Current Events

Same-Sex Marriages on the Rise in the USA

An interesting and SHOCKING article was published in the May/June 2005 issue of “San Diego Lawyer.” The article was written by a practicing female professor of law, teaching “Sexual Orientation and the Law, and Women and the Law.” The author, who is married to a female partner, advocates marriages between same-sex couples. In the article, it was pointed out how the court system in the USA, as well as public opinion, are increasingly IN FAVOR of such marriages.

It was stated:

“The Hawaii Supreme Court… held that the state’s ban on same-sex couples marrying violated the Hawaii Constitution’s equal protection guarantees against sex discrimination, reasoning that a law that permitted a woman to marry a man but not to marry a woman must be discriminating on the basis of the spouse’s sex. Then came an Alaska trial court decision, finding that the ban preventing same-sex couples from marrying violated that state’s constitution. Those initial victories ended rather quickly, however, when constitutional amendments were passed in both states limiting marriages to those between one man and one woman…

“After the Netherlands and Belgium passed laws permitting same-sex couples to marry in those countries…, Canada opened marriage to the world…”

The author continued to describe how the minister conducted himself during the service, when officiating a same-sex “marriage” between the author and her partner. This is how he ended the ceremony:

“By the authority given by our government to solemnize matrimony and the relationship we share as members of the same family, I declare that you who were two families are now one family, joined in matrimony and blessed by the Spirit of Love.”

The article continued by inadvertently and unintentionally presenting the sad state of affairs around the country. Please note, too, how the article perverts the language and concepts, by calling those who oppose same-sex marriages as “anti-marriage,” while describing those who support same-sex marriages as “pro-marriage” — while THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. Those who UPHOLD THE GODLY-ORDAINED TRUE MARRIAGE ARE PRO-MARRIAGE, and those who support same-sex marriages are, in fact, ANTI-MARRIAGE. The article pointed out:

“Since then, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court held… that the Massachusetts Constitution required the state to permit same-sex couples to marry. An attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution failed to pass either the House or the Senate… Most people have heard of the 11 state constitutional amendments, ratified on Election Day 2004, banning same-sex couples from marrying in those states… But [few] realize that 14 similar measures were rejected by state legislatures around the country. Election Day exit polls showed 25 percent of Americans support ending discrimination in marriage, and another 35 percent support civil unions. The overwhelming majority of legislators who opposed anti-marriage measures won reelection, and in Massachusetts, every pro-marriage candidate won and some anti-marriage candidates were defeated.”

How accurate did Isaiah describe the habit of many in modern Israel–including the United States of America–to call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). But Isaiah attaches a warning to those who do, stating that it will be “woe to them” in the bitter end.

John Bolton New U.S. Ambassador to the UN

As The Associated Press reported on August 1, 2005, “President Bush sidestepped the Senate and installed embattled nominee John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations on Monday, ending a five-month impasse with Democrats who accused Bolton of abusing subordinates and twisting intelligence to fit his conservative ideology… Bush put Bolton on the job in a recess appointment–an avenue available to the president when the Congress is in recess. Under the Constitution, a recess appointment during the lawmakers’ August break would last until the next session of Congress, which begins in January 2007… Bush had refused to give up on Bolton even though the Senate had voted twice to sustain a filibuster against his nominee. Democrats and some Republicans had raised questions about Bolton’s fitness for the job, particularly in view of his harsh criticism of the United Nations.”

As the article continued to point out, the Democrats and some Republicans were outraged:

“Edward M. Kennedy… sharply criticized the move. ‘The abuse of power and the cloak of secrecy from the White House continues,’ Kennedy said. ‘It’s bad enough that the administration stonewalled the Senate by refusing to disclose documents highly relevant to the Bolton nomination. It’s even worse for the administration to abuse the recess appointment power by making the appointment while Congress is in this five-week recess. It’s a devious maneuver that evades the constitutional requirement of Senate consent and only further darkens the cloud over Mr. Bolton’s credibility at the U.N.’… Republican Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio also said he was disappointed in the appointment. ‘I am truly concerned that a recess appointment will only add to John Bolton’s baggage and his lack of credibility with the United Nations,’ Voinovich said.”

Even though Mr. Bolton’s appointment will probably hurt the U.S. in the world, and especially at the U.N., the article explained: “Despite lengthy investigations, it was never clear that Bolton did anything improper. Witnesses told the committee that Bolton lost his temper, tried to engineer the ouster of at least two intelligence analysts and otherwise threw his weight around. But Democrats were never able to establish that his actions crossed the line to out-and-out harassment or improper intimidation.”

Saudi King Fahd Dies

As The Associated Press reported on August 1, 2005, “King Fahd, who moved Saudi Arabia closer to the United States but ruled the nation in name only since suffering a stroke in 1995, died Monday, and his half brother [Crown Prince Abdullah] was quickly named to replace him. The first change in the throne in 23 years uncorked a jockeying for position in the world’s largest oil producer… Crude oil prices soared past $61 a barrel Monday as markets reacted to Fahd’s death… The portly, goateed Fahd inadvertently helped fuel the rise of Islamic extremism by making concessions to hard-liners in an effort to boost his Islamic credentials. But he also brought the kingdom closer to the United States and agreed to a step that enraged many conservatives: basing U.S. troops on Saudi soil after the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait… Saudi Arabia and the United States have also found themselves at odds over oil. Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest exporter–sitting atop a quarter of the world’s known reserves–and America is the world’s largest energy consumer. With prices reaching $61 a barrel, Washington has been pushing the Saudis to pump more oil and bring prices down.”

Saudi Arabia came under attack during the recent Iraq war, when accusations were raised that terrorists were harbored in the country. Some even accused Saudi Arabia of having been, at least passively, involved in the September 11 attack in New York. Even though Abdullah had been running the governmental affairs for some time, and even though he stated that his politics toward the United States and other Arab nations won’t change, time will tell.

More Deaths in Iraq

The Austrian Networld reported this week that so far, 4,000 people were killed in Iraq in 2005. More than half were civilians, according to the report, continuing that with 580 dead policemen, soldiers and civilians, the month of July has been one of the bloodiest months. The report also stated that more than 25,000 civilians were killed in Iraq since the US invasion in March of 2003.

Victory for the US Weaponry Industry

The Austrian Networld reported that the US Weaponry Industry achieved this week a great victory. According to the report, the US Senate adopted a law stating that producers of fire arms can no longer be held liable by victims of fire arms or their families. The article explained that even some states had commenced lawsuits for damages against the weapon industry, and that some of those lawsuits are still pending.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) celebrated the Senate’s decision as an historical victory.

Britain and Northern Ireland

AFP reported on August 1, 2005, that “Britain unveiled a two-year plan to slash its military presence in Northern Ireland by more than half and change policing methods in response to the IRA’s historic pledge last week to disarm. The announcement, however, outraged hardline Protestants as it largely affected home-grown soldiers belonging to the Royal Irish Regiment, which will lose three of its four battalions… In a sign of trouble ahead… members of the largest Protestant group, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), said news that the government would cut three of the four Royal Irish Regiment battalions came as a ‘bombshell.'”

Turkey and the EU

The EUobserver reported on July 27, 2005: “Turkey should never join the EU because it lies mostly outside Europe geographically and accession talks should not start on 3 October unless Ankara first recognises the sovereignty of Cyprus, according to the vice president of Germany’s CDU/CSU party, Wolfgang Schauble… Mr Schauble also warned that while Ukraine lies within the EU’s proper geographical sphere, Kiev’s membership should be kept off the agenda for now in case people lose faith in the European project altogether… ‘Unlike Turkey, Ukrainian accession is a matter of time, not principles’, he argued. ‘Much remains to be done in order to integrate Romania and Bulgaria. And the great problem of western Balkan membership must be solved’, Mr Schauble pointed out.”

The article continued to describe public opinion on the matter of EU enlargement. It was stated:

“The latest Eurobarometer study showed that 52 percent of EU citizens would like to keep Turkey out of the EU with just 35 percent in favour of full accession. A narrow majority of Europeans would like to see Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Macedonia join the club, but have reservations about Albania, Serbia and Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina coming in for now. But in Germany, 74 percent would like to keep Turkey out, 59-66 percent would happily block Bulgaria and Romania’s membership and over 60 percent would be keen to shut the door to the rest of the western Balkans, with the exception of Croatia which scored just 51 percent against.”

The Pope and Israel

The fight of words and action between the Pope and Israel is escalating. After the pope refused to condemn terrorist attacks on Israel, Israel responded in kind by sharply accusing the pope of playing favorites. The seemingly innocent neglect by the pope has brought to light a deeply rooted mistrust of Israel toward the Catholic Church, stemming, in part, from the Catholic Church’s refusal to come to the aid of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

The Catholic paper, Zenit, reported on July 27, 2005:

“After chastising Benedict XVI for omitting Israel from a Papal address that condemned terrorist bombings, Israel cancelled a meeting with the Vatican to discuss the implementation of their mutual agreements… On Monday, Israel accused Benedict XVI of ‘deliberately’ failing to condemn terrorist attacks against Jews in his Sunday Angelus address.

“The Holy See responded both through the apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, as well as in a statement of Vatican spokesman Joaquín Navarro Valls, saying that the Holy Father condemns all terrorist attacks, regardless where they come from.”

On July 29, 2005, Zenit reported that the Vatican responded further to Israel’s accusations, as follows:

“The Holy See added that, for several reasons, ‘not every attack against Israel could be followed by an immediate public condemnation.’ One reason, the Vatican stated, is ‘the fact that attacks against Israel were sometimes followed by immediate Israeli reactions not always compatible with the norms of international law. It would, consequently, have been impossible to condemn the former and remain silent on the latter.'”

The German magazine, Der Spiegel Online, published a highly critical article about the pope’s conduct in this matter, as well as in other matters, titled “A Cold Wind From Rome.” In the article, which was dated July 29, 2005, it was stated:

“The argument between the Vatican and Israel is a nasty step back to the days of animosity between Judaism and Christianity. All the trust between the religions which John Paul II spent two decades building up, is now being shattered by his successor… enthusiasm for the German pontiff is dwindling rapidly. Benedict XVI is not a conservative pope. He is a reactionary who is leading his church into a spiritual fortress, rather than sending it confidently out into the field… The differences between the current head of the Catholic Church and his predecessor are only now beginning to emerge… “

The article continued:

“When Benedict XVI was elected, the British tabloids quickly worked themselves into a lather, caustically recalling Ratzinger’s past, when he worked in Nazi Germany’s anti-aircraft defense industry. German papers spiritedly joined the war of words and fired back. But the war over Ratzinger’s youth now seems banal. Today, the differences between his past and that of his Polish predecessor have become important. This is mainly because Benedict XVI has barely needed 100 days to trample over the infant seedling of trust between Jews and Christians that John Paul II planted. The relationship between Israel and the Vatican was never characterized by heartfelt friendship. On the contrary. It was thanks to John Paul II that the Vatican recognized Israel for the first time… Ratzinger’s politics, on the other hand, are over the top. And he’s not just risking a return to a kind of cold war with Israel and the Jews. Even his dealings with Germany’s Protestant Church so far have been an affront.”

The article concluded with these perhaps, somewhat, prophetic words:

“Ratzinger doesn’t want dialogue. The German pope wants to be right.”

Update 205

A Remarkable Psalm

On August 6, 2005, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “A Remarkable Psalm.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Real Security is only in God

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

The UK was recently hit with terrorist bombs in London when many were killed and hundreds were injured. Two weeks later, further attempts were made to repeat the exercise by those intent on causing maximum mayhem, having no regard whatsoever for innocent lives. Similarly, bombs have recently exploded in both Turkey and Egypt where tourist resorts were targeted. And yet these instances pale into insignificance with the daily bombs that have become a way of life in Iraq. It seems that not a day passes without a news report of further blasts resulting in death and injury.

The politicians and the police in the UK have been doing everything they can to both look at legislation and implement existing laws in order to apprehend the culprits and negate any future attacks. So many of these terrorists have no regard for the lives of others or for their own. They have a mistaken view that by taking such action they will end up in “Paradise.” Nothing could be further from the truth as God’s Word clearly shows.

Interviews with members of the public reveal an anxiety for their own safety and for those around them. When one suspect was rounded up, a neighbor indicated that these events had become real to him because it was no longer elsewhere that it happened, but had arrived on his own doorstep.

But what about the people of God who live in these troubling times? While we may appreciate the efforts of those empowered to look after our welfare, our true security is in the Creator God. One of our elderly members, a Japanese prisoner of war in the 2nd World War, states it very simply when he says that he keeps faith in God. And so should we.

The Bible is replete with information on our need to trust in God for safety and security. Proverbs 1:33 states: “But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil.” Two chapters further on, in Proverbs 3:24, it states: “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.” In Hebrews 13:6, Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, writes: “So we may boldly say: ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What man can do to me?'” This is paraphrasing Psalm 118:6.

We need to keep our faith in God irrespective of the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Terrible times are ahead, and we are instructed to “Watch therefore (both world events and our own spiritual condition), and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36). This is primarily talking about end-time events but the principle surely applies now, as well. And, most importantly, as we pray for God’s Kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10), we can be assured that when that joyful day arrives and Christ sets up the Kingdom of God on earth, no more suicide bombers and terrorists will be permitted to operate. We have hope in the veracity of God’s Word; therefore, we can look forward to that day when everyone will be safe from the sort of atrocities that have become all too commonplace in the world today. God speed that day!

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Same-Sex Marriages on the Rise in the USA

An interesting and SHOCKING article was published in the May/June 2005 issue of “San Diego Lawyer.” The article was written by a practicing female professor of law, teaching “Sexual Orientation and the Law, and Women and the Law.” The author, who is married to a female partner, advocates marriages between same-sex couples. In the article, it was pointed out how the court system in the USA, as well as public opinion, are increasingly IN FAVOR of such marriages.

It was stated:

“The Hawaii Supreme Court… held that the state’s ban on same-sex couples marrying violated the Hawaii Constitution’s equal protection guarantees against sex discrimination, reasoning that a law that permitted a woman to marry a man but not to marry a woman must be discriminating on the basis of the spouse’s sex. Then came an Alaska trial court decision, finding that the ban preventing same-sex couples from marrying violated that state’s constitution. Those initial victories ended rather quickly, however, when constitutional amendments were passed in both states limiting marriages to those between one man and one woman…

“After the Netherlands and Belgium passed laws permitting same-sex couples to marry in those countries…, Canada opened marriage to the world…”

The author continued to describe how the minister conducted himself during the service, when officiating a same-sex “marriage” between the author and her partner. This is how he ended the ceremony:

“By the authority given by our government to solemnize matrimony and the relationship we share as members of the same family, I declare that you who were two families are now one family, joined in matrimony and blessed by the Spirit of Love.”

The article continued by inadvertently and unintentionally presenting the sad state of affairs around the country. Please note, too, how the article perverts the language and concepts, by calling those who oppose same-sex marriages as “anti-marriage,” while describing those who support same-sex marriages as “pro-marriage” — while THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. Those who UPHOLD THE GODLY-ORDAINED TRUE MARRIAGE ARE PRO-MARRIAGE, and those who support same-sex marriages are, in fact, ANTI-MARRIAGE. The article pointed out:

“Since then, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court held… that the Massachusetts Constitution required the state to permit same-sex couples to marry. An attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution failed to pass either the House or the Senate… Most people have heard of the 11 state constitutional amendments, ratified on Election Day 2004, banning same-sex couples from marrying in those states… But [few] realize that 14 similar measures were rejected by state legislatures around the country. Election Day exit polls showed 25 percent of Americans support ending discrimination in marriage, and another 35 percent support civil unions. The overwhelming majority of legislators who opposed anti-marriage measures won reelection, and in Massachusetts, every pro-marriage candidate won and some anti-marriage candidates were defeated.”

How accurate did Isaiah describe the habit of many in modern Israel–including the United States of America–to call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20). But Isaiah attaches a warning to those who do, stating that it will be “woe to them” in the bitter end.

John Bolton New U.S. Ambassador to the UN

As The Associated Press reported on August 1, 2005, “President Bush sidestepped the Senate and installed embattled nominee John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations on Monday, ending a five-month impasse with Democrats who accused Bolton of abusing subordinates and twisting intelligence to fit his conservative ideology… Bush put Bolton on the job in a recess appointment–an avenue available to the president when the Congress is in recess. Under the Constitution, a recess appointment during the lawmakers’ August break would last until the next session of Congress, which begins in January 2007… Bush had refused to give up on Bolton even though the Senate had voted twice to sustain a filibuster against his nominee. Democrats and some Republicans had raised questions about Bolton’s fitness for the job, particularly in view of his harsh criticism of the United Nations.”

As the article continued to point out, the Democrats and some Republicans were outraged:

“Edward M. Kennedy… sharply criticized the move. ‘The abuse of power and the cloak of secrecy from the White House continues,’ Kennedy said. ‘It’s bad enough that the administration stonewalled the Senate by refusing to disclose documents highly relevant to the Bolton nomination. It’s even worse for the administration to abuse the recess appointment power by making the appointment while Congress is in this five-week recess. It’s a devious maneuver that evades the constitutional requirement of Senate consent and only further darkens the cloud over Mr. Bolton’s credibility at the U.N.’… Republican Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio also said he was disappointed in the appointment. ‘I am truly concerned that a recess appointment will only add to John Bolton’s baggage and his lack of credibility with the United Nations,’ Voinovich said.”

Even though Mr. Bolton’s appointment will probably hurt the U.S. in the world, and especially at the U.N., the article explained: “Despite lengthy investigations, it was never clear that Bolton did anything improper. Witnesses told the committee that Bolton lost his temper, tried to engineer the ouster of at least two intelligence analysts and otherwise threw his weight around. But Democrats were never able to establish that his actions crossed the line to out-and-out harassment or improper intimidation.”

Saudi King Fahd Dies

As The Associated Press reported on August 1, 2005, “King Fahd, who moved Saudi Arabia closer to the United States but ruled the nation in name only since suffering a stroke in 1995, died Monday, and his half brother [Crown Prince Abdullah] was quickly named to replace him. The first change in the throne in 23 years uncorked a jockeying for position in the world’s largest oil producer… Crude oil prices soared past $61 a barrel Monday as markets reacted to Fahd’s death… The portly, goateed Fahd inadvertently helped fuel the rise of Islamic extremism by making concessions to hard-liners in an effort to boost his Islamic credentials. But he also brought the kingdom closer to the United States and agreed to a step that enraged many conservatives: basing U.S. troops on Saudi soil after the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait… Saudi Arabia and the United States have also found themselves at odds over oil. Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest exporter–sitting atop a quarter of the world’s known reserves–and America is the world’s largest energy consumer. With prices reaching $61 a barrel, Washington has been pushing the Saudis to pump more oil and bring prices down.”

Saudi Arabia came under attack during the recent Iraq war, when accusations were raised that terrorists were harbored in the country. Some even accused Saudi Arabia of having been, at least passively, involved in the September 11 attack in New York. Even though Abdullah had been running the governmental affairs for some time, and even though he stated that his politics toward the United States and other Arab nations won’t change, time will tell.

More Deaths in Iraq

The Austrian Networld reported this week that so far, 4,000 people were killed in Iraq in 2005. More than half were civilians, according to the report, continuing that with 580 dead policemen, soldiers and civilians, the month of July has been one of the bloodiest months. The report also stated that more than 25,000 civilians were killed in Iraq since the US invasion in March of 2003.

Victory for the US Weaponry Industry

The Austrian Networld reported that the US Weaponry Industry achieved this week a great victory. According to the report, the US Senate adopted a law stating that producers of fire arms can no longer be held liable by victims of fire arms or their families. The article explained that even some states had commenced lawsuits for damages against the weapon industry, and that some of those lawsuits are still pending.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) celebrated the Senate’s decision as an historical victory.

Britain and Northern Ireland

AFP reported on August 1, 2005, that “Britain unveiled a two-year plan to slash its military presence in Northern Ireland by more than half and change policing methods in response to the IRA’s historic pledge last week to disarm. The announcement, however, outraged hardline Protestants as it largely affected home-grown soldiers belonging to the Royal Irish Regiment, which will lose three of its four battalions… In a sign of trouble ahead… members of the largest Protestant group, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), said news that the government would cut three of the four Royal Irish Regiment battalions came as a ‘bombshell.'”

Turkey and the EU

The EUobserver reported on July 27, 2005: “Turkey should never join the EU because it lies mostly outside Europe geographically and accession talks should not start on 3 October unless Ankara first recognises the sovereignty of Cyprus, according to the vice president of Germany’s CDU/CSU party, Wolfgang Schauble… Mr Schauble also warned that while Ukraine lies within the EU’s proper geographical sphere, Kiev’s membership should be kept off the agenda for now in case people lose faith in the European project altogether… ‘Unlike Turkey, Ukrainian accession is a matter of time, not principles’, he argued. ‘Much remains to be done in order to integrate Romania and Bulgaria. And the great problem of western Balkan membership must be solved’, Mr Schauble pointed out.”

The article continued to describe public opinion on the matter of EU enlargement. It was stated:

“The latest Eurobarometer study showed that 52 percent of EU citizens would like to keep Turkey out of the EU with just 35 percent in favour of full accession. A narrow majority of Europeans would like to see Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Macedonia join the club, but have reservations about Albania, Serbia and Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina coming in for now. But in Germany, 74 percent would like to keep Turkey out, 59-66 percent would happily block Bulgaria and Romania’s membership and over 60 percent would be keen to shut the door to the rest of the western Balkans, with the exception of Croatia which scored just 51 percent against.”

The Pope and Israel

The fight of words and action between the Pope and Israel is escalating. After the pope refused to condemn terrorist attacks on Israel, Israel responded in kind by sharply accusing the pope of playing favorites. The seemingly innocent neglect by the pope has brought to light a deeply rooted mistrust of Israel toward the Catholic Church, stemming, in part, from the Catholic Church’s refusal to come to the aid of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

The Catholic paper, Zenit, reported on July 27, 2005:

“After chastising Benedict XVI for omitting Israel from a Papal address that condemned terrorist bombings, Israel cancelled a meeting with the Vatican to discuss the implementation of their mutual agreements… On Monday, Israel accused Benedict XVI of ‘deliberately’ failing to condemn terrorist attacks against Jews in his Sunday Angelus address.

“The Holy See responded both through the apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, as well as in a statement of Vatican spokesman Joaquín Navarro Valls, saying that the Holy Father condemns all terrorist attacks, regardless where they come from.”

On July 29, 2005, Zenit reported that the Vatican responded further to Israel’s accusations, as follows:

“The Holy See added that, for several reasons, ‘not every attack against Israel could be followed by an immediate public condemnation.’ One reason, the Vatican stated, is ‘the fact that attacks against Israel were sometimes followed by immediate Israeli reactions not always compatible with the norms of international law. It would, consequently, have been impossible to condemn the former and remain silent on the latter.'”

The German magazine, Der Spiegel Online, published a highly critical article about the pope’s conduct in this matter, as well as in other matters, titled “A Cold Wind From Rome.” In the article, which was dated July 29, 2005, it was stated:

“The argument between the Vatican and Israel is a nasty step back to the days of animosity between Judaism and Christianity. All the trust between the religions which John Paul II spent two decades building up, is now being shattered by his successor… enthusiasm for the German pontiff is dwindling rapidly. Benedict XVI is not a conservative pope. He is a reactionary who is leading his church into a spiritual fortress, rather than sending it confidently out into the field… The differences between the current head of the Catholic Church and his predecessor are only now beginning to emerge… “

The article continued:

“When Benedict XVI was elected, the British tabloids quickly worked themselves into a lather, caustically recalling Ratzinger’s past, when he worked in Nazi Germany’s anti-aircraft defense industry. German papers spiritedly joined the war of words and fired back. But the war over Ratzinger’s youth now seems banal. Today, the differences between his past and that of his Polish predecessor have become important. This is mainly because Benedict XVI has barely needed 100 days to trample over the infant seedling of trust between Jews and Christians that John Paul II planted. The relationship between Israel and the Vatican was never characterized by heartfelt friendship. On the contrary. It was thanks to John Paul II that the Vatican recognized Israel for the first time… Ratzinger’s politics, on the other hand, are over the top. And he’s not just risking a return to a kind of cold war with Israel and the Jews. Even his dealings with Germany’s Protestant Church so far have been an affront.”

The article concluded with these perhaps, somewhat, prophetic words:

“Ratzinger doesn’t want dialogue. The German pope wants to be right.”

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Does a Christian go to Heaven after Death?

The Bible does not teach that when a Christian dies he goes to heaven. Let us be certain we understand the truth as pointed out in the Scriptures.

First, the Bible is very clear what happens to a person at the time of his or her death.

In Ecclesiastes 9:4-5 we find the following:

“But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know that they shall die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten.” Their memory (the faculty of remembering) ceases to exist (See the marginal notes in the Companion Bible).

Verse 6 continues: “Also their love, their hatred; and their envy have now perished…”

Psalm 146:3-4 illustrates that the day one dies, his thoughts perish.

(For a further discussion on this topic, see our booklet, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”)

Once a person dies, he no longer has a part with the living, as long as he remains dead!

On the other hand, 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and John 14:2-3 are often used in an attempt to prove that when a Christian dies, he immediately is taken off to heaven to spend eternity with Jesus Christ. It is claimed that such is his reward for having lived his life according to the way taught in his faith. But what do these passages really say?

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 reads: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

Here, Paul was referring not to the day of a person’s death, but to the time of the resurrection of the just, which occurs at the time of Christ’s Second Coming; and to what is to happen then to those who have a part in that resurrection (vs.16). Those who have a part in that resurrection will also have a part with Christ as He re-establishes God’s government here on earth (compare Revelation 5:10).

Christ said in John 14:2-3: “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

The Greek word for “mansions” refers to dwelling places. It literally means, “dwellings” (compare the margin of the New King James Bible). The same word is used in John 14:23, where it is translated as “home.” According to the Nelson Study Bible, “Everybody has a longing for a permanent, secure place. Such places have already been set aside for all of God’s children.”

As our booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God” points out, Christ is preparing for us places or positions of rulership, depending on our conduct in this life.

But the passages in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and John 14:2-3 don’t mean that we go to heaven, when we die. Not even righteous King David went to heaven when he died (Acts 2:34). Christ told Nicodemus that “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man…” (John 3:13). Christ will return to this earth to bring our reward with Him (compare Revelation 22:12).

We will be resurrected or changed and meet the returning Christ in the clouds, in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). Then, we will descend with Him on the Mount of Olives. When Jesus ascended to heaven, from the Mount of Olives, the angels told the apostles: “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).

Zechariah 14:4 shows that in that day, Christ’s feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives, which is located on the earth! This is the “dwelling” place Christ will have prepared and where He will be at that time! We will be ruling with Christ when He rules here on earth (compare Revelation 20:4-6). “…thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). We will be where Christ will be (compare John 14:3) — here on earth. After all, Christ’s disciples are to “inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).

Christ is coming in all His glory, with His holy angels, to begin a millennial rule upon the earth (Matthew 25:31-32). The saints of God, who will have been resurrected from the dead at that time, along with those saints still living, who will be changed to spirit at that time, will be given power to rule with Christ (Revelation 2:26-27).

The saints will have positions as Kings and Priests, and will reign with Christ during the 1,000 year period on the earth. The rest of the dead, who had no part in this resurrection, will await in their graves for a future resurrection (Revelation 20:5).

No Biblical passage tells us that we go to heaven when we die. Rather, we will rule with Christ here on earth, when He resurrects those of us who died, or when He changes those of us, who are still alive at His Coming, from mortal to immortal.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

Ireland Christian?

On July 18, 2005, Zenit published an interesting speech by Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Primate of Ireland, about the Western Civilization and Ireland in particular, as well as the true God and the true meaning of faith. We quote a few excerpts from the speech, as follows:

“A few weeks ago I was surprised by a remark on a German television talk show by Gregor Gysi, the leader of the German Communist Party, who when asked about his worries about German society said: “‘Ich fuerchte eine gottlose Gesellschaft’ — ‘I fear a Godless society.’ It was an unusual comment from the leader of a communist party, with its roots in the former East Germany. As the television debate continued, this declared atheist noted that German society needs the moral framework that only those Christian roots embedded in his society can give. He noted that even the highly moralistic code of the communist ideology in the German Democratic Republic was effectively rooted in Christian principles. These comments struck me in particular since the speaker was never a Christian. He is personally of Jewish background and the territory of the German Democratic Republic was that part of Germany where religious practice was always and still is exceptionally low…”

Addressing the situation in Ireland, as well as the Christian God and true and false faith, Martin continued to point out the following accurate principles:

“Of course one should really begin with the question, is Ireland Christian today?…But let me come back to the question of what people mean when they answer a survey saying they believe in God.

“Belief is a complex matter. Because of its nature it is difficult to quantify. People will answer questions about belief in different ways. Belief is not identical with Church affiliation. There are non-practicing Catholics who are genuine believers and there are also many who practice but who may not really believe… Religious faith is faith in God, but not in some generic God of our own creation. For the Christian, God is not an anonymous element or power within or above the universe… Christians believe in a God who has spoken, who has revealed himself, who has entered into dialogue with humankind, a dialogue of love… That relationship was described by Pope Benedict XVI in his inaugural address in St. Peter’s Square now some months ago: ‘We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary’… We have never fully abandoned ourselves to the God who can make us free, but still cling on to the things we falsely feel can bring us security. Faith is always a leap in the dark, but in the confidence that Jesus has not left us orphans. We will never be able to lead others into the depths of faith and the joy of our hope if we remain entrapped in the limitedness of our current world vision.”

Terror in Egypt

On July 22, 2005, The Associated Press published an article about another terror attack in a tourist resort in Egypt. This attack followed similar ones in Turkey and London. The indiscriminate mass murder by fanatic terrorists is clearly a sign of Satan’s involvement and possible possession of those criminals, proving that Satan’s wrath is great, as he knows that his time is getting shorter. AP pointed out:

“Three car bombs exploded in quick succession in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheik early Saturday, ripping through a hotel and a cafe packed with European and Egyptian tourists. Security officials said at least 45 people died [later reports confirmed the death of at least 88 people] in the deadliest attack in Egypt in nearly a decade… The dead included British, Russian, Dutch, Kuwaitis, Saudis, Qataris and Egyptians, a security official said… The attacks came nine months after a series of explosions hit several hotels in the Sinai resorts of Taba and Ras Shitan, about 100 miles northwest on the Israel border. Egyptian authorities said that attack, which killed 34 and prompted a wave of arrests in Sinai, was linked to Israeli-Palestinian violence.

“Saturday’s bombings were the deadliest since 1997, when Islamic militants killed 58 foreign tourists and four Egyptians at the Pharaonic Temple of Hatshepsut outside Luxor in southern Egypt. President Hosni Mubarak has a residence in Sharm el-Sheik, at a resort several miles outside Naama Bay and often spends weeks there at a time in the winter. But during the summer, he stays at a residence in the northern city of Alexandria… Thousands of tourists are drawn to Sharm for its sun, clear blue water and coral reefs. It also has been a meeting place where world leaders have tried to hammer out a Mideast peace agreement. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas met there in February and agreed to a cease-fire.”

More Terror in Britain?

On July 22, 2005, Reuters reported that more terrorist attacks might soon occur in Great Britain. The article pointed out:

“Militant Islamists will continue to attack Britain until the government pulls its troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the country’s most outspoken Islamic clerics said on Friday. Speaking 15 days after bombers killed over 50 people in London and a day after a series of failed attacks on the city’s transport network, Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed said the British capital should expect more violence.”

In an appalling and, at the same time, revealing interview, Omar Bakri Mohammed stated the following:

“Bakri, a Syrian-born cleric who has been vilified in Britain since 2001 when he praised the September 11 hijackers, said he did not believe the bombings and attempted attacks on London were carried out by British Muslims. He condemned the killing of all innocent civilians but described attacks on British and U.S. troops in Muslim countries as ‘pro-life’ and justified. In an interview with Reuters, Bakri described Osama bin Laden, leader of the radical Islamist network al Qaeda, as ‘a sincere man who fights against evil forces.’ Bakri said he would like Britain to become an Islamic state but feared he would be deported before his dream was realized. ‘I would like to see the Islamic flag fly, not only over number 10 Downing Street, but over the whole world,’ he said.”

London Police Kills Innocent Bystander

The Associated Press reported on July 24, 2005:

“London’s police commissioner expressed regret Sunday for the slaying of a Brazilian electrician by officers who mistook him for a suspect in the recent terror bombings, but he defended a police shoot-to-kill policy as ‘the only way’ to stop would-be suicide bombers… Witnesses said [the victim] was wearing a heavy, padded coat when plainclothes police chased him into a subway car, pinned him to the ground and shot him five times in the head and torso in front of horrified passengers. Blair initially said Menezes was ‘directly linked’ to the investigation of Thursday’s attacks, but police then said Saturday he had no connection to the bomb attempts. ‘This is a tragedy,’ Blair said Sunday of the shooting. ‘The Metropolitan Police accepts full responsibility for this. To the family I can only express my deep regrets.'”

Even though it is now clear that the police killed an innocent person, Tony Blair still defended the police’s action, as well as similar actions in the future! The article continued to state:

“He also defended the shoot-to-kill policy, saying such action only applied when lives were believed to be at risk. ‘I am very aware that minority communities are talking about a shoot-to-kill policy,’ he said. ‘It’s only a shoot-to-kill-in-order-to-protect policy.’… Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, who was visiting London, said his government and people were ‘shocked’ by the killing, and he demanded a thorough investigation… Amorim told Straw that Brazil was in total solidarity with Britain in the fight against terrorism, ‘but of course even in the fight against terrorism we should also be cautious to avoid the loss of innocent life.'”

In a related article, AFP reported on July 25, 2005:

“Witnesses said a frightened Menezes was shot several times at close range by plainclothes officers who had chased him through Stockwell Underground station in south London on Friday after a surveillance operation. Police at the time said they opened fire because their suspect had refused to obey instructions. Blair confirmed Sunday that they were under orders to shoot suicide bombers in the head and that policy would remain. [A relative of the killed victim] said his cousin did ‘not have a past that would make him run’ from police and was simply on his way to work from his home in Tulse Hill, south London. Another cousin… said Jean Charles spoke English very well and would have understood police instructions… Menezes, who came from the city of Gonzaga in Brazil’s southeastern state of Minais Gerais, had been living legally in Britain for three years, according to his family.”

Tough questions need to be asked and answered:

How is it possible that such policies of obvious wrong police conduct, leading to the death of innocent bystanders, can be supported and maintained by the British government? Surely, the fight against supposed terrorists cannot justify the killing of innocent people, or can it? Perhaps man is willing to justify such wrong conduct, but surely God DOES NOT! NO WONDER that God is angry with Great Britain–which is none other than the modern descendant of the ancient tribe of Ephraim, the son of Joseph. Our upcoming booklet on the identity, history and future of Great Britain and the USA will discuss these facts in much detail.

Extreme Weather Conditions in Europe

On July 23, 2005, the EUobserver reported about unusual weather conditions in large parts of Europe, as follows:

“Western and Southern Europe are currently facing severe drought, with the situation being the gravest in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Greece. Spain and Portugal are suffering their worst droughts since the launch of record-keeping in the 1940s… Brush fires have already destroyed more than three times the average annual loss for Portugal in the first half of this year… Due to the drought in western Europe, cereal production in the EU in 2005 will be at least 28 million tonnes below last year’s, which is a drop of about 10 percent… Meanwhile, Bulgaria and Romania are being swept by floods, which have already killed 20 people and inundated tens of thousands of homes in both countries over the last two weeks. More than 12,000 were forced to evacuate their homes in Romania, where at least 15 people have died in the floods. In Bulgaria, five people have been killed and at least 50,000 homes and buildings were destroyed across the country…”

Germany’s New “Left Party”

On July 21, 2005, published an analysis about the most recent developments in Germany. The article focused on “the new ‘Left Party,’ which just days after its launch, looks set to become Germany’s third largest party, beating both Joschka Fischer’s Green Party and the Liberal party (FDP).” The article pointed out:

“The new ‘Left Party’ is a coalition of disillusioned former Social Democrats and the post-communist Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS). Since Sunday’s launch, it boasts a support base of 11 percent, which puts it safely in third place behind Angela Merkel’s CDU (44 percent) and Schroeder’s governing SPD party (27 percent). However, what makes the ‘Left Party’ a real force to be reckoned with are its two leaders — the left-wing icon and former finance minister Oskar Lafontaine and Gregor Gysi, the charismatic head of the PDS.”

Lafontaine had to resign from office in the SPD, after a highly-publicized fight with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Until this day, Lafontaine and Schroeder are bitter enemies.

CNN continued:

“… a recent opinion poll found that 30 percent of East Germans are planning to vote for the new ‘Left Party’ compared to only 29 percent for the CDU…

“Foreign minister and Green Party leader Joschka Fischer warned that Lafontaine’s populist approach and language were more reminiscent of the right-wing Joerg Haider in Austria and the late Pim Fortuyn in Holland, than of Karl Marx. Fischer was referring to a statement by Lafontaine, in which he said that foreign workers were taking German jobs.

“Similarly in the East German state of Brandenburg, Karl Ness, head of the local SPD party called Lafontaine ‘a preacher of hatred,’ and said that the new left party was nothing but an extension of Lafontaine’s ego… While Germany prepares for elections, the impact of Lafontaine and Gysi and their new ‘Left Party’ is likely to have more impact on Germany’s political direction than either of the two main parties would like to admit.”

Is “Weimar” raising its ugly head again? At the time prior to World War II, many different political movements, including the consistent fights between extremist parties such as the Communists and National-Socialists (Nazis), gave ultimately way to the election of Adolph Hitler. Is Germany able to cope today with Communists or neo-National-Socialists? Has modern Germany–both former West and East Germany–learned from its past? Sadly, the answer is no, as the not-too-distant future will show.

Animals Behave Amazingly

AFP recently published this amazing story about animal behavior, which causes evolutionists and scientists to wonder, grasping for answers in light of their misguided and God-defying faith in blind evolution:

“A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise, in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa, officials said. The hippopotamus, nicknamed Owen and weighing about 300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki River into the Indian Ocean, then forced back to shore when tsunami waves struck the Kenyan coast on December 26, before wildlife rangers rescued him.

“‘It is incredible. A-less-than-a-year-old hippo has adopted a male tortoise, about a century old, and the tortoise seems to be very happy with being a “mother”,’ ecologist Paula Kahumbu, who is in charge of Lafarge Park, told AFP. ‘After it was swept and lost its mother, the hippo was traumatized. It had to look for something to be a surrogate mother. Fortunately, it landed on the tortoise and established a strong bond. They swim, eat and sleep together,’ the ecologist added. ‘The hippo follows the tortoise exactly the way it follows its mother. If somebody approaches the tortoise, the hippo becomes aggressive, as if protecting its biological mother,’ Kahumbu added. ‘The hippo is a young baby, he was left at a very tender age and by nature, hippos are social animals that like to stay with their mothers for four years,’ he explained.”

Update 204


On Saturday, July 30, 2005, Edwin Pope will give the sermon, addressing the topic of commitment.

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Symbols of Christianity


Many hope to be identified as Christians by the implement of torture they wear around their neck, the fish on the back of their car or by a big building with icons and a steeple.

This may sound a bit silly, but these are the symbols that have been appropriated by those who want others to know they are followers of Christ. What is further disconcerting is the fact that these items come out of paganism or have less than Christian roots.

That being said, there are symbols that designate us as Christians. These are not signs that are easily read and may not be as obvious as the tangible ones, because they are inward. They are a broken heart and a contrite spirit (Psalm 34:18). These are the symbols of Christianity that God recognizes. If we are truly Christians, then we will have the Word of God written in our hearts and minds, thereby transforming our inner selves. The end result will be an outward manifestation of Godly fruit and a shining example, not a man-made object.

To truly be identified as a Christian, we must work from the inside out.

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Ireland Christian?

On July 18, 2005, Zenit published an interesting speech by Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Primate of Ireland, about the Western Civilization and Ireland in particular, as well as the true God and the true meaning of faith. We quote a few excerpts from the speech, as follows:

“A few weeks ago I was surprised by a remark on a German television talk show by Gregor Gysi, the leader of the German Communist Party, who when asked about his worries about German society said: “‘Ich fuerchte eine gottlose Gesellschaft’ — ‘I fear a Godless society.’ It was an unusual comment from the leader of a communist party, with its roots in the former East Germany. As the television debate continued, this declared atheist noted that German society needs the moral framework that only those Christian roots embedded in his society can give. He noted that even the highly moralistic code of the communist ideology in the German Democratic Republic was effectively rooted in Christian principles. These comments struck me in particular since the speaker was never a Christian. He is personally of Jewish background and the territory of the German Democratic Republic was that part of Germany where religious practice was always and still is exceptionally low…”

Addressing the situation in Ireland, as well as the Christian God and true and false faith, Martin continued to point out the following accurate principles:

“Of course one should really begin with the question, is Ireland Christian today?…But let me come back to the question of what people mean when they answer a survey saying they believe in God.

“Belief is a complex matter. Because of its nature it is difficult to quantify. People will answer questions about belief in different ways. Belief is not identical with Church affiliation. There are non-practicing Catholics who are genuine believers and there are also many who practice but who may not really believe… Religious faith is faith in God, but not in some generic God of our own creation. For the Christian, God is not an anonymous element or power within or above the universe… Christians believe in a God who has spoken, who has revealed himself, who has entered into dialogue with humankind, a dialogue of love… That relationship was described by Pope Benedict XVI in his inaugural address in St. Peter’s Square now some months ago: ‘We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary’… We have never fully abandoned ourselves to the God who can make us free, but still cling on to the things we falsely feel can bring us security. Faith is always a leap in the dark, but in the confidence that Jesus has not left us orphans. We will never be able to lead others into the depths of faith and the joy of our hope if we remain entrapped in the limitedness of our current world vision.”

Terror in Egypt

On July 22, 2005, The Associated Press published an article about another terror attack in a tourist resort in Egypt. This attack followed similar ones in Turkey and London. The indiscriminate mass murder by fanatic terrorists is clearly a sign of Satan’s involvement and possible possession of those criminals, proving that Satan’s wrath is great, as he knows that his time is getting shorter. AP pointed out:

“Three car bombs exploded in quick succession in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheik early Saturday, ripping through a hotel and a cafe packed with European and Egyptian tourists. Security officials said at least 45 people died [later reports confirmed the death of at least 88 people] in the deadliest attack in Egypt in nearly a decade… The dead included British, Russian, Dutch, Kuwaitis, Saudis, Qataris and Egyptians, a security official said… The attacks came nine months after a series of explosions hit several hotels in the Sinai resorts of Taba and Ras Shitan, about 100 miles northwest on the Israel border. Egyptian authorities said that attack, which killed 34 and prompted a wave of arrests in Sinai, was linked to Israeli-Palestinian violence.

“Saturday’s bombings were the deadliest since 1997, when Islamic militants killed 58 foreign tourists and four Egyptians at the Pharaonic Temple of Hatshepsut outside Luxor in southern Egypt. President Hosni Mubarak has a residence in Sharm el-Sheik, at a resort several miles outside Naama Bay and often spends weeks there at a time in the winter. But during the summer, he stays at a residence in the northern city of Alexandria… Thousands of tourists are drawn to Sharm for its sun, clear blue water and coral reefs. It also has been a meeting place where world leaders have tried to hammer out a Mideast peace agreement. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas met there in February and agreed to a cease-fire.”

More Terror in Britain?

On July 22, 2005, Reuters reported that more terrorist attacks might soon occur in Great Britain. The article pointed out:

“Militant Islamists will continue to attack Britain until the government pulls its troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the country’s most outspoken Islamic clerics said on Friday. Speaking 15 days after bombers killed over 50 people in London and a day after a series of failed attacks on the city’s transport network, Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed said the British capital should expect more violence.”

In an appalling and, at the same time, revealing interview, Omar Bakri Mohammed stated the following:

“Bakri, a Syrian-born cleric who has been vilified in Britain since 2001 when he praised the September 11 hijackers, said he did not believe the bombings and attempted attacks on London were carried out by British Muslims. He condemned the killing of all innocent civilians but described attacks on British and U.S. troops in Muslim countries as ‘pro-life’ and justified. In an interview with Reuters, Bakri described Osama bin Laden, leader of the radical Islamist network al Qaeda, as ‘a sincere man who fights against evil forces.’ Bakri said he would like Britain to become an Islamic state but feared he would be deported before his dream was realized. ‘I would like to see the Islamic flag fly, not only over number 10 Downing Street, but over the whole world,’ he said.”

London Police Kills Innocent Bystander

The Associated Press reported on July 24, 2005:

“London’s police commissioner expressed regret Sunday for the slaying of a Brazilian electrician by officers who mistook him for a suspect in the recent terror bombings, but he defended a police shoot-to-kill policy as ‘the only way’ to stop would-be suicide bombers… Witnesses said [the victim] was wearing a heavy, padded coat when plainclothes police chased him into a subway car, pinned him to the ground and shot him five times in the head and torso in front of horrified passengers. Blair initially said Menezes was ‘directly linked’ to the investigation of Thursday’s attacks, but police then said Saturday he had no connection to the bomb attempts. ‘This is a tragedy,’ Blair said Sunday of the shooting. ‘The Metropolitan Police accepts full responsibility for this. To the family I can only express my deep regrets.'”

Even though it is now clear that the police killed an innocent person, Tony Blair still defended the police’s action, as well as similar actions in the future! The article continued to state:

“He also defended the shoot-to-kill policy, saying such action only applied when lives were believed to be at risk. ‘I am very aware that minority communities are talking about a shoot-to-kill policy,’ he said. ‘It’s only a shoot-to-kill-in-order-to-protect policy.’… Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, who was visiting London, said his government and people were ‘shocked’ by the killing, and he demanded a thorough investigation… Amorim told Straw that Brazil was in total solidarity with Britain in the fight against terrorism, ‘but of course even in the fight against terrorism we should also be cautious to avoid the loss of innocent life.'”

In a related article, AFP reported on July 25, 2005:

“Witnesses said a frightened Menezes was shot several times at close range by plainclothes officers who had chased him through Stockwell Underground station in south London on Friday after a surveillance operation. Police at the time said they opened fire because their suspect had refused to obey instructions. Blair confirmed Sunday that they were under orders to shoot suicide bombers in the head and that policy would remain. [A relative of the killed victim] said his cousin did ‘not have a past that would make him run’ from police and was simply on his way to work from his home in Tulse Hill, south London. Another cousin… said Jean Charles spoke English very well and would have understood police instructions… Menezes, who came from the city of Gonzaga in Brazil’s southeastern state of Minais Gerais, had been living legally in Britain for three years, according to his family.”

Tough questions need to be asked and answered:

How is it possible that such policies of obvious wrong police conduct, leading to the death of innocent bystanders, can be supported and maintained by the British government? Surely, the fight against supposed terrorists cannot justify the killing of innocent people, or can it? Perhaps man is willing to justify such wrong conduct, but surely God DOES NOT! NO WONDER that God is angry with Great Britain–which is none other than the modern descendant of the ancient tribe of Ephraim, the son of Joseph. Our upcoming booklet on the identity, history and future of Great Britain and the USA will discuss these facts in much detail.

Extreme Weather Conditions in Europe

On July 23, 2005, the EUobserver reported about unusual weather conditions in large parts of Europe, as follows:

“Western and Southern Europe are currently facing severe drought, with the situation being the gravest in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Greece. Spain and Portugal are suffering their worst droughts since the launch of record-keeping in the 1940s… Brush fires have already destroyed more than three times the average annual loss for Portugal in the first half of this year… Due to the drought in western Europe, cereal production in the EU in 2005 will be at least 28 million tonnes below last year’s, which is a drop of about 10 percent… Meanwhile, Bulgaria and Romania are being swept by floods, which have already killed 20 people and inundated tens of thousands of homes in both countries over the last two weeks. More than 12,000 were forced to evacuate their homes in Romania, where at least 15 people have died in the floods. In Bulgaria, five people have been killed and at least 50,000 homes and buildings were destroyed across the country…”

Germany’s New “Left Party”

On July 21, 2005, published an analysis about the most recent developments in Germany. The article focused on “the new ‘Left Party,’ which just days after its launch, looks set to become Germany’s third largest party, beating both Joschka Fischer’s Green Party and the Liberal party (FDP).” The article pointed out:

“The new ‘Left Party’ is a coalition of disillusioned former Social Democrats and the post-communist Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS). Since Sunday’s launch, it boasts a support base of 11 percent, which puts it safely in third place behind Angela Merkel’s CDU (44 percent) and Schroeder’s governing SPD party (27 percent). However, what makes the ‘Left Party’ a real force to be reckoned with are its two leaders — the left-wing icon and former finance minister Oskar Lafontaine and Gregor Gysi, the charismatic head of the PDS.”

Lafontaine had to resign from office in the SPD, after a highly-publicized fight with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Until this day, Lafontaine and Schroeder are bitter enemies.

CNN continued:

“… a recent opinion poll found that 30 percent of East Germans are planning to vote for the new ‘Left Party’ compared to only 29 percent for the CDU…

“Foreign minister and Green Party leader Joschka Fischer warned that Lafontaine’s populist approach and language were more reminiscent of the right-wing Joerg Haider in Austria and the late Pim Fortuyn in Holland, than of Karl Marx. Fischer was referring to a statement by Lafontaine, in which he said that foreign workers were taking German jobs.

“Similarly in the East German state of Brandenburg, Karl Ness, head of the local SPD party called Lafontaine ‘a preacher of hatred,’ and said that the new left party was nothing but an extension of Lafontaine’s ego… While Germany prepares for elections, the impact of Lafontaine and Gysi and their new ‘Left Party’ is likely to have more impact on Germany’s political direction than either of the two main parties would like to admit.”

Is “Weimar” raising its ugly head again? At the time prior to World War II, many different political movements, including the consistent fights between extremist parties such as the Communists and National-Socialists (Nazis), gave ultimately way to the election of Adolph Hitler. Is Germany able to cope today with Communists or neo-National-Socialists? Has modern Germany–both former West and East Germany–learned from its past? Sadly, the answer is no, as the not-too-distant future will show.

Animals Behave Amazingly

AFP recently published this amazing story about animal behavior, which causes evolutionists and scientists to wonder, grasping for answers in light of their misguided and God-defying faith in blind evolution:

“A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise, in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa, officials said. The hippopotamus, nicknamed Owen and weighing about 300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki River into the Indian Ocean, then forced back to shore when tsunami waves struck the Kenyan coast on December 26, before wildlife rangers rescued him.

“‘It is incredible. A-less-than-a-year-old hippo has adopted a male tortoise, about a century old, and the tortoise seems to be very happy with being a “mother”,’ ecologist Paula Kahumbu, who is in charge of Lafarge Park, told AFP. ‘After it was swept and lost its mother, the hippo was traumatized. It had to look for something to be a surrogate mother. Fortunately, it landed on the tortoise and established a strong bond. They swim, eat and sleep together,’ the ecologist added. ‘The hippo follows the tortoise exactly the way it follows its mother. If somebody approaches the tortoise, the hippo becomes aggressive, as if protecting its biological mother,’ Kahumbu added. ‘The hippo is a young baby, he was left at a very tender age and by nature, hippos are social animals that like to stay with their mothers for four years,’ he explained.”

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Would you please explain Colossians 1:24?

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, who, when he was known as Saul, had been persecuting the true saints, was converted on the Road to Damascus. Christ commanded Ananias to baptize him, so that he could receive the Holy Spirit, telling Ananias: “I will show him [Paul] how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake” (Acts 9:16).

Paul, throughout his converted life, understood the fact that he had to go through much suffering and through many trials. At one time, God refused to heal him of a sickness, and Paul responded: “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10).

Paul understood that he received the strength to continue in trials, through Jesus Christ Who lived in him through the Holy Spirit. He said in Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…”

With this background, let us consider Paul’s statement in Colossians 1:24, where he said:

“I now rejoice in my sufferings FOR YOU, and FILL UP in my flesh what is LACKING in the AFFLICTIONS of Christ, for the SAKE OF HIS BODY, which is the CHURCH.”

Paul did not mean to convey that Christ had not suffered enough, while here on earth. Rather, he was pointing out that he, as well as all of Christ’s disciples, had to become PARTAKERS of Christ’s sufferings (compare 1 Peter 4:13; 2 Corinthians 1:7). We have to know or experience the FELLOWSHIP of His suffering (Philippians 3:10), in order to attain to the resurrection (verse 11). Only if we suffer with Him, will we be glorified (Romans 8:17). God GRANTS US as a special favor the GIFT of sufferings for Christ’s sake (Philippians 1:29; compare, too, Acts 5:41, where Christ’s apostles rejoiced because they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name.)

The Nelson Study Bible states:

“Paul is not saying that Christ’s death was insufficient… [but] that a Christian will endure the sufferings that Christ would be enduring if He were still in the world [and which He DID endure when He WAS in the world]… Paul believed he was suffering the afflictions God wanted him to endure. Instead of facing his difficulties with dread, Paul saw his troubles as a time of joy… because they were producing an eternal reward…”

Christ was made perfect FOREVER (Hebrews 7:28) “through suffering” (Hebrews 2:10). Likewise, we must be growing in perfection through suffering. As Christ suffered, so must we. This is why Paul says that he must fill up in his flesh what is still lacking in his life in Christ’s afflictions, so that he can become more and more perfect.

We read in 1 Peter 5:9 that our brethren “experience” the same sufferings that we experience. In the Greek, the word for “experience” is “completed” or “ended.” As Christ became PERFECT or COMPLETE because of sufferings, so must we.

Suffering as a Christian or follower of Christ (1 Peter 4:16) motivates us to stop sinning; thereby growing in perfection. We read in 1 Peter 4:1-2:

“Therefore, since Christ suffered FOR US in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for HE WHO HAS SUFFERED IN THE FLESH HAS CEASED FROM SIN [Christ never sinned; so this is talking about us], that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.”

Notice that Peter said that Christ suffered FOR US. Notice, too, that Paul said in Colossians 1:24 that he had to experience Christ’s afflictions FOR THE CHURCH. The Ryrie Study Bible states: “Because of the union of believers with Christ, Paul’s sufferings for the sake of the church can be called Christ’s sufferings as well.”

Although true, this explanation is not sufficient. Rather, Paul makes clear, what he means by his statement that he had to suffer for the church, in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, 6:

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, THAT WE MAY BE ABLE TO COMFORT THOSE WHO ARE IN ANY TROUBLE, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God… Now if we are afflicted, it is FOR YOUR CONSOLATION AND SALVATION, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for YOUR CONSOLATION AND SALVATION.”

Our suffering is, in the final analysis, for the purpose of helping others. Christ suffered FOR US. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:26: “And if one member suffers, ALL the members suffer WITH it.” Suffering makes us more sympathetic–fills us with empathy. We suffer to learn what it is like, so that we can FEEL the pain of those who are suffering. When we suffer, we receive comfort from God in many different ways, so that we can also comfort those who suffer, with the same comfort which we ourselves received from God. We learn more and more how God pities His children (compare Psalm 103:13), so that we can also pity our brethren. Christ became our MERCIFUL High Priest Who CAN sympathize with our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15).

Christ suffered for us, because He loved us. Love is outgoing concern for the welfare of others. We suffer, so that we can comfort others, when they suffer. Again, the driving force and motivation for our Christian life is love. Even our resurrection and membership in the God Family as born-again spirit beings are for the purpose of helping others to reach their potential of inheriting eternal life (For more information on this vital aspect of God’s plan for mankind, please read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”)

John sums up God’s plan and purpose for us, including the reason WHY we must become partakers of Christ’s sufferings, in 1 John 3:16:

“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “Right or Wrong?”, was placed on the Web.

The text for our new booklet on the Ezekiel warning, titled, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” has been sent to our Graphic Designer, Mrs. Shelly Bruno, for finalization of the booklet.

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You Got Served

You Got Served

by Laura Harris (35)

Volunteering offers great opportunities to learn new skills, meet new people and help others in need. We don’t need to build a home with Habitat for Humanity or join the Peace Corp to make a difference. But where should we donate our time? We can start with the church by doing good, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Some people may think that we need a title or position in order to help with church activities, but this is not true… anyone can serve! If we want to be more involved with the church, the first step is to ask how we can be of assistance. Although the ministry will know how best to utilize our talents, here are a few suggested activities we may want to get involved in, if appropriate:

–Lead music during weekly services, if you are a man
–Assist with the sound system and audio equipment.
–Provide flowers for services.
–Help set-up and clean-up during services.
–Contribute to potlucks.
–Photograph special events for the church website.
–Teach Bible lessons to younger members in the church, under the instruction from the ministry.
–Contribute money to help another family during the holy days.
–Perform special music.
–Assist with the coordination of special church events, such as the annual dance during the Feast of Tabernacles.
–Keep in contact with brethren, particularly those who are not well.

No matter what volunteer activity we choose — the important point to remember is to be a good example and serve with a positive attitude.

So, what are you waiting for?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

Witches on the Rise

As AFP reported on July 21, 2005, “Sorcerers, fortune-tellers and other pagans will be able to cast their spells without fear in the Australian state of Victoria after local authorities moved to repeal a 200 year-old anti-witchcraft law… ‘The times have long since passed when witchcraft and fortune-telling represented a danger to law and order, or a focus for criminal activity,’ [said Victorian Attorney General Rob Hulls]… A pro-witchcraft group called the Pagan Awareness Network hailed the death of the Act, which it said was the last law on the books in Australia to outlaw sorcery. ‘There’ll be several thousand pagans in Melbourne celebrating this news under the full moon tonight,’ said network spokesman Gavin Andrew.”

According to the Bible, the alleged foundation of professing Christianity, including Australia, sorcery and witchcraft are an abomination to God, and works of darkness. The Bible attributes sorcery and witchcraft to Satan the devil and his demons. But, in our “sophisticated” modern societies of falsely-understood tolerance, we have become accustomed to accepting as “good” what God condemns as “evil.”

New German Elections in September?

As Reuters reported on July 21, 2005, “President Horst Koehler agreed on Thursday to dissolve parliament and allow early elections, putting Germany on track for a September vote that polls suggest will usher in a new reform-minded conservative government. His decision removes the key hurdle to Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s early election plan, which he sprung on a stunned nation on May 22 after a humiliating loss for his Social Democrats (SPD) in a regional vote.

“The federal election could still be thwarted if Germany’s top court finds that Schroeder’s unconventional plan, which involved the deliberate loss of a parliamentary vote of confidence earlier this month, is unconstitutional…. All the major parties support early polls and a survey this week showed 73 percent of Germans want them… Germany’s constitutional court is now the last remaining hurdle to a Sept. 18 election.

“Werner Schulz, a member of the Greens party in parliament, plans to file a legal suit in the coming days to prevent an early vote, meaning the court will have to decide on the plan.” [In addition, Jelena Hoffman, member of Schroeder’s party, SPD, as well as several small parties, also announced that they will file legal actions.]

Reuters continued that the Constitutional Court “would most likely rule within three weeks, so definitive confirmation of the early vote could be delayed until mid-August, just one month before the presumed election.”

Bild Online questioned, however, whether new elections could be held on September 18. The tabloid stated that it was uncertain how quickly Germany’s constitutional court would render a decision.

Some observers feel that Koehler gave in to the will of the German people and all the major parties, while violating the law. Der Spiegel Online quoted Schulz as saying on German public TV station, ARD, that he was not surprised by Koehler’s decision, and that Koehler was unable to stand up to political pressure.

Canada’s “Gay Marriages”

As The Associated Press reported on July 21, 2005, “The Vatican newspaper on Thursday attacked Canada’s legalization of gay marriage, calling it a distortion of God’s plan for the family. Canada became the fourth nation to grant full legal rights to same-sex couples when the Supreme Court’s chief justice signed legislation Wednesday. ‘The distortion of God’s plan for the family continues,’ said L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily. ‘In Canada, homosexual unions have become equal to marriage.'”

The Pope and the Terrorists

The Associated Press reported on July 21, 2005: “Pope Benedict XVI said terrorism is not the result of a clash of civilization between the West and Islam but the action of ‘fanatics’… Benedict respond[ed] to a question about the July 7 London bombings. He added that ‘dialogue between the three monotheistic religions is very important.’ The pope will visit a synagogue in Cologne, address Muslims and meet with representatives of other Christian denominations during an Aug. 18-21 trip to his native Germany… Days after the London bombings, Benedict expressed ‘profound sadness’ for the ‘atrocious terrorist attacks’ and told bombers and other terrorists to ‘stop in the name of God.'”

New Terrorist Attacks in London

However, the terrorists did not listen to the pope’s pleas.

As Reuters reported on July 21, 2005, “Four small explosions hit London’s bus and underground train network on Thursday, without causing major casualties, exactly 2 weeks after bombers killed more than 50 people in the capital. A large part of the underground train network was suspended… The emergency coincided with a memorial service for the attacks of July 7. Then, four young British Muslims detonated bombs in three underground trains and a bus at morning rush hour, killing more than 50 people… Those bombings confronted Britain’s people and politicians with the prospect the country could be nurturing its own generation of the type of Islamist militants loyal to Osama bin Laden who had already inflicted carnage in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, in Bali and on Madrid trains last year. All four bombers died in the July 7 attacks, leading most people to assume they had been suicide bombers.”

Wild Fires Plague the USA

The Associated Press reported on July 21, 2005:

“A fast-moving wildfire forced the evacuation of about 50 homes near Denver on Wednesday as flames blackened a landscape of rolling grasslands and ponderosa pines…Two air tankers were dropping fire-retardant on the 800-acre blaze… Firefighters were hampered by relentless heat. Denver reached 105 on Wednesday, tying the all-time record for hottest day, set on Aug. 8, 1878, according to the National Weather Service. It was the second straight day of triple-digit temperatures, far above the normal highs in the upper 80s… Elsewhere Wednesday, fire crews battled two blazes near Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado… “

The article continued:

“A nearly 200-acre lightning-caused fire on the Ute Mountain Ute Indian reservation was 70 percent contained, and a second blaze on the reservation covering 2,318 acres was 85 percent contained… In southern Arizona, a 22,500-acre fire was about 75 percent contained, thanks to burnouts and heavy rain, lessening the threat to about 30 homes and cabins and wildlife habitat in Madera Canyon… In northern California, firefighters contained a wind-blown wildfire that grew to more than 10,000 acres early Wednesday but burned past a nuclear weapons laboratory and some 500 homes without causing major damage… In Oregon, firefighters battled a 5,000-acre blaze on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. The fire was not threatening any homes, but ‘it’s got an awful lot of potential,’ said Gary Cooke, fire administrator for the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs… The National Interagency Fire Center said 36 large fires were active Wednesday in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. Nearly 3.9 million acres of land has been burned so far this year, compared with 4.4 million at this time last year.”

China Threatens USA

London’s Financial Times reported on July 14, 2005:

“China is prepared to use nuclear weapons against the US if it is attacked by Washington during a confrontation over Taiwan, a Chinese general said on Thursday. ‘If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China’s territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,’ said General Zhu Chenghu…He added that China’s definition of its territory included warships and aircraft… Gen Zhu is a self-acknowledged ‘hawk’ who has warned that China could strike the US with long-range missiles. But his threat to use nuclear weapons in a conflict over Taiwan is the most specific by a senior Chinese official in nearly a decade.”

The New York Times added on July 16, 2005:

“‘War logic’ dictates that a weaker power needs to use maximum efforts to defeat a stronger rival, he [Gen Zhu]said, speaking in fluent English. ‘We have no capability to fight a conventional war against the United States,’ Zhu said. ‘We can’t win this kind of war.’… China has had atomic bombs since 1964 and has a small arsenal of land- and sea-based nuclear-tipped missiles that can reach the United States, according to most Western intelligence estimates…. Beijing has said repeatedly that it would use military force if Taiwan declares its independence. President George W. Bush has made clear that the United States would defend Taiwan… the comments by Zhu suggest that at least some elements of the military are prepared to widen the conflict… ‘If the Americans are determined to interfere, then we will be determined to respond,’ he said. ‘We Chinese will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all the cities east of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.'”

Europe’s Far Right

In a recent article by the Economist, dated January 20, 2005, which was republished on July 21, 2005, the following was stated:

“Xenophobia and racism in Europe are resurgent, according to hate-watchers. In Britain, which saw race riots in 2001 and 2003, the British National Party has gained a foothold. Skinheads have also gained popularity in ex-communist Central Europe, where hate crimes often go unreported and are rarely prosecuted.

“Meanwhile, far-right politicians are rising in prominence. The inclusion of Jörg Haider’s Freedom Party as a junior partner in Austria’s coalition government in 1999 led EU countries temporarily to impose diplomatic sanctions. (Mr Haider, though no longer the Freedom Party’s leader, bounced back in March 2004). In France, Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front scored a shock victory in the first round of the 2002 presidential election and is still attracting a lot of support. And, despite its leader’s murder, the anti-immigration Pim Fortuyn List did surprisingly well in the Dutch general election in May 2002. A ban on the country’s far-right Vlaams Blok, approved in November 2004, is likely to backfire–as would an EU-wide ban on Nazi symbols.”

Europe Must Go On

The EUobserver reported on July 15, 2005:

“The presidents of Germany, Austria, Italy, Finland, Poland, Portugal and Latvia have written a common article, discussing the future of Europe and stressing the need not to give up on the European project. ‘Now, the most important task is to increase trust in European policy… There is no reason to doubt the European project’, reads the article… The article was signed by Austria’s Heinz Fischer, Finland’s Tarja Halonen, Germany’s Horst Köhler, Italy’s Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Latvia’s Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Poland’s Aleksander Kwaoniewski and Portugal’s Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio. It was published on Friday (15 July 2005) in major newspapers of the seven presidents’ countries.”

Europe and the Middle East

On July 11, 2005, Der Spiegel published an interview with European Union foreign policy chief, Javier Solana. In the interview, Solana talked about Brussels’ role as an intermediary between Israelis and Palestinians as well as how the EU will assist in the Gaza Strip. He insisted that ‘what happens in the Middle East affects us all’ and that Europe will play a major role in seeking peace.

Solana stated:

“Europe plays an important role in the Middle East peace process, perhaps the most important role next to that of the United States… European law enforcement experts are helping train the Palestinian security forces… There haven’t been any international initiatives relating to the Middle East without significant input from Europe. Besides, the Israelis now understand that the Palestinian conflict isn’t just a regional problem. It’s a conflict that is unfolding on our doorstep and has global implications… We will not have any contact with Hamas as long as it’s on the EU’s list of terrorist organizations… Hamas, like any other organization, must accept the fact that in an officially-accepted state, which Palestine wants to become, there can be no place for warring militant organizations. There will only be room for political parties that quarrel with words, not weapons.”

German vs. European Law

On July 19, 2005, The Denver Post reported about an interesting conflict between German and European Law. The article stated that an “Al-Qaeda suspect” was “freed by [a] German court ruling,” as the “EU arrest warrant violates national law.”

The article explained:

“An al-Qaeda suspect was freed Monday after the country’s high court blocked his extradition to Spain, ruling that a European Union-wide arrest warrant–heralded as a key step in fighting terrorism–does not yet comply with German law… The ruling… deals a blow to the EU’s post-Sept. 11 counterterrorism plans and highlights the difficulties Europe faces in rushing through anti-terrorism laws frowned upon by the courts and at times angrily contested by civil liberties… Specifically, the German court said the legislature failed to provide a mechanism for appeal when making the EU legislation national law, and also had not gone far enough in considering suspects’ fundamental rights.”

Update 203

The Mercenaries

On Saturday, July 23, 2005, Dave Harris will be giving the sermon, titled, “The Mercenaries.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Do We Now Possess "All Truth"?

by Edwin Pope

The Spirit of God is our guide to “All Truth”! Christ told the disciples in John 16:13, “…when [it], the Spirit of truth, has come, [it] will guide you into all truth…” Without God’s Spirit, we cannot come to “All Truth.”

God revealed to Timothy, through Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, that “…the house of God, which is the church of the living God…” is “…the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15).

God uses His ministry within the Church of God to teach and instruct His “called out ones” in the Way of His truth! And yet, we know that none of us possesses “All Truth” at this time. Each of us has been called to grow in God’s Way, but we understand that this growth will continue only as long as we are faithful to the teachings God reveals to us. Only Jesus Christ has attained “perfection” in this life; and though that is our objective, we will attain such perfection only if we remain faithful to the calling we have received.

As a youth, I was taught that once I accepted Christ and was baptized, I was “saved.” The teaching was even more assuring, in that “once saved, always saved.” Thus, at the age of ten, I knew I would go to heaven when I died, rather than being tormented forever in “hell fire”! There was much comfort in that teaching. But it had nothing to do with “All Truth.”

I have been in the “Way of Truth” now for over 40 years of my life. Yet I find myself at times being diverted from “the Way” in my thinking and in my actions as I live in this world of sin, which is under the influence of Satan the devil. It is comforting for me to understand, however, that I am not by myself in this dilemma; that Jesus Christ, alone, has been successful in living His life totally and completely according to God’s Way; and that when I go to the Father through our Advocate, Jesus Christ, He is faithful to forgive me my sins.

I observe, from time to time, some who seem to think they have already achieved “All Truth,” and who assume that they are living their lives in perfect accordance with that Way.

And yet, I have come to understand that God is continuing, through His Spirit, to lead us into even more of His Truth; and even now, after these forty years in the Way, I am astonished to see more of His Truth revealed to His “called out ones” on a regular basis.

How long will this continue, brethren?

As long as we remain faithful to those things He has revealed to us, and as long as we continue to seek Him, asking for more of His Spirit and His Truth in our lives, God will reveal greater knowledge and understanding to us who love His Way!

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Witches on the Rise

As AFP reported on July 21, 2005, “Sorcerers, fortune-tellers and other pagans will be able to cast their spells without fear in the Australian state of Victoria after local authorities moved to repeal a 200 year-old anti-witchcraft law… ‘The times have long since passed when witchcraft and fortune-telling represented a danger to law and order, or a focus for criminal activity,’ [said Victorian Attorney General Rob Hulls]… A pro-witchcraft group called the Pagan Awareness Network hailed the death of the Act, which it said was the last law on the books in Australia to outlaw sorcery. ‘There’ll be several thousand pagans in Melbourne celebrating this news under the full moon tonight,’ said network spokesman Gavin Andrew.”

According to the Bible, the alleged foundation of professing Christianity, including Australia, sorcery and witchcraft are an abomination to God, and works of darkness. The Bible attributes sorcery and witchcraft to Satan the devil and his demons. But, in our “sophisticated” modern societies of falsely-understood tolerance, we have become accustomed to accepting as “good” what God condemns as “evil.”

New German Elections in September?

As Reuters reported on July 21, 2005, “President Horst Koehler agreed on Thursday to dissolve parliament and allow early elections, putting Germany on track for a September vote that polls suggest will usher in a new reform-minded conservative government. His decision removes the key hurdle to Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s early election plan, which he sprung on a stunned nation on May 22 after a humiliating loss for his Social Democrats (SPD) in a regional vote.

“The federal election could still be thwarted if Germany’s top court finds that Schroeder’s unconventional plan, which involved the deliberate loss of a parliamentary vote of confidence earlier this month, is unconstitutional…. All the major parties support early polls and a survey this week showed 73 percent of Germans want them… Germany’s constitutional court is now the last remaining hurdle to a Sept. 18 election.

“Werner Schulz, a member of the Greens party in parliament, plans to file a legal suit in the coming days to prevent an early vote, meaning the court will have to decide on the plan.” [In addition, Jelena Hoffman, member of Schroeder’s party, SPD, as well as several small parties, also announced that they will file legal actions.]

Reuters continued that the Constitutional Court “would most likely rule within three weeks, so definitive confirmation of the early vote could be delayed until mid-August, just one month before the presumed election.”

Bild Online questioned, however, whether new elections could be held on September 18. The tabloid stated that it was uncertain how quickly Germany’s constitutional court would render a decision.

Some observers feel that Koehler gave in to the will of the German people and all the major parties, while violating the law. Der Spiegel Online quoted Schulz as saying on German public TV station, ARD, that he was not surprised by Koehler’s decision, and that Koehler was unable to stand up to political pressure.

Canada’s “Gay Marriages”

As The Associated Press reported on July 21, 2005, “The Vatican newspaper on Thursday attacked Canada’s legalization of gay marriage, calling it a distortion of God’s plan for the family. Canada became the fourth nation to grant full legal rights to same-sex couples when the Supreme Court’s chief justice signed legislation Wednesday. ‘The distortion of God’s plan for the family continues,’ said L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily. ‘In Canada, homosexual unions have become equal to marriage.'”

The Pope and the Terrorists

The Associated Press reported on July 21, 2005: “Pope Benedict XVI said terrorism is not the result of a clash of civilization between the West and Islam but the action of ‘fanatics’… Benedict respond[ed] to a question about the July 7 London bombings. He added that ‘dialogue between the three monotheistic religions is very important.’ The pope will visit a synagogue in Cologne, address Muslims and meet with representatives of other Christian denominations during an Aug. 18-21 trip to his native Germany… Days after the London bombings, Benedict expressed ‘profound sadness’ for the ‘atrocious terrorist attacks’ and told bombers and other terrorists to ‘stop in the name of God.'”

New Terrorist Attacks in London

However, the terrorists did not listen to the pope’s pleas.

As Reuters reported on July 21, 2005, “Four small explosions hit London’s bus and underground train network on Thursday, without causing major casualties, exactly 2 weeks after bombers killed more than 50 people in the capital. A large part of the underground train network was suspended… The emergency coincided with a memorial service for the attacks of July 7. Then, four young British Muslims detonated bombs in three underground trains and a bus at morning rush hour, killing more than 50 people… Those bombings confronted Britain’s people and politicians with the prospect the country could be nurturing its own generation of the type of Islamist militants loyal to Osama bin Laden who had already inflicted carnage in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, in Bali and on Madrid trains last year. All four bombers died in the July 7 attacks, leading most people to assume they had been suicide bombers.”

Wild Fires Plague the USA

The Associated Press reported on July 21, 2005:

“A fast-moving wildfire forced the evacuation of about 50 homes near Denver on Wednesday as flames blackened a landscape of rolling grasslands and ponderosa pines…Two air tankers were dropping fire-retardant on the 800-acre blaze… Firefighters were hampered by relentless heat. Denver reached 105 on Wednesday, tying the all-time record for hottest day, set on Aug. 8, 1878, according to the National Weather Service. It was the second straight day of triple-digit temperatures, far above the normal highs in the upper 80s… Elsewhere Wednesday, fire crews battled two blazes near Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado… “

The article continued:

“A nearly 200-acre lightning-caused fire on the Ute Mountain Ute Indian reservation was 70 percent contained, and a second blaze on the reservation covering 2,318 acres was 85 percent contained… In southern Arizona, a 22,500-acre fire was about 75 percent contained, thanks to burnouts and heavy rain, lessening the threat to about 30 homes and cabins and wildlife habitat in Madera Canyon… In northern California, firefighters contained a wind-blown wildfire that grew to more than 10,000 acres early Wednesday but burned past a nuclear weapons laboratory and some 500 homes without causing major damage… In Oregon, firefighters battled a 5,000-acre blaze on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. The fire was not threatening any homes, but ‘it’s got an awful lot of potential,’ said Gary Cooke, fire administrator for the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs… The National Interagency Fire Center said 36 large fires were active Wednesday in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. Nearly 3.9 million acres of land has been burned so far this year, compared with 4.4 million at this time last year.”

China Threatens USA

London’s Financial Times reported on July 14, 2005:

“China is prepared to use nuclear weapons against the US if it is attacked by Washington during a confrontation over Taiwan, a Chinese general said on Thursday. ‘If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China’s territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,’ said General Zhu Chenghu…He added that China’s definition of its territory included warships and aircraft… Gen Zhu is a self-acknowledged ‘hawk’ who has warned that China could strike the US with long-range missiles. But his threat to use nuclear weapons in a conflict over Taiwan is the most specific by a senior Chinese official in nearly a decade.”

The New York Times added on July 16, 2005:

“‘War logic’ dictates that a weaker power needs to use maximum efforts to defeat a stronger rival, he [Gen Zhu]said, speaking in fluent English. ‘We have no capability to fight a conventional war against the United States,’ Zhu said. ‘We can’t win this kind of war.’… China has had atomic bombs since 1964 and has a small arsenal of land- and sea-based nuclear-tipped missiles that can reach the United States, according to most Western intelligence estimates…. Beijing has said repeatedly that it would use military force if Taiwan declares its independence. President George W. Bush has made clear that the United States would defend Taiwan… the comments by Zhu suggest that at least some elements of the military are prepared to widen the conflict… ‘If the Americans are determined to interfere, then we will be determined to respond,’ he said. ‘We Chinese will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all the cities east of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.'”

Europe’s Far Right

In a recent article by the Economist, dated January 20, 2005, which was republished on July 21, 2005, the following was stated:

“Xenophobia and racism in Europe are resurgent, according to hate-watchers. In Britain, which saw race riots in 2001 and 2003, the British National Party has gained a foothold. Skinheads have also gained popularity in ex-communist Central Europe, where hate crimes often go unreported and are rarely prosecuted.

“Meanwhile, far-right politicians are rising in prominence. The inclusion of Jörg Haider’s Freedom Party as a junior partner in Austria’s coalition government in 1999 led EU countries temporarily to impose diplomatic sanctions. (Mr Haider, though no longer the Freedom Party’s leader, bounced back in March 2004). In France, Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front scored a shock victory in the first round of the 2002 presidential election and is still attracting a lot of support. And, despite its leader’s murder, the anti-immigration Pim Fortuyn List did surprisingly well in the Dutch general election in May 2002. A ban on the country’s far-right Vlaams Blok, approved in November 2004, is likely to backfire–as would an EU-wide ban on Nazi symbols.”

Europe Must Go On

The EUobserver reported on July 15, 2005:

“The presidents of Germany, Austria, Italy, Finland, Poland, Portugal and Latvia have written a common article, discussing the future of Europe and stressing the need not to give up on the European project. ‘Now, the most important task is to increase trust in European policy… There is no reason to doubt the European project’, reads the article… The article was signed by Austria’s Heinz Fischer, Finland’s Tarja Halonen, Germany’s Horst Köhler, Italy’s Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Latvia’s Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Poland’s Aleksander Kwaoniewski and Portugal’s Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio. It was published on Friday (15 July 2005) in major newspapers of the seven presidents’ countries.”

Europe and the Middle East

On July 11, 2005, Der Spiegel published an interview with European Union foreign policy chief, Javier Solana. In the interview, Solana talked about Brussels’ role as an intermediary between Israelis and Palestinians as well as how the EU will assist in the Gaza Strip. He insisted that ‘what happens in the Middle East affects us all’ and that Europe will play a major role in seeking peace.

Solana stated:

“Europe plays an important role in the Middle East peace process, perhaps the most important role next to that of the United States… European law enforcement experts are helping train the Palestinian security forces… There haven’t been any international initiatives relating to the Middle East without significant input from Europe. Besides, the Israelis now understand that the Palestinian conflict isn’t just a regional problem. It’s a conflict that is unfolding on our doorstep and has global implications… We will not have any contact with Hamas as long as it’s on the EU’s list of terrorist organizations… Hamas, like any other organization, must accept the fact that in an officially-accepted state, which Palestine wants to become, there can be no place for warring militant organizations. There will only be room for political parties that quarrel with words, not weapons.”

German vs. European Law

On July 19, 2005, The Denver Post reported about an interesting conflict between German and European Law. The article stated that an “Al-Qaeda suspect” was “freed by [a] German court ruling,” as the “EU arrest warrant violates national law.”

The article explained:

“An al-Qaeda suspect was freed Monday after the country’s high court blocked his extradition to Spain, ruling that a European Union-wide arrest warrant–heralded as a key step in fighting terrorism–does not yet comply with German law… The ruling… deals a blow to the EU’s post-Sept. 11 counterterrorism plans and highlights the difficulties Europe faces in rushing through anti-terrorism laws frowned upon by the courts and at times angrily contested by civil liberties… Specifically, the German court said the legislature failed to provide a mechanism for appeal when making the EU legislation national law, and also had not gone far enough in considering suspects’ fundamental rights.”

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What did Christ mean when He said that we are to take up our cross, when we want to follow Him?

Christ used the metaphor of taking up the cross in numerous places, for instance, in Matthew 10:38 and in Matthew 16:24; in Mark 8:34 and in Mark 10:21; as well as in Luke 9:23 and Luke 14:27.

Especially Matthew 10:38 is interesting, in view of its context with verse 39:

“And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.”

We may understand WHY Jesus uses this particular analogy, because He did literally bear His own “cross” as He was led to His own execution! We read in John 19: “And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, where they crucified Him…” (verses 17-18).

The “Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible,” in its explanation of the cross, states: “Those sentenced to death on a cross in the Roman period were usually beaten with leather lashes–a procedure which often resulted in severe loss of blood. Victims were then generally forced to carry the upper crossbeam to the execution site, where the central stake was already set up.” We know that Jesus had even been beaten before His judgment by Herod (compare Luke 22:63-65). Then Jesus was also flogged by the Romans in preparation for His execution: “Then he [Pilate] released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified” (Matthew 27:26).

Adding to this, Jesus was further tortured by the soldiers as the account in Matthew 27, verses 27 through 31, reveals. Although Jesus evidently attempted to carry this crossbeam for a little while, He was so severely weakened by the beatings He had undergone that He was not able to do so: “Now as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear His cross” (Matthew 27:32).

In discussing Christ’s statement in Matthew 10:38, the Nelson Study Bible points out: “Taking up a cross here stands for commitment to the extent of being willing to die for something.” Although not incorrect, MUCH MORE is meant by Christ’s statement.

The parallel Scripture of Luke 9:23-24 sheds additional light on the meaning of the phrase, “taking up the cross.” We read Christ’s words: “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him DENY himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.”

The Nelson Study Bible comments: “Although Jesus offered salvation as a free gift (John 1:12; 3:16-18; Eph. 2:8, 9), He also warned that following Him would entail suffering and hardship (Matt. 5:10-12; see also Rom. 8:17; 2 Thess. 1:5).”

This explanation is also correct, but, again, it does not convey the fullness and richness of the intended meaning. A more comprehensive understanding has been stated in the Broadman Bible Commentary. In focusing on the fact that the cross is mentioned in the context of SELF-DENIAL (compare, again, Luke 9:24), the Commentary states:

“The cross is the utter self-denial and self-giving, first in Jesus himself and then as a transforming principle in those who trust him… The one who, under trial, seemingly saves his life by renouncing Christ actually loses it. The one who suffers martyrdom as the price of acknowledging Christ seems to lose but actually finds his life… [In] principle [one] accepts his cross or rejects it… one finds life by surrendering it to Christ or forfeits it by his self-trust, self-love, and self-assertion.”

In discussing Christ’s words in Matthew 16:24 (“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him DENY himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”), the commentary points out:

“Having accepted the disciples’ confession of him as the Christ, Jesus moved next to indicate the way which was his and theirs to follow. Matthew records that Jesus… declared that it would be the way of the cross, the way of utter self-denial and self-giving… The cross could prove to be literal for disciples as well as [the] Master. Whether literal or not, it represents a real way of life through ‘death to self’ for each disciple [Please note that Paul later said that he was dying DAILY, compare 1 Corinthians 15:31]. That the follower of Jesus deny himself is not optional within discipleship… Denying self is not to be confused with denying something to oneself, whether material things, pleasure, or whatever. Wicked people often deny themselves many things in order to achieve their selfish goals or conquer their enemies… What Jesus meant by self-denial is far more radical than denying something to oneself. He meant that one must say no to oneself. He meant the opposite of Adam’s yes to self and no to God… All man’s sin and self-destruction centers in self-love, self-trust, and self-assertion. The cross means the opposite… One for the first time becomes what he was made to be when he denies himself.”

When we are in Christ, we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). The “old man” of selfishness and evil desires, of sin and death, died in baptism and has to stay dead (Romans 6:3-6). But the “old man” does not want to stay dead. That is why we have to continually see to it that we are taking our cross of self-denial and conquer the old man, by “putting on” the “new man which was created according to God” (Ephesians 4:20-24; compare Colossians 3:9-10). To follow Christ means to follow Him completely and without reservation. It means that we are willing to take up daily our cross of self-denial. When we look back, wanting to return to what we left behind, including our selfish desires, we are not worthy or fit for Christ and the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). The act of profound obedience by Jesus Christ to His Father’s will stands as our example (compare Philippians 2:8 and Hebrews 12:2). Like our Savior, we must be willing to entrust ourselves completely to God’s purpose in each of our lives–regardless of the personal sacrifice we are called upon to make!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Faith in Luke's Writings

Luke, the Evangelist, one of Paul’s faithful and loyal companions, wrote two records to Theophilus, about Jesus Christ and the early Church. These records can be found in the gospel of Luke, and in the book of Acts. Although there are many lessons to be learned from Luke’s writings, we want to concentrate today on the subject of faith. Luke is pointing out that faith must be accompanied by action, as well as a true and sincere heart. But faith alone is not a guarantee for correct understanding, and righteous living is not a guarantee for faith. Finally, our faith is not enough to inherit the kingdom of God.

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Current Events

G8 Failed?

The EUobserver reported on July 8, 2005: “Though world leaders tried to portray it as a win, in reality US president George W. Bush kept leaders from the world’s eight largest economies from agreeing on ways to slow the effects of global climate change. At the top of the agenda for the two-day summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, heads of state and government (referred to as “G8″) from France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia and Japan, led by UK prime minister Tony Blair, worked to get Mr. Bush to agree on climate change policies. But they failed.”

It will have to be seen how long all the influential nations will be tolerant to US politics in such important matters, such as global warming.

The article pointed out that they did agree “to help end extreme poverty in Africa by doubling aid donations to Euro 41.9 bn ($50 bn) per year by 2010, but charities felt it didn’t go far enough.” They also “pledged Euro 2.5 bn ($3 bn) over the next few years to help support the Palestinian government in its independence from Israel.”

Italy Next?

Reuters published an article on July 8, 2005, following the terrorist attacks in London, asking the pertinent question as to what country will be next. According to the article, it appears that it will be Italy, and especially Rome. The article stated:

“Italy is a repeated target of Islamic militant threats… Two different groups claiming affiliation to al Qaeda have warned of attacks on Italy within the past 24 hours alone. One group calling itself the Organization of al Qaeda – Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula described Rome as ‘the capital of infidels’ in a menacing message on Friday… [F]or many Rome residents, an attack seems inevitable… After the United States and Britain, Italy is the third largest Western member of coalition forces in Iraq, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi acknowledged that Italy’s role in Iraq left it ‘exposed’ to attack.”

The German press reported that an attack on the Vatican is anticipated. Allegedly, such an attack with airplanes had been planned for Christmas 2005, but had not been carried out, for unknown reasons.

Perhaps not as “coincidental” as described by Berlusconi, Italy announced that they will be withdrawing their troops from Iraq.

Hurricane Dennis

As The Associated Press reported on July 9, 2005, “More than 1 million people from the Florida Panhandle to Louisiana were under evacuation orders. Landfall was expected Sunday afternoon anywhere from the Florida Panhandle to southeast Louisiana… The storm [was] the earliest to reach Category 4 strength in the Caribbean on record… “

On July 11, 2005, The Associated Press added that “The total insured damage from Hurricane Dennis, which hit parts of the U.S. Gulf Coast over the weekend, will amount to between $3 billion and $5 billion.”

Hurricane Dennis is the first of a series of devastating hurricanes to be expected to strike the US this year.

Sheep Suicide?

The Associated Press reported on July 8, 2005: “First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff, Turkish media reported. In the end, 450 dead animals lay on top of one another in a billowy white pile, the Aksam newspaper said.”

Scientists debate whether animals can purposefully and conscientiously commit suicide. Many historical records prove that some animals killed themselves. However, the question remains whether they are influenced by demons when they do so. A classic example of demonic possession of many swine, leading to a mass suicide, can be found in Matthew 8:28-34.

Luxembourg and Malta approve EU Constitution

The Associated Press reported on July 10, 2005: “Luxembourg voters approved the European Union’s proposed constitution in a referendum Sunday… Officials said 56.52 percent of the vote was in favor of the constitution, while 43.48 percent voted against it. Luxembourg is the 13th country to ratify the charter, but rejections by the two larger countries [France and The Netherlands] have thrown its future into doubt… European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said Luxembourg’s approval was a ‘strong signal’ that voters still think a constitution can help build ‘a more democratic Europe.’ However, he warned in a statement that its fate remained ‘uncertain.'”

The article continued:

“Luxembourg, a wealthy nation of 450,000 wedged between France, Germany and Belgium, has traditionally been one of the European Union’s most ardent supporters. Many questions remain over the EU’s future, including whether it will give full membership to Turkey and whether it should create the posts of EU president and foreign minister… [Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude] Juncker’s campaign for the charter was bolstered when the tiny country of Malta became the 12th EU nation to ratify the constitution Wednesday by a unanimous parliamentary vote. Luxembourg was the first EU member to go ahead with a referendum following the Dutch and French ‘no’ votes. Britain, Denmark and Portugal have scrapped theirs.”

The EUobersever clarified on July 10, 2005, that “The UK, Denmark, Portugal, Poland [and] Ireland… shelved their referendum plans after the decision of the European summit in June to put the ratification process on ice. The Czech republic, undecided until then, also announced it would not hold a referendum.”

Chinese in Colorado?

The United Press International reported on July 11, 2005, that “Canadian oil giant EnCana is considering bringing in Chinese companies to construct and operate drilling rigs in the Colorado Rockies… EnCana, a major player in the Piceance Basin of western Colorado, said Chinese labor is cheap and the workers are well-educated. The move would be scrutinized in Washington, where politicians are uneasy about allowing Chinese workers to acquire access to U.S.-based oil and gas facilities… Although China’s increased participation in the U.S. oil and gas industry is a prickly issue in Washington, the EnCana spokesman predicted that U.S. policy-makers would concede because Chinese companies would fill a dire need… The cost of drilling in Colorado has nearly doubled since last year, EnCana officials said. Rates increased from $8,500 per day to $14,000 per day in one year.”

This development is in line with a prophecy in the Bible, declaring that because of the sins of the nation, “the alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail… Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, therefore you shall serve your enemies, whom the LORD will send against you…” (Deuteronomy 28:43-44, 47-48).

Barrier Around Jerusalem

Reuters reported on July 11, 2005, that “European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana criticized Israel on Monday for a barrier it is building around Jerusalem, and the Palestinian prime minister said it made a farce of efforts to restart the peace process. Israel faced new pressure over its controversial network of walls and fences a day after giving final approval to a segment it said would eventually separate 55,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem from the rest of the holy city… The World Court declared it illegal a year ago, but Israel has ignored the ruling.”

It was also reported that the Bush Administration has stated reservations against the barrier. The article continued:

“[Solana] said the Jerusalem barrier would also have a symbolic effect. The city is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie responded harshly to the Israeli decision, calling it ‘theft in broad daylight’ of land Palestinians seek for the capital of their future state.”

The Associated Press added:

“Israel’s separation barrier in and around Jerusalem is meant to ensure a Jewish majority in the disputed city, a Cabinet minister acknowledged Monday, contradicting government claims that the divider is solely a temporary security measure… Also Monday, Israeli officials said they would seek $2.2 billion in additional U.S. aid for the summer’s withdrawal from Gaza and four West Bank settlements.”

According to an opinion poll conducted by CNN on Tuesday, July 12, 90% of participants voted AGAINST such an additional U.S. aid.

Euro Rises Slightly

As AFP reported on July 11, 2005, “The dollar came under pressure after a mixed report on US jobs and Luxembourg’s approval of the European Union constitution… The euro rose Monday to 1.2018 dollars in early European trading, from 1.1970 late on Friday in New York… The US unit ‘has weakened across the foreign exchange market after Friday’s employment report for June failed to meet market expectations’, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi economist Derek Halpenny said. A government report showed the US unemployment rate had fallen to a four-year low point of 5.0 percent last month.”

Germany’s Uncertain Future?

The Associated Press reported on July 10, 2005, that “Germany’s opposition aims to oust Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder with a program to boost Europe’s largest economy and ‘reinvigorate’ relations with the United States… The program, to be formally endorsed Monday by the Christian Democratic Union [CDU] and its Bavarian sister party [CSU], includes an increase in sales tax and looser rules for companies to hire and fire staff. It also rules out Turkish membership in the European Union. The parties are also trying to win back voters by invoking Germany’s strained relations with Washington. Schroeder ran for re-election in 2002 on a platform opposing the U.S.-led war in Iraq, and Bush pointedly refused to offer the traditional congratulations to him on his victory. Germany’s conservatives have been careful not to back the war–sending troops to Iraq would be deeply unpopular–but insist only a change of government can heal the rift with Washington.”

However, new elections in September are not yet a certainty. Germany’s President Koehler sent Chancellor Schroeder a catalogue of questions pertaining to the recent “no-confidence vote” in Parliament, in order to be able to decide whether or not he will allow new elections, by dissolving the German Parliament. Also, the CDU and CSU are facing opposition from their potential coalition partner, the Free Democrats [FDP], over their highly unpopular proposal to increase sales taxes. The FDP has announced that they will NOT support such a tax increase.

The Catholic Church and The Philippines

The Associated Press reported on July 10, 2005, about interesting events in The Philippines, and the POLITICAL role of the Roman Catholic Church in the process. The article stated:

“The Philippines’ Roman Catholic bishops, who have played a major role in toppling two presidents, gave lukewarm support Sunday to President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as she faced calls to resign over an election scandal. The long-awaited statement by the nation’s Catholic Bishops Conference may ease the pressure on Arroyo, who looked increasingly isolated after 10 Cabinet members quit Friday and urged her to step down… The bishops in the predominantly Roman Catholic country played a key role in the 1986 ‘people power’ revolution that ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos and the 2001 repeat which forced out Arroyo’s predecessor, Joseph Estrada… As the influential Catholic leaders debated what position to take, Arroyo went on a new charm offensive, praying in church, strolling along a Manila Bay promenade, holding babies and chatting with fishermen during a rare public appearance.”

Update 202

Faith in Luke's Writings

On Saturday, July 16, 2005, Norbert Link will be giving the sermon from Colorado. The title of the sermon is, “Faith in Luke’s Writings.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream

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Who Am I?

by Rene Messier (Canada)

Christ asked His apostles the question, “Who Am I?”, in a slightly different format. Matthew 16:13 records Christ’s saying: “‘Who DO MEN SAY that I, the Son of Man, am ?'” Their answer was, as preserved in verse 14: “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Then pressing them a little further, He asked them point blank, in verse 15: “‘But who do you say that I am?'” Peter answered that He was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Christ not only concurred with Peter’s statement, but He told him this was revealed to him by God (compare verses 16-17).

If someone was to ask you who you are, what would your answer be? Would it be that you are the son or daughter of your father, Mr.___, who came from a certain part of Canada or the US or Europe or another part of the world? That you are a mechanic or a computer programmer, a builder, or of another occupation and trade? These answers may be accurate, but they would be incomplete.

Ask yourself, “Who am I?”

What does God, through the Bible, say we are? 1 Peter 2:9 calls you a chosen son or daughter of the living God, a priest, a holy individual, and a special person. If you continue to the end, you will be fulfilling and carrying out kingly and priestly functions. 1 John 3:1-2 calls you a child of God.

There is a saying: A person will rise to his expectation. If you are constantly told you are inferior or not too bright, you will in all likelihood be or become that way. On the other hand, God has already determined what we are and will be in the future–if we do our part. So it is our responsibility to rise to HIS expectation and conduct ourselves as priests, holy individuals, special in God’s eyes (which we are), and as children of God, to rule with Christ in the Kingdom.

There is another saying: The cream rises to the top. God looks at us as “the cream.” We don’t say this to be puffed up. Rather, we need to consider that regardless of our position in this life, “God has chosen the weak… of the world” for His purpose (1 Corinthians 1:27). However, we are destined for greatness. 1 Corinthians 3:23 tells us that we are Christ’s. We are destined for glory and rulership. We should never take our eyes off our future goal.

The answer to our original question, “Who am I?”, is this: “I am a special person in God’s eyes, a potential king and priest and much more than that. I am a begotten child, a son or daughter of God, to be born as an immortal God being, when Christ returns.” We must never forget that!

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G8 Failed?

The EUobserver reported on July 8, 2005: “Though world leaders tried to portray it as a win, in reality US president George W. Bush kept leaders from the world’s eight largest economies from agreeing on ways to slow the effects of global climate change. At the top of the agenda for the two-day summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, heads of state and government (referred to as “G8″) from France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Russia and Japan, led by UK prime minister Tony Blair, worked to get Mr. Bush to agree on climate change policies. But they failed.”

It will have to be seen how long all the influential nations will be tolerant to US politics in such important matters, such as global warming.

The article pointed out that they did agree “to help end extreme poverty in Africa by doubling aid donations to Euro 41.9 bn ($50 bn) per year by 2010, but charities felt it didn’t go far enough.” They also “pledged Euro 2.5 bn ($3 bn) over the next few years to help support the Palestinian government in its independence from Israel.”

Italy Next?

Reuters published an article on July 8, 2005, following the terrorist attacks in London, asking the pertinent question as to what country will be next. According to the article, it appears that it will be Italy, and especially Rome. The article stated:

“Italy is a repeated target of Islamic militant threats… Two different groups claiming affiliation to al Qaeda have warned of attacks on Italy within the past 24 hours alone. One group calling itself the Organization of al Qaeda – Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula described Rome as ‘the capital of infidels’ in a menacing message on Friday… [F]or many Rome residents, an attack seems inevitable… After the United States and Britain, Italy is the third largest Western member of coalition forces in Iraq, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi acknowledged that Italy’s role in Iraq left it ‘exposed’ to attack.”

The German press reported that an attack on the Vatican is anticipated. Allegedly, such an attack with airplanes had been planned for Christmas 2005, but had not been carried out, for unknown reasons.

Perhaps not as “coincidental” as described by Berlusconi, Italy announced that they will be withdrawing their troops from Iraq.

Hurricane Dennis

As The Associated Press reported on July 9, 2005, “More than 1 million people from the Florida Panhandle to Louisiana were under evacuation orders. Landfall was expected Sunday afternoon anywhere from the Florida Panhandle to southeast Louisiana… The storm [was] the earliest to reach Category 4 strength in the Caribbean on record… “

On July 11, 2005, The Associated Press added that “The total insured damage from Hurricane Dennis, which hit parts of the U.S. Gulf Coast over the weekend, will amount to between $3 billion and $5 billion.”

Hurricane Dennis is the first of a series of devastating hurricanes to be expected to strike the US this year.

Sheep Suicide?

The Associated Press reported on July 8, 2005: “First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff, Turkish media reported. In the end, 450 dead animals lay on top of one another in a billowy white pile, the Aksam newspaper said.”

Scientists debate whether animals can purposefully and conscientiously commit suicide. Many historical records prove that some animals killed themselves. However, the question remains whether they are influenced by demons when they do so. A classic example of demonic possession of many swine, leading to a mass suicide, can be found in Matthew 8:28-34.

Luxembourg and Malta approve EU Constitution

The Associated Press reported on July 10, 2005: “Luxembourg voters approved the European Union’s proposed constitution in a referendum Sunday… Officials said 56.52 percent of the vote was in favor of the constitution, while 43.48 percent voted against it. Luxembourg is the 13th country to ratify the charter, but rejections by the two larger countries [France and The Netherlands] have thrown its future into doubt… European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said Luxembourg’s approval was a ‘strong signal’ that voters still think a constitution can help build ‘a more democratic Europe.’ However, he warned in a statement that its fate remained ‘uncertain.'”

The article continued:

“Luxembourg, a wealthy nation of 450,000 wedged between France, Germany and Belgium, has traditionally been one of the European Union’s most ardent supporters. Many questions remain over the EU’s future, including whether it will give full membership to Turkey and whether it should create the posts of EU president and foreign minister… [Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude] Juncker’s campaign for the charter was bolstered when the tiny country of Malta became the 12th EU nation to ratify the constitution Wednesday by a unanimous parliamentary vote. Luxembourg was the first EU member to go ahead with a referendum following the Dutch and French ‘no’ votes. Britain, Denmark and Portugal have scrapped theirs.”

The EUobersever clarified on July 10, 2005, that “The UK, Denmark, Portugal, Poland [and] Ireland… shelved their referendum plans after the decision of the European summit in June to put the ratification process on ice. The Czech republic, undecided until then, also announced it would not hold a referendum.”

Chinese in Colorado?

The United Press International reported on July 11, 2005, that “Canadian oil giant EnCana is considering bringing in Chinese companies to construct and operate drilling rigs in the Colorado Rockies… EnCana, a major player in the Piceance Basin of western Colorado, said Chinese labor is cheap and the workers are well-educated. The move would be scrutinized in Washington, where politicians are uneasy about allowing Chinese workers to acquire access to U.S.-based oil and gas facilities… Although China’s increased participation in the U.S. oil and gas industry is a prickly issue in Washington, the EnCana spokesman predicted that U.S. policy-makers would concede because Chinese companies would fill a dire need… The cost of drilling in Colorado has nearly doubled since last year, EnCana officials said. Rates increased from $8,500 per day to $14,000 per day in one year.”

This development is in line with a prophecy in the Bible, declaring that because of the sins of the nation, “the alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower. He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail… Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, therefore you shall serve your enemies, whom the LORD will send against you…” (Deuteronomy 28:43-44, 47-48).

Barrier Around Jerusalem

Reuters reported on July 11, 2005, that “European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana criticized Israel on Monday for a barrier it is building around Jerusalem, and the Palestinian prime minister said it made a farce of efforts to restart the peace process. Israel faced new pressure over its controversial network of walls and fences a day after giving final approval to a segment it said would eventually separate 55,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem from the rest of the holy city… The World Court declared it illegal a year ago, but Israel has ignored the ruling.”

It was also reported that the Bush Administration has stated reservations against the barrier. The article continued:

“[Solana] said the Jerusalem barrier would also have a symbolic effect. The city is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie responded harshly to the Israeli decision, calling it ‘theft in broad daylight’ of land Palestinians seek for the capital of their future state.”

The Associated Press added:

“Israel’s separation barrier in and around Jerusalem is meant to ensure a Jewish majority in the disputed city, a Cabinet minister acknowledged Monday, contradicting government claims that the divider is solely a temporary security measure… Also Monday, Israeli officials said they would seek $2.2 billion in additional U.S. aid for the summer’s withdrawal from Gaza and four West Bank settlements.”

According to an opinion poll conducted by CNN on Tuesday, July 12, 90% of participants voted AGAINST such an additional U.S. aid.

Euro Rises Slightly

As AFP reported on July 11, 2005, “The dollar came under pressure after a mixed report on US jobs and Luxembourg’s approval of the European Union constitution… The euro rose Monday to 1.2018 dollars in early European trading, from 1.1970 late on Friday in New York… The US unit ‘has weakened across the foreign exchange market after Friday’s employment report for June failed to meet market expectations’, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi economist Derek Halpenny said. A government report showed the US unemployment rate had fallen to a four-year low point of 5.0 percent last month.”

Germany’s Uncertain Future?

The Associated Press reported on July 10, 2005, that “Germany’s opposition aims to oust Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder with a program to boost Europe’s largest economy and ‘reinvigorate’ relations with the United States… The program, to be formally endorsed Monday by the Christian Democratic Union [CDU] and its Bavarian sister party [CSU], includes an increase in sales tax and looser rules for companies to hire and fire staff. It also rules out Turkish membership in the European Union. The parties are also trying to win back voters by invoking Germany’s strained relations with Washington. Schroeder ran for re-election in 2002 on a platform opposing the U.S.-led war in Iraq, and Bush pointedly refused to offer the traditional congratulations to him on his victory. Germany’s conservatives have been careful not to back the war–sending troops to Iraq would be deeply unpopular–but insist only a change of government can heal the rift with Washington.”

However, new elections in September are not yet a certainty. Germany’s President Koehler sent Chancellor Schroeder a catalogue of questions pertaining to the recent “no-confidence vote” in Parliament, in order to be able to decide whether or not he will allow new elections, by dissolving the German Parliament. Also, the CDU and CSU are facing opposition from their potential coalition partner, the Free Democrats [FDP], over their highly unpopular proposal to increase sales taxes. The FDP has announced that they will NOT support such a tax increase.

The Catholic Church and The Philippines

The Associated Press reported on July 10, 2005, about interesting events in The Philippines, and the POLITICAL role of the Roman Catholic Church in the process. The article stated:

“The Philippines’ Roman Catholic bishops, who have played a major role in toppling two presidents, gave lukewarm support Sunday to President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo as she faced calls to resign over an election scandal. The long-awaited statement by the nation’s Catholic Bishops Conference may ease the pressure on Arroyo, who looked increasingly isolated after 10 Cabinet members quit Friday and urged her to step down… The bishops in the predominantly Roman Catholic country played a key role in the 1986 ‘people power’ revolution that ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos and the 2001 repeat which forced out Arroyo’s predecessor, Joseph Estrada… As the influential Catholic leaders debated what position to take, Arroyo went on a new charm offensive, praying in church, strolling along a Manila Bay promenade, holding babies and chatting with fishermen during a rare public appearance.”

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Would you please explain Jesus' statement in John 2:19, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up…"? Is this statement, as a direct quote of Christ, to be believed as presented to us in the English language?

Let us read the Scripture in context, by quoting John 2:18-22:

“(18) So the Jews answered and said to Him, ‘What sign do You show to us, since you do these things?’ (19) Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’ (20) Then the Jews said, ‘It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?’ (21) But He was speaking of the temple of His body. (22) Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said.”

There is no reason to believe that the above-cited translation is incorrect. However, we must understand, in light of the other Biblical evidence, what this passage does and does not say. Some use this passage to teach that Christ rose Himself up FROM THE DEAD. They claim that Christ, the Son of God, never died, but that only His “human mantle” did. They teach that the Son of God was the second member of an immortal and unalterable Trinity, and that He therefore could not have died. They postulate that Christ–the Son of God–raised up the human mortal Jesus. This ABOMINABLE HERESY is nowhere taught in the Bible! The Bible makes very clear that God is NOT a TRINITY; that Jesus Christ was the Son of God; and that HE DIED (For more information, please read our free booklet, “Is God a Trinity?”). It was God the Father who raised the DEAD Christ FROM THE DEAD.

For instance, Galatians 1:1 states: “Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God THE FATHER, who raised HIM from the dead)…”

When Christ died and was brought back to life shortly thereafter as an immortal spirit being, God the Father CHANGED Christ’s physical body (which had not yet decayed) into a spirit body. That is why Christ, after His resurrection, could go through closed doors (John 20:19), and it is also why He could disappear after He had materialized Himself in a bodily, albeit different form (Mark 16:12; Luke 24:13-16, 31). In fact, when Christ returns, His disciples will be resurrected to immortal SPIRIT beings, and those who will still be alive at that time will be CHANGED to immortal SPIRIT beings (compare 1 Thessalonians 4:17; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

After three days and three nights in the grave, God the Father brought the DEAD Christ back to life. Christ got up, and at THAT moment, He fulfilled the prophecy that He had given to the Jews in John 2:19: He raised up His BODY. In other words, He was lying on the ground in the tomb (John 19:40-42), but when He received immortal life from God the Father, He got up from the ground. The word for “raise up” (in Greek, “egeiro”), as used in John 2:19, is used many times to describe someone who simply STANDS UP. It is used in Mark 1:31; 9:27, and in Acts 3:7, as well as in James 5:15. In all of those cases, sick people stood up from their sick bed. God “raises or lifts” them up by giving them the power or strength to stand or to get up.

John 2:18-22 does not teach that Christ raised Himself up FROM THE DEAD. Rather, it teaches that after God the Father resurrected Him from the dead, Christ raised up the temple of His BODY, by getting up.

For more information on Christ’s death and resurrection, and the fact that He was indeed three days and three nights in the tomb, as He said He would be, please read our free book, “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery.”

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written by Dave Harris. It was sent out on Wednesday. The letter discusses the incredible purpose of our calling.

A new StandingWatch program was recorded and placed on the Web. Its title is: Noisy Neighbors.

An article was submitted to the Journal, as follows:

The Church of the Eternal God (CEG) recently concluded its first Public Bible Lecture in Arcadia, California. Mr. Norbert Link spoke to 32 people on the subject, “Europe is Uniting — What Does This Mean To You?”

It was very exciting to be dealing with people directly after having put most of CEG’s efforts into other mediums, noted one attendee.

More lectures are being planned around the U.S. as finances permit. Until then, CEG is making CDs available of the initial address. Also made available on a CD are current StandingWatch programs, addressing diverse topics, such as, life after death, the resurrection, peacemaking, attitude, hope, Christ’s return, the Church, and accountability. In addition, CEG’s new booklet, “Should You Fight in War?” is ready for distribution. As usual, all of these are free for the asking. Simply send an email to, or write to:

Church of the Eternal God
PO Box 270519
San Diego, CA 92198

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Shine Bright!

Shine Bright!

by Shana Rank (31)

I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a light in this dark world. The analogy of letting our light shine bright in relation to God’s perfect outpouring character is exciting, and the only type of character I wish to imitate. Since I must strive to be an excellent example to those around me, what kind of light should I be?

Possible scenarios:

Candlelight: This type of light is sufficient in limited situations. Often times candle light is easily extinguished by wind or other outside forces. Candlelight could also be described as timid and shy when compared to the brightness of other light. Do I want to be a weak light?

Fluorescent light: This type of light has endurance; unfortunately, the quality of light is poor in comparison to natural light. Fluorescent bulbs also exhibit symptoms like flickering and buzzing which can be very unpleasant. Do I want to be an inconsistent light?

Flash bulb: This type of light is especially effective at nighttime or for poorly lit areas. The effect a bright flash has on the pupil can be likened to the first impression we have on those with whom we come in contact. Is my light short and intense, or will my light have a lasting impression?

Sunlight: This type of light is the brightest light known to man. So bright that it can cause blindness for those that gaze too long. Sunlight is able to penetrate the darkest places imaginable; this is also how I think about the perfect Spirit of God the Father and Jesus Christ. God is also described in the Bible as being light–with no darkness in Him. Can I be the brightest light possible? With God’s help, yes!

I know I would like to shine bright like the sun. Which type of light would you like to be?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

Internet Under U.S. Control

The following article, which was written by Kieren McCarthy, was published on July 1, 2005, on the Internet, titled, “Bush administration annexes internet.” The article pointed out:

“An extraordinary statement by the US government has sent shockwaves around the internet world and thrown the future of the network into doubt. In a worrying U-turn, the US Department of Commerce (DoC) has made it clear it intends to retain control of the internet’s root servers indefinitely. It was due to relinquish that control in September 2006, when its contract with overseeing body ICANN ended. The decision – something that people have long feared may happen – will not only make large parts of the world furious but also puts ICANN in a very difficult position. The organisation has slowly been expanding out of its California base in an effort to become an international body with overall responsibility for the internet.”

The article continued:

“Clearly the internet has entered the Bush administration’s vision and the resulting DoC statement – which boldly tells the rest of the world that the US will continue to run the Internet and everyone will just have to lump it – is very in keeping with how the US government is currently run. The big question now is whether the rest of the world will be cowed… The vision of a US-controlled internet infrastructure will be anathema to large parts of the world however and it is a demonstration of the US administration’s failure to think globally that it doesn’t recognise that there is surprisingly little preventing other parts of the world from creating a second Internet outside of US control. An already fractious situation has just got more difficult.”

U.S. Supreme Court’s Confusing Decisions!

The American Bar Association (ABA) Journal and Report stated in its article, “TWO TABLETS DON’T SOLVE LAWYERS’ HEADACHES,” dated July 1, 2005:

“Displaying the Ten Commandments on government property might violate the First Amendment’s establishment clause. Or it might not. After the U.S. Supreme Court’s two rulings on the topic this week–which produced 10 separate opinions between them–lawyers on both sides of the divisive issue agree on one thing: They are as confused as ever. And the battles over display of the symbols around the country are likely to continue, lawyers say, with attorneys for each side choosing one of the two cases to back them up… The decisions… have lawyers scratching their heads… Some suspect that the rulings will create new circuit splits regarding the establishment clause… And there’s likely to be confusion involving daily activities, says Julie Underwood, general counsel of the National School Boards Association. In an amicus brief submitted in the McCreary case, the group asked the court to clarify establishment clause jurisdiction. ‘In the last 30 years, 100 opinions have been written on religion in public schools, and it’s very confusing,’ [Underwood] adds. ‘There are multiple tests, and nobody really knows which is the prevailing test, or how to apply it.'”

The Waste of U.S. Taxpayers’ Money

On July 4, 2005, the national and international press reported, mostly approvingly, about an incredible example of how the money of U.S. taxpayers is being wasted. We are referring to the hit of a comet by a NASA probe, on America’s Independence Day, July 4, 2005.

The Associated Press reported: “NASA scientists used a space probe to chase down a speeding comet 83 million miles away and slammed it into the frozen ball of dirty ice and debris.”

How much did this “spectacle” cost the U.S. tax payers?

AFP clarified that the project cost 333 million dollars (!), or 275 million Euro. And WHY was this money spent? What was hoped to be accomplished with this collision? Was the goal to see how comets or meteorites, which might be on a collision course with earth, could be destroyed, or their course altered, preventing a deep impact with earth?


Here is the incredible reason for this WASTE of money, as explained by The Associated Press:

“[It was] a mission to learn how the solar system was formed… The reason scientists are so excited is that comets circling the Sun, which are numbered in billions, are seen as leftovers from a massive cloud of gas and dust that condensed to form the Sun and planets about 4.6 billion years ago.Their geological and chemical structures could thus contain important clues to the nature of the Universe and how it was formed, including Earth.”

If man, including “educated” scientists, would only read and believe the Bible, all these endeavors would be avoided. We ARE told, in Genesis 1:1 and in many other Scriptures, how the earth and the universe were formed, and by WHOM! Only, most of the scientific world has REJECTED Godly revelation, and has chosen instead to validate the ungodly theory of evolution, by producing “proof,” through experimentation, exploration and “observation,” how the universe and the earth came into existence by mere time and chance — irrespective of a godly power. And while millions of dollars are being WASTED in this idle pursuit, millions of people DIE here on earth because of famine, malnutrition, lack of medication, etc. This is indeed a terrible indictment against man’s INCAPABILITY to rule on this planet. THANKS BE TO GOD that He will send His Son Jesus Christ back to this earth to TAKE OVER rulership and to bring peace and justice to this planet. LET US PRAY that that day will arrive soon!

France vs. Britain

As Reuters reported on July 5, 2005, “French President Jacques Chirac cracked jokes to Russian and German leaders about bad British food and mad cow disease, a Paris daily said on Monday, in comments that could further strain Anglo-French relations… Relations between France and Britain were already at a low point, with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Chirac blaming each other for the failure of June talks on the European Union’s long-term budget talks. Blair, who took over the EU presidency last week, has particularly irked Paris with his drive to cut EU farm subsidies that mainly benefit France… The race between Paris and London to host the 2012 Olympic Games is further testing relations. Blair wrote in the Paris-based International Herald Tribune newspaper on Monday that London was the ‘perfect venue’ for the games. In Singapore, where the choice of venue will be announced on Wednesday, Anglo-French tensions threatened to boil over on Monday after a delegate linked to London’s bid said the Stade de France was not ideal for athletics.”

On July 6, 2005, the Associated Press reported about this telling announcement from Singapore:

“Britain vs. France. Blair vs. Chirac. Two historic rival cities convinced they were long overdue. London prevailed–upsetting Paris to secure the 2012 Olympics… Paris had been the front-runner throughout the campaign, but London picked up momentum in the late stages with strong support from Prime Minister Tony Blair… Blair… spent two days lobbying in Singapore this week… But not even a personal appearance in Singapore by French President Jacques Chirac could secure victory… The [British tabloid] Sun said Chirac also could have damaged his country’s Olympic bid by criticizing food from Finland in [addition to criticizing food from England].”

Euro Falling

The Euro has reached its lowest level in eleven months, with a value of 1.19 US dollars. Six months ago, the exchange rate was 1.37 US dollars. Reasons for the decline of the Euro are the strong U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen, the rise of interest by the US national bank, as well as the present uncertainty of the EU unification. Bild Online reminded the readership, however, that the Euro was MUCH lower in October of 2000: At that time, 1 US dollar had the value of only 0.83 Euros.

Bird Flu at Critical Stage

The Scotsman reported on July 5, 2005, that “Asia’s bird flu outbreak is at a critical stage where it could easily become a human pandemic, health experts warned yesterday, urging mass poultry vaccinations to prevent a crisis… Cases of human infection have been reported in Vietnam, with others likely in Cambodia and Indonesia, while fears are growing that infected migratory birds in China could spread the virus to India and Pakistan… The flu, which has killed 54 people in Asia, currently appears to spread to people only when they come into close contact with sick poultry. But medical experts fear that the H5N1 bird flu strain could mutate into a form that easily passes between people and trigger a global pandemic because people have developed no resistance to the strain.”

Israel Seeks Germany’s Help

As Der Spiegel reported on June 29, 2005, “Israeli politicians ask Germany for assistance” in their struggle with Iran. The magazine reported that Israel views Germany’s Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, as “one of [Israel’s] VERY FEW friends in Europe.” The magazine also warned that if Europe or other powers should be unsuccessful to persuade Iran from discontinuing their nuclear programs, Israel might very well decide to “do it alone.” The readership was reminded that Israel attacked a nuclear power plant in Iraq in 1981, to prevent the building of nuclear weapons. At that time, the Begin-doctrine was created, permitting Israel to strike first in a “preemptive war.”

What To Do About China?

In a special report of U.S. News and World Report, which was published on or about June 20, 2005, the magazine wrote:

“China is teaching the West something new. Its economy, growing at 9 percent per year, will most likely become the second largest in the world by 2020, behind only the United States… The rise of China could… make Washington ‘increasingly irrelevant’… China now exports to the United States some $160 billion more than it takes in… A U.S. -China cold war would be costly, dangerous, and distracting, robbing attention and resources from pressing internal and global challenges.”

The article continued to warn that the USA might get involved or drawn into a military conflict, related to North Korea and Taiwan. The article stated:

“The United States should… do more to change China’s stance: by offering North Korea some attractive incentives to give up its nuclear materials and weapons… China needs to be reminded not to use force to unify the country [of Taiwan]. Neither China nor Taiwan should count on Washington standing aside if they change the status quo.”

What IF Washington were to get involved in a military conflict in that region of the world? The consequences would appear to be disastrous.

Germany In Turmoil

As Deutsche Welle reported on July 1, 2005, “When the German parliament defeated the confidence vote brought by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on Friday, it set in motion a procedure designed to end in a general election in the fall.” Schroeder WANTED the parliament to defeat the confidence vote, as he refuses to resign. As the article explained:

“Schroeder had wanted the vote to be defeated in order to trigger new elections 12 months ahead of schedule and had instructed members of his Social Democratic Party (SPD) to abstain in the vote in the Bundestag, or lower house of parliament.”

His hope is that German “President Horst Koehler… [will] officially recognize the lack of a majority and dissolve the Bundestag” by July 22.

BUT, it is not altogether clear whether President Koehler CAN, legally, dissolve the German Bundestag. The article explained:

“Koehler has not yet revealed what his intentions are, saying only that he would study the situation after the vote… However the decision is far from certain. Some of the smaller political parties and a handful of coalition deputies have vowed to mount a federal court challenge against bringing the poll forward.”

It is interesting to realize, in this context, that Koehler refused to sign the ratification of the EU Constitution by the German Parliament, as a case is pending before the German Federal Court, challenging the legal procedure. He declared that he will await the outcome of that decision.

Deutsche Welle continued: “If the Bundestag is dissolved, Koehler must call an election to take place within 60 days. However the election can only take place on a holiday or a Sunday. The election cannot take place during the school summer holidays, which vary according to the regional states — in Bavaria for example they do not end until September 12. Most observers agree that the date of September 18 is the most likely for an election.”

All of the German major parties WANT new elections. But many law professors and legal experts feel that Koehler would violate the German Constitution if he were to dissolve the Bundestag. Their most convincing argument is that Koehler could only do so, IF the government was unable to function. However, this is doubtful as the government just enacted several laws prior to the defeat of the vote of confidence. If Schroeder is perceived as having used the Bundestag by means of a coup, a sham or a farce, Koehler could not legally dissolve it, according to many legal commentators.

Der Spiegel published an article, dated June 29, titled, “Why Koehler MUST Say No.” The international press mainly condemned Schroeder’s maneuver. However, the Russian press praised him as an honest man of principle.

IF Germany will have new elections in September, it appears that the leader of the CDU, Angela Merkel, will become the new chancellor, if CDU and its potential coalition party, FDP, get the absolute majority. However, even this is not certain. At this point, CDU and FDP are engaged in a war of words about whether or not to increase certain taxes. And according to some recent polls, although CDU and FDP would get 51% of the votes, if there were elections today, Schroeder is much more popular than Merkel. Further, Germany’s Foreign Minister and Schroeder’s coalition partner, Joschka Fischer, is still the most popular politician in Germany. And then there is Edmund Stoiber, Minister President of the Bavarian CSU and coalition partner of the CDU, who has been known for saying wrong things at wrong times.

The events in Germany on the political front are exciting. We will keep our readers updated about the developments.

London Under Attack

As The Associated Press reported on July 7, 2005, “Four blasts rocked the London subway and tore open a packed double-decker bus during the morning rush hour Thursday, sending bloodied victims fleeing in the worst attack on London since World War II. Three U.S. law enforcement officials said at least 40 people were killed and London hospitals reported more than 350 wounded in the terror attacks. Prime Minister Tony Blair called the attacks ‘barbaric’ and said they were clearly designed to coincide with the G-8 summit opening in Gleneagles, Scotland. [The blasts completely overshadowed Thursday’s main topic at the summit — efforts to tackle global warming. Especially Great Britain and the United States differ sharply on the issue of how to deal with the global warming problem.] They also came a day after London won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics.”

The article continued:

“Bush warned Americans to be ‘extra vigilant’ as they head to work after the deadly explosions in London… Much of Europe also went on alert. Italy’s airports raised alert levels to a maximum. The Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, the Netherlands, France and Spain also were among those announcing beefed-up security at shopping centers, airports, railways and subways… A group calling itself ‘The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe’ posted a claim of responsibility, saying the blasts were in retaliation for Britain’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. The statement also threatened attacks in Italy and Denmark…

“European stocks dropped sharply after the blasts, with exchanges in London, Paris and Germany all down about 2 percent. Insurance and travel-related stocks were hit hard, and the British pound also fell. Gold, traditionally seen as a safe haven, rose. The explosions also unnerved traders on Wall Street, sending stocks down sharply in morning trading.”

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