Letter to the Brethren – June 2, 2008

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

When you receive this letter, the annual Feast of Pentecost has almost arrived. The Church of God has understood for many years that Pentecost must be kept on a Sunday—counting 50 days from the Sunday, which falls within the annual Holy Days of Unleavened Bread. We explain how to count Pentecost (as well as the reasons why we have to keep it today) in chapter 3 of our free booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days.”

Not everyone in the Church understands or believes that we must keep Pentecost when most of us do, and some have begun to “observe” Pentecost at a different time.

Some maintain and uphold a mistake, which the Church of God had made many decades ago (but which was corrected in 1974/75), when it erroneously concluded that Pentecost had to be kept on a Monday. Others count the 50 days leading to Pentecost from the Sabbath (not Sunday), which falls within the Days of Unleavened Bread. Still others reject the concept of postponements relative to the Hebrew calendar, and have therefore created alternate dates when to keep Pentecost. (And then, there are some who have changed the dates strictly because of “convenience”). . We should easily see that these different approaches have led to confusion and disunity in the body of Christ, rather than to “the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God” (Ephesians 4:13). When we are wrong in our understanding, we must change; but unless we can clearly see from Scripture that we are mistaken on a given point in doctrine, we are to “hold fast what [we] have” (Revelation 3:11) and to even “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

We read that the disciples “were all with one accord in one place,” when the Day of Pentecost arrived (Acts 2:1). With the approach which some are taking today, they would not have been all assembled in one place at the same time, and they would not have received the Holy Spirit on that day (Acts 2:4, 33).

God’s Spirit gives us the right kind of knowledge and understanding of His Truth. It bestows on us the power to overcome our shortcomings, and it replaces in us the pride of the “revelation” of perceived special knowledge with the humility of a willing acceptance of God’s unsearchable riches of divine wisdom. And, it gives us a willing heart to seek peace and to reconcile with our fellow man.

Unity, reconciliation and peace go together. In fact, there cannot be true unity without reconciliation. We understand, of course, that it takes two to tango—lasting and peaceful reconciliation can only be achieved when all parties are willing to bring it about. We read that some are not interested in peaceful relationships, and recognizing this fact, Paul admonishes us in Romans 12:18: “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”

On the other hand, there should never be an excuse for converted Spirit-begotten members within the body of Christ, not to live in peace with each other. As we are to preach the “gospel of peace” and reconciliation to others (Romans 10:15; Ephesians 6:15; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20), so we must learn how to reconcile with our brother (Matthew 5:23-24) and to live in peace among ourselves. We are to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9; James 3:18), pursuing “the things which make for peace” (Romans 14:19).

With God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within us and motivating and leading us to live God’s Way of Life, we must not continue to harbor grudges or have resentment against our fellow brethren, who have likewise received God’s Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God, which we all desire to inherit, is defined as one of “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). In fact, Paul tells us in Hebrews 12:14: “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.”

God is the author of peace—not of confusion, which is the opposite of unity (1 Corinthians 14:33). God gives us the ability, through the gift of His Holy Spirit, to really want to make peace with others. Paul prayed that the “Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way” (2 Thessalonians 3:16). We are called to peace with our fellow man (1 Corinthians 7:15). Paul admonished the brethren to “let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body” (Colossians 3:15). He also beseeched the church in Ephesus to “walk worthy of the calling with which you were called… endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1, 3).

As mentioned before, unity, peace and reconciliation go together. We cannot be unified, as we ought to be, when we neglect to hold fast what we have been taught, thereby creating disunity and confusion within the body of Christ, and when we refuse to reconcile and live in peace—and especially with those in the household of God.

Dear brethren and friends, let us all resolve to celebrate this Pentecost with a Spirit of joy, thankfulness, reconciliation, unity and peace. It is possible to do so, and as true Christians, we must! Paul tells all of us in 1 Thessalonians 5:13-22: “… Be at peace among yourselves… be patient with all… always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit… Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”

If we apply and live by these injunctions, then the “God of peace” (Hebrews 13:20) will in fact be with all of us (Romans 15:33)—and that for all eternity.

With brotherly love,

Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – May 7, 2008

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

Worry that borders on outright fear has entered into the lives of people who live in even the most prosperous nations of the earth! No longer are the bad things just happening to other people! The reality so little understood is that this world has come to the generation that will mark the end of life, as we know it! Governments are destined to fail; nations will cease to exist, or, at the very least, they will be decimated; and the earth itself is going to suffer such destruction that life of any kind will be tenuous and in mortal danger! How can such ominous things happen? Is this just doomsday thinking—lacking any real proof or certainty? If you have come to believe God, and if you believe the prophecies He has left for His people in His Word, then you KNOW that human governments under the influence of Satan will be brought to an end. Along with this, Jesus Christ warned of awesome events on a scale never before experienced by mankind. One key element beginning to emerge at this time is the rise of a powerful religion with global influence and might. This is something for us to recognize and watch. That emerging super-religion will be empowered by Satan and his demonic forces. Jesus Christ warned that in the end time, “‘…false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to DECEIVE, if possible, even the elect’”(Matthew 24:24). In Revelation 13 and in 2 Thessalonians 2, more details about the leader of that powerful religion reveal that he will use stupendous signs to deceive the whole world—forcing people into false worship and even killing those who refuse! Extraordinary devastation will soon fall upon the modern English-speaking descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh—the British Empire and the United States of America. In a prophecy written long ago in the Book of Jeremiah, God foretold that He would punish His nation for their sins unless they repented. The time setting is the unparalleled period that will usher in the promised Kingdom of God at the return of Jesus Christ. Note the wording: “‘“Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble”’” (Jeremiah 30:7). We know that this is a warning that is especially directed to the United States and Britain—the nations who bear the name of Jacob (Compare Genesis 48:16).

In the midst of the beginning of these sorrows, we in the Church of God have been given the job of WARNING those who will listen—and even those who will come to reject and despise what we have to say. The commission to do this is, on the one hand, seemingly overwhelming. How can we have any impact—how can we do our part?

Our beginning point has been to embrace our calling and to set about to accomplish what God has given to us to do. Our small beginnings are bearing fruit—the Gospel message is going out into the entire world as a witness. The Internet provides the means for our work to reach into virtually any nation. Of course, even in this, we have barely begun, but the door is open to us!

In a recent StandingWatch program titled, “Food Shortage in the USA,” Norbert Link forcefully challenged viewers asking “why” rationing could even be possible in such a richly blessed nation as the United States. This and recent programs are beginning to evoke attention, with hundreds of viewers watching each program and on different providers. Consider that only a short time ago, our program appeared only on our own website, but it is now being featured on Google Video and YouTube—with more outlets being planned.

These recent programs have struck a nerve, because there is a growing concern among people about the frightening problems of our time. Two viewers’ comments were especially interesting, asking about Norbert Link, “Who is this guy???” The message shocked some. Why? Because they haven’t been hearing anyone really explain God’s warning in a way that will challenge them to begin to look soberly at the issues of our time. We need to fully recognize that all of us must give account for how well we have answered God’s calling and the responsibility and unique role given to God’s Church—which must be carried out in these very last days of man’s present civilization.

We must remain mindful of the possibilities before us. What value does God place on those whom He has called to become children of His in His Family and as brethren of Jesus Christ? Will we have a role in helping some escape the terrible horrors about to explode on this world? Will some listen and wake up before it is too late? In addition to zealously involving ourselves in the work of God, we also face the challenge left for us by Jesus Christ—a message especially directed to our time:

“‘But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man’” (Luke 21:24-36).

Our watch begins by knowing what is happening right now! Prophecies are finding fulfillment, and we would be woefully mistaken to not carefully note world events in the light of Bible prophecy. We need God’s sense of compelling urgency in our lives, because He has left us powerful warnings and the gift of His Holy Spirit so that we can understand!

As we move into the future—together, as faithful brethren—the opportunity to do the Work of God is expanding. The growth of our three organizations in the USA, Canada and Great Britain has been small when viewed comparatively, but even in this, God shows us His perspective in Zechariah, saying, “‘For who has despised the day of small things?’” (4:10); and, adding this: “‘“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” Says the LORD of hosts’” (4:6).

Many today do not even know who and what God is; what His Holy Spirit is; and how to worship and serve God. The “Christian” world believes in the false concept of a closed Trinity and celebrates all the wrong days, while neglecting to observe God”s weekly and annual Holy Days. Even some in God’s Church have become confused and deceived in regard to the vital understanding as to who God is, and how to worship Him.

We are pleased to announce a new comprehensive publication, unique in its kind, which fully explains which days to observe, and which days to reject. It is titled, “Is That in the Bible?—Man’s Holidays and God’s Holy Days.” This booklet (the 27th), written by Evangelist Norbert Link, is being mailed to you along with this letter (except in the UK where it is mailed separately).

Take time to carefully read this publication, and open up your Bibles and really prove what you are learning! Also take advantage of the in-depth resources posted on our web pages, and use them to watch and be ready for the momentous closing chapter of this age, looking forward—always—to the glorious Kingdom of God that lies beyond this descending time of darkness and sorrow!

Our opportunity is exceeded only by the responsibility that accompanies it, and to that end, let me close with the words of Jesus Christ—our instructions for bringing hope in our time, the end of the age: “‘Let YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven’” (Matthew 5:16).

In Christ’s Service,

David J. Harris

Letter to the Brethren – April 8, 2008

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

We have just finished our annual conference for 2008, and we would like to thank all of you who prayed for its success. When reporting about last year’s conference, we wrote the following in our letter, dated February 21, 2007:

“Do we realize how much this world is in utter confusion; how close we are to the return of Christ; and how great our responsibility is to do the Work of God—the most important activity anyone could be involved in? But do we really understand that Christ will only return, when the true gospel of the Kingdom of God has been preached and when His wife—His true Church—has made herself ready (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 19:7-9)?”

As we did last year, so we focused again during this year’s conference on our all-important duty and two-fold commission to preach the gospel and to feed the flock. In reflecting on what has been accomplished during this past year, we were encouraged to continue and excel with even more energy and zeal. Whatever God grants us to do, we must never forget to give Him all the credit and glory. We thought you might be encouraged as well when focusing on what has been accomplished since the 2007 conference, and what we are planning to do in the near future.

We advertised several of our booklets on the Internet, and we will continue to do so. Due to the receipt of over 1,200 requests, we will soon have to reprint one or more of our booklets. We also intend to advertise on the Internet some of our Biblical Q&A’s (close to 300 so far), which we publish in our weekly Updates.

Our weekly StandingWatch Internet video programs are posted on, or linked to our own five Websites, as well as Google Video and YouTube. It is planned to post the programs with several more Internet video sites. We have also begun to post Norbert Link’s one-hour-long video sermons on Google Video, as well as some of Edwin Pope’s video-taped sermons. Several new booklets have been published since the 2007 conference, including, “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days,” and “The Sacrificial System and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness.” Our 27th booklet, “Is That in the Bible—Man’s Holidays and God’s Holy Days,” is being printed and will be distributed shortly. We decided to produce several additional booklets in 2008.

In the international areas, we will begin producing German StandingWatch Internet video programs and French audio Internet programs. Several German translations of our booklets were completed and posted on our different websites. We have posted German translations of seven booklets, with the translation of the 8th booklet nearing completion, and we are presently working on a German translation of another booklet. We also decided to purchase new equipment to facilitate the task of sending out requested audio-recorded sermons.

As you can see, we don’t intend to “retire” in the Work of God, even though immediate tremendous “success” in terms of growing numbers by leaps and bounds may not be that obvious. We must never forget that it is God who plants the seed and gives the increase. We also know that His Word will not return “void” or without results (compare Isaiah 55:10-11). Notice the following statistics:

On average, over 400 people visit our sites each day. We have received about 1.5 million “hits” since our conference in 2007, and about 150,000 “sessions” (Sessions refer to people who are reviewing our posted material in more detail). Within the last six months, people from at least 67 different countries reviewed our material in “sessions.” Actually, the number of countries is much higher, as the origin of about 80% of all sessions cannot be determined. These figures do not include those who view our StandingWatch programs and sermons, which we are posting with other Internet sites. For instance, our StandingWatch programs were viewed on Google Video and YouTube over 64,000 times.

God’s Work—however seemingly small and insignificant—IS going into all the world to proclaim the good news of the soon-coming Kingdom of God, and God’s zealous and dedicated people, wherever they may live, ARE and MUST BE involved in this all-important task, in whatever way they are able. As we approach the Passover season, it might be a good idea to evaluate or examine ourselves by asking the question as to HOW DEEPLY we are involved in God’s Work. Is it ALWAYS in our prayers and thoughts? Do we HUNGER and THIRST for God’s righteousness—in our own lives, as well as in the lives of our brethren, relatives and friends? Do we LONG for the arrival of God’s Kingdom to replace Satan’s evil world of hate and accusations with God’s LOVE, MERCY and UNCOMPROMISING TRUTH?

We have emphasized many times that the degree of overcoming and conquering our own sinful nature is in direct proportion to our involvement in God’s Work. If we are indifferent about God’s all-important mission to His Church, then, chances are, we are not REALLY interested in overcoming sin. The reverse is true as well. If we are not really interested in FIGHTING our sinful nature and the evil influences in this society; if we are not REALLY warring against and rejecting wicked spirits in high places (Ephesians 6:12); if we are not REALLY working on restoring and maintaining good and peaceful relationships with our brethren and fellow man; if we are not REALLY heeding Christ’s COMMAND to reconcile with one another, by dealing with an offended brother or sister in a private and humble manner, rather than telling the whole world EXCEPT the one who has or is offended (Matthew 5:23-24; Matthew 18:15); then we are NOT REALLY focusing on participating in preaching the GOSPEL of God’s Kingdom and uplifting and “feeding” His flock.

THAT would be a terrible indictment. It might very well prevent us from partaking of the Passover in a worthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:27; compare 1 Corinthians 11:17), and it might destroy OTHERS and US in the long run (Galatians 5:14-15), blinding us to God’s Way of Life (compare 1 John 2:6-11).

Dear brethren, co-workers and friends, the loving Work of GOD MUST be central to our lives. We might not be able to work DIRECTLY as employees of the Church, but we ALL can and should help in our individual capacities to HASTEN the coming of the LORD (compare 2 Peter 3:12). God did call us in this day and age to HELP in the furtherance of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15). He did NOT call us just for our individual salvation. We have a job to do, and the better we do it, the more abundantly our entrance into God’s everlasting Kingdom will be supplied to us (compare 2 Peter 1:11).

And so, let’s all get behind the Work of God of preaching the gospel and feeding and caring for the Church of God. Let us be about our Father’s business (Luke 2:49). Much work is ahead of us, and it isn’t always “easy.” But if we are faithful in “little things,” then our labor will not be in vain—and our REWARD will be “full” and “great” (2 John 8; Luke 6:35).

With brotherly love,

Norbert Link

Dave Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

Letter to the Brethren – March 5, 2008

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

It is hard to believe that next month baptized members of the Church of God will be keeping the annual Passover. Time seems to pass by so quickly, which is exactly the reason why God tells us in His Word that we should examine ourselves at this time of year, prior to Passover. God knew full well that if we did not have these annual stop signs or periods of time to reflect on His great master plan and our own development in Christian growth, we would soon forget about His whole plan of salvation for mankind—Passover being the very beginning step. If we get caught up in our jobs, work, pleasures and cares of this world, it is easy to forget what God’s plan is all about.

Just as some who have left the faith find that in a very short while, they no longer recall when to keep God’s Holy Days and they no longer understand biblical principals associated with those Days, we too could find ourselves in the same position, if we are not careful. God, knowing human nature, designed in His wisdom a way by which we could bring to remembrance the practices God has instituted, reflecting the Truth of His teachings.

Baptized and converted members of God’s Church are admonished not to take the Passover in an unworthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:27). This requires a mental search to see how our standing is with God and also our fellow man. This “soul searching” must be followed by the eradication of those personal sins which are discovered during the search. Such eradication has been made possible through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ who died for us so that we could live. Upon repentance of our sins and believing that His Sacrifice was necessary, but also sufficient to pay for the penalty for our sins—which is ETERNAL death—we will obtain forgiveness, and God will cast away our sins—never to remember them anymore. Christ, who led a sinless life, died for all of us. The weight of all sins of mankind, including our personal and individual sins, was laid upon His shoulders, to be removed from us and carried away by Him—if we allow Him to do this.

What Christ DID for us, what He IS doing for us today, and what He WILL do for us in the future, has been pictured and portrayed in astonishing ways in the Old Testament sacrifices and the ancient tabernacle under Moses. We are pleased to enclose herewith, for our American and Canadian readers, our newest booklet, titled “The Sacrificial System and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness.” This booklet has already been sent to our readers in the UK. We would encourage all of you to study this booklet prior to Passover, and to reflect on the lessons which are explained therein.

I retired last August, but for many years prior to retirement, I was subjected to a yearly performance review by my company. All of us should give ourselves an annual spiritual performance review at this time of year to determine whether we have gone forward or backward, or whether we have been standing still since the time of the last Passover.

To help us to conduct a successful personal review and self-evaluation, we have set forth below a few areas to consider. Only we can and should answer these vital questions for ourselves. We should not even try to answer them for others:

How is our relationship with God? Do we feel closer to Him or further away, keeping in mind that sin acts as a resistance in our efforts to maintain open communication with God. It sets up a wall or obstacle in the relationship with God. It impedes our ability to have open and clear communication with our Creator. Are we being faithful in prayer, Bible study, fasting and meditation? Are we drawing closer to God, as admonished by James in James 4:8, or are the cares of this world, our jobs and entertainment taking on a wrong priority in our lives?

Are we focused on the fact that we have a collective responsibility to preach and publish the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14)? The proclamation of the Gospel message includes the beautiful Truth that God will send Jesus Christ back to this earth to establish the Kingdom of God and to rule with the saints for a thousand years, during the Millennium. Are we following God’s command to faithfully and regularly tithe from ALL of our increase, and to give Holy Day offerings seven times a year on each of the seven annual Holy Days, to help meet the requirements of the task set before us? Are we loyally serving in whatever capacity God has laid before us in that goal—be it speaking, writing, volunteering our time for the many different tasks at hand, without expecting something in return, and praying for the success and economic prosperity of the Work so that we can fulfill our collective commission in a way pleasing to God?

How is our relationship with our fellow man, our spouses, our parents, our family members, our landlords and tenants, our employers and employees, our friends and our neighbors? Are they glad and pleased to have us around? Are we honest in our dealings with others and willing not to always get the best deal? Are we lights in a dark age—examples worth following? Are we working together as husbands and wives, supporting one another, encouraging one another and working as a team towards the goal of entering the Kingdom? Men, are we loving our wives (Ephesians 5:25), and wives, are you respecting your husbands (Ephesians 5:33)? Children and teens, are you obedient to your parents in the Lord (compare Ephesians 6:1)?

These are just some of the areas we should be looking at before Passover. We are sure that there are other areas which we could and should think of, pertaining to our own personal lives. Immediately following the Passover are seven Days of Unleavened Bread, which picture removing sin from our lives. “Seven” denotes perfection in the Bible. We must strive to remove sin perfectly and completely from our lives, replacing it with the righteousness of God. All of this is symbolized by our refraining to eat leaven for seven days—picturing sin in this context—and by eating instead for that time unleavened bread, picturing righteousness (compare 1 Corinthians 5:6-8). To help you prepare for the Festivals of Passover and Unleavened Bread, we recommend that you review (once again) at this time our booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days.”

Let us make every effort to thoroughly examine and evaluate ourselves. Actually, we should do this constantly, throughout the year (2 Corinthians 13:5), but it is extremely important to do so at this time of year. It should and will help us to facilitate a smooth relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ our Savior, and also with our fellow man.

In Christian Love,

Rene Messier

Letter to the Brethren – January 8, 2008

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

The year of 2007 has now passed, complete with the usual end-of-year spending and excess, which was just a continuation of what has become the norm in many nations around the world. However, financial clouds on the horizon, emanating primarily from the subprime mortgage crisis in the USA, cast a cloud over the normal festivities. Subprime lending is, put simply, the act of approving mortgages to those with a poor credit history at higher than normal interest rates, and many have found it impossible to meet their commitments, with the result of foreclosures and associated problems. In addition, the housing market has cooled significantly, which also brings along another set of problems. Add into that mix the ever-spiraling personal debt situation, and the prospects are less than encouraging. Because of their position on the world stage, whenever there are problems in the USA, these are reflected in the world economy, and the UK and continental Europe, and even countries in Asia, are feeling the same set of pressures. Recent figures in the UK have shown that personal debt has doubled since the year 2000.

In spite of all this gloomy economic news, the end-of-year’s festivities continued unabated. Little, if anything, stops the world from going about its pursuit of the material. The world’s holidays that it has just “enjoyed” have only served to fuel the economic problems as personal spending, much of it on credit cards at high interest rates, has become par for the course and is expected at this time of year. Traders have become reliant on significant turnover and if this trend was reversed, then another set of problems would arise, with many firms going out of business. What a mess! Wherever way you look, you cannot escape the inevitable conclusion that the world economy is in a dreadful state.

Nevertheless, so many seemed to put these considerations to the back of their minds in their relentless pursuit of the “now,” which is indicative of man’s way. Prophecy clearly shows that before Christ’s return, the problems that we now see in every corner of society will increase to such an extent that if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved alive (compare Matthew 24:22). Worse, much worse, is to come, and we have been warned over a number of years.

How blessed are members of the Church of God to have been given the knowledge of the Creator’s true Holy Days—not those that the world keeps and which have no meaning for our eternal destiny. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, said in late December that in the Christmas story there was certainly nothing to prove there were three wise men or that they were kings. He said that the only reference to the wise men from the East was in Matthew’s gospel and the details were very vague. He argued that Christmas cards which showed the “Virgin Mary” cradling the “baby Jesus,” flanked by shepherds and wise men, were misleading. As for the scenes that depicted snow falling in Bethlehem, the Archbishop said the chance of this was “very unlikely.” In a final blow to the traditional nativity story, Dr. Williams concluded that Jesus was probably not born in December at all. He said: “Christmas was when it was because it fitted well with the winter festival.” But having acknowledged all of that, did he state, as the leading minister in the Anglican world, that Christmas should not be kept? No, he still gave his annual Christmas message and does not understand, let alone preach, the plan that God has for all of mankind.

A high-ranking official of the Roman Catholic Church, “Monsignor” Marini, even stated that the cross is a symbol of “Christ’s death,” and is given high prominence during the midnight Christmas Mass, as Christ is “the east, the sun that rises.” Pope Benedict wrote that the cross can serve as an interior “east” of the faith, when a direct turning toward the east is not possible. However, the Bible condemns the worship of the sun—or of Christ as the sun—rising from the east (compare Ezekiel 8:15-17).

Bad news and religious confusion are a theme in this world wherever you look, but God’s Word, when properly understood, clearly reveals a time when all of the bad news that floods the airwaves on radio and television and which is a staple diet of newspapers, will be a thing of the past. After Christ’s return, pictured by the Feast of Trumpets, the Millennium of His rule will not have continuous bad news. The pagan festivals of so-called modern Christianity will be no more. And all of these present woes will be replaced by a time when there will be no subprime mortgages, no reliance on continual house price rises, no spiraling personal debt and no false religion.

The only way out of this is reliance on God and the establishment of His Kingdom here on earth. That is why we ought to pray, “Your kingdom come” (compare Matthew 6:10). Man does not have the answers, irrespective of the brilliance and intellectual ability of so many in high office. And behind the scenes, our arch enemy, Satan the devil, is whipping up problems at what seems to be an ever-increasing rate. But again, one of God’s Holy Days, the Day of Atonement, reveals the time when his malevolent influence will be no more! These wonderful Holy Days are central to our understanding of the plan God has for mankind. In just over four months, we will be keeping the Passover, and we need to diligently prepare for that profoundly meaningful occasion. Then, over the following six months, God’s wonderful plan, revealed in His Holy Days, will unfold with the removing of sin from our personal lives right up to the time of the Great White Throne Judgment, which answers questions that the world’s religions, including mainstream Christianity, simply cannot answer.

At this time, the world goes about its business without any of this wonderful knowledge. By keeping a series of uncoordinated days that do not reveal any meaning for the future of mankind, they are blinded to the reality of the potential total extinction of mankind that is, surely now, not that far away—if it weren’t for Christ’s intervention and the “shortening” of these terrible days soon to come! But we have been blessed with true understanding, and we must make sure that, unlike so many who once understood, we don’t let this knowledge slip or fade away. It is a matter of our death or our life—of death and final destruction for the unrepentant wicked, or of the glorious fulfillment of life for eternity in God’s Kingdom for those who obey God.

We have the best of both worlds. We do not get entangled in the ways of this world—which have recently been exemplified by the Christmas and New Year activities that only generally lead to unhappiness—and we have had revealed to us a future that will be greater than anything our minds can conceive. The book of Revelation reveals in chapter 21 that God will dwell with His people (verse 3); that He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying and no more pain (verse 4); and that those who overcome shall inherit all things (verse 7). A future of joy and untold happiness awaits us—not the transient pleasures that the world enjoys but which often have hidden and tragic consequences. What a future we have in store if we remain steadfast and loyal to God and His Way to the very end!

With Christian love,

Brian Gale

Letter to the Brethren – December 10, 2007

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

It’s Christmas time again. No matter where you may live in our “civilized” Western world, you can’t help but noticing it. Christmas carols are being played non-stop in supermarkets; friendly-smiling merchants wish you a “happy Christmas,” and televised religious broadcasts and services proclaim and repeat endlessly the Christmas dream of peace and good will for all men.

Yet, before and after Christ’s life and death as a human being, we have had insurmountable problems, violence, hatred, wars, destruction, holocausts and crimes against humanity. Surely, if it had been God’s intention to have His Son replace war with peace about 2,000 years ago—to make this world a better place then—He would have really done a miserable job.

The truth is, this is NOT yet God’s world, and Christ was not born into the world to bring peace to it. In fact, He said that He came at that time to bring the sword. Not a literal sword, of course, to be used by His disciples—but He came to preach the Word of God, which is a divider between truth and error. He came to call just a few during this day and age to show them the right way of life—and to empower them to live that way. But those who did receive Him would find themselves to be “outcasts” in this world—rejected and despised by men, and persecuted even to the point of death.

Christ came to announce peace to the world—but not to enforce it. He proclaimed peace by preaching the gospel, and He has commissioned His Church to continue in this endeavor until He comes back. However, it is not just any gospel of man’s choice. There is only one gospel, but there are many counterfeit “gospels.”

The Christian world especially has been saturated with gospel messages. There seems to exist a “gospel” for just about everybody’s taste and preference. We have heard of the gospel of grace, the gospel of salvation, the gospel of peace, the gospel of repentance, the gospel of faith, the gospel about Christ—and even though all of these aspects, if correctly understood, are part and parcel of the true gospel, they themselves are NOT the gospel that Jesus Christ came to preach.

The Bible tells us what that gospel is—it is the gospel (the word “gospel” means good news or glad tidings) of the KINGDOM OF GOD. Christ preached it; the early apostles preached it; and the Church of God is to preach it until the very end of this age.

Most have no idea what the Kingdom of God is. They don’t know when it will be established. They may think it is already here. And even some—or many—of those who once knew the truth, have allowed that precious knowledge to slip away from them. They have begun instead, to embrace the worldly concepts of peace and good will for all men at this time. They have fallen into the trap of observing Christmas. But even apart from its pagan origins and its lust for monetary gain, merchandise and the uncontrollable desire to spend money and to receive gifts, Christmas contains another wrong Biblical message—the false concept that Christ came 2,000 years ago to set up the Kingdom of God, and that He brought at that time peace and happiness for all men. We know that He did neither, because the world today is surely not a happy and peaceful place.

Man will only begin to experience true and lasting peace when the Kingdom of God has come to this earth. Many parishioners of different churches may pray daily, “Your Kingdom Come,” but they don’t seem to realize what they are actually saying. Instead, they may believe that it already has come. But it is still FUTURE. It has not happened yet.

Do you know what the Kingdom of God really is—and who is and will be in it? Our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God,” explains this topic in much detail. Please request a copy if you don’t have one. And if you have read the booklet in the past, you might want to re-read it.

In short, the Kingdom of God is the Government of God, to be established on this earth. The Government of God will enforce Godly laws—including the spiritual Law of the Ten Commandments. Man will be taught to keep God’s Law, and when he does, he will experience peace and happiness.

All the wars of this world result from man breaking one of the Ten Commandments, which says, “You shall not kill.” When Christ returns, He will teach man the way to peace—and men will exchange their destructive weapons of violence and war for instruments of agriculture and other useful tools, which won’t be used to harm anyone.


But the gospel or good news of the KINGDOM OF GOD is more than just the message about the Government of God. It also contains the good news that the Kingdom of God IS the FAMILY OF GOD. But it is not a “closed” Family. The gospel message includes the understanding as to WHO will be in the KINGDOM or FAMILY of God—WHO will RULE the world, by implementing and executing the Government of God.


Right now, the KINGDOM or FAMILY of God consists of two Spirit beings—God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son. The Holy Spirit is not a Person or a Spirit BEING—rather, it is the power and the mind of God, emanating from both the Father and the Son. But, the Kingdom or Family of God is GROWING. It already has, at this point, begotten, but yet unborn children. We are already the children of God and the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, IF the Holy Spirit of God dwells in us.

But we are not yet BORN into the God Family, because as long as we are flesh and blood, we cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. However, when Christ returns, we will be resurrected (if we died prior to that event) or changed (if still alive at that time) from mortal to immortal. We will then be Spirit beings—like God the Father and Jesus Christ are Spirit beings. We will then be God beings, as the Father and the Son are God beings. We will have become a PART of the Kingdom of God.

It is THAT message which the Church of God must preach today! It is the gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD—that it is man’s potential to become God; that God’s Spirit-begotten children will become born-again members of the Kingdom or Family of God; that they will become KINGS and priests, ruling over human beings by executing the Government of God. The Kingdom or Family of God will rule over this world, but man, as long as he is in the flesh, will not be IN the Kingdom; only those who will BE God will be in the Kingdom of GOD—who will have been BORN AGAIN into the Family of God. And when the God Family rules over this earth, THEN—and ONLY then—will this world begin to experience true and lasting peace.

Christmas will not be taught or observed anymore. Christ will be recognized and worshipped as the living and most powerful KING over all the earth—not as a helpless little baby in the manger or a dead Savior on the cross. He will RULE over man—and you have been called today to prepare for that time, so that you can rule with and under Him.

We pray that, especially during this time of year, God will give all of us the strength and wisdom to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, knowing that so many of men’s customs and traditions will pass away, while the TRUE light of Godly understanding has already begun to shine into our hearts.

In Christian love,

Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – November 12, 2007

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

In the big picture of world events that are surging forward and fulfilling prophecies that other generations have only wondered about, how does all of this relate to each one of us?

What does God expect of us?

It is so easy to get caught up in the events of the moment—all of the myriad of things that occupy our time. And without question, we all have responsibilities to our families, to our work, to personal necessities—to our place in life!

We each must ask ourselves a most vital question in light of how we are living our own life, day by day. That question is, “Am I READY, NOW, for what is ahead?”

This is our area of responsibility! When Jesus presented the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), the contrast was between a profitable servant and one who was unprofitable. At the crux of this presentation was an absolutely key principle that we must be faithful with what we have been given.

Consider what we have been given. We have been called into the truth of God (John 16:13;
2 Thessalonians 2:13). In that calling, we have access to the Father through the living Jesus Christ—our Savior and High Priest before God. We have the promise of eternal life (John 10:28). Other people in this world just don’t have this same opportunity—at least, not yet (John 14:16-17). We must not take this incredible relationship lightly!

How can we be profitable servants in fulfilling our part in this relationship? One way is to make sure to communicate—talk to God in prayer. If we do that and if we make prayer an ongoing priority in all that we do, then we can truly walk with God (1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Timothy 2:8; Ephesians 6:18).

Another measure for us is overcoming. Christians must live a life of overcoming sin. In each message to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus very specifically says that the one who overcomes will receive what has been promised. We need to approach overcoming sin relentlessly! Without a close awareness of God and His will for us, we will stumble in this task.

How about God’s Word? What part does it play in our life, or is it merely reserved for the occasional reference? We all know that deeply studying the Bible brings us closer to God (2 Timothy 2:15, Authorized Version). Let’s not wait to make the Bible an active part of our lives; rather, we need to overcome even in this matter. Remember, as well, to ask God to open up His Word so that we can understand (Luke 24:32, 45; Acts 16:14).

Haven’t we heard all of this before? Yes, we have, and we all need to be reminded of our responsibility before God in these matters. When we grow weary of these very basic parts of our calling, we are placing ourselves in mortal danger!

Brethren, our conviction of you is that you are being profitable servants of God. We see the fruits in your continuing loyalty to the Work of God and in your mutual love and concern for one another in the Church. Thank you for that! We say with Paul that we are “confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). But at the same time, we are admonished to be even more diligent to make our calling sure (2 Peter 1:10). As Paul continued with such admonishment in his letter to the Philippians, so do we: “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11).

Keep doing what you know you are called to accomplish! Let’s all commit ourselves to be even more zealous as true servants of God! We need to become ready NOW (Revelation 19:7; Luke 12:40; compare Luke 1:17)! We need to focus, and be praying NOW for the Work of God; for our brethren; and for God’s protection and our endurance unto eternal life—especially during the terrible times just ahead of us (Matthew 9:38; Colossians 4:3; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; Luke 21:36; Jude 20-21).

It is, after all, what God expects of us.

In Christ’s Service,

David J. Harris

Letter to the Brethren – October 17, 2007

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

What a truly great Feast of Tabernacles 2007 it has been! We can confidently say that God did bless His people tremendously—physically and spiritually—who assembled this year in Florence, Oregon, and in Derbyshire, in Great Britain.

We are quoting below excerpts from Feast reports which we published in their entirety in our recent Update (#313):

Excerpts from Brian Gale’s Feast Report 2007 from Great Britain
“… the Global Church of God Feast site at Chatsworth House in rural Derbyshire in the Peak District National Park, had a very pleasant spell of good weather that greatly enhanced the enjoyment of a wonderful Feast with just a very small amount of rain… This year we had eleven different speakers who gave a wonderful and varied helping of spiritual food… These messages were designed to instruct and motivate members about the wonderful future that God has promised for His faithful people in the Kingdom of God. How blessed we are to have such precious knowledge and to spend eight days in being instructed in what lies ahead.

“Members who had not toured Chatsworth House in previous years were encouraged to do so… Other activities included a sumptuous Feast dinner, a social evening with a beetle drive and a pictorial quiz showing church members and world famous figures when they were young, with much fun guessing who was who… A coach tour of this beautiful area was also arranged, and this historical and beautiful part of the UK was appreciated by all who took advantage of this trip…

“It is hoped that next year, the Feast of Tabernacles will again be held at Chatsworth House and all who wish to worship in peace and harmony are welcome to attend…”

Excerpts from Norbert Link’s Feast Report 2007 from the United States
“The Church of the Eternal God celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles this year in Florence, Oregon. We had scheduled an interactive outdoor Bible study with a bonfire on the beach on Friday evening, September 28, but learned that a fire ban was in effect. So, we prayed for a little bit of rain on Friday morning, and it did rain enough to lift the fire ban and permit us to have our bonfire and a very deep discussion about personal conviction… In addition, we prayed hard for sunshine on Monday afternoon, October 1, for our scheduled out-door Family Barbeque. God granted us the desires of our hearts on that occasion as well, and we enjoyed clear blue sky throughout our activity, even though the weather forecast for Monday was 100% rain.

“We could witness God’s mighty and loving hand throughout the Feast. Besides the above-mentioned activities, we enjoyed a Talent and Game Night and a Masquerade Dinner Dance in Driftwood Shores’ beautiful banquet room, where we also conducted services throughout the Feast. In addition, several brethren visited the famous aquarium in Newport, enjoyed horse-back riding and four-wheeler rides, or had just a very good time eating, fellowshipping and renewing friendships.

“Highlights of the Feast included the ordinations of Eric Rank as Deacon and Phyllis Bourque as Deaconess; as well as the blessing of two little children (Talus Harris and Nicolas Bruno). Everyone enjoyed the live performances for special music, including vocal solos and duets, as well as performances by the children’s choir, the men’s quartet and the entire choir. A variety of speakers addressed numerous aspects of the Feast of Tabernacles and related lessons… This was truly a great Feast, and many commented sadly how quickly it was over. Without doubt, God DID bless His people abundantly in Florence, Oregon.”

And so it WAS truly a remarkable and richly blessed Feast of Tabernacles 2007!

But now the Feast is over, and we must all fight against the discouragement of having to leave behind
a foretaste of the Millennium and returning to this Satanic world. With the realization that we are back in this evil rotten present world may come disillusionment. This is even more a distinct possibility
when we consider that we are facing a period of six long and dark winter months (in the Western hemisphere)—until the beginning of a new year (on April 6, 2008, according to God’s Holy calendar), and the commencement of God’s Spring Holy Days (with the keeping of Passover in the evening of
April 18, 2008).

During the intermediate months, the “Christian” world will be celebrating the dreadful pagan and demonic holidays of Halloween (October 31); the “Christmas” festival (December 25) and man’s New Year (December 31/January 1); as well as the “Easter” festival (March 23, 2008), when a deceived “Christianity” will honor Satan and his evil spirits, as well as man-made idols such as the sun god Baal, erroneously thinking they are worshipping Jesus Christ in the manger or dying on the cross, or a Trinitarian “God” of “One Person in Three Persons.” That entire time ahead of us is surely a period which every true Christian would rather escape from, by fleeing to “a deserted island”—just to get away from the evil influences which seem to gain in strength and magnification during the time before, during and shortly after those Satanically inspired holidays.

But we must not give in to the “after-Feast-let-down-syndrome,” nor must we allow ourselves to become so much involved in the affairs of this world that we slowly forget the messages heard and the lessons learned at GOD’s Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus did not take us out of this world (compare John 17:15)—rather, He sends us into the world (compare Matthew 10:16) to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all nations (Matthew 24:14)—the wonderful truth that He will return and set up the KINGDOM of God on this earth—something we have thought about and celebrated for eight days during the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.

The Feast foreshadowed for us how this world will look like in a very few years from now. But we also know that Christ will NOT return UNLESS the GOSPEL is preached first (Mark 13:10). There are many “gospels” which are preached these days—but there is only ONE TRUE Gospel which NEEDS to be preached (Galatians 1:6-9). God has revealed the MYSTERY of the true GOSPEL message of the Kingdom of God to His Church (Ephesians 6:19-20)—while He has HIDDEN it from the rest of the world (Mark 4:10-12)—including from all those hundreds and thousands of churches, sects and denominations which may call themselves Christian, but which are NOT part of the true Body of Christ.

Dear brethren, co-workers and friends, God has given us the awesome privilege AND responsibility to participate in the most important Work on earth—to HELP and ASSIST in the proclamation of the TRUTH of God—the soon-coming restoration of the government of God here on earth. The Feast of Tabernacles reminded us of that awesome future and our present duties. Let us not forget and drift away from what we have learned—but let us, with renewed strength and energy, band together to DO the Work!

Let us ALL continue with being about our “Father’s business” (compare Luke 2:49).

With the love of Jesus Christ,

Norbert Link

Dave Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

Letter to the Brethren – September 5, 2007

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Dear Brethren and Friends:

It is hard to pick up a newspaper or listen to or read the news, and not hear about more killings in Iraq; more unrest in Afghanistan and India; more fighting and violent murders in various nations of Africa; and, of course, terrible crimes in the USA, the UK, Canada, and all over the world.

Even nature—the weather—has been acting very strangely—with floods in parts of India, China, Europe, the UK and the USA. We hear comments like, “This is the worst rain since 50 years.” In the town of Summerland where I live, 63 millimeters of rain fell in two hours, setting an all-time record since rainfall has been recorded here. These unusual worldwide rainfalls have produced floods which have adversely affected literally hundreds of millions of victims—not just a few thousand. People wonder and shake their heads, but the truth is, we, the whole earth, are under a curse for turning our backs on God and for rejecting His clear commands of how and when to worship Him on a daily, weekly and annual basis.

Yet the Bible, God’s inspired Word, is very clear on how and when to worship the Creator God—so, in a sense, man is without excuse for disobeying Him. But we do understand that Satan, the god of this world, has blinded the eyes of most of mankind so that they simply cannot understand the truth, including how and when to worship God. For instance, God’s weekly and annual Holy Days are outlined in numerous passages, including the 23rd chapter of the book of Leviticus.

This month designates the beginning of God’s Fall Holy Day season (compare Leviticus 23:23-44). We are instructed to keep four annual Holy Days in the Fall. All of these have great meaning for us and are a vital part of God’s plan for mankind. Let us briefly review them (For an in-depth study, please make sure to review our newest booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days.”).

This year, the Feast of Trumpets—the first of God’s annual Fall Holy Days—will be celebrated on September 13 (beginning with sunset or evening on September 12). This Day pictures the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in power and glory, to rule this earth for a thousand years. Christ will return at the last trumpet, as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. The Feast of Trumpets also pictures the resurrection to immortal life of the faithful saints of God—including righteous individuals of the Old Testament, some of whom are mentioned in Hebrews 11, as well as true, converted Christians who lived since the time when God poured out His Holy Spirit on the New Testament Church on the Day of Pentecost. It is a time when God’s saints shall put on immortality, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:51-54. This body must put on incorruption. As part of the true saints of God, we shall be changed to immortal God beings, ruling with and under Christ for a thousand years on this earth, and then on to eternity. What a glorious occasion that will be. When Christ returns, we shall see Him as He is today, in His glorified state.

On September 22 is the Day of Atonement. It is a time to afflict our souls with fasting, giving us an opportunity to draw closer to God and reflect on the meaning of this day. It pictures the putting away of Satan the devil—freeing man from the negative influences he has on this earth—and chaining him, that is, restricting his access to God’s creation for a thousand years. (However, at the end of the Millennium, he will be let loose for a season, as outlined in Revelation 20:2-3, 7-8). Without his negative influence on mankind during the Millennium, man will be freed from his spiritual blindness, caused to a large extent by Satan’s deceptions, and truly be able to live in peace and harmony with one another. The Day of Atonement symbolizes the event when mankind can receive atonement with God—when the sins of mankind for which Satan bears responsibility, will be placed back on his head.

On September 27 is the third of the four Fall Festivals—with the first day being a holy convocation or an annual Sabbath. This period is called the Feast of Tabernacles, and it lasts for seven days. These seven days picture the thousand-year rule of Christ on the earth, with the help and assistance of the saints, as kings and priests (Revelation 5:10). At that time, we will have an opportunity—on a grand and unrestricted scale—to restore the government of God on the earth, and to teach all mankind God’s laws, including the weekly and annual Sabbaths. The earth will have to be renewed and prepared for the resurrection of the vast majority of mankind. It will be a resurrection to physical life, which the last Festival pictures.

On October 4 is the last of the Fall Festivals, called the Last Great Day. It is so called because it pictures the opportunity for all mankind who lived and died prior to the Millennium, and who will be resurrected after the Millennium, to accept God’s laws and ways. Isaiah 65:20 indicates that man, who was not called to really understand the truth in this day and age, will be given a period of one hundred years, to become converted and qualify for God’s gift of eternal life. Mankind will be taught by God, during that Great White Throne Judgment period, and man will have to make the decision to either follow God’s ways or the ways of Satan’s rebellion and disobedience. Those who become converted and qualify, will be changed to immortality; and those who reject God and His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, will be burnt up in the lake of fire. It will be their second death from which there will be no resurrection (Revelation 20:12-14). They will simply cease to exist, with no more consciousness, life or individuality. Thankfully, we are persuaded that most will choose life and salvation, and an opportunity to enter the God Family as immortal God beings, as opposed to choosing eternal death.

These Fall Holy Days encompass the final stages of God’s master plan for mankind. We should be grateful for the knowledge of these days and also for the opportunity to keep them at their appointed times.

God has a perfect plan for mankind, and we are privileged at this time to both understand and to be a part of that plan. So, let us look forward to these days with zeal, enthusiasm and anticipation—yearning for the time when we will have a part in fulfilling their ultimate meaning in the Kingdom of God.

With Christian love,

Rene Messier

Letter to the Brethren – August 1, 2007

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

So many have forecast the end of the age (or world) over the course of the last 2,000 years and, to date, everyone has proven to be wrong. I have a book on this very subject and the author takes over 350 pages to discuss a mountain of information from around the world about failed prophecies from a myriad of different sources. This book, published in 1996, asked “What is it about the advent of the year 2000 which propels millions of people in the direction of apocalyptic belief? Why should Christians who know perfectly well that Christ was not born in AD 1 attach such importance to the calendar change? Even more strangely, why should the prospect of a new millennium quicken the pulse of millions of non-Christians? Belief in the approaching End of Time, we shall discover, is not the exclusive preserve of placard-waving prophets of doom. It is one of the great driving forces of history.”

Of course, the Church of God has long understood the need for Christ’s return, because such an event is clearly prophesied in the pages of God’s Word. The founder of Christianity spoke about His return to this earth in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, and the fact that there have been so many dates given by so many people (all of which, to date, have inevitably been wrong) doesn’t nullify the inevitability of Christ’s return.

Until relatively recently in man’s history, the factors that must be in place at the time of the Second Coming were simply not there. But in the year 2007, can we be sure that this much awaited event is not that far away? In Matthew 24, Jesus talks about the “coming of the Son of Man,” and He states in verses 32-33: “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors.” In verse 36, Jesus says: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” We may not know the exact “day and hour,” but we can discern the times in which we live and understand that Christ’s return surely cannot be that far away.

We have long understood the “day for a thousand years” principle, and this gives us a perspective that, until in more recent days, was just not applicable. Very few people in the world today understand God’s master plan of salvation where He has allocated approximately 7,000 years to fulfill His purpose for mankind. The first 6,000 years are allotted to man, allowing him to attempt to rule himself, followed by 1,000 years of Godly rule over this earth. In 2 Peter 3:8 the apostle Peter states that “… with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” We are right at the end of the “six days” (six thousand years) where man has shown himself to be utterly incapable of ruling in a Godly way. The seventh-day Sabbath pictures the soon coming 1,000 year millennial reign of Christ after His return.

In addition, it was not until the 1950’s that weapons of mass destruction were of such magnitude that they were capable of destroying all human life from off the face of the earth, which is a condition that would have to be in place at the end of the age. Matthew 24:21-22 states: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” That general time frame has now arrived.

In Revelation 11:7-9 we are given an insight into the killing of the two witnesses which occurs just before our Lord’s return to this earth: “When they (the two witnesses) finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified (Jerusalem). Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves.” Until more recent times, this would simply have not been possible, but through the marvels of television, video cell phones and live computer feeds, this will enable the dead bodies of the two witnesses to be seen in every corner of the globe.

Also, the passage quoted above speaks of the “beast”—a charismatic political leader to arrive on the world scene just prior to Christ’s return. That personage is the representative of the last or tenth resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire. History tells us that nine resurrections have already occurred, and that the tenth and final revival is happening right now in Europe. Scripture reveals that this last resurrection will only exist for a short time (“one hour” in Biblical terminology, compare Revelation 17:10, 12). For more information, please read our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.” This fact alone—that the last revival of the ancient Roman Empire is occurring right now in front of our very eyes—shows us that Christ’s return is imminent.

Money markets around the world are now so financially interconnected and reliant that a significant problem in one country can have serious repercussions in other nations. The fall of Babylon is related in Revelation 18 where the world mourns its fall and the merchants state that “in one hour she is made desolate” (verse 19). In previous times, business moved at a much slower rate, but today, the world is instantly connected and things can move at a pace that make the head spin and can involve the whole world in a way that has never been possible before.

In the UK this summer we have had severe floods and terrorists attacks. The nation is in unprecedented levels of debt. Family life is under severe threat with promiscuity, perversion, all manner of sexual sins, abortion and a massive decline in decency and morality. And this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding ungodly behavior, and it is not confined just to the UK. Wherever you look, there are huge problems as man’s continual descent into a moral abyss is happening at a frightening pace. How much longer can the very patient Creator God let all of this go on?

How blessed are the members of God’s Church who have been given the priceless calling out of this sick world and the blessing of such knowledge of the future that God has in store for us!

In just over a month’s time we will have the wonderful opportunity to keep the Feast of Trumpets about which the world knows nothing and, therefore, will ignore, but which we understand foreshadows the return of Christ to set up the Kingdom of God on earth (Our new booklet “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days,” which is enclosed for readers in the USA and Canada, explains this in detail). This is not a Jewish feast but it is one of the “feasts of the LORD” (Leviticus 23:2). We were never promised an easy ride and mockers were predicted at the end time (Jude 18). But the joy of knowing that this marvelous event cannot be that far away should be a thrilling experience and one that we should look forward to with all our heart. The words of Jesus in Luke 12:32 say it all: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

All the signs of our generation indicate that this event is not too far away! Keep watching! Be ready! Jesus Christ will indeed return to this earth—just as He promised!

With Christian love,

Brian Gale

©2024 Church of the Eternal God