Loving our Country

Members of the Church of God just returned from celebrating God’s commanded Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day at the place which God had chosen, reminding them, among many other things, that they are strangers and pilgrims on this earth; that their true citizenship is in heaven; and that they are waiting for a better homeland or country to be established here on earth—the peaceful and glorious Kingdom and Government of God,  which will rule all men with peace, justice and LOVE.

And still, all of us live right now in a particular country ruled by man. In the USA, the fight for the presidency is in full gear, and the candidates assure us that they love their country, and that its citizens should and must do so as well.  However, “loving our country” means different things to different people.  Depending on their political affiliation and human philosophy, it may mean following the leader without question or reservation, as long as their leader belongs to their party; and it may mean opposing him in every conceivable way if he belongs to the opposite party.  It may mean to some engaging in peaceful or violent demonstrations in an attempt to correct the perceived wrong, while others may support police brutality or injustice in order to correct the perceived wrong… arguing likewise that the desired end result justifies the means.

What does it mean to true Christians to love their human country… the country in which they live? How can true Christians be true patriots… or can they?

What it most assuredly does not mean is to be a nationalist—a person who “loves” his country “uber alles”; who looks exclusively to his country’s benefit while wanting to harm or destroy other countries. But there is a huge difference between being a nationalist and being a patriot. In fact, nationalism is an ungodly perversion of patriotism.  A true patriot—someone who loves his country with God-pleasing love—is someone who wants the best for his country–as well as for other countries. He is to love his neighbor as himself… or in our context, he loves his country as much as he loves other countries. He will not engage in warfare for his country to fight other countries. Loving his country excludes fighting in war, and God curses those who delight in war.

Loving our country means that we do not overlook or justify sin. God tells us what sin is… it is the transgression of His holy and righteous law. His law can be summarized with the word “love”—love for our God and love for our neighbor… for all men in whatever country they may live. The Ten Commandments tell us further how to love God and man, and God’s statutes and judgments explain in more detail how to apply the Ten Commandments in certain circumstances.

We must love God more than any man or any country. And loving man does not mean, loving his sinful ways which are opposed to the love of God. As ambassadors of Christ, we have an obligation to stand up for the Truth.  God’s Church today has the responsibility to show the people their sins… in the hope that they repent and change their ways; knowing that otherwise, they and their country will be destroyed. To shrink away from such duty only shows that we do not love God, our neighbor and our country—that we are indeed not true patriots.

Let us take our commission seriously. Let us show the right kind of love towards others, because the time of worldwide war and destruction is near. Political speeches and promises, even if they are meant seriously, will not help us if we continue to live in sin. God compares the USA today with ancient Sodom, but the USA is by no means worse than any other country. The whole world is in the hands of Satan, the power of wickedness and darkness, and every country is alienated from God. God undoubtedly blessed the USA once, as well as the UK, Canada, Australia and other English-speaking nations— fulfilling thereby His unconditional promise to Abraham to do so—but He also said that He would remove His blessings, if those nations would descend into sin, which they have done. To point this out with force and power does not mean that we do not love our country… just the opposite is true. We want to see peace, prosperity, righteousness and love in every country, but we do not see that, because the entire world is spiritually “sick,” having turned their back on God with willful ignorance and having been kidnapped and held captive by Satan to do his will.

And so, we cry over the abominations happening around us, separating ourselves from this world’s Babylon of confusion, and praying to God to hasten Christ’s return to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. That is HOW we love our country, knowing that only God’s government can and will bring peace, happiness, prosperity and LOVE to this world.

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with articles about Biden and Trump in light of the upcoming presidential election in November [please note our new StandingWatch program, How to Love our Country”], while pointing out that, focusing on the (prophesied) bad relationship between America and Europe, it does not really matter who will win. We also speak on controversial coronavirus treatments and the attempts (and set-backs) to develop a coronavirus vaccine.

We then focus on the last stage of Brexit negotiations which seem to point at a no-deal outcome which would be devastating for the UK.

We address systematic and ongoing attempts to silence those who dare to voice disagreement with the official mass media’s approach and unsubstantiated reports on coronavirus, and we speak on the rise of anti-Semitism in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.  We also quote articles questioning the usefulness of wearing masks and a reversal of the WHO’s recommendation regarding lockdowns.

We speak on California’s demise and the volatile situation in the Middle East, involving Israel and strong voices advocating the building of the third Temple on the Temple Mount.

We address the shaky political situation in Germany and Angela Merkel’s irrelevant and at the same time dubious role; the rise in popularity of Germany’s ambitious health minister Jens Spahn and his grab for power; and European imperialism with the threat of war; and we conclude with Germany’s military ambitions and the concern of nuclear war with Russia.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

How to Love our Country

Are we to love our country in which we live… to be true patriots? If so, what does this mean exactly, and what does it not mean? Many have a wrong concept of true godly love, and this program will give you answers to many misunderstood ideas.

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LGD: God’s Plan for Mankind

What has been God’s plan for mankind, even before the creation of Adam and Eve? How does God carry out His plan? Many don’t know. The human potential and our future are so much greater, awesome and breathtaking than what man could have ever imagined.

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FOT: Death Is Certain!

It is decreed for man once to die. But is this true for everybody? What happens after death? What is the truth regarding the soul and the spirit in man?

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FOT: Why are we here… tonight?

God commanded to assemble this night as well as during the entire time of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day. We are also told to stay in “temporary dwellings” during that time. What is the symbolic meaning behind this command?

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How the World Will Be Saved

The Day of Atonement (September 28, 2020) pictures unique events in human history and shows us how the entire world will have access to God to reach its potential to be saved and inherit salvation. While this day refers mainly to collective reconciliation between God and man, it does not exclude the role of those who have already been begotten by God’s Spirit in this life. The rituals which were to be carried out on this day in Old Testament times show us what Christ has already accomplished and how He will deal with Satan; and they point out how the world can become at-one with God.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with the “need” for a core Europe and the deteriorating relationship between Europe and the USA on many different “fronts”; the acknowledgement of the close connection between Belarus and Ukraine; and the hyperactive hurricane season in the Atlantic.

We speak on the fierce battle over the future of the US Supreme Court after the death of Justice Ginsburg on the Feast of Trumpets; and the ongoing legal and political persecution of and discrimination against California’s churches.

We report on an insane second lockdown in Israel and a contemplated insane second lockdown in the UK; ridiculous penalties for those who do not abide by the governments’ arbitrary restrictions and the manipulated panic-stricken public;  and we conclude with another reported blasphemous position of Pope Francis.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

God’s Message Must Be Preached Today

The Feast of Trumpets (on September 19, 2020) has much symbolic meaning for us. It includes a message of God for the end time, which must be proclaimed today by His watchful servants in blowing trumpets loudly and clearly.  And the message will be proclaimed! In addition to serious warnings, it includes the good news of the return of Jesus Christ; the coming rule of God on earth; and our entrance in God’s eternal Kingdom.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with Europe’s and Germany’s rise to power and their extremely troublesome dictatorial actions; speak on Iran’s and Turkey’s political and military ambitions; and continue with a hopelessly divided USA, with low marks for a “functioning” democracy.

We cover appalling developments in California; and we point out the incredibly stupid, but dangerous and ungodly governmental measures against the coronavirus in the entire world, including the USA, Israel and the UK.  

Please also note our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Satan Rules This World—Does He Rule You?” 

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God