Jesus Christ was rejected by His nation, by those who were leaders of religion in Judah and even, at first, by His own family. However, there were some whom He chose who came to know that He was indeed the Son of God and Savior of the world!
Consider who actually is able to understand this truth:
“At that time Jesus answered and said, ‘I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight’” (Matthew 11:25-26; compare 1 Corinthians 1:26-31).
As it was in the time of Christ, so it is now—Jesus Christ is being denied and spurned! While nominal Christians appropriate His name, almost none of them are willing to obey Him.
In answer to those who falsely assume that they are Christians, Jesus stated:
“‘And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”’” (Matthew 7:23).
Our calling is one that is intimately and inextricably bound up in obedience to the marvelous laws of God. In fact, the Word of God reveals that “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16), and it further states concerning those who desire to love the Father and His Son:
“For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3).
Who then really does accept and believe in Jesus Christ? Who can truly say that they know God? Can you—because you are now living a life of obedience to God? Are you rejecting this world and its false god along with deceiving ministers who practice lawlessness? Are you growing in the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit, and are you becoming more and more like Jesus Christ (compare 2 Peter 3:18)?
While we should all be firmly grounded in our calling, we, nonetheless, must remain vigilant. Just how thankful are we to be among the precious few who have been called by God Himself to be in the first resurrection—the “better resurrection”—as firstfruits in the Family of God?
Corporal Punishment—Right or Wrong?
In Update #427, dated January 15, 2010, we made reference in our Preaching the Gospel section to a StandingWatch program, which was posted on YouTube, titled, “Never Spank Your Child?” In the program, a British paper, The Telegraph, was quoted, stating in its article of January 3, 2010, that occasional proper spanking of children up to the age of eleven has positive results. This, of course, angered children’s right campaigners.
Recently, a graphic video from 2004 was posted on the Internet, showing a Texas judge beating his 16-year old daughter with a belt for illegally downloading music from the Internet. This sad video was used by many as welcome support for their position that corporal punishment of children is wrong under any circumstance. One “expert” was quoted by Time Magazine (in its November 4, 2011, edition) as saying that spanking is “absolutely not” a good way to deal with misbehavior. He continued: “It does not contribute to positive behavior or development of self-control [in children]. It contributes to aggression — kids spanked are more likely to hit others, both peers and adults. It’s very confusing for kids to be hit by their parents because they think that they’re loved by their parents, yet they’re being hurt by those parents. It’s emotionally conflicting and can result in depression and emotional anxiety.”
This sweeping allegation may only be true, to an extent, if at all, if the spanking of a child is administered wrongfully, without proper motivation, or excessively. However, to say that it is always wrong to spank a child is not only unsupported by the scientific evidence—it also shows how far our Western society has moved away from the clear instructions of God in His inspired Word, the Holy Bible.
In our free booklet, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families,” we state the following about spanking and corporal punishment:
“There is nothing biblically wrong with punishing a child if the child behaves wrongly and deserves punishment. The punishment must never be excessive, however, but it must be administered in a consequent fashion, as corresponding to, and fitting the infraction. We read that Christ ‘rebukes and chastens’ (Greek, ‘paideuo,’ i.e. educates, trains, disciplines) everyone whom He loves (Revelation 3:19). He does it because He loves us. So we, as parents, must do it because we love our children. But even then, we must never forget to be merciful and forgiving.
“…we have to make it clear to our children what they did wrong. It’s not good to punish them for wrongdoing, without explaining to them what they did and WHY it was wrong… There is never a justification for physical abuse. On the other hand, to totally ban spanking and define it as physical abuse only shows how liberal and anti-biblical our Western society has become… As parents, we must be aware, though, that in certain countries, spanking is illegal, and could result in the authorities coming in and taking away our children. And even in countries where spanking is not illegal, many governmental officials look at such practice with great disfavor…
“Note what the Bible clearly teaches in regard to corporal punishment in Proverbs 13:24, ‘He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who LOVES him disciplines him promptly [or early].’ Since using the rod is compared with prompt or early discipline, it is clear that this passage includes the concept of spanking, where and when appropriate. Of course, we don’t spank a teenager or an adult, so the spanking needs to be done early in the life of the child. But note, again, we discipline our children, because we LOVE them. If we discipline our children for any other reason, or because of any other motive, we do NOT follow God’s instructions. Spanking should never cause physical injury to a child…
“Proverbs 19:18 says, ‘Chasten your son while there is hope, And do not set your heart on his destruction.’… The Ryrie Study Bible comments, ‘[D]o not neglect child discipline and thereby bring on your son’s death.’… What is the connection between lack of child discipline and the death of the child? Let’s note Proverbs 22:15, ‘Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him.’
“Foolishness, if not overcome, can have terrible consequences. The discipline of a child must be administered by the parents with the desire and motivation to HELP the CHILD to get rid of foolishness. If we get angry with our kids and lock them up in their rooms because we ‘can’t’ deal with them right now, then we have missed the entire point of child rearing. Rather, as concerned parents, we must try to do whatever we can do to see to it that the foolishness in the child disappears…”
The New Testament confirms the principles stated in the book of Proverbs. Christ warned that those who sin knowingly will be punished with many stripes, while those who sin and commit things “worthy of stripes,” without fully understanding what they are doing, will be punished with just a few stripes (compare Luke 12:47-48). And Paul tells us in Hebrews 12:5-8 that God chastens and scourges us when we deserve His punishment, and he asks this question: “…what son is there whom a father does not chasten?” (verse 7). In Paul’s mind, appropriate corporal punishment of children was a self-evident, proper way of dealing with unacceptable conduct.
Whom do we want to believe? Do we trust God’s inspired and timeless Word—the Bible—or do we place our confidence in the teachings of self-proclaimed “experts” who are being trained in the ignorant and far-too-often agnostic or atheistic philosophies of this God-defying, Satanically-inspired world? You must answer this for yourself, but remember that “the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” (compare 1 Corinthians 3:19).
Obvious to the Few But Not to the Many
In last week’s Update, there was an item where an article, “A Nightmare Scenario—Europe’s War Against Britain,” was quoted. The newspaper article was prefaced by the comments: “Europe at war 2018, German troops storm Greece. Putin’s tanks crush Latvia. France humbles the British Army. Unlikely, yes, but as Angela Merkel says euro meltdown could endanger peace, a historian’s imagination runs riot…”
In the letters section after the article, there were hundreds who derided the writer for describing such conditions as not being possible. In our comments after the article, we stated: “Even though this is not quite the way it will happen, the Bible clearly predicts a war between continental Europe (under German, not French leadership) and Great Britain, while Russia will flex its muscles in the meantime, ready to strike Europe at an opportune time.”
It got me to thinking, once again, that there are a few people who do see dangers connected with the European Union, but generally do so from a purely political and secular viewpoint. Christianity, and anything to do with the Bible has been side-lined, derided and treated with contempt by the intellectual elite which has filtered down to the man in the street. Proof of this is the influence of the writings by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchins and other atheists who have written best-selling books bought by the masses and viewed as unerringly correct. Anything to do with the Bible is now seen as old hat and biblical knowledge is, generally, neither sought, understood, nor respected.
And even when a secular author can see real problems arising in the foreseeable future about the UK, Europe and many other countries, negative comments far outweigh those who can actually visualise trouble ahead. However, we should not be surprised, as many who have known the truth and cast it away don’t seem to recall what was taught by the Church when they were members. Perhaps there are even some faithful Church members today who think that there is plenty of time left, and that world conditions are not as bad as reported.
Many people react negatively to any prophecies or statements regarding the end of this age, and scoffers abound (compare 2 Peter 3:3).
Jesus talked to the Pharisees and Sadducees about discerning the signs of the times when they didn’t recognise Him at His First Coming. The same principle can be used now to discern the sign of the times today, indicating that the Second Coming cannot be too far away.
It is increasingly obvious by all that is happening that Christ’s return is drawing ever nearer. But we mustn’t expect the proclamation of this wonderful news to be met with unbridled joy and excitement. And when secular authors can envisage problems ahead, they too will be sneered at. But it was all prophesied to happen, and we should be encouraged, as we see prophecy being fulfilled on such a regular basis. The time certainly draws near…
Romans 8:18
At the local coffee house that I frequent, I’ve gotten to know a few of the regulars pretty well. Recently, one of them had to go through a second bout with his pancreatic cancer, the same type that killed Steve Jobs last month.
Because of the nature of this type of cancer, this man’s doctor said that they would continue to administer the chemo for as long as he could stand it. There was a good chance if they were not able to kill it off this time around, then this may be his last chance to do anything about it.
In his early 50’s and in good shape, he was ready and willing to pull out all the stops. After about eight rounds of treatments (some can only handle two) it was all that he could take. Now all that was left was to sit and wait and see what the outcome would be. He didn’t have to wait too long before the doctors gave him a clean bill of health! He had won his battle.
In the course of this ordeal, he lost about a year of his life fighting the disease, racked up bills of nearly $200,000, and lost 10-20% of the feeling in his finger tips. He considered all of these worthwhile sacrifices, especially in light of the outcome.
Now understand, he had no guarantee that he was going to make it through this adversity. But he felt if he could, then perhaps he would continue to enjoy life for much longer, even as long as his father had, which would be another 30 years.
This man endured an incredible trial in order to continue in his gift of physical life, albeit for a fleeting amount of time in the scope of things. Now think of the assurances that we have for the future. What should we be willing to go through for the gift of eternal life in the Family of God? Nothing can compare with that.
Strike While The Iron Is Hot
I recall about fifty years ago visiting a manufacturing company with two fellow co-workers, where they made nuts and bolts and also chains.
The place was kind of grungy, with dirt floors and poor lighting, and I was somewhat fascinated by the chain maker and went to look at the process for making chains. He was a short rotund man with beads of sweat on his brow. He was standing before a furnace with an opening about twelve by twenty four inches. It had hot coals on the bottom where he was placing links of chain, not yet formed into completed links.
The links were made and shaped out of rods depending on the size of the link, and they had a gap in them. The purpose for the gap was so that when the link was properly heated up, the chain maker could hook it to the existing length of chain he was making and perform the required procedure.
He examined the links in the hot coals till they had the right brightness of glow. Then he removed them with a metal tong and placed them on the chain that was already completed. He put it in a jig, and struck it with a hammer. This caused the gap to close and the metal to be fused at that point.
If you look at a chain which has been made this way, you will notice midway a part that has a small lip and is a bit bigger than the rest of the chain. That part has been totally fused by the impact of the hammer and the correct temperature of the metal. The molecules are fused together so that there is no difference in the strength of the link where it is fused with any other part of the link. The molecular structure is the same–they are one.
Interestingly, if the link is too hot or if the chain maker strikes too hard with the hammer, the link would flatten and would have to be cut off. If it was too cold, it would not fuse, and it would separate under stress of use. The chain maker knows by experience just when to take the link out of the hot coals and just how hard to strike to make a perfect link, properly fused with the correct strength.
I want to compare this to baptism, or to a person seeking to be baptized. When God’s Holy Spirit is working with such a person, it is like the link in the coals. They are getting hot, but there is a gap there. Before baptism, there is a gap between the mind of God and the human mind.
During the baptism process, placing the person under water is like placing the hot link in the chain. The laying on of hands is akin to the striking of the hammer to initiate the fusion of the link.
Once we receive God’s Spirit, we begin to have a fusion of the minds. Our minds will become more and more like the mind of God the Father and Jesus Christ. The gap will slowly disappear and we will become one with God and Christ (John 17:20-23), which adds more meaning to what Paul said in Philippians 2:5: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…”
It will become more and more a complete mind meld, which will enable us to develop a closer relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ.
A potential candidate for baptism must evaluate him- or herself, and must determine, with the aid of ministerial counseling, when is the best time to proceed with the baptism, since as the saying goes, “Timing is everything.” It is important not to procrastinate unnecessarily or delay baptism, once one is truly ready and practical conditions for a baptism exist. At the same time, it is also important not to rush into baptism, before one is truly ready. Baptism is a life-long commitment, which cannot be reversed.
Once we have the mind of Christ in us, we can better understand God’s Word and spiritual things, and we will appreciate more Peter’s admonition “to arm yourselves also with the same mind,” even in respect to suffering (1 Peter 4:1). Without the Spirit of God in us, it is impossible to accomplish this.
This example of the chain maker can also be applied to other areas in our lives that require some planning and forethought, but it is crucial to bear in mind that when we are ready, we must make decisions quickly and “strike while the iron is hot.”
Unity of the Faith
We have the opportunity to meet once a week and now with the upcoming God-ordained Feast of Tabernacles, we will have the chance to up the ante. Including the Last Great Day we will be meeting eight days in a row which will give us the occasion to be with like-minded people.
Will we be unified? Will we all be on the same page spiritually? If we all have the Holy Spirit of God, then we will be — case closed.
There is ONLY “one body and one Spirit” because there is only “one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:4-6). So if we are of this body and have the same Spirit, then we will all be on the same wavelength. We will be unified in our approach towards Christianity and one another. We will all have a similar spiritual personality that will be exemplified in our daily actions and interactions.
In His last prayer before being wrongfully taken into custody, Jesus asked four times on our behalf:
- “…that they may be one as We are,”
- “…that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You,
- “that they also may be one in Us,
- “…that they may be one just as We are one” (John 17:11, 21-22).
For Him to ask this many times when He knew that His physical life was near its end, shows us just how important this was and is. Do we assign it all due weight today?
As we fellowship with one another, realize that by the Power of God working in and through us, we can be a part of the solution… a part of the answer of this prayer of Jesus Christ.
From time to time, and perhaps in some cases daily, we pray for those of our brethren who are sick or who mourn or who are experiencing one problem or another, and of course, we pray for God to eliminate or ease the problems we ourselves may encounter. But how many times do we pray for those outside the Church? And I refer not only to family and friends.
I watch a number of newscasts on television and I find myself thinking about the events broadcast, including, for example, updates on the plight of the little Scottish girl Madeleine McCann kidnapped in Portugal over four years ago and yet still not found. One might blame the parents for being remiss in looking after this innocent little girl, now 8 years old, leaving her alone in their holiday apartment while they dined nearby. Yet that does not excuse the kidnapper nor lessen the agony of the parents or the child. I have prayed that God will give the Portuguese and British and other authorities who are looking for her an extra portion of insight and police intelligence in being able to find Madeleine and that she may be brought home to her parents and the kidnapper(s) brought to justice.
Occasionally I also view other programs on TV such as Children’s Hospital here in the UK, and my heart and prayers go out for the child’s aches and pains and to the parents for their concern when their child succumbs to injury or disease or death. There are numerous other incidents broadcast depicting victims of accidents, of monetary “scams” and criminal acts such as all-too-frequent knifings and the mugging of old ladies. The plight of those caught up in the extreme drought conditions such as in Kenya and Somalia come to mind, and I pray to God that He would mercifully ease their problems of disease and starvation and their desperate need for medical aid and clean water. Certainly we all recall the atrocious and senseless slaughter of more than 70 young people in Norway recently, and I’ve prayed that God would console the parents.
As I quite often jest, if there wasn’t so much crime and bad news these days there wouldn’t be any newspapers!… Wars in the Middle East and North Africa, volcanic eruptions here and there, increasing budget and inflationary pressures, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts and famines etc. all come to mind. It seems we are swamped with all sorts of bad news—and we in the Church know the reasons why—and our prayers should plead for the return and intervention of Jesus Christ to alleviate the suffering and death which continue to strike mankind in all sorts of ways and with greater frequency.
In the light of all these disturbing events, we in the Church need to avoid being insular or oblivious to the problems of those outside the Church. Here in the UK where I live I quite often come upon old people having to cope with a cane or walking frame or mobility cart or who are deformed in some way, or blind, and I thank God that I am not likewise encumbered while sympathising with such people and praying silently for them as I walk on by.
As we ourselves suffer trials, such trials can help us to become more sympathetic and empathetic with others going through similar difficulties. When was the last time you expressed your thoughts and prayers in sympathy with such people and in absolute faith that God heard your prayer? David tells us: “The LORD is gracious and full of compassion… and great in mercy” (Psalm 145:8; compare Philippians 2:4). Should we not, as God’s called-out ones, likewise be compassionate? Indeed, for there is, truly, so many for whom we can, and should, offer our prayers in heartfelt sympathy.
Eternal Life
One of the things you may see in people with wealth, power and influence is their desire to prolong their physical life. In their attempts to live a little bit longer, they may have organ transplants, utilize elixirs, or may be obsessed with natural foods and vitamins. This is not to say that any of this is wrong per se, and of course, we need to take care of our bodies and are not to engage in conduct which may shorten our lives. But this does not mean that we must try to artificially prolong life at all costs—such as being “nourished” intravenously for months or years, while in a coma, with no hope of recovery.
Others, knowing that their physical existence is temporary, may build monuments and erect statues of themselves, so that others may remember them after they are gone.
At the same time, we find that built into the human psyche is a desire for eternal life. The Bible says that God gave man such a desire (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Man wants to know what he must do to “get it.” Many have searched for centuries for the proverbial “fountain of youth,” and others have tried to invent elixirs to make them immortal. In their trust in the advancements of science, some even go as far as to have their mortal remains frozen in ice, until science has found a way to revive them.
Notice what a lawyer asked Christ, as recorded in Luke 10:25: “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Of course, the lawyer was trying to test or tempt Christ, but it is still true that many people wonder what, if anything, they can do to obtain immortality. But most people seek immortality in the wrong manner; that is, they resort to human means and reasoning.
On the other hand, true Christians understand what their future holds. They are told that eternal life lies within their grasp, and that God created man with the potential to obtain eternal life. Notice what Paul says in Titus 1:1-2: “Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s elect and the acknowledgment of the truth which accords with godliness, in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began…”
Eternal life is a promise which has been a part of God’s Plan for mankind, before time began—that is, before man even existed.
However, Satan lied to Eve by telling her that eternal life could be received by disobeying God. One can never obtain eternal life through rebellion against God and disobedience of His Word. God wants to give us eternal life, but He will only do so when we prove to Him that we will always love Him enough to be obedient to Him and His Word.
When you think about it, for those in whom God’s Spirit dwells, there is no conscious interruption between physical death and immortal spirit life. When they die in the faith, they will be resurrected to eternal life and immortality within the next second of their consciousness. For them, it is like going to sleep at night and awakening in the morning. While they slept a dreamless sleep, they had no conscious awareness of the passage of time.
As true Christians, we don’t have to be terribly concerned with trying everything we can possibly think of to prolong this physical life at all costs. Rather, our desire must be to seek first the Kingdom of God and God’s righteousness. When we please God and are obedient to Him in this life, fulfilling our responsibilities as Christians, then we will receive in due time God’s GIFT of an eternal joyful and pleasurable life in His very Kingdom.
The Truth We Know
Those in this age who wield power in government, business, religion and virtually every walk of life are not governed—first and foremost—by truth!
What the actual state of a matter is; what can stand the test of verification; what the real facts are—all that denotes and defines truth is simply not held in godly esteem by society!
We live in a time in which deception supersedes truth, and it does so because Satan, who is the father of lies (John 8:44), powerfully influences mankind. However, there are some who don’t believe the innumerable falsehoods permeating our world—they are the ones who are governed by truth:
“We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life” (1 John 5:19-20; compare, also, John 14:6).
Jesus said, “‘And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’” (John 8:32).
That freedom comes because we have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in us and opening our understanding to His Word, and His is the Spirit of truth (compare John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; and 1 John 4:6). Jesus asked that His followers be set apart by God’s truth, and He further stated: “‘…Your word is truth’” (John 17:17).
Jesus also had to contend with the Adversary, and Satan’s method for tempting Christ was to lie—he misquoted Scripture, trying to give a deceptive application, but that did not work and this is what Jesus gave in answer:
“‘…It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”’” (Matthew 4:4).
As we see, Satan sought to destroy Jesus Christ—just as he now particularly seeks to destroy the people of God (compare 1 Peter 5:8-9). Attacks against the Church of God by Satan have continued, and we have been warned of this (compare Matthew 24:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; 1 Timothy 4:1-3).
Withstanding deception is no inconsequential matter!
Our battle can only be won when we stand up for and stand in the truth of God—the truth we know!
The Right Goal. The Right Plan.
The Bible is very clear about its instruction for us to be careful when we plan our activities in life, and in nothing is this more true than in our commitment to God. In the context of understanding our level of commitment to Him, Jesus provides us a comparison in Luke 14:28: “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it.” Jesus then goes on to say that if for the sake of discipleship, we are not willing to give up everything detrimental to God’s Way of Life, we are not worthy to be a disciple. Our sacrifice for the sake of following Christ must be comprehensive. Since this commitment is so comprehensive, it is easy to slip up on.
A common aphorism is that failing to plan is planning to fail. But, how about plans that fail? Even if we have seriously “counted the cost” and think our commitment and sacrifices are complete and genuine, we will certainly find blind spots where we fail. How often are our intentions good and we have seemingly prepared everything to the best of our ability, but then we find ourselves behaving inconsistently? Is there something we can do?
Fortunately, God has provided us a way to correct our paths. Just as a global positioning system [GPS] or a satellite-based navigation system will recalculate a path for us when we get off track, the gift of repentance is a tool that we can use to obtain forgiveness, when we find that we are off track (compare Acts 5:31). However, repentance and forgiveness only work when we go through the process of evaluating the success of our plans. In order to do this evaluation, we first need to know where we plan to go. Only then can we even know that we are in need of a course correction.
Expanding on the example cited above, before counting the cost to build a tower, we first need to know that we want to build a tower. We must firmly establish our commitment to God, knowing that it is the most important thing in our lives, and then make the plans for how to work towards it.
The Bible gives us encouragement regarding the plans we make. It may be true that we have a righteous goal in mind – to commit our lives to God – but the steps in our plan to achieve that goal need to be consistent. The Bible is full of stories about people who had seemingly good intents, but poor plans, doing what was right in their own eyes (compare Judges 17:6). God must direct the plans we make (compare Proverbs 16:9). If we allow Him to do so and follow His lead, we are encouraged that we will have help and support along the way (compare Psalm 121:3). God wants us to succeed, but our success is only possible if we accept and choose God’s right goal and plan for us.