Did Hitler Have Jewish Blood?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was condemned by Israel, as well as many others, for his recent comments that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler “had Jewish blood.” But where does this idea come from? And can it teach us something about the arrival of the coming beast mentioned in the book of Revelation and other prophetic biblical books?

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Equality with God in His Kingdom?

Is it our destiny to attain equality with God? Or just a certain resemblance? Is Christ equal to God or just similar to Him? What does it mean to inherit the Kingdom of God? What IS the Kingdom of God? Do we have to do something to inherit it? What is meant by “born again”? Who or what is God? IS God a Family, or does He just HAVE a Family? What is the connection between God, the God Family, and the Kingdom of God? What is the gospel of the Kingdom? And finally, what is the most important work of God on earth today?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with Emanuel Macron’s victory over Marine Le Pen, continuing his role as French president, causing a sigh of relief in Europe but the joy might be short-lived.

We continue with several articles about Germany’s duplicity and troublesome relationship with Russia; the perceived downfall of Germany’s new weak chancellor, Olaf Scholz; and the allegation that Germany is complicit in Russia’s war crimes. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Weak German Government under Attack” 

We also report on fears of a coming nuclear war and Moscow’s alleged goal to conquer all of southern and eastern Ukraine.  We also speak on Austria’s surprising position on Ukraine’s desired EU membership.

We report on tensions in Jerusalem between Israel and Christians, and the claim that the recent violence on the Temple Mount was carefully staged by Abbas’ ruling party. Please view in this regard our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Time to Build the Third Temple in the Face of Violence?”

We speak on the continuing fight between the left-liberal Disney organization and the conservative government in Florida; Dr. Fauci’s ignorant comments; Google’s new “inclusive language function design”; and Obama’s hypocritical statements.   

Weak German Government under Attack

The world disapproves of Germany’s conduct towards Ukraine. Germany’s chancellor Olaf Scholz is considered as being weak and indecisive, and far too much beholden to Putin. What does this mean for Germany’s future?

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A Catalog of Sins—Not that Important?

Have you created a catalog of sins that distinguishes between important and not so important actions? Does the Bible teach the concept of the seven deadly sins? Or is every sin wrong and an abomination in God’s eyes? What does God call sin and an abomination anyway? And what does God say who will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Why does God designate certain character traits as “most important” in the law? And do you love God and neighbor when you break the spiritual law of the Ten Commandments?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with renewed violence at the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem (please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Time to build the Third Temple in the face of Violence?” ); discuss numerous failed attempts to end the war in Ukraine; report about the war’s ongoing and accelerating destruction; point out Ukraine’s disappointment with Germany and some German politicians; and focus on questions raised by Ukraine regarding American help.

We speak on events pertaining to Denmark, Finland, Sweden and France; and publish an article claiming that both the mass media and the CIA are lying to us.

We conclude with highly controversial mask mandates; a surprising but overdue decision by a federal court judge and reactions; and the planned release of engineered mosquitos in California.  

Time to build the Third Temple in the face of Violence?

Serious violence broke out at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during Passover, coinciding with Easter and Ramadan, followed by an exchange of rockets between Hamas and Israel. The Jerusalem Post published an article with the headline: “When Blood Spills on Passover and Easter, it’s Time to Build the Temple.” But is this true? Has the time come to build the Third Temple? And what would the consequences be? This program raises many questions in the light of biblical prophecy.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reports about Disney’s hypocritical conduct and its fight for the “woke” culture, and the serious consequences it might have for Disney regarding its “special benefits” in Florida. When one observes the incredible change from the times Walt Disney lived, and the destruction of his legacy by the Disney Company, one must conclude that he would turn in his grave if he only knew. We also cite Joe Biden’s ever changing comments on gay and transgender people.

We report good news from Finland and bad news from Canada, when addressing religious persecution in both countries; and speak on the ongoing debacle regarding Europe’s “fight” with Russia over Ukraine. We also report on elections in Hungary and Serbia.

We address Europe’s rapid reaction force and the fear that America is losing the Middle East, as well as most recent developments in Israel.

Speaking about the ongoing insane concepts, rules and regulations by medical “experts” and governmental officials regarding the “fight” against the coronavirus, we report on former German health minister Jens Span and current German “lockdown” health minister Kurt Lauterbach, as well as on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s extremely controversial conduct in several respects.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Germany Was Never a Pacifist Power.” 

Please also watch our new message,Natural Immunity and Nuclear Bombs in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy, April 2, 2022.”

We conclude with the ongoing abortion war with at least four American states allowing abortion for any and no reason; and the curse of the bird flu on American exports.   

Germany Was Never a Pacifist Power

It has been recently alleged that due to the Afghanistan debacle and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany has given up its pacifist stance to become more engaged in military activities. But as this program shows, Germany was never a pacifist power, and Bible prophecy tells us what Germany will do very soon.

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Total Confusion! Spiritual Bodies in the Resurrection?

Hard to believe, but there is incredible confusion about the concept of the “spiritual body” which a Christian will have when he is resurrected, and even Christ’s appearance after His resurrection has been totally misunderstood. As a consequence, many do not understand what is the potential of man, and how Christians will and will not look in the Kingdom of God.

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