Germany’s March to Dictatorship and its Corona Chancellor

A new law in Germany regarding the coronavirus, granting the government and its health minister, Jens Spahn, unilateral powers to restrict fundamental rights of liberty and freedom, as guaranteed in the German Constitution, has caused many to compare it with the Enabling Act of 1933 which paved the way for Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship. But Germany’s new law is only the last step so far in a series of developments which are deeply troubling.

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Political Alliance and Friendships are Useless

The Bible has much to say about political alliances, covenants and “friendships,” and it shows that they transform very soon—almost without exception—into hostile relationships. God condemns modern political alliances, especially by the USA, the UK and Israel, which are not based on consideration for God but which are made because of selfish interests. All of this will contribute to the national downfall of those countries. Even friendly alliances, which will be or have been entered into by Europe with other countries, will end very soon in animosity.

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Biden the President-elect? Not so Fast!—Comments on News and Prophecy (November 7, 2020)

In the morning of November 7, just prior to a press conference by President Trump’s attorneys, the mass media and most networks declared Joe Biden to be the President-elect. However, Newsmax refuses to call Biden the winner. Why is that? Newsmax explains that the votes are still being counted, recounts are certain, and accusations of fraud and irregularities in several states are going to be brought before the courts. In addition, President Trump is not conceding and has no intention of doing so anytime soon. What are some of the specific allegations which the courts will be asked to decide?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We report on the American presidential election, increasing violence in the USA related, in part, to the presidential elections; and an insightful article explaining the dilemma of people who take the concept of voting very seriously.

We speak on Europe’s move towards a powerful force; while, ironically and seemingly contradictorily, second lockdowns are announced in the UK and continental  Europe. But this only appears to be a discrepancy when we understand that the real goal and motive behind these measures—whether realized or not—is to push people into the acceptance of dictatorships, even though there is at this point growing opposition in the UK and, to some extent, in continental Europe to governmental restrictions and some medical voices are warning against the uselessness or even dangers of lockdowns.

However, if history is a guide, we know that resistance and disagreement will ultimately be silenced and crushed by autocratic governments. A stunning and must-read article by Dr. Ron Paul explains this astonishing movement towards horrible dictatorship and state surveillance and paints a frightening and almost prophetic scenario. Please view our new StandingWatch program in this regard, titled, “Consequences of Mandatory Vaccinations against Corona.” 

We also speak on censorship in the USA; a “clarification” by the Vatican on same-sex marriages and civil unions; and a growing movement for mandatory vaccinations against the coronavirus.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Consequences of Mandatory Vaccinations against Corona

While the world and the American people focus on the outcome of the presidential election—and rightly so—this program addresses a somewhat related issue which will affect everyone personally in the very near future—that of vaccinations against the coronavirus. Will these vaccinations become mandatory and be enforced? If so, what will be the consequences for all involved… whether they comply or refuse? In a nightmarish non-religious article, frightening parallels to biblical prophecies are being discussed.

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Hell, Halloween and Hoaxes—Comments on News and Prophecy (October 31, 2020)

What do the concepts of Hell and Halloween have in common? What is the difference between friends and allies? Why so much censorship in the USA? Do we move towards a worldwide economic crisis worse than the Great Depression in 1929? Are those who keep God’s Law heretics? Who is really controlling the upcoming US election?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with articles revealing a very troublesome picture of autocratic dictatorship and censorship in Germany, due to unauthorized coronavirus restrictions; and point out similar methods elsewhere, including in California. Regarding the extremely troublesome developments in Germany, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Germany’s Ongoing Descend into Undemocratic Dictatorship.” 

We speak on a coming military collaboration between Russia and China; Erdogan’s vocal attacks on France and the USA; and Pope Francis’ controversial statements on same sex unions; his other comments and warnings; and the feud between Francis and Trump.

We also address different scenarios as to what could happen if Trump, who claims that he experienced miracles from heaven, loses the popular and the electoral votes and still proclaims victory; and conclude with a striking analysis that “allies” do not have to mean “friends.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Germany’s Ongoing Descend into Undemocratic Dictatorship

This program will discuss Germany’s continuing unconstitutional restrictions by Angela Merkel and all 16 state premiers, without any involvement of the German parliament. Now, another partial lockdown has been announced by Merkel and her allies, again without parliamentary approval. This has been termed by German politicians “across the spectrum” as “unprecedented” since World War II and as “wartime propaganda.” But this is just the beginning of what is to follow very soon.

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Germany’s Democracy under Autocratic Attack—Comments on News and Prophecy October 24, 2020

In this special program, we speak on the threat to German democracy and the controversial role of Germany’s health minister Jens Spahn; continue with the second and final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and its blunders and missed opportunities; address false predictions, as recently announced by Pat Robertson; speak on the mass media’s censorship and suppression of “politically incorrect” issues; as well as the looming Brexit disaster; and we conclude with deeply troubling developments in certain Church of God organizations.

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Loving our Country

Members of the Church of God just returned from celebrating God’s commanded Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day at the place which God had chosen, reminding them, among many other things, that they are strangers and pilgrims on this earth; that their true citizenship is in heaven; and that they are waiting for a better homeland or country to be established here on earth—the peaceful and glorious Kingdom and Government of God,  which will rule all men with peace, justice and LOVE.

And still, all of us live right now in a particular country ruled by man. In the USA, the fight for the presidency is in full gear, and the candidates assure us that they love their country, and that its citizens should and must do so as well.  However, “loving our country” means different things to different people.  Depending on their political affiliation and human philosophy, it may mean following the leader without question or reservation, as long as their leader belongs to their party; and it may mean opposing him in every conceivable way if he belongs to the opposite party.  It may mean to some engaging in peaceful or violent demonstrations in an attempt to correct the perceived wrong, while others may support police brutality or injustice in order to correct the perceived wrong… arguing likewise that the desired end result justifies the means.

What does it mean to true Christians to love their human country… the country in which they live? How can true Christians be true patriots… or can they?

What it most assuredly does not mean is to be a nationalist—a person who “loves” his country “uber alles”; who looks exclusively to his country’s benefit while wanting to harm or destroy other countries. But there is a huge difference between being a nationalist and being a patriot. In fact, nationalism is an ungodly perversion of patriotism.  A true patriot—someone who loves his country with God-pleasing love—is someone who wants the best for his country–as well as for other countries. He is to love his neighbor as himself… or in our context, he loves his country as much as he loves other countries. He will not engage in warfare for his country to fight other countries. Loving his country excludes fighting in war, and God curses those who delight in war.

Loving our country means that we do not overlook or justify sin. God tells us what sin is… it is the transgression of His holy and righteous law. His law can be summarized with the word “love”—love for our God and love for our neighbor… for all men in whatever country they may live. The Ten Commandments tell us further how to love God and man, and God’s statutes and judgments explain in more detail how to apply the Ten Commandments in certain circumstances.

We must love God more than any man or any country. And loving man does not mean, loving his sinful ways which are opposed to the love of God. As ambassadors of Christ, we have an obligation to stand up for the Truth.  God’s Church today has the responsibility to show the people their sins… in the hope that they repent and change their ways; knowing that otherwise, they and their country will be destroyed. To shrink away from such duty only shows that we do not love God, our neighbor and our country—that we are indeed not true patriots.

Let us take our commission seriously. Let us show the right kind of love towards others, because the time of worldwide war and destruction is near. Political speeches and promises, even if they are meant seriously, will not help us if we continue to live in sin. God compares the USA today with ancient Sodom, but the USA is by no means worse than any other country. The whole world is in the hands of Satan, the power of wickedness and darkness, and every country is alienated from God. God undoubtedly blessed the USA once, as well as the UK, Canada, Australia and other English-speaking nations— fulfilling thereby His unconditional promise to Abraham to do so—but He also said that He would remove His blessings, if those nations would descend into sin, which they have done. To point this out with force and power does not mean that we do not love our country… just the opposite is true. We want to see peace, prosperity, righteousness and love in every country, but we do not see that, because the entire world is spiritually “sick,” having turned their back on God with willful ignorance and having been kidnapped and held captive by Satan to do his will.

And so, we cry over the abominations happening around us, separating ourselves from this world’s Babylon of confusion, and praying to God to hasten Christ’s return to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. That is HOW we love our country, knowing that only God’s government can and will bring peace, happiness, prosperity and LOVE to this world.

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