Letter to the Brethren – October 31, 2017

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Dear Members and Friends:

Members of the Church of the Eternal God in the USA, Canada, the UK and German-speaking areas have just returned from what was the most enjoyable time of the year—the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day. These eight days, which picture the soon-coming world tomorrow in peace and harmony when Christ will return to this earth, should be the best time of the year for us all. Why wouldn’t it be? We attend in beautiful locations which God has chosen and assemble together with people of like mind, with the right attitude, when we experience happiness and joy, inspiring and uplifting messages focusing on God’s wonderful and perfect Way of Life, while we need not worry about what is going on in the world since our attention should be concentrated on the Feast.

In this letter, we want to give you three separate reports about our Feast sites in the USA and Germany, to reflect again on what we just experienced; what we now miss dearly; and what we are looking forward to in the next year:

Dave Harris reported on the Feast in the United States:

“Brethren met at the La Quinta Inn facility again this year to observe the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. We were blessed with excellent weather—especially for our two-hour dinner boat cruise on Lake Coeur d’Alene on Sunday evening.

“Strong and encouraging sermonettes and sermons added to what many commented as a very warm and loving time together. Members came from Germany, Canada and the United States to attend, and having the Spokane International Airport close by greatly facilitated travel arrangements.

“All of the sermonettes and sermons were broadcast live so that several members who were unable to attend due to health concerns could participate. Adding to this unifying effort, we played a pre-recorded video message by Evangelist Norbert Link during the Feast.

“On one evening we joined together for pizza and games, which was especially enjoyed by our children. Several members contributed their talents by providing special music that included a youth choir presentation. This year, on the weekly Sabbath, we had the blessing of little children for the twin boys of the Rank family.

“Our plans are to return to this area next year.”

The following is a report by Michael Link about the German Feast site:

“Members and guests up to 120 in attendance met again in Templin, Germany, this being the 4th consecutive year at this Feast site. Many uplifting and inspiring messages were given, including sermonettes from some first-timers by a few of our members, and all the German and English messages given in Templin [and also in Coeur d’Alene] have been posted on our websites. We had the blessing of little children for two, a separate blessing and prayer for several older children, and also the addition of four baptisms. There were counseling sessions for potential baptisms in the future.

“We shared in the joy with several activities during the Feast, had a successful and much-needed interactive Friday night Bible Study going into a specific topic on addiction and how to get rid of it, pointing out the fact that we will be tested in all things and how we need to be aware of what the warning signs are for falling away from the Truth. The Bible study concluded with this vital and relevant statement by Norbert Link: “If you are here because you want to be here, you are called! What you do with your calling is up to you. Don’t blow it!”

“Other activities included go-karts at a professional track minutes away from the hotel, a soccer game at the indoor soccer arena on the hotel premises, a trip to Berlin, a sobering but highly interesting tour-guided visit at the Sachsenhausen Concentration camp, several enjoyable nights on the 11th floor Vista Lounge which was reserved just for us for the entire time where we enjoyed snacks and drinks, games, dancing, and fellowship. One of the highlights of the Feast was a very successful talent show which included a Lip Sync Battle from several of the members, showing off their “lip-syncing” acting skills, which then was followed by a disco-themed dance.

“It was encouraging to see that the principle of quarantine was taken seriously at the Feast this year overall as we didn’t have many sicknesses among us, as opposed to some Feasts in the past. This was also due to the fact that people approached the ministry for anointing at the initial signs of sickness which then did not progress and spread to others.

“The need for urgency was expressed through the importance of staying on track and moving forward, especially after the Feast as we return back to the normal activities of life. We had several counseling sessions with members and prospective members dealing with problems, some of which were recurring ones, and it was stressed how important it is to overcome these problems because there comes a point where patience will run out. Even God’s patience is limited (compare Matthew 7:19, 21-23). We have to remain consistent in our Church teachings, rules and their practical application. We hope that the message was taken seriously for those who are struggling and we pray for their strength and faith, as we should for each and every one of us.

“We also had to deal with challenges from the hotel. We had several meetings with the management. We hope to return to Templin next year. We were told that they definitely want us back, and they sent us a proposed contract for 2018, but some provisions will definitely need to be addressed and changed. Hopefully, they will abide by our requests which is why we are asking for your prayers in this matter, so that God’s Will be done.”

Here is an additional report by Kalon Mitchell about the Feast site in Germany:

“From a personal standpoint, the Feast was upbeat and positive. There were a lot of opportunities to grow old and new friendships. Much encouraging and counseling took place. Norbert Link’s Feast sermon ‘What’s the Hurry’ was really the feeling that all of the messages seemed to convey. Overall, the messages were very forward-thinking and really focused everyone on the need to dig deep into their Christian lives, by examining oneself and to hold fast. It’s interesting how all of our messages tied together and helped to build a picture of what we must do to make it into the Kingdom of God.

“Now that we have returned from the Feast, we should continue praying for the Work and doing our part in any way we can, making sure that we are leaning forward and really approaching each day with an intensity and desire to work in our lives to draw closer and closer to God. We ALL need to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling as the Bible says. We have that opportunity now as we do not know how much additional time God has given us. But we do have the choice and the ability to work on bettering ourselves. The goal is always to keep that feeling alive.”

We pray that the Kingdom comes soon but we also have a responsibility to our calling. Are we living a life that is pleasing to God or do we let our struggles control us? Do we believe that God is working with us or do our struggles, problems, challenges as well as our daily pleasures and “priorities” become more important to us than God? If we know that with God ALL things are possible, then why do we worry and doubt, become sad and depressed and end up doing things we shouldn’t be doing? Is this new life too difficult for us to handle or do we believe that our life was better before we began following the Truth? If we trust in God, then let Him work with us because He has called us for a reason. He has a plan just for us!

We must continue on with the same attitude and joy we experienced at the Feast and we must NOT forget what the purpose of our calling is, because that should give us hope and confidence, knowing that God has chosen us NOW over billions of people on this planet, to have the first opportunity to become members of the God Family in His soon-coming Kingdom.

Be and stay strong, brethren, because the time is near. This world moves towards utter destruction. It is rotten to the core, and in many countries, it celebrates the dark and demonical day of Halloween. What a contrast it is between the right celebration of God’s Feasts and the sinister and evil “observance” of a festival like Halloween which is dedicated to the Devil. This is Satan’s world, not God’s; but God has called us out of this world and sanctified us to be different. Let us make sure that we do not let us be deceived by Satan’s evil devices, because we ought to know what he has in mind. We must NEVER forget that we are God’s chosen people, set aside for a HOLY purpose. Let us show God and our fellow-man that we understand and deeply appreciate what God has in store for us.

In this regard, we are enclosing for our subscribers in the USA and Canada our new booklet, How to Find the True Church of God. (Copies of this booklet were already sent to our English-speaking subscribers in other countries.) We hope that this booklet will help you to see clearly WHY the Church of the Eternal God and its international affiliates exist, and what our purpose and goals are.

With Christian love,

Norbert Link

Dave Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

Eric Rank

Robb Harris

Michael Link

Kalon Mitchell

Letter to the Brethren – September 8, 2017

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Dear Members and Friends,

On the 21st of this month we will be keeping the Feast of Trumpets as we again begin the autumnal round of Holy Days. How many of us who were called, almost a lifetime away in the 1960’s and 1970’s, would have thought that we would still be in the flesh, keeping these days many decades into the future?

I recall that I kept my first Feast of Trumpets in 1973 and this will be my 45th time of celebrating these pivotal days. Little did I know then that the majority of those whom I joined in the worship of God on days that were new to me, and many others, would soon disappear from view. I recall a young family that we met at our first Feast of Tabernacles at a holiday camp with around 4,000 people in attendance who seemed dedicated but I don’t ever recall seeing them again, and they were from our local congregation. With so many other members who had been around for a few years, and new members coming into the Church at that time, I had many other things on my mind and didn’t really take too much notice about not seeing a fleeting acquaintance again. It was only later that these things came to mind and, particularly, when the Church went through the traumas of the mid 1990’s when the new leaders kidnapped a Commandment-keeping and Law-abiding Church of God, which was faithful to the true doctrine, and tricked many of its members to embrace a familiar track of “worldly Christianity”.

It was when these things happened that a number of Scriptures came to life. Amongst these was
2 Peter 2:21-22: “For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: ‘A dog returns to his own vomit,’ and, ‘a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.’” I recall mentioning this to someone at headquarters at that time in correspondence, and he was offended that this “new truth” to them (which was nothing but old
error) could be so described.

We have read many times the verse: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12), and it has been a great disappointment to know that we have seen this verse played out in the lives of many who once embraced the Truth of God, but are no longer with us. The following verse gives us the answer that we must all hold on to: “But he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

Where will all of those many tens of thousands be who were once part of the Church of God, when faithful Christians celebrate Thursday 21st September for the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement (30th September), the Feast of Tabernacles (Thursday 5th October to the 11th October) and the Last Great Day (12th October)? How many of them who may still be alive even remember keeping these days? For many, it may well more likely be a time of preparation for Halloween and Christmas as they trample the Sabbath and annual Holy Days underfoot. Surely, our prayers should be that they would see the world for what it is—a cesspit of immorality where the rights of those practicing perversion hold sway, legally, in many countries over the explicit condemnation of such practices in the Word of God. Mention the Bible and you could be in trouble!

If we listen to some politicians and leaders in many nations, we could be forgiven for thinking that the society we have to endure as the people of God, is almost an utopian environment with many wonderful inventions and incredible accomplishments that have undoubtedly been achieved. What they simply don’t understand is that it is all underpinned by a godless attitude and a dismissal of the great blessings that God has given us all.

The threat of world war looms and the tribalism in the Middle East continues unabated with all of the human casualties that this brings. The recent stand-off between North Korea and the USA is but one area where serious problems could escalate at any time. We regularly read about wars and revolutions, displacement of individuals through civil wars and unrest, drought, hunger, earthquakes, hurricanes, robberies, murders and the regular terrorist activities that now take many different forms, and in many different countries. Mankind has been, and is, a serial offender in breaking the commandments of God, and that is why the terrible events of the coming Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord are such a necessity to grab the attention of a God-ignoring world. Nothing less will do.

In the book of Revelation we read an example of antagonism towards God: “And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory. Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds” (Revelation 16:9-11). This just shows why the upcoming time of trouble, “such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time” (see Daniel 12:1), will be necessary to concentrate people’s minds, but even then, there will still be those who will harden their hearts towards their loving Creator.

Our minds must remain focussed on the Way of God at all times, never compromising, because that can be the start of a very slippery road, and we must heed this advice: “… be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble” (2 Peter 1:10).

Whilst we must take the apostle Paul’s advice to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” (see Philippians 2:12), let us never forget those who let down on their calling and who, at this time, will not be keeping God’s autumnal Feasts days.  It is a worthy matter to pray to God that He may grant them repentance and that they will thankfully accept God’s great gift and return to the knowledge of the Truth.

As we keep the Feast days of God faithfully, let us hope and pray that others will see the error of their ways and return to the Truth that they once embraced and, again, be a part of God’s true Church. Maybe only the upcoming troubles at the end of this age will concentrate their minds as they once again understand where their eternal future lies. Prayer can accomplish much!

With Christian love.

Brian Gale
(United Kingdom)

Letter to the Brethren – August 16, 2017

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Dear Members and Friends:

I have always had fun working on projects of all sorts. When a project is clearly conceived, with a valuable and obtainable goal to accomplish, the challenge of working on the project is an inherent joy. Knowing that the time and effort invested into a directed activity will lead to achieving something worthwhile makes the hard work enjoyable. Whether the project is to edge the lawn, build a desk, bake a loaf of bread, write a letter, or any other kind of worthy endeavor, the work produces an end result that is generally satisfying. Upon reflection, King Solomon felt the same way: “So I perceived that nothing is better than that a man should rejoice in his own works, for that is his heritage…” (Ecclesiastes 3:22).

In the profession of project management, the definition of a project involves a small amount of very simple qualities. Projects all have a distinct beginning, an ending, and are designed to accomplish a unique goal. Building a dog house, designing a search engine for the web, and cleaning the bathrooms all fit the definition of a project. Something that also fits the definition of a project is Christian conversion. Becoming converted begins in an unconverted state of being, develops through the activity of growing towards perfect righteousness, and is completed by achieving the goal of living eternally in the Family of God. If there was ever a worthy project to participate in, the Christian conversion is it!

If we think about our conversion as a project, there is a specific question that we can ask ourselves, which offers illumination on our progress. It is a question that has the power to sharpen our focus on the end goal that we all seek. The question to ask ourselves is this: “What am I trying to accomplish right now that is improving my conversion?”  Our answer should be able to describe how we are building up our righteous behavior in a meaningful and genuine way. If our answer does not describe goals that involve overcoming sin and drawing closer to God, then we become aware of our need to analyze our lives and pick something to work on. However we respond to this question, whether with a specific citation of active work, or an admission of negligence, our answer draws focus on the work we must do. Since the project of Christian conversion isn’t over until perfection is achieved—when victory over death is accomplished—we must always be abounding in the Work of God (compare 1 Corinthians 15:57-58).

Fortunately, God understands that the goal of becoming more and more perfect is a difficult undertaking, and absolutely impossible without His help (compare Luke 18:27). For this reason, God the Father sent His Son, as a Sacrifice for all humanity, for the sole purpose of our success (compare John 3:16). And as a result, those who take on the project of becoming converted as a Christian, and who become baptized, are provided with the help of the Holy Spirit of God. When God, through His Holy Spirit, lives and actively works in the life of man, then there is help to overcome sin, and successfully accomplish the Work of God. However, if the Holy Spirit is never obtained, the project of Christian conversion can never be completed, and the result is dire failure. The difference that the Holy Spirit makes is literally between life and death.

Even though such a great gift is available, making us capable of achieving the most righteous of our goals, we have to actively use it to build our spiritual understanding, discernment, and faith. Yes, the Holy Spirit has to be taken advantage of if we want it to have the effect in our lives that it is designed for. It is not enough to merely become baptized and receive the Holy Spirit, while never again putting our effort behind overcoming sin. In order to succeed in abounding in the Work of God, our gift must be used.

To add to the question about what we are doing to complete our conversion, we must also ask ourselves how we are using the Holy Spirit. Are we actively using the Spiritual knowledge and understanding provided by the Holy Spirit in our lives? Are we drawing upon the strength and power of God that He provides to help us overcome sin? Quite simply, what are we doing with the gift we have? And most importantly, can we do more with it? Knowing the unfathomable potential of God’s Holy Spirit to lead us through the most difficult endeavors that we pursue, we can undoubtedly do more. Through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we have been given the ultimate tool to help us succeed in our Christian conversion.

As great as this tool is, it will be useless if we choose to ignore it, and exclusively rely on our own abilities. In Paul’s letters to Timothy, he encouraged him to not neglect the gift of the Holy Spirit (1 Timothy 4:14) and to stir it up so that it would become effective in the holy work he was doing (2 Timothy 1:6). To neglect the gift that we have in our lives and to avoid the work of completing our Christian conversion places us in the path of danger (compare Hebrews 10:26-31). However, if we put the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, to guard our hearts and minds from complacency, and to guide us in accomplishing our work of overcoming sin, the promise of success awaits.

Obtaining the gift of the Holy Spirit in this age is a very special privilege that not many have. If you are fortunate enough to be called by God and have chosen to answer that call, becoming baptized, and receiving the Holy Spirit, you have a very unique opportunity. We are urged to take advantage of it! To do anything less is a shame. In the project of Christian conversion, be sure to tighten the focus of your work and be empowered with the Holy Spirit to complete it.

With Christian love,

Eric Rank

Letter to the Brethren – July 17, 2017

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July 17, 2017

Dear Members, Co-Workers and Friends:

To grow up in Germany after World War II meant complete rejection of any form of nationalism or even patriotism. The German flag was rarely seen and the national anthem was rarely played. The slogans of Nazi propaganda, such as “Deutschland Ueber Alles” (“Germany over all“), and the extreme practical misapplication of this phrase had taken their toll. When the Berlin Wall fell, it was propagated that Germany should only become united within the confines of a European Union. Today, patriotism and even nationalism can be observed in certain parts of Germany, while renewed efforts are made to guarantee strong and powerful European unification.

Without the experiences of Germany’s past radical nationalistic concepts, America has always had a fond approach towards (rightly and wrongly understood) patriotism, while the distinction between patriotism and nationalism became oftentimes quite blurry. Recently, this has been a deeply troubling development, with propagated slogans such as “America First,” “Making America Great Again”, or “Buying American.” While America had accused Europe in the past of becoming a “fortress,” this accusation has been launched now, in return, by Europe against America, while phrases have also been coined, in response, such as, “Europe First” or “Making Europe Great Again.”

Of course, nationalism and patriotism can be found in just about every country on the face of the earth, and Christians can be affected quite strongly by such sentiments, especially during times of conflict or war.

How, exactly, can we describe the concepts of patriotism and nationalism? Are both concepts right or wrong? What should a true Christian’s position be in this regard?

Merriam-Webster defines nationalism as “exalting one nation above all others,” adding that “intense nationalism was one of the causes of the war.” Others have pointed out that nationalism wants to be, and proclaims itself to be, “the greatest.”

In his essay, “Notes on Nationalism,” George Orwell wrote that nationalism “is inseparable from the desire for power.”

When describing the difference between nationalism and patriotism, a statement from Sydney J. Harris is often quoted, as follows: “The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility while the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to a war.”

The website of differencebetween.net states: “Patriotism is based on affection and nationalism is rooted in rivalry and resentment. One can say that nationalism is militant by nature and patriotism is based on peace.”

The Huffington Post wrote on July 3, 2016: “… nationalism… unites people against other people… Nationalism focuses on the State while patriotism focuses on the people…”

Focusing more closely on God’s viewpoint, which should always be our viewpoint, Christianity Today published an interesting and insightful article on June 26, 2012, stating this:

“Patriotism can be defined simply as love of country… Nationalism…expands it to mean love of country at the expense of other nations. It’s when someone believes they are better because they come from a particular place, or that someone else is less valuable…

“There’s a reason Paul writes repeatedly about the need for the Jews to recognize the full participation of Gentiles in the kingdom of God. The Jews’ national and religious identity made it difficult for them to understand how a Greek, Ethiopian, or slave from Asia Minor could be just as much a part of God’s [Church]. But Paul’s famous assertion that there is ‘neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ [Galatians 3:28] demonstrates that nationalism must never be part of the… kingdom of God…

“In the midst of the pomp and glory of the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, Jesus begins to weep… because he knew the impending destruction of Jerusalem… Jesus… loved his people, his city, his nation—so much so that he cried over it…

“Jesus’ example of patriotism [reflects] a love for nation that doesn’t pit it against other nations. Instead, it’s a recognition of love followed by a mournful recognition of shortcomings… we mourn the times when our nation does something wrong… G. K. Chesterton sums up this stance perfectly in The Defendant: ‘My country, right or wrong,’ is a thing that no patriot would think of saying…

“Perhaps the most important distinction to be made by Christians is that our first love must be the kingdom of God, over and above any love of country…

“It’s easy for Christians to begin to worship their country as an idol. In The Four Loves, C. S. Lewis puts the matter quite succinctly. He notes that love of country ‘becomes a demon when it becomes a god.’… It wouldn’t take long for any of us to think of examples of when Christians have placed love of country above love of God—and what disastrous consequences this has had.

“Therefore, the Christian’s primary allegiance is to God and to his church—which sometimes means the Christian patriot must disagree with [his or] her country and do things which might be counterintuitive to ‘civic duty.’ It might mean engaging in civil disobedience over issues like abortion or torture… Jesus… died for people of all nations… Christians [pledge] their allegiance to God and to one another over and above any allegiance to country…”

All of these quotes, and we could give you many more, should show us that it is not wrong to love our country and our people. However, loving our country must NOT be at the expense of others. This means, rightly-perceived patriotism is not wrong, while nationalism always is. But rightly-perceived patriotism will never justify evil and sinful conduct of our country, its leaders and its people.

Rather, a true “patriot” will sigh and cry over the abominations committed in and by his country (Ezekiel 9:4-6). He understands that God’s Church has been given the commission to cry aloud, spare not, and lift up its voice like a trumpet to tell the physical and spiritual people of God (including the political and religious leadership) their sins and transgressions (Isaiah 58:1).

The true “patriot” understands that he is a pilgrim, sojourner and stranger in the land (1 Peter 2:11; Hebrews 11:13-16), waiting for the establishment of God’s Kingdom here on earth; that he is a representative and ambassador of that Kingdom (2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:19-20); and that his true citizenship is reserved in heaven (Philippians 3:20).

Therefore, he will not participate in the political maneuverings and inappropriate “civic duties” of his country, such as voting in governmental elections, participation in jury duty or joining the military. A true “patriot” will not fight in his country’s wars, as his first and foremost allegiance is to God, who prohibits him to take up the sword for the purpose of fighting against others (Matthew 26:52). A true patriot will not participate in his county’s glorifications of war or of those who fought and died in war, no matter what the cause. A true patriot’s love for his country will never allow him to have feelings of ill will towards others of another race or of a different ethnic or cultural background.

The Jews during Christ’s First Coming had a difficult time accepting that they were not better than, nor superior to others (but compare Philippians 2:3). They were willing to kill Christ when He praised the faith of a Gentile widow (Luke 4:25-30), as they later persecuted Paul because he preached to the Gentiles (Acts 13:46-50). Paul loved his countrymen very much (Romans 9:1-5), but not at the expense of others, and his love for his people did not motivate him to love others less or disobey God who had ordered him to preach to the Gentiles. On the other hand, Jonah was unwilling at first to obey God to warn the people of Nineveh because his nationalistic feelings were directed against the Assyrians—the enemies of his people, Israel.

We must understand that God created every human being, and that He loves everybody (even though He most certainly does not love sinful conduct of anybody). God is NOT a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). He desires everyone to be saved and to come to the understanding of the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). In God’s Church, there is no place for nationalism or falsely-understood patriotism.

In addressing His people who were plagued with a wrong kind of “love” for their country, God leaves us with a powerful admonition in Amos 9:7: “‘Are you not like the people of Ethiopia to Me, O children of Israel?’ says the LORD. ‘Did I not bring up Israel from the land of Egypt, The Philistines from Capthor, And the Syrians from Kir?’”

As God freed Israel from slavery, so He did the same for the Philistines and the Syrians. Let us understand this fully, and let us think and act as God’s people without any false concepts of nationalism or misguided patriotism, and without any hatred towards others.

Your brother in Christ,

Norbert Link

Letter to the Brethren – June 14, 2017

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In another age, in a time when violence overwhelmed civilization, Noah was chosen for a monumental job—to build an Ark. It took decades to complete, and only Noah and his family, along with specified animals, were permitted to enter the Ark. Only they survived the destruction of the Flood.

Jesus compared that time to the period which will usher in His return and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. He said that society would not be aware of the trouble which was coming. Prophecies given to Daniel indicate that this will be the worst time ever experienced by mankind, but Jesus promises that the world will be saved from total annihilation—that some will survive and even that some will be divinely protected.

Now, another important aspect of God’s great Work is nearing completion, and when it is finished, the end of this age will come. It is the commission given to the Church of God to proclaim the gospel to all nations as a witness, despite the fact that most will ignore the message.

Brethren, what can we say of ourselves at this time? How do we fit into the events of our generation? Prophetic statements about the Church of God indicate that not all Christians are prepared for what is happening now—much less for what the future holds.

The problem is one of complacency—especially about engaging in the end-time commission of the Work of God!

In that regard, let’s test ourselves. Do we consider the job at hand on a daily basis, or do we only occasionally think about the big picture and the great purpose to be accomplished by God’s people. It is, first and foremost, to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and to feed those whom God will call as a result!

Consider the dozens of people in Europe who have responded to the powerful preaching of Norbert Link in the German language. Now, the Church of God is firmly established and growing in Germany. But with that growth, we need more help. Leadership is required. Pray that God will provide it—we can all participate in the Work by seeking God’s help in this regard.

Amazing opportunities have been set before the Church of God to do the Work. The “open door” of the Internet allows us to post our sermons and publications on our own website as well as other places, such as YouTube. Remarkably, this information is available all over the world. But we must not take this for granted. Doors can be closed! Pray that we can effectively use these tools while we have them.

As members of the Body of Christ, the Church of God, we are responsible to add what we can to the Work of God. While we are small in numbers, scattered in locations and only able to all get together at the Feast of Tabernacles, still, we serve as the backbone of support for the Work being accomplished. Pray about your individual role as well as for the kind of godly unity which, together, will make us successful.

In all that we do, our actions must be to please God and to follow the lead of Jesus Christ. Pray that we can do this with fervent zeal in fulfilling the end-time commission of the Work of God!

Do this and we will be prepared—able to face those things which are coming.

In Christ’s Service,

Dave Harris

Letter to the Brethren – May 15, 2017

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Dear Members and Friends,

Looking at conditions in the world, one has to conclude that there may not be much time left before Christ returns. “Not much time left” is a relative term. If you are young, the impact on a possible delay of Christ’s coming is less traumatic than if you are older, when a delay could impact you in that you may die before the event happens (even though death has no bearing on your salvation if you die in Christ). But we don’t want to get into a complacent frame of mind that “my Lord delays His coming,” which could have disastrous consequences.

Matthew 24:45-51 states (Authorized Version throughout):

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Notice verse 45, which addresses our collective responsibility of giving the world and the membership meat in due season; that is, the members are to be spiritually fed and the world is to receive a warning message and the good news of hope, following the coming disasters, trials and tribulation. Without Christ’s return, there would be no HOPE. Hope is an amazing quality because if we are going through a severe trial and lose hope, what remains?

At one time, Paul and his companions almost lost hope, as recorded in Acts 27:20: “And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.” However, that was not the end of the story:

“But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss. And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, but of the ship. For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee. Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me” (Acts 27:21-25).

God was not going to abandon Paul, his companions and the members of the crew. Therefore, all could be of good cheer, believing in God’s intervention and deliverance.

Today, we have similar promises from Christ when being tried. Hebrews 13:5 says: “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” This is a promise we can and must rely on.

Also notice 1 Corinthians 10:13: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a [better: the] way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” God’s promise of escape and protection can also be found in Luke 21:36: “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”

God gives us the promise that we will not be tried beyond our capabilities and that He will show us the way of escape from the trial; and He gives us the additional promise that He will never forsake us. In addition, we must also not forget this promise, as recorded in Matthew 24:13: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”

Let us ask the following questions:

Are there more severe trials coming on this sinful world? Yes!

Are we to lose hope when facing the hard times ahead? No!

Armed with God’s promises, we should never lose hope, but rather look to our fantastic future potential of becoming godly kings and priests, serving under Christ in the Millennium and beyond, by helping to usher in a time of true peace and prosperity, which this world sorely needs.

In Christ’s Service,

Rene Messier

Letter to the Brethren – April 3, 2017

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Dear Members:

As the Passover season approaches, many of us are feeling beset with trials and hardships. We are targeted because of the influence Satan is constantly exerting against the Church of God. Satan never rests and neither should we. Our spiritual welfare hinges upon our willingness to stand firm in the Truth and not succumb to the lies Satan has so masterfully intertwined into mankind’s beliefs. Our only hope of leaving behind worldly sins is to have an unquenching desire for those things that are pure (1 Peter 2:1–2). If we are truly coming before God with that attitude, we will grow in godly understanding and overcome anything Satan throws at us.

We should come together with this attitude during God’s Holy Days, and even more so as we gather to take the Passover. Our continued support for one another, especially as the world is spiritually crumbling around us, is necessary. The Church of God will not fall, as Christ states: “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades [death] shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). Are we willing to wholly submit to God so that we can take part and build up the Church of God? When self-desires overcome the Will of God, there is no room for the Truth. His Church will prevail but many in the end time will not. Some, in the pursuit of the temporary, will simply walk away from eternal life.

During the recent Church Conference one central theme emerged: the Work of God is not finished! Christ told His Disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…” (Mark 16:15). That commission is still at the forefront of our focus for the Church.

Some pertinent topics covered from this year:

  • We discussed the continuing work of the ministry from all our locations, including the ongoing growth in Germany, as well as new and prospective baptisms in the U.S and Germany.
  • The technical staff is continuing to modify the English and German websites for better web visibility. Web traffic has grown by over 30%. We are seeing viewers from all parts of the world. We also discussed the need to include clarifying comments regarding our approach towards the Current Events section.
  • The StandingWatch has been updated graphically and the video has been directly incorporated into the Church website.
  • We plan to incorporate the video for the live Sabbath broadcast directly into the Church website. Initial testing using YouTube instead of Livestream for this change is ongoing. Both San Diego and Fort Collins are in the process of upgrading equipment. We hope to have a more stable broadcast with these changes. We also discussed setting up equipment so other areas can broadcast live/recorded video services.
  • We had discussions on doctrinal issues, some of which will be followed up with Q&A’s. These include the understanding and definition of what are “saints”; whether or not Satan can influence us while asleep; issues that arise with early Sabbath sunsets for commuters; the concept of “betrothal”; and conditional and unconditional biblical promises for blessings.
  • Discussion on the requirements and capabilities for our organization to visit a growing number of brethren and interested persons, including those in Africa.
  • What is our approach towards other COG organizations in light of doctrinal and administrative differences? We have plans for a booklet, based (in part) with our on-going Q&A series, “How Does the Church of the Eternal God and its International Affiliates Differ From Other Christian Churches?” Our focus should be to uphold the Will of God to the best of our ability and let our lights shine.
  • We discussed the steps a person should go through when requesting prayer announcements. Based on James 5:13–16, we have a clear process which the Church has followed. We also discussed the kind of problems which should or should not be included in an official prayer request, and the need for specific preparations of an anointed cloth. We intend to prepare a Q&A to delve deeper into this topic.
  • Discussion of several new booklets and other printed material that are in the early planning stages; as well as Feast plans for 2018.

It is on our knees that this Church will succeed in fulfilling God’s Will. Stating that the Church of God is built on a Rock—Jesus Christ—elicits a sense of solidity. While the ministry is at the forefront for many of the required tasks, the entire membership needs to support this Work. Each of us contributes in making the Church a place of growth through our prayers and obedience to God’s Will. Paul understood that complete submission to God’s Will would strengthen himself and his brethren, “For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height—to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:14-19).

Hold fast to the faith delivered to each of us—God’s saints. We are light bearers for a world rooted in darkness. Christ offered Himself willingly so that we could share in His Glory. Let us not waste this wonderful opportunity on things that are passing, but fix our eyes on that great eternal reward.

With love from the ministry for all of God’s Servants,

Norbert Link

Dave Harris

Rene Messier

Brian Gale

Eric Rank

Robb Harris

Michael Link

Kalon Mitchell

Letter to the Brethren – March 13, 2017

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

In a little less than a month from now, baptized members of the Church of God will be observing the Passover, and members and prospective members will also celebrate the Days of Unleavened Bread. Are we preparing in our minds, hearts and homes for these occasions?

The Passover gives us the opportunity to remember and recommit to our covenant with God; to realize who we are; to take note of changes we have made; to recognize that we have more room to grow; and to make sure that we are willing and wanting to make all necessary changes. God promises us that we can come to Him at any time and ask for forgiveness, and He will grant it to us, based on certain conditions. The Passover also helps to remind us of the supreme Sacrifice that Christ gave on our behalf, and just what that Sacrifice should mean in the life of a true Christian.

1 Corinthians 11:17–34 should be well known to us as it describes proper conduct, true personal examination and warnings about the Passover. Partaking in it is sacred to God. Paul’s mighty warning is that those who did NOT take the time to properly examine themselves, before partaking of the Passover, may become weak and sick (spiritually and maybe even physically) and may die prematurely. We read in Matthew 26:36–44 that Christ instituted the new symbols of the Passover and then went to the Mount of Olives to pray to God for strength in the ordeal He was about to face. He was distressed and deeply sorrowful. He was a human being who had emotions, and He did not want to have to go through the terrible, painful things He knew were coming.

Christ prayed three times to God for strength and the will to obey. Each time He came back, He found the disciples sleeping. It was night, and they might have been full from supper and inclined to sleep. But Christ wanted them to watch. He told them explicitly that He would be praying. He let them know just how deeply distressed He was at that moment. He knew it would be an hour of temptation both to Him and them, and therefore, He advised them to stay awake and watch; but when He came back, they slept. In verse 41, He specifically asks them to pray both for themselves and for Him; but they slept.

Are we asleep today? Are many in the Churches of God asleep today? It is easy to become tired, to become weary from so much trying. Does it feel at times that we are not moving forward but falling backwards? Does it feel like we are weak, without power, unable to overcome, depressed or unmotivated? These are typical human reactions. We can all feel this way at times. Christ was going through a very tough moment in His physical life, but He prayed very zealously three times for about an hour each time, so that He could accomplish what He needed to do.

We HAVE to take note of Christ’s example and His strength, and rely on the Word of God that what He says is true. In Isaiah 11:1–5 we read about Christ’s characteristics. Notice how it talks about the things in verse 2 which made up Christ’s character, but as it says, the Spirit of the LORD (the Holy Spirit of God the Father) accomplished these things in and through Him:

“ The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.”

We can have the same powerful Spirit working in and through us if we are willing to submit to God and work out our own salvation with fear (true Godly fear) and trembling (Philippians 2:11–13). Paul was quick to tell the Corinthians that even though his letter to them caused them sorrow, he was actually glad because their sorrow was in a godly fashion, causing them to truly repent and draw closer to God (2 Corinthians 7:11).

We ALL fail at times. We all do our best to put on a good face. But God knows. He is the one who searches and knows our hearts and us more than we can even know ourselves, or anyone else, for that matter. God looks upon our attitude. God truly loves us and cares for us. He tries us because He loves us. But again, it is something that we have to believe. Matthew 11:28 tells us that when we are heavy-laden with problems, with issues, with sin, with anything that may be affecting us, then we are to come to Him to place our issues on His shoulders, and to seek Him first in our hearts, minds and actions.

God has inspired the Bible to be written in just the way that He wanted. And so, when we read Scriptures such as Isaiah 40:28-29, we can find hope and courage:

“ Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the LORD,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.”

There are no limits to God’s stunning power and love. Unlike the disciples who slept through a few hours of a crucial time, God will never fail to watch or protect us if that is what we want. Psalm 121:1–8 shows us that it is God and ONLY God who can do these things. We will not prosper if we try on our own to accomplish our will, goals and ideas.

As we come to the start of the spring Holy Days, let us keep these things in mind. If we are asleep in any way, we need to take this time we have left to seek God and then take the Passover in a worthy manner. It may be a good idea to revisit our booklet, The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days (as well as any of the other booklets and articles on this topic which can be found abundantly on our website, eternalgod.org), to fully comprehend what we need to do in the coming days to prepare for the Passover night and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

We hope that this coming festival season will find us closer to God than ever before, and with a willingness of heart to try even harder. We cannot say when Christ will return, but based on world events, the time of our salvation must truly be near (Romans 12:11). So, let us all become and stay encouraged and strong.

With much brotherly love,

Kalon Mitchell

Letter to the Brethren – February 21, 2017

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Dear Members and Friends,

Have we ever been in a situation in our lifetime when virtually the whole world is concerned about one nation, specifically one man, as we are experiencing now? Not a day goes by since the current President of the United States has been elected into office that we don’t see some kind of grave anxiety, based on the reactions all over the world, and the year has just started.

All we need to do is turn on the news or the home page of our browsers on our computers. When it comes to the latest approval rate, as of February 17, 2017, President Trump has reached his all-time low. According to theweek.com, his approval rating dropped to only 38 percent.

The article points out, “President Trump’s approval rating has sunk to its lowest level since his inauguration, with just 38 percent of Americans approving of his job as president, Gallup reports. Trump is now 23 points below the historical average for new presidents in mid-February, who are typically approved of by 61 percent of voters. He is also 13 points below the lowest mid-February approval rating for any other president in modern polling history, which was Bill Clinton with 51 percent. For context: Former President Barack Obama’s lowest approval rating in eight years as president was 38 percent, a drop that followed instances such as the 2011 debt ceiling negotiations and downgrading of the U.S. credit rating, or in September 2014, just before the Islamic State released videos of U.S. journalists being beheaded. Trump’s highest approval rating since taking office was 46 percent, on his fourth and fifth day in office. It’s all been downhill from there; by Friday, 56 percent of Americans disapproved of the job Trump was doing in office. Gallup’s poll reaches 1,500 adults across the nation by telephone, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 points.”

This number might drop even further. Right now, rejection of the White House is the viewpoint of a vast majority of the people of this nation.

Overall, this nation is not happy! Talks about impeaching Donald Trump have already come up, only weeks after he was elected into office, in addition to his highly controversial actions which have caused outrage across the world. People across the globe are not very happy! And this is only the beginning!

Can we see and do we believe how prophecy is unfolding before our eyes? Do we really believe that we have a lot of time left? Is America really going to become great again? We should know the answers to these questions from the pages of the Bible.

As more things come to light, we need to have our head on straight and focus on what is really important. But if we are not careful, we might be challenged getting ourselves caught up in all the propaganda hype, especially among people who love to debate political matters. Even though we should understand what is going on in the world right now, we might still give in to distractions. There is much in the world which could divert our thinking, by focusing on things that the world has to offer, and also by being caught up and sidetracked with political viewpoints, prophetic speculation and assumption. We should not allow ourselves to be deceived with all the propaganda, politics and conspiracy theories floating around the Internet and media sources. God tells us not to speak of a “conspiracy” concerning “all that this people calls a conspiracy” (Isaiah 8:12). Not every piece of “news” is “fake news,” only because somebody says so, while not every piece of “news” is based on facts. These are distractions which can consume our thinking. If we are not careful, they can lead us down a wrong path.

Understand who the author of confusion is; who the deceiver is; who the ruler of this world is (John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9)! Understand what our commission is and what our purpose is, for God has called us for a purpose! Jesus told us: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain…” (John 15:16; also compare Mark 16:15-16; Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31). The weekly Updates that we publish are for our benefit. They report the real news—the news that we need to concentrate on as we prepare ourselves for what is happening now and what is to come in the near future, based on the correct understanding of BIBLICAL PROPHECY. This is how we bear fruit and make sure that our fruit remains—by watching what is going on and continuing to do so, while also remaining faithful and obedient to God’s laws.

Look at what last year has brought and the years before that, leading up to now. Look how quickly things have changed in America and how the whole world is being affected. Look how things have changed in Europe, especially last year with the whole migrant situation; and we will see an escalation of things in the near future. What can we expect for the modern descendants of the House of Israel, which the Bible talks about, especially the United Kingdom (Ephraim), the United States of America (Manasseh) and the State of Israel (Judah)? Our latest booklet, The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People, discusses at great length the history and future of the House of Judah.

What does the Bible prophesy? Those who are faithful in the Church of God know and proclaim the answer to this question. We have literature and messages on that, including two of our many booklets, The Great Tribulation and Day of the LORD and the Fall and Rise of Britain and America, which discuss the future of America and other English-speaking nations and the responsibility that God has given His end-time Church. Matthew 24:22 commands us to watch, and that is exactly what we should be doing—watching and also warning of what is to come.

So are we prepared? Are we ready? Or are we giving in to distractions? We should not take lightly what is happening presently. Rather, we need to be on guard. People in the world and “their” beliefs can easily distract us, when we give in to consider and even embrace what they believe, while the Bible proves them wrong. Satan is very clever and he will try everything he can to draw us away from the Truth. Remember, what is not of God, is of Satan.

Holidays can be a distraction, for many of them are ungodly. Oftentimes, man has twisted the true meaning behind them by making them appear “innocent fun”; or they might appear “Christian,” while they have no relevance with what the Bible teaches. Instead, man has replaced God’s Holy Days with man’s holidays by giving in to pagan worship, which God prohibits. And He tells us not to worship Him in the way the pagans worshipped their gods, by adopting pagan customs and incorporating them in our worship (Deuteronomy 12:30-31).

There are many other distractions that could affect us in different ways: our jobs, social media like Facebook and the Internet, culture, relationships, technology, entertainment, material things, money, or our conscience. This is not to say that all of that is bad, but we need to have a proper approach and balance as to how we act and react. There is a lot of confusion out there, and we need to understand what the Bible is saying, making sure that we do not drift away from what is vital.

Indeed, there are many things which could affect our focus. God wants us to be ready; He wants us to be prepared; and He wants us to conquer our weaknesses and overcome the distractions that Satan throws at us. We know that Satan will tempt us in every way possible, but we also know that we can overcome every obstacle which faces us, as with God’s help, there is nothing too difficult for us to handle.

Take it personally. God has called us for a reason. He has a purpose for us NOW. And we need to understand that we could possibly delay the return of Christ if we are not faithful in doing the Work and if we are negligent in overcoming our sins and transgressions (2 Peter 3:4-9; 14-18).

An interesting year is ahead of us, and we are indeed getting closer to Christ’s return. Prophecy shows us that that Day cannot be that far away. We are enclosing for our American subscribers a free copy of our new booklet, The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People, which discusses many end-time prophecies. (Our subscribers in other parts of the world will receive their free copy with a separate mailing). Fulfillment of prophecy should encourage us to focus on the really important things in this world and in our lives.

We will be tried and tested more and more to see how strong we are in the faith. Satan knows where we are vulnerable, which is why we need to remain vigilant at all times. God knows—and we should know, too—that we can and will succeed IF we obey Him.

In God’s service and with brotherly love,

Michael Link

Letter to the Brethren – January 12, 2017

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Dear Brethren, Co-Workers and Friends:

The age we live in is characterized by an attitude in which religious zeal is apathetic and holiness is unimportant. Society has traded in godliness for worldliness today, valuing the carnal ideals of man more than righteousness. The laws of the land increasingly marginalize Christian ideals in favor of the ill-motivated preferences of mankind. The Truth of the Bible is compromised and scientific theory vaunted. These are the signs of the times. Truly, we only need to read the Bible and look around us to come to the conclusion that Truth is exchanged for the lie (compare Romans 1:25), and that which is good is declared as evil (compare Isaiah 5:20).

Most of the world is blind to these observations though. But, if we are able to recognize and comprehend how society has departed from God, we should consider ourselves to be very fortunate. For, God calls very few out of this world to understand the Truth—and indeed, it is a great privilege, especially in the current age. If we are blessed enough to be given the gift of understanding through the Holy Spirit living within us, we are also accountable to do something with our understanding.

What are we to do then? If we are accountable to do something with our understanding, does this mean that we are to go out on a crusade to force the world to see the errors of their ways? Are we to dedicate our lives to proselytize and convert the unconverted? The answer is, absolutely not! The Bible is clear in the teaching that no one can come to God unless he or she is called. To go on a religious crusade is bound to fail and cause more damage than good. At the same time, the Church of God has the collective commission to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness, so that Jesus Christ can return to this earth (Matthew 24:14).

If we are not to actively force our beliefs and knowledge of the Truth on people who are not called, should we then just be satisfied with the knowledge we have, and go about “business as usual”? Is it sufficient for us to merely have the knowledge of the Truth if we want to inherit the Kingdom of God? Does the knowledge of the Truth make us immune to being pulled into worldliness and sin? Can we just be satisfied with what we have learned and keep it to ourselves? Can we count on our own strength, wisdom, and wealth to save our lives? Again, the answer is, absolutely not!

There is a warning to the Church of Laodicea in the Bible that applies directly to our current age. It bears repeating so that we are reminded of what to monitor in our lives. “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent” (Revelation 3:15-19).

The fault ascribed to the Church era of Laodicea is a lack of zeal, and the prescription is repentance— coming out of sin. When the love of the Truth is lacking, we expose ourselves to the deceptions of the world, and put ourselves at risk of returning to sin and falling away from God (compare 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). Yes, we must do more with the knowledge that we have been given as a gift than just keep it in a figurative portfolio of assets. God’s Spirit, and the understanding that comes with it, is useless unless we love it, care for it, and zealously put it to work.

While we are not to be overzealous and go on a crusade, we must set forth on a different kind of journey. With the Spirit of God guiding us, we are compelled to embark on a quest in our lives. The understanding of the Truth should lead us to continually search for ways to improve our lives by overcoming sin, seeking spiritual growth, and to cease our endeavors for worldly gain. The way that we put our gifts to work involves deepening our conversion so that we live our lives in a way that glorifies God. We are to work from the inside out, trying our best to understand righteousness and to live accordingly. When we are able to do this, the good works that we do will offer a positive example to our peers in the world who observe us (compare Matthew 5:16, 1 Peter 2:12). Our individual quest in this human life to overcome sin and replace it with righteousness must actively carry on throughout our lives.

Knowing what we are called to do, it would be a good idea to ask ourselves some questions. Have we finished with learning? Have we stopped inquiring about the Truth? After learning the basics in the Bible, have we stopped our spiritual development? Do we consider our quest to be complete? Or, are we carrying on in our journey? Are we clear about what we seek on our quest? The answers to these questions should help to guide our next steps, which must involve learning how to complete our conversion.

An important part of the commission of the Church of the Eternal God and its international affiliates is to provide you with the raw materials that you need to continue your spiritual development and to assist you on your quest. Just as those who have gone before us, we are pilgrims and strangers on this earth, who seek a homeland in the Kingdom of God (compare Hebrews 11:13-16). And pilgrims on a journey out of this world must be adequately equipped. For this reason, the Church also continues on a collective quest that is directed to feed the flock, but also to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness.

As we all carry on in this mutual quest for the Kingdom, we should all be conscious that one day soon that great day will come when we will find what we all seek, but only if we never stop working individually, and collectively.

With brotherly love,

Eric Rank

©2024 Church of the Eternal God