Current Events

U.S. and Europe Differ on Fight Against Terrorism

Associated Press reported on May 28, 2004:

“Their countries are among the richest, most powerful on Earth. But politically, European leaders heading to the United States for a summit with President Bush are walking wounded. Taking part in the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq has hurt the British and Italian prime ministers, Tony Blair and Silvio Berlusconi, at home. The leaders of Germany and France are burdened by sluggish economies. Only Russian President Vladimir Putin, re-elected in a March landslide, looks strong… France and other opponents of the war have no desire to see Iraq plunge deeper into chaos. Germany is helping train a new Iraqi police force, and European and American security agencies work closely in investigating, tracking and shutting down terrorists. But European governments don’t necessarily agree with Washington that the war on terrorism must be global, encompassing not only Iraq and al-Qaida, but perhaps even Iran and North Korea, countries Bush once labeled ‘an axis of evil.’ On terrorism, ‘there are two completely different visions,’ said Pascal Boniface, director of the Institute of International and Strategic Relations in Paris. ‘We agree on the goal, but disagree totally on how to get there.'”

Europe Condemns U.S. Tortures

Russia’s Pravda ran this article on May 29, 2004: “Latin America and Europe condemn US tortures in Iraq.” It continued: “In a joint statement, leaders from all Latin American and European nations condemned US tortures of Iraqi prisoners… Leaders and top diplomatic officials from 33 Latin American countries and 25 European nations [met] in the Mexican city of Guadalajara to blast the US-led campaign in Iraq. The 58 nations signed a joint declaration which denounces ‘the abuse of prisoners in Iraq’, and delivered criticism of the United States for its refusal to cooperate with the United Nations. As it was expected, neither British Prime Minister Tony Blair, nor his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi, attended the meeting. In a declaration… officials attending the Third Summit of Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union condemned unilateral actions contradicting international law and outlined ‘our horror at the recent evidence of mistreatment of the prisoners in Iraqi prisons… We energetically condemn all forms of abuse, torture and other cruelty, degrading and inhumanly treating people, including prisoners of war, in whatever location they occur,’ states the document. ‘We express our horror at the recent evidence of mistreating prisoners in Iraq. These abuses go against international law, such as the Geneva Convention.’…”

The article went on to say: “At a stopover in Mexico City on May 25, on the way to the Guadalajara summit, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder produced some important remarks on the U.S.-British draft UN Security Council resolution on Iraq. Mr. Schroeder said that the current draft version must be modified, and added that Germany wants a ‘real handover of sovereignty’ in Iraq. Germany — together with Russia, France and China — is proposing major changes to the resolution, which would give Iraq’s interim government control over the Iraqi army and police and require the U.S.-led multinational force to consult on military actions except for self-defense. [As Der Spiegel Online reported on June 1, 2004, President Bush called Chancellor Schroeder for support of the U.S. resolution. Details of the phone conversation were not made public]. French President Jacques Chirac, visiting Guatemala before the summit, said the U.S.-British resolution needed to be improved, adding that Iraq should have sovereignty over its armed forces and natural resources starting June 30. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, in turn, when meeting with Mexico’s Vicente Fox, praised Mexico’s ‘bravery’ in refusing to back the Iraq war and lauded Mexico’s calls for multilateral foreign policy actions. Trade issues also dominated the summit’s agenda, with the EU and the four Mercosur nations — Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay — saying they intend to sign an ‘ambitious’ free trade accord in October. However, they did not agree in crucial points, as the total liberalization of the agricultural trading.”

Earthquakes Linked?

Associated Press reported last week that “a major earthquake that hit Alaska in 2002 set off a flurry of smaller quakes in far-off Yellowstone National Park and changed eruption intervals in several geysers… Scientists say that the Denali fault earthquake, which registered a magnitude of 7.9 and hit in November 2002, is believed to be the first in modern times in North America to trigger large-scale changes in geysers and hot springs so far away.”

U.S. Catholic Church Under Attack?

As the San Diego Union-Tribune reported on May 28, 2004, “Cardinal Bernard Law was appointed by the pope yesterday to a ceremonial but highly visible post in Rome, outraging many in the archdiocese Law left in disgrace at the height of the clergy sex scandal [Law and other church officials had shifted child-molesting priests from parish to parish for decades] … Bob Bowers of St. Catherine’s church in Charlestown said he was astonished the Vatican would ‘reward’ Law.”

The paper also reported that a watchdog group asked the IRS to revoke tax-exempt status of the Roman Catholic diocese in Colorado Springs over the bishop’s threat to withhold communion from those who vote for politicians who disagree with the church’s religious teachings on abortion rights and other topics. The watchdog group claims that “the church uses its resources for political purposes.” It is only hoped that the IRS will not fall for such ridiculous argumentation, lest a church is no longer permitted to teach and engage in its religious beliefs.

The Pope and the Beetle

Zenit reported on May 26, 2004, that “the last Volkswagen Beetle made in Mexico has been given to John Paul II. The car, one of a limited series of 30,000 was given to the Pope today… John Paul II blessed the car… The light blue Beetle, which will have a Vatican City license plate (its initials are SCV), is the last in this series of cars whose origins date back to the 1930s. [In fact, it was Adolph Hitler who was instrumental for and supportive of the mass manufacturing and production of the “bug” or “Volkswagen” — meaning, the “people’s car.”] Some 21 million ‘bugs’ have been produced over the years. Their production stopped in Europe in 1978, but continued in Mexico until last July 30.”

An Example of Futility

The San Diego Union Tribune reported on June 1, 2004, about an unbelievable situation in California and in the United States that punishes the innocent and rewards the evildoers. We speak of the concept of punitive damages in civil suits. As the paper pointed out, “The irony of current tax policy is that while the innocent victims who receive punitive damages must pay taxes on them, the payors — those who commit malice and oppression — can write off the payments as tax deduction… Exxon’s $1.1 billion settlement with the U.S. government over the Exxon Valdez oil spill litigation cost Exxon a maximum of $524 million after the oil company’s tax deductions. The Congressional Research Office found that more than half of the civil damages totaling $900 million could be written off on Exxon’s federal tax return.”

Truly, this world has it all backwards…

U.S. Lost in Afghanistan

On June 1, 2004, the San Diego Union Tribune reprinted an interesting article from the Chicago Sun-Times, titled, “Barely holding on in Afghanistan.” While the world’s attention is mainly focused on Iraq, the article pointed out how the situation in Afghanistan is equally troublesome for the U.S. The article explained:

“The handful of valiant American warriors fighting the ‘other’ war in Afghanistan is not a happy band of brothers. They are undermanned and feel neglected, lack confidence in their generals and are disgusted by Afghan political leadership. Most important, they are appalled by the immense but fruitless effort to find Osama bin Laden for purposes of U.S. politics… [The] overlooked war continues WITH NO END IN SIGHT. Narcotics trafficking is at an all-time high. If U.S. forces were to leave [Afghanistan], the Taliban — or something like it — would regain power. THE UNITED STATES IS LOST IN AFGHANISTAN, BOUND TO THIS WILD COUNTRY AND UNABLE TO LEAVE. The situation in Afghanistan… looks NOTHING like a country alleged to be PROGRESSING TOWARD representative DEMOCRACY under American tutelage. Harrid Karzai, the U.S. sponsored Afghan president, is regarded by U.S. troops as hopelessly corrupt and kept in power by U.S. force of arms… The basic U.S. strength in Afghanistan is 17,000 troops of ‘straight-legged’ infantry — conventional forces ill-prepared to handle irregulars…” The article’s conclusion: “Being lost in Afghanistan transcends politics and is a LONG-TERM AMERICAN BURDEN.”

You Shall Be Perfect

On Saturday, June 5, 2004, Norbert Link will be giving the sermon, titled, “You Shall Be Perfect!” The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 146

You Shall Be Perfect

On Saturday, June 5, 2004, Norbert Link will be giving the sermon, titled, “You Shall Be Perfect!” The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Third Commandment

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

Recently, in the United Kingdom, we have had an outcry on a particular matter that clearly shows the gross hypocrisy that engulfs this godless society. No doubt, what happened in the United Kingdom may be mirrored in much, if not most of the civilized world.

A well known football (soccer) commentator erroneously thought the microphones were switched off after the conclusion of a semi-final European cup match which had been televised. His comments were transmitted live to a number of countries, including some in the Middle East. There was an immediate uproar, as he had used unacceptable expletives and an emotional racialist term about a particular player. He immediately resigned his position with the television company, and he lost his column in a leading national newspaper. This event was reported far and wide and was the subject of phone-ins and all of the usual media hype.

Such behavior cannot be condoned in any way. However, very often those who protest the loudest can be those who take GOD’S name in vain with impunity. Blasphemy is seen as a non-event. In fact, blasphemy is of epidemic proportions. Many (but not all) may not even know or realize what they are doing. Youngsters who have no religious knowledge or upbringing can be serial offenders in this area. Older people seem, in general, to behave little better. There is no respect for God in every strata of society. The names of God and Jesus Christ are used as expletives, swear words and terms of abuse. One can do this at will with no come-back, while comments about another human being particularly if they refer to his race or his sexual orientation, are considered racially abusive, or discriminatory.

God clearly tells us not to take His name in vain (Exodus 20:7), but mankind in general totally disregards the third commandment. Perhaps in many cases this instruction is not even known, as the knowledge of God is systematically eliminated by those in positions who think that they know and do better.

Interestingly, I took up the fact that blasphemy seems to be part and parcel of the staple diet of so many films that are made today, with the British Board of Film Classification, in 1999. Their replies were cleverly phrased in such a way that they made no real sense at all. They took an intellectual, non-godly approach, which was wholly secular and which attempted to exonerate the unacceptable with clever phrasing, reference to legal cases and no understanding of the truth whatsoever. It reminded me of the phrase that “a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.” On careful reflection, such correspondence was, inevitably, an exercise in futility. In the last five years things will not have changed, except that they will have progressively deteriorated. Such disrespect for our Maker is endemic in society.

A world that takes such an approach is headed for disaster, and the great God will only let this go on for so long. It is a small part of a great malaise and disease. It is an approach based on the supposed dignity of man, while ignoring the supremacy of God. There is a time coming when the teachers in the wonderful world tomorrow will say, “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21). That way will not encompass blasphemy and disrespect for either man or, more importantly, for the great Creator God.

Let us pray, “Thy Kingdom Come”, and let us do so with ever greater intensity. In the Kingdom, we will experience a time of respect for everyone, especially God, and it will be a time that true Christians must surely yearn for. That time is coming — the sooner the better.

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U.S. and Europe Differ on Fight Against Terrorism

Associated Press reported on May 28, 2004:

“Their countries are among the richest, most powerful on Earth. But politically, European leaders heading to the United States for a summit with President Bush are walking wounded. Taking part in the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq has hurt the British and Italian prime ministers, Tony Blair and Silvio Berlusconi, at home. The leaders of Germany and France are burdened by sluggish economies. Only Russian President Vladimir Putin, re-elected in a March landslide, looks strong… France and other opponents of the war have no desire to see Iraq plunge deeper into chaos. Germany is helping train a new Iraqi police force, and European and American security agencies work closely in investigating, tracking and shutting down terrorists. But European governments don’t necessarily agree with Washington that the war on terrorism must be global, encompassing not only Iraq and al-Qaida, but perhaps even Iran and North Korea, countries Bush once labeled ‘an axis of evil.’ On terrorism, ‘there are two completely different visions,’ said Pascal Boniface, director of the Institute of International and Strategic Relations in Paris. ‘We agree on the goal, but disagree totally on how to get there.'”

Europe Condemns U.S. Tortures

Russia’s Pravda ran this article on May 29, 2004: “Latin America and Europe condemn US tortures in Iraq.” It continued: “In a joint statement, leaders from all Latin American and European nations condemned US tortures of Iraqi prisoners… Leaders and top diplomatic officials from 33 Latin American countries and 25 European nations [met] in the Mexican city of Guadalajara to blast the US-led campaign in Iraq. The 58 nations signed a joint declaration which denounces ‘the abuse of prisoners in Iraq’, and delivered criticism of the United States for its refusal to cooperate with the United Nations. As it was expected, neither British Prime Minister Tony Blair, nor his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi, attended the meeting. In a declaration… officials attending the Third Summit of Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union condemned unilateral actions contradicting international law and outlined ‘our horror at the recent evidence of mistreatment of the prisoners in Iraqi prisons… We energetically condemn all forms of abuse, torture and other cruelty, degrading and inhumanly treating people, including prisoners of war, in whatever location they occur,’ states the document. ‘We express our horror at the recent evidence of mistreating prisoners in Iraq. These abuses go against international law, such as the Geneva Convention.’…”

The article went on to say: “At a stopover in Mexico City on May 25, on the way to the Guadalajara summit, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder produced some important remarks on the U.S.-British draft UN Security Council resolution on Iraq. Mr. Schroeder said that the current draft version must be modified, and added that Germany wants a ‘real handover of sovereignty’ in Iraq. Germany — together with Russia, France and China — is proposing major changes to the resolution, which would give Iraq’s interim government control over the Iraqi army and police and require the U.S.-led multinational force to consult on military actions except for self-defense. [As Der Spiegel Online reported on June 1, 2004, President Bush called Chancellor Schroeder for support of the U.S. resolution. Details of the phone conversation were not made public]. French President Jacques Chirac, visiting Guatemala before the summit, said the U.S.-British resolution needed to be improved, adding that Iraq should have sovereignty over its armed forces and natural resources starting June 30. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, in turn, when meeting with Mexico’s Vicente Fox, praised Mexico’s ‘bravery’ in refusing to back the Iraq war and lauded Mexico’s calls for multilateral foreign policy actions. Trade issues also dominated the summit’s agenda, with the EU and the four Mercosur nations — Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay — saying they intend to sign an ‘ambitious’ free trade accord in October. However, they did not agree in crucial points, as the total liberalization of the agricultural trading.”

Earthquakes Linked?

Associated Press reported last week that “a major earthquake that hit Alaska in 2002 set off a flurry of smaller quakes in far-off Yellowstone National Park and changed eruption intervals in several geysers… Scientists say that the Denali fault earthquake, which registered a magnitude of 7.9 and hit in November 2002, is believed to be the first in modern times in North America to trigger large-scale changes in geysers and hot springs so far away.”

U.S. Catholic Church Under Attack?

As the San Diego Union-Tribune reported on May 28, 2004, “Cardinal Bernard Law was appointed by the pope yesterday to a ceremonial but highly visible post in Rome, outraging many in the archdiocese Law left in disgrace at the height of the clergy sex scandal [Law and other church officials had shifted child-molesting priests from parish to parish for decades] … Bob Bowers of St. Catherine’s church in Charlestown said he was astonished the Vatican would ‘reward’ Law.”

The paper also reported that a watchdog group asked the IRS to revoke tax-exempt status of the Roman Catholic diocese in Colorado Springs over the bishop’s threat to withhold communion from those who vote for politicians who disagree with the church’s religious teachings on abortion rights and other topics. The watchdog group claims that “the church uses its resources for political purposes.” It is only hoped that the IRS will not fall for such ridiculous argumentation, lest a church is no longer permitted to teach and engage in its religious beliefs.

The Pope and the Beetle

Zenit reported on May 26, 2004, that “the last Volkswagen Beetle made in Mexico has been given to John Paul II. The car, one of a limited series of 30,000 was given to the Pope today… John Paul II blessed the car… The light blue Beetle, which will have a Vatican City license plate (its initials are SCV), is the last in this series of cars whose origins date back to the 1930s. [In fact, it was Adolph Hitler who was instrumental for and supportive of the mass manufacturing and production of the “bug” or “Volkswagen” — meaning, the “people’s car.”] Some 21 million ‘bugs’ have been produced over the years. Their production stopped in Europe in 1978, but continued in Mexico until last July 30.”

An Example of Futility

The San Diego Union Tribune reported on June 1, 2004, about an unbelievable situation in California and in the United States that punishes the innocent and rewards the evildoers. We speak of the concept of punitive damages in civil suits. As the paper pointed out, “The irony of current tax policy is that while the innocent victims who receive punitive damages must pay taxes on them, the payors — those who commit malice and oppression — can write off the payments as tax deduction… Exxon’s $1.1 billion settlement with the U.S. government over the Exxon Valdez oil spill litigation cost Exxon a maximum of $524 million after the oil company’s tax deductions. The Congressional Research Office found that more than half of the civil damages totaling $900 million could be written off on Exxon’s federal tax return.”

Truly, this world has it all backwards…

U.S. Lost in Afghanistan

On June 1, 2004, the San Diego Union Tribune reprinted an interesting article from the Chicago Sun-Times, titled, “Barely holding on in Afghanistan.” While the world’s attention is mainly focused on Iraq, the article pointed out how the situation in Afghanistan is equally troublesome for the U.S. The article explained:

“The handful of valiant American warriors fighting the ‘other’ war in Afghanistan is not a happy band of brothers. They are undermanned and feel neglected, lack confidence in their generals and are disgusted by Afghan political leadership. Most important, they are appalled by the immense but fruitless effort to find Osama bin Laden for purposes of U.S. politics… [The] overlooked war continues WITH NO END IN SIGHT. Narcotics trafficking is at an all-time high. If U.S. forces were to leave [Afghanistan], the Taliban — or something like it — would regain power. THE UNITED STATES IS LOST IN AFGHANISTAN, BOUND TO THIS WILD COUNTRY AND UNABLE TO LEAVE. The situation in Afghanistan… looks NOTHING like a country alleged to be PROGRESSING TOWARD representative DEMOCRACY under American tutelage. Harrid Karzai, the U.S. sponsored Afghan president, is regarded by U.S. troops as hopelessly corrupt and kept in power by U.S. force of arms… The basic U.S. strength in Afghanistan is 17,000 troops of ‘straight-legged’ infantry — conventional forces ill-prepared to handle irregulars…” The article’s conclusion: “Being lost in Afghanistan transcends politics and is a LONG-TERM AMERICAN BURDEN.”

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Can you explain the Scripture in 2 John 1:10-11 and similar comments in the Bible which speak of people who hold to false teachings? How should we act when we meet someone who has left the Church of God or who is not in our fellowship?

Some have stumbled over this issue, and it does require a balanced understanding to properly apply ALL the Scriptures on this topic. Let’s begin with 2 John: “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds” (verses 10 and 11).

In the previous verses John speaks of “deceivers” and of “whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ” (verses 7 and 9). It is evident that the subject being dealt with in this letter is that some no longer walked in the truth. Some had embraced a false doctrine and were actually preaching that Christ was not coming in the flesh; that is, that Christ was not living in the lives of His disciples (verse 7). After several decades in the first generation of the Church of God, false teachers and false teachings were spreading and threatening to deceive some. John also stated in 1 John 4:1-6, that some taught that Christ never came in the flesh.

In 3 John, once again this faithful apostle of Jesus Christ is writing to Gaius about the issue of deception. Note what he says in verse 4: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in [the] truth.” He singles out Demetrius who “has a good testimony from all, and from the truth itself” (verse 12). However, he also speaks of Diotrephes. The actions of this man give us insight as to what was then happening in the Church of God: “I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the pre-eminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church” (3 John 9-10).

Just how extreme the situation within the church had become was also attested to by Jude: “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (verse 3). We see in verse 4 of Jude that “certain men have crept in unnoticed.” Then in verses 16-19, Jude warns: “These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual [worldly] persons, who CAUSE DIVISIONS, not having the Spirit.”

Paul also had to contend with those — especially among the ministry — who would embrace Christianity for their own purposes: “‘Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also, from among YOURSELVES men will rise up, speaking perverse [misleading] things, to draw away the disciples after THEMSELVES. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears'” (Acts 20:28-31).

Indeed, this happened. We find this further record from Paul in Galatians 1, verses 6-9: “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.”

What was then happening to this Gentile congregation was that some were teaching that these Christians must be circumcised — in other words, they were being falsely taught the religious dogma of Judaism. Concerning this “other gospel,” Paul stated: “… he who troubles you shall bear his judgment, whoever he is” (Galatians 5:10). In chapter 6, Paul shows that the reason for this false teaching was merely so that they would “… not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ” (verse 12).

In writing to Titus, a minister who later might have left his responsibility (Compare 2 Timothy 4:10), Paul admonishes: “But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a DIVISIVE man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned” (Titus 3:9-11).

Jesus taught His disciples how to handle problems within the Church of God.

In Matthew 18:17, we find this final step: “‘And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.'” We see how Paul later taught the Church according to Christ’s instructions. In 2 Thessalonians 3:6, he said: “But we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us.”

Paul applied this in the Church of God: “Now I urge you, brethren, NOTE those who cause DIVISIONS and OFFENSES, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple” (Romans 16:17-18).

Paul continues to explain the approach that faithful brethren are to use when situations arise where this kind of action must be taken: “And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, NOTE that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him AS A BROTHER” (2 Thessalonians 3:14-15).

We are told that we must deal compassionately with those who make mistakes. God instructed His people Israel to carefully reprove their neighbor with the idea of not condoning wrong behavior, but they were not to hate their neighbor in the process. We find this instruction in Leviticus 19:16-18: “‘You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor: I am the LORD. You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.'”

Jesus taught that rather than hating those who might be our enemy, we should follow His example: “‘But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who spitefully use you and persecute you'” (Matthew 5:44). The overarching teaching from Jesus Christ is summed up in Luke 6:31: “‘And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.'”

We see from the Biblical examples that the Church of God is administered through the ministry. There are times when people have to be told to stop attending services or to be put out of the church (Compare 1 Corinthians 5:1-5). There are also times when the ministry invites repentant people back into fellowship (2 Corinthians 2:6-11; compare John 20:23).

We have witnessed the fragmentation of God’s church in our own time. Many have left the faith, while a lesser number have continued as best they could. Some have come to hold very extreme views, and others have become less zealous, even to the point of compromising with the truth. This very circumstance has torn families apart — and that includes God’s family!

While we indeed must use discretion to avoid being deceived by false teachings, we must still not allow ourselves to assume a self-righteous approach when dealing with the people of God outside our own fellowship. We must let our light shine before all, and that includes speaking to even those who may now be cast in adversarial roles. However, that would not include listening to false teachings (including via literature or tapes) or spiritually fellowshipping with those who have chosen to follow and promote such wrong doctrines. Paul warned the Church at Corinth: “…that a little leaven leavens the whole lump” (1 Corinthians 5:6).

Let’s be careful in how we deal with people to make certain that we don’t participate in sins, but let us also strike a balance and interact with others just as Jesus did — with great mercy (compare Jude 22-23).

The command in 2 John 10, and similar commands, refers mainly to those who come to us for the purpose of sowing discord and creating division. It is not to be understood as a command to have no social relationship with anyone who is not in our fellowship. Christ did not refuse to accept invitations from Pharisees (!) to eat in their houses. He would have lodged with the Samaritans, if they had offered Him a place to stay. Sinners and tax collectors approached Him, and He did not reject them, when He saw their willingness to be taught by Him. We are to go after the lost sheep — how can we do so, if we refuse to speak or eat with everyone who does not belong to, or has left, our fellowship? We must understand, too, that the Church of God, the body of Christ, is a spiritual organism, and not a corporation. This means that there are people of God in other human organizations outside our particular fellowship. How can we reject those and refuse to have any social contact with them, when God has accepted them (compare Romans 14:4)?

We must be careful not to be influenced by wrong teachings and practices. At the same time, we must be careful not to develop an “exclusive” approach toward others in our minds and actions.

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Standing Watch

Two new StandingWatch programs, titled, “Who Was Jesus?” and “Life After Death,” have been posted on the Web.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

God's Power

On the Day of Pentecost, God gave His Spirit to the New Testament Church. God sent His Spirit with a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind. It is therefore no surprise that God describes His Holy Spirit many times as a Spirit of Power. This is so, as God is identified with Power. God wants to share His power with us. To a limited extent, God’s powers are already available to us today. We need to prove to God, in the way in which we use those powers today, that we will never abuse God’s limitless power in the future.

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Current Events

UN Condemns Israel

Associated Press reported on May 22, 2204: “A 3-year-old Palestinian girl was shot dead Saturday as a senior U.N. official toured a battle-scarred refugee camp where Israeli troops continue the hunt for weapons-smuggling tunnels and militants. The United Nations condemned the ‘completely unacceptable’ destruction of houses, which has left 1,650 Palestinians homeless in the last 10 days. In the West Bank, four people were wounded by a Palestinian suicide bomber near an Israeli army checkpoint. On Friday, Israeli troops pulled back from the Brazil and Tel Sultan neighborhoods of Rafah, leaving behind dozens of damaged or destroyed buildings, torn-up roads and flattened cars. The army said it was redeploying forces and that its offensive — aimed at capturing militants and uncovering tunnels that stretch across the nearby Egyptian border — would continue… Israel says its offensive has resulted in the arrest of dozens of militants and the killing of a local leader of the armed group Hamas. The army also said it had discovered one arms-smuggling tunnel during the operation.”

Anti-American Demonstrations

Associated Press reported on May 21, 2004: “Thousands of Shiite Muslims demonstrated in Beirut Friday to warn the United States against attacking holy sites in Iraq. Smaller groups rallied in three other Mideast nations, with protesters in Bahrain clashing with police. Wearing white shrouds symbolizing their readiness to die in defense of the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala in Iraq, demonstrators marched through Beirut’s suburbs. Many chanted ‘death to America, death to Israel.’… In Manama, Bahrain, police fired tear gas to disperse about 5,000 demonstrators, but the angry crowd broke through the police blockade and continued its march to protest the fighting in Karbala and Najaf, shouting, ‘Death to America!’… The nearly two-mile march had been approved by security authorities, but police tried to stop the demonstrators halfway through, but protesters kept on moving and turned over an empty police car and set it on fire. Bahrain’s king Sheik Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa fired his interior minister, saying the march should have been allowed to go on… The U.S. military has said it is doing its best to avoid damage to the shrines in Iraq. In fighting last week, the Imam Ali mosque received four holes in its golden dome, and both sides blamed each other for the damage. The mosque is the burial place of the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, who is revered by Shiites.”

United States’ Certain Future

The outcry regarding the prison scandal in Iraq does not cease, especially, as more and more gruesome and terrible details come to light. President Bush’s passing remarks regarding the scandal in his speech of May 24, 2004, will and did do little to calm the waves of condemnation of the United States. As Zenit reported on May 18, 2004, “The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ International Policy Committee says the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers is a challenge to reflect on larger moral issues. ‘The abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners have brought shame upon our nation, is an affront to our most basic ideals, and will undermine legitimate efforts to confront the very real threats faced by our nation and the world,’ said Bishop John Ricard of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, in a statement.”

Maybe, the American Catholic Church’s condemnation won’t contribute much, substantially, to the criticism, given their own sad history of scandals involving their clergy in this country. Furthermore, as we recently reported in our Updates, not all is bad in Iraq, and considerable improvements have been made. However, perception is important, even if it does not conform with reality. The overall worldwide perception is that the American adventure in Iraq was a devastating debacle. President Bush’s highly anticipated, but disappointing speech did little to provide a reasonable perspective of hope for the future of Iraq. Statements like, “If they need more troops, I will send them,” did not only diminish any hope of a military withdrawal any time soon, but raised and confirmed again the nightmarish fear of a potential draft, to be instituted, perhaps, after the next Presidential election.

Many European and American politicians and newscasters have reported in highly critical and condemnatory ways about the American war with Iraq, its gruesome aftermaths, and the terrible prison scandals. These are some of the recent headlines: “Tortured to Death?” (Focus, May 18, 2004); “Protocol of Horror” (Der Spiegel Online, May 21, 2004); “US Torture the biggest success of Terrorists” (Der Spiegel Online, May 21, 2004, quoting German Republican, Heiner Geissler); “Eye Witness describes death through U.S. Torture in Iraq” (Der Spiegel Online, May 21, 2004); “At least eight deaths through torture” (Spiegel Online, May 22, 2004); “Welcome in Hell” (Der Spiegel Online, May 23, 2004); “[Red Cross] concerned for Detainees in Secret U.S. Jails” (Reuters, May 21, 2004); “Deserting U.S. soldier receives same penalty as torturer” (Der Spiegel Online, May 22, 2004).

Why this condemnation of the United States — when considering all the atrocities and unspeakable crimes that Saddam Hussein and his supporters committed against their own people, including their own relatives? There are, of course, “human” explanations — the fact that the U.S. went ahead with the war, in spite of the opposition of the U.N. Security Council; as well as the reasons given for the war: the unsubstantiated claim that Iraq posed an immediate danger for the security of the United States through Saddam’s alleged possessions of weapons of mass destruction (which was recently admitted by Secretary of State Colin Powell as having been “in error”); and the stated high moral ground of bringing freedom and democracy to a violated Iraq (which cause was now all but shattered in light of the Iraq prison scandal). However, the REAL reason is identified in the Bible. We ARE living in the last days. And the Bible prophesies that, in the last days, the United States will be hated in all the world, and that it will NOT be successful in its military endeavors. God says that HE will break the pride of their power, and that HE will turn His back on the U.S. and give them over to their enemies, because THEY have forsaken their Maker.

Knowing the Bible and Biblical prophecies, we could and did publicly pronounce at the very beginning of the Iraq war that the United States of America will not win its war against terrorism. The late human leader of the Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, who died in 1986, pointed out that the United States HAS WON its last war. He UNDERSTOOD that the Bible would not ALLOW the United States in the very last days to be victorious in battle, because GOD will not be blessing their battles. The only exception would be if the United States of America would REPENT of their sins that cry to high heaven. However, there is little hope that this will be the case.

To learn more about the prophesied future of the United States of America, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Eastern Wall of Temple Mount to Collapse?

On May 19, 2004, the New Jerusalem Post reported that “the eastern wall of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount is in danger of immediate collapse, which could cause a ‘domino effect’ and bring down other sections of the ancient compound… The rare public warning, made at a meeting of the Knesset’s Interior Committee, came one month after a team of senior Egyptian and Jordanian engineers began to carry out tests to determine the stability of the eastern wall.[These] public comments on the issue Tuesday followed a classified report issued by the Israel Antiquities Authority earlier this year, which stated that the 2,000- year-old wall was in danger of immediate collapse as a result of a February earthquake that rattled the region. The report says that the February 11 earthquake damaged the eastern wall of the Temple Mount to such an extent that sections of the wall are liable to cave in on the underground architectural support of the mount, known as Solomon’s Stables.”

The Catholic Church and Europe

The Vatican Information Service reported on Wednesday, May 19, 2004, that on his 84th birthday, Pope John Paul received Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, his wife and an entourage of fellow Poles. The Pope was quoted as follows: “I… remind everyone that, through the centuries, Europe’s spiritual and cultural patrimony was formed and defended even at the cost of the lives of those who believe in Christ and those who in their religious belief go back to Abraham. It seems necessary to remember this in the context of the formation of the constitutional basis of the European Union, of which Poland recently became a member… Poland cannot forget this and must remind those who, in the name of the secular nature of democratic societies, seem to forget the contribution of Christianity in building their own identity.”

As Die Welt Online and Zenit reported on May 21, 2004, “Seven countries of the European Union are asking that the Constitutional Treaty make reference to the continent’s Christian roots, a spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry said. The seven countries — Poland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Slovakia — sent their request in a letter to the rotating EU presidency, now held by Ireland. The signatories state in the text that the list is not final and hope that ‘other countries will adhere to this initiative.'” France, Belgium, Slovenia, Denmark and the UK objected to the proposal, and Spain has abandoned its call for a reference to Christianity in the constitution (Associated Press and, May 25, 2004).

On May 20, 2004, Zenit published an article, reflecting on the reasons for “Marian apparitions.” It was pointed out by an “expert” that “In Mary’s case, there is also her particular presence next to Christ as Virgin assumed into heaven… Mary’s apparitions can be a means of the Church to confirm in the faith, to assure of her presence and maternal protection, particularly at certain times of history in which there is need to reinforce faith and hope… The list of supposed revelations and apparitions of the Virgin Mary is so large that it is not possible to give an account of them here… The message of Lourdes seems obvious to me. … Lourdes is a charismatic place where the Virgin Mary, through the Church’s ordinary pastoral care acts mysteriously also as source of grace and light for the physical, psychic and spiritual health of those who approach it with faith, hope and love.”

These excerpts show the kind of “Christianity” that we can expect to see in Europe, if the Catholic Church has it her way. Suffice to say that Mary is not in heaven, but she is still dead and buried, in her grave, awaiting the resurrection from the dead together with all the other converted Christians who died in the faith. Therefore, it is clearly not “Mary” who is appearing to people “in visions” or “apparitions.” To learn more about this important biblical truth, please read our free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and, “Angels, Demons, and the Spirit World.”

United States’ Trade Deficit

Associated Press reported on May 12, 2004, that “The United States posted a record trade deficit in March, reflecting Americans’ voracious demand for foreign-made goods as well as the most expensive crude oil since 1983. The $46 billion deficit reported Wednesday by the Commerce Department represented a hefty 9.1 percent increase from February’s imbalance and came despite the fact that U.S. exports climbed to an all-time high in March… The United States’ $5.6 billion trade deficit with oil-producing countries, including Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, was the highest on record. The average price of imported crude oil rose to $30.64 a barrel in March, the highest since February 1983, another factor in the swollen trade gap… March’s big trade gap may mean that the economy’s 4.2 percent growth rate for the first quarter of this year could be lowered, economists said. The government’s second estimate of first-quarter GDP is released on May 27.”

Update 145

Sabbath and Pentecost

On Saturday, May 29, 2004, Norbert Link will be giving the sermon, titled, “God’s Power!” The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

On Sunday, May 30, 2004, is the Feast of Pentecost. Dave Harris will be giving the sermon in the morning, and Edwin Pope in the afternoon. Both will be discussing important principles related to that day.

The services can be heard at at 9:00 am Pacific Time (which is 11:00 pm Central Time), and at 1:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 3:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Greatest Gift of All

by Rene Messier (Canada)

When Mr. Armstrong was traveling around the world, visiting world leaders and dignitaries, he would on many occasions present to them a gift of Steuben crystal. This type of crystal was of a good quality with a world reputation for its clarity. It was a suitable gift for world leaders and royalty with whom Mr. Armstrong came in contact. God in His great mercy has given us an even more precious and valuable gift — His Holy Spirit.

Pentecost is fast approaching, and we should, at this time, reflect on this most valuable gift. Let us look at the events of the Feast of Pentecost mentioned in Acts 2:1-4: “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

We see here the powerful beginning of the New Testament Church of God. Notice: They were all of one accord. There were no divisions, other opinions or different interpretations among them. They were all in one place, not scattered here and there. There came suddenly a SOUND of a mighty wind — not a mighty wind, but only a sound, which they all heard, since it filled the whole house. Then, tongues of fire sat upon each one, symbolizing that they were individually receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. They began to speak in other languages and the miracle was also in the hearing, since each one heard them in their own language (compare verse 8). This was a powerful manifestation of the beginning of the New Testament Church of God on the Feast of Pentecost.

What does God’s Spirit do for us individually?

It opens our minds to the spiritual truth of the Bible, which we could not understand with our own natural mind and human reasoning. It also gives us an endearing relationship with our God and Jesus Christ. We read in Romans 8:16 (Authorized Version): “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” We also read in verse 15 (AV): “…but ye have received the Spirit of adoption [correctly rendered, “sonship”], whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” The Aramaic word “Abba” denotes a very close and personal relationship with God, as that of a child with his father (compare Mark 14:36; Galatians 4:6).

Through the receipt of the gift of the Holy Spirit, we enter into a personal close family relationship with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

In addition, as long as the Holy Spirit dwells in us, it enables us to be resurrected at the last trumpet (compare 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) and to enter God’s Kingdom as His sons and daughters, ruling for all eternity.

Let us come to the conclusion of the matter. In this life we may have many gifts bestowed upon us, but there is no gift more precious or valuable than that of God’s Spirit. Our loving God wants to share His power, majesty and eternal life with His family. Let us ensure, brethren, that we develop and maintain a deep appreciation for the “Greatest Gift of All” — God’s Holy Spirit.

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UN Condemns Israel

Associated Press reported on May 22, 2204: “A 3-year-old Palestinian girl was shot dead Saturday as a senior U.N. official toured a battle-scarred refugee camp where Israeli troops continue the hunt for weapons-smuggling tunnels and militants. The United Nations condemned the ‘completely unacceptable’ destruction of houses, which has left 1,650 Palestinians homeless in the last 10 days. In the West Bank, four people were wounded by a Palestinian suicide bomber near an Israeli army checkpoint. On Friday, Israeli troops pulled back from the Brazil and Tel Sultan neighborhoods of Rafah, leaving behind dozens of damaged or destroyed buildings, torn-up roads and flattened cars. The army said it was redeploying forces and that its offensive — aimed at capturing militants and uncovering tunnels that stretch across the nearby Egyptian border — would continue… Israel says its offensive has resulted in the arrest of dozens of militants and the killing of a local leader of the armed group Hamas. The army also said it had discovered one arms-smuggling tunnel during the operation.”

Anti-American Demonstrations

Associated Press reported on May 21, 2004: “Thousands of Shiite Muslims demonstrated in Beirut Friday to warn the United States against attacking holy sites in Iraq. Smaller groups rallied in three other Mideast nations, with protesters in Bahrain clashing with police. Wearing white shrouds symbolizing their readiness to die in defense of the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala in Iraq, demonstrators marched through Beirut’s suburbs. Many chanted ‘death to America, death to Israel.’… In Manama, Bahrain, police fired tear gas to disperse about 5,000 demonstrators, but the angry crowd broke through the police blockade and continued its march to protest the fighting in Karbala and Najaf, shouting, ‘Death to America!’… The nearly two-mile march had been approved by security authorities, but police tried to stop the demonstrators halfway through, but protesters kept on moving and turned over an empty police car and set it on fire. Bahrain’s king Sheik Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa fired his interior minister, saying the march should have been allowed to go on… The U.S. military has said it is doing its best to avoid damage to the shrines in Iraq. In fighting last week, the Imam Ali mosque received four holes in its golden dome, and both sides blamed each other for the damage. The mosque is the burial place of the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, who is revered by Shiites.”

United States’ Certain Future

The outcry regarding the prison scandal in Iraq does not cease, especially, as more and more gruesome and terrible details come to light. President Bush’s passing remarks regarding the scandal in his speech of May 24, 2004, will and did do little to calm the waves of condemnation of the United States. As Zenit reported on May 18, 2004, “The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ International Policy Committee says the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers is a challenge to reflect on larger moral issues. ‘The abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners have brought shame upon our nation, is an affront to our most basic ideals, and will undermine legitimate efforts to confront the very real threats faced by our nation and the world,’ said Bishop John Ricard of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Florida, in a statement.”

Maybe, the American Catholic Church’s condemnation won’t contribute much, substantially, to the criticism, given their own sad history of scandals involving their clergy in this country. Furthermore, as we recently reported in our Updates, not all is bad in Iraq, and considerable improvements have been made. However, perception is important, even if it does not conform with reality. The overall worldwide perception is that the American adventure in Iraq was a devastating debacle. President Bush’s highly anticipated, but disappointing speech did little to provide a reasonable perspective of hope for the future of Iraq. Statements like, “If they need more troops, I will send them,” did not only diminish any hope of a military withdrawal any time soon, but raised and confirmed again the nightmarish fear of a potential draft, to be instituted, perhaps, after the next Presidential election.

Many European and American politicians and newscasters have reported in highly critical and condemnatory ways about the American war with Iraq, its gruesome aftermaths, and the terrible prison scandals. These are some of the recent headlines: “Tortured to Death?” (Focus, May 18, 2004); “Protocol of Horror” (Der Spiegel Online, May 21, 2004); “US Torture the biggest success of Terrorists” (Der Spiegel Online, May 21, 2004, quoting German Republican, Heiner Geissler); “Eye Witness describes death through U.S. Torture in Iraq” (Der Spiegel Online, May 21, 2004); “At least eight deaths through torture” (Spiegel Online, May 22, 2004); “Welcome in Hell” (Der Spiegel Online, May 23, 2004); “[Red Cross] concerned for Detainees in Secret U.S. Jails” (Reuters, May 21, 2004); “Deserting U.S. soldier receives same penalty as torturer” (Der Spiegel Online, May 22, 2004).

Why this condemnation of the United States — when considering all the atrocities and unspeakable crimes that Saddam Hussein and his supporters committed against their own people, including their own relatives? There are, of course, “human” explanations — the fact that the U.S. went ahead with the war, in spite of the opposition of the U.N. Security Council; as well as the reasons given for the war: the unsubstantiated claim that Iraq posed an immediate danger for the security of the United States through Saddam’s alleged possessions of weapons of mass destruction (which was recently admitted by Secretary of State Colin Powell as having been “in error”); and the stated high moral ground of bringing freedom and democracy to a violated Iraq (which cause was now all but shattered in light of the Iraq prison scandal). However, the REAL reason is identified in the Bible. We ARE living in the last days. And the Bible prophesies that, in the last days, the United States will be hated in all the world, and that it will NOT be successful in its military endeavors. God says that HE will break the pride of their power, and that HE will turn His back on the U.S. and give them over to their enemies, because THEY have forsaken their Maker.

Knowing the Bible and Biblical prophecies, we could and did publicly pronounce at the very beginning of the Iraq war that the United States of America will not win its war against terrorism. The late human leader of the Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, who died in 1986, pointed out that the United States HAS WON its last war. He UNDERSTOOD that the Bible would not ALLOW the United States in the very last days to be victorious in battle, because GOD will not be blessing their battles. The only exception would be if the United States of America would REPENT of their sins that cry to high heaven. However, there is little hope that this will be the case.

To learn more about the prophesied future of the United States of America, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

Eastern Wall of Temple Mount to Collapse?

On May 19, 2004, the New Jerusalem Post reported that “the eastern wall of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount is in danger of immediate collapse, which could cause a ‘domino effect’ and bring down other sections of the ancient compound… The rare public warning, made at a meeting of the Knesset’s Interior Committee, came one month after a team of senior Egyptian and Jordanian engineers began to carry out tests to determine the stability of the eastern wall.[These] public comments on the issue Tuesday followed a classified report issued by the Israel Antiquities Authority earlier this year, which stated that the 2,000- year-old wall was in danger of immediate collapse as a result of a February earthquake that rattled the region. The report says that the February 11 earthquake damaged the eastern wall of the Temple Mount to such an extent that sections of the wall are liable to cave in on the underground architectural support of the mount, known as Solomon’s Stables.”

The Catholic Church and Europe

The Vatican Information Service reported on Wednesday, May 19, 2004, that on his 84th birthday, Pope John Paul received Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, his wife and an entourage of fellow Poles. The Pope was quoted as follows: “I… remind everyone that, through the centuries, Europe’s spiritual and cultural patrimony was formed and defended even at the cost of the lives of those who believe in Christ and those who in their religious belief go back to Abraham. It seems necessary to remember this in the context of the formation of the constitutional basis of the European Union, of which Poland recently became a member… Poland cannot forget this and must remind those who, in the name of the secular nature of democratic societies, seem to forget the contribution of Christianity in building their own identity.”

As Die Welt Online and Zenit reported on May 21, 2004, “Seven countries of the European Union are asking that the Constitutional Treaty make reference to the continent’s Christian roots, a spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry said. The seven countries — Poland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Slovakia — sent their request in a letter to the rotating EU presidency, now held by Ireland. The signatories state in the text that the list is not final and hope that ‘other countries will adhere to this initiative.'” France, Belgium, Slovenia, Denmark and the UK objected to the proposal, and Spain has abandoned its call for a reference to Christianity in the constitution (Associated Press and, May 25, 2004).

On May 20, 2004, Zenit published an article, reflecting on the reasons for “Marian apparitions.” It was pointed out by an “expert” that “In Mary’s case, there is also her particular presence next to Christ as Virgin assumed into heaven… Mary’s apparitions can be a means of the Church to confirm in the faith, to assure of her presence and maternal protection, particularly at certain times of history in which there is need to reinforce faith and hope… The list of supposed revelations and apparitions of the Virgin Mary is so large that it is not possible to give an account of them here… The message of Lourdes seems obvious to me. … Lourdes is a charismatic place where the Virgin Mary, through the Church’s ordinary pastoral care acts mysteriously also as source of grace and light for the physical, psychic and spiritual health of those who approach it with faith, hope and love.”

These excerpts show the kind of “Christianity” that we can expect to see in Europe, if the Catholic Church has it her way. Suffice to say that Mary is not in heaven, but she is still dead and buried, in her grave, awaiting the resurrection from the dead together with all the other converted Christians who died in the faith. Therefore, it is clearly not “Mary” who is appearing to people “in visions” or “apparitions.” To learn more about this important biblical truth, please read our free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and, “Angels, Demons, and the Spirit World.”

United States’ Trade Deficit

Associated Press reported on May 12, 2004, that “The United States posted a record trade deficit in March, reflecting Americans’ voracious demand for foreign-made goods as well as the most expensive crude oil since 1983. The $46 billion deficit reported Wednesday by the Commerce Department represented a hefty 9.1 percent increase from February’s imbalance and came despite the fact that U.S. exports climbed to an all-time high in March… The United States’ $5.6 billion trade deficit with oil-producing countries, including Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, was the highest on record. The average price of imported crude oil rose to $30.64 a barrel in March, the highest since February 1983, another factor in the swollen trade gap… March’s big trade gap may mean that the economy’s 4.2 percent growth rate for the first quarter of this year could be lowered, economists said. The government’s second estimate of first-quarter GDP is released on May 27.”

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Is the Old Covenant still in force and effect today?

There were, in fact, numerous “Old Testament” covenants. Our free booklet, “And Lawlessness Will Abound…“, explains the different Old Testament covenants in detail. Bible scholars sometimes refer to “the Old Covenant,” but when they do, they basically talk about the covenant that God made with Israel at Mount Sinai, as described in Exodus 19. When Israel broke that first “old” covenant, by worshipping a golden calf, God made a new “old” covenant with Israel (Exodus 34:10, NIV). Later, God made a third “old” covenant with the younger generation of Israel, in Moab, just prior to their entering the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 29). By that time, the sacrificial system, which was added due to Israel’s sins, had become part of that covenant made at Moab. When scholars use the term, “the Old Covenant,” they include the sacrificial system that was added and became part of the package, as Israel broke the laws on which the original first “old” covenant (in Exodus 19) was based. A covenant is an agreement between parties based on law. When one party breaks the agreement, the other party is no longer bound by that agreement, either. God says that because they did not keep the Old Covenants (mainly the ones described in Exodus 19, Exodus 34, and Deuteronomy 29), He “disregarded ” them (Hebrews 8:9). He did, in fact, divorce them and sent them away (Jeremiah 3:8).

Because Israel, being carnal, could not and did not keep the Old Covenant(s), God began to build a New Covenant relationship with His people whom He would call. Some Old Testament personalities already lived under New Covenant conditions, as we do today (such as Abraham, Moses, David, etc.). However, this does not mean that all of the Old Testament covenants are still in force and effect today, even for physical Israel (although certain LAWS, including the Ten Commandments, as well as certain statutes and judgments, that had been part of the Old Covenants, clearly are still in force and effect, as explained in our booklet, “And Lawlessness Will Abound…“).

Some say that the “Old Covenant” has not yet vanished away. However, Hebrews 8:13 states: “In that He says, ‘A new covenant,’ He HAS MADE the first OBSOLETE.” In the next part of the sentence Paul explains what the word “obsolete” means: “What is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.” But he does not say here that the “old” is BECOMING obsolete — rather, he just said that God “HAS MADE IT” already obsolete. The Authorized Version translates this as “he hath made the first old.” W.E. Vine explains that the Greek word for “old,” i.e. palaioo, means, “shall be made old” or “worn out” and may have the meaning of “to abrogate.”

Most translations agree with the New King James Version, that the word should be translated here as “obsolete.” The NIV, RSV, NRSV, Revised English Bible, New American Bible, Rotherham, Goodspeed, Twentieth Century NT, and Amplified New Testament, all translate, “obsolete.” Berkeley says, “he puts the first out of date.” Knox writes: “he has superannuated the old.” Moffat states: “he antiquates the old.”

This understanding is correct, as God abolished the previous old covenants with the nation of Israel because Israel broke the covenants, and because certain laws on which the covenants were based were changed or abolished — i.e., the rituals and sacrificial laws, among others. Paul is mainly talking about rituals and sacrifices in Hebrews 8:13, as part of the “Old Covenant” system. But when Paul wrote his letter to the Hebrews, sacrifices were no longer required — not even for the nation of Judah. Paul was telling them that the temple would soon be destroyed, and that then they could not even give the sacrifices anymore (although they did not have to be given anyway, since Christ, the Supreme Sacrifice, died once and for all, proving that sacrifices cannot perfect the ones who offer them, Hebrews 10:1-9). Hebrews 10:9 says that God “TAKES AWAY THE FIRST THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH THE SECOND.”

The sacrifices, that were no longer required, but that were still given by the Jews at that time would be vanishing away. Paul explained to them that the whole sacrificial system had already become obsolete in any event — that it was no longer necessary, but “taken away.” The Nelson Study Bible explains: “At the time the author of Hebrews wrote these words, the ceremonies of the Mosaic covenant were still being conducted in the temple of Jerusalem. In A.D. 70, the Roman general Titus destroyed the temple, fulfilling these words.”

If it were true that the “Old Covenant(s)” were still valid today for the modern nations of Israel and Judah, then the Israelites and Jews — unconverted and converted — would have to abide by all the laws that are mentioned in those Old Testament covenants, including sacrifices, circumcision, ritual washings, etc. However, it is made clear in the New Testament that circumcision and the sacrificial system, as well as certain other rituals, are no longer binding. In the future, sacrifices will be reinstated, at least on a temporary basis, but GOD will NOT reinstate the Old Testament sacrificial SYSTEM. That is, the sacrifices before (Daniel 12:11) and in the Millennium (Ezekiel 40:38-43) are not those which were part of the old covenants with the nations of Israel and Judah. The New Testament tells us that the sacrifices, as a part of the Old Testament system, are no longer valid. The Levites will still officiate over sacrifices, but these sacrifices will not be given pursuant to the same system that existed in the Old Testament, under Moses. As our booklet “And Lawlessness Will Abound…” points out, there are other ritual laws which were part of the Old Testament covenants with the nations of Israel and Judah, which are no longer valid, either. This means, the Old Testament covenants with the nations of Israel and Judah are no longer valid, as Israel broke them, and as certain LAWS on which the Old Testament covenants were based, are NO LONGER VALID. However, there are SOME Old Testament covenants, which ARE still valid today. Our above-mentioned booklet explains which ones they are.

In conclusion, Hebrews 8:13 very clearly teaches that the “Old Covenant” or “Old Covenants” of Exodus 19, 34 and Deuteronomy 29, that were made with the unconverted nations of Israel and Judah, are no longer valid.

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Booklet on Healing

The final text of our new booklet on Healing was sent to Shelly Bruno, our graphic designer, for finalization.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events


Reuters reported on May 14, 2004:

“The Vatican warned Catholic women on Friday to think hard before marrying a Muslim and urged Muslims to show more respect for human rights, gender equality and democracy. Calling women ‘the least protected member of the Muslim family,’ it spoke of the ‘bitter experience’ western Catholics had with Muslim husbands, especially if they married outside the Islamic world and later moved to his country of origin. The comments in a document about migrants around the world… said the Church discouraged marriages between believers in traditionally Catholic countries and non-Christian migrants.

“It hoped Muslims would show ‘a growing awareness that fundamental liberties, the inviolable rights of the person, the equal dignity of man and woman, the democratic principle of government and the healthy lay character of the state are principles that cannot be surrendered.’ When a Catholic woman and Muslim man wanted to marry, it said, ‘bitter experience teaches us that a particularly careful and in-depth preparation is called for.’ It said one possible problem was with Muslim in-laws and advised future mothers that they must insist on Church policy that children born of a mixed marriage be baptized and brought up as Catholics.”

The article continued:

“Pope John Paul has broken ground in dialogue with Muslims and even prayed in a mosque in Damascus. He won plaudits in the Muslim world for his strong opposition to the Iraq war. But Vatican officials and leading Catholic prelates have expressed increasingly critical views about the spread of Islam and the challenge this poses for Catholicism.”


According to an article by the Associated Press on Friday, May 14, 2004, “Austrians Praise Schwarzenegger in U.S.”
The article stated: “When Austrians vent about the United States, the key word nowadays is ‘no’ to things American, with only a few exceptions — including praise of Arnold Schwarzenegger. ‘Except for Arnie, that country has a real problem,’ says Robert Biber, echoing sentiments across Austria roused by images of U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. ‘How can anyone ever believe them again when they say they are the guardians of democracy and fairness?’

“With its foreign policy and pop culture clout, the United States’ overwhelming world presence has left Austrians and other Europeans dependent on — but mildly resentful of — their trans-Atlantic ally for decades. The invasion of Iraq and perceptions of a blatantly pro-Israeli Middle East policy heightened that unease over the past year. But it took the prisoner abuse scandal to turn the love-hate relationship into outright anti-American sentiment.

The article continued: “The Republican governor’s father was a member of the Nazi party, but the bodybuilder-turned-actor-turned-politician has always distanced himself from that part of his background. On a recent visit to Israel, he described Austria as ‘a country where we have seen a history of prejudice that resulted in terrible atrocities.’ Official Austria has turned in the past two decades from depicting itself as a victim of Hitler to acknowledging its major role in the Holocaust.”


As the San Diego Union Tribune reported on May 14, 2004, “The Roman Catholic bishop of Colorado Springs has issued a pastoral letter saying that Catholic Americans should not receive Communion if they vote for politicians who defy church teachings by supporting abortion rights, same-sex marriage, euthanasia or stem-cell research. Several U.S. bishops have warned that they will deny Communion to Catholic politicians [such as Senator John Kerry, a Catholic who has consistently favored abortion rights] who fail to stand with the church, but Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs is believed to be the first to say he would extend the ban to Catholic voters.”


Der Spiegel Online, Bild Online and Focus Online published very disturbing articles to the effect that American and British soldiers might have tortured Iraqi prisoners to death. Focus Online stated that the information has been obtained from Amnesty International, and that at least four Iraqis were tortured to death. Der Spiegel Online conducted its own investigation and broadcast its findings on Sunday, May 16, on German television (over RTL). The 10 minute report has been posted, in German, on the Website of Der Spiegel Online. The report showed pictures of an Iraqi prisoner who died in American custody. The pictures appeared to show drastic signs of torture. The reporter interviewed an Iraqi who claimed to have been a witness of the alleged torture. Der Spiegel Online stated in its report that they had asked the Pentagon for comments, but that the Pentagon did not respond.

Focus Online stated in its article that the reputation of President Bush has reached an all-time low in Germany. According to a national poll, 75% of all Germans have little or no confidence in President Bush. In addition, only 12% have a positive impression of the United States, while 44% have a negative impression. 69% think that U.S. influence on German politics, economy and culture is too high, while only 4% think that the influence is appropriate. 47% feel that the American torture of Iraqi prisoners is the main reason for the negative German impression of America.


The Scotsman reported on May 15, 2004:

“British troops in southern Iraq are braced for a fresh wave of suicide bombings after the country’s holiest Shia shrine was damaged in fierce fighting between United States troops and supporters of the rebel cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the city of Najaf. Sadr’s representative in Basra, Sheikh Abdul-Sattar al-Bahadli, said he would form suicide squads to carry out attacks against coalition forces, and urged residents to register for the squads. In the British-run city of Amarah, a Sadr representative, Farqad al-Mousawi, warned Iraqi police and civil defence corps members that they risked assassination if they helped coalition soldiers fight the cleric’s Mahdi militia. Fighting erupted in the heart of Najaf early yesterday morning as US commanders finally lost patience with Sadr and ordered troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships to assault his stronghold in the Iraqi holy city. Despite weeks of warnings from British commanders that an attack on the shrine of Imam Ali, Shiite Muslims’ most sacred site, could trigger widespread unrest throughout southern Iraq, the golden dome of the mosque was hit several times as US forces and militia traded fire.”

On May 17, 2004, it was reported that the chief of the Iraqi Governing Council was assassinated in a homicide car bombing Monday near a U.S. checkpoint in central Baghdad. Six other people apparently died in the blast; one of them apparently the bomber, according to a doctor at Yarmouk Hospital. Six Iraqis and two U.S. soldiers were injured in the explosion near the U.S.-led coalition headquarters, according to Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt. Three cars waiting in line at the headquarters were destroyed. Meanwhile, fighting between coalition troops and insurgents — particularly those who are part of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s army — continued in the southern cities of Nasiriyah, Karbala and Najaf, according to Fox News. The news agency stated: “Meanwhile, fighting persisted the Shiite heartland in southern Iraq, where American jets bombed militia positions in the city of Nasiriyah early Monday after fighters loyal to al-Sadr, the radical cleric, drove Italian forces out of a base there. Residents said seven fighters were killed in overnight battles.”


On May 14, 2004, published an interesting editorial by Rich Lowry, titled, “The Other Prison Outrage.” In it, he stated: “If we insist on having an orgy of self-flagellation about the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib, we might as well gain something from it. That something [should be] reform of the ongoing scandal that is the U.S. prison system… Our prisons… tend to be pits of sexual violence, madness, and drug abuse. They are at once too brutal and too lax. Fixing them is not something we owe the international community or anyone else — besides ourselves… How do we improve our prisons? The most important change has to be in our attitude… A message should be sent from the very top, i.e. governors, that the abuse of prisoners, by fellow inmates or by guards, will not be tolerated. It is especially important that… acts of abuse by guards be punished, even if powerful look-the-other-way prison-guard unions don’t like it. Overcrowding, which overwhelms guards… should be alleviated. Meanwhile, as criminal-justice expert Eli Lehrer argues, while prisoners are under our control we might as well try to do some good for them. Work programs in prison can get prisoners in the habit of working and reduce recidivism. More than ten percent of prisoners test positive for drugs at any given time. Coercive treatment programs should attempt to wean them of addiction. Finally, prisoners tend to be simply dumped on the streets when they are released. More intensive post-prison monitoring can help keep them from going back. It is understandable that Abu Ghraib has raised such an outcry. The abuses there will get more American soldiers killed. But there is something odd about a country that gets more exited about the treatment of foreign prisoners than the treatment of its own.”


On May 15, 2004, WorldNetDaily published an article about the terrible school system in many public schools in the United States, titled, “U.S. Public Schools: Where Rebellion Rules.” In the article, it was pointed out:

“This past week, a nationwide survey was released showing how rowdy and undisciplined students are interrupting the learning environment in many public schools… Yet, what makes this situation in today’s public schools different from the previous classroom environments in American history is how parents are now supporting the behavior of their unruly children… Yet, discipline is required! In a proper learning environment, students must be disciplined. For a teenager especially, they need to hear who’s boss. When teachers let up, the classroom transforms from a learning environment into a rowdy circus… Adding to these problems is a society that exalts rebellion. Teens pick this up in the lyrics streaming through speakers, the tube in the living room and the flicks projected onto the wide screen. America’s young people also pick this up from uninvolved parents. The very reason some teens are unruly is because their parents aren’t involved. More than that, because their parents are not involved, many don’t want to deal with the punishment, so they allow their kids to continue. The key aspect of this breakdown is how some parents will back their unruly kids up with litigation — which is setting precedents that will begin to turn schools into completely unproductive institutions… Whatever the case, the exaltation of rebellion in the life of an average teen, the teachers who won’t or can’t discipline, the uninvolved parents and the legal support of disruptive students are all breaking down American schools. When will it end?”

Update 144

The Truth – Part II

On Saturday, May 22, 2004, Edwin Pope will be giving the sermon, titled, “The Truth – Part II”.

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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What's Wrong?

by Dave Harris

Do you ever get the sense that something is wrong?

Many parents have that peculiar talent to know when their kids are up to something. When we were very young, we often did things that we should not have done. Inevitably, Mom and Dad seemed to find out, and we got caught. As we grew, we became a little more adroit at doing things our way, but even then our parents, friends, teachers and others could generally read us. If we were willing to listen, we often found the help we needed to solve our problems.

Many husbands and wives become so attuned to one another that they seem to spontaneously recognize when one or the other is even a little bit preoccupied with stressful problems. The conversation usually goes, “what’s wrong?”–the answer too often is, “nothing!” However, in good marriages, that thin, self-isolating veneer often vanishes when one mate sincerely engages the other in loving concern.

It is comforting to have people in our lives who care deeply about us and who can tell when we are troubled–when something IS wrong. In fact these relationships in both early and adult life teach us to rely on the wisdom and counsel of others. That is what Christians must do as well! When things go wrong or when we face overwhelming circumstances, we can turn to God for His mercy and His guidance.

Christians are called upon to live their lives as shining examples in a world in which so much is wrong. We are called upon to be peacemakers in a world that is at war with itself. Vile, unspeakable acts of violence have filled the world in this generation. Even among those nations which enjoy some modicum of stability, it seems that morality is now being overrun with cancerous depravity from within.

Long ago, God caused to be recorded this evaluation of His people, Israel: “…everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). God has also spoken of our time, today: “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away” (2 Timothy 3:1-5)!

All along, God has told mankind what’s wrong! He has gone a step further by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to show us how we should live. Added to that, God has given–to those who repent of their sins and are baptized–His Holy Spirit. If we who are Christians avail ourselves of God’s great love, we can overcome the wrong, and we can live, more and more, in a way that is right–that is, righteously!

God is very interested in each one of us. So closely and intimately does He watch over us that He knows our needs even before we do (Compare Matthew 6:25-32). He knows when something is wrong with us.

Peter understood that Christians in this age of Satan’s reign would suffer: “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you” (1 Peter 4:12). He continues with this most important reminder for when we find ourselves in this kind of tough situation: “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (5:6-7).

Paul adds this perspective for us: “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31)?

Sometimes, things do go wrong, and all of us must deal with these personal tests. If we have been building our spiritual house well, then we not only will have friends and family, but we also will have loving brethren in the Church of God to help in times of need. Most importantly, we do have our Father and our elder Brother, Jesus, to help us.

Let’s all make sure that we allow others to help us when they can, and, especially, we must seek the sure help that is always available to those called according to God’s will: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

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Reuters reported on May 14, 2004:

“The Vatican warned Catholic women on Friday to think hard before marrying a Muslim and urged Muslims to show more respect for human rights, gender equality and democracy. Calling women ‘the least protected member of the Muslim family,’ it spoke of the ‘bitter experience’ western Catholics had with Muslim husbands, especially if they married outside the Islamic world and later moved to his country of origin. The comments in a document about migrants around the world… said the Church discouraged marriages between believers in traditionally Catholic countries and non-Christian migrants.

“It hoped Muslims would show ‘a growing awareness that fundamental liberties, the inviolable rights of the person, the equal dignity of man and woman, the democratic principle of government and the healthy lay character of the state are principles that cannot be surrendered.’ When a Catholic woman and Muslim man wanted to marry, it said, ‘bitter experience teaches us that a particularly careful and in-depth preparation is called for.’ It said one possible problem was with Muslim in-laws and advised future mothers that they must insist on Church policy that children born of a mixed marriage be baptized and brought up as Catholics.”

The article continued:

“Pope John Paul has broken ground in dialogue with Muslims and even prayed in a mosque in Damascus. He won plaudits in the Muslim world for his strong opposition to the Iraq war. But Vatican officials and leading Catholic prelates have expressed increasingly critical views about the spread of Islam and the challenge this poses for Catholicism.”


According to an article by the Associated Press on Friday, May 14, 2004, “Austrians Praise Schwarzenegger in U.S.”
The article stated: “When Austrians vent about the United States, the key word nowadays is ‘no’ to things American, with only a few exceptions — including praise of Arnold Schwarzenegger. ‘Except for Arnie, that country has a real problem,’ says Robert Biber, echoing sentiments across Austria roused by images of U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. ‘How can anyone ever believe them again when they say they are the guardians of democracy and fairness?’

“With its foreign policy and pop culture clout, the United States’ overwhelming world presence has left Austrians and other Europeans dependent on — but mildly resentful of — their trans-Atlantic ally for decades. The invasion of Iraq and perceptions of a blatantly pro-Israeli Middle East policy heightened that unease over the past year. But it took the prisoner abuse scandal to turn the love-hate relationship into outright anti-American sentiment.

The article continued: “The Republican governor’s father was a member of the Nazi party, but the bodybuilder-turned-actor-turned-politician has always distanced himself from that part of his background. On a recent visit to Israel, he described Austria as ‘a country where we have seen a history of prejudice that resulted in terrible atrocities.’ Official Austria has turned in the past two decades from depicting itself as a victim of Hitler to acknowledging its major role in the Holocaust.”


As the San Diego Union Tribune reported on May 14, 2004, “The Roman Catholic bishop of Colorado Springs has issued a pastoral letter saying that Catholic Americans should not receive Communion if they vote for politicians who defy church teachings by supporting abortion rights, same-sex marriage, euthanasia or stem-cell research. Several U.S. bishops have warned that they will deny Communion to Catholic politicians [such as Senator John Kerry, a Catholic who has consistently favored abortion rights] who fail to stand with the church, but Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs is believed to be the first to say he would extend the ban to Catholic voters.”


Der Spiegel Online, Bild Online and Focus Online published very disturbing articles to the effect that American and British soldiers might have tortured Iraqi prisoners to death. Focus Online stated that the information has been obtained from Amnesty International, and that at least four Iraqis were tortured to death. Der Spiegel Online conducted its own investigation and broadcast its findings on Sunday, May 16, on German television (over RTL). The 10 minute report has been posted, in German, on the Website of Der Spiegel Online. The report showed pictures of an Iraqi prisoner who died in American custody. The pictures appeared to show drastic signs of torture. The reporter interviewed an Iraqi who claimed to have been a witness of the alleged torture. Der Spiegel Online stated in its report that they had asked the Pentagon for comments, but that the Pentagon did not respond.

Focus Online stated in its article that the reputation of President Bush has reached an all-time low in Germany. According to a national poll, 75% of all Germans have little or no confidence in President Bush. In addition, only 12% have a positive impression of the United States, while 44% have a negative impression. 69% think that U.S. influence on German politics, economy and culture is too high, while only 4% think that the influence is appropriate. 47% feel that the American torture of Iraqi prisoners is the main reason for the negative German impression of America.


The Scotsman reported on May 15, 2004:

“British troops in southern Iraq are braced for a fresh wave of suicide bombings after the country’s holiest Shia shrine was damaged in fierce fighting between United States troops and supporters of the rebel cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in the city of Najaf. Sadr’s representative in Basra, Sheikh Abdul-Sattar al-Bahadli, said he would form suicide squads to carry out attacks against coalition forces, and urged residents to register for the squads. In the British-run city of Amarah, a Sadr representative, Farqad al-Mousawi, warned Iraqi police and civil defence corps members that they risked assassination if they helped coalition soldiers fight the cleric’s Mahdi militia. Fighting erupted in the heart of Najaf early yesterday morning as US commanders finally lost patience with Sadr and ordered troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships to assault his stronghold in the Iraqi holy city. Despite weeks of warnings from British commanders that an attack on the shrine of Imam Ali, Shiite Muslims’ most sacred site, could trigger widespread unrest throughout southern Iraq, the golden dome of the mosque was hit several times as US forces and militia traded fire.”

On May 17, 2004, it was reported that the chief of the Iraqi Governing Council was assassinated in a homicide car bombing Monday near a U.S. checkpoint in central Baghdad. Six other people apparently died in the blast; one of them apparently the bomber, according to a doctor at Yarmouk Hospital. Six Iraqis and two U.S. soldiers were injured in the explosion near the U.S.-led coalition headquarters, according to Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt. Three cars waiting in line at the headquarters were destroyed. Meanwhile, fighting between coalition troops and insurgents — particularly those who are part of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s army — continued in the southern cities of Nasiriyah, Karbala and Najaf, according to Fox News. The news agency stated: “Meanwhile, fighting persisted the Shiite heartland in southern Iraq, where American jets bombed militia positions in the city of Nasiriyah early Monday after fighters loyal to al-Sadr, the radical cleric, drove Italian forces out of a base there. Residents said seven fighters were killed in overnight battles.”


On May 14, 2004, published an interesting editorial by Rich Lowry, titled, “The Other Prison Outrage.” In it, he stated: “If we insist on having an orgy of self-flagellation about the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib, we might as well gain something from it. That something [should be] reform of the ongoing scandal that is the U.S. prison system… Our prisons… tend to be pits of sexual violence, madness, and drug abuse. They are at once too brutal and too lax. Fixing them is not something we owe the international community or anyone else — besides ourselves… How do we improve our prisons? The most important change has to be in our attitude… A message should be sent from the very top, i.e. governors, that the abuse of prisoners, by fellow inmates or by guards, will not be tolerated. It is especially important that… acts of abuse by guards be punished, even if powerful look-the-other-way prison-guard unions don’t like it. Overcrowding, which overwhelms guards… should be alleviated. Meanwhile, as criminal-justice expert Eli Lehrer argues, while prisoners are under our control we might as well try to do some good for them. Work programs in prison can get prisoners in the habit of working and reduce recidivism. More than ten percent of prisoners test positive for drugs at any given time. Coercive treatment programs should attempt to wean them of addiction. Finally, prisoners tend to be simply dumped on the streets when they are released. More intensive post-prison monitoring can help keep them from going back. It is understandable that Abu Ghraib has raised such an outcry. The abuses there will get more American soldiers killed. But there is something odd about a country that gets more exited about the treatment of foreign prisoners than the treatment of its own.”


On May 15, 2004, WorldNetDaily published an article about the terrible school system in many public schools in the United States, titled, “U.S. Public Schools: Where Rebellion Rules.” In the article, it was pointed out:

“This past week, a nationwide survey was released showing how rowdy and undisciplined students are interrupting the learning environment in many public schools… Yet, what makes this situation in today’s public schools different from the previous classroom environments in American history is how parents are now supporting the behavior of their unruly children… Yet, discipline is required! In a proper learning environment, students must be disciplined. For a teenager especially, they need to hear who’s boss. When teachers let up, the classroom transforms from a learning environment into a rowdy circus… Adding to these problems is a society that exalts rebellion. Teens pick this up in the lyrics streaming through speakers, the tube in the living room and the flicks projected onto the wide screen. America’s young people also pick this up from uninvolved parents. The very reason some teens are unruly is because their parents aren’t involved. More than that, because their parents are not involved, many don’t want to deal with the punishment, so they allow their kids to continue. The key aspect of this breakdown is how some parents will back their unruly kids up with litigation — which is setting precedents that will begin to turn schools into completely unproductive institutions… Whatever the case, the exaltation of rebellion in the life of an average teen, the teachers who won’t or can’t discipline, the uninvolved parents and the legal support of disruptive students are all breaking down American schools. When will it end?”

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Did the Pharaoh of the time of the Exodus drown in the Red Sea?

Several have asked this question, especially in light of inconsistent teachings of the Church of God in the past on this matter. First of all, let us try to determine who the Pharaoh of the Exodus was. Some believe that the Exodus took place around 1290 B.C. and have concluded that Ramses the Great was the Pharaoh who resisted Moses. However, Ramses ruled a full century and a half later than the Exodus occurred.

Quoting from a Good News article of the March-April 1988 edition:

“A careful consideration of all biblical and extra-biblical evidence reveals that the Exodus occurred in the middle of the 15th century B.C. — specifically, in the year 1443, during the reign of Amenhotep II, whose tomb Loret excavated. He was the pharaoh who ruled… when the Egyptians would not let Israel go. This year — 1443 — was 430 years after the covenant with Abraham, made in the spring of 1873 B.C. (Genesis 17:1, Exodus 12:40-41, Galatians 3:17). And it was in the 480th year before the laying of the foundation of the Temple in Solomon’s fourth year (964 B.C.), as required by I Kings 6:1… Moses (born in 1523) was brought up as a prince of this ruling family [of Dynasty XVIII, inaugurated by Pharaoh Ahmose about 1570 B.C. Amenhotep II — a descendant of Ahmose — was the sixth pharaoh of this dynasty.] The ‘daughter of Pharaoh’ (Exodus 2:5) [was] Hatshepsut. She was the daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose I, a son-in-law of Ahmose… Thutmose — perhaps the greatest of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt — would therefore be the biblical ‘pharaoh of the oppression.’ In 1483 B.C., Moses was exiled from Egypt by this Thutmose upon the death of Hatshepsut, Moses’ foster mother and protector… Upon the death of Thutmose in 1450, Amenhotep II assumed the sole leadership of the country.”

According to the Good News article, it was Amenhotep II who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus. It was stated that Egyptian history reveals that he himself was not a firstborn. Likewise, his son and successor, Thutmose IV, was not Amenhotep’s firstborn son, either.

The Good News article continued: “Contrary to the common notion about the Pharaoh of the Exodus, Amenhotep II did not drown in the Red Sea with his army. Read carefully Exodus 14:23-32. Ancient records reveal that Amenhotep II’s reign lasted no less than into his 26th year… Sixteen of those 26 years followed the Exodus. Upon Amenhotep’s death in 1425, he was interred like his ancestors in the Valley of the Kings. There he lay undisturbed until Loret’s discovery in 1898.”

The concept that the Pharaoh of the Exodus did not drown is in conflict with the Church of God’s earlier teaching. In the original “The Bible Story,” published in 1962 by the Radio Church of God, it is stated in Volume 2, on page 86, that Pharaoh perished in the Red Sea. It was stated that he shouted a command to his soldiers “from the floor of the Red Sea,” which “was one of the last sentences Pharaoh uttered.” On page 87, it is stated that “This was the abrupt end of the man who had planned to wipe out the people God had chosen for a special task in His plan for things to come.” We note that in the revised version of “The Bible Story,” published in 1982 by the Worldwide Church of God, all these statements were omitted, and the statement of the “abrupt end of the man” had been altered, as follows: “Thus was the sudden end of the army of the man who had schemed to wipe out a people God had chosen for a special task in His plan for the future” (Vol. 1, p. 171).

Upon a careful examination of the Good News article, which had been published in 1988, we must conclude that it does not stand up to Biblical scrutiny. If we just look at Exodus 14, it is true that it is not stated expressly that Pharaoh drowned. We read that God “will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, his chariots, and his horsemen” (verse 18); that God looked down on “the army of the Egyptians,” and that He “troubled the army of the Egyptians” (verse 24); that the LORD “overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea (verse 27); and that “the waters returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one of them remained” (verse 28).

Although the implication is certainly conveyed in Exodus 14, that Pharaoh drowned with his army, the passage does not say so expressly. However, there are additional Scriptures to consider. We read, for example, in Psalm 136:13-15: “To Him who divided the Red Sea in two, For His mercy endures forever; And made Israel pass through the midst of it, For His mercy endures forever; But overthrew PHARAOH AND HIS ARMY [not just Pharaoh’s army] in the Red Sea, For His mercy endures forever.”

Some claim that the Hebrew word for “overthrew” (“naar”) means “shook off” and that, therefore, it does not prove that Pharaoh actually drowned. This observation is without merit. The same word is used in Exodus 14:27, where we read, “So the Lord overthrew (in Hebrew, “naar”) the Egyptians in the midst of the sea.” As the Egyptians in the midst of the sea clearly drowned, when God overthrew them, and “none of them remained” (verse 28), it is illogical to say that somehow Pharaoh did not drown when God overthrew him. Please note, too, that Psalm 136:15 states that God overthrew Pharaoh AND HIS ARMY in the Red Sea — so, to make a distinction here between Pharaoh and his army is just a human attempt to reinterpret Scripture. The word “naar” is an unusual word and conveys the analogy of “a contemptuous rejection of a reptile” (Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, “Commentary on the Whole Bible,” comment on Psalm 136:15).

The clear intent of Psalm 136:15 has also been understood by many other translators. For instance, the New International Version says: “…but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea.” (Similar the Revised English Bible and the New American Bible). The New Jerusalem Bible states: “And drowned Pharaoh and all his army.” Moffat puts it this way: “and drowned the Pharaoh and his host.” Virtually all German translations clearly convey the meaning that God killed or drowned Pharaoh and his army, by throwing them into the Red Sea (Luther; Elberfelder; Menge; Zuecher; Pattloch). Any honest reading of this passage will have to agree with this. The Broadman Bible commentary says: “He is the one who cleaved the Red Sea in two, brought Israel through it, then pushed Pharaoh and his army into it.”

Psalm 136:15 does not give any room for the assumption that the Pharaoh of the Exodus did not drown.

IF, therefore, the conclusion is correct that Amenhotep II WAS the Pharaoh of the Exodus, we are faced with the question why his tomb could be discovered in the Valley of the Kings. The answer to that question is rather easy. We read in Exodus 14:30: “Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashores.” Based on this observation, we could conclude that Pharaoh’s dead body was washed to the seashore and that Egyptians buried him in the Valley of the Kings.

Another question is raised by the statement that Amenhotep II ruled for another 16 years after the Exodus, before he died. However, the Scriptures cannot be broken, that is, we cannot use “historical records,” that are in apparent contradiction with God’s Word, to reinterpret or change God’s Word, to make it fit with those records. The Bible is clear that the Pharaoh of the Exodus drowned. This means that, either, Amenhotep II was NOT the Pharaoh of the Exodus, OR, that he did NOT continue to rule for 16 years AFTER the Exodus. The Good News article, quoted above, only states, without giving any source material, that “ancient records reveal that Amenhotep II’s reign lasted no less than into his 26th year (This has been corroborated by a wine jar docket dated in his 26th year that was discovered in Egypt near the beginning of this century.).”

We are not told what those ancient records are, and whether they are precise in their dating, and whether this dating corresponds with the years, as we would count them today. Further, the accuracy of a precise dating of a jar docket must also be questioned. Recent discoveries have established, for example, that the methods used for dating, are many times rather imprecise, and cannot possibly be considered as absolutely accurate, when talking about a 20 year time span of more than 3,400 years ago.

In conclusion, the Biblical record establishes that the Pharaoh of the Exodus drowned in the Red Sea.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

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The most recent developments involving the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, as well as the terrible murders and “executions” of American civilians and soldiers in Iraq, are shocking and appalling without description. Many newspapers, magazines and newscasts present in graphic detail the horrible crimes committed. Although the reason for the world’s condemnation of these atrocities might not be fully comprehended without the total and full knowledge of the specifics, we felt that it could not be the task of God’s church, to pass on those terrible atrocities, although we would be delinquent in our duty, if we were to fail to show how these events have deepened anti-Americanism in the world, in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. In regard to the specifics, let it suffice to quote the principle, as set forth in Ephesians 5:11-12: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose [reprove] them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.”


Reuters reported on May 7, 2004, that “The Red Cross discovered ‘serious violations’ of the rights of Iraqi prisoners, with abuse so widespread it may be considered to have been tolerated by the U.S.-led coalition, the Wall Street Journal said on Friday. In a confidential 24-page document, which was seen by the financial newspaper, the International Committee of the Red Cross said treatment in some cases was ‘tantamount to torture,’ particularly when interrogators were seeking information or confessions.”

Reuters continued: “The use of ill-treatment ‘went beyond exceptional cases and might be considered a practice tolerated’ by coalition forces, the newspaper quoted the ICRC as saying. That differs sharply from the view of senior officials in the administration of President Bush that military higher-ups had not condoned abuse, the newspaper said… Three former military policemen at the prison told Reuters on Thursday that abuse was commonplace.”


On Saturday, May 8, 2004, the British newspaper, “The Guardian,” claimed that “the sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison [the same prison formerly used by Saddam Hussein to torture prisoners] was not an invention of maverick guards, but part of a system of ill-treatment and degradation used by special forces soldiers that is now being disseminated among ordinary troops and contractors who do not know what they are doing, according to British military sources. The techniques devised in the system, called R2I – resistance to interrogation – match the crude exploitation and abuse of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib jail in Baghdad.

“One former British special forces officer… said British and US military intelligence soldiers were trained in these techniques, which were taught at the joint services interrogation centre in Ashford, Kent, now transferred to the former US base at Chicksands. [A method used in the Iraqi prison] is one of the methods taught on both sides of the Atlantic under the slogan ‘prolong the shock of capture’, he said… ‘[The] whole experience is horrible. Two of my colleagues couldn’t cope with the training at the time. One walked out saying “I’ve had enough”, and the other had a breakdown. It’s exceedingly disturbing.'”

The Austrian “News Networld” Webpage claimed on May 8, 2004, that, according to a written report by Major General Antonio Taguba, issued to the US Military Investigation Committee, the terrible acts which were described in detail were part of a strategy by the U.S. Secret Service and perhaps the CIA, to intimidate prisoners to make them more cooperative. Taguba’s report speaks of “the Secret Service and other U.S. agencies.” News Networld claims that the term “other U.S. agencies,” identifies, in a military context, the CIA. Subsequently, Taguba testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, stating that the atrocities were NOT committed “pursuant to a policy.” He pointed out that it “involved only a hand full” of perpetrators, although he also testified that “there were others, but we could not track them down.” He stated that there were no “classified terrorists” in the prisons under investigation.

Major General Antonio M. Taguba’s entire lengthy report was posted on the website of MSNBC. Taguba’s report included the following conclusion: “Several US Army Soldiers have committed egregious acts and grave breaches of international law at AbuGharib/BCCF and Camp Bucca, Iraq. Furthermore, key senior leaders in both the 800th MP Brigade and the 205th MI Brigade failed to comply with established regulations, policies, and command directives in preventing detainee abuses [at those prisons] during the period August 2003 to February 2004.”


AFP reported on May 12, 2004 that “The White House rejected any link between the abuse of Iraqi detainees by US soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison and the ‘brutal, barbaric’ [video-taped murder] of [a] US citizen by terrorists.” U.S. governmental spokesman Scott McClellan “rejected their [terrorists’] claim that they were avenging the mistreatment at the facility near Baghdad.” He continued to say, according to the article: “There simply is no justification for the deliberate and brutal killing of an innocent civilian… The brutal barbaric action of these terrorists shows their true nature.”

AFP added: “Reaction in Baghdad to the slaying was mixed. ‘As Muslims we can’t accept it, but we don’t blame them. It was a natural reaction to the human rights violations we have seen at Abu Ghraib. What the Americans are doing now is terrible,’ said a 45-year-old woman dentist. ‘Since the men came here to do something good for Iraq, it was shameful. Whoever comes to serve this country will be treated kindly by Iraqis, but I blame the Americans for being behind such activities,’ said restaurant worker Falah Faisal, 30.”


On May 7, 2004, ABC News published an insightful article, discussing the horrible effects of war. The facts presented in this article should be persuasive, all by themselves, to convince a true Christian that he must not be a participant in war, nor in the preparation of war. The article stated:

“The specifics of the incidents at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq remain to be sorted out. But the answer seems apparent for experts in the psychology of war and other mental health professionals contacted by ABC NEWS — such behavior is not uncommon in a time of military conflict and the potential to abuse others may lie in all of us. ‘In war, things do happen, often from emotion of the moment, exhaustion, frustration — a buddy killed, a unit hurt,’ maintains Samuel Watson, a former infantry officer in the Vietnam War who is now associate professor of public health at University of Pittsburgh… And Dr. Carlyle Chan, professor of psychiatry at Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, says prisoner abuse is probably more prevalent than we would like to believe, given the trauma soldiers can experience.”
The article continued to ask: “What drives soldiers to abuse others in time of war? The key, believe these experts, is ‘the MILITARY CULTURE’ the soldiers and guards were immersed in.

“In war, ‘the enemy is not represented as a similar human being to oneself, but rather as a brute who is savage and single-minded in destructive intentions,’ says Rona M. Fields, director for cognitive sciences at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. This depersonalization, explains Evans, is a psychological defense against the horrible events soldiers witness during war. But once the enemy is seen as LESS THAN HUMAN, it can be easy to treat them accordingly.

“Another motivation for U.S. soldiers to mistreat Iraqi prisoners may have been simple RETALIATION, suggests Dr. Paul Ragan, a Navy psychiatrist during Desert Storm and now associate professor of psychiatry at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. ‘The emotional center of the brain, or the limbic system, wants to strike back…'”

ABC News asked this question: “But what if the leadership itself is commanding soldiers to behave in abusive ways? Would normal individuals be willing to follow morally abhorrent orders?”

The history of man has proven that the answer, tragically, is affirmative. Nazis, working at and supervising concentration camps, defended their brutal tortures and murders with these words: “I only followed orders.” And so, ABC News continued, in quoting another expert: “Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process… Even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality.”


Reuters reported on May 12 that “The scandal of prisoner abuses by U.S. soldiers in Iraq has dealt a bigger blow to the United States than the Sept. 11 attacks, the Vatican foreign minister told an Italian newspaper.”

The article continued: “In an interview published Wednesday in the Rome daily La Repubblica, Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo described the abuses as ‘a tragic episode in the relationship with Islam’ and said the scandal would fuel hatred for the West and for Christianity. ‘The torture? A more serious blow to the United States than Sept. 11. Except that the blow was not inflicted by terrorists but by Americans against themselves,’ Lajolo was quoted as saying in La Repubblica.”

Reuters added: “The Vatican paper, L’Osservatore Romano, has also run some harsh comments in the past days. On Monday, it criticized what it called a Pentagon cover-up… President Bush is scheduled to hold talks with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican on June 4.”

Der Spiegel Online commented:

“In Germany, criticism continued as well. Gernot Eller, second in command of the Social Democratic Party… claimed that the torture in Iraq is no longer an internal American problem…. He said that the whole Western world has become inadvertently accused… He continued that the USA does not have the right to ask questions of other societies, but does have to answer for itself.”


The Washington Post published an article on May 7, 2004, pointing out the terrible damage abroad caused by the atrocities in Iraq. It stated:

“The United States faces the prospect of a severe and enduring backlash not just in the Middle East but also among strategic allies… The White House is so gloomy about the repercussions that senior adviser Karl Rove suggested this week that the consequences of the graphic photographs documenting the U.S. abuse of Iraqi detainees are so enormous that it will take DECADES for the United States to recover, according to a Bush adviser.”

The article continued:

“‘It’s a blinding glimpse of the obvious to say we’re in a hole,’ conceded Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage. He said the backlash in Europe is even greater than in the 22-nation Arab world. ‘For many of our European friends, what they saw on those horrible pictures is tantamount to torture, and there are very strong views about that,’ he said yesterday on CNN’s ‘Paula Zahn Now’ show. ‘In the Arab world, there is general dismay and disgust, but in some places we were not real popular to start with. So I think I’m actually seeing a EUROPEAN REACTION quite strong — quite a bit stronger.’

“In public and private communications, European officials have become critical or DISDAINFUL of the United States.”


This was the headline of an article published by The San Diego Union Tribune on May 5, 2004 — even before the news hit regarding the most recent atrocities in Iraq. When describing the acceptance of ten new European countries by the EU on May 1, 2004, the newspaper pointed out: “The U.S. media paid scant attention; it was no big deal. IN EUROPE, IT WAS A GARGANTUAN DEAL.” It continued: “Opposition to the United States also distracts from Europe’s own problems. There’s a growing collision between generous welfare benefits and poor economic growth… The 10 countries received membership on grudging terms: economic aid and farm subsidies were limited; immigration rights were curtailed. The truth is that Europe is too weak to lead and too proud to follow.”

This may be true right now, but Europe understands this situation much better than most Americans do. Europeans realize that they are too weak to lead at this point — but they are determined to overcome that weakness. European leaders of the past, including Charlemagne, Otto the Great, Charles V. of Hapsburg, Napoleon I and III, Wilhelm IV., Mussolini and Hitler, have had a strong conviction that “God,” or a “higher power,” or “destiny,” had selected and ordained them to fulfill a certain predetermined role. Today, this persuasion may not exist in many European leaders. This, however, will change.

“Modern” Europe descended from ancient Rome. After the Roman Empire fell, it went through several “historical revivals.” In the Middle Ages, the “Holy Roman Empire” was born under Charlemagne. Later, it was called the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation,” under Otto the Great. In more recent times, Mussolini claimed that he had resurrected the ancient Roman Empire.

On April 30, 2004, Die Welt published an interview with French historian Jacques Le Goff. He stated that the word “Europa” or “Europe” was originally adapted from Greece. It comprised the peoples of the Roman Empire and the so-called “barbarians.” The Moors called the Europeans “Franks.” Goff claimed that Turkey does not belong, historically, to Europe, but to the Orient. He stated that in the Middle Ages, European emperors traveled to Rome to be crowned there. Europeans traveled without passports, and the upper class used a common language — that of Latin. It did not make any difference in which European city one studied. Goff suggested that today’s European concept of “open borders” goes back to the Middle Ages. He concluded: “I am filled with joy that the descendants of the Carolingian Empire [under Charlemagne], Germany and France, are playing today a major role in Europe.”

An article by the San Diego Union Tribune, dated May 1, 2004, is quite remarkable in this context. It reminded the readership of the “historic roots of Europe,” stating: “East and West Europe have been divorced from each other for most of history. UNDER THE ROMANS, CHARLEMAGNE, THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, NAPOLEON AND HITLER PARTS OF IT WERE BROUGHT TOGETHER BY FORCE OF ARMS OR RELIGION. NEVER BEFORE, THOUGH, HAVE EAST AND WEST JOINED TOGETHER LEGALLY AND DEMOCRATICALLY AS THEY NOW HAVE DONE.”

The article made this interesting remark: “What the new 25-nation EU will become IS NOT CERTAIN.”

However, the Bible describes in VERY CERTAIN terms what the future holds for Europe — and the United States of America. The article of the Union Tribune claimed: “Whatever new problems it poses, today’s expansion should be welcomed by Americans…. It has been the policy of every U.S. government for a half century to support European unity.” And indeed, this policy may make sense from a human standpoint. However, America’s and Europe’s future will not be, as many might expect. For a thorough and insightful look into the destinies of these two power blocs, please read our free booklets: “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”


Reuters reported on May 12, 2004, that “the European Union expects to start issuing new biometric passports with digital photographs and fingerprints by the end of 2005 and hopes the United States will continue to allow visa-free travel as a result, a top EU official said on Wednesday. Under current U.S. legislation, visa-free travel for 27 U.S. allies — including many European Union states — is in jeopardy. It requires all new passports from these ‘visa waiver’ countries to contain a biometric identifier, like a fingerprint or a face-scan, from Oct. 26, a deadline most of the states say they cannot meet.”

The article continued: “Both European and U.S. officials are eager for Congress to extend the deadline. Unless this happens, the United States risks a huge shortfall in traveler spending and a consular nightmare when millions of visitors suddenly require visas. Some 15.1 million people came into the United States under the visa waiver program last year, and their spending accounted for about two-thirds of spending by overseas visitors. The Department of Homeland Security has asked Congress to give visa waiver countries two more years to start issuing biometric passports… The Oct. 26 deadline only applies to passports issued after that date. Citizens of visa waiver countries who hold valid passports issued before Oct. 26 will be grandfathered, allowing them visa-free travel until their passports expire.”

How Do You Grow?

The Bible contains many statements about growth. Jacob prophesied that Joseph’s descendants, Ephraim and Manasseh, would “grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth” (Genesis 48:16). And indeed, they became the most powerful nation and group of nations in modern history. On a spiritual plane, God’s kingdom is compared with a “mustard seed” which, “when it is grown,” is greater than the herbs “and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and rest in its branches” (Matthew 13:31-32). John the Baptist “grew and became strong in the spirit” (Luke 1:80). Even Christ, the God of the Old Testament, when He became a human being, “grew and became strong in the spirit, filled with wisdom” (Luke 2:40), and He “increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).

The early New Testament Church started very small, but it, too, grew (Acts 2:41). We read that in time, the word of God “grew and multiplied” (Acts 12:24; compare Acts 19:20).

God told His disciples that they must GROW spiritually. 2 Peter 3:18 commands us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:2 encourages us to “desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.” Paul said about the church of the Thessalonians that “your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other” (2 Thessalonians 1:3). Ephesians 2:21 tells us that God’s Church, “the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple of the Lord.” And so, we read in Ephesians 4:11-15 that Christ Himself “gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may GROW UP in all things into Him who is the head — Christ…”

As Christians, we must never stop growing. We are to grow toward our ultimate perfection, as God is perfect. As we read in Philippians 3:15-16, in the Authorized Version: “Let us therefore, as many as be [or: to the extent that they are] perfect [the New King James Bible says: mature], be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing.” We are not to forsake what we have already accomplished in our lives. There must never come a point in time, however, when we say, “We will grow no further.” With that attitude, we will not only stop growing in God’s Way of Life, but we will, in fact, go backwards and return to whatever we left behind.

Sadly, some, if not many, have done so, and many will still do so, before Christ returns. Paul spoke about Demas, one of his co-workers (Colossians 4:14; Philemon 24), that he “has forsaken me, having loved this present world and has departed for Thessalonica” (2 Timothy 4:10). Rather than overcoming evil with good, he returned to the evil of this world. Christ prophesied for our time: “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will GROW cold” (Matthew 24:10-12). The Greek word for “love” is “agape,” describing the love of God. Rather than growing in God’s love, which would lead to their ultimate perfection (1 John 4:12, 17-18), they stop using it, and so they reverse in their lives the process of godly growth — so much so, that they return to, and begin to live again in accordance with the customs of Satan’s world of hate and betrayal (compare 2 Peter 2:20-22). We are clearly told that in these last days, the work of “evil men and imposters will GROW worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).

We must not stagnate, but grow. However, we must grow in a right and godly way! If we cease growing in God’s wisdom and knowledge, we will grow in the wisdom of this world, which is inspired by Satan’s evil schemes and devices. In the parable of the wheat and the tares, both God’s disciples and Satan’s followers “grow together until the harvest” (Matthew 13:30). Grow we will — but the question is, in what way?

How do YOU grow?

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