Letter to the Brethren – August 15, 2006

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Dear Members and Friends:

In July, the sun shone frequently in the UK, and we experienced the hottest month on record since records were kept in 1689. The World Soccer Cup seemed to grab most people’s attention, and there were a number of other major sporting events. In addition, many were looking forward to their annual holidays or had recently enjoyed some time away. With this backdrop, it can be easy to see why many people can be lulled into a false sense of security with a supposed “feel good” factor. While the news contains daily information on world events, the crisis in the Middle East, for example, can seem so far away. It’s over there and doesn’t affect us, can be the feeling. But we know that the Middle East is to be a focal point in end-time prophecy, and the killing continues as the tiny nation of Israel fights the Hezbollah terrorists who strategically and deliberately position themselves in public areas, so that innocent bystanders are caught up in the mayhem.

Last Thursday, the 10th of August, details of the security operation emerged which foiled an alleged terrorist plot to blow up flights from Britain to the USA. The UK woke up to this big news story, and many who were scheduled to fly across the Atlantic found themselves stranded for some time in the wake of massive security restrictions. Reality set in with many people. Significant problems were suddenly more localized. Messrs. Blair and Bush were in constant contact while on vacation, according to official sources. This was big news both sides of the Atlantic. To try and blow up several airplanes surely identifies the mind of Satan who, as the Bible clearly tells us, is the “prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2). Much more could be written on this matter, but suffice to say that this sort of activity must bring us all up short and remind us of the times in which we live.

Apart from the ongoing terrorist threats, many nations are concerned with the belligerent approach of North Korea and Iran over nuclear weapons. We live in an ever increasingly interdependent world where problems in one part of the world can significantly impact the rest of the world. The financial markets are such an example. Problems on Wall Street or the Far East can impact the London Stock Exchange where financial markets are so closely aligned, and terrorist activity can have grave financial repercussions. Recent problems with oil production in the USA caused concern with the price of oil again increasing. Many countries enjoy a good standard of living, but morality continues to slide with a modern replication of the problems that caused the demise of Sodom and Gomorrah. The world’s evils continue apace, and we must be aware of what is going on. Wherever you look, there are significant problems. In a way, that in itself is nothing new, but it is an accelerating situation (see 2 Timothy 3:1-4). We live in a world that is on the edge

Letter to the Brethren – July 19, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

Just as God has said, all will reap what they have sown! This world has written its history in blood; in the painful suffering of both the guilty and the innocent; in the destruction of mighty civilizations; and, now, in a blind rush to its own eventual annihilation. God inspired the prophet, Isaiah, to write: “Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; Wasting and destruction are in their paths” (Isaiah 59:7).

We are in a time when we hear of wars and rumors of war—among the very conditions spoken of by Jesus Christ that would begin to signal and then usher in His return to this earth (Compare Matthew 24:6).

Our generation is seeing globalization emerge as a reality. Prophecies in Daniel speak of our day: “‘But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase’” (Daniel 12:4).

As never before, people can travel to places all around the world. In ways not even dreamed of just a few years ago, communication through cell phones and the computer Internet has exploded into our daily lives! An international space station along with hundreds of man-made devices, currently occupy orbits around the earth.

Many nations now enjoy an unsurpassed abundance of everything—yet, along with all of these marvelous wonders of our day, God’s ringing indictment finds its fulfillment in Isaiah’s words: “The way of peace they have not known, And there is no justice in their ways; They have made themselves crooked paths; Whoever takes that way shall not know peace” (Isaiah 59:8).

Paul explains WHY this world suffers in its own misery in spite of the stunning technological advancements mankind has made: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Sin brings about consequences. Sin pays its way, and its way ends in death! (Compare Romans 6:23).

All are accountable to God! We all have the freedom to choose our own path in this life—whether our way is obedience or disobedience to God (Compare Deuteronomy 30:11-20). In that choosing, we must remember that there are certain outcomes for us: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

To place all of this into our own perspective, consider what Jesus taught in Matthew 16, verses 24 to 27: “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.’”

We find ourselves living in the tumultuous times that have been the focus of prophecies in the Word of God—prophecies of the end of the age of man’s self-rule. Likewise, we face a period in which Satan will be allowed to exercise great influence over the earth. He will soon empower wicked leadership described as “the beast” and the “false prophet” in the Book of Revelation.

The Church of God has an ongoing job to continually warn of these impending events. The Church is to preach the same good news delivered by Jesus Christ—the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Through the remarkable technological advances to which we have access, though small in numbers, we are able to faithfully teach the truth of God.

We have been called at this time for more than our personal salvation—for more than just our own protection in the days ahead! We bear a responsibility to answer our calling by living as ambassadors to this earth of a heavenly kingdom (Compare 2 Corinthians 5:20). We must not, as Christians, allow ourselves to get caught up in the political affairs of this world. Rather, we must work the work of God in whatever capacity He has placed us—as His servants.

The march of prophesied events is closing in on this world—and on the Church of God! We must pray more fervently for God’s strength to complete the work given to us by Him. Continue to do all that you can—especially, ask God to open the way for us to have our message heard.

Abruptly, the nations of this earth will find themselves at the end of this age! These will be terrible and fearful times for all. Stay close to God—closer in every aspect of your life! Remember, we will also reap what we sow! Let it be the fruit of eternal life in the glorious Kingdom of God.

In Christ’s Service,

J. Edwin Pope

Letter to the Brethren – June 9, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

I recently watched a video production by the “Living Hope Ministries,” titled, “Called to Be Free.” The broadcast featured numerous present leaders of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG), as they gave testimony about their adoption of doctrinal changes after the death of the Church’s late human leader, Herbert W. Armstrong, in 1986. I know personally many of those who speak out on that tape, and even though I am very well aware of the changes, which prompted and forced me, and many others, to leave WCG, I became first angry and then sad when listening to the taped “testimonials” and “confessions.” (To clarify, the Bible does allow for righteous indignation in certain circumstances, compare Ephesians 4:26; 2 Corinthians 7:11; Mark 3:5).

I became angry at first when I heard one man call Mr. Armstrong a false prophet and a heretic, and when several others belittled or mocked the original teachings of the Church, calling the Church under Mr. Armstrong a cult and implying that they had to be freed from the “slavery” of Mr. Armstrong’s “errors.” I became angry at first when some falsely alleged that those who did not embrace the changes refused to accept them, without even considering them. But then, I began to feel sorry for those who exclaimed with joy that they were no longer under the “yoke” of the law—that they were now under grace, which freed them from any duty or obligation to keep the Sabbath or the Holy Days, and that they were now free to accept the Trinity and to pray to the Holy Spirit. I felt sorry for them, knowing that God will not hold those guiltless who mock Him and His Word (compare Romans 6:15, 23; Galatians 6:7-8).

I listened to the current leader and his personal assistant stating that they had to accept the many Scriptures showing that the Holy Spirit is God and a Person. However, I can’t recall that they ever gave ANY Scriptural proof for this claim, even though they desperately TRIED to “come up with something.” I remember listening to the week-long lectures of one (believed-tobe) “Greek scholar” in WCG, during which he very clearly stated that the Trinity, as taught by the Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant churches, was wrong. He did not teach the Roman Catholic concept of One Person in Three Persons (which is really an old pagan concept). Rather, he taught the Greek Orthodox understanding of the nature of God—which holds that there is only one God Being, who always consists in three modes of being or Hypostases (which is another old pagan concept). I hasten to add that that Greek-Orthodox teaching of the Trinity is equally as heretical as the Roman Catholic and Protestant Trinitarian teaching.

The Biblical TRUTH is simply this: God is a FAMILY, presently consisting of Two Persons or God Beings—the Father and the Son, while the Holy Spirit is not a Person nor God, but it is, rather, the mind and the power of God. And it is the potential of man to join the Family of God, by becoming born-again members of the God Family—something today’s WCG does of course not believe anymore, either.

The false Greek-Orthodox teaching of the so-called “Greek scholar,” which the leadership embraced and imposed on the WCG membership, raised all kinds of unanswered questions (one WCG minister called it, “Unfinished Business,”), such as, who was Jesus Christ? If God is only one being, consisting always in the “modes” of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and if Jesus was the Son, then the Son (Jesus) did not die, as God cannot die. This would mean, you and I have no Savior! Later, WCG changed their original heretical Greek Orthodox teaching of One Person in Three Hypostases, by adopting the equally heretical Roman Catholic belief of One Person in Three Persons, without EVER attempting to “prove” this “switch” from Scripture. When I asked a longtime WCG minister about this “switch,” he responded in his unique way: “This change has never been explained.”

But we DO explain in our free booklet, “Are You Already Born Again?” who and what really brought about the recent apostasy in WCG, and why. You might want to review the true history of WCG’s changes, by reading pages 30-34 of our booklet. We show how one seemingly minor doctrinal change led to the next change, until virtually EVERYTHING that we once believed had been—intentionally and purposefully—demolished and replaced by a counterfeit—a wrong gospel message—which, of course, is not another, but those who had come to power in WCG became successful in perverting the true gospel of Jesus Christ (compare Galatians 1:6-7).

THAT is the reason why it is SO important that we do NOT compromise in doctrine, even in seemingly little things. That is why we are NOT to be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine (compare Ephesians 4:11-16). That is why we are NOT to have itching ears, to embrace human fables—such as the “Trinity,” Christmas, Easter, or Sunday worship, while rejecting the Truth of God (compare 2 Timothy 4:1-5). The bitter lesson of the past must teach us—those who have stayed loyal to the truth and who have not bowed to the pressure from false teachers—that we must not give in one iota to wrong doctrine.

God’s true Church just celebrated the annual Holy Day of Pentecost. On that day in 31 A.D., God’s Holy Spirit was given to the New Testament Church (Acts 2:1-4). God’s Spirit enables us to OBEY the Law of the Ten Commandments, which God pronounced to ancient Israel on the Day of Pentecost, according to Jewish tradition. God’s Spirit is a Spirit of TRUTH (1 John 4:6; compare also 1 Peter 1:22). God’s “true worshippers” must worship God the FATHER in spirit and TRUTH (John 4:23-24). When we begin to compromise and to REPLACE the truth for the lie and ERROR, then we become disqualified to continue worshipping God in TRUTH.

THAT is why I began to grieve for those poor souls who may think that they are “free,” while they have become again the slaves of error and deception (compare Romans 6:15-16, 20-21). May God, in His great mercy and compassion, show them, in His due time, the TRUTH and give them a willing and repentant heart to accept it, and let us also pray that God will continue to keep US far from the doctrinal ERRORS of this world.

In brotherly love,

Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – May 10, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

We are called “the elect.” Take a moment and consider what that means. God has chosen to call us in this lifetime; He has made our salvation possible by sacrificing His Son, Jesus Christ, for our redemption; He has resurrected our Savior and given us His Holy Spirit, which is our promise and guarantee of eternal life!

In a world that is devoid of truth and which now faces the stark consequences of its own rebellious ways, we have this reassurance from God through Jesus: “‘For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened’” (Matthew 24:21-22).

The “elect” spoken of here literally means the “chosen ones.” We are special to God, because we are the sons of God—begotten by His Holy Spirit but not yet born of that Spirit.

For now, God is not calling everyone to understand His plan for mankind. Rather, we see that it is the few—and we few are certainly not the ones this world would choose (Read the first two chapters of 1 Corinthians to see why we are among the elect of God).

Jesus Christ is also spoken of as God’s Chosen One: “‘Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him…’” (Isaiah 42:1).

Being the elect of God places us in the position to be among the firstborn in God’s Family—to become brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ in the everlasting Kingdom of God. This is outlined in the book of Romans: “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified” (Romans 8:29-30).

Understand that just as God bound Himself to Abraham and his descendants (compare Hebrews 6:13-20), so has He committed His unbreakable promise to us—His chosen ones. Here is how Paul addresses this assurance we have: “Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect and the acknowledgment of the truth which accords with godliness, in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began” (Titus 1:1-2).

But God’s promise to us is CONDITIONAL. God will not break His promise, as long as we do OUR PART. You, brethren, are God’s elect! You are in the company of those called, chosen and faithful of God, who are recorded in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews.

These men and women were faithful in what God asked of them. They persevered with unyielding faith, because they looked to the future—to eternal life and not just to the temporary goals of this lifetime (Compare Hebrews 11:35). And so it must be with each of us!

Our hearts, our priorities, our very lives must be centered on pleasing God. You might ask yourself whether your life is focused on that goal. If there is something that causes you to stumble, face it squarely. Take it to God! You see, being the elect of God, we also have access to Him. We can go to God through Jesus Christ, our High Priest, Who can help on our behalf (compare Hebrews 4:14-16; 8:1; 9:12-14, 24).

Finally, as the people of God—as His elect, remember to stay grounded in the love of God. Here is a reminder from one of the apostles concerning how the elect should conduct themselves: “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:10-11).

Now, for some exciting developments in our mutual work: Our newest booklet, The Mysteries of the Bible, by Norbert Link, has been included with this mailing to those in Canada and the United States. This booklet will serve as the basis for our first Public Bible Lecture for this year, which is being conducted in Fort Collins, Colorado, on May 21, 2006. Evangelist Norbert Link will present the theme of this booklet to an open audience.

In addition, we are sending new Holy Day calendars (Also available on our web page: eternalgod.org)

A stirring new introduction has been created for the StandingWatch program (standingwatch.org). This video program is now being featured on Google Video, and we anticipate that these presentations will lead people to want to learn more about the message they are hearing and seeing.

Brethren, remember that God hears His people, His elect—pray earnestly for the Church of God. Pray for God’s help as we seek to reach out with His message of hope. Pray for the return of Jesus Christ and for God’s Kingdom! Pray for one another.

In Christ’s Service,

David J. Harris

Letter to the Brethren – April 3, 2006

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Dear Brethren and Friends;

This past Thursday, March 30, was the first day of the first month of a new year according to Godís reckoning of time. This first month of the year is called Abib or Nisan. In just nine days we will be observing Passover, that being the 14th day of the month of Abib! Of course, the Passover service will begin Tuesday evening, shortly after sunset. Following the day of Passover, at sunset, begin the Days of Unleavened Bread. These are most important days for you and for me; but for most of the world, these days have little or no cognitive meaning! Most have no idea of the significance of these days; and many who seemed to have once understood have lost sight of the true importance God places in these days!

While many in the world have inculcated the Christian name in their religion, and have adopted many of the stories of the Bible in their teachings, they have rejected many of the most significant teachings of the Scriptures which keep one in tune with God’s overall purpose for mankind. In so doing, they fail to understand the wonderful promises God has made to those who truly incorporate His Way into their lives!

At the same time, many who have adopted the name “Christian,” observe days which God has not established to His honor. Note Paul’s admonishment to the Galatians, found in Galatians, chapter 4: “But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? You observe (pagan) days and months and seasons and years” (Galatians 4:8-10).

Yes, many who seemed to have understood over the past 50 years have now turned back to those things from which God has called us. Again, note Paulís warning to the Galatians, in Galatians chapter 1: “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed” (Galatians 1:6-9).

Just as many in the Church of the Galatians reverted back, many in God’s Church today have turned back to the ways of this world, rejecting God’s Truth and following men who have portrayed themselves as ministers of Jesus Christ, but failed to walk in the Way of God. Paul continually warned the brethren in each of the Church areas where he traveled of the extreme danger of falling back into the ways of this world because of deceitful men who would lead God’s people astray! And, of course, Satan never lets up on his attack of the people of God!

While the holidays of Christmas and Easter do not in any way honor the True God, the first two festivals of God’s sacred year–Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread–are filled with significance for the people of God!

The Passover, itself, is most significant for you and for me in the overall Plan of God!

Historically, it was observed in reference to the passing over of the death angel of all the homes which were protected by the blood of the slain Passover lamb applied to the doorposts of the homes; and, without this protection, all firstborn in the house were slain. This was true throughout the land of Egypt! (Compare the entire 12th chapter of the book of Exodus). This event was symbolic of Christ, our “Passover lamb,” slain for you and for me (Compare John 1:29- 34; 1 Corinthians 5:7). The shedding of Christ’s blood was for the forgiveness of all of our sins. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin (Hebrews 9:22). Such forgiveness allows for the opportunity for one who is living by Christ’s faith in him (Galatians 2:20, Authorized Version) to receive eternal life with God the Father and Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God!

We have come to understand that once one accepts Jesus Christ as his/her Savior, with Christ’s blood covering such a person’s sins, and upon repentance, baptism, and the receiving of God’s Spirit with the laying on of hands by God’s minister, that person must now live his/her life in a manner pleasing to God, striving to walk as Christ walked. We must let Christ live His life in us, through the Holy Spirit of God, as we are told in Romans 5:10: “For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved BY HIS LIFE.” In so doing, we overcome sin in our lives and put it behind us. This is pictured by the Days of Unleavened Bread!

Upon reviewing these first two of God’s Annual Festivals, one can readily see the tremendous meaning which is included in each of these festivals. Each and every one of God’s Festivals is filled with such meaningful information. And as we observe and study each of these festivals, we learn even more about God and all He has planned for His people who remain faithful to Him and to His Way!

To have a complete synopsis of each of God’s seven festivals, be sure to obtain a copy of, and to study carefully, our free booklet: “God’s Commanded Holy Days”! It is imperative that we have a thorough understanding of all of God’s days and of His festivals, since we find in them the overall Plan of God, of which we must never lose sight!

In Christ’s Service,

J. Edwin Pope

PS: An article giving a summary of the Church Conference has been completed and will be submitted for publication in the Journal. We are publishing the article below for your information:

CEG Conference

The 2006 conference for Church of the Eternal God was held in San Diego, California, on March 10th through March 15th. Representatives from Great Britain, Canada and the United States participated.

A primary focus of this meeting centered on reports and future plans for the web sites sponsored by the Church: www.eternalgod.org; www.standingwatch.org; www.globalchurchofgod.co.uk; and www.churchofgodacf.ca. New programs that would advertise these pages are currently being implemented through Google Video and Google spot ads. The StandingWatch video program featuring Evangelist Norbert Link along with booklets, Q&A’s in print format, and the Church’s Updates will be highlighted in future ad presentations.

President and Chairman J. Edwin Pope presented other important matters involving specific administrative decisions to be considered surrounding doctrinal applications. Plans for future booklets were made, and Dave Harris and Norbert Link will be writing, among others, publications on biblical authority and prayer.

Additionally, public Bible lectures were planned with the first one taking place in Fort Collins, Colorado, during the evening of May 21, 2006. This presentation, by Norbert Link, is to be held at the Hilton Fort Collins facility, and will be based on our newest booklet, “Mysteries of the Bible.”

The local church, which meets in Ramona, California, hosted weekend activities for the conference attendees. Visiting elders Brian Gale (Great Britain) and Rene Messier (Canada) delivered sermons on the Sabbath.

Letter to the Brethren – February 13, 2006

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

In about eight weeks, baptized members of the Church of God will be taking the Passover which is an annual celebration of the death of Christ. It is a somber reminder of the sacrifice that our Lord and Savior endured on our behalf. Although not a Holy Day in itself, this will be the beginning of the Holy Day season when the first day of Unleavened Bread starts at sunset some twenty four hours later. How blessed we are to have been given the precious knowledge of God’s Master Plan of salvation for all of mankind, as revealed through His Holy Days (Please read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”).

As Passover is almost two months away, why am I raising the matter at this particular time? Here is the reason: We are to prepare diligently for each Holy Day season and we are particularly admonished regarding the Passover, to examine ourselves so that we may take it in a worthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:28). When should this self-examination begin?

Members of the Church of God have long recognized that God’s calling is to a life of obedience to His will, and that we are to keep His Commandments. This responsibility must never be taken lightly. It is a full time, twenty four hours a day commitment in a Christian life that must continue for the rest of our lives. We cannot give up part way through our lives, and we must endure to the end (Matthew 24:13); otherwise, we will not make it into the Kingdom of God. In this context I am reminded of that phrase “Quitting lasts forever,” and it must never apply to our calling.

Therefore, we must always be in a state of self-examination, but this intensifies as we approach the annual celebration of Passover. But how do we examine ourselves at this time? Everyone has to decide for themselves the “how,” but several suggestions, as noted below, may be helpful in focusing our minds on what needs to be done.

(1) First of all, an analysis of our strengths and weaknesses may initially be helpful. We can then see how well we have done, and are doing, in growing and overcoming as we are exhorted to do in 2 Peter 3:18. We could map out a personal program over the period leading up to Passover–and beyond!

(2) It may be helpful to review our booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.” The holiness of God’s annual Feast days is covered on pages 28-40.

(3) Previous articles that have been written about the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread may also be helpful in concentrating our minds at this time on self-examination. We recommend the review of the following articles: Update 224 on 1 Corinthians 11:29; Update 137 on Exodus 12:14; Update 141 on the Jewish Passover; and Update 88 on the Lord’s Supper.

(4) Live or audio sermons leading up to the Spring Holy Day season should also be an aid, and previous sermons covering this subject are available on our websites (www.eternalgod.org or www.globalchurchofgod.co.uk or www.churchofgodacf.ca). For anyone without Internet access who would like specific sermon tapes to other supplemental material, please contact our nearest office and we will be pleased to respond to your request.

(5) Specific reading of, and meditation on relevant passages of Scripture pertaining to this time of the year would also be helpful. You may want to review passages such as Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; Numbers 9; Exodus 12; Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 16; 1 Corinthians 5; and 1 Corinthians 11.

(6) You may want to allocate specific time for meditation. In our busy schedules, we can become so absorbed in our everyday activities with our family, friends, job, personal interests and health concerns, amongst other things, such that meditating on the tremendous and vitally important sacrifice of Christ can be forgotten and/or neglected until the last minute. However, the righteous person delights in meditation (see Psalm 1:2; 63:6; 77:12; 119:15; 119:99; 119:48; and 143:5).

(7) Fasting is another tool we can use. Humanly speaking, this does not come naturally to us, but is something that Christ said His disciples would do in His absence (Matthew 9:15). Christ fasted for forty days and forty nights (Matthew 4:2) and was able to overcome the wiles of the devil. Although we should not try today to fast for such a lengthy period of time, it would be good to set aside a day or two to fast, prior to Passover.

These are just some ideas, but the key is to get prepared. Developing our own plan of action for our Passover preparation can help us to approach this solemn time of the year in an appropriate and organized way that will surely be pleasing to God. It can help us to concentrate our minds in a way that might otherwise pass us by. It can also be used as a basis throughout the year as we strive to grow and overcome.

I asked earlier in this letter how we should examine ourselves. This has been addressed by the seven points listed above. While they are not exhaustive, they should, nevertheless, provide us with a good basis for our preparation. I also asked when we should start this process and the answer is: Immediately! By starting now, it gives us all a good lead in time to make better preparation for taking the Passover.

This is a time for introspection, self-examination and relying on God to help us in our puny efforts to overcome our human nature, the society which takes its toll on all of us and Satan, our adversary, who would love to take advantage of us (2 Corinthians 2:11).

We have the priceless privilege of being called into the true Church of God during this day and age, and we must do everything in our power to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). By planning well in advance to take the Passover in a worthy manner, surely God will be well pleased with our efforts. That should, and must be, our aim.

With brotherly love,

Brian Gale

Letter to the Brethren – January 12, 2006

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

As I write this letter, I am mindful of the fact that Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the late human leader of the Worldwide Church of God, has been dead for over a full time cycle of 19 years. As most of you will remember, Mr. Armstrong died twenty years ago—in the morning hours of January 16, 1986. At that time, I was working in the Worldwide Church of God’s Legal Department. Even though we had hoped and prayed that Mr. Armstrong would not die then, we also knew that, barring a miracle from God, he could die at any time. I remember the deafening silence, when we came to the office and heard the news, and I also remember how Mr. Tkach later that morning addressed all of the Headquarters’ employees, assuring us that he would follow in Mr. Armstrong’s footsteps. Of course, we are all too aware of the fact how miserably Mr. Tkach failed in that endeavor.

Mr. Armstrong was a remarkable man. I remember how he encouraged all of us in one of his last sermons to continue learning and overcoming. He asked the pointed question, “How much have you grown this last year?” (Compare 2 Peter 3:18). He also remarked that he had learned more that year–which turned out to be the last year of his life—than in all his previous years.

It is therefore sad that some teach, in effect, the unbiblical concept that since the time of Mr. Armstrong’s death, the Church of God cannot and must not grow in understanding. They falsely claim that Mr. Armstrong restored all knowledge to the Church, and that nothing can be changed since his death in 1986. They overlook that it is Christ who will restore all things (Acts 3:21). Mr. Armstrong would be the first who would, with his thundering voice, dismiss this totally unsound concept that we don’t have to grow in knowledge and understanding. He encouraged us to change, when we find error. He said that he was willing to continue to change, when he was proven to be wrong from Scripture. Those who think and teach that the fullness of God’s truth was restored to the Church during Mr. Armstrong’s life refuse to follow one of Mr. Armstrong’s most fundamental instructions—that of CHANGE when one is found to be wrong. We must change, when proven wrong by the Bible.

It is also very sad that some claim the Church does not have to preach the gospel anymore, as Mr. Armstrong allegedly completed the preaching, and it is somewhat appalling that they misquote Mr. Armstrong for that wrong concept. They fail to mention that Mr. Armstrong instructed the ministry to continue doing the Work. In his last member letter, dated January 10, 1986, he wrote that the “greatest work lies yet ahead.” He also said: “It may be that the Work God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God’s Church, which will be faithfully doing God’s Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns—God-s Work must push ahead.” Once again, Mr. Armstrong would be the first to dismiss, with his thundering voice, the concept that the Church should ever refuse to continue to preach the gospel into all the world.

It is somewhat amusing to me, but also very telling, that these kinds of claims seem to be made mainly by those who did not live at Headquarters during the last years of Mr. Armstrong’s life. They did not have the privilege of listening to Mr. Armstrong personally, and so they misconstrue statements from his writings, without knowing what Mr. Armstrong really felt and taught.

When thinking of Mr. Armstrong, I also think of his concern that we fully understand the deep meaning of the two trees in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8-17; 3:1-24). I must have heard him teach the meaning of the two trees in ten or more consecutive sermons, and he mentioned more than once that most who were hearing these sermons were “not getting it” and that they were not even converted. Subsequent facts have shown how right he was.

Mr. Armstrong also spoke and wrote much about prophecy. He understood that it is the Church’s duty to warn and to watch. But it was clearly understood that we are not to preach prophecy as an intellectual exercise. Rather, prophecy is to help us to see the signs of the times, for what they are, and to try to help others, as well as ourselves, to become better people. If we study prophecy—or the entire Bible, for that matter—for any other reason, we have failed to study God’s Word properly.

Many will remember that Mr. Armstrong was called an “ambassador for world peace” and “a builder of bridges between the nations.” He was even nominated at one time for the Nobel Peace Prize. From the very beginning of the work he was given to accomplish, Mr. Armstrong advocated peace—which is much more than just the absence of war. He worked for peace, and the preaching of the gospel or good news of peace (Ephesians 6:15) has everything to do with the coming of a peaceful world, when war will no longer exist (Isaiah 2:4).

There is much more that I could write about the legacy, which Mr. Armstrong has left us. Rather than misquoting him and inventing or clinging to ideas which are absolutely contrary to his very thinking—the very core of his being—let us respect him by following God’s lead. Mr. Armstrong is dead, but Christ is very much alive (compare Isaiah 63:16). The Worldwide Church of God, including its Headquarters facilities and Ambassador College, has been effectively destroyed. Those who were forced to leave the Worldwide Church of God organization, because of its doctrinal heresies, are scattered. However, the truth that was revealed continues to be taught and grows among those who are faithful to the Head of the Body—Jesus Christ! It is the living Christ who cleanses His Church and prepares it for His Coming (Ephesians 5:25-27). Those who follow Christ (Revelation 14:4) will have made themselves ready, when He returns. (Revelation 19:7).

In Christ’s service,

Norbert Link

Lettre aux membres 18 Mars 2004

Chers Frères et Amis:

Nous avons récemment terminé la troisième conférence annuelle des ministres et la saison de la Pâque approche. Les réunions, tenues à San Diego, ont commencé la soirée du 6 mars et se sont terminées le 10 mars, 2004. Les participants à la conférence étaient: M et Mme Edwin POPE; M et Mme Norbert LINK; M et Mme David HARRIS; M et Mme Rene MESSIER; M et Mme Brian GALE; Mme Margaret ADAIR; et M et Mme Wray ZEHRUNG. Ils ont représentés le Royaume-Uni, le Canada et les États-Unis.

Nos réunions étaient une réussite. Pendant la première partie de cette conférence, après avoir examiné les activités d’Internet de l’Église, nous avons fait des projets pour une nouvelle conception de notre site Web et pour augmenter son activité. Le programme “STANDINGWATCH,” qui est actuellement disponible sur le site Web de l’Église du Dieu Éternel (www.eternalgod.org), sera bientôt disponible sur un autre site qui est en construction (www.standingwatch.org). Ces programmes en vidéo, présentés par M. Norbert Link, mettent en lumière les informations concernant la prophétie et la vie chrétienne.

Nous avons également discuté augmenter le tirage de notre bulletin hebdomadaire intitulée ” Update, ” et des recommendations pour de nouvelles brochures. Notre plan est à publier cinq nouvelles brochures [en anglais] en 2004, abordant tels sujets comme l’autorité de la Bible, la guérison et la dîme. De plus, nous avons récemment pris des mésures concernant la sauvegarde de l’ordinateur et augmenter notre capacité de logiciel pour les assemblées du sabbat par l’Internet (www.cognetservices.org.) Nous avons rendu définitif les plans pour distribuer environ 75 réimpressions [en anglais] de la Question et Réponse et de l’Éditiorial tirés du Update par l’Internet et par la poste.

Nous avons abordé plusieurs questions doctrinaux, et nous avons fait des projets concernant des fonctions liées à l’Église qui auront lieu dans les prochains mois.

Mais maintenant nous arrivons à la Pâque, la première étape du grand plan de Dieu et la première des fêtes annuelles de Dieu. Dieu nous a ordonné d’observer cet évenement, qui représente l’ange de la mort parcourant le pays d’Égypte et accomplissant sa tâche, qui était de tuer les premier-nés et de passer par-dessus les maisons protégées par le sang de l’agneau de Pâque.

Nous comprenons la grande signification de cet évenement, que beacoup de gens appelés par Dieu au cours de notre époque ont appris; pourtant tellement de ces frères ont rejeté cette vérité à cause de la négligence et des enseignements faux. Dieu pensait d’un but précis lorsqu’Il nous a exigé d’être fidèles en observant ces évenements.

Dans le Nouveau Testament le Christ nous a ordonné de continuer à observer ces évenements chaque année, mais avec les nouveaux symboles qu’Il a établis, de sorte que nous n’oubliions jamais le sacrifice énorme fait par Lui et par le Père lorsque le Christ était sur cette terre comme un être humain.

Nous lisons cet ordre dans Luc 22:19-20 : ” Ensuite il prit du pain; et, après avoir rendu grâces, il le rompit, et le leur donna, en disant: Ceci est mon corps, qui est donné pour vous; faites ceci en mémoire de moi. Il prit de même la coupe, après le souper, et la leur donna, en disant: Cette coupe est la nouvelle alliance en mon sang, qui est répandu pour vous. ”

Plutôt que d’obéir le commandement de Dieu, beaucoup de gens observent la coutume païenne des Pâques, un festival qui n’est nulle part mentionné par le Christ ou par le primitive Église qu’Il a établie. La Pâque, aussi bien que les fêtes et les Jours saints de Dieu, sont expliqués en détail dans notre brochure gratuite, intitulée, “Les Jours Saints Ordonnés par Dieu.” [ Cette brochure est disponible en anglais et nous sommes en train de la traduire en français. ]

Comme mentionné, ni le Christ ni aucun des apôtres ou des disciples du Nouveau Testament n’ont jamais observé le festival païen des Pâques. Le Christ, les apôtres, et l’Église du Nouveau Testament ont observé la Pâque et ce fait est précisement révelé dans de nombreux endroits dans la Bible. Lisez Matthieu 26:17-19 :

” Le premier jour des pains sans levain, les disciples s’adressèrent à Jésus, pour lui dire: Où veux-tu que nous te préparions le repas de la Pâque? Il répondit: Allez à la ville chez un tel, et vous lui direz: Le maître dit: Mon temps est proche; je ferai chez toi la Pâque avec mes disciples. Les disciples firent ce que Jésus leur avait ordonné, et ils préparèrent la Pâque. ”

Cette observance a eu lieu la même soirée que celle de la trahison entre le Christ. Mais cela n’était pas quelque chose de nouvelle au Christ. Il a appris cette façon tout enfant. Nous lisons dans Luc 2:40-42 : ” Or, l’enfant croissait et se fortifiait. Il était rempli de sagesse, et la grâce de Dieu était sur lui. Les parents de Jésus allaient chaque année à Jérusalem, à la fête de Pâque. Lorsqu’il fut âgé de douze ans, ils y montèrent, selon la coutume de la fête. ”

Non, le Christ n’a jamais essayé de changer la Loi de Son Père. Il a observé donc la Pâque et tous les Jours saints de Dieu et Il nous a ordonné de faire pareil.

La Pâque et les Jours saints sont une partie importante de notre formation spirituelle et en les observant comme il faut, nous nous approchons un peu plus de Dieu et de Sa façon de vivre. Ils sont tellement importants à notre salut, chers frères et amis, et nous ne devons jamais nous compromettre en les observer. Commençons à réfléchir sur ces Jours saints et leur importance à nous pendant que nous nous préparons pour la Pâque et les jours des pains sans levain.

Au service du Christ
J. Edwin Pope

Rene Messier

Norbert Link

Brian Gale &

David J. Harris

Lettre aux membres 6 November 2003

Cher fères et amis,

En revenant à nos activités quotidiennes et en commençant à faire face à la saison à venir, après avoir apprécié immensément les fêtes d’automnes, nous devons maintenant supporter ces cinq mois qui viennent avant que les fêtes du printemps arrivent, et, nous ne devons pas être démoraliser dans notre poursuite à la Voie de Dieu dans nos vies. Il faut que notre but soit continuellement au premier rang de nos pensées, dont l’objectif est de voir le royaume de Dieu établi sur cette terre et notre rôle à jouer.

La doctrine de l’Église reste critique à la Voie de Dieu, mais pourtant tellement de gens semblent d’avoir abandonné les enseignements que nous avons reçus. La vie éternelle dépend de la saine doctrine conformément à la parole de Dieu. Nous devons prouver ces choses à nous-mêmes à maintes reprises et nous devons rejeter tout ce qui contredit ces vérités.

Paul s’adresse ces choses dans ses deux épîtres écrites au jeune évangéliste, Timothée. Paul a averti Timothée d’être certain que ceux sous lui n’enseignaient pas contrairement à la doctrine comme il avait été enseignée (1 Timothée 1:3-4). Il poursuit la même pensée dans 2 Timothée 3:1-5, où il a déclaré qu’au temps de la fin (de notre vivant) il y aurait ceux dans l’Église qui s’opposeraient ces enseignements et créeraient beaucoup d’ennui au peuple de Dieu.

Il faut absolument, frères, que nous ne soyons pas pris dans telles activités. Nous devons examiner et retenons la vérité de Dieu. Sa vérité ne change pas avec le temps! Dieu ne change pas (Malachie 3:6). Nous comme un peuple devons nous efforcer de rester fidèles aux enseignements que nous avons reçus. Satan nous tentera, juste comme il a tenté le Christ, car il veut nous voir échouer. Le Christ, cependant, est toujours revenu à la parole de Dieu en contestant les mensonges de Satan (Matthieu 4:1-11).

Nous vivrons nos vies, soit par les Voies de Dieu ou soit par les voies du monde. Le temps nous éprouvera dans toutes ces choses. Serons-nous fidèles?

Nous avons l’instruction précise au sujet de ces choses dans les prophéties du livre de Daniel. Nous pouvons lire une de celles-ci dans Daniel 11:32-35 : ” Il séduira par des flatteries les traîtres de l’alliance. Mais ceux du peuple qui connaîtront leur Dieu agiront avec fermeté, et les plus sages parmi eux donneront instruction à la multitude. Il en est qui succomberont pour un temps à l’épée et à la flamme, à la captivité et au pillage. Dans le temps où ils succomberont, ils seront un peu secourus, et plusieurs se joindront à eux par hypocrisie. Quelques-uns des hommes sages succomberont, afin qu’ils soient épurés, purifiés et blanchis, jusqu’au temps de la fin, car elle n’arrivera qu’au temps marqué. ”

Nous voyons l’instruction additionelle dans l’épître de Paul aux Romains, chapitre 6, versets 16-18 : ” Ne savez-vous pas qu’en vous livrant à quelqu’un comme esclaves pour lui obéir, vous êtes esclaves de celui à qui vous obéissez, soit du péché qui conduit à la mort, soit de l’obéissance qui conduit à la justice? Mais grâces soient rendues à Dieu de ce que, après avoir été esclaves du péché, vous avez obéi de coeur à la règle de doctrine dans laquelle vous avez été instruits. Ayant été affranchis du péché, vous êtes devenus esclaves de la justice. ”

Que sommes-nous prêts à supporter, frères, pour le prix de la vocation à ce que nous avons été appelés? Paul nous dit dans 1 Timothée 4:16 que nous devrions veiller sur nous-mêmes et sur notre enseignement. Si nous poursuivons dans la doctrine, nous sauverons nous-mêmes et ceux qui nous entendent. Sommes-nous engagés à cette Voie? Si nous avons honte de Dieu et de Sa Voie, aujourd’hui, le Christ aura honte de nous lorsqu’Il revient (Marc 8:38).

En parlant à Tite, Paul a remarqué que celui qui devait être ordonné comme un évêque doit être un membre ” attaché à la vraie parole telle qu’elle a été enseignée, afin d’être capable d’exhorter selon la saine doctrine et de réfuter les contradicteurs ” (Tite 1:9). Puisque nous avons tous été appelés pour apprendre à devenir des éducateurs de la Voie de Dieu, ces paroles de Paul s’appliquent directement à chacun de nous. Maintenant est le moment où nous devons apprendre ces choses.

Dans Tite 1, verset 16, Paul indique que ceux qui “font profession de connaître Dieu, mais ils le renient par leurs œuvres.” Mais, nous lisons de Daniel, même après qu’il a su un décret avait été signé contre lui en ce qui concerne sa fidèlité à Dieu il a continué à servir ouvertement Dieu, en Lui priant et rendant grâces, selon à son habitude (Daniel 6:10). Sommes-nous si engagés à Dieu et à Ses voies que nous poursuivrons à servir Dieu, même au point d’être prêts à perdre nos vies physiques pour cette Voie? Nous devons arriver à ce niveau d’engagement!

Maintenant est notre jour du salut, frères (2 Corinthiens 6:2 et 1 Pierre 4:17-18). Nous devons croître continuellement dans la Voie de Dieu et nous ne devons pas permettre les coutumes et les saisons de ce monde d’influer notre fidélité à Dieu et à Sa Voie. Nous ne devons jamais compromettre avec la parole de Dieu. Sans doute, dans le passé, nous avons tous péchés en transgressant la loi de Dieu. Pendant que le temps désigné s’approche, nous devons être plus ardent en s’engageant à Sa Voie!

Profitons des jours, des semaines, et des mois à venir comme un occasion d’apprendre encore plus de la Voie de Dieu et approchons-nous de Lui dans la prière et par le jeûne pour notre propre bienfait et au bienfait à tous ce qui peuvent nous contacter, qui doit ” combattre pour la foi qui a été transmise aux saints une fois pour toutes ” (Jude 3).

Dans l’amour chrétien,

J. Edwin Pope

Lettre aux membres 29 September 2003

Chèrs frères et sœurs et amis,

Dans cette troisième et dernière saison du grand plan de Dieu comme révélé dans Ses jours saints ordonnés, nous serons bientôt rassemblés pour observer ces fêtes annuelles profondément significatives. C’est l’occasion où nous commes les frères apparaissons devant Dieu avec un attitude réflétant la gravité aussi bien que les aspects joyeux ce dont attend toute l’humanité.

En particulière, c’est une occasion très importante pour les membres de l’Église de se rassembler en harmonie.

Comme jamais auparavant, ce monde est divisé. Dans Matthieu 24 Jésus a prophetisé de cette époque où la tromperie régnerait and il y aurait également des guerres, des famines, des pestes et des tremblements de terre. Il nous a également averti de la trahison et de la persécution pour ceux qui croiraient en et Le suivraient. Juste comme nous voyons maintenant, la vérité est accablée et la violence parmi les hommes et même en nature est à l’ordre du jour – toutes choses qui s’accentueront de plus en plus dans les jours immédiatement à venir. Évidemment, nous sommes tous d’une façon ou d’autre touché par ces choses.

Nous devons nous monter à la hauteur de ces événements. Quelque chose très importante pour nous aider à cet égard est d’observer cette fête de tout coeur – juste comme Dieu désire à nous. Frères et sœurs, lorsque nous considérons ce qui est arrivé au peuple de Dieu pendant les dernières décennies, nous savons que nous avons été bouleversés. En raison de l’hérésie doctrinal et de la confusion et d’un manque d’intérêt dans et d’ardeur pour la vérité de Dieu, la grande harmonie de premières années a maintenant menée à une dispersion du peuple de Dieu. Beacoup de passages précisent spécifiquement que ce devait se produire, mais noter le grand but ultime comme révélé dans Daniel 12:10 : « Plusieurs seront purifiés, blanchis et épurés; les méchants feront le mal et aucun des méchants ne comprendra, mais ceux qui auront de l’intelligence comprendront. »

Que nous comprenions ou non est reflété en partie par notre observance fidèle et continuelle du plan de Dieu de Ses jours saints. Particulièrement à notre époque où les frères sont littéralement dispersés dans le monde entier, ces jours sont des moments où nous pouvons nous rassembler pour établir une amitié profonde et l’amour fraternel. Naturellement chacun de nous a un rapport individuel avec Jésus-Christ et notre Père par le Saint-Esprit, mais nous devons également développer un rapport avec l’un l’autre.

Paul a expliqué ce besoin continuel de l’Église de Dieu de cette façon dans Éphésiens 4:13 : « jusqu’à ce que nous soyons tous parvenus à l’unité de la foi et de la connaissance du Fils de Dieu, à l’état d’homme fait, à la mesure de la stature parfaite de Christ. » Il explique ici le rôle et la responsabilité du ministère en tant qu’il se relie au corps du Christ – l’Église. Cependant, il continue pour faire cette remarque (verset 16) : « C’est de lui, et grâce à tous les liens de son assistance, que tout le corps, bien coordonné et formant un solide assemblage, tire son accroissement selon la force qui convient à chacune de ses parties, et s’édifie lui-même dans la charité. »

Alors, quel est votre rôle ou votre responsabilité individuelle? Pouvez-vous avoir un effet sur l’unité du corps du Christ? La réponse est oui – vous avez absolument un rôle en établissant l’unité dans le corps du Christ! Notez le passage précédent encore – « tous les liens de son assistance » et « à chacune de ses parties » Ces déclarations sont des balises de la compréhension aussi bien que des défis pour chacun de nous!

Alors, comment ceci se reliera spécifiquement à la période de la fête imminente – pour chacun de nous, individuellement? D’abord, nous devons venir avec le but d’être une partie unifiée du corps du Christ. Ensuite, nous devons faire ce que nous pouvons à ajouter à l’unité, et nous devons faire à tout effort d’éviter semer la désunion. Finalement, nous devons toujours suivre l’exemple de Dieu. Dans Jean 17, versets 11, 21 et 23, Jésus a franchement demandé au Père que Ses disciples éprouveraient l’unité que Lui et le Père ont eue. Verset 11 nous donne ce commentaire très perspicace : « Je ne suis plus dans le monde, et ils sont dans le monde, et je vais à toi. Père saint, garde en ton nom ceux que tu m’as donnés, afin qu’ils soient un comme nous. » Ce nom, le nom du Père, est dans l’Église de Dieu. Vous voyez, nous avons un rôle qui inclut notre rapport d’Église si nous sommes en train de devenir unifiés de même que le Père et Son Fils.

Juste comme nous sommes sur le point de nous rassembler pour dépeint les événements à venir du plan de Dieu, il est particulièrement opportun pour noter ce que Dieu planifie. Notez ce prophésie dans Ézéchiel 11:19 : « Je leur donnerai un même coeur, Et je mettrai en vous un esprit nouveau; J’ôterai de leur corps le coeur de pierre, Et je leur donnerai un coeur de chair. »

Encore, dans Jérémie 32:38-39 : « Ils seront mon peuple, Et je serai leur Dieu. Je leur donnerai un même coeur et une même voie, Afin qu’ils me craignent toujours, Pour leur bonheur et celui de leurs enfants après eux. »

Frères et sœurs, notre appel doit être une signe de cette chose même! Nous avons été donnés le Saint-Esprit de Dieu comme ambassadeurs de cette future façon comme indiqué dans la vie et l’œuvre de Jésus-Christ. Comme lui, nous avons un œuvre à faire – une grande responsabilité d’accomplir! N’oublions pas ou ne négligeons pas autre chose que Jésus a enseigné dans Matthieu 24. Verset 14, Il a dit : « Cette bonne nouvelle du royaume sera prêchée dans le monde entier, pour servir de témoignage à toutes les nations. Alors viendra la fin. » Pour que nous accomplissent efficacement notre partie de cette charte, nous devons être unifiés! Maintenant est un moment de renouvellement. Pendant que nous observons la Fête des Tabernacles et le Dernier Grand Jour, nous devons être toujours conscients du grand et préponderant but de l’appel de Dieu. C’est Dieu qui appelle chacun de nous! Faisons notre possible pour répondre à cet appel en servant l’un à l’autre et en cherchant à devenir unifié dans le lien de l’amour de Dieu!

Dans Éphésiens 4, Paul était inspiré à écrire que chacun de nous devrait « marcher d’une manière digne de la vocation qui vous a été adressée » (verset 1), et verset 3, ce défi :
« efforçant de conserver l’unité de l’esprit par le lien de la paix. »


Célébrons cette fête en réfléchissant à ce psaume de David : « Voici, oh! qu’il est agréable, qu’il est doux Pour des frères de demeurer ensemble! C’est comme l’huile précieuse qui, répandue sur la tête, Descend sur la barbe, sur la barbe d’Aaron, Qui descend sur le bord de ses vêtements. C’est comme la rosée de l’Hermon, Qui descend sur les montagnes de Sion; Car c’est là que l’Éternel envoie la bénédiction, La vie, pour l’éternité » (Psaume 133:1-3).

Frères et sœurs, il est notre désire ardent que chacun de vous puisse réjouir du fond du cœur devant Dieu et avec vos frères et sœurs pendant ces jours de la Fête de l’Éternel. En faisant ainsi, que vous ressentiez également la même l’unité que Jésus a demandé pour nous lorsqu’Il a établi l’Église de Dieu – une Église unifiée. Faisons ce que nous pouvons pour préserver cette unité éternel qui bien décrite le royaume merveilleux de Dieu à venir!

En service du Christ,

J. Edwin Pope

Norbert Link

David J. Harris

René Messier and

Brian Gale

©2024 Church of the Eternal God