religious practice of
many to incorporate pagan rituals in their worship of God. Paul
specifically prohibited true Church members to do that. We also note
that Daniel’s three friends refused to bow down before the image or
idol erected by King Nebuchadnezzar, and that they were willing to die
for their refusal to do so (compare Daniel 3).

We also read
Paul’s clear command in 2 Corinthians 6:16-17: “And what agreement has
the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living
God… Therefore, ‘Come out from among them And be separate, says the
Lord…'” Paul tells us to come out of pagan temples and forsake pagan
religious worship–not, to go into those temples and participate in
false religious ceremonies.

Why, then, did Elisha omit to give a similarly strongly-worded prohibition to Naaman?

the narrative, we should be able to see that Naaman was just at the
very beginning stage of understanding small portions of God’s truth.
Although he sounded sincere, he might have been one “who hears the word
and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself,
but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution
arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles” (Matthew
13:20-21). Even though, Naaman specifically requested of Elisha to
FORGIVE him his conduct of accompanying the king into the temple of
Rimmon and to bow down there with him. This means, Naaman seemed to
have understood that bowing down in front of an idol was wrong–even
though he would do it in compliance with his duties toward the king. A
modern-day example would be if we would accompany our employer into his
church and knelt down in front of the statue of a “saint.” No true
Christian should ever do this.

IF Elisha expressly permitted
Naaman to accompany his master into a pagan temple and to bow down
before a pagan idol, then, based on the clear instructions of the
Biblical record, such permission would have been against God’s perfect
Will. Many commentaries feel, however, that Elisha’s conduct cannot be
viewed as an express permission.

Jamieson, Fausset and Brown
state: “Elisha’s prophetic commission not extending to any but the
conversion of Israel from idolatry, he makes no remark, either
approving or disapproving, on the declared course of action, but simply
gives… the parting benediction.” Soncino concurs with this
understanding and adds that Elisha left the apparent inconsistency in
Naaman’s proposed conduct up to Naaman’s own judgment.

of how to view Elisha’s conduct in Naaman’s case, the Biblical teaching
for us today is very clear: True Christians must not participate in
pagan worship services, nor must they participate in “Christian”
services and activities which are derived from paganism. God
specifically prohibited ancient Israel, and He prohibits us today, to
inquire how the pagans worshipped their gods, and to adopt their
practices in our worship of the true God (compare Deuteronomy
12:29-32). As Paul very clearly explained: We CANNOT partake of the
Lord’s table and of the table of demons, as we would thereby have
fellowship with demons. To apply God’s prohibition to our day and age,
at least three obvious examples come to mind: A true Christian must not
bow down before the statue of an idol–regardless of what “Christian”
name might be given to that statue. He must not participate in the
celebration of religious holidays which are clearly derived from
paganism, such as Sunday, Christmas and Easter. And, he must not
partake of weekly “communion” in “Christian” churches which have
adopted most of their teachings from pagan beliefs and practices.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Current Events

Angela Merkel in Action

The British newspaper, “Telegraph,” published the following article on November 24, 2005, about the EU Constitution:

“Angela Merkel, the new German chancellor, set the stage for a tense meeting with Tony Blair in Downing Street today when she called for European leaders to revive the EU constitution… She said the rejection of the constitutional treaty by the French and Dutch in referendums in the summer was not the end of the matter… The comments suggest that Mrs Merkel, whose Christian Democrats are tied into a grand coalition with the Social Democrats, may not shift German policy on the EU as much as British ministers and diplomats had hoped.”

Der Spiegel Online quoted on November 24 from several German newspapers, reporting about Merkel’s trip to France and England:

“The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung thinks popular will for this change [in the relationship between the USA and Germany] is lacking, since Germans still don’t trust Washington. ‘Germany’s relationship to the United States has indeed suffered, but one reason for this climate change has been the presidency of George W. Bush … Merkel needs to build a good working relationship, but everything else will be ruled out by a simple grasp of domestic politics: A close relationship with Bush is poisonous.’… a retreat from Paris will help Berlin re-orient the shambling European Union, according to the financial daily Handelsblatt. ‘Europe is hoping for clear leadership from Berlin,’ writes its commentator. ‘Hopes are high not least because the other “big countries”–France, Britain and Italy–are being led by weakened governments … The left-wing Berliner Zeitung agrees, arguing Germany and France need to take a leading role in Europe. ‘But if they neglect or boss around the smaller nations, they won’t do well, and neither will Europe. Merkel knows this,’ writes the paper.”

On November 23, The Russian Pravda published the following comments about Angela Merkel’s upbringing in Communist Eastern Germany (GDR):

“The girl realized the importance of staying at the background, of being inconspicuous, and being better than the others in terms of studies. Angela also learned to separate her personal life from the public property as opposed to the Marxist theory. Merkel has never broken the rule since she became a well-known politician. She always kept her private life in a locker… she made a career both as an academic and a local leader of the Free German Youth, a Communist youth organization akin to the Soviet Komsomol. Although Merkel seems reluctant to speak about it these days, she was in charge of agitation and propaganda for the young Communists at the Academy. It was quite an achievement for the pastor’s daughter… Later Merkel has repeatedly said that the membership in the Communist youth organization was a must for those who wanted to study at the university in the GDR. Even if her ‘agitation and propaganda’ stint was a political maneuver, it shows Merkel’s ability to adjust to the circumstances. Perhaps her membership in the Communist youth organization was just a career requirement though she never did anything to challenge the regime of the GDR.”

The article continued:

“Merkel’s ideological convictions are hardly fit for accepting the ‘Rheinish capitalism’ traditional in West Germany, with its gentle demands on the citizens and social teachings of Catholicism… Merkel’s younger years in the GDR have undoubtedly formed in her a deep-rooted positive image of America, ‘the land of the free.’ She is a fundamentally pro-American not only with respect to historic discourse (she is confident that the unification of Germany would have never happened if the United States had not provided full support to the plan) but also regarding her political positions on the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. However, contrary to the allegations printed by some newspapers, she never demanded the deployment of a German military contingent in Iraq.”

On November 30, 2005, Reuters reported about Angela Merkel’s first major speech to the German parliament on Wednesday since replacing Gerhard Schroeder as German leader. The article stated:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed on Wednesday that her new government would not be blackmailed by kidnappers holding a German woman in Iraq and called terrorism a threat to the country’s core values of freedom and tolerance… The kidnapping, the first of a German citizen in Iraq, has presented Merkel with her first major test… Merkel also said she expected the U.S. government to respond quickly to allegations the CIA has been operating secret prisons in Europe and has used airports in Germany and other European countries in secretly transporting detainees. Still, Merkel’s tough stance toward the kidnappers in Iraq and the tone of her speech, in which she mentioned the word ‘freedom’ seven times, contrasted sharply with the rhetoric of her predecessor and could be welcomed in Washington.”

However, Der Spiegel Online wrote on November 28, 2005:

“Don’t be fooled by the facade of harmony in Germany’s new grand coalition of conservatives and Social Democrats. Angela Merkel has only been chancellor for one week but she is already heading into a struggle with her foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, for control over foreign policy.”

And that says a lot…

EU vs. UK

On November 11, reported: “Blair is all alone in Britain’s EU rebate row.”

The article continued: “Tony Blair was left isolated in Europe last night after European Union leaders said that he would endanger plans for further enlargement of the community unless he surrendered billions of pounds from Britain’s annual budget rebate… At a bad-tempered meeting in Brussels, EU foreign ministers told Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, that maintaining the rebate would mean that Britain was not paying its fair share of the costs of expanding the bloc into eastern and central Europe… the French foreign minister, Philippe Douste-Blazy questioned why it [Britain] should get away with paying so little to its pet project… There were ‘ethical, moral, and political’ issues at stake, said Mr Douste-Blazy, adding that Britain would shoulder a ‘grave responsibility’ for the collapse of negotiations and the resulting damage to EU expansion… German and Italian ministers vowed not to pay ‘another cent’ into EU coffers, on top of what they agreed in June.”

European Debate Over Torture

On November 28, 2005, Der Spiegel Online reported about a development in Europe which paints Washington in a terrible light–but this time, it’s not limited to the USA. In any event, it shows the growing alienation between the USA and Europe. The article stated:

“A bitter debate over torture has erupted in Europe. Washington is believed to have used EU countries as transit points for moving terrorism suspects to clandestine locations where they may have been tortured. The Council of Europe and other organizations are now demanding answers — from the US and European countries who looked the other way.”

The article continued:

“In the past, the Europeans turned a blind eye to the Americans’ human rights violations. After all, Islamist terror was considered more dangerous and, more importantly, was being committed by a common enemy. But now European politicians have had enough… The German government will have some explaining to do, especially when it comes to charges that the German authorities turned a blind eye to the Americans having used their military base in Frankfurt am Main, which was just closed in October, Berlin’s Schönefeld Airport and the US military base in Ramstein essentially as European transfer stations for their secret prisoner transports… Berlin has yet to follow the lead of the Danish government, which insisted that the Pentagon discontinue flights in Danish airspace that are ‘incompatible with international conventions.’

“The Council of Europe also wants to know how the German government intends to ensure that such activities on the part of ‘foreign agencies’ are monitored in the future — and ‘to what extent domestic law provides for a suitable response to such violations of the law,’… In short, the Council of Europe wants to know what European governments intend to do about CIA agents being allowed to fly their prisoners across Europe with impunity. The Germans won’t be the only ones with some explaining to… The truth is that hardly any US ally in Europe has sufficiently met its obligation to comply with the requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights, which prohibits any form of torture.”

Polluter China

On November 28, 2005, Der Spiegel Online reported:

“The chemical plant catastrophe on the Songhua River reveals the flipside of China’s economic miracle. Most of the country’s air and waterways are hopelessly polluted and the government has done little to address the problem. Instead, officials prefer to lie.”

The article continued:

“China is no longer merely the world’s factory. It is also the world’s toxic waste dump… Five of the world’s 10 most polluted cities are in China. More than two-thirds of all Chinese rivers and lakes are turning into sewers… and more than 360 million people have no access to clean drinking water. A toxic soup splashes through the country’s waterways, while people living along the banks die from cancer at above-average rates… The People’s Republic, which could soon surpass the United States as the world’s largest producer of greenhouse gases, has lost its ecological balance and is paying a heavy price as a result. About 400,000 people die prematurely each year because of the polluted air they breathe.”

Has Goliath Been Found?

According to an article by Independent Media Review Analysis (IMRA), dated November 10, 2005, “A very small ceramic sherd unearthed by Bar-Ilan University archaeologists digging at Tell es-Safi, the biblical city ‘Gath of the Philistines’, may hold a very large clue into the history of the well-known biblical figure Goliath. The sherd, which contains the earliest known Philistine inscription ever to be discovered, mentions two names that are remarkably similar to the name ‘Goliath’… The archaeological find may also be seen as the first clear extra-biblical evidence that the well-known biblical story of the battle between David and Goliath (and, in particular, the very existence of a figure such as Goliath during the biblical period) may be more than just a legend.”

For true Christians, there is of course no doubt that the Biblical records are accurate, and not mere legends. But perhaps, unbelieving man needs physical proof like this to give more attention and credence to God’s Holy Word.

The EU Accuses Israel

On November 25, 2005, a British paper, The Guardian, reported about a confidential Foreign Office document accusing “Israel of rushing to annex the Arab area of Jerusalem, using illegal Jewish settlement construction and the vast West Bank barrier, in a move to prevent it becoming a Palestinian capital.”

This development is remarkable, as Biblical prophecy reveals that the relationship between Europe and Israel will gradually deteriorate. The article of the Guardian continued:

“In an unusually frank insight into British assessments of Israeli intentions, the document says that Ariel Sharon’s government is jeopardising the prospect of a peace agreement by trying to put the future of Arab East Jerusalem beyond negotiation and risks driving Palestinians living in the city into radical groups. The document, obtained by the Guardian, was presented to an EU council of ministers meeting chaired by the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, on Monday with recommendations to counter the Israeli policy, including recognition of Palestinian political activities in East Jerusalem. But the council put the issue on hold until next month under pressure from Italy, according to sources, which Israel considers its most reliable EU ally.”

The Financial Times added on November 24, 2005:

“The European Union has severely criticised Israeli policies in east Jerusalem, saying they demonstrate a clear intention to consolidate Israel’s annexation of the Arab half of the city. The criticisms are in a report presented to EU foreign ministers this week but not yet publicly released… EU foreign ministers are set to discuss the report on December 12. It was prepared by British and EU representatives in Jerusalem and Ramallah. Britain currently holds the EU presidency.” The New Zealand Herald reported on November 25:

“European governments should consider direct intervention in an attempt to curb the systematic measures being undertaken by Israel to increase its control and population in the historically–and legally–Arab eastern sector of Jerusalem, a highly sensitive EU report concludes…The report provides the most detailed and remorselessly critical account yet produced by a Western international body of Israel’s policy in East Jerusalem, which has been occupied since its seizure in the 1967 Six Day War.”

UFOs a Real Threat?

PRWEB reported on November 24, 2005: “Paul Hellyer, Canada’s Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: ‘UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.’ … Mr. Hellyer went on to say, ‘I’m so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something.’… Hellyer warned, ‘The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning.’ He stated, ‘The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.'”

Whether or not weapons are being developed and employed to fight aliens, it is amazing that such beliefs are actually seriously held by some high-ranking governmental officials. The Bible reveals that there are NO aliens on other planets–but there ARE evil spirit beings masquerading as aliens. More importantly, the Bible foretells that Christ and His angels will return to this earth and that they will be engaged, at that time, in an outright war by powerful political and religious figures. Could it be that those deceived worldly powers will be motivated, in part, by their erroneous belief that they have to fight Christ and His angels, thinking they are hostile aliens?

The Terrible Curse of Abortion

On November 27, The Sunday Times in Britain published this alarming and sickening article on the terrible curse of abortion–and what happens if an abortion fails to “succeed”:

“A government agency is launching an inquiry into doctors’ reports that up to 50 babies a year are born alive after botched National Health Service abortions… babies aborted after more than 21 weeks and six days of gestation should have their hearts stopped by an injection of potassium chloride before being delivered. In practice, few doctors are willing or able to perform the delicate procedure. For the abortion of younger foetuses, labour is induced by drugs in the expectation that the infant will not survive the birth process. Guidelines say that doctors should ensure that the drugs they use prevent such babies being alive at birth… The number of terminations carried out in the 18th week of pregnancy or later has risen from 5,166 in 1994 to 7,432 last year. Prenatal diagnosis for conditions such as Down’s syndrome is increasing and foetuses with the condition are routinely aborted, even though many might be capable of leading fulfilling lives… Abortion on demand is allowed in Britain up to 24 weeks–more than halfway through a normal pregnancy and the highest legal limit for such terminations in Europe. France and Germany permit ‘social’ abortions only up to the 10th and 12th weeks respectively. Doctors are increasingly uneasy about aborting babies who could be born alive.”

Of course, it is not much different in the United States. According to an article in the LA Times, dated November 29, 2005, a prominent doctor who performs abortions admits that he “destroys lives.” The article continued:

“… abortion remains one of the most common surgical procedures for women. A quarter of all pregnancies end in abortion. A third of all American women will have had an abortion by the age of 45…”

The article then listed the age of those who have abortions: “Under 15: 1%; 15-19: 19%; 20-24: 33%; 25-29: 23%; 30-34: 13%; 35-39: 8%; 40-44: 3%.”

What these articles show is that aborted babies were viable human beings–and the attempted or real termination of their lives constitutes a transgression of God’s Law–the Ten Commandments. It is immaterial what man’s laws might allow–in God’s eyes, those who abort or participate in the procedure are guilty of an egregious SIN. For more information, please read our free booklet: “Are You Already Born Again?”

Ongoing Human Rights Abuses in Iraq?

On November 29, 2005, ABC News Online wrote about comments by former prime minister Iyad Allawi, “saying human rights abuses in Iraq were as bad now as they were under Saddam Hussein… Dr Allawi was Iraq’s first prime minister of the post-Saddam era but failed to win January’s election… Dr Allawi, who is a secular Shiite and has a seat in parliament, is critical of some Shiites in power viewing them as overly Islamic and too close to Iran. He told Sunday’s Observer that a lot of Iraqis were being killed in the course of interrogations. ‘People are doing the same as (in) Saddam Hussein’s time and worse,’ he said. ‘These are the precise reasons why we fought Saddam Hussein and now we are seeing the same things. We are hearing about secret police, secret bunkers where people are being interrogated,’ Dr Allawi said…”

Canada’s Political Scandals

The Christian Science Monitor wrote on November 30:

“Canadians are bracing for a bitter winter election after a coalition of Conservatives, Quebec separatists, and far-left progressives toppled the scandal-plagued Liberal government with a no-confidence vote on Monday night. Opposition leaders pushed for the Jan. 23 election, hoping to capitalize on a corruption scandal that has shaken public confidence in the Liberal Party that has ruled since 1993. Prime Minister Paul Martin and the Liberals, meanwhile, will try to persuade voters that Conservatives and their leader Stephen Harper are too right-wing for Canada… The Liberals’ woes stem from what’s known in Canada as the sponsorship scandal–revelations that tens of millions of dollars intended for national unity programs in Quebec during the 1990s were mis-spent as political graft and kickbacks.”

The US Dollar and The Euro

The Russian newspaper, Pravda, reported on November 28: “The rate of the US currency may hit the all-time minimum in 2006: the dollar may drop to 1.38 dollars per one euro, Citigroup analysts said. According to this forecast, the US dollar is likely to lose 20 percent of its value during the forthcoming year.. .The majority of Russian specialists share the opinion of Citigroup experts. They say that the ongoing reduction of the euro value on the international market is not connected with the US economic progress, but has something to do with political problems in the European Union. Indeed, the euro rate decreased during the German elections and the French riots. Brushing those reasons aside, one may say that there are no significant reasons for the euro to slide in the future.”

Hurricane Season Ended?

The Associated Press wrote on November 30: “The record-breaking 2005 Atlantic hurricane season officially ends on Wednesday but don’t tell that to residents of Bermuda, where a last-minute tropical storm, Epsilon, could still cause dangerous surf conditions, forecasters said. Epsilon, the 26th named storm of the busiest hurricane season on record, formed Tuesday in the central Atlantic.”

The article continued:

“The Atlantic hurricane season lasts for six months… The hurricane season has been a record-breaker in several ways. It has seen the most storms on record, beating the previous record of 21 named storms set in 1933. It has scored the most hurricanes at 13, beating the previous record of 12 set in 1969. It has also seen the most Category 5 hurricanes, the top-ranked storms on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale of hurricane activity. Of the 3 Category 5 storms this year, Katrina devastated New Orleans and killed over 1,200 in Louisiana and Mississippi, Rita pounded the Texas-Louisiana border and Wilma briefly became the most powerful Atlantic hurricane on record before ravaging the Mexican resort area around Cancun.”

The article went on to explain:

“Epsilon followed closely on the heels of Tropical Storm Delta, which left hundreds of thousands without power in Spain’s Canary Islands on Tuesday and killed seven in and around the popular tourist destination before dissipating over Morocco. The last five named cyclones of the season have been named after letters in the Greek alphabet because the official list of storm names for 2005 was exhausted.”

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