Current Events

We report on alarming developments in Germany pertaining to governmental restriction of a nonprofit organization for opposing Nazism and fascism; point out the long-standing anti-Israeli position of Germany’s neo-Nazi parties and the Greens; quote a shocking article suggesting for Europe to stop recognizing Israel as an independent state; show that the relationship between Israel and Jordan is at an all-time low; explain why Israel’s Attorney General has broken the law by indicting Benjamin Netanyahu; and refer to a report by the Church of England claiming that so-called “Christian” theology was largely responsible for the Holocaust; as well as ungodly positions by Britain’s Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Is Another Holocaust Coming Soon?

We continue reporting on Chinese concentration camps while the world is silent; speak on the danger of nuclear weapons and the fact that no one wants to take the first step of atomic disarmament; and address a vicious attack of Germany’s Economy Minister on the USA. We also quote several articles discussing the growing perception that Donald Trump is indeed “God’s chosen one.”

We speak on Brexit developments which seem to indicate that finally, the goal of those who want to leave the EU will be reached soon; and we conclude with an article about the dangers of vaccinations.  

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Would you please explain the concept of not giving offense to others? (Part 2)

In the first part, we saw that Christ was called a stumbling block and that He indeed offended people, and He was still without fault or sin.

On the other hand, as we will show, the Bible tells us that we are not to cause offense. How is this to be understood in light of the fact that Jesus Himself did offend people?

We read in Luke 17:1-2:

Then He said to the disciples, ‘It is impossible that no offenses (Greek skandalon, which means stumbling block) should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend (Greek skandalizo, which means, cause to stumble) one of these little ones.”

The following words by Jesus are added in Matthew 18:6-7:

“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin (Greek: skandalizo), it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses (Greek: scandalon)! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!”

The Authorized Version states: “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones…” The kind of offense Jesus is addressing here is in the context of committing sin.

Note how Jesus continues in Matthew 18:8-9:

If your hand or foot causes you to sin (Greek: skandalizo; lit.: cause to stumble), cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire” (compare Mark 9:42-47).”

Again, the Authorized Version renders consistently: “… if thy hand or thy foot offend you… if thine eye offend you…”

Let us also note the concept of offense in the context of committing sin in Matthew 5:27-30:

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin [Greek: skandalizo]pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin [Greek: skandalizo], cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.”

The Authorized Version translates again: “If thy right eye offend thee… if your right hand offend thee.”

Here, the context is obvious. Offense or causing to sin or to stumble is addressed in the context of committing adultery. Our own members (eye or hand) should not “offend” us in causing us to sin; in the same way, we are not to offend others by causing them to sin.

Paul admonishes Timothy in the same way in Philippians 1:9-11:

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”

In the Greek, the word for “without offense” is aproskopos, which means literally, “not causing to stumble.”

So, Paul told Timothy to make sure he was without offense; that is, that he was without sin against God.

Let us also note Christ’s words in Matthew 13:38-43 in explaining the parable of the wheat and the tares:

The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend (Greek: skandalon; lit., offense or stumbling block), and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

Those who are offenses and stumbling blocks in the parable are equated with those who practice lawlessness. The context is sin, which is lawlessness or the transgression of the Law of God, must not be overlooked.  Christ, even though He was a stumbling block to people, NEVER sinned. The people mentioned in the parable of the wheat and the tares were unrepentant sinners, however.

Also notice Matthew 16:21-23:

From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day. Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense [Greek skandalon; a stumbling block] to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

Peter, although meaning well, tried to convince Christ not to fulfill His God-given purpose. This was tantamount to temptation inspired by Satan, and this is why Christ answered so strongly, as He would have sinned if He had followed Peter’s “advice.”

We are not to consciously “offend” people in the sense that we cause them to sin. Christ never did this; He acted and taught God’s Word in the letter and in the spirit, which included deviating from human customs and practices, which were not taught in God’s Word. In some cases, they even violated the letter and, in other cases, the spirit of the Law of God. In doing so, He became an offense to others, but this was quite all right. Christ did not react by saying: Because I offend someone, I will no longer do what I am doing or say what I am saying.

The context between offending people and sinning against them by transgressing God’s law in the letter or in the spirit is also shown in the following passages:

Romans 16:17 states:

“Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses [Greek, skandalon] contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.”

Those who offend or cause divisions and thereby create stumbling blocks for others, by teaching wrongfully against God’s Word, are to be avoided.

2 Corinthians 6:3 adds: “We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed.”

Here, the Greek word for “offense” is proskope, which means a stumbling block.

We are not to offend by sinning against God’s Word. In other words, sin constitutes offense against God and man.

James also equates offending or stumbling with sinning against the Law of God.

James 2:10 reads:

For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.”

The Authorized Version says: “yet offend in one point…”

The Greek word is ptaio, meaning to stumble or to fall.

James 3:1-2 continues:

My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble (Greek ptaio] in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.”

The Authorized Version renders it: “… we offend all. If any man offend not…”

Again, we offend when we sin.

In Acts 24:12-16, we find Paul’s words recorded, as follows:

 “And they neither found me in the temple disputing with anyone nor inciting the crowd, either in the synagogues or in the city. Nor can they prove the things of which they now accuse me. But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets. I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense [Greek aproskopos; literally, not causing to stumble] toward God and men.”

The same thought is expressed here: We sin against God and man when we transgress His Law.

2 Corinthians 11:29 states:

Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble [Greek skandalizo; i.e., to cause to stumble], and I do not burn with indignation?”

The Authorized Version reads: “…who is offended, and I burn not.”

Paul echoes what Christ said earlier: If we cause someone to stumble and sin by transgressing God’s Law, then we are guilty. That is, we must not encourage or even teach someone to sin. That would be an offense against God. 

In light of the foregoing, let us explain how we are to understand the following passage in Matthew 17:24-27, which reads:

 “When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, ‘Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, ‘What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?’ Peter said to Him, ‘From strangers.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Then the sons are free. Nevertheless, lest we offend [Greek skandalizo; i.e., cause to stumble] them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.’”

Christ explained that He, as the Son of God (the Owner of the Temple), was not really obligated to pay the temple tax. But He said to Peter to pay it for the both of them lest they offend the tax collectors. This “offense” by not paying the temple tax would not have been sinful per se, but Christ wanted to avoid in this case an unnecessary confrontation, so that later, the accusation that He did not pay taxes at all was clearly unfounded.

Quite to the contrary, He had stated that we should give Caesar what is Caesar’s (taxes) and to God what is God’s (tithes and offerings). (Of course, the temple tax was not owed to the Roman government, but it was paid to those who were in control of the Temple). In addition, Peter had already stated to the tax collectors that Christ was paying the temple tax, so Christ did not want to make Peter out to be a liar.

On one occasion, Paul circumcised Timothy, even though he had clearly explained that circumcision was no longer necessary. But he did so to avoid an unnecessary confrontation with the Jews as he wanted to use Timothy to help him preach the gospel to them. On the other hand, he steadfastly refused to circumcise Titus as those insisting on it were teaching that circumcision was necessary for salvation. Paul did not say that he had to circumcise Titus as to not create a stumbling block or an offense to those false teachers. He did not teach that we must give in to those who disagree with us when their conscience, which is based on wrong teachings, is “defiled.”

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

This Week In The News

ALARMING—German Holocaust Victims’ Group Loses Charity Status

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 24:

“One of Germany’s oldest and biggest Holocaust victims’ organizations is facing the loss of its nonprofit status…

“The Union of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime/Federation of Antifascists (VVN-BdA) received a notice this month from the financial authorities of the [city] of Berlin that its nonprofit tax benefits would no longer be awarded…

“Several other nonprofit organizations and politicians condemned the decision… who described the letter from the financial authority as an ‘alarm signal for democratic civil society.’

“Nonprofit status exempts an organization from several taxes, and allows supporters to write their donations off against tax. In a statement posted on its website on Friday, the VVN-BdA said the decision could lead to five-digit back taxes that could endanger the group’s survival. But other German financial authorities, such as the one representing North Rhine-Westphalia, continue to recognize VVN-BdA’s nonprofit status

“According to [a 2016 report by] the Bavarian intelligence agency charged with tracking extremist groups, the VVN-BdA’s agenda goes beyond simply fighting far-right extremism… The report also cited an article by VVN-BdA spokesman Ulrich Schneider in support of direct blockades of Nazi demonstrations as evidence that the organization accepted left-wing extremist groups as allies.

“The VVN-BdA describes itself as a non-party-affiliated alliance of victims of the Nazi regime, resistance fighters, and anti-fascists of all generations. It was originally founded in 1947, having emerged from an alliance of Holocaust victims’ associations and former anti-Nazi resistance fighters… The group now has around 6,000 members in Germany.

German financial authorities appear to be cracking down on politically active nonprofit organizations… According to a report in Der Spiegel magazine, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is keen to cut tax benefits for groups that try to influence political debate.”

This is an extremely dangerous, biased and right-wing decision, which is based on ridiculous arguments and ludicrous conclusions [see some of our underlining in the article], and it may set in motion very troubling developments reminiscent of the rise of Adolf Hitler.

REVEALING—German New Nazis’ and Greens’ Anti-Israel’s Policy 

The Jerusalem Post wrote on November 24:

“The German neo-Nazi party The Third Way and the Green Party welcomed the EU top court ruling that mandates Israeli products from the disputed territories must be branded with a label to show consumers that they were not produced in Israel proper.

“The Third Way ‘has been calling for years to boycott all products from the terrorist state of Israel’… Third Way added a link to an article from 2014 titled: ‘Israel Boycott: What anyone can do against Zionist genocide.’ A graphic on the Third Way’s entry states: ‘Boycott products from Israel: 729=Made in Israel.’ The number 729 is used in bar codes to identify Israel-based products and companies.

“The intelligence agency for the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate wrote in its 2018 report: ‘The Third Way’s slogan “Boycott Products from Israel”… betrays significant parallels to the anti-Jewish agitation of the National Socialists.’

“German intelligence officials in the state of Baden Württemberg wrote in a 2018 report that propaganda from the Third Way calling to boycott Israeli products ‘roughly recalls similar measures against German Jews by the National Socialists, for example, on April 1, 1933 (the slogan: “Germans! Defend yourselves! Don’t buy from Jews!”).’

“MPs from the German Green Party have sought to label Jewish products from the West Bank, Golan Heights and east Jerusalem since 2013… Green Party MP Renate Künast… once invoked a contemporary antisemitic conspiracy theory to describe a German organization as a ‘Mossad front’ that seeks to advance Israel’s security and stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

“In 1983, the Green Party put out a ‘Green Calendar’ with the headline ‘Israel, the gang of murderers’ and urged a ‘boycott of goods from Israel.’ The German daily Die Welt published an article titled ‘The long tradition of Green Anti-Zionism,’ in which the Green Party’s history of blaming Israel for the Middle East’s problems was highlighted.”

Anti-Israeli positions and anti-Semitism have now gone far beyond the preposterous claims of certain controversial German parties and have reached the entirety of Europe, as the above-mentioned EU Court’s decision has proven. The next article shows the extent of such anti-Israeli positions in the EU which ultimately lead to a military intervention in the Middle East and Europe’s occupation of Israel.

Sad and Troubling —Anti-Semitism in Germany on the Rise

The Algemeiner wrote on November 26:

Antisemitic outrages have risen precipitously across Germany during the last year, together with a corresponding rise in antisemitic attitudes. Two studies on Tuesday from separate regions of Germany underlined that the problem exists on a national scale.

“First, the daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel reported that antisemitic incidents in the state of Brandenburg [in East Germany] during the first nine months of this year equaled the entire record for 2018… Meanwhile, an academic… study, carried out by the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, showed that 16 percent of respondents in Thuringia [in East Germany] agreed with the statement that Jews were unwelcome aliens (‘They don’t belong here.’)… The university study also showed that 24 percent of Thuringia residents identified with right-wing extremist parties, such as the ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD).”

Have those Jew-hating Germans learned NOTHING from history?

SHOCKING—Europe to Stop Recognizing Israel as an Independent State?

Project Syndicate wrote on November 25:

With the United States standing firmly with Israel’s most hawkish elements, it is up to the rest of the international community to push back against Israel’s violations of international law in Palestinian territory. The European Union should lead the charge.

“The United States may have just obliterated any remaining hope for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s declaration that Israeli settlements in the West Bank do not violate international law defies a longstanding global consensus. The rest of the world must push back…

“After the US reversal, the EU’s foreign-policy chief,  Federica Mogherini, confirmed that its position on Israeli settlement policy ‘remains unchanged: all settlement activity is illegal under international law’ and ‘erodes the viability of the two-state solution and the prospects for a lasting peace.’

“But this is far from the first time the EU has criticized Israel’s behavior… If European leaders – or, indeed, any others around the world – want to advance a vision of an independent Palestinian state alongside an Israeli one, they have only two choices: officially recognize Palestine as an independent state or stop recognizing Israel as one until it proves it is serious about reaching a negotiated solution.

“Already, most European parliaments have voted in favor of recognizing Palestine as an independent state along the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. But only Sweden has followed through, with the EU advising others to wait for the perfect opportunity to arise – the moment when a unified decision to recognize Palestine could have a real impact. Now is that moment.”

Even though the article does not set forth the OFFICIAL policy of the EU, there is no denying that it describes quite accurately the underlying reasons for the EU’s conduct and actions. The anti-Israeli policy of the EU is in stark contrast to the current pro-Israeli policy of the USA… the differences could not be greater. This is bound to result in a military clash between those two power blocs in the very near future.

DANGEROUS—Israel and Jordan—Relations at an All-Time Low

Breaking Israel News wrote on November 24:

“Relations between Jordan and Israel are at an ‘all-time low’ King Abdullah [said]… Regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict, Abdullah added that ‘If we do not solve the Israeli-Palestinian issue, Israel cannot really be part of the Middle East’

“‘I think that no small amount of us in this room believe that the only way forward is the two-state solution – because the alternative is much worse,’ he added…  ‘But I am not ready for this to come at the expense of what my father and late Prime Minister Rabin fought so hard to achieve, as a symbol of hope and opportunity for Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians and others.’

“Despite the king’s sentiments, it should be noted that Prime Minister Rabin was against a Palestinian state.”

These are strong anti-Israeli words coming from Jordan… and they are also misleading.

INTERESTING—Israel’s Attorney General Breaks the Law in Indicting Netanyahu

Breaking Israel News wrote on November 24:

“According to Israeli law, Israel’s Attorney General, Avichai Mandleblit has no authority to indict the Prime Minister at this time… The law states that before the attorney general indicts a Member of Knesset such as Netanyahu, they must first submit a recommendation to the Knesset committee. The only problem is that during a transition government (as there is now), there is no Knesset committee which means that no indictment can be handed down.

“The law also states that after the Knesset Committee receives the letter to recommend an indictment, the committee then has to take the time to discuss whether or not the suspect should enjoy immunity. These sessions can take months. And as long as there is no government, as is the case currently, these discussions cannot even take place.

“As [Conservative pundit Caroline] Glick puts it: ‘When Mandleblit announced that he was indicting Netanyahu, he made a political decision, not a legal one. He behaved like a politician and not like an attorney general… everything a lie. There is no indictment, no law and no sentence. There is a coup whereby state prosecutors (with the help of opportunistic politicians and politically biased journalists) are trying to bring down a political leader without elections.’”

The parallels to the US Democrats’ strictly political attempts to concoct reasons for their indictment scheme against President Trump are only too obvious. In this regard, Bild Online wrote on November 24:

“Witnesses in the impeachment showdown accuse him severely. [But] Trump will be the winner in the end.” It should also be noted that none of the witnesses who accuse him have first-hand personal knowledge. It has all been hearsay in the impeachment circus. And as we said before, the alliance of Donald Trump (USA=Manasseh), Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel=Judah) and Boris Johnson (UK= Ephraim) would be an interesting triumvirate.

TELLING—Church of England Blames So-Called Christian Theology for the Holocaust

Breaking Israel News reported on November 24:

“Christian theology played a part in the stereotyping and persecution of Jewish people that ultimately led to the Holocaust, according to a new report released by the Church of England on Thursday.

“… the 121-page report said attitudes towards Judaism over centuries had provided a ‘fertile seed-bed for murderous anti-Semitism,’ and that Anglicans and other Christians must repent for the ‘sins of the past,’ as well as actively challenge anti-Semitic attitudes or stereotypes. ‘The attribution of collective guilt to the Jewish people for the death of Christ and the consequent interpretation of their suffering as collective punishment sent by God is one very clear example of that,’ the report said.”

The report is right in pointing out that the Bible condemns the concept of a “collective guilt” and a “collective punishment” approach against the Jews. Please note our Q&A on that issue, titled, “What is the significance of the saying of Jews at Jesus’ time that ‘His blood be on us and on our children’ (Matthew 27:25)?” 

CONFIRMED—Britain’s Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn Deeply Anti-Semitic 

Breitbart wrote on November 26:

“The Archbishop of Canterbury has backed an electoral intervention by Britain’s chief rabbi by saying the country should be alert to the profound unease felt by many Jews at the prospect of a left-wing Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn. Justin Welby tweeted Tuesday after Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis wrote in the Times of London that Britain’s Labour Party and its leader have been deeply tarnished by anti-Semitism

“It is without precedent for the chief rabbi to express his thoughts on party politics during an election campaign. He stopped short of advising voters to shun Labour but made his point about the prospect of Jeremy Corbyn gaining Number 10. ‘The way in which the (Labour) leadership has dealt with anti-Jewish racism is incompatible with the British values of which we are so proud,’ he wrote…

“The Labour Party in general has been engulfed in claims of institutionalized anti-Semitism since Corbyn became leader. At a personal level, he has also been slammed after pictures emerged confirming he attended a 2014 wreath-laying ceremony for Palestinian terrorists. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly admonished Corbyn when the images became public last year: ‘The laying of a wreath by Jeremy Corbyn on the graves of the terrorist who perpetrated the Munich massacre and his comparison of Israel to the Nazis deserves unequivocal condemnation from everyone – left, right and everything in between.’

“Netanyahu’s rare public criticism of a foreign politician came after the Daily Mail newspaper published photos of Corbyn holding a wreath to honor the instigators of the Munich atrocity. He had previously denied being part of the service… Also last year Corbyn’s camp defended comments he made during a speech at a rally outside Israel’s London embassy in 2010 in which he compared Israel’s blockade of the Gaza strip to the Nazi sieges of Leningrad and Stalingrad during World War II.”

The Labour Party’s anti-Semitism under Corbyn is well- documented and undisputable. What is shocking and alarming is that so many Brits are willing to vote for them. Notice the next article as well.

Disgusting—Radical Proposals on Abortion

The Daily Mail wrote on November 25:

“Labour’s… radical proposals on abortion seem to have slipped through unnoticed.

“However, it is vital we examine the party’s declaration that ‘we will uphold women’s reproductive rights and decriminalise abortions’. Decriminalising abortion would mean you could have one for any reason; you wouldn’t even be asked why you wanted it.

“Right To Life campaigners say the plan has the potential to allow unlimited abortions right up to birth, well beyond the present 24-week limit, which is already around twice the average time limit on abortions in Europe… Legislatively, it would mean scrapping the existing 1967 Abortion Act, which says you have to give a reason for an abortion and that two doctors have to sign it off…

“Two years ago, a Daily Mail investigation revealed that Marie Stopes, which has 60 clinics across England, signed off abortions for women they had never even met. Undercover reporters were approved for abortions based on a brief phone conversation with a call centre worker and told there was no need to meet a doctor because they filled out the necessary forms ‘behind the scenes’, based on reasons given to staff over the phone. The discussions could be as short as 22 seconds…”

The liberal ungodly laws in England and elsewhere are already terrible enough. Left-wing Labour wants to make them even worse…

SHAMEFUL—China’s Concentration Camps, while the World Is Silent (Again)

The Associated Press wrote on November 24:

“President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser [Robert O’Brien] is criticizing what he says is silence from the rest of the world over China’s confinement of more than 1 million Muslims in reeducation camps, linking the lack of a global outcry to China’s economic clout…

“‘Where is the world? We have over a million people in concentration camps,’ O’Brien said. ‘I’ve been to the genocide museum in Rwanda. You hear “never again, never again is this going to happen,” and yet there are reeducation camps with over a million people in them.’”

The Associated Press wrote on November 25:

“[New] classified documents lay out the Chinese government’s deliberate strategy to lock up ethnic minorities even before they commit a crime, to rewire their thoughts and the language they speak… Drawing on data collected by mass surveillance technology, computers issued the names of tens of thousands of people for interrogation or detention in just one week… the documents give the most significant description yet of high-tech mass detention in the 21st century in the words of the Chinese government itself. Experts say they spell out a vast system that targets, surveils and grades entire ethnicities to forcibly assimilate and subdue them.”

The world was silent when the truth about concentration camps in Nazi Germany was known. The world has been silent ever since in light of unspeakable atrocities. There is a reason for that: This is Satan’s world, not God’s.

FRIGHTENING—Nuclear Weapons Not the Solution

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 24:

“Visiting Japan, Pope Francis has condemned atomic weapons, nuclear deterrence and the growing arms trade…

“In a highly symbolic visit to Nagasaki, one of the two Japanese cities devastated by nuclear strikes during the closing days of World War II in August 1945, Pope Francis said nuclear weapons were ‘not the answer’ for global security, peace and stability… ‘I ask political leaders not to forget that these weapons cannot protect us… Peace and international stability are incompatible with attempts to build upon the fear of mutual destruction or the threat of total annihilation,’ Francis noted…

“The head of the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics also criticized governments for spending huge sums on the development and manufacture of destructive weapons, while millions of people worldwide remain destitute…”

The Associated Press added on November 26:

“Pope Francis is planning to change official Catholic Church teaching to declare the use and possession of atomic weapons as ‘immoral,’ a move that makes clear that his rejection of the Cold War-era doctrine of deterrence is to be official church policy… ‘This must go in the Catechism of the Catholic Church,’ he said, referring to the published compendium of official church teaching. ‘Not just the use, also the possession,’ he said…

“Francis first articulated his opposition to the doctrine of deterrence in 2017, during a Vatican conference, when he said the possession of nuclear weapons was ‘to be condemned.’ The shift upended three decades of the Vatican’s tacit acceptance of nuclear arsenals. Starting in 1982, St. John Paul II had held that deterrence could be morally acceptable in the interim as long as it was used as a step toward mutual, verifiable disarmament…”

No amounts of weapons—nuclear or otherwise—are the answer for our protection. But until man changes his way of thinking, finally realizing that “it must be of the spirit, if we are to save the flesh” (General Douglas MacArthur, Tokyo Bay, September 2, 1945), we will slip and stumble from one catastrophe to the next, until the unthinkable will happen, as our comments to the next article show. 

TYPICAL—Germany Not Ready and Willing

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 22:

“Only a world without nuclear weapons can be a ‘safe world,’ the German foreign minister [Heiko Maas] said on a trip to Hiroshima. But that requires international consensus, and Germany won’t be taking the first step… [He] said he was against a unilateral German withdrawal of nuclear weapons… Germany currently stores around 20 US nuclear warheads. The armed forces have Tornado jets on standby to deploy them if necessary…

“The US nuclear attack on Hiroshima at the end of World War II almost completely destroyed the city and killed around 140,000 people, mostly civilians. Tens of thousands died subsequently as a result of the long-term effects of the radiation. Three days after the attack on Hiroshima, US forces dropped another nuclear bomb on the city of Nagasaki where a further 70,000 people died.”

Heiko Maas’s poor and faulty reasoning shows why there will be no solution to our problems. This world will not get rid of nuclear weapons; in fact, they will be used again and if it were not for the return of Christ to end man’s madness and bring peace, all life on this planet would be annihilated. 

STUNNING—Germany Economy Minister Attacks USA

Politico wrote on November 25:

“German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier on Monday defended describing the United States as ‘unreliable and untrustworthy’ in a debate over whether Chinese companies should be banned from providing equipment for Germany’s 5G telecoms network. The U.S. ambassador to Berlin, Richard Grenell, strongly condemned the remarks, branding them ‘an insult to the thousands of American troops who help ensure Germany’s security and the millions of Americans committed to a strong Western alliance.’

“Altmaier, Angela Merkel’s former chief of staff and a close ally of the chancellor, made the comments on live television… Merkel has advocated letting the Chinese in, despite deep reservations both within her own party and her governing coalition…

“Altmaier’s negative characterization of Germany’s longtime ally and protector illustrates the depth of the rift between the U.S. and Germany, which has worsened in recent months amid trade disputes and Washington’s persistent criticism of Berlin’s failure to meet NATO defense spending goals…

“Altmaier, however, wasn’t the only senior figure to draw comparisons between the U.S. and China on the talk show. Dieter Kempf, the president of the German Federation of Industries, a powerful business lobby, said he saw no reason to treat Chinese companies any different from American ones… ‘If you compare the Chinese intelligence act with the U.S. Patriot Act, which some of us appear to have forgotten, one can see that they have pretty much the same requirements.’”

That rift between the USA and Germany (as well as Europe) will continue to worsen until a MILITARY confrontation is no longer unthinkable. 

AFFIRMING—Donald Trump… the “Chosen One” Sent by God?

The Huffington Post wrote on November 25:

Departing Secretary of Energy Rick Perry [said] that the president was ‘the chosen one’ sent by God to rule over America. The former Texas governor and Republican presidential rival of Trump used Old Testament kings to make his point. ‘God’s used imperfect people all through history,’ Perry said. ‘King David wasn’t perfect, Saul wasn’t perfect, Solomon wasn’t perfect.’

“Perry said he shared his thoughts with Trump on paper recently. ‘I said, Mr. President, I know there are people that say you said you were the chosen one and I said, “You were.” I said, “If you’re a believing Christian, you understand God’s plan for the people who rule and judge over us on this planet and our government.”’…

“Perry… is not the first Trump acolyte to attribute the president’s ascent to religion. Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said earlier this year that ‘only God could deliver such a savior to our nation.’ Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said God ‘wanted Trump to become president.’ And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…  said in March that ‘it’s possible’ that Trump… had been sent ‘to help save the Jewish people.’”

Daily Mail added:

“The failed 2012 and 2016 presidential candidate continued: ‘None of us got here by accident. I’m a big believer that the God of our universe is still very active in the details of the day-to-day lives of government. You know, Barack Obama didn’t get to be the president [of the] United States without being ordained by God. Neither did Donald Trump

“Trump won the Republican nomination after turning aside a raft of rival Republicans – including Perry, who in 2016 denounced him as a ‘false prophet.’ ‘Let no one be mistaken – Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded,’ Perry warned in a speech at the National Press Club in July of 2015. ‘My fellow Republicans, beware of false prophets. Do not let itching ears be tickled by messengers who appeal to anger, division and resentment. Resentment is the poison we swallow that we hope harms another. My fellow Republicans, don’t take the poison.’…

“Trump described himself as the ‘chosen’ one when describing his role taking on China on trade practices. ‘Somebody had to do it,’ he told reporters at the White House at the end of August. ‘I am the chosen one,’ he said, looking upward [and stretching out his arms]. ‘Somebody had to do it. So I’m taking on China.”

It is not true that God ordains every president of the United States, or every ruler on this planet. As we explain in our Q&A on Romans 13:3,  the Bible tells us that sometimes, God has nothing to do with certain people coming to power. This is Satan’s world, not God’s, and Satan is the ruler of this world, which includes the USA, the UK, Israel and other nations. Sometimes, people come to power without any spiritual influence—neither from God nor from Satan. At other times, Satan gives power and authority to certain people (he will do so in respect to the beast and the false prophet or the man of sin). On the other hand, nothing happens against God’s Will. And sometimes, God intervenes directly and places people in power, strictly and solely for the purpose of fulfilling biblical prophecy. We believe that in regard to Donald Trump, and perhaps other current leaders, this is the case.

UNFOLDING—“Brexit—No Going Back Now”

Express wrote on November 25:

“EU BOSSES are set to press ahead with a new European Commission without Britain after Boris Johnson’s steadfast refusal to nominate a representative. The Prime Minister’s hardline stance threw Brussels into a tailspin as its own laws clearly state every member nation must have a commissioner. But EU legal teams have been working round the clock throughout the weekend to come up with a solution to make the new Commission legitimate without a British presence.

“… Officials are confident [that] the next European Commission [will be conducted] in December without a UK commissioner. [A document by the EU commissioners] says the UK’s failure to meet its obligation to nominate a commissioner ‘cannot undermine the regular functioning of the Union and its institutions and thus cannot constitute an obstacle to the appointment of the next Commission in order for it to start as soon as possible exercising the full range of its power under the Treaties’.

“The European Commission has wide-ranging powers that include proposing policies on everything from migration to climate change, policing member states’ budgets and negotiating global trade deals. It is normally comprised of one representative from each of the EU’s 28 member states. Britain was given until midnight last Friday to respond to the launch of legal action in which it is accused of violating EU law by refusing to put forward a nominee. But the Government did not respond and is not expected to do so.”

Brexit will happen soon. The “patience” of the EU with the UK is running out. While Angela Merkel has been trying so far to delay Brexit, the Bible says that ultimately, Germany will not be able to help the UK anymore. From a biblical perspective, Brexit will destroy the UK, but it is prophesied to happen. At the same time, Money Week reported on November 24 that Christine Lagarde “is pushing harder on the door that Draghi already opened – the ECB is here, it’s printing money, and it will continue to buy all the bonds you can issue in order to fund more government spending. Meanwhile, progress towards ‘ever closer union’ will continue… Draghi effected political change but cloaked it under economics. Lagarde is going to do more, and in plain sight…”

Sicknesses Because of Vaccinations 

The Associated Press reported on November 25:

Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild. In a report late last week, the World Health Organization and partners noted nine new polio cases caused by the vaccine in Nigeria, Congo, Central African Republic and Angola. Seven countries elsewhere in Africa have similar outbreaks and cases have been reported in Asia. Of the two countries where polio remains endemic, Afghanistan and Pakistan, vaccine-linked cases have been identified in Pakistan…

“The Independent Monitoring Board, a group set up by WHO to assess polio eradication, warned in a report this month that vaccine-derived polio virus is ‘spreading uncontrolled in West Africa, bursting geographical boundaries and raising fundamental questions and challenges for the whole eradication process.”

We need to understand that ALL vaccines are potentially dangerous, and that is especially true for people with a weak immune system.  In countries where it is mandatory for children to be immunized, it is important that parents are aware of the potential dangers so they can pray fervently to God for His protection of the children. An uninformed, casual and lackadaisical approach is most certainly not called for.  

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Is Another Holocaust Coming Soon?

On November 9, 2019, the world remembered the “Kristallnacht” (“The Night of Broken Glass”) in Nazi Germany, leading to the Holocaust. Many fear that another Holocaust could happen, and recent events, opinion polls and governmental decisions seem to support this concern. Anti-Semitism is clearly on the rise throughout the world, including in Germany and continental Europe, the United Kingdom and the USA.

La Navidad es pagana… ¿y qué?

“Todos los años igual” (“Alle Jahre wieder”) es una famosa canción navideña alemana, que dice que el Niño Jesús desciende a la tierra una vez al año, para entrar a cada casa con su bendición. Cuando era niño, escuchaba e incluso cantaba esta canción sin pensarlo mucho. A medida que me hice mayor y comencé a aprender más sobre la VERDAD, me di cuenta de lo engañosa que es esta canción. Pero la mayoría de las personas nunca llegan a este entendimiento, siguiendo ciegamente las costumbres anuales de Navidad y sus enseñanzas erróneas y, francamente, blasfemas. Donde vivo, estoy rodeado de casas con adornos navideños (a pesar de algunas excepciones notables), y a veces, cuando hago mi paseo diario con mi perrito al anochecer, me recuerda regularmente al Circus Circus en Las Vegas. Es completamente ridículo, pero este es el mundo en el que vivimos hoy.

Hace años, vi un programa de televisión con un “predicador” de aspecto extraño (fumando una pipa y con un sombrero de vaquero) quien hablaba de las costumbres navideñas no bíblicas. Demostró durante más de una hora que la Navidad era completamente pagana, pero luego concluyó que no importaba y que los cristianos deberían conservarla de todos modos. Me acordé de este programa cuando vi el siguiente artículo que fue publicado por Forbes el 15 de diciembre de 2017, titulado “¿Por qué la Navidad es pagana…?”

Aquí hay algunos extractos alucinantes:

“El paganismo… no es algo que hay que temer y es intolerante actuar como si lo fuera. La Navidad es una fiesta que ha evolucionado debido al paso del tiempo y la influencia de varias culturas a medida que la Navidad ha entrado en sus vidas. Cada una de esas culturas ha enriquecido la fiesta, dándonos más tradiciones con las que celebrarla…”

“Para los antiguos romanos, esa fiesta se llamaba Saturnalia, llamada así por el dios Saturno. Saturnalia se celebraba con fiestas, la entrega de regalos… El antiguo historiador, Livio, nos cuenta que la Saturnalia empezó en el año 497 a.C. Los historiadores modernos creen que probablemente comenzó mucho antes. Entonces, al menos medio milenio después del origen de Saturnalia, nació Jesucristo… Pasaron algunos siglos hasta que los primeros líderes de la iglesia decidieron que era un día para… conmemorar. También pasarían algunos siglos hasta que decidieron elegir un día para esa celebración, porque los evangelios no nos dicen en qué día nació…

“El 25 de diciembre del 274 d.C., el emperador Aureliano consagró el templo del Sol Invictus, creando una fiesta llamada Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – el cumpleaños del Sol – elevando oficialmente al Sol a la posición más alta entre los dioses… Alrededor del 350 d.C., el Papa Julio I declaró oficialmente el 25 de diciembre para conmemorar el nacimiento de Cristo. No hubo evidencia de que fuera el día real de su nacimiento… no hay una regla que dice que un día de celebración debe coincidir con la fecha de origen real…”

“Entonces, en Roma en el siglo IV, el 25 de diciembre se celebraban tres grandes fiestas: Saturnalia, Dies Natalis Sol Invictus y Dies Natalis del Cristo. Solo es natural, que elementos de estas celebraciones se polinizasen entre sí…”

“A medida que… el cristianismo crecía, las personas que celebraban esas fiestas llevaban sus tradiciones a nuevas áreas… y [cuando] introdujeron la Navidad a los pueblos germánicos nativos, las prácticas de la Navidad fueron influenciadas por las prácticas de esos pueblos para sus vacaciones de solsticio de invierno. Con el tiempo, las tradiciones como el tronco de Navidad, el muérdago, la decoración de los árboles y las coronas de hoja perenne fueron absorbidas y se consideraron tradiciones navideñas. Los sajones, los vikingos, los victorianos y los capitalistas todos han agregado tradiciones al rico tapiz de la fiesta que todos llamamos Navidad… Las contribuciones paganas no son algo que temer… ”

¿Alguna vez ha leído tonterías tan ignorantes? La Navidad es pagana, pero ¿y qué? ¡No debería ser evitada, sino que enriquece nuestra vida cristiana! Lamentablemente, para muchos que quieren ser parte de la “multitud”, tiene sentido. Les da justificación para ser como un pez muerto flotando río abajo… si es que les importa.

Bueno, a Dios le importa, y eso nos dice en Deuteronomio 12:28-31:

Guarda y escucha todas estas palabras que yo te mando, para que haciendo lo bueno y lo recto ante los ojos de Jehová tu Dios, te vaya bien a ti y a tus hijos después de ti para siempre. Cuando Jehová tu Dios haya destruido delante de ti las naciones adonde tú vas para poseerlas, y las heredes, y habites en su tierra, guárdate que no tropieces yendo en pos de ellas, después que sean destruidas delante de ti; no preguntes acerca de sus dioses, diciendo: De la manera que servían aquellas naciones a sus dioses, yo también les serviré. No harás así a Jehová tu Dios; porque toda cosa abominable que Jehová aborrece, hicieron ellos a sus dioses….”

Como verdaderos cristianos, NO debemos seguir las ideas paganas y las prácticas religiosas de otras naciones y personas alrededor de nosotros. Si lo hacemos, no nos irá bien a nosotros y a nuestros hijos.

Escrito por: Norbert Link

Traducido por: Anna Ruoff

Navidad – ¿Secular o cristiana?

Recientemente, un ministro de una de las organizaciones de la Iglesia de Dios que guarda el sábado, fue citado en la prensa, diciendo que la Navidad era una “fiesta secular”. Posteriormente, la Agencia Católica de Noticias (CNA) informó que, según el Papa, la Navidad era “una fiesta cristiana”. Para explicar su “naturaleza cristiana”, el Papa declaró que los “símbolos de Navidad, especialmente el belén y el árbol adornado de regalos, eran referencias importantes al gran misterio de la encarnación y el nacimiento de Jesús”. Añadió que el “abeto antiguo” o árbol de Navidad “era un símbolo importante de la Natividad de Cristo porque con sus hojas perennes recordaba a la vida que no muere”.

Entonces, ¿quién tiene razón – presentadores de noticias y comentaristas que se refieren a la Navidad como una “fiesta secular” o “fiesta nacional”, o líderes religiosos que enfatizan la “naturaleza cristiana” de la Navidad? Sorprendente para muchos, tal vez, la respuesta es que ninguno de los dos es correcto.

La Navidad no es una fiesta secular. Es claramente religiosa – aunque en nuestro mundo moderno civilizado occidental, el mercantilismo y otras actividades seculares mundanas pueden, en muchos casos, haber cubierto u ocultado la naturaleza religiosa y el carácter de la Navidad. Pero decir que la segunda fiesta más importante del cristianismo ortodoxo (considerando la Pascua como la fiesta más importante) es meramente una observancia secular, malinterpreta las raíces y los orígenes de la Navidad – hará el juego a defensores que desean mantener vivas las celebraciones navideñas incluso entre aquellos que se oponen a ellas por motivos religiosos.

La Navidad tampoco es un día santo cristiano – al menos no en la forma en que la Biblia define el verdadero cristianismo. Un verdadero cristiano es aquel en quien mora el Espíritu de Cristo (Romanos 8:9) – un verdadero cristiano obedece a Cristo (Juan 15:14), cree y permanece en Su Palabra y sigue su ejemplo (Juan 8:31; 1 Pedro 2:21). Y Cristo – la Palabra de Dios hablada y escrita (Juan 1:1, 14; 1 Juan 1:1-3; Apocalipsis 19:1-3) – ordenó a sus seguidores que NO guardaran la Navidad. Las razones de esta prohibición son muchas, como se explica completamente en nuestro folleto gratuito, “No guarde la Navidad”.

La Navidad es una fiesta religiosa, de acuerdo – pero es pagana hasta el fondo. No se originó con el nacimiento de Cristo. Los gentiles ya lo celebraban en honor a sus dioses paganos mucho antes de la primera venida de Cristo. El antiguo árbol de Navidad se usaba en esas celebraciones paganas con el propósito de adorar a dioses paganos. De hecho, los paganos creían que su dios particular se convertía en un árbol – que vivía en ese árbol – de ahí la decoración del abeto con regalos, en honor a ese dios pagano (que era conocido en diferentes culturas bajo diferentes nombres, como Mythra, Attis, Dioniso, Marduk, Baal y Nimrod). Estos son HECHOS – si a uno le interesa saber. Y la Biblia condena y ridiculiza la costumbre gentil de cortar un árbol y decorarlo con oro y plata (compare con Jeremías 10:1-5).

La verdad es la verdad – y ninguna etiqueta, a favor o en contra, cambia los hechos. La Navidad no es una festividad secular o nacional, pero es una fiesta religiosa; sin embargo, es pagana, no realmente cristiana. Usar prácticas paganas, en honor a dioses paganos, y aplicarlas a la adoración de Cristo es una violación directa de los mandamientos explícitos de Cristo (compare con Deuteronomio 12:29-32). Cristo dijo que lo adoramos en vano, si hacemos esto (compare con Marcos 7:6-9).

Aquí está su desafío: ¿En quién quiere creer – un hombre y tradiciones hechas por el hombre… o en el Jesucristo de su Biblia? Para un verdadero cristiano, la respuesta debería ser evidente.

Escrito por: Norbert Link

Traducido por: Anna Ruoff

Por qué no la Navidad

Es la época de Navidad otra vez. Durante la estación más fría y oscura del año, nos rodean hermosas y coloridas luces navideñas. Algunas casas están decoradas con un esplendor impresionante, y uno apenas puede hacer otra cosa que admirar la exhibición de luces eléctricas en medio del frío y sombrío invierno. Nuestros hijos son introducidos a la temporada navideña como el tiempo de paz y buena voluntad – como un tiempo importante de unidad y unión familiar. En Washington, siguiendo una tradición de 80 años, se llevan a cabo públicamente ceremonias nacionales de iluminación de árboles de Navidad, y se pronuncian discursos sobre cómo la Navidad celebra el hecho de que Cristo nació para traer paz a este mundo. Al entrar en supermercados, escuchamos famosas y melodiosas canciones navideñas, que van desde “Noche de paz, noche de amor” hasta “O Árbol de Navidad” u otras melodías conocidas. Una frase en una canción popular de Navidad puede ser especialmente reveladora, proclamando en voz alta: “Y el hombre vivirá para siempre por el día de Navidad”.

Luego, están los regalos de Navidad. Especialmente los niños apenas pueden esperar hasta la víspera de Navidad para ver sus regalos exhibidos debajo del árbol de Navidad hermosamente decorado. Todavía recuerdo cuando mis padres pidieron a mi hermano y a mí, cuando éramos niños pequeños en Alemania, que saliéramos a hacer un recado en Nochebuena. Cuando regresamos, nos dijeron que el pequeño “Niño Jesús” había llegado a nuestra casa y había dejado un nuevo tren de juguete eléctrico, así como otros regalos bonitos. Por supuesto, en Alemania y en ciertos otros países, los niños reciben una doble porción de regalos, ya que reciben un “anticipo” en el día de San Nicolás el 6 de diciembre: Un adulto con barba blanca, vestido con un traje rojo, aparece para recordarles a los niños de su conducta durante todo el año. Habla de sus buenas obras, así como, especialmente, de sus malas. Tras su promesa de “nunca volver a hacerlo”, el Papá Noel vestido de rojo guarda su vara y abre su gran bolsa para ofrecer regalos bonitos. Cuando San Nicolás o Papá Noel nos aparecía, no nos dábamos cuenta, al principio, que nuestra madre siempre “solía” estar desaparecida – y que regresaba poco después de la partida de Papá Noel.

Todo esto suena tan inocente, tan bien intencionado, y calienta el corazón de los adultos trayendo recuerdos llenos de emoción de años pasados. Pero, ¿podría haber algo malo con esas celebraciones?

Muchos de los que apoyan las festividades navideñas, reconocen su lado oscuro. Destacan que la Navidad se ha comercializado totalmente. La venta de productos navideños comienza justo después del Día de Acción de Gracias, para dar a todos los clientes potenciales suficiente tiempo para comprar múltiples regalos para todos sus seres queridos, sus familiares y amigos. También “necesitan” comprar regalos para aquellos con quienes de alguna manera están “en deuda” o de quienes esperan recibir ciertos favores a cambio. Hay gente que compra regalos que no se pueden permitir, incurriendo en deudas de tarjetas de crédito que nunca pueden pagar, solo para cumplir con sus “obligaciones” esperadas de dar regalos a otros. También sabemos que, especialmente durante la época de Navidad, se cometen más crímenes que en cualquier otra época del año, y el alcoholismo está desenfrenado.

Las personas religiosas también se dan cuenta de que las celebraciones navideñas se han centrado cada vez menos en Cristo, la supuesta “causa” y “razón” de la festividad. Y así, como leemos en, “Cada diciembre sale un llamado de los púlpitos de la nación para ‘devolver a Cristo a la Navidad’.”

Pero hay un problema con esa llamada, como hay un problema con todas las festividades navideñas. El artículo arriba mencionado continúa, “… un número creciente de estadounidenses – incluyendo cristianos fundamentales – afirman que Jesucristo no tuvo nada que ver con la festividad.”

Esto nos lleva al quid de la cuestión. ¿Qué, si algo, tiene que ver Cristo con la Navidad? ¿Nació el 25 de diciembre? ¿Ordenó, en la Biblia, de santificar la Navidad? ¿De dónde vienen todas las diferentes costumbres navideñas? ¿Son bíblicas?

El hecho de que las luces y velas de Navidad se vean bonitas no es la respuesta. Si podemos establecer que las celebraciones navideñas no están ordenadas en las Escrituras – sí, que de hecho están prohibidas y una falsificación de la verdadera adoración piadosa, entonces es irrelevante cuán “bonitas” puedan parecer ciertas costumbres. Recuerde, en 2 Corintios 4:4 se nos dice que hay un “dios de este mundo” – Satanás el diablo – quien ha “cegado” las mentes de aquellos que no creen en el evangelio, “para que no les resplandezca la luz del evangelio de la gloria de Cristo”. Si está mal, entonces las luces de Navidad serían un sustituto lamentable de la verdadera luz del evangelio. Además, en 2 Corintios 11:14 se nos dice que “Satanás mismo se transforma en un ángel de luz”. Lo que ofrece se ve bien, bonito y brillante. De hecho, el pecado tiene “placeres pasajeros” (Hebreos 11:25).

Al investigar el origen de la Navidad y sus costumbres, muy pronto queda abundantemente claro que la Navidad no tiene absolutamente nada que ver con el nacimiento de Cristo y el propósito de su primera venida. Descubrimos que prácticamente cada costumbre celebrada en Navidad es de origen pagano, lo que se había utilizado para adorar a dioses paganos. Muchos de aquellos que han estudiado el origen de la Navidad han decidido no conservarla más. Aun así, están bombardeados con costumbres navideñas, dondequiera que vayan. Si no tienen cuidado, pueden pillarse zumbando o cantando las canciones navideñas que suenan en un supermercado. Por otro lado, incluso los cristianos profesantes que apoyan firmemente las celebraciones navideñas se ven obligados a admitir el origen pagano de la Navidad. Sin embargo, argumentan, que eso no importa. Un artículo dice:

“El verdadero origen de la Navidad está lleno de controversia y compromiso. Un estudio rápido revelará una serie de raíces inquietantes… en resumen, la fiesta de Navidad que celebramos hoy en día es indicativo de la voluntad del cristianismo de absorber las costumbres y tradiciones del mundo, y de olvidar sus raíces simples en la realidad histórica de Jesucristo. La Navidad no debería ser más que un simple, pero maravilloso recordatorio del humilde comienzo de Cristo como un niño humano en este mundo… Aunque sea el 25 de diciembre, algún momento a finales de septiembre o cualquier otro día del año, deberíamos aprovechar cada oportunidad para reflexionar sobre Jesucristo y su mensaje de esperanza para todos nosotros”.

¿Pero es esto cierto? ¿Deberíamos utilizar cualquier oportunidad, incluso si esto significa, abrazar a costumbres paganas? ¿Es esa la enseñanza de la Biblia?

La decisión de celebrar la Navidad o no, es la elección del hombre. Sin embargo, decretar si es correcto o incorrecto hacerlo, es prerrogativa de Dios.

Escrito por: Norbert Link

Traducido por: Anna Ruoff

¿Puede resumir brevemente por qué no celebran la Pascua?

Este hecho, en efecto, ha desconcertado a bastantes personas. Mientras que el mundo en esta época participa en celebraciones de Pascua, los miembros de la Iglesia de Dios no lo hacen. ¿POR QUÉ NO? ¿Por qué alguien que pretende ser cristiano no celebra la fiesta más importante del mundo “cristiano”, que supuestamente conmemora la muerte y resurrección de nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo? En resumen, porque la Pascua no es cristiana ni conmemora la muerte y resurrección de nuestro Salvador.

Cristo no fue crucificado un viernes ni resucitó un domingo. Si hubiera sido así, no sería nuestro Salvador, ya que no habría cumplido la única señal que dio por su Mesianismo – es decir, estar muerto y enterrado en el corazón de la tierra durante tres días y tres noches (Mateo 12:38-40). El período comprendido entre el viernes por la tarde y el domingo por la mañana simplemente NO constituye 72 horas. La Biblia y registros históricos demuestran, en cambio, que Cristo fue crucificado y enterrado tarde el miércoles y que resucitó tarde el sábado, justo antes del atardecer.

¿Qué pasa con la Pascua y sus costumbres? ¿De dónde vinieron?

“Pascua” es el nombre de la diosa pagana de la primavera que fue adorada bajo los nombres de “Eastre” o “Eostre”, “Astarte”, “Ostara”, “Ishtar” e “Istar”. Es de estos nombres que se deriva nuestra palabra moderna “Pascua”. Especialmente el nombre “Ishtar” se asocia con la “Reina del Cielo” de Babilonia. La liebre de Pascua que pone los huevos o el conejo de Pascua y los huevos coloridos de Pascua se asociaron, como símbolos de fertilidad, con Eastre, la diosa pagana de la primavera. Cualquier buena enciclopedia demostrará la exactitud de estas declaraciones.

Además, en la época de Pascua, los paganos también celebraron la pasión y resurrección de dioses paganos que murieron un viernes y volvieron a la vida el domingo siguiente. Algunos de estos dioses son conocidos como Marduk, Attis y Mythra. Nuevamente, muchos libros de historia demuestran este hecho sin lugar a dudas.

Por ejemplo, Arthur Weigall escribe en “El paganismo en nuestro cristianismo”: “El clero… no pudo impedir que la gente en varios países celebrara la gran fiesta de Pascua en honor de la resurrección de Atis y otros dioses”.

“La Enciclopedia de las mujeres de mitos y secretos” dice lo siguiente sobre “Attis”: “La pasión de Attis se celebró el 25 de marzo, exactamente nueve meses antes de la fiesta de su nacimiento, el 25 de diciembre… El día de la muerte de Attis era el viernes negro… El dios murió y fue enterrado. Él descendió a los infiernos. Al tercer día [un domingo] resucitó de entre los muertos”.

¿Por qué se cree comúnmente – contrariamente a la Biblia – que Cristo murió el viernes y resucitó el domingo? Aquí tenemos la respuesta. Se deriva de la adoración del dios pagano Attis.

La Iglesia primitiva no guardaba la Pascua. La Enciclopedia Británica, 11ª edición, vol. 8, p. 828 confirma que “no hay indicios de la celebración del Festival de Pascua en el Nuevo Testamento, o en los escritos de los padres apostólicos”. Arthur Weigall y otros historiadores confirman que la Iglesia Católica adoptó festivales paganos como la Pascua “a las ideas cristianas”, en lugar de suprimirlos. Calvino, por ejemplo, consideró el festival anual de la iglesia, la Pascua tan pagano que, en un momento dado, tampoco lo celebraba.

Muchas Escrituras nos ordenan de no adorar a Dios a la manera de los paganos. La Biblia también condena específicamente la adoración de la “reina del cielo” en Jeremías 7:18 y otros lugares. La Biblia de estudio Ryrie identifica a la reina del cielo con la “diosa asirio-babilónica Ishtar” – en otras palabras, con la Pascua.

Jeremías 10:2 nos dice: “No aprendáis el camino de los gentiles”. La Biblia Lamsa dice en una anotación que la palabra “camino” describe “religión”. Deuteronomio 12:29-32 nos ordena “no preguntes acerca de sus [eso es, paganos] dioses, diciendo: “De la manera que servían aquellas naciones a sus dioses, yo también les serviré. No harás así a Jehová tu Dios”. La Biblia de Estudio Ryrie comenta: “Los israelitas ni siquiera debían preguntar sobre la adoración de los cananeos, para que no se sintieran tentados a incorporar aspectos de ella en su adoración de Dios”.

Quién puede dudar que el cristianismo moderno ha hecho exactamente lo que Dios prohíbe – han incorporado bastantes aspectos paganos en la adoración de Dios, incluyendo la Pascua y sus costumbres y ritos. Pero Dios dice: “¡NO adorarás al Señor tu Dios de esa manera!”

Escritor principal: Norbert Link

Traducido por: Anna Ruoff

Would you please explain the concept of not giving offense to others? (Part 1)

We need to carefully examine this misunderstood question. We will start with statements about Christ and His conduct; show what giving offense really means; and we will examine what Paul wanted to convey when talking about not offending our weak conscience or that of another person.

Let us first notice that Jesus Christ was called a stumbling stone and a rock of offense.

Isaiah 8:14 states this about Christ:

“He will be as a sanctuary, But a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense To both the houses of Israel, As a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.”

Romans 9:30-33 adds:

What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumbling stone [Greek: proskommatos]. As it is written: ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone [Greek: proskommatos] and rock of offense [Greek: skandalon; literally, stumbling block], And whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.’”

1 Peter 2:6-8 confirms:

Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, ‘Behold, I lay in Zion A chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.’ Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, ‘The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone,’ and ‘A stone of stumbling [Greek: proskomma] And a rock of offense [Greek: skandalon; i.e., stumbling block].’ They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.” 

Finally, let us notice 1 Corinthians 1:21-24:

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block [Greek: skandalon] and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”

These Scriptures tell us that people would be offended by Christ and His actions and they would accuse Him of being a stumbling block to them.

Let us focus on some of Christ’s actions, His teachings and His entire purpose for His First Coming which were offensive to people. Christ was perceived as one who was guilty of causing offense to people and of causing them to stumble, but Christ never sinned.

Galatians 5:11 reads:

“And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense [Greek scandalon] of the cross has ceased.”

People were offended by the fact that the Messiah should die on the cross. But Christ did not alter God’s plan by refusing to die that way in order not to offend people and to avoid the “stumbling block of the cross.”

Matthew 11:2-6 states: 

“And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, ‘Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended [Greek: skandalizo; lit., to cause to stumble] because of Me’” (compare also Luke 7:23).

Even John the Baptist had doubts as to whether Christ was the Messiah because He did not act in the way that he had expected. But Christ did not change His behavior, even if that offended people.

Matthew 13:54-57 emphasizes that Christ offended people simply by who He was. They thought that God would have worked it out differently, if Christ were really the Messiah:

“And when He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, ‘Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?’ So they were offended [Greek: skandalizo] at Him. But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.’ Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief” (compare Mark 6:3).

They thought He should have stopped preaching, given who they thought He was. As a consequence, they were offended when He did not do what they wanted Him to do, and so He could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief and refusal to accept Him as the Messiah.

John 6:41-62 continues this theme by pointing out that people were offended by what Christ taught, whom they thought they knew, and they left Him because of that:

The Jews then complained about Him, because He said, ‘I am the bread which came down from heaven.’ And they said, ‘Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it then that He says, “I have come down from heaven”?’ Jesus therefore answered and said to them, ‘Do not murmur among yourselves. No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day…

“‘I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.’ The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, ‘How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?’

Then Jesus said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. This is the bread which came down from heaven–not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.’ 

These things He said in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum. Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, ‘This is a hard saying; who can understand it?’ When Jesus knew in Himself that His disciples complained about this, He said to them, ‘Does this offend [Greek: skandalizo] you?  What then if you should see the Son of Man ascend where He was before?…’ From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.” 

Jesus spoke figuratively by referring to the partaking of bread and wine at the Passover.  He then made reference to His death, resurrection and ascension to heaven. He could have said it differently and less “provocatively,” but He did so on purpose, thereby dividing the wheat from the tares, knowing that many of His disciples would be offended by His words.

Matthew 15:1-12 gives another example to show how little Jesus cared about offending the scribes and the Pharisees.

“Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, ‘Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash [ceremonially] their hands when they eat bread.’ He answered and said to them, ‘Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? For God commanded, saying, “Honor your father and your mother”; and, “He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.” But you say, “Whoever says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God’– then he need not honor his father or mother.” Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your tradition.

“‘Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”’…

“Then His disciples came and said to Him, ‘Do You know that the Pharisees were offended [Greek: skandalizo] when they heard this saying?’ But He answered and said, ‘Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.’”

Rather than saying that from now on, He and His disciples would ceremonially wash their hands, He told the Pharisees and scribes that they were guilty of breaking God’s commandments by their traditions. He knew of course that they would be offended by His words… that He would be for them a stumbling block and a rock of offense.

Let us note additional examples where Christ’s actions were opposed to the expectation and ideas of others, which offended people. 

He talked to the Samaritan woman at the well, which was against the custom of His time, and so His own disciples were astonished when He talked in public to a woman.

He told the parable about the merciful Samaritan which angered the Jews who looked at Samaritans as “dogs.”

He ate with harlots and tax collectors, which upset the self-righteous Pharisees.

He allowed His disciples to pluck grain on the Sabbath, which offended the merciless Pharisees so that they condemned the innocent.

He healed on the Sabbath, which offended the Pharisees and others who taught that healing should not take place on the Sabbath.

He allowed children and babes to praise Him when He entered Jerusalem, which offended the Pharisees.

He allowed several women to anoint Him with oil, which offended all of His disciples, who followed the lead of Judas Iscariot in that matter (John 12:1-8; Matthew 26:1-13). He did not tell the woman who followed the example of Mary not to anoint Him, after Mary had been condemned by His disciples. He did not say: Please do not do this as you are offending My disciples. And of course, His disciples complained again. But Christ’s reaction was one of praise for both women.

We should also take note of the fact that people will become so offended that they will leave the Church, but it does not say that other members were at fault.

Matthew 13:20-21 quotes Christ’s words when telling the parable of the sower:

But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles” (compare Mark 4:17).

The Authorized Version translates: “he is offended.” The Greek word is skandalizo, which means, as we have seen, “to cause to stumble.”

There are many warnings of Christ to the effect that we must not become offended at a given situation or even at Him when we are victims of persecution.

In John 16:1-4, Christ states the following:

“These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them…”

The Authorized Version reads: “…that you should not be offended.” The Greek word is skandalizo.

Matthew 24:8-10 adds this warning for the end time:

All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.  And then many will be offended [Greek skandalizo], will betray one another, and will hate one another.”

Sometimes, we may not realize how easily we can become offended.

Matthew 26:31-34 reports that Peter did not think it was possible that he would ever be offended by Christ, but he was. We read:

Then Jesus said to them, ‘All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: “I will strike the Shepherd, And the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee.’ Peter answered and said to Him, ‘Even if all are made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times” (compare Mark 14:27-29).

The Authorized Version reads: “all ye shall be offended because of me… though all be offended… I will never be offended.” The Greek word is skandalizo throughout.

They were all offended because of Christ, including Peter, and they all had denied that it could happen. This shows that we must be very careful not to become offended by what Jesus Christ is doing today in His spiritual body—the Church.

Rather than becoming offended, we must be careful that we don’t cause God to place a stumbling block before us because of our conduct. David prayed that those who reject God should be given a stumbling block—that is, they will even stumble more over the Word of God, by upholding their own traditions and opinions.

We read in Romans 11:7-9:

What then? Israel has not obtained what it seeks; but the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded. Just as it is written: ‘God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that they should not see And ears that they should not hear, To this very day.’ And David says: ‘Let their table become a snare and a trap, A stumbling block [Greek skandalon] and a recompense to them.’”

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with interesting articles about Pope Francis and the Catholic Church [please view in this regard our StandingWatch program, titled, “Is Pope Francis the False Prophet of the Bible?”]; speak on Iran’s move to cut off Internet access and ways to turn the Internet back on for Iranian citizens; and address the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany—including in at least one popular and influential German party—and also across Europe and in the USA.

We speak on further movements and ideas in Israel to build the third temple, including the thought of just moving the Dome of the Rock to a different location; report on America’s reversal of the concept that Israel’s settlements are illegal and reactions and possible consequences; speak on Israel’s uncertain future due to the failure to form a new government; and address the interesting thought, as published in an Israeli paper, that Donald Trump might be the last President of the United States prior to the coming of the Messiah. [In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, “How Near Is Christ’s Return?”]. We also quote from an article asking the theoretical question as to whether America would be ready for an “openly gay” president.

We continue to speak about the nuclear crisis and the many countries which have nuclear weapons or which may acquire them soon.

We conclude with reporting on controversial mandatory vaccinations in Germany and on the travesty of an abominable court decision for Planned Parenthood and against undercover Video journalists.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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