Current Events

by Norbert Link

We are reporting on the ongoing and deepening rift between the USA and Europe, and Europe’s perceived “need” to become a strong military power. [Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Europe and America–No Longer Friends.”] In addition, the unbridgeable disagreements between the EU and Britain become more and more obvious, and Europe’s warning to Israel should not go unnoticed.

We are focusing on the volatile situation in Germany, a right-wing terrorist attack, and Angela Merkel’s party’s desperate search for a candidate for Chancellorship after Merkel’s departure.

We also speak on developments in the USA and Finland regarding homosexuality; the unrestrained outbreak of the coronavirus and a devastating and unstoppable plague in Africa caused by huge swarms of locusts; unusual devastating storms in Britain; and new discoveries about the terribly misunderstood Neanderthal Man.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Europe and America–No Longer Friends!

Alarming reports from the Munich Security Conference 2020 read like this: “America and the EU live in parallel universes.” “There has never been such a rift before.” “Europe is further away from Washington than ever.” “There will be no return to close trans-Atlantic ties.” At the same time, Europe rediscovers its “need” to become a strong military power in the light of America’s “disengagement” from Europe and its “lack of commitment to Europe.” Where will all of this lead?

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reports on the current turmoil in Germany and the ongoing downfall of Angela Merkel and her designated successor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK) who announced her resignation as head of the party and her refusal to run for Chancellorship. The search for a new candidate for Chancellorship is wide open, while the right-wing AfD party is gaining more and more support. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,  “Germany in BIG Turmoil.” 

We report on the beginning of the hostile transition period between Britain and Europe after Brexit; the interesting future of Ireland, and the attempts of France to lead Europe, which will fail.

In light of the rapid speed of the coronavirus, we address lessons from leprosy; the lack of preparation in Africa; China’s belated actions and subsequent radical measures; and potentially disastrous economic consequences for the USA.

In other news, we report on the brutal origin of Valentine’s Day; interesting developments within the Catholic Church and in Israel; as well as the lack of freedom of speech in England and Switzerland.

We conclude with reports on a most powerful winter storm in Europe which could be a preview of the political storm awaiting the continent.  

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

What will be the future relationship between major Middle Eastern Nations and Israel?

In our last Q&A, we answered the question whether there still will be a future king of the South. We explained that even though the prophecy in Daniel 11 regarding the king of the South has been fulfilled, the prophecy could be dual and find another end-time fulfillment in the near future, but if so, the king of the South would have to be Ethiopia which could be leading several Arab nations, including Egypt and Libya, against Europe.

In addition, we showed from Psalm 83 that other Middle Eastern nations, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq and Jordan, will at first form a confederacy with Europe (under German leadership) against “Israel.”

The previous Q&A limited and confined our comments mainly to the friendly or hostile relationship of Middle Eastern nations with continental Europe. In this Q&A, we will address the relationship of Middle Eastern nations with “Israel.”

We have written at length about the following nations, mentioned herein, in previous Q&As and our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

In this Q&A, we will set forth in a condensed summary format the important conclusions which we came to, based on the Bible, pertaining to some major Middle Eastern nations in regard to their dealings with “Israel.” For an in-depth study, we recommend reviewing the above-mentioned booklet.

One of the most antagonistic countries against “Israel” will be TURKEY. It is identified in the Bible as “Edom” or “Esau.” The Bible and history show that the Turks are the modern descendants of ancient Esau or Edom, the twin brother of Jacob or Israel. As mentioned in the previous Q&A, modern Edom will be part of a confederacy with the modern Babylonian system of Europe under Assyria or Germany, together with Arab nations. This confederacy (literally, “cutting a covenant”) will be directed against “Israel”—the state of Israel, the Jews in general, and the modern descendants of the House of Israel which are mainly to be found in the USA and the United Kingdom, as well as other English-speaking nations such as Canada and Australia.

The Bible does not say that Edom will become part of the current EU, let alone the final configuration of ten European core nations or groups of nations. While Europe will be collaborating for a while with Turkey and other Arab nations, this does not mean that there will be full partnership and unification between them.

Turkey will continue to become an extremely hostile nation towards the Jews and the House of Israel, under a ruthless and dictatorial Turkish leadership.

After an initial collaboration between the EU and Turkey, things will drastically change.  Edom’s allies, and especially Assyria and the entire Babylonian system, will turn against Edom.

Obadiah 6-7 says that “ALL THE MEN IN YOUR CONFEDERACY” will turn against Turkey—this includes modern Assyria (Germany) and modern “Tyre” (the end-time European system). This means that Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Palestinians, Western Iraq and perhaps Lebanon will also turn against Turkey. In Obadiah 8-9, God makes clear that this will happen “in that day”—after the Great Tribulation and during the Day of the LORD—and that God will inspire the former allies of Edom to act in this way.

Psalm 60:8 and Psalm 108:9 indicate as well a future defeat in war and captivity for the people of Edom (as well as Moab, i.e. modern Iraq). The modern Babylonian system under Assyria’s lead will conquer Edom (modern Turkey) and enslave it, after Edom (and Moab) had at first escaped the modern Assyrian “king of the North” (Daniel 11:41).

The Bible tells us that the reason for Turkey’s future destruction is its abominable conduct against “Israel.” We read in Ezekiel 35:1-15 that Turkey “had an ancient [or everlasting] hatred, and [has] shed the blood of the children of Israel by the power of the sword at the time of their calamity… you have said, ‘These TWO NATIONS and these TWO COUNTRIES [referring to the Houses of Israel and Judah] shall be mine, and we will possess them…’”

Obadiah 1:10-15 confirms this by stating that “In the day that strangers carried captive his forces, When foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem—Even you were as one of them. But you should not have gazed on the day of your brother In the day of his captivity; Nor should you have rejoiced over the children of Judah In the day of their destruction; Nor should you have spoken proudly In the day of distress. You should not have entered the gate of My people In the day of their calamity. Indeed, you should not have gazed on their affliction In the day of their calamity Nor laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. You should not have stood at the crossroads to cut off those among them who escaped; Nor should you have delivered up those among them who remained In the day of distress (Menge Bible: the Great Tribulation). For the day of the LORD upon all the nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you…”

Israel and Judah will have to go into slavery, and Edom will actively participate in this future war against Israel and Judah which will bring about the complete downfall of those two nations. Edom will possess at least parts of Israel’s and Judah’s territories. But then, God will use the modern Babylonian power bloc to punish Edom or modern Turkey severely due to Edom’s hatred and violence towards Israel and Judah.

Focusing on ETHIOPIA, we read in Nahum 3:9 that ETHIOPIA, as well as Egypt and Put (Libya; see below), will at first be modern Nineveh’s “strength” and helpers (that is, the modern Babylonian system under Assyrian or German leadership, ancient Nineveh being the capital of Assyria). They will help modern Nineveh to fight against Israel and Judah.

But we also read that this particular alliance will change and that the modern king of Babylon (Europe) will attack and conquer Egypt and Ethiopia (Ezekiel 30:1-9; 29:10; compare also Isaiah 18:1-6). Zephaniah 2:12 tells us specifically that “You Ethiopians also, you shall be slain by the sword.” We also read in Daniel 11:42-43 that the modern king of Assyria of the Babylonian system will be ruling over the Ethiopians.

We are specifically told in Isaiah 11:11 that at the time of Christ’s Return, the survivors of the modern descendants of the Houses of Israel and Judah will find themselves enslaved in countries such as Assyria (Germany), Egypt, Cush (Ethiopia), and Elam (Iran).

We don’t know when and exactly how the survivors of Israel and Judah will become captives in Ethiopia and in some of the other countries mentioned above. It could begin to happen when Ethiopia fights with Assyria against Israel, or later, when Assyria fights against Ethiopia and then transfers and settles some of its Israelite captives there.

We also read that some Ethiopians will become a part of an army, led by Russia and China and other Far Eastern nations, to invade the Promised Land. This will happen just after Christ’s Return to this earth; compare Ezekiel 38:5.

Regarding EGYPT, we read that Jews will be enslaved in Egypt just prior to Christ’s return. Isaiah 27:13 explains that when the great trumpet sounds “in that day”—designating the resurrection of the just from the dead in the end time–captives from the Houses of Israel and Judah will be released from slavery. We are also told that prior to their freedom, some will perish in the LAND of Assyria, and some will be outcasts in the LAND of Egypt.

Hosea 9:3 states that Ephraim (mainly the UK, but by extension including the USA, Canada and other English-speaking nations) shall return to Egypt and eat unclean things in Assyria. On the other hand, Hosea 11:5, 10-11 informs us that Ephraim shall not return to the LAND of Egypt; rather, it will go into the kind of “Egyptian” slavery which ancient Israel experienced when it was in Egyptian captivity. The modern king ruling over the modern House of Israel (including the UK and the USA) will be Assyria. Deuteronomy 28:68; 17:16 confirms as well that “Egyptian” slavery is decreed over both the Houses of Israel and Judah.

According to Isaiah 27:13, a part of the enslaved remnant will return from the LAND of Egypt. Since Ephraim will not be enslaved in the LAND of Egypt, it follows that those who will be enslaved in the LAND of Egypt will be mainly those from the House of Judah (the Jews). This fact is supported in Joel 3:19, which tells us that Egypt will become a desolation, because of their violence against the people of JUDAH or the Jews.

Zechariah 10:10-12 tells us as well that some (apparently referring to Judah) will be freed from slavery and brought back from the LAND of Egypt, while others (Ephraim) will be freed from Assyria.

Focusing on LIBYA, not much is stated regarding its end-time relationship with “Israel” prior to Christ’s Return.

As we mentioned in the last Q&A, Daniel 11 shows that the modern king of Assyria will turn against Egypt and the nations allied with her, including Ethiopia and Libya, and conquer, control or even enslave them. However, the Bible shows that after ten European nations or groups of nations under modern Assyria (“the Babylonian system”) will have subdued and conquered many nations, they themselves will be defeated in war by the modern Medes—Russians and Ukrainians.

We do not know whether the alliance of Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya, which is directed against Europe, will be friendly or unfriendly towards “Israel.” But we do know that shortly AFTER Christ’s Return, a mighty Far Eastern army (under Russian and Chinese leadership) will try to invade the modern Houses of Judah (the modern Jews) and of Israel (mainly the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, as well as some nations in North-Western Europe). By that time, all the Israelites and Jews, who will have survived the Great Tribulation, will have been brought back to live in the Promised Land.

In regard to the future attempt by that great Far Eastern army to invade and conquer the Promised Land, Ezekiel 38:5 states expressly that “Persia, Ethiopia and LIBYA are with them.” It is possible that this hatred against “Israel” already developed and existed prior to Christ’s Return.

In the end time, SYRIA or Aram will face utter destruction just prior to Christ’s Return. Scriptures like Isaiah 17:1-4; Jeremiah 49:23-27 and Amos 1:3-5 describe the destruction of Damascus (the capital of Syria) in vivid terms. If we look at prior historical events, we conclude that it is possible that Syria’s destruction will occur through the modern Babylonian system under the leadership of the modern “king” of Assyria. In ancient times, the king of Assyria, Tiglath-Pileser, destroyed Damascus and enslaved the Syrians. He fought the House of Israel [under King Pekah] and Syria [under King Rezin] at about the same time.

If history is our guide, then it would be interesting to contemplate the possibility that the destruction of Damascus and the overthrow of Syria could occur at approximately the same time when the modern “king” of Assyria will attack the modern House of Israel. Ironically, “Ephraim” will make a covenant with modern Assur (Hosea 12:1) and ask them for help as well (Compare Hosea 5:13, which states in the New American Bible and the Menge translation: “Ephraim went to Assyria, and Judah sent to the great king.”). At that time, the modern “king” of Assyria might just comply with both requests.

But he will not really rescue the Jews nor modern Ephraim (Hosea 7:11-12; 5:14-15). Even anciently, we read in 2 Chronicles 28:16-21 that Tiglath-Pileser, King of Assyria, did NOT really help Ahaz, King of Judah, even though he had pretended at first to help Israel against the Syrians. Rather, he “distressed” or “oppressed” him (verse 20). In fact, we read that the modern “king” of Assyria, leader of the revived Roman Empire, will ultimately engage in a decisive war against the modern Houses of Israel AND Judah.

Focusing on SAUDI ARABIA, we read in Psalm 83:6 that Ishmaelites—the kingdom of Saudi Arabia—as well as other Arabic tribes will enter into a covenant with Assyria or modern-day Germany against Israel.

When God intervenes in world affairs, He will begin to pour out His wrath and fury over all nations, by bringing the sword over them (Jeremiah 25:15-17), including Arabia and Tema, one of Ishmael’s sons (Jeremiah 25:23). This will happen during the Day of the LORD of God’s wrath (Jeremiah 25:33), which will begin approximately one year prior to Christ’s Return.

Isaiah 21:13-17 gives us another prophecy about Ishmael’s or Saudi Arabia’s destruction. We are not specifically told there who exactly will defeat the Arabs in war, but we note that in Old Testament times, the Assyrians did so, and most commentaries apply the prophecy of Isaiah to that occurrence. They overlook, however, that the prophecy is primarily for our times today. If the prophecy is dual, which it appears to be, then Assyria will again be the enemy defeating the Arabs in war, after they first had entered into an alliance with Assyria against Israel.

Finally, when focusing on Scriptures about IRAN, formerly known as Persia, we find that the modern-day Iranians are descendants of the ancient Elamites.

As we have seen, the Jewish people and the modern House of Israel will be conquered and enslaved by the final European revival of the ancient Roman Empire, under Assyrian or German leadership, called modern “Babylon” in Scripture. When Jesus Christ returns, He will free the survivors of that captivity and bring them into the Promised Land. Several Scriptures tell us that prior to Christ’s Return, survivors from Israel and Judah will be enslaved in Elam–Iran (Isaiah 11:11).

Isaiah 22:6 prophesies, in the context of the future enslavement of the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem (compare verses 1-4): “Elam [Iran] bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield.”

The timing is the Day of the LORD or “in that day” (verses 8, 12), when God has “removed the protection of Judah” (verse 8), since they looked to their armor or military, rather than to God (verses 8, 11). We note, from Ezekiel 27:10, that at one time, “Those from Persia [Iran], Lydia and Libya Were in [the mystical “Tyre’s” or the modern Babylon’s] army as men of war.” So it appears that Iranians will participate in the military attack of modern Babylon against the state of Israel.

It appears further that after their mutual attack on Jerusalem, modern Babylon—a confederacy of many nations–will turn against Iran and enslave the Iranian people (Jeremiah 49:35-39). Subsequently, the modern Iranians will be freed—apparently by the Medes or Russians, as both will together attack modern Babylon (Isaiah 21:2). A future alliance between Russia and Iran (which is already developing today) is not surprising, given the fact that these two powers were allied in the past, as the “Medo-Persian Empire.”

Russia’s and Iran’s hatred against the modern descendants of the ancient Houses of Israel and Judah will not easily disappear. After Christ’s Return, Iran or “Persia” will be a part of a great confederacy of hostile nations (Ezekiel 38:5), under Russian and Chinese leadership, in an attempt to invade the Promised Land which will then be occupied by the modern Houses of Israel and Judah.

From the foregoing, we can see that especially countries such as Turkey, Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran will (continue to) play an important anti-Israeli role in the Middle East. The GOOD NEWS is, as our above-mentioned booklet points out, that survivors from ALL those nations will repent and turn to the true God of Israel, AFTER Christ’s Return.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Germany in BIG Turmoil

We are presently observing a huge political scandal in Germany with terrible prophetic consequences. Suddenly, the very survival of Germany’s “established” mainstream parties is in jeopardy, while political candidates are fighting for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s replacement. Europe is waiting for a new and more decisive German leadership. But do they know what they wish for?

What Does the Bible Reveal about the Third Temple prior to Christ’s Return? Part 2

What will happen when the Jews begin to bring animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount and build the Third Temple there? Which nations and political leaders will support the Jews, and who will fight against them in a nuclear war? How do current events show what will happen soon? The continuation of last week’s sermon brings additional clarity.

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Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with reporting on the UK and Brexit. It has been a long journey from joining to leaving, with a foreordained result.

Britain joined the EEC (an economic unity and the predecessor of the political and military EU) in 1973, the same year as Denmark and Ireland. The original members were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. In 1992 the European Union (EU) was officially formed, with Britain’s membership becoming effective in November 1993.

There are now 27 members of the EU. Prior to the UK, no member state had left the EU, though Greenland (an autonomous province of Denmark) withdrew in 1985. Ultimately, 10 nations or groups of nations will emerge out of the EU, which will rule Europe and give their power and authority to the “beast”—an economic, political and military leader of German or Austrian descent, also referred to in the Bible as the King of the North and King Jareb of Assyria.

This European power bloc will be hostile towards Britain, and verbal fights and threats have already begun on the first day of the “transition period.” For more information, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Watch powerful Germany!”

We continue with a political scandal in East Germany which has all of Germany up in arms; repeated calls for Germany’s increased military involvement; and the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, while warning against panic-stricken overreactions which, if unchecked, could even destroy the world economy.  We also speak on the unsuccessful search for a vaccine against AIDS.

We address throughout this issue Wednesday’s acquittal of Donald Trump in the impeachment circus which was a hoax and which has hurt the Democrats beyond repair. They wasted time and America’s tax payer’s money, knowing from the outset that they could never be successful, as Trump’s conduct simply did not give rise to an impeachable offense. Trump won “overwhelmingly,” as Politico wrote. A majority of Senators acquitted Trump on both counts (to convict, the Senate would have had to have a 2/3 majority).

Trump’s re-election is assured. At the same time, the impeachment fiasco and the events during Trump’s “State of the Union” Address on Tuesday (with, for example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly tearing up her copy of the speech) proved again how incurably divided the United States of America is.

We also speak on Trump’s unsuccessful “deal of the century” peace plan for the Middle East, which nevertheless has been compared with King Cyrus’s preparations for allowing the Jews to build the Second Temple; point out the deteriorating relationship between the EU and Israel; reflect on the battle between Pope Francis and the German Catholic Church; address demonic carnival activities; and conclude with the frightening “biblical” plague of devastating devouring locusts in large parts of the world and a sickening annual trophy hunt sponsored by Donald Trump Jr.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Will there still be an end-time King of the South in the future, and if so, what nations would be included?

We have been writing and speaking at length about a future king of the South, and we have NEVER said that there will not be one, even though we made clear that there does not HAVE to be one. At the same time, we have pointed out that future confederations of Arab states with and against Europe will be formed, even though technically, those might not be referred to as “the king of the South.”

Let us once again review what we have been stating on the subject, while limiting and confining our comments in this Q&A to the relationship of Middle Eastern nations with continental Europe.

To begin with, we said this in our Q&A, “Who is the king of the South?” 

“Many believe, based on prophecies contained in the 11th chapter of the book of Daniel, that immediately before the return of Jesus Christ, a powerful Arab leader or ‘king of the South’ will still arise in the Middle East. Daniel 11:40-41 says: ‘At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack [or: push at] him [the king of the North]; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown…’

“Historically, and following the entire Biblical prophecy in the 11th chapter of the book of Daniel, we can determine that at the time described in verse 40, the king of the North constituted the ninth resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire… led by Mussolini and Hitler, and that the king of the South was at that time Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia. And in fact, Mussolini came against Ethiopia like a whirlwind, using airplanes, and conquered it.

“But, what about today or the immediate future? Will there occur another conflict between the king of the North — the final LEADER of the 10th resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire… — and a king of the South, a final LEADER in the Middle East? Perhaps — but not necessarily so.

“Herbert W. Armstrong wrote the following in a personal of the Plain Truth, dated June 1967:

“‘The modern remnant of the “king of the south” of this prophecy is Ethiopia… And the Italians were the remnant and successors, of the people of the king of the north. This prophecy WAS FULFILLED February-March, 1896, when King Menelik II of Ethiopia “pushed at” the Italians, defeating Italy at Aduwa. Italians thirsted for revenge. Finally, their opportunity came, in 1935, under the military machine developed by Mussolini. Continue the prophecy, verse 40: “… and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind [in the air], with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships: and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over.” Notice, a whirlwind comes IN THE AIR. So DID Mussolini’s air forces. He sent down many ships, much cavalry, and tanks [modern “chariots”]. And his forces, in planes, “passed OVER.”… Continue: VERSE 41: “He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown …”

“‘There is a TIME-LAPSE between verse 40 and verse 41. After Mussolini captured Ethiopia he added it to Libya, Eritrea, and Italian Somaliland. Mussolini had signed a concordat with the Vatican, and publicly announced the rebirth of the ROMAN EMPIRE, with King Victor Emmanuel Emperor, and himself the Duce or Premier. But Mussolini’s bubble of a Roman Empire was short-lived… But the final seventh head [of the “Holy” Roman Empire, or the tenth resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire] is soon to rise…  Verse 41 refers to THAT succession of the Roman power which became the “king of the north” in the prophecy of Daniel 11…’

“… the prophecy in Daniel 11:40 has ALREADY BEEN FULFILLED. And verse 40 is the LAST TIME where the king of the South is mentioned! Beginning with the second half of verse 40, we read exclusively about the king of the North and his activities, and, in verse 44, about rumors from the east and the west. This means, then, that there DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ANOTHER end-time king of the South. If there were to rise one, following the historical and Biblical records, as set forth in the 11th chapter of the book of Daniel, it would have to be — mainly — modern Ethiopia. But, as we said, ALL WHICH STILL NEEDS TO BE FULFILLED (and which the previous king of the North — under Mussolini — did NOT fulfill), is the invasion of the Glorious Land by the future and final king of the North (verse 41), including Jerusalem (verse 45), as well as the overthrow of ‘many countries’ (verse 41), including Egypt, and the ‘Libyans and Ethiopians’ following at his heels (verse 43).

“It is entirely possible that the prophecy in verse 40 is a type of future events to be repeated — but it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE this way. It is NOT necessary, based on Biblical prophecy, that there will still arise an end-time ‘king of the South,’ attacking or pushing at the end-time king of the North. Christ could return without such an event having to occur first.”

In a subsequent Q&A on the “king of the South,” we added the following:

“Hours of research have established that Mr. Armstrong has never written that the final fulfillment of the prophecies about the coming king of the South are certainly yet to come. In fact, Mr. Armstrong wrote an Editorial in 1967, which was published in the Plain Truth, pointing out that the prophecy of Daniel 11:40 WAS fulfilled. There is no further mention of a king of the South after Daniel 11:40. It is clear that Mr. Armstrong, since 1967, never taught that there would definitely be a future king of the South, ‘attacking’ or ‘pushing at’ the future king of the North or Europe.

“Further, Mr. Armstrong never taught that the king of the South would be a confederacy of Arab nations, in some way led by Egypt, as some teach today. In 1983 Mr. Armstrong wrote, ‘Ethiopia… is the only possible government that could be the king of the South…

“Mr. Armstrong expressly rejected the idea that Egypt would or could be the king of the South. He clearly taught that at the time of Daniel 11:42, Egypt is NOT the king of the South. Compare his booklet on ‘Middle East in Prophecy.’ He wrote that for the last 2,000 years since 31 B.C., the ‘king of the south… cannot be the king of Egypt.’…

“Prior to his death in 1986, Mr. Armstrong wrote one more time on the subject in the September 1983 issue of the Plain Truth, once again stating the historical fulfillment of Daniel 11:40. He at that time also wrote: ‘Ethiopia… is the only possible government that could be the king of the south.’”

He also wrote regarding Daniel 11:43: “Verse 43 says the Libyans and Ethiopians (observe that after its conquest by Mussolini, Ethiopia is not again referred to as the king of the south) shall be at his steps — and he will then control them.”

We elaborated on the entire question in our Q&A, “How can we know that Christ’s return is near? (Part 9)”

This Q&A was subsequently incorporated in our free booklet with the same title:

“The last European revival of the ancient Roman Empire and the powerful military leader (the beast) will cause the Great Tribulation. Just prior to that time, they will begin, at first, to temporarily collaborate, to an extent, with Arab nations (including Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Jordan) and Turkey in their common goal of destroying ‘Israel’ (Psalm 83:1-8). This collaboration might not endure until the return of Christ…”

To interject, the collaborating nations mentioned in Psalm 83 are Ishmaelites—the kingdom of Saudi Arabia—as well as other Arabic tribes, such as the Hagrites, who will enter into an anti-Israeli confederacy with nations such as Edom (Turkey); Moab (parts of Jordan and perhaps Iraq); Ammon (Jordan); Amalek (perhaps today violent groups like the PLO); Philistia (Palestinians); Lot (Jordan); and, most noteworthy, Assyria or modern-day Germany.

These are some of the nations which will “escape” the hands of the beast. Daniel 11:41 says: “… these shall escape from his hands: Edom (Turkey), Moab (Jordan and Iraq), and the prominent people of Ammon (Jordan).”

At the same time, we are also informed in Daniel 11:42 and 43 that “the land of Egypt shall not escape… also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels.”

How do we have to understand the phrase, “…shall follow at his heels”?

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible writes: “The proper sense of the Hebrew would be, that they accompanied him; that they marched with him or followed him; and the phrase would be applicable either to those who were allies, or who were led captive…”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible agrees, saying: “And the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps; at his command and pleasure; shall follow him, being taken captive, or go where he orders them; that is, in all things shall be obedient to him.”

Since Libya will be allied with Egypt at that time [discussed below] and since Egypt will be overthrown by Assyria, it appears that Libyans and Ethiopians will also be overthrown and become captives of the Assyrians. In any event, they will all be subject to modern Assyria, either because of volition or compulsion.

Continuing with the above-quoted Q&A:

“Many believe, based on prophecies contained in the 11th chapter of the book of Daniel, that immediately before the return of Jesus Christ, a powerful Arab leader— a religious ‘Mullah’ or Madhi, many times imagined to be the ‘king of the South’— will still arise in the Middle East… [They teach] the concept [that] a future religious figure, a Mahdi… will allegedly unite many Muslim nations and attempt to establish the Muslim religion in all the world. This is strictly a Muslim concept. The Bible nowhere says that a Muslim Mahdi will appear in the Middle East or elsewhere, in an attempt to unite Arab and Muslim nations (which would also require healing the long-time animosity between Shias and Sunnis) and to establish a power bloc, ruled by the Muslim religion…”

Some have objected to our conclusions by pointing out that Daniel 11:40 speaks specifically about the time of the end, and that therefore a future king of the South must still arise just prior to Christ’s return.

We answered this objection, as follows, in the above-cited Q&A:

“However, the book of Daniel includes several examples where the terms ‘the last days’ or the ‘time of the end’ are used, without necessarily referring to just a few years prior to Christ’s return.

“For instance, we read in Daniel 2:28 that a dream about a statue was to reveal to Nebuchadnezzar ‘what will be in the latter days.’ The dream described four successive world empires which would arise on the world scene, and the fourth empire (the Roman Empire) would survive (through ten successive revivals) until the return of Christ. Much of the dream related to events a long time prior to the last revival of the Roman Empire with ten kings at the time of Christ’s return—the ‘stone’ or Rock which would smite and destroy the ten toes of the statue (verse 44-45).

“Something similar can be found in Daniel 8:17, 19, which talks about ‘the time of the end’ and the ‘latter time of the indignation.’ The entire passage starts with the time of ancient Media and Persia, followed by Alexander the Great and, sometime later, Antiochus Epiphanes, and culminating in certain events which apparently end with the last King of the North at the time of Christ’s return. (We understand of course the dual application of this prophecy…)

“When reading Daniel 12:4, 9, we are told that the book of Daniel would be sealed ‘until the time of the end,’ but that then ‘knowledge’ in general and the right understanding of the book would increase. This has most certainly started to occur under the late Herbert W. Armstrong (the human leader of the now-defunct Worldwide Church of God) who died in 1986…”

At the same time, we emphasized a very important fact which must not be overlooked. Even though it nowhere says in the Bible that Egypt is the future king of the South or that Egypt will become the leader over other Arab nations in opposition to Europe, we do read that Ethiopia (whether or not fulfilling the function of a future king of the South) could be leading several Arab nations against Europe.

We stated in the above-mentioned Q&A:

“Of course, Ethiopia could be a leading nation in collaboration with other Arab nations. We read in Ezekiel 30:1-9, 18-19 that at the time of the ‘day of the LORD’ (a reference to the end time), the sword will come upon Egypt, as well as on additional countries like Ethiopia (Cush), Libya (Put), and Lydia (or Lud; compare Jeremiah 46:8-9, showing that Egypt, Ethiopia, Lydia and Libya will be allies at that time of the end). [Regarding “Lydia,” not much is known, but it has been contended that it designates an African nation in Western Asia Minor, descended from Egypt.]

“Verses 4-5 refer to Chub, which is nowhere else mentioned in Scripture; the passage could also read, ‘and ALL (Chub) the men of the lands who were allied…’ We also read specifically in verse 18 that at that time of the ‘day of the LORD’, Egyptians will go into captivity (through the king of the North, compare Daniel 11:42).

“Even though Ezekiel 30 does not refer to those nations as being the king of the South, they seem to describe a power bloc in opposition to the final European revival of the ancient Roman Empire, under Assyrian (German or Austrian) leadership. None of these countries referred to in Ezekiel 30 are mentioned in Psalm 83:1-8. It appears, then, that the countries mentioned in Psalm 83, which are allied WITH Assyria, are different from the countries, mentioned in Ezekiel 30, which are apparently allied AGAINST Assyria.

“As the ninth revival of the ancient Roman Empire, under Mussolini, was comprised of several nations and powers, including Hitler’s Germany, and as the final revival of the king of the North will consist of ten European nations or groups of nations, under Assyrian leadership, so if there is to be a future king of the South, he might very well constitute a coalition of Middle Eastern nations, under Ethiopian leadership.”

In regard to this ultimately hostile constellation of Arab nations (Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya etc.) against Europe, we also explained that there would previously exist a more friendly economic relationship with Europe, but nothing is mentioned of a military confederacy between these nations and Assyria. In other words, while we read in Psalm 83 about an anti-Israel military “confederacy” or contract between Assyria and certain identified Middle Eastern nations (including Edom, Ishmaelites, Moab, Ammon etc.), we read nothing about a “confederacy” or a contract between Assyria and nations such as “Egypt, Cush and Put,” while we read that they will end up forming a military alliance AGAINST Assyria.

We state this in our free booklet, Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy”:

“Notice also that modern Babylon or mystical Tyre—referring to the end-time resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire in Europe—is described as an economic power in Ezekiel 27, with whom all nations have been dealing, up to a point, including Russia, Persia (modern Iran), Syria and Israel…

“Ezekiel 27:10 tells us that ‘Persia (modern Iran), Lydia and Libya Were in your army [the military apparatus of modern Babylon] as men of war; they hung shield and helmet in you; they gave splendor to you.’

“In Nahum 3:9, we read that mercenaries from Libya had at one time supported Nineveh: ‘Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength; And it was boundless; Put (Libya) and Lubim (perhaps a part of Libya) were your helpers. Yet she was carried away, she went into captivity.’… Ethiopia, as well as Egypt and Put (Libya), will be modern Nineveh’s helpers (that is, the modern Babylonian system under Assyrian or German leadership)…”

However, this at one time more or less “friendly” relationship will change, and a hostile relationship will develop between modern Germany and its allies on the one hand, and nations such as Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya on the other hand.

Continuing with our booklet:

“But we also read that this particular alliance will change—as alliances change often and quickly in wars… the modern king of Babylon or Assyria will attack and conquer Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya (Ezekiel 30:1-9; 29:10; compare also Isaiah 18:1-6)…

“Ezekiel 30 gives us a prophecy dealing with the day of the LORD (verse 3)—describing a time just preceding the return of Jesus Christ. We read in Ezekiel 30 that Egypt and her allies will fall at that time. As we may recall, verses 5 and 6 designate Egypt’s allies in that way: ‘Ethiopia, Libya, Lydia, all the mingled people, Chub, and the men of the lands who are allied, shall fall with them by the sword—those who uphold Egypt shall fall…’

“We can take from this passage that in the very end time, Libya will be allied with Egypt and Ethiopia, and that they will fall together. A similar alliance occurred in the past with equally devastating consequences… In ancient times, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon fought against and conquered Egypt and her allies, including Libya. Since this prophecy is dual and refers particularly to the day of the Lord, it is reasonable to conclude that a modern king of a modern Babylon will be fighting against Egypt and her allies. It is indeed the beast or the king of the North—the leader over a modern Babylonian system—who will fulfill that future role…”

We see then that a somewhat friendly relationship between Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya and Germany (when mercenaries serve in armies of European nations) will gradually deteriorate, while an alliance between Middle Eastern nations, including Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya against Germany and Europe will develop.

In conclusion, the Bible does not teach that a future king of the South, as mentioned in Daniel 11, must still appear, but we have always understood and taught that he might very well arise. If so, this would have to be Ethiopia which might lead other Middle Eastern nations in opposition to the king of the North.

In addition, the Bible shows that a confederacy of nations including Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya (even though this confederacy is technically not referred to as the king of the South) will arise which will be hostile towards the king of the North (even though at one time, those individual nations or mercenaries of those nations were not necessarily enemies of Europe).

While an anti-Israel confederacy between Assyria (the king of the North) and OTHER Middle Eastern nations will be formed, some of which will “escape” the hands of the king of the North (including Turkey, Iraq and the prominent people or chiefs of Jordan), countries such as Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya will not “escape.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Watch powerful Germany!

Some may think that Germany is currently not that powerful. They would be wrong. This program shows the tremendous German influence in matters such as Brexit and the transition period; military operations and the coming EU Army; and Europe’s hostile stance towards the USA and Israel. It also addresses a brand-new political scandal in Germany and the German Catholic bishops’ fight with Pope Francis. Bible prophecy is marching on.

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