What? The Mark of the Beast Does Not Already Exist?

An idea has been advanced that the biblical mark of the beast does not exist at this time, and it is not explained as what the mark of the beast is. The truth is that the mark of the beast has been in existence for a long time, as we have taught for many years, and the Bible tells us very clearly what the mark of the beast is, and how it is different from the sign with which God identifies His people.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the “second impeachment circus” and alleged massive voter fraud in November’s presidential election; speak of America’s coming economic crisis; and continue with Biden’s new policies and executive orders which some like Ron Paul have labeled “fascistic.” 

Regarding the second impeachment and the presidential election in general, please view our new StandingWatch program, “The Second Impeachment Circus.” 

We report on further governmental restrictions to fight the coronavirus, including travel bans; and address Biden’s slap in the face for the British people. We also point out that the fight between Britain and Spain over Gibraltar will continue.

We address further movements towards the creation of a European Army, and speak on new developments in Germany which can only be described as deeply disturbing. We speak on a potential conflict between Biden and Israel and conclude with Russia’s violent suppression of opposing voices.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

The Second Impeachment Circus

This is another example of how to divide the country. Observers tell us that it is highly unlikely that in addition to all the Senate Democrats, 17 needed Senate Republicans will convict Trump, and some even went so far as to say that the “trial” is dead on arrival and that it is all over, after 45 Republican Senators voted that such a trial would be unconstitutional. Others are not so sure, pointing out that some Senate Republicans voted against a trial because of its lack of constitutionality, but that this did not indicate “how they might come down on Trump’s guilt or innocence after a trial.” The presenter of this program is convinced that Trump will not be convicted or prevented by the Senate from holding a public office in the future or running again for the Presidency in 2024. But how can you have any confidence in those statements, or any further statements pertaining to prophetic events, given the fact that the presenter was wrongly predicting that Trump would be reelected in 2020?


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Germany’s Past Resurrected?—Comments on News and Prophecy, January 23, 2021

Developments in Germany are frightening and deeply disturbing, including the creation of detention centers for those who ignore lockdown measurers. The comparison with Nazi Germany’s concentration camps has been drawn. And while total lockdowns have been instituted in Germany, which many find to be unconstitutional, Merkel’s successor as Party Chief has been elected—Armin Laschet. Here is what you ought to know about him and others who are supporting him for now.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with some strong voices cautioning against the second impeachment of Donald Trump and predicting the possible destruction of the GOP and further disunity within the USA;  address the questionable outcome of the first impeachment due to alleged incompetent or corrupt conduct by former leaders of the FBI; further attempts by Big Tech, left-wing politicians and the mass media to silence those with opposing viewpoints; and a serious warning against attempts to persecute Christians in the USA.

In this regard, please watch the following message: “Freedom of Speech under Attack, Comments on News and Prophecy, January 16, 2021.”

In addition, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Will President Biden Unify the Country?”

We address the relationship between the USA and EU which cannot be expected to be “repaired” under Biden; the horrible news that Germany is erecting “detention camps” for those opposing governmental measures pertaining to the coronavirus; and we speak about the election of Armin Laschet as Angela Merkel’s successor as party chief (but not as chancellor).

We address North Korea’s nuclear ambitions; Russia’s persecution of Putin’s opponents; and we conclude with the seemingly inevitable breakup of the UK.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Will President Biden Unify the Country?

The USA is divided as never before. President Biden, in his inauguration speech, emphasized the need for unity. But shortly thereafter, he signed 17 sweeping executive orders, undoing much of Trump’s policies. This will do little to create any form of unity with the over 74 million Trump voters. The war of the mass media, being in cahoots with Big Tech and many Democrats, against Trump and his supporters continues.
Both the Republican Party and the Democratic seem to be deeply divided. There will not be any meaningful substantial cooperation between them.
What will 2021 bring, and what can we expect from the Biden Presidency? One thing is certain: Biden will NOT unify the country.
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Freedom of Speech under Attack, Comments on News and Prophecy, January 16, 2021

Banning President Trump and others from certain platforms seems to be just the beginning to control unpopular viewpoints. Even European politicians express disapproval, stating that we “cannot leave it to the American Big Tech to decide how we can and cannot discuss online,” and others warn of the close connection between “private companies becoming the state’s best friends.” In the final analysis, what we are experiencing right now is a threat to true Christianity when Big Tech and others can determine what beliefs are acceptable, and which ones have to be banned. God’s true Church must be aware of this and speak up powerfully for God’s Truth.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Keeping Unspotted from this Corrupt Lying World

When this Editorial is published, many are celebrating the lie of Christmas. The professing Christian world has embraced the Christmas story, allegedly in memory of the birth of Christ, while that holiday is pagan to the core and has nothing to do with our Savior. An “alternate” narrative of fake news has suppressed the Truth for almost 2,000 years and replaced it with human fairy tales inspired by Satan, thereby creating an alternate “reality.” But it is all nothing but a fanciful and harmful illusion.

We have witnessed another fanciful and harmful illusion—in fact, many of them—in the year 2020. If there was one development of events which had a common denominator and stood out more than any other, it would have been the role of the mass media, in conjunction with certain politicians and experts, in a combined effort to suppress and set aside the Truth, while publishing and propagating false and alternate narratives and fake-news “realities.”

Just think of governmental restrictions and lockdowns to combat the coronavirus pandemic, based many times on inflated figures of test results and “cases.” Much has been reported about the inaccuracies of the numbers, and you can read many articles in our weekly Updates quoting such information. The tragedy is, the mass media ignored the facts and engaged in a war against those who dared to disagree with the “official” opinions of Dr. Fauci and other “experts,” thereby allowing mainly left-wing state governments to engage in repeated lockdowns, while destroying the livelihood of small business owners and others and causing much more physical and mental harm to grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren than the coronavirus did or could have done.

You might also want to think of the mass media’s and the left-wing politicians’ treatment of violent demonstrations by, among others, the Antifa and Black Lives Matter movements, in combination with the attempt to destroy or rewrite America’s history and smash monuments of historical figures. If these events were reported at all, they were explained as legitimate expressions of concerns about racial discrimination, while those who pointed out the hypocrisy and racism on the part of violent demonstrators and their supporters were maligned and persecuted.

It should also not be surprising, of course, to realize that the presidential elections were rigged and stolen, according to the view of most Trump voters and many others. The mass media and many Democrats and anti-Trump groups have been trying desperately to suppress the evidence for such belief, even falsely alleging that claims of voter fraud and irregularities were baseless and without proof. This might backfire, as nearly 77% of Trump voters and over 35% of Independents and Democrats believe that the election was indeed stolen.

Long before Joe Biden became president-elect, as determined by the Electoral College in December, he was already referred to as such in the mass media, even though this was clearly premature and legally untenable. Worse yet, the mass media, being in cahoots with many Democrats, intentionally and willfully suppressed the Hunter Biden scandal until after the election, fearing that otherwise, their candidate would not win. They might have been right with that “concern.” It is telling that fifty-six percent of Americans believe it is likely Joe Biden was consulted and perhaps profited from his son Hunter’s overseas business deals, while fifty-two percent believe many news organizations ignored the Hunter Biden story to aid his father’s presidential campaign. In addition, according to one poll, seventeen percent of Biden voters said they would not have voted for him had they known what the national media refused to report. In another poll, at least 9.4 percent of Biden voters would have changed their vote if they had known about the Hunter Biden scandal. Many Americans who had already cast ballots in early voting unsuccessfully sought to change their votes after learning of the Hunter Biden emails.

Joe Biden has steadfastly refused to comment on his son’s alleged misconduct, except to say that he was totally uninformed about what his son was doing; that he did not obtain any financial benefits from his son’s conduct; that he trusts his son; and that he does not believe that his son did anything wrong. And that even though the evidence is mounting that all of these statements are dubious at best and false at worst. This got me thinking of God’s instructions in regard to the parent-child relationship; especially since Joe Biden is a practicing Catholic who claims to attend church every week.

There are many biblical examples of parents having been too negligent and permissive regarding their children’s unrighteous behavior. Eli knew about the corrupt conduct of his sons, but he did not prevent them from continuing in their service at the tabernacle (1 Samuel 2:12-17, 22-25).  A man of God told him that he honored his sons more than God (verse 29). Samuel did not correct his corrupt sons either, but let them continue in their ungodly behavior (1 Samuel 8:1-3). The same is true for David who did not rebuke his rebellious son Adonijah at any time (2 Samuel 23:5; 1 Kings 1:5-6). In every case, the consequences were disastrous.

It may be easy and convenient, as parents, to look the other way when it comes to their children, but this must not be done. We must follow God in everything, and we must love Him and His Word more than anyone or anything else, including our own mate, our families, our parents and our children, our friends, and even our own lives (Matthew 10:37-38; Luke 14:26). In Old Testament times, parents were asked not to tolerate the ungodly conduct of their unrepentant rebellious children. Rather, they had to show their disapproval, when called upon to do so (Deuteronomy 13:6-10; 21:18-21). The principle of physical or at least spiritual separation, if need be, still applies today, and it also applies, of course, to the children’s reaction towards the unrighteous behavior of their parents.

We are living in a thoroughly corrupt society, where anything goes. Every lie, every abomination is accepted and many times even propagated, while the truth is “fallen on the street” and “fails” (Isaiah 59:9-15). As true Christians, we cannot change society, realizing that this evil rotten world is Satan’s, not God’s. We should not expect to find righteousness where Satan governs, but we can and must pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His Government to be restored on this earth, while keeping ourselves unspotted from the world with its rulers, politicians and experts (James 1:27). And we must NEVER ever begin to justify and embrace the wrong ideas they stand for, nor tolerate and imitate their evil and corrupt actions.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the top European Court’s highly controversial decision to allow the prohibition of ritual slaughter (Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Europe’s Attack on Religious Freedom and the coming Great Tribulation”).

We continue with reports on the appalling “coronavirus relief bill” adopted by a thoroughly corrupt Congress; and the frustration of many Americans regarding dictatorial corona measures by hypocritical state governors leading to the destruction of especially small businesses and a growing will to resist.  

We speak on a massive hacking attack on US companies and governmental agencies; the growing military cooperation between China and Russia; Donald Trump’s ongoing challenge of the accuracy of the outcome of the presidential election; the troubles of Joe Biden; the fight for and against abortion; and the shaky relationship between the UK and the USA.  

We address the announcement of a Brexit deal, due to Boris Johnson’s alleged spineless willingness to compromise; point out numerous and diverse issues connected with coronavirus vaccinations; attempts to bring about “reconciliation” between the Catholic and the Protestant Lutheran churches; the collapse of the Israeli government (again); speak on the Third Temple; and address the isolation of the UK and travel bans, due to an alleged “dangerous” mutation of the coronavirus.  

We address discussions about Europe’s intervention in Ethiopia; the Catholic Church’s criticism of Europe’s restrictions of religious freedom; religious persecution of the wife of a Christian minister in Finland; and the concerted efforts of more than 300 religious leaders to fight conversion therapies.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God