Letter to the Brethren – June 18, 2019

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

Even those who are not familiar with or interested in biblical prophecy begin to realize that this world, as we know it, won’t be able to survive much longer. Scientists moved their doomsday clock to 2 minutes to midnight, with midnight designating a global catastrophe and potentially the end of mankind. 

Among the many threats to human survival, nuclear war and a bioengineered pandemic are listed as leading candidates. The growing threat to wildlife and millions of species is mentioned as well. We also hear about the real possibility of huge earthquakes striking many parts of the world, accompanied by tremendous tsunamis.

The eruption of the Supervolcano in the Yellowstone National Park with horrible consequences for large parts of continental America is also considered to be a real possibility. Even a devastating collision of the earth with a huge asteroid must not be dismissed outright, as such events have taken place in the past. 

Bible scholars know that God predicts many frightening events as a prelude to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But there have always been frightful occurrences in the past. Still, Christ has not returned. And so, we say in the introduction of our new free booklet, “How Can We Know that Jesus Christ’s Return Is Near?”: 

“Based on the upheaval at the time of Martin Luther, he believed that Christ would return soon, as did those who were plagued by the devastating Black Death. Strong earthquakes, heavenly occurrences, devastating natural disasters, famine, pestilences and great wars prompted many to believe that they would experience the soon-coming return of Christ. They all looked at certain signs and predictions, which were startling and frightening, but they did not look at the entire picture.”

We continue to ask these pertinent questions:

“Why do we feel that it is any different today? What specific world developments lead us to believe that Christ’s return is indeed near, and why are we confident that we are right at this point in time?”

The answers to these most important questions are fully explained in our new booklet, which we are enclosing with this letter. As we observe the fulfillment of major prophetic end-time events as described in our booklet, we KNOW that Christ’s Return is indeed very near. 

Let us face reality: The Return of Jesus Christ is the ONLY HOPE for this dying world and the survival of mankind. Otherwise, we would all be doomed. If Christ were not to return in OUR lifetime, no human being and no animal would survive! While terrible events are ahead of us, the GOOD NEWS is that Christ WILL return VERY SOON to end this present Satan-ruled evil civilization, and usher in God’s rule over and on this earth. 

Thanks be to God for that.

With Christian love,

Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – May 28, 2019

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends,

The subject of sustainability is being used a lot when talking about saving natural resources or referring to business practices. The word “sustainability” has the following connotations: “The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level, such as: ‘the sustainability of economic growth’”; or “the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance: ‘the pursuit of global environmental sustainability.’”

In essence, when something is sustainable, it means there is no fluctuation, but rather stability. In gardening, there is a concept such as sustainable gardening. This means, the food grown is not harming the earth, so no harmful pesticides are used or methods that will destroy anything in the long run. In a business sense, a business that maintains sustainable growth does more good than harm. Unfortunately in the United States and in many other countries around the world, we see absolute greed and corruption in order to obtain money and wealth. There doesn’t seem to be a care for sustainability in most areas. Some, however, have begun to realize now that things are starting to break down because of the practices that have been employed. But “too little, too late”, as the saying goes.

As Christians, we too have to have the concept of sustainability firmly in mind and rooted in our lives. We have to live our lives as if we had a lifetime ahead of us, while concentrating on being ready now for God’s Kingdom. And we must continue to learn how to sustain what we have, and apply the idea of growth as well.

Unfortunately, as human beings, we often fear change. It is easy to ignore what is uncomfortable and to wish to maintain our comfortable status quo. Obstructionist attitudes range from the denial of problems to indifference; to nonchalant resignation or to blind confidence in continuing to do the wrong things. We cannot fall into these types of mindsets.

Christ very clearly commands us to count the cost before we sign up to become Christians—before we commit to becoming baptized and walking God’s Way of Life. In Luke 14:28–33, Christ tells us: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.”

But this is also a warning for us to continue, no matter what. Yes, we sin; yes, we fail; but even though we should not sin, when we do and repent and turn to God, we can appreciate God’s great mercy and forgiveness, encouraging us not to give up; not to walk away because all appears to be too hard. We may be tempted to do just that, rather than digging in and working things out.

We cannot live this Way of Life without acknowledging that it takes constant effort and foresight. It is not easy to have a sustainable Christian life. It requires being willing to look at ourselves and to change. It requires being willing to stand out and be different in this world. It requires sacrifice and courage. It requires constant study, application of what we learn in the Bible, and prayer. It seems that these things would be easy to sustain, but when one has a full-time job, 40+ hours of work a week, children, and all the other issues that pop up in life, it can be VERY challenging sometimes. And it is then that it becomes even more important to focus on God.

There are so many warnings about this in the Bible. Notice for example Revelation 3:11: “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.” And 1 Corinthians 9:25: “And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.”

We must “hold fast,” “compete,” do everything possible to win. This is why we have warnings (2 Corinthians 4:8-11; Matthew 5:10-12; 2 Timothy 3:12; Philippians 1:29). But we also have much encouragement (Philippians 1:6; 2:13; Psalm 138:8; 1 Corinthians 1:8; Hebrews 12:2). There is no end to encouraging Scriptures, but they can be hard to appreciate in times of trials. We need to remember that trials are there to test us. We are to become purified and stronger, and God wants to see where we will turn. Will we turn to despair and sorrow? Will we wallow in self-pity and doubt, thinking maybe we are not good enough, maybe we can’t overcome our problems and deal with our issues? Maybe God really doesn’t care about us?

In order to sustain ourselves in this Christian walk, we must continue to study the Bible and to pray about all things. Philippians 4:6-7 says: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Ephesians 6:18 adds that we are to pray “always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”

Do we truly see and understand that there is nothing which ought to hold us back from sustainability and growth? Do we believe that? It takes a lot of faith and courage. We have come so far. Why would we want to quit now? When we look at the pain and suffering we have endured, we can become encouraged and draw strength from the fact that God has helped us in arriving where we are now. Yes, we will have much more to go through and to accomplish, but with God’s power in us, we can do this.

We have observed and celebrated the Feast of Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, and we are now looking forward to the Feast of Pentecost. Let us continue in strength and find the sustainability in our lives to concentrate deeply on the meaning of that next Holy Day, and then onward to the other Holy Days that follow. We are encouraged to push on, and we can do this with God’s help by remaining faithful, while our hearts and minds are fully rooted in the Truth. Then, we can pray with utter conviction: May God’s Kingdom come soon!

With Christian love,

Kalon Mitchell

Letter to the Brethren – April 30, 2019

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

The past several weeks have been a very busy and productive time. The annual Church Conference (2019) was conducted during the first week of April. Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Michael Link, Eric Rank, Robb Harris and Kalon Mitchell were the ministers who were able to attend. Meetings were conducted in Escondido, California.

Following a review of the Minutes for the 2018 Conference, summaries for activities in the USA, Canada, the UK, continental Europe, Australia and Africa were presented.

Many details were discussed regarding the various Church websites. We especially focused on upcoming promotions for our literature and how to improve our responses to the public. The past year has seen growth in responses to booklets being offered during Norbert Link’s English-language StandingWatch programs. Europe, in the German language, continues to see steady interest for the sermonette, sermon and AufPostenStehen postings and the offered literature. In fact, we have found it necessary to reprint several booklets.

We explored needs for further work on our French website—especially French translations of our English material. The need for Spanish translations and even websites was considered. Right now, German members translate our English booklets into German and also part of the Update each week to use for announcements during Sabbath services.

We had roundtable discussions regarding general questions pertaining to the prerequisites and requirements of ordinations; how to respond to baptism requests by either meeting the person at their location or having them come to a Church area; improving our administrative communications with one another; and plans for new booklets and Spring and Fall Feast arrangements for 2020. Additionally, we examined our overall approach to presenting our services over the Internet, with a reminder that especially in the English-speaking world, we are indeed standing in front of a potentially very diverse audience; and we reiterated our determination to preach the full counsel of God in a bold and unapologetic manner irrespective of whether others, including imagined or real splinter groups of the Church of God, like or reject what we teach.

Some of the topics we covered will become the source of future articles, sermonettes and sermons, and we all felt that there was depth and openness during our meetings. These annual Conferences really do serve to deepen our unity and to help in fulfilling God’s calling and the Work He has given us to complete.

Board Meetings for the Church of the Eternal God in the USA; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the UK were conducted in separate sessions. In these meetings, the annual income and expenses, including salaries, are being reviewed and approved by all Board members. Apart from constituting legal requirements by the respective governments, these Board meetings establish and confirm the way our organizations function in legal and administrative matters to meet governmental scrutiny and review.

This year, Brian and Jill Gale arrived from the UK a few days before the Conference and stayed in the US until after the Days of Unleavened Bread. Mr. Gale carried the responsibility for Passover in California and delivered a sermonette and several sermons during that time. He also recorded two sermonettes and two sermons in our studio to be played in future Church services. Rene and Delia Messier drove to the Conference from Canada; Rene gave the sermon on the weekly Sabbath; and the couple were able to visit some of the brethren on their return trip before conducting Passover services in Canada. Also, Kalon and Manuela Mitchell, along with their two sons, traveled to Oregon to conduct Passover, and Kalon presented the morning services on the First Day of Unleavened Bread.

Following the Conference, Norbert Link and Michael Link flew to Germany to conduct Passover services and observe the Days of Unleavened Bread with the brethren there. They gave sermons and other messages in German, while the local German ministry also delivered messages during those days. Along with conducting a wedding and counseling sessions, the ministry baptized two people during this time.

Following many months of legal challenges, we are pleased to announce that our Church organization was registered in Germany and that it has obtained tax-exempt status, effective January 1, 2020.

Brethren, thank you for your continued support in this Work—into which God has placed us all! Your prayers for the success of this Conference have been vital. Remember to stay strong and committed to God and His Church, because the time is short. In his last address in Germany before his return to the USA, Norbert Link mentioned that he hopes to see everyone again at the Feast of Tabernacles 2019 and that no one will leave before then. This kind of admonition has been given repeatedly over the years, and as far as we know, since the last Feast, only one person decided to leave the Church and return to the world… but even one person is one too many. Remember too, “we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another” (Romans 12:5).

In Christ’s Service,
(On Behalf of the Ministry)

Dave Harris
Director of US Church Administration

Letter to the Brethren – March 21, 2019

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Dear Members:

The time is approaching once again as we move towards an occasion and a decision that is the most important in our personal lives. Those of us who are baptized and became begotten Children of God—those of us who made at that time the lifelong commitment to be obedient to Him—will make the decision to take the Passover in a worthy manner. Yes, it is a choice, just as it was a choice we made to become baptized in the first place—just as God chose US to come out of this world, by revealing to us His perfect knowledge and His plan. That is why we are all here, because we have answered His calling (compare Ephesians 1:4-5; Romans 8:28-30).

Has our life been easier since last year or has it been difficult at times? Have we encountered trials? Have we thought about giving up? For some of us, this may be our first Passover and for others, this could be our 10th or 20th or 30th and more. But the number of Passovers we have participated in doesn’t matter. What matters is what we do right now and how we prepare for the Passover evening of Thursday, April 18, 2019.

We should put it into this perspective with the mindset that the Passover coming up should be the most important one we take, for we move forward in our goal to perfection. We are to improve ourselves, and when we take the Passover, we are given a clean slate in that we should live righteously, as God expects of us. We need to have the conviction in our hearts and our minds that we will improve, that we will live better lives. 

NOT taking the Passover would be a grave mistake. Finding excuses and reasons not to take it, based on personal problems, grudges that we may have with one another, which we find difficult letting go of, or whatever the case may be, shows that we aren’t strong enough to overcome. Not to partake of the Passover would be devastating for our eternal salvation. We would have no part with Christ (John 6:48-58). When we were baptized, we chose to overcome. We made that choice and were convinced that this is what we HAD to do. 

Do we really long for and pray for God’s soon-coming Kingdom or do we still doubt that it will come soon, in our lifetime? Our perspective on prayer, in what we pray for, should be just as important. We all want a better future, a future without pain, suffering, sorrow and worry, but rather one of happiness, joy and righteousness. That result begins with living a sinless life the best that we can. Although we are not perfect, we should be heading towards perfection in how we live. 

Removing sin in our lives is pictured in the days that immediately follow the Passover. For seven days we are focused on what we are not to eat during that time—that is anything leavened, as part of our God-given duty to keep the Days of Unleavened Bread as described, for example, in Exodus 12:14-20; 23:15; Leviticus 23:6-8; Numbers 28:17-25; and Deuteronomy 16:3-8. Rather, we are to eat unleavened bread during that time which pictures sincerity, truth and lack of hypocrisy (1 Corinthians 5:8; Luke 12:1). 

Before that, we make the effort to clean our households, cars and belongings by removing all leavened products, as during the Days of Unleavened Bread, leaven pictures sin for us. This goes to show us just how much effort it takes to remove sin out of our lives, and to do this on a continuous basis. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). That is why we need to be focused and prepared and pray always to God for strength so that we can overcome until Christ comes back to establish His Kingdom here on earth.  

The most important decision we have made in our lives is to follow God and to live HIS Way of Life until the very end, by DOING what He expects of us to do, what He has predestined for us before time began. We can’t even comprehend how incredible it will be in His future Kingdom; and what we observe today, by keeping the Sabbath and His Holy Days, gives us a foretaste of what is to come.  

But we have a job to do first, a choice to make, to continue to fulfill His perfect plan for us, and to hold on to our crown (Revelation 2:10; 3:11; 2 Timothy 4:8; James 1:12; 1 Peter 5:4). We must not throw our crown away or do anything which will cause it to be lost!  

With all of that in mind, we are wishing you a meaningful and spiritually rewarding Passover and seven Days of Unleavened Bread.

With Christian love,

Michael Link

Letter to the Brethren – February 15, 2019

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

As I write this letter, the UK is consumed with Brexit, with a country, families and politicians split on where their loyalties should lie. There has been, and still is, antagonism at all levels of society where even the politicians of all parties are not united within their own group. This all follows the result of the referendum on 23rd June 2016 where the result to leave the European Union was 52% against 48% who wanted to remain.

Since that time, negotiations have been ongoing between the UK and the EU with a withdrawal scheduled to occur on 29th March 2019.  Many who have been following these events may now be tired of the wrangling, disputing, arguments, bickering, squabbling, in-fighting and general all round disagreeable altercations that have, and still are, taking place.

It would be a waste of everyone’s time in this brief letter to try and re-hash the main arguments of both sides of the divide but, suffice to say, it is the biggest political development for many decades in the UK. Many are genuinely concerned about staying in the EU—or leaving it, as the people voted. Whatever happens, the UK will be on a downward slope towards unprecedented times of great difficulty that is not understood by the British people nor by its politicians.

The Church of God has long warned that the nations descending from the ancient nation of Israel will be attacked by the European Union. In our free booklet The Fall and Rise of Britain and America (published in 2005), we read the following on page 40:

“The United States, Great Britain and the State of Israel in the Middle East will suffer at the hands of the rising superpower which is now developing in Europe. Scripture identifies the superpower as the prophesied seventh and last revival of the Holy Roman Empire in the form of ten nations or groups of nations. Europe will be led by an Assyrian king (‘King Jareb’), that is, by a powerful German-speaking leader. God will use Europe and especially the modern Assyrian ‘king’ to punish modern Israel and Judah for their spiritual treachery toward Him. Hosea 6:7 states: ‘… they (Ephraim and the modern house of Israel, as well as modern Judah, compare verse 4) transgressed the covenant… they dealt treacherously with Me.’ Notice, too, Hosea 8:7: ‘They sow the wind, And reap the whirlwind.’”

Our politicians are oblivious to anything other than the material; never it seems for a moment that they consider why the nation is experiencing such chaos. These same politicians are the ones who push through ungodly laws to satisfy some minority groups, and others, under the guise of equality; not, it seems, even for a moment realising the damage they are doing. God promised blessings or cursings (retribution) for the behaviour of the ancient Israelites as can be read in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, and history shows us that they failed miserably. These same blessings and cursings are applicable to the descendants of Israel and Judah today as God doesn’t change (Malachi 3:6), but this is not understood by our current leaders nor by the mainstream churches.

The political system in the UK is to have a government and an opposition. Being opposed to something denotes disagreement which it turns out to be in practice most of the time. Wouldn’t it be a real step forward if the word “opposition” was replaced by “the co-operation”? So many don’t want to co-operate as this would probably reduce their chances of high office for the politically ambitious, but it could work well for the country.

In God’s Kingdom, democracy will be a thing of the past. Sir Winston Churchill observed that “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others”, and that is probably correct as long as man is in charge. When Christ returns, He will govern with love and perfection. We read in the book of Isaiah a prophecy that should thrill all of us who long for God’s Kingdom to come: “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

“The government will be upon His shoulder” tells us who will be in charge, and this verse looks to a time, still future, when Christ will reign over a literal, earthly, kingdom that will encompass the whole earth.  In Daniel 2:44 we read: “And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” In Zechariah 14:9 we read: “And the LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be—‘The LORD is one,’ And His name one.”

When Jesus Christ does return to this earth, Godly government will be the order of the day and “Brexit” and all of the other political manoeuverings and machinations of man, in every country around the world, will be history, and a glorious new world will begin. And it will last forever!

When we hear of all that is going on in the world, we can become downcast and discouraged, and Satan will be somewhere there in the mix. Let us think about, and pray for, God’s Kingdom to come as we are instructed to do (see Matthew 6:10) and make sure that we make it into God’s Kingdom for eternity, with Jesus Christ in charge, not man, and that will be perfect, just perfect!

With Christian love,

Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

Letter to the Brethren – January 14, 2019

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Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends,

“Expect the unexpected” is a saying commonly used as preparation advice for unpredictable circumstances and situations. Traveling to new places or beginning a new commitment in life that disrupts our current patterns are examples of events for which we might apply such advice. By expecting the unexpected, we can theoretically prepare ourselves to adapt when we need to change direction at short notice.

However, in this age, applying the tenet of expecting the unexpected is exercised less and less. When life is going along according to normal routine without any plans for change or impending threat of disruption, are we in a position where we can adapt to the unexpected when we don’t expect it?

Today, an increasing amount of action is based upon decisions rooted in predictability. The recent advent of artificial intelligence inherently involves predictability. From automobiles that can predict when a car in front of it is slowing down, to suggestions of what videos we might want to watch next, information about expected results in controlled contexts drive decisions that affect our lives. Surprisingly, a lot of this actually works! To an increasing degree, many of the circumstances in our lives are proving to be predictable. But not everything can be predictable!

The problem with the effectiveness of predictability is that it creates a false sense of security. If we can trust that automobiles will drive themselves safely, we don’t have to dedicate any effort thinking about driving ourselves, which might seem great. However, when we rely on expected behavior in so much of our lives; when we rely on the rules being followed, we leave ourselves exposed to the risk of the unexpected happening when the rules of behavior are not adhered to.

We know from the teachings of the Bible that most in the world will be caught off-guard when certain disaster takes place on the earth. “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, also compare Matthew 24:43-44, Luke 21:34, Revelation 3:3). The pride of man in our present society has lulled such a delusional slumber that it is generally believed that problems can be predicted and prevented without the help, or even existence, of God. The Bible explains that this is foolishness. We know that the knowledge of man himself is diminutive in comparison with the glorious knowledge and power of God. Mankind cannot possibly predict the terrible ways that institutions and nations will collapse. As we read, destruction will be sudden.

The thing that’s most shocking about the fact that the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night is that it is not a secret! The warnings written in this letter come from the Bible, which has been printed billions of times and been made available to people all over the world. The teachings have been presented for thousands of years, by millions of people. Yet, as we can see, the completeness of the warning to expect the unexpected will not be understood by most. What we know and can expect with all certainty, is that the events that Jesus Christ describes in Matthew 24 about the beginning of sorrows and the tribulation will absolutely take place. Even though the signs of the times clearly indicate that Christ’s return cannot be far off, we don’t know yet—and cannot predict with specificity—exactly how and when the details of those events described in Matthew 24 will become manifest. Those details are the ones that affect our lives most directly. Tragic as it may seem, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do to prevent doom and destruction prophesied in the Bible from taking place. The only thing that anyone can do is prepare for it.

Preparation for the unexpected can take many forms. The greatest risk is to prepare in the wrong way. As humans, that means falling back on the pride of expectation, and making preparations that involve events occurring in a predictable way. Such preparation will be doomed to failure, because it places trust in man’s abilities, rather than God’s protection. Contingency plans for hiding out in remote locations and building up stockpiles might preserve physical life in the short term, but can do nothing in the long term. We remember, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” (Luke 9:24-25). Therefore, the most effective preparation involves acknowledging that God is in control, and preparing ourselves spiritually by drawing close to Him.

Drawing close to God involves dedicating our time, energy, hearts, and minds to living His Way. As simple as it sounds, taking this approach is our only hope for protection. In expecting the unexpected to take place, putting our faith in God to see us through those unpredictable circumstances provides us with relief from having to rely upon ourselves for protection. There’s no possible way that we can protect ourselves without His help. We have to remember that while our situations in life might not be under our direct control, they are under God’s control. Because of that, we can trust in Him to lead us through the most impossible circumstances when we follow Him above all else.

As God’s children, we have a responsibility to take action right now that will transform our lives to please God so we can be found pleasing in His sight. We are to be found doing the Work of God when Jesus Christ returns. This involves continually learning about the Truth and applying what we learn. Becoming righteous, which is the goal of all Christians, takes practice. And practice requires increasing in our knowledge and understanding of the Truth.

As you are undoubtedly aware, the Church of the Eternal God and its international affiliates in Canada, the U.K., and Germany work tirelessly to provide you with the raw materials that you need to transform your life and draw near to God. We encourage you to take advantage of it! We share this knowledge with you because we know that you need it for your own protection. The Word of God and the understanding of it provides you with a double-edged sword to fight the spiritual fight and emerge victoriously. By using the materials that we produce, and by supporting the Work of the Church through your prayers, tithes, and offerings, you take an active role in preserving your eternal life, protecting yourself against the unexpected, and providing others with the means to do the same.

In Christ’s Service,

Eric Rank

Letter to the Brethren – December 20, 2018

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

There is a glaring difference between those who are faithful to Jesus Christ and those who merely appropriate Him. That difference is Truth! However, in this world, falsehood reigns, and it is the enemy of Truth. This has been prophesied about our time:

“Justice is turned back, And righteousness stands afar off; For truth is fallen in the street, And equity cannot enter. So truth fails, And he who departs from evil makes himself a prey…” (Isaiah 59:14-15).

Have we come to the point where Truth is so powerful in our lives that we are able to completely reject unrighteousness? Are we in any way being subtly compromised to let down our guard? Tragically, some who received God’s calling, His Holy Spirit and fellowship in the Church of God have forsaken God to return to the world.

Old family ties to Christmas, Easter, Halloween or Sunday worship have proven more important to them than the Truth of God. Do we regard these practices as God does, who says, “‘I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies’” (Amos 5:21). Also, becoming political advocates and military supporters rather than ambassadors for Jesus Christ has pulled former brethren into the hopeless mire of this age and back under Satan’s deceptive power, as the apostle Paul warned, writing, “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3).

Do we understand that all of these practices provoke God, and that He, in great burning wrath, will judge those who thus rebel against Him? Yet, if we are filled with zeal and deeply involved in the Work of God, it can be said of us, “But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul” (Hebrews 10:39).

There is a vital reason we write monthly letters to those of you who have been led to be a part of this Work. It is to continually strengthen our unity in the job God has set before us. Never underestimate the impact your faithfulness to the Truth has in helping all of us to accomplish the goals of the Church.

With the new year upon us, as man counts years, we can report that initial plans have been made for our Ministerial Conference to be held in California during the month of April. We have signed contracts with hotels for US and German Feast sites. Also, brethren will be meeting together in Australia for the Feast (as they did last year).

Norbert Link is writing a series of Q&A’s, which will be published next year as one of our booklets (“How Can We Know that Christ’s Return is Near?”). Other booklets are also planned to be published next year.

The effectiveness of our StandingWatch and AufPostenStehen video programs has grown over the past months. One program, “Netanyahu’s Announcement of a Third Temple?” now has over 163,000 views in the English presentation. Three of our booklets are offered in this program, which we had to reprint, and we continue to receive requests for these from various countries.

Each week, Norbert Link prepares a German language sermon which, together with live or pre-recorded sermonettes by our various German-speaking ministers, deacons and others, are played in services for our brethren in Germany (as well as being posted on our website). We also post every week the sermonettes and sermons which are being given during our services in the United States, as well as short video presentations from our ministers in the UK and Canada. You might like to take the opportunity to look at the various websites we support, and these can be found at www.eternalgod.org.

Our weekly Update (now at number 856) continues to bring truly unique coverage of news as it applies to biblical fulfillment. We also feature Editorials, Q&A’s and news of the Work.

Brethren, the seriousness of the times in which we live must not be ignored. As never before, we must strengthen our commitment to God’s Truth. In so doing, we will draw closer to God. Let’s never lose sight of the life of eternal glory which God has promised to us—let’s continue to fight the good fight, finish our race and keep the faith!

In Christ’s Service,

Dave Harris

Letter to the Brethren – November 16, 2018

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Dear Brethren and Co-Workers,

There seems to be a dramatic shift in terrible events and awful occurrences in the last few months which strongly indicate that Satan is very active and that we are closer to the return of Christ than some may perceive or suspect.

For example, a disturbed individual sent pipe bombs by mail to political figures and news outlets. We observed the largest massacre of Jews at their synagogue in U.S. history, worshipping on the Sabbath, with eleven people brutally murdered by a mentally deranged hateful individual. Then, a former veteran killed twelve people at a bar in California, before he cowardly killed himself.

Unprecedented and historic fires are burning out of control in Southern California, and some fires burn also in the north of the state. We have seen Satan attacking and persecuting Church of God families with trials and problems, and some Church members have been throwing in the towel, including those who did not attend anymore God’s Feast of Tabernacles this year. All of this prompts us to ask ourselves: “What is going on? Has the world gone mad? And why would Church members want to foolishly return to this evil world?”

As mentioned, we can see the hand of Satan in these events which indicate his time is short, since he is so active. A few weeks ago, Mr. Norbert Link asked us to fast in the following week. How many took that admonition to heart and put it into practice? We trust, all of you did. Fasting is a crucial part of maintaining a close relationship with God; especially, as we get closer to the great tribulation, which appears to be not too far ahead of us even though we do not set dates.

If you think of your own family out for a walk and your son walking next to you, it is not likely that he will get helplessly into any kind of trouble or threat by your side. If your son is walking one hundred feet ahead of you, your reaction time of helping him is greatly decreased if something threatening occurs to him and you may not reach him in time to prevent injury or harm. When we are close to God, He may react to our needs and calls for help more readily than if we neglected the tools He has given us to stay close to Him, and He may allow us to face some trials and troubles to teach us a lesson, which we would not necessarily face otherwise if our relationship to Him was close and intimate.

As the great tribulation is drawing nearer and as time marches on towards the return of Christ, it is crucially important for us not to neglect prayer, Bible study, meditation and occasional FASTING.

It appears from all indications that we have reached the “beginning of sorrows.” The next major prophesied event would be the beginning of the great tribulation, which means we have to be close to God in order to persevere to the end, praying always to be worthy to escape the sore trials facing this world and having the determination to endure to the end of our lives or Christ’s return. We cannot put a price tag on the reward we will be given for remaining faithful to the end.

Being part of God’s Kingdom is being part of the royal Family of God. We will be ruling under Christ as Kings and Priests (compare Revelation 5:10). We shall rule mankind on the earth during the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment period since that is where man’s problems are which have to be resolved. We will oversee and bring about, under Christ, the spiritual rejuvenation of the nations to lead them to the Truth and the Knowledge of the one true God Family. We will teach mankind the necessity of observing the Sabbath as the ONLY day of worship during the week, as well as God’s annual Holy Days, while abolishing pagan worldly weekdays and holidays, such as Sunday, Christmas, Easter or Halloween, which turn man away from the true God to Satan, the current god and ruler of this world.

We will also oversee the rebuilding of destroyed cities and the providing of housing, clothing and physical things required to have a rich fulfilling life; the reclamation of the land to make it productive for food; and the cleaning up of the polluted oceans, rivers and lakes. Can we imagine the challenges and joy we will have when we accomplish all of what God has in store for mankind? It is beyond imagination how some could just walk away from such a challenging and glorious future to enjoy some passing pleasures of sin.

It really behooves us not to look back once we have put our hand to the plow, as we have been admonished time and again in sermon after sermon. Sadly, some do not seem to listen or care. But now is not the time to quit or drop the ball seeing we are so near to the end. We must push forward, staying close to God and keeping our eyes firmly on the crown which God patiently awaits to give to all who faithfully endure to the end. We must not neglect the tools given to us by God to achieve our wonderful goal.

In God’s service

Rene Messier (Canada)

Letter to the Brethren – October 29, 2018

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Dear Members and Co-Workers,

We have returned from another year keeping God’s commanded Feast of Tabernacles. The peace and comradeship amongst God’s people made these festivals a needed respite from the troubles that increasingly plague this godless world. We returned to see one of the most powerful hurricanes in U.S. history drive deep inland and cause massive destruction in the Florida panhandle. The ire of Satan is upon this world and increasingly directed towards God’s people as prophesied events unfold. The kind of devastation throughout those southern states is only a hint at what this unrepentant world will soon face.

Satan despises what God loves and it is why He is so angry during these festival seasons. We must not take that knowledge lightly and allow Satan’s attitudes to influence our perspective. God commanded His people to observe His Holy Days, not begrudgingly or simply out of necessity but with an attitude of rejoicing (compare Deuteronomy 14:26). This year we did just that based upon the reports we give of the U.S. and German Feast sites.

Dave Harris reported on the Feast in the United States:

“For the third consecutive year, the US Feast site was in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, which is located adjacent to Spokane, Washington, and just forty-five minutes from the Spokane International Airport. We were all able to stay at the La Quinta Inn & Suites in Coeur d’Alene and that is where our meetings were held, also.

“Members from Germany, Canada and the US were in attendance this year. Beside our daily meetings, we had several opportunities for fellowshipping. Once again, we booked an early evening cruise and meal on one of the tour boats located on Lake Coeur d’Alene. Along with frequently dining out, we all got together at the Dockside Restaurant at the close of the Last Great Day services.

“Figpickels Toy Emporium and Mrs. Honeypeeps Sweet Shop became favorite destinations for our younger attendees and their more than willing parents! A Family Fun night featured some introductory humor along with pizza and fellowship. The special music, sermonettes and sermons all contributed to a deeply meaningful observance of the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day. This year was a very special time of loving fellowship among the brethren.”

A report from Norbert and Mike Link on the Feast in Germany:

“We felt that this feast overall was the best one we have had in Germany. When viewing ‘problems’ during previous feasts regarding the hotel, members or attendees, as well as sicknesses, for example, this feast was far less stressful, and it flowed quite nicely. The weather was great throughout, which made available for plenty of outside activities including soccer, beach volleyball, go-carts, hiking and biking through the forests and along lake Lübbesee. One of the social highlights of the feast was the talent show and dance with the theme of ‘Black and White,’ which did not disappoint.

“We had people attending from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Slovenia, Thailand, USA, the UK, and Canada. Nine people were baptized at the feast, and we also ordained three deacons (Johann Schell, Mike Richter and Manuel Mueller), a deaconess (Silke Mueller), as well as two elders (Thilo Hanstein and Christoph Sperzel). In addition, elder Mike Link was raised to Pastor. The decision for ordinations and an interactive Bible study on ranks and functions in the church proved to be beneficial. We are growing in the German-speaking areas, not just in numbers, but also in the understanding that we have a job to do as we realize that time is getting shorter, and that it is crucial that we need to prepare ourselves NOW!

“Satan is busy and he is attacking in full force, perhaps as never before in recent history, and the Church of God is his main target. We know that he will continue to do so, and that is why we must not be ignorant of what his evil desires and devices are. Although uplifting and especially focusing on the wonderful future in the Millennium and beyond, the messages did also contain numerous warnings and admonitions to make sure that we will be strong in the days ahead; and the question whether we will ALL be at the Feast next year was brought up time and time again (We did find and commit to a new Feast site in Germany for next year, and more information is forthcoming). Sadly, we know that some will give up and leave the church and forsake God, due to false priorities, evil desires, sin, neglect of Bible study, prayer, meditation and fasting, or lack of stick-to-itiveness in the face of trials. We need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling so that we can overcome successfully and don’t fall prey to this evil society, Satan and our own human nature.”

With Christian love,

Robb Harris

Letter to the Brethren – September 4, 2018

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Dear Members, Co-workers and Friends,

A highlight of the entire year awaits us… the Autumnal or Fall Holy Days. When this letter reaches you, you are about to observe the Feast of Trumpets, followed in due succession by the Day of Atonement; the Feast of Tabernacles; and the Last Great Day. Together with the two Days of Unleavened Bread and the Day of Pentecost in the spring, God’s people celebrate seven annual Holy Days each year… thereby fulfilling a complete and perfect cycle indicated by the number seven.

Without observing the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath, and the seven annual Holy Days, we cannot understand God’s master plan for us—and for all of humankind. That is part of the reason why an ignorant and deceived humanity believes in the false theory of evolution, and, depending on one’s religion, on an immortal soul which, upon death, goes to heaven, hell, purgatory or Nirvana, or which will be reincarnated and reborn repeatedly in different forms.

The Bible reveals that GOD created man, and that He created the weekly Sabbath with and for man, to be observed by man and to be kept holy. God the Father created everything through His Son, Jesus Christ, who accomplished this task with the power of His Holy Spirit. Christ would say later that HE was the Lord of the Sabbath—the seventh day of the week. However, man soon refused to keep holy what God had made holy, neglecting and rejecting all of God’s commandments.

In due time, Jesus Christ, the God of the Old Testament, freed the nation of Israel from Egyptian captivity, and He spoke powerfully to the people from Mount Zion, revealing to them once again God’s Ten Commandments, which had been in force and effect since the creation of Adam and Eve. They are still valid today, and man is still obligated to keep them. Most people do not keep them, but those who do are sanctified by God. The Sabbath especially is a sign which identifies them to God and the world, and it identifies the true God to them.

With the Ten Commandments, God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, also instituted for Israel—the congregation or church in the wilderness—the seven annual Holy Days. True Christians are spiritual Israelites today, and as members of the Church of God—the body of Christ—they are enjoined to keep the annual Holy Days. They are ALSO signs, which sanctify us and which reveal to us God’s plan for us and for man.

True Christians are called firstfruits in the Bible. Spring was the time of the spring harvest–when the first harvest was reaped. The Holy Days in the spring are focusing on true Christians who are being called out of this world in this day and age. Only very few—the firstfruits—were predestined from the foundation of the world and before time began to be called and chosen now. The Passover, which is not a Holy Day but which is a part of the Spring Festival season, symbolizes our repentance and the forgiveness of our sins, by accepting and believing in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ; and the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, beginning with the very first annual Holy Day and ending with the second annual Holy Day, impress on us the need to continuously strive against and come out of sin. However, this is only possible with the gift of the Holy Spirit—the very POWER emanating from the Father and the Son—which is pictured by the third annual Holy Day, the Day of Pentecost, when the New Testament Church began in 31 A.D.

The autumn was the time for the great fall harvest, which is pictured by God’s four annual Fall Holy Days. They are enlarging God’s master plan to include all of mankind, even though they also convey a special meaning to true Christians. The Feast of Trumpets, God’s fourth annual Holy Day, symbolizes a time of worldwide wars and troubles, culminating in the return of Jesus Christ to make us immortal—becoming God beings and being able to see Christ in all His glory, as He is—and to establish the government of God on this earth, bringing true peace to man.

The Day of Atonement, the fifth annual Holy Day, reminds us that there cannot be true peace and happiness for man as long as Satan is around, who has deceived and blinded the whole world, and so he will be banned and imprisoned for a thousand years (the Millennium), while, at the same time, Christ’s Sacrifice will be made understandable and available to all of mankind; thereby reconciling the world to God so that it can truly be at-one with God.

This then will be followed by the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles—the first Day being the sixth annual Holy Day—symbolizing the fact that all those who will be still alive, having survived the terrible time of the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord, will be called to salvation together with those who will be born during that peaceful millennial time.

The last or seventh annual Holy Day is called the Last Great Day. It pictures at least two important aspects of God’s master plan. God’s purpose for man would not be complete if He were not to remember all those who died, without ever having had an opportunity to embrace God’s Way of Life. They did not go to heaven when they died, nor did they wait for a better life in Purgatory, but they were sleeping the sleep of death, without any consciousness, for hundreds or thousands of years. God will bring them back to life in a Second Resurrection, and He will allot to them a certain time of perhaps one hundred years to qualify for the Kingdom of God and to become immortal members of God’s Family.

The Last Great Day pictures a second important aspect. God is a God of mercy and of justice. He would not be just if He were not to deal with those who had committed the unpardonable sin, thereby permanently rejecting God’s mercy. They will be resurrected in a Third Resurrection to face the verdict of God’s judgment, and they will be thrown into the “Gehenna”-lake of fire, to be burned up and cease to exist forever. This too shows God’s mercy… rather than torturing them for all eternity in an ever-burning hellfire, their miserable and hateful life will simply end.

THIS then is the plan of God for mankind… to enlarge His Kingdom, by bringing millions upon millions of immortal God beings into His Family. As God beings, we will rule with and under God the Father and Jesus Christ forever and ever over everything there is and will be.

THIS is God’s purpose for man… why He created man in the first place—to become EQUAL, in nature, with God the Father and Jesus Christ. God’s Holy Days make God’s plan very clear to us. In all our trials and challenges, because we still live today in a world ruled by Satan the devil, we must never forget WHY we are here and for WHAT we are here. God wants us to be in His Kingdom, to become GOD BEINGS, and He will never leave us nor forsake us. When we go through high waves or hot flames, He is with us. When we stand in front of a mountain, He is there to help us climb it. When we find ourselves in a forsaken desert, He is there to quench our thirst. When we walk through the valley of death, He is there to guide and comfort us.

We are God’s ambassadors for a new and better world; the forerunners; the pioneers; the firstfruits; paving the way for others to follow. Everyone will have his or her opportunity. But for us, TODAY is our ONLY day of salvation. Let us make sure we do not forget that, so that we do not become disqualified.

We are wishing you all a very peaceful and spiritually rewarding Fall Festival season, and may this be your best Feast ever. May the God of peace, mercy and of all comfort be with you all.

Your brother in Christ,

Norbert Link

©2024 Church of the Eternal God