Justification in Romans & Galatians 1/ 2

Did Paul teach that we don’t have to keep the law? Not at all! This first in a two-part study of Romans and Galatians will show that the point he was trying to put across was that keeping the law does not justify us–does not make us righteous. There is still the death penalty, and only God can provide the means to remove that penalty. Man cannot make himself righteous.

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You Reap What You Sow

Why is sin so bad? God’s laws are living laws–they produce results no matter what we do. If we please God, He blesses us. If we do wrong, we cause harm to ourselves and others. We truly reap what we sow–either good or bad. The Bible gives many specific examples of how wrong actions actually return to the sinner in the same manner as was intended for someone else.

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Book of Job – Part 2/2

Why did God allow Satan to try Job? Because Job was so righteous in his own eyes that he thought he should not suffer trials. He focused on what he had done according to the law and failed to see the intent in his own heart. God says that there is no one who who doesn’t sin. God had to bring Job to repent of his self-righteousness so that he could eventually be in the Kingdom. God also works with us through various trials so that we can learn the lessons that we need to learn in order to be in His Kingdom.

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Book of Job – Part 1/2

Job was “blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.” Why, then, did he suffer such affliction? While Job’s friends groped for answers to this question, Job sought only to justify his own righteousness. He had, in fact, become proud of his righteousness, but failed to see that that was his problem.

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The Sacrifice of Christ

Jesus Christ, as a human being, was sinless. He died so that OUR sins would be forgiven and so that we would be reconciled to God. Why was this necessary? What does His sacrifice mean to you? This message will deepen your understanding and your appreciation of the mercy God extends to us through the sacrifice of His Son.

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The Book of Jonah

Do we, like Jonah, profess to fear God, then turn and run away from our responsibility to Him and refuse to do His will? Or are we willing to do the job God gives us to do? Many important lessons can be drawn from this interesting study of Jonah.

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Our Ultimate Human Potential

The entire physical world we see is patterned after the spirit world we don’t see. In fact, humans were created in the very image and likeness of God the Father and Jesus Christ. And though we see suffering in the world, there will come a time when there will be no more sorrow, no more crying, no more death–when God creates a new heaven and a new earth. Just WHEN and HOW that will happen is very well explained in this message.

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