Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with truly disgusting and abominable experiments conducted under Dr. Fauci’s direction. We are warning our readers: The articles published contain graphic language, but in the interest of truth and justice, we decided to quote some of the statements anyhow.

We continue with China’s record of horror while the dictatorial and mean-spirited murderous government celebrates the Olympic games; speak on further conflicts between Russia and Germany; Germany’s hypocritical conduct towards Lithuania and Ukraine; the help Biden gave to Putin; and Israel’s willingness to strike Iran even in case of a new or resurrected Iran deal.

We speak on the battle between Trump and Pence; the censuring of Cheney and Kinzinger by the Republican Party; and the insane electricity rates in San Diego.

We address a new striking report on the uselessness and dangers of lockdowns, which is being systematically ignored by the left-wing mass media; repulsive court decisions in Canada and America pertaining to the unvaccinated; developments regarding Canada’s “Freedom Convoy”; and numerous European countries lifting all or most corona restrictions, while authoritarian Austria enacts a vaccine mandate.

We speak on the reaction to Whoopi Goldberg’s comments regarding the holocaust and the Jewish “race,” and conclude with Pope Francis’s communion with the dead.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why Canada’s Justin Trudeau Is so Dangerous.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Why Canada’s Justin Trudeau Is so Dangerous

Recently, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s official statement about the death of Cuba’s Fidel Castro in November of 2016 resurfaced in the news, and his comments are indeed stunning and extremely revealing in light of what is happening in Canada right now. Trudeau’s declarations in 2016 were strongly condemned, but might reflect how Trudeau ticks. This program analyzes the actions of dictator Fidel Castro and compares them with what is happening in Canada right now.

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The Spirit Bears Witness

John tells us in his first letter that the blood, the water and the Spirit bear witness. Previous sermons discussed the blood and the water. In this sermon, we will concentrate on the Spirit, showing of what it bears witness,  and how and in what way “these three agree as one.”

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the unparalleled “Freedom Convoy” by Canadian (and other) truckers against the coronavirus restrictions and mandatory vaccinations; report on Dr. Fauci’s and BLM’s many problems; and Germany’s attempts to censor “politically incorrect” platforms.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Germany’s March into its Prophesied Horrible Dictatorship.”

We continue to report at length about the deeply troubling developments pertaining to Russia and Ukraine, and the lack of confidence in Germany’s new government.  In this context, please watch our new presentation, “Germany is the Key?– Comments on News and Prophecy, January 29, 2022.” 

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Germany’s March into its Prophesied Horrible Dictatorship

Do we realize how much Germany has already embraced a dictatorial system? This program gives some examples about Germany’s autocratic school system, from schools to governmental officials to judges, punishing and persecuting parents who are willing to follow God and obey His commandments. Most Germans are in support of the government’s dictatorial conduct, and the war against minorities on so many different levels  is escalating on a frightening scale. What can the induvial Christian do?

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Germany is the Key?—Comments on News and Prophecy, January 29, 2022

With the probability of Russian invasion in Ukraine in February, Germany is being described as holding the key to stop Putin. But so far, Germany has done nothing to make a difference, and the left- and right-wing US media is astonished and stunned by Germany’s hesitant attitude. Germany’s new chancellor, Olaf Scholz, is viewed as the “weakest link” in the Ukraine crisis, and Germany is no longer perceived as a credible partner and a reliable ally.

Please also view our StandingWatch program, “Germany’s Troublesome Dependency on Russia.”


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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We report on developments pertaining to Russia and Ukraine, as well as Russia’s further ambitions and the “response” of the USA, the UK and continental Europe, especially Germany. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Germany’s Troublesome Dependency on Russia.”  

We address developments pertaining to coronavirus restrictions and authoritarian measures, and interesting reactions, in the USA, Canada, Israel, Australia, Austria and Germany.

We discuss developments pertaining to the scandal-ridden Catholic Church.

We conclude with developments pertaining to controversial medical experiments and the abomination of abortion.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Germany’s Troublesome Dependency on Russia

Historically, Germany’s relationship with Russia has been an odd one, ranging from “friendship” to financial and even military collaboration, reliance, appeasement, hostility and war. Today, it is no different. Germany’s current appeasement strategy is based, in part, on economic dependency from Russia. Nothing can show this more clearly than Germany’s conduct in the present conflict with Ukraine.  But Germany’s politics will have devastating consequences.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the dramatic situation pertaining to Russia, especially focusing on Ukraine, Belarus, Iran and Sweden, and the unwillingness of the USA and Europe to really come to Ukraine’s rescue. Recognizing Europe’s inability to play an effective role, more and more voices are being heard for the need of European power and a European army.

We report on Biden’s failing policies internationally and domestically and Trump’s return to the campaign trail.

We focus on the dictatorships of Australia, Austria, Germany and France; as well as an alarming willingness by large portions of society to create a dictatorship in the USA. We also report on further nonsense regarding COVID-19 measures. Please view in this regard our new StandingWatch program, titled, Is America Going to Lose More of Its Freedom?”

We conclude with an interesting development in Jerusalem regarding the demolition of the Golden Dome and the numerous eruptions of an undersea volcano near Tonga. One of these mighty eruptions has been described as the biggest eruption recorded anywhere on the planet in more than 30 years.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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