Update 49

Laodicean Era

Today is the Day of the Laodicean will be the title of Mr. Edwin Pope’s sermon this Sabbath. We hope that you will join us.

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream”.

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"Your Covenant With God"

by Edwin Pope

One of the most important doctrines of the Church of God is one, which has to do with the covenants God has made with His people down through the ages. God has made covenants (agreements) with different people at different times as He chose to deal with them.

He made a covenant with Adam, which covenant Adam failed to keep. (While the Bible does not specifically refer to God’s Words in Gen. 2:16-17 as a covenant, God did make a binding commitment, here, with Adam, that if the man failed in this requirement God placed upon him, the penalty for disobedience was death.) Adam, rather, chose to walk in Satan’s ways instead of God’s righteous Way and, thus, all of mankind has been made subject to death.

God made a covenant with Noah, and the sign of that covenant is still with us, today, available for all to see, as a witness of the agreement God made with Noah and of Noah’s obedience to God. (Gen. 8:16, 9:8-17)

We are all cognizant of the covenants God made with Abraham and his seed and of Abraham’s obedience and the fact that the world today is still being blessed because Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were faithful to God in the keeping of these covenants. Of course, there is the special Sabbath covenant which we find in Exodus 31:12-18, and the covenant God made with His servant, David. (2 Samuel 7:12-16)

Abraham’s descendants, the Children of Israel, entered into numerous covenants with God, but like Adam, they failed to keep their part in these agreements. In these covenants, Israel agreed to be obedient to God’s Sabbath, to His Laws, and to His Way of life. God, in turn, promised to Israel, material and national blessings and a superior position in the earth, if they would be faithful to these agreements. (The gift of God’s Holy Spirit and the promise of eternal life were not made a part of these agreements with Israel.) Israel failed in keeping their part in these agreements.

Jesus Christ came to this earth to establish a special covenant between God and those He would call during this lifetime. God would give them His Spirit as a help, for them to be able to fulfill their part of the agreement, which He would be making with them. Additionally, He would allow Jesus Christ to offer Himself as a living sacrifice such that a means for forgiveness of sin was available for them, upon repentance, when they failed in their part of the agreement.

The question for God’s chosen people, today, is … how are we doing in our resolve to keep the covenant we made with Him at the time of our baptism?

We saw how God blessed His Church during that period of Church history we have all come to know as the Philadelphia era of God’s Church (Revelation 3:7-13). But, now, we have seen the end of that era and the onset of a new era … Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22). We have seen the beginning of the apostasy, as it has encompassed God’s people. And we have seen the scattering of the sheep and the offense that has been caused by this momentous event.

Today, the Church is much smaller than during the latter years of the Philadelphia era! How should God’s people be relating, today, in light of all the events, which have taken place?

Our admonition is, first, to hold fast to those things, which we first learned. (2 Timothy 1:13-14; Revelation 3:11). We must persevere. If this requires further separation, God will see that it happens. Second, our admonition is to watch, always, and to pray that we be accounted worthy, when Christ comes to establish His Father’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:42-47). Third, our admonition is to endure. (Matthew 24:13). We must not waver, brethren, in our dealings with the Almighty. (James 1:6-8).

God, the Father has allowed the Church to be scattered at this time (Daniel 12:7), yet, it is He Who will gather them at the appropriate time. (John 11:51-52).

But we, brethren, must remain faithful to God’s Truth, never wavering, never losing faith that our elder brother will keep His promise as quoted by Paul in Hebrews 13:5, where He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” If we remain faithful to Jesus Christ and to the Father, they will certainly remain faithful to us.

In Malachi 3:16, we read that “…those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, (if we fear Him, we will obey Him), And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name. ‘They shall be Mine’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him.’ Then you shall again discern Between the righteous and the wicked, Between one who serves God And one who does not serve Him.”

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong admonished us to “prove all things.” He taught us to believe him only if what he taught was provable by scripture. We must not change from that approach. We must not follow any man, except as he follows Christ. Only then can we demonstrate true loyalty to the Almighty. He tells us in His Word, “For I am the LORD, I change not.” (Malachi 3:6 – KJV).

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A federal appeals court of the 9th Circuit ruled Wednesday that saying the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional because the “under God” portion added by Congress in 1954 improperly endorses religion. The 9th Circuit includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington state. Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, an appointee of President Richard M. Nixon, wrote for the three-judge panel, stating that this phrase, as adopted by Congress, amounts to an official endorsement of “a religious orthodoxy” of monotheism over atheism or a belief in certain non-Judeo-Christian religions or philosophies, and is therefore impermissible. Judge Stephen Reinhardt, an appointee of President Jimmy Carter, joined Goodwin. Judge Ferdinand F. Fernandez, who was appointed by President George H.W. Bush, dissented.

The decision does not become effective until all appeals have failed. It is almost viewed as certain that the decision will be overturned, either by a full appeals court of the 9th Circuit, or, if the full court of appeals refuses to change the decision, by the United States Supreme Court, most likely sometime in 2003.

Most politicians condemned the decision. President Bush called it “ridiculous” and “out of step with the traditions and history of America.” He promised to appoint judges who affirm God’s role in the public square, stating that this country needs “commonsense judges who understand that our rights were derived from God.”

The U.S. Senate voted 99-0 on a resolution condemning the ruling. Attorney General John Ashcroft said “this decision is directly contrary to two centuries of American tradition.” Senator Joe Lieberman called for a constitutional amendment to enshrine “under God” in the Pledge. “There may have been a more senseless, ridiculous decision issued by a court at some time, but I don’t remember it,” he said.

Many newspapers across the nation condemned the ruling as well. The New York Times and The Washington Post said that the ruling was more misguided than incorrect, calling it “well-meaning” but lacking in “common sense.” The Los Angeles Times stated references to the Almighty have long been an integral part of everyday American life.

Some legal experts were not convinced that the decision was stretching the United States Supreme Court’s past cases. Washington lawyer Christopher Landau, former clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia, stated that he did not think “this is necessarily a wacko 9th Circuit result… This is the Supreme Court reaping what it sowed.” Eugene Volokh, a specialist in church-state law at UCLA Law School, concurred. “It is eminently defensible,” he said. “I’m not sure it’s ultimately the right result. But the court is applying principles the Supreme Court has established.” He continued that he expects that the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold the Pledge, as the words “under God” qualify as “‘ceremonial deism’ — traditional references to a higher power so frequently invoked that they have lost any specific religious meaning.”

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a 37-year-old Baptist minister from New York, for the observance of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ landing. It was not exclusively for the flag of the United States, but it was intended to be an international peace pledge. In 1923-24, the American Legion and the Daughters of the American Revolution changed the words “to my flag” to “to the flag of the United States of America.” Congress added the words “under God” in 1954 after a two-year campaign begun by the Knights of Columbus, a Roman Catholic service group. Alfred Goodwin writes in his majority opinion that “the purpose of the 1954 Act was to take a position on the question of theism, namely, to support the existence and moral authority of God, while ‘deny[ing]… atheistic and materialistic concepts.'”

(Sources: Newdow v. U.S. Congress, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (2002), pp. 9105-9136; USA Today; Washington Post; both as of June 27, 2002)


The city of Denver, Colorado, has now imposed water restrictions because of ominous lack of rainfall and lower than normal water reserves. Now into a two and three year impact from low snowfall and precious little rain, the state of Colorado along with the greater Southwestern United States is beginning to implement plans for an ongoing drought that will only worsen.

Agricultural businesses now wonder if many farmers will even plant seed next year. Cattle herds are already being sold down in reaction to lack of irrigation water or timely rains to grow hay. Privately, some individuals are considering the reality of rationed drinking water–much less restricted lawn watering in the coming year.


In a 15-minute speech on Wednesday, President George W. Bush expressed his vision that the state of Israel will live side-by-side in peace with a state of Palestine, fighting together against terrorism. He asked the Palestinian people to elect new leaders who are not tainted by terrorism, and to create a functioning democracy. Although never mentioning Arafat by mane, it became clear that Bush was advocating a new Palestinian leader other than Arafat.

Both Israel and Arafat reacted positively to Bush’s speech. Israel’s minister of defense, Benjamin Ben Eliser, stated that the speech was an “historical event”, and Arafat welcomed Bush’s “ideas,” stating that their expression showed a “serious effort.”

Subsequently, Bush emphasized in Canada that Israel has a right to defend itself. At the same time, he asked Israel to withdraw its army from areas that were occupied subsequent to September 2000. He also stated that Israel must cease from building Jewish settlements in Palestinian territory.

The White House also clarified that Bush’s demands towards Israel and the Palestinians were to be understood “simultaneously,” that have to be accomplished hand-in-hand. According to the White House, Mr. Bush did not want to imply a certain order of actions. It was not meant to convey that Israel could sit back and wait what will happen.

Sources: Bild, June 25; Der Stern Online, June 26


This week, former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (83) gave an insightful interview to BILD-Online, discussing the problems of present-day education in Germany. We feel that his worthwhile analysis applies equally to the Western World as a whole. The following are excerpts from the interview:

Question: “What values are missing in today’s education?”
Helmut Schmidt: “Virtues such as the feeling of responsibility for oneself and others…”
Question: “Which virtue played a predominant role in your education?”
Helmut Schmidt: “Bravery… If it does not work out in your job, don’t give up, but press on, even if it is difficult….”
Question: “Can young people be trained to accept those values?”
Helmut Schmidt: “Lectures don’t help. They have to experience those values in school, in a club, in the company, but mostly, in the family.”
Question: “Is television responsible for violence…?”
Helmut Schmidt: “Yes, in part… Our children and teens see daily on the TV screens murders, wars, and blood. The media supports this, as they want to make money. And our children finally begin to think, this is reality…”
Question: “Can teachers work against those developments?”
Helmut Schmidt: “This would require first that they will be respected. But the generation of the late 60’s glorified for the young people the vice of lack of respect for age … What an insanity…”
Question: “How did family life change since you were young?”
Helmut Schmidt: “Not as much, as many think. There are still intact families in Germany. But problems increase: More and more children grow up with divorce. Some remain single kids,
becoming more egoistic and self-centered…. Others are handed over far too early to pre-school or kindergarten, instead of staying with their parents. I know that more and more mothers want to work, but I do not think that this is a good development. ”

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Called to Teach

Is the school of life the best teacher? Do we learn best by making mistakes? Or is there a better way? God has called us out of this world to be different, to enter into a relationship with Him that makes it possible to obey Him, thus enabling us to live a happy and productive life. The church, the spiritual body of Christ, is to teach us right values so that we can live in peace and harmony, dealing with life’s conflicts in a Godly manner.

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Current Events



This has been a long, long week for the fire ravaged west–especially Colorado. As new fires sweep up acres of wilderness in Arizona, California and the state of Colorado, the up close and personal cost is settling in as families numbering in the thousands first evacuate their homes then anxiously await the outcome.

Words such as apocalyptic are being used to describe these out of control fires. There is even talk of these fires lasting for months with the only hope for dousing the flames being from snowfall! This week has seen a few welcomed rainfalls, but most of the moisture was falling only on the exterior boundaries of the largest fires. Continued low humidity and historic dryness throughout western forest areas portends even more sweeping destruction during the summer ahead.


A stunned public learned that the so-called Hayman Fire in Colorado was started by a U.S. forest Service employee. Motives as to why she did this have become the grist mill of the media while angry and displaced home owners in the affected area voice outrage and a deep loathing for the actions of one who should have been the first to protect the public.

This tragic occurrence magnifies poignantly the utter breakdown in societal traditions and values. More and more, societies are not only suffering wrath from outside their own borders, but now terror reigns from within national confines. Expensive and devastating acts have whole populations reduced to shocked awareness that we are now living in a very different kind of world than the more comfortable times of the recent past.


Germany’s “spokesman” and Second-in-Command of the Free Democrats, Juergen Moellemann, does not seem to give in to pressures to retract certain of his statements which have been interpreted by some as anti-Semitic. He continued his criticism this week of Ariel Sharon, stating that Sharon should not be surprised when Palestinians retaliate, even with suicide bombings, for Israel’s attacks on them. Der Spiegel ran an analysis on June 7, 2002, pointing out that, although the official figures show a decline of popularity of the FDP, there remain concerns that a majority might agree with Moellemann, but remain silent during polls. Allegedly, Moellemann received 11,000 email messages supporting his policy and position. Scientists were quoted by Der Spiegel, stating that up to 30% of the German population might be supporting anti-Semitic concepts and might therefore vote for Moellemann and the FDP in September. Others feel that this figure is far too high, as it is based on studies in the 80’s.


In an unusually strong article, Der Spiegel accused the United States on June 20 of engaging in violations of human rights of its citizens and legal residents in its fight against terrorism. In citing several examples, the German magazine concluded that flagrant constitutional violations might lead soon to a new form of civil resistance in the U.S., even though 64% of the U.S. population are presently willing to give up individual liberties, and 80% would be willing to endorse detentions of U.S. citizens (without the benefit of granting them certain constitutional rights) in order to gain security. At the same time, according to Der Spiegel, Amnesty International speculated that the U.S. participates in or at least tolerates torture in foreign countries in their fight against terrorism, stating that Egypt, Syria, Morocco and Pakistan do use torture in order to obtain confessions from prisoners.


As pointed out in the booklet, Evolution – A Fairy Tale for Adults, this world will soon experience devastating collisions with asteroids, meteors or comets. Now, perhaps as a warning and a foretaste of what could have been a terrible disaster, an asteroid, approximately a hundred meters in size, almost hit the earth on June 14. It came within 120,000 kilometers of Earth. According to Der Spiegel in its on-line article of June 20, scientists tell us that if there had been a “deep impact,” devastating damage would have been the result. It is almost certain that the effect would have been at least the same as if an atomic bomb had exploded. Especially discomforting and frightening is the fact that the asteroid was only discovered on June 17 — three days AFTER the impact almost took place.

More information on the asteroid can be found at http://skyandtelescope.com/news/current/article_641_1.asp

"How Convicted Are We?"

We are living in perilous times. We hear of suicide bombings in Israel on a weekly basis. We hear of wars and rumors of wars at the India-Pakistani border. In following the news carefully, we realize that the relationship between the United States and Europe is steadily deteriorating. We recognize the grim reality — for example, that large arsenals of nuclear weapons are stored, many of them undetected, around the world. We hear of increasing earthquakes, wild fires, hurricanes and tornados. Understanding prophecy, we know that all of these, however, are just the beginning of sorrows.

What is our responsibility in the face of coming disaster? Since God showed us what is to come, He wants us to respond! We are to warn our fellow man of the evil times ahead of us. But, in order to do so effectively, we ourselves must be convinced and convicted that God does in fact mean what He says.

Notice Abraham’s conviction! He is the father of the faithful — one whose faith we are to imitate. We read in Romans 4:21 that Abraham was “fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.”

Sometimes, we may want to give up. We may think that we have done all that we can do, and that it does not really make a difference. But it does. God would not give us a job to do, if it were hopeless. At least at one time in his life, Paul was ready to die. But, he realized that it was needful for the brethren that he stay alive and continue to do his job. He explains in Philippians 1:21-25 (NIV):

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith…”

And so, we, too, must be “fully convinced” in our own minds (Romans 14:5) that God still wants us to preach the gospel and to feed the flock, and that we have a part in this commission. And while doing God’s will, let us, too, be convinced that our labor is not in vain and that we, with God’s help, will succeed. Notice these encouraging words of Paul, a deeply convicted apostle:

— “For this reason I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” (2 Timothy 1:12)

Paul knew that he would succeed — because he knew something about God, which kept him going. Paul wants all of us to come to that same conviction and persuasion:

— “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose … For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:28, 38-39)

The righteous men and women of old had strong convictions. These convictions motivated and inspired them to accomplish mighty deeds. They knew that God’s word was true. They had no doubt about that:

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them…” (Hebrews 11:13).

God gave all of us very powerful and encouraging promises. They should motivate us to actively respond to God’s love. But they only will, if we are convicted that those promises are for real.

Update 48

Live ServicesJune 22
Editorial"How Convicted Are We?"

June 22

Dave Harris will be speaking this Sabbath on God’s blessings.

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream”.

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"How Convicted Are We?"

by Norbert Link

We are living in perilous times. We hear of suicide bombings in Israel on a weekly basis. We hear of wars and rumors of wars at the India-Pakistani border. In following the news carefully, we realize that the relationship between the United States and Europe is steadily deteriorating. We recognize the grim reality — for example, that large arsenals of nuclear weapons are stored, many of them undetected, around the world. We hear of increasing earthquakes, wild fires, hurricanes and tornados. Understanding prophecy, we know that all of these, however, are just the beginning of sorrows.

What is our responsibility in the face of coming disaster? Since God showed us what is to come, He wants us to respond! We are to warn our fellow man of the evil times ahead of us. But, in order to do so effectively, we ourselves must be convinced and convicted that God does in fact mean what He says.

Notice Abraham’s conviction! He is the father of the faithful — one whose faith we are to imitate. We read in Romans 4:21 that Abraham was “fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.”

Sometimes, we may want to give up. We may think that we have done all that we can do, and that it does not really make a difference. But it does. God would not give us a job to do, if it were hopeless. At least at one time in his life, Paul was ready to die. But, he realized that it was needful for the brethren that he stay alive and continue to do his job. He explains in Philippians 1:21-25 (NIV):

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith…”

And so, we, too, must be “fully convinced” in our own minds (Romans 14:5) that God still wants us to preach the gospel and to feed the flock, and that we have a part in this commission. And while doing God’s will, let us, too, be convinced that our labor is not in vain and that we, with God’s help, will succeed. Notice these encouraging words of Paul, a deeply convicted apostle:

— “For this reason I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” (2 Timothy 1:12)

Paul knew that he would succeed — because he knew something about God, which kept him going. Paul wants all of us to come to that same conviction and persuasion:

— “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose … For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:28, 38-39)

The righteous men and women of old had strong convictions. These convictions motivated and inspired them to accomplish mighty deeds. They knew that God’s word was true. They had no doubt about that:

“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them…” (Hebrews 11:13).

God gave all of us very powerful and encouraging promises. They should motivate us to actively respond to God’s love. But they only will, if we are convicted that those promises are for real.

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This has been a long, long week for the fire ravaged west–especially Colorado. As new fires sweep up acres of wilderness in Arizona, California and the state of Colorado, the up close and personal cost is settling in as families numbering in the thousands first evacuate their homes then anxiously await the outcome.

Words such as apocalyptic are being used to describe these out of control fires. There is even talk of these fires lasting for months with the only hope for dousing the flames being from snowfall! This week has seen a few welcomed rainfalls, but most of the moisture was falling only on the exterior boundaries of the largest fires. Continued low humidity and historic dryness throughout western forest areas portends even more sweeping destruction during the summer ahead.


A stunned public learned that the so-called Hayman Fire in Colorado was started by a U.S. forest Service employee. Motives as to why she did this have become the grist mill of the media while angry and displaced home owners in the affected area voice outrage and a deep loathing for the actions of one who should have been the first to protect the public.

This tragic occurrence magnifies poignantly the utter breakdown in societal traditions and values. More and more, societies are not only suffering wrath from outside their own borders, but now terror reigns from within national confines. Expensive and devastating acts have whole populations reduced to shocked awareness that we are now living in a very different kind of world than the more comfortable times of the recent past.


Germany’s “spokesman” and Second-in-Command of the Free Democrats, Juergen Moellemann, does not seem to give in to pressures to retract certain of his statements which have been interpreted by some as anti-Semitic. He continued his criticism this week of Ariel Sharon, stating that Sharon should not be surprised when Palestinians retaliate, even with suicide bombings, for Israel’s attacks on them. Der Spiegel ran an analysis on June 7, 2002, pointing out that, although the official figures show a decline of popularity of the FDP, there remain concerns that a majority might agree with Moellemann, but remain silent during polls. Allegedly, Moellemann received 11,000 email messages supporting his policy and position. Scientists were quoted by Der Spiegel, stating that up to 30% of the German population might be supporting anti-Semitic concepts and might therefore vote for Moellemann and the FDP in September. Others feel that this figure is far too high, as it is based on studies in the 80’s.


In an unusually strong article, Der Spiegel accused the United States on June 20 of engaging in violations of human rights of its citizens and legal residents in its fight against terrorism. In citing several examples, the German magazine concluded that flagrant constitutional violations might lead soon to a new form of civil resistance in the U.S., even though 64% of the U.S. population are presently willing to give up individual liberties, and 80% would be willing to endorse detentions of U.S. citizens (without the benefit of granting them certain constitutional rights) in order to gain security. At the same time, according to Der Spiegel, Amnesty International speculated that the U.S. participates in or at least tolerates torture in foreign countries in their fight against terrorism, stating that Egypt, Syria, Morocco and Pakistan do use torture in order to obtain confessions from prisoners.


As pointed out in the booklet, Evolution – A Fairy Tale for Adults, this world will soon experience devastating collisions with asteroids, meteors or comets. Now, perhaps as a warning and a foretaste of what could have been a terrible disaster, an asteroid, approximately a hundred meters in size, almost hit the earth on June 14. It came within 120,000 kilometers of Earth. According to Der Spiegel in its on-line article of June 20, scientists tell us that if there had been a “deep impact,” devastating damage would have been the result. It is almost certain that the effect would have been at least the same as if an atomic bomb had exploded. Especially discomforting and frightening is the fact that the asteroid was only discovered on June 17 — three days AFTER the impact almost took place.

More information on the asteroid can be found at http://skyandtelescope.com/news/current/article_641_1.asp

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events


An article appearing in the Sunday, June 9, 2002, edition of The Denver Post reveals that some Japanese are openly challenging that nation’s traditional pacifism. The article refers to Yasuo Fukuda, the chief Cabinet secretary: “In comments that stunned many here, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s top aide told reporters last week that what Japan calls its three non-nuclear principles could soon come under review.” The three non-nuclear principles are never to own, produce or allow nuclear weapons on Japanese territory.

This public declaration has stirred a wave of criticism; however, the article goes on to point out, “Despite the denials of an imminent change, remarks like these indicate that a major shift in Japanese security thinking is underway.”

Quoting from the article, the point is made that this stand is not isolated or without political consensus when considering “…other recent statements that show an erosion of support for pacifism.”

The increasing power of China and doubts of America’s ability to provide Japan’s security needs lies squarely behind this new wave of self-reliance. It is estimated that Japan could produce between 3,000 to 4,000 nuclear warheads. There is little doubt that Japan’s great technical know-how would quickly usher it into the nuclear family.

Headlines in both national and international news sources quoted Colorado’s governor, Bill Owens: “All of Colorado is burning today!”

Now called the worst fire problem in the nation, and locally identified as the worst fire in this state’s history, the so-called Hayman Fire is engulfing staggering amounts of acreage and driving residents to seek safety and prayerfully hope that their home and belongings will be spared.

These fires are directly related to the brutal drought conditions that hold sway throughout the region. Forests are bone dry and full of abundant fuel. Environmental policies along with long standing land management attitudes have contributed to forests which have not experienced regular burnings–a kind of self-pruning occurrence that normally prevented the kind of catastrophic fire storms now sweeping through the state.

It is remarkable to note that these fires and the current drought are called without precedent! These catastrophes are moving right off any scale of comparison for our nation’s history! There is a kind of stalking fear that is unnerving people as we all wonder, “What next?”

On June 7, Der Spiegel published an article warning that a crash of the U.S. dollar may be near. It states, “Another symbol of American predominance suddenly appears to be vulnerable: The dollar has lost its reputation of a secure haven…. The dollar has lost nine percent since February in comparison with the Euro and the Yen… Observers express their fear that the weak dollar may reflect a new, fundamental mistrust of the world against the United States.”

In a second article of June 7, Der Spiegel criticized the Bush administration for its tariffs on steel. It cites with approval the Washington Post, stating that these tariffs “have never been a good idea,” but that now, “they appear to be ridiculous.” It points out that due to the higher prices of imported steel, the decline of the dollar, and the bankruptcies of several American companies dealing with steel, the consequences for the American economy may be devastating, including a price increase for cars and other products made out of or with steel, and the loss of employment for steel workers.

In an article of June 11, Der Spiegel questions the accuracy of the reports that a detained U.S. citizen accused of plotting to attack the United States with a “dirty bomb” are accurate or even credible. The magazine points out that there are very few, if any, proofs for these allegations, and there is “practically no evidence” that such an attack was ever planned. At the same time, the U.S. citizen, under an old military law, is held without being charged, and he is not allowed to see or communicate with an attorney.

In an article of June 12, Der Spiegel reports the outcry of the parliament in Netherlands against the United States, due to the approval, in principle, of an American law by both houses of Congress that would make possible an American invasion in The Netherlands, to take over and/or neutralize the International Criminal Court in Den Haag, if an American citizen would be tried there — the irony with our report in the previous news clip regarding the questionable detention of an American citizen in the US notwithstanding. When discussing possible invasion of the Netherlands, democrat David Obey pointed out that it could be done with ships, or through the air.

This week saw further violence in the Middle East caused by suicide bombers, blowing themselves up and killing innocent civilians. The series of violent incidents erupted as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was in Washington to persuade congressional leaders that Arafat is not a partner for peace talks because of persistent Palestinian violence. In an interview with the German newspaper “Bild,” Israeli President Katsav warned that no country on the face of this earth, including Germany, Spain, Italy or France, will be secure and protected from terrorism, if the Palestinians should be successful with their terror against Israel. He also accused Europe of having “encouraged” terrorism when they supported Arafat, pointing out that 80% of Palestinians killed by Israelis were terrorists, while 80% of Israelis killed by Palestinians were civilians. He stated, “The hypocrisy of the West is sometimes really intolerable.” He concluded that after 2000 years of suffering, persecution, and the holocaust, the Jews have found a home. “And,” he said, “we will fight for it.”


Update 47

Live ServicesJune 15
Editorial"Measuring UP"

June 15

This Sabbath, Norbert Link will be addressing the need to grow and increase in godly knowledge, while we must at the same time forsake the wrong knowledge of this world.

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream”.

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"Measuring UP"

by Rene Messier (Canada)

The department of the company I work for is called “Measurement Technologies.” Part of what we do is involved in the measurement aspect of both electrical and natural gas usage. Thus, being involved relative to measurement in the electrical and gas business in Canada, we must follow specific standards, which are laid down by Measurement Canada, a department of the Federal Government. Measurement Canada also checks scales in stores and pumps at gas stations, all to ensure that the customers are getting what they pay for. The test results are compared to the standards set by the government.

Our God has established standards, which His people must be measured against. In Rev. 11:1, John is told not only to measure the temple, but also those who worship there. Since we have been called of God to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23), that measurement is on us, today. We need to ask ourselves, how are we measuring up?

In Eph. 4: 11-13, we find the reasons why God gave different offices or positions in the Church. Notice the reasons in verse 13, “…till we come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the MEASURE of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

What we are to measure up to is Christ. He is the standard against which we are measured. Now it’s obvious that without God’s help and power through the Holy Spirit we would fail in this endeavor, but we have Christ in our corner to help us achieve that goal. God also gave us His laws as a guide or rulebook to follow in our task of measuring up to the stature of Christ.

We can be grateful to God for not only setting the goal for us, but also for giving us the tools to achieve that goal.

Let’s ensure we stay close to God and keep our eyes on the goal. If we do so, we shall succeed. The promise in Heb. 13:5 is that we will not be left or forsaken, so let us in all things pertaining to our Christian lives make sure that we are “Measuring Up.”

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An article appearing in the Sunday, June 9, 2002, edition of The Denver Post reveals that some Japanese are openly challenging that nation’s traditional pacifism. The article refers to Yasuo Fukuda, the chief Cabinet secretary: “In comments that stunned many here, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s top aide told reporters last week that what Japan calls its three non-nuclear principles could soon come under review.” The three non-nuclear principles are never to own, produce or allow nuclear weapons on Japanese territory.

This public declaration has stirred a wave of criticism; however, the article goes on to point out, “Despite the denials of an imminent change, remarks like these indicate that a major shift in Japanese security thinking is underway.”

Quoting from the article, the point is made that this stand is not isolated or without political consensus when considering “…other recent statements that show an erosion of support for pacifism.”

The increasing power of China and doubts of America’s ability to provide Japan’s security needs lies squarely behind this new wave of self-reliance. It is estimated that Japan could produce between 3,000 to 4,000 nuclear warheads. There is little doubt that Japan’s great technical know-how would quickly usher it into the nuclear family.

Headlines in both national and international news sources quoted Colorado’s governor, Bill Owens: “All of Colorado is burning today!”

Now called the worst fire problem in the nation, and locally identified as the worst fire in this state’s history, the so-called Hayman Fire is engulfing staggering amounts of acreage and driving residents to seek safety and prayerfully hope that their home and belongings will be spared.

These fires are directly related to the brutal drought conditions that hold sway throughout the region. Forests are bone dry and full of abundant fuel. Environmental policies along with long standing land management attitudes have contributed to forests which have not experienced regular burnings–a kind of self-pruning occurrence that normally prevented the kind of catastrophic fire storms now sweeping through the state.

It is remarkable to note that these fires and the current drought are called without precedent! These catastrophes are moving right off any scale of comparison for our nation’s history! There is a kind of stalking fear that is unnerving people as we all wonder, “What next?”

On June 7, Der Spiegel published an article warning that a crash of the U.S. dollar may be near. It states, “Another symbol of American predominance suddenly appears to be vulnerable: The dollar has lost its reputation of a secure haven…. The dollar has lost nine percent since February in comparison with the Euro and the Yen… Observers express their fear that the weak dollar may reflect a new, fundamental mistrust of the world against the United States.”

In a second article of June 7, Der Spiegel criticized the Bush administration for its tariffs on steel. It cites with approval the Washington Post, stating that these tariffs “have never been a good idea,” but that now, “they appear to be ridiculous.” It points out that due to the higher prices of imported steel, the decline of the dollar, and the bankruptcies of several American companies dealing with steel, the consequences for the American economy may be devastating, including a price increase for cars and other products made out of or with steel, and the loss of employment for steel workers.

In an article of June 11, Der Spiegel questions the accuracy of the reports that a detained U.S. citizen accused of plotting to attack the United States with a “dirty bomb” are accurate or even credible. The magazine points out that there are very few, if any, proofs for these allegations, and there is “practically no evidence” that such an attack was ever planned. At the same time, the U.S. citizen, under an old military law, is held without being charged, and he is not allowed to see or communicate with an attorney.

In an article of June 12, Der Spiegel reports the outcry of the parliament in Netherlands against the United States, due to the approval, in principle, of an American law by both houses of Congress that would make possible an American invasion in The Netherlands, to take over and/or neutralize the International Criminal Court in Den Haag, if an American citizen would be tried there — the irony with our report in the previous news clip regarding the questionable detention of an American citizen in the US notwithstanding. When discussing possible invasion of the Netherlands, democrat David Obey pointed out that it could be done with ships, or through the air.

This week saw further violence in the Middle East caused by suicide bombers, blowing themselves up and killing innocent civilians. The series of violent incidents erupted as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was in Washington to persuade congressional leaders that Arafat is not a partner for peace talks because of persistent Palestinian violence. In an interview with the German newspaper “Bild,” Israeli President Katsav warned that no country on the face of this earth, including Germany, Spain, Italy or France, will be secure and protected from terrorism, if the Palestinians should be successful with their terror against Israel. He also accused Europe of having “encouraged” terrorism when they supported Arafat, pointing out that 80% of Palestinians killed by Israelis were terrorists, while 80% of Israelis killed by Palestinians were civilians. He stated, “The hypocrisy of the West is sometimes really intolerable.” He concluded that after 2000 years of suffering, persecution, and the holocaust, the Jews have found a home. “And,” he said, “we will fight for it.”


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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events


As USA Today reported on June 6, 2002, “Israeli troops stormed Yasser Arafat’s headquarters early Thursday, blew up three buildings in the sprawling compound and shelled the Palestinian leader’s living area in response to a Palestinian suicide attack on an Israeli bus that killed 17 passengers.” As the newspaper explained, “a member of the Islamic Jihad group drove a car packed with 154 pounds of explosives alongside a moving bus and detonated the load, igniting a huge fire ball…. Among the dead were 13 soldiers in their late teens and early 20s.”

Der Spiegel added that, although a response from Israel was expected, its attack with 30 tanks came as a surprise. Nabil Abu Rudeihneh, advisor to Arafat, accused the United States of having given the green light to Israel for their military actions against the Palestinians. The United States rejected those charges, claiming that they were not informed before the incursion into Ramallah, and that Washington did not give prior approval. Earlier this week, however, according to USA Today, visiting “CIA chief George Tenet warned Arafat that if he did not stop suicide bombings, he would stand alone against Israeli reprisals.”

As we reported in our last Update (Update #45, World News Headlines, “Anti-Semitism in Germany?”), Germany’s Free Democrats’ Juergen Moellemann came under heavy attack for comments against Ariel Sharon and Michel Friedman, Vice-President of Germany’s Jewish Community. The criticism of Moellemann continued this week, including a protest of over 2500 people demonstrating in Berlin, following the appeal of the Jewish community in Berlin. Susanne Thaler, member of the Free Democrats in Berlin, resigned in protest to Moellemann’s comments and the apparent lack of an official response from the FDP. As Der Spiegel reported on Thursday, more and more inquiries are being received from concerned citizens in Israel and the United States who are worrying about the developments in Germany.

In the meantime, Jamal Karsli, German-Syrian member of the FDP and Moellemann’s protégé, was pressured to resign, after he had issued statements which were considered by some as anti-Semitic. He denied that he is anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish, but insisted that he will not cease to criticize the politics of Ariel Sharon.

Juergen Moellemann fired back as well in a news interview. He stated that he did not mean to apologize to Michel Friedman, as he does not deserve an apology. Moellemann continued to describe Friedman as “an arrogant and aggressive” person. He had said earlier that Friedman was responsible for anti-Semitism in Germany, due to his “hateful” conduct.

As before, Moellemann received unwelcome support from Austria’s Joerg Haider. In an interview on Sunday with Bild, Haider stated that Moellemann represents a politic which we in Austria are already pursuing since 1986. He encouraged Moellemann not to give up. He also stated, according to FOCUS, that Germany’s foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, has shown “open sympathies for terrorism.”

As Der Spiegel reported, several German scientists published on Thursday their yearly evaluation on world peace. In it, they heavily criticized the military politics of the United States. Any positive success of the military offensive in Afghanistan was also questioned. As the war continues, figures of civilian deaths are unknown, the terror network has been destroyed, and its leadership has not been captured. The scientists encourage Europe to determine its future role independently and to build up its civil and military possibilities, but not in dependency to the United States. They also warn not to continue showing unquestioned support and solidarity for the United Sates, as this would not be in accordance with European interests.

Update 46

Live ServicesJune 18

June 18

This Sabbath, Norbert Link will be addressing the need to grow and increase in godly knowledge, while we must at the same time forsake the wrong knowledge of this world.

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at the appropriate time, just click on “Connect to Live Stream”.

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by Dave Harris

Consider the following dictionary definition of the term imprinting: “A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model.”

Research has proven, for instance, that if baby geese hatch and the first role model they have is their surrogate human “parents,” then the geese imprint on them. They follow their human role model even if they are later exposed to adult geese.

We have unfortunately done the same thing in our human existence. We have been born into Satan’s society–the god of this age. Note what Paul stated concerning the people of this society in 2 Corinthians 4:4: “…whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”

Again, Paul in addressing Christians of his day, spoke of God’s calling to salvation. In Titus 2:12, he contrasted God’s way: “…teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live SOBERLY, RIGHTEOUSLY, and GODLY in the present age.”

We must overcome our imprinting to Satan! Satan’s pattern of living does not call upon one to live “soberly, righteously, and godly.”

God wants us to imprint on Him! (Cp Mat 5:48). To do that, He has given us His very mind and the power to do so through the gift of His Holy Spirit. In addition, He has provided a role model to assure our success in transforming the wrong imprinting human kind has yielded to. Our new pattern is Jesus Christ.

Brethren, let each of us carefully and with all diligence continue to grow in the stature and fullness of our Savior. Let us submit to the imprinting that will lead to eternal life. Finally, Paul sums up our task in Philippians 2:5: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”

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As USA Today reported on June 6, 2002, “Israeli troops stormed Yasser Arafat’s headquarters early Thursday, blew up three buildings in the sprawling compound and shelled the Palestinian leader’s living area in response to a Palestinian suicide attack on an Israeli bus that killed 17 passengers.” As the newspaper explained, “a member of the Islamic Jihad group drove a car packed with 154 pounds of explosives alongside a moving bus and detonated the load, igniting a huge fire ball…. Among the dead were 13 soldiers in their late teens and early 20s.”

Der Spiegel added that, although a response from Israel was expected, its attack with 30 tanks came as a surprise. Nabil Abu Rudeihneh, advisor to Arafat, accused the United States of having given the green light to Israel for their military actions against the Palestinians. The United States rejected those charges, claiming that they were not informed before the incursion into Ramallah, and that Washington did not give prior approval. Earlier this week, however, according to USA Today, visiting “CIA chief George Tenet warned Arafat that if he did not stop suicide bombings, he would stand alone against Israeli reprisals.”

As we reported in our last Update (Update #45, World News Headlines, “Anti-Semitism in Germany?”), Germany’s Free Democrats’ Juergen Moellemann came under heavy attack for comments against Ariel Sharon and Michel Friedman, Vice-President of Germany’s Jewish Community. The criticism of Moellemann continued this week, including a protest of over 2500 people demonstrating in Berlin, following the appeal of the Jewish community in Berlin. Susanne Thaler, member of the Free Democrats in Berlin, resigned in protest to Moellemann’s comments and the apparent lack of an official response from the FDP. As Der Spiegel reported on Thursday, more and more inquiries are being received from concerned citizens in Israel and the United States who are worrying about the developments in Germany.

In the meantime, Jamal Karsli, German-Syrian member of the FDP and Moellemann’s protégé, was pressured to resign, after he had issued statements which were considered by some as anti-Semitic. He denied that he is anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish, but insisted that he will not cease to criticize the politics of Ariel Sharon.

Juergen Moellemann fired back as well in a news interview. He stated that he did not mean to apologize to Michel Friedman, as he does not deserve an apology. Moellemann continued to describe Friedman as “an arrogant and aggressive” person. He had said earlier that Friedman was responsible for anti-Semitism in Germany, due to his “hateful” conduct.

As before, Moellemann received unwelcome support from Austria’s Joerg Haider. In an interview on Sunday with Bild, Haider stated that Moellemann represents a politic which we in Austria are already pursuing since 1986. He encouraged Moellemann not to give up. He also stated, according to FOCUS, that Germany’s foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, has shown “open sympathies for terrorism.”

As Der Spiegel reported, several German scientists published on Thursday their yearly evaluation on world peace. In it, they heavily criticized the military politics of the United States. Any positive success of the military offensive in Afghanistan was also questioned. As the war continues, figures of civilian deaths are unknown, the terror network has been destroyed, and its leadership has not been captured. The scientists encourage Europe to determine its future role independently and to build up its civil and military possibilities, but not in dependency to the United States. They also warn not to continue showing unquestioned support and solidarity for the United Sates, as this would not be in accordance with European interests.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Current Events


While most Germans welcomed and appreciated President Bush’s visit and address in the German Parliament last week, some of the European neighbor states reacted rather negatively.

President Bush had stated in his address on May 23 that Europe needs a strong Germany — and that a strong Germany would be good for the entire world. The German Bild-Zeitung ran a commentary the next day, stating, “Bush has convinced us.” The newspaper continued, “America’s President George W. Bush has given a convincing speech in the German Parliament. We did not listen to a war-monger, …but to a convincing … leader.” The German magazine FOCUS reported that the leaders of both major German parties expressed their “tremendous impression” of Mr. Bush’s speech. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder described it as an “extraordinary event.”

Britain’s Financial Times’ evaluation was less flattering. They criticized that Mr. Bush’s speech revealed a lack of a proper understanding of European concerns regarding the fragile state of the transatlantic relationship. Europe has continued concerns that Bush will in the end pursue his own course of action, “regardless of what his allies might say.”

The Zuercher Tages-Anzeiger of Switzerland criticized Bush as being generally without power of conviction, and “noncommittal.” The Standard of Vienna, Austria, concurred, stating that Bush’s speech did not include anything new.

(Additional Sources: Focus, May 23; Bild, May 24; Der Spiegel, May 23)

Juergen Moellemann, second-in-command of Germany’s Free Democrats (FDP), might have been surprised himself about the reactions to his televised interview in which he made some critical statements regarding Ariel Sharon of Israel and Michel Friedman, Vice-President of the Jewish Community in Germany. Moellemann had stated that Friedman’s conduct is responsible for a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Germany, and that Ariel Sharon’s policy is leading to war. Friedman responded by calling Moellemann an anti-Semite.

Virtually all politicians in Germany, regardless of affiliation, condemned Moellemann for his statements. Moellemann apologized for his statements against Friedman, but insisted that he is not an anti-Semite only because he is critical of Sharon’s policy.

While Schroeder’s party, the SPD, announced that they will almost certainly not build a coalition with the FDP after the September Parliamentary elections, Stoiber’s CDU/CSU did not rule it out. Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer of the Greens criticized Moellemann indirectly in Haifa, stating that it is “shameful when German Jews have the feeling again that they are left alone, and whether it was a mistake to stay in Germany.” He forcefully stated that “Israel can rely, in the future, on Germany as a friend and partner, regardless of the political constellations.”

In a poll in Germany, 29 percent felt that the amount of votes for the FDP in September would decrease, due to Moellemann’s statements. On the other hand, 19 per cent felt that the FDP would now gain votes.

Moellemann received unwelcome support for his stance by Austria’s Joerg Haider. Haider defended Moellemann and stated that the political leadership of the FDP are without courage and that they are political cowards. Although Moellemann had stated that Haider might as well go to the devil, Haider responded that this does not bother him — if this is the way for Moellemann to survive, so be it. Haider stated, in regard to Moellemann’s criticism on Sharon and Friedman, that he would not have said that “in that way,” but continued that one cannot dictate what one has to believe. Haider announced that he will found a European-wide party and that he will run as one of the candidates at the European elections in 2004. Haider stated that Moellemann would be a good asset and addition to that new party.

(Sources: Der Spiegel, May 29 and May 30; Bild, May 29; Der Stern, May 29; Max, May 29)

As Der Spiegel reported on May 24, during his recent trip to Bulgaria, Pope John Paul II admonished the European states to emphasize more their Christian roots while uniting politically. He stated that, in its search for an identity, the European continent has no choice but to return to its Christian roots. He also encouraged the orthodox and the Roman-catholic Christians to move closer together.

Brinkmanship now threatens to spill over into the FIRST NUCLEAR EXCHANGE BETWEEN NATIONS. India and Pakistan, long bitter enemies over the control of Kashmir and further divided because of religious differences, now continue to prepare for a nuclear war.

Over one million men in each country are on full alert. That coupled with missile tests by Pakistan this week have edged the region into a sense of inevitable conflict. The United States is making preparations to remove its troops from Pakistan. Additional preparations are now moving forward for evacuating Americans from these nations. President Bush announced on Thursday that U.S. Minister of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and U.S. Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Richard Armitage, will travel to the conflict region next week to try to diffuse the danger. Some, however, predict that nuclear war could erupt within the next few weeks.

Der Spiegel reported on May 29 that scientists are convinced that we are closer to an outbreak of a nuclear war than ever before, excluding the Cuba crisis. They fear that Pakistan will begin the war, when it reaches the point that it cannot compete any longer with India’s conventional might. According to the British newspaper, The Times, the danger is real.

This week marks the somber observance of the final clean-up at “ground zero”–site of the former twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. National news in the United States revisited the horror and tragic aftermath of this attack on America during this period.

Lurking behind these commemorative events is the startling forecast of future terrorists attacks! Leadership in government has solemnly predicted that it is not a question of “if” but rather “when”. The specter of nuclear bombs being transported into the U.S. via cargo containers poses an almost insurmountable monitoring issue. Threatened attacks against apartment complexes and public transportation serve to further unnerve the whole nation.

Numerous Biblical warnings indicate that future destruction is coming. Isaiah speaks of a time when “Your country is desolate, Your cities are burned with fire…” (Isaiah 1:7) Also, in Deuteronomy 28:52, God warns His people, ” ‘They shall besiege you at all your gates until your high and fortified walls, in which you trust, come down throughout ALL YOUR LAND; and they shall besiege you at all your gates throughout ALL YOUR LAND which the Lord God had given you.’ ”

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