The Royal Family

I don’t know what your sources for news are, but the royal family is coming to town soon and the media, for the most part, has failed to report it. This has resulted in only a very limited number hearing about the visit. Considering who this dynasty is and where they stand on the vital issues, this is really a shame.

As with most leaders they are promising what most want to hear. This really isn’t different from a lot of dignitaries out there. The difference is that this royal family is going to follow through on the plans previously laid out. How can they accomplish this when so many before them have failed? It’s because I am talking about the family of God. Christ will be returning to Earth with all power and authority (Rev 19:19-21), and He will see to it that His way is taught and observed throughout the entire world (Rom 14:11).

The great news is that They won’t be doing this alone. Right now in this present world, ruling families are quite small and exclusive. One has to be born into this group or marry into it. Interestingly enough this is the same way that we can become a part of the God family (John 3:5; Rev 19:7-9).

Right now the family of God consists of only 2 members – God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. The good news is that they are looking to add members very soon (For more information about this subject, read our booklet “God is a Family”). It will consist of those who heed His calling (John 6:44) and live according to His way of life (Mat 19:17).

What a wonderful prospect it will be, to be a part of this royal family…ruling together and ushering in an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity. NOW is the time to make the most of this valuable opportunity…if we would like to live forever and reign as kings and priests (Rev 5:10).

Not Yet

The Bible records a very brief account of an endeavor known as the tower of Babel. In a period after the great flood in which God destroyed the world that then was because of their sins, men banded together to establish a great city along with a high tower. Instead of spreading out to repopulate and settle the earth, these people evidently wanted to create great works for their own purposes.

God intervened to stop this by confusing their language to prevent their understanding one another. Why?

Mankind was beginning to venture into areas for which he was not prepared. Note this statement from God:

” ‘…and this is what they begin to do; now nothing will be withheld from them’ ” (Genesis 11:6).

These actions were outside of the plan that God was working out for mankind. We read the following in Genesis 5, verse 1: “…In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.” Then, in Hebrews 2 we are told: ” ‘…You have crowned him with glory and honor, And set him over the works of Your hands. You have put ALL THINGS in subjection under his feet.’ For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him” (verses 7-8).

Right now, God has given man the earth on which to live. We read in Psalm 115:16: “The heaven, even the heavens (which include space or the universe), are the LORD’S; But the EARTH He has given to the children of men.” We find this overview in Acts 17:26: ” ‘And He has made from one [man] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.’ “

We have more insight concerning the will of God for mankind in Isaiah 45:18: “For thus says the LORD Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited.”

However, in our time, mankind once again seeks to go beyond his appointed domain — thereby adopting, inadvertently, the spirit of Satan and his fallen angels who tried to leave earth to take God’s place in the third heaven. Jude 6 tells us, “And the [fallen] angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.” As the year 2004 gets under way, robotic spaceships have begun to land on Mars. The technology of our day seems limitless.

Now, ambitious plans for establishing colonies on the moon along with a quest to send men to the planet Mars are being embraced by mankind. The United States and Russia, long technological leaders in space exploration, now have competition from Europe, China, Japan and India. It appears that a space race is emerging once again.

The ominous worry is that space based weapons will proliferate among the nations. In fact, near space already is full of intelligence and communication satellites from which modern war becomes even more powerful in the hands of those nations who can wield such technologies.

Mankind is once again moving beyond the bounds and limits placed on him by God. This time, as before, God will have to intervene. Jesus Christ spoke of the end of the age of man’s self rule and the conditions occurring just prior to His return to this earth: ” ‘And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved…’ ” (Matthew 24:22).

However, there is great hope for mankind in the future that God has planned. As we read, Paul spoke in Hebrews 2:8 of the time when “all things” would be given to the sons of God. Peter adds the following: “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).

The sure promise of God is that man will indeed journey into all of His creation–beyond the bounds of this earth or the planets in this solar system. Indeed man will get to go where no man has gone before–just not yet!

Does God Know You?

Abraham exemplified God’s Way. His life was pleasing to God. When Abraham had come to the land God was giving to him, he had brought with him his nephew, Lot (Genesis 12:1-4). Since God was dealing primarily with Abraham, and since he was the elder in the relationship, no doubt when trouble arose with the herdsmen of Lot and Abraham’s herdsmen, Abraham could have directed Lot to move on with his herdsmen to another area. But what did he do?

Abraham said to his nephew, “‘Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left'” (Genesis 13: 8-9).

Lot, having first choice, looked out on the land and chose what he considered to be the best! (Genesis 13: 10-11). That is, of course, human nature! Abraham, on the other hand, took the area that was left, having approached this whole situation from the basis of love towards neighbor. This was typical of Abraham’s approach. We notice in this story that wherever Abraham went, he showed honor and respect toward God, as well as to his fellow man (Genesis 12:7-8; 13:14).

How did God feel about Abraham’s approach in his dealings with man and with God? Notice in Genesis 18:17-19, God makes the statement of Abraham: “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing; since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have known [or: chosen] him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

God had called Abraham out of this world to learn God’s Way of Life, and to pass it on to his offspring.

We find the real test as to Abraham’s faithfulness to God and to His Ways when God, after having given Abraham and Sarah a son, beyond the years of childbearing for Sarah, required of Abraham that he offer up Isaac as a burnt offering to the LORD. Having prepared the offering, Abraham was about to follow through with this sacrifice, when “‘the Angel of the LORD called to him from heaven and said, ‘Abraham, Abraham!’ And he said, ‘Here I am'” (Genesis 22:11).

“And He said, ‘Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me'” (Genesis 22:12).

Yes, God had now come to KNOW Abraham to the point that He knew Abraham would follow in His Ways, regardless of the situation! Has God come to know you to this extent, brethren? Has He come to know each of us in the Church, such that He can say of us — “I KNOW HIM!” — “I KNOW he (or she) will do what I have revealed that he (or she) should do?”

We must never forget Christ’s words in Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'”

God has called us out of this world, brethren. He has given us His Spirit. He has given us His Law. Is He as sure of us as He became of Abraham? Can He truly say of each of us — “I KNOW HIM — that he fears Me and that he will do as I have commanded?”

Negative Campaigning

Last Friday, January 2, 2004, the new leader of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom, Michael Howard, released his “statement of beliefs” in a two page spread in the Times newspaper. For those not familiar with Mr. Howard, he is a former refugee, a barrister and a formidable political figure. The Conservative Party has been regarded by many political commentators as the “natural party of power,” but since Margaret Thatcher was unceremoniously ousted from power as Prime Minister and leader of the party by her own supporters many years ago, the party has been in severe decline.

It has been recently viewed as a party racked with allegations of sleaze, divisions and malcontents and with infighting particularly over membership of the European Union. These self-destruct buttons have seen the new Labor Party have an easy ride and able to run the country without hindrance. But commentators feel that under Mr. Howard, perhaps for the first time in more than a decade, the Conservative Party is more at ease with itself. They point out that it has already started to take on an embattled government which is rocked by divisions over the war in Iraq, tuition fees for university graduates, and the presidential style of administration that has emerged since gaining power in 1997.

In an interview given by leading Conservatives following Mr. Howard’s two page article, the consensus of opinion was that negative campaigning in the future, while not being totally eliminated, was to be subordinated to a more positive political approach. Certainly in the UK, negative campaigning has been a feature of party politics for many years, as the adversarial style of politics has become more and more personal and accusatory. It is perhaps telling that the main party not in power is called the “Opposition” — not the “Cooperation”!

This got me thinking about the parallels with the mission of God’s true Church. We have been given a commission to warn the world. This could be seen by many as negative campaigning. The Ezekiel warning message (Ezekiel 3:16-21) is something that we have to take seriously. It is part of the gospel message of the Kingdom of God, that has to be preached (Matthew 24:14). Before the wonderful world tomorrow can be ushered in, the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord have to be fulfilled, which will be a time of terrible trouble for the modern nations of the houses of Israel and Judah, as well as the entire world.

As we warn the world, some may see this as negative campaigning. At the same time, we have, historically, taught and written about the wonderful world tomorrow that must surely now be just beyond the horizon. Politicians of whatever color or persuasion are always promising us a bright tomorrow, but they rarely deliver. While we may be involved in warning of bad news to come, we also announce the good news, which is as sure as the rising of tomorrow’s sun. The guarantee of the ushering in of God’s Kingdom will be good news for everyone on the face of the earth — not just for the inhabitants of a few select countries.

The vital difference between today’s political leaders and the true Church of God is that we have been privileged to be given answers about the future in God’s Word. Politicians, however well intentioned, are working on their own thoughts, ideas and concepts, which are often at variance with the way of God.

Negative campaigning by the Church? It could be seen by some as just that — but it is a part of our commission and it is accompanied by the most positive campaigning possible — the news of God’s coming Kingdom.

Ultimately, the whole world will be grateful for the fact that some few have had the courage and dedication to continue preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

What Do You Want?

Have you ever wanted something? Not just something that is a passing fancy, but something that is the entire focus of your being.

We read of just such an example in the account of Amnon and Tamar. 2 Samuel 13 relates the account. In verse 2, it states that Amnon was so “distressed” in his love for Tamar that he became sick. However, Amnon, in his obsession, actually ended up concocting a plan that culminated in his raping her. Verse 15 then continues the story: “Then Amnon hated her exceedingly, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her.”

Later on, Amnon was murdered for this disgraceful act by Absalom, Tamar’s brother. This event came on the heels of another despicable act of unrestrained lust on the part of king David. He had seen the beauty of Bathsheba, and with no consideration for the consequences, had defiled the wife of one of his most faithful servants, and, in order to cover up his adulterous conduct and to marry Bathsheba, he proceeded with killing Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah.

Through the prophet Nathan, God spoke this judgment to David: ” ‘Now therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife’ ” (2 Samuel 12:10).

Wanting something so intensely and, in a sense, so mindlessly as in the examples of Amnon and David led to tremendous frustration, suffering and even death!

That was true, likewise, for Adam and Eve. Note how Genesis 3:6 reports on their evil desire: “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.”

Once again, the results were catastrophic for both Adam and Eve and the rest of humanity that has followed along the same path of wanton lust for what is forbidden by God.

We find other, more positive examples in the Word of God that teach us what we should want. God explains it in a very straight forward way in Deuteronomy 30:19: ” ‘I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.’ “

Have you chosen life? Is eternal life the entire focus of your being?

If we say, “yes!” to these questions, then let us check ourselves out with this reminder from Jesus: ” ‘So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple’ ” (Luke 14:33). Simply put, we must want what God wants for us–and completely on His terms!

Indeed, God does set before us a choice. We get to choose life, or we can choose death!

What do YOU want?

How Are You Doing With Your Sword

A Samurai Warrior is an expert at using his sword for offensive as well as defensive means. He attains this level by training for many years under a tutor. He continues to practice and to keep his sword sharp and in a good condition. He is a fine example of practice leading to perfection. Professional musicians serve as additional examples for the need of continued practice. A famous violinist once said it was crucial for him to stay in form by practicing every day. He said if he did not practice for one day, he knew it. If he did not practice for two days, the critics knew it. If he failed to practice for three days, the audience knew it.

The question I would like to pose in this editorial is how are we doing with OUR sword? Are we PRACTICING the use of our sword? Our sword, according to Ephesians 6:17, is actually God’s sword that He gave us to be used by us, thereby accepting it as “our” sword. This sword is the Word of God — in other words, the Bible.

We can see how effectively Christ used His sword against Satan, as recorded in Matthew 4:3-10. Christ remembered and applied the Word of God to deflect the arrows of Satan, as it were, to defeat his attack on Him. Satan was attempting to get Him to sin, so that Christ would disqualify Himself as our Savior.

After this encounter, Satan left Him for a season or for another “opportune time” (Luke 4:13), which means he never quit. He just took a pause in his effort to bring Christ down. Bear in mind that Satan doesn’t rest from his efforts today to also bring us down. He is described as a roaring lion, walking about and “seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

We, as brothers and sisters of Christ and children of God the Father, need to keep our swords sharp and ready for use. We do this by the continuous study of the Word of God. The Bible is our complete weapon to thwart the efforts of the adversary in his attempts to get us to fall short of our calling.

We should be studying God’s Word daily. We can find comfort in the recorded examples of how God dealt with His servants in the past. Internalizing God’s laws in our minds, and learning how to apply the laws and statutes in our daily lives, should be a top priority in our studies. We read in 2 Timothy 2:15, in the Authorized Version, that we should study to show ourselves approved unto God. Are we doing this?

As Christian soldiers, we need to ensure that we remain faithful in our responsibilities to God the Father and Jesus Christ. This means that we need to practice daily the use of God’s Word. We must keep our sword ready for use when required, and we need to show ourselves approved unto God by our daily study of His Word, the Bible. At the successful end of our training, brethren, we will enter the Kingdom of God — a goal well worthy of the effort that is required of us now.

Why Not Christmas

(Español: Por qué no la Navidad)

It’s Christmas time again. During the coldest and darkest season of the year, beautiful, colorful Christmas lights surround us. Some houses are decorated with breath-taking splendor, and one can hardly help oneself but to admire the display of electric lights in the midst of the cold and gloomy wintertime. Our children are introduced to the Christmas season as the time of peace and good will — as an important time of family unity and togetherness. In Washington, following an 80-year old tradition, national Christmas tree-lighting ceremonies are publicly held, and speeches are given talking about how Christmas celebrates the fact that Christ was born to bring peace to this world. When entering grocery stores, we hear famous and melodious Christmas songs, ranging from “Silent Night, Holy Night” to “O Christmas Tree,” or other well-known tunes. One sentence in a popular Christmas song may be especially telling, loudly proclaiming, “And man will live forevermore because of Christmas Day.”

Then, there are the Christmas presents. Especially children can hardly wait until Christmas Eve to see their presents displayed under the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. I still remember when my brother and I, as young children in Germany, were asked by my parents to go on an errand on Christmas Eve. When we returned, we were told that the little “Christ Child” had arrived at our home and had left behind a brand-new electric toy train, as well as other nice presents. Of course, in Germany and in certain other countries, children receive a double portion of presents, as they are being given a “foretaste” on St. Nicholas Day on December 6: An adult with a white beard, dressed in a red suit, appears to remind the children of their conduct throughout the year. He speaks of their good deeds, as well as, especially, their bad ones. Upon their promise “never to do it again,” the red-clothed Santa Claus puts his rod away and opens his big bag to present nice gifts. When St. Nicholas or Santa Claus appeared to us, we did not realize, at first, that our mother always “happened” to be away — and that she returned shortly after Santa Claus’ departure.

This sounds all so innocent, so well meaning, and it warms the heart of adults and brings back emotion-filled memories of years long gone by. But, could there be anything wrong with those celebrations?

Many, who support Christmas festivities, recognize their dark side. They point out that Christmas has become totally commercialized. The sale of Christmas merchandise begins right after Thanksgiving, in order to give all potential customers enough time to buy multiple presents for all their loved ones, their family and their friends. They also “need” to buy presents for those whom they are somehow “indebted to,” or from whom they hope to receive certain favors in return. People buy gifts, which they can’t afford, incurring credit card debts that they can never repay, only to fulfill their expected “obligations” to give presents to others. We also know that especially during Christmas season, more crimes are committed than at any other time of the year, and alcoholism runs rampant.

Religious people realize, too, that Christmas celebrations have become less and less focused on Christ, the alleged “cause” and “reason” for the holiday. And so, as we read in, “Every December, a call goes out from the nation’s pulpits to ‘put Christ back into Christmas.'”

But there is a problem with that call, as there is a problem with the entire Christmas festivities. The above-mentioned article continues, “… growing numbers of Americans — including fundamental Christians — are claiming Jesus Christ had nothing to do with the holiday.”

This brings us to the crux of the matter. What, if anything, does Christ have to do with Christmas? Was He born on December 25? Did He command, in the Bible, to keep Christmas holy? Where do all the different Christmas customs come from? Are they Biblical?

The fact that Christmas lights and candles look pretty is not the answer. If we can establish that Christmas celebrations are not commanded in Scripture — yes, that they are, in fact, prohibited and a counterfeit to true godly worship, then it is irrelevant how “nice” certain customs may look. Remember, we are told in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that there is a “god of this world” — Satan the devil — who has “blinded” the minds of those who don’t believe the gospel, “lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ… should shine on them.” If wrong, then Christmas lights would be a pitiful substitute for the true light of the gospel. Also, we are being told in 2 Corinthians 11:14, that “Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” What he offers does look nice and good and bright. In fact, sin has “passing pleasures” (Hebrews 11:25).

When researching the origin of Christmas and its customs, it becomes very soon abundantly clear that Christmas has absolutely nothing to do with the birth of Christ and the purpose for His First Coming. We discover that virtually every custom celebrated at Christmas time is of pagan origin, which had been used to worship pagan gods. Many of those who have studied the origin of Christmas have decided not to keep it any longer. Still, they are bombarded with Christmas customs, wherever they go. They may catch themselves, if they are not careful, humming or singing along with the Christmas tunes played in a supermarket. On the other hand, even professing Christians who strongly support Christmas celebrations are forced to admit the pagan origin of Christmas. They argue, however, that it does not matter. One article states:

“The true Origin of Christmas is filled with controversy and compromise. A quick study will reveal a number of disturbing roots… in short, the Christmas holiday we celebrate today is indicative of Christianity’s willingness to absorb the world’s customs and traditions, and forget its simple roots in the historical reality of Jesus Christ. Christmas should be nothing more than a simple, yet wonderful reminder of Christ’s humble beginning as a human child in this world… Whether it’s December 25th, sometime late in September, or any other day of the year, we should use each and every opportunity to reflect on Jesus Christ and His message of hope for all of us.”

But is this true? Should we use every opportunity, even if this means, embracing pagan customs? Is that the teaching of the Bible?

In this special Update on Christmas, we are addressing these important questions. Please be sure to carefully study the material, and read or re-read the booklet mentioned in this publication. Whether to celebrate Christmas or not, is man’s choice. However, to decree whether it is right or wrong to do so, is God’s prerogative.

Review and Future of UK Activities

As we approach the end of 2003, I feel that it is appropriate to review the last twelve months in the light of our UK activities. It has, in many ways, been a positive and fruitful year although, by comparison with activities when Mr. Herbert Armstrong was alive, our efforts and success are small indeed. But that is the way of the Church of God, organizationally, at this time.

In conjunction with our associates in the USA and Canada, 4 new booklets have been produced, two of which were printed in the UK. Another new booklet will be printed in the UK very soon. A number of further booklets are currently being considered for publication during 2004. We have advertised a number of booklets in different publications and have received many thousands of replies. Interestingly, the return to this office of booklets sent out has been very small and many requests for other booklets have been received. We also have a growing list of those, not church members, who have asked to be on our mailing list to automatically receive new booklets. This is hardly surprising as the quality of booklets produced is of a very high standard indeed and we really appreciate all the hard work in comprehensively covering each subject in minute, but very interesting detail.

Our web-site, has been continually updated and improved and we are grateful to Mr. Paul Harris for his excellent work in this area. The site now has French and German sections which give it an international flavor and there are many sections that can be accessed including audio sermons, editorials, weekly questions and answers, prayer requests, booklets, member letters, the Feast sites and many other items.

The Feast of Tabernacles this year was held in the historic Pump Rooms in Royal Leamington Spa and the elegant Regency style complete with beautiful chandeliers provided a superb setting for Feastgoers from Bermuda, Canada, Portugal, the USA as well as the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The consensus of opinion was that the spiritual food was of a very high order indeed.

After much consideration, prayer and fasting, the decision has been made to take up the option we had for the Feast at Chatsworth House for 2004. Feast packs will be sent out in the near future and we look forward to returning to what is perhaps the most millennial site possible in the UK.

During the course of this year, the development of speakers has been pursued and this has paid handsome dividends with new speakers being encouraged and some men visiting different church areas to speak. This has not only encouraged the local groups but has assisted in developing the skills of those involved.

We now have circulation lists for people to receive audio sermon tapes (tapes from both the USA and those recorded in the UK), new booklets, weekly updates and member letters. If any recipient of this update does not receive any of these items and would like to do so, please let us know and we will be happy to include you on our circulation list(s).

We are pleased to be able to work closely with the Church of the Eternal God in the USA and the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada, who have been extremely supportive, encouraging, cooperative and helpful in our efforts and activities this year. Mr. Norbert Link from San Diego, California, will be visiting his parents in Germany in late January 2004 and will stop off in the UK and visit Derby on January 31st where he will give the sermon. All who want to meet up with Mr. Link and attend services that day will be made most welcome.

The year 2004 promises to be another interesting, and probably traumatic one with world events racing ever faster to the conclusion of man’s rule on this earth. We are, unquestionably, experiencing times more than ever before when society calls evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).

Those with true Christian values are becoming more and more isolated in a society which has engaged in behavior and attitudes that strip away any pretence to its Judeo-Christian heritage as it engages in an “anything goes” society. One senior UK politician close to the Prime Minister rather famously, but shockingly and disparagingly remarked earlier this year: “We don’t do God.” This he said in spite of the Prime Minister’s public utterances that he is a Christian. Robert Knight, director of Concerned Women for America’s Culture and Family Institute, was quoted by Christianity Today, as follows: “Christians are sure to be targets of persecution for their beliefs if ‘gay’ marriage is given legal backing.” The article concluded, “In any case, this decision is huge news, both in itself and in its implications.” How much more will we, who keep the law of God and His weekly and annual Sabbaths, be a target for persecution in the months and years to come?

Much has been written about the appalling evils in society today and the evidence surrounding us in the UK. Films, videos, music, radio, television and newspapers in this area of the world are all party to a society that has surely just about cast off all restraint with much of the public baying for more. In our society’s ever accelerating downward spiral, the norms of yesteryear are now considered old fashioned as boundaries are pushed further and further back. We are instructed in Luke 21:36 to “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” This means that we have to watch world events which will help us to primarily, and most importantly, watch over our spiritual condition, as verses 34 and 35 emphasize. We have to be watchful ensuring that the cares of the world don’t affect us in any adverse way and that its ways don’t rub off on us. With the tests and trials that we experience, this may often be easier said than done but it is an essential element of our Christian calling.

Whatever happens during 2004, let us all resolve to continue to “grow in grace and knowledge” as we move forward in our Christian walk towards the Kingdom of God.

"Destined To Become Family"

Having just returned from a few days in Boise, Idaho, where my wife and I spent Thanksgiving this year with our daughter and two of our grandchildren, I am reminded once again of the importance of family and why God gives such credence to this institution throughout His written Word.

God shows, in Exodus 20:12 that we are to show honor and respect to our parents, even stating that obedience to this command is rewarded with long life, no doubt taking into consideration that obedience to this command is a requirement for eternal life in His Kingdom. He illustrates in Malachi 4:5-6 that He intends sending the prophet Elijah, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord for the purpose of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.

In Ephesians 5:22 God shows that wives are to submit to their husbands and in verse 28 that husbands are to love their wives as they love themselves. In chapter 6 of Ephesians, verses 1-3 children are told, again, to obey and to honor their parents and, in verse 4, fathers are admonished not to provoke their children but to bring them up in the Ways of God. Additional instruction is given to family members as to the way they should conduct their lives together as they seek to build the family relationship in obedience to their God.

Man was created some 6,000 years ago with the ability to reproduce himself after his own kind and able to replenish the earth and to rule over it (Genesis 1:26-28). Prior to the creation of man, this world was inhabited by angels (Psalms 148:1-6). Angels ruled on the face of the earth under the leadership of the arch-angel, Lucifer, whose name was changed, later, to Satan, after his rebellion from God’s Ways (Isaiah 14:12-14). Satan continues to rule this world, today (John14:30). (See also, Luke 4:5-9; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2-3).

However, it is not God’s purpose that the world should be under the rule of angels, forever. In fact, angels are created to be helpers to mankind, especially as men are called to God’s Way for the purpose of salvation. Angels are created beings who will never have an opportunity to be part of a family. They neither marry nor are given in marriage and they are not capable of the reproductive process (Luke 20:34-36).

Yet, God has an ultimate plan of rulership which will exist down through eternity. The Family of God will rule this world throughout eternity, and God is presently in the process of creating sons and daughters to be a part of that family. God is reproducing Himself through the conversion process of which we now have a part. And when one is called of God, it is for that very purpose! We read in Ephesians 3:14-15, “For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” Of course, the present family in heaven consists of God the Father and Jesus Christ. The family present on earth today includes all of those who are begotten members of the family who received God’s Spirit upon baptism and the laying on of hands, whether living or having died “in Christ” and now awaiting the resurrection. These, along with any who are called and chosen in the future and remain faithful to God and His Way will be born of God at the time of the “resurrection of the just” which will occur at Christ’s second coming.

In Hebrews chapter 2, verses 10-11 we read; “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren…”

John tells us in 1 John 3:2; “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” And Paul reveals in Ephesians 1:4-6; “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He has made us accepted in the Beloved.”

In the meantime brethren, we must ourselves continue to be faithful to God’s Way, faithfully building and caring for our own family relationships. If we do these things we are destined to become members of the Family of God!

Lord, Save Me

Bold, brash, forward, hot-tempered, a natural leader–these are all words that might very well describe Peter during the early days of his calling to be one of Christ’s disciples. In fact, it was Peter who asked Christ to bid him to also walk on the water. We read of this account in Matthew 14:22-33.

Peter courageously took those first steps of faith and actually walked on the sea; however, we read that he then looked at his unbelievable circumstances and became afraid. He also started sinking into the water. It was at this point that he did something very right, he cried out to Jesus for help (verse 30)!

Indeed, he received that help–and a lesson from Jesus Christ. Jesus said to him, ” ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’ ” (verse 31)

Doubt, fear, lack of faith–all are easy avenues of retreat when any of us are confronted with what seems to us to be insurmountable. That was the way a father who had a spirit-possessed son felt. Since the disciples of Jesus were not able to cast out the demon, the man pleaded with Jesus for help. We find this account in Mark 9. In verse 22, the father asks, ” ‘But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.’ “

We find the reply of Jesus in the next verse (23), ” ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’ ” Continuing in verse 24, “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, ‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’ “

It is certainly true that as Christians we should be growing in faith. The more we plunge into this way of living with the added help of God’s Holy Spirit, the greater, too, should become our faith as we learn to trust God implicitly. We find this kind of total reliance on God in the example of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. After king Nebuchadnezzar threatened them with death, they replied, ” ‘If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up” (Daniel 3:17-18).

These three were saved. They had the kind of faith to fully believe that God would be able to deliver them. They were also willing to die in faith knowing that their physical lives were only a prelude to eternal life in the Kingdom of God. That is something that Jesus Christ also believed, and He died in order to bring about that great hope.

Jesus Christ died to save the world, and even He through Whom all things were created came to the ultimate test of faith. He willingly offered His own life in order that He might fulfill the supreme purpose of God. In the account of the death of Christ that is in Luke, we find this final statement from Christ: ” ‘Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit’ ” (Luke 23:46).

This statement is the culmination of the way in which He lived His life. Jesus always sought help from God: “who, in days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear” (Hebrews 5:7).

We all face the impossible, at least, so it might seem to us. We may falter in human relationships in which anger overwhelms us. We may face temptations and trials that cause us to stumble badly. We may even face situations in which our lives are on the line. When we do, we have this sure promise: “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen” (Jude 24-25).

Finally, when we do reach that point where everything seems hopeless, we need to turn to Him through Whom all things are possible with these words, “Lord, save me!” Along with this, let’s keep in mind some other words from Peter which he wrote near the end of his life: “Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).

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