Letter to the Brethren – October 20, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We have concluded this year’s observances of God’s annual Holy Days. Some among us have experienced their very first attendance of the Feast of Tabernacles, while most have been faithfully keeping all of God’s commanded Feast Days for many years.

The Bible both records God’s revelation and His instructions for His special Feasts. We also find the results that came about when His people walked faithfully before Him and observed these times set aside by God: Hezekiah kept the Passover and turned the people back to God (compare 2 Chronicles 30)—as did Josiah (compare 2 Kings 23); Ezra and Nehemiah taught those returning from captivity in Babylon to keep God’s laws—including the Feast of Tabernacles (compare Nehemiah 8).

Hand-in-hand with keeping these designated observances has come the knowledge of God’s plan of salvation and how He is making it possible that all of mankind will have an opportunity for eternal life! This is what Jesus spoke of when He taught the people who were at Jerusalem keeping the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day (compare John 7).

We read in 1 Kings 12 of the terrible consequences for the ten tribes of Israel who chose to follow Jeroboam when he not only changed the place of worship but the times of worship:

“(28) Therefore the king asked advice, made two calves of gold, and said to the people, ‘It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt!’ (29) And he set up one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan. (30) Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one as far as Dan. (31) He made shrines on the high places, and made priests from every class of people, who were not of the sons of Levi. (32) Jeroboam ordained a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made. And at Bethel he installed the priests of the high places which he had made. (33) So he made offerings on the altar which he had made at Bethel on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month which he had devised in his own heart. And he ordained a feast for the children of Israel, and offered sacrifices on the altar and burned incense.”

We further note that Jeroboam’s disobedience of God’s instructions violated the role of the Levitical priesthood, and they were forced to make a stand for the true knowledge of God:

“For the Levites left their common-lands and their possessions and came to Judah and Jerusalem, for Jeroboam and his sons had rejected them from serving as priests to the Lord. Then he appointed for himself priests for the high places, for the demons, and the calf idols which he had made. And after the Levites left, those from all the tribes of Israel, such as set their heart to seek the Lord God of Israel, came to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord God of their fathers” (2 Chronicles 11:14-16).

Now, in our own time, there are those who also devise from their own heart their own choices of when and how to keep what only God can reveal. Doing so will lead to a darkening of and loss of understanding—just as has always occurred when people depart from the truth of God. Unfortunately, some give lip service to the Holy Days of God, but they do not obey what only He has established.

In the face of this, we can truly rejoice in the knowledge God has revealed to us!

Not only are we growing in our understanding of God’s Will, but we are strengthened “…to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude, verse 3). By keeping all of God’s Holy Days at the right time and in the right way, we serve as witnesses to this world and as shining lights in the spiritual darkness. Note how our faithful obedience concerning the Passover is used by God to proclaim His gospel:

“For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body which is broken  for you; do this in remembrance of Me.’ In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.’ For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes” (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

Now, we offer the following reports from our Feast sites in North Wales and California for 2010:

North Wales

“This year, the Global Church of God in the UK held the Feast of Tabernacles at Deganwy near Llandudno in North Wales. In the last 11 years, the Feast had been held at Chatsworth House in beautiful rural Derbyshire on no fewer than 10 occasions. It was felt that, perhaps, a new venue for 2010 might be appropriate.

“One of the concerns was that after the truly millennial setting that is the Chatsworth area, it might be difficult to find a venue that would be appropriate. However, after much investigation and prayer, God provided a site at the Quay Hotel. This proved to be an excellent venue, with views across the harbour. Set in the idyllic waterside location, the Quay Hotel is situated overlooking the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Conwy Castle. It is peaceful, tranquil and very uplifting and is a fitting replacement for Chatsworth House. The hotel was warm and inviting and was ideal for our purposes.

“New visitors were warmly welcomed along with many who have become regular attendees. Everyone enjoyed and appreciated outstanding messages from Evangelist Norbert Link as well as from Brian Gale, Andrew Burns, Bill Koeneke and Douglas Mitchell. In addition, to the delight of all, Norbert Link and Brian Gale baptized two new members from Germany during the Feast (Mr. Link had also baptized one member in Germany before the Feast). There was also the blessing of one child at the Feast.

“Messages included such topics as Purpose, How to Observe God’s Holy Days, Trial and Tribulation, God Will Dwell With Us, No-Go Areas in the Millennium, Living Waters, My City, Let There Be Light, Current and Future Practice, The Second Resurrection, The Mighty Power of Leverage, A Service Attitude and a number of other interesting subjects.

“Whilst the spiritual food is the most important reason for attending the Feast, many other activities were arranged and enjoyed by all. A church social was arranged and enjoyed by all as well and the Feast dinner was again a highlight as in previous years, with everyone delighting in good food and great company. An organised coach tour visited a number of places in the Snowdonia region, which is a beautiful part of the British Isles.

“The Feast was over all too soon and time to return home. Those who attended will remember a Feast in an area of beauty, peace, serenity and camaraderie with others of a like mind. We are all now waiting for the reality of what the Feast pictures!


“The Church of the Eternal God in the USA and the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada were privileged to meet in Pismo Beach on the central coast of California. The Mission Inn of Pismo Beach served both as our meeting location and the lodging facility for most attendees.

“We experienced ideal, sunny weather throughout our stay, and the local area provided exceptional eating establishments along with opportunities for a beach party, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) rides, an excursion into Morro Bay to view sea life, attending the farmers’ market in San Luis Obispo and wine tours in Paso Robles.

“Being able to really spend quality time fellowshipping with one another highlighted this Feast. Breakfast was included as a part of the extremely reasonable room rates, so we could visit informally—adding to time together!

“Two young children took part in the blessing of little children. Additionally, we enjoyed a Hawaiian themed dinner-dance evening and a very entertaining fun-talent show.

“The sermons and sermonettes were well prepared and given, and they all projected the positive hope of the future God has in store when His government is established on this earth through Jesus Christ. Many commented that theirs was a very spiritually fulfilling Feast! Speakers included Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Bill Grams, Terry Grade, Robb Harris, Michael Link, Eric Rank, Kalon Mitchell, Bob Bourque and Joe Bourque, addressing a variety of topics, including Joy and Rejoicing, Why Are We Here, The Thousand Years, God’s Plan and His Tools for Us, Caring for the Poor, Perfection and Completion, Statutes and Judgments, the King of Kings, Becoming God, The Last Great Day, Forward Even Forever, and additional interesting subjects.

“We also note that Lois Bargar, who died on October 13, 2010, was able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles. However, she became sick and had to leave on the Last Great Day. All of us are deeply saddened by her death, and we know how valiantly she endured much personal suffering in order to set such an example of zeal in her calling. She will be greatly missed! Information regarding a Memorial Service will be announced soon.”

Brethren, although God’s annual Feast Days have been completed for this year, God continues to provide the weekly Sabbath for us! The deep meaning of this seventh day, as well as God’s annual Festivals, are lost to this age. We would like to encourage you to read or re-read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” which explains in detail the real purpose of God’s weekly and annual Sabbaths, and WHY God commands us to observe them properly.

As prophecy marches forward in its fulfillment, our obedience will stand in greater contrast to those around us, but we are challenged to continue to grow in God’s knowledge, to zealously overcome and to endure what we will face!

We are assured that God will never leave us, and we will always have His help!

Jesus Christ has left us an example in this regard—and so have those faithful brethren who, with us, are promised to be among the firstfruits of salvation and who will all receive life evermore!

In Christ’s Service,

Norbert Link

David Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

Letter to the Brethren – September 6, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends:

Warm greetings to all of you who are dedicated to supporting the Work of the Eternal God.

You should receive this member letter prior to the annual Feast Days—especially the Feast of Tabernacles which is going to be celebrated and kept where God has placed His name. This year, God led us to select Feast sites in Pismo Beach, California, USA, and also in North Wales, in the United Kingdom.

The Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement picture Christ’s return and the banishment of Satan. It is so very important that these events will happen soon. Just look at all the problems
facing this world today—be it the news about assassinated people in Mexico due to drug cartel wars going on in that country; the flooding in Pakistan; the increasing U.S. debt which is virtually impossible to reduce or eliminate, leading to an inevitable collapse of the U.S. economy in due time; the ongoing real fear of war in the Middle East; terrorist threats; earthquakes; hurricanes and tornadoes; volcanic eruptions; droughts; and other terrible occurrences. The average thinking person has to ask: “What’s wrong with this picture?”

The answer is clear: We have gotten it all wrong because Satan rules this world. Ever since the rejection of God’s ways and His government by Adam and Eve, the world has been in a deteriorating downward spiral, facing utter oblivion. It gets pretty bad when Christ pronounces that unless our days were shortened, no flesh would be saved alive. Left to our own devices and our tendencies to destroy, we would obliterate all human and animal life from the face of the earth. A pretty grim future would await this planet, if God were not to intervene. Thankfully, man will not be allowed to take it that far. Jesus Christ will return to save us from ourselves, and to bind Satan so that he cannot deceive the nations anymore. While politicians and governmental leaders promise us peace and prosperity, we know that they are unable to bring us peace. As Paul says in Romans 3:17: “And the way of peace they have not known.”

Christ’s return and the establishment of God’s Kingdom here on earth is the only hope for mankind. And you and I—God’s saints—can have a part in this. While we do not participate in the political affairs of this rotten evil and Satan-inspired world, we WILL be ruling this earth under Christ for a thousand years in the Kingdom of God. We will rule on this earth over this earth—teaching and guiding mankind to live a better way of life, which will lead to true prosperity, peace and joyous fulfillment. That is what the Feast of Tabernacles pictures—a time when mankind will have access to the Holy Spirit. And the Last Great Day or the Eighth Day foreshadows the joyous time when all who have lived and died, without knowing and understanding God’s way of happiness, will be granted their opportunity to live righteously—as God had intended from the outset.

Mankind will have to choose whether to obey or reject God’s ways and laws. This will be true for the people living throughout the Millennium and during the Great White Throne judgment period. But when their minds are open to the truth of God, and when they will be able to compare their past destructive ways of Satan with the peaceful ways of God, most—we believe—will make the right choice.

Knowing all of this, we are to show God today how much we appreciate His plan for mankind. We are commanded in Leviticus 23 and in many other passages to keep the annual Holy Days—the feasts of the Lord, not of man. In order to be able to attend these commanded holy assemblies of God’s people—especially the Feast of Tabernacles—we are to faithfully save our second tithe. We are also admonished to rejoice before God at the place that He chooses for us. Although we are to rejoice in the physical sense (having saved enough money to buy during the Feast what our hearts desire), the real meaning of and purpose for our joy is found in the spiritual aspects—the godly fellowship highlighted by messages which have been prepared for this special occasion.

Christ’s return and His rule on earth is the only solution for mankind. The Feast of Tabernacles pictures a time when there will be true peace on earth—when man does not want to learn anymore how to fight wars. War and hatred are learned from an early age. Man is trained in the “art of war.” Wars have become commonplace. A world without wars seems to be unimaginable. But with God nothing is impossible. Rather than hating others, people will learn to love. And love is the fulfillment of the LAW of God. We in God’s Church today must embrace and proclaim and live with all our being the gospel of the Kingdom of God—a gospel of love and peace. We are to seek peace and pursue it. As true peacemakers, we will live God’s law of love.

In the future, the law of God will flow from Jerusalem—the new capital of the world. Man will be taught to keep all of God’s laws, including the true Lord’s day—the weekly Sabbath, which is to be observed from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. No more cheap Satanic substitutes will be permitted to be kept, such as Sunday, an ancient pagan holy day on which the sungod was worshipped. People will also be taught to keep God’s Feast of Tabernacles, as mentioned in Zechariah 14 and in other places.

The Feast of Tabernacles pictures a time of peace and harmony when people’s minds will be open to the truth of God’s Word. This is truly a time to look forward to, so it is incumbent upon us to make every effort to be there and to partake attentively of the spiritual food. We are to visualize in our minds the time when God’s entire plan will have become reality. Anticipating what the annual Holy Days picture, let us ensure that we all will have a great and fulfilling Feast.

With brotherly love,

Rene Messier

Letter to the Brethren – July 7, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

It is only a few weeks since the UK general election took place, which initially resulted in a hung parliament from which the first coalition for 65 years was formed. This coalition agreement between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats inevitably necessitated a lot of horse-trading and compromise, and the new Prime Minister David Cameron said that give and take was not a sign of weakness but of a mature approach. Balancing a government that comprised two parties was obviously a tricky and difficult business, but was probably the only way round an impasse that threatened to turn into a crisis, had such an agreement not been reached. Of course, we are not suggesting that the crisis was averted for good and that not even bigger problems are awaiting us.

The Daily Mail stated the following on 15th May: “Let the Mail say at once that we join in welcoming this auspicious start to the coalition, which raises real hopes of a stable Government with the authority to tackle our nightmare deficit. But a word or two of caution. First, remember that nobody voted for the legislative programme, cobbled together by a handful of politicians, which blithely ignores manifesto commitments and is now to be imposed on us. Indeed, 10.7 million Tories voted for something very different from the wealth-redistribution measures and constitutional reforms we’re now to get.  Of course, everyone recognises that compromises were inevitable if this coalition was to have a chance of survival.”

Compromise, give and take and horse-trading may be an acceptable ploy in the political world, but is not an acceptable practice for true Christians when it comes to the way of life to which we have been called. It is a vital difference that sets us apart and just one of the many reasons why we should have no involvement with politics.

In the build-up to the election, the usual issues were raised with the economy at the top of the list, together with tackling the UK’s huge budget deficit. Many other issues were also discussed, but, as always, money was the main issue—taxation, welfare benefits, interest rates, cutting costs—and the list went on and on.

I was reminded of a phrase used in Bill Clinton’s first presidential race, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Wikipedia states the following about this phrase:  “‘It’s the economy, stupid’” was a phrase in American politics widely used during Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign against George H. W. Bush.  For a time, Bush was considered unbeatable because of foreign policy developments such as the end of the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War. The phrase, coined by Clinton campaign strategist James Carville, refers to the notion that Clinton was a better choice because Bush had not adequately addressed the economy, which had recently undergone a recession.”

Is it always about the money? You would think so if you listened to the politicians. But there are far more important issues.

Morals and ethics have gone downhill at a hugely accelerated rate in the last 10-15 years in the UK. Just think about these issues: Practicing homosexuality is now allowed and even promoted. If you quote the Bible where it says that it is an “abomination” and a “perversion” (these are God’s Words), then you can be in serious trouble. Same sex couples are now allowed in the UK to “marry.” Unfortunately, the new government, following the routine as instituted by their predecessors, last month invited “Gay Pride” to a reception at 10 Downing Street. On the 11th June, Downing Street was quoted as saying that the reception was a “celebration” of the achievements of gay equality campaigners. A spokesman said: “Ahead of a summer of Prides, it will be a recognition of the importance gay people play in national life.” A new government but the same old acceptance, approval and promotion of a practice that God calls an “abomination” (see Leviticus 18:22; 20:13).  Of course, this same attitude is prevalent in the United States and in many European countries—all under the “cover” of “loving” and “tolerant Christianity.” The spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah is alive and kicking today—with no knowledge of God and His ways (see Hosea 4:1-2).

The previous UK government’s deputy Prime Minister said: “Families come in all shapes and sizes. We don’t favour one way of family life over another.”  (President Obama recently spoke approvingly about a family with “two fathers.”) There has been a serious assault on the family, and the Civitas think tank published a report in September of 2005 which said that parents can receive £4,000 more in handouts if they split up, and unemployed parents can be 35% better off if they split up. Married couples are penalised, financially, for staying together.

Britain leads Europe in teenage pregnancy—the government promotes safe sex rather than abstinence. Binge drinking has been allowed to escalate out of control and the opportunity for 24 hour drinking licences have been made available.  Drug use and abuse has become, and is part of the fabric of society.  Excessive gambling—especially by those who can least “afford” it—has been encouraged by the introduction of super casinos. Smacking children can be penalised by jail, but drug pushers can be let off with a caution.

Many, if not most schools are hot beds of behavioural disruption with bullying endemic in many areas, and drug taking by many young children. Teachers and police can be hamstrung in being able to use sensible discipline with troublemakers taking advantage of the situation. Of course, we are aware of and do not advocate in the least, police brutality and physical or even sexual abuse of children through teachers and priests—sadly, these terrible developments have also become part of our modern “Christian” societies.

Blasphemy is everywhere and is accepted as the norm in every strata of society. Words which were not allowed to be uttered in television programmes for adults are now commonplace in programmes for children. There is the continual pandering to Islam—an unbiblical practice that is contrary to the teachings and commandments of the God of your Bible.

We now have such an embedded compensation culture that many people are frightened to do anything in case they are sued.  Europe is allowed to dictate so that our laws are subservient to those of Europe and where the human rights act often favours the villains rather than the victims. I could give many more examples.

There is a huge difference between fiscal and moral and ethical issues. The government, for many years now, has concentrated on the fiscal and ignored, to a great extent, the moral and ethical dimensions of our society. Edward Gibbons’ well-known set of books, “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” asserts that one of the causes of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire was the dissolution of the family. Do we never learn from history?  Apparently not!

I did mention in a recent editorial (in Update 444 on 28th May 2010) that “In the soon coming Kingdom, the ways of God will be practiced. And families—properly constituted Godly families—will once again be the bedrock of society. That will be a time when the disintegration of the family will be left well behind and society will benefit enormously when God imposes His rules which will be, as always, for the benefit of all of mankind.”

Will our new coalition government in the UK review the moral collapse in our society and address these important issues? Certainly, there have been comments about “our broken society,” but a meeting of minds between the politicians and true Christians is not likely to bear much fruit.  When the UK deputy Prime Minister is an atheist and “not a man of faith,” he is hardly likely to influence policy with true Christian ideals.

The world has been going the wrong way for the last 6,000 years, and new Presidents and Prime Ministers, however well intentioned, will not hold back the tide of evil that is sweeping through the nations. The optimism that usually greets a new leader can very often fade rather quickly when it is realized that the problems in society are greater than their ability to solve them. This is even assuming that the political candidates did not just make idle promises to get into power, never intending to keep their word, and knowing full well that they would not. Sadly, far too often, this has been the modus operandi of many politicians. It is hardly surprising, really, when we understand that Satan, the arch-deceiver, is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2).

In just over two months’ time, we will be preparing to keep the annual Feast of Tabernacles, which is commanded by God (Leviticus 23:33-44). It is not an option, but a command to attend in person the daily worship services, unless we have serious health problems or other considerations that preclude us from doing so. And that is a time that gives us encouragement and hope that things will be better for all of mankind, not just for our own nation, in the not too distant future. It is a joyful time to look forward to when properly constituted government will be from the top down, with those ruling, having qualified to do so over a lifetime of testing and trials. It will be a time when the current problems, anxiety and ultimate demise of our nations will be reversed (please read our booklets “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America” and “Human Suffering—Why… And How Much Longer?”). A time when joy will be unconfined and the future will be rosy—very unlike today.

I would reword that slogan of Mr Clinton’s campaign this way: “It’s much more than the economy, stupid!” There will be so much re-education to do in the World Tomorrow when true values will be restored. Politicians of today will be a thing of the past, and government will be run righteously. By what has been happening in society, not only in more recent times but over the millennia, there will be much work to be done! And that is what God’s people are preparing for now—to be in government, but it will be a government of which our leaders today have no knowledge.

With Christian love,

Brian Gale
United Kingdom

Letter to the Brethren – June 15, 2010

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

Why are we here on earth? Why does man exist? Why were you born? Why do you understand the Word of God, if you do, while many don’t—nor do they care? Why did God call you in this day and age to His truth, if He did? Why are you going through trials and suffering, while others seemingly don’t? Why do you need to continue and endure—rather than just giving up?

The list of questions could be endless. And still, they are of tremendous importance. You are not the product of blind time and chance! You are here for a reason. Your life has purpose. It has meaning. It has awesome significance.

God made man—He made you—to become part of His very Family—the Family or Kingdom of God! God is a ruling Family. He wants to share His rule with you, in His very own Family! You were called in this day and age to fulfill your potential of becoming God! What greater purpose could be there for anyone?

It is your potential to inherit the Kingdom of God. Most people have no idea as to what the Kingdom of God really is. It is a mystery to them—as is the entire Bible. They don’t understand that the gospel is good news or glad tidings. It is happy news about the Kingdom of God—and how man can inherit and enter it. The gospel tells you about the nature and essence of God; His plan; the purpose for your existence; and your ultimate future.

You can understand all of this, if God’s Holy Spirit leads, guides and imbues you. God gives us His Spirit, and He wants us to use it and “be fervent” in it (Romans 12:11). He wants us to be “strengthened with might through His Spirit” (Ephesians 3:16) and to be “filled” with it (Ephesians 5:18).

This does not happen automatically. Sadly, quite a few have neglected the gift of God that was given them. They rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 63:10; Ephesians 4:30). They resisted it (Acts 7:51). Some have quenched the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). They blasphemed against it (Matthew 12:31)—rejecting the very power of God, which would help them to become God. In having done this, they will not reach their potential and the very purpose of their creation (Matthew 12:32).

David was aware of the possibility that one can sin so grievously that God might take away His Holy Spirit. He pleaded with God not to do this to him (Psalm 51:11).

We are told to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Of course we must, as it is our potential to inherit the Kingdom (Matthew 25:34). God wants to give it to us; sharing with us His very essence and His rule, first over this earth and then in the new heavens and the new earth (Luke 12:32; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:7; 22:5).

But if we follow our fleshly lusts and desires, we will not inherit it (Ephesians 5:5; Galatians 5:21). If we live differently than the rest of the world does—and we can only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit—then we will have to endure persecution and trials, because it is Satan who is the ruler and the god of this world. The Kingdom of God is NOT of this world (John 18:36). No surprise, then, that Paul tells us that we must “through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22).

But we will not enter the Kingdom of God in this flesh. Flesh and blood cannot inherit it (1 Corinthians 15:50). We must be changed into Spirit, as God is Spirit; and we will only be changed into Spirit, if God’s Spirit dwells in us when we die, or when Christ returns. If we allow God’s Spirit to depart from us before we die or before Christ’s Second Coming, we will not enter the Kingdom of God.

If we are children of the Kingdom, we are “good seeds” (Matthew 13:38). As good seeds and good servants, we will want to please God. We will want to fulfill God’s purpose for us.

Why did God call you today? Not just so that you can “make it” into the Kingdom, but to help in doing His Work of proclaiming His good news of the Kingdom in all the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14). And a great Work it is (compare 1 Chronicles 29:1)—a Work, which people would not believe, though it were told them (compare Habakkuk 1:5). To be able to do such a great Work, we must believe that it can be done (John 6:29). Jesus never doubted that He would fulfill the task within the Work of God that had been given to Him (John 4:34). Neither did Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:2). They knew that this was not a Work of man, but of God, and that therefore, they would fulfill their part (Acts 5:38). They knew that it was only by the power of the Holy Spirit that they could do their part in God’s Work.

The time will come when our part in the Work will become manifest to everyone (1 Corinthians 3:13). How will it—and we—appear? In shame or in glory? Will we have rejoicing in our part in the Work (Galatians 6:4)? Or do we disregard the Work of God (Isaiah 5:12)? If we are involved in God’s Work, are we doing it deceitfully or negligently (Jeremiah 48:10)? Do we behold with adoration the Work of God (Psalm 46:8)?

We all must examine ourselves (2 Timothy 4:5; Ephesians 4:12). And we ought to pray for one another, that we don’t give up and walk away. Rather, we all must always abound in the Work of the Lord, knowing that our labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). In the process, we must allow God’s Spirit to change us—to become perfect, as our Father in heaven is perfect.

Let us note this admonition from the epistle of James: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves… he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does” (James 1:22, 25). The faithful servant will be blessed when his returning Master will find him “so doing” (Matthew 24:46).

Are we good and profitable servants who use what God has given us? Or are we fearful and timid servants who neglect or refuse to use God’s precious gift? Is our light shining from a hilltop or hidden beneath a basket? Are we participating in the Work of God in whatever area assigned to us by God (1 Corinthians 12:18)—or are we shying away from our responsibilities?

We are to pray, daily, for the coming of God’s Kingdom. But it won’t come, unless the gospel of the Kingdom has been preached. God called you to have your part in this all-important duty and commission. If you walk away from this assignment, God will have no pleasure in you. But Paul says that he is confident that the good work will be completed that God has begun in you (Philippians 1:6). Christ tells us: “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” (Revelation 22:12).

Let’s make every effort to hasten that day (2 Peter 3:12)!

With Christian love,

Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – April 21, 2010

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

We recently observed the annual Passover and the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, picturing, in Old Testament times, the death of the firstborn in Egypt, the physical salvation of the Israelites who had placed the blood of the lamb on the lintels and the door posts of their houses, and the exodus and deliverance of the Israelites from bondage. All of this was symbolic of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our spiritual salvation, and our deliverance today from the captivity of sin. As we abstain each year from physical leaven during the Days of Unleavened Bread, we are reminded of the need to remove spiritual leaven—sin—from our lives. This should be an ongoing process.

In a recent Editorial for our weekly Updates, titled, “Re-Commitment,” I wrote the following:

“Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are a time to examine ourselves and to make an effort to put sin out of our lives. In the Bible, leaven is many times compared with sinful, hypocritical and proud conduct. During the Seven Days of Unleavened Bread, we are reminded of the physical and spiritual applications of sin and righteousness. The physical removal and avoidance of leavening, which we must not neglect, points to the spiritual and symbolical meaning, which is even more important not to neglect.

“Passover is a time to re-commit ourselves to our calling from God, and to stay engaged in the efforts that fulfill the purpose of our calling—to preach and publish as a witness the gospel of the Kingdom of God to this sick and dying world, prior to the return of Jesus Christ.

“Our efforts to put sin out of our lives are important, since this process helps us to draw closer to God. Sin acts as a barrier in our relationship with God, and especially at this time of year, we are reminded that we must be distancing ourselves from sin. Isaiah 59:2 says: ‘But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear.’

“Since separation from God is the effect of sin, then the benefit of removing and abstaining from sin is that we can draw closer to God, and that He hears us as a result. Sin is our enemy, and we must recognize this and deal with it. We cannot ignore sin or attempt to sweep it under the rug, as it were; otherwise, sin will overpower us and the results will be devastating.

“To remove sin from our lives is of course not just a ‘once-a-year’ exercise, but it must be done on a continual basis, in order to maintain the positive effect of God hearing and answering us. We understand that it is through the Sacrifice of Christ that we obtain forgiveness of our sins…”

The physical exercises during the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread should lead to the spiritual exercise of continuously examining ourselves and removing sin from our lives, while replacing it with God’s righteousness. This requires us to distance ourselves from Satan and to draw closer to God, as we are admonished to do in James 4:8: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

Within a few weeks, we will be celebrating the Feast of Pentecost. According to tradition, it was on that day when God pronounced from Mount Sinai the Ten Commandments to the Israelites. In the New Testament, it was on that day when God poured out His Holy Spirit on the apostles and followers of Christ. It was on that day when the New Testament Church began (compare Acts 2). The gift of the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to overcome sin and replace it with righteousness. And so it is today for us! Without God’s Spirit within us, we cannot really conquer sin, and we cannot receive, embrace and use the gift of God’s righteousness.

In the afore-mentioned Editorial, I said: “We also need God’s help to overcome and conquer sin. We cannot do it on our own. And so, God gives us His Spirit to overcome sin—but we must use His Spirit to do so.”

In addition, the Holy Spirit opens the minds of the followers of Christ, so Scriptures can be clearly understood. With God’s Spirit in us, we can comprehend the plan of God and our responsibility regarding it. In these times of trouble—especially as we draw closer to the terrible events of the “Great Tribulation” and the “Day of the Lord”—it is important for us to remain focused on the purpose of our calling. It is more crucial than ever to allow God’s Spirit in us to motivate us to help finish God’s Work, which God has given to His Church.

The Church’s commission is clearly explained in Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.” Christ told us that it is the duty and responsibility, especially of the end-time Church, to preach the gospel and to feed the flock. That is THE reason why God called us now. We are NOT just called for individual salvation, but also for participation in God’s Work, to help others to respond to the message, be spared from the terrible times to come, and to obtain salvation with us.

As I stated in my Editorial:

“It is important for us to carry forward into the balance of the year the vital lessons that these Spring Feast Days picture. They remind us of our responsibilities toward God to stay committed to His Work and purpose for us, and to maintain a state of  continual removal of sin. When we remain close to God, He will respond to our prayers and requests throughout the whole year, and He will help us to fulfill the purpose of our calling. As we read in 1 Corinthians 15:57-58: ‘But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.’”

It should be our main focus in life to support this effort, in whatever capacity we can. God wants to use us in His purpose to call more people to salvation now, so that they can partake of the First Resurrection and inherit eternal life. The fruit of our labor today might not be that evident at first sight, but God said that our labor will not be in vain, and that His Word which is preached by His Church will not return empty. Apparent lack of “growth” must never be an excuse to become less zealous in our efforts, but we are called to “abound” in our job, while leaving it to God when He will call new people, and whom He will call. Remember that God tells us that through our efforts or the lack thereof, we might either hasten or delay the Second Coming of Christ!

We must never be found guilty of delaying the establishment of the Kingdom of God here on earth, when God will deal with the problems which are plaguing mankind today. This world has no solutions, but God does, and the sooner Christ rules this planet, the better for all. When Christ returns, Satan, the author of sin, will be removed, and all authority will be given to Christ and His saints. It is then—not before—that the world will be ruled with equity and justice. The Family of God will unselfishly bring peace and joy to this earth. No crooked and corrupt politician will be allowed to exert any more influence on others. The times will be over when selfish leaders are trying to rise to, or stay in power, no matter what the cost.

As selfishness will be a thing of the past then, so it should be already for us today. It would be inherently selfish to believe that all we need to do today is to “get ready,” individually, for Christ’s return, while neglecting to participate in our collective responsibility to warn the world and to preach the good news of the coming Kingdom of God.

The more we are involved in God’s Work, the more we will be able to overcome our sins. Part of the reason is that doing the Work shows an attitude of selfless love for others, and love is the exact opposite of sin. And it is with the Holy Spirit in us that we CAN be victorious in our efforts.

When we agree that God called us today to do a job, which will ultimately help to bring righteousness and justice to this unrighteous and unjust world, then we must continue to put our shoulder to the plow and not look back. It is only those who endure to the end who will be saved. This means, then, that those who refuse to do our God-given job won’t be saved. What is of foremost importance NOW is to continue to fulfill our responsibilities faithfully and unselfishly—without being motivated by improper goals, as so many are doing today. In laboring collectively and individually, we will be counted worthy to become born-again members of the Family of God at the time of Christ’s return.

In Christ’s Service,

Rene Messier

Letter to the Brethren – March 15, 2010

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In recent weeks we have witnessed earthquakes of a kind and magnitude that ENTIRE NATIONS have suffered decimation on such a scale that it will take years to recover! Jesus Christ warned of disasters like these when He spoke of events that would herald His return: “And there will be GREAT EARTHQUAKES in various places…” (Luke 21:11).

We know that the Word of God speaks of many “signs” of the impending close of this violent age. Foremost among the activities that will be occurring in these last days—known as “the time of the END”—will be the preaching of the same message that Jesus (and His TRUE disciples) preached. However, this time, the impact of the end-time phase of the WORK OF GOD will blanket the earth. Here is what Jesus stated—an irrevocable prophecy that will be fulfilled:

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached IN ALL THE WORLD as a witness to ALL the NATIONS, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

This has been correctly referred to as “the GREAT COMMISSION”!

Most of us rejoiced in former days when the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of God was done powerfully through radio, television, the printed word and the labor of a unified ministry and Church. We then witnessed the Satanic destruction that ensued leading to the scattering of the people of God. Many simply left all association with the Church of God and the Work given to it. That happened even to followers of Jesus during His time (compare John 6:60-71), and what did happen in our day was prophesied to occur (compare 2 Thessalonians 2—specifically, verse 3; as well as 2 Peter 3:3-4 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4).

Nonetheless, those of us who have remained faithful—unwilling to compromise with the TRUTH—still have a job before us! We still must answer our calling and participate ever more diligently in the Work of God.

To that end, we have just completed our annual Church conference—this time hosted by the brethren in Colorado.

The conference was attended by Norbert Link and his wife Johanna, along with Margaret Adair, Michael Link and Kalon Mitchell (all from the San Diego area); Rene and Delia Messier from Canada; Brian and Jill Gale from Great Britain; as well as Dave and Peggy Harris; and deacons and members from Colorado.

This year, the primary focus was on expanding our abilities in the use of the many Internet tools we now employ. Currently, along with our various websites for the specific activities of the Church (including Internet live Sabbath services), we discussed ways to improve the StandingWatch programs in appearance and effectiveness and to have them more broadly available.

Members of the technical team presented reports that reflected both statistical reviews and ideas for future actions. Special note was given to the upsurge in views and responses taking place in the German work—specifically that of the posted AufPostenStehen programs (StandingWatch programs in the German language) and German sermons on several websites, including on www.aufpostenstehen.de.

Following up on recent statements, Evangelist Norbert Link again reminded everyone that true success for our Christian growth relates directly to our involvement and dedicated participation in the Work given to the Church. In that light, brethren, let each one of us become even more zealous to do what we have committed ourselves to do, in order to serve and please God even more effectively.

An outgrowth of this conference was the appointment of Dave Harris as Director of Church Administration and as Chairman of the Technical Committee. The purpose for this was two-fold. One, to relieve Mr. Link of some of the day-to-day duties (such as requests for anointing and certain counseling needs), and another important aspect was for more timely reports to both Mr. Link and the Church’s Board of Directors concerning developments by various volunteers on assigned projects. As our workload increases, it is vital to effectively and timely communicate with one another.

Other plans included decisions regarding future booklet subjects. At this point, due, in part, to successful Internet ads being run, we have depleted our hard copies of some titles. We have prioritized the reprinting of some (we just reprinted our booklet, Angels, Demons and the Spirit World), and we have posted, on line, all of our written material. Our booklets are available to both read and download for printing.

For those of you who have not already received a copy, included with this letter is your copy of our newest booklet, Paul’s Letter To The Galatians—How to Understand It. Authored by Norbert Link, this booklet is a chapter by chapter examination and explanation of the Letter to the Galatians. Few in the professing world of Christianity understand this letter, and concepts such as salvation, justification and righteousness cause most Bible students to stumble at the true meaning. We are also working on our next booklet, The Authority of the Bible, which has reached our first review cycle.

Finally, as this letter from the ministry comes to you, the Passover along with The Night to Be Much Observed and the Days of Unleavened Bread will soon be upon us.

Brethren, in the weeks leading up to this very special time, sermons and writings have taken a more urgent focus for us to really examine ourselves in preparation!

Have you taken these urgings personally? We all must!

Thank you for your continuing prayers and for your faithfulness to God in the common Work He has set before us!

In Christ’s Service,

Norbert Link

Dave Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

Letter to the Brethren – January 11, 2010

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

We are living indeed in perilous times. Even the news media is beginning to realize how terrible and dangerous this world has become. When Barack Obama was elected as the “president of change,” many thought that Americans might see a brighter future and that the relationship between the USA and other nations, including Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, might improve. However, it soon became obvious to most that such hope was a pipe dream. Of course, those who understood biblical prophecy knew from the outset that such wishful thinking had no place in God’s agenda.

This world is increasingly confronted with the total lack of true and competent leadership. As man is turning away from God, God has promised that He will be turning away from man. This is exactly what is happening today. This world is getting darker by the hour, and this means that the light of TRUE Christians must be shining ever brighter, lest they be overpowered by the darkness.

Wars are being fought in many places around the world, and many more are on the horizon. Afghanistan has proven to be an utter failure, and so is any illusionary hope of peace in the Middle East. NUCLEAR War with Iran is becoming a distinct possibility—with the potential of ultimately engulfing the entire world! It is highly likely that Israel will strike Iran in 2010 in light of useless American and European “sanctions” against a corrupt and fanatic Iranian regime.

Will the USA join Israel in fighting Iran militarily? When even the left-liberal press ADVOCATES a U.S. strike on Iran, we KNOW that the situation is SERIOUS and the dangers of war are REAL. Here is what the New York Times wrote on December 23, 2009:

“We have reached the point where air strikes are the only plausible option with any prospect of preventing Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons… The sooner the United States takes action, the better.”

Most think that President Obama won’t begin a pre-emptive war against Iran, but they might be mistaken. In his acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize in Oslo, the President made very clear that he won’t rule out war as a means of dealing with America’s enemies. In defending the highly unpopular Afghan war, he said, according to an article in the Financial Times, dated December 10, 2009: “We are at war, and I am responsible for the deployment of thousands of young Americans to battle in a distant land. Some will kill. Some will be killed.

The article went on to comment: “Mr. Obama’s frankness does not stop there, however. He keeps up this blunt approach before a Norwegian audience which… must have wondered at times whether they’d chosen the right guy for the peace prize. For the major theme of Obama’s speech is his defence of the ‘just war,’ of the argument that nations are right at times to take military action… what stands out, when considering the audience before which he stands, is his justification of military action when necessary. Barack Obama must surely be the first Nobel peace laureate ever to turn up at the prize ceremony and confront a notably pacifist audience with such belligerence.”

Also notice what Germany’s left-wing Tageszeitung wrote on January 7, 2010: “Barack Obama has never—not even during his electoral campaign—made a secret of the fact that he does not rule out war as a political tool. Otherwise he would not have been elected. Those in Europe who believed that his statement wasn’t serious, and was accompanied by a knowing wink towards the pacifists, only have themselves to blame. Military strength and the willingness to use it, are fundamental in the United States… You don’t have to like it, but ignoring this global political reality … reveals naivety. Whoever saw Obama as a prince of peace has made a mistake…”

But WARS won’t help the nation and the American people—especially when God is not on their side (compare Deuteronomy 1:42-45). A war with Iran would have devastating consequences. The sad question is, what other options are there? We must face the reality that no matter what man is trying to do in these end times, all his attempts to bring peace and prosperity and create a better life ARE DOOMED and PREDESTINED to FAILURE.

WHY? Because man has turned away from God—in a sense, man has proven for the last 6,000 years that he does not want God to be a part of his life. This world is CUT OFF from God. Man has tried to solve his many self-inflicted problems by trusting in his own abilities. All of his attempts have ended in disaster. Now we are facing the possibility that man’s technological advancements can wipe out ALL LIFE from this planet (compare Matthew 24:21-22). And since SATAN is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) who has deceived all nations (Revelation 12:9), we KNOW that man WILL use his technology.

The next worldwide NUCLEAR war—which the Bible prophesies to happen—would bring about certain and total annihilation—if it weren’t for God’s intervention. Jesus Christ promised that these terrible times would be shortened “for the elects’ sake” to PREVENT man from destroying himself. Christ WILL return to set up the Kingdom of GOD here on this earth (Revelation 11:15-18). He will appear as the KING of kings and the LORD of lords (Revelation 17:14; 19:11-16). Then man WILL learn to obey God (Isaiah 2:2-4); today, man scoffs at that idea.

Do we understand that God commands us to “come out of this world” and to be “separate” (2 Corinthians 6:17; Revelation 18:4)—not to have any part in its many systems? Are we really that naive to think that our individual participation in governmental elections would make a difference? Are we really that ignorant to believe that if we had voted during the last presidential election, somebody else would have been chosen as president, and matters would look better today? That kind of reasoning would be foolish to the core!

A nation is led by the leadership it deserves. And our nation today—and this world as a whole—simply does not deserve any better. We are REFUSING to let God come into our lives—and even professing Christians and popular ministers go with the flow of politically correct thinking—NOT DARING to speak up for God and His values, but rather buckling under the pressure of liberal “newscasters,” who report on the need of “fairness” for homosexual and transgender groups or other liberal God-defying movements.

Others buckle under the pressure of conservative radio hosts or right-wing “newscasters” or “commentators,” demanding as a patriotic national duty participation in the observance of Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, Halloween and other pagan holidays which are clearly so far removed from true Christianity as light is from day. Far too few DARE today to speak out against the real DANGERS of radical Islam or of radical fundamental “orthodox Christianity.” Having become accustomed to lies and deceits which are permeating our entire world in virtually every facet of our lives, we are truly reaping what we are sowing (compare Galatians 6:7).

Even some Christian ministers who should know better are afraid to speak up and quote pertinent biblical Scriptures for fear of persecution from “hate-law” legislation or arbitrary self-serving interpretations of the IRS code or similar tax provisions in other countries.

Christ told us to pray daily: “Your Kingdom Come.” Do we? Do we really? Do we understand that ONLY Christ’s Coming will bring an end to the evils of this world? Are we sighing and crying over the abominations perpetrated in our societies (compare Ezekiel 9:4; 2 Peter 2:7-8), realizing that GOD needs to send His Son very soon, lest we all be consumed in a nuclear nightmare?  Or do we think we know it better? Do we think we should just be “part of the crowd”?

In a recent editorial on “conformity,” Brian Gale wrote: “The world has just kept some of its festivals, and many have conformed to keeping Christmas and New Year because of peer pressure; not wanting to upset children, parents or family; or because it was a good excuse for a few days off work with, in many cases, riotous and wanton celebration.”

Brian Gale pointed out, however, that there IS conformity for true Christians. He wrote: “Conformity to God and His Way is totally opposite to the conformity that this world practices, particularly at the time of the year that has just passed. When we conform, let us be in line with our God and not in tune with what the world expects of us.”

This world is on a losing streak. No amount of good words, promises, platitudes, wishful thinking or even “strong and necessary” action will change that. It does not HAVE to be this way! Things COULD be different if man would begin to THINK and comprehend that HE is the cause for much of his misfortune! God tells us to consider our ways and to change (compare Haggai 1:5-11). In general, man laughs about such admonition and refuses to listen (compare Jeremiah 6:16-17; 8:4-6). But as true Christians, we had better take it to heart and DO what we are told. Because—my dear brethren and friends—time is RUNNING OUT.

In the Service of Jesus Christ, and with Christian love,

Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – December 10, 2009

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

After the wonderful Feast of Tabernacles that we enjoyed only a few weeks ago, we now have witnessed the spectacle of our Western society having been involved in Halloween (the occult), and we will shortly witness Christmas and New Years Day celebrations.

The Daily Telegraph stated on October 30 that the “Vatican has condemned Hallowe’en as anti-Christian, saying it is based on a sinister and dangerous ‘undercurrent of occultism.’” The article continued: “The Holy See has warned that parents should not allow their children to dress up as ghosts and ghouls on Saturday, calling Hallowe’en a pagan celebration of ‘terror, fear and death’.” And yet, this same organization will still fully approve and endorse the upcoming days of Christmas and New Years Day, even though they are also thoroughly pagan in origin.

In addition, USA Today wrote on November 1: “The Vatican said Saturday that married Anglican priests will be admitted to the Catholic priesthood on a case-by-case basis as Rome makes it easier for disillusioned conservative Anglicans to convert.”

Bible scholars have long identified the “woman riding the beast,” as mentioned in Revelation 17, as “papal Rome.” The influence of that woman seems, quietly at this stage, to be furthering its own agenda, and the true Church of God has long understood the role that the “woman” will play at the end of this age.

But apart from the activities of the Roman Catholic Church, many other things are happening, at a rapid rate, that have prophetic implications. One of our ministers said recently that in the past, prophecy was like putting a lot of small pieces into a jigsaw puzzle, but now the pieces are getting bigger and are easier to fit into the prophetic scenario. How very true is that statement!

Let us just look at what is happening in the UK today. While I am writing primarily about my own country, the same will apply to all the modern Israelitish nations, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada and, of course, the USA, as well as to many other nations.

At the end of October, it was reported that Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, claimed that the huge increase in migrants over the last decade was “partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country” and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity.” He said Labour’s relaxation of controls in 2000/01 was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration,” but that governmental officials were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote.” This was strenuously denied, but here was someone at the heart of government telling us what he saw happening. As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants.

Regardless of who was right in this argument, there is no denying that mass immigration has changed the landscape of the UK. We know from the book of Hosea that these things will happen at the end of this age to the British people. In Hosea 7:8-9 we read the following about “Ephraim”—mainly a designation for modern-day Britain: “Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples (and has become a multi-racial, multi-religious society); Ephraim is a cake unturned (or half baked). Aliens have devoured his strength, But he does not know it; Yes, gray hairs are here and there on him, Yet he does not know it.”

The British people have bent over backwards to accommodate foreign religions, even to the detriment of its Judeo-Christian heritage, and now the aliens or strangers amongst them have “devoured” them. We can read about how displeased God was with the proliferation of groves and shrines to Baal and false gods in the Old Testament. And yet, the same thing has happened in our nations, where modern-day groves and shrines are in evidence up and down the land. And as ancient Israel and Judah didn’t rid themselves of these idolatrous places, we today are in exactly the same position where our leaders, both political and religious, allow and promote such practices in what is now a multi-faith society. God insisted on a one-faith nation. Ancient Israel and Judah failed in that regard as indeed we have failed today, with the result that the alien has “devoured” us and our strength.

In addition, we will be having an election within the next 6 months in the UK with a huge financial crisis hanging over us. In spite of all the rhetoric, no political party has the answers, although you might be forgiven for thinking that they had, according to the way that they put forward their agendas. A furious row broke out at the beginning of this month between the UK Schools Secretary and the Leader of the Opposition about “the family.” As both parties are in favor of civil partnerships, it just proves that neither really understands the importance of marriage and the family, which have been systematically destroyed in recent years.

We are involved in wars that we just can’t win, such as Afghanistan and Iraq. In Leviticus 26:19 (the blessings and cursing chapter) it clearly shows that disobedience will result in God breaking the pride of our power. This is surely now coming to pass for the modern Israelite nations.

Europe is moving at a fast pace with the very recent appointment of Mr. Herbert Von Rompuy as the new European President and Baroness Ashton as EU foreign policy chief. Critics say, too much more of Britain’s sovereignty will now be ceded to Brussels. There will be many twists and turns with the European superstate, and we need to keep a careful and watchful eye on this area. Democracy is the watchword but, in reality, it is not the way that this monolithic entity works. It wasn’t so long ago that the Irish had to vote twice until the EU got the result it wanted. That is hardly democracy, but we may not have to wait too much longer before the EU gets into top gear with the power that will be given to the “beast,” mentioned in the book of Revelation—the future political and military leader of Europe, ruling over the United States of Europe—the last revival of the ancient Holy Roman Empire. In addition, we need to focus our attention on Jerusalem, which will be focal points of prophecy at the end of this age.

The few areas that I have mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg (there are so many more that could be mentioned) in what is now becoming a very fast moving prophetic scenario. Wherever you look and in whatever area of society, man has really made an enormous mess of things. Only the return of Jesus Christ can save the day, and it surely cannot be too long before that wonderful time arrives. In the meantime, we have to keep on living the way of God, never letting up in any way.

And an integral part of God’s way is not being involved, in any way at all, in the politics, philosophies, religions, customs and practices of this world. We must bear this in mind, as we approach the upcoming Christmas season. In that regard, I think that the words that Mr. Eric Rank wrote in his editorial recently (November 6, 2009, titled, “Beware the Subtleties”), are very apropos.
He wrote:

“While we live in this world, we must be ready and prepared to defend ourselves against the carnally inspired messages, influences and temptations presented to us. The most dangerous kinds of temptations are those which are the most subtle. Participation in the wrong event, even in a marginal way, erodes our loyalty to God. With a constant stream of messages telling us that participation is harmless and that origins are irrelevant, it might be tempting to justify an action, declaring it to be innocent. Nevertheless, we must remember what God inspired in Isaiah 5:20-21: ‘Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!’”

Wise words indeed! As society approaches the world’s festive season and the year of 2010, let us resolve to stay close to God and His ways and ignore the glitter and superficial ways of this world. Let us rather keep our eyes on the better world that is to come. It will be worth our while to do so, as we escape the pollutions of this world now (2 Peter 2:20). Dear brethren and friends, let us all make sure that we do not become entangled again in the world.

With Christian love.

Brian Gale

Letter to the Brethren – November 16, 2009

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In His own “member letter,” Jesus challenged the brethren in Ephesus when He said that they had left their “‘first love’” (Revelation 2:4).

His admonition was pointedly serious, for He continues by warning them to correct the situation they were in: “‘Remember therefore from where you have fallen; REPENT and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you REPENT’” (Revelation 2:5).

The written words that Jesus Christ directed to the brethren in the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 have been recorded for every generation of those who have been called into the Church of God. All of us are to carefully consider each message and to see how it applies in our own circumstances.

What about our first love—do we still have that indomitable zeal for God’s Way, or have we lost it?

Is there within us a burning passion to study God’s Word—not content to just assemble and hear the messages presented to us on the Sabbaths and Holy Days, but stirred up to discover the hidden things of God that He reveals in the Bible, like the Bereans did (compare Acts 17:10-12)?

Is assembling with our brethren every time we possibly can still important, or have we found excuses to take the easy, less loving way out? Apparently, some of those in Ephesus grew weary of meeting together and lost their love in this dangerous way (compare Hebrews 10: 23-25).

If we focus on circumstantial issues that only please ourselves, we will begin to find excuses and blame others for why we can’t “be there.” In our recent Feast of Tabernacles services and assemblies in San Diego, some rightly focused on their willingness to be where God led His ministry in choosing this particular site. Their unwavering attitude was to go anywhere that was chosen in order to fulfill the command of God to keep the Feast. They fully believed that God inspired His ministry to decide on that particular Feast site and did not assume that the choice was motivated by and made because of arbitrary human “preferences.”

They—with a willing and submissive attitude—gained much from their attendance. In fact, we had one couple, who had attended many, many sites, say this was the most enjoyable Feast of Tabernacles they had ever experienced! Sadly, as this may always be the case, a very few manifested an attitude that did not reflect gratitude or appreciation for God’s involvement, and as a consequence, their Feast was not kept in the spirit of “first love”!

Consider what Paul, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said about what was happening to the Ephesian brethren—and the application holds in our own time:

“For the time will come when they will not endure SOUND DOCTRINE, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the TRUTH, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

TRUTH and SOUND DOCTRINE are the issues of our time! The unfortunate tag of “church hoppers” now describes those who are not anchored in the very things they once had proven, and they have reverted to being lovers of themselves, “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (compare 2 Timothy 3:1-9).

Paul became a minister and then an apostle of Jesus Christ. God used him, more mightily than most of his peers, to build the Work of God (compare 1 Corinthians 15:10). By his hand, indisputable miracles took place—powerful signs from God and Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit! Yet, when the first love of that generation began to ebb, look at the consequences—as Paul sorrowfully relates:

“This you know, that all those in Asia have turned away from me, among whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes” (2 Timothy 1:15); Paul continues, “… for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica—Crescens for Galatia, Titus for Dalmatia” (2 Timothy 4:10).

Contrast these statements to the earlier record of the Ephesian Church of God. In a specific meeting with some of those in Ephesus, Paul said a final farewell to those among whom he had ministered. Note the attitude when their “first love” was passionate:

“Then they wept freely, and fell on Paul’s neck and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he spoke, that they would see his face no more. And they accompanied him to the ship” (Acts 20:37-38).

Also, from Galatians 4, Paul remarks on the tremendous love and esteem that was given to him earlier as God’s minister:

“And my trial which was in my flesh you did not despise or reject, but you received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. What then was the blessing you enjoyed? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and given them to me” (verses 14-15).

Indeed, the love of many did suffer loss—so much so, that false ministers arose and also rejected the ordained ministry, including John, another one of Christ’s early apostles. Diotrephes is named as one who would not even allow John into the church he gained control over (compare 3 John 9).

We can, and we must, deeply consider what happened to so many of those in the early Church! You see, this, our time and generation of God’s Church, faces the SAME WARNING from Jesus Christ!

In answering what would be happening just before His return to the earth, Jesus said this: “‘And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold’” (Matthew 24:12).

Is that happening to you—even within the Church of God? Or do you, with a meditative spirit, examine yourself daily to keep God’s love alive within you?

Brethren, we have the matchless opportunity to know the TRUTH of God. We have been taught sound DOCTRINE. We must continue to build up these precious things through our commitment to be obedient, joyful and thankful servants of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ—to please God by showing our willingness to deeply and from the heart follow Him and REPENT when we are wrong!

God’s objective—and this most certainly involves the corrective things said to His Church in the letters to the seven churches in Revelation—is that we all attain eternal life in His Kingdom.

Finally, let’s also apply this heartfelt encouragement that is part of what is written to us from God:

“But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation, though we speak in this manner. For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:9-12).

In Christ’s Service,

Dave Harris

Letter to the Brethren – October 26, 2009

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

Many of you who observed this year’s Feast of Tabernacles have told us how thankful you
were for being able to participate in this meaningful occasion. Individual comments included
the following:

Our Feast was very fulfilling. There wasn’t enough time for close visits with everyone, but, then again, perhaps next year!

The Feast was excellent! It was so good seeing everyone and all the messages were fantastic. One of our best Feasts ever!

We are back home safe and miss you all!! It’s amazing how fast the Feast went by.

Indeed, it is a privilege to be able to understand the truth, as revealed through God’s annual Holy Days, and to obey the truth by keeping God’s Feasts. When we do, we truly ENJOY the spiritual and physical blessings, which are associated with Feast observance. (For more information, please read our free booklets, “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days,” and “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days.”)

To elaborate on this, note the following Feast report from Brian Gale in England:

For the tenth year, the Global Church of God in the UK held the Feast of Tabernacles at Chatsworth House in beautiful rural Derbyshire. It is difficult to find new superlatives to describe this outstanding Feast site and it has to be seen and experienced to fully appreciate how millennial it is. With deer freely roaming the grounds and sheep in abundance, it is easy to visualize this as the sort of area as one where “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them,” as Isaiah 11:6 so strikingly portrays.

New visitors were warmly welcomed, along with many who have become regular attendees who never tire of the beauty and tranquility that is a feature of this particular Feast site. Everyone enjoyed and appreciated outstanding messages. While the spiritual food is the reason for attending the Feast, many other activities were arranged and enjoyed by all. As in previous years, the Feast dinner was again a highlight, with everyone enjoying good food and great company.

The Feast was over all too soon and time to return home. Those who attended will remember for a long time this unique site with all its beauty, peace, serenity and camaraderie with
others of a like mind. We are all now waiting for it to become reality!

The following Feast report was received from Dave Harris in the USA:

Each year of observing the Fall Feast Days is marked by experiencing a deeper understanding of God’s Will for His people. Several individuals have said that this Feast was personally moving and inspiring. And there seems to be a carry-over as we have all returned home. More than ever, the lessons learned are providing opportunities for personal growth and a revitalized commitment to the Church of God and to fulfilling our priceless calling.

The meeting facility in San Diego, California, the rooms and so many accessible services all contributed to an outstanding environment in which to observe the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day. To be able to rejoice with brethren in such a setting was truly outstanding. Especially the Dinner Banquet and Dance, as well as the Talent Show, constituted social highlights during the Feast.

Another very special highlight was the attendance of our German brethren, Thilo and Anita Hanstein, and their Church marriage during the Feast. Their joy of “first love” for God’s truth and His people was contagious, and helped make this time all the more rewarding. Additionally, everyone seemed to display extraordinary cooperation, and this attitude of willing service was what is so memorable of our time together.

Pages could be filled describing the specific Feast activities, sermonettes and sermons, as well as the opportunities of social fellowship at both Feast sites. Feast sermons are posted on the Web (www.eternalgod.org, under “Audio”), and they are also available, upon request, in the form of CDs.

But the Feast of Tabernacles 2009 is now over. What have we learned during the Feast? And how should we live now, having returned to our daily challenges? We are including Norbert Link’s recent Editorial with this member letter, titled, “Very Soon…” This article addresses the status quo of world affairs today, where they are leading, and what they mean in the light of God’s promise to send back His Son to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth.

The Feast of Tabernacles portrays what we will soon experience. In the meantime, let’s make
every effort to overcome this world, Satan the devil, and our own carnal desires, so that we WILL become born-again sons and daughters in the very Family of God. And when we let Jesus Christ live HIS LIFE in and through us, we WILL succeed.

In Christ’s service,

Norbert Link

Dave Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

©2024 Church of the Eternal God