Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a short overview of important events in 2020, continue with the apparent motives of the left-liberal mass media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden scandal, and speak on developments surrounding the presidential election and possible short-term and long-term consequences for the USA.

We speak on the top European Court’s decision to allow  the prohibition of ritual slaughter (please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Europe’s Attack on Religious Freedom and the coming Great Tribulation”).

We address the dangerous controversy over fishing rights between the UK and EU; an interesting article about Merkel’s successor; and we discuss the new devastating hard lockdown in Germany; the German government’s fight against anti-lockdown demonstrators; and different positions in Germany, the UK, the USA and Israel regarding coronavirus vaccinations.

We conclude with Pope Francis’ plea for a world authority and global governance; and further “adjustments” for the remission of temporal punishment through indulgences, in connection with an apparition of “Our Lady of Guadalupe.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Europe’s Attack on Religious Freedom and the coming Great Tribulation

This program addresses another European attack on religious freedom, this time mainly directed at Jews and Muslims, but with wide-raging consequences for all religions, including true and nominal Christianity. We talk about the permission granted by Europe’s highest court to prohibit ritual slaughter of animals, but the implication of the decision is not limited to that aspect, but it is much broader and much more frightening. It also sets the stage for prophesied events leading to the terrible Great Tribulation described in the Bible.

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Are we Afraid of the Truth or Opposing Viewpoints?

Here are some of the topics discussed in this presentation: The Hunter Biden scandal; the Supreme Court’s denial to hear the Texas case because of “lack of standing”; the attack on free speech; and the German government’s fight against opponents of Coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns. What do all of these topics have in common?

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with mounting evidence of voter fraud during the Presidential election and the desperate attempts by the left-wing mass media, as well as state courts, to suppress or deny the facts in an effort to declare Joe Biden as the next President. We also report on many lawsuits by the Trump legal team and others, all of which have been unsuccessful so far.. but this still could change. We publish an article from an Israeli news outlet pointing at the terrible consequences of a Biden Presidency, by just focusing on his contemplated choice of leaders within the Health Department and his proposed Coronavirus Taskforce.

We speak on side effects of coronavirus vaccinations. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Should you get vaccinated against Coronavirus?” 

We also address the “cruel illogic” of new devastating lockdowns, including in California and Germany. Violence because of frustration and desperation has broken out, for instance in Los Angeles, and more might follow. Also, we report on Germany’s descent into a dictatorship.

We are reporting on a surprisingly strong verbal attack on Israel by a Saudi prince; and the increasingly hostile assaults between the UK and the EU, combined with the clear threat of military action.

We conclude with an eye-opening article regarding planned worldwide mind control and censorship by powerful “actors.” The attempt by the left-wing media to discredit the news agency publishing the article speaks for itself.

Regarding some of our articles in this issue, please watch our recent presentation, titled, “America in Crisis—Voter Fraud, Lockdowns and Harmful Vaccinations.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Should you get vaccinated against Coronavirus?

This must be your decision, based on your individual circumstances and conviction. But your decision should require proper investigation, inquiry and knowledge; it should be an informed decision and not just based on emotion. This program will discuss much of what has been reported about the vaccines and their morality, safety and side effects… and again, you must ascertain for yourself, as best as you can, as to whether those reports are factual or not.

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America in Crisis–Voter Fraud, Lockdowns and Harmful Vaccinations

The evidence of voter fraud in the last Presidential election is mounting, while the mass media is unwilling to admit this fact, thereby “damaging trust in America’s democracy.” Lockdowns are on the rise again, even though it has been claimed that they do not work… and that they destroy the physical and spiritual wellbeing of many thousands of people. The new COVID-19 vaccines will produce side-effects which some medical experts declare as being normal, while others call the vaccines a crime against humanity, as they will allegedly cause genetic defects, due to genetic manipulation.  We are also speaking about the assassination of Iran’s leading scientist and discuss why this happened now… and who might have been behind it.


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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with further developments on the hotly-contested US election, due to alleged voter fraud and appalling “manipulations” and “irregularities.”

We continue with the assassination of a top scientist in Iran; the speculations as to who was responsible for the killing; and the potential consequences for the Middle East.

We also address the opposition to and the physically and spiritually damaging consequences of lockdowns; the unreliability of coronavirus tests; and the polarization of mask-wearing and other alleged “means” of combating the coronavirus; as well as a new vaccine against the pandemic.

Regarding our articles on voter fraud and the coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions, please watch our recent presentation, titled, “Expose the Many Lies to My People!”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Expose the Many Lies to My People!

This world is in Satan’s clutches. The Church’s responsibility is to announce as a witness the soon-coming rule of Christ on and over this earth, and, in the meantime, to cry aloud and show the people their sins. As sin is the transgression of the law, the Church must preach love towards God and love towards neighbor.  We do not love God if we practice false worship, and we do not love neighbor if we lie to him. This presentation exposes lies by scientists and the mass media in many different areas—the lie of evolution; lies in connection with the coronavirus and man-made climate change; and lies pertaining to the US election, including the false designation of Joe Biden as President-elect and the denial of voter fraud.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with a report on the current “unsatisfactory” status of Europe’s fragmented and unprepared defense abilities and the renewed push for a unified European army; French President Macron’s “Napoleon Moment”; and Poland’s and Hungary’s warning of European dictatorship reminiscent of the “communist regime of old.”

We continue with events in or related to the USA, including the sad likelihood of and preparation for civil unrest or even civil war (please view our new StandingWatch program in this context, titled, “Are You Prepared for Civil War?”); the ongoing attempts of the Trump legal team to prove massive voter fraud, which, if true, would reveal an appalling degree of political corruption within the USA; and we report on a lone voice in the wilderness and a mission by the US Air Force to the Middle East. We also speak of a “report” about “storming” the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and Pope Francis’s rather strange ideas and positions.

Focusing on governmental restrictions because of the coronavirus, we publish an eye-opening article of Britain’s Daily Mail, questioning the official data and predictions of the British government, and the subsequent attempt of the government to ridicule or even silence the paper, which attempt backfired; and we speak on Britain’s intention to create “freedom passes” and coronavirus certificates.

We also address ongoing demonstrations in Germany against the coronavirus restrictions; the German government’s harsh and polemic response; and California Governor Newsom’s incredible hypocrisy and a warning to people in Oregon not to become “rats.” We speak on corona vaccines’ side-effects and the coming vaccination mandate for (at least) international travelers; publish an article claiming that, based on science, “lockdowns are the greatest policy error of this generation,” and conclude with interesting discoveries regarding Mars.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Are You Prepared for Civil War?

We are facing numerous challenges, all of which can lead or have already led to violence, but the outcome may not only be civil unrest, but also civil war. This program discusses some of the current challenges, from the contested US election and racism to coronavirus restrictions, which, taken together, are turning the US into a “powder-keg” and creating a perfect storm; and it presents an astonishing and frightening lesson from history. Are you prepared for what might be coming very soon?

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