The whole world is being prepared today for accepting a global autocratic dictatorship. Its beginning is already manifesting itself on the world scene. Do you know what is happening, and why, and that the Bible has prophesied this end-time development thousands of years ago?
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Current Events
by Norbert Link
We address Israel’s fight against Iran’s alleged ambition to acquire nuclear weapons; Europe’s search for new leadership and Germany’s dissatisfaction with its current leaders; and the rising threat of wild animals during the corona pandemic and further news on travel restrictions to Germany.
We continue with the ongoing turmoil and controversy involving Britain’s royal family and Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s highly explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey; and the accusation that America, in taking Meghan’s side, is trashing the British monarchy. Also, voices are being heard stating that the survival of the Commonwealth is at risk. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Any prophetic fallout from Harry’s and Meghan’s interview?”
We also speak on further disagreements between Russia and Germany.
We point out intense earthquake and volcano activities around the globe and the frequency of strong tornadoes in the USA which is unparalleled in the rest of the world.
We report on a vote by the Swiss population to ban burqas.
We speak on censorship in the USA; the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the last pending case alleging voter irregularities; a strange and popular statue of Trump as Buddha on a Chinese shopping portal; and we conclude with the House’s passing of the $1.9 trillion spending bill and the fear of a coming crash in the USA, due to the country’s unprecedented debts, which would be so much more devastating than the Great Depression.
Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.
Any prophetic fallout from Harry’s and Meghan’s interview?
The bombshell interview with Oprah has prompted many different emotional reactions all over the world. This program does not address at all who is right or wrong. But it focuses on interesting developments which might be a preview of things to come. The Bible has much to say about the future of Britain’s monarchy and the Commonwealth.
Download AudioIsrael’s and Germany’s Future—Comments on News and Prophecy, March 6, 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu told supporters that due to the “changed international reality,” he is the only one who will stand “against the entire world” in regard to the Iran question. In response, the USA warned Israel and others in the Middle East not to oppose US policies. Also, Germans are very unhappy with Angela Merkel and Health Minister Jens Spahn, and Der Spiegel Online asked for Spahn’s resignation. What could all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy?
Why the Footwashing Ceremony at Passover?
Baptized Members of the Church of God partake each year at Passover evening of the symbols of bread and wine, but they also participate in the footwashing ceremony. Why did Christ introduce the footwashing ceremony, and what does it mean for us today? How do we understand Christ’s statements in response to Peter’s initial refusal to accept Christ’s washing of his feet? And is there a relationship between the correct baptism, which only occurs once in a lifetime of a converted person, and the footwashing ceremony which is being observed annually?
Current Events
by Norbert Link
We begin with reporting on efforts in Europe and elsewhere to create a covid passport and speak on Germans’ dissatisfaction with Angela Merkel’s performance regarding the coronavirus crisis.
We address America’s airstrike against Syria and the reaction of Republicans and Democrats, with Ron Paul calling it an impeachable offense; and we point out America’s reluctance to sanction Saudi Arabia’s crown prince over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, due to political expedience.
We warn of a coming hyperinflation; and we report on Donald Trump’s comeback.
We address the US Supreme Court’s final decision regarding indoor religious services in California; and speak on a proposed law in Denmark which would restrict religious liberties and freedoms.
We speak on the discussion pertaining to Europe with or without NATO; and Israel’s strong objection to an Iran deal propagated by Europe and the USA; as well as the refusal of the Palestinian Authority to grant Israel any access to the Al Aqsa Mosque, under any circumstances.
We report on Russia’s persecution of its dissidents; speak on Pope Francis’ comments regarding the Flood [please view in this regard our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Pope Warns of a Worldwide Flood”]; Pope emeritus Benedict’s concerns about Joe Biden; the late or missing US mail; the nonsense of gender neutrality regarding toys for boys and girls; and we report on the largest-ever cocaine bust in Europe.
Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.
Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock
compiled by Norbert Link
“Pope Warns of a Worldwide Flood” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:
In referring to the “story of the great flood in the Bible,” Pope Francis said that “humanity is facing another ‘great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.’” He continued that the “biblical flood which destroyed the world except for Noah… may have been a myth.”
What does the Bible say about Noah’s flood and the possibility of another deluge in our time?
Our new booklet, “Are Jews and Christians at Odds with Jesus Christ?” is nearing completion of our review team.
“Die Bedeutung der Fusswaschung am Passaabend” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “The Meaning of the Footwashing Ceremony at Passover.”
“Anpassung an Veränderungen” is this Sabbath’s new German sermonette, presented by Michael Link. Title in English: “Adapting to Change.”
“Wuensche und Erwartungen” is the German sermonette from last Sabbath, presented by Daniel Blasinger. Title in English: “Wishes and Expectations…”
“Adapting to Change” is the title of last Sabbath’s sermonette, presented by Michael Link. Here is a summary:
Times have changed and the way we live now is much different than it used to be one year ago. How are we to adapt to changes that man is trying to put into place without having to contradict God’s way of life?
“What God’s Church Needs to Do!–Comments on News and Prophecy” is the title of Norbert Link’s special message from last Sabbath. Here is a summary:
We are told to cry aloud and spare not. This includes, pointing at and proclaiming prophetic developments in the light of biblical prophecy. And we must do so boldly and with conviction. Some don’t do this at all; others want us to give a watered-down Laodicean-type message, where anything goes. But this is not what we must do.
Parallels With Ancient Israelites is the title of last Sabbath’s sermon, presented by Kalon Mitchell. Here is a summary:
We live in the 21st century! We are modern and sophisticated! And yet we find ourselves living in a time of great fear and cascading catastrophic tribulation that is growing worse. When we look at the Bible, can we see parallels, especially when we review Israel and what God did with them? How does what they went through parallel our time now?
Pope Warns of a Worldwide Flood
In referring to the “story of the great flood in the Bible,” Pope Francis said that “humanity is facing another ‘great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.’” He continued that the “biblical flood which destroyed the world except for Noah… may have been a myth.”
What does the Bible say about Noah’s flood and the possibility of another deluge in our time?
Download AudioWhat God’s Church Needs to Do!– Comments on News and Prophecy
We are told to cry aloud and spare not. This includes, pointing at and proclaiming prophetic developments in the light of biblical prophecy. And we must do so boldly and with conviction. Some don’t do this at all; others want us to give a watered-down Laodicean-type message, where anything goes. But this is not what we must do.
Current Events
by Norbert Link
We begin with examples of the mass media’s falsification of facts or of the suppression of alternate views; address issues pertaining to allegations of voter fraud or voter irregularities and the US Supreme Court’s refusal to hear any of those cases; and we point out the “civil war” in the GOP.
We report on President Biden’s speech at the Munich Security Conference and the mixed reaction of America’s European allies. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Will the Relationship between the USA and Europe Improve?”
We also address Europe’s dream of a European army which is shared by most Europeans, and Israel‘s concern regarding the willingness of America and other powers to revive the Iran deal, as well as the bad relationship between Israel and America’s Democrats.
We speak on the concern of Palestinians regarding Israel’s alleged goal pertaining to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Third Temple.
We conclude with an article on China’s terrible concentration camps and a discussion as to whether the coronavirus vaccines are safe; as well as an attempt to destroy biblical values; Jens Spahn’s fight for survival; and ongoing travel restrictions and the concept of a vaccination passport for all travel.
Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.