This Week in the News

We report on the strongest swarm of earthquakes in Southern California in 30 years; discuss plans to create a political European union; speak on the escalating conflict between Iran and Israel; relate tensions in the East Asian seas; report on doubts regarding the original report on Osama Bin Laden’s death; speak on the world’s view pertaining to the American election; and conclude with the increasing deterioration of Europe’s relationship with Ukraine and Russia and anti-Semitic activities in Germany and The Netherlands.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on the terrible drought plaguing the United States, and continue with predictable developments in Russia—showing the ongoing and increasingly totalitarian dictatorship of former KGB spy Vladimir Putin; his support from the Russian Orthodox Church and even the Federation of Jewish communities; and the European willful indifference and tolerance of his actions—even though most recent internationally condemned Russian conduct may put a strain on European-Russian relations. We also include reports on developments within the Roman Catholic Church.

We continue reporting on the “hypocritical action” of the Ecuadorian government in granting political asylum to WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange, and the “absurd” and “blundering” “retaliatory response” of the British government.

Focusing on the volatile situation in the Middle East, we report on Israel’s apparent determination to strike Iran in October; Iran’s threat against Israel and Saudi Arabia; outrageous and blasphemous anti-Semitic false accusations of a leading Saudi Arabian (Sunni) cleric; and the unbelievable fact that the (Shiite) terrorist organization Hezbollah is permitted to operate unrestrictedly in most European countries, including and especially in Germany.

We conclude with further unsettling developments pertaining to Germany’s court decision, prohibiting circumcision on religious grounds, and the confusion pertaining to circumcision in general.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on the increasingly volatile situation in the Middle East, with special emphasis on the ongoing Iranian-Israeli conflict, the unsettling developments in Egypt, and the civil war in Syria.

We continue reporting on Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as presumptive Vice-President, and attempt to paint a clear(er) picture of Mr. Ryan’s positions and beliefs.

Turning to Europe, we report on the possibility of several European nations leaving the Eurozone and the increasing likelihood of Great Britain leaving the EU altogether, as well as attempts to create a unified “defense force” for Europe, under German, French and Polish leadership.

We conclude with two articles pertaining to Germany. We are revisiting the controversial decision of a German court to criminalize circumcision, and in focusing on an invasion of North American raccoons, we show the devastating consequences when man tries to “improve” nature.

This Week in the News

We begin with an ominous report quoting Iran’s Khamenei call to prepare for war. Citing other developments, we see the merging of Islamist interests in Egypt and Iran and the preparations for war defense by the Israelis.

Greece begins to deport migrants and we report on the growing acceptance of euthanasia as a business in Germany; German lawmakers support gay relationships as holding “consersative values”; Mitt Romney is revealed as flip-flopping on the issue of gay relationships, and we report on the spread of African swine flu into Europe.

This Week in the News

We begin with an insightful article in the New York Times about the rather weird Olympic Opening Ceremony in London, prompting us to reflect on God’s prophecies in the book of Hosea; continue with the horrible crime of female circumcision and Britain’s dubious role in this regard; and speak, in contrast, about Germany’s scandalous movement towards banning circumcision of young boys, and Satan’s role in all of these developments.

We continue with the agendas and flubs of our American leaders in politics and the media and the dubious roles the NRA leadership and gay activities are playing in this country. We warn of a coming global food crisis; address the terrible consequences of a military confrontation between Israel and Iran for the entire world, and conclude with a report on the outbreak of new fighting in Ethiopia.

This Week in the News

The mass murder in one of Colorado’s theaters during a midnight showing of the new Batman movie has shocked and bewildered many, and answers for the unthinkable are being sought. We are giving you some samples of valid considerations, which all contribute, more or less, to understanding the nature of evil deeds, but do not solve the problem at hand. They do show, however, how dark this world has become. Please make sure to read the Editorial in this Update, and to view our new StandingWatch program, “No More Guns?”, and our half hour sermon on the topic, titled, “The Colorado Massacre.”

We also report on other frightening developments in the United States and Syria, and conclude with ongoing developments in Germany (and Europe) regarding the German court decision which criminalizes circumcision of young boys.

This Week in the News

We begin reporting on frightening and somewhat disgusting events and developments in the United States—the once prosperous Christian land of the brave and the free—warning of the real threat of a new great depression threatening our very survival; the ongoing usurpation of powers by the Obama Administration, leading to less and less liberties and freedoms of the American people; President Obama’s controversial public revelations as to his visions of a future America; and Mitt Romney’s ongoing problems with incorrect statements pertaining to the Bain debacle. All of this shows the horrible state of affairs this country is in, which was once blessed by God for the unconditional obedience of Abraham, but which is now laboring under a curse due to its departure from God and His Law.

We continue with interesting developments in Germany. Could the fact that Germany is suffering from unparalleled droughts and mice plagues have anything to do with its lifestyle and wrong ideas—such as its controversial unbiblical court decision to label circumcision as a crime, which has been supported by most Germans?  German politicians begin to realize the irreparable international damage this whole matter has brought upon German reputation, and are struggling to mitigate it, but even if they were able to enact a law allowing circumcision of young boys, the fact that most Germans are opposed to it will have further negative consequences for the country in the long run.

Addressing European hypocrisy, we report on the European Commission’s position that a country which wants to become a EU member must support gay rights, while there seems to be much less concern for protection of religious minorities in Europe. This fact is highlighted by the European Commission’s announcement that the EU won’t get involved in Germany’s circumcision debacle, as this is a “national issue.”

We are pointing out a new possible controversy between France and England, pertaining to the British Crown Jewels; quote an interesting comment by the Pope; address the escalation of fighting in Syria and America’s dubious and inconsistent role, which is apparently merely dictated by selfish political considerations; and conclude with developments in Russia, showing desires to reinstate a dictatorship as it was known under Stalin and Lenin.

Surely, Satan IS the god of this world…

This Week in the News

The terrible weather conditions in large parts of the US bring back frightening memories of droughts in 1988 or even the 1930’s, and bring into focus biblical warnings that our soil will ultimately become like iron, due to our disobedience of God and His laws. Severe weather conditions could also be seen in the UK and around the world. The Bible also prophesies that animals, in one way or another, will be responsible for the deaths of many people, and that sicknesses will increase, and we are already seeing the beginning of the fulfillment of these prophecies.

Germany will not return to the deutschmark nor give up the euro, and Angela Merkel’s popularity in Germany is higher than ever. At the same time, Germany finds itself under national and international attack because of its abominable final decision of the court of appeals in Cologne, declaring circumcision of babies or young boys to be a crime. Sadly, many Germans welcome the decision. They seem to have forgotten that in the past, the persecution of unpopular religious minorities in Germany led to Hitler’s Holocaust.

Focusing on Barack Obama’s ongoing troubles, allegations are being made that he has been using a fraudulent social security number, as reported by WorldNetDaily and the Drudge Report; frightening prospects and adverse consequences of his health care law may adversely affect most taxpayers in 2014, as reported by the Associated Press; and the way in which the US government is usurping more and more powers and thereby limiting the individual liberties and freedoms of US citizens, as reported by MSNBC, should wake everybody up. Sadly, most Americans don’t seem to know or care what is really going on—until it will be too late. And so, it is true that before we will be destroyed from the outside, we will have already begun to destroy ourselves from the inside.

We conclude with several articles pertaining to the developments in the Middle East.

This Week in the News

We begin with reporting on America’s 4th of July Independence Day and an insightful article as to its relevance for us today;  reflect on America’s ongoing terrible natural disasters, caused largely by derechos; and give an interesting behind-the-scene look on the deliberations of the US Supreme court justices, which resulted in their controversial decision on the Obamacare health care law.

Focusing on Europe, we speak on Britain’s losing battle in trying to prevent the establishment of a political union and the inevitable outcome that Britain will become first a somewhat paralyzed second-class associate member and ultimately leave the EU. We also address France’s willingness to legalize same-sex marriages, showing the ongoing trend in Europe (and in the entire Western world), to allow what the Bible condemns, and prohibit what the Bible allows.

We continue with reports on rising tensions in the Middle East, singling out Iran and Egypt; and address growing military cooperation between Russia and India in the development of hypersonic missiles.

We conclude with the news regarding the alleged discovery of the Higgs boson or the “God particle,” which is thought to create a force field that permeates the universe, imbuing everything that we can see and touch with mass. If this discovery is genuine and confirmed, it would show once more God’s awesome power and intelligence—even though scientists would try to make a case for accidental evolution, to be sure.

This Week in the News

First, we are focusing on two controversial decisions of the US Supreme Court—pertaining to Obamacare and the Arizona Immigration Law, and continue speaking on the dangers of drones in the US; the downgrading of national and international banks; the fear of insolvency of our social security system for disability benefits; and the ongoing discussion on same-sex marriages.

We continue discussing the evolving situation in Europe, in the light of biblical prophecy, and focus, in particular, on an outrageous court decision in Germany, holding that circumcision is a crime; address the developments in Egypt; and conclude with statements of the “godfather of global warming,” admitting that he was wrong.

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