Update 127

Repentance and Forgiveness

On Saturday, January 24, 2004, Edwin Pope will be presenting the sermon, titled, “Repentance and Forgiveness – What does God require?”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream.”

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Not Yet

by Dave Harris

The Bible records a very brief account of an endeavor known as the tower of Babel. In a period after the great flood in which God destroyed the world that then was because of their sins, men banded together to establish a great city along with a high tower. Instead of spreading out to repopulate and settle the earth, these people evidently wanted to create great works for their own purposes.

God intervened to stop this by confusing their language to prevent their understanding one another. Why?

Mankind was beginning to venture into areas for which he was not prepared. Note this statement from God:

” ‘…and this is what they begin to do; now nothing will be withheld from them’ ” (Genesis 11:6).

These actions were outside of the plan that God was working out for mankind. We read the following in Genesis 5, verse 1: “…In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.” Then, in Hebrews 2 we are told: ” ‘…You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him over the works of Your hands. You have put ALL THINGS in subjection under his feet.’ For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him” (verses 7-8).

Right now, God has given man the earth on which to live. We read in Psalm 115:16: “The heaven, even the heavens (which include space or the universe), are the LORD’S; But the EARTH He has given to the children of men.” We find this overview in Acts 17:26: ” ‘And He has made from one [man] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.’ “

We have more insight concerning the will of God for mankind in Isaiah 45:18: “For thus says the LORD Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited.”

However, in our time, mankind once again seeks to go beyond his appointed domain — thereby adopting, inadvertently, the spirit of Satan and his fallen angels who tried to leave earth to take God’s place in the third heaven. Jude 6 tells us, “And the [fallen] angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.” As the year 2004 gets under way, robotic spaceships have begun to land on Mars. The technology of our day seems limitless.

Now, ambitious plans for establishing colonies on the moon along with a quest to send men to the planet Mars are being embraced by mankind. The United States and Russia, long technological leaders in space exploration, now have competition from Europe, China, Japan and India. It appears that a space race is emerging once again.

The ominous worry is that space based weapons will proliferate among the nations. In fact, near space already is full of intelligence and communication satellites from which modern war becomes even more powerful in the hands of those nations who can wield such technologies.

Mankind is once again moving beyond the bounds and limits placed on him by God. This time, as before, God will have to intervene. Jesus Christ spoke of the end of the age of man’s self rule and the conditions occurring just prior to His return to this earth: ” ‘And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved…’ ” (Matthew 24:22).

However, there is great hope for mankind in the future that God has planned. As we read, Paul spoke in Hebrews 2:8 of the time when “all things” would be given to the sons of God. Peter adds the following: “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).

The sure promise of God is that man will indeed journey into all of His creation–beyond the bounds of this earth or the planets in this solar system. Indeed man will get to go where no man has gone before–just not yet!

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State of the Union


On the heels of political attention directed to the Iowa caucus; both the US press along with media worldwide turned their focus on President George Bush’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night of this past week.

Beyond the political banter and positioning for President Bush’s upcoming campaign season for another term as president, there was a very somber warning. From the text of the speech delivered by Mr. Bush, we quote these words: “Our greatest responsibility is the active defense of the American people. Twenty-eight months have passed since Sept. 11, 2001–over two years without an attack on American soil–and it is tempting to believe that the danger is behind us. That hope is understandable, comforting–and FALSE. The killing has continued in Bali, Jakarta, Casablanca, Riyadh, Mombassa, Jerusalem, Istanbul and Baghdad. The terrorists continue to plot against America and the civilized world (State of the Union Address, 2004, By President George Bush–emphasis added).

The goal of terrorists remains the United States proper. Unimaginable destruction that would make even the disaster of 9/11 pale is within the realm of possibility. In a review of articles from the February 2004 issue of “Whistleblower Magazine”, one article notes an amazing quotation of the US vice-president: “Vice President Dick Cheney’s chilling assessment that nuclear terror is ‘the major threat’ facing America: Calling a WMD attack on the U.S. ‘one of the most important problems we face today,’ Cheney added: ‘To contemplate the possibility of them unleashing that kind of capability–of that kind of weapon, if you will, in the midst of one of our cities–that’s a scary proposition’ ” (www.shopnetdaily.com 1/21/2004).

Scary, indeed! Traditional explosives coupled with nuclear waste materials could render population centers uninhabitable. Biological agents leading to widespread illness and death are considered as probable future occurrences–in fact, some experts believe terrorism of this sort has already taken place in recent months with the widespread and sudden introduction of diseases such as the West Nile Virus.

Already, the financial might of the United States has been rocked by terrorist acts. Without large government infusions of money for the airlines, air travel in North America could have collapsed. The American way of life has been inalterably changed based on the element of constant fear. As President Bush stated following the attacks of 9/11, the U.S. is no longer protected by our surrounding oceans.

Beyond these frightening events in the news, we need to be reminded of the stern warnings which God issued for His people Israel and their descendants in both Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Of particular note is verse 17 of Leviticus 26: ” ‘I will set My face against you, and YOU SHALL BE DEFEATED BY YOUR ENEMIES. Those who hate you shall reign over you, and you shall flee when no one pursues you.’ ” Verse 37 adds: ” ‘…you shall have no power to stand before your enemies.’ “


In evaluating the strong Euro and the falling dollar, a report from a national radio program stated that Europe was “closing the gap” in which the U.S. has been the dominant economic power in the world while nations such as France and Germany along with other European nations trailed behind.

In fact, as we have been continually reporting in this weekly “Update,” Europe is emerging on far more fronts than just economic. Political movements are creating allies among the nations of central Europe that are destined to catapult them into a dominant world role. There is now more than just a stirring of religious fervor as Pope John Paul II exerts dramatic papal influence in European as well as world events.

The pope has waged an ongoing diplomatic campaign against the U.S.-led war with Iraq. He has been particularly outspoken in his opposition to any kind of “pre-emptive” use of power such as the kind of actions in its war against terror that the U.S., under President Bush, has adopted.

AGI Online reports that, “…next Friday the pope will receive American vice president Dick Cheney at the Vatican, while tomorrow (Friday, January 23, 2004) the Spanish prime minister Aznar will meet with the [pope]” (www.agi.it).

Events such as these reflect the changing dynamics of international influence as new power-blocks are emerging. Biblical prophecy speaks of a coming national punishment called “…the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). Furthermore, the Bible also reveals that Britain and the United States will bear the brunt of this punishment because of their great national sins, and because these nations are the modern descendants of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Our booklets deal more specifically with prophetic events for these times in which we live. You are also welcome to contact us directly with any questions.


The fires are never quenched in the nation of Israel. The slightest provocations make headlines around the world. This week was no different.

“Israeli planes attacked Hezbollah targets in south Lebanon on Tuesday, threatening an escalation of clashes along a border that has been relatively calm for nearly four years” (AP News 1/21/2004). This in turn has led to broader accusations and threatening pronouncements between Syrian and Israeli officials. Events such as this reveal the tinder-box status of life in the Middle East.

Compounding the situation is a possible indictment against Prime Minister Sharon. “An Israeli court charged a real-estate developer Wednesday with paying more than a half-million dollars in bribes to Ariel Sharon–a case that could force the prime minister to step aside” (www.comcast.net 1/21/2004).

The article continues: “Sharon is also being investigated for alleged involvement in illegal campaign financing. If Sharon is charged, he would be forced to suspend himself from office while the case is pending. But the prime minister could also face pressure from the public and his own party to step down before that.”

The potential for changes in national leadership exist around the globe. The U.S. has a presidential election in which the re-election of George Bush is certainly a question mark. Although very active in spite of serious health problems, Pope John Paul II is considered extremely fragile. Prime Minister Tony Blair has taken heavy political body blows because of his support for the U.S.-led Iraqi war. Leadership across Europe is now being second-guessed following the failure of finalizing a European constitution. Add to this the explosive emergence of China’s economic might, and we see a world that is destined to undergo many dramatic changes in the coming months.

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Could you explain the extent of the power that Christ gave in Matthew 16:19, to "bind and loose"?

Let us read, first, the passage referred to above, in context. Christ said to Peter, beginning in Matthew 16:18: “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

The word “Peter,” i.e., “petros” in Greek, means “a little stone.” The “rock,” on which Christ would build His church, is “petra” in Greek, meaning a solid rock. Christ was not saying here that Christ would build the church on “Peter,” but on THE ROCK — Christ Himself. It is CHRIST who is identified as “THE ROCK” in passages such as 1 Corinthians 10:4. Peter, as well as the other apostles, in addition to the prophets, are part of the foundation, but Christ is the CHIEF cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). The Church is built on Christ, who is the LIVING Head of the Church (Ephesians 4:15). That is why the “gates of Hades” or “Death” cannot overcome or defeat it. Christ, as the LIVING Head of the Church — as the foundation of the Church — has overcome death, having the “key of Hades and of Death” (Revelation 1:18). Paul explains that no one can lay a foundation other than the one that is laid, which is Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11).

Unger’s Bible Handbook agrees, as follows: “”Thou art Peter [petros, a stone] and upon this rock [petra, great ledge of rock] I will build my church (cf. 1 Pet 2:4-6, where the apostle made it clear he was never to be thought of as ‘the rock’).”

The Broadman Bible commentary points out:

“In the Greek text, two forms appear in ‘you are Peter’ [Petros], and ‘on this rock’ [petra]… The masculine form, Petros [and]… the feminine form, petra… If [Peter] is the rock, it is strange that the impersonal ‘this rock’ follows the personal ‘you are.’… Although Peter and all the apostles (Eph. 2:20; Rev. 21:14) were in some sense the foundation upon which the church was built, the New Testament never allows this in an absolute sense. Jesus Himself is ‘the rock’ upon which the church is built… there could be a church without Peter, none without Christ. Peter is neither the head nor the foundation of the church. Jesus founded it; it stands or falls with him; and he is yet its living Lord and head.”

It is important to understand this background, if we want to understand correctly the “power to bind and loose.” We are told in Matthew 16:19, that Christ gave Peter the “keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Our recent Q&A in Update # 121 on the “key of David” explained the meaning of the “keys of the kingdom of heaven.” We pointed out that “the context shows that He was revealing to Peter and the other disciples the KNOWLEDGE as to how to enter the Kingdom of God…”

In Matthew 16:19, Christ continues to say that whatever “thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Authorized Version). So, Christ addresses Peter in this passage, as the word “thou,” a singular word, shows.

However, in Matthew 18:18, Christ does not only speak to Peter, when He says: “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever YE shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever YE shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Authorized Version).” While the word “thou” (in Matthew 16:19) refers to just one person, the word “ye” (in Matthew 18:18) refers to more than one person. In Matthew 18:15-17, Christ had just explained the proper procedure regarding an unrepentant brother or sister. If he or she does not hear “the church,” that is, the ministry, “let him be unto THEE as an heathen man and a publican.” It is the church, through its ministry, which will make the decision to disassociate from such a person. Such a decision involves, of course, a judgment whether or not the person is repentant and whether or not the sins of the person are forgiven. And so, we read in John 20:22-23 (Authorized Version): “And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive YE the Holy [Spirit]: Whose soever sins YE remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins YE retain, they are retained.”

The ministry has been given the authority from God, to “bind and loose,” and to “remit” and “retain” sin. It is critical that we understand correctly the scope of this authority.

When returning to Matthew 16:19, we find, in the New King James Bible, the following annotation in the margin: “Or, ‘will have been bound… will have been loosed.'”

The Ryrie Study Bible explains: “Lit., ‘shall have been bound… shall have been loosed.’ Heaven, not the apostles, initiates all binding and loosing, while the apostles announce these things. In John 20:22-23 sins are in view; here, things (i.e., practices). An example of the apostles’ binding practices on people is found in Acts 15:20.”

The New American Standard Bible translates Matthew 16:19, as follows: “…and whatever you shall bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”

Similarly the New Testament by Charles Williams: “… and whatever you forbid on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth must be what is already permitted in heaven.”

The Broadman Bible Commentary points out:

“‘Shall be bound’ (estai dedemenon) and ‘shall be loosed’ (estai lelumenon) may not be precise translations of the Greek tenses behind them. In each case the Greek tense is a periphrastic form of the future perfect passive. Possibly they should be rendered ‘shall have been bound’ and ‘shall have been loosed,’ although many grammarians would call this pedantic. If the force of the future perfect tense holds here, the meaning would be somewhat altered. This would suggest not that the action on earth would be ratified in heaven but that it is anticipated in heaven. In other words, earth follows heaven, not the reverse.”

Regarding John 20:23, the Ryrie Study Bible states: “Since only God can forgive sins (Mark 2:7), the disciples and the Church are here given the authority to declare what God does when a man either accepts or rejects His Son.” We might also add that Christ had announced to them that they would soon receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom and discernment, and enables especially the ministry, when used correctly, to ascertain whether a person is repentant or not.

Although Christ was talking, at that time, to Peter and the other apostles, it is clear that His statements were not just limited to them. Christ stated in Matthew 28:20 that the early apostles were to teach all the disciples “to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world [or better: end of this age or civilization].” Christ included with His statement the church throughout the ages, until the very time of His return. Therefore, He did not restrict the authority to “bind and loose” just to His apostles of the very first century.

The Nelson Study Bible comments on Matthew 16:19 and on Matthew 18:18: “In rabbinical literature, binding and loosing refers to what was permitted or not permitted. So this passage may refer to judgments that Peter [and the other apostles] would make about what would be permitted or forbidden in the church… As in [Matthew] 16:19, the tenses [in Matthew 18:18] imply that what is loosed or bound on earth will have been determined already in heaven. In other words, this is a promise of divine direction…”

Jamiesson, Fausset and Brown, Commentary on the Whole Bible, states regarding Matthew 18:18: “Here, what had been granted but a short time before to Peter only… is plainly extended to all the Twelve; so that… it means nothing peculiar to Peter, far less to his pretended successors at Rome. It has to do with admission and rejection from the membership of the Church.”

The New Bible Commentary: Revised, agrees and adds the following remarks: “The promise does not of course mean that God will be bound by anything that Peter says (cf. Gal. 2:11), but that things done according to the will of Christ will have binding validity…. Judicial rulings, like the promulgation of rules of conduct, are binding.”

Eerdman’s Handbook to the Bible elaborates: “The authority given to Peter is given equally to the others (see [Matthew]18:18)… God is not bound by whatever Peter may say. But anything done by the disciple in accordance with Christ’s will is to have permanent validity.”

The Broadman Bible Commentary, commenting on Matthew 18:18, explains the meaning and scope of “binding and loosing,” as follows:

“The authority to bind and loose, given to Peter in [Matthew] 16:19, is here extended to the whole church [that is, its ministry]. In [Matthew] 16:19 it seems to relate primarily to instruction, what conduct is permitted and what not [We might insert here that this would include conduct that is not clearly defined in Scripture. The Church is not permitted, however, to do away with any of God’s commandments, judgments or statutes, compare Matthew 5:17-19; James 2:10; Mark 7:6-13. Likewise, the Church is not to add prohibitions regarding conduct that the Bible permits, compare Revelation 22:18; Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Proverbs 30:5-6]. Here [in Matthew 18:18] it relates primarily to church discipline. The periphrastic future perfect passive tense is used for bind and loose as in [Matthew] 16:19… Agreement between heaven and church is pictured. This, of course, presupposes that in undertaking the discipline of a member the church has been governed by the motive and spirit prescribed.”

In summary, Christ empowered the leadership of the Church, throughout the Church’s history and existence, to discern God’s Will regarding binding Church decisions as to what God permits and prohibits, based on His law, and who is to be excommunicated and reinstated, based on the Church leadership’s discernment of the person’s repentance and God’s forgiveness. This is not to say that Church decisions are to be considered infallible. God does not bind in heaven a Church decision which is against His Will and His Law. We are told that all of us have to GROW in the KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST (2 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 4:13). Therefore, when God, through the power and wisdom of His Holy Spirit, clearly reveals to the Church leadership that a wrong decision was made in the past, perhaps by not fully submitting to, or understanding the Will of God, such a wrong decision must be corrected immediately.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Who Was Jesus?

The question who was Jesus has been terribly misunderstood by orthodox Christianity. Even some Sabbath-keeping Church of God organizations don’t have a correct understanding of this topic. However, we must understand correctly, as otherwise, we might be in danger of rejecting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Some teach that Christ was truly God and truly man. Others say that He was fully God and fully man. Some teach that He was fully God, but not man. Some teach that He was fully man, but not God. Some say that He did not exist before He came to this earth. Some say that He existed as an angel. Others teach that He has always existed as God.

What is the Biblical truth?

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Current Events

U.S. Draft?

The indications are increasing that a military draft might be reinstated in the United States, following the next presidential election in the autumn of 2004. A Senate Version of a bill to create a draft for MEN AND WOMEN who are U.S. citizens or RESIDE in the country, known as Bill S 89 IS, is pending with the Committee on Armed Services. Section 2 of the proposed bill reads: “It is the obligation of every citizen of the United States, and every other person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of 18 and 26 to perform a period of national service [for a minimum of two years].” The proposed bill allows, under Section 8, for “conscientious objection” from combatant training, requiring the qualified person to participate “in military service that does not include any combatant training component.” It also allows the transfer of a conscientious objector, “at the discretion of the President,” to a “national service program for performance of such person’s national service obligations.”

As WorldNetDaily reported on January 13, 2004, in addition to Senate Bill S. 89 IS, the “House of Representatives’ version of the bill, H.R. 163, also attempts to reinstate the draft, but it only applies to men from 18-22 years of age.” The newspaper went on to report that Aaron Russo, a Libertarian candidate for president, authored and supported a petition, stating that these attempts to reinstate the draft constitute “infringement upon our personal freedoms.” The paper reminded its readers that last Fall, the Selective Service System had posted a notice on their Webpage saying the agency was looking for people to serve on local draft boards. The paper continued: “Libertarian commentators CLAIM THE GOVERNMENT IS GETTING THINGS PREPARED SO IF THE DRAFT IS REINSTATED, CONSCRIPTION CAN BEGIN AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.”


The Idaho Observer reported in December 2003 that “Yellowstone National Park happens to be on top of one of the largest ‘super volcanoes’ in the world,” and that the next eruption is “long overdue.” According to the article, it “could be 2,500 times the size of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption.”

The article reported that “In July, 2003, Yellowstone Park rangers closed the entire Norris Geyser Basin because of deformation of the land and excessive high ground temperatures… There was no choice but to close off the entire area. Everything in this area is dying: The trees, flowers, grass and shrubs. A dead zone is developing and spreading outward. The animals are literally migrating out of the Park. Then during the last part of July one of the Park geologists discovered a huge bulge at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. The bulge has already risen over 100 feet from the bottom of the Lake and the water temperature at the surface of the bulge has reached 88 degrees and is still rising… The Lake is now closed to the public. It is filled with dead fish floating everywhere. The same is true of the Yellowstone river and most of the other streams in the Park. Dead and dying fish are filling the water everywhere. Many of the picnic areas in the Park have been closed.”

The article then pointed out the following: “The irony of all this is THE SILENCE BY THE NEWS MEDIA AND OUR GOVERNMENT. VERY LITTLE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM YELLOWSTONE PERSONNEL OR PUBLICATIONS. What mainstream news stories do appear underscore the likelihood of a MASSIVE VOLCANIC ERUPTION.”

On the other hand, the University of Utah published the following on their Webpage:

“We do not know [when Yellowstone will erupt again]… [Yellowstone] scientists [have] NOT detected signs of activity that suggest an eruption is imminent.” They also state that it is “NOT TRUE” that “the next eruption of Yellowstone is overdue.”

The Idaho Observer totally disagreed with that representation. It quoted “a source that has demonstrated first-hand knowledge of the park’s history and recent geothermal events,” as saying: “The American people are not being told that the explosion of this ‘super volcano’ could happen at any moment. When Yellowstone does blow, some geologists predict that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die.”

When reading such alarming reports, we most certainly must not ignore the problem, nor try to downplay it, nor put our heads in the sand, thinking that thereby the problem will go away. At the same time, we must be aware of “sensationalized” news without basis in fact. However, in the case of Yellowstone, the report of the Idaho Observer appears to be very credible. The Bible warns that in the last days, terrible times will come, and that the ultimate situation would be so bad on earth that ALL HUMANS would die, if Christ would not intervene.

In that light, volcanic eruptions, just like the one described in this section, would most certainly be a distinct possibility.


After the initial enthusiasm over Arnold Schwarzenegger’s election as California’s new governor, his budget cuts proposal, introduced last Friday, January 9, 2004, has found an overwhelmingly negative response by the national and international press.

According to USA Today, the budget proposal calls for an increase in tuition by California state and community students — in spite of Mr. Schwarzenegger’s election promise that he would “not touch” education. University students would have to pay 10 to 40 % more, and Community College students would pay 8 dollars per unit more — from 18 to 26 dollars.

The paper also pointed out that the proposal would include caps on enrollment for the State’s health insurance program for the poor and elderly, and the elimination (!) of some medical benefits for the poor and disabled (!).

Associated Press commented on Saturday, January 10:

“Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s plan to wipe out a $14 billion shortfall next year without new taxes relies on some of the same kind of borrowing and one-time solutions he previously criticized for causing the state’s fiscal crisis. The governor’s proposal, unveiled Friday, cuts more than $4 billion in spending from a variety of services, with nearly half of the belt-tightening– about $1.7 billion — coming from welfare programs and the state’s health insurance plan for the poor and disabled.”

In the German Press, both the conservative “Die Welt” and the left-liberal “Der Spiegel” published an identical article on January 9, 2004, stating that “Arnie’s budget cuts hit first and foremost the old, welfare recipients, and students.”


Der Spiegel reported on January 9, 2004, that the figures in December 2003, regarding the creation for American new jobs, are a disaster. While 150,000 new jobs had been expected and hoped for, only 1,000 new jobs had, in reality, been created. The article continued that the number of unemployed decreased somewhat in December, but that this is another NEGATIVE indication for the disastrous status of the American labor market. The reason for the decrease was, according to the American Economy Department, that about 433,000 unemployed did not even bother to register to find a new job, as no new jobs were available.

The magazine quoted American economy experts as saying that these figures represent an extremely disappointing picture of the American labor market.

The New York Times reported on January 7, 2004: “With its rising budget deficit and ballooning trade imbalance, the United States is running up a foreign debt of such record-breaking proportions that it threatens the financial stability of the global economy, according to a report made public today by the International Monetary Fund.”

At the same time, on January 9, the Euro reached another record high against the U.S. dollar of 1.2867, according to “Die Welt.” Acc
ording to the paper, the reason for this recent record high is the revelation of the disappointing failure of the United States to create new jobs.


WorldNetDaily reported on January 7, 2004, about a scandalous decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. According to the article, “A devout Christian employee who was fired for posting quotes from the Bible condemning homosexuality lost an appeal in federal court yesterday. The San Francisco-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, regarded as the nation’s most liberal, ruled Hewlett-Packard Co. did not violate the rights of Richard Peterson when it fired him for posting the verses ON HIS DESK IN RESPONSE TO COMPANY POSTERS FEATURING HOMOSEXUAL EMPLOYEES, Reuters reported.”


As Fox News and USA Today reported on January 15, 2004, President Bush has proposed that Americans return to the moon and travel to Mars by 2020. He said that “mankind is drawn to the heavens for the same reason we were once drawn to unknown lands and across the open sea.” Our Editorial in the next Update will address this erroneous thinking. Suffice it here to quote the incredible costs associated with this new proposal. According to USA Today, “the cost of the human and robotic missions to the moon and Mars would total roughly $120 billion by 2020,” while the U.S. faces a budget deficit this year “of $500 billion.” In addition, some scientists have already come forward and stated that the costs for the new moon and Mars travel proposal will, realistically, reach roughly 1 TRILLION dollars. These astronomical figures should be viewed in consideration of the tragic fact that human beings die EACH DAY because of HUNGER AND STARVATION.


www.thescotsman.co.uk published a disturbing article on January 12, 2004, quoting Great Britain’s Tony Blair as saying: “In the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I would characterize as evidence of [Iraq’s possession of] weapons of mass destruction.” The paper continued: “The Prime Minister’s position on weapons of mass destruction has been shifting since July last year, when he said he was confident evidence of ‘weapons programmes’ would be found in Iraq as opposed to the actual weapons detailed in the dossier HE USED TO JUSTIFY WAR. Yesterday, he also appeared to drop his claims that the Iraqi Survey Group, which is still scouring Iraq for Saddam’s hidden arsenal, had found ‘clandestine laboratories.'”


Associated Press and Reuters reported on January 14, 2004, about a speech by Senator Edward Kennedy, condemning the Bush Administration in unprecedented terms for having marketed the Iraq war as a “political product… to win elections.” The speech was broadcast live on ESPN2.

“The U.S. Senate’s leading liberal Democrat Wednesday accused the Republican White House of breaking faith with Americans by forcing them into an unnecessary war with Iraq,” according to Reuters. The article continued to quote Kennedy as saying that President Bush “put ‘a spin on the truth to justify a war that could well become one of the worst blunders in more than two centuries of American foreign policy. If Congress and the American people knew the whole truth, America never would have gone to war.'” The article continued: “[Kennedy] said the administration ‘has broken faith with the American people, aided and abetted by a congressional majority willing to pursue ideology at any price, even the price of distorting the truth.”

Associated Press added: “Kennedy said the administration’s march to war in Iraq did not make America safer, but instead has given Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida new life and made war on terrorism harder to win. ‘The war has made America MORE HATED IN THE WORLD,’ said Kennedy. ‘And it has made our people more vulnerable to attacks both here and overseas.'”

The article continued: “Asked about the speech, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush worked to exhaust all diplomatic means before going to war. ‘The president took the action he did because his most solemn obligation is to protect the American people,’ said McClellan. ‘And America is more secure because of the action that we took in Iraq.'”

Update 126

Who Was Jesus?

On Saturday, January 17, 2004, Norbert Link will be discussing the grossly misunderstood topic of the nature of Jesus Christ, when Christ was here on earth. The sermon is titled, “Who Was Jesus?”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time (which is 2:30 p.m. Central Time). Just click on “Connect to Live Stream.”

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Does God Know You?

by Edwin Pope

Abraham exemplified God’s Way. His life was pleasing to God. When Abraham had come to the land God was giving to him, he had brought with him his nephew, Lot (Genesis 12:1-4). Since God was dealing primarily with Abraham, and since he was the elder in the relationship, no doubt when trouble arose with the herdsmen of Lot and Abraham’s herdsmen, Abraham could have directed Lot to move on with his herdsmen to another area. But what did he do?

Abraham said to his nephew, “‘Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left'” (Genesis 13: 8-9).

Lot, having first choice, looked out on the land and chose what he considered to be the best! (Genesis 13: 10-11). That is, of course, human nature! Abraham, on the other hand, took the area that was left, having approached this whole situation from the basis of love towards neighbor. This was typical of Abraham’s approach. We notice in this story that wherever Abraham went, he showed honor and respect toward God, as well as to his fellow man (Genesis 12:7-8; 13:14).

How did God feel about Abraham’s approach in his dealings with man and with God? Notice in Genesis 18:17-19, God makes the statement of Abraham: “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing; since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have known [or: chosen] him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

God had called Abraham out of this world to learn God’s Way of Life, and to pass it on to his offspring.

We find the real test as to Abraham’s faithfulness to God and to His Ways when God, after having given Abraham and Sarah a son, beyond the years of childbearing for Sarah, required of Abraham that he offer up Isaac as a burnt offering to the LORD. Having prepared the offering, Abraham was about to follow through with this sacrifice, when “‘the Angel of the LORD called to him from heaven and said, ‘Abraham, Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am'” (Genesis 22:11).

“And He said, ‘Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me'” (Genesis 22:12).

Yes, God had now come to KNOW Abraham to the point that He knew Abraham would follow in His Ways, regardless of the situation! Has God come to know you to this extent, brethren? Has He come to know each of us in the Church, such that He can say of us — “I KNOW HIM!” — “I KNOW he (or she) will do what I have revealed that he (or she) should do?”

We must never forget Christ’s words in Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'”

God has called us out of this world, brethren. He has given us His Spirit. He has given us His Law. Is He as sure of us as He became of Abraham? Can He truly say of each of us — “I KNOW HIM — that he fears Me and that he will do as I have commanded?”

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U.S. Draft?

The indications are increasing that a military draft might be reinstated in the United States, following the next presidential election in the autumn of 2004. A Senate Version of a bill to create a draft for MEN AND WOMEN who are U.S. citizens or RESIDE in the country, known as Bill S 89 IS, is pending with the Committee on Armed Services. Section 2 of the proposed bill reads: “It is the obligation of every citizen of the United States, and every other person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of 18 and 26 to perform a period of national service [for a minimum of two years].” The proposed bill allows, under Section 8, for “conscientious objection” from combatant training, requiring the qualified person to participate “in military service that does not include any combatant training component.” It also allows the transfer of a conscientious objector, “at the discretion of the President,” to a “national service program for performance of such person’s national service obligations.”

As WorldNetDaily reported on January 13, 2004, in addition to Senate Bill S. 89 IS, the “House of Representatives’ version of the bill, H.R. 163, also attempts to reinstate the draft, but it only applies to men from 18-22 years of age.” The newspaper went on to report that Aaron Russo, a Libertarian candidate for president, authored and supported a petition, stating that these attempts to reinstate the draft constitute “infringement upon our personal freedoms.” The paper reminded its readers that last Fall, the Selective Service System had posted a notice on their Webpage saying the agency was looking for people to serve on local draft boards. The paper continued: “Libertarian commentators CLAIM THE GOVERNMENT IS GETTING THINGS PREPARED SO IF THE DRAFT IS REINSTATED, CONSCRIPTION CAN BEGIN AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.”


The Idaho Observer reported in December 2003 that “Yellowstone National Park happens to be on top of one of the largest ‘super volcanoes’ in the world,” and that the next eruption is “long overdue.” According to the article, it “could be 2,500 times the size of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption.”

The article reported that “In July, 2003, Yellowstone Park rangers closed the entire Norris Geyser Basin because of deformation of the land and excessive high ground temperatures… There was no choice but to close off the entire area. Everything in this area is dying: The trees, flowers, grass and shrubs. A dead zone is developing and spreading outward. The animals are literally migrating out of the Park. Then during the last part of July one of the Park geologists discovered a huge bulge at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. The bulge has already risen over 100 feet from the bottom of the Lake and the water temperature at the surface of the bulge has reached 88 degrees and is still rising… The Lake is now closed to the public. It is filled with dead fish floating everywhere. The same is true of the Yellowstone river and most of the other streams in the Park. Dead and dying fish are filling the water everywhere. Many of the picnic areas in the Park have been closed.”

The article then pointed out the following: “The irony of all this is THE SILENCE BY THE NEWS MEDIA AND OUR GOVERNMENT. VERY LITTLE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM YELLOWSTONE PERSONNEL OR PUBLICATIONS. What mainstream news stories do appear underscore the likelihood of a MASSIVE VOLCANIC ERUPTION.”

On the other hand, the University of Utah published the following on their Webpage:

“We do not know [when Yellowstone will erupt again]… [Yellowstone] scientists [have] NOT detected signs of activity that suggest an eruption is imminent.” They also state that it is “NOT TRUE” that “the next eruption of Yellowstone is overdue.”

The Idaho Observer totally disagreed with that representation. It quoted “a source that has demonstrated first-hand knowledge of the park’s history and recent geothermal events,” as saying: “The American people are not being told that the explosion of this ‘super volcano’ could happen at any moment. When Yellowstone does blow, some geologists predict that every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die.”

When reading such alarming reports, we most certainly must not ignore the problem, nor try to downplay it, nor put our heads in the sand, thinking that thereby the problem will go away. At the same time, we must be aware of “sensationalized” news without basis in fact. However, in the case of Yellowstone, the report of the Idaho Observer appears to be very credible. The Bible warns that in the last days, terrible times will come, and that the ultimate situation would be so bad on earth that ALL HUMANS would die, if Christ would not intervene.

In that light, volcanic eruptions, just like the one described in this section, would most certainly be a distinct possibility.


After the initial enthusiasm over Arnold Schwarzenegger’s election as California’s new governor, his budget cuts proposal, introduced last Friday, January 9, 2004, has found an overwhelmingly negative response by the national and international press.

According to USA Today, the budget proposal calls for an increase in tuition by California state and community students — in spite of Mr. Schwarzenegger’s election promise that he would “not touch” education. University students would have to pay 10 to 40 % more, and Community College students would pay 8 dollars per unit more — from 18 to 26 dollars.

The paper also pointed out that the proposal would include caps on enrollment for the State’s health insurance program for the poor and elderly, and the elimination (!) of some medical benefits for the poor and disabled (!).

Associated Press commented on Saturday, January 10:

“Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s plan to wipe out a $14 billion shortfall next year without new taxes relies on some of the same kind of borrowing and one-time solutions he previously criticized for causing the state’s fiscal crisis. The governor’s proposal, unveiled Friday, cuts more than $4 billion in spending from a variety of services, with nearly half of the belt-tightening– about $1.7 billion — coming from welfare programs and the state’s health insurance plan for the poor and disabled.”

In the German Press, both the conservative “Die Welt” and the left-liberal “Der Spiegel” published an identical article on January 9, 2004, stating that “Arnie’s budget cuts hit first and foremost the old, welfare recipients, and students.”


Der Spiegel reported on January 9, 2004, that the figures in December 2003, regarding the creation for American new jobs, are a disaster. While 150,000 new jobs had been expected and hoped for, only 1,000 new jobs had, in reality, been created. The article continued that the number of unemployed decreased somewhat in December, but that this is another NEGATIVE indication for the disastrous status of the American labor market. The reason for the decrease was, according to the American Economy Department, that about 433,000 unemployed did not even bother to register to find a new job, as no new jobs were available.

The magazine quoted American economy experts as saying that these figures represent an extremely disappointing picture of the American labor market.

The New York Times reported on January 7, 2004: “With its rising budget deficit and ballooning trade imbalance, the United States is running up a foreign debt of such record-breaking proportions that it threatens the financial stability of the global economy, according to a report made public today by the International Monetary Fund.”

At the same time, on January 9, the Euro reached another record high against the U.S. dollar of 1.2867, according to “Die Welt.” Acc
ording to the paper, the reason for this recent record high is the revelation of the disappointing failure of the United States to create new jobs.


WorldNetDaily reported on January 7, 2004, about a scandalous decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. According to the article, “A devout Christian employee who was fired for posting quotes from the Bible condemning homosexuality lost an appeal in federal court yesterday. The San Francisco-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, regarded as the nation’s most liberal, ruled Hewlett-Packard Co. did not violate the rights of Richard Peterson when it fired him for posting the verses ON HIS DESK IN RESPONSE TO COMPANY POSTERS FEATURING HOMOSEXUAL EMPLOYEES, Reuters reported.”


As Fox News and USA Today reported on January 15, 2004, President Bush has proposed that Americans return to the moon and travel to Mars by 2020. He said that “mankind is drawn to the heavens for the same reason we were once drawn to unknown lands and across the open sea.” Our Editorial in the next Update will address this erroneous thinking. Suffice it here to quote the incredible costs associated with this new proposal. According to USA Today, “the cost of the human and robotic missions to the moon and Mars would total roughly $120 billion by 2020,” while the U.S. faces a budget deficit this year “of $500 billion.” In addition, some scientists have already come forward and stated that the costs for the new moon and Mars travel proposal will, realistically, reach roughly 1 TRILLION dollars. These astronomical figures should be viewed in consideration of the tragic fact that human beings die EACH DAY because of HUNGER AND STARVATION.


www.thescotsman.co.uk published a disturbing article on January 12, 2004, quoting Great Britain’s Tony Blair as saying: “In the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I would characterize as evidence of [Iraq’s possession of] weapons of mass destruction.” The paper continued: “The Prime Minister’s position on weapons of mass destruction has been shifting since July last year, when he said he was confident evidence of ‘weapons programmes’ would be found in Iraq as opposed to the actual weapons detailed in the dossier HE USED TO JUSTIFY WAR. Yesterday, he also appeared to drop his claims that the Iraqi Survey Group, which is still scouring Iraq for Saddam’s hidden arsenal, had found ‘clandestine laboratories.'”


Associated Press and Reuters reported on January 14, 2004, about a speech by Senator Edward Kennedy, condemning the Bush Administration in unprecedented terms for having marketed the Iraq war as a “political product… to win elections.” The speech was broadcast live on ESPN2.

“The U.S. Senate’s leading liberal Democrat Wednesday accused the Republican White House of breaking faith with Americans by forcing them into an unnecessary war with Iraq,” according to Reuters. The article continued to quote Kennedy as saying that President Bush “put ‘a spin on the truth to justify a war that could well become one of the worst blunders in more than two centuries of American foreign policy. If Congress and the American people knew the whole truth, America never would have gone to war.'” The article continued: “[Kennedy] said the administration ‘has broken faith with the American people, aided and abetted by a congressional majority willing to pursue ideology at any price, even the price of distorting the truth.”

Associated Press added: “Kennedy said the administration’s march to war in Iraq did not make America safer, but instead has given Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida new life and made war on terrorism harder to win. ‘The war has made America MORE HATED IN THE WORLD,’ said Kennedy. ‘And it has made our people more vulnerable to attacks both here and overseas.'”

The article continued: “Asked about the speech, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Bush worked to exhaust all diplomatic means before going to war. ‘The president took the action he did because his most solemn obligation is to protect the American people,’ said McClellan. ‘And America is more secure because of the action that we took in Iraq.'”

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You teach that the Bible contains end-time prophecies, involving many modern nations and peoples, referring to them with ancient names. Would you please explain the identity of major modern nations, as mentioned in Biblical prophecy?

We are glad to do so. The following is a very brief summary and only relates, in passing, a few pieces of the Biblical, historical or archeological evidence, to raise interest and curiosity:

The ancient tribe of Manasseh, son of Joseph, is dominant in the United States of America. Ephraim, another son of Joseph, basically constitutes the English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly known as the British Commonwealth). This includes modern countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, as well as part of South Africa. There are actually many proofs which establish these facts. We read in the Bible that a descendant of the house of David would always rule over the house of Israel, throughout all generations, until the return of Jesus Christ (who will then, as a descendant of David, rule over the house of Israel forever). In Ireland, tradition marks the arrival in the first half of the sixth century B.C. of a small group of people led by a white-haired prophet, known as Ollamh Fodhla. Irish tradition identifies this man as the prophet Jeremiah. The traditional belief of the kings of Scotland and England is that the house of David was transferred, through Jeremiah, to northwestern Europe from Palestine. When Jerusalem fell, Jeremiah brought with him the daughter of the last king of Judah, Zedekiah, who then became queen of Ireland. Today, the throne of David can be found in England.

The tribe of Judah (the Jews) is scattered among all nations, with a large number now living in the modern state of Israel.

Other ancient tribes of the house of Israel seem to be located in the following areas:

Reuben can be found today in parts of modern France; Dan in Ireland and part of Denmark; Benjamin in Norway and Iceland; Zebulon in the Netherlands; Issachar in Finland; Gad in Switzerland; Asher in Belgium and Luxembourg; and Naphtali in Sweden. We are unable to determine the modern identity of Levi and Simeon, as they were prophesied to be scattered among the rest of the tribes of Israel (compare Genesis 49:7). Strong evidence suggests that many in Wales are descendants of Levi, and some Scots — especially around Glasgow — are descendants of Simeon, as well as of Levi.

We should mention, of course, that people from many other countries have joined and settled among all of the above-mentioned nations. This means that not everyone living in the United States, for example, is a descendant of the tribe of Manasseh.

Some have claimed that the American Indians are the descendants of the “lost tribes” of the ancient house of Israel. This is incorrect. Biblical research, history and archeology reveal that the American Indians are descendants of Tiras, son of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. Tiras was one of Noah’s grandsons. Tiras is referred to in Genesis 10 and in 1 Chronicles 1:5. He became the most isolated branch of Noah’s grandsons. The American Indians are closely related to groups of Asiatic peoples in eastern Asia, who likewise descended from Japheth. Certain American Indian tribes are also closely related linguistically to peoples of northeastern Asia. We find the name “Tiras” preserved among various New World Indian tribes, such as, Tauri, Taras, Turas, Dures, Dorasques, and Atures.

Ancient Chaldeans or Babylonians can be found today in central and northwestern Europe. Some of the ancient Chaldeans were driven northward out of the Near East by the Assyrians and Medes prior to 610 B.C. They headed west into the Roman Empire. They settled in northern Italy, southeastern France, and parts of Spain and northern Africa.The ancient Chaldeans of Babylonia were also sent into exile to Syria in the Greek period. The Latin Romans often bought these people as slaves; afterward, their descendants were freed.

The ancient Assyrians can be found today among some of the Germans, Austrians and other German-speaking countries. Small portions of ancient Assyrians can also be found today in Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries. The Assyrians had settled, around 550 B.C., at the southern shores of the Black Sea, and then moved north. They migrated into Central Europe. Historical works point out that Germanic tribes had migrated into Europe from the countries around the Black Sea. The ancient tradition of the city of Trier has it that the city was founded by the Assyrian king Trebeta, son of Ninus. Josef K.L. Bihl writes, “In Deutschen Landen”: “The inhabitants of Trier maintain that their city is the oldest in all Europe… Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian king Ninus. In fact, one finds… in Trier the inscription reading, ‘Trier existed for 1300 years before Rome was rebuilt.'”

The modern people of Poland are descendants of Elam, a son of Shem. The Elamites named the most famous mountain in their land Elwend. The Germans used to refer to the Poles as “Wends.”

In addition, strong evidence suggests or proves, depending on the case, that the following Biblical terms describe, or may prophetically refer to these modern nations:

Amalek — PLO
Ammon — Jordan
Aram — Syria
Cush — India, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia
Elam — Iran
Esau or Edom — Turkey, perhaps also, in some instances, Palestinians
Ishmael — Saudi-Arabia
Javan — Greece
Lot — Jordan
Magog — China
Moab — Jordan, perhaps also Western Iraq
Pathros — India
Put — Libya
Shinar — Iraq
Teman — Turkey
Togarmah — Siberia
Tubal — Russia

Bible prophecy clearly speaks of many nations which will be the focus of end-time events. These nations can be traced through both the foundation of the Biblical record and the verification of secular history. National identities are being revealed in our generation by those who actually fulfill events which God foretold. Therefore, it is especially important that we continue to carefully watch world events in order to fully understand their true meaning along with the identity of individuals and nations spoken of by God in the remarkable prophecies of the Bible!

For further information, please read our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.” If you can read and understand German, you may also want to download from our Webpage our free German booklet, “Deutschland in der Prophezeiung.”

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Update 125

Are YOU Deceived?

On Saturday, January 10, 2004, Dave Harris will be presenting the sermon, titled, “Are YOU Deceived?”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream.”

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Negative Campaigning


Last Friday, January 2, 2004, the new leader of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom, Michael Howard, released his “statement of beliefs” in a two page spread in the Times newspaper. For those not familiar with Mr. Howard, he is a former refugee, a barrister and a formidable political figure. The Conservative Party has been regarded by many political commentators as the “natural party of power,” but since Margaret Thatcher was unceremoniously ousted from power as Prime Minister and leader of the party by her own supporters many years ago, the party has been in severe decline.

It has been recently viewed as a party racked with allegations of sleaze, divisions and malcontents and with infighting particularly over membership of the European Union. These self-destruct buttons have seen the new Labor Party have an easy ride and able to run the country without hindrance. But commentators feel that under Mr. Howard, perhaps for the first time in more than a decade, the Conservative Party is more at ease with itself. They point out that it has already started to take on an embattled government which is rocked by divisions over the war in Iraq, tuition fees for university graduates, and the presidential style of administration that has emerged since gaining power in 1997.

In an interview given by leading Conservatives following Mr. Howard’s two page article, the consensus of opinion was that negative campaigning in the future, while not being totally eliminated, was to be subordinated to a more positive political approach. Certainly in the UK, negative campaigning has been a feature of party politics for many years, as the adversarial style of politics has become more and more personal and accusatory. It is perhaps telling that the main party not in power is called the “Opposition” — not the “Cooperation”!

This got me thinking about the parallels with the mission of God’s true Church. We have been given a commission to warn the world. This could be seen by many as negative campaigning. The Ezekiel warning message (Ezekiel 3:16-21) is something that we have to take seriously. It is part of the gospel message of the Kingdom of God, that has to be preached (Matthew 24:14). Before the wonderful world tomorrow can be ushered in, the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord have to be fulfilled, which will be a time of terrible trouble for the modern nations of the houses of Israel and Judah, as well as the entire world.

As we warn the world, some may see this as negative campaigning. At the same time, we have, historically, taught and written about the wonderful world tomorrow that must surely now be just beyond the horizon. Politicians of whatever color or persuasion are always promising us a bright tomorrow, but they rarely deliver. While we may be involved in warning of bad news to come, we also announce the good news, which is as sure as the rising of tomorrow’s sun. The guarantee of the ushering in of God’s Kingdom will be good news for everyone on the face of the earth — not just for the inhabitants of a few select countries.

The vital difference between today’s political leaders and the true Church of God is that we have been privileged to be given answers about the future in God’s Word. Politicians, however well intentioned, are working on their own thoughts, ideas and concepts, which are often at variance with the way of God.

Negative campaigning by the Church? It could be seen by some as just that — but it is a part of our commission and it is accompanied by the most positive campaigning possible — the news of God’s coming Kingdom.

Ultimately, the whole world will be grateful for the fact that some few have had the courage and dedication to continue preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

I Was In Prison…

When we hear that someone is in prison, or that he or she had been in prison, we immediately think or assume that the person must have done something terribly wrong. At times, we may hear that somebody was sent to jail who was innocent, and that after years of having served the prison term, his or her innocence was proven. When that happens, we still pride ourselves with the illusion that the system works — and that the innocent person was just a necessary casualty of the system. We need to be careful not to loose sympathy and empathy for prisoners. The Bible has quite a bit to say about innocent righteous prisoners that ended up in the jails of this world. They were jailed because they stood up for God and His way of life. At other times, they were imprisoned because others envied them, wanting to take advantage of them, coveting what they had. God allowed that His servants be jailed. He allowed it for a reason. This is important to understand as the Bible prophesies that many of God’s servants will be imprisoned in the future — before Christ’s return.

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Current Events


As WorldNetDaily reported on December 27, 2003, “Terrorists planned to observe the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day with a 9-11-style attack on the Vatican, according to Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. “‘A hijacked plane into the Vatican. … An attack from the sky, is that clear?’ Berlusconi is quoted as saying in the Milan newspaper Libero. ‘The threat of terrorism is very high in this instant. I passed Christmas Eve in Rome to deal with the situation. Now I feel calm. It will pass.’

According to the paper, the premier said news of the attack on Rome was ‘precise and verified.’ He offered no details about where the information came from… Reuters reports Berlusconi later denied making the statements attributed to him by the daily, and accused its reporter of making up the quotes.”

Other papers said that Berlusconi made the denials after he came under attack from colleagues who charged Berlusconi with breaching confidentiality. The Vatican did not comment.


WorldNetDaily reported on December 27, 2003: “International offers of aid poured in to Iran as rescue teams from all over the world joined a massive search for survivors in the wake of the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that flattened the historic city of Bam, killing as many as 40,000 people… While rescue workers have pulled hundreds out of the rubble — including an infant — thousands of others are feared still trapped alive…

“But as the death toll soars from the world’s most serious earthquake since 25,000 were killed in the western Indian state of Gujarat in 2001, Tehran continued its longstanding hostility toward Israel, declaring it would not accept its assistance.

“‘The Islamic Republic of Iran accepts all kinds of humanitarian aid from all countries and international organizations with the exception of the Zionist regime,’ Jahanbakhsh Khanjani, a spokesman for Iran’s Interior Ministry, said following word that unofficial Israeli sources were considering sending aid to Iran.”


As NEWS-Networld reported, Austria’s Chancellor Schuessel is opposed to the concept of a “core Europe.” This concept had been proposed by Germany and France after the failed attempt in December to create a European Constitution for all European member states. Schuessel said, “This is not the kind of Europe that I want. We want to use all our strength to create a European Constitution for all 25 member states.” Nevertheless, he added: “If we should not be able to create a European Constitution…, and there should be a core Europe, then we will do everything that we will be a part of it.”


As Der Spiegel Online and Reuters reported on December 31, 2003 and January 1,2004, “The euro broke above a $1.25 barrier FOR THE FIRST TIME on Monday.” While the euro “climbs and climbs,” traders “expect a further decline of the value of the U.S. dollar.” Amazingly, the Bush Administration sees no cause for concern, having, as one commentator put it, “an evident policy of benign neglect, if not outright approval of a cheaper dollar.” Reuters stated: “In just under a year since taking office last January, Treasury Secretary John Snow has toned down the former hard-line U.S. commitment to a ‘strong dollar,’ effectively endorsing the fall by saying that its value ‘reflects the fundamentals of the demand and supply for currencies.'”


AFP reported on January 1, 2004: “Buoyed by a strong euro and mindful of EU expansion, Europe’s leaders used their New Year’s messages to urge their peoples to work hard to meet the challenge of ensuring economic renewal and stability, in an uncertain and increasingly interconnected world.” Quoting Germany’s Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, the paper wrote: “‘Germany, which has Europe’s biggest economy, ‘will not be the only country to benefit by us acting decisively to modernize. THE WHOLE OF EUROPE IS LOOKING AT OUR EFFORTS IN HOPE,’ the chancellor said.” Quoting British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the paper continued: “‘Boom and bust, economic uncertainty… used to be the British disease. We have cured that disease,’ Blair said.”

Whatever the British “disease,” the Bible makes it clear that it has not been cured. At the same time, the Bible predicts that Germany will be Europe’s leading power in the last days. Note this remarkable prophecy for our days, in Hosea 5:13: “When Ephraim [Great Britain and other Anglo-Saxon English-speaking nations] saw his sickness…, Then Ephraim went to Assyria [modern Germany and other German-speaking nations] And sent to King Jareb [the final leader of a United Europe, apparently a German or an Austrian]; Yet he cannot cure you… For I [God] will be like a lion to Ephraim…”

Also, note this prophecy for our time in Hosea 7:11: “Ephraim also is like a silly dove, without sense… They go to Assyria. Wherever they go, I will spread My net on them; I will bring them down like birds of the air; I will chastise them According to what their congregation has heard. Woe to them, for they have fled from Me! Destruction to them, Because they have transgressed against Me.”

To learn more about the future of continental
Europe and Great Britain, please read our free booklets, “Europe
in Prophecy
” and “The
Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord


This was the headline of an article, published by UPI on December 26, 2003. The author, Martin Walker, continued:

“While the Bush administration focused relentlessly on the war in Iraq and its confused and bloody aftermath, the rest of the world has been busy reshaping the geopolitical map that has prevailed since the end of the Cold War. In Europe, Russia, China, India, the Middle East and South America, regional powers have been adjusting to the new realities of American military and strategic dominance, and to potential American weaknesses in the longer term.

“Some of those vulnerabilities, like the endemic U.S. trade deficit and the return of massive federal budget deficits, or the threat from militant Islam and the rise of China, are obvious. Others, like Europe’s slow withdrawal from its traditionally subordinate status, or Russia’s attempt to reassert control over the newly independent states who were once part of the Soviet Union, are less clear…

“With India, China and Pakistan all nuclear powers, Asia is now assuming the geopolitical importance and hair-trigger danger that Europe suffered in the Cold War. And the European Union itself remains a major player, even though its two nuclear powers, Britain and France, were on opposite sides of the argument over the Iraq war. Indeed, the growing cohesion of the EU, both as an economic actor through the euro currency, and as a strategic actor through its Common Foreign and Security Policy, is one of the striking features of the emerging new world order.

“Bickering over its budget and its draft new constitution, the EU is a quarrelsome work in progress, but the overall trend towards integration is clear. Even in the year when U.S. defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of a division between “Old” and “New” Europe over Iraq, the loyal British signed up with the French and Germans for a new EU defense structure, subtly independent from the U.S.-led NATO and able to mount military operations separately from the United States…

“But as the EU enlarges, with Cyprus joining on May 1, 2004 and Turkey now formally accepted as a candidate member, the EU is moving closer and closer to the Middle East. This is a region where European and American interests have traditionally been at odds, from the Suez crisis of 1956, the refusal of landing rights to U.S. aircraft resupplying Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur war, to this year’s Iraq war.

“The EU and U.S. are the world’s two economic giants, each accounting for almost a quarter of global GDP, and their joint failure in 2003 to secure progress at the World Trade Organization summit at Cancun, Mexico, was an important warning sign…

“Brazil’s radical new President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva symbolizes the way that Latin America is increasingly determined to go its own way, despite the powerful tradition of U.S. influence. The EU now invests more in Latin America than the United States, and China is now Argentina’s largest market — signs of erosion in Washington’s role…

“The British, French and German foreign ministers crafted a deal this year to bring Iran’s nuclear ambitions back within the non-proliferation rules of the International Atomic Energy Authority, and China has become a key player in the North Korean negotiations… this is no longer the lonely American superpower running the show…

[Russian Vladimir] Putin’s… clampdown on the Russian media and the arrest of the oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and the renewed centralization of authoritarian power in the Kremlin along with the ruthless repression in Chechnya, make Russia look more like the old Tsarist system. Putin’s recent bullying of former Soviet republics like Georgia and Moldova suggests that the old Russian imperial pretensions are far from dead…

“The question is whether the main players in the Middle East, whether Israel defying American advice against building more settlements on Palestinian land, or Saudis terrified that relaxing their hold will make an al-Qaida coup more feasible, see it quite Washington’s way.

“That has been the problem in the year 2003. For all America’s wealth and power, the world did not see matters Washington’s way, and began making their own, alternative arrangements. And with the United States about to become even more distracted by the introspection of a presidential election year, the world’s other major powers in Europe and Asia will have even more room to maneuver and craft a world in which America no longer rules the roost. Historians may yet look back [at this era]… when America’s moment of undisputed power began to give way to a new balance among a series of regional powers, each able to challenge American dominance in its own sphere of influence.”

Update 124

I was in Prison

On Saturday, January 3, 2004, Norbert Link will be presenting the sermon, titled, “I Was in Prison…”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream.”

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What Do You Want?

by Dave Harris

Have you ever wanted something? Not just something that is a passing fancy, but something that is the entire focus of your being.

We read of just such an example in the account of Amnon and Tamar. 2 Samuel 13 relates the account. In verse 2, it states that Amnon was so “distressed” in his love for Tamar that he became sick. However, Amnon, in his obsession, actually ended up concocting a plan that culminated in his raping her. Verse 15 then continues the story: “Then Amnon hated her exceedingly, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her.”

Later on, Amnon was murdered for this disgraceful act by Absalom, Tamar’s brother. This event came on the heels of another despicable act of unrestrained lust on the part of king David. He had seen the beauty of Bathsheba, and with no consideration for the consequences, had defiled the wife of one of his most faithful servants, and, in order to cover up his adulterous conduct and to marry Bathsheba, he proceeded with killing Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah.

Through the prophet Nathan, God spoke this judgment to David: ” ‘Now therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife’ ” (2 Samuel 12:10).

Wanting something so intensely and, in a sense, so mindlessly as in the examples of Amnon and David led to tremendous frustration, suffering and even death!

That was true, likewise, for Adam and Eve. Note how Genesis 3:6 reports on their evil desire: “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.”

Once again, the results were catastrophic for both Adam and Eve and the rest of humanity that has followed along the same path of wanton lust for what is forbidden by God.

We find other, more positive examples in the Word of God that teach us what we should want. God explains it in a very straight forward way in Deuteronomy 30:19: ” ‘I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.’ “

Have you chosen life? Is eternal life the entire focus of your being?

If we say, “yes!” to these questions, then let us check ourselves out with this reminder from Jesus: ” ‘So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple’ ” (Luke 14:33). Simply put, we must want what God wants for us–and completely on His terms!

Indeed, God does set before us a choice. We get to choose life, or we can choose death!

What do YOU want?

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As WorldNetDaily reported on December 27, 2003, “Terrorists planned to observe the celebrated birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day with a 9-11-style attack on the Vatican, according to Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. “‘A hijacked plane into the Vatican. … An attack from the sky, is that clear?’ Berlusconi is quoted as saying in the Milan newspaper Libero. ‘The threat of terrorism is very high in this instant. I passed Christmas Eve in Rome to deal with the situation. Now I feel calm. It will pass.’

According to the paper, the premier said news of the attack on Rome was ‘precise and verified.’ He offered no details about where the information came from… Reuters reports Berlusconi later denied making the statements attributed to him by the daily, and accused its reporter of making up the quotes.”

Other papers said that Berlusconi made the denials after he came under attack from colleagues who charged Berlusconi with breaching confidentiality. The Vatican did not comment.


WorldNetDaily reported on December 27, 2003: “International offers of aid poured in to Iran as rescue teams from all over the world joined a massive search for survivors in the wake of the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that flattened the historic city of Bam, killing as many as 40,000 people… While rescue workers have pulled hundreds out of the rubble — including an infant — thousands of others are feared still trapped alive…

“But as the death toll soars from the world’s most serious earthquake since 25,000 were killed in the western Indian state of Gujarat in 2001, Tehran continued its longstanding hostility toward Israel, declaring it would not accept its assistance.

“‘The Islamic Republic of Iran accepts all kinds of humanitarian aid from all countries and international organizations with the exception of the Zionist regime,’ Jahanbakhsh Khanjani, a spokesman for Iran’s Interior Ministry, said following word that unofficial Israeli sources were considering sending aid to Iran.”


As NEWS-Networld reported, Austria’s Chancellor Schuessel is opposed to the concept of a “core Europe.” This concept had been proposed by Germany and France after the failed attempt in December to create a European Constitution for all European member states. Schuessel said, “This is not the kind of Europe that I want. We want to use all our strength to create a European Constitution for all 25 member states.” Nevertheless, he added: “If we should not be able to create a European Constitution…, and there should be a core Europe, then we will do everything that we will be a part of it.”


As Der Spiegel Online and Reuters reported on December 31, 2003 and January 1,2004, “The euro broke above a $1.25 barrier FOR THE FIRST TIME on Monday.” While the euro “climbs and climbs,” traders “expect a further decline of the value of the U.S. dollar.” Amazingly, the Bush Administration sees no cause for concern, having, as one commentator put it, “an evident policy of benign neglect, if not outright approval of a cheaper dollar.” Reuters stated: “In just under a year since taking office last January, Treasury Secretary John Snow has toned down the former hard-line U.S. commitment to a ‘strong dollar,’ effectively endorsing the fall by saying that its value ‘reflects the fundamentals of the demand and supply for currencies.'”


AFP reported on January 1, 2004: “Buoyed by a strong euro and mindful of EU expansion, Europe’s leaders used their New Year’s messages to urge their peoples to work hard to meet the challenge of ensuring economic renewal and stability, in an uncertain and increasingly interconnected world.” Quoting Germany’s Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, the paper wrote: “‘Germany, which has Europe’s biggest economy, ‘will not be the only country to benefit by us acting decisively to modernize. THE WHOLE OF EUROPE IS LOOKING AT OUR EFFORTS IN HOPE,’ the chancellor said.” Quoting British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the paper continued: “‘Boom and bust, economic uncertainty… used to be the British disease. We have cured that disease,’ Blair said.”

Whatever the British “disease,” the Bible makes it clear that it has not been cured. At the same time, the Bible predicts that Germany will be Europe’s leading power in the last days. Note this remarkable prophecy for our days, in Hosea 5:13: “When Ephraim [Great Britain and other Anglo-Saxon English-speaking nations] saw his sickness…, Then Ephraim went to Assyria [modern Germany and other German-speaking nations] And sent to King Jareb [the final leader of a United Europe, apparently a German or an Austrian]; Yet he cannot cure you… For I [God] will be like a lion to Ephraim…”

Also, note this prophecy for our time in Hosea 7:11: “Ephraim also is like a silly dove, without sense… They go to Assyria. Wherever they go, I will spread My net on them; I will bring them down like birds of the air; I will chastise them According to what their congregation has heard. Woe to them, for they have fled from Me! Destruction to them, Because they have transgressed against Me.”

To learn more about the future of continental
Europe and Great Britain, please read our free booklets, “Europe
in Prophecy
” and “The
Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord


This was the headline of an article, published by UPI on December 26, 2003. The author, Martin Walker, continued:

“While the Bush administration focused relentlessly on the war in Iraq and its confused and bloody aftermath, the rest of the world has been busy reshaping the geopolitical map that has prevailed since the end of the Cold War. In Europe, Russia, China, India, the Middle East and South America, regional powers have been adjusting to the new realities of American military and strategic dominance, and to potential American weaknesses in the longer term.

“Some of those vulnerabilities, like the endemic U.S. trade deficit and the return of massive federal budget deficits, or the threat from militant Islam and the rise of China, are obvious. Others, like Europe’s slow withdrawal from its traditionally subordinate status, or Russia’s attempt to reassert control over the newly independent states who were once part of the Soviet Union, are less clear…

“With India, China and Pakistan all nuclear powers, Asia is now assuming the geopolitical importance and hair-trigger danger that Europe suffered in the Cold War. And the European Union itself remains a major player, even though its two nuclear powers, Britain and France, were on opposite sides of the argument over the Iraq war. Indeed, the growing cohesion of the EU, both as an economic actor through the euro currency, and as a strategic actor through its Common Foreign and Security Policy, is one of the striking features of the emerging new world order.

“Bickering over its budget and its draft new constitution, the EU is a quarrelsome work in progress, but the overall trend towards integration is clear. Even in the year when U.S. defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of a division between “Old” and “New” Europe over Iraq, the loyal British signed up with the French and Germans for a new EU defense structure, subtly independent from the U.S.-led NATO and able to mount military operations separately from the United States…

“But as the EU enlarges, with Cyprus joining on May 1, 2004 and Turkey now formally accepted as a candidate member, the EU is moving closer and closer to the Middle East. This is a region where European and American interests have traditionally been at odds, from the Suez crisis of 1956, the refusal of landing rights to U.S. aircraft resupplying Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur war, to this year’s Iraq war.

“The EU and U.S. are the world’s two economic giants, each accounting for almost a quarter of global GDP, and their joint failure in 2003 to secure progress at the World Trade Organization summit at Cancun, Mexico, was an important warning sign…

“Brazil’s radical new President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva symbolizes the way that Latin America is increasingly determined to go its own way, despite the powerful tradition of U.S. influence. The EU now invests more in Latin America than the United States, and China is now Argentina’s largest market — signs of erosion in Washington’s role…

“The British, French and German foreign ministers crafted a deal this year to bring Iran’s nuclear ambitions back within the non-proliferation rules of the International Atomic Energy Authority, and China has become a key player in the North Korean negotiations… this is no longer the lonely American superpower running the show…

[Russian Vladimir] Putin’s… clampdown on the Russian media and the arrest of the oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and the renewed centralization of authoritarian power in the Kremlin along with the ruthless repression in Chechnya, make Russia look more like the old Tsarist system. Putin’s recent bullying of former Soviet republics like Georgia and Moldova suggests that the old Russian imperial pretensions are far from dead…

“The question is whether the main players in the Middle East, whether Israel defying American advice against building more settlements on Palestinian land, or Saudis terrified that relaxing their hold will make an al-Qaida coup more feasible, see it quite Washington’s way.

“That has been the problem in the year 2003. For all America’s wealth and power, the world did not see matters Washington’s way, and began making their own, alternative arrangements. And with the United States about to become even more distracted by the introspection of a presidential election year, the world’s other major powers in Europe and Asia will have even more room to maneuver and craft a world in which America no longer rules the roost. Historians may yet look back [at this era]… when America’s moment of undisputed power began to give way to a new balance among a series of regional powers, each able to challenge American dominance in its own sphere of influence.”

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Is Water Divining an acceptable method for Christians to locate water?

This question was addressed by the Church before. We are quoting, as set forth below, from a letter published by the Worldwide Church of God, which explains the long-standing position of the Church on the matter:

“Water divining, also known as ‘water witching’ and ‘water dowsing,’ is practiced all over the world. It is the craft of seeking underground water by means of a divining rod, commonly a forked stick which is held by the twigs, one in each hand with the stock pointing outward or upward. As the diviner walks over the ground, the stick will suddenly twist in his hands and point downward, supposedly indicating the presence of underground water. At times there is water; at other times there is none.

“Hosea prophesied that divining rods would be used in our time. He wrote, ‘My people ask counsel at their stock and their staff declareth unto them (Hos. 4:12). According to the ‘Critical and Experimental Commentary,’ by Jamieson, Faussett, and Brown, ‘staff’ here refers to a divining rod.

“What is the origin of this practice? How did it come to be used so extensively in our western, so-called Christian nations? In his book titled ‘Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science,’ Martin Gardner admits:

“‘The employment of various shaped rods for divination purposes goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians …. In the Middle Ages, it was associated with the power of Satan, although many churchmen made use of divination rods. The forked twig, for finding minerals, apparently did not appear until the fifteenth century when it was used by German prospectors in the Harz Mining region. When German miners were imported to England in the century following, they brought the practice with them. It was in England that the use of the twig was transferred from minerals to the search for water.’

“God condemns such practices. He says, ‘Thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone … that useth divination’ (Deut. 18:9-10)…”

This quote explains quite convincingly why Christians should not involve themselves with water divining, or with any practice which is associated with the powers of the fallen spirit world that has departed from God. In the Middle Ages, it was clearly understood by many that the “art” of water divining was to be attributed “to the hand of the Devil,” as one source put it. When researching the subject, this conclusion is inescapable. Notice this quote from an article, titled, “Dry Spell Awakens Water Witches from the Graves,” dated November 13, 2003, as published by IslamOnline.net (emphasis added):

“Nanay Selda, the water witch, has done it again. How? It is no secret. Water witching has existed for hundreds of years all over the world. Nanay Selda is no necromancer, as water witches, water diviners or dowsers are ordinary people GIFTED with the art of finding water… Nanay Selda says SHE IS GUIDED BY A ‘FORCE’ WHEN SHE EXTENDS HER ARMS USING THE GUAVA BRANCHES… After she’s used the branches, one can see red welts on her palm, evidence of struggle WITH A FORCE, which shows UNUSUAL STRENGTH in such small frail arms. When I asked how she did it, she snapped like a bitch warning her pups, ‘I don’t know so don’t ask me.’ One water expert… had this to say…’ There is no empirical basis for water divining, yet it works. Water witches have not studied hydrogeology academically, but they know it intuitively.'”

The fact that water divining sometimes “works,” does not justify us to reach the conclusion that Christians can use this method. We read, for example, in Deuteronomy 13:1-4:

“If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a SIGN or a WONDER, and the sign or the wonder COMES TO PASS, of which he spoke to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other gods’ — which you have not known — ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the LORD your God is TESTING you to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the LORD your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him.”

The world of demons, and their “religion” and practice
of sorcery and witchcraft, including water divining, does sometimes
bring “results.” But these practices are in opposition
to God and His way of life — and must therefore be rejected and
avoided by true Christians. In order to learn more about the reality
of God’s spirit realm and the “dark side,” please read
our free booklet, “Angels,
Demons and the Spirit World

Rather than using practices such as “water divining,” we are told, in Proverbs 3:6: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” When we are in need of water and pray to God for revelation of the right location, God will show us, if we believe in His wisdom and might. There is no need to use “water divining” or any other occult practices to discover what God has preserved for His people.

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Standing Watch

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Website, titled, “How Good Is Your Word?”

The following short note appeared in the most recent “Journal”:

Wedding supper

SAN DIEGO, Calif. — For an article revealing the location of the marriage supper of Christ and the church, see an Internet based newsletter published by the Church of the Eternal God.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events

Mad Cow Disease


As Associated Press reported on December 24, 2003, “Federal officials insisted Wednesday that the food supply remains safe, even as a fallout began from the apparent discovery of the first case of mad cow disease in the United States. The impact was evident almost immediately: EIGHT [ASIAN] NATIONS, INCLUDING JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND TAIWAN, HALTED U.S. BEEF IMPORTS… JAPAN IS THE LARGEST OVERSEAS MARKET FOR U.S. BEEF…”
Japan imposed an indefinite ban and planned to recall certain meat products already on the market, according to USA Today.

Other articles pointed out that the second-largest overseas market for U.S. beef is South Korea, and that Japan and South Korea “were followed by other key Asian buyers such as Singapore, Malaysia, [Hong Kong], and Taiwan, while Australia and New Zealand said they would stop U.S. beef at their ports pending the outcome of U.S. [examination] on the infected animal.” As USA Today reported on December 24, in addition to the eight Asian nations, Mexico has also blocked the import of American beef.

As Bild reported, the European Union does not intend to block any further import of American beef, “as the import of most of the American beef into Europe is already banned, due to the treatment of American beef with hormones.”

Associated Press reported on December 25 that “A British lab provided initial independent confirmation Thursday that the United States has its first case of mad cow disease.” The article continued: “The [U.S.] government is trying to find the herd the cow was raised with, since the cow likely was sickened SEVERAL YEARS AGO from eating feed made partly from an infected cow. The incubation period in cattle is FOUR TO FIVE YEARS… Authorities were also scrambling to find where the meat cut from the animal was sent. The Agriculture Department already has issued a recall for 10,410 pounds of beef.”

It was also stated in the press that “Mad cow disease eats holes in the brains of cattle. It sprang up in Britain in 1986 and spread through countries in Europe and Asia, prompting massive destruction of herds and decimating the European beef industry. People can contract a form of mad cow disease if they eat infected beef or nerve tissue, and possibly through blood transfusions. The human form of mad cow disease so far has killed 143 people in Britain and 10 elsewhere, none in the United States.”

Der Spiegel Online explained that mad cow disease is caused by the practice of feeding to cattle recycled brains of animals, and “animal flour” (i.e., ground animal bones) in general. As one observer pointed out: “The food industry’s practice of using every last piece of slaughtered animal has meant that unwholesome remains now re-enter the food chain as food for another animal. Recent outbreaks of ‘mad cow disease’ have been caused by this practice… This would never normally occur in nature; left to their own devices, cows would not eat meat.”

According to Associated Press of December 25, “John Stauber, the author of ‘Mad Cow U.S.A.,’ said the U.S. hasn’t done enough to keep [Mad Cow Disease] out of the country. Cattle get sick by eating feed that contains tissue from the brain and spine of infected animals. The United States has banned such feed since 1997. ‘Here’s the problem, the feed ban has been grossly violated by feed mills,’ Stauber said… Stauber also said he believes the ban is ineffective because it exempts blood from cattle, which Stauber said could transmit mad-cow type diseases… Dr. Stanley Prusiner, a neurologist at the University of California at San Francisco [and a Nobel laureate], who discovered the proteins that cause mad cow disease, said he warned… recently that it was ‘just a matter of time’ before the disease was found in the United States.”


Associated Press reported on Tuesday, December 23, 2003:

“More aftershocks rattled the area Tuesday following a magnitude-6.5 earthquake that jolted the central California coast… Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger… declared a state of emergency for San Luis Obispo County… Residents from San Francisco to Los Angeles were shaken by Monday’s quake, the first to cause [two] fatalities in the state since a magnitude-6.7 temblor hit Northridge in 1994… The quake was centered on a series of faults that run parallel to the San Andreas Fault… Monday’s quake was the state’s most powerful since 1999, when a nonfatal magnitude-7.1 quake struck the desert near Joshua Tree. The last one of a similar size in the area was in 1952.”


Recently, the world has not heard much of Joerg Haider, governor of the Austrian State of Carinthia. This does not mean that Haider has become a non-entity. Quite to the contrary. Last week’s developments proved the opposite, and showed once again that Haider is a person to be reckoned with.

As Yahoo! Nachrichten and Der Spiegel Online reported on December 17, 2003, Haider questioned on Austrian public television that the Americans had in fact captured Saddam Hussein. He said that the person captured could be one of Saddam’s many doubles, and that the DNA testing of his saliva was meaningless, as they did not have a prior sample for comparison. He added that the reports of Saddam’s capture were “pretty much fraudulent” and constituted “an American play of ham actors.” He stated that the Americans needed a success story to help solve President Bush’s dilemma.

Haider continued by comparing President Bush with Saddam Hussein and Israel with a dictatorship similar to China and Iraq before the war. When asked whether he preferred Saddam to Bush, Haider said, “This is a tough call, because both have violated international law and both have violated human rights. The only difference is that one had the luck to lead a world power, and therefore the ability to make the laws, while the other was a weak dictator.”

Many Austrian politicians condemned Haider for his remarks. This prompted Haider to respond even further. As NEWS-Networld and “Kleine Zeitung” reported this week, Haider published one-page advertisements in newspapers in Carinthia, defending his statements and adding, “The truth hurts.” His ads stated that the goal of the American war “was not freedom and justice, but the possession of Iraqi oil.” He charged the United States with having “provided Hussein with weapons and poison gas in the past — as long as it served U.S. interests.” He claimed that “George Bush repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the world community,” and that Pope John Paul II and Mikhail Gorbachev share Haider’s position.

The further condemnatory reaction of Austrian politicians prompted Haider to additional press releases and statements. As NEWS-Networld reported, Haider said on Austrian radio that there was a difference between the published opinion and the public opinion. He claimed that he had received many phone calls from Austrians “who were happy that someone was saying what many in Austria were thinking.”

NEWS Online published on December 23 a commentary by popular Austrian columnist, Peter Pelinka, titled, “No good year for Europe.” He stated: “2003 was not a good year. Not for Austria…, not for the world (Joerg Haider is correct in one point: The politics of President Bush are indeed extremely dangerous, but one cannot compare him with the bloody dictator Saddam), and especially not for Europe…”


Austrian columnist Peter Pelinka stated in his commentary, published by NEWS Online: “It is truly a paradox: National borders have become meaningless in a globalized economy…, 80 percent of the laws (including for Austria) are made by the European Parliament…, the ‘old Europe’ grows together with the ‘new Europe,’ following historical rules… The U.S. author, Charles Kupchan… remains optimistic: He describes the United States as a decreasing and Europe as an increasin
g world power, based on the rules of world history. He sees Europe experiencing now what the United States accomplished in the 19th century.”


Der Spiegel Online published on December 20 an interview with Joschka Fischer, Germany’s foreign minister, following the failed attempt of the constitution summit to create a European Constitution. He called the failure “a beneficial shock.” He continued: “To my mind there won’t be a ‘European nucleus.’ Instead, there will be different nuclei, different speeds. But there will be A GROUP OF COUNTRIES WHICH ARE INVOLVED EVERYWHERE, the nucleus of the nucleus, so to speak.”

According to Reuters of December 13, 2003, French President Jacques Chirac had already “called for smaller ‘pioneer groups’ of countries to forge ahead with closer integration in defense, economic policy and justice… German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder… took a similar line: ‘If we don’t manage in the foreseeable future to reach a consensus, then there will emerge a Europe of two speeds.'”

The breakdown came when Poland and Spain insisted to uphold the Nice agreement in 2000, which gave Poland and Spain nearly the same voting rights as Germany, whose population is twice as large as theirs. On the other hand, Germany, France and Belgium were determined to change the agreement to gain more voting power.

The Bible predicts that in the end, there will be ten nations or groups of nations ruling over Europe. The most recent development could constitute a giant leap toward the final fulfillment of that prophecy. For more information, please listen to our recent split sermon on the issue, titled, “Europe — Now What?” The sermon has been posted at http://www.eternalgod.org/audio/index.php.


With this incredible headline, German boulevard paper Bild “informed” its readers on December 21 that the first European spacecraft will be landing on Mars on December 25. It continued, “In three days, Mars is German.” To “prove” this claim, the article stated, “Key portions of the landing device were made in Germany.” The name of the spacecraft is “Beagle 2.” It was the ship “Beagle,” on which Charles Darwin developed his key ideas of the evolution theory. And so, scientists are hopeful that they will now find traces of water and proofs for alien life on planet Mars.


This was one of the headlines of Spiegel Online, dated December 22. The article continued, “The political fight between the United States and the ‘old Europe’ has now reached science. In order to revenge itself for France’s ‘No’ to the Iraq war, Washington wants to prevent the construction of a development reactor, which will be worth billions of Euros, in Iter, France. The reactor,” said the magazine, “could solve man’s energy problem… The project has been worked on for eight years by the EU, Japan, the USA, China, Russia and South Korea. It will cost 10 billion Euros… The decision where to build the reactor was postponed until February 2004… While Russia and China preferred the location of Iter in France, the USA, South Korea and Japan voted for Rokkasho in Japan.”


The left-liberal German magazine, Der Spiegel, published an article, titled, “All Over the World for God.” It stated: “Thousands of German missionaries are trying to convert non-believers in far-off lands. While the large churches are gradually withdrawing, more and more Christian sectarians are disseminating MEDIEVAL SUPERSTITION by DUBIOUS METHODS. Both groups consider the THEORY OF EVOLUTION TO BE NONSENSE… they consider HOMOSEXUALITY TO BE A SIN, ABORTION EQUALLY SO, AND PREMARITAL SEX IS TABOO. Posing as foreign aid workers they also go about their missionary work in countries where Christians are unwelcome or even persecuted. THEIR CLAIM TO RELIGIOUS ABSOLUTENESS IS HARDLY LESS ZEALOUS THAN THAT OF MUSLIM EXTREMISTS. Many Jesus advertisers also show little concern for the fact that they are DESTROYING THE PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES. No wonder that the Germans are sometimes unwelcome.”

Whether public opinion likes it or not, the theory of evolution IS false (see our booklet, “Evolution — a Fairy Tale for Adults”); homosexual conduct is sinful (see our Updates Nos. 99 and 104); and abortion and premarital sex are wrong (see, regarding abortion, our booklet, “Are You Already Born Again?”). Further, to follow God’s way of life will bring persecution. The Bible is replete with examples where the “peaceful coexistence of local communities” was destroyed, due to persecution from those who rejected God’s truth.


As der Stern reported on December 22, three right-extreme German musicians were convicted for creating and participating in a criminal organization. This is the first time that a German court has made such a judgment. The writer of the band received a jail term of three years and six months. The court found that he was guilty of disseminating Nazi propaganda and of committing a hate crime. The other two band members were set free on parole. The court found that the band members were partially responsible for right-extreme acts of violence, committed by third parties, as the band disseminated their music by CD in Germany (the CD had been produced in foreign countries). The band had only performed once in public. As Der Stern reported, the court held that “they had violated the dignity of man of many foreigners; they had glorified the Nazi time; severely badmouthed German politicians; and RIDICULED THE POPE and religious communities.”


According to “Kleine Zeitung,” a newspaper from Carinthia, Austria, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has demanded that German teachers, as well as any other public officials, do not wear kerchiefs. The article pointed out: “As justification, he stated that Germany is a secular country: ‘We are influenced by three great traditions: the Greek-Roman philosophy; the Christian-Judaic religion; and the inheritance of enlightenment.'”

One needs to ask: How can Germany be a “secular” country, if it is influenced by Christian and Jewish religions and by the Greek-Roman philosophy? The truth is, of course, that Germany is NOT a secular country, and that the separation between church and state, as it is known to exist in the United States, does NOT exist in the same way in Germany.


According to Associated Press of December 22, “Pope John Paul II said Monday that an expanding Europe must recognize the important contributions that Christianity has made to the continent over the centuries.” The article quoted the pope as saying: “I can’t but note that Europe is going through a CRUCIAL PHASE OF ITS HISTORY while widening its borders to other peoples and nations… It is important that Europe, enriched through the centuries by its Christian faith, confirms these origins and revives its roots.'”


As Associated Press reported on December 20, “the Vatican on Saturday attributed a miracle to the last emperor of Austria-Hungary, paving the way for the eventual beatification and sainthood of Charles I… Beatification requires evidence of a miracle after the person’s death (!) and is the last formal step before possible sainthood. Charles’ miracle reportedly came when a cloistered nun in Brazil prayed for his beatification in the 1970s and was cured of a deadly disease, [according to] the emperor’s grandson George Hapsburg.”

Emperor Karl I of Austria (1887-1922), known as Charles IV of Hungary, was Austria-Hungary’s last emperor. He became Austrian Emperor on November 21, 1916, and King of Hungary on December 30, 1916. He abdicated at the end of the war in 1918. He sought exile in Switzerland in March 1919. He was denied
domicile in Hungary, and died in Spain in 1922 of pneumonia. His wife, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, lived for a further 67 years, dying in Switzerland at the age of 96.


Associated Press reported on December 22, 2003, that “Labor unions in the Czech Republic demanded Monday that stores stop playing Christmas carols incessantly or pay compensation for causing emotional trauma to sales clerks. Some stores here play the same songs all day — and play them loudly. Employees say shifts have become unbearable… Unions in neighboring Austria have lodged similar complaints against stores there.”

Update 123

Goals of Child Rearing

On Saturday, December 27, 2003, Edwin Pope will be presenting the sermon, “Goals of Child Rearing.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream.”

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How Are You Doing With Your Sword

by Rene Messier (Canada)

A Samurai Warrior is an expert at using his sword for offensive as well as defensive means. He attains this level by training for many years under a tutor. He continues to practice and to keep his sword sharp and in a good condition. He is a fine example of practice leading to perfection. Professional musicians serve as additional examples for the need of continued practice. A famous violinist once said it was crucial for him to stay in form by practicing every day. He said if he did not practice for one day, he knew it. If he did not practice for two days, the critics knew it. If he failed to practice for three days, the audience knew it.

The question I would like to pose in this editorial is how are we doing with OUR sword? Are we PRACTICING the use of our sword? Our sword, according to Ephesians 6:17, is actually God’s sword that He gave us to be used by us, thereby accepting it as “our” sword. This sword is the Word of God — in other words, the Bible.

We can see how effectively Christ used His sword against Satan, as recorded in Matthew 4:3-10. Christ remembered and applied the Word of God to deflect the arrows of Satan, as it were, to defeat his attack on Him. Satan was attempting to get Him to sin, so that Christ would disqualify Himself as our Savior.

After this encounter, Satan left Him for a season or for another “opportune time” (Luke 4:13), which means he never quit. He just took a pause in his effort to bring Christ down. Bear in mind that Satan doesn’t rest from his efforts today to also bring us down. He is described as a roaring lion, walking about and “seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

We, as brothers and sisters of Christ and children of God the Father, need to keep our swords sharp and ready for use. We do this by the continuous study of the Word of God. The Bible is our complete weapon to thwart the efforts of the adversary in his attempts to get us to fall short of our calling.

We should be studying God’s Word daily. We can find comfort in the recorded examples of how God dealt with His servants in the past. Internalizing God’s laws in our minds, and learning how to apply the laws and statutes in our daily lives, should be a top priority in our studies. We read in 2 Timothy 2:15, in the Authorized Version, that we should study to show ourselves approved unto God. Are we doing this?

As Christian soldiers, we need to ensure that we remain faithful in our responsibilities to God the Father and Jesus Christ. This means that we need to practice daily the use of God’s Word. We must keep our sword ready for use when required, and we need to show ourselves approved unto God by our daily study of His Word, the Bible. At the successful end of our training, brethren, we will enter the Kingdom of God — a goal well worthy of the effort that is required of us now.

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Mad Cow Disease


As Associated Press reported on December 24, 2003, “Federal officials insisted Wednesday that the food supply remains safe, even as a fallout began from the apparent discovery of the first case of mad cow disease in the United States. The impact was evident almost immediately: EIGHT [ASIAN] NATIONS, INCLUDING JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND TAIWAN, HALTED U.S. BEEF IMPORTS… JAPAN IS THE LARGEST OVERSEAS MARKET FOR U.S. BEEF…”
Japan imposed an indefinite ban and planned to recall certain meat products already on the market, according to USA Today.

Other articles pointed out that the second-largest overseas market for U.S. beef is South Korea, and that Japan and South Korea “were followed by other key Asian buyers such as Singapore, Malaysia, [Hong Kong], and Taiwan, while Australia and New Zealand said they would stop U.S. beef at their ports pending the outcome of U.S. [examination] on the infected animal.” As USA Today reported on December 24, in addition to the eight Asian nations, Mexico has also blocked the import of American beef.

As Bild reported, the European Union does not intend to block any further import of American beef, “as the import of most of the American beef into Europe is already banned, due to the treatment of American beef with hormones.”

Associated Press reported on December 25 that “A British lab provided initial independent confirmation Thursday that the United States has its first case of mad cow disease.” The article continued: “The [U.S.] government is trying to find the herd the cow was raised with, since the cow likely was sickened SEVERAL YEARS AGO from eating feed made partly from an infected cow. The incubation period in cattle is FOUR TO FIVE YEARS… Authorities were also scrambling to find where the meat cut from the animal was sent. The Agriculture Department already has issued a recall for 10,410 pounds of beef.”

It was also stated in the press that “Mad cow disease eats holes in the brains of cattle. It sprang up in Britain in 1986 and spread through countries in Europe and Asia, prompting massive destruction of herds and decimating the European beef industry. People can contract a form of mad cow disease if they eat infected beef or nerve tissue, and possibly through blood transfusions. The human form of mad cow disease so far has killed 143 people in Britain and 10 elsewhere, none in the United States.”

Der Spiegel Online explained that mad cow disease is caused by the practice of feeding to cattle recycled brains of animals, and “animal flour” (i.e., ground animal bones) in general. As one observer pointed out: “The food industry’s practice of using every last piece of slaughtered animal has meant that unwholesome remains now re-enter the food chain as food for another animal. Recent outbreaks of ‘mad cow disease’ have been caused by this practice… This would never normally occur in nature; left to their own devices, cows would not eat meat.”

According to Associated Press of December 25, “John Stauber, the author of ‘Mad Cow U.S.A.,’ said the U.S. hasn’t done enough to keep [Mad Cow Disease] out of the country. Cattle get sick by eating feed that contains tissue from the brain and spine of infected animals. The United States has banned such feed since 1997. ‘Here’s the problem, the feed ban has been grossly violated by feed mills,’ Stauber said… Stauber also said he believes the ban is ineffective because it exempts blood from cattle, which Stauber said could transmit mad-cow type diseases… Dr. Stanley Prusiner, a neurologist at the University of California at San Francisco [and a Nobel laureate], who discovered the proteins that cause mad cow disease, said he warned… recently that it was ‘just a matter of time’ before the disease was found in the United States.”


Associated Press reported on Tuesday, December 23, 2003:

“More aftershocks rattled the area Tuesday following a magnitude-6.5 earthquake that jolted the central California coast… Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger… declared a state of emergency for San Luis Obispo County… Residents from San Francisco to Los Angeles were shaken by Monday’s quake, the first to cause [two] fatalities in the state since a magnitude-6.7 temblor hit Northridge in 1994… The quake was centered on a series of faults that run parallel to the San Andreas Fault… Monday’s quake was the state’s most powerful since 1999, when a nonfatal magnitude-7.1 quake struck the desert near Joshua Tree. The last one of a similar size in the area was in 1952.”


Recently, the world has not heard much of Joerg Haider, governor of the Austrian State of Carinthia. This does not mean that Haider has become a non-entity. Quite to the contrary. Last week’s developments proved the opposite, and showed once again that Haider is a person to be reckoned with.

As Yahoo! Nachrichten and Der Spiegel Online reported on December 17, 2003, Haider questioned on Austrian public television that the Americans had in fact captured Saddam Hussein. He said that the person captured could be one of Saddam’s many doubles, and that the DNA testing of his saliva was meaningless, as they did not have a prior sample for comparison. He added that the reports of Saddam’s capture were “pretty much fraudulent” and constituted “an American play of ham actors.” He stated that the Americans needed a success story to help solve President Bush’s dilemma.

Haider continued by comparing President Bush with Saddam Hussein and Israel with a dictatorship similar to China and Iraq before the war. When asked whether he preferred Saddam to Bush, Haider said, “This is a tough call, because both have violated international law and both have violated human rights. The only difference is that one had the luck to lead a world power, and therefore the ability to make the laws, while the other was a weak dictator.”

Many Austrian politicians condemned Haider for his remarks. This prompted Haider to respond even further. As NEWS-Networld and “Kleine Zeitung” reported this week, Haider published one-page advertisements in newspapers in Carinthia, defending his statements and adding, “The truth hurts.” His ads stated that the goal of the American war “was not freedom and justice, but the possession of Iraqi oil.” He charged the United States with having “provided Hussein with weapons and poison gas in the past — as long as it served U.S. interests.” He claimed that “George Bush repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the world community,” and that Pope John Paul II and Mikhail Gorbachev share Haider’s position.

The further condemnatory reaction of Austrian politicians prompted Haider to additional press releases and statements. As NEWS-Networld reported, Haider said on Austrian radio that there was a difference between the published opinion and the public opinion. He claimed that he had received many phone calls from Austrians “who were happy that someone was saying what many in Austria were thinking.”

NEWS Online published on December 23 a commentary by popular Austrian columnist, Peter Pelinka, titled, “No good year for Europe.” He stated: “2003 was not a good year. Not for Austria…, not for the world (Joerg Haider is correct in one point: The politics of President Bush are indeed extremely dangerous, but one cannot compare him with the bloody dictator Saddam), and especially not for Europe…”


Austrian columnist Peter Pelinka stated in his commentary, published by NEWS Online: “It is truly a paradox: National borders have become meaningless in a globalized economy…, 80 percent of the laws (including for Austria) are made by the European Parliament…, the ‘old Europe’ grows together with the ‘new Europe,’ following historical rules… The U.S. author, Charles Kupchan… remains optimistic: He describes the United States as a decreasing and Europe as an increasin
g world power, based on the rules of world history. He sees Europe experiencing now what the United States accomplished in the 19th century.”


Der Spiegel Online published on December 20 an interview with Joschka Fischer, Germany’s foreign minister, following the failed attempt of the constitution summit to create a European Constitution. He called the failure “a beneficial shock.” He continued: “To my mind there won’t be a ‘European nucleus.’ Instead, there will be different nuclei, different speeds. But there will be A GROUP OF COUNTRIES WHICH ARE INVOLVED EVERYWHERE, the nucleus of the nucleus, so to speak.”

According to Reuters of December 13, 2003, French President Jacques Chirac had already “called for smaller ‘pioneer groups’ of countries to forge ahead with closer integration in defense, economic policy and justice… German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder… took a similar line: ‘If we don’t manage in the foreseeable future to reach a consensus, then there will emerge a Europe of two speeds.'”

The breakdown came when Poland and Spain insisted to uphold the Nice agreement in 2000, which gave Poland and Spain nearly the same voting rights as Germany, whose population is twice as large as theirs. On the other hand, Germany, France and Belgium were determined to change the agreement to gain more voting power.

The Bible predicts that in the end, there will be ten nations or groups of nations ruling over Europe. The most recent development could constitute a giant leap toward the final fulfillment of that prophecy. For more information, please listen to our recent split sermon on the issue, titled, “Europe — Now What?” The sermon has been posted at http://www.eternalgod.org/audio/index.php.


With this incredible headline, German boulevard paper Bild “informed” its readers on December 21 that the first European spacecraft will be landing on Mars on December 25. It continued, “In three days, Mars is German.” To “prove” this claim, the article stated, “Key portions of the landing device were made in Germany.” The name of the spacecraft is “Beagle 2.” It was the ship “Beagle,” on which Charles Darwin developed his key ideas of the evolution theory. And so, scientists are hopeful that they will now find traces of water and proofs for alien life on planet Mars.


This was one of the headlines of Spiegel Online, dated December 22. The article continued, “The political fight between the United States and the ‘old Europe’ has now reached science. In order to revenge itself for France’s ‘No’ to the Iraq war, Washington wants to prevent the construction of a development reactor, which will be worth billions of Euros, in Iter, France. The reactor,” said the magazine, “could solve man’s energy problem… The project has been worked on for eight years by the EU, Japan, the USA, China, Russia and South Korea. It will cost 10 billion Euros… The decision where to build the reactor was postponed until February 2004… While Russia and China preferred the location of Iter in France, the USA, South Korea and Japan voted for Rokkasho in Japan.”


The left-liberal German magazine, Der Spiegel, published an article, titled, “All Over the World for God.” It stated: “Thousands of German missionaries are trying to convert non-believers in far-off lands. While the large churches are gradually withdrawing, more and more Christian sectarians are disseminating MEDIEVAL SUPERSTITION by DUBIOUS METHODS. Both groups consider the THEORY OF EVOLUTION TO BE NONSENSE… they consider HOMOSEXUALITY TO BE A SIN, ABORTION EQUALLY SO, AND PREMARITAL SEX IS TABOO. Posing as foreign aid workers they also go about their missionary work in countries where Christians are unwelcome or even persecuted. THEIR CLAIM TO RELIGIOUS ABSOLUTENESS IS HARDLY LESS ZEALOUS THAN THAT OF MUSLIM EXTREMISTS. Many Jesus advertisers also show little concern for the fact that they are DESTROYING THE PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES. No wonder that the Germans are sometimes unwelcome.”

Whether public opinion likes it or not, the theory of evolution IS false (see our booklet, “Evolution — a Fairy Tale for Adults”); homosexual conduct is sinful (see our Updates Nos. 99 and 104); and abortion and premarital sex are wrong (see, regarding abortion, our booklet, “Are You Already Born Again?”). Further, to follow God’s way of life will bring persecution. The Bible is replete with examples where the “peaceful coexistence of local communities” was destroyed, due to persecution from those who rejected God’s truth.


As der Stern reported on December 22, three right-extreme German musicians were convicted for creating and participating in a criminal organization. This is the first time that a German court has made such a judgment. The writer of the band received a jail term of three years and six months. The court found that he was guilty of disseminating Nazi propaganda and of committing a hate crime. The other two band members were set free on parole. The court found that the band members were partially responsible for right-extreme acts of violence, committed by third parties, as the band disseminated their music by CD in Germany (the CD had been produced in foreign countries). The band had only performed once in public. As Der Stern reported, the court held that “they had violated the dignity of man of many foreigners; they had glorified the Nazi time; severely badmouthed German politicians; and RIDICULED THE POPE and religious communities.”


According to “Kleine Zeitung,” a newspaper from Carinthia, Austria, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has demanded that German teachers, as well as any other public officials, do not wear kerchiefs. The article pointed out: “As justification, he stated that Germany is a secular country: ‘We are influenced by three great traditions: the Greek-Roman philosophy; the Christian-Judaic religion; and the inheritance of enlightenment.'”

One needs to ask: How can Germany be a “secular” country, if it is influenced by Christian and Jewish religions and by the Greek-Roman philosophy? The truth is, of course, that Germany is NOT a secular country, and that the separation between church and state, as it is known to exist in the United States, does NOT exist in the same way in Germany.


According to Associated Press of December 22, “Pope John Paul II said Monday that an expanding Europe must recognize the important contributions that Christianity has made to the continent over the centuries.” The article quoted the pope as saying: “I can’t but note that Europe is going through a CRUCIAL PHASE OF ITS HISTORY while widening its borders to other peoples and nations… It is important that Europe, enriched through the centuries by its Christian faith, confirms these origins and revives its roots.'”


As Associated Press reported on December 20, “the Vatican on Saturday attributed a miracle to the last emperor of Austria-Hungary, paving the way for the eventual beatification and sainthood of Charles I… Beatification requires evidence of a miracle after the person’s death (!) and is the last formal step before possible sainthood. Charles’ miracle reportedly came when a cloistered nun in Brazil prayed for his beatification in the 1970s and was cured of a deadly disease, [according to] the emperor’s grandson George Hapsburg.”

Emperor Karl I of Austria (1887-1922), known as Charles IV of Hungary, was Austria-Hungary’s last emperor. He became Austrian Emperor on November 21, 1916, and King of Hungary on December 30, 1916. He abdicated at the end of the war in 1918. He sought exile in Switzerland in March 1919. He was denied
domicile in Hungary, and died in Spain in 1922 of pneumonia. His wife, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, lived for a further 67 years, dying in Switzerland at the age of 96.


Associated Press reported on December 22, 2003, that “Labor unions in the Czech Republic demanded Monday that stores stop playing Christmas carols incessantly or pay compensation for causing emotional trauma to sales clerks. Some stores here play the same songs all day — and play them loudly. Employees say shifts have become unbearable… Unions in neighboring Austria have lodged similar complaints against stores there.”

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Who are the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7?

Much has been speculated as to the identity of the 144,000. However, if we let the Bible speak for itself, the answer becomes rather obvious.

Let us begin our analysis by quoting from a letter of the Worldwide Church of God, dated November 1987:

“In verse 1 [of Revelation 7] we find that the Day of the Lord — the time of terrible plagues — is to be delayed temporarily UNTIL the servants of God have been sealed. According to the sequence of prophesied events, this sealing is yet IN THE FUTURE. It will occur AFTER THE COMING GREAT TRIBULATION AND THE APPEARANCE OF THE HEAVENLY SIGNS, but just BEFORE THE PLAGUES of God’s judgments are poured out.

“Next, notice Jesus’ own explanation of the 144,000. They are 144,000 of the TRIBES OF ISRAEL, 12,000 of each tribe. The tribe of Dan is not mentioned — perhaps because they went to idolatry anciently, and will thus have to WAIT for God’s salvation (Gen. 49:1, 18). The 144,000 are to be given SPECIAL PROTECTION DURING THE DAY OF THE LORD.

“The 144,000 are sealed BY the Holy Spirit, IN their foreheads (minds). Revelation 14:1 shows that it is the Father’s name that is written there. Jesus’ very last prayer was that His Church would be kept in the Father’s name (John 17) [emphasis in original and added].”

This explanation is in accord with Mr. Armstrong’s writings, the late human leader of the Worldwide Church of God until his death in 1986. Please note the following excerpts from his booklet, “The key to the book of Revelation”:

“It is vital to understand the distinction between the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. The heavenly signs do not occur until AFTER the Tribulation (Matt. 24:29). But they are to come BEFORE the ‘Day of the Lord’ (Joel 2:31)… But just as we come to the time of the terrible DAY OF THE LORD to strike, an angel appears holding back the four winds (Rev. 7:1-3), which are the first four Trumpet plagues (Rev. 8:7-12) of the Day of the Lord.

“They are held back until the 144,000 are sealed, and the great innumerable multitude of ALL NATIONS turn to God and His protection.

“The 144,000 are 12,000 from each of the literal tribes of Israel. They are sealed by the Holy Spirit, IN their foreheads, and it is the FATHER’S NAME that is sealed there (Rev. 14:1). THE TIME OF THIS SEALING, THEN, IS YET FUTURE — AFTER THE TRIBULATION, AFTER THE HEAVENLY SIGNS… The innumerable multitude shall have COME OUT of THE Great Tribulation (Rev. 7:14… ) [emphasis in original and added].”

In considering the Biblical revelation regarding the 144,000, we can see the following:

1) None of the 144,000 have already been sealed.
2) The 144,000 will be sealed in the future, AFTER the Great Tribulation.
3) The 144,000 will be sealed in order to be protected from the plagues of the Day of the Lord.
4) The 144,000 are physical Israelites that will be alive at the time of their sealing.
5) 12,000 of each tribe of Israel will be sealed. Since the tribe of Dan is omitted, the tribe of Joseph is represented through Joseph and through his son Manasseh (Revelation 7:6, 8).
6) Since the 144,000 will be sealed AFTER the Great Tribulation, they will have to go THROUGH the Great Tribulation. There is no indication in the Bible that they will be protected from the Great Tribulation at a place of safety.
7) As the 144,000 will be protected from the plagues of the Day of the Lord, so the “great multitude” (Revelation 7:9) will turn to God for protection as well.
8) The “great multitude” is not a part of the 144,000, but it is a separate group of peoples.
9) The “great multitude,” which “no one can number,” consists “of ALL [other, that is, non-Israelite] nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues.”
10) The “great multitude” had to go through the Great Tribulation as well. They will not be at a place of safety, to be protected from the Great Tribulation. Revelation 7:14 reads: “These are the ones who COME OUT OF the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

Today, neither the 144,000 nor the great multitude have turned to God. But they will — when they remember the message of the gospel of the kingdom of God, which is being preached today, and which will continue to be preached by God’s church (compare Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20), combined with the activities of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:1-6), the martyrdom of some of the saints (Revelation 6:9-11; 12:13-17) and the sufferings of national Israelites and Jews during the Great Tribulation, and the heavenly signs. When the 144,000 find themselves in the midst of the Great Tribulation, they will reflect and come to their senses. THEN they will repent — not before then. Speaking of the modern houses of Israel and Judah, we read a remarkable prophecy in Deuteronomy 30:1-3, 6, and 8. This prophecy refers to “the latter days” (Deuteronomy 31:29) and might also include a description of the conversion of the 144,000:

“Now it shall come to pass, when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where the LORD your God drives you, and you RETURN to the Lord your God (i.e., REPENT) and OBEY His voice, according to ALL that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul (describing CONVERSION), that the LORD your God will bring you back from captivity (which will be experienced by the modern houses of Israel and Judah during the time of the Great Tribulation)… And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, THAT YOU MAY LIVE (that is, that you might be PROTECTED from the PLAGUES of the Day of the Lord)… And you will again obey the voice of the LORD and do all His commandments which I command you today.”

When the 144,000 turn to God, become converted and receive the Holy Spirit, they will be protected from the plagues of the Day of the Lord. Their conversion is still in the future. It will take place after they, together with the great multitude of ALL [non-Israelite] nations, have experienced the fiery trial of the Great Tribulation.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2024 Church of the Eternal God