We are reporting about the fluid situation in Libya and explain that it is far too early to celebrate; point out the emerging possibility of “foreign” military involvement in Syria; speak of the rocky relationship between US Christian fundamentalists and Israel; address the dangers of Egypt’s new-found “democracy”; speak of the failure of the U.S. legal system in the Strauss-Kahn matter; report on the unusual earthquake which hit the U.S. East Coast, and Hurricane Irene; discuss the perceived need to create a powerful European fiscal government; and show how much U.K.’s former Prime Minister is out of touch with reality.
Current Events
This Week in the News
In light of a most recent court decision, declaring the individual mandate of the new U.S. healthcare law to be unconstitutional, we speak of analysts describing Obamacare as a terrible curse, and what it would do, and is already doing for or, more accurately, to this country. We continue reporting on the awful economic situation for many Americans; the fear of worldwide recession; and, what appears to be, short-sighted opinions of a leading U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate.
We address the volatile situation in the Middle East, especially in Israel, Iraq, Libya and Syria; speak of the universal moral decay in the UK and elsewhere; address Germany’s consistent and correct conviction that the euro will not and cannot fail, and that it is stable and sound; speak of German and French plans to create a European economic government; address the revelation of more oil spills; and conclude with terrible statistics about our family life.
This Week in the News
In this edition, we report about the worldwide lack of true leadership, including in the USA and Europe; the historic and unprecedented downgrading of the US credit ratings and its worldwide consequences, prompting papers to ask whether the end of America has come; the equally unprecedented loss of American troops in Afghanistan; and Iran’s intentions to launch a cyber-attack on America.
We continue with an article explaining how the allies stood idly by when the Berlin Wall was erected; speak of the ongoing violent riots in Great Britain; and conclude with comments on the mass murder in Norway and an appalling report of so-called Christian scholars rejecting the Bible account on Adam and Eve.
This Week in the News
We report on America’s debt-ceiling compromise; the setback of Libyan rebels; dangerous developments in and pertaining to Iran; Germany’s controversial military deal with Saudi-Arabia; joint military ventures between Germany and France; the desire of the British people to leave the EU; new doubts regarding the concept of global warming; and the eerie phenomenon of lake waters in Texas turning red as blood…
This Week in the News
We report on the abominable mass murders in Norway (and the field day that the left liberal press is having in their crusade against “fundamentalist Christianity”); address the never-ending talks of our career politicians regarding raising the “debt ceiling,” in an attempt to score points for themselves, as well as the potentially devastating repercussions for America; speak of Germany’s double-standard and double-talk regarding its position and conduct pertaining to Libya; show how the biblically prophesied emergence of the United States of Europe, under German leadership, is occurring in front of our very eyes; announce Israel’s contemplation to attack Iran by September, which would lead to terrible consequences for the entire Middle East and the USA; and conclude with the horrible revelation that scientists all over the world have been “creating” human animal hybrids.
This Week in the News
We start reporting on the ongoing discussions pertaining to the US debt crisis, which has placed the USA in a very bad light across Europe. German papers don’t seem to differentiate between Republicans, Democrats or the Obama Administration, placing blame on all of them for playing with fire.
On the other hand, some Americans point out that President Obama’s threat to withhold social security payments appears to be tantamount to an idle and highly inappropriate threat.
A stunning article by the British paper, Express, predicts that a European anti-democratic superpower will be established very soon, while Britain won’t be part of it. At the same time, voices are being heard advocating Pope John Paul II to become the religious patron of a united Europe.
Celebrations occurred this week in Germany, remembering the failed attempt to kill Adolf Hitler. And in a seeming paradox, the right-wing anti-Muslim Austrian FPÖ party is engaged in activities and mediations in authoritarian Muslim countries, such as Libya and Syria; while the British media scandal widens and widens…
We report on famine in Somalia, and our last article reports on surprising topographic consequences of powerful earthquakes… and the Bible predicts that the past is just a small foretaste of what the future will bring.
This Week in the News
We begin reporting on Britain’s ongoing and ever-deepening “blagging” and bribery media scandal, and new staggering information is revealed almost on a daily basis.
We continue focusing on America’s debt crisis; the seemingly irreconcilable positions of the Democrats and the Republicans, which mainly seem to be dictated by political considerations; the pressure of the IMF on the USA; and the ongoing difficulties of Europe’s economy, with special emphasis on Italy and Spain.
Frustrated Egyptians still hope that their country may see true reforms; Iran continues to show its true colors of autocratic Islamic dictatorship; and the situation in Syria is escalating. Germany is busy selling its weapons all over the world, with the resulting paradox that in Libya, three hostile parties use German weapons to fight each other. Germany’s good qualities are so often misused for wrong purposes, and its misguided zeal might do more harm than good, as our report on the conviction of a UK bishop shows who denied aspects of the Holocaust.
We report on the German memorial service for the late Otto von Habsburg; speak about the controversy between Denmark and Germany; continue with a report of a most recent national poll showing that by now, most Americans approve of same-sex marriages; list another example as to why true Christians should not serve on a jury, and conclude with a report on famine and disease epidemics in Africa.
This Week in the News
In this issue, we first focus on the USA and Canada, followed by the Middle East, with special emphasis on Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Syria. We continue reporting on Denmark’s controversial decision to reintroduce border controls, which the EU considers as being in violation of EU law, and show from an article in the Wall Street Journal that Germany is THE leader in Europe. At the same time, the article points out that Europe is expecting much more from Germany, including in regard to military action. We also speak of Greece’s loss of much of its sovereignty.
We also focus on the developments regarding the questionable allegations regarding Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the abominable and shameful way in which our legal system has been compromised, pointing out at the same time that none of this excuses his infidelity and adulterous conduct.
We conclude with a report on the death of Otto von Habsburg and a ridiculous piece by CNN, which asks the question as to what is wrong with eating dog meat. We provide the answer from the Bible.
This Week in the News
In this news edition, we are reporting on the fragile and highly volatile situation in Libya, especially in light of continuing charges of NATO’s illegal conduct in that part of the world, the questionable conduct of the German Defense Ministry, and the dissemination of rumors pertaining to a possible American invasion of Libya and Syria; inform our readers on Iran’s plan to start its first nuclear power plant in August; speak about Egypt’s futile attempts to create real democratic change; quote several articles about the interesting relationship between China and Europe, and especially between China and Germany; speak about the pressure which the EU is asserting against Greece; report on a new proposed Dutch law prohibiting Muslims and Jews to ritually slaughter animals; discuss the appointment and the intensions of the French Minister, Mrs. Christine Lagarde, as the new head of the IMF; and conclude with a warning that nuclear power plants are dangerous—including in the USA.
This Week in the News
We begin reporting on a disastrous and incredibly stupid program by America’s ATF; continue with the question of the legality or illegality of America’s involvement in the war in Libya; and speak on the extremely uncomfortable and disgusting political landscape in the USA and Bilderberg’s alleged role in the same.
Turning to Europe, we report at length on the Greek crisis and the consequences it might have for the future of Europe; and quote from a revealing interview with Germany’s Defense Minister.
We report on the economic situation in America and China; with the growing cooperation between China and Russia; and conclude with interesting articles on global warming; Dutch Freedom Party Leader Geert Wilders’ acquittal; and a new U.S. Census with surprising—or perhaps not that surprising—results.